Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    ' * t > iMr
. Aflvertlf ementa under this belli , 18 cent * p
Bne for the tirnt liuertlon. T cents ( or each sub-
eonent Insertion , and II M a Una per month.
JJo advertisement taken for lean than S cents
( or tlia llrst Insertion , fievtn words will be
emmt x3 to the line : they mult run consecutive
ly and must be paid n advance. All advertise
ment * muni be handed In b f or * I ao o'clock t > .
tn. , and under no circumstance * will they be
taken nr dlKcontlnnM by telephone.
I'nrtlcs advertising In these columns and bar *
Ing the answers addressed In care of the Bee.
will plea e ask ( or a rlieek to ennbla them to
get tbelr l tw-r , as none will he delivered except
en presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should be enclosed In envelope * .
All advertisement * In these colnmns an pnb-
fished In both morning and evening edition * of
the Bee , the circulation of which aggregate *
tnoro than l&.COO papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the benefit. not only of the city circu
lation o ( th Be , but aUo of Council Dluffa.
I.lnroln , and other cities and town * throughout
this part o ( the west. .
Advertising for these columns win betaken ,
on the" bovc conditions. t "the following bus
iness house- ? , who ate authorised agents ( or THE
IEK ! special notice * and will quote thosame
rates as can be had at the mala office.
Fri.CLrnna.cl3t ,
KOS. lOthbtreet.
Statlsnors and. Frlrvter * .
113 3. Ifith Street.
Fliarxnaelst ,
S115 Cumin ? Street.
3la.ama.acJjBt ,
HOT St. Mary's Avenue.
ICtUknd Webster Streets.
. "
JfcTo-wa Dealer ,
Test Office , South Omaha.
\\rANTED Situation lly motlior ami
YT daughter. Just arrived from the east , as
flrst-clnmt crok and M > rnnd Rlrl In private fain-
lly. Can take full charge of kitchen. Highest
references. Address H. 88 Dee , Council llhitTs.
WANTED-Posltion bydrugclerk : five yearn'
experience ; good references given. Ad-
drcsa C , Jft Bee. 088-4 *
WANTED Immediately by w Idowcrt lady with
one child , position as housekeeper In
widower's family ; can give reforencea ; llnncli
preferred. Address C , M Ile . 87J-5f
WANTED-Sltuatlon by woman 30 year * ) of
HBO as housekeeper. Inquire of Albert
Ilnnnt , btu el. , bet Lcuvenworlh and Marey.
cm r > *
WANTED News agent ; Immediately apply
Monday before at 10 o'clock at C. , bt.
Paul , M. depot. 874-0'
WANTED A gentleman of experience to
hnndlo nn expensive ni t woi k just ready ;
territory all new ; a Hun chance and good pay to
the right persons. Call Mouduy at the Puxion
Ask for Sir. Warren. 897 4 *
TOf-ANTEE Two reliable boys to carry liorio
T routes ou the Dally Evening B la wsstern
pdrtof olty. . B7S
WANTKD-Kvery good cook in Omaha to come
and register. If their rcfeionrui nieO.
K. 1 can mid them No. 1 places , no charge far
icglsteriug. Mia. Brega & Son , oil ) S nth fct.
B5J 4
W ANTED-Men for railroad work , Albilgut'B
Labor agency , 1120 I'm num. 6 )
Thoroughly competent stonogra-
pherond typoniltor ; must bo good mathe
matician. Ktutu rofercnccs andsalaty rcqulicd.
Address Want , care mall carrier No. 3J. 8C 4
\\rANTKD-Agents to hell the Mo. Steam
Tf Washer. It will pay Intelligent men and
women neeklng prolltnble employment to write
for my illustrated circular and terms for this
celebrated washer. Why does it j > ay to act as my
agent ? Because arguments in Its favor nr so
numerous nnd convincing that ealas ra matle
"without difficulty. Sent on two weeks' trial at
ny expense , for return if not satisfactory. J.
Worth , bole luTr , 1710 Franklin ave. , Bt. Louis ,
AOENTSWanted-Moth Marbles ; the great
'J-X moth destroyer. Ono uox and agents'
prices mailed on receipt of W 2-ccnt istamps. H.
jll. Black & Co. . Manufacturer * . Plttsburv. Pa.
. 7 6
'f'lARPENTKllS ' wanted to build a house and
V take equity in good house aud lot for part
pay. Address 0.11.llee office. 7W 4 *
ANY man or woman making leas than S30 par
week should Investigate our cusy money
making business. Active persons guaranteed
JOO iicr WTOk easier than 1 0 per mouth can bo
mtue In any other hon < /rablo occupation ; H
camples tree. Write for terms. Address Mer
rill Manufacturing Company. B GJ , Chlcitgo.
B OVS-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
. 3 1 pastry cook ( city ) , 1 coachmai
and 20good men on salary. Apply at 111"
Tarnara bt. State employment parlors. Ui
. talrs. VQ. 4'
"MTANTED Fifteen girls , two paotry COOKS.
T T four ( lining room maids , one housekeeper ,
one nurse , two launaresses , and five general
house maids. State employment parlors , 1417
Tut-nam st. , upstairs , room ll. BJ1-1'
\\7-ANTED-Aglrl to do general homework ;
T T must liavo good retereuces. 1813 Sherman
T. 884 '
ANTED-Glrlfor general housework , M *
room cottage. 1KB S loth et. 815 4 ;
W Experienced nnrso girl. 104 N.
18th st. tH7 5"
I V\7ANTKU A flrst c' ' * s girl to do genera
k Tt houscwoik. Apply at once to lS151 > oiiglas
I . gt. ; liberal wages paid. S236 *
WANTED-Vlrst-class acrvnnt girls , 1112 S.
lothbt. S384
WANTED Girl for general housework in
email family. ll > 00 Varnam. f&
- \\TANTKD-A gill for general housework ,
TT Herman prufeircd , geed wages , mill tit.
Mary's uve. .811
. V\7 ANTED Woiiiim cook for Denls-on. Norfolk -
. * folk uudBoono , HOMO. tWsoook for fam
ily of 2,11 , neat woruiui for second work and
.sewing US , laundress. M ; rtlshwnsher to live at
: liouie , tl , Kills to help In Kitchen , and any
amount of luce places in pi Ivato families ; alto
arlrlswho who situations out of city toleavu
fuieir address as pUcev have to be lllletl so quick-
> Uy to admit of advertising , no charge for Ye U-
.lerlug , Mis.Bix'guA-gou. ainsiuth. 833 4
t fJIT ANTED A good girl for general hou e-
TT work. In a family of three. WacenKa
Yreok. Inquire ot U. L. Urlckton , SIS N.lcth &t.
i 6M5
\\TANTED Scandinavian girl. Good wace-s
L i 1 > to the right party. Call immediately at
. JH3 CnuUoB-bt. Bi7o >
hr.ADIES If yon only go amongst your own
I CU friends to canvass for and sell the William-
eonroi-Hot. yon will make nil the pin money yon
need. Williamson Corset A : Brace Co. , St. Louis ,
fflWENTV Girls Wanted Dining room , cooks.
J. laundreiui bud c ncral housework In and
out of city. New orders every day. Plenty ot
i places. Uate City limp oOlce , U14 815th , tel.
ItUO. 03 4 *
ONE thousand lady agents wanted immedi
ately ; grand new rubber undergarment
l for females ; 1U a day ; proof free. Mrs. II. V.
i tittle. Chicago , 111. 7Wb * . . . _
WANTirGlrl to work In kitchen at Doran
house , 42J B IStu bt. , near at. Mary'ii avo.
| cot
WANTKD-Lady agents. "A" klrt and bin-
tie combined anil B hosesupporters. Both
pew. Blgr > roflts. Secureto\viuifori.prliigtMda.
taiilct' Supply Co. , 2S7 W. Wasulngton nt. , Chi
cago. CIO A 4
1TTANTED Immediately , UtUn to work for
TV a wholesale houbu oa needlework at thnir
fcome * . J8 nt any dUtftnce. ) ( lot l nay can bo
mad * . Bverytblux furnished. . Particulars
tree. AUdre * Artistic Needlework Co. . | .uith
U New Vork City. 3&
WANTBO Parties who have bought lot * or
land la this city and vicinity on the In
tallnieal plan , and parties holding bonds for
tlttotoaachreal estate exchangeable for deeds
, After the last payment la made , will find it t °
their advantage to oend their addrcu or full
particulars to 11 fo , 11 omce. J.TJJ
I WANT more email honse for rent. > \ Ii.
