Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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otIv1ty In Coni Oa e8Whoat to
. 13o Noglootod.
Jioth the flul1 nnd J3enr Finti En-
couragctiient In ( lie VropcCtPJ ut
ft Gencrftl ItzlIronI Strike
-Live Stook.
CIIICAOO , March 8.-SpcIat Telegram to
the 1iE.-Vhcat rulel a little lower to dny
than yeterdny , but with no deckled weak.
ness at any time. 'rho nuiikct 5uffcrel most
from neglect. 'rho greater activity of corn
withdrew the attention of local traders from
wheat , and outside pecuIatixs show no signs
of having become deeply interested in it as
yet , The grain movement tnljlo , showing
the hIptnctits to he double the nmount of
reeeIptN , WflS ticcidetily tiulhsh , nniI colder
weather might have been expected to bclp
that side , but otlierwiqe the newsnnd clicuin.
stances of the market were hot Important
either vtiy. PUblIC cablc giwe foreign markets -
kets as Mcady1 but tinted noiuiprovcments In
prices , and Howe of the private cables were
said to he less favorable. Among the most.
liberal sellerM wwm an exporting house. hutch.
lason bought some 'Iicat early , but later
S oid macli more Iban he bought. The
volume of busIicMs was not large. The
prospect of an e.tension of the railroad
S strike is viewed quito differently by the bulls
and bears , and for a vender o far both
iicenn to ho able to extract encouragement
from the same circumstances. On one side
a general "tie up" of western roads Is ex
L. pceted to kill business , imnpar confldenco and
jiroduco a pAnicky feeling which shall send
prices down oi the run. On the other hand ,
such a condition of the roads Is reckoned by
the bulls to mean a cessation of all grain re-
ceilits , wimilu ithipinents could contlnuo and
rapidly cut down time stocks In store. In the
corn market at least , tlio btills Ionic for
higher jmrlces as a result , ftfl(1 they do not
eUQYo tljcre cculd lc junich f dccllne in
voat with corn bharply advancing. May
wheat opened at 6Oc , sold up to SOc ini
mediately , and then gradually sagged to O'
SOc , advanced to 8OSOXc , fell to SO
advanced to 8OJ4SOXc again , and declined
to which was the closing price.
3uno wheat opened at 81o , sold up to SI ®
8h1c , fell to and closed at. 8OSOc.
11ho corn market showed the effect of a too
rapid advance yesterday. Tim most proml
ilont buyer yesterday was a seller to-day , and
Ilutchinson sold a very largo quantity. The
advance gained was a temptation to large
scalpers to sell for the turn , , and the ressuro
was Btrong enough to break the price about
3.o , yet there was strong buying , for heavy
offerings were taken , and the demand was
good enough still to uring about. a recovery
of a part of the loss. May corn opened at
f2c , gradually fell to b2c , advanced to
29c fell to ti23c , advanced to 24 then do-
clinei to again advance,1 , to ti23c
and they ClOSCI at t2c. Juno corn
at fi2c , sold down to &lc , and closed at
lucre was a very light spcculativo trade in
oats , with nothing but tue smallest fluctus-
tions. May opened at 8lc , sold down to
81c and closed at 31'c. Juno oats opened
and closed at 8ljo nntt the only other price
Was 8l3lc. July oats vero nominally
SoSc , and August oats sold at 28c.
In the provision trade there was a little more
S stIr than on many of the former days of the
S week. The easier turn in the grain encouraged -
aged the old bear olcimient to enter the market
. S and around the opening prices were depressed -
pressed by comparatively free offerings.
Later there was a bettershowlugof strength ,
yet at adlournmcnt pork showed a decline of
IOn for the day , and lard and short ribs of fic.
Trading , while the bears were selling , was
quite lair , but after the first hour , when they
' ' . generally withdrew , business was spasmodic
and slow. May , as usual , was the ; dvotal
delivery. It. sold for pork from $ l4.O73 early
lown to iaa ; lard from $7.75 down to
$ T.0734 and short ribs from 7.82J down to
$7.25. For May pork closed at IiLO5 bid ,
lard at $7.70 and short ribs at * 7.23 bid.
March , whIch was quiet , ranged 15o under
May for pork , be undnr for lard and 15o
under for short ribs. Juno pork and short
tibs voro quoted at 731o and Juno lard 5c
higher than May. Year pork sold at l2.57
l2.CO and year lard at 7.4O.
CnIcAao , March 3.-Special [ Telegram to
' the BEIi.-JATTLE-BUYVrS ) ( and salesmen
both reported rather a slow trade considering
the small number on sale , yet about every.
thing useful went over the scales ; but tIm
S market die not show as much activity , even
for number , as yesterday , and was generally
quoted easier , and passibly a shade lower
than at. the close yesterday. Values , however -
ever , are fully 2c hiIhcr than a week ago on
good and useful steers. Butchers' steck is
mu'bstnntially higher than last week , but the
Benson is rapidly approaching when the run
of Texans will increase , and then butchers'
stock will sell lower. The stocker and feeder
trade is liable to revive if fat cattlohold their
own at the present range of values.
Steers , 1,850 to 1,500 lbs. t4.20@5.lO ; 1,200 to
I 850 Ibs , $3.504.30 ; tgio to 1,200 ibs , 2.OO
13.75. Stockers and feeders lower at 2.2O ®
; 84O cowsbulls and mixed , l.SOd.9.3O ; bulk ,
; ' ; 2.il2.8o Texas fed steers1 3.IO4.OO.
IIoos-lrado active for Saturday ; prices
on heavy and medium about the same as yes.
terday. Light sorts voro rather lower es-
pecialiy in the northwestern division scling
there at I5.l5.2O ( , against * 5.2Od5.25 In
Rock Island. Two lots of big 400 lb packers
sold at 5.OO but good weights did make
over Vi.2.'S , ant best mixed sold at $585
b.40 , with plain and common mixed * .l5
L25 ; ; butchers' weights and selected , $ .t35
; 5.40.
Chicago , March 3.-The Drovers' JOurnal
t reports as follows :
Cattle-Receipts 2,000 ; market weak and a
shade lower ; shipiIng steers , taOo5.lO ;
.tockers and feeders $3.2O(3.4O ; cows , buiis
and mixed , $ l.SO3.3 ; Texas fed steers , $3.10
hogs-Receipts , 9,0OO marketelow ; mixed ,
light , $4t0 ®
4 ieep-iteeoits , 1t00 , ; market steady :
natives , * 3.i:0q530 : ; western , $4.S05.0 ;
Texans , $3.ti0.500 ; lambs , $ & 0013.20.
NstionaI stock Yad. East St.
Louis , March 3.-Cattle - lteceipts , 200 ;
shipments , 1,800 ; market. steady at yester.
day's figures ; choice heavy native steers
$4.80.40 ; fair to good native steers , ia.oS
4.6O ; butchers' steers fair to choice , $3.10
( 4.30 ; stockers and feeders , medium to good ,
hogs-Receipts , tlOO : shipments , 1 500-
market steady ; choice heavy and butoiicrs
selections , $5.37j5.5O ; packing , medium to
prime , $3.10d5.40 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , $1.005l5.
Knea. Citj , March 3.-Cattle-ReceIpts ,
100 ; shipments none ; offerings too light to
test the strength of the market. but the feel-
lug vas stronger ; good to choice corn-fed
$4.454.ci0 ; common to medium , $ & 25
4.5stockers , Li.00l2.75 feeding steers ,
S I2Sd3.50l cows , Il.503.2.
Bogs - Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , none ;
market dull and 5l0e lower ; common to
choice , 4.703.23skipsandpigs ; _ , $3.Q0@4.G0.
Naw YoRK , March3.-FSpeclal Telegram
S to the IIEx.-SrocEs-.Tbere ] appears to be
nothing but disappointment for the bulls in
the stock market Business does not increase -
crease and so long as it continues light there
is little prospect of wide fluctuations. The
Inability of western managers to reach a
rettlement of rates and the reduction of cast-
bound rates , the strike on the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy , and rumors that it will
spread to other roads and the bank statement
reserve's decrease of t2,45,72 , had a de-
cldediy depressing ciTect , and although efforts
S were niado to break the market up t tim
openIng they were sliort liveci. Tm. only
bull feature in srght was the lai-go short. i.
tcres and tim buying of Reading , t. Paul ,
amid Louii-ilic & NMhvlilc. Lononcrs ,
) ibwever , have b emt in and out the market so
frcqudntly all week that they have lost their
repatntion for steiu1iiies of character , and
the Impression ; 'revzilis ' timid. they have been
mnnlpulntIng both the Lontloit and New York
mnriiets. Their OPci'8tlOiI luiVo becim miarried
on In such a systematic manner that \Valt
streeters fell Into the trnh' ' and were "milked. "
Itoom tradeis cere iiiostly bearish and sold
stocks freely. A susplcionjrevnils that the
leaiiing pool are endeavoring to unload and
the heavy trading in that liroperty of into
goes far toward confirming that belief.
