Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' * V Wr F < I1 * * * !
Unbleached MnsliD ,
Worth 70.
Turkish Towels ,
Worth 25c.
Surah Silks , :
Worth $1.
Worth 25c.
Kid Gloves ,
Worth $2,25
j * v
Silk Ruciting ,
Worth 75c.
Tips , Boncli ef 3.
.4 . *
Worth up to $2 1
All shades. <
5O in. wideworth $1.75
All shades. Fine line
evening 'shades ,
Safely Pins , 3 cte-a paper ,
Hooks and ETcs2cts , a paper ,
NeeiUes , l& cts a paper/
Hair Pins , ct a paper ,
Pins , 1 ct a paper ,
Mmita , i TC
Black Pins els a boi , ; - <
' '
Blckract Bcb'apiece , |
Satin Dress Stays , 3 cts , [
BMBrald/3'Cb ,
Dress Shields , 10 , cts a pair ,
HatPte , fc.R. "
Crochet Hooks , H/ ; !
Gold Eyed Mlj cts _ , i
* *
Black Silk ,
' Worth $1.50.
A written guarantee for
i" - - every yard.
Torchon Lace ,
21c , to 9c
Yard , worth three
times the amount
Gent's ' Ties ,
Worth fl. 25
Corsets ,
Side Elastic Corset
Worth $ i.
Salines ,
' *
* *
Worth 15o
Ribbons ,
15c Yard.
New lot Pi cot Edge . ,
Worth 6Qc.
Immense , bargains.
Dress Flannels ,
Worth $1. ' V ;
Yards Wide ;
JS- The above bargain to be had Monday and Tuesday at
. . H'- i. . . . - . . " ' . „ -u
. . ' _ _ . . -
.S'J-B ; ' - - !
' . . . .
tN , B , WE Advertised to Give Away a Present on Our Opening Days , Monday and Tuesday , Febru
ary20tftr-and 21st ,
Owing to the great rush we ran out of Souvenirs. All parties who purchased 25c or over , and did not
, ; get one on the above dates , will be presented with one by calling tomorrow. They will be given
* , V < away in-the reaEiatrtherca&h : desk. :
.1 s
Buoh is tbo Vordlot In the Ryan-
, Howard Case.
Eleven Witnesses Give Some Damag
ing Evidence Befbro the Core
ner's Jury The Court Room
Crowded "With Spectators.
It W a Not Accidental.
. ; BIX of the fellow-men of Frank O. Ryan ,
the slayer of Mrs. Helen Howard , sat at the
tcoroner's inquiry hold last night and unani
mously agreed that the killing was done by
, ; turn with "felonious intent , malice and aforo-
, Xthought. " The inquest was conducted in the
-'ydUoe ' court , and long- before 7 o'clock the
IpecUtors'cage was crowded to overflowing ,
lt nd the main room was tilled with witnesses
* And favored friends of the police who stood
" | rnard over the respective approaches and
B entrances. Those who were unable to gam
4 entrance stood on the outside , peered
1 through the windows and blocked up the
sidewalks. County Attorney Simeral and
Ills assistant , Mr. Gurloy , who conducted the
' prosecution , were on hand early , and waited
° the coming of Coroner Drexel. Judge L. H.
jjBradlcy , who know Ryan in Springfield
field111. . , was also on hand at a
a Reasonable hour , and informed the reporters
/that bo had written to Ryua's brothers in
4 Springfield to come on to Omaha at once and
arrange the details for his trial.
' * Shortly after T o'clock Ryan was brought
In from hU cell lu the central station adjoin-
; lng the police court and took a seat beside
' '
I * i'hlt cool and collected
couuscL Ho appeared ,
h i'but as ho gazed among the audience and his
hV eyes fell on the aged and venerable father of
hit victim and also her husband , ho became
V -tmncrvod and showed signs of guilt aud fear.
-.His voice-was husky and inaudible \vhenho
attempted to answer the questions put by
"Judge Bradley , which were mainlyas to how
"lio felt and if he was getting what he wishcd
to eat. To the latter interrogation-Ryan ro
nliod that his appetite was not the best , and
"that ho craved Out little for food.
