Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Courageous and Valuable Talk , to a
Lot of Students.
Idea * ofAVhnt Comprise Elements
of SHCCCBH HIclicH Do Not
Make the Mnn If Clmr-
nctcr Imuka.
Rov. SRvltlge'H Ijcctntfs
The students of the Omaha commercial
college wcro treated to nn Interesting and
valuable lecture last Saturday night by Hov.
C. W. Snvldgo. There was a largo turn-out ,
and the fatherly nnd kind words of the rev
erend gentleman who si > 0ko ns follows were
listened to with the utmost decorum und
attention throughout :
Young ladles nnd gentlemen of the Omaha
commercial college : I am very glad to meet
you and to spend this hour with you. I want
to congratulate you on the excellent opportu
nity here afforded you to secure a business
education. I am very glad that I can call the
professors of this Institution my personal
friends. I have known the Hohrbough
brothers nnd Prof. Worloy for years , and my
appreciation of them has steadily increased.
First of all , they are good men ; then they
nro competent and nblo teachers. I um
siot nt nil surprised that this college has
prospered under their wlso management , nor
do I wonder that within the past four years
2,000 students have received instruction hero
for n longer or shorter time , nnd of these 400
young men have bjcn sent out capable of
lllllng responsible positions und lire now
doing well.
Looking Into your faces ns I do to-night ,
brlng's up before mo In panoramic view my
own college life. I left my father's farm at
nineteen years of age. My fortune consisted
of a fixed purpose to do right , n small trunk
full of clothes and $ . " > In money. 1 took a
three years' preparatory course and four
years in the classical course. I worked my
own way through and paid inv own bills. I
do not think It Is u misfortune for a boy to be
poor , it Is ofttlmcs rather a great help , for hi
that case the hey has neither leisure 01
money to go to the devil with. When I came
out of college I had good health , a sheepskin
nnd f 10 In money , nnd with this immense
capital I wont into my present
business. I have only two regret *
us I look over my school days ; first , 1
did not make all that work as practical us I
might have done. To-night I would gladlj
trade some knowledge of Latin and Greek
for the ability to write a good hand In plain
English. My writing is absolutely fearful
Ono of my professors looked at it a lew years
ago nud salt : "Well it is peculiar. There is
nothing like It in heaven or on earth. " This
hand I write has been a disadvantage to im
all along. I suppose you have heard of the
trouble Horuco Greely got into on account o :
his illegible hand. It Is said ho wrote i
business letter to un old farmer. , The farmoi
could not read it so ho gave it to his tw (
daughters to read. They made it out that 1
Was an offer of marriage to the oldest girl
nnd she wrote back that everything wn :
all right. Mr. Greely having a gooi
deal of chivalry in his makeup
performed his part of the programme. If
were taking a 'course' again , I would gc
mind discipline out of practical studies. M ;
other mistake was this , I did not put tin
value on those years of study that I shouli
now. I should do moro thorough work , or tr ;
to at least if 1 had the ground to go over. Ii
distinct Images of truth are worthless. Tin
thing wo know , alone is of value. But thos
days have gone , and with their successes nm
failures must stand us they are written. Th
present only is ours.
Our subject to-night Is "Elements of Sue
cess. " Literally the word "Success" mean
the prosperous Issue or favorable terminatio
of anything. At the present day , the wor
has practically two definitions. "Success
in the eyes' of many means gain
means money without regard to conscious
or character. "Success" is only the synonyr
for line clothes , magnificent houses an
grounds and splendid turnouts. Or It menu
a place and name In the political history o
of the country. Thousands of people In thi
city fall in with this idea of "success. " I
this bo success , may Go d deliver us from It
Some of the worst failures we have eve
seen have been called successiu by th
crowd. But thcro is n higher success. I :
my Judgment the successful man may bo ricer
or poor , for money is not the chief factoi
Did a man ever ask if Andrew Marvel , o
England , was rich ? Do wo estimate Lincol
or Gartlold or Logan any the less hi
cuuso they were not millionaires ) Ah ! in
Success means rather un attainment o
character. It means integrity and nobilit
and purity of soul. Then ns a natural const
ij micnco the living nnd ofthnes wealth follows
> , Jf you want my opinion of n successful mat
f you must toll mo what ho is rather tha
what ho has. You yourselves can name tli
elements which produce this success I cl <
scribo. If you bo well born , nnd well tuugt
in your childhood , so much in your favo :
Fix your aim high. Let it bo the dcveloj
mont of soul nobility. Then get ready , t
you nro doing hero at this college. Lst you
calling bo ono for which you ha\
, nn especial lltncss or liking , an
} do not shun the humbler walli
F of life , I know a teamster and a blacksmit
in this city who are both noble men , and the
have already secured a competency. Oh ,
you young men would only have a high idea
Not so much ns to the business they chooa
oa to the manhood they shall devclopo in the
respective lines.
