Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1888, Page 8, Image 8
* * rrin < 9t&ilt ( VlpilfWP * THE OMAHA DAILY BEBS THURSDAY , MARCH I , 1888. MAYOR AND .MIDNIGHT LAW , The Baloon-Koopers Want to Keep 'Open HoUso" All Night. LATEST PHASE OF REA'S CASE. A Cottrtcsnn'H Ijiick Tlio McClurj * Crnckcr Company CoinUitf to Oinnlin A lltitton Factory Also on the Itoatl. The Saloonkeeper * . It has been nn open secret tor several months past that the liquor dealers of Oinnlm wcro associating themselves together nnd wcro exerting every effort to muko the organ ization a tK > werful one. The members luivo been exceedingly reti cent concerning the alms of the society and it was not until Tuesday night that thei ( showed their hands. The result of a long and iinjior- I tant session that afternoon was the np- * pcnranco of a committee of the L.quor ! Deal ers' Protective association in the council chamber who ( landed in the following com- munlcatiqn , which was referred to the Judiciary : "The undersigned petitioners and tax pay ers of the city of Omaha do respectfully re p resent to your honorable body that they are dcnrrrs in inalt , spirituous and vinous liquors In the city of Omaha ; that on account of the heavy license which they nro required to pay nnd the fact that experfcnco has taught that to keep open their places of business after the hour of 12 until such hour as shall seem best to themselves for closing : the same docs not interfere with the pence and quiet nnd good order of the city , and because the line imposed by the ordinance touching the sub ject is excessive. " The nbovo was accompanied by n formal request that the ordinance regulating the closing of saloons nt midnight bo repealed. The liquor dealers protective association , numbers now KM members and within two months tills will bo increased to 300. Their grievances wcro fully set forth yesterday afternoon and nro ns follows : It is first alleged thnt Mayor nroatch has acted in bad faith with them. Thnt ho went personally to many and pledged himself to refrain from Interference in the trafllc. Mr. Hroatch was elected nnd ono of his flrst ofll- cial acts was to order the closing of saloons nt midnight. The next day Mayor Broatch assured one or moro of' the saloon men that the order was a temporary ono" for special purposes and that ho would repeal it , or at least make it n dead letter in a few days. The second grievance is that notwithstand ing the fact that saloonkeepers are forced to pay a heavy license for the sale of liquor , houses of prostitution sell liquor for which they pay neither license or lino. The association claim to have many other grievances , such ns the humiliating surveil lance of the police ; the frequent calls made upon their purses for donations which they feel obliged to give ; and also that they are obliged to give away large quantities of their ) K > llrcmcn ; that they are frequently arrested , nnd if convicted of the slightest misdemeanor nro obliged to pay excessive lines. WAS UIOA Additional FaclH Relating to'Thin Dark Mystery. Thcro has been but llttlo additional developed in the mystery enshrouding the fate of W. E. Hca , of Friend , Neb. , since the fact detailed In _ yesterday's UKK. De tective , Horrlgan , however , with the aid of several competent men , is still engaged in dustriously In attempting to unravel the mystery , and is confident of ulti mate success. Mr. 11. E. Dent , Jr. , a real estate agent of Friend called on the chief of police yesterday and informed him that Hea was a former intimate business acquaintance of his. Ho says there is intense interest felt at KCU'B home in the matter of his disappearance , and that the Keiierul be lief is that ho has been murdered , and that the crime was perpetrated in this city. Ho also assured the chief that Hea was an exemplary citizen in the fullest sense of the expression ; that ho was temperate , moral and absolutely upright In all the walks of life. He was a close business man , his only indulgence being un occasional day out with dog and gun , of which sport ho was in ordinately fond , yet rigidly restrained him self from following the bent of his inclina tions in this line , with rare resolution. Ho loft all his affairs ilnancial , domestic and otherwise at his home , in an unquestion ably good condition , and no theory ether than that already advanced in reference to his strange absence was entertained by any onc- He was last seen in the Clarke drug com pany's store , about 3 p. m. January 31 , where ho loft nu order for some goods to bo sent to his residence , and departed with the informa tion that ho was going to Omaha. Ho