/ * VP * " W m * * " * T * * * r 'T.l" * - " " ' i , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 29 , 1888. properties entirely controlled by speculators and prices only dropped ) per cent. Gran gers were irregular , as operators feared the strike would spread to other systems. After declining fractionally Northwestern and St. Paul advanced % ( & % l'cr ccllt" V'co ' ' > resl' dent lioml , of the St. Paul , Is quoted as sayIng - Ing that the B per cent divldents will bo con- tlnucd. All lines of the road are open and , as ranny extend Into non-compctltlve terri tory , ho expects the earnings to keen up. It Is said that thcCorbtii-Gravci-Maxwcll party have tlO.OOO.OCU tied up In Jersev Central. Operators are suspicious of another deal llko the 'Rock Island and ore Inclined to let It alone. The market remained quiet but steady during the lint hour and closing sales on nearly all stocks were close to outside figures. Hlchmond Terminal suddenly de veloped consldcral strength and closed 1 V@ Ijy per cent higher. Manhattan closed 1 % per cent lower , nnd Burlington } per cent , and Union Pacific % per cent higher. Sales were 03,323 shares against 183,143 shares jes- terday. GOVBIIXMBXTS Government bonds were dull but steady. TKSTCIIDAT'S QUOTATION'S. U. 8.4-tr. . C.&N.W iny U. B. 4xcmilxIl. . . ISC , ' , dopreferred 14.1 U.S. 44nreKlstred.iUn ! : , N. Y. Central 107j ! IT. 8JK * coupon..1(17 ( ! i O.H. N Kl I'acltlcCsof'Wi . 120 p. T ftH < Canada Southern. . K ! Pacific Mall Central 1'iicillc . ai'4 ' ( ) . D.4K IK'S Chlcngo Ac Alton. . . Pullman I'nlnccCiiilKHf C..H.0 . Heading ( By J ) . , L. * llock Inland ll-i It.k St. I * &H. V to'i Krle . dopreferred 7IU do preferred . W * ! C. . M. & Ht. 1'nul. Illinois Ontral . tin do prcferred. . ' . J. , II. * W . 12 St.P.iO SB K.&T . I4 > do preferred lot ) LnkcHhoro . HI1 , TPXRH Pacific 2.V4 I , . * N . f.7i ? Union Paclflc Miy Michigan Central. . KJ W..Ht. ! , . * ! Hl'i MIsHourlPurlllc. . . . H44 ! do preferred UTi'i Missouri 1'aclllc. . . . lip , W. U. Telegraph. . 78,1 , dopreferred 44 , ' § MONKV On call , easy at 2@3jf ; last loan , 2 } ; closed at ! ia'j ( ) . per cent. PltlME MCIICANTILE PAI'Elt 4JjS5K ( l'cr cent. STEIIMXO KXCIIAXVIE Dull but firm at H.S5 for 00 day bills , fl.ST j for demand. PltOULCB MAIIKKTS. I O , Fob. S8. Followlnj ; uro the 2no : closing prices : Flour Remains steady nnd unchanged ; winter wheat , bold , W.WaO.M ' ; sacks , rj.50XS3.T5 ; wheat , bbls , f3.fiO@4.iO ! ; ( taclts , riTOCM.aS ; spring , tl.Tn@i.'JO : ; rye Hour , t'J.85@M.U ) per bbl ; buckwheat Hour , $ T..OO 0.75 | > er bbl. May , bOc. Corn Moderatly active , but irregular and easy ; opened ) ffe below the clone of yester day , and closed u slmae lower ; cash and March , 4 Xc ; May. W ) Ifi.lGc. Oats Dull , closing ° under yesterday ; May , 31c. Kyc Quiet nt We. Hurley 7T@SOc. Pi line Timothy J.4.'i@2.44. Flux-seed * 1.45. \ Vhiskyl.ir , . Pork Active and firm ; cash , $13.67 > f ; May , 14. ( . Lard Quiet nnd unchanged at the open ing , but became fairly active and advanced to fie Improvement , well sustained to the close ; cash and March. fT.TUJ ; May , fr.82' < J. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ( .YlKXaini ) ; short clear , $7.r > ( ) @ 7. ( > 'J ; short ribs , $7.17)4. ) Hutter Slow ; creamery , 21@iJ7Xo ; dairy , COWS. > c. Cheese Slow ; full cream Cheddars , ltj ( > ; flats , lli @ll cjyoungAmericas , uyt Eggs Slow ; fresh , Hides Unchanged jgruun hides 5Xo ; preen fro'zen , Co ; heavy green salted , OKi light green salted , OJf ; salted bull , fijfc ; green bull , 4 > c ; green salted calf , 8c : dry flint nnd dry calf , 12i ( lc ! ! : branded , 15 percent off : deacons , HOc each ; dry salted , lUc. Tallow In fair demand ; No. 1 , country , solid , 4J c ; No. 2 , \ % \ cake , 4tfeperlb. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 37,000 : I5,000 Wheat , bu . 41,000 17.000 Corn , bu . UIJI.OOO bO.OOO Oats , bu . I'Jl.OOO W,0(0 ( Rye , bu . : t,000 'JX)0 ( ) Barley.bu . 58,000 20,000 Ijlverpool , . 'Feb. 2S. Wheat Dull and unchanged ; demand fair ; holders offer mod erately. Corn Easy ; demand poor ; new mixed western , 4s 8d i > er cental. St. Iiouls. Feb. 28. Wheat Lower ; cash , 81 ( < 781Kc ; May , 82c. Corn Weak and lower ; cash , May , 40X1- Oats Easy ; cash , 30J.TOJ4'c : May , SOJ Provisions Pork , S14.25 ; lard , $7.40. Whisky tl.ti'J. Ilutter Firm ; creamery , 24 < 30c ! ! ; aalry , 18ri24c. ( Afternoon Hoard Wheat Lower ; March , SOJfobid ; May , 8l3f@Sisc. : Corn-Easier ; March , 4. 0 bid ; Muy , 4UJ c. Oats Weak. Now Vork , Fob. 28. Wheat Receipts , 12,000 ; exports , 71,000 ; options opened heavy nnd declined , ' 4(1 ( ? } , later ruled stronger and recovered ) fc , closing , however , weak and a shade above thu bottom ; spot was a trlllo lower : ungraded red , SS@92J.fc ; No. ) red was quoted at IL'lc ; No. 2 red tic In store and elevator , % ( $ ) fo delivered ; W@'jQc } f. o. b. ; March closing at 89e. Corn Receipts. 4.000 ; cxiwrts , 70.000 ; options declined > 'H@ ' > 'HU early , closing with u Blight reaction ; ttpot was u shade lower ; un graded , M'(300c ' ( ; No. 2 , uS > < @ 58Jfc in eleva tor , 6'.i'fGOo ( delivered ; Murch closing at 68 ] < c. Oats Receipts , 4,000 ; exports , none ; market steady and tmict ; mixed western , ! Ui @ 40c ; white western , 40@40c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , nominal at f 15.00 ; options opened 10it25 ( points higher , closing weak and u trifle lower ; sales , 97,750 bags ; February. IU.40 ( < J > ll.bO ; March , | 10.90 < < j 11.20 ; April , 10.80@11.00 ; Muy , * 10.00@10.yO ; June , 110.40 ® 10. 75. Petroleum Finn ; united , 02Kc. Kggs Hurely steady ; western , 22jtfH23c. ( Pork Steady and quiet : mess , S14.75@15.00 for one year old , f 1S.00@15.25 for now. Lard Opened weak but closed steady ; western steam , spot , $8.07 % Uutter Steady ou line grades ; western , 14S30o. ( Cheese Firm ; western , llj/12c. Kansas City , Feb. 2 $ . Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , cash , 7'Jc ; May , 7 > io bid , bO'sc ' asked. j > Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 43c asked ; May , 44o bid. 45 > < o asked. Oats No. 2 , 28 , < io asked. MlnneapollB , Feb. 28. Wheat Lower ; receipts , 120 cars ; shipments , 47 cars. Clos ing : In store No. 1 hard , cash and March , 70 o ; May , 78 0 ; No. 1 northern , cash und March , 77 We ; May , 70Vc ; No. 2 northern , cash und Murch , 72o. On track No. 1 hard , 7H ° iNo. 1 northern , 7t c ; No. 2 northern , 73c. 73c.Flour Unchanged ; iatcnts , to ship , W.10 @ 4.25 ; bakers' , ? 