J' Upon the arrival of Coroner Drexel the
fury were litfmedlutely seated and the in
vestigation commenced. Upon the sugges
tion of County Attorney Simeral the eleven
witnewe * were sworn together , and as the
oeloven tiled before the desk.Ryan partially
turned his head to ono side. This was
h'b doubtless prompted by the appearance * of
{ Mrs. Scott , the dead woman's mother ; How-
rd , her husband , and Miss Scott , a half
biter of the deceased. As Mrs. Scott came
In to be sworn she caught a glimpse of Ryan ,
nd uttered a subdued but painful scream.
After the eleven were sworn oy the coroner
they returned to their seats , ami Mrs. Scott ,
Who was evidently prostrated , laid her
on the shoulder of her bereaved son-in-law ,
whose features were a telltale of his anguish.
The testimony was of a highly sensational
Character , nnd was listened to throughout
trith the greatest of Interest. The husband
t U > dead woman displayed considerable
Venom , aud Mi-a Scott talked rapidly and
waphaslzed all tha damaging points
Ctinst tbo prisoner. Old Mrs. Scot
< WM terribly worked up , and caused a sensa-
' tioa when she turned to Ryan wbilo giving
\'b- \ > * r YW nee , and said :
' You sra to kill her , you blackleg ; you
) mow you aid , and you've done it , you
Villain. "
, . This securing seemed to have but little
' fleet on Ryan , who , had lust before been on
ihe stand and recited his ezpcriencu and
UUett relations with Mrs. Howard in a niat-
srof fact way , aud with a loaferlsh slang
< < 'Dr. AyrL-ui > on taking the stand , testified
ba.ritr wU9 post mortem on the body of
.Jtn.Jto ranL Her dMtkwa * caused -bjf a
aullot hole through the heart from a 33 cali
bre ball. , The .bullet broke the sixth rib ,
went through the heart and landed in the
baik. It cut through the rib and took a
downward and upward course. She were
considerable clothlnp , and the corset was
stained either by the ] x > wdcr or lead of the
bullet. Dd not cut the bullet out.
Joe Blackwell , a colored man , swore that
ho was in Doty < fc Darst's saloon Friday
night ; saw Mrs. Howard after she was shot ;
had not soon her before that. She came out
of the door as 1 was passing to another room ;
heard the report of the pistol , and she came
out of the wine room ; heard no conversation
before that. When she came out she cried :
"Oh , he shot mel" She then turned nnd
fell to the floor after walking about four
feet. Saw Ryan there. As the door opened
I saw him rise from his chair. That was
after the shot. The door was closed before
the shot , tie said , "I shot her accidentally. "
He was handed a revolver , and the witness
identified it as tbo one turned over to him by
Ryan. There wore four men in the saloon
when the shooting occurred. There was a
woman in the wine room with Leonard Laxu.
Ryan came out of the wine room and
went into the saloon. He said , "Go
for a doctor , " and afterwards said
he would go himself. Just at
that moment a policeman came along and
took Ryan into custody. Hod seen Ryan
and Mrs. Howard in the wipe room previous
to Friday night. They wcro there before
within two weeks of the shooting. There
never was any disturbance between them.
They used to drink together. They used to'
come in the evening between 7 and 9 o'clock
and drink wine and beer , sometimes once
and other times moro. Ryan had the pistol
la his hand when he said. "I shot her acci
dentally. " Ho was perspiring , and looked
frightened. There was no outcry previous to
the shot being Hied. Leonard and a lady
were in the adjoining room.
In answer to the coroner , Joe said ho was a
porter about the saloon , and went on duty
Friday night at 0-30 i > . m. He didn't see
Ryan and Mrs. Howaid come in-ana to the
best of his knowledge it was twenty-five
minutes to 8 o'clock when the shooting took
place. MM. Howard were a seal plush sack ,
which was ourning , and he put out the tiro.
Cross examined by Mr. Bradley Entrance
to the wine rooms ran bo gained by a side
door , and that's the wav Ryan and Mrs.
Howard came In. They did not call for any
thing to drink.
By Mr. SUiieral The chair which Ryan
raised from was sitting close to the table.
The other chairs were not disturbed.
By Mr. Bradley None of tbo chairs were
tumbltil on the lloor.
Henry Doty , ono of the proprietors of the
Merchants' , said that ho did not t > ce them
coma in on the fatal night ; saw them after
the shooting , which took place at-twenty-five
minutes to 8 o'clock. They were in wine
room No. 9 , and ho hoard the shot ; ran back
and met Mrs , Howard who- said , "Oh , he
shot me , " and Ryan replied , ' 'I did > it acci
dentally. " Ryan passed by her and went
out to the saloon , where he was an ested by
Officer Ward. Hud seen Ryan and Mrs
Howard in the winorooms a ha'f ' dozen times
during the past six weeks. They came after
noons and evenings.