Again , success , to-day , demands a bnu
heart. This world is full of cowards. Man
men now are much like that fellow w\
climbed the rafters while , his wife killed tl
bear with the poker , and then came dow
nnd said " \Vifo , I believe you nnd mo t
Brother could kill the devil. " Never fen
There is a place for you if you will win It at
take it. Cultivate a strong wll
You must have a backbone. Andrew Juc
son had only ono bono In his buck and tin
was a straight ono. Frederick the Great is
peed example of will power. Ho said , "J
long ns there Is a man in Prussia , ho sha
carry n gun , nnd as long as thcro is u lion
left ho shall draw artillery. " And you kno
the result of that sovcn year's war. Yc
must have a genius for hard work. Chu
lotto Cushmnn said , "They say it is genlu
but I tell you it is nothing but sweat. " Labi
is the condition of all improvement. Tl
pi-eat names of the world wore none of the
Then do your work well. It docs n
matter so much what you do , :
how you do It. The value of skilled labor
estimated on a democratic basis. Preside
Eliot , of Harvard university , the'cook at tl
Parker house restaurant , and Mary T. Boot
who edits Harper's Bazar , each got $4,000
year. Be n gentleman in your heart. T
truu gentleman will win his way where t'
boor will fall. Keep free from the vices
1 the day. Thousands uro being entrapped i
{ nbout you. Keep your soul pure. Piety
r thu corinthian pillar of success. By tl
\ Daniel won his way from captivity to
prime minister of three kingdoms. Witho
piety man falls of the great prize of rest in
heaven at last.
ExcltlttK Experience of One of tl
I UCC'H Carriers.
Ono of the fifty carrier boys of the B
became nn Involuntary prisoner in thu vui
in the cellar of the establishment wlicro t
bound files of the paper are stored ycsterd
morning. The victim is known as "Carr
No. 33 , " and while the lads wcro waiting f
their supply of papers , they indulged In m
chievous pranks. Currier " 82" was stand !
near the vault , the door of which was p ;
tlally open , nnd his cousin coming ale
pushed him Into it and slammed the itc
behind him , shutting out nil light and n
nud springing the combination. As noon
it became known that the boy was In t
vault and liublo to suffocate , consternatl
took possession of the employes and rarrio
The massive iron door refused to yield to t
attacks made upon It , and as the combmutl
was known only to the cashier , thqctrculat
' Mr. Williams , dispatched a messenger
quest of the needed relief. The frighten
ftiCMcnser awoke Mr. E. Kosowater. who
formed him where thu cashier lived , n
in the mcalitlme the' foreui
* * oftho press room , Fred Youn
ftpnrcciaUnff tha necessity of giving Iho I
prooacd boy air , tiiadQ' an excavation in t
slilo of the vault by' removing the brick and
cement , a foresight tllnt without question
wived n life.In nbout fifty minutes Mr.
FVjll , tno ( Tnhlor , arrived on the pcene. ma
nipulated the combination nnd released the
carrier , who had hecotnn considerably willed
through fright nt the closeness of his quar
ters. Ho recovered sufficiently In n short
tltno to servo lils customers with the DEB.
A Street Cap PnsscnKcr Injured By
n llunawny Horse.
Mr. Singer , a South Omaha merchant , Is
confined to his homo , corner of Seventeenth
and Jones street , badly bruised and lacerated
with recent serious accident. While Mr.
Singer was sitting on the rear of n street car
near the corner of Ninth und Lenvcnworth
streets , a runaway team , belonging to the
Goodman Packing company , came dashing
down Lcavcnworth street und collided with
the rear did of the street car. Ono of the
horses jumped ujwn the platform , thus driv
ing the wagon tongue into Mr. Singer's
thigh , breaking the bono nnd throwing him
against the rear window of the car. The vlo-
'lenco with which ho was thrown shivered the
glass to pieces , cutting him badly , partic
ularly his right hand. The patrol .vagon
wns Immediately called nnd the injured man
wus taken to his homo , where Dr. Hosewntcr ,
his brother-in-law , wus called nnd the woUmls
nnd broken bono properly cared for. The
team which caused the damage had been tied
near the Union Pacific depot , but had some
how become scared and broken loose.
Mrs. Allcu Gilllgan died yesterday mornIng -
Ing tit her Into homo , on the corner of Six
teenth street and Miindorson uvenuo. The
deceased was aged forty-three years. She
will be buried to-morrow at St. Mary's cem
mxnn. itn.r.r.
Mr. Daniel Kitey died yesterday nt his res-
denco 1210 Cass street. Although but forty-
eight years old Mr. Hilcy was one of the
oldest settlers In the state , having eomo to
Nebraska when ho w.ia a small lad.ills ro-
innlns will bo interred in St. Mary's eenio-
tery to-morrow.
Drunk nnd SnnUos.
