Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1888, Image 1

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Provisions of the Democratic In
ternal Bovonuo B11L
Illlct Distillers Mndo Practically Ex
empt From IiitcrlVreiice MAtlo
the Bourbons Wince Senator
Great Speech.
A Southern Industry Encouraged.
WAHIIINOTOX. D. C. , March 0. 1
There is moro sectionalism In the internal
revenue bill presented by the democratic
majority of the committee on wayft and
weans to-day if possible than there Is In the
tariff bill made publio last week. It has well
been charactci lcd by leading republicans
this afternoon us "a bill for the protection of
moonshiners. " From the first to the last
word the measure is In the interest of the
moonshiners and the violators 6f the special
tax imKsed | upon manufacturers and retail
ers. Under the bill absolute discretion is
accorded local federal officers who make ar
rests and sit in Judgment uron vfolators of
the law and every advantage possible is
given that peculiar phase of the traffic In to-
Iniccoimd distillations known only to the
south. Supreme authority is given the com
missioner of Internal revenue when the pun
ishment has been Imposed by the court ,
while the provisions for meting out , Justice In
the llr&t instance give every advantage to
communities linked together by the common
nympathies of law breakers. There is a
general endorsement of the measure so far as
it relates to the reduction of internal taxes ,
but the revisions of the administrative laws
meet with disapproval- all lair minded
> mcn.
To-night 1 met Representative Owen , of
Indiana , and asked him what ho thought of
the democratic Internal revenue bill , and ho
he said : " 'It Is n picturesque scheme. After
relieving tobacco of { 20,000,000 tariff and re
pealing the special taxes upon manufacturers
of stills and retail dealers lu liquors , it pro
ceeds to erect u statute with meshes in it
largo enough for the little moonshiners of
Virginia , the Carollnas and Tennessee to
s'lp ' through and never .got caught. Those
states are ornamented with illicit distills
f with a capacity of one .to three barrels of
] ! liquor per day. This is a great and profita
ble industry down thcro , that has suffered
up to this time for lack of proper protection.
Most criminal statutes , you know , have a
nifiiiiiium and maximum penalty , the 'latter
only being adjudged In extreme cases. This
repeals the iplnimum penalty and leaves the
court's discretion to affix the penalty.
In the midst of a universal senti
ment that regards defiance of the
government's Internal revenue laws as devo
tion to this state , this law discharges the vast
majority of the olTenders'with the possibility
of a reprimand from the court. The sixth
section provides that no warrant in any case
shall issue for arrest , except when made by
the revenue collector whoso presence there
is usually at the risk of his life unless -affi
ant has personal knowledge of the crimes al
leged. The possession of a kit of burglar
tools , carrying of quantities of fruit to the
secret and guarded place , and the carrying
away of barrels of liquors signifies nothing.
To inaugurate an investigation and prose
cution ono must have itersoiml knowledge of
the manufacture. Section 13 provides that
when one of these stills is seized it shall not
bo destroyed as heretofore , but shall bo sold *
The poor fellow having escaped the mini
mum punishment can buy it back and resume
Ids occupation. It appears that after all
these precautions it Is feared that some of
these men may at sometime bo arrested and
convicted and another section is added giv
ing the court authority when any ono Is pun
ished for such ofTcnso in any jail , has his
health thereby endangered , to make provis-
iqns for their comfortphnll ho deemed proper.
I don't think so bencllclcnt and salutary a
law was over before proposed for this down
trodden race. The measure should bo en
titled , "A bill to protect the moonshiner and
promote his industry. "
Senator lugalls speech this afternoon was
all that his friends expected and moro than
his enemies wanted. The characterization of
the president by the senator from Kansas
was enjoyed greatly by the republicans and
made the democrats wince painfully. The
senator concluded that slnco the election of
Cleveland any man his antcconts , educa
tion , character and qualifications being no
standard could well aspire to the presidency
and expect to lead his party in a campaign
if ho bo a democrat. The president's treat
ment of the soldiers and his Infantile plea
that it was not safe for him to go to St.
Louis during the G. A. R. encampment last
fall were commented upon In u severe man
ner , because the cold facts were HO plainly
and well stated. It was the conscience of
the man , taht conscience which doth make
cowards of us all , that stood in the way of
Cleveland visiting St. Louis when so many
veterans were there encamped. Cleveland
know that ho had bccu the enemy of the sol
dier and ho could not face him.
Two hours before Senator Instills began
speaking in supixirt of the G. A. R. or disa
bility pension bill the galleries woro'fllled to
overflowing , and hundreds of people wcro
turned away. As soon as ho began the fact
was whispered around the house , and more
inombots came over than could got chairs or
Beats to rest upon. So the wall around the
senate chamber had a line of men against It :
Mr. Phitt , of Connecticut , took the chair of
the president tire tomporo. When Mr. In-
galls vacated it to s | > eak every senator in the
city was at his desk and gave the utmost attention
tention throughout. Mr. Morgan , of 'Ala
bama , and one or two others on the demo
cratic. side attempted to get Mr. Ingalls into
a controversy , but they could not stand tc
him a half minute. It was like ono running
against a buzz uw whirling at the highest
rate of speed , they were cut in two before
they could recoil. Mr. lugalls moved away
the chair to his richt and had a space of six
feet in length to travel-no as he
upoko. His full black frock coat
was buttoned to his throat , and
' his slender form more than six feet in
height , towered like the tall oak in the forest.
It is Improbable that the bubbles of an ml-
ministration were ever so thoroughly
punctured by any ono. It was with con
siderable effort that the chair suppressed the
outbursts of applause la the galleries and on
the floor of the chamber. AtSeimtorlngalls1
loft sat Mr. Allison of Iowa , who kept his
head bowed much of the time in efforts to
choke his rlslbles , which at times gave vent
in hearty laughter over the biting sarcasm
and ludicrous comparisons of the speaker.
On Mr. Ingalls1 Immediate right sat Mr.
Hoar , of Massachusetts , and then came Mr.
