Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    - " - . - - -
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: ' i- -
e . . . . . . . . . , . . TRI1 OMAHA' IAILY BEE : TUESDAY.MAROH 6 , 1SSS.
. .
. .
. . ccUNoIL BLUFFS ,
: oFIICE..o4 12 PI1tItL
I flelivered , byarr1er In Any 1'at nf the City at
.Cent8 I" r Weec
- U. W.LTUN. . iAoEu.
. flwINzrr1cr 4o..45.
NIuIIT ) , J. _ _ _ _ _
? . . V. Plumbing Co.
. New Rpring goods itt 11oItcre.
, Good toa1 , full weight guarnntce. C.
13. Lumber (2o. ( , 000 MaIn st. Tel. 21i7.
.n Money to loon on Improved city property -
orty by W. S. Cooper , 180 Mntn street.
James 11. Johnson anti Miss LiUlo
Bailey were married Snturdny evening
. by Squire Barnett nt the residence of
r MrH. Aitco Benedict , oii FLrit avenue.
Charles Morris , a traveling man with
M. E. Smith & Co. , of Omnhn , who die(1
t" ' in hat city yesterday mornitig. was
' formerly with Elsemun & Co. , of this
r city. and was well and ftvornbiy knowii
k hero.
Charlie Liobold has disposo(1 of his
, a1oon interests in this city. and is preparing -
paring to take a pleasure trip to Call-
: Iornla , and will ho absent between one
. . and two monthz. After his return ho
will engugo In some other business.
Thu Salvation ni'rny has receiveda ro-
a ; . , inforcement in the form of Cnptlan
David Miller , of Des Moines , known as
U "Little David. " 1-lu is an enthusiastic
r , little fellowandpurposcslendhzig a fresh
attack upon the strongholds of satan.
He declares that lie will have the street
parades continued , and promises tobe as
noisy as any of them.
. . The twelve incantkscont electric
lights for the club rooms have arrived
and vill be put in place as soon as the
. . . . Insulated cleats can be obtained from
Chicago. No others will be ordered
until those are given a trial. It is expected -
; poctod to have them running by Thursday -
: . day night. Each of these fights is to
: be sixty-five candle power.
, St. Cecolia ( luartetto concert , Thurs-
: ( lay MILrCII 8 , at the Congregational
. church. Tickets i0 cents , for sale at
_ f the the door. No reserved seats.
? 1onoy to loan. W. S. Cooper.
. , Mr. StoptietiM , the I'hno Tuner
' From Omaha , will tune your piano
promptly upon receipt of postal card nd-
dross to Alfred Melnboi'g Co. , 1516
Dodge st.
, _ _ _ _
Personal Paragraphs.
P. P. Kelly , the Glonwood attorney ,
. wits in attendance at court hero yester-
. ' day.
: Judge Rector , of Bartlett , Freinont
: county , admired thebeautics of the new
court house yesterday.
: William Maloney , now of Lincoln , is
in the city visiting old friends. He en-
joycd hlnisehf witnessing the "Union
! : Spy" last night.
t Mr. J. Black and mother , who have
I been visiting Mrs. B. Goldstein , loft for
. Clevolaid , 0. last evening. Mr. Black
is a brother o ? Irs. Goldstein.
lv. S. Dimmock. of Omaha , manager
of the Pacific Mutual telegraph coin-
, . piwly , was in the city yesterday looking
. after the business oi the office hero.
; Officer Bcswick is slowly recovering
k from the injury he received while
boarding a street car about a week ago.
c ( lislociLted the cap of his left knee ,
and Is barely able to walk. He will
probably be otYdutyseveral weeks.
' If you have h lot , house , farm or aiiy
1' kInd of property to trade or sell , call
. on W. W. Bilger.
Domestic pattornsat 105 Main street.
. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
. Becurity of every description. Private
. consult1n rooms. All business strictly
: confidential. Office 500 Broadway , corner -
. nor Main street , up-stairs.
r ? . .
. Police I'olnts.
' - In the police court yesterday morning
; L. Orwick was given thirty days In the
county jail for the larceny of a pair of
boots from D. J. O'Noll.
The case of Frank Ryan for the larceny -
; , cony of IL pair of eyeglasses from J. F.
Oliver was continued.
John Anderson and F. H. Whiteman
: were each taxed $7.60 for a drunk.
f' Frank Smith , a vag , was dismissed.
George Christ and J. Delaney had
: their cases for drunkenness continued
until this morning at 10 o'clock.
