_ " _ _ , ' ' ' ' . JJ in " . . T-T : T'l . . IZ. Vj . \ , * . r , \ii * iM iMMrt-jJSIsiirTrii i T- W V , THE OMAHA > DAJLY BEE : SAMIRDAY. ' 3. ' 188a ffPE.GIAXT NOTICES. Adt ftrttscmenU unaer tlls Heart. 1C cent * per tlna for the tint Insertion , 7 cntft for each sub- * quant Insertion , nnd UJW ft line nor month. No advertiswnent token for leu tfmn 25 cent * for tin ; first Insertion. Seven words will b iountdd to the line : they must rim consecutive ly and innst be paid n advance. All advertise ments must ba handed In before 1:19 o'clock p. M , % nd undrr tin circumstances will they b akon or dlncontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these columns and hat ing the answers addressed In euro of the lie * , will please ask for a , check to enable them to get their letters , an none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these column * are pub lished In both morning and svenlng editions of the Jlee , llio circulation of which aggregate * Bioro tli an It.COO papers dally , and gives the ad * rertHors the benefit , not only of the city circa * flfttloti of the Bee , but also of Council H luffs. Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout 1 tills part of the west. . BRANCJTOFFIOES Advertising for ti ) so column ? will be , taken , on the nbovo conditions , at the following bus iness hour os , who are authorised agents for TIIK BrK ) special notices and will "quote thisamo rates as can bo had ut the main oDlco. JOHN W. IIH'iti , 3Harr .aclst , K08.loth.strcpt . . . CHASE it KDOY , ' StatJ.on.ora and..Prln.tqrs. 113 S. 10th Street. 0. H. FAUNSWOKTH , IFls-armaclst , 2115 Curnfng Street. ' I OEO. W. PAHH , , 1E09 8 1. Map's Avenue. H. n.wiirrnnousE , KUh an < l Webster Streets. G. 11KUTHKU. 3-Te-ws IDealer , Post Unice , South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED , T\rANTI'I > Situation In prhatc fntntlv by TT first class girl who is neat and not afraid to work. I3 South llth St. 787 3 * WANTKD Situation ns liousekeor by a lady of ; w , nin give bcsl of rcforonco and am not afraid of work. U1J South llthst. 783 3 * WANTKD-Hltuatlon by woman 30 year * of ago as housekeeper. Inquire of Albert Jlaunc , Otn at. , bet Lenvenv. orth and Maroy. 040 6 * A8IIOBT-HAKD writer of good address , edu cation , and M 1th best referencwa. wants po- Bltlou. Satisfaction * to terms ana ability Kim autocd. Address , D B4. Hec. ull 3 * WANTED-NIALE HELP. WANTEO-Agente to sell the Mo. 8t nm Washer , It will pay intelligent men and women soeklug profitable employmenttffwrlte , for1 my Illustrated circular and terms for this celebrated washer. Why does It pay to act as iny ngent ? Ilrcauso arguments in its favor are no Humorous and convincing that sales nro made Without difficulty. Scutontuo weeks' trial nt iny expense , for return if not satisfactory , J. Worth , sole m'f'r , 1710 Franklin a\e. , St. Louis , Mo. \\7ANTED 1st and 2nd cook , some place out TT citylcoachman ! for city ; 3 voodchop- pern , 3 colored waiters. $18 per mouth. 1 white waiter. OuiahaKmp , llureau , lltt N , , 16th sf , WANTED A brlitht boy. Eovell Manufac turing Co. , 331 N. Lrtfi st. 781 2 * " WANTKD-Hentleinnn stenographer at Val cntlne's short hand institute. 780 3 A GENTS Wonted-Moth Marbles ; the gieat moth destroyer. One odx and agents' wlces inullrd on receipt of 10 2-cent stamps. if , II. llluck & Co , Manufacturers , Plttsburg , I'a. 7M 4 OAIU'ENTKHS wanted to build n houwe and take equity in peed house and lot for part pay. Address 0.11. Uee olllce. 798 4 WANTED Clock"rcpalrer at Kdholm Alken and experienced Jew clry clei k. j . . 7t > fl .J A live and energetic person to earn good wages at easy employmentNo. Kill Oodgo St. , Omaha , Neb. 70 } S * W ANTED A traveling salesman for Ne braska. Address B US , Bee office. COO 2 * WANTED-R. Rf meivfor westerrf Kansas. Albright's labor agency , 1130 Farnam. 688 , A NY man or woman making less than 830 per week should cstlguto our easy money making businemr. Active persons guaranteed * JO per cek easier than * 0 per month can be made in any other hoiioiable occupation ; $3 samples tree. Wrtto for ttims. Address illl Mauitfactnrlng Company , B 63 , Chicago. 6nm24 * B ; OY8 Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. . . 133 " WANTED--FEMALE HELP. Tl ADIES--'lf you only go amongst jour own * U fi lends to canvass for and i-ell the William soncoiset , you will make all the pin money you i neqd. Williamson Corset A : 111 ace Co. , bt. Louis , Mo , WANTED 35 girls general housework , 1 laundress , 1 tookH per month ; first- clajs cook , prlvatefamlly. W per week ; 1 pas- trycook. * , ! u per month ; 3 cooks , out city. J10 ptr month ; 3 dining room girls out city. Lots of places for good girls. Omaha Employment Bureau , HON. 10th. Tel. 1113. " BUG'S r mWENTY Olrls Wantcd-Dinlng room ; cooks , JL : lauudless and geneial housework in am out of city. Nbw orders e\ cry day. Plenty of places , date City Emp office , 314815th , tel 1100. 1100.W A NTK1V-3 glils for general housework in the city , also w oman cook for restaurant. Union Employment officeU1J South llth st. SUS * ONE thousand lady agents \ \ anted immedt ately ; grand now rtibbor undergarment for femalps ; (10 a-dayi proof freo. Mrs. II. F , tittle. Uhicago. III. 789 6 . W - kitchen girl at 1303 Paik ave. W 'ANTED-GIrl , small faintly ; 403 N 33d St. , between Chicago anil Cass. 747 - class Irish or American , gli MU Bt. Mrtrys avo. 760 3 TW7ANTEI > linmedlrftoly woman cook for f Denlson , la. , I 30 ; 1 for Norfolk30,3girl forHartlnirton , cook for boarding house tt , . dining room girls , nice little girl as companion to a lady , an elderly woman as housekeeper for vldowerMltli one boy , no objection to a child , Wotuan dishwasher , SO glils for general house- vrorfc. Mrs. Bregn A aon , uio a 15th. 70J K TIjTANTKO Two lady stenoffrarliers. Address 003 * If , 1717ANTKU-a Jrl to work In kitchen at Doran I TT house,433a 18thst.near St.Mury'H avo. _ J < CU1 "IXTANTKD tady agents. "A" skirt and bus- TT tie combined ami II hose supporters , lloth new. lllg pronts. Secure towns for spring trade. Ladles' Supply Co. , 2tJ7 W. Washington st.-Chl- cago. 010 A 5 \\TAHTBD-Oood cook.and laundress. N. B , TT Cor , ittth nnd Davenport. 