Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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feul Pew Bootal Bv nta of Promi
nence During tha Past Week.
> he Dedication Ball and Banauet of
Goodrich Ixxlgo 1. o. o. P.-A
Happy Family Iteanlon A No
table WeddlBjt-Chlt Chat.
The past week In society wa * an exceed
ingly dull one. There were no private re-
ccptlons and but 'two important parties.
Many prominent locial light * of Omahn arc
visiting out of the city and those remaining
eetn to f l the restraining power of Lent.
A record ot the week's doings will be found
TUB YotJSo MRN'H Hnmr.w association pave
grand mask ball at Exposition hall last MOD-
day evening. It wan a social event of the
first magnitude and was Attended by overt wo
hundred guest * . The linll was decorated in
magnificent style. 1'ho costumes of tlm
ladies were especially handsome and created
tnuch comment from the spectators which
filled tbejallericD. The music was furnished
\ > y Ibo Musical Union orchestra.
Tite niuxn IUSQUKT nnd ball of ( Joodrich
Lodge No. 44,1. O. O. F. , was held Tuesday
evening in their new hall , corner of Saund-
fers anu Hamilt on streets. It was a splen
did success and was largely attended by
members of the various Omnhn lodges. The
forepart of the evening was given to a musical
entertainment In the handsomely furnished
lodge room on the third iloor , where some
excellent vocal and instrumental selections
ttcro rendered , after which the gay throng
repaired to the large and commodious ballroom -
room on the second floor where a programme
pf sixteen numbers wan danced to the music
.of the Musical Union orchestra. At 11
o'clock an elegant supper was served in the
fjaniiuctlng rooms. The building itself is a
cplcndld structure , very well arranged and
'costing in the neighborhood of f.10iQO. ( It
was formally dedicated In the afternoon by
, the various lodges In the city and Is a great
credit to the 1. O. O. F. of the state.
A NOTAIII.K WFpn > fu occurred Saturday
evening , February 11 , nt the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. John F. C. Mcmccke , parents
of the bride , 803 Central avenue. Jersey City
Heights , N. J. The contracting parties were
Mr. Henry L. Boo-so , of Omiilm , Neb. , and
Miss Emma Mcincckc. Mr. Charles Mctz ,
of Omahawas present and acted as one of the
groomsmen. The company was very largo
and many valuable and useful gifts , includ.
ing a beautiful upright piano , were presented
to the bride. Many handsome presents were
also received from friends in Omaha.
Numerous telegrams of congratulations from
Omaha and cablegrams from Germany were
received during the evening. After the wed
ding reception the happy young couple
started , amid a shower of rlco and good
Xvishcs , upon un extended southern trip , ex
pecting to reach Omaha early in March.
THE riTU.s of the Academy of the Sacred
Heart at Park place evidently believe that
nothing Is farther from the true spirit of
lent than moroscnoss. Their February pro
gramme of literary nnd musical exorcises
shows that the founts of inspiration on that
pleasant hill-top is fur from being exhausted ,
nnd the "evening with the Italian artists"
was a most enjoyable one. Without enter
ing upon the controversy about the right of
nrt criticism , these young ladies struck n
true note in showing that good pictures need
neither explanation nor defense , and that to
enjoy a tine picture one need no more be able
to paint it than to enjoy a good dinner ono
must be able to cook it. The appended pro
gramme gives the title of the essays which
indicate the character of the work. The
music , vocal and instrumental , was in excel
lent tastoi
Introductory : MissMullIn
Pcruglno and Unphacl. . . . . . Miss Stephcnson
Fra Angelica Miss Gregg
Master nnd Pupil Miss H. Stcphcn&on
The Venetian School Miss Nash
Correggio nnd Paul Veronese. .Miss Grucnlg
Leonardo da Vinci Miss Dcllouc
MUKICA1 , l Tltlll.llllCS.
Entree Konig's Hussarcu Marsch
, Leonard
Misses Dwyer , O'Keefe , McShane , Gibbon.
"Corus d'amora. " From Scmlrainido.
| Vocal duo Rossin
| Misses Drown and MoNaughten.
} "Lucrezia Borgia" Harp solo Donizctt
[ ' Miss Dcllono.
f "Voga , Voga" Vocal trio Cumpam
I Misses Dellone , Uabcock , McHugh.
J "Oberon" Instrumental duo Von Webei
Piano , Miss Crelghton : harp , Miss Lowo.
k "Sunrise" Morning Glee Whlti
[ Misses Lemon , Keel , Gibbon , Jones , Gush-
i ing , Gregg , P. Lowe , E. Crelghton , N.
\ McNumara , McFaddcu.
I /'Don / Pascpjalo" Instrumental duo
I Rosscllcr
I' ' Misses Lowe and McCreary.
It ' 'Spinning Quartette" From Martha. . .
II Flotov
I , Misses Crcighton , Gregg , Nash , Me-
I Naughten.
I family reunion on Friday evening to celebrate
I , the sixty-sixth birthday of the lattor's fathci
l the Hon. James Crcighton. It was n de
m llghtful affair , and thoroughly enjoyed by all
j Those present were : Mr. and Mrt . Jamei
It Crcighton , Postmaster Constantine V. Gnlla
m pher , wife and nine children ; Mr. John V. .
W Gallagher , wife and ono child , and scve :
i Other sons and daughters of Mr. and Mrs
K Crelghton.