The case of Dave Free for carving a
brother darkoy was continued until the
. necosslu..y witnesses can be secured.
, : Free Is charged with assault with intent
, to commit murder , and as he is not in-
dined to profit by short terms in the
county Jail , he will probably be sent
over the road.
Mr. Char'es. F. Stephens ,
The well known piano tuner is now with
Aifrod Melnerg Co. , 1516 Dodge st. ,
Omaha. Mull orders promptly attended -
tended to.
. Travelers ! Stop at the fleebtelo.
_ _ _
Dr. 11. Rico , No. 11 Pearl st. , will
. ; . . give compound oxygen treatment at 50
. ' . cents each sitting.
. .
. Union AbstractCo. , 236 MaIn at.
. The Striking Situation.
The Burlington olllclulshore are quite
jubilant over the mtuinor In which
. , the trains are running in and out of this
city , although the strikers are still ns
4 : . firm as ever. The passenger traliis arc
all running on the main lliio and alsc
L the trains on the Kansas City. Thc
. r company iasthhl refusing to handig any.
thing but way freight , and all that h
t : billed to P0I1It on the main line Is sent
S. us far as Pacific Junction on the K. C.
. freight trains and there transferred , iu
' no freight trains are made up hove yet
to run on the main lino. The strikori
are quietly attending to their own busi
. ness , and say that there Is nothing now
. going on , but that In two or three day
- , ' there will be a decided change.
The wall known IianounorMr. Chas
t F. Stephens is now connected witi :
pr : Alfred Moinborg Co. , 15111 1)odge st.
Omaha , and parties wishing Mr. Stoph
k ens to tune their pianos can have thou
r orders promptly attended to by address
! lug a postttl card.
Sheafo loans money on real estate.
On the market for oor twenty ycars
. Still thp most reliable and the mosi
popular sowing machine znado. 'rhu
. light running Domestic. Olilco 10
MLLII1 at. .
, -
S. \\'udsworth & Co. loan money.
For ijie Lawyer's Banquet.
' The mein'bors of the \Vomnns Chris
. tiiiii nssoeltttou ; iiro eqtietd. to nice
t . t the now court house \Vednesda
- ntcriioon at i o'cl9ck sluiry , to serve a
. I ietlthh1 on The various committees ;
Also1 those ladles who pr9vlde ro
. freshLudnts fo the lutnquet nror , quostc
. to senti , thdui to thti satho phtcO nscurl
. Its 10 o'clock , . . a. m. W'ednesdny.
; . . . U.'A. 1ONTOOMEitY.
: : : .
. :
The City Election Pasnes Off Qulotly
and Rather ZTug-Handlod.
The 8ciiissler MU rdcr Cncn Today--
flir t4triko : 'qes-tIui or Police
Ncws-1'ersontL Pnra
. graphs.
The War at the Poh1.
Election day , although It passed very
quietly , isns a decidedly busy day , and a
great deal of hard work was done by the
political wire lU11015 , The Interest
teeiiietl to center In the Second ward
and the crowd about the polling place
was fully its large as in the three other
wards combined. The voters wore
rushed in faster thuti the clerks could
c'licck their names and there was a line
of from twenty to tlfty men Ii. front of
the window during the wliolo day
isaiting for their turn to vote.
The front doors of the saloons wore
locked yesterday during election , but
tim alley latch strings hung out all day
and wore not hard to finti. The gambi-
ing houses were nil .closed and the
knights of the paste-boards wore busy
at the polling places In the Second ward
setting forth the virtues and urging tIm
claims of the democratic nominees.
The attempt to run D. J. Rockwell for
mayor , despite his stilT refusal and his
declaration that ho would not qualify if
elected , was the subject of much corn-
mont yesterday. The republican organ
declared that his card of declination
was a democratic forgery , and staked
Its reputiLtioli as a reliable ncva Inform-
itut on this charge. The avowal by
Mr. Rockwell that his declination was
genuine and that lie presented a COte
to that organ for publication has hit the
"reliability" of the party organ very
Mr. Rockwell would have polled a
heavier vote but for this declination ,
and possibly could have overcome the
natural democratic majority.
The hot fight of the day was over
aldermen. There was much scratching
aiid pasting. The fight on the marshal-
ship was warm , especially In the Third
and Fourth wards , whore democrats ,
who felt sore over O'Brien losing the
nomination , schratced Guanella , ILIId
put in his place Cousins , the republican
There was not a fightorother disturbance -
anco at any of the polling 1)laces.
