IHB OMAHA DAILY BE3 ? TUESDAY , MABOH. 6. 188& THE DAILY BEE. frUDLlBHKD EVJ5UY MOKNINO , TKHMfl OF BWJSCHIPTIOMi Dally ( MornhiK Edition ) including Sunday llrr. One. Your . ' . . J10 JW rorHlkMotitUs . HOD J'orThree Month . . . . . : . . ' . . -W The Umalm Himilay liici , mailed to any ad- drMiOno Year . . 2 00 OMAHA Orncr.K < ) K.9tUNt)9iQKAitNAMSTitr.KT. NEW YOUK 0 PICK , itooMnH ANiiiaTiiinu.iR liuiMHAfi. WASIIINUTOK Orricc , No. MJ FotnTttNTii STtir.ET. COBHKSPONDRNCK. All communication * relating to news and edi torial matter should bo addressed to tlio UIUTOII . All IniMneu letters anil remittance * Bhotlld bo addressed to TUB llru Ptinumitrw COVI-ANV , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postolllce orders to bn niiicle payable to the onler ot the company. The Bee PnlilisliinFciDany , Proprietors E. KOSEWATELl , Editor. THK DAILY IIEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Etate of Nebraska , I _ , County of DoURlass. [ " ' lleo. II. Tzschuclc , secretary of The Ileo Pub- lulling company , doc solemnly swear that the cttinlclrciilntloii of the Dally Ileo for the Week nutlnp .Murcli S. 1HW , \ \ as ns follows : BiititrJay. Kel ) . Si 1M7 Pundny. Tob. sn , 111.10 Monday , 1'cli. 27 Mm > IMPHday.Kcli.SH 1M10 Wednesday. Feb. ! 17triil Thursday. Men. 1 17.no : Friday , Men. 3 .17,880 Average 1B.821 OKO.n.TZBCHUCK. Bworn to and ftubacrlhed In my presence this 8rd day of March , A. D. . 18 * ) . N. P. FKIU Notary Public. Btat of Nebranka , I. . County of Douglas * , f Ueo. II. TzHchuck , being first duly sworn , de pone * nnd ay that he Is secretary of The llco Publishing company , that the actual rerago dally circulation of the Dally life for the month of March. 1887 , 14,400 copies : for April , 1S87. 14,318 copies ; for May , IBST , 14.127 copies : for June , 1BCT , 14,147 copies ; for July , 1K87. 14.1KJ copies ; for August , im" . 14.161 copies ; for September. 1R87 , 14,34'J content for October , INC , 14,333 ; for November , 1PW , 15,220 copies ; for December , 1887 , 15,041 copies ; for January , IfW * , lfiHXl copies ; for February , 1888IB.WS copies. QEO. n. TZPCHUCK. Bworn and nubscribed to In my presence tlds 3d day of February. A. D. 1868. N. P. FBI I/ , Notary Public. IT looks ns if the list of possible presi dential candidates was complete. No addition to it has boon made in nt least a week" . THE mossback of thirty years ago has just crawled , out of his hole , but like the ground-hog ho will bo back ill to it , beared by his own shadow. IT Is In accord with the eternal fit ness of things for the poor ola _ _ news paper wreck on lower Douglas street to champion the hare-brained schemes of the Jefferson square mossbacks. THE committee of congress to inves tigate the trusts will enter upon its task next Thursday. It is to bo hoped the result will bo less unsatisfactory than was reached by the committee of the Now York legislature. THE shadow of the coming presiden tial election gives the hue to the counsel of all politicians at this time. What is most expedient for the party rather than what is best for the whole people , is the paramount question. THR discussion of the now tariff bill in the press is more favorable to the meas ure than was to have been expected. Even the mono candid among the or gans of protection concede that in some respects it Is fairer than they looked for. But no one appears to bo at all bane uine of its success. THEHE Is very little probability that Mr. Springer's omnibus bill for convert ing four territories into states will got through the senate , whatever may bo its fate in the house. The injustice it proposes to do to the people of Dakota is so apparent , nnd the partisan reason therefor so obvious , that wo have no doubt there are democratic senators who will not support it. The advocates of a division of Datcota express confidence that it will bo defeated in the house. IT is by no means certain that Messrs. Gould and Sago can yet congratulate themselves that they are beyond the reach of justice. The ruling that led the recent grand * jury to drop the charge against thorn is very generally con demned as a perversion of the machin ery of criminal justice , and it is very likely the district attorney will feel compelled to bring the matter before the incoming grnud jury , in which case a ' different rouult is more than probable. Now that wo have a minister to Mexico ice It IB in order for the turbulent 'Texans and the mischievous Mexicans to renew hostilities on the border. Hardly had Minister Bragg presented his credentials before the announcement > came of an "affair" at Eagle Pass in which ono Mexican soldier was killed and another mortally wounded , while members ot a sheriff's posse received Eovoro flesh wounds. The matter has been reported , to Washington , and Gen eral Bragg will have an immediate chance to show his ability as a diplo matist. THE American minister to England did not give the customary banquet in honor of Washington' * birthday. In fact ho entirely ignored the holiday by accepting an invitation to one of Lort Salisbury's receptions. Minister Phelps has long been known as a rabid unglo- manluc , and has shown his contompl for American principle ! and customs in other ways than by slighting George Washington's birthday. An ideal American representative to the court ot St. James should certainly bo a scholar and a gentleman , but ho shoult also reflect the highest typo of Ameri can civilization. But this quality Min ister Phclps sadly lacks. A YEAH ago tue Boston Ifentid an nounced in its columns that it proposed ns un incentive to its employes , to dis tribute nt the end of the year a certain percentage of'its profits among them in proportion to their salaries. At the time the employes took but little stock in the announcement , bo.Uo.vlng It to bo R sort of an advertising sohomo of the riauer. The