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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1888)
THE OMAHA E > A1LY BEE ; THURSDAY. MARCH * l ; i Advertisement * nnaor this hfad , JO cents Itn for tlie dr t Insertion. 7 cents for each ut > , Dcquent Insertion , and II M a line per month. No mlvertlBoment taken for less than 25 cunt * lor the nrst liwertlon. Seven words w U b eoujited to the line : they must run consecutively - ly and must be paid n advance. All advertise ments must bo handed la before 1:30 : o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will they M taken or discontinued by telephone. . rwtte advertising In these columns and bar- lotr the aoiwnre addressed In care of the Be , trill pleRie ask for a check to ranble them to Ret their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad- Yertlsemcnti should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub- llshcd In both morning nnd avcnlng editions of the lleo , the circulation of which aggregate * more than 16.0W papers dally , and Elves the ad vertisers the benefit , not only ot the city clrcv- latlon of the lleo , but also of Council llluffi. tilncoln , and other cities and towns throughout ( his part of the west. , BRANCHOFFICES Advertising for these columns will bo taken , on the above conditions , nt the following bus iness houses , who are authorized agents for Til B } ) ni iipeclal notice * ' and Wilt Iquote the same Sates an can bo had at the main olllco. JOHN W. llis'ik ' fc OS.10th Street. CHASE A EDDV , Sto.tlon.oi3 and. Fzlxitcra. 113 B.lOth Street , S. H. FAHN8WOHTH , 2115 Cumlnc Street , ' GEO. W. PAHH , liam aclst. 1F09 St. Mary's Avenue. II.n.WHlTr.HOUSE , ICth and Webster Streets. . _ _ _ ah | G. nEUTHER. iTQrs Dealer , Post OtDeo. South Omaha. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. _ WK HAVE about 20 girls on record wanting situations. All kinds of help. Btnto Km- Tiloymunt Parlors , 1417 Farnara nt. , room 11. WANTED Situation by a man as years of age. Will do any klndof general work. Good accountant nnd fair penman. Heferences lvrn. Address , 0 15 , Dee. 737 It D ,0 , YOU wont n.plrl ? If so. call at 1417 Far- n am Bt. Employment Parlors , room 11. _ . 738 Zitt WANTED Work of any kind , city refer- ences , address 0 13 , lice olllco. 7411 * WANTED A position ns cutter by young inan of experience , can speak English and German , Address C 0 , llee. 70i 1 WANTED Situation Uy mother and daughter. Just arrived from the east , ns flrst-clnss cnok and second irtrl in private fam ily. Can take full charge of kitchen. Highest references. Address II , 28 , Uco olllce. Council Bluffs. 702-29 WANTED A position by young man In a wholesale or retail house ; will do any thing ; have had experience In clothing and RToctTlos ; can lend employer $ 'XX ) nnd furnish very best elty icforcnccs. Aildicss 0 1 , Itee. _ _ fltt 1 * WANTED Situations. A now supply of girls every day. Come and get one. Mrs. Ilroca AC Son , Canadian Emp. olllce , 318 S. 15th St. , 'iol. 1:84. 010 29 * WANTED-Sltuatlon as niphtporter or watchman. Address 08 , Bee. 13 29' SITUATION wanted by a young man ; refei- oncu furnished. Address 0 0 , lleo. _ OBJ a > t WANTED Situation ns first-class meat and pastrycook ; good reference. Address II 71 , llee. flJJ gj * WANTCD-RItuatlon by woman 30 years of ago ns housekeeper. Inqiilro of Albert Ilanno , fitn st. , bet Leavens orth nnd Mnrcy. . 010 6 * fJUSH Must have work by two days ; will do Janything. . Address II KI.UOO. 002 29J ABHORT-I1 AND writer of good address , edu cation , and with best rcfuietices. wants po- pltlon. Bat iHfaction n.s to terms and ability guar- nteud. Addrois. 1164. Dee. uil3 " = = WANTKD-MIAUE HELP. riAHPENTEHS wanted to outld a house and V take equity in n good house and lot as part pay. Address C 11 , Hoe olllco. 727 29J WANTED-Drlver for retail grocery wagon , onoMlth experience in city piefcrred ; roforcnco rcqtilrcu ; steady position to right man : Addac3sO12thlsolUce. 720 1 TITANTED First and second cook out of town. TT nonobuttlrHtclussneednpply ; cook for city , t50 per month ; boy , 14 years old , hotel run ner and bus driver out of tow n. 1 good w niter. 1 dlshwnshor. Omaha Emp. bureau , 110 N 16th. _ el. 1112. 7.TI 23 t\7"ANTED 1 second cook for city , 8 young , T men to solicit , salary. Apply , State Em- ploj-meut Parlors , 1417 Farnam st. , room 11. ' TO8 2'j ! : WANTED A traveling salesman for Ne- luntkj. AddrebS U 08 , Bco olllco , 600 2 * WANTED A rellablo man as night watch man and porter In Ilitit class hotel , state 8ie ami give reference , addiess I'll , postollice , mnha. 054 U 'tTTTANTED-Sollcltors for art work In city. VT Cnll between 10 n. in. nnd3 p.m. ntlJoS Douglaa st. , lid Uoor , ropm 0. * 631 211 * \\7 ANTED-Cook , 22 < 1 and Owning St. . Wolfs saloon , UJl j WANTED-Twomenof good address tosell jvupeclttlty , big iuduoomontB. Call 431 H Ipth st. ( Xttg9J W ANTED H. It. men for western Kansas. Albright' * labor agency , 1120 Farnam. KW - A NY man or woman making less tlum&Oper week fthould investigate our easy money hinklng business. ActUe persons Rimrunteeil w ) per week easier tlinn feu per mouth cau bo liiuilo In nny other hoiioraulo occupation ; t3 samples tree. Wiltofor terms. Adilress Mer rill .Manufacturing Company , 1163 , Chicago. BOYS-Aiu. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. 128 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\fANTED DlnliiK room girl out of city , 4 1 dlidim room girls for city , a dishwashers. 8 kitchen girls , 1 chamber maid , lots of nlco places lu private famlles forgood glrU. Omaha Emp. bureau , HON Wth. Tel. 1113. 72029 WANT all ( rood girls to call at H171'arnam st , Itooiu 11 , State Employment 1'iirlqrs. " ' 7.W < nt WANTEn-Coinpotent gll ; In family of two. Mrs. 1) . H. W heeler , jr. , txl a. 25th st. 7101 'ANTED 0IrJ for general housework , in quire 1303 Douglas , , lrd Moor room E. 700 3 * ANTED A good girl for general hauso- , work. ll3fl.tUhgt. ! 706 2J * " \\TANTED QIrl for general housework , mint T T bo good cook , no washing. 1519 Howiml. _ \ _ . eea Z ) WANTW-fltrUa work in kitchen at Doran house , 422 a IDUi St. , near t. Mary'u ave. . . ' cot WANTUD-L dy acents. "A" bklrt and bus- tic combined KUdH hose supporters. Doth Hew. lllg profits. 8ecttr towns for spring trade. Idlcb' Supply Co. , 287 W. Washington bt. , Chi- WANTCD-A girl for general housework , small family , lies California , corner 20th. 613 'AMED A pcod girl for general house- work. 2019 California bt. 815 2U5 WANTED Women to cook unit do general housework ; miistboIlrst-cU laundress , two In family , wages M per week. Apply low California st. to lirANTED-Oood cook and laundress. N. E. T T cor. itfth and Davenport. 