r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH C , 188a . 5 FAILED 10 WORK THE BOARD. Tbo JoCforaon Squnro Boomers Onoo Moro DlsnppolntocL THEIR RESOLUTION DEFEATED. \Vc , VH & Co. on Hand nnd WMtncis the llcsult Wltli Sorrow Dolnits of the Board of Edu cation. Would Not IJo Ilulldozod. The lobby at the board of education last evening outnumbered the members and eomo active work was done pledging votes before the mooting commenced , Tlio great matter of Interest was the consideration of the Kelly resolution which asked the city for a return of the fcW,400 of the board's money which had been spent in the basement of the city hall. Prominent among the persons present was seen the placid countenance of Council * . man HascalL Near him sat Captain O'Dona- hue and a number of other We , Us ft Co. en thusiasts for the Jefferson square city hall ' ftchomo. They all were a solf-satlsfled ulr that Indicated their knowledge of the outcome - . como of the point at Jssuo. When the reso lution was put Mr. Qray arose , remonstrat ing against its passage. Ho believed the board should take more time to consider It as there wns something behind it. When put to ballot It was defeated by a Vote of nix to six , Messrs. Coburn , Gopcland , Felton , Kelloy. 1'uruiolco and Savllle. voting for It and Messrs. Gray , Llvescy. McCon- ncll. Pratt , Sboles and Mr. President against. Mr. Kelley accused Mr. Sholos of going back on his word , and Hascall with his 'dis ciples walked out of the room In disgust to discuss the matter in Captain O'Donuhuo's ' saloon. The only absentees from the board were Messrs. Auchmoedy nnd Morrison. An offer from Mrs. U. O'Connor offering seven cents per square yard lor dirt IxHoUK- Ing to the school board on Twonty-fourth and Mason streets , was referred. On recommendation of the committee on finance the treasurer vras Instructed to credit the general fund mid charge the building and Bite fund with $25,345 in warrants which were drawn on the general fund for expenditures provided for in the Issuance of bonds. The commltsco on finance reported favor ably on the bill of Max Meyer & ilro. for $ l,033.8G , for putting a clock in the tower of the high ncliooL Kofcrrcd to the committee on claims. A proiwsitlon from the Edison electric light company for illuminating the grounds of the high school , was referred , The committee on claims reported favora bly on the bill of Kico &Uassctt for $1,493.00. for building the Omaha view school. The committee on teachers and text books nsked permission to fill the vccancy on the examining committee , and after such vacancy snail have been filled be empowered to call eald committee into session for the examina tion of applicants for teachers' ccrtlllcates Whenever the superintendent nnd the com mittee un teachers and text books shall deem such action necessary. Guild hall was ordered rented until July 1 , for school purposes at a rent of $75 per month. The committco on teachers and text books recommended that-tho winter term of the Bobool and March 23 , and the spring term be gin April 2. thereby making the winter term one week shorter and the spring term one week longer. Adopted. A resolution signed by Henry Livcsay , Fred W. Gray and B. K. Pclton , recom mended that tno proposed contract between the board and the administratrix of the estate of-J.ames Grifllth. W. G. Bohn nnd G. H. Gulo bo referred to the committco on build ings and property and upon approval thereof bysaid , committco and payment to the board of the proposed sum of (1,495.07 , that the president bo authorised to execute said con tract. According to the contract the estate of James Griffith 'Is to bo released from its contract for finishing the Webster street , the cstnto to lese $1,000 , the bondsmen 11,000 and the board $1,400. The attorney of the board also seconded this amicable adjustment and the matter Was referred. ThD committco on buildings and property reported thut the proposed nro escape for the high school had been examined by the super intendent of buildings and chief of the fire department and approved. | J The committee on heating and * mtilatlon l > , recommended the adoption of the Hutan sys- - torn where furnaces are employed in heating mid the Huxton system whore steam is used. Provisions for ventilation were also reoom- inonoed. Also that the Uutan system of heating bo used in the Ellis eight-room building and the. Huxton system in tno other buildings to be .erected this year. A retaining wall for the south and west sides of the Webster street school was asked. Uof erred. Miss Mann , the cooking teacher was granted the uho of the culinary department for Sat urday and evening classes. Mr. Clark asked that the secretary bo authorized taadvertisofor ten days for bids for sale of Dodge street school. Mr. Copeland - land also recommended the sale of the Izard Htrrct property , lots at the corner of Nine teenth and Douglas and the Jackson street property. Hofcrred. Miss Maxwell was allowed full pay for ab- BPiitu by sicltness caused by teaching Iu an illy heated room. The pay for the census takers was fixed at 2 rents per name for iusido wards , aud 3 cents for outside wards. Mr. Gray presented a resolution asking that Messrs. Dietrich & Guth , the architects fur tha addition to the high school bo no tilled to suspend further work on the plans forsald addition until the board had given the matter further consideration. Mr. Graysuid In de fense of his resolution that ho was opposed to * this addition as the people iu that part of the city did not want an addition to the high school but wished instead a central school. Thu present slto of the hlirh school was unde sirable oa account of the diniculty with which the build Ing was heated. The proposed ad dition fell far short of the requirements of the people. The decline of the ground on the south side of the building virtually added one more story to the proposed addition and made the two upper stories virtually useless. All Btorics above the second woro\iudo.sirublo iu u school building , ana a two-story , twenty- four-room building would como nearer the needs of the people. Ho therefore was In * favor of securing a site somewhere In that vicinity nnd erecting Bitch a building. The ' resolution was carnud by u vote of seven to * five. five.A A joint resolution was presented by Messrs. Pratt and Livesoy. asking that no bids for tha construction of now school buildings bo asked for until the perilling differences be tween contractors ana workmen are settled. Mr. Pratt said in support of this that on ac count of the present unsettled state of affairs contractors wore liable to charge exhorbitaut prices , and by waiting until un adjustment was made , better prices would bo secured. The committco on buildings nnd property were Instructed to. build additional school rooms nt the following locations : Two rooms nt Loavenworth , two rooms near Fdrest , two rooms nt Vlnton , at un aggregate cost not to exceed 3 000. > 4 Mr. Kelly presented the following : Uosolvod , That tbo city of Omaha be ro- j nucsUxl to return to the school district of Omaha the 130.400 ( more or loss ) advanced ; payment made by said school district on the 925,000 It was to pay as Its proportion in the erection of a city hall building for said city of Omaha ; and that upon return of said $20,495 ( were or loss ) shall be in full of all demands of said school district upon eald city of Omaha in connection with the erection of j said city hall building. Lost ( The plumbing contract for tbo Webster . street school was awarded to J. C. Elliott , and the heating contract to tbo Strong & Clark Stoaui heating company. The , board then adjourned and partook of some elegant * apple and nameless pies prepared by members of the cooking school. They pronounced the pies immense , and the cooking school a great success. THREE PBttKOATES CHOSEN. Meeting of the Younf ; Men's Itepub * llcan Club Lrait Evening. The members of the Young Mou' r pub- ean club were out in .full force last night. F. a AIcGonncll , D. .11. Mercer and W. F. Gurlcy were chosen as delegates .to the state convention to be held at Exposition hall on March 15. Tbo couuuIUce 'appointed U prepare tor the banquet and upoakers mftJoan ftncour-1 aging and highly satisfactory report. Stephen A. Douglas , Jr. , Colonel W. 1 . Hepburn and J. P. Dolllvor.of Iowa : Uichard VHtes , jr. . of IlllnoU , and Jnmos P. Foster , president Of the national Icajnio of republican clubs , hare accepted Invitations nnd will respond to toasts. A 'largo number of Jocal celebrities have also promised to speak on this occasion. Kent Kmato TranRfbrs. Hormnn A. Kuhn. trustee , to G. S. Dcnawa , lots 8 , 4.17 , IS nnd 10 , blk. S , and lots 0 nnd 0 in blk. 3 , Criglc. ton Heights , W. D 2,600 Joshua 1' . Urown , ct nl , to Charles W. Hrown , lot 2 , N. W. M D , 14 and 12 , Q. C. . . V. . . ! 100 M. S. Sturgeon , ct nl , to Jus. Anaeour , lot 2 , N. fi. . , S. E. } { , 0 , 14 and 13 , Q. C..i. . . . . . . .i. * . . . . . * .t 100 Goo. Sautter , et ol , to Jas. Anscow , same , \V.L i 0,000 Jas. Anscow to Win. Colfax , came , W. D 17,000 Win. Colfax lo W. L. Selby , trustee , same , comprising W. L. Sclby's 1st , except lots 1,22 , S3 and 44 , blk. 0 , nnd all bllt. 0. Tr. D 20,000 Clarence J. Cannn nnd wife to Goo. W. Luak , B. BO ft. of W. 180 ft. of lotW , Mlllnrd' & Caldwell's udd. , nw. u..lv , , . . , 4,000 Chns J nyan to W H Robins , trustee , 181x275 ft in vr part setf 17,1C , 14 , w d : : . . . . . : . . : . . . 8,000 Ella Whitney to Hobart Williams , w , ' < lot4block 1S2,1) ) o 1 Elwlu M Parket to Kiugslcy C Moro- hoUse o 10 ft lot 7 and w 17 ft lot 8 , blk 8 , Foster add , wd 0,500 , Amos Phillips and wife to Chns C SjwtwooJ , lot 11 blk 17 , Bedford Place , w d 2,700 , Clifton C Mayno and wlfa to Maggie B Woods , lots 7 and 8 in. blk 11 , Or chard Hill , wd 3.500 John J Stewart to Hunnh Schmidt , lot * Hand 12blk 13 , Mlllanl , wd. . 137.30 Wm A Goildnrd to Edith A Hoyden , lots 10 and 11 blk 10 , lot 10 blk 3 , Uodford Place , w d 2,23 , Alice O'Douohoo ' and husband to John L Miles and James Thompson , lot 4 , blk IS , lot S blk 17 , lot 1 blk 21. lot 3 blk 2J , lot 7 bill 9 , lot 0 block 13 , lota 3 and 4 blk 9 , lot 1 blk 20 , lots 5 and 0 blk 1 J , all iu Cartlmge , W d C,225 Same to same , lot 4 blk 21 , lot 10 , blk 9 , lots 11 and 12 blk ! .2 , Oartluigc , wd . . . , ? . . 3,000 W K Lamberson and wlfo to D 1) lioh- ncr , lot 10 blk 120 , So Omaha , w d. . 1,500 , Albert P Brink and wife to John Guild , blk 3 , Myors , Klohards & Toddin'sadd , wd 5,000 W G Albright' and wife to John Pfelfor , lot 11 blk 3 , Hoppcs' Bonan za , wd 750 James K. Chambers and wife to Mar garet Spcllman , lot 12 blk 7 , Bedford - ford Place , w d 750 John W. Hungato and wife to Mar garet Spellman , lots 9 nnd 11 blk 7 , Bedford Place , w d 1,500 , William U. Hoinan nnd wife to Oscar L. Hoinan , n 20 ft lot 12 blk 80 , South Omaha , q c 1 John A. Dodge und wife to John O. Graily , lota 25 , Dodge's addition to South Omnha , wd 500 Michael J Con way and wlfo to Frank C Brookncr , lot 17 , blk 0 , Patrick's 2dnddwd 1,372 , William R Homan nnd wife to John B Evans , lotO. blk 7 , Plnlnview , wd. 1,400 John A McShunu to Bridget Muhon , lot 12 , blk 20 , west side , w d 1,500 Augustus Kountzo and wife to Isaac S Hascall , lot 8 , bik 3 , Kountze's 4thndd , wa. . . . : . 650 Isaac S Hascall to Vlnccns Soukup , lot 3 , blk 3 , Kountzo's 4th add , w d. . 750 Twenty-eight transfers , aggregat ing 8 Building Perm ltd. The following building pormlts wore issued yesterday by the superintendent of buildings : J. H. Elliott , Cottage , Burdotto near North Thirtieth. . . . $500 J. II. Schmidt , stone front , Twenty- fourth and Cuming 350 Two permits aggregating $550 Brevities. Yesterday's internal revenue collec- tionb amounted to $12,257.07. The Omaha Woman suffrage associa tion will moot tit the residence of General - oral Eatabrook this uftornooii at 2:30 : o'clock. An envdtapo of pension papers ad dressed to Mrs. J. Schollor awaits a claimant at the olllco of the chief of no- lice. lice.Charles Charles Cline was run in by Offi cer Ward lost niriit for going through the pockets of a drunken follow in the City hotel burroom. Peter Barrett , the Minneapolis mur derer arrested here last full by Captain Cormaok and Officer Turnbull , was sen tenced on .Saturday last to bo hanged. F. S. Bromley , secretary of the board of ( Ire and police commissioners , is housed with the measles. J. Leary , police alarm operatoris , also on the sick list. County Treasurer Bolln