Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Board of Trade Mon Talk. On the
Freight Bureau's Lottor.
Bllttmfttt on Trial For Manslaughter
Probability of A Ilacjr Sensa
tional Suit in a Few DajrH
The Contractor * .
Board of Trade and Cut flutes.
The announcement made in the
BEB that the directors of the board of trade
had refused to endorse the recommendation
of the freight bureau committee , suggesting
two amendments to the Inter-state railway
law , .attracted pretty general attention. The
amendments proposed wcro to enable the
inter-state railway commission to net with
more" haste and to make punishable by line
any jobber who should accept a cut-rate from
any railroad ,
A BEK reporter yesterday learned that
the following members of the board wcro
present : P. E. Her , II. H. Mcduy , J. A.
Wakefleld. E. Martin , Max Meyer and C. F
Goodman. Mr. H. G. Clark was absent from
town.Max Meyer was seen and asked how ho
had voted. Ho said , "I was in n hurry to get
away , and a vote had not been taken when I
left to go tO'tho Press club benefit. I under
stood what was the subject though , and told
them to cast a vote In favor of the reu-
omnicndatlon for me. "
Mr. Goodman was seen , and said : " 1 was
not at the meeting when the recommendation
was introduced. I left the rooms about 0
John Evans said that thcro was a mis
taken idea somewhere. Several of the mem
bers held the recommendation was lost ,
others that it was adopted. "I did not have
tny mind on the subject. I was thinking
about putting in regular order the new by
laws which wo had just adopted for the type
writer. When they came to a vote I told
them that I was not prepared to vote. They
said that everybody should vote on the ques
tion and I then told them that if that wastho
case , on general principles , I would vote in
the afllrmatlvc , because the matter was re
commended by a committee. So I voted aye.
Mr. Her thought the matter was lost , but
I think it will bo reconsidered ut
the next meeting. Everybody was tired
after wo had got through the reading of the
by-laws and wanted to go homo or to the
Press club show. I think the vote was 8
to It. "
Mr. Her sold that the question of amending
the inter-state railway law had como to them
through a letter from the freight bureau
committee. One of the ninnndmcnts was to
make criminally liable a jobber who should
accept a cut rate from any ralhoad. Such n
thing would not bo advisable and It would
Hot do for the board of trade to take any in
terest in such n move. It would bo
psking too much of merchants to
sign such a document. Ho did
not think they would sign it. If ho should
telegraph a man to send him goods at the
lowest rates , ho would expect these goods at
the very lowest rates that could bo got. It
had to bo carried out that way in the inter
est of business nnd to protect the jobber
against competitors. To take his case as an
Jxamplo : He had to equalize the rates to St.
oo , Kansas City , Pcoria nnd Chicago on
cvpry shipment lie made to these points , be
cause thcro were no cuts to those points , und
that equalization ho had to pay out of his
own pocket. If the amendments wcro car
ried It would close up every wholesale house
in Omaha.
The second German actor to die in this city
was Louis Mouselike , whoso death took
place at St. Joseph's hospital onlast _ Thurs-
'day evening. Ho had been an inmate of the
hospital for two weeks , and death was occa
sioned by dropsy. Mr. Mouselike was born
in Altenbcrg , Saxony , in 183. > . Ho early
devoted himself to the stage , playing first in
juvenile parts nnd with considerable success.
Ho came to this country when ho was twenty-
One years of ago , and continued in his pro
fession until the breaking out of the war ,
When he enlisted In one of the Missouri regi
ments. Ho returned a veteran , having in
the several campaigns suffered a great deal
from the hardships of the struggle. Ho re
rnnincd the greater part of the time since in
Missouri , nnd came to Omaha at the
opening of the last theatrical sea
son. engaging with his wife ,
In the German company of Baurcis & Puts ,
which is playing every Sunday night at the
Joyd. Since his debut In this city ho has
> laycd n number of old-men characters in o
rcry successful manner. Ho was a nicmbet
if n Grand Army post in St. Louis and thai
irganization has been telegraphed concern-
pg his death. The ( late of his burial has nol
yet been determined upon.
Vk fiOWi'BV ,
The remains of i ) . H. Downey , the .vounp
rrtan who died Thursday evening jjl the
Child's hospital were forwarded ycstcrdnvtc
bis former homo In Scotland. Pa. The
mother of the deceased arrived Hero a few
moments after the young man's death anil
accompanies the remains to their last resting
. , .
