Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1888, Part II, Image 9

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T i nmi n ni i
New Goods , New Prices. Our Great Unloading Sale still in progress. Our Carpets and Upholstery
Departments will be open in about two weeks. Wait for us ! Watch for our announcement ! We
will show an elegant line , and prices will be guaranteed. Come in next week and take a
look through every department.
Snerial Prims all Thrnnirh flnr Stnra Nnta a Few nf the Prices Below :
Woven Corsets
100 doz. Ladies'
Woven Cor-
ots 76c each , worth $1.60.
Lisle Thread Vests ,
62 doz. Ladies' Lisle Jersey fitting
Vesta 39c , worth $1.00.
Ladies' ' Hose
100 doz. Ladies' Hose in fancy stripes
double. and plain colois , 8 l-3c pair , worth
Ladies' Hose
76 doz. Ladies'Fancy Plaid and Stripe
Hose , light . and dark shades , 18c pair ,
worth 2Sc.
Lisle Thread Hose
85 doz. Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Thread
Hose in Colors and solid Black , your
choice for 35c pair , worth 50o.
Cotton 'Laces ,
5 to 16 inches wide ; no lady should bo
without these Luces in a well regulated
house. yard. Your choice while they lut > t , 6c
Persian Shawls ,
100 Persian Shawls usually sold at
$6.00 each , our price to close the lot.
1.68 each.
Gros Grain Ribbons
1,000 pieces fine All-Silk Gros Grain
Ribbons in No. 10 width , all colors ,
handsome plcot edge ; your choice 16c
yard , worth 40c.
Picot Edge Ribbons ,
1,000 pieces Handsome Fancy Stripe
Two-toned Picot Edge All Silk Ribbons
in all the new light tinted shades ; alto
medium &dark colors ; also Blacks and
Fancy Moires , all No. 10 , and really
worth 60o to COc yard. Wo will close
Dress Flannels ,
60 pieces Ladies'-Dress Flannels , full
trard and half wide , all new Spring
Shades , OOo yard , worth $1.00.
Check Suitings ,
20 pieces Pin head Check Suitings 42-
inch -wide , usually sold at COc , during
this sale one-half price Uoc yard.
Plaid Suitings ,
40 pieces Plaid Suitings , all dark
colors , 84-inch wide , usually sold at 35c. ,
We will close them at 12Jc jurd.
Crochet Quilts
r 1 case White Crochet Bed Spreads
usually sold at OOo to $1.00 unloading
sale price 660 each.
Marseilles Quilts ,
1 case Fine White Marseilles Bed
Spreads , largo size and really worth $2
each ; during this sale $1.25 each.
21 pieces fine figured Curtain Draper
ies , 0 different styles and colorings ,
never gold less than Soc yard ; our price
for few days , 15c yard.
How Sbo Attired Her Magnate Hus
band For a Trying Ordoal.
A Study For a Caricaturist A Piece
ofSoclul News The Art of Din
ing Wealthy AVoinea
of Society.
Nr.w Yonic , March 2. Correspond
ence of the BEE : It is unlikely that a
wife over makes n moro careful toilet
than the ono she wears at her husband's
funeral. That is to say , her poignant
grief does not make her forgot that
eho is going to bo an object of scrutiny ,
and her feminine instinct impels her to
dress carefully. Moreover , she will
usually see to It that her live husband
is suitably costumed for occasions of
Interest. John D. Rockefeller , the
prcat and growing millionaire' the
Standard Oil company , is seldom
Been or talked about socially.
Ho has boon tolling a commit
ted .of Now York law-makers , as
you have heard , what ho knowa about
trusts , and so has brought himself into
unusual public notice. The first day on
i which ho testified , a mutual friend tolls
mo. ho was found at his olllco in the
' ( Standard building , whore ho was earn
ing his $100 a day as president of the
trust , and counting up many moro hun
dreds that como tumbling into his cof
fers from his multitudinous investments.
1 'Ho loft his desk and went at once to
the investigation , no had on a plain
'brown cutaway suit aud a derby hat. ,
Ho is a man of medium stature and
Blightly built. His hair is dark brown ,
with here and there a suspicion of gray-
ncs * . Ho wears no other beard than a
light , immature mustache. , IIo looks
nt ono gravely from his blue
eyes , and all his mannerisms are
marked by reserve , and ho seems
to nave no regard whatever for his
clothes. Ills testimony was not com
pleted on the first day of his appearance
and when ho told his wife that ho waste
to bo called on the day following , she
insisted that ho put on bettor clothes.
