' 2 . THE 03VIAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 0 ; 1888 ; THE FISHERIES TREATY , Documents and Protocols Presented to PRACTICAL RESULTS OBTAINED. It fJecitrcB toUnlfort Htntos Ample Kn.ojrnicnt | ol Trrnty Prly nnil HoHpltnllty Other \VnHlitiiKton NCWH. LieUer. WASIIIXOTO.V , Mnrcli fi , " The president IIM transmitted to congress the icmulnlng docu ments and protocols relating to the fisheries treaty , together with u letter from Secretary Buy urJ , In his letter Secretary ll.iyiinl Bays : "Ati lnsXKtlon | ! of this documentary history will servo to demonstrate the prud- tlcal nnd important results accomplished by tlio treaty now pending before the senate by which the question of the Interpretation nnd administration of the treaty of 1818 between the United States and Great Urltnln Is trans.- fcrrcd and elevated from the obscurity Into which It has BUfTored to lapse since the date of that convention , and Its restoration from the prnctleal control of thn minor ofllclals of Canadian maritime provinces. Until the treaty now pending was concluded no avail able remedy seems to have been supplied for the Inconsistencies , Incongruities ana unjust- iflablo construction of the treaty of 181H , to which our fishermen for year after year have been subjected , and which by the progress of gradual encroachments of Canadian legisla tion aud local | > ort regulations , had almost converted their privilege , expressly reserved by the treaty , Into sources of Inconvenience und expense. 1'retoxts or oauscs alleged for arrests , iinoa , detentions and other embar rassments to American fishing vessels during the years 1WO and 1SS7 , wore based ujmn alleged infractions of the treaty of 1818 , or of Canadian lawn passed in professed execution of that treaty. All such vexatious action ns is recorded in the list of seizures , etc. , is met nnd rendered impossible of occurrence in the future by the provisions of the treaty now before the senate , nnd the amplest enjoyment by United States flshormon of treaty rights nnd customary hospitality duo un der International law und comity is Hccurcd in the ports and harbors of eastern Canada and Newfoundland. The corres pondence will serve also to establish the fact that prior to the treaty of reciprocity of 18"il , aud subsequent to KB abrogation , and in the years of 1870 and 1871. vexatious and hur- rasslng administration by Canadian authori ties was practiced and unchecked. As neither the treaty of IBM nor that of 1871 contained any allusion to thu wrongs thus indicted upon United States fishermen , nnd us neither convention contrived any remedy for provision against their renewal and repe tition , U iM-'oiimo necessary u remedy should ho longer bo unprovided. It h believed such n remedy U practically nnd fully supplied by the treaty now pending , and that by Us terms now and for the ( list time since 1818 , a Just and Joint interpretation is agreed to by both governments and placed upon the treaty of ISIS , which will secure Just und hospitable treatment to the United States fishermen , and secure to them unmo lested the full measure of their rights and that under the proposed arrangement every American iishormun pushing his voca tion in the witters adjacent to British North America , run acquire n clear understanding of his rights and duties whilst within the Jurisdiction of all waters of Canada , or to such i > ortH and Harbors ns casualty , neces sity or convenience may suggest , without fo.ir of encountering such harsh nnd un friendly treatment as ho was ticretofoi e sub jected to , under uncertain , unwarranted and variant interpretation of his treaty rights. " The accompanying papers nro made up of extracts from the diplomatic correspondency jjf 187 , Sceiotnry Uayard's letter to Minister TPUolps of July 12.18S7 , and proposals of con ferences of negotiations. There is also the text of n 16tter from Secretary Bayard to Sir Charles Tapper , ulider date of May 111 , 18-87 , in which IJuyurd briefly reviews the polntb at issue , deprecates the clrcumlocu- . tlon necessary ladoaling with Canada through Great Britain , and proposes that a Joint commission which is to bo arranged for Canada's colonies ns represented. He speaks atlcngtu'of the Interest involved , and of the necessity for prompt action to avoid dlsa- ' grcoable friction between the two countries reply thanks Secretary llayura for the sug gestion made , aud nays they have been ro- " fcrrcd to the proper authority , and coincides i completely with the views of Mr. Bayard in the earnest hope for an cnrly settlement of u vexed question. A letter from Uuyard to Minister 1'helps refers to a telegram from Lord Salisbury , regarding the appointment of a commission. In this Mr. Bayard pro pose * a convention similar in some respects to the new treaty , but which was not accept able in other points to the British govern ment. The remaining correspondence brings the subject to an agreement for convention. A SUBLIME DESERT DANCE. The WnltzltiR Snml Auburn Which 1 tench Miles High In Ncvmln. San. Francisco Examiner : "You have hoard of the dunce of death , anil the danca of this , that aud the other , " said Jon' , Grnudlomyor , the "VVhito Pine mining man , ycsborduy. "Out in Ne vada wo have whut wo call the duucu of the giants , und any observer would think * JBO , too , if ho looked ut thorn. They are no loss than great cylinders pf. Hand which waltz'over the desert with graceful motion'and reach high in the sky. They are from oteht to twenty feet'in diameter at the bottom , and do not widen or narrow us they go up ward. "In this respect they are unlike the cyclone of the east , which , being also r.Biral. ] ) widens like a funnel toward the top , while its bottom bores deep into the ground , often digging a trench and uucking up horses , houses , bums , trees aud everything else in its path. "Tho sand column or cylinder , however - over , has , like the latter , both a circu lar und a forward motion. Thuy start It from a little or nothing , being a sort of an incipient whirlwind , while all the surrounding air is still. Then they develop to about the sl/o I have said. They Boom to got their atari in the rather loose soil along some old road , andfrom this grow to gigantie size and waltz miles over the desert. < "In alluvial cell the cut very deep , while in the gravelly soil they do not liavo bo much effect ; yet I have known MUutii , in addition to taking up fabulous quantities of sand , to take up tons of ( sagebrush and good-sized stone. \ "It in a elraugo eight coming along /On these deserts sometimes to see three or four , on dvon more , of these waltzing fcaand augers. Usually there is one great , blff auger and a whole lot of little ones , , 'nlf dancing along at hort distances from each other. "Some of these great sand cylinders I have soon reach