1 Several weeks ngO JainOs FlSinmlng
' ltothe.f Of Richard F. Flcmming , loca
rcight clerk'of the Union Pacific1 , came fron
Chicago to visit the latter , and yesterday
lied after a short illness. Tb/ ) remains wll
> q forwarded this morning to Lament
us. , where the parents of the deceased re
lido .
Mrs. Eliza McCormieK Hugus , the vencr
oblo widow of the lute Peter Hugus , nn olO
settler of this city , dieo yesterday at hci
late residence , 223 North Nineteenth street
Bt the advanced ago of seventy-three years
SnO was born at Plttsburg , Pa. , January 1
1815 , and was married at the sumo place t
Peter Hugus , Oct. l > , 18.2. ! She cnmo with hoi
husband from Canton , O. , to Omaha in 18" )
hnd has since resided hero. On the Olh o
October , 188'J , they celebrated their goldei
wedding , nnd the festivity was taken part n
by many relatives nnd friends. John Ilugus
0 o of her sons , now residing In Colorado
vfnS telegraphed mul arrived . her
J'cstcMay. Wilber Hugus , nnolhc
burl , IS on his way hither from Pasailcno
Cal. , and the funeral will not take place unti
his arrival , which will probably bo on Mon
May next. Mrs. Hugus was extensive ! ,
known In this city nnd retained her cxcellen
health until about three weeks ago. .
The United Stales Court.
. rou Diixtuu & co.
Suit was brought In the United States cii
Cult court yesterday by the Nebraska To ;
oplioup company , through their attorney !
Hall & 'McCulloch , to enjoin D. 0. Dunbar ,
fco. from publishing a telephone directory
The Telephone company , In its bill proceed
to reclto that they have gene through all th
processes of the law and been granted a cop ;
right to said directory for the period t
twcpty-cl ht years. Further , that Dunbi
It Co. are attempting and conlvlvlng 1
Ovado the laws of the United States respcc
ing copyrights nnd have without license <
leave of said telephone company , and In vl
latlon of their copyright , copied , printed ni
ore about to circulate * pamphlet similar i
their directory , crcatly to the company
detriment flntmotMly und otherwise. Tl
Dunbar pamphlet , save the advertisement
is on exact copy of the company's book , nr
they propose to issue about 1,000 copies of tl
same. Complainants nsk that Dunbar & C
bo restrained from this publication by i
order Of injunction from the court , und tin
the copies already printed be confiscated
the use of the Telephone company.
District Court.
The first witness called for the dcfen
yesterday was Mittinan'sflaughtc
LouUik Sh'o proved , a itronR witness f
the defendant , and her testimony was n
iS ea by & sure crow-examination. ' She sa
It Koll and Diirhjua abused hcr.fath <
Hllng bim mil kinds ot Vile names ; " 1
Finally Du . .linm'Bal'd , "You . ;
I'll kill you , " mul ttion ttttncklril1 her. fntticr ,
who thcti shot hls'nssullant ,
Joh'n Lcmtikc tWltk'd , thnt Koll hnd told
' ' ' innho MUtmau's
lihnthiU'ho KpU-'would )
blood fly. " * „
Chrl Unn Popcnhopcn testified that Koll
hnd told hint the sanio thlnff.
Cluus Slort witnessed a jMjrtlon of
rcl. Ho testified to the fuel tlmt Koll and
Durham were the aggressors ntid thut Mitt-
man tried his best to cscauo nny difficulty.
He was outside the saloon when the fatal
shot was flrcd , but ran back at once. Ho no
ticed that Mittman's sleeve \vas badly torn.
Clnus Ichner si > eke English so Imperfectly
that the services of nn interpreter was niado
necessary. His testimony corroborated
The court then adjourned until 2 o'clock.
Mitttnun was then put on the stand to tes
tify in his own behalf. Ho swore that Koll
and Dunham cnmo in und commenced to
nbuso him and dared him to flplit. Ho asked
thorn to go out at least ten times. After
sovcral of the men had gene out
together with Koll ands Dunham
the two latter returned nnd attacked
him. Koll had n cano In his hand. Koll and
Durham attacked him from behind , and
threw him down and kicked him. Hut witness
managed to pet up. Durham then hit Mitt *
man with a chisel , which ho had nicked up
near the ice box. Ho then pulled his pistol
mid struck Durham three times , cand the
weapon exploded.
