Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1888, Image 1

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Btrlkcrs Confident of Gaining a Vic
tory In Short Order.
The Work of the Grievance Commit
tee In Chicago llnrnionlons An
Important Meeting In Omaha
Another Fatality.
The Meeting In Chicago.
CHICAGO , March 5.-Chicf Engineer Ar
thur's headquarters at the Grand Pacific ho
tel presented u most lively scene this morn-
Ing. Hooin 34 was crowded with members of
the grievance committees of the various
western and northwestern railroad coin-
panics , representing both the engineers' and
firemen's organizations. They had como
from as far as New Mexico in responding to
the calls of Chief Arthur and Grand
Master Sargcant to take action on
matters pertaining to the Chicago ,
Burlington ft Qulncy strike. Each delegate
wore n cheerful and determined expression ,
and all seemed in hearty accord with each
other. In room 30 , connecting with this ,
was Chief Arthur , who in turn received the
new arrivals and chatted cheerfully with
them. As the clock struck ten Arthur
opened the secret meeting to which the men
had been called. It was held In room 3 , and
none attended it other than the grand officers
and chairmen of the grievance committees.
The proceedings of the meeting were of the
most secret character.
It turns out that the number of roads rep
resented at the mooting this morning is much
larger than the public was led to suppose.
Only a partial list of the lines summoned to
send the chairmen of the grievance commit
tees was given out last week by
Chief Arthur. The following is n
complete list of the roads .which
are represented : Chicago & Alton ; Chicago ,
Hock.Island & Pacific ; Missouri Pacific ;
Wabash : Burlington. Cedar Hapids & North
ern ; Union Pncillc ; Wisconsin Central ; Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul ; Baltimore &
Ohio ; Chicago , Burlington & Northern ;
Louisville , New Albany ft Chicago ; Illinois
Central ; New York , Chicago ft St. Louis ;
Chicago , Burlington ft Quincy. Atchison , To-
pcka ft Santa Fo , Chicago & Northwestern ,
Minnesota & Northwestern , Chicago ft East
ern Illinois , Chicago ft Atlantic , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Manitoba , and the Chicago &
Grand Trunk.
At a meeting of division 10. composed of
locomotive engineers employed by the Chica
go ft Northwestern railway , the general
chairman of the grim-unco committee was in
structed to vote at to-day's meeting to uphold
the Burlington men.
As showing the temper of the brotherhood
In various sections of the country , the fol
lowing telegrams received by Arthur were
shown to the Associated press reporter :
Citiu.icoTiiE , O. , March 5. At a Joint
meeting held yesterday , of division Co nnd
lodge i02 ! , the following was adopted : If
necessary , rather than lese our cause and
have Justice defeated on the Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncy , wo would suggest that you
call off all men belonging to our brotherhood.
[ Signed. ] CHIEF DIVISION 05.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 5. Vlco Grand
Mastcr-Hanhuhan hold an enthusiastic moot
ing last night. Lincoln is firmer than ever
and ho awaits your instructions.
[ Signed ] W. Sroiin.
AUIOONA , WIs. , March 5. Eau Claire lodge
Is with you to the end.
[ Signed ] M. E. CUDDY , Master.
FiTCiiiitma , Mass. , March 5. Brothers of
Division 101 , B. of L.-E. , are all solid and
wait your demand.
Division. 191.
CIIATIITON , IB. , March 5. Men at Chariton ,
Albia and Ottutuwa are all linn.
ISignod ] Bixnr.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 5. At the regular
meeting of divisions 150 nnd 1309 it was unan
imously agreed that we , the engineers of the
northwest will help the Chicago , Burlington
ft Quincy engineers and llrcmcn to gain their
wages , and they can draw on us for what
money they want in tills tlmo of trouble.
Chief Division 150.
C. J. MlLLEU ,
Chief Division 300.
Scc'y. Ass't Eng. Div. 150.
D. W. POND ,
First Ass't Tircraan Div. 150.
The Chicago & Burlington engineer's
meeting , morning session , lasted until 1:30 :
this afternoon when an adjournment was taken
until ! i:30. : None of the members would give
details of the deliberations , but the chair
man of ono of the principal grievance com
mittees said to an Associated press reporter :
"You tan say this ; The boys nro happy.
The session was of a most , harmonious
nature. Each ono of the delegates announced
himself us standing shoulder to shoulder
with the Burlington men in the light. " It is
iuiposbiolc to auy how loiig the meeting will
The fact tnat delegates from the brake-
men's brotherhood were present at the meet
ing of the grievance committee to-day indi
cated ono object of the conference. All ou-
pincers who could bo Induced to talk said the
brakcmcn were with the strikers. Mr.
O'Brien , of the press committee , when asked
if a strike was contemplated on the North
western , said the utmost good fueling existed
between the oftlclals and engine men of that
road. A strike on the Northwestern had not
boon discussed ; that Is us a division matter.
It is the intention of the engineers , ho said ,
to conllno the strike if uossible to the Bur
lington ttystem.
H" What about the btnko on the Burlington
& Northern ! "
"Tho grievance committee on that road , "
replied O'Brien , "has reported that thoj
have examined into the matter and ihul nc
grievance exists there. The officials of tin
llurlington ft Northern have undertaken tc
bo perfectly neutral in the matter. "
General Passenger Agent Morton , speak
ing for the company , this afternoon said he
was of the opinion that the backbone of the
strike was broken. "Wo tire running a suf
llcient number of passenger trains , " said ho
"to accommodate all business , and our froighi
trafllc has nearly assumed its normal condi
tion. Wu huvo taken all the engineers and
llrcmcn wo can handle and huvo instructed
our uastorn agents not to send us any more
men unless they happen to bo thoroughlj
competent engineers , in the oxcut of a strike
on the Burlington & Northern road that coin
pany will probably tuko the men wo cannel
use ourselves. Wo huvo made u slight change :
in our schedule of passenger trains , having
dropped the 5:30 : p. m. through train and re
sumcd the 10:35 : p. m. through train tc
Omaha. Denver and Kansas City , which has
been abandoned since the beginning of tlu
btriko. "
The following circular was prepared this
afternoon by H. E. Mills , secretary of the
general committee of the Northwestern rail
way brotherhood of engineers and cubmlttei ]
to Chief Arthur , who signed It and come ;
were hurriedly printed. They were mailed
to DCS Mollies to-night and a copy will bo or.