from two to three miles high , into the clouds. It is a fantastic ight to see them away out on the the lonesome deserts. "Summer time is the only Ttimo they exist , aud they waltz along for hundreds of miles. Thoyary thickest in July. Iutho White Pine valley , which runs from the Humboldt to the Colorado river for a distance of over 8oO miles , there are oftentimes many of them. In th * Snake valley , too , which is 380 miles long , there are a good many , and they Bomctlmcs get to be from twenty to ' thirty feet In diameter. liTnojr are nho soon in the Fleche val ley , which ia about 2SU miles long. All these valley * are from .twenty to fortj ' ' , imlles wide each. They vary somewhat , ' but this Is about how they run. : " lot of colossal "Every yuara- queer fond auffvrti cwrao waltzing down Spring * * ll y fromldahc * into- the Puranogat VftUatfi It t * aa intensely sublime- sight , ' M4WQbMrrarU filled with awe at thfeMJo to movoMOBto of the great > il ut daucora. " STILl MM IN. THE FIGHT , ' < * [ Continual From Vlrnt Jffc. ( ; ] _ am always seeking llko 'favors of . the com pany. 'Jim renlpiiblloBcnttmontof Nelson Is ono of Indignation that less than half n dozen men should so misrepresent our town , and I know froui personal conversation that nlno- tpnths of our people uro in sympathy with the Brotherhood , und hope they will bo suc cessful. At HASTINGS , Nob. , Maroh 6.i-Spoclal [ Telegram - gram to the BUB. ] The Burlington is slowly gaining mor.0 strength In the moving of trains. All the passenger trains except the flyers nro In operation. The freight trains nro moving but not with so much regularity as the passenger trains. , The company is to day taking freight for ull points on Its lines and from present indications nil trains will soon bo running with their old-tluio rcgrlur- A tolcgrnm received In Hastings this after noon stated that engluuero on all lines con necting with the Burlington will leave their cubs to-mono w. OurcitUens are souiowuat ulannod over the prosixot , An amateur engineer nt this point nearly wrecked a portion of the round houso. bv losing control of the engine ho was trying U > take out ou the roud. Not the Man. Br.trn HILL , Neb , , March ft. To the Editor of the linn : In your Issue of to-day you state that cnglno No. 75 wns burnt while In my charge. I wish to sny that I hnvo not been on cnglno No. 75 ior the past year nnd think It is In good shape and on Its regular run between Wymoro nnd Hod Cloud. Occa sionally an cnglno breaks down or has mis- imps but those happen to the old runners nnd I think the now men nro doing well. All trains on this division uro running regular and ou time. F. S. GKANOT.II , Trainmaster. _ The New KiiKliicars. CKKSTON , Ia. , March 6. [ Sjicclal to the BRB. ] The testimony taken by the railway commissioners at Crcston , In regard to the competency of the now engineers being em ployed on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , has created no llttlo stir. The striking en gineers Jubilantly point to it as corroborating their claims that there are many now running engines ou the road who do not even claim themselves to bo competent. The following Is n partial summary of the evidence given by various witnesses : J. 0. Shoemaker , being sworn : Had boon fireman two yeaars und eleven months. Hun an engine to St. Joe , pulling first-class pas senger train last Monday ; was not a com petent engineer ; never run an engine except as fireman until that trip ; had seen several men running out trains who had never been engineers nor had experience that ho knew of ; saw Ulchard Price , n brakcman , go out ; ho had fired but a short time several years ago ; admitted ho had no experience. ; Con ductor Loughridgo und n section foreman named Worthier , had been running a pus'sen- ger engine. \V. E. Torapklus : Was a brakcman ; Tues day morning pulled a passenger on Hcd Oak brunch ; hud fired several uioutlis iu 13S5 ; Handled u freight engine with the engineer , but never u pasacngcr ; bad 110 experience with air except as fireman. L. H. Stroud , sworn : Conductor since. 1877 ; under ordinary circumstances thought ho could hniutlo passenger engine ; pulled No. 8 February 3S ; wns not nn experienced man if the engine should break ; was not ex amined us to his ability before taking the engine. C. M. Connott , being sworn : Had been expressman und baggageman for two years ; since February 25 had been running engine Irom Creston to Cumberland ; never had ox- pcrlenco ns passenger engineer ; fired nearly three years ; thought himself competent to run engine on the run ho had. Mr. Johnson , sworn : Cigar maker for twenty-five , years ; tended bur a year ago ; railroaded in yards in various capacities ; never had had charge of engine , but hud fired some : did not consider himself a com petent engineer. Hiram Uockwell , being sworn : Had fired and run some for two years on an Indiana road ; been house pointer for past two years ; didn't consider htm a competent , first-class engineer , and never did. J. B. Goodwin , sworn : Resided In Crcs ton live months , nnd farming In Nebraska before ; fired engine two years previous to that ; been firing out of Creston for fonr months ; made two trips , west on No. 7 and back on No. 8 , which wus nil the experience I had as engineer alone. E. Sheridan , Jr. : Fired nearly two years ; since Tuesday had been running first cliss passenger engine , but did not cull himself first-class passenger engineer. Charles McClelland , sworn : Fired two yearn nnd then wont to braking ; had run a freight cngino since February SJ ; nil the ex perience hud us engineer where responsi bility retted on him was this week ; consid ered himself au average engineer , but not first-chins. A. Burnham was wiper and cared for pile driving engine ; fired over three years ; was brnktmnn ono or two years nnd conductor ten months ; had been brakingjfor last ten years ; run an engine the past week between Ottumwn and Creaton. A. 1C. Stone : Had been railroading thir teen yearn , but run a farm before ; had been running an engine the past week ; wus not a first-class engineer , and never claimed to be : never considered an engineer's work skilled labor ; it consisted of knowledge nnd experi ence ; ho had 'knowledge enough , but not the experience of an old engineer. KirlmnlK. Price : Had been breaking on the "Q" for nine months ; this week hud been running Nosscnger engine ; had some ex perience switching ; but had never run an en gine over a division .beforu ; fired for nine months ; considered himself capable of run ning an engine. . Master Mechanic Erlckson wns sworn : Considered them average engineers ; In some cases mnnyougneorH ! r mining to-day nro no better than they uro ; in filling places hud no supply to draw from ; in keeping mull trains running selected the best men ho hud from thu