When MiUimin concluded his testimony.
Assistant County Attorney Ourlcy arose and
addressed the Jur.v. Ho was followed on the
part of the defense by Mr. Uurnhnm , who
llnishcd at llftcen minutes before 5 o'clock ,
when court adjourned until this morninjr ,
when General Cowln Und County Attorney
Slmeral will present their arguments , after
which the case will bo given to the Jury. A
strong Impression prevails that Mittuiuu will
bo acquitted.
The Jury after being out live minutes re
turned u verdict for the defendant In the
Alnscow case.
case.WANTS 1110 I ) VMAGF.S.
Adolph Kobcnr brought suit against the
Omaha Belt railway company yesterday
The petition sets forth that defendant wlillo
walking over the Sixteenth street crossing
was struck by a locomotive and serious'y ' In
jured. Ho prays for a Judgement of $8,000.
County Court.
McCage brothers brought suit yesterday
afternoon against the John L. Dlcrks man
ufacturing company to obtain Judgment on
nn unpaid note of WOO.
County Judge Shields heard the application
of Carl W. 13erguist | to bo appointed guar
dian of Hllina Uergqulst and Amanda Julia
Bergqulst. The petition testifies that the pa
rents of the children arc dead and ho is their
brother. Ho further alleges that the chil
dren's stepmother , Anna C. Uergquist , sur
reptitiously obtained the appointment of
guardian and that she ( s totally unflt to care
for them , as her moral example was bad.
The stepmother appeared and consented to
her removal. The court then appointed Gus
tavo Anderson gunrdion and ordered that the
children bo sent to Brownell hall to be edu
cated. This order was made on the recom
mendation of the newly appointed guardian.
The flmu hearing In the matter of Mrs.
Nellie McNumara as administratrix of the
estate of her deceased husband , was post
poned yesterday until Thursday next. Mrs.
MeNiunaru was in court , and has not ns yet
fully recovered from her late severe illness.
Police .Court.
Vagrants Alex. Alendcr , John Byres ,
Low Wcstmuth , William Kobirson , Harry
Westlnke , two days each ; Barton Hylcs , O.
B. Culloy , discharged.
Suspicious Character James Ward , fo and
costs ; James Burke , continued.
Jack Sisson , an old offender , who was Just
released from Jail this week , was again before
fore his honor. Ho was arrested
for stealing two overcoat
and n couple of fur caps
fpom the boarding house , at the corner of
Sixteenth and Mason streets. The boarders
ciaught him in the not , and held him until
the patrol could bo called. Ho went over the
hill for thirty days , the llrst aud last flvo oh
bread and water.
John McGuirea desperate young hoodlum ,
who hit a man In the head with brick , and
nearly killed him down in Dago alley a month
or two since , was arrested
on a similar offense. Ho assaulted
John Fees at the corner of Fourteenth and
Leavonworth streets , and Knocked him sense
less into the gutter. Fees lay unconscious
for over twelve hours , and for a time it was
extremely problematical whether ho ever re
vived or not. McGuire was given forty days
In the Jail and $5 and costs.
Joe Brown , another old offender , was uji
again yesterday. Some three weeks ago
ho was sent to Jail for twenty-five days for
stealing n wringer. While in the city Jail
Sergeant Sigwart caught him going through
the clothes of his fellow prisoners , and yes-
tcsdayhewas rcarrcsted on this charge. He
made an elegant appeal to the court , but his
previous record was against him aud ho was
given thirty days.
August Kustl , who. resides at 003 North
Campbell street , and who is a thirteen year
old lad , came into the station/ yesterday ,
and swore out a warrant for the arrest oi
the driver of horse ear No. , 40 of the Hod
lino. YoTTug Tvnstl say's"that the driver
threw him off the rar yesterday j the
corner of Twentieth and WebStef , apa Jumped
upon und beat him. unmercifully , and all bo-
CUUSjtho JIUlo fellow could not get through
the crowdeu car to pay his faro vdien the
brute called upon him to do 82 , The Doy had
sovcral reputable witnesses to substantiate
his story.