Ur r > ry. rental agtut. 800 3. l th. < U
W WAMTMrtiM wishing to dsp
kl4 ( bu lM torall HB4
Tt ua.f 4Ueni T ry.i.r who are seeking
Musfa er cHf. call aod we will make you
ulclif aU OVoperative tnd * Lot Uoafc N
G.1HL wants home wllh nice respectable pco'
l > le , nhrrfihcre aw no rhlldren preferred.
She is neat and tilcehnd not very strong. Wages
no object. , Addret * ItOU 8t. .Mary's a\c.
\\T A NT to correspond with n lady capable of
' taking rlj > tyn of a dressmakluttontabllsh-
m nt. Address OCT IK'S olllce. ECT3'
\ \ rANTiflbout inr > jo oUJ brlk. ' c. 0.
> T8otswqod.J | , i3t ! H Ifith _ _ 71 _
\7 AN'l HI ) Ladles t t use "Chtchester'n Hat ?
T > llsh Dlatnonil Brand , Pennvroval rills.
Safe. Alwareliable. . The-orlninal. The only
gi-nulnn. Askdrugglst or send 4c stamps for
particulars , return mall. ChtchcMcr Clicnilcal
' . Pn. _ ; r.-7
QTATE employment parlors , 1417 Farnam st.
A Mi people In need of help to call nt UI7 1'ar-
nam ft. , room 11 , up stairs. State employ
ment parlors , UOi 4 *
riMIK Union Employment office Is the place teL
-L obtain rcllAblrt help , on short notice , In or
out of the city , . (13 8. . llth St. .Open evenings.
. . . . . . . . IQgmlO *
OMAHA Employment Bureau. 119 N. ICthst.
Oldest and most reliable anicc in city. Call
onus ; telephone 11 . II , E. White , proprietor.
OATKCIty r.mployment Olllce-Help for all
VJ klndaofworkacnttoallpurtsiffftrels ad
vanced. Reference. DOIIRU.S County bank. Is-
bell & Curlstcnsou. 314 S. fjth. tel. 11W ) . 807 8 *
CANADIAN Employment oihco , male nnd fe
male help sent to all parts If faro Is ad
vanced. Reference , Omnha National bank.
Mrs. Brega & Sou , 310 S. ISth. Tel , BS4.Ml
Ml m 13
BOAIID wanted In private family by a young
. gentleman stenographer. Address stating
ormH and locality to U , : u Bee. 892-4 *
pillVATEboarding , U a week , 1015 Dodge.
WANTED To rent ItirnUhod room , with
board , in private family for ulnglo gentle
man : permanent ; state terms and location. Ad
dress 0 ill , Beo. 8'J7 4
WANTED To rent , furnished house , central
location , on cable or horse car line. .1. F.
Jackson & Co. , 4138. llth St. KM 4 *
"VITANTBD T o or three unfurnished rooms.
TT In pleasant neighborhood , on street cur
"Ino , within six blocks of postoflico. Address ,
listing locatlou and teims , U Si , Bee olllce.
6484 *
"IXT'ANTKD To rent , house of 8 or 0 room * ,
TT Kountze'saddition preferred. JolmMe-
Cllntock. Freight Agent U. P. Hy. 609 4 *
\\7ANTED lloom nnd botinl in private
T T family by gentleman and wife , references
exchanged , centrally located. Address B Cl ,
Bee. f > 'J9 4
W ANTlTl ) Hounes to rent. Campbell &
Hcrvev 310 Board of Trade. Ktt
Won RENT The desirable residence. S.F.
JJ coiner 17th and California streets ; furnish
ed or unfurnished , for term of years ; splendid
: ormsto thoroughly reliable party. Roggsi k
Hill , Real Estate , l 0t ) Farnam bt. 621 5
FOll RENT Elgut-rcom new model house ,
KW per mouth. H. E. Cole , n. e.cor. 15th and
Douglas. VOO-a
T7IOR RENT Very desirable down town brick
Jflat , 7 rooms ; antique oak furniture ; a bar
gain If taken at once , John M. Wclshuns ) A : Co. ,
Hi' Capital av. . Exposition building. V05-5 *
IT10R RENT Btz room cottage , 27th St. . ono
-L1 block from Red car line. f-M per month. H.
E , Cole , n , e. cor. 15th aud Douglas. Wd-6
tOR RENT Nice cottage , 7 room's , city water ,
clntorn , closets , etc. Inquire at X)9 ) ! lo ara
. b81 10 *
FOR RENT Houses , cheap , with modern con
veniences. Prices tanging at } l J , $14,118 and
IJO per month. Inquire at F. Roliblns , 2UU2 draco
8t. M. Cngne Bro , opposite pobtolllco. 870 4a
FOlt RENT Compelled to leave city Immedi
ately , will t.ell everything complete for
housekeeping In 4-room cottage for * 100 cash ,
eveiythlug new , been nxed le > s tlnin thrae
mouths. Cottage tents for IJO per mouth. In
splendid order. Iiri-t-cla s neighborhood , within
ten minutes walk of I'tth aud Farnam. A ddress
C a . Bee otlice. 8JH5 *
TJ1ORRENT TnolO room houses , all modern
JL1 comeulonces , hplundtd location. Billon
Bros. , 1510 Douglas st. MO 6
"E1OR RENT 1 house of 4 good rooms nnd
Jkitchen. . S minutes walk from 15th and Har
ney ht-IIHpormonth. Inquire of K. Thomp
son at L. Bradford's office , b. e. cor. 10 & . Douglas.
BB53 *
OR RENT 3 room house for small family ,
28th aud Howard. MS HI
GJ. STEHNSDORFT. Room 0 , Opp. P. O. . has
the following houses for rout :
One four room house , S15 per month.
One live room house , (1 j per mouth.
One six room house , * 30 per month.
One eight room house , MO per month.
These are all desirable and well located.
805 4
F IOIt HKNT Two nice Gand T-rooin houses.
ll'U and 11M N. 17th. inquire 218 S. ISth st.
FOB KENT HOUBO of ten rooms , with mod
ern convenience" , at 403 N. Ifith stroot.
Enquire of Thos. B Witt , ono door noi t h , 7. 3
TT10K IIKNT Goodfi room cottatcROuUi , east
JC cor Nicholas aud-"id st. J. 11. Evmis 1510
Dodge St. 74fl 4
Foil KKNT About April 1st my residence ,
corner 191U& Leaveiworth sts. , fourteen
( H ) rooms , steam heat , all modern improve
ments ; large stable. Will sail carpet and shailns
is desired. Tor terms and particulars Immlro
Jlllton JtOffcrs , J4th nnd Furuam .street. 767 7
TTTOH HUNT An elegant U room dwclllnp : Just
J- built , wltu stable nnd all modern improve
ment" . Including laundry , labiatory on ( .round
9 HOUSES in central location and furnlturo
for sale ; rent Horn 112 to tfiS ; furniture UK
toM.lOO. Call and see our lut , Co-operatlvo
Latul and Lot Co. , 05 N. 10th it. TOT
TJ.10U KENT New elegant house B rooms , ! 3J.
-L 2113 Mason , 1 block from Lcavenvrorth.
GOO in
FOS KENT New hou e , ten rooms , all modern
Improvements , also v. ell and cistern , s
Callfoinlastieet. (5S-3
FOH HUNT Two now 12-rOom hon < cs , nil mod
ern impro\nmoiits ; s. w. corner ajth and
Dccatur sta. Enquire llrst door south.1KCM.25
1KCM.25 *
TGTOR HKJiT Elecsntroom boiue nnd barn ,
-P new. Plate and nit class \\lndows. Gas.uot
and cold water , soft water , porcelain bath tub ;
2 blocks from Mreet car line. J. II , 1'arrotto ,
rental agency , 1900 Clilcagn , st GtO 10
17HH 11RNT 10-room house 10 uilnutel wnlt
JD from 1' , 0. H03 DougliVs. 401
TTtOB HE ST Ten-room house and basement
1 ? lth all moidei-n lioprorcments ; lUMclass
location. Inqula. at Helmrod & Co.'s , 13th aud
Jackson streets 1ST
T > AUK chance- Whole flat. No. 8rt04 N. 24th st.