Sherman , of Ohio. In front throughout the
speech Mr. Evurts , of New York , sat , his
chair turned full around so ho could get a
straight look into the face of the Kansas
i statesman. Not a word escaped any of this
, party of distinguished men. On the demo
cratic side Mr. Beck , of Kentucky , made full
notes , frequently writing on slips of
paper and passing them over to Mr. Voor-
Lees , of Indiana , and then to his colleague ,
' Mr. Blackburn. Mr. Morgan , Mr. Gray and
others on that sldo had their heads together
much of the time , an evidence of the effect ot
the remarks being uttered. It noon became
evident that they wcro plotting for some
kind of answer. It is a pity for the Interest
of the republican party that Mr , Vest , ol
Missouri , who denounced -the G. A. R. the
other day , was not present , for the charac
terization of the "murderers , traitors and
brutet" who ilaughtcrod our union soldicm
In the dungeons of Belle Isle , Andcrsonvllle ,
Llbby , etc. , would have brought out the true
sentiments within him on the subject.
At the conclusion of Mr. Ingalls' spicch
Mr. Blackburn spoke for a few minutes , voic
ing the democrats In their reply. It will bo a
long time before there will bo n duplication
of the scene in the senate chnmbcr to-day.
The cross-examination of Publio Printer
Benedict was continued to-day. Dr. Galliu-
jer had little mercy and succeeded In draw
ing strong doubts of many of the figures put
forth by Benedict In hfs former testimony.
Ho also showed conclusively that Benedict
was not qualified under the law to hold his
position , and that ho had resorted to question
able methods to make political capital out of
his conduct of the office. The democratic
members did their best to protect and assist
Benedict , but Dr. Galllngcr had much the best
of It all the way through. The cross-examin
ation was not finished and will bo continued
, t the next meeting.
The comptroller of the currency to-day ap-
.iroved the United States National bank of
Omaha us reserve agent for the First Na-
tonal bank of Madison , Neb.
As stated in the BKE dispatches last week ,
, ho members of the Inter-state commerce
commission will leave the city next week for
.ho puposo of hearing cases at Omaha and
incoln. The cases to bo heard are those
originating at Omaha , Lincoln and Beatrice
and Maukato , Minn. The commission will
bo in Nebraska several days.
Changes have been ordered in time schcd-
.ilcs on Nebraska postal routes as follows :
O'Connor to ICnfielit Leavn Enlleld
Tuesdays and Saturdays at 9 a. m. ,
ni-rlvo at Cedar Rapids by 1U in ; leave
Cedar Rapids Tuesdays and Saturdays at
1 p. m. , arrive at Enflold by1 p. m. Kirk-
wood to Newport Leave Klrluvood , Tues
days , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 p. in. ,
arrive at Nnwport by D p. m ; leave Newport
Tuesdays , Thurdays and Saturdays at 8 a. m. .
arrive at Kirkwco 1 by 12 m. Valentino to
Kennedy-Leave Valentino Tuesdays and Sat
urdays at 8 a. m. , arrive at Kennedy" by (1 ( p.
m. Leave Kennedy , Mondays and Fridays
at 8 a. iu. , arrive at Valentino by G p. m.
The Democratic Bill for Free Tobacco.
WASHINGTON , March C. The democratic
members of the ways and means committee ,
to-day , submitted to the full committee the
Internal revenue bill. Section ono provides
that on and after the first day of July , 18S8 ,
all taxes on manufactured chewing tobacco ,
smoking tobacco and snuff , all special
taxes upon manfacturers and dealers
In said articles and all taxes upon wholesale
and retail dealers in leaf tobacco , bo and are
hereby repealed ; provided that there shall bo
allowed u draw back or rebate of full amount
of the tax on all original and unbroken fac
tory packages of smoking and manufactured
tobacco and snuff held by manufacturers or
dealers on the said first , day of July.
Section 2 provides that after the first day
of July , 188S , manufacturers of cigars shall
each pay a special tax of 3.00 annually , and
dealers iu tobacco shall each pay a special tax
of 81.00 annually. Every person whoso bus
iness it ois to sell or offer for sale ,
cigars , cheroots or cigarettes , shall
after the first day of May , 1S88 ,
bo regarded as a dealer in tobacco and the
mymont of any other special tax shall not re-
love any person who sells cigars , cheroots
or cigarettes from payment of tax ; provided ,
that no manufacturer of cigars , cheroots or
cigarettes shall bo required to pay special tax
as a dealer iu tobacco as above defined for
selling liib own products at the place of man
Section 4 provides that section 3301 of
the revenue laws and parts of laws which
impose restrictions upon the sale of leaf to
bacco bo , and are hereby repealed.
Section 11 provides that section 32' ! . ' ; of
the revised statutes bo amended by striking
out of all after said number and substituting
the following : "Ami the commissioner of
internal revenue , with the approval of the
secretary of the treasury , may exempt dis
tillers of brands made exclusively from
apples , peaches , grapes or other
fruits , from any provision of
this title rotating to the manufacture
of spirits , except us to tux thereon , when in
his Judgment it may bo expedient to do so. "
Provision is made in sec' ion 14 that section
8,255 of the revised statutes bo amended by
striking out all after said number and substi
tuting the following : ' 'The secretary of the
treasury may exempt all distilleries
which mash less than twenty-five
bushels of grain per day from
the operations of the provisions of this
title relating to the manufacture of spirits ,
except us to the payment of tax , which said
tax shall then be levied and collected on the
capacity of said aKtillcrics , and
said distilleries shall then bo run and
operated without storekeepers or gaugers
Section Hi repeals all clauses of sec
tion i-44 ! of the revised statutes , and all laws
amendatory thereto , and all other laws ,
which impose any special taxes upon manu
facturers of stills , retail dealers in liquors
and retail dealers iu malt liquors/
Section 17 provides that this act
shall bo in force from and after July 1 ,
1SS8 , and all laws and parts of laws in eon-
fiii * J-erewlth are hereby repealed.
liii. total reduction in revenue made by
the bill is about $25,000,000. of which 320,000.-
000 are on tobacco and $5,000,000 on the vari
ous special taxes removed.
By a party vote the bill was added to the
Mills turiff bill , making ono bill of both.