lias discov ered that the unpaid taxes of 1884 were 2J per cent of the levy. In 1885 the de linquency was 21 per cent and in 188G 5 per cent. Philip Corbott was caught yesterday afternoon stealing a largo coil of cop per wire from the Western Union tele graph company. Ho was arrested and jailed to await trial this morning' . The Press club mot Sunday after noon , nnd a report of the recent benefit submitted. This showed that the gross receipts were something over $1,000 , expenses $ -50 ; leaving a net profit of $750. $750.Tlio Tlio regular mooting of the evangeli cal alliance occurod yesterday at the Y. M. C. A. rooms , and arrange ments were made for important work in the cause of Christianity throughout the city. County Clerk Ilocho was busy yester day filling out pension papers for widows and veterans. Mr. Roche follows the plans laid down by his predecessor and charges the government wards nothing for his services. Yesterday Deputy Marshal J. H. Shovvalter brought J. F. Hopkins from Battle Creek , Nob. , who was arrested at that place for passing counterfeit money. The bogus money was all coun terfeit dollars , nnd there are. some ten different counts against him. The inspector of sidewalks has com puted the number of cross walks neces sary to comply with a recent resolution passed by the city council , that all side walks bo connected by cross walks , to [ I bo 2,000 , which will entail un expense of 532,000. A little boy named Tommy Melville was set upon bv a vicious dog at the corner of Clarke and Twenty-third streets yesterday and severely bit ten in the thigh. The brute belonged to M. H. Saddler and an o Ulcer has been instructed to shoot him. Alnscow , the owner of several ob jectionable buildings iu Dago alley , says ho will do everything in his power to keen his property clean and wliolo- seine , but will fight in the courts before ho submits to having the buildings torn down. The Typographical union hold a meet ing Sunday afternoon and elected Peter Stoltenberg , of the Herald , nnd P. J. Boyle , of the Republican news rooms , as delegates to the convention of the International Typographical union which is to bo held in Kansas City in June. Governor Thaycr has been presented with a beautiful diamond badge by the G. A. R , of Nebraska. The badge , which is of unique and ingenious de sign , is studded with twelve diamonds , and upon the rever&o side is the in scription : "Presented to Commander John M. Thayer by unanimous veto of the Tenth Annual- Encampment ol the Nebraska Grand Army of tho.Ucuubl.ic , for services ns department commander for 1880 nnd 1887 , " The gas company' 1ms asked the' board 1 , of public works to inveaUgnto.tho draining l facilities on Lcavonworth. " street. Vast quantities of water llnd their way through the gutter outlets on thin street to ntt extent that threatens to (111 ( up the gas generator nnd stop the works. This excess is caused by insuf ficient drainage from the upper tracks of the Union Pacific railroad 'and re quires immediate attention. Ttio Unto War Spreading. CincAao , March 5. The western rate war continues spreading hi new directions. Up , to to-day all roads between Chicago nnd tho. Missouri river hnd charged full tariff rates on transcontinental freight nnd conHnod cuts to local business. But two of the lines ex tend their cuts to Pacific coast business , As n result rates on first class freights were re duced 23 cents a hundred and other classes In proportion. When the Illinois railroad nnd warehouse commissioners promulgated thdlr tariffs on stole railroad freights , an agree- ' merit was reached among the interested Clil- cngo roads thnt tariffs should bo adcpted making these the minimum rates to bo charged. The Wabash claims the Alton Ig nored this and sent out tariff D per cent below the agreed rates. In consequence the Wabash to-day Issued new schedules , fi per cent below the Alton. This again opens the war between these two lines and other cuts are tn order. Ladles' Marching Club. OnnKNSBuno , Pa. March 5. [ Special Telegram to the BcE.l Efforts are being made by the young democratic ladies ot this place for the organization of a Frances Cleveland marching club , for the purpose of taking an active part in the coming presi dential election. The club will bo composed of some of the loading young ladles of this place , and will bo uniformed tastefully , each wearing a white silk badge with n picture of Mrs. Cleveland 'engraved on it. They will bo furnished with torches made especially for the occasion , nnd will turn out at every poli tical procession , and will bo drilled in the manual of arms and marching manucvors by skilled drill masters. Similar organizations nro to bo started throughout the country , and may spread over the stato. Municipal Klcctlons in Maine. AUGUSTA , Me. , March n. Chairman Man- ley , of the republican state committee , sent the following telegram to Hon. Whltelaw Keid : Auoi'STA , Me. , March B. Tno municipal elections held to-day in the cities of Hollo- well , Gardner , Both , Itockland , Portland , Lowikton , Auburn , Saco and Ellsworth plvo sweeping republican majorities In nearly every city , redeeming Ellsworth and Lewiston - ton , the homos of Senators Halo and Fryo , an unprecedented republican triumph. Maine repudiates the f rco trade message and em phasizes tta condemnation of the fishery treaty. - No Complaints Made. CniCAao , March C.The Illinois state rail way commissioners wore in session at the same hotel to-day in which the strikers have their headquarters , but no complaints had been laid before the commission concerning the struggle. General Kclneakcr , chairman of the commission , was not disposed to say what the commission would do if complaints were made , as he did not wish to anticipate u contingency that might arise. He stated , however , the commission would probably m- quire Into the reports that the rood was hir ing incompetent men. The American Association. New YOUK , March 5. The spring meeting of the American base ball association began here to-day. It was decided that the Metro politan club , New York city , shall be con tinued , in spite of all talk to the contrary , and leave is given the club to discontinue the playing of games until a suitable park can bo obtained , which they have not at pres ent. A resolution was also adopted com mending the stand taken bv the Kansas City club in thoic claim to exclusive right in Kansas City. The schedule was adopted this evening. Want to Bo a Stato. SANTA FJJ , N. M. , March D. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Tlio Herald publishes a Washington loiter , signed Jointly by Gov ernor ttoss and Antonio Joseph , New Mexi co's delegate In congress , urging that the people of this territory memorialize congress in favor of the passage of the Springer bill for the admission of New Mexico as a state , The governor and delegate offer a lengttiy argument in favor of statehood. The Omaha's Duluth Office Robbed. DUUITU , March 5. [ Special Telegram to the BEE.I Burglars entered the ticket of fice of the Omaha road this evening by pry ing the doors open with some blunt Instru mcnt , shortly after ft o'clock and secured considerable siderablo money and some tickets. Just how much is not known. tVeatlicr Indications. For Nebraska : Light to fresh easterly winds , warmer , fair weather. For Iowa : Light to fresh' northerly winds , becoming variable , warmer , fair weather. Omaha Guards New Officers. After the usual drill last evening at the armory , the Omaha Guards proceeded to elect officers for the coming year with the following result : Captain , Charles Scharff surgeon , Dr. E. W. Lee ; First Lieutenant , .Tessa Lowe ; Second Lieutenant , Charles , A , Hnrvoy. A number of sergeants and cor porals were also elected. The company warmly appreciate the time and attention given to thorn by Mr. Scharff , and tbo high est position in the guards was unanimously tendered him. The boys are making rapid progress iu their drilling. Salvation Oil should be the companion of every traveling man. It extinguishes Eain , whether resulting from u cut , i urn , a bruise , or a sprain. Chaucer says : "For gold in phibiko is a cordial. " For all that suffer from hoarseness , cold in the chest , lung trouble , or bronchitis , Dr. Bull's Cougl Syrup is goldoa "phibiko. " Price ii. cont8' - Personal Paragraphs. George Stcbbins and bride have rcturnci from their honeymoon. Dr. O. Hoffman has returned from a scv oral weeks' trip to the south. George Krag , general Western manager o Anheuser-Busch of St. Louiswent to Deuvc yesterday. Don't Get Caught This spring with your blood full of im purities , your digestion impared , you appetite poor , kidneys and liver torpid nnd whole system liublo to bo proslrutct by disease but got yourself into good condition , and randy for the uhangiui nnd warmer weather , by taking Hood1 Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled fo purifying the blood , giving an nppctito uiid for a general spring medicine. In Secret Session. The police and fire commissioners met ! regular session last night , but after the trans action of a little business of minor import ance , they went into secret session , and ail attempts to probe the mystery that envel oped tno meeting proved futilo. The Ice Bridge t Niagara has formed and many people have nl- rcady crossed the river upon it bdlow the falls. The econo from Falln Viow. whore the Michigan Central train stop is one of remarkable beauty and grund- our. The emerald water * of the falls , with the angry rapidsabovo'aml the rain bow tinted spray below , with gigantic icicles hanging from the cliffs mid the tree ? nnd ehrubs on the shores nndGoat island covered with curious ice forma tions , with the wild mass of icebergs stretching over the turbulent' waters Avhqro the Maid , of the Mist .sails in summer , all , combine to .form a spectacle seldom .to. , boSeen .and worthy of A. lengthy Journey' . . - : . " . , . , DEMOCRATS BADLY1 FOOLED , . They lo6t a Prohibition Mayor . . ' " ' Without Knowing It. . , IOWA MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Cedar Raplits , tcs' ' Mollies nnd Bur- HiiRton lOlcct Dcntocrntlc Mnyors Sioux City Gogs , Itcpublloan Clmicil From PcnnsyIvanla. Iowa Municipal Etcctlona. Sioux CITT , lo , , March C. [ Special Tele gram to the BER. ] A presidential election could not have produced more excitement than the municipal election hero did to-day. The Issue as to the mayor's oQlco was drawn strictly on the temperance question. The saloons have been closed without any help from Mayor Cleland , who wns n candidate for re-election , and the prohibitionists sup ported Flynu notwithstanding ho was the democratic candidate. Every ccx- saloon keeper and the entire whisky Influence were against Flynn. John AronsdorfE nnd thrco other defendants in the Haddock murder case worked openly nnd energetically at the polls against him. The German veto went ns n unit acalnst him. The full force of the business clement Which is opposed to prohibition , went against him. Tbo result is that Flynn , n democrat on n law and order platform , is overwhelmingly defeated , and Cleland , n re publican , Is elected by the anti-prohibition clement. At this hour , 11 o'clock , nil but ono ward Is heard from , making Cloland's ' election sure by over three hundred majority. The vote as to the other candidates is so con fused by scratching that it will take all night to count it. CKDAH HArins , In. , March 5. 1 > . Mullally. democratic nominee for mayor , was elected by 772 majority over Wolf , united labor can didate. The republicans made no nomina tion for mayor , but elected a majority of the aldermen. BuiiUNOTox , la. , March 5. The munici pal elections lu this city passed oil very qui etly , about three-fourths ot the total regis tered vote being polled. George Duncan , democrat , the present mayor , wns ro-clcctcd by a largely reduced majority. The other ofllccrs elected nro : O. H. Schcnok , repub lican , treasurer ; Karl Voight , democrataud itor ; M. Fleming , democrat ' , police juiigo. Two republicans and thrc'o democratic al- dcrnien were elected. . Democratic Gudgeons. DBS MOINES , la. , March 5 [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The municipal election hero to-day was quiet but very interesting from the singular features Involved. The chief fight was for mayor. The republican candidate Hobt. Finkbluc , the man who superintended the building of the now capi tal. The democratic and independent repub licans united on a citizen's ticket nominating