material to draw from ; they took charge uud no mistakes , blunders oar accidents oo- curred ; considered thorn average engineers ; no men employed but promised jobs only on condition thuy could flu the bill ; If not com petent the company would not keep them ; every nowmunwat being watched ; a first. class conductor had gene out With every en gine , as pilot , for tbo new men. Ono Weak-Kneed. Engineer. Dca MOINK. % Ia. , March 5. [ Special Tola gram to the Baa. ] KaUroud Corniuissionci Doy has returned from Crcston , where he baa been investigating the charges that in competent engineers had been hired to take the places of the strikers. Ho took u large muss of testimony concerning nineteen en gineers and is now arrangini/ with the com mission. It will bo submitted tothegov ernor as ootr as it | * put In proper shape. Locally , trains are moving on the Albli and Chariton branches with nearly as mucl regularity as formerly. Engineer Jamea UicKelU who has been out with the strikers , returned to bis cab to-day The Movement of Train * . CHICAGO , March 6. Chicago , Burlington A Qulucy trains ran into and from the unloi depot this inorniong with pretty much thi sume regularity as they did the before tin strike began. Early this morning a notia posted in. too conductors' room showed tha all trains would nm to-day on. schedule timi except three through trains , which have bcci abandoned. All engines , twin In and out , wen manned by new men , none ot tbo officers o : the rood acting as mechanics on any of them About 100 men were bclng'cxamlned M engl nuers at the offices of the company thl mom ing. They were mostly men' who- arrive * from the east yesterday , TO-day freiifht is being received from nl point * eont of the MhnhuiipiU river , , and to morrow it will be received from ' point * up. U the Missouri. . . Authentlo 'information- brought U Chief Arthur' * . headquarter * this' mortunj tliat.slx engine crown , composed of Itoocuhf Knight * of Labor , engage * by ther BUrHite ton rood UikldeseirtdAUwtr.OfiaM at Gate g. Four other crows left nt Aurora. The brotherhood sny they do not object nl.Bll o seeing Burlington freight trains leaving or the west. "Tlio reason 14 this , " said Vltricn , ono of the leaders , "Just ns soon nt ho rend gets trains' running both ways , you vill hear of a series of collisions wllch ( will Mtonlsh you.1 It will show to the public1 that ur claim that the Burlington Is hiring In competent men Is a tact. The loss to the otnpnny by the destruction bf their property vlll bo lliimcusc. " ' The Situation at Kannnn City. KANSAS Citr , Mo. , March 5. [ Special Tel- gram to the BEE. ] The first qrdt'r'for men ot employed by the Burlington to stop Work hat hat been given by tbo brotherhood since ho strike commenced wns Issued In Kansas Jlty this morning , The 'engineers nnd fire men in charge of the Hock Island switch en gines and the Chicago , Kansas & "Northwest- rn Cnglno nt work in the yards hero were irdorcd to leave their cnbs. The reason for ho brotherhood's telegram action Is the following gram posted by the Burlington this morning : BnuoKriRU ) , 'March 4. Conductors : As vu aru now going to onm | upjbuslness and vlll discontinue running pilots , will > expect ourselves , or Ono of .your.brukcmcn , to show tow engineers the road .when necessary. 1' , HOULAIIAN. The Burlington la under contract with the lock Island nnd Chicago , Kansas St No- iruskn to do their switching , at this jwlnt , tut when the strike coiumonc d Und the hirlington stopped receiving freight , the lock Island nnd Chicago , Kansas & Ne- irosko , with the consent of the strikers , put heir own engines ou the yards to handln heir business. Now that tha Burlington uis announced that it has opened up , for mstuoss the strikers insist that It shall do all t business , and therefore. ) ordered Uio men > n tlio switch engine not to bundle any moro curs In the Hannibal yards. The men re ceived the orders after they had taken their engines. The engineers nt once reported to Mr. S. M. Stevens who has charge of the strike , for instructions. Ho road them the orders of Hoululmn , and instructed them note o handle any moro freight in the .yards , but o remain with their engines and obey orders concerning any other work. The engineers at first did not understand why they had boon ordered to stop work , but as they rend tbo notice that the Burlington wus to open up business , they at once expressed themselves satisfied with the action of the committee. It is not prob- iblo that either of these roads will bo nl- owed to run switch engines at this point vguln us long ns the Btnlte , continues. As- iistunt General Manager Fish , of the Bur- ington , said that ho did not know what the road would do with tha business of other roads. Tha Burlington has ono switch en gine ot work in the yards to-day. One freight train loft over the Hnnnibal and ono over the Kansas City & St. Joe this norning. Passenger trains are leavlngabout ou tlnie. The Kansas City and St. Louis ox- iress No. 4 was twenty minutes late. No. 6 on the Kansas City & St. .Too was abandoned nt St. Joe , as was also freight train No. 70. The Kansas City express , luo at 10:50 : , was about thirty minutes lato. No freight train arrived this morning. There s very little change in the movement of .ruins from lust week. Mr. A. M. Stevens stated this morning that no word hod been received from Chicago In regard to any change In the management of the strike. "Tho brotherhood , as has been stated , does not wish to interfere With any other road , " said ho. "The order for tbo engine men to stop liandling freight hero , which I gave this morning , was only done to force the Burling ton to fulfill Its contract. " The members of the local committee report that the men are feeling very contented all over the system , and that not H man who went out has yet re turned to work. Some of the striker * , both hero and nt Brooklloldwhile , excited about the shooting of Watt ot DrooklUHd Saturday , made threats of lynching. The brotherhood , fear ing that these utterances might bo mistaken for threats of violence by the brotherhood , bus issued the following communication in the form of a hand bill , signed by the local committee nt Brookflcld : To tlio Public The unfortunate shooting of Engineer George Wntt need not give the public any uneasiness na tar us the cnglna- men are concerned. Vigilance , not violence. Is our watchword. C. H. SAI.MOX , J. II. Svoimv , Local Committee , Brookfleld. The following H the account of the shoot ing sent by the local committee of Brookflcld to the local committee herd : "BilooKFiEU ) , March 5.J. . T. Murray , Chairman Committee , Kansas City : Dear Sir Everything wns working nil right here until Saturday morning. Poor KoxWntt is dead. Ho had bought a ticket to St. Joe to visit his mother , and while