Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Adveitlsements nnfler this head , 10 cents per
tine for the nrist insertion. 7 cents ( or each sub-
rqnctit Insertion , and II CO a line per month.
i IVo advertlnemrnt tnken ( or leas than 2T cental
( or the nrst Insertion , Bcvcn words will bt
r counted to the line : they must run consecutive
> ly and munho paid n advance. All advertise-
tncntH mnst b handed In before 1:35 o'clock p.
to. , and under no circumstances will UMJ M
' taken or discontinued by telephone ,
Parties advertising In these columns and har
lot ; the answers addressed In care of the Bee ,
i will plcate n k ( or a check to enable them to
cct their loiters , as none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answer * to ad-
Ycrtl > montB should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement * * In tlieio columns are pub
lished In both morning and avcnlng editions of
the Hen , the circulation of which aggregate *
more than 15.000 papers dally , and give * the ao >
rertlsers the heneUt , not only of the city circu
lation of the llee. but also of Council Bluffs ,
Mncoln , and other cltlta and towns throagUoM
fills part of the west.
Advertising for tliase columns will betaken ,
en tlm above condtttons , at the following bus
iness houses , who are authorized agenU for yum
)1 : special notices and will quote the BOOM
' rates as can bo had at t r.o malu office.
KO 8. 10th Street.
Stationers , n a. Printers.
J13 B.Mtli Street
32a.arrj3.aelst ,
gllBCuinlng Street.
t ana w.
1C09 St. Mary's Avenue.
ICth ana Webster Streets.
iTewa 3Dcaler ,
Post Office. South Omaha.
WANTED Position as city salesman ; ten
years experience as salesman. Address
C34Ilco. 9180 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon In private family to
take euro of horses , etc. Address OX )
Ileo. f.2il lot
WANTED situation In agricultural Imple
ment house ; have had ( V ) nineyears' ex
perlcnco and will glvo best of recommendations
as to capabilities ; no objection to going to
country ; can keep sot books. Address C,16. Bee.
U2 16
\\TANTED Position nchambonnald or dining
T T room girl by an honest , industrious girl.
Have had experience. Address , M. , 702 N. IGth.
"WTANTED Immediately by widowed lady wlti.
. ' ono child , position as housekeeper la
vridower's family ; cnn irtve references ; Ranch
preferred. Address C , 30 IJee. 8W-5f
WANTED Situation by woman 30 years of
ago as housekeeper. Inquire of Albert
Ilaune , Otn st. , bet Leavenworth and Marcy.
610 6
, Sam'l Motz , 414 S. 13.
933 fi
WANTED 3 coachmen , KO per month col
ored waiters , 8 month ; 1 white waiter. 3
Cooks , 150 per month. Omaha Emp. llureau , 119
y. Iflth. 1V1.1112. S085
TX7ANTKt ) News agent ; Immediately apply
rV Monday Irefore at 10 o'clock at 0. , St.
, M. & O. It. 11. depot. $74-6 *
TXTANTEE Two reliable boys to carry horse
T f routes on the Dally Evening Uco In western
part of city. 878
W ANT15D Men tor railroiid work , Albright's
Labor agency , 1120 F rnnm. b'Jo
ANY man or woman making less than * per
week should investigate our easy money
making business , Active persons guaranteed
WO per week easier than MO per month can be
made in any other honorable occupation ; t
namples tree. Write for terms. Address Mer
rill Manufacturing Company , B DO , Chicago.
. : 637m24 *
BOVB Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , .1304 Douglas.
WANTED A good nurse girl , German pro-
ferred. Inquire 8815 Furnam st. 944
W ANTED Olrl for general housework. ]
quire room H , 1302 Douglas. 919
WANTED Olrl for general housework , must
understand cooklng.J.809 South 80th street
. one
ANTED-A girl in family of three ; 2115 Cal
Ifornla St. 915.7
\1.TANTED Immediately. 1st class polisher
TV andlroncr in steam laundry ; also 8 nice
second girls who linvo good references ; 3 good
cooks } 7 and Jo ; 2 girls In same boarding house ;
3 nurse girls ; chambermaid ; 8 waitresses nnd
20 girls for general housework. Mrs. Hrcga &
Bon. , 310 8.15th. 931 < R
WANTED A second girl in a small prlvat
family ; good wages , apply between 10
IS o'clock at luio Capitol ave , 932 7
WANTED A girl as cook. Apply at the City
hotel. Ki6 B "I
WANTED Girls for all kinds of housework.
Lots of good places. Uulon Employment
pnico. 913 south nth st. Wo *
"ISTANTED-Good girl for general housework ,
_ vv small family. Inquire 2820 Webster st.
Mrs. W. K. Hawley. 9237 *
ANTED-20 girls general housework , i
housekeeper , 1 chambermaid , one dish-
Washer. 2 pastry cooks , 1 second cook. Dlrls
wishing to go went come and register your
name. Fee going west 75c. Call early and res-
ister..0maha Bnip. Bureau , 119 N. lutb. Tel. 1112.
. 9376 '
\\rANTKD-nirlforgeneral housework. 1923
vv California , corner KUth. 941
VyANTKD-Kxperleiiced nurse girl , tel N.
\Tt7 ANTED A. flrst class girl to d o genera
v housework. Apply at uilce to 1815 Douglas
Et. ; liberal woges paid. 823E *
WANTED Olrl for general housework In
small family. 1906 Farnain. 629
"WANTED A girl for general homework ,
vv aermaupreferredgood wages , 011 St.
Mary's gyp. 41
WANTED A good girl for general house
work , in a family of three. Wages II a
v eck. Inquire ot C , L. Erickson , 813 N. loth st.
'WTANTKII ' Scandinavian girl. Oood wages
TV . to the right party , Call Immediately at
J913 Cuuilng Bt. 8675 *
" NE thousand lady acents wanted irnmedl-
ntelv ; grand new rubber under
males ; (10 a day t proof free , M
' .Chicago , III.
W ANTED Olrl to work in kitchen nt Doran
house , 422 S 10th at. , near St. Mary's uve.
. . 001
y agents. "A" aklit and bus-
tiecombined ana 11 hose snprtorters. Both
w. HK ! proflts..B cura towns for spring trade ,
le * ' Buppljr C9M H7 W. Wn hiu ton it. , Chi-
010 A 6
\\TANTED Immediately , ladles to work for
' ; v V ft wttoMeate kouae on needlework at thotr
llomcs. ( Bent any distance. ) Good pay can be
Made. .RverythlttK furnlshea. . Particulars
me. Address Artistic Needlework Oo.i38tu :
fct. . New York City. M
= = 3
, MitOILUAytOUl WANT * .
