q 'ir 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , -MARCH 2 , 188a HAS A SUSPICIOUS LOOK , Are Board of Trade Members Favored With Underbills ? ' HOW LONG FOUND REA'S BOOK. Rnllrond Dlscrlmlnntlons Afrnlnftt Onialia Temporarily Shelved Do ing * In the Various Courts Flue * of the Soiled Doves. A Snuplcloiis Ac'lon. "I read In the lien n few dnys ngo , " said a member of the board of trade yesterday to n Br.K reporter , "that the freight bureau had adopted a resolution asking tlio Nebraska del egation In congress to work for two amend ments to the Intcr-stato railway law. One of these amendments was Intended to cxpedlato action on the part of the Intcr-stato rallwny commission , and the other was to punish , by n fine , any consignee who would receive Roods from a railroad at a figure for trans portation lower than appeared upon the tar iff. The announcement pleased tno very much , and If such an amendment could bo passed would lead to a reformation which Is greatly to bo desired. Just think of it. The roads may bo fined 15- 000 if they discriminate in favor of ono jobber us against another , but there is no penalty attached to the offcnso If a merchant Is a party to their crime. In my mind , a merchant who \vlll accept an illegal rate from a railroad , acts hypocritically with bis brother merchants , is able to give them unjustifiable competition , gives little of the benefit ho enjoys to the public , and , in fact. . is Just as guilty In my opinion us the road which literally violates the law. That there arc persons in tins city in whoso favor the intcr-otato law is violated , while not easily demonstrated , is nevertheless a fact. There are merchants hero who arc favored with under-billing , and others who have both underbills and passes. There are some of these merchants inc.in.bdrs of the board of trade , too. They know also what wo have established the freight bureau for , and what that bureau has been doing to have the intcr-stato commission sit down upon the discrimination winch the eastern roads are practicing against Omaha. And yet , tlicso men do not hesitate to accept these illegal courtesies , which are unjust all around. 13ut that is not all. The amendments I spctk of as adopted by the freight bureau committee , were not , I understand , accented with the preatcst enthusiasm. It was simply adopted , but nobody fpoku against it , fearing lest in doing so it might bo suspected that mercenary motives might be prompting the opposition. Well the matter was referred to the board of directors , and those met a couple of evening's ago and what do you suppose the board did 1 Why it , killed the . amendments. Yes sir , the directors voted to not recommend them to the Nebraska del egation. What do you suppose cnubccl such action ? I'll tell \ou what I think. There were men in that bo.ird of directors who were themselves the recipients of underbills and passes and could not in justice recommend their own punishment. If such were not the case , what harm could have resulted from adopting the proposed amendments. And yet our board is said to have the inter ests of the people at heart. The board has dropped into a comatose condition , and there BceuiB about as much virility in its manage ment ns there is in an old rag. For months it has been pondering over a new system of membership , and next winter will arrive be fore anything will be done about the matter , at the present rate of progression. Wo ought to have n live board , n live manage ment , a live head , but we haven't cither one or the other. " _ Good-foje , Discrimination. The followju ? card has been issued by W. , F. QrifllUs , commissioner of the freight bu reau of the board of trade , which will bo readily understood and as greatly appreciated by all who have suffered from the discrimina tions which has long obtained against this ' " city. ' "All lines leading from Chicago to Omaha , and thcro making connection with Union Pacific for interior Nebraska points , will , from nnd after March 8 next , base through rates on sum of the locals. . "The Chicago & Northwestern railroad has adopted the same policy , effective on the . same date , in connection with their Fremont , Elkhorn Ac Missouri Valley railroad. "This ends the war In rates so far as . ' Qmaha is concerned , and relieves our mer chants from discriminations heretofore exer cised against them.1' Mr. Grlllltts was scon by a Bun reporter and said that the cliango had been brought about mainly uy the Union Pacific , which had insisted in getting its local rales west of the Missouri on all through shipments. What effect the change would have upon the , charge of discrimination made against the eastern roads and now pending bcforo the in terstate railway