The polls closed at 6 o'clock. The
work of commuting the tickets proceeded
slowly last imight , there being so much
scratching , and the method in vogue of
counting here being very tedious , each
ticket being called otT , name by mmmc ,
instead of the straight being sorted out
and counted together.
'riliRl ) WARD.
Votes cast-SOS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Iockwe11 . . . . . . . . .201
Hammer..2C0 Kinnehian . . . . . . . . .2-to
Spotman . . . . . . . . . . .916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Holmes..298 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gunnella . . . . . . . .256 Coulsins . . . . . . . . . .248
Stimpson..292 To8tcVin..915
Patton..21)0 ) I'cterson . . . . . . . . .212
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merkol..221
' . . . . . . . . . . . Ofticcr . . . . . . . . . . . .194
Icncuhcr . . . . . . . . . .267 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weaver..262 TholL..242
rmnsv WARD.
Hoimrcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Rockwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
hammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Kinmichan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Spitnuui. . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Hart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
hart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Cunncila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21)8 )
Cousins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Stlmpson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Tastcvrn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Patton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Peterson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Anmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Merkel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Peregoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Oflicer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
lCnethier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Casper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Weaver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $09
Thou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Waterland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Blxby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Roiircr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Rockwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hummer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
ICinneitnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
S1)Ctmflhmfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
han. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Guanella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
CouMlils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1841
Stlmnpson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1418
Tostuvmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)3 )
Patton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
I'ctcrsomm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Amy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Merkel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
i'ercgoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Ofilcer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Knether. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Casper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Vcavcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
'rhohl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
The returns from the Second ward and
first district of the Fourth ivill not be in
until tills morning , but it conceded
that the democrats have elected every
candidate by majorities ranging from
200 to 500. When the polls closed fully
a hundred voters were still iii line.
Bargains In houses and lots on small
cash payment. Johnston & Van Patteim ,
33 Main street.
The District Court.
Judge Loofbourow spent Sunday athis
home in Atlantic , and did not return
lii time for any forenoon session of the
( listrict court. In time afternoon there
appeared to ho little ready for him to
I hear. The most important case left for
. Imimmi to try Is that of Schlsler , charged
with murder , lie being indicted for the
, shooting of Kenting , an old man who
was killedin a sort of drunken row on
one of the streets of the Fourth ward.
, Mi . llolimies Is the prosecuting attorney ,
amid being a condidate for reelection to
3 . the ofhice of city attorney , and being
otherwise engaged in the political con-
r test , ho was naturally excused from hay-
I lug the case started yesterday. Cob-
net Daily , the county attorney , was engaged -
gaged on thio defense before he wits
elected to his present official position.
I and ho remains on the defense , as ho
, could not very consistently prosecute.
: Time case Is to bo called tiis morning ,
and the trial iviil prohnbhy last three
days. It will be interrupted by the dod-
icutory exercises of the mmciv court house
The case of the sinte vs. Grant Do-
\vitt wits called up again yesterday.
DeWitt is charged with assaulting a
neighbor , micar Carson , by hitting him
i over the head with a loaded whip. Time
case was cabled the other day , and as ho
did not RhlCfl his bonds were dcclared
forfeited , ammid a bench warrant issued
for his arrest. Yesterday ho appeared
lii court. and by his attorney , Frank
- Shinmi , of Cttrsoii , asked to have the for-
fetturo sot aside , which was doilo. Ho
I ; made an aflidavit totlic effect tlmmtt ho
4' was advisca by lila formcr itttOrmloy1
S RIley l3Iggs , that lie W0Ubl not have to
appear until he wns so notified , and re
I- 13'iIIg on this ho paid no attention tc
time immatter. ILo ivill be tried text week
y. . nnd.tvo iow bonds for his appcarnncc
. thou.
'C1iro are several otlicr small casm
- .
- - - - - - -
whIch arc to bo tried after the Sehisbor
case is disposd of.
Time Union Spy.
A good many of the citlzons , friends
of the Dodge Lighitouards , ckpresscd
their Intention of attending time play of
the Union Spy "to help thu boy out. "
Those who wore at the opera house last
nlghtwill agree that all might well attend -
tend from the more selfish desire to sec
a good thing iveii rendered.Vehl mar-
ited applause frequently awarded , especially -
pecially where sentiments of patriotism
were uttered , showing that after all a
love for country and the old flag exists
under an assumed careless exterior.