After thioflrst spurt of strength at the opening -
ing the market. weakened. Values declined
per cent and the market remained
tame until near the close , when a slight rally
occurred. Total sales svire 8.3,000 shares.
OovEtMars-Government ) bonds were
dull but stonily.
11. S.4sregistered.124''C. & N. . . . . . . . . . . .
It. S. 45 COUPOO.,4 . (10 preferred..142i4
IL it. 4t. registred. O6 N. V. Centrai..IOflM
U. S 4s comipon..1Ot . 0. It. N. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pacific s of : . . . . . . 1' . 'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Canada Southern. . bi4 l'acifln Stall. . . . . . . . 84i4
Ccntrsil Psclflc. . . . . ! 14O. D & it. . . . . . . . . . .
Utmicago ft Aiton. . .135 . I'ullman j'alaceCanl39t.4
C. , . & . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) IteadIng. . . . . . . . . . . . .
fl. 1 , . & . . . . . . . . . . . " Island..1II4
1) . . it. U. . . . . . . . . . . 1il4it. ( I. . & S. F. . . . . . . .
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. ! dopreferred. . . . . .
do preferred. . . . . . b7 (3. , III. & St. PauL. . @
Illlnolscentral..lit , do lreferred..II
I. , H. & V. . . . . . . . . . . 12 St. I' . & I ) . . . . . . . . . .
K. &T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . im ; dopreferred..107t4 .
Lake8hore. . . . . . . . . iXTcxas ) l'aclfr. % . . . . . .
h. & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . b tlnlonl'aclflc. . . . . . .
Michigan Central. . Y. . tt. L. & I' . . . . . . . IJk
Mlsourt Paciflr. . . . m ; ; lb ; , referrod. . . . . 24's
MIsnurt i'aeItIc. . . . 2U W. Li. Telegraph.
dapreforred. . . . . . 44'
MONaY-On call , easy at 22)4 per cent ;
last loan , per cciii ; closed at 2dJ23 var cent.
I'jIlMg MCIICANTILa I'Ai'EIi - 4 ® ' ior ,
STeIII.INO ExcmANoa-Dult but steady at
f4.b5 for 00 day bills , $4S7 for demand.
ClilcagoMarch3.-Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour - Steady and unchanged ; winter
wheat , bbls , $3.50(5.60 ; sacks , 9503.Th ;
wheat , bbls $3.504.50 ; sacks , $3.70@4.2 ;
spring , $ l.75j3.90 ; rye flour , $2.853.10 per
bbl : buckwheat flour , $5.00f0.75 per bbl.
Wheat-Dull ; opened a shade lower than
yesterday's close and fluctuated within ( c
range and closed 3'c lower ; cash , 75c ; April ,
7tc Maya SO 7l (
orn-afoacrately ! active ; market opened
firm and better than yesterday's close
and closed .fc lower than yesterday ; cash ,
4sc ; May , ti-c.
Oats-Steadynot ; materially changed from
yesterdily ; May , 31 11-lOc.
Rye-Quiet ; 59c.
Harley-Nominal 'Cash , 77S2c.
Pilmo TIrnotliy-.42.45.
Pork-Fairly active andlower ; cash , $13.60 ;
May , $ t3.1f5@I3.073/ ,
Lard-Dull , wealc and lower ; cash , 7.00 ;
May , $7.70.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $6.000.l0 ;
short clear , $7.50dJ7.0234 ; short ribs , $7.10 ®
Butter-Easier ; creamery , 2127c ; dairy ,
theeso-Firm ; full cream cheddars , Il ®
1flc ; fiats , ® ; young Americas ,
Hides-Lower ; green hides Sc ; heavy
green salted , 8 ; light green. salted , 6 ;
salted bull , Sc ; green bull , 4c ; green salted
calf,8c : dry flint , 1lBc ; dry calf 12i3c :
dry salted , bc ; deacons , IJOc each ;
Tallow-No. i ; country , solid , 43'c ; No. 2 ,
8 ; cake , 4c per lb.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 10,000
Wheat , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 15,000
Corn , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,000 131,000
Oats , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 85,000
Rye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 1,000
l3ariey , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 25,000
St. LOLIIS. March 8.-Wheat - Lower ;
cash , S1(3S1)c ; May , 62'ic.
Corn-Lower ; cath , 40i4tii c ; May , 47c.
Oats-Firm ; cash , i1O303c ; May , 29c.
Provisions-Pork , $14.12 ; lard , $7.40.
Butter-Creamery , 24630c ; eatry , 1Sj24o.
Liverpool , March 3. - Wheat-Steady ;
demand fair ; holders offer moderately ;
California No. I us 7d per ccntal ; red west-
' iiii spring , Ga 7ddJSs Sd ; do winter , ( is 7djOs
orn-Steady ; demand fair ; holders offer -
for moderately ; new mixed western , 4s Sd
per ceutal.
March 3.-Wheat-Mar-
Minneapolis , - - -
hot very dull ; receipts , 74 cars ; ship-
meats , 71 cars. Closed : In store-No. Ihard ,
March , 7tI3c ; April , 774c ; May , 7Sc ;
Juno 193t'u ; No. 1 northern , March , 74c ;
Apri' ' , 7531c ; May , 77c ; June , 78c ; No. 2
northern , March , D2c April , 7110 ; May , 73o.
On track-No. 1 hard , 7c ; No. 1 northern ,
760 ; No. 2 northern 73c.
Flour-ijnchangei ; patcntsto ship , Kb ®
Milwaukee , March 3.-Wheat - Dull ;
cash , 76c ; STarch , 7S9c ; May , 7S5c
Corn-Dull ; No. 3 4ic.
Oats-Steadier ; l'o. 2 white , 33c.
Rye-Firmer ; No. 1 , 59c.
harley-Lower ; No. 2 , 75c.
Provisions - Weak ; ioik , $13.75 for
Cincinnati , March 3-Wheat--Stronger ;
No. 2 red , SOc.
Corn-Fairly steady ; No. , 2 mixed , 52 ®
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mIxed , 333c.
Rye-Stronger ; No. 2 , OIc.
Provisions-Easy ; pork , $14.50 ; lard , easier
at * 7.5734.
Whisky-Firm at $1.09.
Now Orleans , -March 8-Corn-Firm ;
in sacks , mixed , 5SQ5Uc ; yellow , 5OcjOOc ;
white , Ode.
Oats-Quiet but firm ; No. 2 , BOo.
Corn Meal-Steady at $2.80.
Hog Products-irregular ; pork , $14.50 ;
laru , refiuied , tierce , # 7.23.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , * 0.1234 ; long clear
and clear rib , $7.50.
Now York March .
, 3.-Wbeat--Recelpts
2,200 ; experts , 155,000 ; Options ruled
stronger , subsequently became weaker and
settled back about c , closing steady after a
slow business ; cash firm ; ungraded red ,
SQ22'o ; No , 1 quoted at Ole ; No. 2 rod ,
903490340 in elevator , 9l-91Xc delIvered ;
April closing at Ole.
Corn-Receipts , 0,000 ; exports , nonecash ;
quiet but firm : OltlOiis advanced 340Jc ,
closing steady near the top ; ungraded mixed ,
64JiZOi34c ( ; No. 0 , 5934c ; No. 2 , OO0034c in
elevator , 0lc delivered ; April closing at
Oats - Receipts , 74,000 ; exports , 200 ;
firmer ; mixed western , 37400 ; white vest-
em , 4045e.
Coffee-Spot , fair ; Rio , dull and nominal at
* 14.110 ; optIons opened a shade lower , closing
2030 ioints higher ; sales , 5I,75O bags ;
March , $10.0Sl0.75 ; April , $ l0.tl0l0,75 ;
May , $ iO.45l0.7S ; June , $ iO.25i0.55 ; July ,
$ lO.OJdJlO.24 ; August , * 9.7OdJO.tIO.
Petroleum-Firm ; united , 934c.
Eggs-Dull and weak ; western , 21 ®
22c ,
Pork-Quiet ; mess quoted at $15.O015.25
fornow ; $ i4.75l503 for old ,
Lard-heavy and lower ; western steam ,
$ .S.0734 , closing at $8.O3S.033. (
Butter-In light demand , but steady ; west- .
em 140j30c.
