Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Walt Sooloy'B OfllolouBnoBB Re
ceives a Merited Rebuke.
Lincoln ncpnhllcann Elect Delegates
* " _ ' to the Oiiinlm Convention A Ho
ward For JHoHlcr A Uead
Afan Found.
Hcclcy'N OfflclonsncHs Itclmked.
BF.NNKTT , Neb. , March 3 [ Corrcspon-
, | M-flcnco of the BEP. . ] An enthusiastic meeting
of the Bennett Hcpubllcun club was held
horn last night , in which the special feature
was a merited rebuke to Walt M. Scoley for
officious interference | n the affairs of the
* " At a former meeting a delegation to the
state convention of republicans club * to beheld
held in Omiihu March 15 , wns selected , con-
tfUtlng of D , H. Harris , G. W. Eglcston nnd
' Walt Soolcy , nnd was so reported to the Lin-
h coin Journal by the secretary , but Sceley
jicnt in a differcnt'rcport ' to the same paper ,
iri which he placed his own name at the head
( ; r pf the delegation Instead of at the foot , nnd
' " . .Blade some other variations from the facts
' ' ( which did not suit the club. So , at this
meeting n resolution was passed unani
mously rebuking Socloy's action , and direct-
, inK the secretary to send his reports hcrc- the Lincoln News for publication.
7 j Not deeming this enough , the club then re
considered its former selection of a delega
tion to Omaha , and elected a new ono with
kiccloy's naino loft off entirely , and Samuel
Tilton in bli place. The other members of
the delegation were unchanged. It ia ro-
jxirted that Sceloy will try to organize an
other club to send him to Omaha , but where
lie will got the members Is unknown.
Prominent republicans hero say that the
action of the club will make twenty-five votes
in the precinct which Sceloy hni driven out
of the party by similar acta of unwarranted
assumption in the post.
A Dead Body Pound.
la PLATTK CKSTEII , Neb. , March 0. [ Special
ffcloram to the But ! . ] P. F. Miller and
' "Dan Zolglor were getting hay from a stack
. . they had put up on S. C. Obern's place about
eight miles southwest of Platte Center this
t > piorning about 9:30 : , when Mr. Miller In run-
' ' "iilng his fork into the stack , stuck into the
.elbow of n dead man. They uncovered him
sufficiently to see that ho was about thirty
years old nnd very thinly clad , with only a
'thin ' cap , an old worn black coat , blue over
alls , light brown hair and short and thin
' -curly beard. The presumption is that ho was
sonic poor fellow looking for work who was
pvortakon by the blizzard of January 12 , no
r ono being heard of as missing from that
neighborhood. Evidently ho Is from some
' ' - GENOA , Neb. . March C. [ Special Telegram
2 * to the BEE. ] A man was found this morning
daad in a hay stack about seven miles cast of
Genoa. Ho Is supposed to bo a victim of the
great blizzard. Ho was loft where found and
a messenger dispatched for the Platte county
Lindsay ,
Hebron Enterprise * .
( f , Neb. , March 0. [ Special- Tele
gram to the Bsu. ] The Hebron board of
' . trade met last evening for the election of of
ficers and to consider the question of water
'works. The officers elected are M. H.Weiss ,
' -'president ; F. S. Blayney , vice.president ; A.
II. Hazard , secretary and Gen. W. Loeber ,
iA The question of putting in water works
" 'was ' thoroughly discussed. All wore in favor
Jof the work going ou us soon ns definite
plans could bo made. The city trustees were
-requested to tako.the necessary steps locking
to the milling in of the works this summer.
Tbo question of voting Donds" for the pur
pose of prospecting for coal on county land is
Incoting with general approval throughout
w the county. Petitions will soon bo circulated
in the several precincts of the county asking
the commissioners to call a special election
for the purpose. The entire county is inter-
ftcslod in this matter nnd if bonds are asked
for they will undoubtedly bo voted.
Capital City Items.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March (1. ( [ Special Tele
gram to the BBC. ] Judge Parker , president
of the Capital City Republican club , has been
in Omaha for the purpose of securing Ben
Harrison , of Indiana , to address the repub
lican club In this city. The Judge telegraphs
' homo to-day that Harrison will como. The
republicans of Lincoln will give him such n
rousing western welcome as ho will long re
, The Lincoln Newspaper union reccntlj
' 'organized Is almost ready for work and ex
poets by the last of the week to commence
( actlvo operations. They report orders com'
ing in rapidly and the prospects flattering.
Llttlo Chief , a relic of the Omaha Indians ,
occupied a cell last night with a dance and
tonft , the effects of a too successful begging
'tour In the city.
frTlio live stock sanitary commission has ap
' pointed Dr. W. S. Brayton , of Beatrice nnd
9f > r. L. E. Biuipkins , of Kearney , asststaul
.veterinarians for their localities.
* ' The Nelson building association of Ncl
'son , Neb. , has filed articles of incorporation
Capital stock , $200,000. Twenty-one citizen !
of Nelson uro the corporators.
' ' Wnlioo'B Bnnlness Activity.
WAiioct , Neb. , March. 0. [ Special Tclo
* gram to the BEB. ] A largo and cuthuslastii
. .meeting of the citizens of Wnhoo was hell
in the city hall to-night } o consider the inter
ests of tlin town and'county. A busincs :
men's club of overono hundred members wa :
v.j > rganicd , nnd the determination was ex
pressed to protest against all discrimiuatioi
regarding VVahoo by railroads. The town i
'located on three of the grand trunk lines o
the continent , with admirable advantages fo
distribution. The citizens expressed a detenu
ination to secure u eanninir factory , a packiaj
' - iduso , a foundry and machine shop , a son )
factory and other manufacturing establish
"Wonts ut the curliest duy possible. They als
propose to advertise the commanding ndvan
tagos of thu town in eastern cities and to invite
vito capitalists to visit the place with a vie\
of profitable investment.
A Howard lor Mueller.
lt LINCOLN , Neb. , March 0. , [ Special Toll
'jfram to the BEE , ] Governor Thayer to-du ,
issued a proclamation offering $300 rcwar
for the arrest and conviction of Gustav
Moeller , who Is charred with the murder , o
3ulentlno Gulchor at Grand Miami. Accori1
jiug to the description furnished by Shurii
lYcdgowdod. of Hall county , Mooller Is ubou
five feet seven Inches high , weighs about 17
or 1S > 0 pounds , dark brnwn hair and mu :
tuche , florid complexion , right knuo bent Ii
Init foot stands square on the ground ; walk
'n' llttlo lame. Ho Is a German , but talk
Very fcoud English. Ago about thirty years
When he left Grand Island ho were Uar
brown clothes and dark blue overcoat an
carried an old-fashioned leather satchel ,
Determined to l'ay the Bonds.