DThc flag presentation and the departUre -
Uro of the regiment for the seat of war
was especially well given. There are
still thousands who remember secimig
the bravo young boys in blue marching
from the camp grounds to the depot
singing "The Star Spangled Banner , "
as they tramped along erect and aol-
diorly , and all at once , forgetting dis-
ClllliiO , a blue chad manly form would '
dash from the ranks to throw his arms'
around a white-haired old lady or palo
facedwomnan , holding a little one by
the humid , for what too often
proved a last embrace of
mother or wife and baby , and during
the scene Inst night there were not a
few moist eyes In the house.
Edward hughes , as Fuirmor Marten ,
was a success. He could not well have
boon Improved upon. B. H. Odell , as
Mr. Orr , actedve1l his part , but It was
mmot a popular part. 0. D. Kiplinger ,
who took the part ci the Union Spy ,
wits frequently applauded , and ho deserved -
served it. Little Tommie Keating , as
the little drummer boy who was shot ,
was a general favorite. The ladles all
did well. To-night the house should be
_ _ _ _ _ _
That "Dcstrlk hkule. "
The success of the "destrflc sEnile"
entertainment Is wonderful. There Is
a constant demand for he little punipit-
let giving necessary information to
churchds and others desiring to get up
the entertainment. Mr. J. B. hark-
ness , of this city , who is attending to
the distribution of these pamphlets ,
has received orders from nearly every
state in the union. The pamphlet costs
only a dollar , and the information and
suggestions it contains save so much
labor and time that it is worth much
moro thith that amount to any committee -
tee arranging such an ontt'rtainmmient.
Another commendable feature of time
arrangomnent is that time proceeds from
the sale of-pamphlets arc for the benefit -
fit of the Congregational church of this
As an instance of how the entertainment -
mont is takin g elsewhere -the following
is taken from a letter just received from
Virginia , Ill. "The destrik skubo' was
immense. Everybody calls It the finest
entertainment we have ever had. Our
little opera house wm crammed. " This
is but one of many. Any committees
being at a loss as to what sort of a home
entertainment to get up , should scud a
dollar to J. H. HarkncssCouncil Bluffs.
There is hardly any expense or labor in
its preparation , and it always draws big
houses. In this city over 600 was
cleared by it in two nights.
Death ofO. H. Morris.
Yesterday morning between the
hours of five and six , Mr. C. H. Morris
died at the homo of Mr. Houghton , in
Omaha. During the past two years the
deceased had been in the empboy of M.
E. Smith & Co. , as traveling salesman.
Previous to that time he had been connected -
nocted with Hemmry Eiseman & Co. , and
other firms of this city , and was well
known hero. Mr. Morris was about 85
years of ago. Rheumatism of the heart
was the fatal ailment. The only relation -
tion of the deceased living hero Is t
sister , Mrs. George W. Sehindele , living -
ing at 30.5 North Lcvonth street and
from this residence the funeral will be
held this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. The
parents reside in St. Claire , Pa.
'rhey have boon notified of the death ,
but will not be able to be present. A
sister-in-law living at St. Joseph , Mo. ,
vill arrive to attend the last sad rites.
The body will be buried hero.
Took OfT Their Stars.
During the election yesterday and for
some time previous , Officers Unthank
and Stovomis worked hard for the doe-
tion of tIme republican nominees. Last
evening they tendered their resignations -
tions as members of tlme , police force ,
knowing thatt.helr h ads would soon be
chopped. ofT. ' thogrounds of "elTon-
sive partisnm " . They were two of
time best mm ca the force , but as
they could not swallow the dose
prepared kr them by the "powers
that be , " they found it necessary to
stop gently down and out , and make
way for more humble amid obedient fol-
Officer Dave Thomas , recently of the
Merchants' police , and Deputy Marshal
George Gutuiefla are filling the vacan-
des for the present. Permanent ap-
poimitmnents will soon be made , and it is
hoped that the new mon may be as effi-
cent as those who have just retired.
Neola News ,
NEOLA , Ia. , March 0.-Dr. S. N. Harvey -
voy has returned froma his visit to
Grant , Nob.
Jim Foley left Thursday for his homo
at Grocboy Canter , Nab.
Bland Rishton Is moving his stock to
his store near the transfer in thoBlulTs.
The foundation of Cupp's now building -
ing is about completed. The building
when finished will be a rcdit to time
Minturn & Dilhin are making ready
to engage in the furniture business , and
whmomi located in the Cupp building will
open with a large line of hardware and
F. M. WItt , formerly of Mimidon , is
now a resident of this town , and is engaged -
gaged with his brdther , 0. I. Witt , in
the Implement and hardware bujiness.