waiting for the train bo waikcd up to the west end of the depot nnd thcro got off the platform , whore one of the men the company had hlrod to guard the property came up to him nnd told him to throw ujihU hands und nt the same tlmo shot and killed him before ho had time to throw up his hundt. You know what nn inoffensive fellow Wntt wns. Ho never harmed any ono. The man who shot him is n bridge carpenter by the name of James A. Bostwiek. It wns a cold-blooded murder. The coroner's Jury It in session , but wo don't know wlmt the venlict will be. If Justice i done we think they will hold him for murder In thu first degree. They took him to Lliir nous before the boys know of it early Saturday - day morning. C. H. SIMION , J. H. SxoDor. Mr. C. J. Hinge , who , together with Mr. Stevens , was seut hero to old the local com mittee In the arrangement of the strike , has been recalled. Ho wus a Hock Island man and was selected as a member by the railway company , the understanding being that ho should puv particular attention to the I took Island yard business hero. The Hock Inland will continue to receive freight and unless some agreement can bo made by the strikers to allow it to rcsuino the operation of its switch engine , it will look to tha Burlington to do the work under its contract. New York Engineer * Talk. NKW YOBK , March 5. At the state meet ing of tha Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers , u long statement was 4 issued' tlio public in relation to the condition of the organization and the Burlington strike. After referring to the financial resources winch uro ample , the statement &ays"We ; wish to say to the public that the brother hood has not udanaoncd its conservative tdcns , while they will avail in obtaining Justice. But in .our present issue wo are prepared to go at far as neces sary to obtain our Just and. acknowledged rights. The statement thai the youngur and tuoro pugnacious element of the brotherhood has gained control of our destinies , is.unwar- ranted and misleading. Qii the contrary it is the universal custom for veterans to do the talking in compliance with * the. habits of dis cipline engendered by our profession.In conclusion wo desire to asU tUoso who. maybe bo inclined to doubt tlio wisdom of our present action the follow ing question : Is it less unreasonable or fair for the engineers and firemen to make common Cauno oguinit i * stubborn corporation - tion , than for the managers of railways of the country to moke common causa against us Iu this particular cose , by secretly supplying - * plying the Chicago. Burlington & Quiiu-y managers with men in their time of need and thus conspiring for our defeat i Thanks are extended generally to tlio newspaper prcsn , with ono or two exceptions , for thn 'courtcsj and fairness with which they have treated the engineer's side of thecuce. Alt we ask w fair play aad no favor. Not Member * of tlio Brotherhood. ' J > uiLADELrniA , March 5. The report o ( Edward Kent , chairman of the executive board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers , who baa been In this city investigat ing the charges that brotherhood meu hat taken the places of striking Knight * of LaoOr on the Reading railroad , shows they were groMly exaggerated. The majority of the men who- had manned the engines at the commencement of the strllro were men who had lout their places in the brotherhood in the strike on the Heading system in 1877 nnd had since been unable to obtain work 01 locomotives , Many of them had then , hi told , belonged to the brotherhood , but hai inco withdrawn or been expelled. . MMt Not HaadhrBMrllngton Gv . DKS'VEH , March. S.- Late Saturday evening the striking engineers and firemen on tha Burlington road servoxl notice on the man- agementof differentrodi centering In Den ver that My attempt upontbolr part to hol [ the Burlington by haujing freight oars of the Utter company would MMilt ta ( wUiuffoul the men of these liaea. Tug managem of th < neutral lines claim thti now move on the part of the strikers places their roaiW In n deli cate | > otltlon. They. ; ipuintaln that the pro visions bf the Intcr-vato commerce law are nitndntory upon this point aud n refusal ixm | their part to nVcept Burlington cart renders them liable toh fine of Hi.OOO for each violation of the law. Last night a number of ofllclaU of rouilt entering Denver hold n iieotlng to consider" tJie matter , but when itked the result yt Uio meeting they jwsi- Ively refused to Inipnrt any .Information. Some Interesting developments nro expected terc , If the roads doutlnuu to iccolvo und inul Burlington cara.J. Willing to Hav 'lt InvcRtlRntcd. CIIICAOO , March V . Grand Matter Sar gent , of the firemen's brotherhood , WAS shown the report of the proceedings In the louse ot representative * , In which Mr. White of Indiana , proposed to send n con gressional committee to Investigate tha Bur- Ington railroad strike , "You can sny for no , " said Sargent , "that wo nro perfectly willing that nny committee , composed of iractlcal railroad men should examine and WBS upon our demands any tune. Wo have > ccn ready at nil times to meet the ofllcluls of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rend nnd nettle our grlovnncet in an ntnlcablo way. Wo are not asking them to pay nny moro waitos than is paid by nil lines running out ot Chicago. Wo are jwrfcotly willing to have a congressional committee examine Into the matter nnd see If they can bring about n set- .lement. This strike Ifl not of our seeking , but wo know that tlio demands of the men are Just , and wo can readily convince any In- : clllgcut man of the fact , and would thu Bur- Ington officials to-day accede to our demands , which nro , namely , n } cents per mllofor pat. songor service and 4 fonts per mile lor freight service , nnd nbout 00 per cent of Xhoso ales to firemen , the wheels ot the entire sys tem would bo moving In twelve hoUis. " Chief Arthur said : "I heartily endorse Sargent's words. " Stand by Their Brothers. , March fi , A union mooting > f the seven lodges ot the Brotherhood ot Uicomotlvo Firemen iu Philadelphia was leld to-ulght. The approval and endorse ment of the strike In the west was enthusi astic , and confidence expressed in its ulti mate success. Resolutions wore adopted ivarmly championing the cause of the strlk- ng brothers , and pledging support. The question of ordering all members of the jrothcrhood now in the sorvioo of the Head * ng company to go on n strike was informally discussed , but no official uctlon Was taken. THE VEILED WOMAN. A. Scheme to Effect the Hclensc of I'rellcr'M Murderer. In conversation with a Philadelphia News representative a prominent attor ney of St. Louis gave the following bit of goBslp in commotion with Hiifjh M. Brooks ill i as Maxwell the murderer of 1'rcller. "Maxwell , like many