In _ the afternoon Ada Boynton , a cyprian ,
was'chnrgcd larceny ns bailee of sonu
clothes belonging to Lulu Palmer , the pro
prictrcss of a South Omaha bawdy house ,
with which Ida was recently connected
After some hard words with Lulu one after
noon Ada had como up to Omaha cxpcctiuf
to return the same evening , but after getting
in Omaha decided to stay hero. At the tim <
she had on sonio of Lulu's clothes. Mecthif
Lulu a few days later she offered to returi
the gnrmqnts If Lulu would go to her roon
with her , so that she could put on others In
stead. Lulu refused to do this and , causec
Ada's arrest. The Judge told the prisoner hi
would dismiss the ease provided she returnee
the clothes. This she readily did. Some in
tcrcstlng side testimony was brought o
rather a startling character in which the girl
said that the mayor and marshal of Soutl
Omaha wcro not only frequenters of thei :
house , but came thcro often to gamble.
Contractor * * anil Journeymen.
The contractors , the architects , the brlcl
manufacturers nnd the boss carpenters hav
rented a suite of rooms numbered in th
Paxton buildlnc. , where they will hcrcaftc
hold all their meetings. The brick mur.ufac
Hirers propose to establish n blaul
list of the Small contractors who ow
them for brick aud hang the sain
upon tlio wall of the room. When a cor
tractov pays his back bills , the other men :
bora of the association will bo allowed to sol
him brick , but not before.
The plasterers are waiting to sco what sue
cess the bricklayers will have in their strike
If the latter are successful , the plasterer
will also ask $1.50 for eight hours' work.
A surprise , when smoking "Soiiler
berg Figuro" for fie you will llntl it a 1C
clgur. Ask your dculor for them.
Newly Incorporated.
The Omaha Oil nnd Paint company flU
articles ot Incorporation with the couul
clerk yesterday. The capital stock
f 10,000 , divided Into 100 shares. The bus
ness of the company late trade wholesale nr
retail in oils , paints and glass. The cluratk
of the company Is to bo fifty years fro
March 1 , 18SS. The im-orporators arc f.
Uallard , Michael P. McHride. Ilobcrt J
Waueh and Mcrriweuthcr J. Waugh.
Come mul Wo Will Do You Good.
Don't ilolny , come early aud sceui
choice boleutlolis in olognnt park
suits , bedroom bnitH , pianos , organ
carpets , stoves-loss than cost.of mate
iul , one-half dealers' prico. . Foun
only at
Yonu STOU.\nE.Co. ,
Capitol avo. ' and 16th bt.
W'J. Carter has resigned his-position
. secretary of the John Dicrck'B'Mannf apturli
o' aud.vyiU hereafter devote himself
I. | Journalism- ' . . ' . '
'The Terrible History of Mittt'lc Koll-
nieycr'H Career. . '
The Br.p.'s recent publication con
cerning the Inheritance left to a courtesan
named Mattlo Kollmcyer created no little
speculation as to the woman's1 present
whereabouts and condition. Her location
was unknown to the police , nnd it was only
by accident that a Bun representative dis
covered ono who knows her complete his
tory , as well as her present place of abode.
If Mr. Stevens , the gentlemen now engaged
In searching for her , will call at the BEK
office he will learn to whom to apply.
Mattlo Kollmeycr's shameful history Is a
strange one. After the death oi her hus
band at Sioux City the woman drifted to
Minneapolis , and thcnco to Ouiahn. Her
husband was a painter by trade , nnd an hon
est upright man. After his death Mattie
drifted Into bad company , nnd was cast nil
by her father , a wealthy and respected citi
zen.Hut llttlo Is known of Mottle's career In
Minneapolis , but her Omaha life has been ono
of' frightful degradation. When she first
came hero , she entered a house of prostitu
tion at Elovenoth and Davenport streets , kept
by u woman named Flory. Mattie became
addicted to drink , and when intoxicated was
of the most quarrelsome disposition. She has
had many bloody fights , and has figured fre
quently ns 11 prisoner In the police court.
She invariably escaped with nflno which was
promptly paid by friends In this city who
knew her parents. She drifted from onodivo
to another until her only companions 'vero
the lowest types of negros nnd white men.
She was always to bo found In the lowest
haunts of vice , and here her vicious charac
ter was fully displayed by terrible debauches
nnd many hard fights.
Finally , during the early part of the win
ter she Joined fortunes with a negro. A mock
marriage ceremony was gone through with ,
mid the entire "wedding" cparty got glori
ously drunk. Shortly before Christmas she
and her dusky "husband" dcp.irtu'd from this
city , and are now living near Fremont , Neb.