339 TANTED Immediately , ladles' to work for - . a wholesale house on needlework at their homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bo tnado. Everytjilng furnished. Particulars free. Addros Artistic Needlework Co. , IViti tt. . New York City. 3M = = MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. E WANT parties wishing to dispose of any kind of business tocall and are us as wo pave many Culler * ovccy day. y ho are teeklng locations in our city , cull and we will maku ) ou n ( lulclrtale. Co operative Land & Lot Co , , sou N : WANT wore mall honses for reut. F. L. Gregory , rental agent , UOJ 8. nth. CIO ANTBD-About 10,000 old brl'k. O. C. Spotswbod. aOfiH H th. 719 TANTKD Parties who have bought lots or 'land ' 1n this city ami vicinity on thu in tallment plan , and Tartles holding bonds tor tttlt to such real estate exchangeable for deeds After the last payment is made , will ttnd It to their advantage to send their address or full artlculars to li 60. Heo ollice. 4Mq ) r ANTED Ladies to ute "Chichestcr's Hug- 1UU Diamond llrand , Pennyroyal Pills. f&fo. A > ays reliable. The original. The only enulne. Ask druggist or send 4c t > tamps for ftrtictilan , IT turn mail. Chicnester Cliemtcul , Philadelphia , Pa. 337 RANTED Newspaperlocation by practical _ * T printer with complete newspaper and Job office , best of references. A , W. Jackson , jtockwell City , la. am It ' ' ? KfHr UOYNIiIMT BUItEAUS TplIB Union Employment office Is the place to JL obtain reliable help on sliort notice. In or # UtOlCeclty. ) OM H. .iltk St. Open e > enlngs. /"iMAKAEmploytnent'Bnrsftti. 119 N. 16m m. Voidest nnd mosv.reliable flmco In city. Call on us i telephora 1112. H. H. White , proprietor. ' rj ATE City Employment OBlce-Help for all Vj kinds of > votKBfnttottll jmrts If faro Is nd- ranced. ltefcr n > , Don gins County bant. Is- bell & Chrlitenson. 314 3. 15th. tel. nOB. _ 807 fi * /CANADIAN Employment offlco. . inal and fo- V * male help Bent to all parts If fare Is ad vanced. lUfrrcnco , Omaha National bank. Mrs. Ureja Jetton , 31B S. 1Mb. Tel , ? S4. . -V ' BMmll AWIOO\YVsdyiwlti ! pleasant homo would > like u eopmo gentleman bourdcis. C 4 , lice. _ T. . . > . . . . _ f"6 3 * TJUI VATE f boarding. * * a weel 1015 Dodgp. WAMTED-TO RENT. WANTI'.D To rent , house of 8 or 9 rooms , KotmUe's nddltiun preferred. John Me. CllntocK. 1'rclght Agent U. P. Uy. , EM 4' WANTHIMHy t o young men , f mulshed room in good locality ! address stating location - cation nnd iirlco. J. F. M. , Hex ! Si ! > , city. 71 3 " | X7"ANTED Uootn nnd board In private T * family by gentleman and w Ife. references exchanged , centrally located. Address I ) 61. lice. 609 4 W 'ANTED HonireRto rent. Campbell Ic Hcrvev 310 Hoard of Hade. ' 893 I71O11 HUNT a ho desirable residence , 8. W. JU comer 17th and California streets ; furnish- * d or unfurnished , for.term . of years ; splendid terms to thoroughly > . reliable part } ' , lloggs & Hill , Iteol Kstate , liOa.Farnam st. CZt 5 FOR RENT-HOUSES. J. 8TKRN8DORFK , lloom 0 , Onp. P. O. , has the followjns houses for rent : One four room house , $ lri per month. One Uvo room house , f 18 per month. One six room house , J20 per month. Ono eight room house , 40 per month. These nro nil desirable and well located. 80Ti 4 CV ) H RENT One i room and dno 0 room -C house , la and Pfoco. yrodtlochle. 777 "C1OH HENT Two nice Oand 7-room houses. Jl ? 1133oUd 1134N.17U1. Inquire 210 8. Mth st. 350 "IT'OR KENT House of ten rooms , with mod- f ern comenlenccs , at 405 N. 15th street. Enqulro of Thos. Swift , one door north , 763 FOU KENT Good n room cottage , south east cor Nicholas and 2.'d st. J. n. Evans , ! 1510 Dodge st 74 4 * THOU HUNT About April 1st my residence , XJ cofnerldtHft I/savenworth sts. , fourteen (14) ( ) rooms , steam heat , all modern Improve ments ; largo stable. Will sell carpet and shades Is desired. For terms and particulars InqUlro Milton Rogers , l h arid Farnam street. 787 7 T71OII HKNT An olfgant l ) room dwelling just -L built , with stable and all modern improve ments , including laundry , lubratory on ground lloor , cedar closet , etc. , location , Capitol avenue nearSith ; rent moderate. Apply to 1) . J. O'D6n- uhoe , caroof O'Douahoo& Hherfy , 114 S. inthst. 740 9 HOUSES in central location and furniture for sale ; rent from JI2 to W furniture $123 to $1.11)0. ) Call and see our list , Co-opcratlvo * , and and Lot Co. , 306 N. 16th st. 707 O STOUY prame , 7 rooms and Hath , a fci Ij. Uurnham. room 1 , Ci'elghton Block , or at remises , C30 Colfax st. 639 * 2 TG10H KENT New elegant house fi rooms , | 25. -L1 3 12 Mason , 1 block from Lcavenw orth. COO 4 FOS HENT New house , ten rooms , all modern Impnn emcnts , also w ell and cistern. . ' 15 California street. 688-3 * T710K KENT T > vonow 12-room houses , all mod- JU' crn improvements ; 'sw. corner 27th dml Decatur sts. Enqulro llrst'door south.663M.25 663M.25 * TTlOlt RENT Elegant 8-room house nnd barn. V new. Plato and art glass windows. Gas , hot and cold water , soft Water , porcelain bath tub ; 3 blocks from street car lino. J. H. Porrotte , rental agency , 1000 Chicago , st. CCO10 FOR RENT 10-room hou- 10 minutes w alt from P.O. 1408Douglas. 401 "I710H RENT Ten room house and , biseincnt - - ' with nil morderti improvements ; tlrstclass location. Inqtiio. at lleltnrud & Co.'s , IJth and Jackson streets 197 ARE chance Whole flat , No. Sfi04 N. 24th st. AV to rent very low. Enqulro at residence as above , S. F. Wincn. or Robt. Purvis , B81 FOR RENT Hoifce of 8-rooms , closet , hard and eofl'water , on 13th street car line. In uire 1113 8.13th st. 778 IT10R KENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hanscom 1 ? Park , south front. All modern impro\e- ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part of the city. Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 38th and Leavenwtirlli. fc26 m5 " 171OH KENT Twelve-room house , 25th and -C and .Mason streets , | U ) per month. J. S. Caulfleld , 1JOJ Faraam st , * 631 FOR KENT-House 11 rpoms , W. M. Bush- man , N K corner IGttTand Douglas. 091 "CIOR KENT 3 new 7 roomed houses , well , cls- -C tern , large cellar , 19th near ClarK st. W. O. Shrlver , oiip postorace. 350 FOR nr.NT-House'of 4 rooms at 516 Williams street. Inquire next door 'west. 4.CJ F OR KENT 10 room residence steam heat. G , K. Thompson. 314 8. 15th St. 219 FOR KENT or Sale New house , 0 rooms , cor. 28th and Capitol avo. Enquire 2334 Dodge. 