The presentation of the bill was thu signal
for a vigorous onslaught by republican mem
bers uKn | their democratic colleagues. They
roundly denounced the majority for their
conduct in the preparation of this and the
tariff bill , and their indignation was height
ened when the proposition was put and car
ried , despite their objection to consolidate in
one measure the tariff and bills. It was sug
gested by tno republicans , iu view of the ap
parent determination of the majority to begin
immediately a formal consideration of the
bill , that manufacturers und producer * whoso
interest might bo effected should bo afforded
an opportunity to address the committee on
the subject. This proposition did not seem
to meet with favor at the hands of the major
ity , and after considerable discussion , the
committee adjourned until tomorrow without
disposing of the question.
Patents to Western Inventors.
WASHINGTON , March 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The following patents were to
day granted to the following Nebraska and
Iowa inventors : Henry C. Ballard , Red Oak ,
In. , steam cooking apparatus ; Archibald L.
Courtright , Mount Hamil , Iu. , hay stacker ;
Cary A. Manker , Louisville , Nob. , holder for
kegs , barrels , etc. ; Henry A. Lillor , Opal-
lula , horn tip ; Fred H. Otto , Galva , Iu. ,
truck ; Charles H. D. L. Schlapp , Davenport ,
la. , hcatingstove ; Horatio Thomas , Chicago ,
anil L. G. Hostedo , assignors to Bostedo
Package Cash Carrier company , Atlantic ,
In. , cash and package carrier ; Joseph
Vhulyka and W. M. Mitchell , Newton , la. ,
apparatus for cremating filth and sewerage.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , March 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. " | The following pensions for
Nebraskans wcro issued to-day : Original
invalid Jerry Gay , Fremont. Increase
William C. Wilkey , Fremont.
Pensions for lowans : Increase V. T ,
Ware , Cciitervillo ; Samuel Simpson , Mon
roe. Reissue G. H. Juckwny , Lainont ;
Thomas Rees. Ottumwn ; Joseph B. Ireland ,
Kcokuk. Reissue and increase William M.
Wilson , 'Osceola. Mexican survivors Ed
ward Myrlck , Eddyvillo. Original invalid
James Parks , Lyons ; T. C. Lowery , Newton ;
William H..Titug , Keokuk ; Carl DaUstrorn ,
Elkadcr ; PhlluYiites : ; , Blanchard , . . . N.
Coulter , Indlanalor Thomas H. IlitfgH. Max
Treaties UlHcusNctl in
WASHINGTON , March 0. The genatolnB-
adopted , without debate , a change of its
rules , by which a treaty may be made public
or considered in open session whenever de
sired by a majority of the wttuite.
'Purchasing , Bonils.
, WASHINGTON , March 0. The senate com
mittee on finance ordered a favorable report
on the house bill to provide for , the purchase
of United States bonds by the srcretary ol
the treasury , with verbal' amendments.
Death of Minn Loulan 31. Alcott , the
Noted Author.
BOSTON , March 0. Miss Louisa M. Alcott
died this morning.
Miss Louisa M. Alcott was born in Germantown -
town , PH. , Nov. 20 , isu : , but the family so
soon went to Concord , Mass , , to live that oven
now there are doubts expressed as to whether
the little Louisa was or was not the child
who was found digging in the soil by n stranger
who asked her the question , "What are you
doing , my pretty maidi" The unexpected an
swer was.'Digging for the Infinite , sir , " and
is said to have been sufficiently characteristic
to warrant the application.
The story of Miss Alcott's writing of "Lit
tlo Women" Is pretty well known , but even
before that struggle took place thcro was
many u smaller one. At the early ago of
eight Miss Alcott's poetical career began with
this well-rounded
AtiimrssTO A itoniN.
Welcome , welcome , little stranger ,
Fear no harm and fear no danger ,
Wo are glad to see you hero ,
For you sing sweet spring Is near.
Now the snow is nearly gone.
Now the grass is coming on
The trees are green , the sky is bluci
And we are glad to welcome you.
Following this effort with Its distinct flavor
of the valentine came the usual effusions up
on "lost kittens , dead butterflies , the baby's
eyes and other klndrou themes , " until story
telling took its place.
At sixteen Miss Alcott wrote her first book
which was afterwards published , but abso
lutely does not count. Her first full grown
story brought her Just $5 from Glcason's Pic
torial when thowriter was Just nineteen. The
next year she wrote the story of "The Rival
Prima Donnas , " and mingled with its
production and its source a very strong
streak of dramatic longing. Tills she
she was soon cured of however , and
the idea of ever shining before the footlights
was given up. In its place there still burned ,
however , a desire to ' 'do" thut would not bo
downed. The next few years of Miss Al
cott's life were filled with girlish burdens
that weio bravely carried as long as they
saw fit to exist. The writing of "wrath ,
ruin and " for sensational
revenge" publlca-
tions , teaching , even sewing , were her means
of support out in the world where she had
? ono to seek her fortune , and she worked so
iladly and so persistently that even before
her real success came she was able to do
much In the way of help and comfort for
the "people nt homo. "
In lb < U Miss Alcott went south to nurse in
the Soldiers' hospital , and she did her work
courageously anil faithfully , but was brought
homo herself stricken with the fever and ill
nlmost to death. "I was never ill , " she sold
once to Mrs. Moulton , "until after that hos
pital experience , and I have never been well
since. "
In 1805 "Hospital Sketches" was published ,
and oven before that "Moods , "
a most tragic love story , since
greatly revised. In 1S68 Miss Alcott
wrote "Littlo Women , " to prove to Mr.
Nilcs , of Robert Bros. , that she could not
write a girls' story , having'always preferred
to play with boys and therefore knowing
but little about any girls save her sisters and
herself. In six months , or a little more , Miss
Alcott was famous and her hard work was
over. Since then she has been abroad a
number of times , has written much , has re
ceived probably JU'0,000 in money and an
unlimited amount of recognition and honor.
Yet her life was simple to the end. She
passed away like ono that slcepcth , sur
rounded by her aged father. Mrs. Pratt
( "Meg , " ) a widowed sister , and the latter's
Death of nu Editor.
ST. PAUU , March 0. Louis E. Fisher , editor
of the Northwestern Newspaper Union , died
in this city this morning. Ffsher came to St.