A strange looking man of about thirty-five
came rushing into the police station last even
ing and hogged the jailer to hide him as ho
said sonio persons wcro pursuing him. The
manner of the man at first startled the
ofllecrs , but they soon began to realize that
the pursuers were all imaginary. The Jailer
saw that something was wrong with the
man's ' mind and ho nut him in a cell. The
follow gave the name of M. J. Horrignn and
says ho Is from Detroit. The jailer entered
on thu register the charge of "drunk nud
snakes" against him. in Nicaragua.
Now Orleans Tlfnos-Dpmocrnt : A
party of Amurlcun engineers is cn-
{ jneil in Nicaragua in surveying a line
for an intor-ocotin canal. They com
menced oparatioiiH on the Atlantic uitle
along the river San Juan. The dilll-
cnltics of the work are great and numer
ous us it must bo prosecuted in u dense
tropical forest , with a thick under
growth tnngled and interlacing vinos.
Among _ the recent incidents of this
survey wore the ineijlonts of two of the
who became bewildered in the
jrost and lost their way and were , for
nine days exposed to serious privations.
On the i0th ! of December , Urunford , n
"Vicuraguan , and Allen , a Jamaican ,
tarted on foot to carry the mail from
mo camp of surveyors to another some
on milud away. After \yalking for sov-
iral hours they lost their way. Inces-
ant rain had Hooded the swamps and
eft the ground in such a condition thai
hey wore forced to remove their boots
n order to make any progress. Globe ,
ntorlnciiig vines tore the clothes froir
, heir backs , and wet powder rendered
, heir pus useless , thus depriving them
> f their onfy means of obtaining food.
Inlf naked 'and exhausted , they were
carcoly nblo to walk , when Alien was at-
ticked by the fever. Had it not been
or Branford , a man of grout dotormina-
ion and bravery , who constantly en
couraged and urged his companion tc
crawl on , hoping they _ might roach
iomo river , the story might have boor
i still sadder one to record.
In vain they endeavored to obtain
lourishmont from the cabbage palms
nit their matches had been lost the lirsi
light , and desperate attempts to ro
novo bark had left their linger nnili
: orn and bleeding. Fatigued and down
Hearted they attempted to retrace thoii
steps and to this alone is probably dui
, heir lives , for on the fifth day thoj
cached the head waters of the indini
river , which lends down to Groytown
on the gulf coast.
Rolling a small log into the strearr
Lhoy lashed themselves toil bymcani
of wild sacati grass , and , up to thoi ;
necks in water , Ie4 the current takt
them whither it would. On the aftc r
10011 of the ninth day they were mot b ;
two India rubber hunters nnd onjoye <
their first meal , which consisted o
iguana , a species of lizard highl ;
esteemed as u delicacy in these coun
tries. ' d
The swampy jungles of the enstcri
section through which those follow
passed nro infested with tigers am
tapirs , nnd though they wore followci
during the day nnd kept awake at nigh
by the howls of the former around thoi
improvised beds , yet they wore unmo
Icstod After nine days of sufforini
they drifted over t'o Groytown , whor <
they found relief.
Thirty-live or forty years ago Lieu
tenant Isaac Strain , of the Unite. .
SUitcs navy , was lost , with a consider
able party , while exploring the wind
ings of the Chagress river , on isthmu
of Oarien , and barely escaped alive
while one-third of his men succuinbci
to starvation and disease.
A Cinder In the Rye.
Chicago News , 2-2 : Dr. R. W. S1
Clair tolls how , a few .years since , h
was riding on an engine when hocaMgli
a cinder in his eye that caused the mo-
excruciating pain. Ho began to rub th
alllictcd organ , when the engineer callc
out : ' 'Lot that eye alone and rub th
other one. I know you doctors thin
you know it all , but if you will lot tin
eye alone and rub the other one , th
cinder will bo out in two minutes , " pet
sistod the engineer. The doctor boga
to rub the other eye , and soon felt th
cinder down near the inner cnnthui
are made ready to take it out. "Lot i
alone , nnd keep at the well eye !
Hhoutod the doctor pro torn. Ho tiid
for a minute longer , nnd looking .in
small glass found the otfemior on h
ohcok. "Since then , " says Dr. Sinclaii
"I have tried many times , and have ail
vised many others , and I have nove
known it to fail in one instaiico. unlcf
it was sharp ns a piece of stool , or sonn
thing that cut into the ball and n
quired an operation to remove it.Vh
it is so I do not know , but that it is so
do know , nnd that one may be save
much suffering if they will lot the ii
jurcd eye alone and rub the well eyo.
H. R. Ball has bought ouf the roi
estate business of Ball & Spencer , fern
orly B. U. Ball & Co. Mr. Ball wi
continue the business at the old stam
lltt North 10th. List your property - wit
B. R. Ball.
K. J. Davis , heavy hauling , safe
bollorsv etc. , oftlco with Menghor
Icachlil7 S. 10th st.
Now City iMrectarjr.
ChnnRcs in residence or buslneI
pluco can bo made by addressing J. I
Wolfe & 'Co. . 610 Now Paxton Bld'g.