3.20ff3 ( 45. Milwaukee , Feb. 28. Wheat Weak ; cash , 7 c ; March , 75)'o ) ; Muy , 7b > ; c. Corn-Dull ; No. 8 , 40o. Outs-Steady ; No. 3 white , 32c. IJi-e Weak ; No. 1 , 5Sc. Uarley Steady ; No. 2 , 75V o. Provisions Firm ; iwrk , February , J1D.75 . @ 14.00. Cincinnati , Feb. 28. Wheat Dull ; No. S red , 4ffsr ( > c. Corn In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , 61H0SSC. Oats No. 3 mixed. SSJ c. Rye lu moderate demand ; No. 2 , Me. Provisions Unchanged ; pork , tl4.504ard ; , 17.00. Whisky Firm nt $1.09. Now Orleans , Feb. 28. Corn Quiet and steady ; In sacks , mixed , COo ; white and yellow , 0101020. Oats-Easier ; No. 3 , 50@49c. Corn Meal Steady at $2.S5. Hog Products Fair demand , but lower rules ; jx > rk , $15.40 ; larti , reflned , tierce , ' ' 'Hulk'MeaU-Shoulders , 10.12 ; long clear and clear rib , 17.50. OMAHA MVE STOCK. General. Uxiox STOCK YAIIDS , Op. m , I Tuesday , Feb. 28 , losS. I The receipts of hog were moderate to-day and the receipts of cattle heavy. The. strike en the U. < & M. lines in Nebraska Is having a very perceptible affect upon the receipts ol bogs. ' , . Cattle. ' - ' ' V . . ' There wa * a good demander cuttle , both P ckcr MU } tbiuu ri iHtlng Ub riil buyers , " The market ripened strong and active nnd a lariro projrortlon of tbc offerings were taken early. Later In the day when the buyers had their orders about tilled the market wa § not quite as brisk , and closed about steady with jeitcrdny. There were some very fair cattle here and one bunch of 1,893-pound steers reached t-4.50. Hogs. There were only twenty-seven frrsh loads and two stal * on the market. The trains ranm In late and the market was prolonged until In the afternoon. The few loads hero and thu scattering way In which they were received and sold made it a very difficult market to reiwrt. The first six loads re ceived sold undcrji flurry at an advance of 5 ( alOc , but as the later trains arrived the mar ket got down nearer where it was yesterday. It was uneven , however , all day. and there was iiuitc a range In prices paid for the same grades. The market c'.oscd about steady with yesterday. _ _ _ _ Sheep. There were no fresh receipts of shrep , but a few which came In late yesterday were sold. Official ilccclptn , Cattle 000 Hogs l.b'JO Prevailing Prlcon. The following is a table of prices paid in this market for the grades of stock men tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of some particular grade are made , when In this case the table will state as nearly as possible the price that would have been paid had there been any of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1300 to l.MIOlba..14.15 (94.45 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1800 Ibs. . 8.33 Fat llttln steers , 000 to 105(1 ( Ibs. 3.10 @ 3.75 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 Ibs 3.50 @ 4.15 Common to choice corn-fed cows 2.00 Western cows 1.50 Fair to good range feeders 2.30 Medium to good native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards 2.25 Common to good bulls 2.00 Fair to medium native feeders , ! KK ) Ibs nnil upwards 2.25 ( S2.50 Stackers , 400 to TOO Ibs 2.15 ( a2.7B Prime fat sheep 8.75 Good fat sheep , 00@100Ibs. . . . 8.50 ( < : i.75 Fair to medium sheep 2.25 003.00 Common sheep 2.00 02.25 Light and medium hogs 4.00 W5.00 Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.20 Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.05 ItcpreMcntativo Sales. NATIVE STKKKS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10. , 848 $3.25 73 1229 ft.OO 10 3 % > 17 .1223 4.10 8. , . . . .1233 3.1V , 15. .1210 4.10 38. , . . . .1123 3.70 13. .11(55 ( 4.15 20. , . . . .1159 22. .13-53 4.25 OJ. , . . . .1142 8.HO 34. .1244 4.30 13. , . . . .1177 3.85 20. .13515 4.35 20. . . . .1090 4.00 28. .1328 4.45 1U. . . . .1205 4.00 54. .1392 4.50 WCSTKIIN 8TKKH9. 42 1153 3.35 18 1301 3.75 cows. 2. . . 975 2.50 3. . . , . .1173 3.00 1. . .1020 2.75 4. . . . .1155 3.25 1. . .1070 2.75 11. . . . .1147 3.25 4. . .1205 3.00 C. . . . .1220 3.50 1IEIFUU3. 18. . .1034 3.C5 HULLS. 1. . .18SO . .1SOO 2.80 1. . .1300 . .1bOO 3.00 1. . .ISM ) . .1300 3.00 1. . .10)50 ) 2.75 MIXED. 20. . . . . .1015 235 2 1425 3.50 HOGS. No. Av. Shit. Pr. HOGS.No. . Av. Shk. Pr. 2 , ) . . . .145 40 4.10 57. . , .215 405.20 79. . . .188 120 4.8' 01. . , .355 200 S.25 95. . . .105 100 4.0. 75. . , .232 100 fi.y. ) 83. . . .172 100 4,05 00. . , .259 240 5.2T 240ft.'f 09. . . .213 5.00 bO. , .2. ) ( ) ft.'f ) 07. . . .234 80 fi.10 78. , , .242 5.25 74. . 233 UK ) 5.15 ? J. , . .229 80 5.25 01. . . .213 40 5.15 03. , . .2(54 ( 40 5.27K 75. . . .209 ItJ ) 5.15 73. , . .210 40 5.30 00. . . .229 100 5.15 80. , . .243 5.30 GO. O..l ICO 5.20 01. . , .30S 2SO 5.tO : 71 , 224 120 5.20 05. , 2 W ) 5 30 73. ! ! ! Si.50 40 5.20 75. , .2215 40 5.30 0(1 ( , . . . -50 200 43. , .29 ! ) 5.40 M ) , . . .215 120 5.20 4H..278 40 5.40 Liivu Htoctc Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market today.CVTTLE. CVTTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co 300 J. Frazlcr 19 Stevens , Hamilton & Co 17 C. H. Williams 81 Lobman & Rothchlld 105 HobPrUe 7 Harris & Fisher 4 Total 533 HODS. Armour & Cudahay 077 G. H Hammond & Co 740 Omaha Packing Co 4PO J. M. Doud 134 Others 101 Total 2143 Ranio ol * Prices. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for cadlng grades of cattle on dates mentioned Space left blank Indicates that no sales of that particular class of cattle were made ou that date : Crime. Bt'rs. Prime St'rw , Common to Date. KtUOjjlfiOO lb. HUOaiauO lb. CholceCows. Feb. 20 4 45 CM 4' > 4 10 200 ( tfl 00 Feb. 21. . 4 in ( H 411 5 ffM KJ 00 443 2S Feb. ! . . 4 S3 < 4 Ui 425 2 ( Kl CM 00 Feb. Kl. . 3 75 MS5 a (10 ( CtW ) Fob. 24. . II K ) 4 25 m w25 \ Feb. 25. . 4 25 454 115 fg > 85 Feb. 26. . Sunday Sunday Sunday Fob. ST. . H 1W < & \ 15 2 30 Q.1 10 Feb. W . 4 45 III 70 4C4 : ir > 2 M ) 0 > M > Prices. Showing the extreme highest and lowest rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : Dookftgo anil Ouminlnslon. Publics Inspectors dock pregnant sowi 40 pounds , stairs 80 pounds each. Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , fl.OO ® 2.00 pt-r cwt , less than 100 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , S5c ; hogs , 8c ; sheep , 60 per head. Peed : Corn , tl.OO per hu. ; timothy hay , fitO ; prairie hay , 20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 50o per head ; calves and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Slnglo decks , | 5 ; public inspection on hogs , 15c per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Mve Stock Notes. A liberal run of cattle. Receipts of hogs moderate. W. T. Horry , Tckanmh , came down with three loads of cattle. J. K. Chase , Pilgerwas here and marketed three loads of l,3W-lb. steers at $4.50. Mr. Tcmplcton drove out ! 150 head of cattle this morning which will be fed nt Tekumah. P. E. Fredncks & Son. Gibbon , had in two loads of cattle. One load of 1,034-lb. heifers brought KI.U5. H. Glrardot , Orchard , Cole , wai at the yards with four loads of sheep. Two loads sold hero at (4.30. G. H. Hammond & Co.'s drove of hogs bought on to-day's market cost lOu more than their yesterday's drove. Puller , Smith & Fuller , Leigh , Neb. , marketed two loads of hogs. One load of 273-lb. hogs brought 15.40. Another } c was knocked off the rate on packing house products to-day , tbo rate quoted by the roads being He. M. Cahlll , Scotia , marketed a load of 1,091Mb. yearlings , two year olds and three year olds of his own feeding , at 14.00. Mr. Cuhill came in with them. "I am writing to my shippers , " remarked a talesman , "to send In all the good hogs they can get. So long as the territory which is dependent upon the H. & M. is prevented from shipping there Is not much-danger of them being too many good hogs on the market. " , Cattle shippers to this market are also getting so that they arc not . . as ready to take their cattle .through as they were a year ago. So many of them have tome la bete with caUlo kud refuted u ' " - - - * - - - much for them here an they afterwards got In Chicago , that they think twice now before refusing a bid. Only last week a shipper went through with a bunch of cattle which brought Just the same in Chicago us he was offered here. An experience llko that usually rakes the Oinahu market In n shldpcr's esti mation. _ OMAHA W1IOLESAM3 MARKKTB. Produce , FriiltH , Nuts , Etc. Tuesday , Feb. 23. 77ic ftillnti'lna iiiiotntlunH itrc whnlcMlc aiul nut retail. 1'rlccnoffl oniniilncc arc the rntcH nt ii'/ilr/i / / round lulu ttrcxnlil vn thin imiiTii't. FruitK tir tithcr line * t > f UIMHIH rc < ; tilrlii/ ( extra Mtior In narking rantwt nl- iii i/ lie nniiplletl im unhlilc urder * nt tlic MIIIO vrlcex quoted fur the Incul tntilc. llnlrs nn .Ilinir and feed arc jiiblicr * itrlrcs. < u urnln lire thime paid li\i \ Oinnhn livered. All limitations on mcr- arc ulitalncdfnnn Icaillna house * iid urcnirrcctetl dally. Prlecu on crack- TH , cuKcg , etc. , arc Unite given by Icadlny n > ni nfnctnrcrs. 'Die n. & M. strike has to some extent ihcckcd receipts , but business seems to bo 'uniting ' along as usual , and trade is reported 'air. Uutter does not seem to inprove in quality , but as receipts re light , prices are quoted unchanged , vith choice grades In good demand. Eggs , ru changing hands with K c the ruling iricc and a moderate trade being done. Very Ittle poultry Is coming to hand , and the do- mind exceeds the supply , but during the iresent changeable weather we deem t best to give quotation * ) as jefore. Potatoes are slow , and the recent eduction In prices seems have no effect on he trade. Apples are unchanged and the rado in fruit Is reported as being quiet and itendy nt last week's ' quotations. HANANAS Medium , ? U.50@3.00 ; choice , . . THUMPS Good stock , G0@75c ; rutabagas , 0@"ic. LKMOXS W.OO < W4.r > 0 per box. CALIFORNIA I'IAHS : fj.50@2.75 ; extra ihoicc , M.OO. DATES Persian , 8c per lb. SAUK KKAUT Choice , per bbl. of 3(1 ( pal. , f8.26g8.uO ; yt bbl. , e4.57@5.00 ; $11.00 per" bbl. f BO gal. CIDEH Chotqa Michigan elder , $6.00(30.50 ( xr bbl. of .7J gal. POPCOUN Choice rice corn is quoted at 4@ , } { c per lb , other kinds , SJ @ : tc i > er lb. CutuoTS ? 3.STi(2'J.r ( > 0 per barrel. PAiisNii'8 Now stock , SJ.-V ) per barrel. OV.STKIIS Plain standard , We ; plain se lects , ItOc ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , ST C' New York counts , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts , " 1.8.r > per 100 ; selects , t .OO per gal. ; standard , 1.25 per gal. CAIIIIAOKS $1 per doz. and 3@3) ) e per lb for California. CAUI.IFLOWEU Good stock , $2.CO@2.80. OltAi'ES Malagas , $7.5U@S.OO per bbl. , and .00 ' ' „ > er cae'o of 420 ; Florida , bri'ghts , $4.2r > @ 4.50 ; russctts , W.50T4.00 ; Mexican , 94.00 ; os Angeles , 3.50@1.75 ; navals , $5.60. FIGS In layers , lH@ll ( < j ; cake , lie per lb. NUT.S Peanuts , G > ( ii7e , raw ; Hrazil nuts , So ; almonds , Tarragona , ± Jo ; English wal nuts , l.ri@18c ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c. HOXKY I9@21c for 1-lb frames ; canned loucy , 10@12c per lb. Groccr'H Pitovisioxs Hams , ll@ll ) c ; breakfast jacon , "M@lebacon \ } sides , V94dry } } \ salt , S QS i shoulders , OXC' c ; dried beef , 10it\\c. ( \ TOIIACCO Lorillard's Climax 45c , ; Splen did , 45e ; Mechanics' Delight , 44e ; Lcgpett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ; Drum- nond's Horseshoe , 45c : J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlln's Mecrscham , 81c ; Catlln'sOld Style , 23c ; Piper Heidsick , We ; Sweet Tip Top , 33c. DIIIKI > FHUITS Apples , bbls. , new , } 4's. OJ < i7o ! ; evaporated , ti ) 010o ; blackberries , evaporated , ! ) J10c ; pitted cherries , 22(323 ( ; peaches , pattern , new , } s , 83 < j@Sc ; eva- oratcd , peeled peaches , 300t82c _ ; eva ] > orated unpurcd , 18@llc ! ; now currants , 7S7i ( c ; prunes , new , 4f@jc ; citron , 24 ( > 25 ; raisins , California-London layers , * 2.40C < | * 2.BO ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , $2.00@2.10 ; new Va lencia , "i & 'Hc. CAXDY Mixed , 0@llc : stick. 9@9J . CAXXED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.30(33.85 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.2.1(33.35 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.20@ 3.30 ; California pears , per case , $4.70 )4.80 ) ; apricots , per case , $4.50(34.iO ( ; peaches , per case , $5.00(35.75 ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; California plums , per case , * 4.80@4.40 : blueberries , per case , $2.80@2.40 : egg plums , 2-lb , pur case , $3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , 4tt.20Cg5.TB ; Mb salmon , pur doz. $1.85@1.05 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25(33.85 ( ; 2-lu string beans , per case , 51.80@1.85 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.GO@1.65 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.iO ( ( < l'-.TO ; 2-lb early Juno pear , per case , (2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $ -.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@2.40. HEFIXKD LAitn Tierce , TJfJc ; 40-lb square cans. T < c ; 50-lb round , T5fe ; 20-lb round , 7n'o ; 10-lb pails , 8 } c ; 5-lb pails , S c ; 2-lb palls , 8tfc. UHOOMS Extra 4-tie. $2.fiO ; No. 1,12.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable. $4.00. HOLLAND HEitnixns 70@72 per kog. PICKLES Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half bbls , $4.00 ; small , In bbls , $8.00 ; do In half bbls , $4.50 ; gerklns , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in half bbls , $5.00. JKI.I.IES 30-lb palls , $1.60 ( < Jt.75. TEAS Japans , 20@5. > c ; gunpowder , 20(5 ( ? COc ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20(3j ( C5c. C5c.Hoi'E Hoi'E Seven-sixteenths , ll@lljic. Sviturs Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 43c per gal. ; corn syrdp , 35c ; half bbls. , 87c ; 4 pal. kegs , (1.55. SALT Per bbl. car load , $1.40. MAI-LE Sua An Bricks , IZ c per lb ; penny cakes , 15o per lb. WOODEXWAIIE Two-hoop pails , per doz. , $1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.65 ; No. 1 tub , tfi.fin ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. a tub , $4.50 ; washboads. $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $8.50 ; assorted bowls , f2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $ T,50 ; butter tubs , $1.TO ; spruce , in nests , $1.70. STAKCII Mirror gloss , 5c ; Graves' corn , ty < is ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , "c. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 18(3l9c ( ; ; fair. ' " " and Arbuckle's roasted , 22c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 82c ; Dilworth's , 22c ; Hed Cross , SUOAB Granulated , 1t.4@ Xcconf. \ . OJ < @ 7e ; white extra C , CjftoiO e : extra OJiQ'Vtfo ' ; yellow C , 5 } @ 5X J ; cut loaf , 7J4 8c ; powdered , 78jie ; New Orleans , S CHACKBUS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ; soda snowflakes ( in tins ) . He ; soda dandy , 0 > o ; soda wafers ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8c ; city oyster , tijfe ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oyster , 5 } c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5e ; snowdrop oyster , 8c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , bu ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butterC c ; cracker meal , 5 } c ; graham , 8c ; graham wafers , lOo ; grahamnvafera In pound pack ages , 12Kc ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 } c ; oat meal , 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in lb pkgs , 12Kc ; animals , 12c ; boliver gingcer ( round ) , 7e ; cream , 80 ; Cornhlll , lOc ; cracknells , ICc ; frosted cream , 8Kc ; ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ; homo made ginger snaps In boxes , IHc ; homemade made ginger snads ( i-lb cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemon cream , So ; pretzels ( handmade ) , 11KC assorted cakes and Jumbles , llKo ; as sorted lingers , 15e ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) per dozen , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter jumbles , llc ; Brunswick , 15o ; brandy snaps , 15c : chocolate drops ( new ) , 10c ; choco late wafers , ISc ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , ll.jc } ; cream puffs , 20c ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , He ; honey Jumbles , 11X& ! Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady ling ers , IHc ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , He ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , per dozen , $2.50. All eoods packed in cans 1 ct. per lb. ad vance except Snowllake and Wafer Soda , which | s packed only In cans. Soda In 2 lb. and 3 lb. paper boxes , cent perlb. advance ; all other goods , 1 cent per lb. advance. Soda In 1 lb. paper boxes , 1 cent per lb. advance. The 2 lb. boxes are packed in coses holding 18 in a case. The 3 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 lb. boxes are packed in cases holding 30 In a case. One lb. Graham and Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show Tops for boxes , with jfloss ojrcnlng to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda , $3.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowllako Soda , $6.00 per doz. . Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the goods , 75 cents each. No charges for Packages except for cans and re turnable cases , Glass Front Tin Cans and "Snowflake" Soda. Cans are returnable at pnces'chargcd.- . ' , . ' 'Dry GbotU , . ' ' ' ' / , , . ; , . ' DOCK Wesl Point 2V Sjo. 8 ex. , 10 > ic1 ; West Point 29 In. 10 ot , 13 > 'c ; West Point 10 In. 13 oz. , Jftu ; West Point 4if In. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks -Caledonia X , Yo ; Caledonia XX , lOVc. ) Economy , U1/ c ; Otls , Sl n. KBNTI'CKY Jcixs r.Mymorlul , 15c ; Canton , 18c ; Durham , 37 0 ] Hercules , 18c ; Learning' ton. 22 'c ; Cottswold. 2714'c. CiiAsn Stevens B , Co ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A , 7e ! ; blenched , 8 > fo ; Stevens' P 8 < e ; bleached , We ; Stevens' N , OJ c ; bleached , 10' e ; Stcvons' S It. T , 12''c. Mi rEU.AXKots ) Tttblo oil cloth , $2.85 ; plain Holland , 8j c to Oc ; Dado Holland , 12Uc. i i CAvnnics Slater , Co ; Woods , 6c ; Standard - dard , Be ; 1'eocockj 5c. . COMFOIITEIIS $ ( I.OOW ( ! < 5.00. BIANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored , $1.10 ( < c8.00. Hi.EACiir.n SunETiNO Hcrkely cambric , No. ( W , 9j c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , fi'fe : butter cloth OO,4K ! Cabot , 7 { c ; Fnrwell , Stfc ; Fruit of Loom , 9J/c : Greene G , ( ie ; Hope , 8e ; Klni ? Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , llKu ; Loim- dale , 7c ; New York mills , 10c ; Pepperell 42-ln. . lie 4V-ln. ( 12c - ; PcpjHjrell , - , ; Pepiierell , C4 , IBc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21e : Pcppcrcll. 9-4 , 23c ; Pepperell , 10-3 , 25o ; Canton. 4-4 , 8' e ; Clinton , 4-4 , ! i'ic ; Triumph , Oc ; wamsutta , lie ; Valley , Be. FLANXKI.S Plaid Hnftamnn , 20o ; Goshcn , 1UUi V UC'fJUL'U ilU. 1. 