110 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED' 71OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or J without board. Hoard $4 per week , 210 , 813 S. 10th St. , - 778 8 * TWO nicely furnished rooms , J12 and $8 per montn. 8104 11 arney st. tOl t * * furnished front room with board PLEASANT for gentleman anil wife , or two gentlemen , In private family. Inquire at 2Ti01 St. Maiy's nv. or Nebraska Clothing Co. , 14th and Douglas. References exchanged. 759 Ut TJIOK RENT Large front room furnlshed.sult- -C able for 3 or i gentlemen , ItllJ Chicago st. 757 3t B1OR RENT L'argo furnished room for 2 or 3. W1J Douglas , , Oil 3 \nCK rooms $1 to 11.50 per week , 503 s. 18tl < st , X l upstairs. 775 7f ) K KENT , Front room furnished , & 14 NJCth SMALL nicely.tumlshed front room forifs , also large Jront room , furnished , on street car Hue , bea\itlful location , Bultabla for two gentlemen. 1917 Casd , Mr.Stadcluian. . 743 FOR KENT Two lurge rooms , nicely fur nished , all modern Improvements. : CJ N. 15th st. ' 7H 2t , | AHGH front room , bath , gas , bieakfast If do- -U sired. 6Jt Pleatant st. 648 4 * FOR KENT-Furulshed robm , $7,808 S. 22d. v , 44TJ. VERV nicely funilshed rooms , single and double ; reasonableto quletj permanent parties. 1721 Davenport. - " J \ * aw ) TTIOH KNTAWeirtuml8hcd frtntrbom. flrst JJ tloor , prlcaVury rvasonabra ; sultablo for one or tw o getitlemeit . 2210 Capitol avu. ff2 * "II1OR RENT-rFjjrntshed rooms In Qreuntg blk -1 } cor. 13th and.todge ) sU. Inquire of Geo. H. ; Davis. Mlllard botoITitlllnnl room. 358 LAHGR pleasant roQiu. modoru conveniences , ITOChtcago-at. ' * * * ' ' < a > . , . . . . . " \TEATLY furnished front room to rent at 1821 JLi Farnam st , I block west of court housa. 614 "C1OR HENT Two very desirable furnished X ? front rooms , wjtl all modern conveniences on same floor. Arranged for throe or four occu pants if dealrod.V * Apply ut | 7 8 Capitol avenue. " * ' * 159 FOR HKNT A targe room furnished , central location Ul cmcagost , 304 R Gentlemen-Two furnished rooms , al modern improvements. , 1718 Dodge st. * 9 m3 17KI R RENT Furulshexl. rooms , all convent -C ences. A. Hospe,315N.17tU straot. 491 FURNISHED rooms , 1810 Dodge. 790m "TT1OR HENT Nice furnished room , 0 p r J ? month , \Toor. . l th and Jackson. 601 TOR HRNT Rooms JuruUheU. and unfur * -13 pished , ir.4Cap.ave. „ , t C41 plURNlBinJD rooms and board , 1933 Farnara FOR KENT Suite of furnished rooms. In quire , 3rd lloor room K , UUU Douglas. 224 FOR RENT-STORES AND FFICJa \\7ANTED-To Kent Storeroom , good retal T > location iMtneeniath andixtb and liar ney and Douglas ( tieew. Address O. H Be onice. 800 TT1OR HENT Stores and rooma. . Inqulr X ; corner Sherman aenue aod Corby street. ) H KENT-Flrt-olau frame Btor * building Nl by 24 feet. drst-cla * buitlnoB4 looatton Apply to I , W , Huberts , 'Albloa , llopne Co , Neb * CTOlt UENT Two rooms. * 4 M , where steam , t ? power can be pbtalndcU Enqiilr * of Satn'l , Ices , RcesPrlntlni Co. . 1019 Howard it. "to OH RKNT Grocery and meat mark . flrit class , firs- years established. Also 4- room cott ge > . Ohio st , . bet.- IBthnnd 17th. Ad- resi room 610 Paxton block , or UM aitl ? aye , . C. Orten. . 75i 6 | ; [ 710R RKNT Two buslnn-ss or oinoo rooms enL L ? 1st lloor Mi per month. Ono room on 3d oorta ) per month. W. B- Clark , 1114 Hartley. 71ft _ FOR RliNT-Sccond floorj x70. 'pood loca- tlon. Enquire of A. J , Blmpson , 1409. ) odgest. . _ _ 7SOr j mOR RENT Store and C-rooms over good , L' stand tor drug or fead store. . Lee , & [ Jlchol , cor , 28th and Loavonworth&T mS ! FOR HBNT-Omres on Farnam st at llO to M per month. Ono office furnished1&13 Kar-l nam. . > > ; ) ' FOH HENT-One-half of oflloo , 11)19 Farnixttt , Ground floor : best location > In thbeity. , lght and pleasant , with modern oonronioncus. OR HENT-Call on Shble . foo'm ' l iDitkir1 block. _ ' * / . ' ' . . ' . * ! ? ) ' , IK YOU ant yonr house ; reirted tat good pay-i ingtenants.no delay , call phua. , uriiko Bros , 310 S. luth st , v , pi , 4 , v QOtmr OMAHA Hentftl 5ge'ri6y,13'/M.InaAKlu | ; J Ac bon , room SOTCO block ' . " ' Se9lha4 ; j 3HEOORY , F. L. . Keutal agen F YOU want your houses , flats orstorerentedi without delay to aped tenants. ! Jlnt Uth George J. Stcrn&dortr , Ityom p , opposite t > .i molt KENT If you wish to rent ahouSa call L : on Deutwa & Co. , lith stM oppoilto P. O.1 . . aca OR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHEP.l rTNFUHNISHED rooms fpf rent ifor house- U keeping. Inquire room 8 , old Hrownell' ' ball. ' W3 4 * _ NICK unfurntslied rooms , new building , good location , N. E. Cor. 10th and Harneysts1.1 ( K ) i i ( I71OR KENT Two unfurnished basemertti L1 _ rooms to a family w Ithout chUdrcU. at 4L i' ' RVW KENT ( J-1 Throe (31 ( rooms. No. 1015 north 20th St.$15.00 { Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1133 north Slst St. . . 1100 , Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st. . . . . . . 10 00 Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11,00 Throe 01) ) rooms. No. 703 Pacific st. . . . . . . . 12.50 Eight (8) ( ) room flat 419 S 19th st 4000- Ono (1) ( ) store room 310 S 16th st 175.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms 1033 M 31st st 1350 ' Apply to JUJge renting agency , 310 S1 Hh'st. 434 FOR RENT--MISCELANEOU8. PJIOR KENT-Barn , 1931 Chicago st. . JC 712 PERSONAL. PERSONAL Frank. Scow hat Is being done nt Lincoln , then here. U. 810-3 > PERSONAL List your property to exchange wlth'C. C. Spotawood , 80W S. ICth St. 90 PEHSONAL Prlvate homo for ladies during confinement , strictly confidential. Infants' ' adopted. Address E 42. Bee onice. 637nU3J T OST. ' 'THAYED Or stolen , brown spaniel punpyi about 0 months' old. Had uell on. Ke- wvrd If left at s w corner 20th and Douglas sts. Bon Gallagher. 763 3 LOST A large envelope containing on ab stract and other papers and three ? 100 notes , which persons are warned against pur chasing. For the return to our store a liberal reward will be given. Clarke Coffee Co. , 1114 and 1416 Harnoy street. , 83 LOST A gold bracelet With horseshoe orna ment , set with turquoises. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by calling at 601 N. 25th t > t. ' I" O8T An envelope addressed Royal Wilson , -LJ Cambridge , Moss , Finder will receive re ward by leaving with McCague Bros. , bankers. 