Omaha btciun dye works1000Farna
. ' Hl'OUTlXO XBWB.-
. . , . .
.StNiidnrd Detent * I nndera In A' Foot
' Itnce In the niuttrf ' ' '
It WAS a cold day .for sports yesterday , nnd
yet the porting fraternity managed to make
a day of It. Only those Inured to the chilli
ness of a cold water state wore nblo to bear
up ngnlnst the biting blasts that kept their
higher living companions under cover , nnd
Charlie Standard and Charlie Landers
stripped and toed the scratch nt the fair
grounds In Council Blurts waiting for the
pistol shot that waste send them over n
fifty yard track. Tommy Brooks held "the
gun" ns starter and Johnny Larklns acted ns
referee , with Ed Kothcry officiating as judge ,
nnd holding the { 100 stakes. It was nbout
S:45 : when the pistol shot sent both men off.
though Landers ftccmcd a little unprepared
nnd lost three yards , that still stood against
him when ho passed the tape. The race was
accordingly given to Standard , nnd so was
the purse , about $400 changing bands on
the outside. Quito a number of Omaha
sports were on hand and the only disagree
able feature was the cold wind ,
DotCH ltvtlic Pit.
While the two Charlies were testing their
speed In Council Bluffs , two bull-dogs wore-
testing their staying powers In nn all-around
athletic contest In Omaha. One of them Is
already known to fame , and the other made n
game light , but it was found If not out-
weighted the stronger was matched. Three
times ho came to the scratch and three times
ho got the worst of It , when his owner , not
wishing to see him needlessly punished ,
Withdrew both the dog and his claim to the
stakes. In this case also , considerable money
changed hands , nnd just one-half of those
who bet went homo satsllcd.
A lint Kl
A still smaller number of sports hid them
selves in a cellar to settle the question
whether ruts wcro "gome birds" or not. ,
Eight of the rodents hud been caged for the
piirnososomo days ago , but on counting heads
one was found missing. Whether ho had
been eaten by his companions or escaped
no one could say , but no time wus
lost in deciding. Although the nit catcher
would not admit it , there was but little doubt
the animals had been kept without food or
water , as they presented an unusually gaunt
and ravenous appearance , nnd lost no tlmo In
making nn attack. The question of their
being game was soon settled and the money
handed over , for in less than three minutes ,
ono wus stretched dead on the floor , und the
other so badly injured that for "humane"
reasons ho given to a terrier to dispatch.
Ho was dispatched. Ono other rat escaped
in the handling , nnd the remaining bittles
were ended by ono small active looking rat
getting a death-grip on the throat of an ap
parently heavier adversary , and maintaining
it to the last. The third battle was not
fought , as they sought their respective corn
ers , and were only driven out by the afore
said terrier who gave them each a farewell
shake. _
Pnrrots Have n Time.
The only public entertainment was an im
promptu bar-room scrap between two par-
roti known to most sporting men ( is Pom
and liob. Without thinking of the consequences
quences , as they wcro at ono time friends ,
Bob was introduced to Pom's cage , and was
given a perfectly natural laugh as ho came
In. After thinking it over ho assumed a
belligerent ntttituito and issued an invitation
to "como on Pom. " Pom came and kept on
coming for nearly an hour , but it was gener
ally up from the bottom of the cage where
his lighter and more nctlvo rival had knocked
him. They both rendered the mutch decid
edly interesting by enlivening it with the
choicest specimens of English tlicir vocabu
lary afforded , and when at last they
sought the opposite sides of the
single perch the capo possessed
nud the covering was put over it , they still
could bo heard exchanging complimentary
remarks , with nn occasional invitation to
"come on" and "get there. "
Kpoillni ; Tor n Fight.
A heavy-weight of Iowa is willing to try
his staying powers before Pat Killen , and
Hob Clancy , formerly of this city but now of
St. Paul , nnd Colonel Forb'es nro trying to
make the necessary arrangements. Dakota
is named ns the battle ground.
Old Western I
ST. JOICFII , Mo. , Fob. 2(5. ( [ Special Tele
gram to the Bni : . ] A meeting of the West
ern league was hold in this citv to-day and
the old leaeue wns reorganized with the fol
lowing cities : St. Joseph , Lcavcnworth ,
Hutchinson , Wichita , Pueblo , Denver and
Lincoln. Hastings and Emporia both desire
admission and one of them will bo selected.
The salary limit was fixed at $1,200 a month
for each team , and the penalty for exceeding
it will be expulsion. The salary for umpires
was fixed at $100 , the traveling expenses to
be paid by the league. The guarantee bond
was fixed at $500 and the money was raised
and forwarded to President Byrne. It was
necessary to make the league a member oj
the national agreement. The season will
commence May 1. The schedule is to bo ar
ranged at the next meeting.
The CumiiiK Street Gnng.