Paul in 1853 and the following year assisted
iu getting out the first dally paper ever pub
lished in this city the Dallv Pioneer. In
18t > 5 ho became editor-in-chief and after the
consolidation with the Press acted as as
sistant editor until ho accepted n position
with the Northwestern Newspaper Union.
Death of Professor Chcevcr.
Axx Aiinon , Mich. , March ( i. Byron W.
Cheevcr , professor of metallurgy in the uni
versity of Michigan , died th'A morning at his
home in this city.
Largely Attended Meeting of the State
Central Committee.
CHICAGO , March 0. The republican state
central committee meeting hero to-day was
largely attended. Speeches wcro made by
General McNulta , Rinakcr anil Smith , Mayor
Connelly , Joseph Fifer and Clark Carr.
They set forth the principles of republican
ism and prophesied success at the next elec
tion. Chairman Jones read n dispatch from
Senator Cullom in which the latter says :
"The republican party has a mission to per
form while the pcoplo of the United States
are anywhere subjected tb any form of in
justice , inequality or oppression that can bo
relieved or remedied by wise legislation or
an honest and capable administration of pub-
lie affairs , These cannot bo expected from
, the democratic party. Chastened by defeat
the republican party is better prepared than
over before to battle successfully in the inter
est of the whole people , and will surely bo re
called to power at the next election , if wise
counsels prevail. "
A letter was received from Senator Far-
well , hoping the party would send an un
pledged delegation to the national conven
tion. "Wo cannot afford at this tlmo to en
gender dissensions and disputes by trying to
instruct our delegates , especially when we
know the democracy will go up in a soliil
column for Cleveland. My confidence In the
success of our party principles at the coming
elections is unbounded. Cleveland has made
a platform for the democracy and they dare
not reject it , and that frco trade surplus
howl of his is u red flag to every straight
forward , business thinking republican in the
country. "
It was decided to hold the state convention
nt Springfield , May 2. Representation in
the convention was based on the vote of US I.
This gives ono delegate to each 400 votes
cost. A. S. Matthews , ot Champaign , was
chosen member of the central committee
from the Twelfth district , succeeding W. B.
Linn , deceased.
Democrats of the Northwest Organize
CHICAGO , March 0. For the purpose o
co-operating in the coming campaign , "Tho
Democratic Association of the Northwest'
was organized by the chairman of the north
western democratic state central committees
here to-day. The states that are to bo mem
bers are Indtaita , Illinois , Ohio , Michigan
Wisconsin , Minnesota , .Missouri , Nebraska
Iowa and Kansas. The headquarters of the
association are to bo in Chicago. The presi
dent , secretary and treasurer with two other
members shall constitute the executive com
mittco. I. M. Weston , of Michigan , was
made president and Mr. Mize , of Illinois ,
secretary and treasurer. The additional
members of the executive committee an
Messrs. Edward H. Hunter , of Iowa , ani
Ellis B. Usher , of Wisconsin. An adjourn
ment was then taken until March. The
business of the association will bo to prepare
pare and distribute campaign documents , be
sides such other work a * may bo 'deemed ne
cessary. Those present from abroad were
interviewed on their presidential preferences.
All were for Cleveland. 801113 of the mem
bers favored General Black for the vice
presidential nomination , whlio others had no
The "lTnltcd""ljabor Party.
INDIANAPOLIS , March 0. The national ex
ecutive committee of the union labor party
assembled hero to-day for the purpose o :
considering a letter from Dr. McGlynn Invit
ing -SOjidlng of delegations to the conven
tion of the EL'ttcd labor party to be hold In
Now York. The hfttcr insisted that the
Henry George land thoori'TV'&Lbn sustained ,
which did not meet thocommitteorSlpj'FQY l
and it was decided to hold a national conven
tloh of the union labor party at Cincinniit
the 15th of May. The McGlynn letter was
referred to a committee , with instructions to
prepare a reply inviting the united labor
party to send delegates to the CinciuuUt
Roault of the Grievance Oommlttoo's
Mooting in Chicago.
Money and Messages of Encourage
ment Received The Union 1'aclflo
Kcfuflcs to llnndlo Burlington
Freight Another Wreck.
No Signs of Yielding.
CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special Telegram to
he UF.E.I The great meeting of the griev
ance committees of the western and north
western roads Is over and nobody knows ex
actly why it was called or what it accom
While yesterday the nlr was filled with ru
mors of general strikes on the roads of the
northwest , to-day there Is not n word about
any such policy , and the wheels of all the
ends whoso employes were represented at
yesterday's conference are revolving Just as
smoothly mid uninterruptedly as If no such
conference ever took place. The whole thing
ms resulted in a promlsa of the financial and
noral support of the strikers by the brothcr-
lood men of the olher lines represented and
n a promise not to handle any engines which
may attempt to haul Burlington freight or
lassengcr cars over any connecting lines.
Yesterday's meeting was simply a love
feast. To-day the strike headquarters were
iko a banquet hall deserted.
"There is no change in the situation , " said
2hicf Arthur. "We propose to light the battle -
tlo through to the end , and wo are sure of
victory. "
'When do you Intend to return homol"
'I don't know. I will stay hero until the
joys need mo no longer , or until the company
: ias granted their demands. "
A largo number of telegrams were received
from different points all over the country
pledging the support of brotherhood engi
neers and llrcmon. One from 150 engineers
and firemen at Columbus , O. , promised
financial aid and urged the strikers "not to
surrender until the last gun was dismantled. "
Reports arc received daily at the strikers'
headquarters of the condition of affairs on
each line of the Burlington system. The
strikers claim that the company has not suc
ceeded in getting through to Council Bluffs.
Kansas City or any of the great terminal
points of the system , a single passenger
train. Train No. 5 , leaving Chicago at 12:01. :
l > . in. , has been sent out every day , but they
lilnlm it has never gouo through to Council
Bluffs and points in Nebraska. No. 3. at
10:30 : p. m. for Omaha and Denver , has
never gone through according to the
reports sent in to Mr. Arthur's
headquarters. After leaving Chicago
they are somewhere lost In the shulllo and
some of those trains , It Is claimed , have never
passed Aurora on their western journey. The
freight traffic , the men claim , has amounted
to nothing and r.iatiy of the freight trains re
ported to be running have been composed of
an engine and way car. The engineers claim
also that between flirty and fifty engines
have been badly injured by the handling of
the new men. In the round house at Brookfield -
field are six engines unable to run , cither on
account of burnt boilers or other injuries
and will have , to bo sent to
the shop before they are used again.