W. L. Carpenter , a barb wire manufacturer , and a democrat. The independent republi cans were urged to support him a * an expres sion of their opposition to prohibition. Lost fall the same coalition elected a license republican to the legislature and the same reasons wer J urged this spring for continuing the co-operation. The funny part of the matter is that Finkbine , tno republi can , proved to bo anantl-prohibltlonlst , while Carpenter , the democrat , is a Methodist pro hibitionist Of the strictest sort. Some of the precincts were kept 'bpen late. The entire vote at 10 p. m. had .been counted but the probabilities are that-t Carpenter has been elected. If so ho will give the city a strict prohibition administration , which wilt bo a paralyzing surprise to some of the democrats who voted for him to-day. lPrcss. _ ] The municipal election passed off quietly hero to-day. W. L. Carpenter , a pro hibition democrat , being elected mayor on the citizen ticket. An Iowa Criminal In Texas. MOI.VES , la. , March 5. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The governor has been informed by the sheriff of Tom Grceno county , Texas , of the whereabouts of a sup posed Iowa criminal. The sheriff says that a few weeks since he arrested a borso thief and from him learned the facts. The liorso thief testified that ho was with the Iowa criminal when ho escaped from the state and know of the largo reward that bad been of fered for his arrest. After his escape he spent last summer and fall in Tom Greene county and then moved into the Rio Grande country , where ho now lives. The case will now bo investigated. Charged With Bigamy. DUBUQUE. la. , March 5. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The wife and children of Mr. Spatz arrived hero to-day from Bradford , Pa. , to appear against him on the charge of bigamy. Ho claims ho was never married to her , but she insists that he was and claims that ho destroyed the marriugo certificate. The case promises to bo highly interesting. Iowa Jbcgislatnrc. DBS MOINES , la. , March 5. In the house this morning Mr. Chanty introduced a bill to define and punish conspiracy in the pur chase of stock , groin and other products. The bill passed legalizing the acts of incor- | K > ration of the town of Ackwort , Warren county. The bill was ordered engrossed providing for the assessment and taxation of telegraph and telephone lines. The committee reported favorably on the bill providing that mutual insurance com panies complying with the laws of the state regarding net assets shall bo admitted , upon application , to do business in Iowa. The remainder of the session was spent in discussion of the bill to prohibit fraud in conventions , primary elections and caucuses. No action was taken when the house ad journed. A bill was ordered engrossed to prevent fraud in conventions , primary elections and caucuses. The commute made a favorable .report on the bill legalizing the levy and assessment forlS80andlSS7 , Alsoon the bill providing for compensation of mayors in certain cases. Also on the bill lo increase the powers of superior courts. The remainder of tno afternoon was spent In discussion of the amended schedule of freight ratesthe question being on the dis criminations made between first and second class roads. No action was taken. Tlio Fire Record. Mxxsixo , la. , March 5. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] At 0 o'clock Sunday morning lire broke out in the grocery store of E. C. Perry , of thfsjdacc , and completely destroyed the building and stock of goods , amounting to about J5.000 , partially covered by insurance. No cause can bo assigned , Tito earnest effort of tlio firemen and citizens generally saved the a Joining building , other wise the entire block would have been con sumed. Mr. Perry waj.living in the upper part Of the building , but escaped unhurt. A Victim of Saturday's Storjn. DUJ.L-TH , Minn. , March 5. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Hjirry 'Iloscoe , yielded up his llfo a sacrifice to the cold and fury of Saturday's storm. IIo was a cook at a'lum ber camp and came to'Duluth to see a dentist , nnd started back for camp early Friday morning. A man answering his description took dinner at a farm house on tbo camp rood about twelve miles from Duluth about 11 a. m. that day. After going from the farm house ho walked on about four miles and thcro evidently became exhausted , as tracks In the snow show where ho retraced his footsteps. Ho had gone only a short dis tance when cold nnd fatigue overcame him and ho sank to the ground. A teamster found him nearly burled in a snow drift lute Saturday afternoon. The body was soon ftcrwurds brought to Duluth , A Bl Mortgage Filed. Dt'LCTii , Minn. , March 5. [ Special Tclo- gr m to the Ucb.-tA ] $ .5,000,000 mortgage given by the KJstern railway company , of Minnesota to secure payment ot .bonds 'was lilea hero this mornlni , ' . ' The mortgage- lilaceil with Uio.Ccatral Trust.company , of Now York , . ' , . . , ; ' . . ' : ' " - ' ' . . ' r . ' ' . FIFTIETH. COXQnESS. Hcnatc. WASHINGTONMart'h ; ' 6. Mr. Kcncran ro- > ortcd adversely , from thajKXRtoniceiiud post- oads committee , the Edmunds aud Cullotu , x > ital telegraph bills , aud reported favorably ho original bill to regulate Inter-state coin- nerco carried oh by telegraph companies to .ho supervision of the inter-stato commerce Minmissioti. Mr. Culldm Insisted this bill should b < 5 ro- 'erred ' to tha Intor-otAto committco. A sharp 'oudlcti ' between the two committees followed .nd . the matter finally went over without action. Among the petitions nnd memorials pro- ' nted and referred were the following ! From the Women's Christian Temperance union for the repeal of Internal revenue on alcoholic lliuors ] , nnd for n prohibitory amendment to the constitution ; from citizens f Kaunas against the Springer Oklnhonla bill , and from citizens of Nebraska in favor f It ; thirty-two petitions ( presented by Sher man ) for the passaico of the per dlom sorvlco tension bill , and numerous other petitions rom other states to the same effect. M. Chandler offered a resolution , which was agreed to , Instructing the select com- mlttoo on Indian trader * to Inquire Into the methods of allotting lands In severally to In