The police are still making things hot foi
the Cuming street gang , the latest arrests
being Ralph Vanness , Ed Ball and M. Carroll -
roll , who are charged will breaking into
Grofo's saloon on the corner of Twenty-fifth
nnd Cuming streets and stealing several
bottles of brandy and a case of wine. Parl
of the stolen goods wcro found in their pos
session. Vanness was arrested yosterdaj
afternoon by Ofllcor Cuslck , Ball and Carrel !
having been previously captured by Onlcoi
A Small Fire.
About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon a fln
alarm was turned in from box 8 , calling tin
fire department to a blaze on South Thir
teenth street , between Williams and Center
The building was a two-story brick , the firs
story and basement of which is used by i
Bohemian named Fred Lentas a bakery
The lire was m the basement and had beei
started by a defect in the bake oven. Tin
firemen extinguished the flames quite rcndll ;
end only nbout $75 damage was done to tin
basement. The rest of the building was un
J. P. Mann , of O'Neill , Neb. , is at the Pax
Julius Lyons , of Kcokuk , la. , is at th
E. C. Day , of Grand Island , Neb. , Is at tin
George Millard , of Burlington , la. , is ntthi
H. S. Butler , of Dos Molncs , la. , is at th
H. S. Wlnslow , of Newton , Ta. , is at th
J. W. Bcnton , of the U. S. A. , is at tU
John P. McBlair , of the U. S. A. , is at tin
John J. Fostcd , agent for Junuaschck , Is n
the Millard.
J. n. Stephens , of Kansas City , Mo. , is a
the Paxtou.
Koyal Hudspeth , of Newport , Neb. , is n
the Paxton ,
Mrs. S. Hamlln , of Now York , is registers
at the Millard.
E. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , -Neb. , i
at the Puxton.
Mrs. C. W. Field nnd daughter , of Kansa
City , Mo. , nro at the Millard.
Letter From the Chief Authority of th
Moslem Church to n Convert.
Translated from the Turkish by Gcorg
Washburn , D. E. , "resident of Hobert co :
logo , near Constantinople.
New 1'oifc Ziulepouknt.
Dear Sir : Tho' letter by which yo
ask to bo received into the heart of th
Musselmnn religion has boon receive
and has caused us a lively satisfaction
The reflections which you make on thi
occasion appears to us worthy of th
highest praise.
At the same time wo ought to cnl
your attention to the fact that your coi
version to lalnmiBm does not admit tin
intermediary , like thq clergy , botweo
God and his servants. Our duty' consist
only iu toacuiug Uie people religioi
truthfv Consequently , .convorslorr to
Isliunlsm demands lioTcMploiiB formal-
( iy nnd depends upon'tha authorization
of'no'ono. . It Is sufllclfclit to bollovo
und to proellilm ono"s belief.
In fact , Ishunlsm hatnfor its btio fnttli
In thd unity of God and in the mission
of his dourest servant Mohammed ( may
Ootl cover him with blessings and grant
linn salvation ] ; i. o. , to accept consoien-
tiously this faith and to avow it in
words , ns expressed ; by the phrase :
"Thoro is only ono God tind Mohummcd
is his prophet. " Ho who mnkos this
profession of fulth becomes n Mussul-
mtin without having need of tlio consent
or approbation of anyone. If , ns you
promise Iu your lottery you mtiko this
profession of fulth , that is to Buy , you dc-
cltxro thnt there is only ono God nnd
that Mohammed Is his prophet , you become -
como a Mussulman without having need
of our acceptance ; and wo , for our part ,
felicitate you with prldo and joy for
having boon touched by divine grace ,
and wo shall testify in this world and
in the other that you are our
brother. Believers are nil brothers.
Such is a summary definition of faith.
Lot us enter now upon some develop
ments of It , Man who is superior to the
other nnimnls by his intelligence , wns
'created out of nothing to adore his Cro-
utor. This adoration may bo summed
up in two wordw to honor the com
mands of God aud to sympathize with
his creatures. This double ndorntlmi
exists in all religions. As to its prac
tice religions ililTor as to their rules ,
lorms , times , places , the greater or less
number of their rites , etc. But the hu
man intelligence docs not sulllco to as
sure us of the manner of praying which
is most worthy of the divine glory ; HO
God in his mercy , in according to cer
tain human beings the gift of prophecy ,
iu sending to them , by ungolg , inspira
tion , writings and books , aud in so rev
ealing the true religion , has over
whelmed his servants with blessings.
The book of God which descended last
from heaven is the sacred Koran , the
unchangeable teachings of which , care
fully preserved from the lirst day in
written volumes and in the memory of
thousands of reciters , will last even to
the day of the lust judgment.
The llrst of the prophets wns Adam
, and the .last was Mohammed ( may God
give him salvation ) . Between these
two many others have lived : their num
ber is known only to God. The greatest
of all is Mohammed. After him como
Jesus , Moses , Abraham , Noah and
Adam ( may God grant them salvation ) .