Neoba is beginning to take on now
life. time many empty houses of a month
ago arc now all occupied and applicants
arc mnoro numerous than houses. A
number of now ommtorprises are only
waiting for spring to develop them.
The building outlok Is good.
The Catholic congregation will erect
a large church thus year on what is
known as time Todd property. The west
half of the block , on which the Todd and
Rlshmton houses now are , hums been purchased -
chased by Father SchilTmacher , giving
time Catholics the ownorshsp of time entire -
tire block. The church to bo erected
will cost about $10,000 and occupy time
most commanding site In Neola. Much
of this enterprise is duo to the liberality
of FatiierScuiilTmachor and his housekeepers -
keepers , who have contributed $1,000
cash. The old church building and
priest's house will beused by time sister ,
svhmo will conduct a school here. The
lot will be improved , making it the
UmQttiCSt grounds in Noht ,
But ii fGW days tigo tt seemed that we
wouldba spared any political excitement -
mont at our mflUnicilal election , but
4 , now everything is chimuiged and two of
Neo1m's oldest democratic warriors have
laid away their good clotimes and good
fueling and'doiulel ? tiicir war paint tc
decide the' % ucstiOn whether for th
year to come It abnil be Mayor hloichmutrt
UI. Mayor Mendel. 'rime council immay bo
somewhat aimmmkqui lii tlmo tight , as it Is
feared that \Vatts , Moudel's most ag-
gressi'e lIeutenant , may get so near to
time cimemily . timat , time ' 1roui , " will bo
humociced oil lila name. Watts is a candidate -
didate for councilman , and it remains to
be seoum whiethdr the hle'ichmitrt faction
will retaliate by making war on him.
Mendel has time preaclmors and flcichmart
has "the boys. " Who will win ?
The election it Nooba passed ofT
quietly. One humidred and forty votes
vem.o polled , nearly the entire vote of
time city. H. Moudni wits elected mayor ,
C. M. Wltt , - Watt councilmnoum.
Board or Trade.
The members of time board of trade
are especially requested to be present
at the mooting this evening. Matters
of importance are to be submitted and
should bo considered by the entire
board. Let ovary member be prcaont.
Not a. Green as Ho Looked.
Detroit Free PrelsVell : ? " quorlod
Sergeant J3ondall yesterday as Carl
Dunder entered time Woodbridgo street
station for the first time 1mm three weeks.
"I vimas go to Olmicago and bitch , " replied -
plied time visitor , with pride in his
"Is tlmat possible ! Did yotm take a
guardian along ?
"Sergeant vimas I some greenhorns ?
"The biggest one I over saw. "
"Vhell , maybe dot vhas so. Vhen I
goes mit dee train a young mans comes
oafor to me timid says vhas I Carl Dun-
der ? I vhag. AU right. Say , Mr.
Dundor , I Imaf got a new parlor game I
like to show you. Mitype I make you
my agent in Detroit , und dcr salary
yuan $95 per week. Ho dakes three
catds oudt of his pocket umid throws 'em
arcundt like so. "
"Exactly. That's the old game of
three-card monte. You bit. of course ? "
"Vhdl : he says ho likes me to pick
out dot Shmaclc of hearts , mid I do so.
Den ho likes to bet me $10 I can't do
her again.
"Amid you bet ? "
"And you lost ? "
"Yes. "
"Served you right. "
"Vhdl , mabe so , but vhen I take dot
young maims by der throat and shake
him until his tongue comes out ho
makes a. bargain mit Inc. Ho gis me
$20 to shtop ofT on him. "
"lie did ? "
"Dot's how it .
yhas. Maypo I was
green lmko some grass und maype I
kuiow how to come in when sue rains.
Vhmcn I got so far as Nibs an oldt. maims
comes in do car amid says vhas I Carl
Dunder ? C yhas. All right. SayMr.
Deader , hero was a big telegram from
your vile. Don't bo oxcited. Maypo
your house was on fire und niaype she
ikom , you to do sonic errand iii Chicago.
Keep cool mind bopropared. Dor charge
it vhas twelve shillings. "
"I'll bet it was a bogus dispotch. "
"Vhdl ! "
"And ? " .
you got caught
"Vhdl , I take along some bogus ailv'r
dot Shako takes Iii from the boys und I
gif him three bad hat dollars. Ho vhas
in a great hurry to go , but I see him
poets soon again. Ho comes by der car
whmdow und runs his tongue out at inc
und says he can lick me in two minutes.
