FT * ' V * I TTtE OMAHA. DAILY BEE i.JlNDA. FEBRUARY 27. 188& SPECIAL NOTICES. Aa erM9 m nUannar this head. M cent * p f Ine for the Crt Insortlon. 1 cents for each ut > rrmnnt Insertion , and II GO a line per month. No advertisement taken for leu than 25 cent * for the first Insertion. Seven words will b counted to the line ; they must run ronecntlT - , lyanamnMbepalcl nadvanot. All adrertls * . menls must be handed in b fet * 1:30 o'clock jp. . , and under no circumstances will they M taken or discontinued by telephone. , Parties advertising In these column * mod h T. Ing the answers addressed In care of the Be * , wfll pleaiieask for a check to enable them to ret their letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad- rertlsemonts should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns are pub- llnlicd In both morning and avrnlng editions of the Uee , the circulation of which aggregates tnoro than 16,100 papers dally , and gives the d- rertlsers the benefit , not only of the city circa * Utlon of the lice , but also of Council Hluffs , Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout this part of tbe west. BRANCHOFFICES Advertising for these columns will betaken , on the nbovo conditions , nt the following bus iness houses , who nre nuthorlzed agents for Tins 1IKK special notices nnd will quote the same rates as can bo had at the mala olHco. JOHN W. IIELL. KO K. 10th Street. CHASE & EDDY , Statloaero o.n.cl E'rlators. 113 S.lCth Street , B. H. FAUN8WORTH , 2115 Cumlng Street. GEO. W. PARR. Fluxxxxiaclst. 1EOU St. Mary's Avenue. H. M.WHITEHOUSK , ICth and Webster Streets. O. HEUTHER , Test Ollice. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. \irANTEIT = Sttuatlon. bookkeeping or ofllco T work , best references given. II 54 lleo ofllce. 612 271 LUM1IER dealers I wnnt work ; have had ex perience ; 1st class references given. John J. WiltsH , Kelley. Story Co. , In. Lnto llrm of Fuller & Wllt.se , lumber , lime , salt , coal , etc , 617 2 WANTED-Sltuntlon by middle-aged man as janitor or assistant carpenter or any other respectable labor. Addivss II 41 > , Kuo ollice. 4C2 25t WANTED MALE HELP. W ANTKI-A No. 1 cook nt Reed hotel , 25th at. , bet. L. and M. , South Omaha. C > 80 WANTED-a men of intelligence and good addrets. Call Monday and Tuesday , nt 1418 Harney st. J. H. Rrowor. mngr. 0 i 28 * rANTKD-Intelll entboy for olllco work. Wages $3 per week. 8. A. Slonian. Hell- mou building , lUth and Farnam. C08 25 WANTED Good man who understands care of fruit trees and market gardening. A mes , 1507 i'urnam Ht. 643 25 'ANTED R. R. men for western Kansas , Albright's labor agency , 1120 Farnnm. 6DO WANTED A meat and pastrycook immedi ately for Valentine. Neb. , $50 , faro paid. State Employment parlors , 1417 Farnam st.room 11. 541 25 * 'ANTED Two experienced dry goods sales- men Apply to II. R. Nissloy & Co. Liu- coin , Nob. 456-25J ANYinixn \vonuin making less than gX ) per week should Invrstlfjiite our easy money making bimncsa. Active prrhomi guaranteed MO tier w-cok onslcr than ? < iU per month can bo rmiue In any other honorable occupation : C. unmples tree. Write for trims. Address Mer rill Manufacturing Company , 11 K ) , Chicago. f17m24 * W ANTED-Mllker. 4115 Saunden st. 4W \\7ANTKD-At once , ono first class coat- > nmker , also p.ints maker ; steudy work nud good wngf.s. John Olson , York , Neb. 472 27' Sl'IX'I Alt Inducement * for two good Imok can , vab.sers In low u. The territory is the finest In the West and our terms the most liberal. 