339 . WANTED-ImmcdlaUly , ladies to work for a w holcsale house on ueedlew ork at their homes , ( Sent any dlntance. ) Qood pay can bo made. Everything furnUhed , Particulars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 1 n ath MISOiLLAMEOUWANTS. : WANT more imall homes for rent. F. L. Gregory , tental agent , WJ S. ICth. 610 W ANTED-About 10,000 old brlik. C. C. SpoUwood , IIU5H 8 10th. VV ANTED Parties who have bought lots or t T land In this city and vicinity ou tno In tallinent plan , and parties hoIdltiK lionds for title to such real estate exchangeable for deeds tftrr the last payment Is made , will Und it to Ihelr adrautuua to scud their address or full MtUcuUn toWW , &MOU1C * . 4 V , "IXTANTED la < lM ( to us * "Chlchfstcr'd Hng T T Hsh Diamond ilrand , Pennyroyal Pills. , Safe. Always rt-llnhle. Tlie original , The only genuine , Aik druggist or semi 4c stamps for particular * , return mail. Chlchqsttr Chenllcal Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. 327 WANTKD-Nenspaperlocatlon by practical printer with complete nowstiapAr and job office , best of references. A. w , .inckson , Ilockwell City. la. CI8 _ EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. GiTATU Timployment parlors , 1417 Fatnnm st. / MAirA'Employnietit nureau. 119 N. IBth st. V/Oldcstand most tellable olllco lu city. Call on tut telephone 1112,11. K. White , proprietor , rpIIK Union Employment offlco Is thcplacoto J- obtain rellablo hulp on short notice. In or out ot the city. U13 3. llth 'St. Upon evenings. CANADIAN Employment ofl1c < > , male and fe male hr Ip sent to all parts If faro is ad vanced. Keferenco , Omnha National bank. Mrs. lircga & tfau. U1D.S. 15th. Tel , bb4. * ml m H BOARDING. A WIDOW lady with pleasant homo would like a couple gentleman boarders. 0 4 , Hen. _ ( MJ 3 _ _ _ plltVATE boardlnc , 14 a week , 1616 Dodge. WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED- young man , nlco room nnd board ; not more than 5 blocks fiom 23th anaCunHng ; references. Address C10. lleo. 7(11 ( 29 WANTED Small cottage or II unfurnlshod rooms for housekeeping. Address , giving price nud location , Mrs T. , 702 N. ICth t > t. Cfi4 2-J WANTED Room and bo.trd In private family by gentleman and w Ife , roferejices exchanged , centrally located. Address U 01 , Itco. 609 4 WANTED-A hotel , 25 to 40 rooms , well lo cated ; rent must be reasonable. Address ock box 17 , Lincoln , Nob. 4)7UU * ITHHl UKNT Tlio doslrablo residence. 8. W. comer 17th and California streets ; furnish ed or unfurnished , for term of years ; splendid terms to thoioughly rellablo party. Hoggs He Hill. Iteal Estate. 1408 Fnrnam at. 534 S WANTED Houses to rent. Campbell Sc Hervcy 310 lloard of Xiade. b'J3 ' fOR RENT-HOUSES. FOH KENT An elegant 9 loom dwelling just built , with stable nnd all modern improve ment * , Including laundiy , labiatoty on ground iloor , ceflav closet , etc. , location , Cupltol nvnnuo nenriUth ; rent moderate. Apply to D. J. O'Don- ahoe , care of O'Donahoe & biiurty , 114 S. 15thst. 710 9 HOUSES In central location and furniture for sale ; rent from IIto 105 ; furnlturol33 to 11,100. Call and neo our list , Co-operatlvo Land nnd Lot Co. , 305 N. 16th st. 707 2STORV Frame , 7 rooms nnd Bath , apply nt L. lluriihnm , room 1 , Crelghtoii IllocK. or nt premises , 63J Colfax st. 038 * 2 F I OR BENT House of 0 rooms , good location. E29 8. 21it St. C59 1 * " | 7VH RENT New elegant house fi rooms , $25. J2212 Mason , 1 block from Leavcnworth. 606 4 * TjlOS RENT Now house , ten rooms , nil modern -I ? improvements , also well and cistern. 2215 California street. COM * T71OR RENT Two now 12-room houses , all mod- Jcm Improvements ; s. w. corner 27th and Decatur gts. Enqolro first door south. 663 M. 25 * T710R RENT 'Elegant 8-room house and b.irn , JU now. Plate and art glass windows. Gas , hot and cold wntrr , soft water , porcelain bath tub ; 2 blocks from street car lino. J. H. Piirrotte , rental agency , 1600 Chlrngo , st. 61010 TT10H RENT-i-Nico 0-room house , S 12thst.30 X1 n mouth. Brennau A Co. . Chamber of Com merce. 4iOml ! 1J1OR RENT House 3 or 0 looms , J18 per JJ month , 1015 Center st. 439 29 * I710H RENT March 1st , housii 7 rooms with JJ good barn , $40 per month. Inquire 2312 Cap itol nve. 423 2UT FOH RENT 10-room house. 10 minutes walk from P , O. 1408 Douglas. 401 TnOH RENT Ttt o nlco C and 7-room houses. JJ 1132 and 1134 N. 17th. Inquire 210 S. 13th st. 375 29 FOR RENT Ten-room house and basement with all mordein improvements ; llrstclass location , Inqule. at Helmrod A Co.'s , Uth nnd Jaokson streets 197 ARE chance Whole flat. No. 2004 N. 24th st. to rent very low. Enquire at residence as above , S. F. Wlncn , or Hobt. Purvis , txil FOR RENT House of 8-rooms , closet , hard and soft water , on Uth street car linn. Inquire - quire 1112 8. Uth st. 778 I710R RENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hanscom JL' Park , BOHtli front. AH modern Improve ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part of the city. Inqulro Leo A Nltliol-ftli and I.oa\cm\orth , 120 in5 T710H HKNT Tweh o-room house , 23th nnd JJ nndMnson fctieets , $10 per month. J. S. Cnulnold. 1J01 Fnrnam bt , 034 ONE hundred and fifty houses for rent. II. E. Cola , n. o. cor. l&th and Douglas. 607-29 "CTOR RENT House 11 rooms.V. . M. Hush- X ! man , N E corner 16th and Douglas. M)4 ) FOH RENT 3 now 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , largo cellar , loth near ClarK bt. W. G , Shriver , opp postofllco 3M T71OH RENT House of 4 rooms at 510 Williams JD btroot. Inquire next door woat. 4J3 TJIOH HENT 10 loom resldenco steam heat. O. J ? E. Thompson , 311 S. 15th st. 249 FOR RENT or Sale Now house , 0 rooms , cor. 28th and Capitol avo. Enquire 3SJ4 Dodgo. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. niOH RENT Front room furnished , 614 N 10th SMALL nicely furnished front room for Ji , also largo front room , furnished , ou street car line , beautiful location , suitable tor two militiamen. 1917 Caaa. Mrs , atadeluian. 743 FOR RENT Two largo rooms , nicely fur- nlshed , all modem Jjuprowuieut * . icU N. 11th st. 713 2 * T AltGK front room , bnth , gas , bicakfast If do- JU sired. 5.11 S.ttth avo. . 04S 4 * FOH HKNT Nlcel > * furnished rooms cheap * 100 How ard , 3d Uoor. 052 1 * 1J1OH HENT-rurnished 1001113 cheap , 1510 J Hainey. CM 1 * OH HENT-rurnlshed room. $7 , 800 S. 22d. ll-J , VERY nicely furnished rooms , single and double ; reasonable to qulut , permanent parties. 