AV to rent verj' low. liuqulro at wstddnce as
above. S. F.Wlncn. or nobt.Purris. 881
FOU BENT HOUFB of 8-rooms. closet , hard
and oft ateronUthstreetcar line , lu-
< julr lll'J B. l-lth t. 773
KENT In IMrk Terrace , opp. Hanscom
I'ark. iO\ith \ front. All modern improve
ments ; 10 looms ; moat desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , H8th and
Leavenwovth. & 6 tn&
Il WENT TwelTeroom hont > e. Mth and
ana Maton itreeta , (40 per month. J. B.
Cauldeld , 1J04 Faruam st , CJ1
T7KK WENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Bush'
JC man , N corner Uth and Douglas. W4
FOH RRNT-Jlouso ot 4 rooms at Slfl William *
street. Inquire nest door went. 4J3
. . . HUNT 10 room residence itemu heat. O.
K. Thompson. 314 3.15th st. 249
f7XR RKNT or Sale New house , e rooms , cor.
1 : Wtli and C pltol ave. Enquire 24 Dodge.
" 17IOR IIKNT rurnl hedorunfiirnlshed rooms ,
.1 : boanl It desired. Street cars pass doors.
313 N. 20th St , b40 4
TJ10H HRNT front ro-jni flrot floor , neatly
.13 furnished with privilege ot slttlofrrooin.
SJlOCpltolave. BS46
alR RKNT Newly fnrnishfld cult cot rooms ,
-E all modern conveniences , with board if deslr-
TiWR RKNT Nlcely furnished front aad other
.1 : rooms ; modern cou v ul < uce ; day board.
UO Faruaiu. (73-T *
FOU RKNT Nicely furnished roomsltn or
without board. Board t4 per
B. 10th Ht.
rnwo nlceU ftnnihea room * , 113 an * M per
jntostn. . rt04 Harney st. _ B91t *
"VTJkKY ploMant large roe all dealred oonren-
> teocei. prirate boiue , l block from P. O ,
16U Capitol are.
_ _
T ICK room * W to ILW per we * * . WJ 3j
FOR BENT-T\vo rery dhjlrable furnished
front rooms , 4lth nil modern c6nvenlenc s
oti same lloor. Arranged fotthree or f otir occu
pants it desired. Apply t 1712 Cnpltol avenue.
1 9
1710H ltr.NT-I.arge furnished room for 2 or 3
Jj IHI.1 Douglas. C-'l ff >
RENT-i'well furnished rooms.with 1st
cl "s board. ( SO 1'lcflgrtnt st. ftv 6
JJ10U IICNT-An elepantiy furnlMied front
J\ room with alcoro , nil modern cmivcnlencos ,
splendid room for two gentlemen , 17iwloi1n st.
810 ,
FOR HENr Two furnlfhed or untarnished
parlors on ground tloor , nl i frftut room
unltnble for ono or two gentlemen , 2108.Karnam ,
betwtcii21 t and fc'ndsts. 9K 7 *
EENT ltoohiA very pleasant' front
room on parlor lloor , nultamb Mr two pet-
ions , \ try cheap. No other roomera. Rtfor-
enco required. UB Virginia. 81)1 ) i *
TTH > R RENT Pleasant furnished room's , rntxl-
A ? ern conveniences , rent reasonable. 2318
Douglas &t. 8754 *
TIIWO furnished rooms In private family ; flue
X location f or summer ; with board if noces-
Bary. 20J4 Howard M. 6 7 4 *
FOR RUNT Nicely furnished room. With
heat. In nice cottage , $7 per month. oo
William st. , 8minutes' walk S. K. U r. depot.
T7WR RENT A largo south front , furnished
J room. 1708 California st. ' BCU 4
"VT1CE furnished rooms cheap , 1018 California.
FOR RENT Furnished room , reasonable
teims. 4148.16th st. , Karbach block , third
floor , llat No. 8. 808 C
TCTOR Rl'.NT FnrnlsUcd or unfurnished rooms ,
J : 012 N. 17th St. , Mrs. Paee. 880 4-
SMALL nicely furnished front room forM.
nlso large front room , furnished , on street
car line , beautiful location , suitable for two
gentlemen. 1017 Cass. 742
EOIl RKNT Suite of well ftnnlshed front
rooms suitable for man and wife or 4 gen
tlemen , eooiiamey st. 814 DT
JARGE front room , bath , gas , breakfast If de
sired. 6.11 Pleasant St. 648 4 *
FOR RUNT-1'urnished room , $7 , 800 S. 22d.
VERY nicely furnished rooms , single nnfl
double ; reasonable to quiet , permanent
parties. 1721 Davenport. . 030
T710R HKNT Furnishedroonrt in Qrounig blk
JP cor. 1.3th and Dodge sta. Inquire of Geo. H ,
Davis. Millard hotel billiard room. U58
LAltG 15 pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
1700 Chicago bt. 429
Y furnished front room to rent nt 1821
Farnam st , 1 block west ot court house.
FOR RENT Cheerful room desirably fur
nished , w 1th board , In private family. Mod
ern conveniences 63i Pleasant street. 8316 *
TflOR RENT A largo room furnished , central
C location 1118 Chicago St. 894
RENT Furnished rooms , all convent-
onces. A. Hospt. 315 N. 17th street. 481
F rooms , 1S1G Dodge.
TjlOR RENT Nice furnlsffed room , 19 per
-i mouth , aw cor. 18th and Jackson. 504
F [ RENT Rooms furnished and unfur-
i ? nlshed , 17Z4Cap. ave. G41
FOR RENT-TITO brick stores , 22xffl. Corner
store , deferable location for Ural-class drug
business. Cornnr basement , 33x44 , good light ,
suitable for barber shop. Lofts , 44x00 , suitable
for jobbing or light manufacturing. All new.
F. It. A J. Low e , 314 Ramga Building. 885 t *
WANTED To Rent Stbreroom , good retail
location between lJth and inth nnd Har
noy and Douglas streets. Address C. 20 Boo
olllco. 8008
FOR RENT First-class frame store building ,
80 by 24 foet. Unit-class business location.
Apply to I. W. RoberU , Albion , Hoono Co. , Neb.
42102J *
TCTOR RENT Two rooms. 44xW , wnero steam
A' ponercjui be obtained. Enquire of Bam'l
Hecs , Rees Printing Co. . 1019 Howard st. 740
FOR RENT Grocery and moat market , trade
tlrst class , five years established. Also 4-
roomcottage. Ohtost. bet. lAth and 17th. Ad
dress room 61U Paxton block , or 123120th nvo.
J. C. Grceii. 754 5
TjTOR RENT Two business or olllce rooms on
X ? intlloor $35 per month. One room onM !
floor KJO per month. W. B-Clark , 1414 Harney.
TTIOR RENT Second floor , 4ix70. good loca-
X < tlon. Bnqnira of A. J. Simpson , 1409
Dodge st. 750
TT10R RENT Store and 0-rooms over good
JH stand tor drug or feed store. Lee It
Nlchol , cor. 23th and Leavenworth. 835 m5
171OR RENT-Offtoes on Farnam st. at 110 to r J
JJ per mouth. One office furnished. 1012 Far
nam. 880
FOR RENT-Ono-half of office , T519 Farnam ,
Ground floor : best location IH the olry.
Light and pleasant , -with modern conveniences.
WANTED IIoutBitorent , nnd we cnn rent
them too. H. U. Cole , N. E. 15th and
Douglas. 009
1ST houses for rent with H. E. Cole , N. E.
J 16th aud Douglas. V09
F1 10K HKNT When you want to rent a house ,
store of ofllce go to II. li. Cole. 609-
I710H HKN'X Call on Sholes , room 1 , Barker
V block. 750
IF YOU-want your bouse tented to good payIng -
Ing tenanN , no Qclay , call onus. Drake
Bros. . aiG S. l&tn Bt , 731 4
S ODTH ( OMAHA Itcntal ncency , J.M.
' & Son , room 5 , Baxe block K m24
G RBQOIIV , F. L. . llental agent , 309 S ICth st.