New York Storage Co. ,
Capitol avo. nnd 16th st.
WRIGHT Dr. Edward R. Wright , Feb
ruary U7 , aged 51) ) years.
Funeral from St. Barnabas' church. In
terment in West Liberty , la.
Another Strike ! New Route.
But wo are still runningand are giv
ing greater bargains than ever in fur
niture , pianos and organs.
Capitol avo. and 15th st.
All Arc Cordially
invited to attend the musical nnd liter
ary entertainment to bo given in the
parlors of the Young Women's homo ,
1010 Dodge st. , Tuesday eveningMarch
U. Admission oU cents. Please como
and bring your friends.
Oirmlm'H 115.OOO People.
Wolf , the directory publisher , says that the
volume for 18SS-0 , will contain about 1,000
pages. 100 more than are in the last directory.
It will contain abortt ! i5,000 names , which
show n population of about 115.000. The di
rectory will not be issued until about the end
of the mouth.
New York Storage Co.
Incorporated $10,000 capital. Storage
for household goods , pianos and organs.
Cash advanced to nny amount. Entire
block , cor. Capitol avo. nnd 16th st.
A meeting of the Fifth ward ropubli-
an club will bo hold on Tuesday ovon-
ng , March 0 , at 7:80 : sharp , nt the Izard
itrect engine house. It is important
, hat republicans of the ward attend.
President of the.Club. . .
$10OOOO Trust , Funds.
To lend on improved inside , city prop-
rty. Apply for ono weak to E. S. Bisbeo ,
Ramgc block.
Racy Social Snnmxtion Probable.
Some two weeks since the BEE published
, n item stating that before many days papers
n a sensational divorce case would bo filed
uid that the high standing of the parties to
ho petition , together with the allegations
mule , would shako Omaha society to Us
'oundation. It is probable that the matter
vlll bo made public during the present week.
Yesterday a certain well known lady np-
ilicd to the police Judge for a warrant charg-
ng her husband with adultery , his alleged
guilty partner being nnothcr'wcil known so-
: iety lady. She was directed to the county
ittornoy. Further particulars arc not yet
ibtainablo except that in ruse her husband
'cods certain property to her an effort will
> o made to avoid the publication of the scan-
al that would ensue.
> pccial Attractions For Largo Cneh
20 elegant plush parlor suits at $38 ,
ivortn $75 , J"
10 nfill u oak bedroom suits at $24 ,
worth $50.
1.000 cotton top mattresses ut$2.2o
worth $3.00.
Together with a $10,000 stock of
) ianos , organs , tables , chairs , carpets ,
jtoves. Greatest bargains over offered
and are to bo soon only at
Wholesale nnd retail , 1608 Capitol
ave , , cor. 16th st.
Financial Dlftlcnlty.
The drug firm of J. A. and A. M. Lo Fils ,
f Sutton , has been placed in the possession
of the sheriff. An execution has been made
amounting to $1,000. The stock was valued
at $2,000 and was mortgaged for $1,500.
Thlspowder never varies. A marve ] of purl
ty , strength and whnlesomenesa. More oconon
leal than the ordinary kind * , and cannot be soli
In competition wltu the multitude of low cost
short weight alum or phosphate powders. Boli
only In cans. Horal Ilaklntf Powder CO. , 12
Wall street , Now \orfc.
Omaha Seed House.
Headquarters for Landreth's Celebrated
Plants , Cut' Flowers and floral designs. " ben
for catalogue. , _
W. H ; FOSTER & SON , Proprietors
. 1022 CapUol Avenue. '
How ar Dying ( Md
Was Saved !
Cirnto , TTiiuw Co. , tmx , Btpt , 1 , 1M7.