1721 Davenport. 630 TjlOR RENT Wall furatiilied front loom , first JL. lloor , pricov ry ruajtiiuiblo ; sultablo for one or two gentlemen. Z310 Capitol ave. 03H-2 * TWO largo'furnmlieil rooms , gentlemen only ; references exchanged. 1503 Capitol uvo. " 038 29 * C1URNISHED rponiB , 1707 , Dodgo. Modern Jt ! Conveniences. , , , u. W-lj T710H RENT Large furnished' room for 8 or 3. JJ 101J UoUgUS. 031 2U * "IT10RHKNT Lurgo furnhhed- loom for Jj doctor's olllco and btudto , Aduross n u ) , lice olllce. U-M29 * T OR HENT-Nlcely furnished front and other JL' roomi ; all modern Jmproveuivnts ; with or without board , aio Faniam at. 5ia 29 * FOR KENT Two nicely furnished rooms , laruo front room , alcove , south front , suit able for gentleman and wife , 1703 Douglas st. t ' - _ 4U 39 * TT10R RKNT-iFurhlsnod rooms mareunlg blk JC cor. Uth and Dodge sta. InqulN ot Ueo. H. , Davis. M tllard hotel billiard room. 358 AUOF. pleasant room , modern conveniences , i 1701) ) Chicago t. 439 N'KATLV furnished frout room to relit at 1S21 Faruaui st , 1 block west of court house. 614 T71OH RKNT T\NO very desirable furnished Jc front rooms , with all modern convenience ! * ou same lloor. Arranged for three or four occupants - pants If doslred. Apply at 1712 CapUol avenue. " | 7U > K HKNT A large room furulihed. central JJ location UWgmpago st. . 3 4 T710R REN T I'u'rnlshed rooms , tt ) . to 118 , fur- Juacu , ga , ball ) , No , 700 South 17th ave. Oantlonu'n-T\ furnUhert Teems , all JL1 woaeru Improvement ! . 11U l)0'l eot , 4' < Mm2 ' TIVJU RENT FurnUhml rooms , all convent- J cnces. A. Ho pe.315N. litl ) btreot. 4tfl * TpUllNlSHliO room * . ISliDodv * . 17V ) It RUNT Furnished rooms forpne or two JC KtiuUmert. 10U3 Dodge utr , 88(1 ( moil llKNT-Nlee furnished room , ta per1 -L1 month , sw cor. 18th and Jftciuou , UH . . . . nEffT-HootnK furnished nnfl nnfur- -Ishbd , 1724 Cap. avo. , - ( Ml TTI DBNISUKD rooms and board , JD _ _ tnUftN ISllEDrooms c JD ] 1 ? ° " IlfcNT Suite of furnished rooms JJ qnlro Urd floor room E , U'U ' Douglas. 221 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. OH RENT Two business or offic * rooms on 1st iloor M. ' , per month. Ono room on"d Door 130 per month. W. EClaik , 1414 Harney. 718 IthNT-Storcs ami rooms. luqulro corner Sherman acmta ntid Corbr street. ? 123 * H HENT Grocery and meat market , trade flrt class , flve year * established. Also 4- room cottagn. Ohio st. bnt. inth nnd 17th. Ad dress room 610 Pnxtou block , or 12JI 29th ave , J , C. Green. KIT 29 T7KIl HKST Klrst-clRM frame store btildlmfi ) JU no by 21 feet , llrst-class business location. Apply to I. W. Hoberts , Albl6u , lloone Co. , Neb. 421 a22 * H HENT Two rooms , 44xiW , where Bteam power can be obtained. Enquire of Sam'l Hce , llees Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740 F011 HENT Second floor , 4U70. VoOd loca tion. Enquire ot A. J. Blmpsoh , 1409 Dodge St. 750 FOH HENT Store and O-rooms ever peed stand for drug or food storo. Lee ft , NtchoL , cor. 28th and Loavonworth , ' C3G-m5 FOH on Farnam St. at 110 to. WO par mouth. One oflloo furnished. ' 1113 Far- nam. 300 T7K > Il llKNT-One-half of office. 1519 Farnam , JJ Uround lloor : best location In the city. Light nnd pleasant , with modern conveniences. 181 RENTAL AGENCIES. IF YOU want your house rented to good pay ing tenants , no delay , call on us. Drake Ilros. , 310S. nthst. 7314 SOUTH OMAHA Rental agency , J. M. Waugh A Son , room 5 , Saxe block 6S > m2t GKEGOUY , F. L. . Rental agent , 309 S 16th st. * * 228 SPECIAL attention Riven to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms , list with us. W.M.Harris , over 220 S. 15th bt. 361 L1 ST houses , stores and flats for rent with II. E. Cole , n. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 696-29 TJ10H RENT If you wish to rent a house call X ; on lleniwa A Co. , 15th st. , opposite P. O. M2 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. EOH RENT Largo unfurnished room , * " . 13JO N. ICth st. 731 * "VTICE unfurnished rooms , new building , good IX location , N. E. Cor. 10th and Hnrncy tts. CSlfi * TjTOK HKNT Two unfurnished basement JL ? rooms to a family without children , nt 1122 N. 17th st. 601 TTU'H HKNT JD Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1015 north 30th st.15.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1122 north21st st. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st 1000 Throe (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11,00 Three ( J ) rooms , No. 703 Paclllc st 1-.50 Eight (8) ( ) room Hat 4111S 19th st 4000 Ono (1) ( ) store room 310815th st 175,00 Three (3) ( ) rooms 1022 H 21st st 12 60 Apply to Judge renting agency , 318 8 15th st. FOR RENT-MISOELANEOUS- "I710R RENT Farms , two desirable stock or -L ? dairy farms near Omaha , best of facilities. Active Real Estate A Property Exchange , 1534 Dodge st. 6BO 1 FOB RENT Barn , 1U21 Chicago st. 712 PERSONAL. TVOCTOH Edwaid II. Wright , oflne Uiilnii JLPacillc freight auditor's office , died I'eb , 27th and the funeral was attended nt 2 p. m. ot the -"Jtli , the Interment to take place at Llcerty , Iowa. 743-1 ] WANTED-To know the address of , ProM ) Pritschau. Address 014 , Uco olllce. 709 2-tt I > nilSONAIj I have positive proof of the party who found my mirso on the South l"th st. car. If returned to Heo olllce Inside of three days w ill s.xvo trouble aud got ) reward , Mrs. E. A. O'Urlcu. 033 1 * PERSONAL List your property toiexchango With C. C. Spotswood , . ' 106 S.llth ! St. SJO PERSONAL Ladles and ccntleuion can rent masquerade suits at ula N. ICth at , upstairs , 12520 * PKHSONAL Private home for ladles during coullnemont , strictly confidential. Intunts adopted. . Adclres3 E 42 , fteo olllce. U7ml3j lOST. T OST-On last Monday GordonsetluMi luun J-J old , has yellow feet , nose and broaat.roturn to Host on shoe store , 309 N 161U bt , and reccU reword. r.'t So * LOST White greyhound , fomnlc. brlndlo nnO whlto greyhound , male : rewuul forrutun of either to U018 Leavenw orth. 73fl 2tf * LOST Seal muff , betw eon UtH nnd 10th , on Varnam , or between Vnrnam and Dotfglasf , on 10th st. Leave nt grocorj' , N , E. Cor. 10th and DouglixH , nnd get row ord. 018 Vtt LOST A larco envelope containing an nb btract and other paperx nud throe ? 10C notes , which pot sons arc warned uuuliiat pur- chnslnpt. For the return to our utore a llbenv' row ant \\lll ba given. Clarke ( Joffeo Co. , HI aud 1410 Hauiey street. 6tS3 T OST A cold brncelet with horsoahoo orna- -U incnt. bet with tiuquoiaes. Thonnd.erill . bo HUltubly low.irded by calling at GOi N. 23th st , 4U6 f 08T An envelope addressed Royal Wilson , J-i Cambridge , Muss. Fluder will receive re- \ \ \\ardbylcavlug McCaguo Uros. , bunkers , FOUND.