commission , ho could not toll. Neither was ho able to say how long tile now order would continue. Ho thought , however , it would very likely last until the rates on the eastern lines were restored. The following is a full report of the committee - ' mitteo appointed at the jobbers' meeting held February 14 for the purpose Of securing the above action : , Mr. W. V. Morse , President of the Job bers' meeting : The committee appointed by you at the meeting of the jobbers February 14 , beg leave to submit the following : Wo bavo called upon the traffic managers of the railroads doing business out of Omaha ex plained fully the condition of affairs now ex isting and the disadvantages that Omaha is laboring under ( that is , having the rates made from eastern points to points west of us , the same as from Omaha ) , with the fol lowing result : The Chicago ft Northwes tern and Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Val ley railroads to-day Issued the following cir cular : To Agents in Illinois and Wisconsin , South of Fort I Inward The deductions named in G. F. D. No. felXi , and subsequent issues , Bamo to bo made from billing rates to and trom points on the Fremont , Klkhorn ft Missouri Valley and Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha roads , in Nebraska , and U. & M. road , in Nebraska , will bo cancelled on and after March S , ISbS. To obtain the rates to above named territoryyou will way bill to Missouri Valley , lihiir or Sioux City , at ttio current rates in force to those points. J. T. CLAIIK. G. F. A. , C. St. P. & O. U'y. II. 11. McCuu.ouon , G. F. A. , C. & > N. W. U'y. K. C. MOUCIIOIISF , G. F. A. , F. E. fc M. V. U'y. This places Omaha on an equality with all cities cast of us. The sum of tno two locals is all wo asked and wo have encouragement from the other roads that they will do like wise. In this connection wo wisli to return our thanks to the management of the Chicago & Northwestern and Fro- inont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroads for the prompt and satis factory manner in which they have adjusted the discrimination existing in favor of east ern cities against Omaha , and for bringing this matter to a successful termination wo are probably more indebted to Mr. W. N. Uabcock , general agent of tlio Chicago & Noithwcstcrn and Fremont , Klkhorn ft Mis souri Valley railroads , than to anyone else. Our belief is that the other roads will view this matter in the same spirit of fairness towards Omaha as is displayed by these roads and that this is but the beginning of tha end of railroad discrimination against our city , ItMjiccUully submitted , DUULEV SMITH , Chairman. Ronr.UT KASSOX. , K. li. HKUCE. 1 W. A. L.Ginnox. \f. E. CLAIIKE. MimnKH OH New 1'Unses in tlio Case of the MUs Ing Ilcn. Detective Horrlgun and liU assistants an still pcrbUtontly engaged In endeavoring tc clear away the mystery that envelopes tin fate of W. E. Uco , the missing rnerchan' ' from tVicud. The detective , per the Instruc tlons of tue chief of police , Is devoting hi ! entire attention to the case , and within thi past twenty-four hour * baa succeeded h collccttrff considerable additional evidenc < which seems to point unmistakably to tin conunlMlon of a murder most foul. Fem m 9 YjWfii It I * ' diW 4 advisable lu tin ' ' ' * . - , : ' furtherance of Justice to. suppress , the chief had .C. H. Long , the Union Pacific' wntchtnap 'atthe ( fdot of Douglas street , and the man whom lt was ( mid had found Uca's , pockctbook , brought bcforo him. Ho was subjected to a careful mid thorough examination , which resulted in bringing out several new nnd Important facts. Ho said that as near a < < ho could recollect it was about a month since , when , ono mora ine , he , together with Assistant Foreman Urown , of Gray's lumber yard , were engaged In loading a wagon with lumber from a pile near the river bank. They had torn the pile down to about the height of llvo feet , wneu Urown reached Into the crack between two layers of boards , and pulling out a large Hus- sian leather pockctbook , exclaimed : "See hero , Lontr. see what I have found. " Long stepped to him , and the two proceeded to examine their find , but according to Long nothing was found In it but some papers and several letters. They read one or two of these latter , and if ho remembered aright , they were cither letters of Introduction or rccommcndAtlon , and that they were ad dressed to 11. T. Clarkethodn > ggstthlseity. ! Urown turned the poukctbook and contents over to Long , who. when ho reached the olMcc , burned the letters nnd papers , and placed the wallet on a chair near the stove to dry , it being soaking wet from the snow. IJoth men had discovered Kca's name upon ha Inside llap