It' YOU want your houses. Huts or store rented
w Itliont delay to Rood tenants , Ifot them
with George J. Stemsdorlf , lloom 0 , opposite 1 * .
O. SO 4
F I OR KENT If you wish to rent a house call
on Beniwa & Co. , 15th st opposlto 1 * . O.
HENT-Sulte of three unfurnished
JL ? rooms 617 N. 17th st. Enquire Sturger ,
15SI Douglas. NW 4 *
JO Three (3) ( ) rooms 1704 Webster st 1 15 00
Eight ( S ) room flat. 4I'J BoutlilPthbt. . . 40 < H
Throw ( T ! ) rooms , itui North 31th st . . . . 15 00
Three ( airooms , HK7 North 20th st. . . . 12 BI
Tlireo ( S ) rooms , 1014 Noitli-1st gt 11 0,1
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1122 North 21st st 11 00
Two (2) ( rooms , Half Howard ot bet Ibth
and 1W n fits 1000
Three ( H ) rooms , 1100 South 7th st as fiO
Tnreo(3) ( ) rooms , 1104J ! South7th st . . . It ( n
ThreeCDrooms,70.1't Pacino st . . . . . . 1100
Thve (3) ( ) rooms. 70(11'aclflc ( t 13 CO
l'our(4) ( ) rooms , all modern conven
iences. 4I Pouth HUh st 2S 00
Tour (4) ( ) room house. 17th and Ohio sta 15 Oil
One < 0 fctora room. 310 BmUh 15th st. . . 173 00
Throe (3) ( ) room house , will rent to col
ored people , 412 Noi th llth st 15 00
Apply to Judge Iteming Agency. S. W. cor
of Ifttn aud Harney streets , Room 1 , becond
floor. Ml
UNKUKNlSllKI ) rooms for rent for
keoplntf. Inquire room 2 , old llrownell
hall. B034'
"VTICR unfurnlslied rooms , new building , peed
i > location , N. E. Cor. lOUi and llarnoy its.
inoil RKNT Two unfurnished basement
JL1 roonii to a family without children , at 1122
N. 17th st. 004
STABLING for three horses at " 2110 Harney
bU terms moderate. K7 4
K RENT Barn , llttl Chicago t.
; - lns solicited. Children's
garments a specialty home or abroad.
Call or urtdi ess 415 B. IWn st. , room 13. VU4-4 *
PBRSONAL-Mlss Cora Mtssen has removed
from Paxton to Rauage Block. Htudlo ,
room 4O , fourth Hoor. toi 4
PKHSONAIWhy don't yon buy a new -tKn-
nersetr You will be urprlaedJ > tbur low
prices , elegant decorations & new aquaru
shupea. If you do not llyu In Omaha write for
our illustrations and 'prices. Uoody'a China
Store , ( MN. HH ti. . Omaha. 6884.
. Hooper healing , trance
readlntc andtesti ; nceancea every Blindly
night. N. vr.cor. 2Uth and Casa. _ 877-4 *
PERSONAL For 17 you can buy a very ser-
vtc6.ib ! ana pretty dinner set in white ,
hard , seml-iiorcelaln. aultable for Binull faml-
lln . Larger oU at correspondingly tow prices.
This ware is equal In appearance and durability
to the best china. It is Mice Md thin , yet wltl
fctnul KOI * knocks , without nlekitw than any
oihw ware. We ( ell any number or olece * from
one up. Call and we It at Moodr'i Ohiaa ttore ,
ANNA ALPLANAlTn. the celebrated linn-
parlan ( lypsy Palmist , n e Uio old irnxy
ways In loading the hand , Ladles only. Ifc4 N.
nth st. SOthandSauixJoM car * pass the door.
PERSONAL List yodf'property ' to exchange
With O. U. Epotstt OCI. ma * . 8. 16th St. ! K < 0
TDERBONAI/ Private homo for ladles dutlng
JL confinement , strictly confidential. Infnfits
adopted. Address T ; < 7 , Bee ofllco. KfTmUJ
r .OST An cnvolopo adilrc'iied lloyal Wilson ,
JLJ Cambrldtre , Mnss-j jFludsr will recelVB reward -
ward by lea vine with MtCamicf Uras. , biukori.
. * & S3
_ _
LOST A large envelope containing an ab-
Btract ami other , uppers and three 1100
rotes , which persons \ lro.arned against pur
chasing. Kor the retlfhl'tn ' ottr Btora a liberal
rcwar < f will be Riven. Clarke Coffee Co , II14
and 14 It Harney street. ' tt83
LOST A Rold bracelet -with horseshoe orna
ment , set w 1th turquol'es. The nnder will
bo suitably rewarded by calllug nt 501 N. S5th st.
WHJi the gentleman to whom , the pocket-
book-was Riven by the Itev. W. II. Hcndor-
son and Prof. Uonovcr to deliver to the two
ladles ( ono ircnrlng n fur clonk ) who left the
street rar At 14th nnd Fnrnam BU. , at 3 p. m. ,
Thursday , and Mont Into Morse's drr goods
store , please return to the owner at Itoom 13 ,
Crelghton block. B474
FOUND A pocket book with money In and
. paper. CallGusKngla , government corral.
TV Til. , 1C co\\ for sale at stockyards. D. C. Her-
ill ley , au N 10th. 811 6
MATT11ESSES only tl.M ; dealers cliarn
Palo commences Monday , March G. New
York Storage Co. , 1BU ( Capital av. ( Ktt-4
/CHICKENS for sale cheap , small flork of
\J thoroughbred Wyandottes at SMI Ohio st.
8136 ?
T710R SATjE Set of tinner's tools , cheap.
-P Nelson & Co. . Blue Springs. Keb. 700 7 *
JAUItr.U otitnt for sale , ono chair outfit , at
' OOUJi N. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
SEE the difference between 13.00 nnd ll.SW mat
tresses "best made. New Vork Storaso Co. ,
1608 Capltaf av. 003-4
Foil SALTS Furniture of a 7 room cottag *
near cable and direct cars , coed neighbor
hood , rent of house and Rtnblo reasonable ;
parties loavlng city , will sell cheap for cash.
Address C 23. lice. 833 6 *
TTIOlt SALT5 Fire pair of No. 1 young mnle.i ,
-I ? ranging from 2,100 to 2,400 per span : can be
seen at o r barn cm 10th st. . between Nicholas
and Qrau tits. Fowler & Oants. 8St 4 *
FOIl SAIjK A good reliable family horse that
a lady can drive. 11X17 Douglas bt. Ko ! 4
F0HN1TUKE complete of six-room house ,
f U ; tfiO cash , balance to suit. H. E. Cole ,
N. K. 15th and Douglas. till 7
HAVING discontinued iny Council niuffs
transfer business , I tlrslro to sell iny heavy
draft team of black horses for WV ) . Have also
for sale a light draft team of bay horses for J15U ,
also a pair of ponies for 1100. W. T. Seaman , cast
Rldo Itth sk , north of Nicholas. Omaha'8 largest
assortment of wagons , bnggles , phaetons , car
riages , & .C. , including Studobakcr s. B.U C
TJJOK SALE Best paylnc lodglm house In
JL' Omaha , always full. ' Cheap rent. Address
C.10.1lee. 794 8
TT'Ofl SALK A peed barn 16x30 , can bo moved.
-I ? Cheap for cash. Address c 17 , Ueo. 707
TIlOll SALE One loreo butcher's ice box , also
JL1 one 3x8 marble table , at 1217 Park are.
' . M B *
MATTUESSEP , M attrcsses. see our prices.
New York Storage Co , 1508 Cap. avo. 003-1
FOR BALE Some fine young mares and stal
lions , flt for road or track. Address 1U
Qlbson , York , Neb. 695m 7
FUHNITUHE for Balo- rooms furnished *
brick flat. Terms cash. Lease can be had.
Apply , room 7 , No. 507 S. 13th st. 603
THOU SALE Eight room house with modern
C Improvement * ) and tit able on leased ground ,
715 Douglas. Inquire bt Meyer & llaaplca , 1405
llarney st. Ob"
FOR SALE Dormant .scale , capacity 8,400
pounds. Phil. Stimmel ic Co. , Ulll3Jones
St. , Omaha. 149
TfpOR SALE At a bargain BO feet of shelving ,
JP 30 feet of counters and one Ice rhost. suit
able for grocery stor * . Enquire at 812 S. 10th St.