1' . ! ' . Collier , Davenport , low-a. _ _ < 172 28 * WANTKD Oood icllablo man to sell nursery stock , full on 02S llroadway , Council Illuirs , la. : itifc-27 "WTANTED Agents in c\ery county of Nebras , TT ka , Coloiudo nnd Illinois for the I.alla Itookh dress cutting system ; agents make good hulury ; ten Itorv free. 1'or terms addrubS F. M. nciidersou,28 E , U'.h Bt. , Now York. 33327 ? WANTED The Western School Supply house wants n tlmt cliuis travelling iilisniun. 5301 Dodge St. 8111 L- ? B ; OYS-Am. DUt. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. 128 WANTED-Mentodrhn learns. Albright's Labor Agency , 1)211 ) Farnam. 150 WANTED FEMALE HELP. W ANTED-lood girl In email family. In- qulro nt 1501 . ANTKD-Good girl in family of three. 2U23 California .st. 6S8-27 * W ANTED An onico girl from 10 to IS yearn old , A. S , Hillings. ' 645 G TRL for general housework ; none but first- class cooks need npply. 1812 Dodge 478 01 HI. for geJKTal housework ; apply nnrth- - coiner 2tlth and St. Mary's avenue. 61425 M7ANTED-2 dining maids. 1417 Farnam st TT 01125 * WANTKIJ Women to cook'nncl do general housework ; mint be lirat-clus.s lanndresH , two In frilly , wages Jl per week. Apply 1WJU California st. ' . 433 T17ANTED A woman to do general house TT work In a family of two clilldren ; mils ; Jiave good references ; will pay good wages. N , K. cor. 24th and Harncy streets. ifeQ "tt ANTED-Oood ook and launarcss. N. K , TT Cor. lUth and Davenport. ana WANTED Immediately , ladles to workfoi a wholesale honse on needlework nt their homes. ( Hent any distance. ) ( ! oed pay can be nude. Everything fumlshed. Particulars free. Addreos Artistic Needlework Co. , Hi 8th Bt. , Now York City. 352 MII8CELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Several thoiMauddnlhtrsto loa lu Rums of three to four hundred dollnit on nrbt-clasd property , tleo. N. Hick . Room 4 , Hfirkcr block. 670 27 W A NTE1 > Parties who have bought lot sot- land In this city aud vicinity on the In- xtallment plan , nnd parties holding bonds for title to biich real estnto exchangeable for deeds after the lust payment IB made , will llnd It to their advantage to send their address or full particulars to It 60 , lleo ollice. 41-a WANTED Had ) ' boarder cnu got room nnd board 13.60 iier week , object company for lady. itJOUliirt at. 4.U ) 25 * WAJITED 1'rcmlst's suitable for photograph gallery , centrally located , H 45 , llee ollice , 41825 WANT u fn > od house , 0 to 10 rooms , not later than t lie I0t ll. M nut a good neighborhood ; prefers. W. part of city ; not too fnr out. H 65 , Jleo ollice. 621) 25 ; ANTEK Ladies to u'e "Chlchester's Eug- llHh Dlumond llruud , Pennyroyal P11K Pate. Ahays Tollable. The original. The only gi'iinlna. .Ask drugglit or Bond 4c stamps for jwrtlrulurj. return mall. Chlthestcr Chumlcal Co. . f'lilladulphla. Pa. ; c > 7 "VrANTEINexNspnperl ( > catlon by prnctTTal TT printer > Mth complete newspaper aud Job office , best of .referem-os. A. W. Jackson , Rockwell City , la. 6IS It EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. \ STATE Employment Parlors. 1417 FnrnanTsti t4l 25 * GATS city em pJoymentotncearell ; ble agency for all kinds of help , references Douglas co bank. Ibbull & Chttitoiwon , 314 H. I5th. . tel 110U. , . „ , Uurr u.llB N..18lhsK , . . , . . . uiot reliable othcu In city. Call ou as ; telephone 1112.11. K , White , Proprietor. t > r . / . , AAlmlS i TIIK. Union Rmploymcut ollice is the place to obtain rDllamo help on short notlio , in or out of the city. UU ft. llth nt. Open evtnlnga. CANADIAN Employment oOlce. mate and fo- mule help sent to nil parts It faro U ad vanced. Reference , Omaha National bank. Mr.lJrcga8oiia.8.15th. Tel. KM.Ml Ml m 13 BOARDING. PRIVATE boarding , Ha week , 1015 DodKo. . itllriJ WANTED-TO KENT. WAIfTRD-A hotel. to 40 