of the book , but paid no at- .cntlon to it , and made no Inquiries about ho man. A day or two later Long nvo. the book to James Scully , son f the new bridge contractor. Scully kept ho book n few days , until in fact called upon 'or ' It by the police , when lie turned it over. Long also identified tlio fragments of the "otter picked up by Horrignn as being In the tame writing as that of the letters he dc- itroycd. Tlio blooa-stained planks ho had ilso examined , but of course expressed no beery as to how they became so. Ho .honght the ground round about the board llo on tho. moiningofthe finding of the ; ook was scuffed and disheveled , us if by a umber of feet , but ho was not sure upon point. Dismissing Long , the chief in- 'ormcd ' the Urx reporter that ho vas in n fair way to demonstrate conclu- Ivcly about what had become of W. E. Uea , it Just how and by what means ho declined > state. "Here , " he said , "is Hen's picture , " handing the reporter a well defined photo graph of the missing man. After scmtiniz- 'ng it closely the scribe ventured tlio opinion , hat ho had seen the face before , and not so ! eng ago either , and ' jumped at the conclu sion , considering all the facts in this myster ious case , that it must have been In the police : ourt. Uea's is n face not easily forgotten , being ono of uncommon attractiveness , the : lenr cut lineaments denoting refinement and education. His general description tallies ivith that of a very line looking man. Upon : ho reporter's suggestion tlio police : ourt docket was sent for and xaminod , but the hieroglyphics there upon didnot reveal anything o establish whether Uea had ever been run n or not. However , a number of the station ) illrcrs agreed ih the opinion that the man tvhosa photograph the chief exhibited had Liecu at sometime in the immediate past beFore - Fore the police com t. At any rate , ho was ositively known" to have been In Omaha about the 1st of February , but whether ho has boon decoyed to the lonely lumberyard , knocked in. the head , robbed and thrown into the river , or whether ho committed suicide by Jumping into a hole in the ice , or what bc- canio of him , is n matter that will probably require much work yet bcforo it can bo fully and indubitably established. U13NCH AND BAR. District Court. 1IANKEUS AUItUdNni ) . Kaufman Urothors filed their answer to the suits brought against them by the Hank of Commerce and Cora H. Sloman , with the district clerk. The answer sqts forth the allegations that Cora H. Slo man , in whoso name her husband , Morris , transacts business , commenced ; suit against defendants on three promissory notes aggre gating S4,1UO. These notes were given to se cure tlio loan of $4,000 , obtained In Sep cm- ber , 1887. For this accommodation defend ants paid to Sloman Brothers $400 in cash , besides the 10 per cent interest stipulated in the notes. In Oclober defendants borrowed $3,000 more , for which they gave their note bearing 10 per cent interest , aud for the accommoda tion paid another $400 in cash. The notes were renewed at maturity , and defendants wero. forced to pay another bonus of 275. Tlicso several transactions covered a period of only four months , and during that time the total amount of bonus paid to the Slo man Brothers was $1,075 , and the legal inter est amounted to but $185.09. The main defense 6f Kaufman Brothoi is that of usury , with which they charge the plaintiff , Sloman. They further ulleuo that from tlmo to time they deposited with Slo man Brothers sums of money to bo applied in payment of the notes , but these monies had been differently disposed of. ' The Bank of Commerce puts In a claim for $0,000 and the answer of defendants is again bused upon alleged usury. The answer sets forth that the Bank of Commerce charged defendants $750 for discounting Ihcso notes. A number of them wont to protest and they were charged buck to the defendants' account. To get the account into better shape they gave ono note to cover the whole amount and were forced to pay another bonus. Other notes fell duo on an average of one each month nnd defendants would take them up by giving now ovcs and were obliged to pay for this accommodation sums of cash ranging from $50 to $100. It is further charged by defendants that the Bank of Commerce had received several checks from Kaufman Brothers , and Dave Kaufman for collection. Some of these were returned to tlio bank protested , and such checks were charged up to the defen dants' account twice. With fraudulent intent to cheat defendants out of largo sums of money , the bunk did sign defendants' names to checks to cover fictitious overdrafts. Kaufman Brothers further allege that dur ing one year they paid to the Bunk .of Com merce $4,000 