dlatis on Indian reservations In the northern portions of Wisconsin and Minnesota ; aud as to the sale of timber on these lands. Unfinished business , the pension bill , was .aid aside , and the urgent deficiency appro priation bill taken up for consideration. Among the more important amendments recommended by the committee on appropri ations nnd adopted by the senate , were the following ! Inserting nn item of $77,493 to complete reports of the tenth census : reduc ng contingent expenses of the land ofllcos from $33,000 to $ ' . ' 5,000 ; Inserting an item of $5,500 for fitting uptho barracks nnd national 'lomo for disabled soldiers at Lcavcnworth , [ Can. ; striking out the Item of $20,000 for miscellaneous expenses of the United States courts , being the deficiency for the year 1887 ; Inserting an Item of $93,000 for printing and binding for the postofllco department. The amendment to strike out the following para graph : "And the public printer is hereby directed to rigidly enforce the provisions of the eight hour law In the department under "ils charge , " havintf been reached , Mr. Boar nquired of Mr. Halo why the committee ) had recommended striking out these lines. Mr. Halo replied that there were persons em ployed thcro , working by the piece , who de sired to work more than eight hours , who preferred to work twelve hours , and the adoption of the item might bo construed to makothcso men stop work at the end of eight hours. Mr. Hawley said If the provision had any moaning whatever. It wns an attempt to for bid n man to work more than eight hours , and , therefore , in 1 > ehalf of the worklngraon , ho protested against it. It seemed to him u piece of demugogism and nothing else. A lively discussion between Hnwley and Hoar ensued , which was terminated by Mr. Halo withdrawing the amendment. Without a vote the sonata adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , March 5. Mr. White of Indiana introduced the following preamble nnd resolution which was referred to tbo committee on commerce : Whereas , There has been Inaugurated n great strike on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , which , if not speedily checked , will end in widespread consternation and suffer ing , not only to these immediately engaged In it , but to others who are not directly con nected therewith , yet nevertheless nro greatly affected by a prolongation of said strike. Resolved , That a special committee of five members be appointed by the speaker to pro ceed at once to Chicago and thcro investigate the condition of affairs in relation to said strike , and that they bo empowered and re quested to act as mediators between the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad com pany and Chief Arthur , and bring about a settlement ot the pending troubles and differ ences which will bo amicable and agreeable to both parties , so that the strike will ter minate. Mr. Morrow , of California , introduced a resolution calling on the president for all cor respondence touching the deposition ot King Malietoa , of Samoa , by the Germans , and the difficulties which have since occurred ; and what measures hud been taken to protect the rights and property of American citizens hi tboso islands. By Kerr of Iowa For a public building at Cedar Rapids , Iowa. By Groovonor of Ohio A resolution directing the committco on military affairs to ascertain whether unofllcial matter has been incorporated in the rebellion records , and if so , under what circumstances and by what authority. By Thomas of Wisconsin To define trusts and to prohibit trusts from carrying on Interstate - state commerce. By Nutting 6f Mew York For the con struction of a ship canal around Niagara Falls In Now York. By Weaver of Iowa For the erection of public buildings at Ottumwa and Oskaloosa , Iowa. The house then took up the McDufflo- Davldson ( Alabama ) contested election case. Mr. Marsh of , Pennsylvania defended the majority report in favor of the contestco Davidson. Mr. Rowoll of Illinois in a brief s | > ccch , advocated the minority report , and after some further debate the matter went over. over.A joint resolution was passed allowing Pay master J. Q. Barton , United Stolen navy , to accept from the emperor of Japan the decora tion of the Order of the Rising Sun. On motion of Mr. Dunham of Illinois the bill passed authorizing the city of Chicago to erect a crib iu Lake Michigan for water works purposes. The house then adjourned. A alight cold , if neglected , often attacks the lungs. BttowN's BKONCIIIAL TKOCIIES give sure and immediate relief. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cents. A Crooked Clerk. HAKIUSDUIIG , Pa. . March 5. The particu lars of the defalcation in tbo office of the county treasurer have been made public. It has been discovered that during the term of County Treasurer Longnecker , from 1SS2 to 1SS5 , thcro was a defalcation m his office amounting to $17,000. It was found out that Longncckcr's clerk , Erastus G. Jones , who succeeded him as county treasurer , was the guilty one. January 1st George Grove became - came county treasurer , and it was then that the truth carao out. The connty looked to Loniineekerto pay the defalcation of his crooked clerk and Longncckor fell back on his bondsmen , who paid the money. CREAM Its uprrlor excellence proven In rrijlllons o. homes for more than a quarter of a century. I in uaetl by tha United btate * Government. Kn- dorsudby tlieheadaot the Great Universities as the Htrongext ; 1'nrest and most Healthful , pr I'rteo'a Cream liakltig l'oder doei not contali Ammonia , time or Alum. Hold only in CAaA. IT.LOUU WOMAN THE SUBJECT Of Hitherto Unpublished Letters of tlic Notable English SataiM Tlio Vein of .Sentiment Chnraoterli- tlo Only of a Man With the Ability ofTlirtokeray , the Novelist. The current publication In Hcrllmer's Maga > 7.lm of letter * nelectod from the apparently vo- mnlnoim-nriiMiinmlenco of Mr. Tlinckory , the IiiKllsh novi'lNt , throw * n now Unlit upon UN character , nntl explains much of the tenderness nnil Kontlenesi , which ho uliowed In his ro- nance * , totholut of womankind. Ho wns as- -ontlnlly apprcclfltlvn of thn tommnnplncc lit loino life , pntlcnt 111 the ilotnll of Its bounty nnd > athtn Actually appreciative nnil pntlcnt.us his