* *
M Tnu iMrnillAi , CLUB'S reception or
Friday ovcnlug was ono of the plcasantes
| $ eivcn by that organization this season. Th
| | seventeen numbers on the programme wer
If unique and now. The Second infantry ban
| | furnished delightful music. The next ball t
I' ' be given by the Imperial club occurs 01
II March 30. J
I ) TIIK "SANS CEHEMONIE. " a new social clu
IT , was formed last week. George Holmes wa
H elected president , Ed Simpson wan chose :
12 treasurer and A. F. Brewer was selected a
I'l the society's secretary. The members wh
11 assisted in the organization of the society ar
I' as follows :
I J. L. Craig , J. Hopewcll , N. E. Dlllranc <
| 3 L. Burmestcr , Mr. Ncttlcton , H. Hande
I William Happen , Herman Drcxel- . P. Fit
I * ) ey , Ueniamin Marti , R. H. Storms , Ml
I , fiinlth , Dr. J. H. McManlval , Louis Boehmi
I *
I * TUB LADIES or TUB Wixnsou Dancing clu
I , returned their compliments to the gcntlemu
| < members by giving them a leap year part
| } last Friday evening. Those present wer
| | Mr. and Mrs. Clancy , Mr. and Mrs. V
K Shropshire , the Missus Annlo aud Abb :
If Holmes , Clara and Hattle Crowe , Hard :
It Shropshire , Thomas. Long , Nlles , Watklus
It Kophle and Agnes Humm , Wright , Seller :
I ; Mlsncr. Swobe , Tamage ) and Robert !
K Messrs. Porter , Holmes , Omohondro , Coi
K rad , Clayton , Jones , Gadd , Tunicka , V
i Fisher , Woodburn , J. O. Fiabcr , Stac :
. Muffatt , Talmage , J. Misner , W. Mtsne
m Gratton and Roberts.
[ fl an entertainment Tuesday evening at tli
IS Walnut Hill Christian church that prove
II very enjoyable. Recitations of u historic !
I ft character , those giving the Impcrsonutloi
If , being in costume , comprised the differei
If. numbers of the programme. These taklu
I'S part were Mrs. Thornp , Mrs. Free , Miss Mi
| | Donald , Mr. Stuart , Dr. McKean , M
I i Palmer and Mr. Zarbaugh.
E * *
H TUB itECKrriON tendered to Mr. and Mr
U 8. W. Rlndskopf on their return from the
bridal trip , at the rooms of the MetropolIU
p club on Saturday evening , February 25. wi
largely attended by their numerous f rleni
K und was a great success. The bride rcccivi
R a fine floral offering , presented in the nan
V of the club by Mr. I ) . Sllbcrstlen. Lunch 1
' Roscinund was served at 13 o'clock in tl
dining parlors of the club , after which dan
ing was resumed. Among those prcsci
wro noticeable , Mr. und Mrs. Max Meye
Mr. and Mra. Moriti Meyer , Mr. and Mi
Adolnb Mover , Mr. and Mra. H. Helliuu
Mr. and Mrs. F. Adler , Mr. and Mrs. S.
I Elomon , Me and Mra. M. Uloinan , Mr. ai
Mm. 1) . Kaufmann , Mr. and Mra. J. Gel
smUli , Mr. and Mrs. I. Now , Mr. and Mr
Gocti , Mr. and Mra. L. Holler ; the Miss
Hothschlld , 8. Rosenberg , T. Sonriehlll ,
Schlesnlger , C. lUndskopl , T. . Newman , I
. Wim , M. Uowmfield , U. Schlejiuger ; t
2 > lci rt. Julius Meyer , -Simon Fisher ,
t > '
I !
Black Silks ,
Colored Silks.
Our assortment of NEW SPRING
SILKS have arrived making one
of the bestas well as ono of the most
complete stocks shown in the city
comprising black and colored Faille
Franoalso , satin rhadamos , gros-
gralns , surahs , etc. Choice in color
and quality. Popular leading shades.
Best value for th least money. . . i
Three special numbers on solo
Monday :
I. Warranted , at tl.lO.
II. Warranted , $1.25 ,
III. Warranted , $1.4O.
We are sole agents ( for this city )
of this special line of guaranteodblack
silks , and to introduce them to the
trade , make special offering of the
same on Monday.
Now colored moire silks.
New black moire silks.
New black moire antique silks.
Now evening shades moire silks.
New satin glace surahs.
Now changeable surahs.
Now plaid surahs.
Now shades colored surahs.
Now shades faille francaise.
Our line of India pongee and China
silks unexcelled in the city. Many
special styles added this week. . De
sirable for draperies and fronts to
Those beautiful silk and wool Paris
FECT. Only a few remain unsold.
The very latest novelty , and only
shown by us.
See our combination suits ( spring
shades ) .
See our line of Btofano cloth ( Hen
rietta flhish ) .
See our line of Henrietta's.
See our line of English serges.
See our line of phi-head checks.
See our line of 54-inch broadcloths
at $1.65 per yard.
Remnants of Table Linen 'and Odd Lots of Towels and Napkins for
Silbcrstoin , A. Deicbes , George Victor , S.
Schlesinger , L. Seligman , Frank May , S.
Obtrfclder , A. Gladstone , J. Freyhan und
Charles Goldsmith.
Chit Clint.
Mr , and Mrs. L. M. Bennett nre visiting in
Utlca , N. Y.
Mr. John I. Redick left on Saturday for a
western trip.
Mrs. E. S. Dundy is sojourning at Hot
Springs , Ark.
Mr. ana Mrs. F. W. Gray have returned
from a California trip.
The HUE is pained to announce the illness
of Mrs. Guy N. Henry.
Mr. S. P. Morse will visit Europe before
returning from his eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Curtis are in Wash
ington , D. C. , where they will remain for two
Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Rosewatcr are now
domiciled in their new residence , No. 23W
Dodge street.
Miss Young , of Salt Lake City , who has
bscn visiting her uncle , Mr. B. B. Young , re
turned home on Thursday last.
Mrs. Mary L. McComaLyford , nf Chicago ,
is visiting her sister , Mrs. J. W. Griulth , ut
548 South Twenty-sixth street.
Colonel .T. M. Eddy has been promoted by
the Missouri Pacille company and now has
complete charge of its Omaha business.
The ladies of St. Mary's Avenue Congre
gational church will give u supper March U ,
in the parlors of the church from 0 to 8 p. in.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bell returned from
Australia last week. They are en routu to
England and will bo accompanied by Miss
Lowe , sistejr ol Mrs. Bell.