- UP A young roan cow. Mis Fraud a Ktiulul.S. W. Cor. 15th nnd Dorcas 711 S9 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALE-150 chaliH , suitable tor hall 01 lodge loom ; will bo bold cheap for casli N. II. Falconei. r < U42 FOR SALE Six cords of wood veryrhenp-In ( liilro third house ot lloyd's { mckliifr hottst on thoilMirnldo. 0121 * F 1011 BALE One largo butoher'n lee bpx , olsc one iixs marble table , at l i ; Park ave. * C57 c T71OR BALK Purnllura of B C-rnom house -C Cheap , mtibt bo hold ilia few dajH. HOUM for rent Iftlcslred. CalloraddrebS It. D. , S-J12 Cliaileist. * U)7 1 * _ _ "C Olt 8ALK Largo line iQOklng family lioroo , 4J U yearn old , sound aud neiitle. SltiKle footer under Haddlo. Now two Heated out under can opy top carriage and now harnosa. A very atyl- Uu ug. AddreanU7U. Iteoolilco. . CJt I * THOH SALE Clieap , tt ten-passeuBor b"us , built X1 by A. WiRblP. of bt. Louts. Mo. ; in goad nmnlng order. 'AddressV. . E. Qa&ton , U707 Douglas st. , Omaha , Neb. OU 1 _ T710K SALK Cheap , furniture of ll-roomflat , JJ new anil eli'ifunt , muat bo bold in a few days ; obtainaulc , roasonablo. Imiulro of D. LttUden.MTB.lJtllst. a3JlU8 . ' TTIOH BALE Rome Ono youm ; mnre3 and btal- > JL } lions , nt for road or track. Adtlms u. Olbaon , York. Neb. .fl)6ia7 ) - _ UIINlTUltE for sale o room * turnUhfd * brick Uat. Terms cash. Lease can bo had. Apply , room 7 , No. 607 B. Uth fit. " MO Tjlbll HALE Pure bn d St. llornard pups. JI. J l'.Dron.yapllllon. Neb. to l- - _ TjlOIl SALE Elt-'ht room house with modarnr JJ Improvements and stable on leased Krouud.i. 1715 Dounlas. Inquire at Meyer & Itaapka , l OJ Harney at. _ M7 ' FOll BALE Dormant scale , csimdtj 3,400 pounds , rhll. Httmmel tt Co , Vll-913 Jones bt. . Omaha. UJ tnOU SALE- a bargain M foot of shelving , JD 30 feet of count or and ono Ice cheat , suit able for grocery store. Enquire at K12 8. 10th SO 7 Jo. AlJLACKSMlTllshop foriileTnasone forge , or tools without shop for sale. Apply to Win. llmeli , Blue Hill , \VobMer Co. , N b. . TM raw MI8CCLLANKOUI. M IBS garah llueute , uurae , SOU Leaveuworth t. 1711 4 * THE On Time Household Fair. The great liurgaln hous , To hpustkeeper * . VTe are bound to show you that we cau save ou money in priced. Parlor suits. Chamber sets , lied prlug- , bed mattrasaef , folding ; beds , ilde boards , carpets , Table * , chairs , mirrors ; pictures , Lounces , commodes , tetes. Ulrans. rockers , curtains , itovei , . - > . Tmware , crockery , glaiaware , lamp ] , Houiea furnished complete on Easy payments I Easy payments I Easy payments I Easy payments ! Prices the lowest. Call and see Prices the lowest. Call and ae ew and eot south istu street. . Corner Jackaoo. No ooonectloa wltU Any olber botiM , ( U fTinB banjo tancTit n an art by Qeo : F. Oell n JL beck , HW Harney sfc w- 1W A.K. . niLEr-Notary , 1 * > P Farnam. TTIOH frcomaps nnd full Information concern- JL1 inpt Sioux City , law address the Wide A wako real estate exchange , fOH ) 1'enrl fit.SUiu.t Oily , la. ! 72J 4t _ _ _ _ C. H..IOI1NPON. clatern t builder , wells borol uud dug , 40V N 30th it. , Omaha , Neb. Wi mchSl * Tl I r. only cook book Is silver Crock Coal. Stt 814th , Jeff W. Hodfoiir.i T yy T OTES bbnght. C. . J qobs , 33i ) 8.15th ft. STORAGE. STOIIAOK For household coeds nnd mcr- cliatnllsc , ou Ural lloor , uiul at lower prices than usual , corner Eighth and Howard streets. cat m3i * KW YOUR Storage Co. have most extensive facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , ' les. general merchandise , west of Now Yo'ffc. Cash advances to any amount ; warehouse - house receipts given ; goods insured ; brick building fire-proof ; spoclal arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N , 15th St. , IJennott's block. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING- can enter Valentino's Shorthand STUDENTS and Typewriting Institute at any time. It Is the largest and best equipped otcluslvo short- hnnd school In the west ; all Its graduates are occupying good paying sltuatlona nnd plvlug sMisfiictloiu Iluslness men are constantly ap plying to us for stenographers. Asa mentis of livelihood shorthand Is much superior to book * keeping or telegraphy. The demand for steno grapher * Is In excess of the supply. Send for circular to 1 15 Dodge at. . Omaha. ; ) iWm21 WANTED-TO BUY. WHO wants ty sell a lilco cottage uHhln Uu > mlle limit and take n U section of good western land for first payment , bnlanco In monthly or quarterly payments ? Address box 450 , P.O. . 0414 " \XTANTED-South Omaha lots. Wo have cash TT buyers. List at once. Active Heal Us- tnto and Property Exchange , 1521 Dodge r.t. Ml 1 WANTfcD To buy snort time paper. J. W. Gross , at C. E. Hayne's office , 15th and Harney. < Ka CLAIRVOYANT. MHS , ECOFiES The greatest living clairvoy ant , tells past , present nnd future ; satisfac tion guaranteed. 122V1 N. 15th St. , room 1 , first Uoor to right nt head of stairs. 141M 18 * MllS. DDUANT Clairvoyant from Iloston ; reliable In all affairs ot Ufa ; uultos sep arated lovers. 3ZS N , lutli street , room 1. DH. NANNIH V. Warren , clalrvovant. M < 1- leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 11 ! ) N. 16tn St. . Hooms2&3 , Tel. BM. 364 MONEY TO LOAN. 'ONETloanedon Improved city nud fnrm property. Drake Bros. , 310 S. Uth st.tgl 7JO 4 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , wasons , etc. , without removal ; also on collateral security. Business confidential. O.B.Jacob ? , 3208.16th st. 619 K. R1LEY , 1st mortgage loans , mo 1'ar- i nam. 481m 23 * MONEY On hand to loon on real cstnto and chnttcls. Notes bought at Hugh Percy & Co. , room 426. Paxton building. 48529 * fl 5,000and upwards to loan on first-class city P real estate security. W. F. Smith. 1221 Far- nam bt. , 49ltn33 MONEYtoloan , oasnoufland. no delay. J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. J ) 373 SUMS of 110,000 and upwuhls strictly business security. E. S. Ulsbee.'Ramgo building. ) I 444 2 * LOANS wonted on goodjrcal estate security ; favorable terms. Moitgages bought. Klraball , Champ Ac Ryan , U. S. Natlbaukb'ldg. 1 T OANS made on real rstato. Cosh ou hand. J-J W. M. HarrU over 230 3.15th st. 37J TVTONBVI To loan , shorttime. , 1st mortgage J1L paper bought. Mapfti' & King , room 3 , Crelghtou block. al 014 MONEV to Loan Omaha , ' real estate and , farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Uros. tc Co. , 1523 Farnam. wa HB. COLE loans money on Improved city or . farm property. Koom fl Continental block. 