Dat dispatch vhths all blank paper.
Maypo I vhas so soft as pumpkins , eh ,
"You did well. Anything also ? "
"Vhen I goes Into ( Jhmicago I meet a
very nice gentleman , but I don't know
him. Ho knows me. Vhas I Carl Dun-
( icr ? I vhmas. Dot vhas good. He like
to tell mc dot I draw a prize in some lot-
tery. "
"That's the old bunko game , and you
bit , of course ? "
"Vhdl , if I draws some money I like
to get him , don't I ? "
"Of courso. "
"Und I haf to go along ? "
"Vhdl , we don't go more ash two
blocks peforo we meet a policeman , und
I grab dot barty und lay him on his
back und gif him avhay for some bunko.
Dar officer takes him avhay und makes
it imot for him. Vhas I some cabbage
head ? "
"I guess not. Anything
"Vhell , vhen I v'has coming home ,
und shust before we vhas in Detroit ,
aomeppty picks my pockot. "
' 1 thought it would end that way.
How much did you lose ? "
"Lose ? I doum't lose nothings. I take
oudt all my money und write on a shlip
of paper , 'How vhas sheatnuts' und der
man who got him comes aroummd pooty
soon und says if he lives two tousand
years he vhill knock me oudt. I vhas
only an old Dutchmans , sergeant , und I
vimits so green der coys bite at me , but
mavpo I goes to Chicago und back und
domi't ' get lost-oh ? "
She Had him.
Chicago Tribune : "Are you in earnest -
nest , Mr. Hankinson ? "
The lovely girl who asked this question -
tion of Marcollus Hakinson sat behind
the center table with her hands in her
lap and regarded the young man in-
"In earnest , Irene ! " he exclaimed ,
pale from emotion amid chronic dyspep-
sir , "the whole haphiness of my life is
wrapped up in your answer to the question -
tion I hiavo asked. If you will trust
your future In my hands , my life shall
be devoted to the task of making you
happy. It will be my sole aim to shield
you from the rude blasts of all adversity -
ty , to smooth your pathway through time
world , to interpose my right arm between -
tween you and every danger that
threatens to disturb your peace ,
"If flisten to your suit , Mr. Hammkin-
son , Interrupted tim young lady , cat
ing her eyes with some timidity and
confusion to the floor , "you may regret
it some day. Yowould find me igmior-
ant of the practical duties of housekeeping -
keeping and without- "
"Practical duties of housekoeplngi"
broke in the enthusiastic youth ; "you
will have no praotlcal duties of that
kind. As my wife you shall not be a
drudge. You shall be the queen of my
home. You consent , do you not , my
"Wait a moment , my dear Mr. Hank-
Inson. I am afraitI you would find mo
thoughtless and extravagant in a great
mnanvthings. "
" 1xtravHgttnt Irene , it vi1l be the
joy of my life to provide you with whatever -
ever may gratifyour slightest wimim.
You cmi never make a request of mc
timat I would not irojolce to anticipate
and grant beforehand. "
"And you would be willing to spend
all your evenings at hiomnc ? '
"My angel , I never would want to
spend them anywhere else. "
"You would never break my heart by
joining a club or becoming a drunken
man ? "
"hear me , Irene , I promise never to
do either. "
"Let me sco , ' said time young lady ,
. meditatively ; thminlc that is all-Ol
You ivihl ngroo to have time word ohoy
left out of my part of time marriage sor-
vtcc will youe"
" bovF limit hal WThiy , my own ,
tortvJnIy. I am even yiliing ; to pro-
iso to obey you. "
"Theum Murcclltis"said time lovely girl
ssiio lifted a full grown phmonogrnph
elf imor 1111) , locked it carefully in a
4 drawer of time ecretnry , thiuit , stood by
4 thO wall , tuncd up time gas and .bcarned
In a sweet yet busineas.hiko manner
Upon time terror stricken young laittu , "I
nun your5.
- .
Eniiishm Comnumments.
"Colgate & . Co. tire time oldest soap
makers In America , and hitivo ovideumtly
Profited by their hong experience. "
Dinnorpam.tics , bails , amid . receptions
nra going out of fashion 1mm Paris , and
fnshiommablo people are , imistead , making
the theatre amid the opera time usual
mucoting place for social lmmtorcourso. It
Is said timat the fashionabbes now coil-
aider emma or two soirees a year omiough ,
and on other occasions treat their
guests to tea. instead of cimanipagumo and
rare viands.