room * , well lo cated : rent must b reasonable. Addresi ock box B17. Lincoln. Neb. 4'i71 * TpOR RENT To responsible family only , targe JP 10-room house , ct-ntrally located. WO par month. Apply A < C. Wakely , room 24 , Omaha NatloniO bank. Ml 27 NTHD To rcntil to6 aerosol cround with stnnll dwelling house. ct < % within 3 tnllen of Omaha or Nouth Omaha. Canadian Kinp. oIHcc , 316 8.15th st. 412-23 WANTIlD-To rent by March 10th 2 or 3 tin- furnished rooms miltabl for light house keeping by man and wife without children ; mall housn preferred. Addrcs * II 40 llee ollice. ! I67 26 * "IJ10R HP.NT frroom cottage. No. 3118 Farnam -C it. Inquire Milton Rogers & Son , 14th and Farnnm sts. 632 27 . CpOR HUNT The desirable residence. 8. W , .1 ? corner 17th nnd California streets ; furnished - ed or unfurnished , for term of years ; splendid terms to thotoughlv reliable party , llnggs It Hill. Real Kstate , 1403 rarnani St. fc'4'fi TXTANTHD-Hy a gcntlemnn and wife with ono TT child : ii ! jear.s did u milt of unfurnished rooms with board In a private family where there are no other boarders or childrenllrst class references ; willing to pavtU * ! or more per month v , ill not go in a flat , must be housn w 1th ynnl around it. Prefer ttw part of city : no objection to going 2 or 3 miles from postolllco. Address 1' . O. Imx Kin , city. 2t W ANTED 2 unfurnished rooms. Addresu giving prtto und location. IJ H2 , flee. I11J ANTED Houses to rent. Campbell b Hcrvov ! I10 Hoard of Trade. t-U ) ( 'OR RENT-HOUSES. "IJ1OS RfiNT Now house , ten rooms , all modern X : Improvements , also well and cistern. UJ California streut. fOb-3 * TpOU HKNT Two nv 13-room houses , all mod- J2 em Improvements ; B. w. corner 27th nnd Decatur sts. Knqulro llrst door south. 502 M. 25 * TjTOH HKNT House In Rood Iccitlon. Fiirnl- -E ture a rare bargain. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. SU'i N. Itith 8t. Telephouo WO. 4U-U > F I OH RENT Elegant furnished front room , With board. 1812 Chicago st. 140 24 * TJIOR RENT Elegant 8-room house nnd birn , JJ new. Plato and art glim windows. Gas , hot , nd told water , boft water , porcelain bath tub ; blocks from street cur line. J. II. 1'arrotte , enlnl agency , 1000 Chlrngo , Bt. WO 10 T71OR RKNT Nine furnished hou'o-5. Central- X1 ly located. Co-operative Lund * Lot Co. , ' .TO N. 10th st. , telephone V , 487 T71OK RENT NlcoO-room house , 8.12th st.fJU -L a mouth , llrennaii Sc ( Jo. Chamber of Coni- : ncrce. 490ml FOR RENT House 3 or 0 rooms , $18 per month , 1015 Center st. 450 SO * IJ1OR RKNT March lit , house 7 rooms with JL' good barn , $10 per mouth. Inquire 2.M2 Cap- toliive. 42329 * R RENT 10 room house 10 minutes walk fromf , O. UU8 Douglas. 401 F1 IOR RKNT Two.nice 0 nud 7-room houses. 1132and 1131 N. ITtli. Inquire 210 S. 1 Ith st. 37553 " 171OR RENT Ten-room house and basement J ? with all mordorn Improvements ; llrstclass location. Inqule. at Helmrod & Co.'s , 1.1th nnd Jackson streets' 107 " 13 ARE chance-Whole Hat , No. 2C04 N. 24th st J-V to rent Tory low. Emjulre at residence as ab vc. 8. F. Winch. K81 FOR RENT House of 8-rooms. closet , hard and soft water , on 13th street car line. In quire 1112 8.13th Kt. 773 OR RENT 7n Park Terrace , opp. H unsworn Park , touth front. AH modern Improve ments ; 10 rooms ; mobt desirable residence part of the city. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , i'Stb and Lciuenuorth. IW ) m5 T71OR RENT Twelve-room house , 25th nnd -L' and Mason gtmits , tlO per month. J. S. Cautfleld , 1304 Farnam fit , K)4 ) O NK hundred unu flfty houses for reut. H. 15. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 6&7-2U | JOH RENT-lIouse 11 rooms. W. M. Rush- inan. N E corner 10th and Douglas. U94 T7UJR RENT-3new 7 roomed houses , well , cls- Jtern , largo cellar , 19th near Clare st. W. G. Shrlver , opp postolHco .150 jlOR RENT House of 4 rooms at 610 Williams - street. Inqu ro next door west. 4 i2 It RENT lOi-oom residence steam hent. G. E. T&ompsun , 314 S. 15th st , ' 249 F IOR RESTorSnle New house , C rooms , cor. 2ith ! rud Capitol avo. Knqulre2324 Dodge. 11U TJ10R RENT A new dwolllng , 0 rooms , ail JL modern lmpro\eniLiits , good stable , ten minutes' walk from postolTlce. apply to D. J. O'Donahoe , nt O'Donnhoe Sc Shcify's , 15th bt. . next to the postolllce. 610 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TjlOH RI NTN el7fuTiilsBeri front and btlier JL rooms ; all modern Improvements ; with or w Ithout bonrd. 2210 Farnum st. 6rO 2' ) * I > IiKASANT furnished front room for gentle- mau aud wife or two gentlemen , 213 S 21th street. 22021 T710R RENT Part of store , desirable for office JL' or dusk room. Inquire 217 S 15th bt. 47025 * JOOMS for lent , paitly furnished , for light v housckeeplui , ' , at (121 ( H. 20lh st. 554 2s * NICE roouiK , $1 to 11.60 per vt eek , 602 8. IBth st. Up stairs. 6UB 27 * TO LET Nicely furnished rooms to gentle men. Month front , largu nud small , with modern conveniences , also bac parlor. 2518 Douglas st. 63-J 2S F IOR RENT Single or en suite , 2 pleasant rooms for gentlemen , with all modern con- venltmces. corner , brick rtssldonoe. St. Mary's and 20th 8U or U20S. 20th. 64727 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms , large front room , alcove , south front , biilt- nble for gentleman and w if o , I70S Douglas st. 471 SIP FOR HUNT Suiteotrooinn , furnished or un furnished , suitable for gentlcmuu nnd wife or four gentlemen , 2015 Douglas st. Breakfast and fl o'clock dinner. 484 Sb * FURNISHED rooms cheap. 1018 California. 4U2inl T7VR RUNT-Furnlshud room , 7,800 B. 22d. JS 4I7.-7 * AROK pleasant room , modern convenience- ! , J 1708 Chicago St. . 42U FOR RENT Fiirnlsbed rooms , 9& to 18 , fur nace , gas , bath , No. 700 South 17th avo. 432 2W TWO nicely f urulshed rooms , ts and $12. 2101 I larney. R RENT Nicely furubhed rooms 161S Dodge. 408 2 "CFRONT room with alcove and 2 large closets. JP gas , hot HIT , bath , hot nnd cold water on same floor for 2 gents or man und wife 20 per month nnd adjoining room with closet (10 per mouth,2 otherrpotns with cloiots for (10 pur month , baino conveniences ou car llue,207 S " 4th FOR RENT-Fuinlahed room ut 2013 Cass t-t. 5SCi28 TjlURNlSHRD rooms with lirU-clnss board JL1 near cable line. 3)13 ) Douglas sU 33S 27t FOR UKNI Nlcoiy furnished front rooms with heat. 7uud 3 per mouth , 400 Williams at. , 6 minutes' walk southeast U. P. uepot. 310 FOR RENT-Sulto of furnished rooms. In quire 3rd Hoer room E , 13JS Dou Us. < > R > HF.NT-Rooms fumlshed and unfur- nlshed , 1724 Cap. avo. C41 TTIUUNISIIEO rooms and board , 1WU Faruam. J ? U4 tn3 > F UKNISHED looms , 1S10 Dodge. 7Wm9 fTTOll RENT yunilshcd rooms in Qrounlg blk JU cor. 1'ttli and Dodgu sts. Inquiru of Ueo. R. , Davis. Mlllard hotel btlllnrd room. X > TT OR RENT-An elegant front room , with JO c\ cry convenience. Only nr t-clasa pcopla wanted. 1721 Davenport. l 0 F IOR URNT-3 rooms at 311 Woolworth ave. ; at (11 per month. 3U "VTEATLY furnished front room to rent -L > Faruam st , I block Yfeat of court house. * * fi4 ! FOR RENT T\vo very desirable furnished front rooms , with all mmleru conveiilencei on sumo iloor. Arranged for three or four occu pant * if desired. Apply at 1712 Cupltol avenue , 15 * OR RENT A large room furnished , central location 1418 Chicago st. aH _ HR Uentlcmen-Two furnished rooms , all modern Improvements. 