Cheese-quiet , but Armly held ; western ,
Kansas City , March 8.-Wheat--Steady ;
No. 2 soft , casb , 79o ; May , 794o bid , 80)o
Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 43Xe asked ;
April , 44'tc bid , 4434o aslied ; May , 43t4c ,
Oats-No. 2 cash , no bids nor ofterings ;
May , Boo bid , 8034o asked ,
UNIoN STOCK YARnS , 6 p. in.
Saturday , March 3 , bbSS.
The market to-day has shown an upward
tendency on cattle and hogs , while the latter
arc not , however , quotably higher.
. Cattle ,
The receipts veru livht anti the quality of
tIm offerings s'as fair. Prices on the best
grades were about. 10 euts high r , while or
dinary stock was steady. Owing to a very
good demand a number of head changed
hands before the market closed.
hog. .
The receipts were light and time quality not
of thu best , there being no strictly first-class
hogs hero. 'Liio niarket opened otcady and
closed early with ovorythihig taken , The
feeling at the close was somewhat stroj-.ger.
although r1ces were not qugtabiy higher.
The lcmand wu very good and twice the
humbr sold would hare found buyers ,
Sheep. ,
There was no receipts flnd nothingwas
doing on time market , 1'ries were 'about.
steady. The demand for sheep atpresent on
this iimnket is decidedly limited and dealers.
vi1I , umiless prepared to siii to Chicago , do
well to ho. somewhat cautious in shippIng.
In other words , read the inarketreporte and
be guided thereby.
OMcIl Itecelpta ,
C attIc , , : , . . . . , . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . I 270
IT ogs , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1,71)0 )
. : . : : . : : .
Prevailing Price. .
The following i a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men-
tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade are made , when In this
case the table svlil state as nearly as possible
the price that would havobeen paldhad there
been any of that class among the offerings ,
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 lbs. . $4.15 ® 4.5O
I'rimo steers , 1100 to 1300 lbs. . 8.50 (1t4.25
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 lbs. 8.10 @ 3.75
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 ® 4.35
Common to choice c.rn.fed
co % , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 ® 3.15
Wcsterncows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 2O
Fair to good range feeders. . . . . 2,30 @ 2.75
Mcdium to good native feeders ,
000lbsandupwards 225 3.00
- - - - - - - - -
Commontogoodbulls. . . . . . . . . . 2.00 @ 3.00
Fair to medium native feeders ,
900 lbs and upwards . . . . . . . . . 225 @ 2.50
Stockers , 400 to 700 lbs. . . . . . . . . 2.15 1)2.75
Prime fat sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.75 1)4.25
Good fat sheep , O0@l00 lbs. . , , 3.50
Fair to medium sheep . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 ( r3.OO
Common sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1)2.25
Lightand medium hogs. . . . . . . , 4.90 (505 (
Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . 5.15 (5.W
Fair to choice mixedhogs. . . . . 5.10 ® 5.lS
Itopresentauvo Sale. .
NATIVt sT1r.mus
No Ar. Pr. No Av. Pr.
11..1189 h.50 10..1277 3.93
14. . . . . . 057 8.55 241..1235 3.1)0 )
18..1213 3.75 83..1305 4.2(1
20..1394 8.75 . . . . . . . . . . 4.85
is..1125 2.80 35..1336' 4.85
35..1336 4.85
3..1140 2.00 12..1183 2.00
10..1185 2.75 -
No. Ar. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
10 , , . .143 - 350 78 .223 - 5.10
0..20 40 880 50. . . ,27 240 510
67. . . .101 200 4.00 70. . . .231 40 5.10
70. . . .207 11)0 ) 5.00 72 , , . ,249 SO 5. 1
47..200 SO 5.00 711.,234 80 5.15
83 ' 200 80 505 02 ' 2(31 80 515
77' 103 120 5,05 45 . .2iYJ 200 515
D2.:217 80 5.10 00. . . .205 SO 5.15
82..2113 100 5.IQ O'1,247 SQ 5tiJ
7 0 , . , - .10 IlL . , .40 -
71..202 . - 5.10 06..2(3ti 120 5.20
83. . . .233 240 5,10 02. . . .273 120 5.20
Ltvti Stock Sold , ,
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on . the market to.dar.
G.HHammond &Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
StevensIL&Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
C. H. Wliilains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
OmahaPackingCo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 811
Kingan & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Harris .Sc Fisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Armour & Cudabay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Speculators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,045
Three loads unsold.
Range ot t'rices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid for
oading grad s of cattle on dates mentionci
Space loft blank Indicates that no sales of
that varticuiar class of cattle were made on
that date :
Prime St'rs. Prime Strs , Common to
D .
a e. i3ct)0ilO0 : lb. iiaxtimo lb. ChoiceCows.
Feb. 24. . . . . . . . 0 4 25 i L0 (3 26
Feb.25 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 .b435 200 4t2$6
Feb. 21. , Sunday . Sunday Sunday
Feb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)0 ) t 15 2 30 ttI10
Feb. 28. . 4 4. ' 4 50 . 3 70 G4 at 2 bO tc3W
Feb,29..4110 tO 301 1)t420 2t0 G3W
27..3 . .
Marchi. , 4 15 4 3 76 514 15 2 66 JfJ 00
Marcli2..4 . . 10 GL4 iO 2 so a
11arcIi8. . 4 20 t4 :33 : j ye 114 2 tlO 2 110
Range of Price. .
ShowIng the extreme highest and lowest
ratespaid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Date. Heavy. Mixed. Light.
Feb.21 , 5 20 5 (5 5 11 .53S 4 00 5 IS
Fcb,22. 5 35 455 55 6 10 J5 30 4 85 5 07
Feb.23.580 SW 510 S30 460 4.SO5
Feb.24. 5 a. a wi s i .s 26 4 o ijvi is
Feb.25.525 455O 505 fS26 LOS ( dSIO
Feb.m , Sunday Sunday Sunday
Feb.27. 5 20 47.5 .35 5 06 t5 15 15) S 00
Feb.2.525 645 505 j644) ( Jo ( g.5OJ
Feb.2V.535 4MW 50) 4b530 G6 4t500
Mar. I. A 25 1) 5 00 t5 20 70 4f.S 00
Mar.2.515 tdS6S 600 551U 00 lf,500
Mar.3.5I0 & 520 510 @ 510 110 5605
Shipment. ,
Dressed meat , 15 ears , . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cattle , II cars , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dockage and Commission.
Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40
pounds , stags 80 pounds each.
Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , $1.00 ®
2.00 per cwt , 1055 than 100 lb. , of no value.
Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , Sc
per head.Food : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; timothy
hay , $30 prairie hay , $20 per ton.
Commissions : Cattle , Soc per head ; calves
and yearlings , $10 per Car , Hogs and sheep :
Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs ,
iSo per car. All sales unless otherwise
stated per 100 lbs live weight ,
Live Stock Notes
Hogs steady.
Cattle stronger.
No sheep hero.
C. Anderson , of Boelcrs , marketed cattle.
Colonel E. P. Savage is off on a business
trip , .
J. Russell , of Fullerton , marketed a ba
of hots.
August Arriens , of Howard , marketed
Sister & Frazer , of Wayne , disposed of a
load of hogs ,
The Omaha Packing company led the buy-
era yesterday.
Beer & Baker , of Gibben , had four loads of
cattle on thu market.
Sackott A Riley , of Albion , marketed two
loads of hogs to-day.
John Quinn , of Wood River , was on the
market with hogs to-day.
Carter & Nicholas , of I3enton sold two loads
of hogs on to-days market.
H. Elliott , of Nemaha , had two loads of
cattle on to-day's market ,
Al Dexter , of Blair-quite a heavy shipper.
Al is , too-came in with hogs to-day.
Paddock & Gosney have moved their oflice
to tbe.buiidlng opposite the Exchange.
The rate on dressed meat is now 10 cents.
Cheek of the C. , B. A Q. feels very lone.
William Fithh & Co. Is the name under
which the old firm of Alexander & Fitch are
William Burke , of Northplatte. visited his
brothers George and Louis at the Exchange
The gentleman (1) ( ) who stole a grlpsack
from the exchange building yesterday would
do well to return it.
Produce , Fruit. , Nut. , Etc.
Saturday , March 3.
The following ojumfmtIon8 are u'hoteRm-mic
nic1 not rctifl. Prkc8 qmtotccl on produce
arc time rutc8 cit which round lotstzre sold on
ff118 vutrkct. Fruits or other lutes of goods
reqi1r1im extra labor in pzeking cannot ni-
lriys be SlipjlICd on cziitshle ordcrs at the
ailing prices Quoted for the local trnuc.
Rntcs on flour ( ( lid lenit are Jobbcr8 prices.