ANTKD Parties ) who have bou h lots or
- land in this city and vicinity OR the In
Maltmeut plan , and parties holding bonds for
title to Buch real estate exchangeable for deeds
iftcr the laat payment Is made , will find U to
their advantage to send their addresa or full
Particulars to U p ) , Bee office. 4 > LI
% * WAN1' wore small honses for rent. F. L.
a j Urggory. rental agent , are a. Uth. Bl
ijllHL wants home \vlth nice respectable peo-
V > pie , where there are no children preferred ,
ehe Is neat and'nlce and not very strong. Wages
no object. Addreu MWBt Mary's avo.
871 i
old brii'k.
BjKiuvfpod , auajj B 18th.old
T ANTED-Ladle s to use , "Chtchester's Jgn *
llsh Diamond Brand. Pennyroyal Pills.
Bate. Always reliable. The original. , The only
genuine. Ask druggist or Bend 4c stamps for
particulars , return mall. Cbicktster Chemical
Co. . PhllalelpMi
HK nion fimmoyment offlce U tb * pla > ce to
J. obtain reUaole Help on ahort notic ) , lit or
out of the city. fife , ill ! St. Open evvqtfigs.
y * " } " *
Jn ATM Oltr * mpleym al onoe-riclp for all
VT klndfiJdt work wnt to all parts If fare Is ad-
vanced. Reference , Douglas County bank. U.
fcell. . A ChrlatensoD , 8UB. Rth , tel. 1109. 807 *
0l4AITX * 8iplorm ] Qt Bura , 1 N. Wthst.
Oldest a4mort relt bl oc inelty. Call
M. . WlU
CANADIAN 8rap1oyBie t office , male and fe
male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Reference , Omaha National bank.
Mrs. Brtga * Son , 810B. 16th , ToLBM.
. 6lm 1.1
TJRIVATE boarding , M a week , 1015 Dodce.
' \\rANTED-T6 rent furnished tibuw on street
vv car lino. Inquire J. K. Jackson ft Co. , 413
So. llth st. 013-7J
Ti7"ANTEDMinilMiert room or bonrdlnn
V houke , prlvnti * family preferred , by young
single man. AdUroti Cw lice oftlca , 013-HJ
WANTED-i-House to rent. Campbell 4
HcrveV 310 Hoard ot Trade. B93
10R RENT The desirable residence. 8.V. .
corner 17th and California streets ; furnish
ed or unfurnished , for term of years ; splendid
terms to thoroughly reliable party. Hoggs &
Hill. Heal Kstatei408 Farnam st. 624 6
"UK > R RliNT Eight-room' now model hoti e ,
E FW per month. 'H. B. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and
Douglas. 906-
FOR ItENT Very desirable down town brick
flat. 7 rooms jAiiUque-roak furniture ; n bar
gain If taken at once. John M. Wehhans A Co. ,
1422 Capital av. , Exposition building. POV5 *
FOH RKNT-Sli room cottage , 87th et. , ono
block from lied car line , $20 per month. H.
E. Cole , n , c. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 000 0
HENT Nice cotlago , 7 n > onK city water ,
cistern , closuto , eto. Inquire at 2W9 Howard
St. E81 10
"C1OR RENT Compelled to leave city Immedl-
X ! aU-ly , will sell everything complato for
housekeeping in 4-rooin cottage for (100 ca li ,
overrUilug now , , boon -UHed less than tliree
months. Cottage rents for 120 per month. In
eplemlid order , llrst-class neighborhood , within
t en minutes walk ot 15th and Faruoni. Address
C 28. llee ollice. 858 &
TflORRENT Two 10 room houses , all modern
-C conveniences , ( .pleudld location , llallou
'Iros. , 1510 Douglas st. 6uO a
"I7IOU BENT % room bouse for small family ,
-I ? 38th and Howard. ' 8025 ?
TJIOR RENT Two nlco 6 nnd 7-room houses.
-L1 1132 nudl34 N. 17th. Inquire 210 S. l th st.
H RENT House of ten rooms , with modern -
ern conveniences , nt 405 N. 15th street.
Enquire of Thos , Bwlft , ono door north , 753
FOR RKNT About April 1st my residence ,
comer IDth & Leavenvtorth ts. , fourteen
(14) ( ) rooms , steam heat , all modern Improve
ments ; large stable. Will ftell carpet and shades
Is desired. For terms nnd particulars inquire
Milton Rogers , 14th and Farnam street. 707 7
ItriNT An elegant room dwelling Just
built , with stable nnd all modern Improve
ments , Including laundry , labrntory on ground
lloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avenue
nearSath ; rent moderate. Apply to I ) . .T. O'Don-
ahoe , care ot O'DonaUoo Sc Sherfy , IU B. 15th st.
T71OR RUNT New elegant house R rooms , $23.
A ? gsm Mason , 1 block from Leavenworth.
000 U *
TjlOU HENT T\vo new 12-room houses , all mod-
-U ern Improvements ; s. w. corner 27th nnd
Decatur sta. Enquire first door south.
502 M. 25 *
FOR RENT Elegant 8-room house nnd barn ,
new. Plate and art glass windows. Oashot
nnd cold water , soft water , porcelain bath tub ;
' blocks from street car Hue. J. II , 1'arrotte ,
rental agency , 1C08 Chicago , st. CCO-10
T7KR RENT 10-room house 10 minutes walk
J from P.O. 1408 Douglas. ' 401
FOR RENT Ten-room house and basement
with ull'mordern improvements ; llrstclass
location. Inquie. at Heimrod & Co.'s , Uth and
Jackson streets 197
ARE chance-Whole flat , No. 2C04 N. 24th st.
J.V to rent very low. Enquire at residence as
above , 8. F. Wlncn. or Hobt. Purvis. 881
FOR HENT House of 8-rooms. closet , hard
and soft water , on 13th street car line. In
quire 1112 S. 13th st. 778
FOR HENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hauscom
Park , south front. All modern improve
ments ; 10rooms ; most desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Leo ic Nlchol , 28th and
Leavenworth. 620 mfi
FOH RENT Twelve-room house , 85th and
and Mason streets , 40 per month. J. 8 ,
CaulQeld , 1304 Faruam st , CJi
"tlOR RENT-Houso 11 rooms. W. M. Bush-
Jman , N.E corner 16th and Douglas. 994
FOR RENT House of 4 rooms at 616 Williams
street. Inquire next door West. 432
jll nENTS-10 room residence steam heat. O
K. Thompson , 314 S. 16th st. 849
TpOB HBNT or Sal.o New house , 0 rooms , cor.