002 time loans made on any available SHOUT security , lu reasonable amounts. Secure J notes bouglit , sold or exchanged. General financial business ot any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har ney sts. , overstate National baudCorbet t. manager 807 MONEY to loan i can now place some first clan * city loans immediately , Cnll at once If you desire to be accommodated. D. V. snoles , room 1 Uarker block , entrance In allav. 3t8 ! 6 I'KU CENT Monoy. Patterson At Fawcett IRth and Harnoy. 37 6 M1I'KU M1 ONKY to lonn. Notes ana rt. H. ticket , bouglit abd sold. A. Foriuun , 313 B 13th its 80S TtfONKY to loan on improved raol nstnto ; no 111. commUston chanted. Lravltt Uurnhani , room 1 , Croljrliton block. 8CO Mc To loan. LoweBt rates. No delay J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank U75 ' OANS made on real estate and mortgages J bought. Lewis S. llood It Co. , 1UU Parntun. 877 MONEY to Loan lly the imdersizned , who IIIM the only properlv orpantzcd loan apency In Omaha. Loans of S10 to 1100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , hordes , \vrgous , ma chinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that nny part can bo paid at nny time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on One watches ana diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing w lib , as many now concerns are dally comlnij into existence Should you need money call and see mo. W. U. Croft , room i Withnnll bulldlnc , 16th and Harnov. 369 M IONUYtoLoan-H. ( W. Huntress , HIT Tar- nam at. , room 1. M3 OJ MONEY LOANED at C. F. Reed & Co.'s Loan OtHca. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar tlcles of value without removal. 81V R. 13th , over IHnEhum'H commission store. All bust ness strlotly confidential. 379 $500.000 to loan on city ana farm raal eat.ito Lltmhauic Mahouey , 1 07 rarmunstieet , bio CC500.000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0 tj ) pWcent , G.W.DuyS.E.cor.E.llld. THE Falrbank Investment Co. , oranlsod with ample capital , make * loans on liar es wagons , furniture , pianos , nud other persona property or collateral. Deal with responsible ; parties. Apply ut their offlco. 213 South Uth street , up-stalrs. 413 Tl/TONEY / loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , IIL horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1X.4 Farnam , ever llurllngtou tlckot onlco. 'M1 ONHY to Loan O. F. fcJVls Co. , real estat * nnd loan agents , 1506ifaroain st. 370 .TV * O.SEY to loan on Improved city property a IVl lowest rates. Cash oil > ttiaiul. First mort < pages negotiated. K. F. 3a ter , room 15 , chanv ber of commerce. . , 'f BUSINESS CHANCES. MHA'J' market for sale : splendidly iltt d up and onoot thu best navlng markets foi least amount Invested. 0ftee olBcu. 71U Ct Foil BAIiE Contents 19-room bonrdlnr house.on paved street iwid in good location near Uie U. I1 , shops , rentfiu , will soil for pan cash , balance monthly payments , or might tab part In trade. Addreis 0 Ti'ilse. 715 2 * AI'inST-CIiASS meat ninrkct for sole , In b st location in the cltyi rent I3T..W , 0110 year's leases nxtures , utocfc etc. . according to Invoice : it will pay you , td call xarly , as this place will soon ( to , Co-operative Land aud Lot to. , a)5 ) N. ICth bt. Ttl. _ ANTHD-A partner to take half interest with a practical man in a small growing manufacturing buHlntsa , already established ou the Ik'lt line. Jl.OOO to 11,500 cash required. No bonus expected. Address O. V. Nattliiger , sec retary board ot trade , or Wlu. Fleming , grocer , 61'J C ? A OENfLEMAN with first rate eastern conc - - cuejclous mid with fSa.OJU cash , will estab lish a Uanlclnsomu rapidly crowlug section of Nebraska , provided the right place can bo fonnd. Any one interested adareai lloz - ) . WU * mlngton. Oelawiire. CIO 9 * _ OH8ALE-Drugbtoc _ . As fine location as- there is In tno city. Clean stock. Invoice about J7.000. Tart cash. Part in good real es tate or secured notot. M. A. Upton toja , 15th st , opp. Chamber ot Commerce. _ 431 TOOK BALE tWOgradf merino 'sheep , all young JC and in perfect health , w ill trade for unln- cumbered real estate at fair value. A. II. fuller , Ashland. Neb. _ Oil BALK-Harber shop furniture , co'it HM ; wlllkellata bargain , part cash. Inqulro 0d .HtliiUupfctBlr . 7 * > ' BAL1-A g < vXl poylnit bn tno * < . Cignrs. itattobery and bij , lu a llmt-tla'i loca tion. On ttccouut of ill health. Stock on hand aoout $ .1,000. All cusu not WtjuireJ. KuimlreiU Max Mcye J ; Cc- . ' . 0 _ "fj Oll BALE Clipap for cash , steam Inrlckyard , -C cfcp lt 13 , < XQ to aj.WO per day , situated on dldetrack , good location , will trrtdo Mr tM estate , ' tiRsumo' small incumberauco , Vf , T.l\ , Wood , Exposition bldg. 14X ) Capltql nve. 4C7 g * ENRIK ETIC Fateiman on piutuer in estab lished mcrrlmnt tailoring business ; must have WUOi siilendld opvnlug for right uiau. Ad- druM U.K , lice. _ gj T > A HE CHANCE IV To lease One residence near postodlco , and bnyfurnlttiroiaU nw. ) at a grent sacrifice. For particular ! ) aeo L. 8. Hklnncr. l.VM Fitrnam. 6.T9 TTlOIl BAI-E Hnmblotonlan mnro nvo years J } old this spring , with foal by Wextlake , standard-bred stallion ; cnn tie seen at 23M Ctun- Ing Street any afternoon this week. No trade ; must be cash. , 723 2 * FOIt 8AI.K A Urst-class bakery 111 good loca tion. doing a good business , and has an es tablished tradeHettt JIO. 1'rlco reasonable. Co-operative Laud & Lot Co. , SW N. loth St. . tel- cphono. H. _ , . . 7ail F OK alt kinds of business chances call on the Cooperative Laud A Lot Co. , 305 N , loth nt. Telephone DKI. . 487 _ o rado-Canavstoro "and'lco cream nt Ixing Pine , Nob. ( lood it. It. town. waterworks , Ono water poner in town , tluo prospects. lleAson for soiling , can't attend to ft. A. U. Sims , Long Pine , Neb. 71 MJ FOH EXCH ANQE 210 acres Improved Monona Co. , lo a , for Omaha property. 640 acres , unimproved , Nebraska , for Omaha iroporty. 4U at res , 3 miles from DCS Molncs P. O , , low a , or Omahit propctty. 180 acres , nncly improved farm , Holt Co. , for 'inaha property. JK-J acres , clear Nebraska land , for Omaha ropertv , 40 acres , Colfax Co. , Nebraska , | for Omaha iropei ty. o 4-room honso and lot , peed bnrn , Tsaac tc Bc\- \ Ion's add. . 1SJ'JOO : want * MX ) cosh , ual. good lot. 2-story house , largo lot , 15th st , near 'Inton , J4.0UO ; wants Jl.WOcash , balance trade. 