JS'EniusKV'Crrr , Neb , March 0. [ Speclj
Telegram to the BEE. ] The county eoininl :
sloncrslo-duy issued orders to the county a
toruoy to begin mandamus proceedings t
coini > el the state auditor to register the $150
000 bonds issued by Otoo county to , the ol
Midland Pacific railroad , and which were n
.fontly declared Illegal by attorney gencn
'Ixics. It was thought the county was ] ui
, .that amount ahead by the decision but tl
commissioners wiy the debt ia an honest or
and they desire to pay it.
us. Elected Delegate * . .
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 0. [ Spoclul Tel
.gram to the BKK. ] The Capitol City repul
llcau club held ft largely attended uicetir
jtOrntght and elected Patrick Engan , F , . V
Collins and 8. M. Mel lot , delegates to tl
'state convention of republican clubs I
Omaha. Arrangements were also made fc
the meet log to-morrow ulght , at which -Ut
Harrison spealn. and rooms have boon en
gaged for him while tn tko oity at the repub
lic ? n ueftdquarter * at the Capitol hotel.
Fire nt Tnl inn go.
TAUMOE , Nob. , March rt. [ Special Tola-
gram to the BEB. ] Tho.dtvelltng . house of
John Ostorhut , five mlles'sou hwesl of town ,
was destroyed by flro yesterday morning.
Loss , $ .VX ) . A boy , eight years old , wishing
to get up before the other members of the
family , started a flro with cobs , leaving the
dampers open.1 The duo was defective and
the house Wus soon in flames , The family
had barely tlmo to dress. Some things wcro
Supreme Untirt Proceed I nan.
LINCOLN , Nob. March , 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BBB. ] In the supreme court to
day Mr. Lewis C. Chapman , of Holt county ,
was admitted to practice.
The easoof Doody vs. Graff was continued.
The following cases were argued and sub
mitted : Knorr vs. Pearlcss reaper com
pany. Scdgwick vs. Bliss , Hamilton vs. Iloss.
Hamilton vs. Lou. Court adjourned until
Waterworks For Orleani.
OIII AXS , Nob. , March 6. [ Special Tele
gram to the iiitB.j * A proposition was sub
mitted at the council meeting to votu $1Q,000
in bonds fqr water works nt this place. The
people ere enthusiastic over the matter. The
election is to bo held April 3 , and the bonds
will carry.
MM | * Roycn llapldly Recovering.
PLAINVIISW , Nob. , March 0. [ Special to
the BEE. ] Yesterday , for the first time ,
Miss Lolo Royce fook a sleigh rldo. She is
in very good health and recovering as rapidly
as can bo expected.
The NortliwoHtern at Superior.
SwEUESiiuiio , Nob. , March (5. ( [ Special
'clcgram ' to the BBB. ] Colonel C. E. Adams
ays the Northwestern railway company is
ow purchasing extensive terminal facilities
, t tnc city of Superior , Nob.
A Brutal Rnvltlicr Narrowly Escapes
Being Lynched.
KANSAS CITY , March 0. [ S | > cclal Telo-
rain to the BBB. Dave Fisher , a colored
ufflan , wns arrested at Independence , about
; en miles from here , about midnight yestor-
lay , for brutally outraging Mrs. Llbbio Heb-
rlin , a respectable married. wotnancmployed
n the Merchants hotel at that place. Last
ight when Mrs. Hobcrlln started homo she
nquirud about her husband , whom she ox-
icctcd to accompany her. Dave Fisher , who
was loafing around the hotel , told her that
icr Lusband was down at the stable , hurt ,
and at the Instance of 'Fisher she accompan-
cd him to the -barn. Upon arriving there ,
nstead of finding her husband , ait she ex-
icctod , she was outraged. Fisher attempted
: o repeat his crime , when Mrs. Heberlln ro-
jovercd and screamed , for help. Some
[ jersons who wcro in the
vicinity cnmo to her rescue and
lucceeded in capturing the negro. Happen-
ng late nt night , the offense was not gcn-
jrally known until to-day , when the excite
ment ran to fovcr heat. The onicors became
alarmed for Fisher's safety , and dcciacd to
remove him to this city. This became
known and a crowd began to gather at the
Jail. Soon after Fisher , guarded by five
officers and a dozen negroes , emerged from
the Jail and started for. the depot. A rush
, vas made by the mob to gain possession of
he fiend , and a hand to hand fight ensued all
.ho . way to the deixit between the mob and
ho guards. Fisher was finally gotten
iboard the train , however , and arrived hero
/o-nlght. Ho asserted that the woman Is of
bad character , and the deed was not an out
rage , but the finger marks on Mrs , Hcberlin's
' .hroat . and the bruises on the person , show
, hls statement to bo fatso. Mrs. Heberlin is
u a precarious condition , but it Is thought
she will survive.
A. Sensation at St. Joseph-Which In
volves n Priltiiinvnt Physician.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , March 0. [ Special Tolo-
ram to the BEE. ] John Hardt appeared bo-
'oro Coroner Stlngfdlowcd to day , and asked
'or an investigation of the death of his wife ,
Christina Hardt , who died yesterday after
noon. As a result of the inquest , Dr. Ct L.
Weber , ono of the best known physicians in
ho city , is being examined by the grand jury
for malpractice , committing abortion. A
number of witnesses who were examined ,
among them the sister and daughter of the
dead woman , testified that only a few weeks
ago Mrs. Hardt had told them that she wax
being treated to prevent confinement. The
testimony of a girl named Mary Flock , who
accompanied Mrs. Hardt on ono occasion to
the physician's ofllco. was to the effect that
Dr. Weber charged the woman f 1Q for a box
of pills , stating that "he generally charged
$25. " The investigation has caused great ex
citement as Dr. Wcbcr has an extended prac
tice and was well thought of.
A Father's Fiendish Crime.
KAKSIS CITT , Mo. , March 0. [ Special Tel
egram to the BEB. ] James Hay worth , on old
teamster , who has resided hero about twc
years , was arrested this afternoon by DC p
uty Sheriff Joseph Hayes , of Warsaw , Mo. ,
on the charge of assaulting hia own duunhtci
with intent to committ rape. The often si
was committed six yciira ago. Hayworth.
who was u prosperous farmer , disappeared
immediately and his wife and daughter went
before the next grand jury and hud him in
dieted. _
Shot By Her Husband's Mistress.