JC 2Sth and CSpltol avo. Enquire 2824 Dodge.
TJ10K HUNT Fnrnlshed rooms. Inquire room
JD E , 1302 Douglas. . . 91'J '
FOU HENT Three rooms on ground floor ,
good locality for email family , (15 ; inquire
at 2518 cap. avo. 931 u *
TTJUHNI8HED front room with or without
J. hoard. References desired , ti. K. cor. 20th
and Farnam ets. K15 lit
FOH KENT Single room with board , also a
few table boarders accommodated with first
class tublo board , 1015 Chicago bt. luu 7 ?
U\Oli \ KENT Front room ilrst floor , neatly
X ! furnished with privilege of blttliiKroom.
2210 Capitol avo. 851 5 *
F OU HENT Newly furnished suit oof rooms ,
all modern conveniences , vi 1th board If rtesir-
8537 *
FOH KENT Nicely furnished front and other
rooms ; modern conveniences ; day board.
210 Farnam. * 873-7 *
FOIl HENT Nicely furnished rooms with or
without board. Board ( I per week , 210,812
6.10th st. , 779 8 *
TWO nicely furnished rooms , $12 and 13 per
montn , BI04 Harney st. Wl
VEHY pleasant largo room nil desired conven
iences , private house , 1 blotk from I > , O.
1015 Capitol arc. 812 Vt
VriCE rooms $1 to $1.50 per week , 503 S.J8th st.
F IOH HENT-Sulte of furnished rooms. In
quire 3rd lloor room E , 13J3 Douglas.
, 224
FOH HUNT Two very ilealrnblo furnished
front rooms , with all modern conveniences
on same floor. Arranged for three or four occu
pants if desired. Apply1713 Capitol avenue.
FOH HENT Large.turnlahcdrooniforS or 3
1613 Douglas. & ! 1 0
FOK HHNT-S well'furnished rooms wlthUt
class board , KX Pleasant st. 855 n
T71OH HENT-An elegantly furnished front
JL room with alcove , all modern conveniences ,
splendid room for two gentlemen , 1709 Dodge st.
FOH HENT Two furnished or unfurnished
parlors on ground lloor , also front room
suitable for one or two gentlemen , 2103 Farnam ,
between 21st and 32nd sts. ( KB 7 *
FOH EENT Itooms A very pleasant front
room on parlor tlnor , suitable for two per
sons , very cheap. No other roomers. Hefer-
enco required. 38 Virginia. 8016 *
"M'JCE f\iruUhed rooms cheap , luLd California.
T31OR HENT-irurnished Worn , reasonable
f terms. 414 8.15th it. , Karbacublock , third
lloor. Hat No. S. 68 5
SMALL nicely furnished front room forfc ) ,
also large front room , furnished , on street
car line , beautiful location , suitable for two
gentlemen. 1 1T Cass. 742
T7KH RHNT-8utte ot well .furnished front
JC rooms suitable for man and wife or 4 gen-
tlernen , 800 Harne ? st. 814 K
VEHY nicely fumlMied rooms , single and
double ; r a ont blo tA ul t , perniauent
parties. 1T21 DaveUpgrt. J 68U
TpOR HRNT-FMrnished rooms in Qreualg blk
f cor. 18th and Dodge sts. Inqufre ot Qeo. H. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard roJim. 353
LAHOR pleasant room , modern convenience * ,
1700Chicago at. 4JJ
TBATLY furnished front room to rent at 1821
i'arnam Bt , 1 bloct w at et court house.
RENT A targe room furnUUwO. central
tatlon 1416 Chicago st W4
H HBNT Furnished rooms , all convent-
inces. A. Hospe , 15 N , 17 h street. 481
R RKNT Nice furnished room , ta per
mouth , sw cor , lath and JaticaaB ? 604
) R RBNT-Hoomi turnlshed. and unfur-
ntoheo , miCap. ave. - Ml
"CVR HKNT-Becood floor , 4ixW , good loca-
JC tloa. Baquirt ot A. J. Blnipwn , 140 *
Dodge it . TW
Tj R HRNT-Plnrt-claM frame store building.
X : Hby24 feet , Mrst-claM binlncsi location.
Apply to I , W. Hotxrts , Albion , lloone Co. , Nrb.
WANTED To Rent Storeroom , good retail
location between Uth and l th and Itir-
ncv and Douglas streets. Address c. a ) nee
T710R RUNT Two rooms. 44xfifl , where steam
JU power can be obtained. Enqulro' of Sam'l
Hecs , Rces Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740
FOR RENT Grocery and jiionf market , trade
flrttclasi , flvs yrnra t tnbllilicd. Also 4-
room cottage. Ohio t. bet. inth and 17th , All-
dress room 616 Paxton block , Or I23i2th ! avo.
J.CQreen. ' ' 7M r.
FOH RENT Two business or oflic * rooms on
1st tioor Wiper month. Ono room on2d
lloor 120 per tuouth. W. If- Clark , 1(14 IIttrru > y.
t W
TPOIt HUNT Btore and fl-rooms over good
JL1 stand for drug or feed store. fee St
Nlchol , cor. 28th and Loavenworth , 635 m3
TfTOR HKNT-Offlces on Farnam 10 to WO
JC per month. One olllco furnished. 1612 Far-
nam. 860
FOK UPNT-One-lialf o ( ofllce , JfilO Farnam.
Ground floor : bast lacaltorf 4n the city.
Light and pleasant , with modern conveniences.
" 1SI
TXTANTED Houses to rent , and we can rent
them too. II. E. Cole , N. E. IMhand
Douglas. ' WO
LIST houses for rent with H. E. Cole , N. E.
1 jth mid Douglas. W
F' I OH ' RENT When you want to rent a house ,
atoro of office go to H. E. Cole. 909-
TjlOR RENT Call on Sholes , room 1 , Onrker
JC block. 7501
JOUTI1 OMAHA Rental agency , J. M. Waugh
5 * Son , room 5 , Haxe block K9m24 *
GREGORY , F. L. , Uental agent , 80 B ICth st.