other interest ing murderers , was the recipient of nu merous feminine attentions during his trial. Although , HO far an known , ho had scarcely moro than half a do/en ac quaintances in St.1'- Louis , ho was con- Htwitly in receipt of handsome bouquets and ho rarely appeared in the court room without a boutonnicre. Many of the iloral gifts were vthc fragrant hear ers of perfumed bilhjtdoux , while dainty boxes , with dnintiotf.pTcsonts of linen and high-priced hota gave a practical air to the admiratiqh of his unknown friends. ' "Among the regular attendants dur ing the trial was a i slender , fnir-haired 5foung woman of twenty- five or less. She wore n shabby suit of'blnck , made in a style ubboluto for halt n decade , nnd her face wus always partyally veiled. She never missed a day , hi the curly days of the trial , but attended with clock-like regularity. She t'arcly watched the witnesses or the court. She scorned to hayo no thought except for Maxwell. ' She came cuvjy and fcccurod a front scut , and from the Unto the prisoner was brought into the court room until lie wns taken away her eyes rarely loft his face. lie nat sidownys to her and I think the observation of the unknown woman at first escaped him. The1 veil wus over her eyes , but the bright orbs shone through thogau/.c with a Htrangc. unnatural light , aud the reporters and court room otliciala came to look upon her as a crank. "But ono day , just before the close of the trial , the veiled woman , with the bright eyes , failed to appear. So it was the next day and the next , and after a little brief speculation she was forgot ten , nt least by the major part of those interested in the trial. But there \vn i a story bnclc of it. The mysterious woman hud not Bat through the weary hours of the trinl lotnothing. . She hnd become infatuated with the prisoner , and her mind waa busy weaving some plan by which she could effect his escape. That plan was finally formu lated , nnd she resolved to communicate with Maxwell. She did so , nnd the letter is a curiosity of cunning shrewdness , intelligently ox- . preyed. Shu said she had been nn amateur actress and hod played male characters. She had studied the art of 'make-up , ' and was satisfied she could so disguise herself as to mnko the guards believe faho' was Maxwell. Her plan was to. visit Maxwell disguised us a roan , and dressed as near like him as possible. Glve five moments freedom from observation by the guards she could , she said , by a clover mako-up , dis guise both of them so that each would look' llko the other. Then Maxwell could leave the jail , and she would re main aud take the consequences. "It was a strange proiwsal , nnd ono hardly to conceived outside of a woman'sbrain. And Maxwell ? Ho read the letter , smiled contemptuously , nnd handed it over to the district attorney. Not that he was. too honorable to attempt - tempt to escape through a woman's aid. No ono who know Maxwell's contempti ble spirit would believe that. He simply haw too many difficulties in the way of its accomplishment , nnd sought to curry favor with the state by reveal ing the one-sided , plot. Perhaps ho thought , too , that thfl schema was too visionary. It certainly would have re quired courage , whlto * there was danger that the fair liberator might bo searched and her curefully-jiVtopared 'make-up' confiscated. , ' , , ' , ' "The apparent ( fusibility of the thing , however , surprised the state's attorneys. They were moro surprised when the 'veiled woman' waa 'shad owed' by a detective ? iCnd the discovery made that she bolonj 'Jd to one of the beat connected families of St. Louis. Her father waa an ex-fcnalvo merchant ; her mother belonged , to the best blue- blooded stock of Flocispant , the French settlement near SttiLouis , while thfl young lady herself Irnd been educated in a convent , nnd was alike distinguished for her wit , intelligence , and attractive manner. "What there was in Maxwell to fasci nate her waa a mystery. Ho waa , even with hla viclou * physigmy cov ered , anything but handsome. But she was taken with , the man , and in order to escape attention dressed shab bily and visited the court room veiled. "Tho atory waa kept quiet. The un fortunate girl was too well' connected to .admit of publicity being given to her attachment. Even' the 'wrong she was about to- commit woe . condoned.- The few who unavoidably beard the story Wore pledged to aecresy , and the news papers never told their readers 'what a singular romance ' hnd narrowly' eBcnpcd being enacted in'1 the . amphitheatrfoal Jail of the famous old Four Courts. The w renU of tho. girl , howeve'r , . were in formed of th6 ninttov .and tha 'veiled 'woman' was seen nomcta. ' ' . ' ; , , , . THE HTM WIZARD A FRAUD. Opinion's Of Dutch Financiers on the ' Ilooont Decision. . WILL HURT GOULD SECURITIES. NcvortliclcM Confidence in tlio ttltl- 'innto Triumph o ' American Justice ItcninliiR llnslmk.cn I/ortl Charley Makes a Hpoccli. The flranrt Jnry Flnnco. tGnjj/rf | | > 7i ( t&3ljy Jamu ( ! oi\lt > n lltiuuft. ] AMSTKiumi , Starch G. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the llKE.l On arriving hero this morning to ascertain what financial pcoplo tthltikj fyf the decision of the New .York grand Jury and thu little wizard , I found the unlive * nil excited over the elec tions which take place to-morrow under the now suffrage bill , I first Interviewed M. Amstol 'Straat , a pleasant , smiling , gray- headed banker , and M. Vi'orthclm , of Worthclm & Gompcttz , who is largely connected with American shares , bonds aud loans , of which ho has Issued many. Mr , Wcrthomisnld : " "The result of the affair was ox | > cuUd. The little wizard is far too clover nnd will doubtless try to ovndo pun ishment through legal loop holes. Never theless our coulldcuce In American Justice Is uulmpQaclrod. I have made many dealings with It , especially with the supreme court nnd always found It honest and fair-dealing. The grand Jury judged merely on technical ground. I firmly bollevo that , though the result will not generally moke Dutch bondholders de spair of American railway credit , It will damage speculation iu all the little wizard's ' concerns. " I afterwards s w Mr. A. L. Wurfbaln , president of tlio Soclotc Itlmers , well-known on the Amsterdam stock exchange commit tee. Mr. Wurfbnln believes If the grand Jury's ' llndlng U not reversed It will Injure all American bonds besides the little wizard's , although there is not any excitement yet. Many financiers interviewed declined to say anything for publication , as the case was too technical , but frcoly expressed their disgust und indignation In private. Kvcn the most reticent have a con temptuous smile on their lips ns soon ns the llttlo wizard's name Is mentioned. One said : "WJion I hoar that iiarno I uncon sciously put my hand on my pocket to protect my purso. " Mr. Van Mlerop , manager of the Amster- dainsch bank , connected with the Bolsscvaon aud president of the committee recently formed to protect the interests of the Im mensely numerous duly holders of 5 and 0 pol ecat Missouri , Kansas & Texas , declares that confidence in all tlio little wizard's concerns will be finally shaken here. H. Oycus , nn important banker believes tlio Dutch will try composition or endeavor to oust the little wizard from the control of of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas. It in im possible to get at the names of the Dutch committee which Instituted the prosecution In the first Instance. Messrs. Stoop & Kens , Dordrech bankers , headed the committee but they have siuco , for obscure reasons , backed out. I nm starting for Dordrecht to see them. Amsterdam opinion emphatically pronounces the lltilc wizard a fraud. At Dordrecht. [ Copi/rfuftt ia < a tiuJamt * Uortlnn Ilcnnett.