the desk of each legislator to-morrow morn
Ing. The circular was prepared in answer it
the Chicago , Burlington & Quiuuy circular
letter dated February , which was sent tt
nil engineers and tlremeu in Iowa as well a ;
senators anil representatives of that state
It is also Intended to refute the statement !
made by the Burlington ofllcials to the press
To tlo ( Public at Largo. The members ol
tlio Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers or
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad
desire to cull your attention to the following
statement , which Is correct , In order to place
us in a proper position before' the public ni
largo : The engineers on the Rockford rur
on the Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy rail
road rcceivo f 104 per month , twenty-six day !
tlmo. The engineers .on. the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad receive $175 i > ci
' mouth , twenty-six days tlmo : the difference
In miles for the round trip being only twenty
two miles 'per' day. An engineer -on th <
Sterling branch'run'draws 184:10 : for nlnct )
miles. ; bo lays in Hock : Falls six hours , am
t take * care ol his uwu ' engine. Tl\ <
. . # <
engineer that runs the Batnvia anel
Geneva accommodation receives IS7.10 ,
nnd the Chicago ft , Northwestern
pays for the same distance $00.20 , the dis
tance being two miles greater on the Chi-
ago , Burluigton & Qulncy. The reason
vo ask more pay for branch runs Is to com
pensate the men for extra work done on ao
. ount of the engineers having to do the work
if a mnchlnest. The engineer on the Hock-
ord way freight runs nightly j'-HJ nights con-
diluting a month , ) for which ho receives
JCAand the flrumnn 135 per month. Tlio
engineers on the fast mail on the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy. 135 miles per day , re-
: eivo fyT.CO for twenty-six day's time. The
mginecrs on the Chicago tt , Northwestern ,
'or the same services , receive $130. Ituns
.in the main line of the Chicago , Burlington
ft , Qulncy , 135 miles per day , thirty-five days
per month , amount received , Illll.
On the trunk lines out of Chicago for the
same service the engineers receive $101.00. En
gineers on the Budu and Vermont branch ,
S8.8 miles ixsr day , twenty-six days consti-
iitinfr ono month , receive for the same
$13i.r : > 0. The Chicago it Northwestern rail
road pays for a like service $181.00. Wo elc-
slro further to state that no first-class cngin-
? er on the Chicago tt Northwestern receives
ess than $00.20 for twenty-six days work , if
ready for duty. I1. M. Aimiun ,
Grand Chief Engineer of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers.
Though Chief Engineer Arthur nnd Grand
Master Sargent utterly refused to permit
any questioning concerning what has been
going on in the meeting , it was learned from
ono who occupies a position of importance in
the committee , wtlat has transpired.
"In the first place. " ho said to the Asso
ciated press reporter , ' 'Chief ' Arthur called
the heads of the grievance .committee to
gether for the purpose of ascertaining how
the engineers and firemen of the roads cen
tered in Chicago , felt toward the Burlington
men. Ho wanted to be sura of his position
bcforo ho took any further steps in
regard to the Burlington management.
When the meeting opened the chief requested
n full and frco report from each chairman.
Ho asked them not to blind him by giving
exaggerated reports , but to simply say
whether or not tlio mon on other lines are
willing to back him up if he Rtill fought the
cause of the Burlington men. Ono by one
the chairmen reported , nnd it is a fact that
all reports were of the same tenor alleglcnco
to the chief and moral and monetary support
to the fullest degree. This accounts for the
universal good humor of the delegates when
they separated , and the confidant air of the
chief engineer and grand master this even
ing. "
"Did the chief Issue any orders to his sub
ordinates , or indicate any line of action for
the future I"
"No , ho ili 1 not. Ho thanked them for
their loynltj told them to go to the various
divisions , i port to the men that ho was in
the tight to win , and if they stood firm to the
pledges gUen at to-days meeting ho would
win the Burlington fight and that in short
order. "
An attempt was made this evening to ob
tain an expression of opinion from the officers
of the Burlington road ns to whether they
wore In favor of u congressional investigation
of the strike , as per Congressman White's
resolution in tlio house to-day. None of them
would see a reporter in reference to the
Burlington & Northern Strike Off.
MINNEAPOLIS , March 5. Assistant Super
intendent Hastings , of the Chicago , Burling
ton & Northern , said to-day ho had received
official notification last night of a walkout
by the engineers and firemen of the road at
7 o'clock to-night if the interchange of traf
fic with the Burlington road was not
stopped. The road has sixty
engines , nnd 100 men will striko. The
ofllcials claim they will run their trains ns
usual nnd with competent crews. An inter
esting feature of the situation hero in case
the threatened tie-up on all the northwestern
roads materializes , is that the
See road will then ho the only
eastern outlet for Minneapolis and
northwest until the opening of navigation.
Even this would bo a more advantareous po
sition than most of the western cities would
occupy and the road's trafllc under that con
dition of affairs would bo enormous.
CIIICAOO , March 5. About 4 o'clock this
afternoon General Manager Harris , of the
Burlington & Northern , called at Chief
Arthur's private room. Mr. Harris is man
ager of the road on which the strike was or
dered to occur at 7 o'clock ' this evening. The
road extends from Savannah , 111. , to Minne
apolis , Minn. Chief Arthur came from the
grievance committee meeting to meet him.
Mr. Harris requested Mr. Arthur's assistance
in averting the threatened striko. To this
Air. Arthur replied that ho had not been con
sulted by tlio men about striking , and if they
struck it was their own fight. Ho could not
interfere either for or against cither side.
This made it necessary for Mr. Harris to dis
cuss the differences with his own men. The
grievance committee of the roael was called
in from the general meeting , and n talk was
had. An hour's discussion resulted in an
order to the men not to strike , and the whole
matter is hold in abeyance until the chair
man of the committee can reach homo and
have a talk.
An Important Mcctcni ; In Omalin.