1714 Dodge bt , FOR RRNT Fumlshed roam with heat and B3 , < 10 per month , 1707 Caaa tt. 471 OR RKNT Furnished rooms , all connmt- uiieca A. Iloaua. ai5N. J.th street. 41)1 ) , F I ( ill KENT Furnished roems for one or two gentlemen. 164J Dodge btr . 2 0 TTUM RKNT Nice furnl.shod room , o per J. mouth , s w cur. ISta and J actsou. UM , FOR RENT8TOHE8 AMD OFFICES ; "ITIOR RUNT-Storo In Ina location , nrwr 18tn X1 find Douglas sin. , suitable for barlxr or tailor shop. boots anil shoes , or other lni .lne-.n , tia ptr month. Apply 117 S.ltih i t. Mug ; * TpOIt RKNT llrlclt bmemf nt , weil I'ghted. cm JD 2Tth nrtN Btti. . South Omaha. Enmilro 1213 Kamam U fi84 nj _ "CVMl KENT Grocery and meat market , trade f tlrstclnm.flva years established. Also 4- room cottage. Ohio st. bet , It'Ui and ITth. Ad dress room ulO Paxton block , or IZHEOth RVO. J. U. Oreen. 633 S3 _ TTWH ItKNT-Flrst-cUss frame store bulldlntt , JJ 80 by ' 'I feet , flrst-classi bnslnoAs location. Applf t I. W. l.ob rt < , Albion , lloono Co , Nell. FOR RKNT Front office , Arlington block. Apply 0.0. Valentine. 1 15 Dodge. 624 "WOll HKNT Two room ? , 4UIM. whero'stoani JU power can bo obtained. Knqulra of K.un'l Rec" , HCCH Printing Co. . 1019 Howard st. 740 FOIt RNNT-Seormil floor , " 41x70. Rood Joca- tlon. Enquire of A. J. Simpson , 14UO Dodge st. , 7.VJ GIOR RKNT Store and O-roonw over joel ( L.1 stand tor drun orfert Ntore. tce i Ilchol cor.Htluiml l/oavoinrorth 6S , cor. - / , ma T7IOR IlKNT-Offtrcu on rnrnfttn t. atIO to HO Jv ] > er month. Onb bfllce furnishod. 1512 Fur- . . . - W1 FOll llUNT-Ono-hiilf of onice. ir.luVarnam , U round floor ; Itost locntlol lit th city. , lght and pleasant ) \rlth modern convenlencea. - * l&l RENTAL AOENCIE8. . . , SOUTH OMAHA Rental atamcy , & Son , rooms , Saxo Muck . GHBaORY , F. L. . llental agent , S S ICth Ht. JiMrJJ attention Riven to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished rooms. i4st with us. W. M. Harris , over W 8. IBfll rt. 301 18T houses , stores and flats for rent with H. -t K , Cole , n. o. cor. 15th and Douglas , roc-29 F OK KENT If you wish to rent nhonto call on Deiiiwa le Co. , 15th st , opposite P. 0. "XS OR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOR RUNT 1 unfurnished rooms , 1st floor , Hiiltablu for housokooplng. Vpply , 117 larney st. Jill ' . ' 7 * fJTOR HUNT Ju aiireoflrooms. ) No. 1015 north 20th st..J15.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. ll'J3 north.Slut St. . . 11.00 Three (1 ( | moms , No. 14IOPl rcest. . . . , , , 10fl ( Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th bt. . . . 11,00 Three m room . No. 7 ( Pasttlo at. . . , . . , . 12.50 BlRhtiirnnmlliit41'J810th8t ( ) 40 ( One fl ) store room tJlfl B 15th st 175.KI Three (3) ( ) rooms Iff } : N Ulst st la fX ) 4 rooms 413 S , 1'ithst . . Si'.no ' Apply to Judge renting geucy , 310 S 15th st. F1 > OR RENT-Unfurnlshed rooms. 2812 Leaven- worth st. 3TO Sit "C10R RKNT Three unfurnished rooms to & -C family without children nt 1122 N. 17th st. . 103 FOR RENT MI8CELANEOUS. RENT-IJarn , 11)21 ) Chicago st. 712 PERSONAL. PKRSONAL-Clnlr M. Pntce : Please forsraid ypur address to me ; have largo lot of mail. Hunter. 613 27 ? PERSONAL 1'ntrlck Sullivan , \eternn nt thoikildlers' Home , Mllwnnkee , is nuxIoiiB to get the address of Martin Tuttle. during the w iir lieutenant Co. A , 1st. battiillon Nebraska cavalry , afterwards consolidated \\lth the Ibt regiment Nebraska cavalry , or the address of Thomas Smith , bcrgeunt of the same compnny. F I OH ADOPTION-Beuutlful girl baby. 2424 Caldwell f T,9 25 * FASHIONABLE modlsto Just arrived from the east , business thoroughly understood nnd flrnt class work guaranteed. I'nrlots Uush- miui blk , cr luth and Douglas , room 0. ' 15.11. Terrill. 