ST. Louis , Mo. , March (5. ( A report comoi
from Shawucotown , III. , that a peculiar trag
cdy took place near that town yesterday. I
appears that George Milllgan loft his wif <
and was living with Hester Dowccn. Mrs
Milllgan attempted to break up the alllanci
in a forcible manner and was shot dead bj
his mistress.
A Corner In Oil.
NEW YOUK , March C. Although pctrolcun
dealings have not been established a week 01
the stock exchange , the members of tha
board experienced n cornet1 to-day which the ;
will remember for years. The opening w.v
quiet , but certificates were scarce. Thoprici
was gradually bid up , and at 3 o'clock reachei
IHi. In the Now York dtock exchange at tha
tlmo the corner culminated ! u u demand b ;
E. K. Wlllard that all certificates sola hiu
yesterday must bo delivered. Only 31,00
barrels wcro Involved , but these could not b
secured except at a lartro advance. The firs
sales were mudo nt 97 , then it rapidly aO
Viinccd to $1.23 , nnd from there the pric
Jumped to $ l.4.V The dealings were markiM
by the greatest excitement. In the consol !
dated exchange the excitement was evei
grcjitcr. Towards the close tha market ol ;
tallied slight relief and prices fell off a shade
The sales were 0,504,000 barrels , of whlcl
5.5fil,000 ) were transacted in the consolidated
and the remainder in the stock exchange.
Clew , anil Full.
DUI.UTII , Minn. , March 0. [ Special Toll
gram to the BEE. ] John P. Clew indignant !
denies the statement of James Fell recontl ,
published In the Now York Evening Sut
that Clew would not make n match with hit
unless Fell would consent to make it a drav
Claw said this cvcMing : "I hover made sue
n proposition and would not to a man whoi
I think 1 can \yhip as easily as Foil. I fougl
him at Muskegon Juno S3 , IbSO , when h
backers canto mid asked mo to mnku it
draw , which I refused to do and the figl
was stopped by the authorities , the rofert
declaring it a draw. 1 don't ask for drav
with any such man as Fell. "
"Weather Indication * ) .
For Nebraska ; Light fresh variable Whu
becoming easterly ; warmer fair weather.
, For Iowa : Light variable winds growln
easterly ; warmer fair woathor.
.Fur eastern and southwestern Da ! : ti
Light snows followed bycolderJsJrweathei
light to fresh variable Vrhids ,
' Now \orlc I > ry Oooiln Market.
Nny YOUK , March 6. A usual on Tue
day , the demands of agents were very mo
orate , but Jobbers had -very good trado. *
m.nwl *
[ Continued From First Page. ]
bo sent to the brotherhoods of engineers nnd
firemen , and also to the PlaltsmoUt dallies
and Omaha BKK nnd Truth.
Burned Engines at Curtis.
Ctnvns , Neb. , March 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BRBJ There arc three crows laid
out hero and all has been quiet and orderly
since the strike. Three of Pinkcrton's force
arrived hero yesterday and they , together
with four specials , have charge of the round
house and the company's property. There
was no mull received hero yesterday and pas
sengers both cast and west arc running re
gardless of tlmo card and very Irregularly
nnd uncertain. No. 1E6way freight , wllh
fourteen cars , left for the oust this morning ,
the first freight since the strike. Engineer
C. E. Auftcnbrlnk , formerly stationary en
gineer at Elwood , was nt the throttlo. Fouo-
man Finloy refusing to do 'extra work in thu
yards In switching nnd hostling wnrf dls- ,
charged by the company thlftmrirKlirg. Enclno
84 was burned out at Venanpo nnd 'is still Qn
the sldo track , having bcon thorp1 slnco Wcfl-
nesday last. Engine ' & } fn the'round'houso
hero , Is disabled and reported tor the baclr
shops. > i ,
Another KiiRtno Klljed. . . j
STKVTTOX , Neb. , March".0.tS. ! > .e < l VTelj > - .
gram to the UEB. ] Freight oilgllio No.-TlH , '
manned by iwo of the Heading tnoh/djed nt
Max , ten miles west of herpthjii ) nbtujn ' .
A special engine , run byiicv/iwl rqundji'ouso'
mechanics of McCook and tho'trainmastcr Of
this division went up and to wed" tile defunct
locomotive to this place. Aftcr'se'vorapiours/
work the engine was patched \ip'suilldoi > tly
to run in to McCook. , i , ' j , t i
Kolley. the scab engineer who 7s6tdrunk' ;
at Holvoko last Saturday , fo khqwn here. Ho
was discharged by the Baltimore & " 0lo
road for drunkenness and Incompefency sev
eral years ago. _ _ _ _ o . . t ! f
Run Into a Freight- ; ' " j
HAMntiuo , Ia. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Passenger train No. 2 ,
on the Kansas City railroad , duo hero jit
11:18 : , ran Into the rear ond''of an Klldionp
freight from Pacific Junction to Red Oak , ih.
The caboose of the freight was'badly dam
aged , and the front'end df the engine'was1
broken In. At this pohifnll the Klkhom
trains switch off from the KansasGity road
to the Chicago , Burlington & Quincynnd
while the freight train had stoppcd'to' throVv ,
the switch , the passenger struck her with the
above results. "
NKIIUASKA CiTr , March0. [ Press ] About
1 o'clock to-day a freight train on the Kansas
City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road , riin
by a now engineer , was derailed six miles
southeast of Nebraska City by a tie having
been placed across the track , Before the
passenger could bo flagged , 'which was i al
lowing , It ran into the rear of the freight ,
wrecking a number of cars and the engine.
A number of persons were reported injured ,
among which wore the engineer and fireman
of the passenger , but none fatally. Two men
were arrested on suspicion.
Obstructing the Trade.
HAMHUIIO , In. , March0. [ SpecialTelegram
to the BEB. ] Two parties were arrested here
to day by a representative of the Kansas
City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railway ,
charged with placing obstructions on the
track between Corning , Mo. , and Craig , Mo.
They were taken to St. Joseph on the train
Engine Disabled.
LUEOX , Ia. , March 6. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The axle of engine No. draw
ing freight No. 05 , broke off just north of this
oity. The engine was drawn by relief from
Crcston and Is dead in the yard now.