At Crcston , i.claimed thcro are seven
damaged engines waiting repairs. This
morning three engines from the Chicago &
Jowa line wcro brought Into the round house
t Aurora with their feed pipes frozen and
bu rated.
Many reports came in from different points
as to the operations of the new engineers. A
wiper who was put in the charge oil rtrt en
gine on the Iowa division took out a passen
ger train. It is said that after getting under
way bo found that he did not know how to
shut off the injector and tlio result was that
the boiler of the injector filled with
water and ondenscd the steam. The train
slopped and Iho now engineer and his fire
man became panic-stricken and fled from the
engine. Among.tho telegrams of sympathy
received to-day was one irom Division 15 of
the brotherhood of engineers at Buffalo. It
read : "God speed you. Stand firm. Wo
have forwarded draft for 51,000. " Thcro
wcro telegrams from Sacranientn , Cal. , and
other points , promising financial aid when
ever it was needed.
General Freight Agent Lot Brown said :
"I'll give you something to put down as a
solid fact. An oven (50 ( per cent of our full
complement of engineers and firemen are at
work to-day. Look out of the window and
see the teams at the freight house door.
Don't look much as though the "Q" was crip
pled , does it ? There are not so very many of
them compared with what used to bo there
before the strike , but the publio doesn't re
ally know wo can handle the goods jot. Wo
are receiving freight now for all
points cast of the Missouri river.
Yesterday we sent out six full trains with 135
cars In all from this house and the transfer.
Wo expect to get out 150 ears to-night. Wo
have ono full force of handlers for out freight
at work and all'our clerks. Wo don't take
freight to bo transferred to the Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fe , because wo don't want
to get them into trouble. Wo don't know
whether they will agree to handle It for user
or not. Taking a fair view of the matter , it
looks to me as though we had won the bat
tle. "
"Tho questions of other roads handling our.
freight will not come up for a day or two , "
said General Passenger Agent Mortgn.
"When it does appear it will be settled favor
ably to us 1 think. There is no reason why
any road should adopt an adverse policy.
All of them handle our freight , moro or less ,
and our interests arc to that extent identical. "
A Talk With Chief Arthur.
CHICAGO , March ( ! . Chief Engineer Arthur
was bothcred-wltH few callers this morning.
Only a bare dozen of engineers and firemen
ksat around the headquarters , and all the ex
citement of yesterday has died out.
"What ire your plans ? " was asked of the
"To sit hero and wait until the Burlington
is ready to open negotiations. "
"Will you scelt a conference with the Bur
lington officials ! "
"No , sir. I him dona all thatklndof busi
ness I can. Sargent and myself did not or
der the strike. Thq men asked us if they
could leave their engines , and we , after lookIng -
Ing over the situation , und failing to get any
satisfaction from tilt * officials , consented to
their doing so. This' carried with It the sup-
l > ort of the whole brotherhood. Wo cannot
order them back. If they come to the con
clusion to go hack-of their own accord , they
will notify us , andHnen our mission is ended. "
"How long will'thls ' trouble last ! "
"Wo are likely to , remain in the city for
some time to come. You can draw your own
conclusions. "
A Game pf Freeze-out.
CiiiCACto , March 0. The. strike has now re
solved itself into a game of freeze out anil
that practically was the situation this morn
ing. If the strikers carry out the promise
made at the meeting yesterday It will have
the affect of preventing antf through fi eight
business on the Burlington system. The
Burlington people , however , say they are
prepared to abide by this decision , and
routine the business entirely to the .territory
covered by their own system. The Burling
ton oOlcIals claimed to have filled 00 per cent
of the strikers' positions , and that they want
75 per cent only , The road had moro men
before the strike than it actually needed.
They say the road will bo ready to receive
JiVf-atock and perishable freight by Friday.
GencruTJ'2 aiier ! Agffnt Morgan , g ] > cakIng -
Ing for the Burlington Ta3 , said to-day re
garding the proposed appointment of a con
gressional committee to Investieato the
strike : WQ will bo glad to have a committee
of tlial kind come , us the move this , matter is
Investigated and the better the public come
to understand our position , the better they
will think of the Burlington road. All the
company officials express themselves as cutIs -
Is fled with the manner In which traffic is be
ing handled again.
Hnvo Started A Training School.
AuitoitA , 111. , March 0. Iho Burlington
road Is doing two classes of business at this
point. Ono is hauling freight and passengers
to n limited degree. The other Is running a
training school for engineers with n quota of
pupils. The striking engineers and railroad
officials are both confident. No overt acts
are charged to the strikers. They wcro n
little annoyed by the mayor's order forbid
ding their committees visiting non-union en
gineers at trains when passing through the
city , for the purpose of inducing them , If
possible , to leave their engines. Outside of
this they have no complaint. "Our men , "
said Chief Baurclsen , of division No. 2 , "aro
in this fight for good. The company is not
doing anything like the business they claim
to , and the men they have employed to take
places are a sorry lot. They have burned
out three engines hero slnco the strike
begun. " At the yards It can
plainly bo seen that something It wrong.
Everything is done slowly and deliberately
as if there was plenty of time. Fifty special
police guard the yards. As soon as u train
reaches the limits two st > ccin1s jump on the
engine und ride in the cab until the cars pass
out the other side of the pity. Division
Superintendent Alexander and Trainmaster
Bossier say only one-third of the freight bus
iness is being done on the Chicago division ,
and cars are lightly loaded , but they nay
much of this is duo to the fact that the com
pany is refusing to haul stock. In fact all
business in this department is traffic strictly
confined to the Burlington system. Passen
ger business is in better shape , as far as
tram service goes , but the cars are by no
means crowded. Superintendent Alexander
said for the present but three through
trains will bo run.
The company lias In its training school
about thirty men. They arc carefully ex
amined by the master mechanic and ( hen
allowed to practice running an engine up and
down the yards. The officials claim the new
men are doing well , and in a short time will
bo competent to take out trains. Disinter
ested citizens say , however , that many of
them are failures , and tell of trains stalled
at the depot an account of the inability of the
new engineers to fix borne part that has
gotten out of repair , until the master me
chanics would arrive.