managers of the Jteruh imvo , however , kept their promUo , urn n 'day or two ugo como $15,000 wore di yldod , each employe receiving . an amount , equal , to'4 pop cent * of his wages. . It is not stated by the Bostoi J/t'ruW whether it will continue Itr * plnj during tlw present year. But Uiiiic ? will be remembered as one ot the unique examples in the history of prollt-shar- " ' A frnmlcGrAbbcrs' Still Itnnt , A concerted movement by the land rings , pre-emption claim brokers and own lot syndicates is in progress to proi euro the rcmovrft of every special agent of the general land office who has stood n the way of marauders upon the na tional domain. Whllo General Sparks remained at the head of the national nnd office the efforts of these land sharks , cither at homo or at the na- lonal ] capital , received no encourage ment. The late commissioner was a Inn nnd relentless foe of land grabbers nnd claim frauds In every shape , manner or form. No matter what pressure was brought , or from what quarter the pressure came , to land agent who had proved himself trustworthy was over allowed to bo dis turbed. Ever slnco Sparks was forced out of the land ofllcc the cormorants nnd claim speculators have boon active with schemes nnd plots to displace the spe cial agents who had made themselves offensive to them by reason of their fidelity to duty. In no section of the country have the laud robbers shown roator eagerness to resume operations without hindrance than right hero in Nebraska. In thcso efforts they have been seconded by congressional in- lluenco which was notoriously impli cated in land-grabbing schemes in the western section of the state. It remains Lo bo seen , howovdr , whether the na tional land office will play into the hands of these land rings , syndicates nnd bogus pro-oraptors , _ by removing the officers whoso oxpcrionco enables them to cope with the conspirators. Acting Commissioner Stockslager knows ns well as we do that the dismissal of competent nnd tried special agents at this juncture is not in the line of an efficient administration of the land olfico , nnd wo trust ho has the backbone to rcsis all pressure for changes under whatevc'r pretext it may come. An Unwarranted Invasion. A very earnest popular orotest is being made against the course of the Burlington railroad officials in import ing into Nebraska armed men , who , with out any authority from state , county or municipal governments , are acting as detectives and oxcrcising-a measure of police surveillance in behalf and under the direction of the corporation , This proceeding is felt to bo a grave outrage upon the rights of the state , an insult to its authority , a disparagement of its power to maintain nnd execute the laws , and in itself an act of lawlessness hos tile to peace and good order. That this invasion of armed men , whether they bo called Pinkerton detectives or something else , performing police service under the solo direction and authority ot the Burlington railroad officials , is clearly without warrant of law , it is presumed no Intelligent and candid man will question. That it con travenes thd exclusive right of the people ple of this state , through the constituted authorities , to appoint and commission such persons as may bo necessary to preserve the peace , protect property , and in all respects maintain and en force the laws of the state , wo believe to bo an indisputable proposition. That its tendency is subversive of law , in arousing the natural hostility of citi zens to the presence and surveillance of imported mercenaries acting under an authority not recognized by the state , must bo apparent to everybody. The proceeding on the part ot the Burlington company is wholly unjustifi able. Not only is it without warrant of law , but there Is nothing in the circum stances to give it excuse. The property of the company has not been endan gered. The employes of the company have not been threatened. There has been no attempt at violence on the part of the striking engineers and firemen and no intimation of a purpose to commit violence. On the contrary the company has boon most fully assured by those who have the authority to speak for the .strikers that the laws would bo most carefully respected , and the character - actor of the men engaged in the strike was a sufficient guarantee that' this would bo done. But oven wore this assurance wanting the company would have no right to usurp police powers in the state by quartering in cities and towns armed men from another state to harrass and overawe our citizens. The duty of the company , and its only lawful recourse , was to appeal to the authorities for pro tection , just as any business firm or private citizen would do if apprehensive of clangor to property or person. There is no extraordinary power of self pro tection conferred on any corporation , railroad or otherwise , doing business in Nebraska , that can be exorcised independently of those whom the people have empowered to execute the law , and any attempt by any corporation to exorcise police power regardless of the authorities com inits a usurpation subversive of law and hostile to the rights of the state nnd its citizens. This practice of the corporations of hiring armed detectives nnd distribut ing them through the states at their pleasure , whenever they have any dif ficulty with employes , has come into vogue within the past few years , nnd the general experience has boon such as to strongly condemn it. Many of the men who engage in this service are worthless follows who arc either unfit for anything else or too indolent to work , and who have little care for the law and none what ever for the rights ot the people among whom they may bo sent. Feeling no personal responsibility , and instructed to Iruvo no thought for any but those they are hired to servo , they have generally done moro to