Leonard Laux was In the saloon Friday
night. Ho met a lady friend , and the two
went into wino room No. 5. Heard the
shot , but no disturbance prior to
it. Did not hear Mrs. Howard
scream. As quick as I heard the shot I said ,
"This is no place for me'and went out. As
I was going out I heard some ono s > oy "Oh ,
he shot mo. " It was the voice of a woman
who. came to the door of wino room No. 3.
Did not see Ryan , and heard no shuffling or
sounds of a struggle in room No. 3 prior to
the shooting
WillUm Hector swore he was itt the saloon
the night of the shooting. Hoard the report
of a pistol and then a scream. Heard no
noise prior to that. After tbo shooting Mrs.
Howard came to the door of the wlno room
aud said , "Oh , ho shot mo. " Ryan appeared
in a few seconds and said ho had shot her ac
cidentally. When Mrs. Howard sank to the
fioor Ryan had stopped into the barroom.
Thomas IJosg , who was in the saloon at the
time , corroborated Hector's testimony and
stated that ono of the chairs was moved back
about a foot from the table , Ryuu. said the
shooting was accidental.
Cros examined byMr. Bradley When I
took hold of Mrs. Howard .to guide htir to a
chair aftec Uuj shooting , Ryan' ws walking
out towards the saloon. Ryan assisted her
n no wav. * , ;
Miss Willlo Scott testified that she was a
ialf sister of the deceased. A little after"
o'clock she and Mrs. Howard stai ted out to
get guitar string. Mrs. Howard saying that
she was afraid Ryan would follow Tier. . They
went to Masonic hall , but'could not get.the'
string there. Willlo had no rubbers * oil'and
could not walk over the icy sidewalks. She ,
returned home , and Mrs. Howard went on to'
Crapp's to got the siting. WUen Willlo went
Into the house Ryan grabbed his coat and
pistol and started after Mrs. Howard. Willie -
lie had heard Ryan say to Mrs. Howard that
bo would kill her if she went back to live
with her husband. Mrs. 'Howard had told
her that she was afraid of Ryan. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard used to quarrel a little. Ryan
said nothing to her the night ho followed'
her sister. Did not go out after him , as I
feared ho would shoot me.
Cross examined by M ° r. Bradley Mr.
Ryan had roomed with the Scotts
for two . months ; did ' ' not , know
that Ryan and Mrs. Howard'frequented ,
saloons. Saw Ryuu take hi * hat anal coat
and pull tbo pistol out of the dresser drawer ,
after which he ran after Mrs. Howard ; know ,
that Mrs. Howard had madono'arrangeinens (
to meet Ryan. She was homo nil day Friday ,
and did not speak to . I. was i with bar
all the afternoon. Wo wore in the kitchen
most all the afternoon. ' She did not go out
of my prcscnca. ; r i
Richard J. Howard , the husband of the
deceased , stated that he had a conversation
with Mr. Ryan Friday night : Ho said , VDick ,
I want to see you to-morrow afternoon to
bavo a conversation with you. " Did not
have the meeting with him ; Knew nothing of
tbo intimacy existing- between my "wife and
Ryan until three or four days ago. She Said ,
" 1 want to go away when you go this time.1 '
I asked her why she wanted to go , and shu
said that she was being continually tantulizcd
by Rynn and that ho was annoying her
by leaving the door to his room
open. She further said that . he
had put a pistol to her head , nnd on various
occasions had forced her into wine rooms and
made her drink. I went down town about 7
o'clock Friday evening , and Hjan was then
in his loom. <
Cross-examined by Mr. Bradley She , said
that Ki an forced her to visit wino rooms.
Wo married Juno -4,188.1 , nd wo have lived
together over since. My wife humored Ryan
so that ho would keep his room at the house ,
as her parents were dependent on boarders
and roomois for their livelihood. She told
mo not to raise a disturbance in the house , as
it might drive RJUII iiwuy. J was not Jealous
of Ryan , but while I was away Ryan tried to
alienate my wife's affections. She. told mo a
few days ago that Ryaji hud couio to her and
said that I w as u poor man nnd had no money ;
that ho was rich , and wanted her to elope
with him , addlngithat if she did not ho would
kill her. '
Dr. Webber was present at the house when
Mrs. . Howard aud. Willie Scott went out ;
was there when Willie came back , and she
said to mo , "Uyan has followed her out. Do
you think ho will harm horl" I told her I
thought not. Friday eveningMrs. . Howard
told the witness that Ryan had culled her to
his room that afternoon , shook his fist in hot
face and said hu \ \ ould get een with hor.