S PICCTAT4 dvertlsements , .uch Lost , i"ommnd ,
To Loan. I'or , Sal. , . To Itent. Wtnts , IIosrtlIng
etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CRNTS I'EIt LINE for the rit In-
sertloim ami1 Five Cents l'er Llmmo for each .ubs-
quent limsertion. Leave advertisemnemits at our
015cc. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Hroadway , Coun.
cii 1Ilus. Iowa.
TANTED- Stocks of merchandise. have
Omahtv and Council PlaiTs cIty lroperty
also western land to exchange for gooda. Call
on or .lohtmson & Christian , Itootim 35 ,
Cnanmbcr of Comamerce , Omnaha.
F SALE-Holler-One b-horse upright
boiler oim east base , nearly new. for * 125. by
J , Gilbert , 521 MaIn at , , Council lImiTs , Iowa.
Toit SAL-Oa Easy I'aynieats-leo acres lii
j _ Antelopecomimmty40 ; acres In Washmlngton
oounty , Neb. , amul acre property In CouncIl
Ilitills ; 10 per cent cash anti 10 ncr cent
nmmally. Inquire of W. ltunyomm , at 0. A. lucebo
& Co. a furniture store.
ATANTEfl-1XpO ( ) acres at lamis In exchangn
V V for a late and valualle immveimtlomm. Large
profits and sel1 om slglmt : no experience re-
gulrcd. Address L ck Box 1182 , CouiclI Bluffs ,
% TANTED-Steatly employment by a yona
V V man otK004 habits , capable flint not .itrai- .
to Work. VImo1esalo or shipping house prefer.
red. iddreas flert , flee ollico , Council Bluffs.
UTANTED-'Irst-class cook at Crestoim house ,
V V Council IllimiTs. Iowa.
NEW HOUSE-7 rooms city water , both room
and water closet , gooi cellar , house mnoderim In
all apartments , on 8th avenue between 14th
and 16th stL , 12SOO tSOO cash balance to suit.
You who want a home sliouhi see this at oimce.
FOIl IIENT-New store building on Broadway ,
tim Street's adO.
Foult-ILOOM htES1flENCl-On Aveimue A , In
Street's addition. Lot 44x120 feet. City water.
Property In good repair. $1400 , smimall cash pay.
imient , lialance to suit.
NICE LITI'LE JIOME-On street car lIne in
Everett's ftdditiofl 60.foot lot , fenced. rhce
shade. Good well. 3 good rooms. SI 030.
imahl cash paymnemmi. balance monthly to right
480 ACRES LAND-Tn Motions county , Iowa.
twomlles from a good railroad town. tjnlm-
proved. Remit for tiOO.O0 for pasture. Suitable
for fine stock and grain farm. Fair casn pay.
ment , balance on easy terms. Will trade for
good residence property in this city. Price 515
per acre.
SIX ROOst-IlrIck house. two blocks from
( lumimmy depot. , Broadway. Finest residence
l'art of city , tir 4iO.
FOUR ROOM COTTAGE-On Graham avenue.
One acre grommimd. F , Tmmlnutes walk ; 3 ( lepots
Street cars. Sl&hO , part cash , long time bal-
of lot 100 , orIginal Plat. Broadway. Good
brick store buIldIng wIth ware rooms reach.
Ing fronm llroadway to PIerce. 510000 , part
cash. No lIner business sIte on Broatway.
LOTS-One and two in blk. 1' Curtis & 11am.
soy. ! S50 each , . 'art cash. A bargain for flm
residence site.
TWO-Good live room houses. one almost new ,
one ShSGI ; time other $1,600. liothi convenient
for business men. A bargain this week only.
Small cash payment.
Real Estate Hokcr.
Employment of all kinds furnIshed. Male
and female. Greatcare taken imm , , eiecting em-
byes. Send help to nil parts of the country it
are is paid in advance.
A SNAP-In real estate , 2 lots In Street's sOOt-
tion very cheap. Call at ommce.
References : FirstNat'l Bank , thiscity.
Canuige aild Exes IAlle
Telephone No. am.
The finest hineof Landau , , Coaches and Hacks
In the city. The only line authorIzed to answar
calls turned In to Am. Inst. Tel. Co.
CARTEU & SON , rrop's.
Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work
Orders by mail for repara promptle atjended
to SatisfactIon guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad.
dress Ogden Boiler Works. Council Bluffs , Iowa
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , CouncIl Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules constantly on hand , for
sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on short
httock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. 8CIILUTER & BOLEY.