All the prophets have threatened
their followers with the day of the last
judgment. So it is necessary to believe
that the dead will appear before the
tribunal of God to render their accounts
and that the elect will bo sent to par-
adibo and those condemned to hell.
All the actions of every ono in
this world will bo examined on that day
ono by one ; and although all the acts of
soldiers in holy war , oven their sleep ,
are considered as a prayer , they also
will bo obliged at the judgment day to
render an account. The only exception
is for those who die as martyrs , who
will go to paradibo without examina
Also it is necessary , ns an article of
faith , to attribute all good and all evil
to providence of God. To bay that the
creator of good is the angel , and the
creator of evil the demon , is one of those
errors which it is necessary to avoid.
Consequently the believer ought to
have faith in God , in His angels ; in His
books , in His prophetsin the last judg-
Inont , aud in His will ns the source of
all good and evil. Ho who accepts
these truths is a true beliovor. But to
bo a perfect believer it is necessary to
perform certain duties * " to pray to God ,
and to avoid fulling into such sins as
murder , robbery , adultery , etc.
Besides the profession of faith of
which wo have spoken of above , a good
Mussulman ouglit to pray five times a
day , ami distribute to the poor a fortieth
[ wvrt of his goods every year , fast during
the month of Ramazan and make once
, n his life a pilgrimage to Mecca.
If a believer does not conform to the
nws of God , and does not avoid what ho
lorbids , ho docs not become an infidel ,
but ho is considered as a sinner ; that is ,
.is a wandering believer , and ho will
merit a temporary punishment in the
other world. lie isn the hands of God.
God pardons him or condoms him to
pass a certain time in hell , proportioned
Lo his guilt.
Faith annuls all sin. He who is con
verted to Islamism becomes as innocent
us if just born , and ho is responsible
only for the sins committed after his
A sinner who rqponts and in person
asks God's forgiveness obtains pardon.
Onlj1 the rights of his neighbors are an
exception to this rule , for the servant of
God who cannot obtain justice in this
world reclaims his right at the day of
judgment , and God , who is just , will
then compel the oppressor to make res
titution to the oppressed. Even the
martyrs are no exception to this rule.
To avoid this responsibility the only
means is to got a quittance from your
neighbor whom you have wronged. In
all cases , hoivovor , there is no need ol
the intercession of a spiritual director.
All this no doubt seems strange tc
Eeople accustomed to a sacrcdotal rcg-
inc. When a Christian child is born ,
to make part of society ho must bo bap
tized by a priest ; when ho grows up he
needs a priest to marry him ; if he
would pray , ho must go to a church and
Hud a priest ; to obtain forgivonebs foi
his sins he must confess them to r
priest , and ho must hove a priest to bur }
In the Mussulman religion , } vherc
thcro is no clergy , such obligation !
have no place. The infant is born i
Mussulman , nnd his father , or the chiol
of the family , gives him a niimp. "Whor
they wish to contract a marriage , thi
man and the woman , or their agents
make the contract in presence of twi
witnesses ; the contracting parties art
the only ono interested , and the othen
cannot interfere or take part.
A iniissulman prays all alone in nn.i
place which suits his convenience , ant
to merit the remission of his sins hi
goes directly to God. Ho does not con
fcss them to others , nor ought ho to di
so. At his death the Mussphnan in
habitants of the town are obliged to pu
him in a collln and jbury him. Ain
Mussulman can do this ; the presence
of a religious chief is not necessary.
In u word , in all religious acts then
is no intermediary between God ant
His servants. It is necessary to learn
the will of God , revealed by the propho
and to net in conformity with it.
DOnly the accomplishment of certaii
religious ceremonies such as the prayers
ors on Friday and at Boiram is subordi
nated to the will of the caliph , of tin
prophet , and the sultan of Mussulmans
since the arrangement of corenionio
for Islamism is ono of his sacred attri
butcs. Obedience to his orders is om
of the most important religious dutipa
As to our mission , it consists in admin
istorlng , in his name , the roligioui
nlTairs which ho deigns to conlldo to us
Ono of the things to which over ;
Mussulman ought to bo very attontivi
is righteousness in character ; vices
such as pride , presumption , egotism
nnd obbtinnncy , do not become a Mus
sulman. To revere the great and ti
compassionate the insignificant are pro
cents of Islamlfam.
May God give success nud salvation t <
him who is touched by divine v wo.
Thu Hlici't-ii'-lHLunJ ' '
Constantinople ) ' ' ' . * ' ISJOj ,
' ' , Taken to Washington.-
Deputy United SUUs Marshal Allencnlloil
it tho' county Jail yesterday luornlng'for
Mof'Gross , who by direction.of the author-
lies at Washington , Is to bo confined in nn
aiyVuui for the Insane nt the notional cnpltol.
3ross Is a United States charge , having been
onvictcd some tlmo ago in the federal court
t subornation of perjury , and sentenced , tea
a term Ip the Lincoln penitentiary. After-
vnrds ho was found to bo Insane , thus his ro-
novnl to the asylum yesterday.