A Chicago , Burlington & Quiney offlcia
who for ono moment doubts that the present
strike on the lines of that road is anything
but business should huvo attond'cd the meet
ing of engineers uud firemen , held at Forest
hull , at Sixth and Pierce streets , lust even
Ing. The meeting was called for the purpose
of welcoming Vice Grand Master J. J. Han-
ahan , of the brotherhood of flrouion , who
arrived yesterday from Lincoln , and it was
ono of the largest gatherings of the kim
over witnessed in this city. A committee o
100 mot him at the depot upon his urrlva
and escorted him to the hall , whcro a sccro
meeting was hold , the business of whicl
cannot bo made public. Over ' 350 men wcro
in attendance.
At its conclusion n Bnn reporter mot Mr
Hunahuu aud the following interview tool
pluco :
"Mr. Hanahan , what is the object of your
visit to Omaha I"
"Well , I am on n trip through the states
which are penetrated by the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy for the purpose of ascer
talning the feeling concerning the strike ant
to devise the best methods lor making it a
success. "
"How do you find things ! " was the nex
question asked.
"I have been in Lincoln nnd Denver
and I uin very much encouraged , The
reports hcnt out by the officials
of the ChUajo , Burlington & Quincy
from Lincoln are entirely without fouiutu
tion. Trains are nut running out of Lincoln
us reported. The engineers sent out from
the east are men of no experience whatever
and some of them arc merely bums , actually
without shirts and clothes. " '
"What about thu mun's obeying instruo
tions I"
"The. engineers belonging to the brother
hood will obey all orders from Chicago am
huvo no doubts whatever that Chief Arthui
and Grand Muster Sargent tire ticting for the
best. "
"How nbout the Pinkcrton detectives ? "
asked tlio BtK man.
"They ura not required. The men do not
need V ) have recourse to acts of lawlessness.
Wo can gain our point without violating auy
law or destroying property. "
"Aro the cnglnccrh fiom the cast taking
tlio places of the strikers ! , ' asked the ru-
'poiter. .
"No. sir. The reports that Heading men
arci tilling the places made vacant by pur
action uru untrno aud are'circulated merely
to discourage the men , if possible. But they
( the company ) are going -to find that they
have madu a mistake. Wo are united and
arc a unit'and will ( timid or fnll together ; "
"What is this rumor regarding a genera
strike on all the roads west of Chicago in
case the' dcmuuds of .the engineer's ou the
Chicago , Burlington & Quiacy lines are not
acceded to I"
"You are asking , what I cannot answer. We
feel perfectly sutisltcd thut our cmisu is Just
and thut the "Q'J will soon re.UUo that taut.
Woare/golngto-fiEht this matter honorably
and have thu general approval of the p.uUlic
who know what other roads are paying , and
wo nro bound to win. "
"What do you think of the Chlcntro , Bur
lington ft Qulncy competing with other
roads I" said the reporter.
"Well , they have boon in n position to
compete. The low scale of wages paid
employes has enabled them to ih ) this , but
their competing days are over , for a time at
least. "
"How were you received at Denver , Mr.
Hanahan , " said the scribe.
"First rate. The entire city pledged its
support , nnd wo nro sure of support there ,
although heretofore the "Q" has had many
friends thrre. The men west of Denver are
all right , and there nerd be no fears but what
they will stick to the cause and obey all
orders received from their grand officers. Wo
are organized for self protection , and do not
propose to let the Burlington run over us.
The company is spending thousands of
dollars , but wo are not penniless and they
will find that wo are 'stayers. ' "
"What , " said the reporter , "do you think of
Grand Master Sargent and Chief Arthur's
order concerning the handling of Chicago ,
Burlington ft Qulncy cars I"
"Such instructions , if forwarded , will bo
strictly obeyed , let the result bo what it
may. "
"What did you do nt the meeting to-nighU"
said the BEE man.
"Wo llstencel to several speeches by mem
bers ; I made ono myself of considerable
length , anel at the conclusion the meeting
unanimously adopted a resolution to the ef
fect that we would stand or fall on the action
of the general officers. Everybody was en
thusiastic , and not u man in Omaha will 'fail
us. "
The Local Situation.
There were few developments in the engi
neers' strike yestcrdny. The B. & M.
depot was deserted ami at headquarters
everything was reported quiet all along the
line. All of the B. & M. passenger trains
except Nos. 1 and 2 are running on schedule
time , and all kinds of freight except perls-
able Is being received and shipped. It is
said that the Union Pacific engineers have
refused to haul any freight cars that have
been shipped over the Burlington , anel that
they uro enabled to discover
such cars from the fact that all way bills for
freight that has come in over the Burlington
nro mndu out in red Ink. If this bo true , then
there must bo many clerks and conductors
who nro aiding the cngmuers. A prominent
B. & M. official stated to a Br.B reporter yes
terday that any raid refusing to handle or
fyrwurd freight of nny other road wus , under
the the Intcr-stuto commerce law , liublo to
damages in the sum of $5,000 for each car.
Notwithstaneiing the boasts of the com
pany that it has a surplus of engine men , a
Union Pucillc engineer , nnd u brotherhood
man , was offered , a few days ago , it is as
serted , a bonus of $ . " > 00 to tuko a first-class
passenger run on the Burlington. The offer
was made with the view of breaking the
ranks of the brotherhood nnd creating a stam
pede. The engineer's name is Jackson. Ho
promptly declined the bribe.
There were no now features in connection
with the strike about the depots or yards of
the Burlington lust night. The full quota of
special police who have been on duty since
the trouble patrolled the yards , guarded the
rounel house and held forth at the depot. But
little change was noted in the moving of
trains , which departed east and west some
hours behind the scheduled time. Train U to
the west , ns usual , was lute , and was fol
lowed by n switch engine drawing two car
loads of hogs which wcro landed nt South
Omaha. They had arrived early in the after
noon anel are the first live stock received
since the strike. _ _ _
Switchman Sacrificed.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Thomas Mann , a switch
man in the yards here , was instantly Killed
at 0 o'clock to-night. lie was fixing a link
to make a coupling , when switch engine No.