Now Recruits Desert the "Q. "
KANSAS CITT , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bnn.J It sceins to bo the inten
tion of the brotherhood to continuo its pres
ent mode of wnrfard on the Chicago , Bur-
Imgton & Quincy , and rend shows
moro ovldcnco of victory than at present it
is not probable that any moro radical meas
ures will bo resorted to. The local commit
tee men state that the conference that is in
session at Chicago was called , not for the
purpose of agreeing upou any measures to
force the strike , but for the purpose of bring- Chief Arthur the local heads of the or
ganization that ho might get a better grasp
on the runs of the brotherhood to enable him
to act moro promptly and oftltiently in case
of an emergency. The men declare that the
rood is gaining no ground , and that
the outlook tor the cause is brighter than
over. They claim that it would be impossi
ble for the road to run all Its trains according
to schedule even if it had u sufficient number
of men to do so , as the danger of filling the
road with trains all run by new mon would
bo too great for the road to incur. The rail
road officials continuo to assert that the road
is rapidly getting back into shape and that ,
as far as the Burlington system is concerned ,
the strike is over. The trains continuo to
arrive and depart with about the same regu
larity as during the past few days. No. 6 on
the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluff a *
and No. 15 on the Hannibal were marked
"abandoned" and most of the other passenger
trains were from twenty minutes to two
hours lato. A freight was sent
out over the Kansas City ft St. Joseph
this morning. Thcro has been no
trouble In the yards slnco yesterday morning.
The Rock Island had two switch engines haul
ing its cars this morning. The Rock laland
oOlclols say that matters have been satisfac
torily arranged with the strikers nnd that
they anticipate no moro trouble with their
engineers'in the yards here. The strikers
are very active in watching the yards , and
everything that looks to them ut all susp-
clous Is at once reported to the committee fof
investigation. The local committee holds
two regular meetings a day and many called
meetings. Some engineers and firemen to
take the places of the strikers cumo In from
the cast this morning. They wcro nt once
taken in hand by the strikers and several of
them promised not to go to work. Ono'ot
them said to-day. "I came to Brooklleld
with twelve others from Frccport , JH-
Seven of the party wcro , un inctraa'nd )
six wcro firemen , but they had not been
working on locomotives for somiltime. I waste
> to huvo acted us fireman. I fired On nil engine -
gino years ago. AtTJrookfiolfl wfc
were .taken to the rouudhouRo jmd' wpVo not
permitted to go out cxcepMo our meals , We
were not in tlio company's borvico , however ,
us none of us had signed an agrqcmcnt and
did not even know how much'wo lo."get ,
At Brooklleld tlvo of tlio whom the
strikers had got a cluuico to talking an
nounced that they would not go to work. J
understand the engineers who lcft > the 'com
pany received $75 cash f roniithu brotherhood
and the firemen $ . " 0.1 was sent horctiud af tor a
talk with the boys this morning I huvo deter
mined to work for the 'Q.1 The boys have
not yet told mo whether 1 will gct uny money ,
but nil I nsk is to bo sent to sonrnflacd where
I can get work. I do not wish to lake uuj
man's placo. I do not know whether any oi
the mini who canio west with jno went tc
work. " vJS f.-A
Joined the Htrikora. - . '
Mr.xnoTA , III. , March 0. Ono of the-nov
Burlington engineers -went over to tin
strikers to-day , and In consequence the.trail
on the branch which should have left at 7 n
m. is still here to-night. Four < fnbigbt traliv
were run into the yards this evening will
orders to wait until morning"boford proceed
ing further. A number of traveling mei
who stopped over to-day expecting to roue !
Gnlesburg to-night were disappointed , nc
the train which should have arrived at 8:1 : (
p. m. was abandoned and consolidated witl
ouo whichpasses , at 1 a , m.
Worklntfinen , Stand Together.
LINCOLN , March 3. To the Editor of , th
BEB : I wish to say a few words on the Ch
cage , Burlington & Quincy strike ns I sco ii
Though not the largest strike , T consfder I
the most Important that ovcrocourred in thl
country. Should tb < Chicago , Burlington .
Qslflcy bo , successful in froejlng _ out th
brQUvorhoodmen I consider ( t a de"ath bloi
to all labor organizations in this countr ;
It should bo remembered that foreign. corp <
rations are tha most oppressive monopolk
In this country. They have no sympathy fc
or Interest in their employes and would r
duce them to serfdom if they could profit , t
It. I have , liowovcr. tpo much confluence in
the honesty nnd Justice of the business men
Budr the people gcrwmlljr to bollovo that they
will over accomplUt ? thfllr purpose.
Should the Chicago- Burlington Quincy
become masters of tya ' .pltuation , there will
soon bo n reduction of , wages where foreign
capital predominates. ' 'A reduction of wages
means a decrease1 of ' business and less
profits on small'-1 ; investments. Every
business man iMtbtflA do all in his
power to prevcrtti" such a result.
I am Informed ttmt Vfcctlbn hands only got
11.10 per day nmV wffrs get only U.2. > per
day. Can H innn"bit | > ort a family on such
wages 1 The lattur Class are sometimes
forced to work fKim'Hen to thirteen hours
nnd receive no extriftVmicnsatlon | for the ex
tra tlmo. The Intb' Ohnrles OfConor said "a
roriraration is n thfhp Vlthout a soul to snvo ,
a hell to shun or a heaven to gain. " The con-
duet of the Chicago , Burlington < k Quincy
would confirm O'Conor's definition of the
word corporation. I have too much confi
dence in tlio honesty , charity nnd executive
ability of T. V. Powdcrly and the willingness
of Mr. Arthur to repair the wrongs of the
Reading trouble , as far as In him lies , to al
low the enemy to divide the ranks of the la-
.boring men. Unltod wo succeed , divided wo
sleep the sleep from which no labor organi
zation awakcth. The Now York Freeman's
Journal * said : "Give mi the education of a
people nnd I care not Who makes the laws. "
Give mo a thorough labor organization and I
care not for the dictates df monopolies. "
DBS MoiNRii , Ia. , March 0. In the senate
ttho committee reported favorably and with
amendments the bill to consolidate the vari
ous acts relating to publio printing , and to
.provide for printing and distributing of pub
lic reports and documents. The amend
ments offered by the committee cut down the
prices paid 'to the state printer for thu work
about 25 per cent. The bill was made the
.special order fr March 14.
On motion of Finny , the state uniformity
school book bill was made the special order
for March 15.
* The special order for the morning was the
bill providing for the relief of union soldiers ,
sailors and marines , nnd Indigent wives ,
Widows nnd minor children of the some. The
bill ; provides for the appointment of three
men by the board of supervisors in each
ounty before the first Monday In
September , 18S8 , to be known ns
the soldiers' relief commission , giving
bonds of STiOO. The bill also provides for an
.additional levy of tax , not exceeding 3-10 of a
mill , to bo used by the commission In giving
temporary relief to such persons as do not go
to soldiers' homos.