4 , t U , I UITL'IIUU ItU. w , A37 > < cQuechcoNo. ; 4 , J33 0 ; Anawan , IHifo ; Windsor , 22 > < c ; HetfXC , BMnch , 15 " ! E , 24-lnch. 21 c ; Gfj , 24-Inch , 18c ; H A F , 4' , 25e ; J H F , ? / , 27 > 5c ? ; G , } { , : t5c. PiiiNTs Soi.iu Counts Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , B)4'c ) ; Berlin ' oil , < ) )4cJGaancr ) ; oil , ' 6@ 7c. PIXK AXD no'iiES Hichniond , < ! } c ; Allen , OKc ; Hlvcr point , 5c : Steel Hlvcr. o ; o ; .Hlchmond , Ce ; Paclflc , 05 < c. INDKIU BLUB ' Washington , 0 ; Century Indigo blue prints , lOc ; American , 7e ; Arnold , 7c : Arnold B , He ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , DHESS Charter Oak , 5J o ; Hatnapo , 4J < o ; Lodl , Be ; Allen , Oe ; Hlchmond , 8 > c : Windsor ser , } < ; c ; Eddystone , 6 } c ; Paclflc , COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls < No. 10 , 8fc } ; 40 , 10' c : 00 , 12Kc ; 80 , 15c : 80 , colored , lOo ; BO , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , IBc ; Bristol , 18' < c ; Union Paclflc , 18o. Aiti1 Bebb white , lO c ; colored , BHOWX SHEETING Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlanta H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlanta D , 4-40J c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 6 } o ; Auro ra C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4. l4ai Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 0-4 , 7'fc : Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , Be ; Pepperell , U , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcpporell O , 4-4 , Oc ; Pepperell , 8-4 18c. ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utlca , C , 4-4. 4J/c. Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 > o ; Au rora K , 4-4 , O' e ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc. BATTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , 10) o ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $ O.BO. GIXOIIAM Plunkett clicks , 7Kc ; Whittcn- ton , 7Kc ; York , 7KC ! Normantu dress , S e ; Calcutta dress , 8 } c ; Whltteuton dress , 9o ; Ucnfrcw dress , 8 f@12J c. TICKS Lewiston , itO-fn. , 12 > < c ; Lewiston , 32-in. , 13'ifc ; York , 32-in. , 14c : Swift river , lAoTliorndlke \ , OO , 8/c ; Thorndike , EF , 8tft ; Thorndike , 120. O c ; Thorndike , XXX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , OJ < e ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DUXIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , 10 ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 18c ; Haymaker , SVfc ; Jaffrey , XXll' c ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12 } < fu ; Beaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Beaver Crook , BB , HQJ Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. General Markrtf * . SPIIIITS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ; do. 101 proof , $1.17 ' ; spirits , second quality , 101 , proof , $1.10'do , IbS ; proof , $1.13 ; alcohol Ib8 proof , pur wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled whiskies $1.25(3:1,50 ( : ; gin blended , $ l.50@2.00 Kentucky bourbons , $2.00(30.00 ( ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes $2.00(30.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50(33.00 ( ; brandies imported , $ T > .OOr38.50 ; domestic , $1.80(33.00 ; gms.i Imported , $5.00(30.00 ; do mestic , 1.25(33.00 ; champagnes Importedper- case , j23.00 ( < 33.00Ameriean ; per case $10.00@ 10.00. OILS Carbon. 12@25c ; linseed , boiled , f > 2c ; linseed , raw , 59c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; whale water , bleached , 5c ; fish , bank , 85u ; neats- foot extra , COc ; ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50@55c ; pnsolinc , 74 degrees , 15e ; W. S. lard , Ooc ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zero , 14c : W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whnlo , 20c ; naphtha , 1 do- prree , 14c ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; head light , 175 dcptrees , IBc ; turpentine , 48o ; cas tor , pure , $2.45 per gal. Dituos Ammonia carb , 14c ; camphor re flned 80e ; copperasli'cCcrcaln tnrtnr,42(345c ( ; cream cartarpowdered , 20(350c ; Indigo Mad ras , 75c ; morphia sulph , per oz ? . 3.40 ; soda bi. carbJ4J ( < feVenice ; turpentine,40c ; gum opium , $4.49 ; quicksilver. 80c ; quinine , German per oz. , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , Olc ; wax , yellow , pure , 82c ; wax , white , 40@45c ; citric acid per lb. , 04c ; oxalic acid , per lb. , 54e ; alum , 4c ; borax , refined , per lb. , lOc. PowiiF.it AXII SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot , $1.C5 ; Miami powder , $5.00 ; half kcps , $2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50\blasting ; \ kegs , $2.15 ; fuses ; 100 feet , 45(3750. FI.OUII AXII FEED Minnesota patents , $2.00 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $2.00(3j2.75 ( per cwt ; Nebraska pat ents , $2.45(32.50 ( per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00 per cwt ; wheat graham , $1.75@1.00 per cwt ; rye pruluun , $1.E5 per cwt ; New York buckwheat , $0.50@7.00 per bbl ; Excelsior , $0.00 per bbl ; ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal , yellow , $1.00@1.10 per c\vt ; white , $1.05@1.15 per cwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per ton ; screen ings , $14.50(315.00 ( per ton ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $19.50(220.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $18.00@19.00 per ton. HIUKS Green butchers' , 4K(35c ; green cured , 5 > CaOo ; dry flint , 9o ; dry salt , 8c ; Krccn calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 3 > c. Grease Prime white , 41 0 ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep nelts , 25cg1.00. ( Green ox pelts , 3@3 > c ; kip skins ( unfrozen ) , 4(3,0 ( c ; cowhiues , Funs Raccon , lOiSCOc ; mink , 15@40c ; musk rat fall , 2@7c ; striped skunk , B ( 25c ; mountain wolf , No. 1. $1BO@2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie. 50@75c ; No. 2 , 25@40c ; beaver , No. 1 , per lb , $2.00 ( < T,3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00@1.25 ; otter , $1.00@0.00 ; dry deer skins , $20a85o ( pcrlb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( < l25c. WOOL Per lb. , 14@20c. LEATHEK Oak soles , 85 < 237c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 30@29c ; hemlock dry solo , 21 @ 25c ; hemlock kip , U5@90o ; A. & B. runner kip , 50@75c : A. hemlock calf , 90@$1.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper. 