Prices oii grtiis , are those pttd by Otuilut
nilllcrs deiiccrcd. 111 quotations , on iicr-
chamII8c are obtmincitjront lcudlstg houses
ttiitl irc corrected daily. J'rlccs on ci'itck-
cr8 , em1e8 , etc. , arc those 'jiveii by leading
till ) flHfiiCtIL rers.
Burvmn-Crearnery , sollil packed , 2324c ;
choice rolls , 1@2Oc ; medium , 14@l5e ; low
grades , l2(13c. (
.Eoas-Strietiy fresh , 15@lilo ; limed , lO ®
l'ocLTRy-CIifckcns , S210n ; turkeys , lO ®
11c ; ducks , StjlOc ; geese , l0l1n.
IISANS-000d stock$2U01)2.8O ; ; Califorkla
1cus ; , $2.23@94Q. ' S
CULIiilIl(1x--1iC)4 ) 4 Cherry , $10.5O11O0 ;
Bell & Bugle , $ Iiq ) ( llJ0 ; I3oil & iluglo
premium , $11.50
PQTATOEM'-UtRh 12)11 Colorado stock ; $1.15
@ 1.20 ; choice honUs own , 85@tJSc ; conunon
grades , Goc.
1IANANAS.-MCdiUUI , $9t0@3.O0 ; choice ,
* a0003.t,0. :
'r'nNmrs-GoOd ( stock , C075c ; rutabagas ,
L5MoNs-4.0OISO ! per tex ,
CA.irolINhA 1'xAks-$2.M(2,75 ) ; extra
choice , $3,153. 1 ! )
DATEs-l'ersian e ier lb.
SAL'n KItAuT-hol'c , par bid. of 82 gal , ,
$7.508.00 ; 34 bbl , 4.57@b.00 ; $11.00 per bbl.
ofbogal. ii
Cmnan-Cholco Michigan cider , $0. 0O O.S0
per bbl. of BO gal. S
Porcons-Choc ! ' 1cc corn Is quoted at 4 ®
434c per lb. oth rlIn4. , 2j@3c per lb ,
CAnnoTs-$2.2S(2.SO per barrel.
PARSNIPS-New stock , $2.50 nor barrel.
OrsTane-Plain standard , 25c ; i'ialn so-
leets , 80c : standard , 40c' extra selects , 350 :
New York counts , 40c ; Lulk oyster. , counts
11.85 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard ,
$1.25 per gal.
CAUSAOSS-l per doz. , and 3@3o per lb
for California. -
CAVLIVt.owEIt-000d stock , $2.O0280 ,
( IRAPES-Malagas , $7.08.00 per bbl. , and
larger sized barrels in ln'opertion up to $10.00
OnANoss-California lflverside $4.00 ®
425 ; Messina , $3,75(4.23 ; Valencas , so.oo
8.00 per case of 420 FlorIda brights , $4.25 ®
4.50 ; russets. $3.0.i.0O ; Mexican , $4.00 : Los
Angeles , $3.SOdJB.75 : narais , $5.50.
} 'ios-In layers , 18itic , cake , 110 per lb.
Nurs-I'canuts , 6t4@7c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
18c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English sriul-
nuts , 1SlSo ; filberts , lSc ; italian chestnuts ,
lScpecans : iso.
IIONEv-iO@2iC for lib frames ; canncd
honey , 1012c per lb.
Groccr'M List ,
PaovmstoNs-Huns : , 11ll 34c : breakfast
bacon , 11@1134c ; bacon sides. ; dry
salt , 834@834 ; shoulders , O34c7c ; dried beet ,
TonAcco-Lorillard's Climax 45c ; Splendid -
did , 45e ; Mechanics' Delight , 410 ; Leggctt &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 800 ; Drum.
inond's Horseshoe , 40c ; J. P. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c : Cntlin's Meerselinum , ale ;
Catlimi's Old Style , 230 ; I'iper ileldsick , 04c ;
Svcot Tip Top , 33e.
DatED FJIUIT-Apple , bIds. , new , Ls. 7@
734c ; evaporated , 034@lOo ; blackberries ,
evaporated , 010c ; Pttel cherries , 220j23c ;
peaches , eastern , new , 34. , S3.@S3c ; erapo.
ratee , pccIe1 peaches , BJ@U2c ; evaporntcd ,
unpared , 1SlOct now currants , 7@734o ;
prunes , tiew , 4(5c ( ; citron , 2125c ; raisins ,
California-London layers , $9.402.50 ; Call-
forum loose muscatels , * 2.OO@2.10 : new Va.
honda , 7347c.
CANDY-MXCd , Olbc ; stick , 993c.
CANNr.n Goons-Oysters , standard , per
case , $2.03333' strawberries , 2-Ib , er case ,
$ L15@3.23 ; raspicrries , 2-ib , per case , $3.1O@
3.20 ; California pears per case , $ -l.70@4.S0 ;
apricots , icr case , t-1.80@4.40 ; peaches , per
' t ; -iYNtQ V1IrrLc
c1)i' ; r
tOO' ) ia\ifOinla \ plums , Per ado , .l.3u4,4U ;
blueberries , per case , $9.S0@2.40 ; egg plums ,
2-ib , per case , $2.50pineappbes,2-ib ; ; er case ,
$3.2J@3.75 ; I-lb salmon , per doz , # ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.255j335' 2-lb
string beans , per case , $ l.75@l.S0 ; ilma
beans , er case $ l.GO1.05 ; 2.Ib inarrowfat
peas , $2.O02,76 ; 2-lb early Juno pears , ior
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn ,
REFINED LARD-Tierco , 79cc ; 40-lb square
caits , 7c ; SO-lb round , 7c ; 20-lb round ,
73g'c ; jatis , 8i4'c ; pails , 834c ; 2-lb
pails ,
Iinooims-Extra ,4-tie , $2.60 ; No. 1 , # 9,00 ;
No. 2 , * 1.75 ; heaxy stable , * 4,00.
H0LLANu HEmnt1Ws-70d372c per keg. in bbls $7.00 ; do in halt
bbls , $4.00 ; smnall-'ln bbls , 8.O0 ; do in half
bbls , $4.50 ; gcrkins in bbls , * 9.00 ; do in half
bbls , $3.00. '
JECLIE5-30-lb peils , $ l.25l.5O.
.TaAs-Japans , 2Q55c ; gunpowder , 20il
Gc ; Young Hyson1 220J35c ; Oolong , 2O (
RorE-Seven-sitecIiths , lldjll34.
Situi's-Ncw Orleans molasses , per bbl , ,
37@1c ( ; Per gal. ; cpi'n syrup , 35c half bbls. ,
37c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55.
SALT-Per bbl. car load , $1.80.
IuiAilE SCOAII-llricks , 1234c per lb ; penny
cakes , 15 her lb. -
WoonENw.IuE-T.woboop pails , per doz. ,
* t.40 ; threc'hioop pails , $1.65 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , * ; No. 8 tub , 4.50 ; washboards
# 1.50 ; fancy waslt'boards , $3.50 ; assortoni
bowls , $2.73 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2
churns , $8.50 ; Na. 8 churns , 17.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 : spruce , In nests , $1.70.
STAnCH-Mirror gloss 5c ; Graves' corn ,
133.c ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; swego corn , 7c.
C0rTEE-Ordinary grades , 17@18c ; fair ,
18@19c ; prime , 19@20c ; fancy green and yellow -
low , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28@300 ;
interior Java , 25t28c ; Mocha 2S@30c ; Ar-
buckle's roasted 21c ; slcLuughhin's
xxxx , 2l34c ; Diiworth's , 2134c ; Red Cross ,
SUOAI1-Granulated , 73t3734c' coat. A ,
73@Gc ; white extra C , 0i4@0c , extra C ,
6034c ; yellow C , 534@S5c ; cut loaf , 7@
7ct powdered , 7Xcl34 ; Now Orleans , . %
CltAcxcns , CAKES , Erc.-Prices subject to
change. 'Soda , Se ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ;
soda snowflake ( in this ) , bc ; soda dandy ,
034c ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , bc ; soda zephyr ,
8c ; city oyster , 034c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , Sc' monitor 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7c ; Iearl oyster , Sc ; Picnic ,
Sc ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Boston ,
Sc ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , G'4c ;
cracker meal , 5j4e ; graham , Sc ; gra1ani
wafers , be ; graham wafers in pound pack.
ages , 1'234c ; hard bread , Sc ; milk , 734 ; oatmeal -
meal , Sc ; oatmeal wafers , be ; oatmeal va-
( cr5 in lb pgs , i'234c ; animals , 12c ; Boliver
ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream. Sc ; Cormihill ,
bc ; crackneils , bc ; frosted cream , 834c ;
ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
home made ginger snaps in boxes , lac ; home
made ginger snaps ( l.ib cans ) per dozen ,
$2'SO ; lemon cream , Sc ; pretzels ( hand made )
1134cm assorted crlies anti jumbles , 1134c ; assorted -
sorted fingers , lSc ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
ncr dox $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter
jumbles , 11340 ; Brunswick , ISe ; brandy
snaps , 1.c ; chocolate drops ( new ) 10e ; chocolate -
late wafers , ISo ; Christmas lunch , ( in tins )
per dozen , t-i.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 140 ; coffee
cake , 12e ; Cuba jumbles , 1134c ; cream puffs ,
800 ; egg jumbles , 14c ; ginrer drops , lie ;
honey jumbles 11340 ; jolly fIngers , 15c ; jelly
wafers , iSo ; jolly tart ( now ) , ISo ; lady hug-
or. , i3c ; vanilla bar , 14c ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen $2.50.