The following U true account of what roar
B.8.8.hAdoBaforourllUl il iifht rlUul
now four ynr old. When 1 > month * old
Inmpappcuwlan her he lwhlch slowly grew
lATfer. The Bnlly phytletaa though ! U wu
catiMd by [ toe * of broken | 1ut or ncedl
but failed to brine anything to light. Th.
child became KMbltr all the time , teeming to
lot * the ute of her leg , and finally quit walkIng -
Ing entirely , Th. middle finger and thumb
of either hand became enlarged , the fleth b
coming hard. The htp Jolntt became InTotr. f
cd , 10 that when lerentcen mouthi old eh. < /
Could Dot itand. hiring lent th. ute of leg
ndnrm. gtartlat curratur. of ( he spine alto
followed. The nerroui tyitem w < u wrecked , *
muscles contracted , and then wai general
watting ot fleth and muscle. At eighteen
months of age the tru placed under th *
treatment of a prominent phytlclan of Dot-
ton , Matt. , but at the end of ten months ih.
had declined to tuch a degree that the wai la
dying condition. Thlt wai In April , 1836
We took the child away not knowing what
to do. In thlt dreadful dilemma we were
over-persuaded by friends to try "one bet
tle" of Swirr'8 Brnciric , which we did , and
before It had all been taken we taw a chang *
for the better In her nymptomt. We kept It
up , and hare done to to this day , and will
keep It up. If the Lord wills , for many dayi
to come , forlthaa brought our dying Batcl
to life , to vigor , tottrrngthatid health again.
The nthcn hue of her cheeks has changed to
arcuy tint. 8bo Is nble to walk anywhere ,
ber languor and melancholy hare paused
way , and the Is now a blithe , cheerful , hap
py romping child. Should you with to In *
crease your testimonials of proof of the
virtu , of B. 8. B. , our names and what w.
have said It but a portion ot what we ewe (
you , should you wl < h to ut. them.
Kindly yours ,
BEN. P. Bwirr.
P. O. Box M.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases ma < I4
TBF Swirr SPECIFIC Co. . Drawer 3Atlanta.Ga ,
Our Magic Remedy
r All syphilitic Dlieases , of recent or lone standlnff.ln
from ten to fifteen days. We will give written guar
antees to cure any case or refund your money. And
wo would tor to Uioso who liavn employed the most
Skilled 1'hyslclana , uted every known remedy and
pave not been cured , that you are tbe subjects we an
looking for. Vouitliat nave been to the celebrated
Hot Pprtnus of Arkansas , and have lost all Hope o.
recovery , wo
Will : Cure Yon
BT make no charter Our remedy Is unknown to anyone
ono In the world outside of uur Company , and It Is
the only remedy in the world tbat will cure yon. We
will cure the moil obstinate case In less than one
month. Seven days In recent cases does the work. It
Is tbe old , chroulo , deep-seated cases that we solicit.
We have cured hundreds who had been abandoned
by Physicians am ] pronounced Incurable , and
We Gkallenge the World
to orlnc na teas'that we will not cure In IMS than
one month.
Since tbe history of medicine , a True Specific- for
EyphllltlOhEruptloDS , Ulcers , Bore mouth , 4c. , has
been sou t fur but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
was discovered , and we are Instinct ] In ssylng It Is the
only remedy In the world that will positively cure ,
because the latest medical works , published by tbe
best known authorities , say there was never a true
specific before. Our Ilemedv Is the only medicine In
[ be world tbat will cure when everything else has
tailed. It bas been so conceded by n large number of
Celebrated Physicians. lit IIAS NIVEH YKT V * IT . mr\
to cuni. Why wast , your time and mon.y with
atent medicines that never bad virtue , or doctor
1th physicians that cannot cur. yon. You that bav.
tried everything .Is. should com. to us now and g.t
rmanent relief ) yon never can get It elsewhere.
Mark what w. sayi In th. end you musr'takeour
Brmedy or NITKII recover. And you that have been
afflicted but a short time should by all means com. teas
as now. Many get b.lp and think th.ya re free from
tbe disease , but In on. , two or three years after , It
appears ag tin In rnor * horrible form.
Invettlgat. onr financial standing through tbe mer
cantile agendas and note that we are fullvresponil-
ble and our written guarantees are good. w. hav. a
Biuinr prepared on purely Scientific Tilnclplet and
we with to repeat that It NKVIR FAILS TO cum. All
letters sacredlv confidential.