333 FOUND : TI10UND A pocket book with money In and * - * paper. Cull GusEngle , government borrdl. , FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Set of tinner's tools , cheap , Nelson & Co. . Blue Springs , N.eb , . V7807 TTHMl SALE Best payimr lodjzlng house iu JL' umalia , always full. Cheap rent. Address C.19. Beo. 7018 * t FOH BALM A good barn 16x20. can be moved.1 Cheap for cash. Address 017 , Bee. 707 TJ10H SALE-ISO chairs , snttable for Imll orE -E : lodge room ; will be sold cheap for cash , N. B. Falconer. W4 3 FOR BALE One large butcher's Ice "box , alsd . one 3x8 marble table , at 1337 Park ave. * 057 6 * FOR SALE Cheap , furtilturo of 11-room flat , new and elegant , must bo sold in a few days ; lease obtainable , reasonable. Inquire of ! D. Lamlen. 607 8. IJth St. 623m2 TTIOR SALE Some fine young mares and staS JL : lions , tit for road or track. Address'lt. Gibson , Tort. Neb. Kfim 7 * TTIURNITURE for salerooms furnished * JL' brick flat. Terms cash. Lease can bo hadj Apply , room 7 , No. 607 S. 13th st. 603' TTIOR BALE Eight room house with modern1 JL ; improvements and stable on leased grouhd , 1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Kaapka. 1405 Harneyst. , . 987 , i FOR SALE Dormant scale , capacity 3,4QQ pounds. Phil. Stimmel Sc Co. , 01HUJ Jones St. , Omaha , * 140 TTIOR SALE At a bargain 50 feet of shelving , JP 30 feet of counters and one ice chest , suit able for grocery store. Enquire at 812 8. JUth at. A BLACKSMITH shop for sale , has one for o , -ti. or tools without shop for sale. Apply tq Win. Busch , Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Nob. | ' 73 m8t MISCELLANEOUS. IP YOU want to buy , sell or exchange your property , call on of address Q. J. Sterns- dortt , Room 8 , Opp. P.O. 805 4 | , TREES furnished and planted ; trimming done ; George Astleford , 6U and Dorcaa sts. , city. i 7 0 j NOTICE.To my customesnnd.'friends ' , tin Omaha national knitting * factory has- re moved from 1700 St. Marys ave to 1104 S 1'ith st Duggan blk. Manufacturer of knit Jacketstudle- skirts and hosiery , also dealer In all kinds of tin ported yarns , all mall orders will' be ; promutlj' delivered. Respectfully , Jos F. Illli , UOi H flth1 st. , Omaha National knittlns tofltory. ,770 a ? jj MISS Sarah Buente , nurse , 3313 .LVavennbrth fet. ' | 714U | THE On Time Household 'Fair. , " ' The great bargain house. ' ; B To housekeepers. Wo are bound to show you that we can save. you money In prices. - \ } , j f Parlor sulU , Chamber sots , , ) . | liud springs , bed ujattrassea , t Folding beds , side boards , qarpatfl. Tables , chairs , , minors p. Lounges , commodes , tetes , Divans , rockers , curtains , stoves. Tinware , crockery , glassware , Ittrtpr.C Houses furnished ; complete. , d on Easy payments I Easy payiuejitslj ; i. > . { Easy payments ! - Easy paynieRtslj , Prices the lowest. Call and sea . , ; > , .i 3 < . I.M Prices the lowest. doll ajrVl EM , , n 600 and 004 south 13th Rtroot , Corn t > Jackson. No connection with any other houspi ; ; , nit THE banjo taught as an art by Qed : Ff beck , bOJ llaruuy at. 'v AK. KILEY-Notary , 1519'Farntttrtf-1 . ' 4 if2 TTOH free maps and full Information' concern- JC ing sioux City , la , iuldrcs the Wide Aw ake real estate exchange , 63 < tyj Pearl st.Sioux City. la. J733 4t O.H. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug. 40 ! ) N 30th St. , Omaha , Neb. 609 mcU21 * ATOTE3 boueht. 0. D. Jacobs , 833 8.15th st. STORAGE. STOHAOE For household goods and mer chandlse , on first floor , and at lower prices than usual , corner Eighth oud Howard streets. tCJ ma NBW YOHK Rtoracce Co. have moat extensive ( acuities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , west ot New York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware , house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick building Ore-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New york Storage Co , Capitol av * and. M. UtU St. , Dennett's block , ' 3C3 CLAIRVOYANT. MIIB. BCCLES-Tha greatest living clalrvoy ant , tails past , present and future ; atlsfac tlon guaranteed. WV4 N. 16th St. , room 1 , Heat .0eertorlgU Mhe d0f UUn. lit U it * M HS. ' DtntANT-Clatrvoyant" from , nostbni reliable in all affat . of llfn ; Unites sep arated lovers. 8E3N. lflta treetxoom j. ' ' MfmlSt _ H. NANNIE V. U-arrvn. clatrvovant. Med- leal , biwlnoii and teat medium. Diagnosis ree. Female diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. 16th t..Koofn' 8.V3. Tel.P44.xft 304' iHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. STUDENTS can enter Valentine's Shorthand .5 and Typewriting Institute at atytime. . It s the largestand best equipped exclusive short- land school In the west I nil Its graduates nre rcupylng good paying jtiiuatlons Mid giving atisfactlon. IltiMness rupri nre constantly up- ilylnn to us for stenoHratfM.rs. As a menus of Ivellhood shorthand Is much superior to book- : ceplngortolegrnphy. Trfb demand for steno graphers Is In excess of tUl supply. Send for ilrcular to IMS Dodge st. , Omalit. _ ! > ) iiiii31 WANTEP-TO BUY. niTANTED Second hand C3-lncli blcj cle. Par. W tlctllar ? tp F. H. . 1418 Dodge st. 7m 4 WANTKD To buy snort time paper. J. W. Gross , at U , E. Hayuo's office , Tith and larney. c 2IU rtTHO wants ty sell n nice cottage within two TT mile limit and tnkon'i section of good trstern land for first payment , bnlnnco' in uonthly or quarterly imyrnents ? Address box 50. P. ( ) . , , C4l 4 _ MONEY TO LOAM. ONEY To Loan lly the undersftuiad , who ban the only T > roperlv organized 16nn ngoncy in Omalm. Loans ot 110 to J100 mndd ou urnlturo. pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma- hlncry , etc , without removal. No delays. All > uslness strictly confidential. Loans so made hat any part con be paid ut any time , each pay- nent reducing the cost pro ratn , Ad\ances nado on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons hould cnreffilly consider who they nro dealing with , ns many new concerns nre dally coming nto existence. Should you need money call and eemc. W , H. Croft , room 4 WlthneU building , 5th and Hnrnoy. 301) ) MONEY to loan ou city property.no delays , as cash Is on hand , Dates , Smith & Co. , oem 3.V5 , Itamgo building. 7C3 31 A. WOODMAN Money to loan on real es tate in sums to suit. 320 South lath st. 748 LOANS made on Omaha city property bv D , V. Sholes , room lllnrker blk. 701 HUGH PEHCY & CO. loans jnonoy on real estate nnd chattel security ot every de- crlptlon. All business strictly confidential , { oem 435 Paxtott building. 