\ \ DoiiiiiinciiT , March 5. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the linn. ] I found Stoop & Kens in their counting house in tuo dark est , narrowest , oldest street of this oldest of Dutch'citles. Neither Stoop nor Hens would state why they backed out of the committee Inst October or'stato an opinion ns to the general llnnnclal effects of the grand Jury de cision on the Netherlands. They said , how ever , "You won't find one golden opinion of tlio little wizard throughout the Nether lands. Ho has cost this country too muck. " Mr. Stoop says of course the Dutch would like to get some of their money back or oven , in default , to sco the offenders In Jail. PIIOSAIC SPOUTEUS. A Very Dnll Scuslon In the House of litf JttmtJi anrdoli ftennttt.l' LOXJWN , March 5. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bun.l The house of lords seldom offers Attractions to n stranger or oven to its own members. The real work of the country ii done in the much plainer chamber of one side of the building. The great dcslro of every peer who has brains , IB to bo set free and get u scat In the house of commons. A scheme to effect this change is shortly to bo produced by Lord Dunraven. A little Incident this evening will perhaps open his eyes to the aifllculty. Lord Strathedcn-Campboll , son of the celebrated lord chancellor , brought forward u modest proposal to enable the lord chancellor to designate the speaker when two or threa members rise at the same timo. At present the noble lords do as they like- If half a dozen get up no one has authority to single out ono Of ( their number nnd they may all remain standing until they have tired out or the house calls by nnmo for a partic ular person. The lord chancellor sits down In solemn state with mace before him , but lie has no right to interfere in any way. f f wo hud such a custom in the commons there would bo a free Jlght every night and the best bruiser would hold the floor. There was a fair audience to chocr Lord Campbell tins evuulng. The priina minister sat us usual with his head leaning on the back of his seat , gaz ing up fixedly at one of the stalnod glass win dows. Ho never sdems conscious that anyone ono l.s In the cbatnbor but himself. Ho was oblivious of poor Lord Campbell , who Is ut the best one of the dullest nnd prosiest mem in England and , who never speaks for ten minutes without sending most of the people to nsleop. Ho ought to bo let out on lilro to persons suffering from Insomnia. Ho hold forth for some tltno hi bis. dreary fashion , his follow peers slum bering peacefully , , except Lord Uoseberry , who has a plan ot his own for reforming the house of lords , and who who was porhaiw curious to see 'Lord. ' Campbell make a raos ' * vqf n small branch of the sub- J ct. On the benches sue rod to the bishops was the primate of all England alone in hlH glory. His Grate Of Canterbury Is. . very reg ular in his attendance , pending the time when Duriraycn or Jlosoberry will abolish him aud bo the entire episcopal body. Tlio lord chancellor , on too woolsack , tried to make a show'of listening to Campbell's bag- pi po llko a drone , but It was ovldontly hard work. At last It ended and the goVernment - ornmont , coute'd _ the revolutionary pro posal. Lord Kimberly , on the part of the opposition w s equally * firm in rejecting It. Rostibcrry cynically looked on at the dinner hour , the firebrand Campbell withdrew his resolution , Lork Salisbury censed studying : the window , the lord chancellor leisurely rose and walked off , and the other noble lords sauntered slowly out , for the fatigues of the high' and mighty branch of the legislature were over and tlio constitution was saved. In the commons the military men had a grand Held ; night , ' oho after another , proving that England is u'ndofea ( d and that nothing can save nor but more .men1 and above ll more mono v. Tile house was loft entirely to tnem , scarcely any Gladstonians being prcs- out. Tholr , venerable chief Iox > ke4 la ; for. a few minute * ' but sooagot .horribly iboMxl and jBdlclou&ly went . . . hone. Net ' dozen ParaolUtoa' were , to . t icon but among them was the gculal Joseph 'Cox frcsli from the Irish prison , , cheery' nna bcarty as over. Halfpur scarcely coiulo * ncondcd to nppenr. flosenen was busy over his budget Uio chief feature of which Is to bo the cdnverAlon of n per cent consols' Into 2t , l > cr.cents. This reduction of Itjtorest.wlH bo n heavy blow to pcoplo with lltnhfd Incomes nnd I anticipate u great oiltcry and perhaps Htubuorn resistance. ' Whlla the treasury bench wan doting Lord Charles Bercsford ros.o and delivered n rat tling speech denouncing the present system ixt the war ofllco and admiralty nnd paurlng lit , n rattling flro of shot and shell at the Inml lubbers who bungle our affairs. Ho struck out right and left and sot everybody laughing except the ministers and declared the public wore kept In Ignorance nud n sea of blue dust , In which laiilcntnblo state ho loft them. No cruiser In a sort of fancied security over raised greater consternation , Charley dashed on under full head of steam nnd capslied half the government craft around him , but nil of a sudden ho pulled tip short and W. II. Smith announced thu gov ernment could not consent to the royal com mission , which was demanded. Then rose Lord Kandolph and further dis concerted Uio ministers by moving the ad journment of the debate until Thursday. That means moro mischief , for the ministry must either offend many of Its followers by finally refusing the commission or yield nnd acknowledge Itself wrong. Lord Randolph will resume the dcbato and somebody or other is pretty sure to get a roast ing. The government is in a fix nnd unless the naval nnd military men back down the government must cat a dlih of humble pie to which Charley Bercs ford has Imparted a line llavor of the sen. The requisite