A Constitution Adopted and Tern-
Iiorary Oftlccra Made Permanent.
Thirty representative business men of
Omaha met at the chamber of commerce last
evening to perfect the organization of the
Union club. Dr. Miller presided. Considera
ble time was s ] > cnt in discussing the best
methods for completing the organization of
the association. Mr. C. * J. Green strongly
9 advocated n strictly legal method of proccd-
uro. Ho insisted on the re-adoption of the
articles of incorporation nnd the publication
of thirty days' notice In the newspapers of
the incorporation of the club. This ho
thought necessary to make amends for the
seeming haste of the first meeting.
This brought out considerable discussion
as to whether such procedure was necessary.
The threatened interminable dcbato was
suddenly checked by Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck
arising and suggesting that as the club was
a social ono it might be well to commence by
being pleasant and avoiding unnecessary dis
Mr. Frank Colpetzer then moved the
adoption of the articles of thn incor
poration , bearing in mind that
this action was a reconsideration
of all previous action. This motion was car
ried and the articles wcro unanimously
The temporary officers were re-elected for
the permanent organization for the coming
year. The constitution and by-laws wcro
then adopted. A business committee was
adopted consisting of Messrs. Frank Colpet
zer , John A. McSbauo , Fred Gray , J. J ,
Brown , Joseph Barker , C. V. Gallagher ,
Euclid Martin , Herman IContzo , H. T.
Clarke , Thomas Kilpatrlck , John S. Collins ,
J. B. Kitchen , Thomas Swobe , W. A , Paxton -
ton , C. B. Rustin and T. C , Bruncr. The
members of this committee are to have con-
biderublo latitude , but their main work is to
look after visitors and see that any per on
contemplating moving or establishing enter
i. prises here receive a proper hearing ,
irn Licensed to Wed.
LS The following marriage licenses were
Is issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
id Name and Residence. Age
( Douglas Lackman , Omaha.
iy AnnaL. Huddleston , Omaha . 1C
10c TomPcdcrson , South Omaha . K.
cit \ Bertha Anderson , South Omaha . 20
r ,
s. The Mayor and Licensee.
s.r Mayor Broutch said yesterday that thcro
r nre but five saloonkeepers In thn city whose
idd licenses bear his signature and consequently
dB. all other proprietors of saloons are selling
B.PS liquor Illegally. On the first of April he says
PSa : it i his intention to notify the chief o :
i. police and license inspector officially of this breach ot the law and baV > all offenders
ieD. brought to justice.
Handkerch'fs ,
1OO doeen Ladlon' Hemstitched
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs , Latest
printed patterns ,
8 l-3c , Value 12 l-2c.
10O dozen Ladles' Hemstitched
Sheer Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs
(1-2 ( , 3-4 and inch hems ) , ,
12 l-2c , Value 26c.
1OO dozen Ladies' Hemstitched
Sheer Lawn HnndkorohiofB ( with four
lines of lace revering ) , a great bar
gain , only
12 l-2c-
75 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched and
Scalloped Border , very Sheer French
Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs , all now
and beautiful designs ; as a drive ,
59c , worth up to $1.00.
ISO grocs Solid Flat Ivory Dross
Buttons in every shade ,
(2 dozen on a card. )
16O gross Solid Ball Ivory Dress
Buttons In every shade , including all
the latest tints ,
(2 ( dozen on a card. )
1OO gross Half-ball Pearl Drees
Buttons , metal shanks ( in all the now
shades ) ,
worth 3Oc.
Dress Trimmings.
GO pieces Novelty Silk Cord Dress
Trimmings in all the latest shades ,
only 45o a yard , worth 66e.
Dress TrimmmgsOrna-
ments Etc.
, . ,
In Jet , Crochet and Jot Silk Cord ;
French Tinsel Wire , Etc. , Etc. , in
Black and all the latest shades.
Items of Interest to the Members of
. the Secret Orders.
John H. Cotton Payn His IlospeclH to
the Head of the U. H. H. I'-Mtx-
oiiic Items Dolnga of the
Odd Fellows A. O. U. W.
Coltoii oi > Cnruahan.
Some time ago Major General James R.
2iiriuih-.ui of thu uniform rank Knights of
Pythias , wrote to n member nf the order in
the suspended jurisdiction of Pennsylvania ,
deliuing the relation the SirKnights of Penn
sylvania were entitle. ] to maintain in the
"present unpleasantness. " In this cr > rmnuni-
cution General Carnuban said : "Oar obli
gation binds us to loyalty to the Supreme
lodge ; to it we owe our existence and not to
any Grand lodpo. * * * Maintain our
good standing in the uniform rank by main
taining your good standing in your subordin
ate lodge and the Supreme lodge. "
Later the general determined to pay a visit
to Scranton , Pa. and the 1C. of R. & S. of
Scranton lodge , 203 , wrote to tlie grand chan
cellor , John H. Cotton , enquiring whether
Knights belonging to jurisdictions outside of
Pennsylvania have a right to be admitted as'
visitors on the S. A. P. W. now current In
Pennsylvania. It seems that ever since the
promulgation of General Carnahaii's opinion
as to the duty of members of the uniform
rank , the grand chanccllo'r of the suspended
jurisdiction has had a stick iu heal
for the gallant head of Pythian
Sir Knights. Hero was nil occasion
to use it , and Mr. Colton appreciated the
opportunity. Replying to the Kcranton 1C. of
R. & S. , Mr. Colton said : "They have not
such right without our permission , nor can
they honorably seek admission on a P. W. ,
thu legal use of which they deny. The
major general is an adversary of the grand
jurisdiction of Pennsylvania. Ho has issued
orders , us I urn informed , insulting to our
knighthood , by insinuations of infidelity to
the grand lodge. * * * Our order cannot
be transformed by orders , mandates , Incan
tations or churms. Our Pudisha may be un
egregious enchanter , but ho cannot by the
sprinkling of loyal water , or the mumbling
of false ritualistic spells , make us < ] uit our
propcrshape nnd assume any vile , uuknightly
form his injurious fancy might disport itself
by putting on us. Knights of Pythias , at ull
events In Pennsylvania , where the order will
survive any decadence in other places , are
knights errant and militant , whoso mottoes
are far holler words than loyalty , and to
whom death is preferable to serfdom or degrading -
grading discipline. 'I love the military ;
who docs not1 ! Yes , but what troops arc we
to have ? Shall kuighta bo converted into
janizaries , mental troopora , or underling
camp followers , minions of stilted power , or
pupiwts of the baton of some military mar
tinet !