753 31 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved hocuiity. Low ates. J. W. Hobbins , 101J Fnrnam. 773 MONEY loaned on improved city and farm property. Drake Bros. , 310 8.10th Bt. 730 4 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , wagons , etc. , without removal ; also on collateral ecurlty. Uustuess confidential. C. U. Jacobs , 830 S. 15th St. 649 K. 1ULEY , 1st mortgage loans. H19 Fnr nam. 481m 33 * Q > 5,000 and upwards to loan on nrst-clnss city P real estate security. W. F. Smith , 1820 Far- namst. 491m33 M ONKYtoloon , casnonnnnd , no delay. J. W. and B. L. Squire , 14H Farnam at. Par- on hotel building. 373 LOANS w ontcd on good real estate security ; . favorable terms. Mortgages bought. Clmball , Champ at Hyan , U. 8. Nnt bank b'ldg. f CANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. JU W. M. Harrjs over 320 8.15t st. 373 MONEY I To loan , shortt-tlmo. 1st mortgage paper bought. Mapoa & IClng , room J , Crelghton block. 014 \TONKY to Loan Omaha real estate and IT ! , fanns. Mortgages bbught. Odell Hros. & Co. , 1033 Farnam. | oi iM HE. COLE loans money On Improved city or farm property. Boom 0 Continental block. t , 03 HOUT time loans maae on any available r - security , In reasoiiablai amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any. kind transacted iromptly. quietly and f airly Bt the Omaha Fi' nanclal Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th nnd Har- ney sts , overstate National band. Corbott , manager , . 307 6PEH CENT Money. I -i Patterson & Fftwcett 15th , and Hi ney , 37 6 MONEY to loan. Notes , ana rt. II. ticket. bought and sold. A , Forman , 1330 Farnam " TV * ON BY to loan on improved real estate ; no. lu. commission'charged. , Leatltt Ilnrnham. room 1. Crelghton block. 3W ) 'ONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay Mc J. L. lllce & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 375 ' OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages -t bought. Lewis B. Heed * Co. , 1631 Farnam. 877 M "ONEY to LoanH.V. . Huntress , 1417 For- nam St. , room 1. 635 91 MONEY LOANED at 0. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan Lu. OQlce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles ot value without removal. 319 8. 13th. over Bingham's commission store. All busl- ness strictly confidential. 379 600,11110 to loan on city and farm real estate. 1 Linahan Ac Mahoney , 1607 K Farnara street. 1510 , To loan on Omaha city property at $600,000 cent , G. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Er. Bid. 3(8 irganlzod n horses personal propert'yor collaferaT. "l > eai""with "responsible parties. Apply at their oulce , 315 South 14th street , up-stalrs. 118 "MTONBY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , lu. hoi ses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson 4 Co , 1331 Farnam , over Burlington tlclwtoflica. _ " " " MONEY-to Loan O. F. Davis Co. . real estate and loon agents , 1505 Karnam st. 370 III ONEY to loan on iniprbved city property at IVJL lowest rates. Cash on hand. First mort gages negotiated , K. F. Beaver , room 15 , cham ber of commerce. 3U1 BUSINESS CHANCES. AFIRSTclass lunch counter with fixtures for sale or rent on Faruam st. Address B ( i ! , Beo. 785 3 * TTIOR SALE Hardware store and stock in fine JL ? growing town in eastern Nebraska ; near est town 8 miles ; building worth about(1,000 ; stock about 11,500 , Address Box 2J5 , Stanton , Neb. 7010 KF.LIAULE man with S100 cnn find a prof- . liable business by addressing C-18 , llee , 793 8 * EAT market for tale ; splendidly fitted up , . and one of the best paying markets for least amount invested. C 8 Bee office. 718 Of T710K SALE Contents of a 19-room boarding JL : house.on paved street and lu good location , near the U. P. shops , rent $40 , nllisoil for part cash , balance monthly payments , or might fake part la trade. Address 07Bee , 7153 * A FIRST-CLASS meat market for sale. In best location In the city ; rent (37.60 , one year's lease ; fixtures , stock , etc. . according to invoice ; It will pay you to call early , as this Wace w 111 soon BO. Co-opcratlvo Land and Lot .Co. , 305 N. 10th it. Tel.tfUil ! > 703.3 WANTED A partner tfttake ( half Interest with a practical mouf in a small growing manufacturing business , already established on -the Belt line. $1,000 to l,6wcash required. 'No bonus expected. AddresStW V. Nattlngor , sec retary board of trade , or Wl. Flemrflg. grocer , . tL 049 M A GENTLEMAN with flrVt rate eastern con- netclons and with f.Tl.060 cash , will estab lish a bank in some rapidljTfowlnif ? suction of Nebraska , provided the i * Kut place can be .fonnd. Any one Interestedladdicss Box 23 , Wil mington , Delaware , nv Clfl0 * TJIORSALE-Drug stock. AS fine location as .L' there U In tne city. Cledn stock. ' Invoice aboutf7.00p. Fart cash. Pdrtln good real es tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton le Co. 16th Bt , opp. Chamber of Commprpe. 151 T710H SALE-fiOO grade m'tfrtno sheep , all young JL ! and in perfect health , will trade for unln- cumbered real estate at fa * > value. A. B. Fuller , -Ashland , Neb. M , , 638ra2 tTIOR SALE A good payliig business. Cigars , -L' stationery and toys , In a first-class loca tion. On account of ill health. Stock on hand aoout U.OOO. All cash not required. Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'s. 400 RAKE CHANCE To lease tine residence near postofllce , and buyfurnlture ( all new ) at u great t > acrillco. For particulars see L. 8 , Skinner , 160U Farnam. fi'K ) FOR SALE Hambletonlan mare five years old this spring , with foal by Weiflake standard-bred stallion ; can be seen at 230U Oum ing street any afternoon this week , No trade ; must be cash , 728 2 * TIWR all kinds of business chances call on the JP Co-OporatIve Land If Lot Co. , 803 N. 10th st. Telephone Pft . 487 FOBEXOH'ANO * . $8,000 stock-of the Consolidated Fay Hock Georgetown Mining Co. Best mine tn Clear Creek County , Colorado. Tills stock ia nog-as sessable and will stand the closest investigation. Will trade for improved or unimproved prop erty and assume lucyimbraac * . Jl. E. 