subvert than to maintain law. The history ol their employment records numerous in stances in which people have been ruth lessly shot down , and many examples o ! reckless lawlessness. Several states have boon led by those experiences to pass laws prohibiting the employment within those states of those armed mer cenaries , and It is evident that' such log- illation must . in time bocbmo general. The indignation- cit izens of Nebraska at tho. pres ence among' thorn of the Burlington cmnpai > ya ) imported detective's is nat ural and justifiable , and should at le.asl fissure the company-that It cnn only lose In popular regard by continuing Its.ob- jcctlonablo nnd unwarranted course. KccklcssncM In The Kansas City investigation into Lho Midland hotel catastrophe Is bring ing to light some startling facjs. At the Inquest of ono of the victims who mot his death by the falling of the roof , the architect , Mr. Burnham , stated that the accident was caused by the giving way of the iron plates which supported the trusses under the coiling of the din ing room. The fault was duo to the gro&s carelessness of contractors , es pecially the men who contracted to do the iron work on the building. The plates were all too small. Where the architect's drawings nnd specifications called for plates two nnd ono-quurtor Inches thick , the plates furnished by the foundries wore only ono nnd one- half inches thick. Where the specifi cations called for plates throe nnd seven-tenths feet square , the plates wcro less than one-half that size. The weight of the truss was therefore thrown over n-smnller area of the wall , nnd the strain being so great caused the weight of the truss to rest on the edge of the plates Instead of the center. This caused the bricks to give , and in the opinion of the architect brought about the disaster. The wall , Instead of being a twenty-Inch wall , was only sixteen inches thick. What further light maybe bo thrown on the matter , ns the investi gation goes on , remains to bo scon. The testimony is sufficient , however , to show that the con tractors and builders ignored the plans of the architect. It is but reasonable to infer from the evidence that other parts of the building arc faulty in construction. And furthermore it is reasonable to infer that other largo buildings of Kansas City have been erected in the past few years which have not been put up according to the architect's plans. But Kansas City is not the only sufferer in this respect. In many other western cities , property owners have been victimized by the connivance of archi tects with dishonest contractors in the erection ot buildings. There seems but little doubt that in the construction of the Midland hotel the contractors and building superintendent have had an understanding to slight the work and to share the profits of the egg-shell build ing. Don't You Know. An old Jefferson square mossbnck who had not enterprise enough to build a fence in front of the house ho lived infer for nearly a quarter of a century ; nnd for more than twenty years refused to pay his taxes , has the impudence to denounce - nounce the editor of the BEE ns a liar because this'papor has pointed to the fact that the Missouri river runs within five blocks of Jefferson square. ' 'Don't you know , " says old mossback , "that in Omaha , as laid out on the map of Anne Domini Jones , the streets running north and south are numbered , begin ning with the river , and don't you know that Jefferson square is bounded by Fif teenth and Sixteenth streets , nnd , there fore , you editorial blockheadthe square is fifteen blocks from the river on the cost line , and sixteen blocks on the west line. " This is indeed a stunner. But.old Mossbnck does not appear to know'that the topography of Omaha has under gone some change since 1854. For moro than twenty years , First , Second , Third , Fourth and Fifth streets north of Farnam street have been in the main channel of the Missouri river , which at this date covers moro than eight blocks of the original Anne Domini plat east of Jefferson square. We ad mit it was not thus in the nnte-diluviim days of the Mossback. But while the channel of the Missouri has changed since the good old times the boil in the blocks surrounding Jefferson square has not changed perceptibly. The bank of quicksand which Henry Llvosey struck when ho was laying the founda tion of the Cass street school still re mains whore it was fifty years ago. The wells in the blocks east and north of the square still show water within twelve to fifteen foot from the street levels , and the oldest grave digger in Omaha will not bo able to disprove that fact by any "Experience , " post , presenter or future. When it is proposed in all seriousness to erect public buildings with their thousands of tons of dead weight on grounds that would require costly piling for secure foundations , the mossbacks and early settlers must give way to stubborn realities. Divided Against Itself. Some of our local contemporaries pre dict great things for Omaha from the newly organized Union club. The BEE is not so hopeful. It does not expect to gather figs from thistles. ' The primary objec * of the promoters of the club is to cripple the Omaha club by withdrawing support which is essential to its vitality If the "Union" succeeds in breaking up the Omaha club it will create enemies and personal resentments that will take years of time to heal. The secondary aim of the "Union" said to bo concerted action amen g Omaha business men in fostering enterprises that promise to promote the general welfare of this city , and originating schemes of public improvement which would help to build up Omaha. This'is very laudable , and would com mend itself at first blush. But can the Union club hope to achieve such su premacy in giving direction to public enterprises without clashing with the board of