of usurious interest. Mr. Crane , of the law firm of Cavanagh & Crano.o was seen .yesterday. Mr. Crane said that in behalf of the Bank of Commerce , whoso attorneys his llrm were wished testate state that the charges of Kaufman Brothers are not only fnlso in every particular , but nro ridiculous.This answer was made by Kauf man Brothers simply to delay settlement. All the transactions ot the Bank of Commerce had been business-Ilka in every particular. At the trial the bank would produce its hooks in court. Mr. Crane said that Kaufman could never nmko tlio people of Omaha bo- itovo that such men as constitute the direc tory of the Bank of Commerce would permit such criminal operations us stands charged. TO AITOINT A IlfCKIVKII. The application of Morris H. Sloman ct nl for tlio appointment of n receiver in the Kaufman brothers affair was partially heard by Judge Wukeley yesterday afternoon. The hearing was then continued until Saturday morning , it Js claimed in the answer that the court has no power to appoint a receiver because they hold the property under u writ of replevin. The replevin action is still pending , and the bond is in the hands of the court and represents the property. Affidavits filed in support of the answer state that Frank Johnson' cashier and agent of the Hunk of Commerce , ; and Morris H. Sloman , have been dogging the footsteps of Messrs. Davis and Hces , and threatening them with all manner ot trouble unless they would compromise and not plead usury. It also stated in the affi davit that Johnson aud Sloman offered to enter Into any schema with Davis and Uecs to defeat the unsecured claims of Kaufman Bros , if they would uot plead usury. M1TTMAN OS TRIAL. Herman Mlttinan is on trial on the charge of manslaughter. Beside the regular" panel of petit Jurors a special vcnlro of thirty was exhausted bcforo the twelve men could bo obtained to try the case. The Jury comprise Frank McKcnna , A. 1C. Hhoedcr , Lewis D. Kennedy , D. O. Mclson , Henry B. Hunt , 11. K. Llvcscy , D. Tucker , C U. Jordan , Charles Wright , N. N. Crary , E P. Davis and Lawrence Foy. Upon reassembling - assembling of court in the afternoon the tak ing of testimony was commenced , County Attorney Slmcral aud his deputy conducting the case for the state , The prisoner is de fended by Hon. J. C. Cowin nnd N. J. Burn- ham , csq. The state introduced as witnesses Gcorgo LaForge , Edward Hebhauser , Dr Fredrick , William Eboner , Henry Simmon son , Dr. Paul Grossman , Andrew Smith August Fatist , William Peters and Henry Grebe. The majority of the above recitet the. story of tlio shooting of Durham by Mitt- man , and tlio impression prevailed that the ' testimony' la the unia w } ( avgcaJ l | to tjig prisoner , who Is attended in court by his wife and daughter , the latter a very pretty girl about eighteen years of ugc. At ten minutes after 4 o'clock the prosccti- 1011 rested and court adjourned until 8:80 : his morning , when the dcfensp will present heir evidence , which will bo short , nnd In all probability the case wilt go to the Jury his evening. M. F. Martin , who refused to respond for ury duty , was called before the court nnd fudge GrofT read him n severe lecture. ( lAitNKAU ciucKnn COMPANY BURP. C. C. Palmer began nt'tion yesterday against the Joseph Garncnu cracker company 'or ' personal damages In tlio sum of $10,000. The plaintiff sets forth that while in the cm- iloy of the company stirring sugar the kettle : xplodcd and he was burned by the contents. Hc ulds that the firm was aware of the un safe condition of the keltic. SOt'AllUl.E OVKIt l.ANn. A man by the nanio of Sherwood bought a piece of land from H. D. and D. W. Schulls n their addition two years ago , nnd paid $15 o bind the bargain. Ho never made another layment , and tlio land lias since enhanced in rulue. Now ho wants the property for what 10 bargained to pay for it two years ago , but ho Schulls don't want to let it go at that , md consequently the whole matter has becu eft to Judge Wakely to decide. JOE MiU.nu'ssuiT. Charles Offut , attorney for Jailor Joe illllcr. filed n suit yesterday against O. M. Hitchcock and the World Publishing company , and prays a judgment in the sum of5,000 and costs. Plaintiff alleges mallc- ous libel in connection with the World's mbllcatlons conccrnlnp the condition of the Jouglas county jail. County Court. A JUIIOMUNT HKNUCIICn. Brockhoff & Muck were yesterday granted a judgment by Judge Shields in the sum of $102.'JO against Charles 13. Schroth. wn.i , i > i < onmi : > . The will of Klmirn F. Samson was ycster- lay probated with Judge Shields , with Jurton K. Samson , u son of the deceased , as executor. Police Court. Vagrants Frank Wilson , John Hornbuck , John Mornn , Frank Smith