2 4 27 * PERSONAT < Ittit your property to exchange with C. C. Spotsw oed , OOjl 't 9. Kith at. 2JO TTJEHSONAIj Ladles and Kentlemcn cnn rent JL masquerade suits at 610 N. 113th &t. upstairs. Itt S PEUSONAL Private homa for ladles durlni ; contlnement , strlctlv conndentlaU Infants adopted. AridreaM E 42. IIa olUce. B < 7m1 IJ LOST. LOST A large envelope containing an alv Ktrnct and other papers and Uireo $ IOJ notes , wbldipcrhons uro warned ng.ilust pur- chnblug. For Uie return to our itoro a llbernl rewnrrt will be given. Claike Coffee Co . 1114 and 1110 II nrney bt reet. 5SJ LOST Gray and browu setter do , : . Return to : i7So. ! Uth or KIT 3.ith arc. Sjuth , und RLt reward. ftw 27J OST A large envelope containing an nb- stinct , Tnoitgano nnlttiroy notes , for which n liberal reward w 111 bo datd to thu tinder i o- turulug the bame to the Clurl : OoITee Co. ' LOST Black hort-B. reward for return to M. P. Kearney ou llth , 1 block S. of Ilnncroft. 4TO 25 * LOST In red car. between 10th and Sauudors. n box containing xmnll w.itch chain. Leave at Uee olllco nud i ccelve reward. 471 LOST A gold bracelet w 1th horseshoe orua mrntset with turquoises. Tliti tinder will bj suitably rcnarded by culling at 501 N. 25th st. LOST An envelope addressed- Royal Wilson , Cambridge , Mass. Finder will receive re ward by leaving with McOiifaeDros. , b inkers. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TTIOil BALK A good driving hon > e and phaeton. JJ Will sell one or both. Coopunitlvo J/and iV Lot Co , 2tt'i N. Kith st , telephone 'JJJ. tea 87 TTIOR SALE-Cheap , furnttuio of It-room Uat. Jj new aud uleg.mt , must , bo sold in a few days ; le.ise obtainable , reasoiuible. Inmilreof D. Landon. C07S. 1.1th st. C2Jm2 T71OR SALE A good driving horse , nnd buggy. JH will bu sold for one-half their value ; cull oarly. C operative Laud Ac Lot Co. 2Ji N IGUi et. Teleptiono toj. 631 27 TiTOR SALE Soraoflne young marcs anibtal , JJ lions , nt for road or track. Addiess U. G Ibbon , York , Neb. O'JJm 7 * FOR SALK Store llxtures and bakery stock. 71.1 Ilrondway. Council muffs , la. 501-2i TCIOIISALE Good piano cheap for cash or JC monthly payments. 1707 Cass st. 477 25 . ITARKCHANCE-Fiirnituro complete flroom -Ll cottage , few minutes walk from court hoiibe near cable and street cars , family leaving and will sell very cheap , good milKhborhood , rent reabonable , address II 40 lleo ol'.lce. 4'15 25t TnUHNITURB for"salo-6 rooms furnished' Jj brick tint. Tvnuscash. Lease can he had , Apply , room 7 , No. 60T 8.11th st. 603 FRSALE-Pitrebred St. V.vmard pups. M P. Hrown , Papllllon , Neb , 46S I * TT OH SALE Klgllt room honsd With modern Jj improvements and stalilo on leased ground. 1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Raapka , 1405 1 larney st. . Ub7 $8ono stock of the Coubolldnted Pay Rock Georgetown Mining Co. Host mine in Clear Creek County , Colorado. This stock Is non-as sessable aud willTitand thoclocntt investigation. Will trade for lmpravwl ortunlmprovcd piop- crty and assume Incumbrance. H , B. Cole , N. 15. Cor. 1'itli und Douglas. 6b7 rilllK furnltnro complQto'of B-Htory B-rooin JL hotisu , Including un organ nearly new , very cheap. & 10 cash , Imliince very * asy to peed party. II. 11. Cole , ! ! lith uud Douglas. bSS 1 TTIOR SALE Donunnt scale , capacity 3,400 JD pouiuU. Phil. Htlmmel ikCo.Vll-HUJoutS ! St. , Omaha. 149 POlt SALE Lease and furniture of a 12-room house on Farnam street ; house and furni ture new ; for purtlcalnra address li 5 , lleo ollice. 