1UU good unmcumbered lots for Nebraska laud. Tor Salc.o 100 ( choice rnldonco and business lots very iheap. Several finely improved rostdcnco properties , 'ity. ' Choice residence aud business lots , South Jniiiha. bargains. Xrako IJros. , Heal Estate , 3108. I'lthst. TaJ 4 FOB nXCHAIjaE-Thrco Omaha lots free of lnctinibratPB for Iowa or Neb. farm. W. "i. Bclby , 15211'arnam st. Wl 3 OIl KXCHANGC A grocery stock. Prlco about * 2,000 , ii cash , balance in loal estate. : ) oano A. Hoblnson , 1418 Harnoy st. 005 2 * $ B,0'iO ' stock of the Consolidated Pay Hock Oeorgctow n Mining Co. Host mlue In Clear Creek County , Colorado. Tills stock is non-as- iei > sable and will stand the closest Investigation. iVlll trade for improved or unimproved piop- Tty nnd assume incumbranco. II. E. Cole , N. R. Cor. 15th and Douglas. 587 tT\O \ EXCHANGE 14 nice unlnctimberod lots JL In South Omaha , within one-half mile of the Exchange building to trade for flue rosldonco iu Omaha , Jl. A. Upton & Co. , 30 8. 10th st , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 625 ' "C10U exchange Fine Nebraska farms for X ! stocks of general radso. J. A. Uorgor , Long Pine , Neb. 3211 gtf w ANTED 60 liouses and lots to exchange. C. C. Spotswood , 30554 S. 10th St. 239 CLEAN stock books nnd ntntlouery for city property , bt. John & Ely , Frenzer block. HORSES of household furniture wanted in exchange for good vacant lots. Good Lillle range and tank and restaurant outllt for sale , cosh or time. C. T. Morton , 1334 Fnrunm s > t. 219 STOCK hardware for land. Bt. John & Ely , Fienzor block. 217 " \\7ANTED-Stocs or merchandise to ex1. TT change for lands nnd city Drouerty ; C. C. Spotswood.S03V4 S. IfttO. 333 HOUSE and lot In Minneapolis for western land. St. John & Ely , Frenzer block. 217 \)17"ANTEU ) Omaha property to tgtde for good TT lands. Special attentlou given to trading. C. L. Hrown , Frouzor lllock. 008 INSIDE city property in exchange for farms or lauds. J. A. IleUtaud , Arlington block , i 575 I'HAVE ' for trmlo Improved farm In Cass Co , near Plattsmouth , will trade for improved Inside property. Address M 30 , Bee office. 038 FOR SALE Or trade , land and town property In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle and stocks of merchandise wantnd. Corro- pundenco solicited. T. A. Kugllsh it Co. , York , JQb. 745 1118 * NERHASKAand Kansas farms to exchange for Iowa and Colorado lands , aud vlco versa. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N ICth st. 694 , ABSTRACTS OF TITLE7 BENSON te CARMICHAEL furnish complete anil guaranteed abstract * of title to any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upou short notice. The most comtileto set ot abstract books iu the City. No. 1519 Fnrnam st. 335 MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1503 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed , 35 < j FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. FOH 8A LU House and lot In Omitha View , a bai gnln , small cash payment , easy terms C. C. Spouwood , 305H S ifith. 72J FOICSALE A beautiful 10 room or7ioom house , both heated by hot water , supplied with nil modern improvements , splendid loca tion , 10 blocks from board of trade , A baignln , John M. Wclshans A , Co. , 1433 Capitol nvo. , Ex' position building. 717 3 L. HICi : & CO. , Real Estate. 215 INVEST in Chicago acres. Anticipating the boom wu have for eome time been listing do slrablo nciesln and adjoining Chicago limits , nnd IIA\O the best bargains in this class of pro ] ) ' erty to olfer our patrons. Especial attention to non-residents. Clius. N. Loucks it Co , 619 Chicago cage Opera Hou&o. 01029 * , North I'latte.Neb. . for sale On account of the death ot my w Ife I will sell the prop < * i tr toruis. Address John Haw ley , North Platte , Nob. 773109 * EMSTICKNEV & CO. raa o aspaclalty of property in North Omaha , for side or rout at Citizens' bank. 3408 Cumluif at. ! HS I HAVE for sale ono ot the best lots in A. S , Patrick's ad. which twill sell If taken boon for throe hundred dollars lo s than nny. lot In the addition cau be bought for. Address 1)38 ) lleo olllce. ! 133 TJlOlt SAI41 or Trade Full lot on Furnnm Bt. , JD ono block from paving and street cars Price * 5.000. Bfmlty $ .1,000. Two one-fourth sections fine school laud in Koasuth county , Iowa. Ouelxth interest In an addition to South Omnha , free of encumbrance , for good western farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha property. Good inside business property , free of encumbrance - cumbrance , Jor good hoitso aud lot In north part of city. 8 , A. Slomau , rooms 23 nud 23 , llcllman building , cor. Farnam and 13th sts. FOR SAL ) ; HJiup.i nap 1 Lot 1. block0ti. K , Rogers' nddltlyn , OUxUO ; oneot the best cor ners on South lath st. , onlyXOOO it taken at once , htroBt paved , water , gas and sewer Cwitelar street ordered twved. Buutness , business , Now is about the tlmo tc get some good inside business property whllo il is cheap ; goluutobe an advance sum : we huvo the iiQst for soje. > I. A. Upton 5sjCo. , MJ S. l th st. , opp. Chambcrof Commerce ; telephone KW. P. 6. U1OJOUUO In Improvements in Omaha i the last jyar. xet-nqndvanco on luside budlnos properhvunt. . does this Indicate ? 1'aune. re Hecr , tiike a tumble nnd be In position to gathei in snmu of Omahq's near future greatness.M A. U. A Co. : C14-2H F01UHAJE-rHou mid lot in Walnut Hll ! liusy paymvu i. P. A. Gavin , sole agent. 447 Mclitt FOR SALB Four Bplwdld corners for bus : ness purpose ! . . Three fine realdeace-lots In Kouutze place. KourlotslnWertKiid. Lot 35 blk & Kllby place only 91,000. Three loU In Improvement nsio. addition , cheap. Two loti in Potter's addition , one a corner. Lot 7 blk U I > enl e udd. * A ( Ing lxous < ) and lot in Idlowlld , will be Bold ' r cheap. Elegant IIOUBO and lot cor 22d nd Cais , K lots in Marsh add. Housds uadlotrtln different parts of the city. Lota in every addition to the city. Call aud see our list ot property for sale or rent. 0. V. Davis Company , lift Farnam at. 292 mi T L. RICE * CO. , Real tstato. fili H SALE Or exchange for a lot to good location - _ cation Jeraer cow , horse , double carriage of Sltnpton make , slmrle buggy and harness. A. B'llllllngs. 101 S 15th at. 648 EAUflFUL six-room house , splendid loca- tlon. tine neighborhood ; all modern conven iences ; IMU.OO cash , balance to still purchaser. H. H. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. M9 29 TjXR BAUS-1W acres of l Ud four mile * from JJ tockyrdaatll * > peracn ; ttUi Isab4 - ln. McCacuo , Opp. t. 0. 