and Will Hicli- ards , two days each ; Fred Cromwell , James lunt nnd John Powers , discharged. Drunk and Disorderly James Ward , J. Wheeler , discharged. Suspicious Characters Edward Williams , vho tried to break in a dwelling house on Davenport street , continued ; ' Homer Ken- icdy , a farmer who carries n pair of brass mucks and a pim , $15 and costs. Peddling Without n License Antonln Vasso , discharged. Clara. Hill and Ncllio Mori is were arraigned for fighting. Hill claimed that she was n landlady and that Morris becoming obstreperous she undertook 0 fire her from the mansion , but instead of tioing passively ejected Ncllio turned like a , rtio Amazonian , knocked Clara down with a ) olr of steel "knucks , " nnd proceeded to lummel her into insensibility , when the ' 'la dies" interfered and pulled her off. Ilillic- ceivcd $10 and costs and Morris } 5 and costs and twenty-five days in Jail. C. C. Carey , a very fresh colored gentle man nnd n pnperhanger by trade swore his life against Ben G. Hudd and enjoyed the fe licity of paying the costs therefor , as Hudd was promptly acquitted. Adam Kcllinger , u workman on the new bridge , reported to the chief yesterday that James Dougherty , a fellow laborer , had broken into his room at his boarding house in Council Bluffs and stolen his watch , revolver , knife nnd trowel , nnd hud pnwned tlio prop erty at n three-ball shop in this city. The police will investigate. A handsome overcoat belonging to John Heynolds , of Council Bluffs , and which was stolen from his boarding house n week ago , was recovered yesterday at Ncstnor's Tenth street pawn shop. Notice to Shippers. Commencing to-day , March 2nd , the B. & M. Ry will receive for shipment nil freight for points on their lines nnd connections wo.st of the Missouri vivcr , mid expect to ( jet the freight to its des tination without more than ordinary delays incidental to the traflic. W. A. AUSTIN , Agent. SOUTH OMAHA. NEWS. W. B. Morris hi ought in a load of hogs from York. D. Jennings of Grand Island has two loads butchers' stock on tlio market. O. Anderson , of L. Anderson & Co. , had a car load of cattle ou the market. D. McAndrew brought in a car of cattle from North Pluttc. Officer Hcdmond has been suspended by Marshal McCracken. Charlie Plulpot , of Weeping Water , had n car of hogs on the market J. T. Goodoll , of Western , la. , was on the market with two cars of cattle. O. E. Shannon , of the Hoof nnd Horn , is again on the sick list. This time it's the measles. The suit of Michael Maloney vs Dan Mc- Guckin for labor , was continued for thirty days by Justice Levy. . A warrant was issued by Justice Wells to arrest ono Castello , charged with stealing a ring from the finger of Miss Lindquist. J. A. Silver bus loft on an extended tour through the east and will spend n week or two in his old Green mountain homo. A frame building now occupies the center of N street and nobody claims it. It was removed from City Treasurer Hunt's lotand left where it now stands. Friends of Charles Singer will regret to learn that ho has been more seriously in jured than at first supposed , and it is feared that his spine is injured. Tlio society for tlio prevention of cruelty to animals has a chance to win a name. In South Omaha. Every day overloaded teams como to\rief on almost every street in the city. It Is now said that the present system of paying police officers the regular county con stable fees will bo abolished and the salary raised from $55 to $75 per month. The brick that were laid by llvo bricklay ers on the McGuckin's now buildtngQ street , were thrown down during the nicht by par ties unknown , and contractors are asking if it had anything to do with the labor ques tion I Exchange hotel guests yesterday were : James FrazlcrColumbus , Neb. ; St. VanMun- sal , Maryvlllo. Kus. ; D. C. Tlfllny , Columbus , Neb. ; K. L. Farringtoti , Lyoils , Neb. ; U. Tweed. Fairllcld , Neb. , uud D. McAndrew , North Plutto , Neb. The civic vacancies to bo filled at tha com ing election will bo mayor , two counclimcn -or tlio First ward , ono for the Third , twofer for the Fourth , ono city clerk , one city treas urer and ono city engineer. Only Councilmen - men Haftcrty and Burke can rest in peace. POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'ThlspDwder never varies. A marvel of ptirt- tjr , strenRth and wholesomeness. More econo m leal thu.n the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sole in corapetllion wltn the multitude , ot low co . short weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold onlr in cans. Koval Baking fgwd r CoIW A SURE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE 'All yr > hliltlc ntieatti , of reront or lonf utanatnf.tn From ten to fifteen