OpiosItu 1)mmunmy Depot , Council Bluffs.
& 4lBroamlwmy Council Illuffs , idwa. tmmb1isbed
. . . . 157. , -
- .
- -
- -
t _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - , - . . - - - - . - DIRECTORY..1 - . I'
A LLEN &EEIL Arohitet'ts and Superintendents. Room
, 2 , Opera Holi8o l3look , Council Bluffs.I
_ _ -I
II. BIRKIIBINE Hydraulici and Sanitai'y Engliieor
U . Plans , stilfl1tteS , Spooillcatioiis. Sii
pervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council B1uff
F' ' INLEY BURKE Atthoy-at.Law , Second Floor Brown
, BulidLug , 1 15 I'carl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
N. SCIIURZ Justice of the I'eace. 0111cc over American
. , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
STONE & SIMS Attorneys at-Law , practice in the State
, and Federal Courts. Office-Rooms 7
and 8 , Shugart BenoBlock , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. S. BARRETT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway
, Council B1lL1r. Refers to any btnk : or
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
D RS. W000BURY & SONSTieai.i St . and Office First corner Avonu o
inis. : L MOSER& YATEESSP1icia11s'a11d , Surgeons block , ,
rooms 4 and . Telephone No. 278 and 272 for tile ollice and ,
residence. Diseases of women and children a specialty.
_ _ _ _
C. C1 IIAZEN . , avenue. Dentist. Corner Main street and First
- -4
C . Now Buy Your Carpets1 BROA1JAYm > <
O -
w Come Today and See tile
eauncii Bluffs Carpet
You can depend on Buying the Best for
the very least money.
I ' 1
' -4-
a7s = I _
- - ,
EspecIally Designed fo
25 TO 250 -ND-
_ _ _ _ _ _
Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
John Allen , Prop.
Emmtrances , 112 Main
and 113 Pearl St.
Open fronmO a.m.toIO
Council Bluff. . Iowa. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11iard & Co. ' F1I2et8.1
Sole Agents top ' Mi'S. W. B. White DealerIn
BotaryShu IleStandarli
Sewing Machine Restaurant. tple 1n TAn07
For Net.rak .nd We * New Store. New BlocS.
ccii Iowa. No.337 BroadwayCoun. 219 Main 8tret ,
Ofilc..100 Main St. . Cre.ton iiou.o iocr.
Council ijiuff , . . Iowa. cii Bluff. . Iowa. . .
Aentl Wanted. Council Bluff. . Is.
Neumayer's ilotel. Y1ANTBD
J. Neunmayer , Prop.
$1.00 PER DAY. Fuumsuruna , Brovami ,
Street cat connection.
to .11 . FOIl CASH.
Fire necilonNo.I45Iu1 proot.ta ieInCOn lhlghest Prices I'aid.
210 llroadway. It. J. HANCOCK ,
011) . ( den JIou'e. .
Council uTh. , - lows Z17 Main St. _
1861. 0. DEVOL. 188
, . .
- '
' '
. JEWEl4 Vapor Stoves and RANGES . 'li
I s IIONIT4)R Wrought Zrorm RANGES
GLIDDE % Steel Barb WIRE
BUILDER'S Hardware and house Furnishing GOODE
O1JNCILBIUFFS , m ; : : ; : : : s IOW %
Best SI a DayHouse In the City.
Near the Depots. Street Car Conncction.
0. H. McOANELD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
HIghes Market Prices. Prornth
. Returns. .
. 120 anul 122 Main trettCounCil flluffmIowa.
, :1 : . . . . . . . . . . , . . - , .t. , . _ .1.
OW.A. !
Standard No. 4006 , chcstnut.stahlion , foalo4
April 10 , 1889. Bred by C. J. liumnIlmi , Buffaioj
N. Y. , sired by Almommurch ( record 224) ;
son of Ahmnont , first damn , Lucy , by hlamhixm1g
Patchin , sire of the damn of Bell Ilarqllrh
( record 2:135) : ) ; second tiara by ltyadyk'p
Hambletonian. Norway atsuids 16 handi
high and can trot better than 2:30. : Thu
stallion will bo permitted to arvo a few
snares at 535 the season from Macelm 1st
July 1st. For particulars en utre of
Council fluffs Driving Park , or No. hf
South 14th St. , Omaha.
No. 552 Broadsvay Opera house Block
Council lJluUs. ¶ L'elephOno No. 284.
S . . . ' . , ' :