TTIOH KENT If you wHh to rent ft bouse call
X ! on Uetuwa & Co. , 15th st. , opposite r. O.
JC Three(3)roonw ( ) 1704 Webitcrrt. . . . . . . . . IS 00
Eight < 8 > room flat. 419 South 10th st. . . 40 uo
Three (3) ( ) rooms , Ittil North 30th st IS 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1027 North 20th st. . . . . 12 W )
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1014 North 21st st' 11 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. Its North 21st st 1100
Two (2) ( ) rooms , Half Howard nt bet 18th
and IDth sw 10 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1100 South 7th st 12 50
Three(3)rooms ( ) , 1I04 South7lh St. . . . 11 00
Three ( ID rooms , 7CH PftclUo bt 1100
Three (3) ( ) rooms. W Pacific st 13 50
Four (4) ( ) rooms , all modern conven
iences , 419 South 10th st 25 00
Four (4) ) room house. 17th and Ohio sts 15 00
One (1) ( ) More room , 316 South 15th st. . . 175 OU
Three (3) ( ) room house , will rent to col
ored people , 412 North llth st 15 00
Apply to Judge iteming Agency , B. W.cor
of 15th and Hartley streets , lloom second
Moor. 681
flCE unfurnished rooms , new building , good
J- > location , N. E. cor. 10th and Harney sts.
6335 *
Oll WENT Two unfurnished basement
to without children at 1122
rooms a family ,
. . .
" * l < Mi
RENT-Barnl931 Chicago st.
PERSONAL Thclllraeof a gentleman's watch
chain at 300 N. 10th St. , which was to take
place Feb. 15th. , took place Feb. 29th , the chain
being won by Mrs. M. J. Kingery. 030 6 *
ANNA ALPLANAI.B , the celebrated Hun
garian Gypsy 1'almlst , uses the old gypsy
ways m reading the hand. Ladies only. Ic24 N ,
SCth st. Ath and Sauudcrs cars pass the dnor.
> EUSONAI/ List your property to exchange
_ with C. C. Bpotswood. 30t > M S. 16th st. 2JJ
PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted. Address E 42 , Dee office. KRml3 ]
LOST A largo envelope containing an ab
stract and other papers and three $100
notes , which persons are warned against pur
chasing. For the return to our store a liberal
reward will be given. Clarke Coffee Co. , Ill 1
and 1416 Harney street. 582
LOST A gold bracelet with liorseshoo -orna
ment , set with turquoises. The finder will
be suitably rewarded by calling at GUI N. 25th .st.
FOUND A pocket book with money in and
t paper. Cull GusEnglo , government corral.
783 8 *
ONE span mules , harness and wagon for sale
cheap. 11. C. Arnold , 3 , Crelgnton block ,
Omaha , Neb. V14-8'
" \\TANTED-To sell state and county rights on
TT a very valuable patent just out ; sells at
hlght. Cheap for cash or will exchange for any
saleable property except real estate. For a few
days only. Planters hotel. 913.6 *
"IVTII'K t'ows for sale at stockyards. D. C. Her-
! - ley , 201N 10th. 811 5 *
/1HICKENR for sale cheap , small Hock of
\J thoroughbred Wyaudottca at 2201 Ohio st.
813 6T
flOR SALE Set of tinner's tools , cheap.
! Nelson & Co. . Blue Springs. Neb. 790 7 *
FOH SALE rurnituro of a 7 room cottage
near cable and street cars , good neighbor
hood , rent of house and stable reasonable ;
parties leaving city , will sell cheap for cosh.
Address C 33 , Dec. 833 5 *
FUKN1TUHK complete of six-room house ,
f-nn ; - > 0 cash , balance to suit. H. E. Cole ,
N. E. 15th aud Douglas. 911 7
HAVING discontinued my Council Hunts
transfer business , Idrslre to sell my heavy
draft team of black horses for W50 , Have also
for sale a light draft team of bay horses for $159.
also a pair of ponies for $100. W. T. Seaman , east
Bide Kith st. , uortH of Nicholas. Omaha's Iarge3t
assortment of wagons , buggies , phaetons , car
riages , &c. , including Studebaker s. Ki4 5
JOR SALE Host paying lodging house In
Omaha , always full. ( Jheap reut. Address
FFOR llee. 7948 *
FOR SALE A good barn 10x20. can be moved.
Cheap for cash. Address 017 , llee. 707
FOR BALK One large butcher's Icebox. also
one 3x8 marble table , at 1231. Pork ave.
6576 *
TI1OH SALK-SomeHno young mares nnd stal-
JLJ lions , lit for road or track. Address it.
Gibson , York , Neb. - 093m 7 *
TflOR SALE Eight room house with modern
-L improvements and stable on leased ground ,
1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer Sc Haapka , HOj
Harney st. 9S7
FOU BALE Dormant scale , capacity 3,400
pounds. 1'hil. Stlmmel * Co. . till-913 Jones
st. , Omaha. 1 < 9
SALE At a bargain 50 feet nf shelving ,
,10 feet of counters and one Ice chest , suit
able for grocery atoro. Enquire at 813 S. 10th St.
AOLACKSMtTH shop fornale , has one forge ,
or tools without shop for ale , Apply to
Wm. Buseh , Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Neb.
T HE Oa Time Household Fair.
The great Uargatn houso.
To housekeepers.
wo can save
you money In price * .
Parlor suits. Chamber aets , . . j '
bprlngs , mattrasses , FoM- '
ing beds , side boart8.-e rpt % , , , t
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
Rockers , ttoves , l"mware ,
crockery , glabsware ,
lamps. HOU M
, complete
Easy payments I EasypaymMUl
Lowest prices.
"Suci ami H aottih J th street ,
Corner Jckson.
No connection with any other home. ' 641
furnished and planted ; trimming
don * i George Astleforu , 8th and Dorcas
sts. , city. _ _ 783 B *
YOU can buy them for , 11.94 , mattresses.
mattresses , and everything else in pro
portion. New York Storage Co. , 1MB cuk are.
NOTICE To my cuitomes aud frlenO the
Omaha national knitting factory , has re
moved f roni iron Bt. Marys are to 1104 9 13th et. .