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 21@24c ; Tumplco B. L. Morocco , 29 ( ' 33cTainpieo ; pebble , O. U. Mo. , 22@29c ; Cura'coa , B. G. Mo. , 85c ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 80@35c ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 83c ; Gricsen kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French glared kids , $2.BO@1.75 ; French calf kids , $3.20 ; oak kip skins , S0c@$1.00 ; oak calf skins. $1.00@1.25 ; French calf skins , $1.2.- > ( > 2.05 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussltt linings. $6.00@0.50 per do/ . ; pink , cream and white linings , $7.50@10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00@11.K ( ) . Gil UN Wheat , OOc ; rye , 55@5Se ; oats , 30@ 31e ; yellow corn , 40c ; white corn , 45c ; bar ley , 65 < < i00c. ; EXTHACTS Sanderson's oil bergamot , per lb. , $3.00 ; oil lemon , per lb. , $3.60 ; oil pepper mint , $3.00 ; oil wintcrgreen , $2.50 ; alive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25. SOAP Castile , mottled , per lb. , 8@10ccas- ; tile , white , 10@l3c. 4 PAINTS White lead , pure , Oc ; white lead fancy , Oc ; putty , In bladders , 3c ; Paris white. 3c ; common , 2 > e ; red lead , 7c. WINDOW GLASS Single , 70 per cent double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. FLAXSEED Quoted at $1.35 per bushel. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIEU9. 2.11 A ; 18 ft. 18ft. 30ft. 22ft , 84 2x4 .17 H ) 20 00 21 OJ2200220C 2x6 .17 ram oo „ ! 00,21 , uisi cc 2x8 .17 fiO'20 ' 00,21 , 0023 0022 OC 2x10 ,17 nO,20 , Ml21 002) ) OO/il 2X12 .18 23'a ' ) (1021 00 24 0024 OC U 1-0x8 .18 60 1 60 20 UllZI 00 2l ! Ul' ' BOAUD8. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , B 1 s.l 50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , H 1 B. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 12 & 14 ft. , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " It ) " 19.50 No. 3 , " 12 14 " 10.50 No.2 , " " 10 " 18.00 SIDING. A , 12 , 14 & 10ft$31.60 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.50 B , " " 20.501 D , " " 12.50 FLOOIIINO. . A fi In White Pine ' . . . . , . . . , . . . . . $35.50 B in * ' ' 33.50 coin " " an.oo Dllin " " 21,50 EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1U.OO ' 0 In. Drop Siding 50c per M extra. tHiLINn AND I'AKTITION. ' . 2d comjf In White Pine Ceiling$34.0a " . ' " , " . . ; ; . 38.00 Clear , . Ji'in-Norwwr " " . . . ; 10.00 2d com. fi la ' . - . , ; ' . , . . . . v JTDCKnOAlinS. AlSlnchsls $15.60 11 18 ' , . M .80 C13 " . . . < . . . ' . , 30.00 D13 " . . . . < V3.00 No. 1 com , 12 Ins ! s , 12ft 20,60 " " " 14ft 19.00 " " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , 18,20 ft 21.50 No.2 , " ' 111.00 " " " 1S&U ft 18.50 " " " 17 ft 17.60 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 t > er M. more than i3 In Stock Hoards same length. 10 In Grooved Hooting same price as 13 In Stock Boards. will1 Hi1. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 In , $10.00 No.2 " " " 17.60 No. 1 , OQ , Sin 19.50 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , Itf Ins 2s $51.00 " " 1J < , 3 51.00 3d , clear , 1 In. s 2 s 44.50 it lf W"i 2 4" ' ° ° A , select , 1 in s2s 40.IH ) A " 1 , 1)4 ) , 21ns2s 44.1X ) B , " Ilns2s 80.00 B , " 1)4' , IK , 2 In s 2 s 37.00 SOUTIIEIIX YELLOW 1'IXE. Com. 4 Ino h Flooring $17.50 Star " " Ul.fiO 1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 23.00 Six inch 40c less. Clear < inch Celling 21.50 Clear ) { inch Partition 25.00 Clear % Inch , Partition $2 above % inch Celling 25.001 Clear Finish , 1 and 1J < Inch , s 2s 211.00 Clear Finish , IK and 2 Inch , s 2 s 80.00 Clear Corrugated Celling , 4 Inch 85. BO Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 rOl'LAll LtlMllKU. CPoplar Bx. Bds. % in. , s 2 s $85.00 " " X In. Panel , s 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , K. . 28.50 nATTEXS , WELL TU1IIXO , 1MCKKTS. O. G. Batts , 2K In 05c ; > x3 , s I s. 40c ; 3 In Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bov. . $23.00 ; Pick cts , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50. filllXOLES , I.ITII. XX clear , $10 ; extra "A" . $2.85 ; "A stand ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. l-OSTS. White cedar , 0 In. , > / s. 12J c ; 0 In. qrs. , tfe ; white cedar , b % in KB lljfc ; 8 in. , .ri lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , lO e ; Ten- lessee rod cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lOc ; . n 7 in. , nnd 8In. ( % each ) 8 ft. , round , W.C wsU. Real Estate Transfers. Do VcrSholes nnd wife to Uobt. L. Garlishs , lot 111) ) Nelson' nd wd $ 11,000 Win. Callcn to HuRh Percy , lot 7 8 blk 2 Oxfords place w d 123 Larmon P. Pruyn and wife to Anna M. Heimbach , lot 8 Pruyn'a suh wd 3,000 Same to Peter J. Heimbach , s28 % ft of lot 2 IJf Millard P. Caldwell's ad wd 7,000 Samantha F. Bcnawa and husband to Vfm , II. Homan , lot 0 blk 7 Plain- view w d 1,400 J , C. Hyman to Marie M. Hyman , lot 3 sub of o 295 ft B " & " in Shlnn's 3d W d 1,750 D. C. Patterson and wife to Judson Curtis , lot 21-22-24 blk 1-14-15-10-17 blk 2 4 to 12 18-19-20-21 blk 2 Fayetto parkwd 0,000 Chas. W. Gibbs to AVilson O. Uridgc , lot 13-14 Dlk 59 South Omaha w d. . . 1,900 Jefferson W. Bedford and wife to Jno. Wolly , nK of lot 20 blk 2 Hawthorn adw d 370 Ira Van Camp and wife to Edward Egan , lot 8 , blk 1 , Van Camp's add , W d 300 Arthur D Brandeis to Amos Phillips , nK of lot 5 , blk 2 , Kirkwood , w d. . 1,350 Mary E Banker and husband to W G Albright , lot 7 , blk 12 , Improvement Association add , w d 3,350 George H Boggs and wife to Arthur East , lots 1 and 2. blk 28 , Omaha View , wil 1,500 Louise Hillcko to BruckM Hobcrts , lots 11 und 12 , Hlllckc's 2d add , Wd 150 Jesse L Worlcy and wife to Frank Evers , lot 11. blk 17 , Hanscom Place , wd. . . 2,003 John Field nnd wife to John It Swaw , lot 7 , blk 809 , Omaha , w d 1 John H Shaw and wlfo to John Field , lot 0 , blk 309 , Omaha , w d 1 Omaha Smelting and Hclining Co. to the public plat dedicating the o 10 feet of lot 0 , Olson's add , und part of other lots for highways. Thino J Christiansen to the public , plat of alley In tax lot 14 in sec 10 , twp 15 , r 18 ' Edward Hannan et al to Olln Swanson - son , lot 10 , blk 2 , Riverside add , Wd 123 Pioneer Town Site company to II Swanson , lot 25 , blk 0 , town of Ben- niugton , wd 112 Same to H N Smith ct al , lots 13 , 14 , 15 , blk 0 , same , w d 400 William M Harris ct al to George W Hopper ct al , lots 11 and 12 , blk 1 , Andrews & Bcnison's add , w d 1,000 John S Collins , trustee , to F Swartz- landcr , lot 5 , blk 4 , Hillside add No 8. wd 950 A E Tonzalin and wife to same , lot 0 , blk 4 , same , w d 880 John McDonald to AVIlliam U Croft , lot 25 , blk 1 , Ueddlck park add , q c. . 