The coat which ho obediently donned
was a dark blue diagonal , in the Prince
Albert style , and the trousers were of
eonibor gray with bluck stripes , with
the creases of newness still in them.
His modes * , derby had given way to a
tall silk hat. It was such an outfit as ho
would wear to church , or to an after
noon reception , and the law making in
vestigators , no doubt felt duly honored
by the sight of it.
The Metropolitan opera house has
hud such a drcbsing up as ought to make
U feel like n man with now clothes after
his Qld suit had been discarded on no-
count 61 e2ill [ > ox. I went into that
big and fashionable homo of grand
> opera yesterday and fey } SJ ° C"rr"i ° jS ,
which I had so ollcn seen' swept by the
dainty skirts of Fifth avenue women ,
being cleared with plain every day
brooms of Oimmenfo quantities of cigar
Btubs , cigarette ends , broken bits of
victuals and other debris'of the CcrcTo
it ' Uonnoolt .masquerade'bull , in'
previous years this fixture of New
has been held in the Madison square
garden , which belongs to the railroad
company controlled by the Vander-
bilts. On several of these annual oc
casions the late William H. Vanderbilt
looked in on the orgies and seemed to
bo amused by them. At all events ho
never declined to take the 81,200 rent
money paid for the single night's occu
pation of the premises and enough pre
vious time for preparation. But when
the present generation of Vanderbilts
got the estate and Cornelius Vunder-
bilt became the business head of the
house , ho ordered the doors shut
against all masquerades , although he
does not object to walking matches and
other athletic shows. The acutely swell
directors of the Metropolitan opera
house , however , have this year rented
out that establishment to all the ball
people who wanted it and could pay
the prico. What 1 saw there
yesterday was a sequence of
the great' French masquerade Not
only had the orchestra seats and the
stage boon floored over for the dancers
and the supper rooms given up to hila
rious traffic in wine and viands , but the
hundred private boxes , sacred to owner
ship by the nebs , of our best society ,
were sold for the .night to the worst
gang's that ever had the money to spend
in costly drunkenness and indecency.
Each of these boxes has a little anteroom -
room bohindnnd some of these are deli
cately fitted up with draperies and fur
niture. These adornments were taken
out for Mo occasion as far as possible ,
and what remained was covered with
muslin to save it from the grime and
splash of an amateur bar-room. These
tiny parlors of the rich and pretentious ,
became , for the time being , the dons of
extravagant vice , descriptions of which ,
in a general way , have reached you in
A study for a caricaturist or a nove
list was the behavior of men and women
under masked conditions at the Corclo
do 1' Harmonic masquerade. Your
typical man , bo ho upper ton or ono of
the million , has one way of behaving ;
your typical woman of any grade you
choose has another and perfectly dis
tinct way. I am itot referring to the
conduct in a masquerade march , but to
that infinitely repeated incident where
a person with a mask on approaches ono
who is undisguised and slaps him , or
her , familiarly on the backorcalls him ,
or her , by a pot nickuamo ) and then
waits for recognition. When a man is
approached thus by a masker , ho invar
iably smiles in a superior way , as much
as to say :
( or old pirl ) . I know you you can't fool
mo , " and
all the time the masker is fooling him
completely. After a time , when the
situation grows irritating , the masker
discloses his or her identity , and the
man in the case laughs feebly as if ho
enjoyed it nil which ho doesn't by sev
eral long shots. * But in the case of a
woman under similar oircumstancestho
case is radically and sensibly different.