154 27 * | 7K > R 8ALH At a Imrgatu 60loot ofBhelring , Ji 'M feet of conntrrs and one ice -cna-it , suit able for grocery uuiro. * Kncjulre at B13 8. loth8t. _ 735. AnLACKSMITII shop for Kale , has one forge , or tools \vithout bhop for sale. Apply to Win. lluseh , lUue 11111 , Webster Co. , N b. MISCELLANEOUS. E banjo taught as an art bjr U o , f. Uallen- ck , K1J Harney st. 183 On Tims Household Fair. JL The great lUrguIn house. To housekeepers. We ara bound to show you that we can save you money In prices. Parlor suits. Chamber sets. IJed hprtngs , bed mnttrasws , Folding beds , sldo boards , carpets. Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures , Loungei , commodeH , teles , Dlvaiui , roctere , curtains , stoves , Tinware , crockery , RloHMware , lamps. Houses furnished coniplute on Easy paymental Kasy payments I Ensy pay nicota I Ua y uaymenti I Prices the lowest Call Und nee I'rlc s the lowest. Call and see euci and 804 south 13th street , > Corner Jiicksoo , $0 cpnwctloa with any other houao. . . Mi ' S POT cash foffvitrnlture , sttrvfes , houunol goods at llpth 18th ft OrlAOo. JtQ f 15 A K. HILEr Notary , 1519 Karuiym.mflEB C. ll.JOHNWM-clfrtern bnlMnr. welta bored and dug. 4W N 30th at , Umah , Neb. MB inchJH * _ _ rplin only coM > t > ok In Sltrer Creak Coat. Ill -L a llth. Jeff W. Hertford. 7P429 . FOR BAtiE An Elegant stock of dry H" 4 and furnishing goods , tine location , best street In the city. . . 'Also 1 span of flne driving horsei. W. 8. Mrtrr , room 15 , Chamber of Coj mcrce. II 4125 * jg-OTKS bought . It. Jacobs. X S. 15th st. STORAGK For honwhold good * and mer chandise , on.first floor , and nt lower prices than usual , corner Klgbth and Howard streets. , H mili- XTKW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive J- > * facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , bu iles. general merchandise , west of New York. Ca h advances to any amount ; warehouse - . house receipts Riven ; Roods insured ; brjct baildlnff fire-proof ; special arramrampnts for commlAston merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol nve and N. loth st , Hounett's.block. * 353 HORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TUDENTS can vntrv Valentine's Shorthand amlTvpewrltlnR Institute at nny time. It' ' "i the largest and best equipped exclusive short mini school In t ho west ; all Its Kraduntra arc1 ircunylHK KOIK ! ' pnyhiff nltuatlou and ' iiittsfarttou. lltisiness men nro comtnntly op- ilylnptousforstenoKrnphers. AHnmeunit of , Ivellhonri shorthand is much miperior to bonk-i Heeplujjorti'legrnpliy. Thodcmutul for uteno- ) itraphera Is In excels of the supply. Send Tor Ircnlar U > IMS DodRu st. , Omnlm. SMmSl WAHTED-TO BUY. WANTED To buy a peed lot not less than ! Mfect front. Persons havliut Iwrtraln to offer please aiuwer , stuto prlco an J locution , iddruss II51 llee. C07 27 WANTED To Duy snort ttmo paper. J. W. | Or033 , at C. . Mayue'a oOlce , 15th { md Haruey. 2 * > CLAIRVOYANT. MlivS. r.COtiR3-The Rreatost living clalrvoV-j ant , tells past , present and ftituro ; Satlifac- lion KUtiranteed. 122J4 N. 15th St. , room 1 , first : leer to right at head of stair * . HIM 111 * MUS. DUKANT Clairvoyant from IJoston ; reliable in all nirulr.i of life ; unites sop- urated lovors. ! KJ N. 10th street , room 1. _ DH. JfANNIK V. Warren , clalrrotant. > lid * lril. : business nnd test medium. Diagnosis free , rciuale diseases a specialty : 119 N. Ifith Rt..HoomsB&3. Tel. 94 * . 