The senate adjourned without taking any
vote on tbo question.
In the house the concurrent resolution was
, adopted requiring the state superintendent to
collect information a * to the number of chil
dren in the workshops of the state.
Special order , the schedule bill , was then
taken up nnd consideration resumed , the
question being on the adoption of the
amended substitute offered by the railroad
committee. The statement was mode by'Mr.
Luke that only the amended schedule was
recommended by the committco ; that the bill
was not rocommendcdJjut onlyjpresented for
consideration of Uia , house. The principal
speech of the morning was by Mr. Cummins ,
of Polk , in favor of house file UT3 , which has
passed the house , , and against the schedule
bill now pending. , Replied to by Hall , of
Boone , in favor of r tha , schedule list. No
-oto yet taken. , fj . [
The house railway committee has decided
'avorably ' on the Cald\vul ) steamboat Inspcc-
ion bill as It passed the senate last week ;
ilso on Funk's bill jnuthorMng the railway
commissioners to change the names of certain
ailway stations. , ,
In the senate thfe .afternoon the Swcney
allroad bill was tckcn'up and the discussion
ontlnucd on Woolspn's ' ( substitute , but no
.ction . was taken. " , . . , t
The following petition , was presented by
Garlock : "Wo , the citfaoqs pf Humboldt. Ia. ,
do hereby petition , ij'ourj honorable body to
iss laws to hang all druggists in the state ;
bo abolish railway c/miUHiiles and send their
fUcers to the ponltqhtiariaa ; to provide a
labile guardian In each township , that no
icrson makes abadrbargain ; to compel banks
3 loan money at 4 per cent without execs-
vo security. And we further petition your
august nnd honorable body to then adjourn
; md mov9 out of tuojtatoand send the clerks
if committees to the orphans , home. "
Tno afternoon session of the house was oc-
lupied in discussion of the schedule bill.
Report of the New York Legislative
Ai.TiAxr-Mnroh 0. The general laws com
mittco which has been taking testimony in
New York recently on trusts of various
dnds , mode its report to-day. The report
.ays . : ' 'However different the Influences
which gnvo rise to these combinations may
be , the main purpose , management and effect
f all upon the publio is the same , to-wit :
Aggregation of capital ; the power of con-
.rolling the manufacture and output of varl-
ius necessary commodities ; the acquisition
ir destruction of competitive properties , all
.ending to final and conclusive purposes of
aniblhUing competition and enabling combi
nations to fix the prlco at which they would
purchase the raw material from producers ,
and at which they would sell the refined pro
duct to consumers. In any event , the public
at each end of the industry producer and
consumer is , and is intended to bo , in n cer
tain sense , at the mercy of the syndicate ,
combination or trust. " The report recom
mends now legislation , nnd that the attorney
general proceed against the violators of law.
$25OOO Bequeathed for the Benefit of
the Sioux Indians.
Sioux FALLS , Dak. , March 0. [ Special
Telegram to the linn. ] Bishop Hare has
ust returned from Now York , where ho has
een for two weeks transacting business
with the executors of tbo , will of the late Mrs.
John Jacob Astor. The 'will , which was re
cently probated , bequeathed to Bishop Hare
* ' 25,000 , to bo used by him for the benefit of
the Indians under his ministerial Jurisdiction.
Tlio bishop found that the terms of the will
arc such that only the interest on this sum
can bo used , but during his visit , John Jacob
Astor duplicated the gift of his deceased
wife , but in no manner limited the matter
of the expondltnre , cither of principle or in
terest. In addition , Mr , Astor gaVe the
bishop * ilXX ( ) for a memorial church in
honor of his wife's memory. The church Is
to bo built in Sioux , Falls this summer.
Bishop Hiiro is widely known for his labors
in the interest of ImUans , nnd it will bo re
membered that It wahjs influence which at
the lust session ofo oiigri-ns defeated tin
Qiuves bill for opening.o big Sioux resor
vatiou. 100,1
Charles GmldliifcKails Twenty-Five
Feet rvml , Lives.
Drs. Bullnrd amljfibody { } have a case Ii
charge that puzzles .thoinincdical exrcrloncc
and they are soinowhiftf W doubt as to the ex
tent of the injuries r/jcojyed by a i'outh whi
met with a misfortunojast night. Charlc
Gudding , son'of a wjdw ) jving in a fiat atth
corner of Fourteunth.auil Pierce streets , wa
"laying on the third landing , when ho Ii
some manner lost hhr balance and fell to th
frozen ground bolowya/lifitunco of twenty
five feet. Ho struck on his head and at firs
was picked up for Though unconsciou
he showed signs of lifo , and was picked u
and carried Into th'o houso. The doctors wcr
summoned , and made an examination of th
boy. Rcstontaves were ( administered , bu
the lad remained in his comotoso1 stato. Hi
skull w a next examined for fractures , bu
none being visible the < k > ctors were at a lot
to determine the exact extent of his injuriei
H6w the tray could have struck on his hca
with such u fall and not fractured the sku
was a surprise to them , and at u luUi hoi
they were not prepared to say whether li
would survive or not.
, March 0. The Presidei
sent , amonjjothcr nominations , that of Janu
M. Corbet , of Dakota , to bo register of tt
land office nt Grand Forksk Dak. , to tt
senate to-day. . .
His Identity Becoming a Subjoot of
Discussion. . .
Why Henry Manner * Wo * Treated
' Coldly Another Bombshell Ex
ploded Among the EttKlUh No *
blllty Day in Parliament ,
Startling Rumors.