trade ? Per , our part , wo do not believe it can. The functions of the board of trade as now organized are virtually limited to the very objects which the Union olub proposes to mo nopolize. If the board of trade is ex pected to confine itself to commercial exchanges and trufllo arrangements , it may as well disband , It will take years of time before a produce exchange can bo practically maintained in this city. So wo shall have discord nnd damaging rivalry between the club and the board of trade. And when it comes to ques tions of public policy in which Qmaha ia to join .hands with other cities , which o ( those rivals will bo potential'/ Surely not the > club. A petition or re .monstrance .from a chamber , of com merce carries some-.weight with it , but what attention would bo paid to the re solves and potlUo'nJ * of a private clubV Will a honso divided against Itself achieve its objoctV CQM > XKh.FiM.oW8 : was "endorsed" by President Cleveland as the best roan in New York for district attorney. Maurice B. Flyntl nnd Rolln M. Squire , freed from a charge of conspiracy by a faulty indictment drawn up by the dis trict attorney , ajsq "endorse" Colonel Fellows ns the best man in Now York. STATK AND TEIUUXOnY. Ncbrnflka Jotting * . Beatrice republicans have clubbed. 8. E. Solomon lias sold the Culbcrt- son Sun toll. W. Montgomery. Platte Center wants a flour mill and a brick yard. Good water power can bo had for both. M. E. Stevens , of Boone , was killed by a team of runaway colts , noay Albion , Saturday night. Holdrogo has sent complimentary resolutions to Holdrcgo. Now make way for the shops. The Beaver City Times summarizes the strike situation by saying that "wo may reasonably expect a train at any time. " The voters of Hastings are asked to sanction the 'expenditure of $15,000 in extending the water mains of the city. The election will bo hold next month. The Grand Island Times sees no ne cessity for Pinkerton's armed gang in Nebraska. "Governor Thayer's militia can kill all that the civil officers cannot handle. " A genius In Hustings has invented a corset that plays a wedding march when faqucozod. Another genius in Nebraska City has perfected an improvement that registers hugs. What the country needs is a bullet proof corset for wine room receptions. Lincoln has organized tt society for the propagation of Volapuk. To suc- eessuilly cultivate this valuable adjunct to the products of the state , the soil bhould bo plowed deep in the fall nnd harrowed in the spring , nnd the rootlets planted In buckskin sacks to protect them from the omnivorous book worm. A Beatrice man made use of his leap year prerogatives the other night by dressing up in his wife's clothes and parading the streets making mashes. Later in the evening ho returned homo to change his attire and found that his wife was out in town in his business suit trying to work up some new real estate deals. Iowa items. The blossoming plum trees in Beatrice have been nipped in the bud. . The company nt Webster City boring for gas lost their drill nt u depth of SI-jO feet. Marshalltown's High school has a class of uniformed girlsMvho swing Indian clubs. . Sioux City is moving to catch the main line , or a branch of the Duluth & Omaha road , to boibullt this year. The religiously'inclined people of West Bend cont6tbphite building a Catholic nnd Prenby'terian church. A number of Humboldt citizens have organi/.ed a company with 92,000,000 , capital to develop nim'inc in Colorado. A Boone woman i said to have just completed a crazjj quit with 24,781 pieces in It. Her ( 'husband keeps his breeches togotherW with a horseshoe nail. nail.At At a dance givenby a party of colored people at Dubuquef JVVednc&uay night u wh te girl was present who had boon raised by negroes , and who , for her per sonal charms , attracted more attention than the dusky maidens. Everything went as merry ns a marringo boll until the white girl began to receive the at tentions of a certain clunky damsel's solid fellow , when the colored girl pounced upon her and gave her a good Hogging. The matter was aired in the police court next day. Dakota. Dcadwood has anchored the govern ment land office. Peter Hey , in Hyde county , broke prairie February 23 , which is 'rushing the season. The flouring mill at LaMoure is being equipped with Hour packers and will soon be running night nni day. Gentlemen from Now York and Wis consin , together with some Dakota ca ] > - italists , will meet at Kodlleld March 14 to take steps toward incorporating the Duluth , Itcdtlold & Southwestern rail way. way.Hormosa Hermosa is said to bo all agog over the recent discovery of tin and silver a few miles west of that place. The silver bolt lies about five miles west of Hermosa mesa , in the direction of Huyward , and thn tin discoveries are located from eight to ton miles webt of Hcrmosa , near Bobiors' ranch , on Battle creek below Hayward. The reported strikes are said to be of considerable import ance , inasmuch as the ore found in both districts present the moat fluttering in dications of value. Ryan Prostrated. Frank Ryan , the slayer of Mrs. Howard , was found prostrated and in a very nervous condition In his cell at the central station yesterday morning. The fainting spall ho had the night before and the severe medication ho was sub jected to , has left htm physically weak and mentally distraught. Ho was nervouH , rest less and llttlo Inclined to talk ; his face is pale and dark Hues encircle his eyes , and that ho Is suffering much mental torture Is plain to be soon. Falling to engage him in conversation , the reporter left Ills cell Just as his lawer , Mr. Bradley , was admitted. The police bavo take no stops In the matter and liavo col lected no evidence. Tbe story about Ryan's beluga hard drinker and addicted to the mor phine habit it stoutly riifutcd by nil these who know him best. ' Ho has never been known to bo intoxicated about the residence of the Scott's , nnd his room-mate declares that ho Is but a very moderate drinker. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon County Attor ney Sluioral illud a complaint against Kyan , charging him with murder In tno llrst do greu , and his preliminary examination is set for this afternoon at - ' o'clock. A Car Driver's Cruelty. The driver of cor No. 85 , Park avenue line , was arrested yestordoj * afternoon charged with cruelty to animals. ' At the time of Ma arrest ho had nn overloaded car and was mercilessly whipping his horses , which wcro struggling to climb the slippery hill. The complaining witness U prvillo J. Nuve. A continuance was secured until Thursday afternoon at 9 o'clock. Coming From the Bluff's. A ( committee appointed by the Council Bluffs board of trade to confer with repre sentatives of the Omaha board of trade with a. view of enlisting support and encourago- incnt in establishing a Ohautauqua assembly at the Bluffs will arrive lu the city thU after noon , and will present their arguments at the Chamber of Commerce building. Intor-Stati ? liullwuy Commission. Commissioner GriflHta , of the freight bureau of the Omaha board of trade , 1ms been notified that ctho Inter-state railway . commission will arrive in Omaha on the 10th Id st to hoar argu ments In ' the 'discrimination cusos ugalnst the railroads' ' . On that occasion a full showing of facts lu substantiation of the case of the freight bureau will bo made. . . . SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Abrnma , of Pcndcr , brought in six cars ot cnttlo ycMcrtlsy. O. yf. Perleo , of Western , 1ms two cars of cnttlo oh the market , J. A. Fnwiler catno In from Silver City to look over the market. > . ' H , & M. officials say they will ruli In n stock train to-day. Justice Levy continued tlio suit of Weld- man vs. Pltrgcrnld for ton days yesterday. Hlclmrd Otto August Itouther , oldest son of Judge Hcuthor , has come to make his Lome in South Omiilia. The 1) . &M. allowed signs of llfo yoMerdny , nnd their switch engine wat doing auty for the first time slnco the strike. "Thoso who own the least spoke the most , " is what ono disinterested upcctator * ald of , the board of trndo mooting Saturday night. Ticket Agent Woods la sick , nnd travelers over the Union Pacific miss Ills genial face nt the Windsor. E. P. Wclrs is officiating in the meant lino. The Owl club of the commission men shows signs of disbanding , and yesterday ono onico was filled with dclimiucnt moinberi. They said that Roy Hough' the treasurer , had gone to Chicago , and the committee said that it nnulo no difference , as none of them had paid their dues. They held n meeting all thosauio and Initiated uiisunpcctlngstrangors. Twonty-fivo old army men mot In City Cleric Wells' ofllco nnd Saturday night re solved to form n post. Knough money was produced to pay for n charter , and Comrades Buylls , Thoo. iilllot , J. B. Erlon , J. A. Mc- Murphy and J. W. Cress wcro api > ointcdns n committee to settle on the tlmo and place of t he regular post meetings. Officers will bu elected next Saturday , Jack Kulloy has boon boarding with Mrs. Nelln Kearns , but for omo reason doesn't feel Inclined to settle for the accommoda tion , nnd Justice Levy continued the case until the 10th in order that both parties could think it over The Exchange hotel guests yesterday were : C. Abrnms , Pcnder ; H. J. Windsor. Omaha ; J. A. Frazler , Silver City , In. j O. W. Pcrloy , Western , Neb. After n three weeks' absence Judge Rou- thcr returned from his trip to the cast , and celebrated the event by lining "Farmer" Young W and costs. Young was not de terred by the killing of Johnny McKultn , but went Into Gorman's saloon Saturday night nnd attempted to own It. The attempt proved n failure and ho sattled with the Judge. The Judge had u pleasant trip , and with the exception of three days' Illness in Now York enjoyed himself. For tlirco hours Saturday night the busi ness men of South Omaha listened to instruc tions as to how a board of trade should bo run. Some of the speakers said that if they hud noticed the 110 entrance fco , mentioned in the petition they had signed , they would not have signed It , but that once their signa tures wcro nnlxcd thcv would stand by It if the $10 broke them. Others wanted to have It a "business men's club" with the necessary attachments , but the majority evidently wanted to BCD tt what It was Intended to bo , a genuine board of trade. Bcforo they did so , however , the committee appointed to nominate ofllclals for the first term reported that is , two of them did. Ono of them nominated himself us treasurer , and both of them nominated a gentleman who has not yet Joined the association as president. It was too much , and the members present adjourned for n week to think it over , but they first christened the enterprise as the "South Omaha Board of Trade. " They meet again next Saturday. MOHTUAItY. citvnr.ns MOIIIIIS. This young mini , for about throe years a milcsimiu on the road for M. E. Smith & Co. , of this city , nnd one of the best known of the commercial men resid ing here , died of infinmmatory rheu matism at , the residence of 12. A. Iloltou n member of the above firm , Thirty-first street nnd Popplcton avonuo. Ho had boon ill but about ten days. His relatives reside in Ohio and huvo been notified of the young man's death. The date of the funeral will not be announced until they arc hoard from. Mits. IIUOUH. The funeral of the Into Mrs. Hugus took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence , 12.23 North Nineteenth street , and was largely attended , especially by the older settlers of the city. The services wcro conducted by Dean Gardner of Trinity cathedral , nnd the re mains were laid besides those of her late hus band Peter Hugus who was