The fast mail for Chicago cumo in to-day
two and a half hours lato. The cngineerwas
totally blind in ono oyo. The claims of the
officers that they have all the men on the
Chicago division that they want is true.
They admit the now hands are not up to the
standard , but assert that improvement comes
with each day's service. They also say the
reason they don't want more men is that as
long as the Burlington can do no transfer
business with other roads , only a limited
number of engine hands Is required.
All Heady to Go Out.
NEW YOKK , March (5. ( The press committee
of the Brotherhood of Engineers has given
out a statement hero regarding the Burling
ton strike in which they deprecate the
printed statements made by some of the
papers against them and explain carefully
what has been dono. They charge
that several western roads , in addi
tion to covertly helping the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy by handling freight and
passengers have also aided them In procur
ing men to man their engines all in direct
violation of good faith with their engineers.
"Therefore we now say to them , " says the
statement , "individually as men and collec
tively as an organization ; that if the pending1
fight in which they have in
dividually and colletlvoly labored for
our defeat is not settled beforu a
given date wo will all stop work until it is ,
provided the grand chief gives his sanction
to our doing so. Realizing the magnitude of
our proposed plan of action , wo have given
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy and the
publio duo notice of our intention , and wo
may add that the brotherhood is fully pre
pared to withstand a seigo. "
Strike Feared on the St. Paul.
DULUTII , Minn. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.I It was rumored this
morning that thcro was trouble brewing on
the St. Paul & Duluth road and that the en
gineers wcro liable to strike. The situation ,
as stated by a prominent railroad man of
west Duluth , was as follows ; Upon the "Q"
road issuing their call for engineers a St.
Paul & Duluth official at St. Paul was asked
for and gave assistance in securing men , and
through his aid thirty engineers wore sent to
tho"Q" headquarters. Yesterday the St.
Paul brotherhood of engineers were made
cognizant of.tho facts and a meeting was im
mediately called and a committee appointed
to wait on the official to demand an immedi
ate reparation for injury done the brother
hood or the railroad company would bo lield
responsible for it. The committee will take
immediate action , and unless a full appology
and reparation is made trouble is liable to en
sue. The engineers are much incensed over
the aftinir. '
KACINB , WIs. , March 0. A prominent ofll-
cial of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway is authority for the statement that
there is reason to fear the strike of the en
gineers and firemen will bo inaugurated on
the St. Paul system to-morrow night. It is
claimed the truth of the report is strength
ened by the fact that engineer Parker , one
of the leading men on the Kacinc & South
western division of the St. Paul road , re
ceived a telegram this morning from Chief
Arthur to report at once in Chicago. Parker
left for Chicago at once.
K. &X. Men Will Strike.
MiNNnu'ous , March 0. Superintendent
Harris , of the Chicago , Burlington & North
crn railroad , received notice this evening
that the engineers on his road would go out
to-morrow morningat 10 o'clock. Mr. Hur-
ris does not , know what phase
of the difficulty has caused this
move. The road Is not running
moro than fifteen engineers and apprehended
no difficulty in keeping trains in motion.
There Is a general feeling of uneasiness
amoni ; engineers and firemen of all roads
centering hero. At meetings huld to-day a
strong feellpg was developed against inter
change of traffic with the Burlington , and
the impression prevails in railway circles
that it will take but little to make the strike
general throughout the northwest.
Trouble on thp Ft. Wnyne.
CHICAGO , March 0. It was reported to
night that five Ft. Wayne and three Grand
Trunk crews have refused to haul Burlington
cars. It is said the men quit their engines ,
though it was denied by the strikers. Chiefs
Arthur ni'd Sargent wcro absent from the
headquarters tonight , r.nd some pcoplo sus
pected some connortion between their un
wonted absence and the arrival In the city
to-night of the general superintendent of the
Ft. Wayne'road and general manager of the
Chicago & Grand Trunk.
Last'Night's IX > G.ISituation. .
The ono sensational feature connected with
the Burlington strike yesterday was the
edict that'Wcnt forth from the Union Pacific
railroad headquarters. The Burlington engineers
neers- evidently clothed with authority by
the secret meeting printed exclusively In
yesterday's BEE , called upon Mr , Thomas L.
Kimbnll and wcro closeted with him for u
long while. Upon the departure of thp dele
gates an order was issued from headquarters
to the effect 'that no more cars of the Bur
lington system should bo loaded with freight.
The Instructions wcro promptly obeyed. It
is understood that like orders were sent to
the freight-depots of other roads centering in
the city , but tnc officials seen were adverse
to answering questions.
Thcro was no change In the condition of
afTuiri } with the Burlington In this city last
night. All officials seen by BEE reporters
said there were no new features in con
nection with the strike , and that the light
passenger trains wcro running as usual. The
Dyers that were cxj > eetcd to mature to-day
had not been put on for "obvious reasons , "
us one gentleman In high- authority put it.
Ho refused to tell the reasons.
No Ono to titanic.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. } To-day has been wholly
without Incident in strike matters. Both
sides waited expectantly for eastern news
and received none. Increased efforts were
made by the company to handle freight and
the brotherhood held as firmly as the
belief that the end would come their way.
The coroner's Jury Imp.inncled last night
to sit upon the case of the switch
man killed In the yards met at the
sheriff's office and devoted a half
hour to hearing the testimony of
the switchmen , and the engineer and fire
man. The testimony of the switchmen
placed the direct cause of the accident upon
a broken drawhcad that allowed ono to pass
over the other , catching the man and crush
ing him. One of them testified that the
car was marked to go to the repair shop.
The engineer testified that ho had been em
ployed by the 15. t M. , for sveral months ,
and was a brakeman tip to February iy , when
the company placed him on an engine to
take the place of the striking men. lie had
never run an engine before that time. Bo
testified thut there wcro no rules requiring
hint to give signals with whistle or bell , when
backing up. This closed the very
brief testimony. The jury rctuiucd
and brought in a verdict finding
that no blame attached to anyone.