The defendant , Ryan , was next put-upoa
the stand and said : Mrs. Howard and my
self wont up to Doty & Darst'tt saloon Friday
night ; as we entered another lady went lu
ahead of us ; wo went into wine room No. S
and had a pleasant chat. Then I sat ou her
lap and was hugging ana kissing1 her. I had
a pistol in my back pocket and it began to
workout. I reached around to pull it out ,
and in doing so I slipped from her lop. In
the attempt to catch myself the pistol ex
ploded , and she Jumped ta her feet. I told
the durky that came to the door that I shot
her accidentally. I wa iroinjc to laytha pistol
tel on too table. There wereno reasons foe
the shooting. We were as friendly as lovers
could ever be. I hod on several occasions
threatened to leave the houso. but sha told ,
mo I must not. I can pruvo that sho. cuino to
my room continually and kUud , hugged , bit ,
mo and pulled my hair. Friday ufturuogn
she agreed to meet ma at a little saloon. I ,
went there , and waited fo her , but she did
not come ; afterward met her on. the ; street ,
and her excuse-for not-uMUJtinc- at , the
UtUo saloon was that sh aajd she had hoard
that people bad seen her Tbo reuacA
I carried the pistol was that. I wu afraid
Howard would knife me. She told me1 that
' ' '
. .
. .
Amber Half flps.Tcte . , ;
Elastic WeV3ctnjrart
Embroidery Silk , 25 Skeins for 13cts ,
. DressR e4 A'Meriifl'cts i set , ;
Face Powder . , . 4 cts ,
> v v v
Scissors , 10 cts , . .
Pearl Buttons , 3 cts adieu ,
Ivory ButtOrtyietiiHok
Lace'collarejcts : ' ' :
she was afratd of her husband , and It was at
her request that I bought the pistol. '
Cross examined , by Siincral Knew Mrs
Howard about two months ; got acquainted
at their house , and went with her first to the
Eden Musec. , _ ,
By Mr. Bradley Did not try to
alienate ' the affections of , Mrs.
Howard ; liny hotel or saloon keepers where
we have been will tell you that she came
alter me of her own free will.
By Mr. Simeral Had illicit relations with
her on various occasions ; wo were in the sa
loon flvo minutes before the shooting ; was
just going to call for a drink ; had nconvcrsn-
tidn with Howard before going to Kansas
City : called him into my room and told him
tnnt he bad no reason to be jealous of mo ns
there was nothing between mo and his wife ;
I did this at the solicitation of Mrs. Howard ;
worked two days at the Union Pncfic railroad
at their shops , but threw up the Job at Mrs.
Howard's solicitation , who said she didn't
like to see me the shops ; thatsho
wanted mo to stay arouna the , house. The
reason I told Howard that ho should not bo
Jealous of mo was to throw him off , as ho
commenced pouting and acting disagreeable.
It had been made up between us that Mrs.
Howard Avas to go away with me. She waste
to go first with her husband , and let mo
know where she was. . ,
Mrs. Scott Uho mother of the deceased , said
she know Ryan. When ho came to my house
first it was in soldier clothes : he was then
Mr. Cook , but when ho took off his soldier
clothes it was Mr. Ryan ; then ho began pay
ing attention to Helen , and offering her
money ; she ( jot , to pomp out , and made mo
feel uneasy ; she showed mo her arm which
was black and blue , which she said had been
done by Ryan pulling her into a wine room ;
Ryati had threatened time and again to kill
MM. Howard if she went with her husband ,
ono tune holding a loaded pistol to her tern-
.plo ; on other occasions ho had mode threats
against other members of the family.