d r . We lll ulre written guar- nteel to cure ny cnne or refund yourtnonor. Anil wn would My to those who lmT employed the mo l "killed rbyilclnnii , uncd ererr known remedy and tare not been cured , tbat you are tlio tubjectt w. ar . coking for. You that bare been to tbe celebrate * . Hot Hprlng * of Arkamai , and bare loit all bop * ot rtcoY.ry , w , Will Cure You ermnko no charge. Onr remedy In unknown to any one In the world outMilo of our Company , and It li ihc only remedy in the world that will cure you. W will cure tbo most obatlnato cai In leu tban on * nonth. gercn days In recent caaea doei tha work. It the old , chronic , decp-aealeil cairn tbat we nollclt. IV r bare cured hundreds who bad bren abandoned 7 1'liyslclani and pronounced Incurable , and We Challenge the World lobnngosacaie tbat wo will not cure In less tban ono month. Unco tli0 hl lory of medicine , a True Specific for 1yphllHlc..Kriiptlon . tJkurs. Sore mouth , Ac. , hat turn lou I for but never fouud until Our Magic Remedy m discovered , and we arc Justified In saylnB It Is tbt inly remedy In the world [ but will piirltlTcly cur * . lerause the latest medical works , published by tha > r st known authorities , say there wns nerer a true 'jieclflo ' before. Our Hrmuli Is the only medicine In : he world thnt will cure when everything else has [ ailed. It hns been so conceded by a large number of Celebrated Physicians , n HAS NEVIUI YET rAitri ro lum. Why wMte your time and money with Ktent medicines Ibat never had virtue , or doctor th physicians that cannot cure you. You tbnt have tried everything else should come to us now and get permanent relief ; you never can get It elsewhere. Hark wbat we say : In the end you must take our ttemedy or KETin recover. And you that have been afflicted but a tunrt time should by all mean * come to s now. Many get beip aud think thcyn ro free from he disease , but m ene , two or three years after. It appears agtln to morfl horrible form. Investigate our financial standing through tbe mer- iantlle agencies and note that we are fully responsi ve and our written guarantees arc good. We have a RKUKDY preparecTon purely Scientific I'llnrlplcs and ve wish to rmieiit that It Nbvtn rAiiSTOcuui. All .tiers sacredly confidential. THE COOK KEMEDY CO. , Onmha , Neb. * emi 10 and 17 Hellman lllnck. TjmECEDENTED ATTRACTION. * * OVHll A MILLION JHSTHIUUTHI ) . CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated l.y . flip I.cd lntnro In 18(8. ( for Kducnt loniil anil ChinItnblo p\ir | UK , nnd Iti frniK'tilno nmdu n putt ot tlio prt'cnt Miitu CoiisUtuUon.hi Jffii , by tin uviTwIiiMnilnitpopular tott * . Its ( irand Hnulc Number Dinwlnp * tnko plivco monthly , and the ( Jramltjiinrtrrly Drawing * rcuu * Inrly every thrco months i.MurcIi , June , j-cptcmbcr and December. ) "Wo do hprcby certify that wo supcrvl o thoar- ratiKcmvnt * for all tlio monthly mid < | imrtcrly DinwInK'i'f ThB lAiuHnnit Mute Lottery Company , and In person manugennil tontrnl the drawing * them- solve * , and thnt ttmsamn iirorondiicttMl with bonetty fnlrnc's nml In ijood fnlth towtmlHll pnrtlo , and wo authorize the Company to USD tlili ( crtlllinte with IBC similes of our sfecuuture attached , In Its udveitliu- nients. " COM.M1PSIONEUS. We , the undcrolKned flunks ami Hankers will pay nil Prizes drawn In the l.ouMnnu Mute Lotteries whluu may be presented at our counter * . J. II. OCI.KMIY , t'rvi. LouMtum National II ink. I'IKltltK I.ANAUX. I'rc * . State National Bulk. A. IIAUtWIN , I'rc * . Now Orlenni National U.ink. CAUL KUI1.N , 1'rcs. Union National U.tuk. GRAND QUARTERLY DRAWING In the Academy of Music , New Or leans , Tuesday , March lii , 1888. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 1OO.OOO Tickets at Twenty Di.llarH cacti. Halves , $1O ; Quarters , $ .1 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twentieth * , $1. I I T OF PHIZES. i i'iii/K or MMio i . ilium 1 I'ltl/IS OK NM"I Is . Hiiui i rm/.B UK SJ.IUIK . r..uu i ritl/KS OK lIKKOnro . snui A I'UI/.lil OK fi.UKI are . 2UK ) 25 I'HI/.IM or l.UOnro . Mull 1(0 ( I'ltlX.ICS OK a l nro . { < ) , ( ) JU ) I'lll/.KS OK .HOaro , . . Uldll UO I'lllZK ! ) OK aiUHlo . lUU.WJU AI'PIIOXIMATIOV I'llUES. JOO Prlres of MD approximating to HUI.UUU 1'rlr.o are . 0,005 100 Prl7o * of t-HU approximating to IIOU.IM ) rrlio uro . . . . so.OUO 100 Prizes of F.MU approximating to tfO.OOO 1'rlie aro. . . . . SO.UOO TFIIMINAI , 1MII/K. 1,000 Prl/os of J100 decided by..fijUOUO ; ( 1'rl zo are . , . . , , 100.000 1,000 rrlrcn of SIUU decided by..tlOJOU Trite uro . . . . . 