000 Twenty-six transfers , aggregating. . ? 40S04 , Building Permits. The following building permits were issued yesterday by the superintendent of buildings t George A. Richards , addition to house 240 Franklin st $ 285 Charles Nelson , cottage and barn , Gurllchs near Lowe ave , . . 1,100 J. B. Latsch , cottage , Fifth ave. near Beech 245 Peter Nelson , residence und barn , Lowe ave. near Howard 4,000 Jacob Waynes , cottage , Center near Seventeenth 100 Five permits aggregating $5,730 A New Cave Found at Mnnltou. Mnnitou ( Col. ) Jourmil : G. W. Sny- dcr informs us Unit on Inst Sunday his brother Elmer discovered the entrance to another cave. It is located in Wil liam's canyon , above Bridal Veil Falls , in the side of the perpendicular rocks. Sunday was a very cold day , and as Elmer was walking along ho noticed steam escaping- from a crovlco in the wall. Next day , by means of ropes , the Snyder brothers [ let themselves down over the wall in the entrance. They have been exploring all week and the indications are now that when the cave is opened up it will bo larger than the Cave of Winds. Ono room contains crystal formations , which are more beautiful than anything that has ever been seen in the cave line about Mani- tou. An entrance will probably bo made on the other Bide of the mountain , juttt above the Grand Caverns , which can readily bo done. Fcaco on Karth Awaits that countless army of martvra , whoso ranks are constantly recruited from the victims of nervousness and nervousdiseases. The price of the boon is asvstematic course of Hostettor'sStom ach Hitters , the finest and most genial of tonic nervines , pursued with reason able persistence. Easier , plcasantcr and safer this than to swash the victuallins department with pseudo-tonics , alco holic or the reverse , beef extracts , nerve foods , narcotics , bedativesand poibons in disguise. "Tired Naturo'ssweet rebtoror , balmy sleep , " is the providential recu- perant of weak nerves , and this glo rious franchieo being usually the consequences quences of sound digestion and in creased vigor , the great stomachic which iiibures both , is productive albo of ro- pobo at the required time. Not unre- freshcd awakens the individual who uses it , but vigorous , clear headed and tranquil. Use the Bitters albo in fever and ague , rheumatism , kidney troubles , constipation and biHioiiHucsa. Arrived at Last. The St. Paul 9 :45 : express , which was duo hero Sunday morning , and which was snow bound above Sioux City for over thirty-six hours , was dug out and arrived hero at 0:10 : last evening , _ CHILDREN WILL FREELY TAKE Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm ; unljko cough byrupa it contains .no opium , will soothe and heal any dis- eabo of the.throat Or lungs quicker than any other remedy.i5 cents a bottlo. 0 AgHcujturaMmplgmonts. _ " cHTTn c HTCiTp A R K R , DealerinAgricnltDrallmpleDionts , Wagons , CimlnKCt nml lliienlr * . JCKIO Strrrt. tictwcciiWIinnj loth , Omaha , NubrMkn. LININGER & . METOALF CO. , AgricnltflralIiniileinentslfa onsCarriagGS , niiftxlci , Klc.Vholei > l < > . Omaha , Ni'timokn. PARLIN , ORENDORF it MARTIN , Wholesale Denier * In AETicnllnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies VUI , UD , 1W > nil J 9J ! Jonoi 81 reel , Onmhn. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultlratnra , 117 Hake * . Cider Milk and I.utmn 1'ul- Tenters. Cor. lltn nnil Nicholas MIVPIK. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholr a1o Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies _ Comer lltli nnd Mcliolu J. P. SEIBERLINQ & CO. , ( Akron. Uliln. ) Hamsting Machinery and Binder Twine , * iV. K. Mi' ( j , MHimKvr. KiJ l.vnveiiwurtli it. . OniHlm MOLINE.MILBURN * STOOD ARD Co Manufacturer * tul Jobbers In Wagons Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. tub ami Pacific Street * , Omaha , Neb. Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DoUKlan Street , Omaba , Ncbraika. Boots antl hoes. W. V. MORSE & CO' . , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1111 Knrnatn St. , Oninlm , Nob. Manufactory , Bummer fclrcet , lloston. KIRKENDAUL. JONES & CO. , ( Suceensore tu lleeil , Jonea & Co. ) WholesaleManufactnrersofBootsandShoes Agents lor llcnton Itubbcr Hhoo } 'o. 1H , 111H * HIM lluruejr tt. , Onmhn , Nebraaka. Booksellers and Stationers- H. M , & S. W. JONES , BucccMon to A.T. Kenyon A , Co.V holesalo & nclall Booksellers and Stationers , Flno WeddlnB Htatlonerr. Commercial Btntloncry. btreet , Omaba. Neb. CoffOOB , SplCOB , EtC- C L ARK E C OFF E E C O ! , Umahn Coffee und bplcu Mlll > . Teas , Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kitracln. Laundry lllue. Inks. Ktc. 1114- UlCllnrney Street , Oiiiahii. Nebrmka. Crockery and 9lB8B " " " ' Agent for the Mnnuf acturent nnil Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. Office , : I17 S. 1,1th St. , Omnhu , Nebraska. CommlBslon and Storage. Commission ant Jobbing , Duttcr , KCKS nnd Produce , OoiiKlKmiients ( elicited. llvadiuiurtern for Htonownre , llerry lUuomind ( jrupo llHskiHs. Hit Dodjto fit. , Oinulm. RIDDbLU & . RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Mercnants , Fpeclaltlpii lluttcr , Kiies , Cbccrp , Poultry , ( ianio , Oyrtcrs , Ktc. , Ulc. 112 b-outli lull Strri't. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Mercnants , Poultry , Iluttcr , Giimn , Kriilta , Ktc. 230 outh 14th bt. . Omaba , Nubruxka. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Successors to McSlmno & Schroeder. ) Frodnce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaba , Nebraska. _ _ . Llrno. ' ' ' " " O'MAHA'COA'L , cb"kE & UMECO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 200 South nth Street , Omaba , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois WMte Lime , And shipper * of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , Mint JJral n Tile , and hewer I'lpo. Ofllco , i'lixton Hotel , Knrnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 214 South 13th bt. . Oinulm. Neb. Dry Goods and Notions- M. E SMITH & CO. , Bry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. 11th St. , Omaba , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Genti' Furnishing ( ioodi. Corner llth and HaJnej S < . . Omaha , Nebraska. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omaba. Nebraska. PAXTON. GALLAGHER" * co. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705 , 707,703 and Til S. 1Mb St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 12th and Leavcnworth Street ! , Omaha , Nebraska. D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , mo , 1221 and IK ) Harncy Btroct , Omaba , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 and 1110 Hamey Street. Oinaba , Neb. _ Majrdware. _ LEE. FRIED"co. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for Howe Sctlei , and Miami Powder Co. , Omaba , Nob. HIMEBAUGH Ic TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Iluffnlo Scales. 1405 IKlugla , Htreet , Omaha , Ncbra a. RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harney Sts. , Omaba , Neb. Western Agcnti for Austin Powder Co. , Jefferson Heel Nails , Fairbanks Btandard Hi ales. W. J. BROATCH. Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bpringi , Wagon Htock , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. 1W9 and 1211 Ilnrnejr Btrtct.Oiualia. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon find Carrlmre Woml Stock. Hcayy Hardware , Ktc. 1117 and UUI Learenwortb St. . UualB , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale 1Mb Street m | Union 1'arlflo Track , Omaba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doort , Etc. Yardi-Corner 7th and Uouiilaii Ccrcei Mb and DougU. . Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California Streets , Omaha Nebraska. FRED w. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , .Etc , , Eta ' * * " * ' ' * ? * ' ' . ' . * " . ! * * ' " . ' ' ' ' , ' \ ' . * ' . , ' ' ' ' ' , . t , . / / . ' * -I , . * * T.W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only , Office , 1OTI Karnam Street , Omah * . JOHN A7WAKEFIELDT Wholesale Lumber , Etc , QiHncy White l.inic. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Tarpfls and I'arqiif t Flooring Ith and IVii Works. * ' PAXTON & Vl'ERLINa , f ronght and Cast Iron Building Work , nulneK. llra \Vorkonc'rnl ) Foundry , Marhltu * and UlatkMiilth Work , ( mice and Wnrk , U. 1' llr. and 17th Mrrrt , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE .V IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings lotk Halls , Window ( ! \mnl . Klnwer Stand * . \Vlr Nuns , Ktc. Ul North Kth Ctrtft.Umalm. ' OMAHA SAFE and IRQN WORKS , Man'irs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes 'milt * . Jail Work , Iron nnd Wire Fencing , Sign * . Ktc. U. AiKlrvpii , I'rop'r Cor. llth and.iHcknin St . CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS ron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards , proved AMinus , liock mltli Machlnerr and HlHCkMiilthVorkv mi South lltb bt. ; MEAOHER Sc LEACH. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , General Agents for Dlrbold Sato A Ixick Co. ' * Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 Karuaui struct , Uuiaba. Hot * , Caps , Etc. W. L. Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 lUriicjr Street , Omaba , Neb. MMIInqrjMind ' ' i. OBERFE'L.'DER & co. . Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions an. 210 nnd 212 South lltb Street. Notkinti. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 100 and IOT , Be uth 10th St. , Omaba. VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnisbing Goods , 1106 llarnur Street , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. . Wbolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Aile Orease. ICtc. , Omaha. A. H. Illfhnp , Manager , Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice stock of Printing , Wrapping and Wrltlnf I'fc ar. Special attention ulTon to car Ina I order * . Printers' Materials. NEWSPAPE'R Auxiliary Publishers , Dcatcrsln Tro. . . , , Rubber Goods- OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing ana hotlier Ucltlnif. MM Kni-nani Street. Steam Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANC CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , 3tenm- - ' ' ' - CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , U. S. WIND ENGINE Jc PUMP CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , Bamdar Wind Mill , , , mfj nnd 93) ) Farnnm St. . Omaha. U. K. Itoss , .Acting Manniicr. BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet Iron Work Strum Pumps , Raw MIMs. 1311-1214 -oavcnwortti Mrept. Omaha. . Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 1)11 ) and * J13.1onen Stret t Omaha. Storage , Forwarding A Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS A CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Branch hniiBO of the Homier lluetnr Co. lluuglraat wholesale anil retail , ! JH I IiOaiul 1312 liard Hired , Uiuaha. Tclcphunu N'n.MU. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Kpeneter. I'mpriolnr. 1120 DodKo nnd 101 nnd Id North lUth Htrot. . Omnlia. Browera. STORZ&lLER , Lager Beer Brewers , l..Jl North ElKthtennth Street. Omaha. Neb. Overalls- CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pauls , HlUrts , Ktc. llUZand 1104 Douglas Btreet , Uiuaha , .Neb. Sash , Doors , Eto. rt. A. DISBROV.NT. CO. . Wholesale MinuT.cturcn of Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , Br ranch Ofllee , IStli and lianl Streets , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ! . Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Kin * t u. N. K. Corner xth and IA'areawurtti btreeti. Omaba. Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO , , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , And Illlnds , Turning , ( Hair-work , liank nnd Office Kit- ttnus. aHh and I'opplaton Avenue. Stacks , Boilers , Etc. H7 K. SA'WYERr Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Brllchlnfs , Tanks nnd ( leneral Holler Repairing. Ul * Ilodue Street. Umnlin , Ncu , T. It. PALMril. K. J' . mcrlMAN. J. II. nl.A.NCIUIID. PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. . Lire Stock Commission Merchants , Offlce-llooni 21. Ounrmllu Kichanua llulldlnf , Unlaa Htotk Yards , Nmlli Uiiiaha , .Net ) . McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market fiirnlnhed free on application. Mockers an4 fi-eders ruriiltlu-doiiKuod ICTIUH. Itmuri'iiecsOua * ha National Hank and houth Ouiaha Nullvnai , Union htotk V .rds , South Oniahii. LO IM ER.WESTERFIELD & MALE' ? Lire Stock Commission , lloom 15 , Bxcbamie llulldlntr , Union Block Yard * . routh Uiuaha , Neb. ' Commision Dealers in Lire Sock , r.oom K , OupoilU ) Kichango lliilldlnir , Uttuu Stuck Yards , Hvuth Omaha , Nrl > . ' 1 UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , . ' '