"To return to the discussion of the S. A. P.
W. It might well be that if the major gen
eral deemed the S. A. P. W. now current in
Pennsylvania illegal he could not honorably
use it , even to do us harm. But if , as is said ,
he is coming anionj ; us , ho Unovn his own
virtue best ; Observe this : No one is en
titled to admission on the S. A. P. W. cur
rent unless ha gives it as the legal 8. A. P.
W. of the term. Under the present circum
stances a lodge has the right , nt its discre
tion , to exclude any person from a hostile
"If the major general comes here to advo
cate the dishonorable ideas he is propagating ,
using the uniform rank as far as It will sub
mit as an organization antagonistic to our
grand lodge , he should be expelled from any
lodge room in which he might be found actIng -
Ing in that wny. The dishonorable overtures
and temptations to which th uniform rank
has been subjected have already caused the
indignant resignation of our sitting post
grand chancellor as an aid-de-camp of the
major general's staff , and no other true
knight will submit to the baseness of being
used as a weapon against his -friends. The
uniformed knight,1) of Pennsylvania are men
of nooler pirit. , " _ . .
' '
' Ruhoe.1 _ , , * ,
KribTost : LOUOB 'No. 1M , I. O. O. F. , has
decided to build -a lodge hall. A a He , ' bu
Furnishing Goods
Depaj t nent.
10O dozen Gent's White Shirts ,
made of good muslin , and pure linen ,
special prioo 39c , regular ptioo 6Oo.
1OO dozen Gent's White Shirts ,
made of Now York Mills Cotton , fine
linen bosom lined with Heavy
Butcher Linen and a good fitting
Shirt ; special price 66c , well worth
Gent's Half Hose.
Gent's Fancy Hose in fuil regular
mode at.16 2-3c , worth 25c.
2OO dozen Gout's Half Hose in
fancy stripes , solid colors and a lot of
two-thread lisle , all at ono price
25c ; actual value 4Oc and 60c.
Oynx Stainless Black.
Wo are sole agents in this city for
the above celebrated brand of "Stain
less Black Hose ; " every pair war
ranted not to crock or lade.
75 dozen ladles' Stainless Black"
hose , full-regular made , and extra
length , at bOo , VrOrlh Sao.
1OO dozen ladies' "Onyx Stainless
Black" hose , extra full quality , per
fect in shape and finish , with double
heels , at GOc , worth 86c.
SO dozen children's "Stainless
Black" hose. Thia is the best stock
ing for children's wear over shown
in this city. In all sizes , 5 to 8 1-2 , at
very low prices
6O dozen ladies' French lisle hose ,
nil full regular made , with double
heels , in blacks , tans and grays , at
35c , worth GOc.
> ccn imrclmscd on Seventh street between
? aclflc ami Pierce for. the sum of $ iKK ) ( ) .
Jpon thib lot the lodge will crept an dopant
throe story briok JiuiUUnpTlit lower story
und basement ' -will ba rented , tfic second
story fitted up us u public hull and the third
used us u Imljrc room. When completed the
huildiiifj will have cost * J5OOJ.
Tnr. niinr.n of The Iron Hall has u total
membership of 20XX ( ) . nd since its organiza
tion 1ms p.iiil in sioU h.MiulUs $1,000,000. The
net membership gain for January was 1,211.
t j #
TIIK iNciiKisi : in the membership of the
Knights of the Gulden Kule during 18S7 , was
40 per cent.
Tin : st'l'itEME lodge Legion of Honor of
America nt its lust bcsiion decided to raise u
reserve fund of friOd.OOO to raise which ineiii-
bt r will have to pay an additional utscss-
inent each year for live years.
Tni : Mi\tiuit-i : : of tlie Nebraska City U. II.
1C' of t' . will Rive a ball Monday , April 2.
MOSA DIVISION No. 'J4. Uniformed Hank ,
K. of P. nt Kearney. Neb. , have sent in their
mmual rviort. | und the showing nmde by this
division is cortnlnly u frond one. While the
membership is not mi-go twenty-seven
yet it is composed of nil young , uetivo men ,
and they are dotorminud to bu in the front
rank of the Utiiiiformeil Itank K. of P. in
Nebraska. This division was instituted Dec-
comber 15 , 18S7 , and for the short time it has
existed the officers have displayed excellent
management of its affaire. Captain A. T.
Oiimhlo is u worker and ICecordcr George E.
Ford knows how to keep ths records as they
should be.
Colonel and Assistant Inspector General
J. H. Gibson and Major W. S. Spencer In-
sjiectoJ Fremont division No. 21 , February
IS. This division is in u very prosperous con
dition , and Captain M. .1. Mdhono.v wns very
highly complimented by the inspector gen
eral. They number forty-nine in good stand
ing and are exiiccting quite an increase dur
ing the spring. No. 21 will not be behind in
drill and sword exercise before June and can
compete successfully with any division in the
The ofllccrs of the Omaha Second Regiment
Uniformed Uank K. of I . nmt at thn armory
last evening and organi/ed a school of officers.
This was u needful organization and will pro
mote n uniformity in all regimental or bri
gade movements , and give the olllcers a more
correct idea of what is c.\pocted of them In
their duties , nnd It is to DO hoped that all will
attend regularly.