This powder never varies. A marvelof purl-
y , strength and wlioletomenpss. Moro vconon
cnl thnn the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bo sold
n competition wltn the multitude of low OOM ,
hort wolsht alum or phosphate powders. Sold
only In cans. Hnvnl linking 1'owder Co. , KO
Vail street , Now York.
Our Magic Remedy
All Byphltltlc IMsonsp , of recent or long Btanalne.ln
from ten to fifteen < lHy . We will give written gimr-
Rntofs to euro nay CASO or refund your money. Ann
wi would say to the e who have omplojcd the tnoM
'killed I'hjrslclnnx. ued every known remedy anO
tmre not been cured , that yon are the subject * wo nn
: ooklne for. You Hint have bc n to the celebrate )
Hot PprltiKS of Arkansas , and have lost all hop * o (
recovery , we
Will Cure You
etrnnke no charge. Our remedy In nnknown to any
one In the world outside of our Company , and It Is
the only remedy in the wnrlit that will cure you. We
will cure the mo't obstlnnto case In IBM than one
month. Pcven days In recent cases doe * tha work. It
Is the old , chronic , ileep-aeatcd cases that wo solicit.
\Vu tinvu cured hundreds wbo hail been abandoned
t > 71'byMclaus and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
to bring us a case that wo will not euro In loss than
one month.
fclnco th0 history of medicine , a True BpcUflc for
ByphllUlci.Eruptlnnv Ulcers , f-oro month , Ac. , has
been sou t for but never fouud until
Our Magic Remedy
BBS discovered , and we are Justified I * saying It Is the
only remedy In thu world flint " 111 positively euro ,
bcrnuto the latest inedlcnl works , published by the
best known aiilunrlttei , say Uiere wns never a true
fpecltle before. Our Itemed ? Is the only medicine In
the world that will cure nncn every thing else bus
fslled. Itbnsbeen so conceded by a large nnmberof
Celebrated 1'hyslrlkDs. IT HAH NEVKII YET
TO CUIIB. Why wiiste your time and money with
alent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor
ith physicians that cnnnot cure you. You that bava
tried everything else should come to us now and get
relief ; you never can get It elsewhere ,
Kmnunent wo say : In the end you musttakoour
Bemedy or McriiU recover. And you that have been
afflicted but a short time should by all means com * teas
as now. Many get help aud tblnk thoya re free from
tbo disease , but In one , two or three years after , It
appears ngilu tn more horrible form.
Investigate our financial standing through the mer
cantile agencies and note that we are fully rc pen l-
bio and our written guarantees are good. We have a
KEMEIIV prepared on purely Scientific Pilnclplcs and
we wish to repeal that It NEVKII KAILSTO cuug. All
letters sacredly confidential.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Booms 16 and 17 llellman Block.
Vose & Sons ,
Instruments exchanged , rented and cold on
Easy Payments , below
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bro , ,
Omaha , Neb.
-11V CAIlUlEll Foil-
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a week. Scud your order to the
olllcc ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
euma uauuiia
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - OO.OOO
U. W. YATKH. President.
LEWIS ri. HEKD , Vlco-Presldent.
A. K. TOUXAI.IN. 2nd Vlce-1'rosldenL
W. II. H. HuaiiKH , Cashier.
II. W. YATKS. LEW ts 8. UEEU ,
Cor. U'th and Farnam Sts.
A General Hanking lluslnc Transacted.
Catalogues and Price List upon Application.
Display .at their warerooms , 1 3O5 and 1 3O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
STEINWAY , . . - - . '
LYON Lic-Aivl * \
S-XI-IX J& Ikir * * BURDETT ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at tha
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1305 * 1307 FARNAM QTREBT *
TEU. who Inhls roi.LY ami lUNOItANCf !
has TRIFLKO nwnjr Ma V1UOII of MOOY ,
MIND and MANIIOOn.cauilng exhausting
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of I.IFK ,
Dreams , WEAKNESS of Memory. IIAN1I-
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS lending to
EAItl.Y DECAY and perhaps COKSUMP.
TION or INSANITY , should consult at once
the CELEBRATED far. Clarke , KMabllihed
IBM. Ir. Clarke has mndo NERVOUS DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Diseases of
the UENITO URINARY Organ * a Mfo
Utildjr. U makes MO difference WHAT you
tftve t/xkeu or WHO has failed to euro you.
* J-FEM ALES suffering from illsi'ftRfs pecu
liar to their sex can consult with the acsurnnco
Of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cent * postage
for works on your diseases.
WBend 4 cents postage for Celebrated
Work * on Clironlr , Nervoun and Doll *
eate Diseases. Consultation , personally or by
letter , n-oc. Consult the old IKx'tor.
ThnniantlB cured. Office * and nnrlori
prlvntc. * a-Tho o contemplating Marriage
send for Dr. Clnrkv'a celebrated guide
Male and Femnle. each 15c. , both ' . 'Ac.