The woman approached by a masker ,
never bmiles in a familiar , good naturefl
way. She looks coldly nt the mask
wearer , frowns a bit , stares at tlio
"learning oycs. and then takes a moder-
atd , fuporsiUouB , comprehensive purvey
of the entire costume , and the plan
works to a charm ; for the masker cannot - '
not endure the thought that tlio friend
is mentally a saying , "what a frfghtl"
and immediately discloses his or her
personality. Tiieu
low , good , bad , or jolly .smiles languidly
and says : "Oh , so its youl I didn't
know you ! "
That is the way they did at the
French ball , and 1 will wager , that they
never vary it at any similar occasion
is that Mrs. Hicks-Lord , famous here as
the comparatively youthful and very
handsome widow 'Of an aged million
aire , and celebrated for great entertain
ments in her Washington square man
sion , has rented a house in Washington
and is going to show the people of the
capital how well she can give recep
tions , balls and dinners. There will at
least be something of novelty in her
Washington hospitality , because it will
have no furtive object. She has no rel
atives iu federal ofllco , or who are after
positions , she is not the lobbyist for any
legislative hobby , and she will simply
try to distinguish herself by expensive
and resplendant assemblages , so look
out for a social coruscation in "Washing
Do Quincy is acknowledged by bon-
vivants to have been the authority , in
days gone by , upon the art' of dining ,
and even our own Sam Ward , pf blessed
memory , was wont to uncover at men
tion of his name , De Quincy once said :
"In proportion as our dinrior has ad
vanced toward evening , h'avo fro and
have that advanced in circumstances of
elegance and taste , of intellectual
value. " What a precious secret is in
volved in this sontoncol Does anyone
suppose for a moment that either of
Now York's after-dinner stars Dopow ,
Ingersoll , Dougherty , or the rest if
called upon to sot a barren table in a
roar at 4 in the afternoon , just after
leaving his office , would acquit himself
decontlyV If ho attempted it he'd make
a fool of himself ; but ho wouldn't befool
fool enough to attempt it. Ho must dine
before his tongue will trip lightly to the
music of his mind. Some day the laws
of hygoine and the mystery of a healthy
digestion will bo better understood than
they are now , and then a man will bo
regarded as a heathen for dining before
sundown. For instance , the connection
between mind and stomach is wonder
fully close , of courso. You can't di
gest A hearty dinner prooorly unless the
brain is onioying comparative relaxa
tion and this it can't got In business
It is for this reason that many of the
best writers on matters gastronomic
take pains to discourage long after din
ner speeches tit public banquets , or
speeches which deal with politics or
philosophy or any subject calling for
close thought. To bo buro , clover gentlemen -
tlomon will often , under thcso circum
stances , tackle an abstruse tuple ,
and for half an hour hurl
learned sentences at their suf
fering companions ; but it is due to ig-
norancoand the wear and tear on them
selves is enormous. The wisa man-
taking Chuuncoy M. Dopow , for in
stance is ho , who , possessing talents of
which he is complete master , remains
the philosopher or the man o ! affairs
during the day , and on a light stomach ;
and at night , leaving car a at his desk
or deep thought in his library , fills his
stomach to repletion , gives digestion a
cha.nc9i and lica vivuea iu for \vit aud
merriment. It's the eamo man and the
snmo brain , but what a different picture
, h'ey present. Deep thought and pen
derous sentences do not mix well with a
good Sinner , and the man'of genius who
ippreciates this is bound to live longer
ihan his friend who doesn't , especially
If they are both inveterate diners out.
- ' '
wo owe { he delightful ton-minute sal
lies by famous moii nt big dinners. Mr.
Dopow may deliver H learned oration tit
the laying ofa _ , corner btouo in the af
ternoon and a brilliant speech after
dinner , and win unstinted applause by
each ; but should he forget himself for a
day and attempt to reverse this order ,
it is safe to say that his friends would
stand aghast and marvel at the medi
ocrity of the double performance.
The latest ' "fad" among
is a curious one , anu I sco evidence of
it among the shopping promonnders.
It is nothing less than the collection of
unmounted diamonds. The extent to
which this craze has already been
carried is amazing and the deal
ers in gems are all smiles
in consequence. The statement
would boom almost incredible , were it
not for the notorious fact that a major
ity of womo'n have'long been accus
tomed to Icavo very valuable diamonds
at homo and wear in public places imi
tations of small cost. Doubtless this led
the now scheme for ifono , owns fine
gems , why not display them in some
manner ? It is said that Mrs. W. K.
Vanderbilt , when she sailed away in
the Alva on' ' a yachting tour of the
globe , left behind her ono of the best
collections of small unmounted diamonds
in the city ; but it will bo excelled ore
she returns.In afternoon calls and 0
o'clock teas a now and fascinating topic
is thus afforded and notes compared.
The diaraondp are generally arranged
in little nests vof cotton wnich
are made in elaborate boxes of inlaid
woods , and placed" where the hoatcss
may keep an c-yo upon them or a ser
vant is constantly on guard. A lady
owning such a collection , made an extremely -
tromoly frank avowal the other day ,
said she :
"Why , every woman who can afford
it indulges the hobby. Tlio diamonds
are frequently bought on u guarantee
that the jeweler will take them back on
a certain par centugo , of the cost ; and
anyway I think they arc better than
stoclcs and bonds 'us an investment , be
cause their value doesn't lluctuato to
any great extent. "
It is oven said that ladies do a little
quiet trading in the precious stones ,
when each is convinced that she it > get
ting the bettor of the other.