A BLACKSMITH shop fornale , bas one forge ,
or tools \rtthoyt shop for sale. Apply to
Win. Buwih , lilue IliU , Webster Co Neb.
730 m8I
NOTICE Heclitold Brna. , job printers , have
removed to BITS. 14th St. , wnero they will
be pleased to wnlt upon the public with good
work and at reasonable rates. 004-4 *
Ir YOU want to buy , sell or orchangn your
property , call on or addiessO.J. Sterus-
dortt. Room . Opp. 1 . O. fcOo 4
NEW YORK Laundry. B12 Pacific street , one
block from union depot ; shlrt- > lOc , collars
and cuffs IK' , family w ashing oj to ( we per doz ,
first class oik. Bis 4 *
npRKES furnished and planted ; trimming
JL done ; George Astlcford , 6th and Dorcas
sts. , city. 783 0 *
y'OU can buy them for fl.OS mattresses ,
mattrosi-N and ovcrjthing In pio-
portion. New York Storage Co. , 1503 Cap. are.
NOTICE To my customrsand friends , the
Omaha national knitting factory has 10-
moved from 1708 St. Marys ave to 1104 813th Ft. ,
Dnggan blk. Manufacturer of knit jackets.ladlos
skirts aud hosiery , also dealer In all kinds of Im
ported yarns , all mail orders will bo promptly
dellvai ed. Itespectf nllv , Jos. F. mis , HOI S f.tth.
St. , Omaha National knitting factory. 770 7 $ A
THE On Tlm Household Fair.
The great Bargain hoaso.
To housekeepers.
We are bound to show you that we can save
you money In prices.
Parlor .suits. Chamber Mts ,
Ued springs , bed luattrasses.
Folding bedi , Bldo boards , carpots.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
LonnRe < < , commodes , tctes.
Divans rockers , curtains , RtovM ,
Tmw are , crockery , glassware , lamps.
Houses turnlshed complete on
Easynaymontsl Kasypaymentsl
Easy payments I Easy payments 1
Prices the low e-t. Call and see
Prices the lowest. Call and eeC
C and 604 south 13tU street ,
Corner Jackson.
No connection with any other house. 514
mnE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gollen-
JL beck , to * Harney st. IS !
A.K. . R1LEY Notary , 1519 Farnam.
TjlOR frcomaps and , full Information concern-
-L lug Sioux City , la. , address ( heVldo
Awake real estate exchange , KMS5 Pearl st.Sloux
City , la. ; 73 ! 4 ?
G ! H.JOHNPON. cistern builder , wells bored
and dug , 409 N 30th st , Omaha. Neb.
N'OTES bouglit. 0. n. Jacobs , 330 S. 15th st.
. - '
STORAGE For household goods and mer
chandise , on first floor , and at lowur price *
than usual , corner EighthUnd Howard streeta.
m n1 a m25 *
NEW YOUK Storafje Si.'lJare most extensive
facilities for storltghof furniture , pianos ,
bugglM. general mercmiodlse , west' ot New
York. Cash advances TO'any amount ; ware
house receipt * given ; -Utodii Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special .arrangements for
commission merchants. rflM New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. U ' ) t. , Bennett's block.
MRS.KCCLES-The greenest living clalrvoy-
ant , tolls past , presnntand future ; satisfac
tion tniarantwd. isy N. 15th t. , room 1. rtrst
door to right at head of M rs. > .J M. 11-
. UUUAN'iVCIalr.M'Tant from Boston ;
ill- reliable In all afl- TnT ot life ; unites sep
arated lovers. S3. K , 18th street , room 1.
tairal2 *
TUDANNIE V. warren , clairvorant. Med-
* ' leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. Uth
TeU944. 304
can enter Valentine's Shorthand
STUDENTS Institute at any time. It
is the largest and beat equipped exclusive short
hand Hohool in the west ; all Its graduates an
occupying good paying situations und'Vlvtng
eatiafactlon. Iliisluess men are constantly applying -
plying to us for atenoirraphen , Asameanl of
llvsllhoodfihorthand la much superior to bookkeeping -
keeping or telegraph ? * The demand for eteno-
Crapheraltlaexcessof thn supply. 8 nd.for
circular to Ifili Dodge t , Omaha , ittn21
bay o t B yaper , J.W.
W tt * . JUTMeCMfeu and
WANTKiy-'OooA commercial . and first
nortgnce P l > crs. ! 0. H. Stouian. IWt B.
15th Bt. 819
WANTED A No , 2.n mlnton .typqwrlferln
good condition , for cash. Addtess .1. U.
A. , 18U ! Chicago st. for tlireo days. 833 4 *
VlTANTED'-Srock general merchandise , trill
pay M , tmlance. land or clljr property.
Jutclin | < on A Rlaoley. Hhcntniloah , la. H9 *
ANlUD-yecpud hhnd 62-Inch bicycle , 1'or-
tlcnlarg to V. Hi , 1418 Dodge st 74 4'
Tl7HO ) rantstyiollalllce cottage within two
T T tulle ICtalt tnid take a ' . Bectlon ot good
western land for first payment , balance in
nojithlr or quarterly payments ? Address box
ONKY.u Vnnr best friend , nnd yo"u caiTiavo
It by bnyinn-your parlor suits , bedroom
cults , punois orgnns , etc. , at the New York
ttoragaCO. . lM3 < Mpltol ave. _ 0034
T OANS made on mnl estate. Ciuh on hand ,
JU > y.M. Harris oyerSMa. 15th at. 3TJ
Patteraon * Fawtfett 15th and Harney. 37 8
C5,000ana upwards to loan on first-class city
P real estate security. W. F. Smith. 1220 Tar-
nanurt. 49lm33
_ _ _ _
MONEY toloan , casti on mind , no delay. J ,
W. and E. L. Squire. 141J Faruatn t. VAX-
ton hotel building. 373
T.OANS wonted , on peed real estate security ;
JU favorable terms. Mortgages bought.
Klmball , diamp Ryan , U. S. Nat bank b'ldg.
MONI'.Y To I < oan By the nniler.slgned , who
has thu only properly organized loan
agency la Omaha. Loans of 910 to 1100 made on
furniture , piano * , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc , without removal. No delayu. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can b paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratii. Advances
made on fine watches and dl&moudi. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , ns many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call aud
cem . w. K. Croft , room 4 Wlthnoll building ,
15th and Harney. 069
IVTONEYto loan on city delays , a *
ITJL cash Is on hand , Bates , Smith ft Co. ,
room & ' ' ) , Ratngo building. 755 31
A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es
tate in sums to suit. S20 South Uth st.
T.OANB made on Omaha city property by D.
JU V.Bholc * . room IBnrker blk. 751
HUGH PEHOT & CO. loans money on real
estate and chattel security of every de
scription. AU business strictly confidential.
Uooin 4 % Paxton building. TH 31
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or oil any approved security. Low
rates. J , W. Robblns , lufil Farnam. 772
M ONEY loaned on Improved city and farm
property. Drake Bros. , 318 S. 15th st.
TlfONKY to loan on furniture , pianos , wagons ,
J.U. etcn without removal ; also ou collateral
security. Business confidential. 0. B. Jacobs ,
an s. i5th st. & 49
. RILEY , 1st mortgage loans. 1MO Far-
natn. 481 m !
TVTONrA' to LoanW. . Iluniress , 141T Far-
1'JL nam st. , room I. 5J5 0)
T\f ONEY IXANED at C. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan
I'J- Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagona
personal property At all kinds , ftnd nil other ar
ticles of value without removal. 819 8. 13th.
overJUngbam's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 879
2j500",000 to loan on city and farm real estate.
P Ltnahanic Mauouey , 1807i } Farnam street.
MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll Bros. 3e
Co. , 1523 Farnam. KM
E. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Hooiu 0 Continental
block. 003
SHORT time loans made on any available
security. In reasonable amounts. Secure !
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har
ney fits. , over State National band. Corbett ,
manager iMT
MONEY to loan. Notes ana rt. R. ticket ,
bought and sold. A. Forman , 1830 Farnam
St * . 806
MONEY to loan on Improved real eHato ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham.
room 1 , Crelghton block. 806
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. It. Rice * Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank STS
OANB made on real estate and mortgages
J bought. Lewis 8. Iteod A Co. , 1521 Farnam.