171 , with cars attached , backed into him ,
catching him between the bumpers. The
engine was run by a scab engineer , immuu
George Benson , who , up to the time of the
strike and the era of rapid promotion , wns a
brakcman on the road. The dead switchman
was an oxpericncod hand , and at the
place where the accident oc cm-red , at the
Missouri Pacific transfer track , there was no
frog in which to catch his foot , and from the
best information obtainable , if an experi
enced engineer had been on the engine , the
accident would not now bo recorded. Emis
saries of the company have been busily en
gaged since the accident , and their claim is
that it was purely accidental. The company's
physician very early declared no inquest was
necessary. There will bo an Inquest , how
ever , and the public that is directly Inter
ested in the affair will have it sifted to the
bottom. A swtlchman who stood nc
the scene of the accident said posi
tively that no signals nt all were
given. Another statement is that a signal to
stop was made , but not heeded. A switch
man remarked thut ho did not want to say
anything nbout it. He said ho hud hud a
narrow escape himself to-day , but If com
plaint were made it would bo nil his position
wus worth. Aftur the man was killed the
remains were taken to the undertakers und
viewed by hundreds of citizens , par
ticularly by railroad men. There wus
uu ominous silence. among those
who passed in line through the
undertakers office , and a largo number of
citizens have oxpresseel themselves very
forcibly on the case , und the probable crimi
nal negligence of tlio. company with their in
experienced men.
A party of spectators witnessed another
narrow escape from a serious accident in the
yards to-day. A scab engineer was engaged
in pushing coal cars up the incline on the
trestle to the coal sheds. After four or five
ineffectual attempts the curs wont up , but
with such force that ono went entirely over ,
and full twenty-five feet to the ground. The
switchmen ou the cars saved themselves by
There uro no now features in the strike at
this point. A number of freights have been
bent out nnd the usual passenger trains have
run. What traffic of both kinds there has
been was uncertain nnel irregular. The local -
cal ofllululs hero , who sec the public disfavor
against the Pinkcrton importation , assert to
day thut those hero wcro only held in reserve
for western points and that they wcro not
for duty here. The western part of
the line , accordingly , must bo the place
where Pinkerton graduates are made.
At the brotherhood hall the
usual activity and confidence was dis
played. In fact , the boys seemed more confl-
elent than they did u week ago that they
would bo successful. The committee in
charge ) has hail numerous interviews to-day
with prominent citizens , and no net of nny
character against the company or its em
ployes have been made during the first week
of the great strike.
Sheriff Melick has called a coroner's jury
to hear the evidence in the case of the dead
switchman , Thomas Mawn. The Jury have
visited the body at the undertaker's office
and adjourned until 9 a. ni. to meet at the
sheriff's office nnd hear the evidence. The
Jury is O. W. Webster. G. D. Camp , R. B.
Graham , C. H. Bucncrd , D. I. Johnson aud
Gran Ensign.
A Misrepresentation Corrccteel.
NBI.SOX , Neb. , March 3. To the Editor of
the BEE : In the Br.B and Lincoln Journal
of March was a telegram
sent from this place by
the B. & M. agent , purporting to bo a scries
of resolutions from the Nelson board of trade
denouncing the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Firemen in their action concerning -
corning the present strike und commending
the officials of the railroad company for their
just and equitable action. In order to set our
town right before tuo public I would , nsjt you
to correct .tho matter and publish the truth.
There was no meeting of tlio board of triido
.Of Nelson ever .hold at which'such a subject
.was' presented , discussed or adopted. The
resolutions sent were prepared
in th'tS office of an .attorney here , who travels
tin A'U. & M , pass , aud tho'only other parties
present'ytcre three'or , four , individuals'who
o ) + i'ccoul'/'eiye' , . ] . . .
' '
. . ' ' ' . . '
Announcement of the Members of
the Joint Committee.
HcSnyallc Has No Intention of Buy-
the DoHjflas Street Organ
A Plain For Sheri
The Committee Named.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 5.
The senate to-day received from the house
the Omaha public building bill as amended ,
and the confcrcs on the part of the two
houses wcro announced. The conference
committee will meet and discuss the meas
ure as soon as Senator Quay and Represen
tative McShano return hero. The former
went to Pennsylvania last week to remain
ten days. The latter is expected hero the
end of this week.
In tlio senate quite a budget of memorials
and petitions of soldiers of the late war now
residing in Nebraska in favor of the per diem
pension bill wcro presented by Mr. Mundor-
son. He also introduced some petitions from
residents of western Nebraska asking that
sessions of the United States court bo held at
North Platte instead of Kearney , as provid
ed for in the Dorsey bill. The commissioners
of Lincoln county propose to furnish the
United States court with the use of the
county court house.
Representative Dorsey said this afternoon
that his attention had been culled to n dis
patch stating that his friends had purchased
the Omaha Republican and intimating that
ho had an Interest in it. Mr. Dorsey stated
that while he had for some time known that
the Omaha Republican was for sale he knew
nothing about its purchase by anyone. Ho
certainly had no money himself , ho said , with
which to buy a newspaper.
The favorable report from the committee
on military affairs on the bill appropriating
$100,000 for the improvement of Forts Nio-
brara und Robinson was submitted in the
senate to-day as anticipated by the BDU last
Merrill H. Clark , of Michigan , was to-day
placed on the rolls of the government print
ing office as compositor at $3 per day. Clark
has a history that wus partly ftild ut Omaha ,
and which will revive memories with many
BEE readers. In May , 1859 , ho went to Omaha
and bought the Times nnd Nebraskun , news
papers , and conducted them under the title
of the Weekly Ncbruskan till the winter of
1SOO. when the legislature convened und ho
established the first daily newspaper pub
lished in the entire section of country. When
the Daily Nebraskan appeared there was re
joicing by all who were interested in Neb
raska development. The governor and mem
bers of the legislature called at the office in
a body and held a jollification in the press
room. Several citizens of Omaha ut this
time , Mr. Clark says , were present and en
joyed the the celebration of tlio Journalistic
feat. A few years' afterward Mr. Clark
went to Michigan , where ho drifted'and now
turns up here ns a common compositor and
will bo found ut the government printing
Mr. Weaver introduced in the house to-day
bills appropriating $50,000 each for public
buildings at Oskaloosa and Ottunnvn , Mr.
Kerr introduced a bill giving Cedar Rapids
$150,000 for a government building and Mr.
Anderson a bill uppropriuting $50,000 for the
sumo purpose nt Creston , Union county.