100,000 3 I'M I'rlics amounting to JIftY > , ( juu For club rule * , or any further Information npplr to tlie unilcr lKiicd. Your Imndwrltlnx mint bo ill-tlnct and rlgnatnro plain , ororapld return mall delivery will be nnsured by your enclosing au envelope tearing yunr full address. Semi 1'osTAI , NOTES , flfcpross money enters , or .New York KiUinnk'e In onllnary letter. Currency by express ( at our cxpcnic ) mlilroscci to M. A. DAUPHIN , NWOUL AM.la , OrM-A-nAUPHlN. WAtflllNOTOV , D. C. Address Registered Letters to NEW UKLKANS NATIONAL BANK , NEW OKLKASS , I.A. , "RT7AT17\TRTT ? Tllftt ll'P P'e enro of Oen- lVI\l > irji > l 1)1 jlv eral llennreuaril anil Karly , who am In diHrKenf the drawliiKB , i aKunr- Hiitce of uU'olutu fulnip'o and Inteurity , that the chnncci are all cqiiiil. nuil thnt no ouu can jJUbslLly tllvlno wlmt ntiiuLer mil draw a 1'rlie. t that the payment of all prlrrs In IIV roim NATIONAL BANKS IIP NFW .anil the tickets are rlEiieil by thu president an Institution nhoBe clmrtereil rights are rt'co - red In the hlttheM courts ; thurofure , buwaru utuuy itatluiu ur auonviuous > eheuiv < . Pianos CHICKERING , KNABE Vbse & Sons , Instruments exchanged , rented and cold on Easy.Tayments , telow FACTORY PRICES. Instruments slight used at GREAT BARGAINS Max Meyer & Bro , Omaha , Neb. 2I , 2 , 5O Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped daring the pnst two year , wltuoat a drum- merlnctirmiiiloy No other house in tbo worlU can truthfully - fully make lucb a BliowiiiK. Ono acont ( dealer oily ; wauled la each town. ( OLD ( Y UADINQ ORUCCISTI. k R.W.TANSILL 4CO.,55SUl SLChlc fl . LAST CUT , J / The unusually warm weather forces us to place our light weight ' goods on our counters much sooner than we intended , and does not 4 ] give us as much time as we expected to have in which to close put the balance of our winter stock. We have a few heavy weight suits left , and to make an entire sweep with them , have made another and last cut on , several already marked down lots and will offer them for this week at prices that will make it interesting for any one to look at them.1 . The attention of mechanics , machinists and working men is particularly - 1 ularly called to two lots of good cassimere suitsmarked down to $5.90 f and $6.75. These are splendid bargains as the suits are positively | worth double the money. They are strong and honestly made and will | wear well- . \ A lot1 of elegant 4-button cutaway frock suits , of finest quality oas * J simere and equal to any ciistom made suits , has been marked down to j | $11.50. This suit cannot be procured at any other house for less than $20. In our Boy's department we will also offer this week enormous bar gains to close out a few styles of heavy weight suits , and we urgently invite ladies to take immediate advantage of this remarkable oppor tunity , as such bargains will not be offered again. Having closed out allour last year's fancy shirts , we have now opened - . ed and placed on sale , a fresh , new line. Without exception we show the largest and handsomest assortment of French Percale shirts in town. Beautiful and " choice patterns , some of them very fancy , but the prices will not b"e found at all fancy. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company . Corner Douglas and I4th Streets. Omaha. Health is Wealth ! Du.E.C. WEST'S NF.UVE AMI nitAi ! * MINT , n gunrnntpcil Kiiecltic for Hysteria , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neiirnlfln , llcuilnch * , Nervous Prostration , caused l > y the II Q of ulcoliol or tobacco. Wakefiilnesi , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , lemiltiiiK 111 Insunlty.nml lending to mt'-ery.decnyaiid death. I'rcniHtiiioOld Ape , liurrennesB , Loss of Power In cither sex. Involuntary Ixisses nnd Spcrnm- torrlurn caused by ovor-oxeitlsn of the brntn , fejf-abuso or over-indulgence. Each box con tains tine month's treatment. Jl.W ) a box , or Rlx boxes for $ . "i.W ) , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.Vfc3 \Vfc3 GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case. With each order received Iiv us forhlxboxfs , accompanied with K.W , wo will wild the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not ellect acme. Guarantees Issued only liy 0. K. GOODMAN - MAN , Druggist , Hole Agent , 11111 t'arnam Street , Omaha , Neb. J. B. HAYNES , STENOGRAPHER , Third Judiclil District , Vt CI1AMI1KK OP COMMEIIO E. J.W. Barnsdall , M. D Homoeopathic Specialist , SURGEON Gynaecologist and Obstetrician * Telephone 979. RAMGE BLOCK , ' - - OMAHA. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist , CYC THROAT tit AND NOSE , Spectacles Accurately Prescribed XtAMGE ItL'K. , OMAHA IP. J. QALOttAlTll , Surgeon and Physician , ODlco N. W Corner llth ami Don liis St. Onico , telephone , 403 ; Heslilcncu telephone , 608. SteekPiano Keinnrknlila for poueiful yynipa- tTii'tTolontviillalile iipllon uinl uli- bdTTite ( Itiralilllty. ! > l yeurs' record , tlui ln' t Kiiuiiintio ot the excel- l > 'mo'oTtln n 'iiistriiineiiti WOODBRIDGE BROS. SCIENTIFIG - > HS ! CLUCK ft WILKINSON. WILBORS COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHATES OF LIMB , SODAIRON. I'orthcCurcnf Coiii < nipHonCoi///is / ( / / , CuWs , Axtliwt , Hroniiillls , Ddillltii. muttwj Jlmnors. Almost 89 pnlatalJloMcrc'ani. It ran be Ukcnnllh plcuiure br uclU ulo poriuni ami children , nlui , Mlor iiflnif It.uro veryfonj or U. U Mmllatp with th looU.lncreurestlitttlesu and appetite , build * up the nervous y tcni. rritcirps t-nenrr to inlml nnd laiiij creates new , rich and pure blood , la fact , rcJuvlniUs thewliole Ttiera , ' BLOOD , This prcpmutlon l fur superior to all other prepit rations of Cud-UverOlli It liaii nisny Iniltalnrtfiut in : equals. 'lborc uH following Itn u e are us be > tru cummcndKiluni. jloiun * . u yuuvalua your health nd get the genuine. Manulnctured only br I'll. ' jkLiii. H.VH iiou.Chemlit , lloflun. Man. Hcnd fur Illustrated circular , wUlcu pill be uialU.0 Jicc. Me a- UOB thta p f . . . . LAWRENCE , OSTROM & CO. , LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY. ; FAMOUSdmSfe flO 10 YEAR OLD BELIE" BOURBON WHISKEY For Medicinal and Family Use. AISOLUTELYPURE NO FUSEL OIL ! Is Death to ANDMA Sure Cure for' ' MALARIA , CONSUMPTION , CHILLS AND FEVER , BLOOD POISONING , TYPHOID FEVER , SLEEPLESSNESS BOWEL TROUBLES , OR INSOMNIA , LOSS OF APPETITE , NON-ASSIMILATION INDIGESTION , OF FOOD , DYSPEPSIA. PRICE , $1.25 Sold Only la Bottles. For Quart Bottlt. < f for Salt by Grecirt For Salt by and Wlnt Hire/lent * Druggists Cotryuilitre. Cvtryu/liin. IT OF uSELOILlEFORElTIS THE GREAT APPETIZER. This Is to certify that 1 bare iamlne < l the sample ot DEI.LB OFBOUREOX WIIIBKET recalrtd fre Lawrence , Ontrom Co , * ud found the cuuo to ba perfectly fre * from Fuiel Oil anil all other ilolctorloui and . 1 the . for family anil Medicinal * . ubfctanccs fcftlctly pure. cheerfully rrcqmmfnd Bam. purpoae J. T. IHHMIM. M. D. . AnalrtlrM Chemist , Loulitllle. KT. CLADSf OiVr ItltOS. & CO. , Agent * for Omaha , IVob. WHOLESALE SEEDS ! PHIL STIMMEL & COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. Catalogues and Price List upon Application ui iwllt tf. S. DEPOSITORY , OHAHA , NED. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO Surplus , - - - 50,000 H. W. YAThf. I'reMdont. J.EWIHS. HKU > , Vlce-I'reslilont. A. K. TOUHAI.IN , Bnil Vlco-rroslilont. \v. U. S. HuaiiES , CusUlor. w. V. MOII B , JOHN S. COI.UNS , II. W. VATUS. l.i.uisS. lUni > , A. K. TOU/.ALIN. Banking Ofllrc TIRE IRON BANK , Cor. Uth and 1'arnam Sts. A Geneiul Hanking Husinet.s . Transacted. r.TR AD E. O.N.T. . . . , < 8VMAR.K 0 GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST and MOST POPUI.AH Bowing Tbrernd of Modern Times. OF XXITATIOXS , WIIOI.fJiAr.B UY Kir.PATiiicn-fCocM Dry Goods Co. M.K.HMtTH&Oo. I'AXTOX. (1 AU.ADAm Sc CO. ( ; 'LOAK , JOHNSON ic ( Jo. . . HAYUE.S Ilups , ' TllOMI'SONTlKr.UIN It C . * ai nt ijntunii i * < J. ' ' . Omaha , and All Grit CIIAS. BiNaeft.- South . _ _ , . r > 1sk.a vntniiit.ra MEDICAL # SURGACHALANSTITUTS | ! N. W. Cor. 13th A Oodgo Sta. BRAOEJS , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSEl llest facilities , apparatus and remedies for sull refisful trcHlinent ut every form of disease requla Medical Surgical Treatment. tog or 1 i FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIRNTSY ; Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accoincip dations lu the west. WUITU FOH CIUCOI.ARS on Peformltltt Braces , Trusses , Cluli 1'eet , Curvnture ol fepine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrl ) , Drone. Inhalation , Klectrlclty , Paraljsls , Kullepsy. ney , llladder , Hye , lUr , Stiu aud Blood , at ) hurglcal Operations. Diseases of Women a Special ? BOOK o Duiicis or WOMEN Jrntt , 01TL7 BELIABLB UEDIOAL ZNSZItUlM AKINO A IrKCULTT Ot Af PRIVATE DISEASCfj , All Blood Diseases successfully treated. SrVHi Ilillc Poison removed from the system wltooul mercury. New restorative treatment for lost ol Vital rower. I'ersons uuable to vlblt us mtf b ttented at home liy correspondence. All commtsl nications confidential. AfediclnesorInstrument * sent by mall or express , securely packed , mm marks to Indicate contents or bender. On. - ' sonal iiilenflcw preferred. Call and consult ul send history of your case , and we will Ked plain wrapper , our "a BOOK TO MEN , FREE ) ; Upon Private. Special or Nervous Dlsciltl , I potency , riyphilis. ( licet and Varicocclt ; j question lUt. Address Omaha ittdlcal and Murgleal 7nl < fMfj DR. McMENAMY , . , Cor. 13th in < Dodat * tl. . OMAHA , WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PART