buried a few years ago in Prospect Hill cemetery. The Coming Convention. Delegates to the state convention of repub lican clubs , to be held in Omaha on March in , Will bo given reduced rates on all railroads. Delegates should buy full faro ticket to Omaha and take agent's receipt. The secre tory of the convention will give certificates to all accredited delegates , which will enable the holder to buy n return , ticket nt ono-Ilfth tln regular faro ujKm presentation to the ticket agents at Omaha. Clubs intending to send delegates to the convention should at once , If they have not already done so , notify the undersigned and give the names of the delegates chosen. Hon. James P. Foster , president of the republican league of the United States , Hon. Stephen A. Douglas , Hon. Richard Yntcs , Hon. W. P. Hepburn and Hon. J. P. Deliver will bo picscnt nnd address the convention. Ciiuans A. CoM.tim , Secretary. Room IT , Iran Bank. State exchanges please copy. William * Held For Trial , Ed WilliatnH , who received a charge of bird shot from Frank Van Hummol's shot gun Sunday morning while burglarizing Dr. Van Hummel's house , was brought before Judge Bcrka yesterday afternoon. Ho pleaded guilty of tliu charge against him , wishing to get through with his case as soon as possible , and the Judge put him under $1.200 bonds to appear before the district court. His room mate , John Robinson , was held as a witness , and being unable to furnish bonds for $200 , ho too went tojail with Williams. Licensed to Wed , The following marriage license * wcro is sued yesterday by Judge Shields i Name and Residence. Ago. ( Daniel Rouse , Omaha 22 | Annie Franklin , Omaha 21 j Arthur E. Shockley , Omaha. . . ; 27 | Jessie Dudley , Omaha 20 j Carl Richard Larson , Omaha S2 j Clara Bcrgrccn , Omaha. . . . . . . . . .40 Freight Bureau Meeting. The freight bureau committee of the board of trade met yesterday afternoon and con sidered several matters regarding the rela tions of business enterprises with the rail roads. Some debate was entered into re lating to the action of the board of directors on the Intcr-stntc commerce bill last Monday night , and it is understood the matter will bo reopened at an early date. Sheriff Coburn'a Report. Yesterday Sheriff Coburn submitted a tabulated statement to the county com missioners of the number of prisoners re ceived at the county Jail and cared for siace January 1,1851 * to Uecember.31,1S37. _ _ A BURNING MOUNTAIN. The Great"WjroininK Con ! Ilnnk Which Has Bccu Hnrnlng for ARCS. A Wyoming MuUiattou writes to the the St. Louib Globe-Domocrat from Oil City , Wyoming : ThU burning mountain is really a coal bank in which for years and years a fire has boon smoldering' , giving out , as did the Schechinae to the Israelites of old during tliolr wanderings in the wilder * ness in search of the promised land , n "pillar of fire by night and a cloud o ( smoke by day. ' ' As it ia far remote from any settlement , and situate in the heart of what is known as the "bad lands , " it ia but little known to any but cowboys , whoso duty leads them moro frequently through tlio wild paths of the unfrequented country than the moro beaten ones of civilization. To one visiting this burning mountain for the firfat time , the country presents a most dreary aspect. For a mile or moro around the several qnanlngfc..tho ground is parched uiul baked and bare. Great beds of'coal'crop out around this spot , aud during tU 'fierce windstorms that frequently rnpc in this nUltutlo , the llro , whorcx U is hear the surfaceSi8 fnnncd into n torrldo blnzo'which nt tlinos Icnpa hlffh 'in the uir , nnd the sight rtt'nlght when vlbwcd from ft dirf- tanco , whllo wlord. Is n most beautiful nnd fnsQlimtinjr one. For fully half n mtlo nlonp the edKO of the coil : roof the little tongues of lire shoot un from crevices nnd run nlonif the oartli , twisting and turning in nil sort of weird and fantastical Hlmpcs , which can only bo compared to so many little cluvlls at piny ; lumping and run ning nnd scampering hither and thither , until n Htrong gust of wind raiser n greater shoot , that spreads out its fiery unns like Stitan himself , on the approach of which consternation tmoins to tak'o possession of the smaller imps , and with a scamper they nil disappear into Bpaco , Grotesque and ghom-liko shadows hover nbotit the outer edges , whllo the mournful dirge of the wind shrieking around the sides nnd through the crevices of Pumpkin buttcs , tlio plmiitom-llko outline of which can bo neon nt intervals , give to the shadows n sepulchral voice , which reminds ono of Dante's "Inferno1 : nnd the cowboys have appropriately dubbed the place "Hadcsitto. Many explanations are given as to the origin of the fire. Some claim that the place was struck by lightening , while others , nmong whom is my informant , Mr. Cooper , siiy that there' is a strange story told by some of the old Indians who still hunt through this country ex plaining how the lire originated. Tlio Indian legend is that a count less number of snows back when Wyoming was only known nnd marked on the map ns part of the "Groat American Desert , " and all the country west of the Mississippi was still n virgin wilderness , n young bravo of tlio Crow Indians called Littlo-Chlef- with-13ig"Euglc-Claw9 , so named from the eircumstnnco that while yet but n boy he killed an enormous eagle , the claws of which ho over afterwards wore on a buckskin string around his neck , fell desperately in love with a beautiful young Indian maiden of the Arnpahoo tribe who was known in society as Flower-that - Blooms - in - a-Snow-Drift , from the fact that she was born lute in the spring by the banks of a pretty lit tle stream , near which was n , deep bank of snow with llowors already blooming around the edge , The lovers mot with much opposition from both triboswhich nt that time were nt