Nebraska Lodge No. 1 , K. of ! > . , has re
cently expended considerable money in the
way of decorating its Castle hall. The work
is not quite completed , but when finished
there will scarcely bo a comparison in the
west in the way of finish and appointments.
The hall manager , K. E. Fieuch , has had entire -
tire chorgu of the matter , and the members
of No. 1 are well satlsllcd with the taste and
ability displayed in the work. Visiting
brethren can lind elegant and inviting enter
tainment nt their regular meeting every
Wednesday night.
Reports are nearly all in for the subordin
ate divisions of the Nebraska Hrigado Uni
formed Hank , K. of P. The membership
will show about b'i5 in both the First and
Omaha Second itgiulents aud is about
equally divided. All tfivisloiis have elected
their officers for the ensuing year excepting
Lancelot No. 14 nnd are in u more flourishing
condition than ever before.
The divisions are- enacting by-laws that
are very stringent , , and if enforced will re
sult in u substantial growth of the entire ,
brigade. Application of thcsq laws is all
that is necessary for the good of the rank. I
The brigade and regiment officers of the !
U. K. K. of P. are aa follows : Jirigode
Thomas Hurrell , qolonrI and acting brigadier
general , Omaha ; W , 8. .Spencer , major and
acting adjutant general , Omaha ; J.
H. Gibson , colonel apd acting Inspector
general , Omaha ; H. J. Wells , colonel and
acting quartermaster general , Omaha ; W. H.
Hanchett , colonel and acting surgeon gen
eral , Omaha ; J. C. McNaughton , major and
acting department commander , Hastings ; J.
E. Smith , major and assistant department
commander , Washington , D. C. First regi
ment H. F. Downs , colonel , Lincoln ;
Samuel D. Hunt , lieutenant colonel , McCook ;
L. W. Shuman. major , Aurora ; . James L.
Kooso , surgeon , Tecumsch ; John E. Douglas ,
adjutant , Lincoln ; Johuli. Wright , quarter
master , Lincoln. Omaha Second regiment-
James A. Drown , lieutenant colonel and acting
colonel ; James Donnelly , major ; O. ' B.
Hlggms , quartermaster ; W. H. Crelghton ,
adjutant ; C. M. Dinsmorc , surgeon.
A-NiW 1C. of P.loiLfe will be Instituted
Wednesday nltfht. March 7 , in Goodrich
ban on Saunders street.It is expected that
the grand officers of Uii state will be pr o-
Boot and Shoe
Ladies' , Misses'
and Children's
Ladles' flue Curacoa Kid Button
Shoes , Opera and Common-sonee
lasts , B , O , D aud E widths , & 3.5O.
Ladies' French Kid , hand-turned
Button Shoes , Opera and Gommon-
aonso style , B to E E widths , $4.5O.
Ladies' fine French Dongola Kid
Button Shoos , full "French" and
"Troggo" lasts , B to E widths , $6.OO.
Ladies' French Dougola , hand-
sewed , patent tip , "Waukenpfast"
Shoos , B to E widths , $6.6O.
Ladies' Heavy French Kid , hand-
sowed , Button Shoos. French nnd
Opera styles , A to E width. ( S6.OO.
Misses' Kid Spring-hool Button
Shoes , 61.5O.
Misses' Bright Dongola Kid Spring-
heel Button shoos , sizes 13 to 2.
Misses' fine Curacoa Kid Spring-
heel Shoes , C , D and E widths , $2.CO
Children's Curacoa , hand-turned
Spring-hcol Shoes , sizes 4 to 7 1-2
Children's Curacoa Kid , Heavy-
sole , Spring-hool Shoes , Sizes 9 to
1O 1-2 , 81.5O.
Our Youths' A Calf Shoes ut 61.75
Boys' A Calf Shoes ut $2.OO , anc
Boys' Calf Shoes , in Button , Lace anc
Congress at $1.25 are decided bur-
cut , nnd n good time is anticipated. Tri-
anjrlc lodtc , with its paraphernalia and prop
erly will UHMHU
C. C. Gioiui : ! : B. SnukKit , of Pythagoras
lodtfo . " < ! ! , K. of P. , was on deck ut the last
meetiiur with hi * arm in n slin ) ? . C. C. Stry-
kcr had his collar bone dislocated by a fall ut
Valley station recently. .
H f-
T\\o CANDIDATES were initiated In the rank
of page at the last meeting of Pythagoras
ledge , K. of P.
GOOD SAMAIUTAX lodge. 07 , K. of P. , is the
name of u new lodge which meets at the hall
of Planet lodge. The membership is now .15.
The ofllcors will bo installed next Thursday
niht. George K. Wilson will bo the C. C. ;
W. T. P. Wood , V. C. ; C. F. Woolnch , P.
C. ) J. C. Ervlno , P. ; T. H. Frlek , M. of R. ;
N. Nelson , M. of F. ; John Laelouie , M. at A.
VIOIA Loom : No. 80 , 1C. of P , , has post
poned Its entertainment on account of work
in the several ranks. This lodge has wont
every week Hince they mo\cd to the hall of
Nebraska loilgo No. 1 , and cnpeclally so
siticu the institution of the "Good Samari
tan. "
OK all the divisions it ; Omaha Lily No. 8 ,
U. K. , 1C. of P. , is a special favorite to ut Ica t
its lieutenant , G. H. Kathbmi , who has given
the division tlie use of his hall for a year
free of charge. Lust week the Sir Knights
rank wai conferred on three candidates.
e Dogs.
Ownm.of def " , iiro responding quito lib
erally to tlc ) edict sent out some days ago to
get out the liecusu , anil up to yesterday 400
l > coplo hud planked down their dollars with
the city clerk und were given the little brass
tags which saves the cauino from the wrath
of thn policeman and the larriut of the dog
ItnllonnH of the Future.