All gootis packed in cans 1 cent per lb. advance -
vance except Snowflake and Wafer Soda ,
whIch is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 lb.
and 3 lb. paper boxes , 34 cent pcrlb. advance ;
all other goods I cent per lb. advance. Soda
in 1 lb. paper boxes , I cent per lb. advance.
The 2 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 18
in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in causes
holding 12 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes arc
packed in cases holding 30 in a case. One lb.
( I raham and Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 dox.
in a case.
5 Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75 cents. Cans for WaferSoda ,
$3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowflake
Soda , $6.00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass
Face to display the goods , 75 cents each. No
charge. for Packiigas except for cans ann returnable -
turnablo cases. luss Front Tin Cans and
"Snowflake" Solk Cans are returnable at
prices charged.
1ry Goods.
Dcc-Wcst Point 29 In. 8 oz. , 10'o ; West
Point 29 in 10 oz.,1234c ; Vest Point 10 in , 12
ox. , 1Sc ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz. , ide. Checks
-Caledonia X , U'c ; Caledonla XX , 1034c ;
Economy , 034c ; Otis , 834c. '
KIINTUCItY JEANS-Memorial , ISo ; Canton ,
28c ; Durham,27o' hercules , lSc ; Learning.
ton , 2234c ; Cottawold , 2734c.
CmtAsii-Steved's'i3 , Go ; bleached , 7c ; Ste.
rena' A , 734c ; jileached , 834o ; Stevens' F ,
834c ; bleacbed , Gc ; Stevens' N , 934o ;
bleached , 10340 ; t vens' S H T , 123c.
MISCELLANEOU-.TabIO oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain holland , 8o to tic ; Dado Holland ,
1234e. I '
CAamnnlcs-Slatei' , Sc ; Woods , So ; Standard -
dard ; Sc ; Peacock , Sc.
ComsroaTEns-$0.00@35.0O ,
131.ANXETS-White , $1.000J7.0 ; colored ,
th.SAcIIED SnEETINO-Berkeiey cambric ,
No , 1)0 , 934c ; liest Yet , 4-4 , 6c ; butter cloth ,
00 , 434c ; Cabot 734c ; Faruvcil , 834c ; Fruit
of Loom , 834c ; reene 0 , Oc' hope , Sc ; KIng
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdao , 1134c ; Lomia.
dale , To : Now York mills I03c ; i'eppereil ,
42-lu , 110 ; Pepperoil , 40c.ln , 1hm ; Poppcreil ,
13-4 , ISo ; Peimporell , 8-4 , LIe ; Pepperell , 11-4 ,
23c ; Peppereli , 10-3 , 25a ; Canton 4-4 , S3c ;
Canton4-4 , 1134o ; Triumph , Go ; V'amasutta ,
lie ; \ ailey , Sc.
Ft. uNNsi.i-PlaIt7-Unftman , 20e ; Goshen ,
$234c ; Clear Lake , 8'c ; ManIc City , ad34ii.
\'liito-G hi N. 2 , tile ; ( Ii No. 1 , % ,
30c ; Ouecheo No. 1 , ' , 42c ; Queclico 'No. 0 ,
' , 3734c : Quechee No. :434e : ; .Anawah ,
13'c ; 'im1Isr , 234c ; lIed NI' , 24-hi , 153o ;
24.tnch , Ole ; ( iG 24.Inch , 1um ; ii A'F , ( ,
25c ; 1 It. l' , 2734o ; (1 % , i3c. '
PUIMTN'SOLIn Coaons - - Atlantic , Ge ;
S1atcrb ; i3crlin ell Oo ; Or&ncrQli , U
7cc , Pigx ANn Ronxs-RIctnnon 6.dI Align ,
fl'oj River PoInt , Sc' Steel Ilivor , ' 634u
IIchmond , Ge' Pacific , 1134o. lNnloo hlLun-
Washington , tic ; Century indigo blue prints ,
We ; Amerleati , 7a ; Arnold 7u' Arnold Ii ,
110 ; Arnold A , 12c : Arnold tiold Seal , 10e.
Dusts-Charter Oak. 534c ; Itnmimap , , 4c4c ;
Lodi lie ; Allen , fib ; HicInuond , 334c : Wud-
ser i\34e \ ; Eddyatomie , 6310 ; l'aoitlc , OJe
dOTTON F'LANNELS-lO er eedt trade dis.
count-LL , 6c ; CC , 71L ) ; SS , 8o : Nameless - '
less , 5'c ; No. 6 , Ge ; Ei Otu'e ; ( IG , b0'4c ' ;
xx , 134c ; O , 14c ; Nb-I , l'tij ILX , iSo ; B ,
200 ; No. 10 , 834c sO , 10'c ; ' 00 , 1234c ; 80 , bOo ;
30 , colored , 10. ; 0 , eoloreth12c ; 70 colored ,
lOot Bristol 1834 ; Union , Pacific , 1e.
CARI'IIT1A11L'Ihbb , white , 1034c ; cot-
ored , 203(0.
I3IuowN SnEETINO-Atlanta A , 4.4 , l34c ;
Atlanta II , 4.4 , 7i'c ; Atlanta D , 4.4' 0c ; At-
bantic P , 4.4 , lie ; Aurora LL , 4.4. ' eke : Auto-
ra C , 4-4 , Sc ; Crown XXX 4-4 , 7'c ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , tIc ; Indian Head , b-4,7Ic ; Lawrence
LL , 4-4 0' Old Dominion , 4-4 , Sc ; Peppereli.
U , 4-4 , 't3 ; icppcrell 0 , 4-4 , Cc ; Pepperell 8-4
ISo ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21o ; Ptmpporoil. 10-4 , . ' 3o ;
Utica , C , 4-4. 44e ; Wachuaett , 44 , 7j4o ; Au-
rota B , 4-4 , oc ; Aurora B , 4-4 Cc.
BAT7B-Stahldard Oc Gem 1034c Beauty
; ; ,
1234c ; Boone 14e' b cased , 13.50.
GtNoI1AM-iiunIcct checks , 71c ; Whitten-
ton , 734c ; York , 734c ; Not'msndl dress , 81c ;
Calcutta dress , 834c ; Wlaittenton dress , 1c ;
llentow dress , 834@lO34c.
TicKs-Lewiston , 80-In , , lO34o' Lewiston ,
32-In , , 1334c ; York , 14c ; wift river ,
734c ; Thorndiko , do , 83o ; Tliornd.Lkc FP ,
834c ; Thorndiko , 120 034c ; Thornlko , CXX ,
ISo ; Cordia , No. 5 , 9Jc ; Cordis , No. 4 lIe.
DSNIMS-Amoskeag , 0-oz. ICc ; Lverott ,
7-om , , 13c ; York , 7.oz. , 13c ; hlaynmaker , 84e ;
.lnffrcy , XX , 1134c Jaffrcy , XXX , 12o ;
Beaver Crock , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , 1113 ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , boo.
General Mnrket , .
Oinq-Carbon , 120j25c ; linseed. boiled G0o
lins od , raw , SIlo ; castor. No. I , # 1.20 ; Io. 2 ,
$1.12 ; Sperni whale , $1.00 ; whale water
bleached , SSc ; fIsh , bank asc ; neatafoot
extra , OSe ; noatafoot No. I , SSc ; gasoline ,
74 degrees ISo ; W. S. lard , OSe ; No. 1 lard ,
500 ; No. 2 lard , SOc ; W.Tn. . zero , 14e ; W. Vii.
summer , 12c ; golden No , 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 ,
23o ; vlma1t , 20c ; nnphtha , 1 degree , 14c ;
headlight , 150 degrees , lOct headlight , 175 tIe.
glees. 1&c ; turpentine , 45c ; castor , pure , $2.45
hem' g.ul.