, Who Mrs. Scott had finished her testimony
ihe Jury retired , and after a deliberation of a
few moments' returned Ihe following as their
State of Nebraska , Douglas county At an
Inquisition hold in Omaha in Douglas county
on the 3d day of March , A. D. 1S3S , before
me , John C. Drexel , coroner of said Douglas
county , upon the body of Helen R. Howard
lying dead , bv the Jurors whoso names am
hereto subscribed , thqaaid jurors upon their
oath , do say "that the said Helen R. Howard
came to hor.death by a gun shot fired by the
hand of Frank B. Rj an , said shot being fired
with felonious intent , , malice and a fore-
g. , ,
"In tortimony wlicreaMhesaJd jurors have
hereunto set thalr hands * the. day and year
, aioresaiiu. . .1110 i 1 W. H.Cnvuv ,
G.F > UBMKB llt
II. vf , G\V. KUTGHAM ,
ni iS JA. . EVLEB. '
' The funeral of MM..HU ward will bo held
this afternoon at3/jUIwjk : fiqin her late resi
dence , No , 410 Nqctyi , xteiantb street , to
where the body waSj.o.ptiyivcd yontMrday af
ternoon from the uyvcjyuf.
> . 'Wnnt
WASHINGTON , M/irclljSJ / Ih the house com-
tittce on agrlcuHu J uy Wilson presented
numerous pctUionv jn/Jigorluia Qnd resolu
tions praytnff for threpuaeaso of the pending
bill to protect thelvitAmfactureand sale of
pure lard. Ho also rftaufo number of letters
from commission mWchants in different lurts
of Europe U'stifylnf ttf 4 ho injurious effects
which result tdthVsatoof tmre American
bird abroad by the exportion-front the United
States of compound lard. '
PrrrsBLKO , March 2 Messrs. Henry , Kennedy -
nody and Allen , deposed Pittsbui'g & Lalco
Erie officials , broucht suit to-day against
Manager Colbrook and the Lake Erie rail
road to recover 150,000 as damages to thck
roputatlun , caused by rumors resulting from
tha recent inreatigauou.
WASIIINOTO.V , March3. [ Special Telegram.
totheUcR.j Uaury S.Jfrevman wa to-day
ainwinted postmostov at Porin , Uuu county ,
Zbwa , vice J. H. Davis , resigned. *
* _ _ _ _ _
Preparing a Ooup d'Etat For the
r t
Will .Endeavor to Have It Sub-
, stltutccl For tbo Majority Bill
Printer Benedict on
Plans of the minority.
" * 'WASHINGTON , D. C. . March 3.1
'A. tariff bill will bo introduced by the re-
' "frablte'ans In the hquso.'but it will not be un
til"a'refy itiqrttfme before the vote Is taken
on the administration Jbill , which was pre-
BcntVd to tn Committee on ways and means
' '
onThursdayj'last. , The programme has been
par'tliilly ' agreed ' up\ > ntby the republican
members of the" committee on ways and
means in the bouso'and ' the senate committee
on finance , by which pothing is to bo done
towards the compilation of the tariff bill , till
"ibo"administration" bill has been
reportedHto " the'Chouse and placed
upon. rtho calendar. _ Then it will bo
known'just exactly what this bill contains ,
With'the amendments which arc made to itln
committee , together with what action is to
be lakdn on the R&ndall bfll , which is to bo
m ado public On next Tuesday. When th& nd-
jnlnistratlon" bill tseady for debate the
VopubUcans'wlll cpinpilo their own measure.
This they will hold In reserve and offer as a
substitute for the , administration bill when
the question of a final votes conies , or they to the senate , where the repub
licans will substitute it for the bill which
may pass the house , by striking all out but
the enacting clause of the latter. This
pioceduro will enable the republicans
to aet after they see nil that the democratic
partyiaffoingtodoand After the debate in
the house has devcUrpety the ( wishes of the
republicans there , Aleauwlula the steering
committee of the liousq w-ili obtain a concensus
of the opinion "of the republicans hi the hpuso
in such a way'iwHo'know.exactly ' wliat each
one wants In thewo ' ? of 'tariff , and internal
' "
ittvenu'o reform. This information" I get
through private bourcus and it is not public
property by any means. It shows that the
rcpublicanVare acting together and tlmt.tlioy
at d determined to take every advantage of
( ho situation , Ono of the best known and
most influential'of. them told me this evening
that they' Were determined that if u
tariff , bill' is passed at allito dictate , if possU
blc/whatiiphoi'-he ' , and that there was no
disposition whatever upon the part of oven
the foremost liberal tariff reformers to get
into a posltfon where republicans would have
to support a dcmo'cratlo measure , but that on
the contrary th oy would endeavor to reverse
the order and secure the support of one or
the other wings of the democratic hide of
the house when it come to the final question
on reform. o ( UJQ tariff.