Hartford Times : Dr. Arthur Dc-
baubset , a Frenchman by birth nnd
president of the Tniiihcoiitincntnl Aerial
Navigation company , hits contracted
with the lirm of Miller , Motcalf &
Parkin , of PittBburg , for the stool to bo
usad in the nmnufacturo of mammoth
air flhips. Each of ships will bo
051 foot long , 144 feet in diameter , cono-
slmucd , of stool , and will cost $100,000
each. The frame work and minor parts
of the bulloon will be made at Jones &
Laughlin's American Iron works. Dr.
DebaiiBsot stated that instead of giiH a
partial vacuum would bo employed ,
milking the arcal plane lighter than if
hydrogen gas were used. The stuel
plates of the ships will bo 1-44 of an
inch thick. Sample stool plates have
boon tested and found tohtiunl the grout
atmospheric pressure. "The weight of
the steel , " said Dr. Dobaussot , "will bo
eight and one-half pounds to the square
yard. The total weight will be 2(10,000 (
pounds. This does not include the ear
and other apparatus. The weight of air
within it would bo 720,000 pounds , or
400,000 pounds greater than the weight
of the vessel. With only one-half the
air exhausted from the chamber , the
weight removed would bo 860,000 pounds ,
or 111,000 pounds in excess of the weight
of the shell , giving , therefore , an ascen
sional force of iity tens. I intend to lot
this monster loose in the flrmunent with
"car attachment to it , and that car
loaded with passengers , mall and ex
press matter. "
An Ohio girl , who tired o ! hearing
the farmers in her section growl about
wheat growing not paying , decided
slio'd see about it , She rented 61 acres
of land , kept strjct account of every
dollar exhaled in raising the crop , got
an average yield of thirty-five bushels
to the aero , and hold it for $142.50. The
cast of production was { 98.12 , including
$31.50 for fertilizers , and. the gain on
the investment was44 per cent.
A. passenger train was delayed for an
hour near Morrow , O. . for u singular
cause. In some way the whistle .valve
got open and would not shut , and a con
stant screeching.tilled the air. 'An at
tempt was made to run the train with
the whistle going , hut too much stcuni
escaped.-ana it was.found necessary to
stop - untilrepairs couldbo , mauo. ' , '
Domestics ,
Domestics ,
For Monday and the balance of the
week :
1 case bleached muslin , 60 per
1 case of unbleached muslin , 60 per
Now is the time to buy muslin , and
save the advance , as they are cer
tain to bo higher.
2OO pieces French ginghams ,
12 l-2c , regular prlco 15c.
SOO pieces apron check and dress
ginghams , O l-4o , worth 8 l-3o and
An elegant now line of satlnos ,
12 l-2o , cheap at 18e.
5 civuoo best makes of prints , 5c
per yard.
Embroidered flannels for ladies' ,
children's and infant's woarin white ,
cre'am ; blue'pink , scarlet , cardinal ,
navy blue , gray , navy , and other
beautiful shades.
Also a now line of Polka Dot flan
nels in the following shades :
Oream with blue , pink and cardinal
Light blue with cream , pink and
cardinal dot.
Pink with cream and bluo.
Cardinal with cardinal.
Navy blue with cardinal.
And flannel o mtaroidory to mate h.
Hanscom Park , corner Georgia and Woolworth -
worth uvcnucs Pi caching at 10oO : n. m. and
7:30)1.111. : ) Kev. G. M. Uiuwn , pustor. Sun
day school at 2HO : p. m. Young people's
mooting at (1:45 ( : p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening ut 7:45. : Strangers cor
dially welcomed.
First , Davenport street , between Seven
teenth and Eiehteenth Kev. T. M. House ,
pustor. Preaching nt 10-30 a. in. and 7:30 : p.
m. Sunday school at 2 : : ! 0 p. m. Scats free.
All welcome.
Trinity , corner Saunders and Uinney
streets Hcv. A. H. Henry , pastor. Preach
ing at 10HO : u. m. and 70 : ! p. m. Sunday
school at ! ) : ! ) ( ) p. m. Young people's ' meeting
atOtOn. : ; m.
South Tenth street , corner of Tenth and
Pierce streets Hcv. T. C. Clendening , pas
tor. Services at 10 : : tOn. in. and 7:30 : p. m.
Sunday school nt 2 : : ! p. m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening nt 7:30. :
Castcllar street , corncf Nineteenth nnd
Castcllar strects--Hcv. W. F. Lowe , pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11
a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening nt7:30. :
Scward Street M. E Sabbath morning ,
Kev. Charles . Savidpo will preach , nnd
have as his subject , "Going Hence. " In the
evening Mr. Michael Fanning of Michigan ,
will hold a gosi > el temperance meeting.
South Omaha J. E. Eddlcbult , pastor.
Preaching every Sunday morning und even
ing. All are cordially welcomed.
Creighton Avenue Mission , corner Crcigh
ton avenue und Twenty-second street
Preaching every Sunday at 4 p. in. Sunday
school at 10 u. m. J. M. Chambers'superin
First , Nineteenth and Davenport streets ,
Kev. A. F. Sherill , D. D. , pastor. Services
at 10:30 : and 7K : ! ) o'clock. Sunday school at
noon. Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting Friday
evening. Church prayer meeting Wednesday
St. Mary'sAvenue , St. Mary's und Twenty-
sixth avenues Kev. Willard Scott , pastor.
Services at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday
school at noun. Chorus choir in the evening.
Chapels ut 3 o'clock. Y. P..S. C. E. prayer
meeting Monday evening. Church prayer
meeting Wednesday ovcninp.
I3cthcl Chapter , Sixteenth and Hickory
streets Kev. M. J. P. Tiling , pastor. Sun
day school at 3 o'clock. Sewing school on
Saturday at 10 u , in.
Parkvalo Chapel , Twenty-ninth nnd
Martha streets Mr. T. II , Taylor , superin
tendent. Sunday school at 3 o'clock.
Plyinouth.Ninctecnth and Spruce streets
Kev. A. U. Pcnhlman , pastor. Services at
10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at
noon. Y. P. S. C. E prayer meeting Sundaj
6:30 : p.m. Church prayer meeting Wedncsduj
Free Angelical German , Twelfth and Dor
cas streets Kev. F. H. W. llrucchcrt , pns
tor. Services at 10:30 and 7:40 o'clock , Sun
day school ut Ji:30 : o'clock. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening.