THE ! COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
> emi 16 and IT H.llman Block. _
not be victimized by importers and frauds
who arc Hooding the market with worthlcjj.imt-
tntlons of Benson's Piaster. Thtso
"pirates" who seek to float their worthless
- s ontfce reputation of Benson s
> . .eSt6Kl(5rttoMhy- for wjjidi * T ir
lass Is famou5 , and If buyers are , tjot exceed-
ngly cautious they frcquegto S'ud themselves
Ictlmlzed by.unBcrupuloil UfealerH who aid and
bet In sucli deception for a division of the
profits. Honest dealers will unite with physl-
lans In recommending Benson's Plaster
as superior to all other external remedies for
oughs , colds , pleurisy , chest pains , backache ,
cidney affections , mnlarln , rheumatism , bcla-
lea , lumbago and aches and paius of every de-
crlptlon. SEAHUllY 4s JOHNSON ,
Boie Manufacturers , Now York.
Epps's Cocoa
"ny n thorough knowledge of thn natural la.wt
.hlcn govern tbe operation of dtKestlon and nutrl <
Ion , and by careful application of the tine properties
of well-selected Cocoa , Mr. Kppt has provided out
> rcakfast tables with a delicately flavored hevcnuc
which may * ave us many heavy doctor's bills. It U
by the judicious me ot siuh articles of diet thalu
constitution may bo gradually built up until stroni
enough to resist every tendency to dlscnso. Hun
dreds of subtle maladies arc tloatlnu around us ruad )
to attack wlterocr thorn Is awrak point. Ve niai
cscapo many a fatal shun by keeping ourselves wof
Tortltlcd with pure blood uud a properly nourlslioi
traroo.-Clvlt bervlce ( iaictte.
Miulo elmply with boiling water or milk. Sold enl )
. n half pound tins by Grocers labeled thus :
The best known and most popular Hotel In thi
state. Ixicntion central , appointments tint-clan
Headquarters for commercial men and all political
and publlo gathering , .
KOGGENJ oprl tor _
5aVT , . -J.l ' l u Jk-'orf [ ltJ . >
orwttit linpravMMn't.Oftf afl othtr bciu. Worit rai i ptr
mAnfntlrcurldlatbr. nioKUi
1hs snd.i EI eUUCo.
Of lh noJr" 'I < l * iul str.nttbrnfd. Kullparllpi
larssrut srsled free. KltlK 1IKU.CO. . llcrrilo , N. '
Our new spring stock of Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing te
now complete and open for inspection.
We claim it is the largest collection of new and stylish goods ever
exhibited in Omaha.
We further claim that we have marked our goods at much lowefr
prices than any other house will name for like qualities and makes.
This week we will make a specialty on Spring Overcoats. Ot thes0
we show a splendid assortment ; all the latest shades in fine Meltons * ,
Diagonals , &c. , silk and satin lined and beautifully made ; in short , the
most dressy garments that the market affords ; but the most attrac
tive thing about them is the prices-these are positively the lowest
ever heard of.
As our special bargain this week we offer two styles of Spring
Overcoats at $6. These we can prove are worth double the amount.
They are made of fine all worsted goods , lined with best double warp
Italian , satin striped sleeve lining , and made like regular custom gar *
ments. We have two shades , one a fine grey the other a brown , eithefr
of them is a splendid color. We challenge any retail clothing house in
the United States to show a like bargain.
Our next price is $7.75 , a fine Melton Overcoat with silk facing and
elegantly trimmed and made. Then we have one at $9.25 , $10.50 ;
$12.75 and $14.50 each , and all selected bargains not to be found any *
where else.
In our Boys' and Children's Department we are opening daily new"
and choice goods. We propose to make this department the most ai
tractive one in the city for style and prices.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Corner Douglas and i4th Streets. Omaha.
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge 8ts.
BK.JV.OBia ,
next facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for sue
ceesful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WRITB FOR Ciacui.ARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the
spine , Files , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Broccliitin ,
Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilcpfy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Eye , far , SUn and Blood , and all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specially.
VIKING A ereciAiTT or
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Persons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. Mediclnecor Instruments
sent by mail or express , securely packed , rjo
marks to Indicate contents or tender. One per-
s"onnl interview preferred. Call and consult us of
send history of your case , aud we will send in
plain wrapper , our - vTrit
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Ira.
potency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocele , with
i.uestkm list. Address
Omaha JTedieal and Hurglial Initltute , or
Cor. 13th and Dod | Stl. . OMAHA. NEB.
Thread of Modern Tlmccj.
Kir.PATUicK-Kocii Dry Goods Co.
TnOMl'HON , ! lEDEN & CO.
LAUKIN& Co. , . .
CHAS. , South Omitlia. and all first
plahs retail dealers.