war with each other. Yet even as it so happens in civilized circles , whore a non loves the daughter of his father's most blttor enemy , they persevered nnd finally were mnrriod , nnd the Littlo-Chiof- with-Big-Engle-Claws brought hisbrldo home to rule over his wigwam. But her beauty and the attention and devotion shown her by Little Chief something unusual nmong Indians- brought down on her the jealousy and hatred of the other squaws of the Crow tribe , and to use the language of the day , she was "cut" by the ban-ton nnd aristocrats , and ostracized from society. Ho Little Chief put up his to pee some diHlnncc from the others , nnd they lived alone , happy nnd contented in each other s love. Of this union ono child was born , a bright-eyed , blnck-hnlred little papoose , that was the "sunlight nnd starlight" 6f their wigwam. But when ho was yet scarcely ono yuar old , the war between the Crow and Arnnahoes broke out afresh , and Little Chief wont forth with the other braves to do battle. They camped in u little valley on the banks of the Bella Ifourcho , and lenvirfg the old men , squaws and children to take care of the camp , the younger braves wont out in search of the foe whom their Scouts reported lurking in thoatirround ing hills. In the first skirmish Little Chief , who was foremost in the light , was mortally , wounded and carried off the Held dead , but the Arapahoes were put to flight. When the news reached "Flowor-thnt Blooms-in-a-Snow-Drlft" in her lonely wig warn that night she was distracted. Heartbroken and alone among u strange people , and a people , too , against whom her own tribe were waging u bitter war : the husband whom she adored nnd loved with all the ardor of her eavago nature , dead ; a widow ore yet the honey moon had scarcely waned , her lot was indeed n hard ono. And to add to her wrctchodnosg the other squaws gathered around her , nnd now that Little Chief was no longer there to protect , her , jeered nt and mocked her ; laughed ut her borrow , taunting her with tno cow ardice of'hor brothers , and asked her why she did not go to her own tribe that were now running and fleeing like so many squaws before the superior skill nnd bravery of the Crows , and they ac tually drove her from her wigwam. Clasping her little papoose close to her breast she started out into the darkness nnd the night alone with horsorrowand began her weary march across the moun tains , nnd like a wounded deer , hoping only to reach the homo of her people and the scenes other happy youthwhoro Little Chief wooed and won her , that she might lay down by the graves of her forefathers and die. But coming to this old coal bank , under tha point of which the wind had worn a CAVO , and being weary nnd foot-sore , nhe crawled into it and throw herself on the ground. The cry of her baby , however , roused her , nnd resolving for its sake to liva , she went out and gathered some sagebrush brush nnd built a fire In the cave to keep herself and babe warm. And it is sup posed , worn out after her long and weary journey , she lay down to rest'and fell asleep , during which the coal took fire and the gas suflicatod both mother and child , us they were never soon or heard of again. A few days after this some scouts saw the smokonnd thinking it cumo from the camp fire of their enemy , reconnoitered until they found the true cause , and that fire has boon burning over since. Such is the story of this wonderful burning mountain as told by an old In dian to Mr. Crnpon , who from long as sociation with them can understand and talk the Arapuhoo language fluently ; nnd such is the story as ho told it tome mo , detached portions of which I hnvo frequently heard from the cowboys and Indians during the pttst three or four years ; and however much truth there is In the portion relating * to the origin of the fire , certain it is that the Indians hold the spot in great fear and avoid and shun it , thinking in their suoorsti- tious imagination that the gliost-liKo shadows which nightly hovur and play nlxiut the spot are the spirits of the lost 'Plowor-thnt-Bloomed-in-a-Snow-Drift , ' nnd the children of the little papoose that perished with her. A It evolutionary Treasure Found. St. Louis Globo-Demoorat : Several thouband dollars in old gold coin in earthen pots were exhumed by Lorenzo Mcars , on his farm in Accomac county , Vu. , recently. A tradition in the neighborhood suys a largo amount of money was concealed on the farm dur ing the American revolution by the lory proprietor , who , having tone to Kngland during the war , died there without Using the spot where ho had burled the money. Is'ot many yearn ngo some of the descendants of the old tory proprietor camcr over hero and spent several hundred dollars in making ex cavations in u fruitless bcarch for -tho money. All the ground araund the old houbo was thrbwu.up and deep trenches wore' dug wound' the yard , sighs of which i'et remain. It Is'bald that Englishmen brought over with thorn nn old negro who had boon n servant of the revolutionary proprietor , nnd who professed to know where his master had burled the monoy. Tlio Englishmen finally givvo up the search and-wont back to-England. . Nothing moro was hoard of the treas ure until Mcars accidentally struck upon It whllo planting some fencp postn around the yard. Moars tried to keep the matter n sccrot. but a little boy Who lives with him wont to the neighboring village of Pungoteaguo nnd lot the secret out. Ho informed some persons there that his "Uncle Ilen/.ie" now had lilies of money , having recently dug up nn iron pot full ot gold nnd silver which two stout men could hardly carry. Mcara will not talk about his llnd , but to-day showed several gold coins to his neighbors. These coins are old English money , some of them being stamped with the imago of Charles II. , others with that of George III. The place