Dituas-Amnmonia carb , 14c ; camphor refined -
fined , aOc ; copperas , ' i34c ; croammi tartar ,
4so ; cream tartar powdered , 20@SOc ; Indigo
Madras , 75e ; morphia sulpli per oz. , $3.40 ;
soda bi , cnrb , OSc ; Venice turpentine 4Om ;
gum opium , * 4.-liP quicksilver , SOc' quinine ,
German , per oz. , 5c' ,1tiiiiine , , P. h ' , v. , die ;
vax , yellow , pure , 8c ; ivax , white , 4@5e ;
citric acid , jcr lb. , 13-Ic ; oxalio acid , per lb. ,
54c ; alum , 'Ic ; born ; refined per lb. , lOc.
SrntiTs-coiogno spirits 188 nroof , $1.14 ;
do 101 pro3f , $1.17' spirits , second quality ,
iiii proof , $1.11) ; do , 1S proof , $1.13 ; nlcohol
183 proof , Prviiuo gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
1ubski. $1 @l,5O nbendod , , $ i.502.O0 ;
thnuck tor'iOfl , OOMUi ieniueky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.0Oc0. Qoldon
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , * IO@3.oo ;
brandies imported , f5.00@8.50 ; domestic ,
$ l.3O3.O0' gins , Imported , $5.00c30.O0' do
mestic , $ l.f50j3.O3 ; champagnes itmmportei , per
case , $28.O0B'J.OO ; American per case , $10.00
@ 16.00
POWDER ANt ) SnoT-Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot ,
$ i.cs ; Miami powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , * 2.75 ;
one.fourths1.50 , ; blasting kegs$2.15 ; fuses ,
. 100 ft. , 4S@Sc.
Fi.ouiu AD fxxn-Minnesota patents$9.50
per cwt. ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter
patents , $2.60Q12.75 per cwt ; Nebraska patents -
ents , t2.45@2.5O per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00 per
owt ; wheatgrahnn , j,75d1.(10per cwt ; rye
grnhhm , $1.35 cr swt ; New York buckwheat
* tier hbl ; Excelsior $6.00 ler bbl ;
ready raised , * 5.00 11cr 100-lb case ; cornmeal ,
yellow , # 1.00131.10 per cwt ; white $103l.15
per cwt ; bran $ ld.OO@17.0O per ton ; screen-
tags , $14.50@15.O0 perton ; hominy , $3.25 ier
bbl ; chopped feed , $1U.50@20.O0 per ton ;
chopped corn , * 48.OO19.00 Pcr ton.
HmnP.s-Grceii butchers' , 4345c ; green
curcd , S6c ; dry flint , 110 ; dry salt , Sc
green calf skins , To damaged hides , two-
thirds vrice. Tallow--B34c. Grease-Prune
white 43c ; yellow , 80 : brown 2c. Sheep
pelts 5cii1.0O. Green ox Pelts a@33c ; ki1 ,
skins ( uniforna ) 4@fi3' c ; cowlainies , 43'k.
Funs-Ra coon , 10nO0c ; mink , . 15&1Oc ;
musk rat fall , 2(7c ; striped skunk , 5(25c ;
mounthiii wolf , No. 1 $1.SO@2.5O ; No. 2 ,
prairie , SO@75c ' No. 2 , 25@40c ; beaver , No.
I , per lb , $2.OO13j3.OO ; No. 2 , $ i.OO@i.25 ; otter ,
. , $ lO0fl.O0 ; dry deer skins , 20@35c lcr Ib ;
dry antohope , elk , moose , etc. , I5@230.
Woot-Por lb. , 14OOc.
LEAThER-Oak soles , 35@37c' hemlock
slaughter 3010 , 2Oc42Oc ; hemlock dry sole , 2b
@ 250 ; hemlock hip 05@110c A. & B. runner
hip , 5 ° ® 7c ; A. hemlock cal' ' , 1100@$1.O0' A.
A ; - hemlock calf. "backs , " 75c ; . hemlock
umor , lOdj24c ; English grain upper , 25c ;
hc'nilock grain upper , 2l@24c ; Tampico 13. L.
Morocco , 2tkj33c ; Tampico pepplo , 0. D. Mo. ,
22l2Oc ( ; Curncoa B. G. Mo. , ZhSc ; Simon 0 ,
D.Mo. , $2.7S3.ob ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ; X.
Iii. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid 32c ;
Grieson kids. $3.00@3.50 ; Frencluglazeni kids ,
$2.50@2.75 : French calf kids , $3.20' oak kip
skins , 83c@fl,00 ; oak calf skins , * l.00@l.25 ;
French calf skins , # 1.251)12.05 ; French hip
skins , $ I.b0@i.5O ; Russitt linings , # 1).000jO.bO
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
® lO.00 er doz. ; colored toppings , # 11.O0@
GuAIN-Wheat , doe ; rye , 55@SSc ; oats , 30@
Ble ; yellow corn , 4Cc ; whIte corn , 45c ; bnr-
icy , bSdjdOc.
ETaAcTs-Sanderson's oil bergamot , per
lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per lb. , $2 50 ; oil peppermint -
mint , $3.00 ; oil wintergreen , * 2.50 ; olive oil ,
Malagn , Per gallon , * 1.25.
S0A1'-Castlle , mottled , per lb. , S@b0 ; ens-
tile , white , 100Jl3.
PAINTs-White lead , pure , Cc : vhito lead ,
fancy , lIe ; lutty , in binders , , 3c ; Paris white ,
3c ; common , 2)je ) ; red 1tad , 7c.
Wisnow Gi.sss-Singbo , 70 per cent ;
double , Wand 10 per cent discount.
FLAxsinw-Quoted at $1.35 lid' bushel ,
2 , 4 &
loft , left. 2Oft. 22ft. 24ft.
214..17l02O002100220)2200 .
2x8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J75020t102i002002200
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6i2O ( ( O21 00 23 00 33 00
2x12..I$26200021(1J24002400 . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b0I9 1,620 wlzj 00 23 00
No. I corn , S ' 1 s.18.S0 No. 3 corn , s I s.$15.50
No. 2 Coin , S 1 a. 17.00 No. 4 corn , a 1 a. 13.50
No , 1 , 4 , lc 0 In 19 & 14 tI , rough.$19.50
No. 1 , " ' 16 " . . . 19.50
No 2 , " " 14 " 1050
No ; 2 , ' ' " 1O ' ' : : : : : : : : 15:00
.A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.$21.50 C , 12 , 14 & 16 ft.$15Z0
B , " " 0.50 D , " " 12.50
yI-ooRIN ° .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
S B 6 In " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3350
COin " " . . . . . -S . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3
DOIn " " . : : 2l.50
E 0 in " ' ( Sd. Fencing ) . . . . . . . 19,90
6 in. Drop Siding Soeper M extra.
2d corn In White Pine ceiling.$34.00
, , ,
I SI * 2l.00
Clear 4 in Norway " " . . . . . . . . 16.00
2d corn % in " " " . . . . . . . . 14,00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
13 12 ' . 39.20
C12 " , 30.00
Dl2 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.00
No. 1 corn , 12 In a 1 a , 12 ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50
'S I J4 f BlOt )
'I I $ ( } f . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.50
'S i 10 , 38 , 20 ft. , , 21.50
No.2 " ' . 11)00 )
" I' 12 1c 14 ft. 38.50
' , " 'I 7 f . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50
12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per 51 more than 12
in Stock Boards same length.
10 in Grooved roofing same price as 12 in
Stock Boards.
suit LAP ,
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
No , 2 ' 17.50
No.1OGSin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 13. ( in a 2 a.$51.00
' . 4 II 134 , 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.00
3d , clear , I in , s 2 a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44tlO
I' i3i34in , 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00
A , select , I En s 0 a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,00
A , " 134,134 , 2ins2s. . . . . . . . . . . . 44.00
13 , 1 in B ' S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3000
13 , " 134 , 134 , 2ins2s. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,00
botflhlgnN TL'LLOY 1JN5.
Com.4incti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
Star " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.50
bat and 2d clear4 hick Flooring. . . . . . . . 23.00
Six inch 400 lesa ,
, .CleirX ; Inch Ceiling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,50
Clear 1 ineh.I'artition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.0(1
"Cienr i ti , l'artition 12 itbivo ' 1mick
Qelliug. , , , , . . . , , . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,00
Cieqr Finish , I sad 11 inch , ih s . . . . . 211,110
Clear F'inIsli , 134' and . 'incli , 5 2 , , . , . . , 80.00
ClapCoi'rugtc4 Cuillrig,4 inch. . . . . . . . 25.50
clear Yel1gwano 9afin3aad ilgiso27.00 ,
. , .