Mr. Strcblo proposed a bill giv
ing senators and representatives each
a clerk at $0 n day to help them in their pub
lic duties during the session of congress.
The senators are already provided with
clerks or secretaries at this rate of compen
Mr. Dorsoy introduced In the house to-day
a bill reviving tlio grudo of general of the
United States army , to bo filled by selection
from among those officers in the military
service of the United States , most dis
tinguished for courage skill and ability , who ,
being commissioned ns generals , may bo au
thorized to command the urmicsof thu United
States , the pay und allowances of rank to bo
the sumo us heretofore allowed. This is in
tended for General Sheridan.
Chauncey I. Filly , of St. Louis , is hero in
consultation withnumerous , friends of Sena
tor Sherman , making ready the luttcr's cam
paign for the presidential nomination. Sev
eral representative republicans from the
south are also in the city und consultations
are being held dully. It is stilted thut the
south is practically solid for Mr. Sherman ,
who is openly a candidate for the nomination ,
and who believes he will succeed. Colonel
Canaday , sergcant-at-arms of the senate , a
prominent North Carolinian , told to-day that
.ho believed Mr. Sherman would get
nearly all of the southern vote in
the convention , and that the chances
wcro very favorable for his nomination.
Colonel Canaday kept the North Carolina
delegation solid for Mr. Sherman in the last
convention and will probably do so uguin.
The presence of Mr. Filloy is said to indicate
that an organl/ution is being effected for
Sherman in tlio far west and that the Missourians -
sourians arc to-have control of it.
Nathan Rosonbergur , of Muscatlno , la. ,
was to-etay admitted to practice before the in
terior department.
No improvement Is reported in the condi
tion of Thomas J. Potter to-night. Ho re
mains at the very verge of death it seems ,
nnd the fluctuations during the past weuk
have been so slight that they could scarcely
bo noticed.
Mrs. Clara B. Colby , of Nebraska , and
many other delegates uro e'xpccted here
soon to attend thu international council of
women , to bo hole ! during the last weolc in
March. The preliminary arrangements are
being made now.
James L. Mason , a prominent business
man of DCS Moiues , in. , urriveKl in the city
yesterday on u short visit to his brother ,
Representative W. E. Allison , of Clikuipo.
Pcuur S. HKATU.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , March5. [ Special Telegram
to the BEG. ! The following pensions were
granted Nobraskuns to-day : Original Inva
lid John P. Jewott , Edgar. Increase
Charles Elison , Ansley. Original Widows ,
etc Surancy , mother of Ell Wclton , Waterloo
lee , '
Pensions for lowans : Orlglnul Invalid-
Homer Tiffany , Gilinoro ; Hugh Slnclulr ,
( deceased ) Albla ( ends July 15 , 1SS7) ) ; Jacob
Marley , Clarinda ; John Minton ( deceased ) ,
Ltttleto-vn ( ending November 2,7 , 1887) ) ;
Thomas Murray , Clinton ; Harrison Eaton.
Hudd : Silas Heals , Derby. Increase Samuel
H. Parsons , Durham' ; Charle > s Phlllippi ,
Montezuma ; Louis Dellugo , Now Haven ;
Albortus Seniors , Ottumwa ; Alfred W.
Ewln , Wlutcrset ; Jonathan Gilbert , Gnn-
ncll : George .R. Ivy , Attica. Reissue Eu-
gcn'o S. Pride , Clear Lake. Original Wid
ows etc Charlotte-II. Thlom , former widow
of William Hi ICcnyon , Vull ( ending October
in , 1873) ) ; minor of William H. Kenyon.'Vail
( midinit April 7,1SS4) ) . Mexican hjurvivors
John W. Cadwalldcf , Burlington.
National Capital Notes. .
, WAbiiixoTON'March 5. The Joint demo-
crutio congressional executive committee met
to-day and organized by 'the unanimous
election of Senator K'ctjna , of .Wcst'Virglnia-
as chairman. . ,
-The iiitcrnaUonid revenue reduction bill
has been completed by the democratic members -
bers of the ways and means committee , nnd
is now being printed. It will bo laid before
the full committee tomorrow.
Randall's ' tariff bill will bo made public in
a day or two.
The president sent to the senate a message
in relation to the well known Weiland luAbrn
claims. The president says it will bo seen
from the secretary of state that it is sug
gested that these claims bo referred to the
court of claims or some other court in order
that the charge of fraud made in relation to
the claims be fully investigated. If for any
reason this proceeding bo considered Innel-
visablo , he asks that some final aud definite
action be taken directing the executive de
partment of the government what course to
pursue in the premises.
The senate has confirmed the following
nominations : Moses J. Llddcll , of Louis-
lanna , assistant justice of the supreme court
of Montana ; E. G. Splllmnn , register of the
land office at Devils Lake. Dak.
In the house to-day Hill , of Illinois , Intro
duced a joint resolution for the promotion of
commercial union with Canada , which was
referred to the committee on foreign affairs.
The report accompanying the Spooner bill
to rcgulato Intor-stato traffic of telegraphy
says the telegraph system of the country has
become a monopoly and the complaint is made
that the rates are extortionate and are levied
to pay dividends on wntereel stock. Tlio
committeewhile recognizing the necessity for
reasonable and limited control of the tclo-
irraph companies , doubt the policy of the
government assuming the ownership nnd en
tire management of them. It docs not pretend
tend to extend the power of regulating dis
patches which nro only within the state , and
supplementary legislation will bo needed by
the state. The report in conclusion expresses
it as the sense of the committee that what
ever can bo done us well by private enter
prise nnd with as much safety and security
to the people should not bo undertaken by the
government at present.
Presidential Nominations.
WASHINGTON , March C. The president to
day sent to the senate the following nomina
tions : Charles C. Jones , of Nebraska , to bo
register of the lanet office nt Nohch , Neb. ;
Rev. John F. Dolphin , of Minnesota , to bo
post chaplain , nnd George F. Hollls , of Mas
sachusetts , to bo United States consul ut
Capo Town.
A Plum 1'or Jones.
WASHINGTON , March 5. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The president to-day sent to
the senate the nomination of Charles C.
Jones , of Nebraska , to bo register of the land
office at Ncllgh , Neb.