, To loan on Omaba city property at 8
$600,000 cent. a. W. Day , 8. K. cor. Ex. Bid.ot8
THE Foirbank Investment Co. , organized
w 1th ample capital , makes loans on nurses
wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal
property or collateral. Deal with responsible
parties , Apply t their olflce , 816 South 14th
street , up-stuirs. 418
TlfONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs.
1T.L horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson &
Co. , 1X24 Farnam , over Burlington ticket office.
MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co.-real estate
nnd loan agents , 1505 Karnam st. 370
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash on hand. First mort
gages negotiated. E. F. Scaver , room 15 , cham
ber of commerce. 291
fPWO grttln elevators in Page county , Iowa.
JL Each one has 20 horse power engine and is
fnllr equipped. Wont good farm or Omaha
property. H. E , Cole , N. E. 15th and Douglas.
007 13
R SALE Milk dairy doing business In South
Omaha. Innulro H. K. Heudee , 117 S. 16th st.
WANTED Young man with tii5 to take half
interest In good paying business , KM S.lHtu
street. Clias. E , Renrew. 818-4 *
WANTED A partner to go Into a good pay
ing business. Only n fcrmill capital re
quired. Must b taken BOOH. Cull or address
Marshall , loom 1,1'tOl Douglas st. 8.17 4 ;
FOR SALE New stock of qiieenvwaro in Lin
coln , trade established. Addiosa C ithts
office. 84' ! 0 *
A PARTNER wantad In milliner business
xx who can trim well. Capital from WX ) to Jl.OOO.
Address Box U , York , Neb. 848 6 *
A FIRST class lunch counter with fixtures for
ale or rent ou Farnam st. Address 1) C- ,
Bee. 785 3
FOR SALE Hardware store and stock In line
Brewing town in eastern Nebraska ; near
est town 8 miles ; building worth about $1,000 ;
stock about 8L500. Address Box225 , Stanton ,
Neb , 7 16
HKLl ABLE man with 8101 can nnd a prof-
. liable business by addressing C' 18. Bee.
MEAT market for sale ; splendidly fitted up ,
and one of the best paving markets fur
least amount ln.vested. C 8 Bee office. 718 6T
ANTED A partner to take half interejt
with a practical man in a email growing
manufacturing Business , already established on
the Belt line. M.OuO to 11,500 cash required. No
bonus expected. Address G. V. Nattlnger , sec
retary ooavd Of trade , or Wui. Fleming , grocer ,
A GENTLKMAN with first rate eajtern cou-
xx neictous and u 1th VAQjO cash , will estab
lish a bank in some rapidly growing section of
Nebraska , provided the right place can be
fonud. Any one , Interested address Box SI , Wil
mington , UalAW are. CIS U *
FORSALE-Drug stock. As flue location as
there is In , tne city. Clean stock. Invoice
about 7,000. Part cash. Fart In good real oi-
tate or secured notes. 'M. ' A. Upton 4 .Co , loth
Bt , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
FOR SALE -A good paying business. Cigars ,
stationery and tnyn. in a first-class ; va-
tlon. On account of 111 health. Ktsjk5u hnnd
aoout 13,000. AU cash uot riOuired. Kuuulreat
Max Meyer * ; Ci. ' . - ' 4HO
-LV TO lfM ) flue residence near postofllce , and
buy furnlturo ( all nawj at a great satrtllce. For
particulars see L. S. Skinner , 1509 Farnam. 5,19
* s7KR all kinds of business cbauca * call on. the
-T Co-OperatlV6Laud&LotCo.,205N.lGth Bt.
TelephbnetfKJ. 43T
WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
farms. H. U. Cole , N. U. 15th ana Douglas.
T71OR TRADE-113,000 stoek of general mer-
J ? cliaudUe for good Omaha property or coed
Improved farm. Apply Uouui W , Paxwn block.
25 o
KXCIIANQK-U fo t fronting ou both
SaimderiandSM Ms ; paved street , small
building. Want equity In luslde residence. H.
E. Cole. N.K. unhand Douglas. UW-U
KrCHANOK-Fw good wslrtene * lot In
Council IU lTi. two Igts in 8uiud ts 4c
isbantfh'adilltlon toOmaks , M.
ofloe. Council aitttfs. la , (3(1.
( or
fl 8WO aloe * of lh Coniotlrfatert Pay Rock
P Qeorgorown Mining Co. llest mine in Clear
Cre k County , Colorado , This stock Is noivns-
sAs.s bleand vrlll stand the closest Investigation ,
Will trade for Improved or unlmprovnt ptop-
ertv and assume inciimbrunco. H. li. Cole. N ,
E. Cor , l.ltll aud Doilfilaj. 63i
8AIiKOr 'Irado Candv store' and Ice
cream at Long 1'lne , Neb. flood K. R. town ,
waterworks , line water , power In town , One
projpccts. Ilcasmi for selling , can't attend to
it , A. B. Sims. lxiig 1'lne Neb. 711-U
WAN'TED-W houses and lots to exchange.
C. 0. Spolattood. SOJH S. imh st. gJJ
I HAVE for trade improved farm In Cass Co ,
near PlAttsiuouthi will trnde for Improved
Inside property. Address M 30 , Bee ofllce.S3
YOU have anything lo trade nail on or ad
JK dress tieorge J , Stcrusdottr , Room n. Opp ,
0 LUAN stocK Hooks nnd stationery for city
property. Ut. Johu & Ely , I'ruiuor block.
HOUSES or household furnlturo wanted In
exchange for good vacant lots.
Good Lllllu range and tank and rftstaiirant
outfit for sale , cash or "tlmu. C , T.'Morton , 1124
Farnatn fit. 211) )
STOCK hardware for laud. St. John ft Ely ,
Frenzor block. , 217
YpOIt SALK-Ortrad * . land and town property
-I ? In Nebraska , Kansas nnd Colorado. Homos ,
cattln nnd stocks of morchaudtso wanted , florro-
ttpondonra solicited , T. A , English ! c Co. , York ,
Nob. 743 in 8 *
Il'you have any vacant lots to trade for farms
como and sco us. II , E. Cole , N. E. K > th and
Douglaa. 911 7
TO EXCHANOK for ( food residence lot In
Council lllutr * . Two lols lu Haunders &
Hlmebaugh's addition to Omalut. Address M ,
Ueo omce. Council Ulults. lOO i
WANTED Horses nnd cattleto exchange for
farms or cltv property. H. U. Cole , N. E.
cor. 15th and Douglas. uw
TlfANTKD Storks of tuwhandlso to ojc-
T T change for farms. H. U. Cole , N , K. l& > h
and Douglaa. OOJ
OB BXC1IANOE Clear npw , 8-room modern
houte. 4.SOO. Want equity In good Inside
residence lot. H. E. Cole , n , e. 15th and Douglas.
OUOIcn aero tracks , best of facilities for gar
denlng. Want [ rood iintnrumbeieel farms
H. B. Colu. N. E. Itth and Douglas. OOJ
THOit EXCHANQE-StOaenslmprovcd Monona
JP Co. , Iowa , for Omaha property.
610 acres , uulmprored , Nebraska , for Omaha
40 acres , n miles from Dos Jlotucs r. O , , lov , a ,
for Omaha propel ty.
180 acres , finely Improved farm , Holt Co. , for
Omaha property.
KJO acres , clear Nebraska land , for Omaha
40 acres , Colfax Co. , Nebraska , [ for Omaha
property , a
4-room house and lot , good barn , Isaac & Sol-
den's add. . 83.300 : want * 500 cash , ual. good lot. 2-story house , large lot , 1'itli st , tie r
Vlnton. 4,000jwants 11.000 cash , balance tr.ide.
100 good uninctimbered lots for Nebraska
For Salo.o
lOOJcholce resldouco and business lots very
Several finely Improved residence properties ,
Choice residence and business lots , South
Omaha , bargains.
Drake Bros. , Real Estate , 818 B. 15th at ,
733 *
( Tin6lCE ncro tracis suitable for gardening.