told Ills wife on parting with her that she could looU for him back that night if ho went no further thaw Lincoln , but if ho went On to Omaha , she need not expect him before Wednesday , February 1. From the Descrip tion of his pocketbook given U > ; Dcnt by Ilca'a wife , he is positive the pocketbook found at the foot of Douglas street belonged to the missing man. He said he did not learn of the nature of Rca's business in Omaha , but Mrs. Kou told him that her Uiisbund had never been to this city before. Mrs. Rea , before the appearance of theUnE's article on this strange affair , though. Maybe her husband might have mot some old friends hero and been induced to take a hunt , that ho might have become lost , met with un accident or something of that kind , but now , since his empty pockctbook had been found under such mysterious circumstances , she Is firm in the belief that her husband has met with foul play. The chief of txilico wrote a long letter to the distressed wife yesterday , inquiring about many little details which he hopes will aid him really in solving the dark mystery of her § usbund's fate. A COURTESAN'S FORTUNE. Mnttlfi Kollmcycr by the Death of Her Mother Made Wealthy. Mattlo Kollnioyor , a prostitute of this city , is wanted in Sioux City to take possession of an inheritance of between fOO.OOO and $70- 000 , left her by her mother , who died some llttlo time since. Mr. D. AV. Stevens , an intlmato acquaint ance of the Kollmcyer family , is in the city looking for the woman. Ho was seen at the county Jail yesterday making inquiries concerning her , and to a Hun representative related the following story : After the death of her husband , a promin ent young business man of Sioux City , two years ago , Mattlo _ wcnt to the bad , and coming to Omaha entered' ' a house of ill fame. Her beauty and many accom plishments soon made her a favorite 'with the frequenters of such resorts. The excite ment of her life led her to drjnklng heavily and last July she was arrested , ' charged with drunkenness. Her father Is n wealthy citizen of Sioux City , and survives his wife who has loft her entire estate to the erring daughter. Mr. ( Stevens stated that the ICollmyer famjly nro ono of the most respectable in the state of Iowa , and If tliia meets the eyoof Muttioho desires her to address n letter to him in euro of thoBin. Miss Kollnioyor Is described as rather tall , slim , dark hair and eyes and about thirty * thrco years of ago. Sue is believed to still ba In this city. Mr. Stevens refused to state what her married name was. OMAHA CHOSEN. An Eastern Ilutton Manufacturer Coming to This City. Mr. A. D. Ladd , of Newark , N. J. , has written n letter to n friend In this city , stat ing that ho should open up a button manufac tory in Ouinhu early this coming spring. Mr. Ladd Is probably better known In this. coun. try us the inventor of the machinery making the celluloid and bono collar buttons. Mr , Ladd receives a royalty on every machine used In the United States that makes a but ton having a round .post. His decision to coine to Omaha is positive and by the 1st o | April will bo located here. Mr. Ladd is Inv mcapcly wealthy and has ' factories ' in pianj * . Jforicmo'j'ewsho'has .been thlnktirfr of locating n factory In the west and has very sensibly chosen Omaha. His Omaha factory will employ about forty oKratvcsaml | ! will do.a.bUBlness of over one- half million each year/ " Want * to Conic to The McClurg Cracker and Cake company , of Council Bluffs , are anxious to move their plant to this city without delay , and to this end a representative of the company was in this city yesterday In consultation with board of trade ofllclnls. The company require n four-story building In which to transact their business , nnd though they have several sites in vlow they will bo happy to receive addi tional bids from property holders through the secretary of the board , Mr. O. M. Nuttinger. The McClurgs give employment to a largo number of hands , and their locating hero will prove qulto an adjunct to Omaha's rep resentative enterprises. FORMALLY DEDICATED. Goodrich Lodge Hall Devoted to the Drothcrhood of the Triple Link. The formal dedication of the hall of Good rich lodge , I. O. O. F. took place Tuesday even ing , commencing about 3:30 : o'clock. There wcro present the ofllcers of the grand ledge nnd a number of ladies nnd gentlemen , the ofllccrs being ns follows : There wcro : Grnnd master , George H. Cutting ; deputy grand master , J. N. Beals ; grand ward A.D.Jones ; grand secretary , D. A. Cllno ; grand treasurer , J. 13. West ; grand chap lain , E. G. Hylcy ; grand , marshal , J. W. Nichols ; grand conductor , William A. Kcl- Icy ; grand guardian , G. Stlfllcr ; grand heralds , John Evans , N. B. Heiin , J. 13. Piper and Cadet Taylor. Prayer was read by the grand chaplain , E. G. Hylcy. This was followed by an address delivered by Hev. C. W. Savidge , in which ho welcomed those present to the beautiful hall , nnd gave a description of the same , to gether' with some of the advan tages to bo derived from its erec tion. Ho closed his remarks by a ref erence to the life of St. John Goodrich , the man in whoso honor the lodge hud been named. "It is ten years since ho laid down the bur den of life , and men are forgotten so soon. "St. John Goodrich was born in Delaware county , New York , December 27 , IfcOi ) , nnd died In Omaha Juno 10 , 18T8. Brother Good rich was born on St. John's day , nnd his mother's maiden name was St. John , nnd this was the name by which ho was christened. Ho removed to Pennsylvania when qulto young , nnd , as soon ns ho reached his major ity , ho took great interest in public affairs. Ho continued to bo a lending ami influential citizen whcrnver cho lived. Ho founded the Warren , Pu. , Ledger , and wiis engaged in the editorial work for fourteen years. For four years ho was one of the state board of canal commissioners. "Brother Goodrich came to Omaha in 1SCO nnd went into the hotel business ; ho was afterwards engaged in merchandising. Ho was , till his death , closely Identified with the interests of this city and stuto. Ho was one of the commissioners of Douglas county and was n member of the city council several terms. Ho was also a Mason of high stand- Ing."St. "St. John Goodrich was nn Odd Fellow of the truest and noblest typo. Ho reorganised Omaha lodge. No. 21. Ho represented this state in the Sovcrign .Grand ledge in 1803. Ho was also grand master of the Grand" Ledge of Nebraska. Ho did not likocveu the company of drunkards. He was an honest man. He was ono of the rare specimens of God's ' noblest work an honest man. "Ho hated slrtuns and hypocrites. Once , when in trndo he received some goods which the sender had taken no account of. Ho said to his son , 'Wo do not want anything that is not ours,1 and tlio house in Chicago was no- titled of their error , and that house was very much surprised to lind such old time honesty in Omaha. He was truthful. Ho would not net a lio. When admitted to the bar he was nskcd , the very first thing to defend n man who had stolen a horse nnd ho left the business on the spot. "Ho wns kind to the poor. In nn early day he organized a lecture bureau and introduced such men as George Francis Train and Bay ard Taylor to this city , making in this way largo sums of money for the deserving poor. Ho also made money for himself and left a handsome property for those he loved best on earth. After the formal ceremonies of dedication , the grand master , George H. Cutting , deliv ered a very interesting address. In the evening the ledge room was filled to overflowing with members nnd invited guests , and the following prograino was cur ried out : rilOCllUMME. Overture . Gipsy Baron The Powell Family. Violin Solo , "Cavatina" . Unit A. E. Morris. Quartette , "In Silent Mead" . Emerson I. O. O. F. Quartette. Pluno Solo . Selected Mrs. K. V. Slocum. Duo . Selected Mrs. Dr. Balbridgo and Prof. Kratz. Solo ( Tenor ) "Dreams" . . , . Strclezkio D. D. McDonald. Plinn qnln J " Nocturne . Holler bolojGuvotto / . Thomas Mr. Plain Saxby. Solo ( Sopranol "Tho Mcssago".Blumenthal Mrs. Dr. Baldrldge. Quartette , "Speed My Bark" . Giffo I. O. O. F. Quartette. First Tenor , McDonald. Second Tenor , Powell. Firt Bass , Kratz. Second Buss , Richardson. After the literary nnd musical exercises the dance cnsncdi The Musical Union orchestra was in attendance , and sixteen numbers wcro executed. The committees under whoso di- rcctiou the dedication bull progressed to a successful termination were : General Committee H. G.- Cohen , G. R. Ratubun.J. B. West , D. II. Mayno , U. V. Slocum. Reception Committee S. R. Patten , J. B. West , Cadet Taylor , B. E. Rogers , D. F. Mayne , A. F. Gates , R. V. Slocum , Julius Lyngstud. J. W. Batten. , Floor Committee G. R. Rntnbun , M. L. Rocdcr , H. G. Cohen , W. A. Gentry , O. Curmichnel , H. V. Powell. Refreshment Committee R. II. Howard , J. M. Surplus , W. R. Mathis , W. N. West , AV. / . Richard son , nnd MesdaincsWcstGatcs , RichurdEon , Rogers , Keeling , Stair nnd Gil- man. THE UNION CLUB. A Great Commercial Organization Proceeding * * of the First Meeting. The foundation of the Union cltit marks ono of the most Important epochs in the commercial history of Omaha. Nearly two hundred