Duggan blk. Manufacturer ot kbit iackataladlea
sklru and hosier ) ' , also dealer In all kinds of im
ported yarns , ill mall orders % IU.b Bromptly
flillvered. Heapecttully , Jos. f. Bill. 1104 a
it. , Omaha National knitting factory. TTO
V K. HlLtY-Notary , 1519 rarnam.
ti.A. Jacob * . W . litUM.
TTTEbanjo taught as anirt by Geo. F. Oellen-
becktOJHarncyst. t 183
TJIOR frcemnps and full Information concern.
JD Ing Sioux. City , layj mldrrss the Wide
Awake real estate exchange , KWJ } I'carl stlSloux
City , la. , ' , J722 41
STOUAOK For household poodi and mer
chandise , on first floornna at lower prices
than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets ,
q 663 mSi *
NEW TOBK Btorage Co. have most exteniiva
facilities for stern of furniture , pianos
rrarctes , general tnerchAIWlso , west of New
York. Cash advances tnany amount ; ware
house receipts given ; Roods Insured ; brick
building Ore-proof ! special arraneemonti for
commission merchants. Citll Now York Storag *
Co. , Capitol ave and N. iJtli st. , Ilnunett's block ,
MRS. ECCf.ES The greatest living clairvoy
ant , telM past , present nnd future ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. 1 N.JSlhst. , room 1. first
door to fight at head of stairs. HI M 16 *
US. UUKANT Clai.-voyaut from lioston ;
reliable In all affairs of life ; unites sep
arated lovers. & N , 18th street , room 1 ,
1 [ AR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod-
Jleal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a Specialty. 119 N , 10th
it. . Rooms 2 43. Tel. 944. SU4
TUDENTS can enter Valentino's Shorthand
nndTypewrltlng Institute nt any time. It
'is thtr largest and best equipped exclusive short-
and school in the west ; all Us .graduates are
iccunylng good paying situations and giving
atlsructlon. Ilusiness men nro constantly ap-
ilylng tout for stenographers. As a means ot
Ivcllhood shorthand is much superior to book
keeping or telegraphy. The demand for steno-
grapneis is in excess of the supply. Bend for
Ircular to 1515 Dodge st. , Omaha : '
"WANTED-Meat market ; will buy tools , etc ;
> rent building , good tow n C03 to 1,000 luhab ;
tants preferred. 11. , box 07 , Casey , la. 921 7 *
WANTED Oood commercial and Ilrst
mortgage papers. C. II. Sloman , 804 S.
Hi St. B19
TirANTED-Stock general merchandise , will
v > pay U. balance land or city propel ty.
Intchhison & Rlseley. Shenandoah. la. 849 *
OANS made on real nstato. Cash on hand.
J W. M. Harris over 230 S. 15th st. 373
( 5,000 nnd upwards to loan on first-class city
P real estate security. W. F. Smith , 12JO Far
nam st. 491m23
MONEY to loan , casn on hand , no Uelay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel bulldlnt ; . 372
OANS wonted on good real estate security ;
J-J favorable terms. Mortgages bought.
Klmball , Champ it Ryan , U. S. Natlbank b'ldg.
M Unfit
MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , Mho
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cofct pro rnta. Advances
made on tine watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many new concerns are dally comlnc
Into existence. Should you need monev call and
see mo. W. R. Croft , roojn 4 Wlthncll uulldlng ,
15th and Harney. _ 809
TtTONEYto loan on delays , as
J.U. cash Is on hand , fUatos , Smith Ac Co. ,
room 203 , Ramgo building , ' 755 31
A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real , es
tate in sums to suit. _ 220 South lath st.
1 ° 748
I OANS made on Omahaclty property by D.
J V. Sholes , room 1 HwVCer bit. 751
HUOI1 PERCY & CO.Joans money on real
estate and chattel .security of every de
scription. All business .strictly confidential.
Room 423 I'axton building 75S 31
MONEY to loan on furniture , horse ? , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W. Robbing. ItiMFarnain. 772
MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , wagons ,
etc. , without removal ! also on collateral
ecurity. Business conHUetitlal. C. 11. Jacobs ,
- . 15th st. . , 649
K. RILEY , 1st mortgage loans. J)19 .Far-
nam. . . , . 48lni23 *
ONEV to Loan-H. W. Huntress , 1417 Far
nam st. , room 1. 635 Ot
MONEY LOANED at C. P. Ileod * Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 H. 11th ,
over ntngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 073
, to loan on city and farm real estate.
Llnahan A ; Mahonay , 1007 4 Farnam street.
MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll Bros. St
Co. , 152IJ Farnam. KM
HE. COLE loans monov on improved city or
farm property. Uoom o Continental
block. 003
SHOUT time loans made on any available
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har-
ney sts. , over State National band. Corbett.
manager 387
MONEY to loan. Notes ana ( t. n. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Forman , 1320 Farnnm
sts. 365
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. 360
TVTONEY To loan. Jx > west rates. No delay
J'-L j. L. Hlc.8 te Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank H'j
OANS made on real estate and mortgages
J bought. Lewis S. Heed t Co. . 15'J1 Farnara.
( 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P percent. G. W.Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
THE Falrbank Investment Co. , organized
with ample capital , makes loans on horse i
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
property or collateral. Deal with responsible
parties. Apply at their otllco , 215 South llth
street , up-slairs. 418
TITONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
1 J-horsesetc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 14 ! Farnam , over Uurllngton ticket ollice.
M ( to Loan O. F , Davis Co , , real estate
nnd loan agents. 1505 Farnam Bt. 370
$100 will give a reliable man an inrcrest in a
proHtablo business ; 31U S. 15tU st , Itoom 6.
916-11 *
R SALE-Stockot general merchandise In
the town of Clyde. Nodaway county. Mo. ;
tvill Invoice about fi.OOO. is In good shape ana
business paying well. Kor ttirther particulars
rail on or address S. W. Lowrey , Clyde , Mo. , or
11. U.Hellam. Norfolk , Neb. OAI 18 ?
FOR SALE One-halt Interest In rentaurant ,
centrally kcatert , having good run ; rent ,
JIO , Address C 35 , Ileo oillga 9 7t
R BALE Balcory aniilrestattrant In Mlnne-
npolls , Minn. , established 6years and doing
good business ; price low. , Address Chicago ba-
kery,233 First ave , , South Minneapolis , Minn.
T71OR SALE-Two drug flocks , Invoice $1.500
JC nnd M,000 | ually saWy lir > and 730 ; terms
strictly cash , no excnani&u Address lock box
OJ2 , Aurora , Neb. 923 lOf
fTWO B In elevators In Page county , Iowa.