As the testimony showed that the engineer
Was inexperienced und the drawbar to the
car was broken the verdict is somewhat re
markable , and as a precedent will give little
hope to an employe that u company In uny
instance is responsible for an accident of that
character. The body of the dead switchman
has been suitably cared fur at the undertak
er's , and Mann's father , who lives at , Boise
City , Idaho , was immediately after the kill
ing notified of the accident.
The Lincoln T.viiographical union has
passed the following resolutions :
Whereas , The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Firemen are at present en
gaged hi a strike for equal pay for equal
service ; therefore bo it
Hesolved , That Lincoln Typographical
union No. 29 sympathizes with the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
In their endeavor to secure equal pay for
equal service , and our best wishes and moral
supiwrt for their success Is heartily extended.
Hosolved , that a copy of these resolutions
be given to that order , spread upon our pro
ceedings snd published in the papers of the
The Strike in PlnUsinouth.
PI.ATTSMOUTH , Neb. , March O.-r [ Special
to the BEE ] All is quiet in this
city as regards the strike. Passenger
trains are all running with the exception of
the flyers and an occasional freight train gets
in and out. There is no diminution of en
thusiasm among the strikers. They appear
more confident now of success than at the
outset. The Plattsmouth branches of the
brotherhood have made good records. They
have retained the sympathy and respect of
all pcoplo , and indeed the order
Includes some of the best citizens of
the place. Slnco the strike began no Plaits-
mouth man has been found who would con
sent to take out an engine , and the strikers
have won from their purpose some twenty-
five or thirty men , perhaps more , who wcro
sent hero for the purpose. Not only has
every member of the local organizations re
mained firm , butcveryono of their colleagues
who , though not members of the order , went
out with the Rtrikers. Yesterday seven of
these men wcro admitted to membership in
their respective brotherhoods , and moro will
join Immediately. Should the strike , by any
possibility not now perceptible , prove a fail
ure , it will not be the f null of thoPlattsmouth
boys , us they are solid and determined to the
Another social meeting of striking engi
neers and firemen , with their wives and n
few friends , was hold Saturday evening at
1C" of P. hall. Addresses were delivered by
several prominent citizens , and ait evening of
varied social enjoyment followed.
An engineer named Notestein started from
Omaha to this city Sunday with engine li3 !
and a freight train. On the way down the
water ran low and ho cut loose from his train
to run to this city for water. As ho came
into the north end of the yards some 0110 sig
naled , but the engineer did not know that it
was meant for him and kept on. Before ho
had gone far ho Hightcd some cars on the
track ahead , and in his excitement reversed
the lever without closing the throttle. The
lever failed to catch on the ratchet and How
back again , striking him in the stomach and
inflicting a dangerous rupture. The engine
ran on and struck the freight cars , inflicting
but slight damage , the fireman having closed
the throttle in the meantime. The engineer
was taken from the cab , placed in a passen
ger coach and a company physician sum
moned. It was found that ho had sustained
what is technically known as an acute
strangulated ingulrnal hernia , which it usu
ally requires the knife to reduce , and is a
most dangerous Injury. Chloroform was ud-
mistered and the hernia was reduced in
about two hours , so that the man is now con
sidered out of danger. Notestein is about
fifty-seven years of age , and the man who
was firing for him reported to the brother
hood that ho had said ho had not been upon
an engine since 1801. For telling this , it is
reported , the fireman was discharged.
A fireman named Harding and an engineer
named Noble Hill , brought engine 118 down
from the roundhouse Sunday evening to take
out a freight train , and while standing in the
yards the bursting of a glass in the lubri-
cntorthrown stream of steam hot water and
hot tallow into the fireman's face , indicting
severe bums about the forehead and eyes.
The man is now at the Cottage house with
head bound up in bandages , and in care of
the company physicians.
It is reported hero that twenty-three crows
of Reading engineers und firemen started to
return homo yesterday fourteen of the party
going from Plattsmouth and the balance
from Lincoln. They say that they wcro
promised before leaving homo $ -1 per day
and transportation both ways.
The local brotherhoods have received re
ports from Crcston that the imported engi
neers are quarreling among themselves as to
the ixjsitions they shall occupy all want to
run passenger trains , and none want to do
switching. All are dissatisfied and talk of
returning homo.
Three of the best blacksmiths in the shops
in this city quit work yesterday morning be
cause they would not carry tiukets setting
forth that they wcro B. & M. employe * and
entitled to admission to the grounds. They
said tlmy did not have to carry tags. All of
the several hundred employes at the .shops
and yards are furnished with tickets as em
ployes , and no one is admitted without them.
There is a great deal of 'dissatisfaction ex-
pi csscd quietly by the employes among out
siders in regard to this system of tagging its
At u meeting of Local Assembly No. 8r S2 ,
Knights of Labor , last.evening , the following
resolutions wcro adopted :
Resolved , That wo extend to the Brother
hoods of Engineers and Firemen of the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quincy system our sym
pathy and what aid llus lu our i > ewer to give ,
in this their hour of tiouble , in their struggle
for Justice and right , and wo hope that they
may Huccecd In their fight witli the Chicago.
Burlington & Quincy and B. & M.
Resolved , That wo censure und hold In
scorn any and all men who may voluntarily
or otherwise take the places of the'striking
engineers and Hit-men on the Chicago , Bur-
lingtoii it Quincy system as traitors to the
interests of labor.
Hesolved , That wo also denounce the
mayor of our city for refusing to appoint tax
paying citizens as special policemen who
offeml to servo In protecting the company's
property without charpo to anyone if needed ,
but Instead appointed a mob of foiclgn
mercenaries known as Plnkerton's murder-
rrj , whoso only duty so far seems to bo to
prove ! : ? trouble. And , furthermore , wo
absolutely deny ! hat thcro Is any danger to
the company's properly hero unless from the
thugs and thieves they themsqlvcs have Im
ported here. . .
Hesolved , That a copy of ther-o resolutions
[ Continued on' Second I'wjc. ] T
A Dispatcher's Blunder Onuses a
Serious Wrock.
Cars and KtiKlnos Pllc'd In A Heap
Sioux City Will Bullil a Corn
1'alncc DlHCumnliiK Hull-
A Train Dispatcher's Ulunilcr.