Only a Slight Colel.
BERLIN , March 5. The Relchs Anzelger
says the emperor has only a slight cold.
Doctor Waldraeyer's final report on the
crown prince's case confirms the semi-ofilcial
reports made Saturday. It Is expected the
crown prince will return to Berlin ut the end
of this month.
The ministerial order cmpoworlrig Prince
William to sign royal decrees and ordinances ,
should occasion arise , dates from the 1st of
December. The crown prince has assented
to the arrangement. Two councilors are to
be attached to Prince AVilliam's suite , whoso
duties will bo to report to him on state affairs.
An eminent general will also bo appointed to
advise him on military affairs.
A Letter From Boulnngcr.
PARIS , March 5. Boulanger has written a
letter to the minister of war , in which ho
says : "It is my clear duty , from the posi
tion which I occupy , nnd particularly owing
to the period through which wo are passing ,
to devote myself exclusively to military du
ties. I have the honor to ask you , with the
object of preventing the manifestations
which have occurred from being again at
tempted , either to publish this or to author
ize mo to publish a letter in which I will beg
my friends not to waste their votes in at
tempting In elect mo to a position which I can
not accept. "
Morgan's Challenge Acceptcil.
OMAHA , March ! 5. To the Sporting Editor
of the BEE : In reply to the challenge of Ed
Morgan , published in Monday morning's
BEE , I would say thut I have deposited ten
(10) ( ) dollars with Colonel A. II. Forbes , and
hereby accept his challenge. I will meet Mr.
Morgan in u fifteen round contest with the
smallest gloves alloweel under the laws. I
will allow my deposit to remain in the hands
of the stakeholder until Tuesday evening ,
March 0. If Mr. Morgan means business I
will meet him between now and Tuusduy
und post thu rest of the money.
The Visible Supply Statement.
CmoAfio , March 5. The visible supply of
grain for the week ending Februarys.1) ,
as shown by the computation made by the
secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is as
follows :
Wheat 3i'.niOlK)0 )
Corn uiJ,000 : !
Outs 4bOU,000
Rye 383,000
Barley „ . . . ' . ' ,409
A Conilnctor llonhcd.
M\NDAN , Dak. , March 5. About midnight ,
at now Buffalo , a few miles west of Furgo ,
Pullman Cur Conductor Towne , on the west
bound Northern Pacific expresswas attacked
on his car by two masked men , who robbed
him of I'JS ' , the contents of his pockotbook.
They then dragged him to the platform of
the car und left him for dead. Ho was found
shortly after by u passenger and did not re
gain consciousness until the train reached
Mundau , this morning.
StorniH or Snow nnel Saint.
LONDON , March 5. All railway traffic In
Sweden and Denmark bus been stopped by
heavy MIOW fulls. Trufllc on the lines in
northeast Germany is also interrupted. Dant-
? ig is completely shut off from the world.
The avalanches in Trentinu valley huvo
killed twenty persons.
A violent windstorm has been raging in
Egypt since Saturday , stopping traffic in the
Suez canal.
Now Mexicans Klatcil.
Ai.WQuniicji'E , N. M. , March 5. [ Special
Telegram to the BIE. : ] Without regard to
party the people of New Mexico are elated
at the prospects of the passage of a bill now
before congress which provides for settle
ment of private land claims. Uncertainty in
land titles in some cases has done much to
retard the settlement ami development of
the territory.
Collision of Trains.
SOMEIISKT , Ky. , March 5. A collision oc
curred on tlio Cincinnati , Nuw Orleans &
Texas I'acilto railroad at Pine Knob , Ky. ,
yesterday afternoon , which resulted in the
killing of ono man , fatally injurinf another
und seriously wounding of thu others , be
side * doing considerable damage to the rail
A iTiiiiit From Pe > vcrty.
Tur.Mo.v , March 5 , Word has been re
ceived by Mrs. Ellen Sllar , of tins city , nnd
James Nally , of Millhatn , that they and five
other relatives nro heirs of their aunt , Mrs.
Ellen Blake , in England , to a fortune of
$7,500,000. Charles Silar , husband of Mrs.
Ellen Sllar , is a flagman on the Philadelphia
& Reading railroad.
An Unfouhdcel Koport.
ST. PKTEHSUUIIQ , March D. The announce
ment of the. death of Prince Hohenloho-
behrlngen , who recently shot himself with
suicidal intent , was incorrect. . He is recov
ering from his wound. '
Small Poj'on Shipboard.
NEW YOHK , Marejh 5 ; The French steamer ,
'LuNormandlo ' , wh'lch arrived , this inbrniOg
from Havre , Is detained at quarantine on
on account of. a case of ' small pox in th'o
A Strong Letter From tlio Prosecuting
NEwYoiiK , March 5. [ Special Telegram
to the BEB. ] A long letter in reference to
the Gould-Sage case , which was bcforo the
February grand Jury , has been sent to Dis
trict Attorney Fellows by William H. De-
lancy , Edwaret L. Andrews , nnd Dclancey
Nlchol , in which they say : "Wo are grati
fied to learn that you will nt once move be
fore the superior criminal Judges of this
county for an order directing that your of-
ilclal prosecution of Jay Gould and Russell
Sago bo presented to the incoming grand
Jury. The remarkable miscarriage of Justice
which has recently ensued In that case cer
tainly demands the adoption of this course.
The largo pecuniary Interest involved , besides
the demands of justice seems to us to require
Lho highest form of criminal proceeding.
Pursuant of this Judgment the district attor
ney entered the grand Jury room on behalf of
the people of the state to redress a p ubllo
wrong. The next incident transpired before
a judge of tlio general sessions , anel is prob
ably without parallel. UK | > n a question pro
pounded by a layman and not convoying the
reinotcst.conccptlon of the law point involved ,
this public prosecution was disposed of in
short order nnel without a hearing. This Is
called "advice to a grand Jury. " It is need
less to say thut the provision of the code au
thorizing the grand jury to apply to the dis
trict attorney or uny Judge of court for advice
docs not contemplate the aboli
tion of the usual modes of trial.
Wo challenge the production of nny
equal incident similar to tlio ono which ac
tually transpired in this cause. When the
people , by instituting a prosecution , assert
their views of any legal question , as they did
in this case by your official action , that view
is entitled at least to the decency of a trial.