-L Each one has 0 horsepower engine and It
fully equipped. Want Rood farm or Omaha
property. II. E , Cole , N. BH5th aud Douglas.
t3 VUi U
17 < OR8Al.E-illlk dairy doing business In South
-C Omaha. JnqulreH.K. Ileudee , 117 S. 16th st.
WANTED A partner t& go Into a good pay-
ing busmen. Only' ft small capital re
quired. Must be taken isooii. Call or address
Marshall , room 1,1304 Douglas st. 837 4t
"EpOH BALE New stock ot quecnsware In Lin-
JC cointrade ostabiUhed. Address OSS.this
offlce. 8430 *
A PARTNER wanted. In milliner business
who can trim well , Capital from 1800 to 11,000.
Address Box 13 , York , Neb. M8 0 *
VR BAIiK Hardware store and stock in One
growing town m eastern Nebraska : near
est town 8 miles ; bulkllne worth about 11.000 ;
stock about ll.aOO. Address Box MB , Htanton ,
Neb. 7916
M RAT market for sale ; splendidly fitted up1 ,
and one of the best paying nlarkets for
least amount Invested. 0 9 Bee office. IU 6t
AQ8NTLEMAN with flrjt rate eastern eon >
nejclons and with fco.ojo cash , will estab
lish a bank In some rapidly growing section ot
Nebraska , provided the right place canbe
found. Any one Interested address BOB S3 , Wtl-
mtngton. Delaware. 51 l >
To lease flue residence near postoRlee , ' and
buy furniture ( all new ) at a great sacrifice. For
particulars see I * a. Bklnttcr , VO Farnam. 639
A RKLTAnLE man with * 1M ( can flnd a prof-
* . tiablo business by addressing U * IK , Ileo.
. 780 r3
W ANTED-A partner to take llixlf Intereit
with a practical man In n ? innll growing
manufacturing buslnens , already established on
the Ilelt line. II,900 to ll.MM cash required. No
bonus expected. Address 0. V , Natlluger , sec
retary board of trade , or Wni. Flcuilng , grocer ,
FORSALK-nrus stock. As Ono location ns
thprnlsln tneclty. Clean stock. Involve
abontl7OUO. 1'artcasn. 1'artln good real es
tate or.secured iio es. M.A. Uptou & .C < > . Iflth
st , opp. Chamber , ot Commerce. 451
FOU 3ALEgixid paying business. Cigars ,
stationery and toys , in a flrst-rlass loca
tion. On account of 111 health. Stock on hand
noout Jooo. All cash not required. Enquire at
Max Meyer * Co. ' . 400
1'FO ' * EXOHAMQa.
FARMS In Kuox Co. , 1 In Chase Co. for ex-
* * thnugo for grocery stock or dry good * . Ad-
Urcs.I' . U , UQX.M8 , pmahq. 921 8 *
EIGHTY acres well Improvwl land close to
market to exchaugo for drug stock that
will invoice about , SI/jOO. Correspondeuco BO-
llcltcd. Chas. A1. Stlter. Central City , N6b.
' ' ' 912 10
WANTED-Housesandlotsto exchange for
farms. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas.
OR THAI > 12,000'stock of general mer-
ChnndlMe for good Omaha property or good
improved farm. Apply Room It ) , I'axton block.
25 5
FOH EXOHANOK-44 feet fronting on both
Saumlere and 23d sts ; pived stroll , small
building. Want equity in Inside resldcnco. H.
E. Cole , N. E. loth and Pouglns. 910-11
H OUSIand lot in Minneapolis , for western
land. St. J6hn & Ely. Kronzer block. 217
, stock of the Consolidated Pay Rock
Georgetown Mining Co. Host mine In Clear
Creek County , Colorado. Tills stock is iion-as-
leasable and will stand the closest investigation.
IV1I1 trade for Improved or unimproved prop-
rtv.and nssuino Incumbranco. 11. E. Cole , N.
: : . cor. 15th nmi Douglas. G67
-M houses and lots to exchange.
C. C. Spotswood. 303'/i S. ICth st. 239
I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co. .
near 1'lattsmouth , will trade for Improved
"nside property , Address M 36 , llee office.
CLEAN stocu books and stationery for city
property. St. John & Ely , Frenier block.
STOCK hardware for land. St. John * Ely ,
Frenzer block. 817
THOn SALE Or trade , land and town property
JC In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Homos ,
cattle and btocksof merchandise wanted. Corre
spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York ,
b. 745 m8
IF you have any vacant lots to trade for farms
conic and see us. H. E. Cole , N. E , ISth and
Douglas. fill 7
TO EXCHANGE for good residence lot in
Council Bluffs. Two lots In Saunders tc
Hiniebaugh's addition to Omaha. Address H ,
flea otllcc , Council Blulls. 900-5
"VITANTED Horses and cattle to exchange for
v ? farms or city propel ty. II. E. Cole , N. E.
cor.,15th , and Douglas. 009-
\\7ANTED-Stocks of merchandise to ex-
v v change for farms. 11. E. Cole , N , E. 15th
and Douglas. 009
FOH EXCHANGE Clear new. -room f > modern
house , $4.500. Want equity In good inside
residence lot. H. E. Cole , u. e. 16th and Douglas.
CHOICE acre tracks , best of facilities for gar
ilenlng. Wont good unlncumbered farms
H. E. Cole. N. E. 15th and Douglas. DUO
/1IIOICE aero traces Suitable for gardening.
\J Very liberal terms. II. E. Cole. N. E. llith
and Douglas. Heal estate for sale. 909
FOR EXCHANGE-Clcar , In Chicago , olegnnt
10-room house , on Indiana av. , Chicago.
Want equity in good Inside- residence or resi
dence lot. H. E. Cole , n.e. 15th and Douglas.
BENSON &CARMICHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstract * of titleto any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 335
MIDLAND Guarantee find Trust Co. . 1505
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estata amlnil , per
fected and guaranteed. 8w
TWO splendid lots In Kendall's add. Want
one lot clear or nearly clear. H , E. Cole ,
N. E. 15th and Douglas. VOS S
ANIOEhomo. house and full lot , near red
car line. Price , C1.MO ; only gl&u cash , bal
ance to Milt. .Came and see this. II. E. Cole , n.
e. 15th and Douglas. MXM )
FOK SAf.E Splendid investment. Omaha
property. Price , JO.OOO ; 2 , oa down , bal
ance 1 , " andu years.