of the most prominent niui\vcalthicst ; citizens of Omaha met at the board of trade hall nnd prompt' ly nt S o'clock wcro called to order by Dr. G L. Miller. Mr. N. N. Crary was selected secretary. The object of the meeting was set forth in the following brief address ol the chnirmnn : "Most of the gentlemen present have been informed regarding the object of this meet ing , viz : To effect an organization to bo knowi us the 'Union club , ' and that shall take charge of the business interests of Omaha for the purpose of pushing them as the > never before have been pushed. Witli manj other people in Omaha I feel the need of an organization to take an active , n very active hold of the business interests of the city anil see to tflclr development. Many of you here before mo are very well tiwaro how great n need exists for just such an organization. We have talked nmong ourselves of what it needed , and wo nro now , I think , prepared to go right ahead with the business of organ Ization. " Mr. C. J. Green was then introduced ani spoke ns follows ; The character of this organization will b 10 ( determined by the character of the men win belong to it. This club will ho mndo up o If : the older business clement of the city ; IfIt who uro specially interested in the advance mcnt of the business good of Omaha and wh ' < are both disposed and particularly ndaptei 'd to doing that good. Further than this I d < not know what moro of cxplanatisn could b < ottered. The capital block of this coramor clal club , as agreed upon , will bo $25,000 , dl vided into shares of tlOO each. Articles o Incorporation liavo been drawn up in kccpinf with the points already stated by Dr. Mlllci and myself , and will bo filed as soon as out organization is completed. To show hov great an interest has been token In the mat ter nnd the class of mon who have alrcad' CCW'Cclcd. themselves with it , 1 will real j tko following ; I "Wo tUg . .umkrslfiuctf , Ucrcby , subsdrlbe for the number of shares sc1 slto to our respective namcy to the capital stock of the Union club of Omaha , and wo each for ourself , agree to pay to said club not to exceed $100 for admission fee and t'iO ycnriy dues , for nnd in consideration of each of said shares nt such time AS shall be de termined by the board of directors of said club. " The signatures to the nbovo agreement numbered I'M. Mr. Green proposed the nnmes of the fol lowing gentlemen to constitute the directory of tlio club : Dr. Gcorgo L. Miller , L. H. Tower. Robert Garllchs , N. N. Crnry , A. S. Patrick , Lou Hill , P. E. Her , J , G. Taylor nnd Joseph Gnrncnu. They wore elected and met subsequently nnd chose Dr. Miller ns president. The club then adjourned subject to the president's cull. WANTED. Engineers and Firemen. Competent locomotive engineers nnd flremon will bo given pormttnont em ployment upon the lines in tlio Burling ton system. Men entering our service will bo paid full pay ns per our sched ules. Will bo given full protection mid bo guaranteed employment , ns long us they fulfil our requirements and prove competent. Apply to P. H. Johnson at B. & M. Passenger depot , Omaha. THE OLD SONG. A Midnight Wayfarer IB Knocked Down and Rohbcd. P. M. Chrlstonson , who resides nt 033 Vlr- glnlanvcnuc , was held up at 1'Jo'clock Tues day night nt the corner [ of Twenty-seventh and Lcavcnworth streets , and robbed of n gold wntch nnd $2.1 In money. Christensen wns on his way homo. When ho reached the nbovo point three men stepped _ out from the shadow of the fence , nnd ono of Ilium , coverIng - Ing him with a gun , commanded him to hold up his hands. This ho did , when ho received n blow in the back of the haft from some blunt instrument , which knoMFd him sense less to the sidewalk. When ho regained consciousness his assailants , had vanished. Ho arose , and discovering that ho had been robbed ho hurried down town , culled at the police station nnd informed the ofllcers of his experience. No clue to the robbers. Seidonborg's , Figaro fll ? the only long Havana filled lOc cigar for 6c on sale everywhere. MORTUARY. MKS. JOaiAIIA M'COnMICK. The funeral of the late Mrs. J. S. McCormick - mick took place yesterday afternoon from her late residence , northwest corner of Eigh teenth street and Capitol avenue. The remains lay in n beautiful cloth-covered casket , which was liberally covered with floral me mentoes. Rev. Mr. Shcrrill , pastor of the First Coucrcgational church , conducted the funeral exercises , which wcro simple and Impressive. They wcro attended by a largo number of near friends , and relatives , among the former being many of iho older citizens of Omaha. Tlio remains