Mr. Gallinuor , a republican member of the
special , housa * committee investigating the
niuuagcmpnt of the government printing
offlc.0. continued , hjs croHs-exauiinutlon of
PubllQ lclnter BenedictthU afternoon. TJio
interrogatories nnd answers grew very tart
at timesand a-number of Questions propounded -
pounded wurp objected , , to. , The objcctigns
were the majority. The major
part of the urosa-eiuum'uaUon related to the
dismissal ofr omployest'who come within the
piotectlou of the statutes which give
prvforenco to soldiers and sailors
and thuir widow * and orphans.
Mr. GallUigpr read a. letter written by'Rep-
wsenjativo .AVUswn , otVojst Virginia , who
stated to a recent employe of the government
printing office named Hyatt , of Charlestown ,
W. Va. , that whnnlio ( Wilson ) called upon
the public printer and asked for Hyatt's rein *
statement that the former gave as a reason
for the discharge that the former was not a
democrat. After considerable sharp rcpartoo
on this question Mr. Galllnger asked of the
witness , "Don't ' you think that your pretenses
ns to your having observed the spirit of civil
service reform is a delusion , a sham and a
fraud ! " The majority of the committee ob
jected to the question and It was withdrawn.
Benedict was then questioned relative to
the notice pasted in his oftice slating that
there wore observers who would report louder
or boisterous talking and other reprehensible
acts of employes , and that those who were
discharged might Know why , etc. Mr. Gal-
linger wanted to know whose these "observ
ers" or spies won ) , , and the witness denied
that there were suoh persons in his omu'oy. '
He was then asked about the number of em
ployes in the government printing office who
came from his homo , Ellitivllle , N. Y. .
which the witness said contained
2.700 population and two printing' offices.
Ho could , however , recall bat two persons In
the oftice from that place and denied that
there were as many as JUty or- even twenty-
flvo. There are ubout twenty-five in fact.
The witness denied that ho had any personal
knowledge of the government printing oftl co
having been canvassed for the collection of
money in the'interest of tha democratic cam
paign in New York and Maryland , wlrcro
women were solicited to contributes as low as
10 cents each. Ho had read charges to this
effect in the newspapers , but he did
not see proper to deny them ,
which Mr. Gullingor could not understand
if the charges w ei o untrue. Mr. Gallingcr
named three men , recent employees of the
office , who , he said , had made these collec
tions , and would bo culled upon to give testi
mony on the point. The questions relative
to discharged soldiers who were not charged
with Inefficiency or immoral conduct , were
full of teeling. Benedict said that he hud
not given these men n hearing. To which
Mr. Gallingcr added , by wav of inter
rogatory and comment. "Wkw jour
nomination to this poslUoq HIk ) now
occupy was pending before flP r Senate
committee on printing , charges' were filed
against you to the effect that , \ ou were not a
practical printer , and not competent , I be
lieve you were called before the committee
nnd given an opportunity to submit proof in
refutation. Ifyou'had not been given a hear
ing and your nomination had been rejected , not even told why you woie
not confirmed , would you not have deemed
the proceeding of the senate very unjust ! "
Benedict replied that ho lintf not sought the
place which he ilowholds ,
The clerk of the Jntei state commerce com
mission stated to day that the commissioners
intended leaving here In time to reach
Omaha on Monday the lOth inst. . and they
would remain there long enough to hoar u
number of cases vlllch ore to bo presented.
George P. Stehblns , assistant superintend
ent of the Pacific express , at Oinaliu , and his
wife ( nee Mury Knight ) , are in the cltv.
Bishop P , Walker , of Iowa , Is at the Eb-
bltt ,
J. S. Camcrnn , of ClilcaRO , assistant to the
first vice president of the Union Pacific , Is at
Wolcl/er's / to see Thomas j ; Potter , whoso
condition is unchanged lo-filsht.
Religious services uro to bo held in the
room of the police court on Sunday , after
noon hei rafter.
OMias J. Mnrklc , of Iowa , was to day ap
pointed to a jioaition In the war. department
ut $1,000 u year. PKHUV S. UKATII.
The Pacific Rallr6ad Commission.