8tamps ) . Ilofnio confining your cose , consult
r. CLARK E. A friendly letter or call may
lave future euffcrlneand shame , and add golden
years to life. as-Book " Llfo'M ( Secret ) Er <
ron , " 6Cc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent everywhere , secure from pxpoauro.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. OLAKKE , M. D.
103 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL.
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col ,
Of thu Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
f.ouls , Mo. , University ColleKo Hospital , Lon
don , ( llesen , Germany anil Now York , having
devoted their attention
More especially those arising from impru
dence. invite all so suirerlUK to correspond with-
uift delay. Diseases of infection ami contagion
cured safely and hpeedlly without use of Uiin-
Korous dnijjs. 1'atlents whoso , c.ises have been
nrulvctcd. badly treated or protuiunrctl Ineur-
ame , Hhotild not fall to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate uttuu-
And w 111 lie mailed FHEK to any address on re
ceipt of one iJ-cent stump , " 1'ractical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility aud 1'hyslcal Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added an "Kssay on Mar
riage , " with Important chapters nn diseases of
thti Reproductive Orguns , tno whole forming a
valuiiblo niedlciil treatise which should bo read
by all youiiK men. Address
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col.
Health is Wealth !
MKNT , a Kuaraiitecd MH-cllle for Hysteria , Dlzzl-
ness. Convulsloni , Kits , Nurvimu Nmirnlila ,
Headache , Nervous Vrostrntlon. caused by the
tifeu of alcohol or tobacco , \VakefulnesM , Mental
Depression , SoltcnliiK of the llr.iln , rcHttttliiK In
Instinlty.and leading to ntlsery.ducay and death , .
Premature Old ARH , llarrunness , Loss of i'ower
In either BOX , Involuntary I.OSSCH and Kpt-rma-
torrhipu caitHcd byovor-exertlon of the brain ,
nelf-abuso or over-lndnltience. Kach box con
tains one month's treatment. * ! . < > a box , or wlx
boxeH for W.OO , sent by mall prepaid on receipt
of price.
To cure any case. With eacli order received Itv
UH for six boxes , accompanied wltli t-VD , wo will
nend the pin chaser our I Itten nuaranteo tore-
fund the money It the treatment floes not elfect
a cure. ( Juarantees issued only by O. K. ( lKll- (
MAN , lrtii ) | ( t , S(51e Agent , 1UU Fariiam Street ,
Omaha , Neb ,
J.W.Barnsdall , M. D
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Gi/ncecolooM and Obstetrician.
Telephone 070.
E. T. Allen M. D.
. . , . . ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N , W Corner 1UU und Uoimlai Bt. Olllce ,
. telephone , 1W ; Kualdeucu tvluuhoue , Mb.
Bcwlug Thread of Modern Tlmea.
wiior.HSAi.r. nv
M.E. SMITH & ( . ' .
1'AXTON , ( l.U.I.AO tKIt & CO.
IlAVDKN 111104.
CIIAS. SI.NOKU , South Omaha , and all
class retail
N. W. Cor. I3tn & Oodgo Sta.
BR.-A.OE3S ,
nest facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue
ccssfnl treatment oT every form of disease recjuir-
iiiK Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnd Attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west. .
WKITU toR CIRCULARS on deformities nnd
llraccs , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Cat.ui h , Hror.chitis ,
Inhalation. Klectricity , Paralysis , Hpilepsy , Kid
ney , Hladcler , Kye , tfar , S'-iii ' and Wood , aud all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed front tlie t > yslcm without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vilnl 1'owcr. I'ersons unable to visit iinmay bo
treated at home by corrcsjwndence. All commu
nications confidential. Medlcinetor Instruments
sent by mail or express , security packed , no
marks to indicate contents or nmltr. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult in. or
tend history of your case , and we will send iu
plain u rapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Ncrvnin nUrnres , Impotency -
potency , Syphilis. Oleet and Varicoctlc , with
question list , Address
Umalia SleiUral and Siirfllral Itmtlttite , of
Cor. l3lhandOodfl Sti. . - OMAHA , NEB.
. . .
# 4 > A'W'mv v- - - -
Perchoronn , Clydesdales and Shire , also homi
bred colt.s. Kvcry animal wiiaruiitoi-a a hrceucf
Our stock has buen delected with reference to
both Individual merit and pdlttrco. Homeot
these horses have taken t rat prize at the Nw
brasko Htate Kulr.lHUT. All our hornert are ao.
rllmiitcd.atulcolW of their got can bo shown.
ari MsWtiAVKsr
& * KVllV A'lViAXlI , Vorlc , N.1 ,
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wcro ihlppcd during tbo put
two yuurtf , wltliout a drum
mer m cnir employ. Nootbir
IIOIIBO In the world can trutll- >
fullyiuukoiuch n ihowiair.
Onu acont ( dealer only )
wanted in ouch town.
.W.TANSILL&CO.,55Stal SLChlcao