' ' , t
Money In Leai Dornand'Tlinn Uuni
, . at The Soneon , S
Wall Strcct UrokcriF'ccl
: Very Illume-
No Material Cliamige in Market
Quotatiot , . Ihiring the Week
. -hog I'roduct.Limp.
SstiIfctory Business Outlook.
CnicAao , March 8.-Special [ Telegram to
the hir.s.J-Tho week under- review has been
destitute of marked cluinges In finance or
trade. Money is less freely called for than
usual at the advent of spring , because there
is less grain and provisions to carry than at
corresponding dates In recent years. The
accumulatIon of grain at other poInts , that
largely depend iii'oii ChIcago bankers for
funds , arc also much smaller than at this
date in former years. The result is seen In a
comparatively cheap loan market considered
with a year ago. Desirable customers sure
being freely supplied at 534@634 per cent on
call and sixty days' loans , based on gilt edged
names and coliatorala , and 73 llOt cent for
good to just. faim' signntures. In sonic
instances as bow as 5 jior cent.
has been accepted in ( alley security from
large borrowers. Now York exchange has
ruled quiet at 25c discount per $1,000 to l'ar
between banks. Foreign echainge was unit
and higher , duo to the small exports of pro-
ducc and merchandise and the large Imponts
of foreign goods. Shippers' sixty days' docu.
mnentary sterling bills on London were quoted
at $4.8134.849 , The New York stock
market has been dull , anul the average stock
broker In Wall &treet Is said to ho the bluest
individual in tIme Umlited States. There is ,
lii fact , nothing to induce the public to buy.
hence few outsiders are now trading. Tue
jobbimig trade Is steadily' Improving , and
although there is an absence of rush , the
distribution of dry goods during the week
was liberal. Clothing , boots and shoes ,
hardware , staple and mniscc'ilnneous grains ,
and other leading lines of goods sold freely ,
although trade in a large section of country
traversed by the Burlington road was prevented -
vented from buying by the strike of engineers -
eers anti firemen. Merchants report ccl-
lections fair for the season , amid but for thu
uneasy feeling regarding time labor situation ,
the lusing QUtIQQk might beegarded as
faii'i3P satisfactory.
No very marked changes have occurred in
the markets during the wecic mis compared
with the closing quotations noted in our Inst
i'eckIy review , with the exception of corn ,
which showed some independence and do-
vclopd considerable strength. In fact , all
markets after a temporary weakness
regained their individuni declines , but there
was no special changes , with the one excop.
tion of cormi , to note. As cnmulared with tiur
closing quotations in the last weekly
review wheat closed 3c higher , corn
1SJc iigher oats 340 higher , mess
pork 234c higier , lard 734c lower anti short
rib sides 5c'lower. Trading has been moutei'-
ate in wheat , rallier active in corn , fair in
oats and only moderate in hog products. 'ruac
Influences brought. to light have not been of
a character to nmaterially affect speculation
in most of tim markets one way or time other ,
hence operators have been inclined to wait
for some new featutes on which to base spec-
ulation. Cr01) news have not formed ammy liii-
portamit feature. Thus far mInces have been
more or less conflicting , which Is usually
the case at this season of the year , Warm
and spring-lilco weather is awaited to decide
the actual condition of the growing wheat.
European aavlces have quoted a quiet feel-
lag for wheat and lower Prices for corim.
home markets ruled slightly lowerbut closed
rather strong. On both wheat and corn the
movement has been smaller. Reccipta of
wheat in the northwest have fallen off ,
which , it was claimed , was partly due to
fresh snow blockades , In the interior wheat
districts the movement Is light. At Chicago
the receipts of grain have been small and
this tvas partIally attributed to the strike of
time engineers and firemen on the Chicago ,
Burlington & Quinoy , which has moved very
little freight this week. Shipping demand
has been very fair for all grains ,
with fair milling demand for lower grades
of wheat. Considerable corn and some
wheat has been bought to go to store , most
of which , it is clammed , is taken by elevator
Proprietors. The export movement of grain
from the seaboard has been only moderate.
Buyers and sellers of flourai'e getting closer
together iii prices , and a better export move-
meat of flour may develop. hog proJucts
ruled quiet and without. any special features.
Two Famnouiu Pirate. .
St. Nicholas : In the early years of
this century , when there VCL'O slave insurrections -
surrections in the West Indies , and wars
for indopcmidcnco in Mexico , Central
America amid South America , many people -
plo were driven from their homes In
these regions and came to Now Orleans
as aplaco of refuge. Among them were
two brothers , Pierre amid Jean Lafitto.
They were Frenchmen born In Bayonne ,
but they bad lived for several years in
the West Indies. Both wore tall , handsome -
some men , but Jean had the stronger
character. For a time they carried on
the trade of blacksmnithing. Their shop
stood on St. Philip street , beticon
Bourbon and Dauphin , It was pulled
down only a few years ago. Bold and
enterprising in disposition and of coin-
manding presence , the two brothers
were fitted by nature to be leaders of
men. Jean , especially , was of an tip-
pearanco so striking that strangers ,
meeting him on time streets , turned for
a second look at him.
At first , they wem'o only the ngcnts'ln '
New Orleans for smugglers who brought
merchandise and slaves into the bays
and bayous along the Louisiana coast ;
but it was not long before they became
the chiefs of the most powerful organization -
ation of lawless men that over existed
in this country. In 1810 , they made
their headquarters on the islande at
the entrance of time Bay of lIam'atam'ia ,
where they built a fort and village.
They obtained from the republic of
Carthugcna , In South America , then at
wail , with Spain for Its Independence ,
letters of marquo which authorized
theni to capture Spalnish vessels whet-
ever found. They fitted out. anti armed
fast-sailing schooners , which voro the
terror of the gulf. According to the
common belief at the time , these vessels
were lirntcs , which did not-hesitate to
pick up any merchant-ship they could
overhaul , no matter what flag it might
carry ; but the Latlttes denied these reports -
ports , and insisted that they were hon-
orabbo ps'ivmtteorsmnen , only attacking
the ships of Spain. as , under the laws of
nations , their letters of marquo gave
them the right to do , That they vere
smugglers , violating the laws of the
United States , they did not deny.
In vain did Governor Claiborne Issue
proclamations , commanding time people
of Louisiana to arrest the Lallttes and
their men. Jean and Piorm'c came often
to New Orleans , and i-odd the procinma.
tions posted on time walls of the old gov-
eminent building , on the Place aux
Armes , Once there was an effort made
to arrest Jomuim as he was passing through
a bayou with a boat-load of smuggled
goods. A party of custom-house oflicors
attacked him ( rein time shore , There
was a fight , and Jeani and his crew beat
off thicliassailants. . Afterward , Jean
sent a polite letter to the captain ol time
custom-house force , in which he said :
"I nina man of anti do not want
to fight ; but I. WOUIl have you to know
that I am at all timics' m'cndy to lose 'my
life rather than mmiy goods , "
. .
S.-- ,
'Tho receipts of the benefit. bull fight
for Mazzautini , 'the Spanish champion ,
now in tIme . cajntai at' Mexico , wore
$ b5,604 , , l" a Sfllllvan .llghta bullS -
S flg1tin.t1e Uinior'thogato mno $ ' . '
-1 11
Ho Expt'eaeoe His Sonthnenta of tap. '
, S FOlnflbo : SoL '
, , S
, , -
Inshientions Characteri.t1c 'of .
NoiubIe Novelist Commented
, on in the Current Mos-ib. S
nor' . Magazine ,
'lime emnrnt PIiIitCftUon In Seribner' . Magd
tint' of it'ttt'r ielectt-d ( roam time apjsrently ye- , S
lumimlimoums com-respummulenco of Mr. Timackery , the
English novelist , throws a new light upon his
t'hisrncttr and explslmms limuseb Of time tenernes1
amid gnmmtlt-imes , which lie showed In his re-
minim-es , to the lot of u-oiimsnkismii. lie was es
aeatiallv flPPievlsttv. of time conimonpiace 1i ,
hmoimis lih , l'atiemmt In the iiotall of Its beauty s.nU
p5tIms"actiisliy appreclaUve and patient as lilt
SIIIIUIC , bomnele't't tolichmilig Icttt'ra indicate,1 - '
It tuas tIi ezl'rrs'ion of genuine smitl Person-
smmtIinent tlimut Is gau'e vent to in 'VSUII7 Pair'
'lieii lie said :
"lS'Imat do imien know about woman's martyr-
miommis ? TIinv would go mnSti had they to endurb , '
I he himtiilrtfthi tan t or these tInily 1)51115 whIch sm's ;
mimecklybnm'nc h ) mmanywomnen.Ccaeless slavery
imieetlmmg w ilk mme rewanl ; rommataut gemmtlenesa 1
andteimdcm'miess lust ly cruelty sa eonstant4IOV
labom , suilenilig , patience , watdiftmhuess. Ito & '
mmany , oZ theta have to bear iii quiet and appear '
WITh cusaisruL FACES , '
as I C they felt nothing ? " .3
'Jhpi-e is in this simo rIng of characterlstiq
Seiitlment Which the reader w 111 sad In many ot
lila letters Wimith Tlmaekt-ray wrote to his lull- ,
maine fr1intIs in Euglamid.