391 L. HIGH * CO."rt U Sstnt * . ' US F OH 8ALK-03rt40 feet on South 15th nt. next CnatqUnr , east fr&nt , on irradfl , vr tor , gas and sewer , lot .graded. K.KOii ; 1400 ca h , WO In three oears nix ] fl.UUOln nvu years , .1. A. Device. At drug store , cor. I'lcrco and 20th M.S. 701 4 171011 SAtH-LotsB and 4. block 1 , In Inane .V J-1 Boldon'B addition , cor. 8th | street and Unit Howard. Jolmll. f. Lehmann , ( C4iJ. ! ' ,17th at. L. lllCB * CO. , Real Estate el * i T L HICK & CO. , llcal K tat . 15 TOOK 8ALR-Ono ot tlio best lots In II tllMd * ? No. 1 , junt across street from Votes' now residence. Make oiler ; niiy reasonable propo- sltlouwlll bo entortalnud for Tow days ; must soil. A 30 , HceolUco.t ftTT THE RAILWAY TOE TABLES , OMAI1/V. / ' Arrlvo Omaha. ' Omaha. UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Mercy hts IK-iitrtco nnd North Platte local express t7:45 : B m t an n m "Ox orland Flyer , " limited 1S:20 : p 111 T2 : & & p m Grand Island local express - ' press tr.ifnp IS'p : m Mall and express. . . * .OJ.p ! 60 n m Dally. ; UaUy Sunday. illJllLlNGTON " Jopot 10th and Mason sts. Chicago Exproas , Nos3& 1 8:4.1 : p. m. (1:05 ( : a. m. ? hlcago Malt [ ) : M 7Z.'i ; p. m. Chicago Local 8:4ft : p. m. 10M : ! n. m. Denver Express Bil5 a. in. l ) : ; p. m < KmviT.MuU 8:00 p. m. u:40 : u. m. California Mull 0H5 : a. m. n:4ri : p. m. Cansas City Day Express. 0OU : a. in. 0:53 : p. m iousas CUy night express ! 60 p. m. 7:00 : a. m C.8t. " P7M. A O. Depot IMhand Webster st Sioux City & Ul'k Hills Bx MO a.m. 2:50 : p. m. Hancroft Express , 4:10 l > .m 0:35 : a. m. _ MJxcept Sunday. . . . . _ . . , MISSOURI PACIFICT Depot 15th and Webster st Day Express 10:45 : n. m , 0:3."i : n. m. Sight Express : 'JO p. m , 5:30 : p. m. ' F.'E. * MrvrnTn. Depot 15th and Webster st Hastings Ul'k HUU Pa : 10:53 : ft. m , 4:15 : p. m. Norfolk Passenger 5:46 p. m 10:45 : u. m. SUBURBAN TRAINS. Running between Council 1 Hurt3 and Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , trams stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth atroots and at the Summit In Omaha. Westward. BroadTransOmaha Shoely. South Al- way. fcr. Depot. Omaha bright. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. 6:46 : 5:61 : 6:00 : - 0:05 : 6:10 : 6:17 : 6:30 : fl:37 : 0:60 : 6f : > 5 6:5fi : 7:02 : 7:15 : 7S2 : 7B3 : 7:41) : ) 7:45 : 7:52 : 8:0u : 8:12 : 8:25 : 8 : JO 8:45 : 8:52 : 0.05 0:12 : 0:23 : P:30 : 0:43 : 0K : 10:12 : 10(23 ( 10:30 : 10:45 : 10:62 : 11:03 : 11:12 : 11:23 11:30 : 11:45 : 11:62 : P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 12:06 : 12:12 : 12:26 : 12:30 : 12:45 : 12:52 : 1:06 : 1:12 : 1:26 1:30 1:45 : 1:52 : 2:05 : " tl11 2.25 2:30 : 2:45 : 2:52 : 3:05 : 3:12 : 3:25 : 3 : JO 3:45 : 3:52 : 4:0.1 : 4:12 : 4:25 : 4:30 : 4:45 : 4:53 : 6:05 : 6:12 : 6:25 : 6:30 : 6:45 : 6:62 : 0:05 : 6:12 : 0:23 : 6:30 : 0:4 : 6:52 : 7:06 7:12 : 7:25 : 7:30 : 7:4. ' 7:63 : 8:03' : 8:12 : 8:25 8:30 : 8:45 8:62 : 0:05 : 0:13 : 11:25 : 0:30 : 0:45 : 0:82 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:23 : 10 : JO ar.ll.05 I 10:45 : 10:62 : lv.h:30f 11:36 11:4T : : & 0 . : Eastward. Al South Sheely. Omaha Trans jroad bright. Omaha. depqt. fer. . way. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A. M. 6:45 : 6:58 : 6OTi : oao 0:15 : 6:25 : 0:30 : 6:43 : fl:5J : 7:00 : 7:05 : 7:15 : 7:15 : 7JJ : 7:40 : 7:60 7:56 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:33 : 8.f : > 8:50 : 8W : 0:07 : 8:15 : 0.2d 0J1 : 8:50 : 9:55 : 10:1)7 : ) 10:15 : 10:2S : 10n : : 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:23 llio : ; 11:50 : 11:55 : P.M. p. u. P.M. P.M. i > . u. P.M. 12:07 : 12:15 : 12:28 : 12T : 12:50 : 12:55 : 1:07 : 1:15 : 1-JM 1:50 : 1:55 : 2:07 : 2:23 : 2M : 2:65 : 3:07 : 3 : 3 : 3:35 : 3:50 : 3:65 : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4T : > 4:60 : 4:65 : 6jOT 5:15 : li:28 : 5:3i : 6:50 : 6:65 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:23 : 6:33 : 8 :60W : 6:55 : 7:07 7:15 : 7:23 7:3. : : W 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : H:2S : 8BO : 8:55 : V:07 : 9:15 : 023 ; l':60 ' : 0:65 : 10:07 : 1(1:15 ( : 10:38 : 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 : arll:15 : 11:4J : 11:50 : 11:65 11:69 : 12 : warn lvllSJ : 12 : Ham COUNCIL BLUFFS. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO. BOOK ISLAND A PACIFIC. A No.l4. , 4:00 : p.m. D No. 1 10:50a. : m. II No.2. . : 5:10p.m. A No. 13..11:30 : a. in. O No.O 6:20a. : m. 0 No.5 0:05p. : m. A No. 4 0:40 : a. in. A No.3 7OJp : , m. CHICAGO , HUHLINUTON & QUINOY. 0 No. 8 6:611 : a. m. D No.5 0:40a.m. A No. 4 00a.m. : A No. 15. . r..10:00 : a.m. 0 No. 14 1.3:20p. : m. C SNo.7 0:20p. : m. A No.6 7:00p. : in. A No.3 7:00p.m. : CHICAGO A NOHTHWE3TEUN. A No.O . 9:40 : a. m. A No.3 0:15a.m. : A'No.8 . 4:00 : p.m. A No.7 l A No.4 . 4:33p.m. : A , No.C' . . . : . . 7.00p.m. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. A No.3 9:40a. : m.A | No. 5 41:30a.m. : A'No.0 4OOp.m.A : | No.3. . . . . . 7OJp. : m. KANSAS CITY BT. JOE & COUNCIL ULUFl'S. A No.3 9:25a..m.A : | No.3 0 ; : n. m. A No , 4 9:10p.M.A : | No. 1 0:30p.m. : SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. A No. 10 : | No.9 S la.ra. A No. 12 : | No. U OiOOp.ui. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS. A No.8 3:40p.m.A : | No.7 11:85p.m. : A dally ; I ) dally except Sat. ; C dally except Sun. ; D except Man. ; { Fast Mall ; 'Limited : Will probably change to 4:00p..m.betoro : Feb. 1. SteekPiano Ilemarkablo for powerful svmpa- thetlg tone. pHablo tetlon and qb- holute durability. 3U yearn' reconl , tlm guarantee ot the < ixcel- Jenco of thesH liistrumenta. WOODBRIDGE BROS , Tour II Itii Mil r m J known 10 us to Goaorihiza. an-1 Clttt. W < hare loM conlldaN ftDle.aodln every cua i | kll jlrcn ittlittctlcn. AlMtt A LUh. rrica l.VO. Proposrtls for Army Tranaportntlont H * DQUAUTKHllrPAItTMrNT ! ) OF Till TtATTl ) Chief ( juartermaitor's ooico , > , Omnlin , Neb. March 1,1388. | QEALtil ) proposals , In trtpllcnto. subject to . C5 the usual roiiilltlons , will be received at this olllco until one o'clock p. m. , central standard tlmo on Monday , Apul "d , ISM , at which time mnl placa thev will lie opened in the pros cure of bidders , for tit * transportation of such military stores nnd supplies as may bo turned oer by the Quartermaster's Department for that pur- ixiso on any or allot the following described routes , during the Uscal year commencing July 1st , IHNft ! 1. lletwecn llordeniut , Wyoming , and 1'ort Larnmlo , WyomliiR. 2. lletwcou Douglas. Wyoming , or other nearer point to 1'ort McKlnney , nt which freight ran be delh ere < l ou the Che ) ennc \ Nortlioru , Itallrond , ntid Fott McKinni'v , Wyoming. ! 1. Heluern Kort Casper , Wyoming , nnd 1'ort McKlnney , Wjoiulng. 