Wu mean a trial according to law and not a
trial by advice. This proceeding docs not
possess the slightest clement of a judicial de
cision. There wus no issue presented for a
judicial decision. There was no issue pre
sented and there was no hearing of counsel.
But the instantaneous solution of the prob
lem by statutory constrnction was evolved by
an abnormal method of colloquy between a
juryman nnd an advising officer uninformed
by argument , a question of jurisprudence
which required four months in the district
attorney's office. The presentation by three
counsel for defense , nnd the study of 00
printed pages was solved by this now method
of question and answer in exactly ten min
utes. All judicial powers of the state were
thus completely swallowed up. Wo respect
fully request that you pi occcd to ascertain ,
by all means nt your command , whether the
machinery of criminal justieu can bo success
fully perverted to produce such n grotesque
result. "
Bloody Battle With Banellts.
GAIVISTON : , Tex. , March 5. A dispatch
from Matamoras , Mexico , bays : Advices
from Llcva do Canales , the southern part of
the state , say on the morning of the
2Hth ultimo , that pluco nnd Picncho
rancho wcro attacked by a party
of twenty bandits from Escamlon ,
commanded by Brulio Cervantes.
At both places a bloody contest took place ,
The robbers looted the town us fur as they
wcro able to. Nine men and ono girl of the
people attacked were killed. Tlio bandits
lost two killed and had a number severely
wounded. Troops wcro ordered in pursuit
and It is understood two or three of the
bandits have been captured.
Had Head the Cables.
| CY > pl/rf0M / JSSJby Jamt-s Gordon Htniittl. ]
LONDON , March 5. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to thoBEE.J The Judge holdIng -
Ing Middlesex sessions charged his grand
jury to-day and in a pointed manner having
evidently read ono of the several cables
about the Gould-Sago case said , alluding to
the Lord Howard DoWuldcn mutter :
"You are only to Inquire as to the proba
ble cause upon the facts presented to you ns
to whether they justify presentation to the
petit jury , nnel collateral questions are to bo
left to the trial. "
Five Men Blown to Pieces.
MARQUETTI : , Mich. , March 5. A terrible
mining accident occurred nt Ishpcming to
night. Five men were getting ready to
blast an old drill hole nt the bottom of No. 8
shaft when the charge went off unexpectedly ,
killing all live instantly. The cause of the
accident is not known. The men were liter
ally torn to pieces by the force of the ex
Tildon's Will Contest.
NEW YORK , March 5. The suit of George
II. Tlldcn for construction of that clause of
the will of his uncle , Sumucl J. Tlldcn , which
provides for libraries in New York , New
Lebanon and Yonkcrs , was brought to trial
to-day. Counsel for plaintiff said the clause
invalid. After ' the
was some'testimony ar
gument was postponed till the 81st.
Pnrnnhino'8 Mark.
NEW YOIIK , March 5. A can of pnraphino
which caught Uro this morning and exploded ,
caused damage of over $100,000. The princi
pal looscrs are J. H. Bunnell & Co. , electrical
and telegraphers supplies , aud Simeon
Ruche & Co. , gluss importers.
Do Lossops' Lottery Loan.
PARIS , March 5. In tlio chambers to-day n
bill was laid on the table which proposes to
authorize the Panama Canal company to
issue a lottery loan of ' . ' 4,000,000 francs. The
bill is supported by a number of deputies of
different politics.
- - . . _ ! ,
Death of Mrs , Proctor.
[ Cupyrtulit ) S88 t > y Jamr * rionloH llr.nnrtt.l
LONDON , March 5. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bcc.J Mrs. Barry
Cornwuld Proctor died tills afternoon hero.
An Unimportant Incident.
ROME , March 5. Prime Minister Crisp !
stated in the chambers to-day that the inci
dent ut Muduuu had been found to bo un
important ,
I'lmvn to Atoms.
Bitii > EPOitT , Conn , , March 5. A small
building used for mixing fulminate at the
works of the Union Metulic Cartridge com
pany was blown to atoms and Henry Becker ,
thu only occupant , wus killed.
Sympathy For the : StrikorH.
DiVENPOiiT , la. , March 5. The Knights of
Labor assembly hero to-night unanimously
passed resolutions sympathizing with the
striking engineers and firemen of the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quincy.
Aid For the Strikers.
LAPATETTE , Ind , , March 5. The Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers of this city
to-day sent f 1,000 to Arthur in Chicago to aid
the striking engineers on the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy.
Led By Osnmii Dlgna.
SUAKIM , March 5. Rebel deserters assert
the attack of yesterday was led by Osinnn
Digna , and that the chief ameer of Fie was
killed in thu fight.
Loulsn M. Alcott III.
BOSTON , .March S. Miss Louisa M. Alcott
is reported very ill of brain fever. H is
fcurcd she will not survive the attack.
Butter Market ,
EI.G.IX , Ills--March 5. But sold today at
23 cents per pound. There .was a fair' ' mar
' '
ket. .
' > tThe Death Ilccord. " , - '
' t
. VIENNA , March" . 5. August Zang,1 jburnal-
Ist'uu'd founder of tuoPrcbSC-i8deud , , ' , .
Reports From Btato Penal and 4
Charitable InstitutlonB. - < j
Grant Preparing to Bullel the Court
House For Pcrklnn County-
Activity at Valparaiso llai >
varel's ' Ilciutbllcan Club *
News From the Capital.
LINCOLN , Neb. , March 5. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The boml of public land *
and buildings in session to-day received the
monthly reports from state Institutions and
passed upon the expense accounts. The re
port of the warden of the penitentiary showed
nlno admitted during the past month with
cloven discharged with terms cxulrcd aud
ono released on commutation. The total
number of inmates in the pen March 1 is ,4
323. The monthly report from the state in
dustrial school at Kearney shows the number
received during the month to bo 5 ; number
dismissed , 4 ; total number In the school
March 1 , IPS. The report of the
state hospital for the insane shows
23 admitted during the month and 3 ells-
charged as cured. The total number of In
mates in the institution March 1 , 811 ! , after
deducting the number transferred to Nor
folk. There wcro 4 deaths at the asylum
during the month of February. William
Coolrtc , aged seventy , sent from Saline
county , died of paralysis ; Herman Ranch ,
aged seventy-seven , sent from Antelope
county , died of peritonitis ; M. Obcrnelder ,
aged thirty-nine , ont from Chcyonno county ,
died of tuberculosis luvina : Johnson ,
aged thirty-one , sent from Suundors county , }
died of tuberculosis. <
Articles of incorporation of the Swedish
Mutual Live Stock Insurance company , of
Axtell , Kearney county , wore filed yesterday.