Cherry Hill , Central park addition Rev. J ,
A. Milllgan , pastor. Services at H und 7
o'clock. Sunday school at noon , iToungpeo
pie's meeting attJ o'clock.
Hillside , Omaha View-Rev. H. C. Crane
pastor. Services at 10(0 : ! ( and 7f : > 0 o'clock
Sunday school at noon. Y. P. S. C. E. prayei
meeting Sunday evening ,
Saratoga , Ames avenue nnd Twonty-flftl
street Kev. J. A. Milligan , pastor. Snndu ]
school ut 2:30 : o'clock. Preaching services ir
the evening at 7 o'clock.
Park Place , California and Thirtccntt
streets Kev. M. L. Holt , paster. Service !
at 10:30 : uua 7 o'clock. Sunday school ai
noon. ,
Welsh services held at their rooms 1011
Cuming street. Kev. W. Roland Williams
pastor. Sunday school nt 2:30 : p. in. Preach
ing at 7:30 : p. m. Praise service at 7 p. in.
Second Prcsytenan church , Sounder *
street Rev. Wm. R. Henderson , pastor. Scr
vices at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock.
Central Union Presbyterian church , Scv
enteenth street between Dodge und Capito
avenue Kev. John Williamson , pastor. Scr
vices at 10:30 : u. m. and 7:30 : i > . m. Sabbat )
school nt 12 m. Moving people's prayer meet
ingatU4r ; > Sabbath evening. All'aro in
Park Avenue United Presbyterian churcl
Corner'Park .avenue .flnd Grant street-
Uov. J. A. .Henderson , pastor. Preachini
by the pastor at lM8ii u : m. and. 730 ! p. n
Sabbath school at noon , /All invited. . ' . '
, First United , 583Noith Eighteenth ttreo
Rev. E. B.-Granam , pastor. Public -woi
snip at 10:80 : and. 7:90 : p. n < Sabbnth school
at noon. . *
Southwest. Corner. Twentieth and Leaven * . *
worth streets D. K , Kcrr , pa tor. Mdrnlnr
sorvioout 11 a. m. Evening service nt 7:90 :
11. m. Sabbath school at 19 lib p. * > .
Young men's meeting 0:45 : p. m. I'rayei
meeting Wi'dni-sduy vvoninit at 7:80 :
IVoehers' meeting 8:80 : p. ui
Flrht German , on Kightecnlh nnd Cumlnf (
trretR J. O. Sfhwible , pastor. Divine ser
vice nt 10:1)0 : ) a. m. mid 7HO p. m. Ai p. m.
on Fourth und Center streetsat the residence
of Max Bochnokc. Sabbnth school nt 12 m
Bible aud pntyer mretlug every Wednesday
evening at 7:30. : Germans are invited *
Stranger * made welcome.
Castellar street Presbyterian church , Sim >
teeuth und Castcllar street 5. Frvuchlng at
11 n. m. nnd 7:30 : p. ra. by the pastor , Rev. It
M. Wilson. Sunday school nt U p. m. Young
people's union atflitS.
Westminster Prcshi terlon church.Twfnty *
ninth nnd Mason street * Preaching by the
pastor , Rev. John Gordonat , 10:30 : a. m. and
7 ! & > p. m. Sunday school at 1'ra. .
Hamilton street Presbyterian church.Ham *
iltou street neat Lowe avenue William J.
Palm , pastor. Sabbath services at 10:35 : a.
in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at 12m.
Wednesday prayer meeting nt 7:30. :
Ambler Place Ruv. (5. M. Lodge pastor.
Services ut 3 :80 : p. m. Sunday school nt 3 : M
p. m.
United Presbyterian Mission , Twenty *
sixth and Cass strreU Rev. John William *
son , pastor. Sabbath school at 8:80 : p. m ,
Preaching by pastor at 4:30 : p. m.
South Omaha , corner Twenty-fifth and J ,
streets Rev. G. M. I.odgo pastor. Service !
at 10:45 : n. m. Sunday school ut 1'J m.
Knox church , 1010 Lake street Sabbath
school nt 12 m. mid preaching services at
' 0:30 : a. ro. and 7:30 : p. m. Prayer mectlnf
tVedncsday evening nt 7 ; 'JO , Rev. Paul Mar *
in , pastor.
First , corner Dodge nnd Seventeenth
itroets Rev. W. J. Harshn , pastor. Serv >
ices at lOiHO Htul 7:45. : Young people's meet *
ng at 7. Sabbath school at 12 m.
Unity , Scvontrenth and CHHS streets Ror.
W. E. Copcland , past. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. m. Sunday school nt 12:15. :
First Baptist ( Strangers' Sabbath home ) ,
i'orner Fifteenth nnd Davenport street- * *
llcv. A. W. Lamnr pastor. Preaching at 10:180 :
H. m. nnd 7:3 : ( ) p. m. Sunday school ut I'JiOtf
m. Pows free. All cordially Invited.
North Omaha Baptist , 2409 Saunderft
itrect Roy. F. W. Foster pastor. Preach-
.ng on Sunday at 10:30 : a. tn. and 7:34 : p. m.
Sunday school nt 12:00 : m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening. The public cordially
Hclhcl-Kdcn , Park uvonue , Just south ol .
Lenvenworth. Rov. H. L. House pastor ;
Morning service at 10:4S : a. in. Evening ser-
vieu7:80. : Siibbatli xcbool HI 12:00 : m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening nt 7:45 : In the
church parlors. Strangers cordially welcome.
Scats free.