4. lletwecn Fott Ca i > \Vj-omlnp , or other nenier point to Kort Wnthnklont which freight can bo ilell > prod on the Wyoming Central Hall- road , and Kort Wnslmkle , WyomliiB. 5. Ik'twoon llnullnsVjoiulng , aud Tort Wnslinkle , Wyoming. 0. llctweon Carter , Wyoming , nnd Fort Brid ge r , Wyoming. 7. netn ceu i'rico , Utah , nml Kort DuChosnc , Utah , lletwcen iwlnta wherever required wtthttl the limits of the clty.of Omaha , Nebraska. , , P. Hetwccn omnlm atiarlertnastpr'n depot , or any other pWutsMlthlutlio limits ot the city of Omaha and Fort Omaha , Nebraska. i 10. Itetween Valentine , Ncbrabka. and 'ort Nlobrora , Nebraska. 11. lietwcon Chojonno City and Chcyenho Ottartcrmaster'fl leot \ ; pioyenno City und Kort li. A. HiiMell , and Cheyenne Quarterlnnstor's < Depot and Fort D. A. HusHOll. * * " 12. lletwcou Suit ijike city aud Fort Douglas , Utah. M. For transferring from or into cars nn.d hauling stores bet u ecu lalhoad depot aud other points nt Ogden , Utah. 14. For transferring from or Into rars and haullun stores between lallroad depot uud other points at 1'rice. Utah. 15. For transferring from or into car * and hauling toro.s between railroad depot and other i points at Fort Sidney , Nebraska. j 10. For transferring from or Into cars mid * hnnllng stores betw een railroad dei > ot and other * . * points ut Douglas , Wyoming. 17. For tiansferrlng fiom or Into cam nnd hauling stores between railroad depot aud othtr points at Fort Casper , Wj omlng. 'IhoOovernmeut reserves the right to reject , nny or all proposals. * Jllnnk proposals , forms of contract and printed ciiiulnr. giving full information as to manner of bidding , conditions to bo observed by bidders , and teims of contract and payment will bo fuintsbcdon application to this olllce. Knvelopo containing proposals to be maiked "Proposal * for Transportation on Itouto No. "aud addressed to the undersigned. WMill. HUUHliA tnl-2-3-4-24 2Jmo Chief QuartAiuaster. THE OK THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omaha and Council i BlnSfe to THE EAST ; TWO TllAINS DAILY BETWKEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL U LUFFS AND Milwaukee , St. 1'nnl , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford , Clinton , Duljuqup , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , JnnesTllle , Uclolt , WInoun , Lu Crosse , Aud all other Important points East , Northeast and bouthoast. For through tickets cnlt on the ticket necnt at 1V)1 ) Karniim ilreet , In llarker lllock , or at Union IMclflo rollnmn Sleepers and the finest Dlnlnc Curs In the \rorliluroruiiun the mKlu line of the Ohtcni n , Mil wnukeo & St. 1'aul UaliwHy , niul every attention Is paid to Dns cniors kjr courteous employes of tb 11. \tll.l.KR , ricncral Mnnaecr. J. K. TUUKKIl , Artlatiint ( iunontl Manager. A. V. H. UAIU'bMlfU , Ueuurtil I'asaungcr and Tlckot Ak'Ont. UKO. h. HKAKPOllD , Asslstnnt Geuoral Passenger anil Ticket Aiiriit. J. T. CLAUK , General Suporlatondgnt , IX MAM > WITS TUB axonumrr or vat oooiiaT wiu , MX > r uuxouiia txu Kir nur i CHICA60ROCKISLAHD4PACIFICRAIL Br nuan of It * outnl podttca ( iOM wUtlantoi lict of Cblwvo , and contliviota Vena poUti WM , XortbwMt and eouUxwwl , U olddla link In that UtnicontlmalM Xrt n uid fadlltatci trartl and truBla viNtc Tie ) Rock Iriud main tin * and braoeBM Include CkjE e o. Jell I.OH wa , LaHalU , ftorU. OtaMto , VoUM and Rock Idaad , in Illlnoln Uartaport , UuBoatla * . WaihlDf ton , ITalrfleld. Otlumwa , Oikajooia , W rt rt 7. IOWR Cl 7Dcu Uoln * > , IndUnolaWln rtet. Ail Uo , KnoirllU , jLuduboo , Barlao , O Url C n Council Uluffj , la lowai OaUatln , Tnatoa , Bk > Ctl * { > kv Cameron and Kaniai CllIB Hluowrti Lcai.B aad Atchlion , In Kaniait Atbtrt Lit , KlniitapoT * t.Pa , InMlanewUi WaUrtown and Dakota , and hitadrxli of tntarmcdUU eit VThe Great Rook Island Rout " * Bnarantwi > p * d , comfort , eartatatr and lantr.- Krraanant way 1 dllUugTllih d for IU xtallaooa , Idgci are of itono and Iron. It * tratk II of ae itotl.lti rolllnritoekpirfaet. It paaMi < tro < ll kaa all IB * satetf appllaaoii thatip r4 < ao aUi BMtul. an4 Cor luznrloui M ominad Uoc U vuicd. Iti Kiprwi Train * * oaUt of laptr Coach i , el < ( anl Pullman Pnlice Parlor and Oart , iuprb Dining Can , proYtdlnf rt ll lo i tMali ; and ( bttwcin.Oliliaco and Bt. Joatpa , AttaUon and Kama * City ) reitful Kecltalnir Ccalr Can. It * MM- cement U oonf rraUT , lu dljolpUn * XMtlftt " " ' ' ' 'The Famous Albert Lea Route"1 Bttween Ohlcaro and Hlnnwpplt * and Bt. Part U tat < f aTortle. Orer Ihl a line Solid raJt Eiprtn Tralu nut allto attract ! re r * orli ( or ( ovrUM U Iowa and Mlnntiota , and. Til VTatartown and Sioux Faili , to the rich wbcat and grating landi ol Interior Dakota. Via Bancca and Kankakao , Uie Rock Iiland offtn nparlot Indncemanti to traralan btwen Cincinnati , Indlai * i apolli , Lafayclt * and Council liluffi , 8t. Jo pb , AtehP ion , Lca nworl , Kama * Cltj , Bt , Paul , and tntena * . dlaU polnti. All patroni ( ip clallr ladlai and call. ( Jren ) rotelra proMctlon. courUiy and kindatUntloB.1 ) For tlcktta , map * , t oldtn , eoplai of W nl rn Trail , or any deilrcd Information , apply to principal oUleai la , Um United ntatel aail Canada , or addreai , at Chicago , 1. 1. CAIll , I. IT , Mri , I. A. HILIIIOt , ' VAN ORDEN' CORSETS. Erery lady wlahlnf fiood hrallh and a beautiful fly vre buTitliein. . Quick 8iles Ooodpay.liend for tferms nU circular , 0. rUHQlS * CO. , It Witt 18th St. , Xuill Cltj , Me.j DR. HORNE'3 Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Gnndisl Triumph of Elielrle ( utlBMtll lt 8clMll-l'e8ll Mld * lntl VitkKleHrk i DISEASES CUBED WITHOUT HEDICUES , ITWILL ; S b feTCSjims KatlaaUaa. AaUkau. I 4asss3 w to BT Wkrt of.UM . boar. TfJioI * fanUlCM WHEN ALL BL8I PAILS. " ' m&i' s sf. ly.rajC J' ' > .ir . tinniCul qpn .lli , s , Bouth'iimiir. , 'Iliaiactomplls ! . uiands of others. Dr. HOME'S ELECTRO MAINETICIELT tri produces a eontlnuousvarrvaticoafaTaaUotricltj throt.- _ , . tk > BrrM. by guxratlug a contlaaoo * eamnl of Uctrtolty (1C ( or tt hour * out of M ) throughout th baaaa > yitim , ( > z * j 1J.B 'T0. " ? ' ' t lr.'i p "e'f J1. " ' ' ' . ° l . % . ' r fr * ? Kj. ' bjtlioutauili whomlt baicur d. . . anocy or wbuleiale bout * In CbleafO ) VbOMMle RUPTURE Dl. NORNE'S ELECTRO.MAfiMETIO lELMRUIt. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAND JHE ORICIN AL.THC 0 N Vf.&UlHt } > ENNYRO JiEWARE OF WORTHLCSSlMITATIONK ' MK DRUCGIST FOR jgiCHUTtR ? ENfiLISM SArtMWAYSIttUAUt.TO LAOIE 'DIAMOND I. . : . : INOUPCNSABU.SOU > BY ML DRUSII5T8 /OniNCLOSC 4f ( * TAMP * ) | FOH