wcro interred in the family vault at Prospect Hill cemetery. _ The Murder of William Scholpp. The chief of police received a communica tion yesterday from Governor Louis K. Church , of Dakota territory , requesting that the force hero keep a lookout for ono Robert B. Higshaw , charged with the murder of William Scholpp nt Minncscla , Butte county , on the night of Dcccmbo r 22. A reward of JTIH ) is offered for the arrest and conviction of Higshaw. In the description given of the alleged murderer it is stated that he was wounded in the right hand and shoulder with a shot gun while making his escape. The throat " /frown's JJronchlal Truchcs" act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of the throat. Convict Stevenson. Sheriff Cobnrn , , andDeputy Sherjff Leo ; , Frost returned from Lincoln yesterday The latter stated that Big Frank was the least troublesome of all the prisoners taken down. Ho laughed and joked continually from the time of leaving Omaha until the penitentiary doors closed upon him. While at the prison Mr. Frost saw Sam Stevenson. Ho is employed in the foundry. In thatdepartmont the men are permitted to wear beards to protect the lungs , nnd Stev enson has n long hirsute npi > cndugo that makes him look much Bolder than when ho wns on trial. Big Frank .will probably bo put to work in this department , ns will also his pal , Cruw. ford. . . POWDER Jv Pure. This powder never varies. A mnrve ] of purl' ty. stretiRtli and wliolesomoness. Moro ccouo m leal than the ordinary kinds , nnd cuunnt bofiold In competition wltn the multitude of low cost , short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cnns. lloytil linking Powder Co. , 120 Wall street , Nuw Vork. E CHICAGO AND ' NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN RAILWAY. * Omaha , , , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for Dps Mnlne * , llnr-lialtown- Cedar Itnplils , Clinton , Dlxon , Chicago , Milwaukee anil nil points Ka t. To the people of Nebrnikn. Colorado rado , W > online , Utah , Idaho. Nevada , Oregon , Wash 4 ington und California , It offer * superior advantage * d uot possible Or nny other line. Among a few of the numerous points of superiority enjoyed by thu patrons of this road between Omaha mid Chicago , nro Ita two trains a day of DAY O COACIIKS , wulch are the finest that human art and Ingenuity can create. Us PALACE SIKKl'INU OAKS , which are models of comfort and elegance- I'AU It l.OH DltAWlNd UOOM ( JAIIH , unauriia cU by any , nnd Us widely celubratvd I'AI.ATIAI , UIN1NO CAHH , " the equal of _ which cannot Jie found "eisewhere/'Xt Council Illurrs.tbo trains of tbo Union TaolHo Hall way connect | n union depot with thoic of tbeCbl- CHSO& NorthweMurn Hy. In Chicago Ibo trains of 0 llili line make closg councctlon with tholi of all 10 other Kastern llpcs. 10r Kor Detroit , Columtns , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.- Nlauarn Kails , Huffalo. I'lttstiunr , Toronto , Montreal , If Huston , New York. I'blladelnhla , llaltlmuro. Wash ! IS Ink-ton , and all points la tuo fcast. Ask for tickets via S thd"NORTHWESTERN" If yon with , the belt accommodation. All ticket arm * sell UC Ol * Vl tult Una. Ucu'l ifanager. ' 'Peu'll'ass't Agent. CI1ICAOO , ILIA W. N. HAnCOCK. Orn'l. West rn Aesnt. , J > .TS.KIMUAI.ITlcktil , Agent. . . u : v.V S f , City Kssenger Agent A SUBE CURE OR NO PAY. Our Magic Remedy WILL POSITIVELY CURE 'AW ijplililtlc PIic f i , of recent or lonr ( tanatnf .In from ten tomteenclajt. We will glr wrltt.n guar antees to cure nnj ca e or refund jour money. And we would fay to thoie who hay * employed the moll P.tiled I'b-slclans , used eyery known romsdr and Iiavf not been cured , that you are the subjects we an looiInK for. Toil that have been to the c.lebrat.ij Hot fprtngi ol Arkansas , and hare loit all hop. of recoverwe Will Gura You OTmake no charge. Our remedf Is unknown to any one In tb. world outride o ( our Company , aud It l > the only remedy in the world that will cure you. W. will cure the mciit obitlnat. ce In than on. month. Percn dayi In recent cases doe * the work. It U the old , chronic , decp-irMed caies that we lollclt. XVe have cured bundrrdi who had been abandoned 71'brilclani and pronounced Incurable , and We Challenge the World totirinnni acaie that we will not euro In less than ere month. hlm-o thp history of medicine , a True Ppeclflo for FjplillltlCKruptlons | , , Ulcers. Pore mouth , Ac. , bai t.eo sou t for but nofer found until Our Magic Remedy * M dlicoTcred , and we are In * tlflert In faying It li th. enly remedy In the world that will po lllToly cur. , because the latest medical works , published