( Crtpj/rtB > > t HS8 ITJflmw rtordoti Ucnnett. }
LONDOX' , March 0. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special .to. . the BKB. ] A startling
minor reached the Herald bureau from a
highly Important-authority. It Involves the
succession to the Immense possessions of the
Rutland family , Its hbnors and titles. It is
oqly within , thq-p st few hours that what
was whispered yesterday has become the
rumors which rapidly lead Into history. The
rutfior riVy t extends. to only the friends of
1110 ; " diikd" wild , now 'lies unburlcd. What
, rcacWs mo is to the following effect , which
reminds mo of the plot of A novel or drama :
The dukp is known many years ago to have
fo'hn&I'ft"1 aeeV attachment for a lady
under circumstances which gave rise
to , a general impression that some form of
mrfaB cerbmdny. 'had taken placo. The
ladjlhad lived'In'great ' seclusion , nnd after a
time , was1at last forgotten by those who hod
frequently , speculated on her relation to the
duko. SinceVlhnt'period tlio duke Is known
tlttYcvbeerj'-reMccnt on the subject. Ono
rfac { w ? frequently-remarked by his intimate
f ii ; u\lf \ | that , ho. was never known to acknowl
edge In any shape Henry Manners as the
presumptive "Tiolr , although never denying
the apparent holrshjp of his brother , Lord
John Manners * ! X i
iVerious causes were assigned for this , but
the ono .ventured to address the duke any
iiuitilry on so delicate a suojcct. It was ,
howcvor , universally felt to bo strange that
( no next holr Vn" the ordinary course of events
for his father had reached the scriptural
* ) lan of llfo should receive no recognition
Direct or fnflircct , from the duke , particularly
'as Henry Manners now by courtesy , if the
prcs.umptlvoheirthe Marquis of Granby was
'of'lrreproachnblfecharacter and had long
fllt J a position of trust nnd responsibility ns
'flrat ! private secretary to theprimo minister.
Bui an explanation of the mystery is now
given by the rumor nnd if it is true it is
amply sufflclcrit to account for the duko's re
serve toward Henry Manners. It Isjsalrt the
rightful heir to the Dukedom is forthcoming
in the person of the oldest son
of the late duke by his sccrot
marriage with the lady with whom many
years ago ho fell in love. His existence , it is
authoritatively said , has long boon suspected
byLord John Manners , and now communi
cations have been made which leave no
doubt that the claimants will shortly appear
on the scone. I am told , however , that a
great doubt exists in the minds of thu Man
ners family as to the validity of the
marriage in question , and that their
rights will certainly not bo aband
oned without a struggle. It may
o the question will have to bo decided
by a law suit before the house of lords or
that a private settlement may bo arrived at.
In any couo the duko's death has caused n
cloud to arise over the prospects of these
whom the world has long known ns the late
duke's exclusive kinsfolk.
After the funeral on Friday there will not
bo much probability of secrecy for
either a now writ must bo moved
for" to fill up the scat left
vacant , if thcro bo a true transfer of Lord
John Manners to the peers , or else nny lolay
in moving for the writ would indicate that
the chilmcnt was about to take steps to make
good his pretensions and and that the posi
tions of Lord John Manners nnd his son
Henry wcro doubtful.
A CurloliH Feature of Parliamentary
litfe King Jaw Jaw.
tCoil/rfflfit 1SSS It/ ] James Gordon Bennett. ]
Lovuox , March. 0. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] In the mem
bers' lobby to-night thcro were many eager
inquiries and some curious reports were
afloat. Who is to have Lord John Manners'
office or will anybody have it. Strange sto
ries are in the air. Some of them are truo.
Lord John will not yet pass to the upper
house at any rate. The survivor of the young
England party , the life-long friend of Dis
raeli will not leave us Just yet.
Then there is much gossip over Lord Ran
dolph's probable ilnoon Thursday night. - Is
he goinc to attack the government over its
war estimates or fire a broadside
into 'the system of which they
are the product. In either case
ho cannot fail to make some very damaging
disclosures concerning the extravagance and
folly of the English army administration nnd
if tho.govcrnmcnt defends the system they
will bo seriously damaged. Then It is kno , - \ n
that a great scandal in connection with con
tracts will bo brought before the house by
ttyOj or three Independent members. Alto
gether , Thursday nigh * will bo full of inter
est. Perhaps something more than a knowl
edge of that fact would alone have caused to-
nighVp proceedings to have fallen very flat ,
eycn if tlio subjects under debate had been
of a far moro exciting character thau they
Question time produced a llttlo incident
or two of transient interest. At this particu-
ar hour ministers'nro put upon the rack and
madelo disclose thdir Inmost thought , unless
thqy ureoIovcrOr thnn'tho questioners. It is
the custom to hand in the inquiries a day or
two Ixjforo hand and they are printed on the
orders Uio of day. Ill addition to the printed
questions . others may bo put , though the
ministers' "aro not obliged to answer
them , 'Tp-njght ' a perfect volley rattled
rouiiiHW'.caVjSjyOf the ministers. Several
itt itS
ISi. Were all A lie enough to hfcrt this advice (5 (
i.a i.d season , a world of siiflerlnu would t > rGtiU'd ,
a If you suffer from Implies , riond , scrofula ,
dyspepsia , biliousness , headache , Uko
members of the I Huh-party are very much
concerned about the fate of King J Jn , who
has been expelled from his dominions
wherever they may be. Ja Ja's cause is vig
orously osK | > useil by William Redmond , who
asked HO many questions about him that nt lost
Mr. Smith got up nnd protested that nothing
was to bo talked about to-night but Ja Ja ,
Who Is now bettor known In the
house as King Jaw Jaw. However ho
was at last bustled off the stage
though ho is to make his appcarnnco again
every night until further notice unless a' now
turn of affairs should arise nnd snuff him out
finally. Ono hour having been spent over a
private bill and a good deal moro over the
questions , at last wo got to the business of
the evening , furthcralterntl6ns _ in the rules
of the houso. Tho' Scotchmen nskcd for a
grand committco to look after their own
affairs. Some lories saw in this an insid
ious design to smuggle In a schema
for homo rule for Scotland. Once start that
here and It will run for hours. It bounded
along at n spanking ratojuntll dinner tlmo then
Mr. Gladstone chocked Its mad cnrcor. Ho
laughed at the idea Of homo rule being con
cealed under such nn Innocent proposition.
Ho referred to himself an a Scotch member ,
the last capacity , ho said , in which he was
likely to appear In the house and then , ns it
unwilling to limit the possibilities of his own
future career ho added : "I mean
the latest in point of ttmo. " That loft every
thing Judiciously open for another uharctor-
Istlc bit which fell from him. Ho said ho
had tried to got the Scotch business bettor
looked after. "In that work I have exerted
such ingenuity as nature or practice may
have given mo. " This modest allusion to
his parliamentary ingenuity , which has never
been equalled , produced a burst of laughter
and cheers. After that furtho
speech was in vain. The leader ofr
both sides went away to dinner and the
speaker retired to scramble down the mutton
chop on which he Is traditionally supposed to
dlno. Every night from 3 o'clock till 12 this
Is the only respite Ire can got and It lasts only
a half hoiir. The remainder of the night wns
spent In further discussion and n gentle dull
ness premcatod the place. These who were
not nslcop In the house were nslcop in the
library. A MnwnKii ov PAIIUAMEXT.