"i iloimbi. " said a laity vhmo has been selected
as the sui'ject ' of this sketchm to time writer1
"wlmethier timnre are mamiy u nmmmen , or imien citimer ' '
Who endurcil what I did. 'l'o f'oh time gTOWIfl
weakness , the 14)55 of strengtlm , health and courage -
age , to timid that time sotimids flbOUt mae grow ,
fabler amid falmmter every day , ata ) that uvemi the , 1
' OICCS of friends I cotmiti hear wmth ditflculty1
You can't Imliagine how hartt that bear.
' I tliiimk 1 can. "
' ,
: 5
plisa ANNIS 000IThSTT.
" 1ntm see It hati been a nmatter of only a cc
Pie if years with me. 1 don't think 1 was eve
what 3015 nmtgimt call strone , but whelm this trot ) . '
1,1 , , ' caiip , all and kelit gi'owlimg upon iiie , it mad
me weaker and more dcspomsdemmt than ever.
haiti Ctii8 ) a great 1eai suimni trouble with in
throat amid head. My nose would stop up ,
on one side then on the nitlmerand It was wltb ,
tilillesmity that I could breathe tlmroiigim it at all.
1 woimiO always be liawklmmg and hemmi S
and trying to clear may throat. I was mor
tired when I got up in the morning than when
w-flt tO bed the night befoie. Ny sleep we
not mound , I was very rt'stiess. After a while
began to have a jain over my eyes amid througb
ins head. I was losing may weight and was re.
duced to almost askeloton. I Iia'l no ambitio
to tb any work and the least exertlonwould tir
limp. "
"YOU speak aboutsounds'bcing Indistinctr'
' 'Oh , yes. For a long tiumo I noticed that 1 ,
womil , , have singular hoist's 1mm mimi' ears-roatlim
or buzzing soummtls they seemied , to be. Wh
my catarrim was worse-tar that time doctors tel
rime was immy trouble , or at least the beginning of
It-especially 1mm damp or changeable weather ,
these sotmiids in il1' ears tvoimitl be immure dIstIncb.
Iiy and 1 , ) ' 1 fOummni I couldn't Imear as PlaimmlY as
I 115'eI to , amid was afraid lwouldbecouo totabl7
deaf. "
"Iltityolt hear better to-dayt you can hear my
voire quite tllstimmc'tiy. can you not ? '
"Ohm. yes. i.i % ill tell you. Somime tIme ago ' atte
using dttTeremmt kiimds of treatament , I too'k tIm5
mudvica of a friend ammO ccnt to 1)r. McCoy's Qt.
flee in itanigeblock. I Coimimd his office
l'Altl.OitS FILI.EI ) WITh l'EOm'L'l.
Hut It was not very long befora I had an opp5r.
tunity of seeing the doctor. lie told mao that my'
tioubles were tile result of catarrim , amid to ro-
nmovo theni it would be miecessary to remove the
cause. lie did not tell inn ho could restorezny'
hearing entirely , but said ho could help It , tu4 '
make inc hour better.
"l3oides time trouble with my eyesT had a con ,
tinual dropping of Imuiscus fronm my head mt
mnytimroat , wimlcimwimca 1 would lie down 1wou
swallow , anti it was uot long before I founO mu
stomach was out of order-lily' food would no
Iligest readily and I had more or less of a paI'
in the pit of tie stomach nearly all the tuzno
anti after eating a hearty meal 1 would have
distressed sensation 1mm ray stomach. My eyes , I
noticed were also affected. amid when I would g
out in the bright light ilmey would 1)atn ) nie an
water considerably ,
"As I talC before. I visited Dr. McCoy's oflice ,
and began treatment at once and beganto urn.
prove , may general health was better at tue en
of the flmbt couple weeks of treatment ; now
sleepwell. eat heartily , arise refreshed Ip t
mnoi-nimmg do not hawk and spit any more like
tised to , inure no pain over theeyesmiodlstrosue S
feelings after eating. My food secimia to dlges
all right , mae eyes do not water or Pain me . .
lnqra , and time
have left me. On limo whole I have been great1
benefited by his treatment , and have ito heal ,
tancy in giving my testimonial for publica
tiomi. "
101st Annie ( l000iett , whose portrait is fairly
well produced above , caine to Omaha about two
years ago from Streator , Ill. , Is a dressmaker b7
occupation , and modules at time corner of Twenty' .
fifth street and I'onpletomi avenue , where th
above stalemommt will be retItled it the read
will taIo time pains toi.nquire about it. '
Signal Dangers Vlmioh Are M *
Known Heforo ConsumptIon
Appears. 5 ,
When catarrh lisa existed In the bead s ,
upper part of the throat for any length of tim
-the patient livIng in the thistrict where peopi
are subject to catarrhmal atftctlon-and the nil
ease has been left imncured , time catarrh 1ev ' 4 ;
ably , sometimes slowly extends down thewln
pipe and into time bronchial tubes , which tuhe
convey time air Into the diirorent parts ot thi
lungs. The tubes become affected from th A
swelling and mucus arising from catarrh , a
in solfll instances become plugged up so that th
air cannot get inst freely as it should. Sboj
ness of breath follows , and the patient breatfl '
with labor and with diiSculty.
In other cases there Is a sound of cracking
wheezing insitla the ciwt. At this stage of
disease the breathing is usually lucre rapid this
when In health. The patient also baa hot flash
over lila body ,
Time pain whIch accompanies this conditIon
of a dull character felt in the chest , behind
breastbone or under the shoulder biafie. -S Spain
pain nisy ronme mind go-last a feW days and the *
be absent for several others. The cough that o
curs in the first stages of bronchial catarrb 10
dry , comes at intervals Is hacking in ohsrscty
andususily most troulibesomo in the mornin
0mm arisIng , or gmng to bed at imight , and it s
be the first svldeace of the disease extentUu i
. . may be nothing brought up b
the cough ; then there is a little toughtena.ciou
mucus , wimich the patIent finds great difllcultf
in bringlmigup.
Sometimes there are fits of coughing induc
by totigh mucous-so violent as to cause yo
ting. Later on trio macohs that is raised l
iouud to contaill small piulicles of yellow mIt
er , which Indicates that time anmail tubes in th
lungs are now affected. WIth this there are
olten streaks of blood mixed with the mnilceua
In cases the patient becomes very 1)515 ii
fever and expectorates before any cou a
1nsome cases mnall masses of cheesy sn
stance are spit up , which. when pressed betwe
the cagers emits a bad odor. In otlmor case
particles o a hard , chislky asture are spit a
The rslsilmg of cheesy or chalky lumps IndlI
serious mischief lit work Into thq lungs ,
Late of BclIevue llosita1t ew York1
has Oiliest S
iN IIAMOE JIUII.DINU , (1MATI.'t ( , ? 4E11.
Where all curable cases are treated wIth sU
CM.1 diseases treated skfllfully. Consumtn
110mm , llnlght's dicease , Isl'ei)5ta , Ithmnumattam ,
an'l allNiIt'OU8 IlShAtiEt4. Allullseaurap
cimliar to time aexes a specialty. CA'i'AIut
( : ONSI't.TATION at 0111cc or by mall $1.
) laoy dikenei are treated succeatfimhly by Dr.
McCoy Ihml'ougls tim' , mantle , amid it l
thus liossible for thobu unable to nmako time jouf4
ttay to obtain buceesiful hospital treatmosimiab
their bullies. , ,
, 0111-a hours ( ito-li a. ma. ; 2 to 4 p. m , : 7 w8
ills. tilJNlAV liOUltS Fl)1i ( II A3'I.'TO ' 1 1' ,
C'rresponhienco receives Pt'olimP ( attention.
Nciiettersnznsweretl ummleci ncccmpon1.4 by 4
remit. in stamps , ' .
, Addreis all mail to Dr. 3. 0. McCoy , ftom .
1110 and Jllltnzngo building , Omaha , 24sb. , ' '
, , ' , _ , _ _ _ ,
- . , 'i , ? , t
, . , , , , , :