* / Tory liberal tormi. H. E. Colo. N. E. 15th
and Douglas. Real estate for sale. U09
OR EXCHANGE-Olear. In Chicago , elegant
10-room house , on Indiana ay. , Chicago.
Want equity In gAofl Inside residence or resi
dence lot. II. E. Cale.-u.e. istn undDouglai.
1)10-11 )
VTEHRASKAana Kansas farms to exchange
J-X for Iowa and Colorado lands , nnd vlci
versa. Co-OperatlvoLtndaud. Lot Co. , 200 N
16th st. 694
BENSON iiCABMICHAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate la Omaha and Douglas county upon
shoit notice. The most complutq not of ub.-ttmct
books lu the city. No. U19 Farnatu st. 333
TITIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co , 17)5 )
J.T1. Faruam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , ana titles to real estate examined. p r-
f acted and guaranteed. 816
TIWO.splendid lots in Kendall's add , Want
one lot clear or nearly clear. H. II. Cole ,
N. R. Uth and Douglas. Wi 8
A NICE home , house and full lot , near rod
JT\ . car lino. I'rtco , $1,500 ; only J1W rash , bal
ance to milt. Come and sco this. H. E. Com , n.
o. 15th and Douglas , OOtl-U
171011 SA fiE Splendid Investment. Omaha
XJ property. Price , 18,000 ; K.OOO down , bal
ance X 2 and 3 years.
Leased for 8 years at tiff per month.
If you have money to Invest , take advantage
of this. Call on or uddi < > ss C. K. Meaghor ,
Room 2 over Haymotid's Jewelry Store , n. E.
cor. Ifith and Douglas sts , B03 G *
NICE RESIDENCE lots oulvMOO ; small cash
payments , cosy terms , ( 'all and heethem.
George N. Hicks , Room 4 , Barker Block. 839-4
CHOICE ACRE tracts , suitable for gardening
purposes , for Halo by George N. Hicks ,
Room 4 , Barker block. 889-4
FOR SALE A 60 foot comer On Fai nam $2a" > 0
f750 cash , bal easy , iuust.s ll ; suvo com
missions by addressing the owner , 0 " 1 Iloo
Ofllce. 834 9 ?
1 HAVE for sale a coiner lot on 2. " > th and ft
strotts in South Omaha for less than JO per
front foot. Will bo worth $100 per foot as bust-
ness property In u hoort time. You can't find n
bargain like this every day. D. D. Bmeatou ,
Barter block. W4 I )
/"tHEAP for cash , H fiec. land , nil Improved. )5
V/ mile of Albion. Neb. . MM ; M f > ec. 2 miles
from Petersburg , Neb. : C1 acres improved for
est trees and small fruit , $1,700 , tlXKon ) place
for 4 years ; book , stationery and music slore ,
fresh stock , good location , will sol ! or rent
building ; 180 acres timber land , 8. K. Mo. , will
tradn for Florida land lu CUy or Marlon Co.
Lock Box 601 , Albion , Neb. 786
BIG BARGAINS In a choice business lot In
South Onmha. Call and get prices and
term * . Georjo N. Hicks , Room t , Market block
ON'Kofthe ( lunj-t ns-t front lots Inllnnsmni
place , on Duane sticet , for Hale at big bar
gain ft sold at once. 11 j'ou want a nice i csTdcnco
Mte , perfect for grade , with water and already
lu street , it 111 pay you to call and get prices.
George N. Hick.Uouni 4 , llarker block. b39-4
FOR 8ALE-8 lots , ijj miles from . . . . . . .
MM c ch. Easy terms. Inquire II. K.
llcndee , UTS.lfithftt. MX ) 5
Tiioit bAL"F Lot. ) in the city on eniy terms.
-I ? Inquire of F , J. HotchUss , 1175. IGtli El. b'MZ
ri WO good houses , well located , for J2,7iW and
X U.luO , on easy payments. J , A , Hulttaud ,
room 0 , Arlington Itiock , 7U1
IOKFKR the follownsforafewdays :
60x150 on ( Jiwrgla ve with a good 7 room
new house with fnmaco , city vatvr , gas , etc. ;
large barn and 100 fret from poppletoaavp.prlco
| \750,11.2JO cosli , bal 1 , U and 3 yeaia. Consider
thlB.Good B room house. ast front lot. new and In
an excellent locality , for a few days you can ret
this for H.700 , ! , cash , luvpitlguto thlx.
( Uxl32 ft on Cuss ht btt Kth and 15th sts , wllli
good 10 room house , on easy torm1 ? , cheapest
property In Oinuluv at Mt.OOfl ; if you wish to buy
Mil or got u loaa call on D. V. SUofcs , lloom I ,
Baikarblk. 749
MA. UPTON * CO. , brokers In silt edge bu- )
Don't wait for Omnha realty to c ° lower.
Millions have b > n lost by doing lh t. Redrock
hosbetureiichNl , Upward atuadlly upwunl
nrtoos will go from thu , ou. Onialia In-day bus
Uie best prospects of any city on the globe.
VTe have neveral plecns of line Inside business
property that baling to partkn out of town wlio
need raonoy in their biufjiBis , ami haVcvtuthor-
izcd us to xell part of thulr leal clinic at pi lees
that make them triily bii-t ' , hs , Call uad let us
quota you figure * cr.
South Wtt tnref
'North lull Street.
Farhatn Street.
Douglas Stfert.
llarnoy Street.
M. A. tlpton A , Co. . 501 S , IGtli st , , Opp , Cham
ber of Commerce. Telephone M4 , BH 12
acjo tract on line of railroad near South
Omaha , miltKhle for mnnufactories Or sub
dividing ; will be Mild cheap and on easy terms.
F. K. Darling , 1603 How avd ! 776 6
BIfiOKSTbanrnln In Pouth Omnha. Corner
lot on I , nnd Twvnty-flfth streets , at . ' 7.H ) .
under price. Heqnlrei W.OOo cash. Must bo sold
thu Vi eek. I ) . D. Btueuton , Darker block.
ftU 6
T7VK S ALB House a1 ! lot In Omaha View , n
i.1 ltargalnitmallc sli payment , easy tefm ,
C. C. bpotavood. . XOtj 8 Itth. 7'0
T L. 1UCU It CO. , Real Citato. SU
"I7V3H SALKorTrafle Full lot on Fnrnum Bt. ,
X ? osm block from paving and stroat can.
I'rtce $5.000 K < iulty XXW. (
Two one-fourth sections fine school land lu
Knisuth county , Iowa. . "
On-slcth luturait In an addition to South
Dmkhs , frtd of encumbrance , for good wo.tem
farm land. el ar , or not heavily tncuubered ,
or coed Omaha property.
Qoodtuida bnniaeiW proptrty , fros of en-
cttf. a. A. Blotaao.roomi BandW ,
' - ' MT. Vtraaa aa4 Wth its.
\ \ . > < * , j.i .
HAWLKY Hotun , North Platt , Keb.i for Milo.
On account of the death ot mjrwlfol will
Mil the property oh e sv term * . Address Jolktt
llawley. North Platte. Neb. 773 '
EMSTICKNKY * CX ) . hiAcn n upwlaltr of
.property in North Omalm , for sale or rent
at CUlieiu' bank , aws Cumlun st. ata
I HAVE for sale ono ol the best lots In A , 8.
Patrick's ad. which 1 will sell if taken soon
for three * hundred dollar * less than ntiy lot In
the addition cun be bought for. Address 1139 , , B&5
| /iOU"tALK Four Eplendld coiucrs. for bull
-I ? ness purposes.
Three line residence lots 111 ICountzo place ,
Fourlots In West End. .
Lot to blk Kllby place only 1.0 . '
Three lota lu Improvement asso. mlaitloa , VI
cheap. '
Tw o lots In Potter's aildltlon , ono a corner.
Lot 7 blk 3 Ih'tiUe add.
A line house aud lot lu IdlowlUl , will bo sola
Elegant house and lot cor 22J and Cftss.
12 lots In Marsh add.
HOU-MS nnd lotsln different parts of the otty.
Lots lu every addition to the city.
Call and see our list of property for tale or
rout. O. F. Davis Company , loUi Furuatu nt ,
292 mi
* L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. ; ! 1S
" | 7KR SALE Oroxchanpo for a lot. in good lo-
Jcation Jersey cow , horse , double rarrlago
of Slmjisoirmake. single buggy and harness. A.