cayenne pepper will bo liberally sprinkled over it by Lord Kandolph. Horu , then , Is a now turn of affairs which will keep everybody agog till Thursday. AMEMnCH Orl'ARUAMEHT. Dunk HI air's Indian Wife. Denver Correspondence Chicago News : Dunk Blair , a big Scotchman , who , with hiHhquuw und half-breed ttons , lives midway between Meeker aud the Utah line , on the White river , at a point where it presents its most sinuous topography , ia noted all over the White river country us a man who.se word is an good as his bond. Ho has been in the heurt of the Kockics for thirty years , and , having a squaw wife , who is u cou sin of Chcpta , the widow of old Ouray , in hand nnd glovu with the Indiana , par ticularly Colorow's outfit of renegade Utes. During the disturbance Inst year ho wus held under arrest , nnd was used as a decoy to entrap the Indians. Tlio correspondent vltutod Dunk at his ranch , at the base of a big mesa , and , although he rejected my proposition to load mo to Colorow for newspaper purposes , ho told mo , when I had opened my satnplo case , what I have stamped the chef d'oouvro of western fairy stories. "Sco that big black hog-bock that runs to the mesa , " ho said , in developing his ro mance. "Well , from here it looks ns If there was not a break in it. But there Is , and n hip ono , nt least a hip nroya , probably twenty feet deep. Them's where I tfot my wife or squaw in the winter of 1809. Lot's BOO , that's nearly twenty years ago. Johnny , that's my bon , he's eighteen now. I was hunting up on the range with my brother , who runs a store at Rock Crook , Wyo.Vo started out from my place clown the river a few miles to hunt elk and bear. One day a big term comes up and we discover tracks of Indians. They wore not friendly then , and you bet wo kept out of their way. Night was coming on and wo had struck that hog-back with out starting any deer , and were about to come down to low ground for the night , when I saw a dozen oik eating the sago bush a hundred or two yards away nnd sinrtcd after them. I struck the uroyn , which wn = < between mo and the deer , nnd was about going to the place , whore it was not very deep , when I saw just before , mo , in the bottom , a horse , lying on the prostrate bodv of a squaw. Springing to the bottom of tlio hole , I walked up to her , with my gun ready for use , to see wlmt was the matter. I goes up to hoi' , and pulling round my can , souses her with water. She catno round all right , and I found she had been badly hurt by her horse falling on hor. Slio told me , in Span ish , that her horse had gone of thoaroyo and fallen on her. Ilor pcoplo , with whom fcho was traveling , believed that she was deadund lofb her there. Well , the squaw was young and good-looking1 , and I took her with me. She's making the oofleo for you now , and though her skill's not while , and she's wearing out , I'll stick to her OH.loug ut I llvo. She's bcou worth moro to mo than most wives nro to their husband * . " The point that Dunk describes is ono of the most desolate in the Hooky moun tains , and in 1800 the nearest settlement was Denver , over four hundred miles away. Blair , Bill Baker und a few of the pioneers wore the only white men in the mountains for hundreds of miles. Blair is now n rich man , or , at least , has a good rmich.und thousand of head of cattle. His nearest neighbors are at Raugoloy , six mflqs from which the en gagement between the Colorado state troops and Utes occurred last summer. How InnihoCome. The Epoch : lfJumbo" had never boon out of the garden since the day ho en tered it , twenty yenra before. When my agents attempted to got him out ho would not stir ; lie saoincd to know in stinctively that something extraordinary was ( foing to happen. My agent cabled mo : " .Tumbo is lying in the garden and will not stir. What shall wo do ? " I replied , "Let him lie there as long as ho wants to. " All this.it will bo ob served , kept up public interest. Thou wo built a cage on wheels and , Bunk the wheels into the ground , leav ing both ends of the cage open. It wa many days before ho could bo indutied to walk through. Wo lot him got UBOC ! to going thrdugh for sovonil days nud finally shuthim in. It took a score of horses to pull the cage out of the earth , after we hail dug around the wheels , and wo dragged the cage down to the wharf. There .Tumbo mot a whole crowd of his admirers , including such fashionable people as Ludy Burdott- Coutts , who brought , him cakes and dainties. One enthusiast testified his affection by Bonding omo champagne and oysters. On the vessel Wo had to cut away a part of tbo. deck alx > vo his lodgings to make hfs apartments large enough. The original cpst of Jurnbo wasSlO.OOe , his final cost was 930,000. Ho pnid for himself the first ton days after his arrival. Ho 1)1(1 Not Kind Out. Philadelphia News : "Soveral years ago , " said a railroad man , "when I was running on the Memphis & Charleston road , wo hod a superintendent wlio hadn't the slightest practical knowledge of railroading. Ono day ho telegraphed to Huntsvlllo , Aln. , for ar { crfglno. The engineer was about to comply wlth-tlui order when thu discovery was made that thor 'spider , ' a vital part of the ma chinery , was broken. The engineer telegraphed to the superintendent * . " 'Can't ' ' tnk'o out engine ; spider broken' . ' . MTho superintendent telegraphed back : ' . . . " 'What is a spider ? ' ' "And the engineer rosporfded : , "IA spldet-Va spider ; , that's.nil I ; know. ' ; ' . . . "Th'o engineer didn't prpposo to teach 1 ' business. " tbo supo'riateudout'liU . t THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Oorn.By For the -Most Aotlvo bur- . 1 Ing' YoBtprdny's ONLY MODERATE DEALS IN WHEAT A Good Business Transacted In OaU- * Tlio Itcarn Make Homo IniproH * slon on Provisions Llttlo Change In Cattle. * CIIICAOO rnonucE BIARKCT. CIUCAOO , March 5. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I Of the Rrnln markets corn win by far the most active to day nnd In fact the excitement there drew so many nwny from the wheat pit that nt times them was only n handful of wheat traders altogether. The first advance In corn helped wheat n little , but It wns not until the lust few minutes ot the session that tlio buying fever spread enough to include the Wheat pit. Ono ad vance of nearly J-Jo In corn did not move Wheat n sixteenth. The visible supply state ment showey a decrease In wheat of 047,660 bushels , but it wns without effect on the mar ket ns It was very nearly what wus expected. Trade was only moderate In volume nnd early Iu the session the market wus rather weak , duo ns much ns anything to a lack of specu lation. May whont opened nt 80& ( 80 } cand after selling nt SQ c straight , fell to BOtf ® 80Vc , advanced tobOXcnml fell to80)/80 o n second tlmo , then improved to 80 ( g60Yc , nnd held nt bO c for a lonp time , but Just before the close advanced to 81c , which wns the price at the 1 o'clock adjourn ment. Juno wheat opened at 80 ; e , nnd at the lowest iKJlnt 80 c wus asked. The high est point nnd 1 o'clock close wns at 81Jd'o nilicd. The corn market showed the same sort of temper us Friday last , but moro of It. The extreme - tremo ran o of < luctuatlons was lVc , and the close wus almost ut thu highest price of tha day. The local receipts wore 417 curs , when but 250 cars had been expected. This was enough to make n rather weak feeling nbout the opening , but it was short-lived. Not ono of the curs arrived graded No. U , ntul moro than that , two hundred uud twenty-flvo cars of the reuelpts were "through shipments , " leaving only u tnodorato amount to rome to this market. This state of things dlscour- ugcd the bears. When the shorts attempted to cover they found very llttlo corn for sale. Moreover , some of the foreign houses were wanting corn und there was good buying by commission houses. Hutchlnson was buying corn nnd thcro were enough frightened shorts to send the price up sharply. May com opened nt r > 2 c , sold cnrly nt fi3Uandri3 cand then ad vanced with scarcely a halt to D'KftMc ! ( , later advancing to 5M'fc , then foil back to 53o , and on the next upturn touched C3 c , closing ut 1 o'clock at UVtgfin c. June corn opened nt 5lJ < ( ifc52o. sold down oaHy to Sljfc. advanced to and closed at 1 o'clock at oS@ There wns quite active spcculntivo trading In oats nnd the market was strong and higher. Muv oats opened nt ! llc , sold early nt Si } { @ 31Xc , then advuncod in HJ mputhy with corn to 32 > 4'o and closed there nt I o'clock. Juno oats opened at 31 < fc , sold up to WMa and closed with that price bid nt 1 o'clock. July oats sold at H0 > and August at 23c. In provisions the week opened with the old bear clement inclined to give moro attention to the market. Initial sales were made , at Sntui day's closing prices to n shade easier , but before trading showed much life n de pression wus forced by excessive offerings. Under the lead of pork , which wus selected by the bears to fool their prowess , the mar ket suffered a weakening tendency and ruled lower. Pork sold oT ) 17 > e from the Opening prices and short ribs fie. Lard ivns over looked practically in the boar ruld. As the day advanced pork nnd short ribs recovered from the break , and ruled strong ) At 1 o'clock short ribs and lard stood ut Satur day's final prices to 2Ko higher , whllo pork showed n decline of only fie , AiVTsnsooK SESSION Wheat opened ntSIo for May. sold to Sltfc and foil to BOjfo , clori. ing at S0 c. Corn opened at ffiWo for. May , sold to KMe nnd fell to BDJfe. doSlnjj at BKV < 353Kc. Oats lower ; May Sijf@32c . , . I'orkVcllnod 2J < e < ; May closed ut fl3.S7 > f , Juno'913.r , March * ! 3.72f Lard quiet ; closed nt $7.G2 : > . for March , * 7 < 70 for Juno , Short ribs were 2kc lower ; March closed at 97.10 , May $7.22 , Juno I7.UO. " " CHICAGO CHICAGO , March f > . [ Special TelOfrrora to the DEB , ] CATTI.S Some fow'prlmo stoprs lit the opening sold n shudu higher than Fri day , but the bulk of good and usnful stock showed no particular change us compared with Friday , most of the salesmen quoting values about the same us last Monday. There wus a fair demand for big .steers. There were no Tcxnns nnd prime native butcher'a ' stock wns not over plentiful. Common nnd cunning cows unchungod. Bulls were In fair demand , tbo best making us ctrong as last week. Fancy , $5.10@5..r > U ; steers , 1850 to ir > 00 Ibs , M.r..V ; r > .00 ; 1200 to 1)50 ! ) ll > 9 , t-i.UO ® ft.MI ; ftiO U ) 1200 Ibs , $ .t.5 < ) ( ( $4.00 ; stookors and feeders , $ J.KX&li.45 ; cowi ) bulls and mixed , * l.SO@i.30 : ; bulk , fcj.40@265 ; corn f d Texas stcors , t3.00iy3l.fll ) . HOGS Business was active , with n slight up tui n. Kent nnd other snippers bought prime heavy nt V Af.'t.M , Ono load of fancy sold at tr . > X. Light butcher weights ( se lected ) t-old ut * r > 3 ! > ( rt5.4.'i , to iivorngo W.itfiQ 2.M ) . Most of good mixed sold ut f.'UMWHO' , and light mixed ut 5.15.vr . Light , as sorted and trimmed up to average ICO to 170 Ibs , made (5,20@5.25 , nnd light averages $ S.10@ft.l5. LIVE HTOCK. Chicago , March C. The Drovers' Journal rei > ortnus follows : Cattle Kooeipts 8,000 ; market strong ; fancy. tf.lOgrt ( 50 ; steers , fl.SO R.OOjstockerH und feeders , $3.10@t,4& : ; cows , bulls and mixed , fl.WOian.iW ; Texas steers , $3.00 < < jl.OO. Hogs Hccclpts , 13,000 ; market strong nud Kchlghor ; mixed , T .10@5.or ; heavy , fJ > .20@ K.57 } , ' ; light , t..ir > ( < U0 ! ; skips , 93.rjOrg4.Q3. Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; market strong nnd lOchirfhor : natives , KI.7.rK4. > 50 : westerns , ; Texans , . : i50j. ( ! 500 j iambs , $5.00 Notional -Block Yard * , Kant St. oiilH , 'March 5. Cattle HoeeipU , 2,000 ; shipment * , 1,300 ; market active and higher ; choice heavy native steerst.rjO5.40 ; fair to ffood natlvo steers , $3.00r > $4 fiO ; butchers' steers , medium to good , H.10@-l.20 : ttoek. era and feeders , , fair to good , KUOQS.SU ; rangers , ordinary to good , ia.lS S.BO. Hogs ItecelpU , : i,400 ; Iilpmont , 3,300 ; market active and stronger ; choice h avy nnd butchers' selections , 5.83 < itfi.45 ; pack. ing , medium to prime , fi.lo@rr.40 ; light grades , fair to best , J.OO@5.I5. Kansas City , March 5. CatUtf-Ileceltrts , l.fjOO ; shipments 400 ; market strong , active , firm and 5@10o higher for good of all dames ; good to oholco corn-fed , H.EOCciS.OO : mo dlum , I3.30&4.25 ; stackers , fc.25 ! 2.90 ; feeding stoorsi > " .00@i.GO : ; cows , $ l.BOa ( 60. Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 54.0 ; market opened strong closing weak } common to choice , $1.70(25.30 ( ; skips and pigt , 13.00 © 4.00. NKW YOHK , March 5. fSpeviul Telegram to the lJEE. ] S7ochS Trading on the stock exchange was quite lively this morning. Holders appeared considerably excited over the situation In Chicago , nnd free selling commenced as soon as busincs * opened , jtxm- don sold considerable Reading And Loulsvlllo & Nashville : The fooling In the former tock was decidedly weak with heavy transaction * . The decline extended to Lackawanna also und during the first hour the whofo Hnd was considerably demoralized. In the affcoraoon , hour covering by shorts caused a rally , though the recovery wa * not Important. There was not a doubt but n good deal of liquidation ; has beeu going on all day aud It Is u question even if the labor trouble * .were MUled > 1 wueVhernnylmprovomentrathomarketwoiild , bo anythfdsr , but tomporar'There' to of- , ' 'course qulto a forgo" short lnt ro t In the MV- era ) prbpertlos , but the bear , do not frighten easily and , the-more prominent one * would. , probably HU witb'doUghfa jjood re eU roa