'Com , ' N. K. Oor. litU and DougUu- ' . ' MI. , I7IOK SALTJ-tOr Trado-Candy store and Ice A1 cream at-Long Tine , Neb. flood R. it. town. atfrworks , , flne'water power In town , line irospects. Reason for selling , cau't attend to t. A. B. Sinn , Long Pine , Neb. - 74MJ WANTED TO houses nnd lots to exchange. C. U , 9potswc-od. 30) ) } S. 18th st. 3JJ ' I It AVE. fortra/Mimproved [ farm in Cass Co , near Ptatfsiuouth , will trade for improved tslde property. AUtVrcsj M 39 , Bee office. 033 TTIOSI KXCHANftli-ThrcO Omaha lots free ot -17 ItieumUnitfces ftor Iowa or Neb. farm. W. L. Belly , im Farnam st. rai 3 F Oil EtfOH.VNQH-340 acres improved Monoua Co , Iowa , forOuinlinproperty , 040 rtcres , unimproved , Nebraska , for Omnlm property , 40 ncros , 5 jnllcs from DeS Molnes P. 0 , , low ft , for Otualm property. > IWacre * . Mnely improved farm , Holt Co. , for Omaha property. .130 deles , clear Nebraska land , for Omaha property. 40 acres , Colfax : Co. , Nebraska , Ifor Omnlm property , a , , . 4-room honsennd lot , eoodbarn , Isnno& Sel- den's add. , $3,300 : want J.VWcash , n.il. good lot. li.room. 3-story liimso , l.irgo lot , l" > th nt , near Vlnton , J 1,000 ! wants il.iwocash , balancetrade , 100 good UttincUmbered lots for Nebraska laud. 1 , it fFor Sale.o ' . i 100 tcnolcOt residence , nud business .Wts very cheap. " " Bo\eral fluely Improved residence properties , city. - - Choice residence and business lots , South Omaha , birgnlns. ' ' Di-ako Droi. , ttenl Estate , 310 8.15th St. u 1 \ i i ' "B * IF YOU have anything to trade call ou or ad- dtess Ucorgo J. Stcrnsdorff , Uoom ( \ Opp. OLliAN stock bookM hud stationery for city property. St. John to Ely , Frenzer block. HOUSES or household fnrnlturo wanted In exchange for good vacant lots , ( lood Ltlllo range and tauk and restaurant outllt tot sale , cosh or time. C , T. Morton , 1C4 Fnrnam st. 31U STOCK hardwaio for land. St. John & Ely , Frouzer block. 317 H OU8Eandlot tn Minneapolis for western land. St. John & Ely , Frenzer block. 317 fflOR SALK-Or trade , land and town property JL' in Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle and stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York , Neb 745 m 8 * ; NEDKASKAana Kansas farms to exchange for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlca versa. Co-Operative Laud and Lot Co. , 303 N 6th at. CM ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON te CAUMICHAKL furnish complete nnd guaranteed abstracts of-title to any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete sot of abstract > oolcs in the city. No. 1219 Farnam st. W MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1603 Farnam BtreOt .Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per- 'ected and guaranteed , ' aaa gQRSALE-REALESTATIT / IHEAP for cash , J | sec. laud , all Improved , Ji \J mile of Albion , Neb. . W.BOOjHsec.3 miles from Petersburg , Nob. : 00 ucics lmpro\ed for est trees and small fruit. $1,700. $1,000 on place for 4 years : book , stationery and music stole. , 'resh stock , good location , will sell or lent nilMlng ; 180acres timber laud , S. K. Mo. , will iade for Florida land in Clay or Marlon Co. Lock. Dox 501 , Albion , Neb. 7M COME quickly , lot 9 in 4 , corner A. S. Patrick's add. , J1.250 : only 450 cash. Cooper , 1W9 Var- nain .st. 803 3 TWO good houses , well located , for $3,700 nnd J3.100 , ou easy .payments. J. A. Helstnnd , room 0 , Arlington lllock. 7BJ I OFFER the following for a few days : 60xlOOon Georgia ave with a good 7 room now house with furnace , city water , gas , etc. ; arge barn and 100 feet from Poppletonave.prlce ! r > ,760,11,260 cash , bal 1 , 2 and 3 j ears. Consider this. this.Good 8 room house , east front lot , new and in an excellent locality , for a few da j s you can ret this for $3,700 , $1,300 cash. Investigate this. CSxl33 ft on Cass st bet llth and IJtli sts , with peed 10 room hoitse , nn easy terms , cheapest property in Omaha at $ U.OOO ; if vou wish to buy soil or get a loan call on D. V. Sholes , Room 1 , llarkerblk. 749 T3UH ) SALE House and lot , SOxlW , on25th St. , X ? near Lcaveuw 01 tli st. , cheap. Call at 70J N lOthst. . , 70S 3 * rr\EN acie tract on line of railroad near South -L Omaha , suitable for manufactories or sub dividing ; > w in be sold cheap and on easy terms. F. K. Darling , 1505 How ard. 770 0 "DIOR SALE House and lot in Omaha View , a X ? bargain , small cash payment , easy terms. C. C. Spotaw oed , 30514 S 16th. 730 CHEAPEST yet. corner lot in A. S. Patrick's v > add.block from Saunders St. , $1,350 ; only MM cash. Cooper , 1509 Faruam st. 802 3 FOR SALE A beautiful 10 room or 7 room house , both heated by hot water , supplied witnnllmodern improvements , splendid loca tion , 10 blocks from board of trade. A bargain. JohnM. Welshans At Co. , 1433 Capitol ave. . Ex position building. 717 3 L. 1UUK Sc CO. , Real Estate. 215 HAWLBV House , North Platte.Neb. . for hale. On account of the death 01 my wife I w ill sell the property on easy terms. Address John Hawley , North Platte. Neb. 77Jma EMSTICKNET & CO. mace a specialty of property in North Omaha , for sale or rent at Citizens' bank. 2108 Cumtni , ' st. 3SS I HAVE for sale one ol the best lots In A. S. Patrick's ad. which I will sell If taken soon for three hundred dollars loss than any lot In the addition can be bought for. Address II33 , lleo ollice. U35 TTIOR SALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam St. , X ! one block from paving and street cars. Price $6.000. Equity W.OOO. Two one-fourth sections fine school land In Kossuth county , Iowa. One-sixth interest in an addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western farmland , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha property. Good Inside business property , free of en cumbrance , for good house and lot in north part of city. S. A. Sloman , rooms 23 and 33 , Ilellman building , cor. Faruam and 13th sts. neil SALE-House and lot in Walnut Hill. Easy , payments. P. A. Uavln. sole agent. 447 Mch It WANTED Buyer for corner. 9 In * , A. 8. Patrick add. : price 11.350 ; only WfiO cash. Cooper , solo agent , I'M Faruam , 803 3 Tmoit SALE Four sp lendld corners for busl X ! ness ivurposes. Three tine residence lots In Kountzo place. Fourlots in West End. Lot ! ! < > blk 5 Kilby place only $1.000. Three ldtavin Improvement asjo. addition , cheap. ' ' Two loti in Potter's addition , one a corner. Ixit J Ijlk J Dftilse add. A One hpuso. and. lot In Idle wild , will be sold cheap. Elegant house anil lot cor 33d and Cass , 13lots in Marsh add. llousos and Iqts In different parts of the city. Lots in every addition to the city , Call and sea our lut of property for sale or rent. O F. Davis Company , loOj Faruam st. J..L.1UCU&CO. , ItculJIstato. 