8 Billings , 101 S 15th Ht. 018
T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 21J
$850 will buy a lotWxr.M ) , imlyfon mltmti's
walk from II. P.shops , KO tash , balauco
to suit. H , E. Cole , u. e. cor. 15th and Douglas.
HOU8I'8 mid lots on (100 rnMi payments nnd
balance monthly. 11. E , Cole , u. o. cor.
15th and Douglas. WO-o
ff O Manufaclurora
A I have some oftho finest trackage property
around Omaha ou the I' . , E. & M. V. It. R. and
Missouri Paclllc Hell Linn Ry. , with spkndlj
f tronni of water suitable for
I'lour ana feed mills ,
Klovators ,
Furniture factory ,
Shoe factory.
Starch factory ,
Paper mill ,
Plow woiks ,
Han eater works ,
Holler works ,
Nail works ,
Knitting mills ,
Sash , door and blind mnnnfactorr.
Machine shops mid foundry ,
Wateh faetory. \ .
Wind Mill manufactory , '
Oat meal works ,
Ilatb wire maimfactorv.
Rope and twine manufactory.
Or almost any kindof manufacturing lm ln
With the many railroad lines centoilng hero ,
affording direct commuulcatlon In every directIon -
Ion aud with the. immense territory naturally
tributary to Omnhn. our city offers more advan
tages as a location of manufactiuinif enterprises
than any city went of Chicago , and 1 will give
nmplo ground with tlrst rlaxn tiackago fadllues
to responsible parties who will establUh and
maintain rnauufactuilug plants on the same.
Ueo. N. Hicks.
839 4 Room 4 , llarker Block.
DON'T pay rout when you can buv a nice , lit
tle homo and full lot , short distance Irom
Red car liue for (1,500 ; S1SO cash ; balance(15 per
mouth. H. E. Cole , n. e. 15th aud Douglas.
9W-0 ,
$ . * > 00 Cash and balance RIO per month , buys
n bountiful two-stoiy , Nix-room .house.
Batter come mid looknt this. H. II. Cole , n.
cor. 15th itud Douglas. IW-fl ,
FOR SALT Lots one mile and 11 tree-quarters . {
frompostolllce ; easy twins ; two to 1WO. I
Harnoy St. , 44 foot , uear Tentli , tii,000. F. II. ft ,
J. Lowe. 314 llamgo Building. P80 *
$1,500 buys a nice little home nnd full lot only ' j
short distance from red car line ; $160 cash ;
balance , $16 per month ; open for few days only.
11. E. Cole , n. o. 15th and Douglas. _ 0004
FOItSALE-Lot.1 ! , Union Place , rhcipest lot
lu the city. Inijuiroll. K. Hoiulco. 117S. ICtU
st. l)06 )
OH 8ALK-31xl40feeton South 15th st. near
Castelliir. east front , ou grade , water , gas
and sewer , lot graded , ftJA'Olt , J40J rash , * sue In
three oears and Il.UOO lu IhcycaiB. J. A. Dod
At duig stoie. cor. Pleice and 20th sts. 70t
FOR SALE-Tots3 andl , block 1. In Ifloao ft
Sclden'H addition , cor. Jllth Btieet and Halt
Howard. Johu H. F. Lchmanu , ITU 9. 17th st.
J.L. . Rl CC 4 CO. , Real Estate. glS
T710H SALE-fl-room cottage and ' , _ lot , No. 940
I ? N.Cotliavo. luquiroffil N. 17th. 80011TC3
L RICE & CO. . Real Estate. J
PORSALK-Oneofthe beat lots in H lllsld ; il
No. 1 , Just across Htroet from Yates * nevr JE
rosldonoe. Make ollor ; any reasonable propo- .f
sltlouwlll bo entertained for few days ; must /
sell. ABO.Beeotnce. 807
Our 1888 Catalojtue is ready. It Is Uio
the year mid TELLS THE WHOLE
STORY for the Garden , Lawn nnd Farm.
It contains the truest descriptions , clearest
notes on plant culture , plainest type and
new photographic illustrations. It tells
many reasons why you can btty SEEDS
and Plants so many of which are grown
on the Western prairies better and
cheaper nt CHICAGO than you can else
where. Then why notdoso ? Our Chicago
Parks Flowers and Plants , ( finest in the
world ) otjr Market Vegetables , and our
Garden Implements , complete this trork
of Art that will please you. Send five
stamps , one half us cost , which you may
deduct from your first order and ece
ttST Three FREE Premiums with
every order over ft.oo. Write BOW.
Send list of what yon need and let tu
fflake you prices.
Proposals for Army Transportation ,
Chluf Ouavtennastei'dOIHce , >
Omaha , Noli. Maioh 1 , IR S. (
S EALHD proposal * , in trlplli-Hto , mibjcot to
the usual conditions , n III bi ) lecelved at this
ofllco until ono o'clock p. m. , ccntial Ntamlaril
time on Monday , April "d , IbW , nt which time
nnd place they u 111 be opened lu the presence oi
bidders , for the transportation of biich military
stores and hiipplles ns mny bo turned over by
the Quartet master's Uepuitmnnt for that purpose -
pose on any or nil of the follow Ing described
routes , during Uie fiscal year oomtncnclaif July
lit,1SH3 :
1. llHtween Bordeaux , Wyoming , and Fort
Laraml. ) . Wyoming.
S. Between Douglas , Wyoming , or olher
nearer point to 1'otl McICiiuiey. at which frolght
can beaulUciedon the Cheyenne > V Nnilhurn ,
lUllroad , and Toil McKinneJ * . WyomlliB.
3. Between 1'ort Caspar , Wyoming , and Fort
McICInney. Wyoming.
4. Between Fort Casper. Wyoming , or other
nearer point to I'prt Wnnhaklo at which frelfhl
can be ( lellx-ercd on the wvomlne Central UalU
road , ana Fort U'akhatle , Wyoming.
r , . Botncen Jfawllm. Wjcralng- , and Fort
Wflshakle. Wyoming.
U. Between Carter , Wyomlmr , and Foil Urld-
gcr , Wyouiliyf.
,7. Betwetnrilce , Utah , and Tort Du Ohesne ,
B. lietweon points whercTer required within
the limits of the clly of Otmiba , Nebraska.
8. Between Umnha fiiiHrtci'iimstor's depot , or
any other point * within the limits of Uie city of
Omaha and Tort Omfthn , Nebi ustii.
10. liotwepn Valentine , Nebraska , and Fort
Nlobiora , Nebraska.
11. Between Cheyenne City and Cheyenne
OuiiUeinia tr's Depot ; Cheyenne City and Fort
1) . A. llu ell , and Cliey nne Quartermaster's
Depot nnd Toil I ) . A. ltpa elL
1 J. Ik-twMtu Salt 1-aVe City aud Fort Douglas ,
1 . Tor transferrlns from or Into c r and
limiting Motes between t alltoid depot audcthur
polnfat Oarilcn , Utah.
II. Tor truwsfeirlns from or Into CUM and
lianltnc stores between mllroxd depot and oilier
potntii at Trite , Utuh.
15. lr ti-ansten-InB from or into car * Mid
liaullnf : utoi-et between railroad depot ana other
points at Tort Sidney , NobrasVa.
M Tor transferring from or into c r and
nmllng atoies betw eeu railroad depot anaolhor
points nt Douglns ( Vyomlne.
IT. Tor tianifcrrlnu from or InM eat * iind
hdullne stores between railroad depot ana other
points at Tort CVuner , Wyomlntt. .
The ( Jqvemmejit reserves the right lo reject
any or all proposals. . _ .
lilanV ttropiisMK forms of eontMOt and
printed clixulaiKivlmt hill Infoniiatlo * as to
manner of bidding , conditions U be bsered
by bidden , and terms of contract and pnfnienl
will to farnUhed on pplkatlont * lK Pfliee.
Knvelope couuinlng proroftaU to bo uiarkod
Trnponuls for Transportation on ItpuU No ,
Notice to Stookholdar * .
Tb annual incetlni of th tockkMMrs ot
Tlte IIKK 1'ubllslilB.r Company. vW be luU oi
. , . . . . ' . . .