To got an idea of how many yoiincr
girls go in for painting ono should visit
tlio Metropolitan "Museum of art. On
two days in a week a largo number of
them can bo fouud in the picture gal
leries making copies of famous paint
ings thero. It-may seem strange that
few of them , so far us the writer has
been able to observe , look at all Hko ar
tists. Many of thorn are pretty , and
some the rovcrso , but tnoy are in no
wayditloreRt in appearance from the
curious ncigh'bsrs who gaze at them
with astonishment. " Yet they are near
ly all professional painfeiS , and as such
might bo expected to have disih'guiBh-
ing traits to mark them apart from the
non-professionofc ox their sox. It is a
rule of the museum to allow
none but competent artists to make
copies of the paintings , and the
girla must first obtain the recommenda
tion of a trustee , or a well known ar
tist , before they can get the permission.
It is therefore fair to presume that
those seen at work ranlc high. I found
them in every gallery , and two of them
wore even at work before the pastels in
the corridors. Some were using water
colors , and eom6 easel palette rod and
paint case along. TKey were the centers -
tors of interest to the crowd. Around
each fair artist was a grouo o ( men and
who evinced their interest ip
her work by remarks on her progress.
Each stroke of brush or pencil was
calmly considered by the critics who
peered over her shoulder. In most in
stances the girl seemed accustomed to
this impertinence , and only a slight ele
vation of the eyebrows , at times , showed
that she was annoyed.
But in one corner I found
to whom this experience was evidently
new. She was copying n pretty little
landscape in oil , and the quick certain
strokes of her brush showed that she
wus no novice. Her work was progress
ing with remarkable swiftness. Her
position in this out-of-the-way spot had
thus far given immunity from intrusion ,
but it was not to last long. Slio was
neatly and tastefully dressed and had as
trim a figure , and ns finely chiselled
features as could bo found in all the
efforts of the masters that hang upon
the walls. I watched her ns I saw a
clerical looking man and two expen
sively dressed women approaching.
They took up their position behind
her , aud the long faced man began to
point out to his companions what ho
considered the defects iu her work.
Pointing a long bony finger'over her
shoulder ho made a series of depreciat
ing remarks.
" " ho said "now
"Really , very poor , ;
just notice how that grass is painted. I
do not pretend to any remarkable skill
with the brush , but , you know , I could
do better with my oycs closed , I sol
emnly believed. "
There was no attempt on the old fel
low's part , to lower his voice. I could
see the blood mount in the checks of
the fair girl , and the tears start in her
eyes. She was completely crushed , and
further work was impossible for her.
Slio shot ono indignant glance at her
critic , which made him cringe , and
then she packed up her things and
wont away.
Many of the young women go there to
paint pictures to order for wealthy per
sons who have taken a fancy to some of
the raabtorpieccs , and knowing that
they cannot obtain the originals , are
desirous of securing good copies. Oth
ers , not well enough known to have
secured orders from wealthy customers ,
hope to attract attention by their work
in the galleries , and one of the trustees
informed mo that this practice has mot
with remurkablo success. Art patrons
desirous of assisting struggling artists ,
make it a point to give employment to
such of the girls us show ability. A
fair , bluo-oyed creature was pointed out
to mo as ono of the mostk successful.
She was copying a Grecian seashore ,
and seemed amused by the remarks of
tlio crowd at her elbows. Occasionally
a mischievous twinkle in .her eyes
showed a desire to got even with her
tormentors. Recently she received
SoOO from a wealthy Now Yorker , who
was attracted by a copy she had made ,
and which ho had first seen while vis
ing the gallery. In no other way ,
probablycould these industrious women
-Attract the attention of the public BO
spc'cuilv as nt this museum , and while ,
therefore , ihp presence of ill behaved
crowds is annoying ; the other advant
ages are sulUclent to ovsrcumo his ob
jection. Frequently twenty-five girls
are at work iu the museum at one tlinC.
Qlllclto's "She,1 will be prbduccd In Eng
land in tnu spring.
AV. J. Scanlan will make a starring tour of
the large cities of Ireland in Urn spring of
189. - .
Nate Salsbury uaytbo fans bad. enough
Prime Kid Gloves
60 doz. Ladles' Prime Kid Gloves , Two-
toned , Embroidered Bucks , all colors ,
Goo pair , worth $1.25.
Table Damask ,
10 pieces Turkey Red Table Damasks ,
strictly fast colors , really worth 60c
yard , unloading sale price Ii2c yard.