elnnilo , homelpy , yet Uwolilns lottera ludlcato , It wns the expression ot uonutuo aim personal entlment tlmt 110 gave vent h > lu "Vanfty Kalr" \lipnhcAMd : "What do men Itnow about woman's martyr- loin * ? Tlioy would go mad had they to ondnro ho hundredth part of these dally pains \ > hlcli arc meekly borne by many women. Ceaseless slavery meeting with no reward ! constant RentleneBS mdtonderness mot by cruelty tin constnntjlovo. abor , milToritiif , patience , watchfulness. How many of thorn have to bear lu qulot and appear .broad . WITH ( IHKF.nrtJk rACBS , s If they felt tiothliiKf" There Is In this same ring of cliaraetorlatlo sentiment which the reader \\111 llnd lu many of ho letters which Thackeray wrote to his lull- lift to frlonda In Kneland. "J doubt , " said a lady who hasbeen , selected as thn mibjcct of this sketch to the writer , 'whether there aremany women , or men cither , vho endured what I did. To feel the growing u'ttkness , the loss of strenRtli , health nnd cour. n p , to llnd that the lounds about me Rrow "alntor and fainter every day , and that oven the olccs of friends I could hear with difficulty. L'ou can't Imagine how h rd that was tw bear. " "I think I can. " MISS ANNIB OOOnr.HTT. "You see It had been a matter of only A cou ple of years wltu me. don't think I was ever what you might call strong , but when this trou ble came on and kept growing upon me , it made me weaker anil morn despondent than ever. 1 lad coldi a great deal and trouole with my throat and head. My nose would stop up , first on one side then on the other and It was with diniculty that I could breathe through It at all. 1 would [ always be hawking and hemming and trying to clear my throat. I was more tired when I got up in the morning than when 1 went to bed the night before. My Bleep was not sound , I was very restless. After a while I began to have a pain over my eyes and through my head. I was losing my weight and wns re duced to almost a skeleton. I had no ambition to do any work and the least exertion would tire me. " "Von speak about sounds being indistinct ? " "Oh. yes. For along time I noticed that I wonld have singular noises in my ears roaring or buzzing sounds they seemeu to bo. When my catarrh was worse lor that the doctors tola mo was my trouble , or at least the beginning of It especially In damp or changeable weather , these sounds in my euro would bo more distinct. lly and by I found I couldn't hear as plainly as 1 used to , and Was afraid I would become totally deaf. " "Hut you hear bettor to-day ; you can hear my voice quite distinctly , can yon not ? " "Oh , res. I will tell you. Borne time ago , after using different kinds of treatment , I took the advice of a friend and went to Pr. McCoy's of fice to Haingeblock. I found his office FA11LOB8 riU.BD WITH I'EOl'LB. But it was not very long before I had an oppor tunity of seeing the doctor. II o told mo thut my troubles were the result of catarrh , and to re move them it wonld be necessary to remove the cause. He did not tell me he could restore my hearing entirely , but said he could help it , and make me hear better. "llcsides the trouble with my eyes.I had a con tinual dropping of muscus from my head into my throat , which when I wonld lie down I would swallow , and it'vas not long before I found my stomach was out of order my food would not digest readily , and I had more or less of a pain In the pit of the stomach nearly all the time , and after eating a hearty meal 1 would have a distressed sensation in my stomach. My eyes , I noticed , were nlso affected , and when I would go out in the bright light they would pain me aud water considerably. "As I said before , I visited Dr. McCoy'a office , and began treatment at once aud began to im prove , my general health was better at the end of the Urst couple weeks of treatment ; now I sleep well , eat heartily , arise refreshed in the morning , do not hawk and bpit any more like I used to , have no pain over the eyes.no distressed feelings after eating. My food seems to digest oil right , me uyos do not water or pain mo any more , aud the liOAUINO AND ItCZZIXO NOISES have left me. On the whole I have boon greatly benefited by his treatment , nnd have no hesi tancy in giving my testimonial for publlca- Mlss Annie Uoodlett. whoso portrait Is fairly well produced above , came to Omaha about two years ago from Strentor , 111. , Is n dressmaker by occupation , and resides at tie ) corner of Twenty- fifth street and 1'opplcton avenue , where the above statement will be verified if the reader vlll take the pains to inquire about it. TRACING THE CONNECTION. Signal Dangers Which Arc Made Known Before Consumption Appears. When catarrh has existed la the head and case has been left uncurcd , the catarrh Invnrl nbly , sometimes slowly , extends down the wind pipe and into the bronchial tubes , which tubes convey the air into the different parts ot the lungs. The tubes become affected from the swelling nnd mucus arising from catarrh , and in tome instances become plugged up so that the air cannot get in as freely as ft should. Short ness of breath follows , and the patient breathes with labor and w 1th clltllculty. In other cases there is n sound of cracking nnd whet-zing inMdo the chest. At this stage of the disease the breathing is usually inoro rapid than when in health. The patlcut also has hot Hashes over his body. The pain which accompanies this condition Is of u ( lull character , felt In the chest , behind the breastbone or miner the shoulder blado. The pain may come and go last a few days and then bo absent for several others. Tha cough that oc curs 1 u the llrst singes of bronchial catarrh is dry , comes at Intel vain , is backing in character and usnally most troublesome in the morning on arising , or going to bed at night , and it may bo tlio llrst evidence of the disease extending in At flrst'tboro may be nothing brought up by the cough ; then them Is a little tough.tenaclous mucus , which the patient llnds great diniculty in bringing up. Sometimes there aio tits of coughing induced by tough uiucous-so violent as to cause vom. itlng. Latcron the mucous that is rained is iound to contain small particles of yellow mat er , which indicates that the Miinll tubes in the lungs nro now alTectod. With this there are orten strcnUs ot blood mixed with , the mucous. Incusan'tho patient becomes very pale , has fever and expectorates before any cough up- pcnrs. In some cast-B small mnsses of cheesy sub stance nro spit up , which , when pressed between the OnKors , omiU a bad odor , in other coses particles of a hard , chalky nature are spit up. Tlio raising of cheesy or chalky lumps inditutcs serioui mlscliltf at work Into the lungs. DOCTOR J , CRESAP M'COY , Late of Belieyne Hospital , New York , Has Offlces IN HAMGK IIUILIHNU , OMAHA , NED. Where all curabla cases aru treated with sue COM4. Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump tion. llrlghr'n dlscaio , Dvspcpsln , ItheumatUm andallNKUVOUS MBEAHHS. All dUoaaei po cullar to tbo sexes a specialty. CATAUKH cuiiK.n. CONSUf/TATION fttoniceorby mall II. Many disease * ur treated luccuasfully by Dr McCoy through the mulls , aud It is thus posslblo fur these unable to irmko thn jour tny-to obtain uucce&iCul Ui ( > lal ( treatment a.t their homes. ODlce hours 0 to 11 a.m. ; 2 tot p.m. ; 7to8n m. SUNDAY JIOUH3'VHO.N [ A. M. TO 1 I'.St . Correspondence receive * proiflpt attention , No letters' uniwered tiuleu aeconjponlea by i e , Addroas&ll mail to DrJ. C. MeCoy , . 3)0 anil 3111Umg bulldlnjr , ' Omaha , Neb Who It WEAK , W KKVOUH , . hai TRiri.KD awar hit VIGOR of ROUT , MINI ) and HAfHOOU.c ulng xhtuitlnc dralni upon th FOUNTAIN * of UWK , HEAD AOME , RACK. * UIIK , Prtiulmt Ir m , WBAHRKflN of Memory. ItANH. rVI.NriMIn HOCIBTT , 1'IMFI.Mupon the PACK , andalltbA Mrm < lT * ipudlnrto EAHI/T DBVAT and perhtM CONNUMP. MOW or INH AN1TT. Should crtniult at one * tha CBLEHHATCn Dr. CUrk * , JdUbllihod 1RT.1. Dr. Clarke hat m d NEHVOVB BK. HIMTT , rnMQNId and all PlteaiM of the UENITO imiNAMV Otttnt a Mfo Mtudy. It make * NO difference WHAT you bare taken or WHO hai failed to cure you. . wrEttAI < ENiUfferinirrromdl Mi tpectt' Mar to their iex ean coniult with the asturatic * ef tpoedy relief and cur * . Bend 2 centt poetg fbr work * on your dlteatM. _ _ 8end < ecnU poetair * fbr Olrkrnlrd Work * on Chronic. Nrrvoaa and D ll < Mt DlMMct. Coniulwttnn , MrtonRl.'y or by Utter , ! * . Coniuit the old Do t r. TliotiMiaels c r 4 > OBI * * * and B rlar > yrlvnt * . vThpte contemplating J arrl r end fbr Dr. Clarke's celebrated gulile H l and FVMMI * . tarh 150. . both Z5c. Blampt ) . llefoio coufldlng your cate , contult r. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may Mte future lufferlngtnd ihame , and add irolden yean to life.Book "I.lfe'a ( Secret ) Er ror * , " 5oc. ( itompt ) . Medicine and wrltlngi I' ' ent everywhere , teoure from xpoiitr * . Hour * , to 8 1 Sundays to 12. Artdrou , F. D. OLARKJD , M. D. 180 So. Clark 8U OH1OAOQ. ILL. 1742 Lawrence SL , Denyer , CoL 3f the Missouri BUto Mujoum ot Anntotny , St. Louis , Mo. , Unhorslty College Hospltnl , Lon don , Olcscu , Uernmny aud Mow York , having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially thoao arising from Impru dence. Invfte nil so suffering to correspond with out delay. DUi'R.soi of infection and contagion enroll safely anil upoodlly without nso of nan- crouft drug * . I'atlenti whoso cnios hnv boon eglected , badly treated or pronounced incur- nblo , should not fall to write us concerning their symptoms. All lettera receive Immediate atteu- Ion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will be mulled KHKK to any address on re ceipt of one a-cent stamp , "Practical Obsnrvn- : lena on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaus tion , " to which Is added on "Kssay on Mnr- rlage , " with Important chsntera on mseiwieg of the lieproductlvo Organs , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which atiould bo road : > y all young men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , .4 1712 Lawrene * St. , Denver , Col. 8 Health is Wealth ! Dn. B. 0. WEST'S NEBVTR AKD BHAIX TKBATR MINT , a guaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dlzzt ness. Convulsions Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration , caused by tin use of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkefulness , Mental Deprosxlon , Softening of the llruln , resulting In Inuunlty.und leading to miserydecay and death. Premature OM Ago. Barrenness , Loss of Power In either sex. Involuntary I/jsses and Bperma- torrhcoa caused by over-exertion of the brain , self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con tains one month's treatment. ll.OOn box , or lx boxes for $5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.VK \VK GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To cure any caso. With eaclTordcr received by us for six boxes , , accompanied with $5.00 , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money If the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee * Issued only by U. F , HOOD- MAN. Druggist , Bole Agent , 1110 Faroaui Street , Omaha , Neb. - , # til Pnprtstor Omaha Butlneu Collegi , 3 IN WHICH IS TAUQHT 1 Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Comnurclal Law , Shorlhind , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for Cotltg * Journtl. S. E. Cor 16th and Capitol Avomto. J. W. Barnsdall , M. D Homoeopathic Specialist , SURGEON Gynoecologitt and Obstetrician. Telephone 079. RAMGE BLOCK , - - OMAHA. E.T.Allen , M. D.f Homoeopathic Specialist , EYE AND THROAT NOSE , EAR Epectaclea Accurately Prescribed RAMGE JiL'JK. , OMAHA ir. j. Surgeon and Physician. Office N. W Corner 14th and Uouglas Ht. Offlea , telephone , 463 ; Itesidoucu telephone , COS ; m cordUnjr rtcomue 4 Tur U M the tmt C.r .U x wn to iu fcl \ TO C DT . Mil Cltet. rarutMt MI t WatitTd told UMStrUun. feUe. and In every case | | huglnn utiifoctlen. rrlc * tl.OO. SCIENTIFIC CLUCK & WILKINSON. JIOICIBUI AND PERSISTENT Adrertlilug hag alwny/i / proven uoceuful , Jlcforo placing any Ncwipnper Advertliluir coumk LORD It THOMAS , I U U l fexUbk Klntl. CHICAGO. U. S. SErOSITOBY , OMAHA , 1TEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOQO Surplus , -r BOOOO H. SV. VATKH , President. lsK. Unto. Vlc Finn tc . E. ToUiAi.i ? . lad Vlie-PHn W. 11. ti. iluaitKJ , Dimerous : vr. V. Mur.it , JOHN B. II. W. l.iwir , s. , E..ynu < 5AUff. IRON BANK , . Cor. lith nd K ru ru BU. Aiieatral Jlauiiu lHi m u'IraaMcUd .