No Difference of Opinion.
BKIU.IX , March ( ) . The Reich Aiuelgor
publishes an official bulletin signed by all
the physicians in attendance on the croxvn
prlnco. They deny reported differences of
opinion , nnd do not maintain that a danger
ous turn is imminent. The patient appears
to bo progressing favorably at present , nnd
so the responsibility for treatment remains
In Dr. Mackenzie's hands.
No Proof of Cancer Found.
LONDOX , March 0. A San Rome dispatch
from trustworthy source says Prof. Walde-
meyer found no proof of cancer in matter
coughed up by the crown prince.
Bomllors Want Ilnll.
CHICAGO , March B. The attorney for the
boodle county commissioners loft for Ottawa
to-night to file briefs in the application to the
supreme court for n supersedes and tnc ad
mission of the boodlcrs to bail.
Will Not Compete.
NEW Yonic , March 0. Captain A. H.
Bogardus , of Elkhart , Illinois , champion
wing shot of the world , visited the Associated
press office this evening and said ho will not
again compete for the championship honors.
Advancing years and domestic affliction are
the moving causes. For. seventeen years the
captain has been champion of America , and
since lb"5 champion of the world.
The Bond Bill.
WAsniNOTON , March 0. The following
was offered by Bock in the senate to-day , ns
on amendment to the bond bill , reported
from the finance committee :
Section 2. That nil laws and parts of laws
requiring the maintenance of the sinking
fund , and the purchase of bonds of the
United States for said sinking fund , ns here
tofore authorized , are hereby repealed.
WnntB All Night Saloons.
Councilman Hoscall introduced an ordi
nance at the regular weekly meeting of the
common council last night to repeal an ordi
nance at present in vogue regulating tlio
closing of saloons from 12 midnight until i a.
m. Tlio ordinance was referred to the com
mittco of the whole. Other unimportant
business was disposed of.
Omaha Wood and Coal company , 617
N. 10th at. Wood , coal and kindling.
Produced in tbo Glorious Climate of
Iloro is a story from the Albina ( Oro-
gou ) Courier , bcstdo which all accounts
of big steers , pumpkins , etc. , at county
fairs palo into insignificance. The story
under hood ' 'A '
appears the Big Spud ,
ana reads as follows : "Thoro Is a big
potato on exhibition down at the Conti
nental hotel bar that is perhaps the
most immense vegetable grown in this
country or any other. It was raised by
A. Lapelle , ton miles north of this city ,
and measures 11 feet in length- feet
in dinmotor , mid 9J foot in circumference -
once , and when weighed on a pair of
hay scales was found to tip the beam at
8H8 pounds. When Mr. Lapollo was
digging his potatoes last fall and came
across this monster ho thoughtat first ho
had struck the root of the giant yamaho-
tiisa tree of the eucalyptus ex
tinct. Further investigation , however ,
proved it to bo a potato. It took three
mon and a span of horses a day anil a
half to dig this potato out of the ground.
It was then swung upon a big logging
truck and brought to town. Though it
may HOOIII curious , this potato is as tine
grained as its smaller brethren , and
when sliced up and fried cannot bo dis-
tinguibhcd from an ordinary potato of
good quality. The above figures may
not bo exact , as the editor lost his notes
on tbo subject , and is compelled to rely
on memory , but they are near enough
for all practical purpo > es , and oiler a
weighty argument in favoi-of the pro
ductiveness of our Pucitto boil. "
MM JM ( > the best
Of ] M * * fW % months In which
in aru n { u M.1.
tSAr ril ?
the human f mj | | J best blood
much nred the Hid of a reliable - §
liable medicine llkn Hood's IWIf
S-irsaparllla , as now. The | V | Cft W
Impoverished condition of J
the blood , the weakening effects of the long ,
cold winter , the loit appetite , and Hint tired
fecHnf , all nilUe a good spring nicdlclno abso
lutely necessary. Hood's Sau.ipirilla ls
peculiarly adapted tor this purpose , and Inn -
n eases In jioiuilarlly cmy year. It Is th
Ideal uprliig nicdlclno.
" I must say Hood's Sartaparllla Is the best
medicine I ever used. List oprln I had no
appetite , and the least worK I did fatigued roe
ever so much. I hcrto"take ( ; : Hood's S.irji-
parlll.i , nnd sosii felt that I cou11 do as much
In a diy as I had formerly dime in a week.
My appetlto Is voracious. " Una. M. V. lUr-
Ann , Atlantic City , N. 3.
tt. B , If you take Hood's Sam-
parJlla do not be induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
. Pr p r 4onlr Roldbjatldrucgliti , ( liilxforfl. Prfp rcJonIr
10 tj C. I. HOOD < t CO. , ApotlioearlM.Lovell , Uui , by U. I. HOOD A CO. , Ai > otli carlu , Uiwi.ll , Man.
10 | OO Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar
Very Llttlo lutorost Maulfostod In
Influence of the Strike ou 1'rlcot- .
Active Trading In Orttn lrol *
Ion Market Fcnturetcss
Ijlve Stock.
CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special Telegram to
the BKR.I There was not much Interest In
thu wheat market this morning. As for sev
eral days past the corn deal was luuch mor
attractive to local traders. Wheat price *
run along with very slight variations from
dav to day with everybody waiting for
something to turn to got them out of the rut.
May wheat opened at 80).fe and directly sold
down to SO'sQSOj c , turned backward and
on the uu ttiin touched 81cfoll to 80fo nnd
for the remainder of the session held between
8 < W@80ffc and 80.Jtfe , closing at 1 o'clock at
SOJfQSOXc. June wheat opened nt 81o , sold
up to 81\'o and closed at tipcat 1 o'clock.
May corn opened at MJj'c , which was
lower than last night's close , under the in
fluence of larger receipts than was expected ,
but the bearish-minded scalpers were
disappointed again. There were "plenty
of buying orders and when the price began
to advance early , the sellers were the sharp
est bidders and there was a steady advance
to 5-lc , when the balance turned the olhor
way and with more sellers than buyers , a
down turn began , which , with lively fluctu
ations in the meantime , finally brought May
delivery to Klps't SS c , but there wore not
more than one or two transactions nt that
price and the 1 p. in. close was at 63 > (353Xo. (
June coin opened at f > 2 c , sold early at&3O
D3 c , then up to 633siJ53 ( o and closed at 1
o'clock f > 3c , The volume of trade was largo
and outsldo speculators appear to have taken
hold of corn. The short Interest is largely
of the kind that runs to cover and presently
tries it again , nt n higher level , and is no
therefore nt any tlmo olmluntcd from the
market. The same cause which brought
about it bulge early in the winter , namely
short crops Is talked about us an inducement
to present good buying , but probably
n stronger Influence Is the railroads strike ,
and the belief that It will spread and out off
receipts in this market. The present. re
ceipts , however , are not small , and oven the
Burlington road brought in some corn to-day.