20 doz. Gent's finoNightShirtsusunlly
sold at 75o each , our price during this
sale 39c each.
of acting , and will never go on the stage
a gain.
Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett drew
$4,520 at their last performance in Now Or
It is reported that London women of fash
ion have adopted a crush hat for wear at the
A Philadelphia writer prophesies that Ores-
ton Clark will , within five jears , become the
.ideal Hamlet.
Nina Van Zandt , who loved August Spies ,
is to po upon the Btuge , and , they say , with a
very lurid play
Georgia Bojden , of Boston , is a wonderful
pianist and composer , who is entirely ignor
ant of theoretical music.
Kato Claxton declares that her now play ,
"Tho World Against Her , " is the biggest hit
she has had since the "Tho Two Orphans. "
Prof. Hcnncquin of Michigan university ,
has written a play called the "World's
Wages , " and Minnie Maddern will star in
The Buffalo Bill Wild West show will sail
from Liverpool for New York city April 1 ,
and will begin a season on Statcn Island
Juno 15.
Dion Bouclcault's "Cushla-ma-
new play , - -
chrce , " is in constant rehearsal by the Bouci-
cault company. The title signifies , iu Eng
lish , "Throb of My Heart. "
It has been said that Mrs. Brown Potter
will appear as Cleopatra in a Brand produc
tion of Anthony and Cleopatra at Wallack's
Now York , next season.
The National opera company has arranged
to give a season in Havana , beginning on
April 3. A brief engagement may bo played
in New York during March.
Miss Sallln Obcr , the only lady operatic
manager in the United States , recently in
vested ( SO.OCO in real estate. She was the or
iginator of the Boston Ideals.
Frederick Wardo has begun a tour of the
largo cities of Texas , during which ho will
bo seen in Houston , Galvcston , Austin , San
Antonio , Waco , Fort Worth and Dallas.
Chassalgno , who produced "Falka , " has
successfully produced a now Hungarian
opera ' 'Nadjo , " which has been secured by
Uudolph Aionbon for the New York casino.
Mr. Gilbert has resolved not to allow cither
the libretto or the music of the now Gilbert
and Sullivan opera to bo printed until after
its first performance at the Now York
Miss Sadie Martinet has sailed for Vienna ,
but will icturn to New York In April. She
has signed a contract to appear at the New
York Casino in "Tho Oolah , " which will bo
done in May.
Clara Louise Kellogg is to go on the road
again next season. She will have an opera
company of sixty-live people and will sing
under the management of her young husband
Carl Strakosch ,
Imro Kiralfy Is amaklng preparations for
next bummer. He proposes to produce In
Cincinnati a big outdoor spectacle in which
many of the features of ' 'The Fall of Baby-
loii" will bo introduced.
Moro stars have graduated from "Evange-
lino" than from any other niece iu American
stage history. Among them arc : Nat C.
Goodwin , W. H. Crane. George S. Knight ,
Henry E. Dixcy and Klchurd Golden.
A little Italian girl , aged ton years , named
E. Dionosl , has made her appearance an a
Violinlsto in Naples with extraordinary suc
cess. Her brother , only afowycuis older ,
posed as a pianist and composer.
An unusually sensitive European actress
lately received a bouquet of roses accom
panied with a very costly piece of Jewelry.
She replied , thanking for the rosoa
and begging Icavo to return the "thorns"
( the Jewels ) , which she accoidlngly sent
Emma Abbott , formerly a Brooklyn choir
girl , has accumulated in ten years on the
stage a forturio of f JOO.OOO. . Critics contemned
her " ' ctenslons as on opera singerand inusl-
clans lauguC-d at her , but slio made u winning
iu spite of all. ; , , , . .
in Japan theatrical audiences are said to
show their appreciation of'xuC actoia by
throwing pieces of their clothing , hats , coats ,
sushes , etc. , on the stago. At the close of
the play they redeem these aittcloint fixed
prices , the proceeds going1 to the fortuuute
actor. . .
Clara Morris tays iU makes use of real
Dress Ginghams
Dark color * really worth 12Jo yu4)
your choice Monday 7o yard.
Lot of Salines ,
Beautiful coloring , hnndsomo Ar
signs , all next week in two lots l"Jo ana
15c , worth J8c and "flc.
100 pieces Full Standard Prints
yard , word 7c.
tears In portraying the emotional character !
of her repertory. It may bo presumed thai , , '
during the excessively long waits between .
tlio acts of her plays she is pumping up a
supply for the succeeding scenes. Perhaps
she pusses tlio time iu peeling onions 1 Who ?
knows ?