by the best known authorities , fay there was ncrer a true ipeclflc before. Our Hrmcdr u the only medicine In the world that will cure when ererytblnK else has failed. Ithubeen no conceded by nlarxe cumber of Celebrated I'hyilcla&s. IT HAS NKVEB VET rjni.ii ) To CUHK. Why WB te your time and money with Ktent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor th physicians that cannot cure you. You that hat. tried eVorytbtnK elie should come to us now nnd get permanent relief ) you never can net It elsewhere. ( dark what wo l yi In the end you mutt take our Remodjf or KETXU recover. And you that have b.en filleted but a short time should by all means com. to ns now. Many let help and think thoya re f re. from the iMseaie , but m on. , two or three years aft.r , It appears ag tin In more horrible form. Investigate onr financial standing through the mer cantile acencl.eud note that we are fully responsi ble and our written guarantees are good. We have e > REMEDY prepared on purely Scientific Pilnclplos and we wish to repeat that It NEVEU FAILS TO cuui. All letters sacredly conHdentlal. THE COOK REMEDY GO. , Omaha , Neb. Beorni 1C tad IT llellman Block. She Tried and Knows , A leading chemist of New York says : " No nlnsters of such merit us thcAlh'lo-plio-ros Plasters havccvcr k before been produced , " They are a novelty because they arc not mudo simply to Ecll cheap , they arc tlio best that science , skill and money can produce , and will do what is claimed for them. For sprains , aches , wenkncss , lameness , etc. , they arc unequaled. 401 Fullon Rt..SanJuslir.O , Nov. 21 ' 87. ' Tlio Atkloi'horuB 1'liater acted llko magic. It la the li i I e\cr trli-il ami I La > o iiwil many klncl . Our ilrnwrlit said " iilastorn am all alxmt the same " but I don't think so now. I opratnm my arm aiul Bbouldrr In .Inly , audit baa Ken painful slues ; but It dors not pain moat all now. Mrs. WILLIS MAQILU * B-Seiil ( C cents fhtlthe beautiful colored pic ture , " Moorish Mnlilen. " THEATHLOPHOaOSCO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. BITTERS SCNNrVMANQRAKE-BUCHU It has itood the Teat of Yean , Ja Curing all Diseases of tha BLOOD , IIVXB.810K. ACH , KIDNEYB.BOW * EIS.Ao. It Purifies the Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the Systan. BITTERS DYSPEPSIA.CON8TI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , AU.D1SEASESOFTHE 8IOKHEADACHEBIL- LIVER lOUSCOMPLAINTB.Ae disappear at once under KIDNEYS ito beneficial Influence. STOMACH Itii purely a Medicine AND Mitt cathartic proper ties forbid * it * me at a BOWELS. beverage. It ii pleas ant to the taito , and a easily token by child- ran ai adultg. WiDRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO Sols Proprietors' , BrXocuond KAMUI CTTT GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST nnd MOST FOPYJLAI1 Bowing : Thread of Modern Time * . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. . . , TIV Kir.rATiiiCK-Kncu Dry Goods Co. M. K. SMITH & Co. 1'AXTO.V , U AM.AO.U'.U & CO. SLOAN , JOHNSON & Co. s.r. MOSE , ; IIAYDE.N III103. THOMPSON. HKI.DKN & Co. iMUKIN & CO. CIIAS. SiNOKit , South Omaha , and all flrst class rotull dealers. A. , Lee , uw York Dry Good * Store. Omaha Seed House. Headquarters for Landreth's Celebrated Seeds , 1'lants , Cut Flowers and i'lorul designs , Seuu for catalogue. W. H. 'FOSTER is SON , Proprietors , 162 : . Capitol Avcnuo. CLUCK & WILKINSON. LAST CUT , The unusually warm weather forces us to place our light weight goods on our counters much sooner than we intended , and does not give us as much time as we expected to have in which to close put the balance of our winter stock. We have a few heavy weight suits lefb , and to make an entire sweep with them , have made another and last cut on several already marked down lots and will offer them for this week at prices that will make it interesting for any one to look at them. The attention of mechanics , machinists and working men is partic ularly called to two lots of good cassimere suitsmarked down to $5.90 and $6.75. These are splendid bargains as the suits are positively worth double the money. They are strong and honestly made and will wear well- A lot of elegant 4-button cutaway frock suits , of finest quality cas simere and equal to any custom made suits , has been marked down to $11.50. This suit cannot be procured at any other house for less than $20. In our Boy's department we will also offer this week enormous bar gains to close out a few styles of heavy weight suits , and we urgently invite ladies to take immediate advantage of this remarkable oppor tunity , as such bargains will not be offered again. Having closed out all our last year's fancy shirts , we have now open ed and placed on sale , a fresh , new line. Without exception we show the largest and handsomest assortment of French Percale shirts in town. Beautiful and choice patterns , some of them very fancy , but the prices will not be found at all fancy. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company Corner Douglas and I4th Streets. Omaha. MEDICAL | ° SUB6IGHAUNSTITUTE , N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge 8t BK.A.OE3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue ccflsful treatmenn > T every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. MFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in the west. > . WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kid ney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , SUiu and Blood , and all Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DISEASES or WOHEM Fun. ONLY EELIABLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAXIMO A triCIALTT OT PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic Poison removed from the system without mercury. New restorative treatment lor loss ol Vital Power. 1'ersons unable to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicinesorlnstruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicate contents or sender. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send iu plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Dpon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency - potency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocele , with question list. Address Omaha Medical and Murgieal Institute , or DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th and OodQi Sit. . OMAHA , NEB. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col Of tlio Missouri State Museum of Anatomy. St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lon don , ( ilchen , Germany ami New York , having devoted tliclr attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially ( lioso arlslnK from impru dence. Invite nil so huderlnR to correspond with out delay. Discuses of infection nnd contagion cured safely and spoedlly without use of dan gerous CruKS. 1'aticnts whoso cases have born m'Klecti'd , Imdly treated or pronounced incur * nhle , hhould not full to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive Immediate utteu- ion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will bamalled riMJH to any address on re- celpt of ono -cent htump , "Practical Observa tions nn Nervous Debility and 1'hyslcnl Exhaus tion , " to which is udded nn "Kssay on Jlur- rinse , " with Important chapters on discuses of the lloproductlvo Organs , the whole forming n valuable medical treatise uhlch should bo read by nil ycnmK men. Address DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 17.3 Lawrecea St. , Denver , Col. Health is Wealth ! Dn. E. C. WFST'S NKHVB AND IlrtAi * TnrAT- MENT , a ( Tuarantecd specific for Hysteria , Dlzzt * ness. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuroljrla , lleucluclie , Nervous Prostration , caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulnens , Mentnl Depression , Softening of the Ilruln. resulting in Insunlty.and leading to mlsery.decay and death , Premature Old ARM , Harrenness , Jjoss of 1'oncr til cither sex. Involuntary Lenses nnd Hperma- torrha'K caused by over-exertion of the brain , self-abuse or over-indulgence. Kacli Ixix con tains ono month's treatment , I l.OOa box , or six boxes for (5.00 , bent by mail prepaid on tecolpt of price. price.WK WK GUARANTIEE BIX DOXE3 To euro nny case. With ouch order received l > y us far six boxes , accompanied with ( A.UO , we will Fend the purchaser our written guarantee to refund - fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. F , QOOD- MAN , DrucgUt , bold Agent , 1110 ruraarn Street , Otnalift , Neb. Pr . Kvacllentl diior. d [ caitdu < lAou < EteiucaM-dlclo- Bttltd TrMilMMtt RMOB / GRAND OPERA HOUSE MARCH 1st , 2d and 3d , -THE Car eion Opera Company Thursday , and Matinee Saturday , DOROTHY , "ERMINIA " Friday , , Saturday , "THE MERRY WAR. " SALE OF SEATS NOW OPEN. Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY FISCHER , , PIANOS LYON&HEALY * m * * it fSS BURDETT ORGANS STANDARD Vi IV J-tl * < * * , vnM * ur-A , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while , the Ions established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by posslbl * defects in matarials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30S A 1307 FAMMAM THgBT WHOLESALE SEEDS ! PHIL STIMMEL & COMPANY , OMAHA , NEB. C talQgues and Price List upon Application