Leased for 2 yours at JB ! per month.
If you have money to invest , take advantage
of this. Call on or address C. E. Hfeaghcr ,
Hooin'li over Uaymond's Jewelry Store , H. E.
cor. 15th and Douglns sts. 89M
FOR SA IjR A fiO foot corner on Farnam J2.2.V )
$750 cash , Imleasy , must sell ; suvo com
missions by addressing the owner , 0 SI Ueo
ollice. t 2tl
IOFFEIt the following for a few days :
50x150on Georgia nve with a- good 7 room
new house with fnrniice , city water , gas , etc. ;
largo barn nnd'lOU ' feet from Poppleton ave.prlce
$5,150 , tl,2uO cash , bal 1 , 2 and 3 years. Consider
this.Good 8 room house , cast front lot , new and In
an excellent locality , for a few days you can pet
this for W.70I ) , J1.2UO cash. Investigate this.
l8xiB ! ; ft on Cass st bet 14th and 15th sts , with
good 10 room house , on easy terms , cheapest
property in Omaha at I12.0JO ; if you wish to buy
bell or get a loan call on D. V. Shales , lloom 1 ,
Barker blk. 749.
MA. UPTON & CO. , brokers in gilt edge bus-
ness property.
Don't wait for Omaha realty to go lower.
Millions have been lost by doing that. Jledrock
has been reached. Upward steadily upward
prices will go from , this on. Omaha to-day has
the best prospects of any city on the globe.
We have several plecew of fine insldo business
property that belong to parties out of town who
need niuuey in their business , and have author
ized us to sell part of their real estate at prices
that make them truly bargains. Cull and let us
quote yntt- figures on
South 10th Street ,
North loth Street ,
Farnam Street ,
Douglas Street ,
. Hartley Street.
M. A.trpt6n&Co. . 303 S. 16th st. , Opp. Cham
ber of Commerce. Telephone 851. ll 12
N acjo tract on line of railroad near South
Omaha , suitable for manufactories or sul >
dlvldlug ; will bo sold cheap aud on easy terms
F. K. Darling. 1505 Howard. 7TU U
BIGGEST bargain In South Omaha. Corner
lot 6n L and Twenty-lift ! ! streets at 827.50 ,
under price , llequlres 2,000 cash. Must bo sold
this > yeek. D. D. Smeatou , Darker block.
TTIOIl SALE House and lot In Omaha View , a
JL' bargain , small cash payment , easy terms ,
! . C. Bpotswpod , 305K 8 Ifith. 7SO
f L.UICE& CO. , lleal Estate. 815
' t VM
FOK SALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam St. ,
-'ono block from paving and street cars
J'rlco 15.000. Equity $3.000.
sections fine school land in
KosRUtu county , Iowa.
One-sixth Interest in an addition to South
Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western
farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Good inside business property , free of en
cumbrance , for good bouso and lot in north
part. at city. B. -Sloman , rooms 22 and 2J ,
llellmatt building , cot. Farutim and 13th sts.
" ' ' ' * t ' 141
TTAWtHt House'North Plattct.Neb. , for sale ,
-I.JL On account of the death . . . .
ot wife Iwll
- * - - 1FM WV yU 4 W > t > * 4V ML my _ -
sell the property on easy terms. Address John
Hawley. North Platte. Na' [ . 773m *
EM STICKNJir ft CO. mace a specialty of
.property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' baak , 103 Cumlng st. 348
I HAVE for sale one ol the best lots in A. B
Patrick's ad. whlcal will sell it taken teen
for three hundred dollars less than any lot la
the addition-uu be bought for. Address 1133 ,
Ueo office. 055
J LTlUCE ft CO , Heal Estate. 211
T L. RICE A CO. , Beat Estate. 211
DON'T pay rent when y < 5u can bur a nice , lit
tie home and full lot. short distance front
Red car line for 11 , too ; 1150 cash t balance , $15 pe
moDth. H. H. Cole , n , e. 16th and Douglas.
908-0 '
$500 Cash and balance ISO per month , buy ;
a beautltul two-story , six-room bouio
lie tter come and look at this. II , B. Cola , n.e
cor. 15th and Douglas. 1)00-8 )
$1,600 buys a nice little home and full lot only
short distance from red car line ; ll&O casu
balance , 115 per month ; open for few days only
H. K. Cole , n.-e. 15th and Douglas. 900-8
HAVE for sale a corner lot on 25th and ]
street * In South Omaha ( or Inis than 130 pe
front foot. , Will be worth not per foot as bdal
ness property In a snort Ma . You can't flnd
bargain like UK * ever4ay. . m. O.Bneatan ,
Barker bleek , . IH (
HRAP for cash , M sor. l n > 1 , all Improved , M
J inn ot Albion. Nob. , KUrfM ; U sec. S miles
rorn Petersburg. Neb. jft ) aers Improved for-
st trees and small fmlMl.TU ) , ll.UUOou place
or 4 years : book , stationery and imiMe ntoro.
re li stock , gooa location , will sell or rent
mlldlng ; lie ncmtimber land , 8. K. Mo. , will
rado for Florida land lu Clay or , Marlon Co ,
/ > ck llox 601 , Albion. Nob. _ 7M
300 Will buy a lot 00x120 , only few minutes
wnlk from U. , t0 cash , bnlnnco
to suit , H , E. Cole , u. e , cor. ISth and Douglas.
HOUSES and lots on tlflO cash payments and
balance monthly. H. E. Cole , u. c. cor.
6th and Douglaa. _ tCO-0
mtll SALE-01otslW miles from postofflcc ,
D riW each. Easy tenns. Iniittlro II. K.
lendeo. 1178. Ifith st. _ H 6
fjlOll BALE LoU lu the city on easy terms.
P Inquire otF.J. llotcliklss , 117 S. ICth st. CT06
XIWO good houses , well located , for W.700 and
M.imi , on easy payments. J. A. HcUtaud ,
oem 9 , Arlington Uiock. _ 79i >
[ 7IOU8AIi-L : t3 , Unlim 1'luce , cheapest lot
JL1 lu tbo city , Inquire H. K. lleudce , 117 H. ICth
BALE Lots 8 nnd 4 , block 1 , in Isane Sc
L1 Selden's addition , cor. 31th street and Half
lowardi John II. y. Lehuianu. 021 13. 17th st.