South Omaha Baptist meet nt the M. E } .
church building for Sunday school at 8 p. m.
nnd preaching at 4 p. ra. Rov. F. W. Coster
pastor. The Si'.ith 0sUa : : ; public cordially
Calvary , Saunders street
Preaching by the pastor , Rev. A. W. Clark ,
it 10:30 u. m. and 7UOp. : in. Sunday school
St. John's Free , corner Twenty-sixth and
h'ranklln streets. Sunday school 0:45 : a. UK
Litnhy und holy communion 11:00 a. m.
Everyone most earnestly Invited to attend.
William Osgood Pearson , rector.
St-Philip's Free ( colored ) , 813 North Nine
teenth struct. John Williams , pustor. Sun'
day school at 2:110 : p. m. Even song nt 8 p.m.
Strangers always cordially welcomed.
Mission services Thursdnv nt 7:80 : p. m , at
the residence of Mr. John Epeneter. John.
Williams , pastor.
Trinity Cathedral , Capitol nvcnuo and
Eighteenth street Services 8 and H a. m.
and 7 : ! 50 p. m. Men's Bible class 10 a. m.
Sunday school and Bible class 10:00 : a. m.
Sunday school und confornmtiou instruction
13:40. : Dean Gardner will preach on
"Stumbling Blocks , " In the morning ; and in
the evening on "Hearing the Word of God
nnd Keeping It. Strangers always welcome.
All Saints' , Twenty-sixth and Howard
streets Rev. Louis Xuhncr , S. T. D. , rector ;
.Second Sunday In Lent , February 20 , 1889.
Services : Holy communion , 11:00 : a.m , ;
Sunday school und bible dnss , 12:80 p.m. ;
evensong , 4 p. m. At the 4 o'clock service
the choir will sing u special anthem , "Out ot
the Dec ) ) , " by J. B. Calkin , for bass solo and
chorus. Thn ritn of baptism will be admin *
istcred at this service.
St. Barnubas Free , Nineteenth nnd Call-
fornin streets. John Williams , rector. Plata
celebration nt 7Kn. : : ) m. ; choral celebration
at 11:00 : a. in. Sunday school at 12:80 : p.m.
Chuial evensong at 4:00 : p.m. A most cor
dial welcome always given to strangers.
1.UTUE11AN. '
German , 1005 South Twentieth street Ser
vices every Sunday at 10 n. m. Sunday
sojiool nt 2 p. m. E. J. Freese , pastor.
KomiUo Memorial Evangelical , corner of
Sixteenth aud Harney streets Kev. J. S.
Detweilor , pastor. Church services and
preaching by the pustor nt 10:30 : n. m. and
7:110 : p. m. Sunday school at noon.
St. Mr.rk's Evangelical , corner North
Twcnty-lirst nnd Burdetlo streets Rev. G.
H. Schnur , pastor. Services at 10:1)0 : ) und
7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at i ! :80 : p. m.
T. M. C. A.
Young Men's Christian Association. Wil
liams block , corner Fifteenth and Dodge
streets Sunday services : Bible class 9:15
n. m. , Study of Romans. Jail service at 1
p. m. Gospel meetings at 4 p. m. Good
singing and short remarks. All are wel
come. Young men's meeting Thursday even *
at 8 p. m. All young men cordially invited.
Noon day meeting each week day between
13 and 1 o'clock. On Saturday at 12 o'clock
study of thn Sunday school lesson for the ;
following Sabbath. All arc welcome.
Notes. '
At the annual meeting of the North Presbyterian - '
byterian church last Wednesday the name
was changed to Second Presbyterian church.
The salary of the pastor was ulso increased
to , MW.
At the North Omaha Baptist the morning
thcino will be "Sapphires ; " evening theme ,
"A Miracle and n Conversion. " Public cor *
dially invited ; scut freo.
Rev. William R. Henderson will begin
Sunday night a scries of lectures on the
Book of Jonuh.
Rev. Willard Scott will preach In the St.
Mary's Aveuuo Congregational church in the
morning on "Dissent , " and in the evening on
"Count Tolstoi's Religion Reviewed. "
At the Central Unltok Presbyterian church
Rev. John Williamson , pastor , will take for
his subject in the morning : "The Christian's
Joy und Privilege. " nnd in the evening "The
Wise Resolve of the Foolish Son. "
At the United Presbyterian mlsslon.Twen-
ty-sixth und Cass streetsHcv. John William
son will preach at 4UO : p. m. Subject , "Hal
lowed Bo Thy Name. "
At Trinlly M. E. church Chaplain Nave , efFort
Fort Omnha.will preach in the morning and
Dr. John P , Poe in the evening. Week day
services as usual. Quarterly meeting will be
held Sunday , March 11.
The next regular meeting of the city evan
gelical alliance occurs Monday , March 5 , at 2
p. m. ut the Y. M. C. A. rooms. This organi
zation of the clergy and latty is preparing to
do aggressive service in the Christian work
of this city and solicits the hearty co opera
tion of every pastor und layman. Any mem
ber of any evangelical church may become m
member by signing thu constitution und pay-
ingftl. It is iciuC8ted | that this announce
ment be mane from every pulpit In the city ,
Rev. J. M. Phclps , prcMding elder of
Omubu district will preach at Hertzman'e
Hull , Walnut Hill , Sunday evening , at 7
o'clock. All are invited to come , C. H.
Savldgc , pastor.
In the morning the nnniveisary services
take plnco at Hmiscom park M. E. church.
Rev. J. W. Pbclpa will pi each. Everybody
At the close of the evcnlnc service at the
First Baptist church there will be baptlvm.
The subject of Ruv. W. E. Copolund's ser
mon in the morning will bo "Kurma ; " sub
ject of evening conversation. "Andrew .Tuck/1
son Davis and the Huir.ioninl Phllpsopliy , "
Rev. Alfred B. 1'cnnlinan will have for bis
morning subject , "Immorullty " evening ,
"Lying. " II
' Colonel Bennett II. Young , of Louisville
ville- recently sent to a Philadelphia.
friend a , pair of Kentucky turkeys that
weighed sixty-eight pounds the , gob *
, bier forty-lour ami the hen f ' '