WASHINGTON , March 3. The senate special
committee , to whlohiwus referred the report
of the Pacific railroad commission , gave a
1 further hearing to day on the branch subject
relating'to the affairs of the Union Pacific
'company ' ,
1 Commissioner Anderson addressed the
committee , explaining substantially , as ho
had previously explained to the house com
mittee , the provisions of _ the commission's
i bill. The question of a , statutory , lion for
furttior security upon any property possessed
I by the company coming upl AJidcrsoq reiter
ated his * assertion'that' the government had
no riicbt to declare such a lieu. Senator
Morgan then raised another view of the samfl
question , and Anderson contended that if th *
question shall comoup at all It will come , not
against the Union Pacific which , now offers
nmplo security for" the debt , but against the
Central Pacific. Mr. Hnj ward , for the Cen
tral Pacific , rejoined that the reputation and
Integrity of the Central Pacific directors
having been assailed they would assent to no
bill which should settle the question upon a
mere mono.vcd basis. They would assent to
any bill which provides for a fair Investiga
tion of all the facts by the courts. They
claimed thcv had done no wrong to tha
United States. They could afford to los *
this property , but they could not afford ta
trade upon their reputation , ohai actor ana
standing. _
WASHINGTON , March B. Henry 0.
mour , of Michigan , successor to the late Sew
Moffatt in the house , took the oath of offlM
to-day. _ _ _ _ i
A resolution was adopted authorizing toft
expenditures by the committee on manufac
tures In the trust investigations. "
After reports from various committees th
house resumed consideration of the Paoiflo
railroad telegraph bill.
Mr. White of New York took the floor fa
opposition to the measure. The bill afforded
the govoi nmont no now remedy , There WAS
buncombe In It , but there was no legislation
In it. Ho warmly championed the Western
Union telegraph company and assorted that
the company fin nlshod better facilities and
lower average rates than in any
other country. Ho said ho
was here to , piotost against
anarchy nnd communistic legislation , which
would seek to legislate away property so-
quiicd honorably aud honestly under the
forms of law. t
Mr. Symes of Colorado said the purpose of
the bill was merely , to compel subsidized
railroads to comply wrth the conditions and
provisions of the grapts creating them. After
Jay Gould nnd his jpmg bad conducted the
Union Pacific as lo r a ? ho could make any
thing out of it ho ftd walked off leaving the
company bankrept , and taking with him
among the ussotj , the telegraphic lines , with
which holovleJ discriminating tribute from
the people wont f the Mlssourfrlvor.
Mr. Dockorr'of Missouri said under the
granting nctslho Pacific companies were re
quired to construct not only railroad lines
liut also I telegraph lines. Instead
of doing tltfs they had assumed to dt-
vest tlicms/vcs of their obligations by a
monopoly i/ntract with the Western Union
telegraph ( /mpany. Competition was essen
tial to tile Hghust nnd best Introrosts of the
whole wowe , and If necessary ( and h bo-
licvcd it tope necessary ) the power of the
goveinmcil must bo exercised to execute to
the pcople/mt perfect equality without dis
ci imlnutlot which was the basis upon which
i cstcd thqwholo fabric of our Institutions ,
The pondj [ ? bill was the initiative measure
of loform ) He desired to appeal to no preju
dice in tlJ discussion of this question , but ho
was in i-afiicst about this proposition , that no
man in W's ' country , although ho was worth
$300OCVXX ( > . should domlnaU ) the country
and suapccl In his attempt at universal
Mr.ihito then offered his substitute ,
which v" > rejected without division , and the
bill wa passed yeas. 107 ; nays. 4 Bliss ,
ICotchap Mcrrlam and White of Now York.
The ho e adjourned.
Benedict Inv < * itlg tloa.
March 8. The house com
mlttco | > printing to day 'continued the in-
h of Uunedicl's administration 'of '
the gov ninqnt printing , ofllco , the oxamlna-
tion be : conducted by Representative Gsl
linger. t the outset witness reiterated his
former iscrllon that he had observed'tho
civil sef co law during his incumbency. Ho
had novr had any. ojwininatlops for appoint ,
menu , t t arranged the jnaonor of competi
tion for'jouu ) of tbo higher jilncei of work.
\Vitnca Voull ( not deny be hod r fu d to
relnstat lwcliargcd itersous because bo hod
loarnwWpon InvOstJ ttlou they wcro repub
licans , flo hud only two relative ! ia lUf
. { f.itl rnnirA In Jijg eplPlOYi
I I iafilTfl B
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