Ilutchinson wns ono of the principal corn
buyers to-day.
Thcro was qulto an actlvo trade In oats ,
and prices advanced in sympathy with corn.
The prices of May and Juno oats was identi
cal. Both opened at 31 , ' < c , sold up to S2)f c ,
and closed nt 'ftC. July oats sold up from
30 c to 30o , August outs were nominally
Provision trade showed Increased strength.
In the absence of any concerted action upon
the part of the old bear element the market
recovered somewhat from yesterday's de
pression. Speculation , however , was slow ,
nnd excepting the buying of ono or two pork
shorts and improved cash demand for the
product the days business was featureless.
1'ork led In interest In future trading , and at
1 p. m. was So higher than last night's ' clos
ings. Short ribs declined 2fec , but lard' was
steady ana unchanged.
May closing nt SO ) < f@sOj5 o ; June.
80c. Corn , lower. May closing at
M fXft.lS'lc : Juno. 52o and July , 62Jifo.
Oats opened steady but closed weak and
about &C lower. I'ork was steady ; March
closed at 313.77 } ; May , $13.02 # ; Juno ,
$14.00. Lard closing at $7.02 } for March ;
$7.70 for May ; $7.75 for June and $7.80 for
Julv. Short ribs were steady at $7.077.10
for March ; $7.20 for May ; $7.27 > f for Juno ;
$7.33 for July.
CHICAGO , March 0. [ Social Telegram to
the BKB. ] ( JATTr.B Early estimates placed
the number at about 0,000 head , but later it
was morally certain the run would reach
7,500 and perhaps 8,000 , a larger number than
anticipated. The supply Is over 4,000 moro
than at the same time last week. At the
opening some fair and steady sales were
nindo , some lucky salesmen claiming they
got as good prices us yesterday , but later on
the big buyers began to hold off , some refus
ing to give prices that salesmen offered their
stock at In the morning , so ut the close trade
was dull , with prices considerably weaker'
If not substantially lower ; in fact , many
salesmen declared the class of cattle that
came under the head of 1,200 Ibs. or upward
wore 10a ( > 15c lower than yesterday. Famoy ,
$5.10@5.40 ; steers , 1,330 to 1,500 Ibs , $4.30(3 (
5.00 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , $3.80@440 ; 050 to
1,200 Ibs , $30J@3.00 ; stockcrs and feeders.
$3.10@3.4fl ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $ L75 ( < }
360 ; bulk , * 2.3 ( > s)2.CO. ) Texas oattlo , $3.25 ;
grass steers , 081 Ibs , $3.50 ; 291 grass cows ,
071 Ibs , * 2 ! ! 0.
Hoes Trade fairly actlvo , with a slight
up turn at the opening and a shade lower at
the closo. Fancy heavy sold at $5.50 ; prime
butchers'weights made $5.45(35.50 ( ; and the
bulk of the bust mixed sold at $5.3505.40 ;
medium mixed. $5.20@5.30. There was llttlo
or no demand for assorted light of ICO to 170
Ibs. average , hence no fixed values ; may be
quoted at $3.20@5.25 , and lighter averages at
$3.10@5.15. _
Chicago , March 0. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle ilccuipts 8,000 ; market weak and
lOc lower ; fancy , $5.105.40 ; steers , $3 ( * ) < < $
5.00 ; stockcrs and feeders , fl.WPin 40 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.75@3.GO ; Texas cattle ,
J2 .TH@3.60.
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , $ r..l5rti.1.t5 : ; heavy. $5.30@5.60 ; light ,
S5 OO .VJO ; skips , $3.50M > 4.03.
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; market strong und
10@l5o higher : natives$5.00(35 ( IKS ; westerns ,
$5 00 < < J5.ti2 ( < } ; Tcxans3.50@.500 ; lambs , $5.25
. .
Tlio Drovers' Journal cablegram quotes the
cattle market unchanged with sup
plies of American cattle. Best American
cattle 1'J jO per pound , g '
National Sleek Yards , Knst Kt.
Louis , Maich 0. Cattle lccelptsl,500 :
shipments , 50 ; maikct active and
stiong ; choice heavy native steers
$ -l45 ( S.r ao ; fair to good native
steers , 1.)01.50 ' ) ; butcher's steers , medium
to prime , $3 10(7t4.-5 ( ! stackers and feeder * ,
fair to gxid2.iW ( t3.30 : rangers , ordinary to
good $3.20@3.bO.
Hogs UccelDts , 3,000 ; shipments , COO ;
market active and linn ; choice heavy
and butchers' selections , * 5 35 ( < i5 50 ; pack
ing , medium to choice , $ ! > .lfigS.30 ( ; light
grades , fair to best , $4.05 5.yo.
Kaunas City. March 0. Cattle
Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments 600 ;
market steady ; good to choice corn-fi-d ,
ft.tOftin 00 ; common to medium , $3.2.r > ( S > 1.25 :
stockcrs , f'J.IXXa-J.bfl ; feeding stocrst2.W )
ft35J ; cows , * 1.IX.150. )
Hogs Receipts , 5,500 ; shipments , none ;
market steady to strong : common to choice ,
$170(3530 ( ; skips and pigs , $3.00i.SO.
New YOUK , March 0 [ Special Telegram
to the BIB. : ] SrocKS-Stocks have b im
better today ; that Is , they recovered part of
yesterday's decline , nnd In some cases , as la
Richmond Terminal , the whole of it. On the
general list the Improvement from yester
day's close Is K@ % per cent , few holding
about as before or gaining > @ } f per cent.
The best prices of the day were made In tha
morning session , the afternoon market be
coming tame and a llttlo drooping. The mar
ket opjnud steady and rather firm. On tha
opening London was doing very little any
way , and professionals' were moderately bear
ish nnd extremely cautious. The clique H
showed moro Inclination to support the inu'--
ket ou specialties , and advices from the west
wcroof a character to Impart strength t < i
bullish proclivities. When the noon pause
.had arrived the general line hod advanced
variously , but the improvement was mostly
comprised In a range of % @ % per coat.