315 J * . TTlOn SA-MM-Oreschange for a lot In good lo- J-1 cation urboy CQW , liorse , double carriage of Simpson make , "sliujlo buggy and harness. A , S-lllllineMUl S15th st. v 610 L > : li ICE Sc CO. , Heal Estate. 315 "ITIOU SAJ'K-TjBXM ? . feet , on South 15th st. near -i ? Castellar , east front , on grade , water , gus and seu er , ' lot trailed , . 3.2X ( > . 1(09 cash , tsuo in thr < vi oear aniil , ( )0 in Dye years. J. A. Dodge. At drug store , cor , Per.co ) and 30th sts. 70t , 4 TflOHSALE-Lots3 and 4 , block 1 , In Isaac Sc -13 Selden's addition , cor. Illth street and Half Iloward. Johall , F. . Leluuaun , Oit 8.17th st. J.L. . BICE le CO. . Heal Estate. rlQ J.L KICK Sc CO. , Html Estate. 215 TT\OH \ SALE On * of the best lots In II lllflld -U No. I , lust across street from Vatcs' now residence. Make offer ; any reasonable propo sition will bo entertained for few days ; must sell. A ; < 0 , Ilao ollice. 607 NOTICE is hereby given that on Saturday , March 10th. 1W. at the hour of ten o'clock of said day , at tne uast door of the court house- of Douglas county , Nebraska , by virtue of'the pmur vehted in us by the statutes of the state of Nebraska , we will soil to the highest and best bidder for cash , the following K'oqds pnd chattels , to wit : The complete stockof groceries and btoro tlxturus tu store building oil the north east coiner of nth and Nicholas streets , and ull book accounts of said business. Also the com plete outfit and fixtures of the "barber Miop utu bath rooms located at No , 1D04 Saundors. street all situate lu the city of Omaha , Douglas county Nebraska. OKO. CHitiSToriiKiiscw , I Assignees of H. J. W.WBIT , . I Metals , Insolvent . * . f27dlOt HOWTOAOT , r . Proposals'for Army Tj-ansporttitloni HICAbtlUAIITEllH DKrAlttVKNT rtr TUB PtATTS ) Chief yunrtermister's OWeo , V Omahn , Nob. March 1. 1S8S , | STALnD proposal ? , , lu triplicate , subject to the usual conditions , w ill bo received Ht this office until one o'clock. p , nu central standard time ou Monday. April 3d. HW , \thlchtlmo mid place they " 111 be opened In tire pretence of bidders , for tlio transportation ot such military stores and supplies UM may bo turned over by the Quartermaster's Department for that pur pose on nny or nil of the following described routes , during the fiscal year commencing July . I. llctwcen llordratiT , Wyoming , nnd Fort Laramle , Wyoming * t S. lletweeu Douglas , Wyoming , or other nearer point to Tort McKlhucy , at which freight can bcilellvuredon the ( Jhejelinp & Northern , Itattrond , nnd Fort McKlnnev , Wjoihtiig. 3. llotween Fort Casper , Wyoming , nnd 1'ort McKlnnry , WyomlttR. 4. llotween Fott Casper. Wyoming , or other nearer point to Fort Wushakle nt w hlch freight can bo delivered On 1ho Wyoming Central Hall- road , and Fort WnslinkleTyomlrut. . B. lletwccn llawllns , Wyoming , nnd Fort Washnkle , Wyoming. o. iiotw een Carter , Wyoming , nnd.Fort llrld- ger , Wyoming. 7. ikn > eon Price , Utah , ana Tort DuChcsno , Utab. . $ . lletwcen points whorovef required \tlluln the limits of the city of Omaha , Nobraskn. 0. llotwcen Omalm quartermaster's depot , or nny other points w ithln the limits of the city of Omaha and 1'ort Omaha , Nebraska * , 10. Iletween Valentino , Jj'cbrnskn , nnd Fort Nlobrorn , Nobrnska. ' II. Iletween Chejcnno City and. Cheyenne Quartermnsier's le\)0t \ ; CHeyenne Clly and Port 1) . A. Kiuspll , nud Chpycnno Qunitcrmnster'a Depot and t'oit 1) , A , liusaull. 13. lletwccu Salt Lake City and Fort Douglas , Utah. U. For transferring from or Into cars nnd hauling stores beta c > n railroad depot and other points nt Ogden , Utah. U. For transferring from or Into cars nnd hauling stores between railroad depot nnd other points nt Price , Utah. 15. For transferring from or Into cars nnd hauling stores between railroad depot nud other points at Tort Sidney , Nebraska. in. For transferring from or into cars and hauling stoies between railroad depot nnd other points nt Douglas , Wyoming , 17. For transferring from or into cars and hauling stores betw oen t nllioad depot aud other points ut 1'ort Casper , Wyoming. The Goveinment resenos thu right to reject any or all proposals. , lllank pioposals , forms of contract and printed circular , giving full Information onto manner of bidding , conditions to bo observed by btddciH , niultcimsof contract and payment v 111 bo f mulshed on application to this ollice. Envelope containing proposals to bo mniked "Proposals for Trnnspoitntlon on Itouto No. . " and addicssed to the undersigned. WM. II. IHKlllKS , ml-3-3-4-24-2oino Chief Quartermaster. _ THE CHICAGO 0 MORTH- WESTERN W RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only rood tn take for DCS Mnlncj. Mnrnhnltown- Cellar Haplds , Clinton , Dlxon , Clilcnvo , Milwaukee nixl nil points Kast. To tbo puoplo of Nebraska , Cole rarto , Wyomlim , Utah , Iclnuo , Nuvntln , Oregon , Wusti- nKton anil California , It otfors superior advantages not posslblo l > r any other line. Ainoim a l'o\r at tliu uuniuroiu paints of superiority enjoyed by the patrons of tuU rua.l . between Oinalm and riilcairo. nro Its two trains a day of DAY COACH Kb , wlilcli nre tlio Uncut Hint luiinan nrt nnd Int'onulty can create. Itsl'AhACHSl.KKI'INO CAIW , wlilcb nre mnilels in rorafurt and elOKKnco. Its 1'AU- LOU DKAWINO 1100M rAUnnsurnuMpd > by any , find Us widely ( olebratcit PALATIAL MINING CAIIS , the equal of which cannot bo fuund chowlu'ro. At L'ountll UlulTs. the trnltn of the Union 1'acltle Kail- way connect In union Uopot vrliK thu * < a ot tlio Chicago cage > V Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those oC all other Eastern lines. 1-or Detroit , Columtnn , Inrtlampolls , Clnclnnntl. S'lnuara I nils , Dutl'.ilo. IMttsburc , Toronto , Montrcul , Uo'toiL. New York , Philadelphia , llaltlinorn , Wash ington , and all points in the Fast. Ask for tickets % la "NORTH-WESTERN" If you wish the bctt accommodation. All ticket agents soil tickets via this line. lf.liUOUlTT. K. P. WILSON. Uen'l Manager. Ueu 11'uss'r Agent. ciiiCAno , ILLS. W.N. nAnCOCK.ncn'l. Western Affont. 1) . E. KIMUAI.U Ticket Afrt-nt. U. r. WKsr , city IMsjoiiKOf Agent. 