\1 Louie Jfew York Dry Gooda Store.
. . mum ,
Pnid Up Capital , - $25OOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
II.V. . YATKS , President.
LE is 8. HKKO. Vlce-Preslilunt.
A. L'.ToU/.u.l.v.-n'l ' VIce-Presldent.
\V. il. H. llL-QHBS , Cubliler.
H. W. VATKS. J.y.wis B. HKKU.
Cor. r.'th and 1'arnam Kt . . ,
A.Oenerul tanking lluslnesH Transacted.
voui UtiUtvtvkt rc/vedy
Lnnn 19 ut &f Gonorrhea *
tut Clot.
W. hi ? , sola coBtld r
Stic , and In cvtiy UM 14
Ale H *
Belli bjrbruu Ins. ,
> , . frits f Mf , ,
Which is Being Foisted upon the Vnwai'u Purchaser a as the Genuine
Johann Hoff's Malt Extrac ]
Tbe article In question Is put up In a SqiTATTV BOTTI.E with German and KnBllsh label printed In bWD Miff
the cork covered with yellow wax , Riving the packaiie a ( ierninn Appearance ,
The unsurpassed effrontery of tliq cornomtlon nushlnti these goods in calling their domeitlo beer "QOUflV
Ine Imported Mult Kxtrucl , " nnd their appeals to the cupidity ot certain classes of tradesmen by free ullti
one Hundred bottles and upwards to tltosa who can be Induced to purchase their Koods , may cause t
AiuerUun beer to be palmed off on the unwary.
Johann HofF s Malt Extract
Introduced Into the 17. P. by LroroLD Ilorr In IBfirt , the unrivalled nutritive tonlo and food for Invalids ,
! n yE'ttP.h.0' ' ! ' ° * loading 'r
rlanx tbrouitbmit tht * world Is received ( inlr by us monthly per steamers of tun llHinburu-Amerlcau 1
Company , und Is UUA1UNTKE1) genuine and Imported by the signature on metallo cap of
J78 , 2SO # 282 GllEENWWHSIREET , and 100 WARREN
Solo Importers and Agents since 1809 , to counterfeit which Is FELONY.
In order to protect themselves against Imposition the public are requested to specify
Catalogues and Price List upon Application
Electro-Magnetic Belts ! |
Th Grandnt Triumph ot Elwlrlo Sclinei-
Ju 8elinHBei111' * fr * Practically Appllifc
iu ,
' . . - . i
* * * .
iBaMsia. P r l ; fcikau
I I > 4l Mtloi
hmAIBS Sy fS Saf &tsffK
lMaf ? VNsberVlll "Wi r'j. AhVo\r upf3tVV.t.rworkJ.Soot6 lend.InA iO l W i t H hist niijJIhtf Arapion. rf.tnedjr has 11
CCOinpl1thf (1 WIJlHl 11V VflUVS owv
3 i , Now
rm n , 160 Kast Mta fitrueb
of. HOMPS ILECTRO niflMETic HT Is nperlorta ' , all others-CTirent , of'eleetrlei '
| .lretprodHFesaooBtlnuonscnr nticonT. l.
Mil producing an
ilthwbtnaliothc. .
rsod by thounndi wbam It
* - ' ' -
rctalaBeney or
Percherons , Clydesdales and Shire , also home
brtrd colts. Every animal Kuaranteed a , breeder
Ourntock has been iolected with reference to
both Individual merit and pedigree. Some of
these horses have taken flm prize at the Ne
braska State Felr. 1687. All our horeei nre acclimated -
climated , and colts of their net can be shown.
1'rlreo reasonable and easy term ; . Is accessible
In- the three leadluc railroads ot the state , 11. &
M'P , . , c. &M -nlv V. und k rAjmuAn K.CJ. & O. , York , Nub
London Granules.
V-VA - - '
-BV cAniticn
20 Cents a Weelf ,
Seven papers a week. Send your order to ti
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
ZAdvertUliiu has always ptOTO
' "successful. IJcforo placing ao
Newspaper Advertising conlu
It U I * u * l k slntt. CHICAOQl
for the VAN , . .
CORSUS. livery lady.U
. m F iff oZolfKtiitth aud a LtaWM
ure burs tuein ,
salts. Clgoj , '
. _ for lurnis ai
.tityrtiUita st. , inning :