T L. RICE * CO. , Real Estate. (5 "
ft _ _ _
[ 710 H BALE 0-roora cottage and > i lot , No. P40
13 N.26th.ive. WOlWcn
L RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 815
DIOR SALE-Ono ot the best lots inllillsld
C No. 1 , just across street from Tales' new
e.Mdonce. Make olTor ; any reasonable propo-
Itlonwlll bo entertained for few days ; must
ell. AiX ) . lioeonlce. 007
Or tbo Liquor Habit , Posltlrelr Cured br
Administering Dr. Halucs' Golden
It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with
out the knowledge of the person talcing it ; abso-
utely harmless , and will elfecta pennant and
speedy cure , whether the patient Is n moderate
Irlnker or tin nlcohollo wreck. Thousands ot
Irunkards have been made temperate men who
mve taken Oolden Specific in their coffee with
out their knowledge and today believe they
itilt drinking of their own free will. It never
falls. The system once impregnated with the
ipeclllc , it becomes an utter impossibility for
ho liquor appetite to exist. For sale by Kuhn
'i ' Co. , 15th find Douglas sts. , and Itith and Cum-
ng Hts. , Omaha , Nub , ! A. D. Foster Si llro. ,
Council Uluffs , Iowa ,
Ita main Ilnef and branches include CHICAGO.
PORT. DBS Monras. copKon. BLTTFFB. HUB-
and scores of Intermediate cities. Choice ol
route * to and from the Paclflo Coast All trans
fers in Union depots. Fast trains of Fine Day
Coaches , elegant Dlnlnir Cars , magnificent Fun-
man Palace Bloopers , and ( between Chicago , St.
Joseph , Atcblson and Kansas city ) Reclining
Choir Con. Beat * Fre , to holders of through
first-class ticket * .
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Uland Route. "
SztendsWest and Southwell from KanittaClty
andBt Jonph to NELSON , HOHTON. . BELLS-
ITOTCHIM8ON , OAXJ3WEIJU and all points la
and beyond. Entire paue&Ber equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All afttj ap *
pUancei and modem improTemanta.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
It the favorite between Chicago , Book bland ,
Atchisoo , Kaaiai City and Minneapolis and St.
Faul. IU WaUrtown branch travanM tlM treat
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
Bast Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Ziake ,
Sioux Falls and many other towns and cities.
Toe Short Line via Seneca and Kankakea offer *
fuperlor facilities to travel to and from Tr ltw-
polia , Cincinnati and other Southern point * .
For Tickets , Mapu , Folders , ordeiirod Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or addresa
r. Oen'lTkt o > Paw. Aft.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar'Rapids ' ,
Itock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibuqiic , Davenport ,
Madison , Jnnosvlllc ,
Helolt , Wlnonn , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Enst'Northeast ' and
FortlirouRh tlckcU call on the ticket itcent at 1601
Farnam street , in Darker lilock , or at.Uuton 1'aclflo
1'ullTiinn Sleepers end the finest Dlnlnir Cars in the
world lire run on the main line of the Chicago , Mil ;
wmikeo & St. 1'nul Hallway , unil every attontlon Is
imld to jiaasengcrB br Courteous employes ol the
H.Stll.l.KH. General Manager.
J. F. 1UCK1CR , AR.MMnnt ( innoral Manager.
A. V. It. CAIU'KNTEH , CJoneral rasscngcr and
Ticket Aifent.
OKO. K. IIKAKFOni ) , Assistant General
and Ticket Accnt.
J. T. CLAUK , Ueneral Superlntcuilejit.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to takafor DCS Molnei , Maribaltoirn
C Jnr Ilapldf , Clinton , Ulxon , pbleiijio , Mllwaukoe
an * all polnti r.ttt. To the people ot Ncbraiki.colo
ride , \vyomlnK , Hull , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wmh
inaton and California , It onuriinporiuraiirantaiiet
not poMlblfl bf nj otlitr line.
mong tejr ot the numerotii polnti of iuporlorltf
. > y tut patroni of this road between Omaha
nd Chicago , are Us two tralnl a dar of DAY
IXMCHKH , which art the flneittba ! human art and
Ingenuity can create. lUl'ALACKHLKKl'INa CAUH ,
lrh are niiirtDlt nr comfort and elegance. Its I'AIU
LOR DHAWINO ROUU A119 , tji > nrpa od UTanr ,
and tu widely celebrated 1'AhATMl , ItlNINU CAUH ,
till equal ui which cupuot be iclmd.eUowlierc. At
Council Hlnirt. the trarnii of the Union Pacing Rail-
war connect In ualon deput vllh thom of the Otil-
caao fc Nottliweittru Ity , Iq Chicago the trains nf
tbTs line niake cloio cor.nocHon with tcoio of all
elber JCaiivrn lines.
_ For JJ
" " ' 'HOUTH-WeSTEIlN" '
If you with the be.t , fccommodatloa. All ilctet
' " ' U1"IK-P.
Jf.OT , g'.tt . WIUQH ,
UeD'l aDii r , , . Uen'i i'aii'r Agent.
cdlcAoo , tr.M.
W.N.BABOOCK.Qrfo'J.Wojtern Agent.
II. K , KIMHAU'.T lekat Af ant.
U.I. WBr , C'ity rauenier Agent
J ni Farnam 6t. , < Jmana , NcU.
Perchcrons , Clydesdales and Shire , also homa
ired colls. Every animal guaranteed a breeder
) r stock has .been selected with referoncntn
mth Individual merit and pedigree ,
liejc horses have taken first pme nt the No
iraska State felr , 1W7 , All our horse * arw ao-
llmated , and colts of their got can boohown.
'rlres ruasonable and easy terms , is arcesxlbla
> y the three lending railroads of the itatc , B. *
M. : F. ( E. * M. V. , nnd K. C. * O.
FRYFA11RUAH. York , Neb
-or Fon-
20 Cents a Week.
lovou papers a week. Bend your or Jor' to the
office ,
ID29 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
The best known and raoit popular Hotel In the
tate. Location central , appointments nr tl l M.
Kadqaarters ( or cotumorclal men and all political
K < 1. IloaQKI <
( Successors to John O. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders by tele
graph solicited and promptly attended to.
Telephone No. 22i
- / -
Third Judlclsl District ,
Room 44 , Clmmbor of Commorco.
Telephone 614.