1401 raruam St. , Omaha , Neb. MAM ( NACOUAINTIO WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Of THE COUNTW Witt OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A aTUDV OF THIS Vif OF THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC Its mala Ilnei and bronchos include CHICAGO. PEOHIA. MOLUfE , BOCK ISIjAND. DAVEN PORT. DBS MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MU8- OATHJE. KAUBAB OUT. ST. JOSEPH. LEAV- EKWOBTB , ATOHIBOir. OHDAB BAFIDa. WATERLOO. MnniBATOLIB. and OT. PATO. end Korea of IntonneiUate cltlei. Cholco of routes to and from the Pacific Coast. All trans fer * ( n Union depots , Fait trains of Vine Day Coaches , elegant Dlnlnc Care , magnificent Pull , roan Palace Blooper * , and ( between Chicago , Bt. Joseph. AtculBon and Kansas City ) Becllntng Clialr Cora , Beat * Vtto , to holders of t&rouBb flrt-clai tlcUeU. Chicago , Kansas A. Nebraska K'y "OreatRook Uland Route. " Extends Weit and Southwest from Karm * city and St. Joioph to KBIAON. UOETOK. . DELLK- VJELB , TOPEKA , HZBINOTON , WICHITA. mrrcnrnDOif. OAXDWEU * ana ail points iu KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond , -Yntlre poucnaec equipment of the celebrated Pullmaq manufacture. All safety ap * BllaHto * and modem improvement * . The Famous Albert Lea Route Ii the favorite betweua Chicago , node Island , Atchlson , v City and WlnnfuroUi nnf Bt * PauL Its Watertown braacb traverses tbo great "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT1' of Northern lowe , Southwestern Klnnesota , and East Central Dakota to'Watertown , Spirit X.ake > Olouz Tolls and many other towns and cities. The Short Line vis Beooca and Kankakeo offers superior facilities to travel to and from Indian apolis , Cincinnati arid outer Southern point * . ' ForTlotots. Maps , 7older , or desired Informa tion , apply at any Coupoa Ticket Office or address E. ST. JOHN. . A. HOUsftQOK , - GOLD MEDAL , PABIS , 1878 , BAKER'S ,1 , _ Warranted aluoliUelit pure C'oeoit , from which the excm of Oil has been removed. It lias Ihrte ttmti Ik ! itrtnyth of Cocoa mixed with fitarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar , and U therefore far mora economi cal , coiling leu than one cent a cuft It li delicious , nourishing , ttrcngthftilng , easily digested , and admirably adapted for ln\allda as ell aa for persons In health. 'Sold ' tjf Grocers Merjnliere. W , BAKER & 'CO , , Dorchester , Mass , Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting of the stockholder * o Tlie lice Publishing Company , will be held ou Monday , Marco 6th , IbW , at H o'clock p. in. . Cud0t | B. KOaF.\VATBlt \ , President. TOHN OUTHARDT : You will take notice that 0 on the SGth day of October A. D. ItW. there was placed In our charge for safe keeping ( wo certain horses and that the same nru , now in our charge , jou will also take police that the charges for the safe keeping of suotihorjtn up u and Including the 1st day of Februury , A. P. iVw amount to the sum of one hundred and lifted dollars and twenty cents (111,1 ( OT , You will take further notice that on 3th ilay of February , A D. 188 * . at our brn known as 1J07 Harney street at tbo hour of 10 o'clock a. in. , we will sell such horses to pay the'expenses'for thu keeping 1 thereof together with the cost of this advertise ment , and of this you will take due notice. ' 3. T. WiTiinow Si Co. . . ' , Livery Stable Keepers. Dated tliUOtb day of i > bruaryWW. c d8 ' ' " ' ' - - Vtho Is WEAK , NERVOCN , r.iiiii px. * TED , who tn his FOLIami IflNOB ANCC hai TKirLEDawar Ml V1UOK of HODY , MIND and MANUOon.cAuilnitexhMittlnK drains Upon the FOtTNTAINN of l.tTK. I HKAUACUE , BACKACHE. Dreadful Dreamt , WEAKNKHN of Memory. HAK1I. rULNEIMin SOCIETY , PIMPl.KNUpon the TACK , and all the frtKCT * lading la EABLT DECAY and perhaps CONHtlMP. TION or INMANITY , should eouiult at once the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Kttablltlird 1MI. Dr Clarke hai made NERVOUS DE BILITY. CHRONIC and nil Dlieoiei of. Uie UENITO URINARY Orgjni.a Ufa tthidy. It makes NO difference WHAT you ' & Te taken or WH01 - n . Itar to their let can consult with the ainirarica f speedy relief and cur * . Send a c nu postage ) for works on TOUT dlicaicf. 49-Saud 4 cents isomga for C t 1 > rfitt > 4 Works ) on Chronic. ] f rvoM * tld Bll < tat * Diseases. Coniultatlon , pertonaL'r or .by Utter , ften. Consult the .old DdrtAr. ThoB > * niU rnre > d. > ( * Arid BftirMi * ' private.Thoeo contemplating Mnrrltce end for Dr. Clnrke'i celebrated gulil * Hale and Femntp , each 15c. , 'both 16c. . ( stamps ) . Before oonMlng your base , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call wejr MTO future Buffering-and shame , and add golden y * n to life. 49-Book "tAWm ( Secret ) Kr- rorsj. " Wo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings ( nt everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to B ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Addreu , F. D. OLARKD.M. D. , l a So. Clark at. . OHICAOO. H TIIK OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The nest Route from Omaha and Council Bluffi ! to - = = THE EAST = = = = - TWO TUAIN3 lAirY IIKTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL ULUFKd Jhlwigo , AND Milnrmikoty it. Paul , Miiilionpolls , Ccnlar llnplils , took Island , Frppport , llockford. nititon. DnbnqitC ) Dnvcnport , ' jlglu , Maillson , Janosvlllo , llololt , Wliioiia , La C'rosso , And nil other Important points Kixst , Northeast and Boutlicust. For through tickets cull on the ticket ngontatlifll ' 'arnnm street , In llurker lllock , or at Union Paclflo I'lilliunn Sleepers and the finest Dlnlna Can In tha worlil lire run on tha nuilii Una of tbu ChlcoRO , Mil wniikeo & St. 1'nut Itallwnr , nntl every imoutlon is > nia to pii'BciiKurs by courteous uruployos OT the : nmpnnr. It MlM.KIt , ( Icneml MimnECr. J , K. TIJUKKlt , Aisl'tnnmunorul Manager. A. V. It. CAIU'KM'KK , ( ionorul ransonsor and UK ! ) . K HKAFroill ) , AB.Mstant Oenoral ratstpiior anil Ticket Audit. J. T. CLAHK , Uoncrnl Superlntcnilont. THE RAILWAYJflfElABlES : OMAHA. SUBUHDAN 111AIN8. Running between Council Illtilts and Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and T wo nty-tourtU > streets and at the Summit in Omaha. H si THE WAtfHSURN A.MIRIOAM OUITAM AND MAMDOLIMIt _ . ' . e ' ' * * * * " f * * * ' ' t t t t * * * * * * * *