The following neitarie'S were commissioned
by the governor to-day : D. J , Springer , < }
Fremont ; H. W. Kennedy , Kearney ; Rupert i'
Lorvin , Omaha ; Charles T. Brown , Lincoln ;
Eugene T. Westcrvolt. Freeport : F. O.
Malgron , Elba ; James B. Hnynes , Omaha.
In the district court to-day the case of the
state against Jesse Martin was on trial the
information charging that Martin bud dis
posed of mortgaged property to the value of
$ 'J7 i without the consent of the mortgagee.
Martin disposed of the proi > crty nnd Jour
neyed to Iowa whcro , after diligent search ho
was apprehended and brought back by offi
cers for trial.
In the police court the monthly report was
prepared to-day showing the total number of
arrests in February to bu 170. A very light
month for the capital city.
The Kmmett celebration held to-night la
Temple hall was very largely attended. Hon.
Patrick Egnn presided and an eloquent iid-
drcss was delivered by W. V. Gannon , of
Omaha. A choice inimical programme wan a
portion of the exercises.
Kntcrprise ! at Valparaiso.
VAWAUAICO , Neb. Mi rh 5. [ Corro i ond-
enccof the Br.n. ] Preparations irobcln *
made to start the boom ns soon as the
weather will permit. Plans ami specifications
are being made for several fine resicloi ces by
prominent men. The water works well is
completed at a depth of 100 feet nnd ai
abundance of soft water nccurcd , 'll.etunk
is to bo north of town on the top of u hill and
the wnter is to bo pumped into it by the en
gine in F. S. Scovillo & Go's , elevator , under
which the well was bored.
Tiic Union Pacific company is rcp'nclng the
old railroad brWgo with n now one , resting "
on oak piling. The old ono had become un
safe. Valparaiso how has seven passenger
trains daily und n host of freight trains. A
company desiring to start a cannery can flnel
no better place and will bo sure of a solid
welcome from the business men.
The llarvnrel Itcpubllcnn Club.
HAKVAUD , Neb. , March 5. [ Correspond
ence of the BEE. ] A meeting to organize a.
local republican club wus held Suturday
evening. Owing to the very Inclement
weather the attendance was email , and , after
perfecting a temporary organization , the
meeting adjourned to one week from Satur
day night.
The temporary officers are : Ezra Brown ,
ex-state senator , president ; G. W. Limbock-
or , editor Journal , vico-prcsldont ; G. W.
Updiko , cashier Commercial bunk , secretary.
An exe'cutivc committee consisting of W. P.
Shockey and F. W. Rose wus appointed.
Grant Uoiiliin to Boom.
GKANT , Neb. , March 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE ] The first wave of our boom sot
in us soon ns it became known that Grant
had bcein successful in the county seat fight.
A meeting was held this evening and it was
decided to begin the erection of a * 3,000 court
house at onco. The Burt house and a block
of ground lias been donated to the county by
Grunt citizens. A number of lots have been ,
bought and everything indicates a rapid ,
A Itich Discovery.
FOHT McKiNNET , Wyo. , March 5. [ Spew
lal Telegram to the BIE. : ] It is believed an.
enormous discovery of gold has been mad
near Buffalo , Wyo. Mr. Charles Sisters , - * .
lime burner , bus hi ought into Buffalo fro *
milling gold ore that will yield from f 1,000 to ,
$1,000 per ton. When questioned where ha
got it , ho said in the mountains about fifteen
miles from Buffalo. Ho was burning lime at
the foot of the mountain , and during the recent -
cent thaw thought ho would gut out and '
prospect a little , and on the sldo of the moun-i ' i
tain found a ricn gold ledgo. The snow *
coming on again , he hud not titno to develop
it , but as soon us the snows clear away hi -jf
the spring the ledge will bo thoroughly developed - i
veloped by merchants of Buffalo. There U a
good deal of excitement over this discovery ,
and as it is the third ditcDvcry of precious
metals near Buffalo within a short tlmo , U i& i
believed that rich ores exist near here ,
that they will bo found mid dovolopud thpr-
oughly during the coming spring uud sani
A Son Cnptnln'H Will. .1
BOSTON , March 5. [ Special Telegram ttf J
the BEE. ] Cuptuin Noble Maxwell died at , *
Hotel Vendomo , September , 1SS7 , ngod' '
ninety-six years. Captain Maxwell nevoi
married. In early llfo ho wont to bca , auel *
when ho became captain offered himself. It' |
is said , to thu daughter of a resident of BaU > .
Ho wus rejected because ho was poo'r. ntf'
came to Boston-during the war , and accumu
lated wealth. His will nnd four codicils luava
his proK [ > rty to twenty-six relatives. A , A
nephew in Maine , says ho 1ms male th
most careful investigation of the town rec
ords until ho bus proof that Cuptuin Noble
Muxwell made n mistake as to his own iden
tity. Ho avers thut Maxwell belonged to a
different family of thu Maxwell * fiom the $
one ho had supposed , nnd that the people W
named in the will are really not his next ot r
kin , but the other branch of pie Maxwell
family are entitled to precede those uumcdj
by Muxwell. Probate has been postponed to "
permit an investigation. . }
LOUIVIM. K , Ky. , March 5. Tlio . Presby
terian mutual assurulico fund made an na *
Mgmnent. to-day. Assets , iSO.OOO : liabilities.
between MQ.OOO and $100,000. Tho. li
.duo to so.Vcral suits recently brought
the fund. . ' . .
Important Oonn.
CiucAeio , Mn'n-hCi The IlllnoU board of'
railroad nnd warehouse commissioners wert
In. session hern to-dAy , but transacted no bu
incss of any imporuiuco. bqyoud '
bills. ' . ,