Jane Hading , the great French actress ,
proposes to como to America , when she got !
divorced from her husband , M. Konlng , 1011115"
agor of the Paris pyinnutto. The uuion was ,
a murriugo do raison , wliero affection was , j
wanting on both sides. Tlio actress Is thirty1
two years old , and superior to Bcrnliardt Iq
many roles.
M. Henri Mclnac , author of "Frou-Frou , ' | ,
"La Belle Helene , " -'La Grande Duchesse , " ;
and over so many moro good things , sayaJ
that the height of his ambition will not ba ?
reached until ho has written a "Coincdle do.
moeuvs Amoricalnes , " and for that purpose ,
ho proposes visiting the United States inj
order to draw his characters from life , "ajc
soon with his own eyes , " and not from hoarC
say , etc. , as was the case with M. Victorleif
Sardou. far moro English than American ,
r The preparations for tbo first production III
America of Verdi's "Otcllo" are advanclngL .
rapidly. The dimensions of the stage of tliff
academy have been sent to Milan , an not only ,
the costumes , but also the entire machinery ,
are to bo imported from Italy. The threly
principal parts , Otcllo , Desdemona and lago-
will bo impersonated by Sig. Marconi1 r
Signora Tctrazzinl and M. Muurol , respccv
tivcly. It Is stated that the cost of each per ,
formanco of the opera will amount to about ,
Effle Ellslcr has been many years an o < x '
tress , and has played many dinicult parti.
She has now in her repsrtory Laura pon'rf
play -'Egypt ; or the Daughter of the Nile. ' * ,
Miss Ellslcr declared that she has neve * ,
fouud a moro dinicult pint than the on *
which she assumes In this plcco. In th
fourth act , where alia appears as a statue anJ
stands guard at the Naiad's Well for twentj |
minutes , she is forced to remain motionlost
In full view of the audienceand she dcscrlbc $
the mental and physical strain as cnormousl
Coquclln , the French comedian , Is having a
social as well as an artistic success in EgyptiJ
His five performances In Cairo \\eroattendeq
by the kliedlvo and the principal members o <
h8 | court , and ho has been received lit tha
palace of the khcdivo with distinguished
honors. M. Coquclln has broken the record
the rccorp of the ordinary visitor In Egypt
by declining to climb the pyramid. Ho wont
out to sco the monster pllo , however , anJ (
sent his son Jcun at the top , thus making thq
ascension by pioxy. ,
Madrid has decided that none of its thcat
tors will bo allowed to open their doors ncxf
bcason unless it shall bo lighted by oleotriy
city. It is all right enough to llx it up BO
that a man can go to a theater and got oub
again without breaking his ncclc , bo suffo
c.ilcil , or burned up , but why wouldn't it boa .
good scheme to havu n little legislation con *
teniinfrwliattraiibpircs on thoalagot A lavt *
compelling every tioupo to give bonds not to
corrupt the people or bore them to death )
would be about the pi oper thing.
Mine. Modjeska it is who clnlnn the honot ;
of having discovered Josef It 1st
three years ago sliolhst got to know th <
wonderful boy. Slio spolco of him to M.
Grossmann , the SJolnway of Hussla and
Poland. That gcntloipun made a wry and
cynical face when the actress insisted upon ;
his meeting the phenomenon. With a sigh of
boredom Grossmann consented , and oventu. /
ally Hofmun pore , to Grand Calmlr , put la
an appearance with a soil of parcel under
his arm. The wianplngs being taken off a
wee bit of humanity emerged. This was the
phenomenon. "And is this ho misfortune i
Grossmann giimly querieu. "It i , " responded <
sponded Modjoska. "Do you like cliocolatel'f '
iIKulred ] the plaiiomukcr. "I do , " emphat * * '
ically said the phenomenon , who forthwith
began to munch. Then Grossman * at him *
sell down to the plauo and struck som $
chords , the notes of which the chocolata-cat *
Ing mite picked out without looking at tha
keyboard. "Good , " romakcd Grossmann
' 'Now ' sit you down and play I" "Whotl o
that thing ! " bravely answered tha toll
"Never I Glvo mo a concertgiand and I will
play. " The instrument was a small Uluth *
ncr upright. Mmo. Modjeska Implored Hot *
i.nii's parents not to produce him in public *
She was iiuto rrady to furnish'the where * .
withal for his musical education. But the * .
UiibliisH-ln got bold of Llin and tb
was done. . ' ' . ' ' . ' .