MASON CITT , In. , March 0. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Br.i : . ] A bad collision occurred
this morning on the Iowa Central , two mlles <
north of Hampton. Both were heavy trains ,
and were going nt n very rapid rate when
they collided. The engineers and firemen
saw their danger and Jumped from their
cabs Just in time to escape death. Two of the
brakcmi'ii , Williams and Ferguson , were fa
tally Injured. The two engines and nineteen.
freight cars are piled up hi a heap , and badly
damaged. The dispatcher at Marshalltown ,
it Is said , was at fault , foi getting u wild train
that was running north from Marshalltown.
Discussing Itnllroad
DBS MOINKS , In. , March ( ) . [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bnn.1 This has been a day of
railroad discussion In both houses , with no
result as yet reached. The house bill fixing
n maximum freight schedule has called out
moro opposition than was expected , and if
passed at all it will probably bo by n narrow
margin. The chief opposition to It to-day
came from men who are in favor of railroad
regulation and control , but think that this
maximum tariff is not what is wanted. Mr *
Luke , of Franklin , ono of the prominent
i\ntl-mono | > olist8 of the house , made n strong
speech against the bill , urging among1
other things that the consideration of
it bo postponed for tcit days , till the
house could find out what the sennto
was going to do. Then if the Hcnate scorned
disposed to pass some such bill us the ono
winch the house has already passed , ho
thought they ought to stop with that and bo
content. The bill ho referred to provides for
applying the principles of the Intor-statu com
merce law to state traffic , and directs the
commissioners to fix prima fucio rates. It la.
probable to-night that some such bill as this , .
with some slight alterations , will pass the
senate , There Is a pretty general fueling
that if this Is done the general assembly
should feel that it had done all that was nec
essary In the way of regulating freight
charges. '
In the senate this afternoon the discussion
was resumed on the proposition to Insert the
words "undue and unreasonable" into the bill
under consideration forbidding discrimina
tions by railways. It is contended by the
friends of these words that without them the
law would not bo flexible enough to cpvor
Just and reasonable objections to an iron-clad
tailffratc. On the other baud , Its opponents -
say if the words were in it would bo almost ,
impossible to secure justice in the matter of.
discrimination as the railroads would always
insist that their discriminations were neb
"undue and unreasonable. " Over this little
battle ground the fight has raged now for
portions of three days and will bo resumed
to-morrow. No result was reached iu either
house at adjournment and the debate will bo
renewed In the morning. ,
Supreme Court Decisions.
DCS MOINBS , la. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The supreme court filed ,
to-day the following cases decided In vaca
tion :
L. Kaufman vs J , P. Dostal , appellant ,
Johnson circuit court. An action to restrain
n nuisance. Modified arid affirmed.
Robert Boot vs James Brcwstor et al , ap-
] > ollants , Pottawattamio circuit , to set usido
sale of real estate. Affirmed.
John George Goctz vs A. H. Stutzman ,
judge , ccrtiorari proceeding to test validity of
order for punishment for contempt of court.
S. R. Shaw vs. John Green et al , appoir-
ants , Chlckasaw district court , action to en
join keeping of nuisance. Reversed.
William Drake vs. Chris Knnsor ot al , ap
pellant , Wapello district , au action to restrain
a nuisance. Affirmed.
M. A. Black , appellant vs J. H. Jameson
and Clark county bank , Clark district court ,
to quiet title. Affirmed.
Additional Klectlon Returns.
Sioux CITY , la. , March. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BRI.J : Not until this afternoon
was the result of Monday's city election
fully known , the count having been delayed
on account of scratched tickets. The demo
crats elect treasurer , auditor , engineer , ono
alderman at largo , aldermen in two wards
and all the minor officers , by majorities * ,
ranging from 100 to TOO. The only rcpubli *
cans elected are the aldermen at large Md
Hay Palace at Sioux City.
Sioux CITT , la. , March 8. [ Special Tele *
gram to the UEB. ] The directors of th < .
Agricultural society and tbo city authcritlea
to-day decided to have at this place "a hay
palace. " The palace will bo built of balodV ,
hay , with a thatched roof. It will bo divided
into appurtments iu which exhibitions from ,
this and adjoining counties will bo made. An ,
architect has prepared an original design.
The palace will bo built early in October.
Committees have bech appointed.
$1OOO to the Pennant Winner.
NEW YOHK , March 0 , The American base
ball association has resolved to award to the
club whining the championship a purse ot
$1,000 in addition to the pennant and to each
player of the club a handsome badge. Tha
club holding second place will get 750 and
third place $500. Those awards uro to add to
the interest in the contest the coming season.
Coercion Screws.
DUIII.IN , March 0. Snclilng , the English ,
liome-rulo delegate , has been arrested utj
Limerick for offenses under the crimes act ,
Wilfred Blunt was released from jail to
Gilhooly , member of parliament , was to
day convicted for offenses under the crimes
act and sentenced to two mouths' imprisonment
mont , without hard labor. His counsel gava
notice of appeal.
Business Trouble * .
ST. Louis , March 0. The Herman Parker
hardware company confessed Judgment yes *
tcrdoy for $ . ' 5,0'JO.
PoimANi > , Mo. , March 0. Tl e paper of
the Wlnslow packing company , which BUS-
ponded yesterday , to the amount of nearly
{ 100,000 , Is understood to beheld In thobank %
in this city. The estimated vulno of tha
company's factories is 1300,000. , with bonded ]
indebtedness of 1100,000.
. > l
' ' % l
Ferdinand's Ml/tslon.
LONDON , March 0. A Constantinople dis
patch says that In accordance with the do-i
mands of Russia the porto has notified.
Prince Ferdinand that his position in Bui- , ; {
curia Is illegal. „ ?
Cyclone in Louisiana. 1
i. , March 0. A cyclone panted ] xf
over the southwestern part of this parish
Sunday afternoon. Many buildings we\ (
destroyed , A man und child wcro killed Mil }
several people Injured ,
H/mpnthy For the Dyluff.
Rosin , March 0. The chamber of deputies ,
today unanimously adopted a resolution me *
pressing sympathy with the German
prince and hopes for his recovery.
IrUh Privy Councilor.
LONDON' , March 0 The duke of
bas been appointed Irish pvlvy councilor.