where the trcifeuro was found was ono of the oldest on the east ern shore of Virginia. Two hundred nnd fifty years ago it was the seat of the qucon of Nanduu , an Indian beauty , who ruled over the savage tribes that inhabited that region. Near by is the burial ground of the Nandua Indians. The crook has cut away the earth till many of the skeletons are exposed to view , nnd as the bank caves in from time to time the bones fall down into the water and drift with the ebbing tldo out into the bay. Some of the skeletons nro of finnt size , and many of thorn are buried in coIllns that were "hewn out of solid logs. These whitening skeletons , ns they protrude from the uido of the cliff , present a ghostly spectacle. " A paper made byHorr Lndowigg , Ger many will resist the action of both flro nnd water. The manufacture is nccom- pllshcd by mixing twenty-live parts of tiahostos llbro with from twenty-live to thirty parts of aluminum sulphate , moistening the mixture with chloride of zinc and thoroughly washing it in water. It is then treated with a solution of ono part of rosin soap in eight to ten parts or a solution of pure nlumiiiumsul- phnto , after which it Is manufactured into paper like ordinary pulp. rjMary Anderson's doctors gays she must not act moro than once a dny. A SURE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE r _ All iT 6llltl DtttMM , of raeMt or loot it n 1nr.t from ten to fltttin dayi. We will glT wmuo gu r- ntcei to cura anr CM or refund your mon r. And would ur to lho § who h v employed U > mo j Hod PbrtlcUni , u nd ererr known nm.dr n * re not been cured , thai TOO are Utt lubjecti we m Mn tot. You h T been to the celebrated t Spring * oi Ari ni i , Mil bare toil ail hop * v , tooTer7 , we Will Gun You rttaka no cham. Our remedy u unknown P any One in the world ontilde of our Company , ana UJi the only remedy in the world that will ear * you. We will cure the mou obstinate eat * In lee * tiaa on * month. Scren dayi In recent eaiei doe * the work. It u the old , chronic , deep-Mated eaie * Uut we lolloli. We hare cored nnidrtdi who bad been abjMea4 y rayilclant ana prOuounoei laoureble , * aa Wi Cfiallsngi thi World eahrlKf iiaeaM that we will not ear * In leaf that pne toonth. . .Since th , history of medicine. B True SpurtBo for Our Magic Remedy atcit medical work * , puhliihe Met known anthorttlM , * ay there wa oarer a tru * peelfle before. Our Remedy title only medicine In So werM thai will cure wken ererrthln * lie hae ailed. It hae been to conceded by a fane number of Jelebreted Phyiielaai. It HA * NTIH rn VAU.BD o cun" . WDF WMM yonr time and monty with Mlnt nadlctnM that MTO had lrt , or doctor With pbyilclana that cannot our * TOO. Ton that bar * trlid T ryuin all * i&ould com * to na now ana ( Mrmanant rallsfi you nar r can let It ciiewbtr * . bark what we aar I In to * tnd jou nnnfUk * ou B niedrprK T Bl ooTer. And you that hayabaen afflicted but a abort tine ibould by all means com * tea a now. Many § t halp and think . thaya re rrf . from . _ tha dltaaac , but In one , two or three yean after , II appear * ag tin In a more horrible form. iBTeatlf at * ovr financial ftandlnc tbroaih the mer cantile acende * Md not * that we an fuilV renponal- kle and o r written guarantee ! are Rood , We hare a > RiMEiir prepared on purely Bolentlfla Pilnclpl * * and we with to repeat that Unarm FAIL * TO cuam. AU letters sacredly confidential. THE COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha , Neb. BllM m Blnt. i EUCQY Beabury'M Ilydronaphthol Boaru kll.ni for promptly curing all nkln and flcalpdlncaBuHfuich nnrc7etnurlng rIlll V worm , tetter , blotcheBblacc ! Mpota , lAM ILI barbura' itch , dandruff , scaly crtip- tlona or rounhnesa. fBllloif hair. &c , , &c. U in highly meiilcatecl. aweetly scented , and UUIntects all sinks , basins , tubs , &c. , through which It iwKHes , U AUC llydronapthol I'mitlllfn , for purl- Iln f L tying sick roomn , cloxets and apart- tn nt8 whore dlseaHtt germi liirlc. TUCCC When burned In tiuch placeg they I nCOC Impurt a most dcllKhtrul odor , which U refreNhlmc to ihsalck and nnfinC agreeable to all other occunnutf. UUUUOi Mnad's Corn and Bunion Plasters quickly reduce Inllninniatlon and OC pin 3 * HOOU cure coriMandbnnlrm , tliore- L\J UIOi fll by lirln lDK relief and comfort to thousands of fruffcrers. nrnnrrlefc HKAHUHV te JOHNSON , UlUgglSIS Bole Mamitacturw. N W VoBK , THEY DID IT. What ? Cured among others tb following , They write : M9 Central ATC . Cincinnati. 0. , I January 4lb , ! . 1 Atbloi.hOToa Fllla bars cureil tnoof llrmr coiunlalnt and iltHiwpKla. I fratefru of Uio i'lU.s to a f rieiul who In troubled with inmitfwtlou and ho lu * Improved wou * dtlfUlly. F. 11. lloWLKAUF. 16 nowttc Ht. , New Ilaven.Ct , I Feljnmry lutli , 1 H ( AtUloiJiorOT rillH vroikcdwcniilvin In my raw of dr p l' ' la. Kuui L. CtJUiic. Pills Email nnd Atli-lo-pho-ros are pleasant to taVe , yet wonJcrfullf cfl'ectlvc. Invaluable for klJney nnd liver complaints , dyspepsia , in digestion , conttlpation , licadaclio. etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving now lift nnditreugtlu 9-Scnd 6 cents for the beautiful colored pto lure , "MuorUh Maiden. " ' THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 Wall St. It. Y. SteekPiano Hcmarlcablo for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action amfab. jioluta durability. 'M yearTrecord , UIH boat guarantee ot tha ocrol- lencu of these iristriinftntH. WOODBRIDGEBROS. JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXrOStTlOtf 1378. Not. 303-404-I70- . THE MOST PERFECT'OF PENS. mm V > \ > WANTED for.tb VAN ORDEN , 1tt U JL CORSETS. ' Krery lady-wlaClng nftafal ) ftfXMl titullb ; ami a l nutful ( rto. * vr' burnthein. Quick tf ft ffMf n QlsiP N § JSeale * . Oood pay. M n4 * n\BfiVeai I * VJ for term * arid circular , o. ruuau . co. , H WMI izu tt. , xum cur , uvj