3M MONEY TO J.OAN. MONEY to loan ou furniture , planoi , wn-jon1 * , otc. , without removal ; also on rollatcr.il sontrltv. HuslUBSs coutltlentlal. U.U.Jacobs , ' S. liitli st. 649 WK lll mnke loans mi rliolcc Inside pi operty at uiiusuiillylovv rales Tor the next few days no iloluv < , nppllu itlons apnrovetl and tnonpy paid out from this ultlce. Central Loan & . Trust Co. , 1 11 Futiirm fct. K0 ! ? I K. Kll.EV , 1st morcgugo loans , 15111 Tar- nam. 4" ! m 23 * MONKY On hand to loan on leal estate and chulteK Notes boiiRht ut lluah Vercj ! c Co. , room 4i5,1'axton building. 4852lf ! $6OUOnnd upwarils to Iron on Urtclnss city real e tate beciulty. W. r. Smith , 1 ± ! ) Far- imm st. 4ainrli MUNKV toloanc.isn on muni , no delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , UU1 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel bulletins , ' * 373 SUMSot JIU.mianUupw.irds-strlrtly business security. K. S. Ulsbce , Itamgo bullilliu ; . 444 : . " . ) T O.\NS wonted on peed real estate security ; J-J fnvorablp terms. MoUgafes bought. Kimball , Clmmu K Ityan , U. S. NaUb ink b'ldc. " I OANS made on real estate. Coah on hand. W. M. HarrU"ovcr2-'JS. 11th st. 37.1 IMONKVI MONKVI Tolom. short time. 1st paper bought. Mapes if Kins , room , i , Jrolgnton block. ( 014 TfYONBY" fx-qni-Uniahi real estnto anil 1 JL faims. Mortgages Uought. Odoll llros. & Co. , 162J rarnata " t- . . H2 < 1 H7 K. OOLBlo.-wfcMndiiy on improved city or furm , ijnjgiljty. , MoOtn a Uoutlnent.il SHORT time'loins maae on any uvHiiable B euilty. In reasonable amounts. Secure 1 notes bought , sold or exchnn ed. Oeneral financial buslnoSi of any kind trausactej promptlyiiul tly and fairly nt th Omaha Kl- uunclal Exchange. N.W. . cor. 15th and Har ney Ets. , overstate National band. Corbett , manager 3'J7 MONEY to loan l can now placa BOGIO tlrst clnss city lonns immediately. C.ill at onca If you desire to lie accommodated. D. V. Snolos. room 1 llarkor block , cntrruiaa In aller. SM 6 PER CENT .Money. Patterkon i Fawcett 15th and Hnrnoy. 37 B ' O 1EY to loan. Note * ) ana it. R. ticket , M' bought abd sold. A. Formun , 21J S 1Mb sts . 3 o " \TONEYtoloanonUnproved real entnte ; no J.U eommKslou charged. Loavltt Uurnham , room 1 , Crelghlon bloct ! IC8 MONEY To loan , ijo west rat en. No delay J. L. Rico & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank 375 OAN8 made on real nstato nnd mortgages J bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1J21 Farnam. MONEY to Loan By the undersurned , who has the only property organized loan ngoncy in Omaha. Loans of 110 to SlUOimvleon furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgonn. ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AH business strictly confidential , loans ao made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pajf racnt ruducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on flne watches and diamonds. Persons should cart-fully consider who they are dealing with , an many new conourns are dally coming into existence. Should you need money call and re-nine. W. It. Croft , room 4TVlthnoH nulldlnx. M' ONEY ' to Lonn-H. W. Huntress , 1417 Far- uam st. , room L 6.35 0 $ MONEY LOANED nt C. F. Reed * Co.'s Loin Ofllco. on f ur.ultnro , pianos , horsen , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. . 31U S. 1'lth , over niiigham'tt commission store. All busi ness strictly confldentlal. 379 $50tlCJOU to kian on city and farm real estate. Lluahuufe Jlahonoy , 10U7V5 Farnamatntot. Slti < J60n,000 To loan on Omalia elty property of 6 P per cent. U. W. Day , S. E. cor. KK. Hid. 378 TUB Talrbnnk Investm-nt Co. . orRani-eed with nmplo capital , m'ikes loin ? on horjus wagons furniture , pianos , uaJ othar psrsonal propartyorcollater.il. Heal with raiponslblo l > arilas. Apply at their oMlca , 215 South 14th street , up-atulrs. ' , il * " \iTONEYJoinertonfuniituro , pianos organs , J.TJL her B .etc. lowratys. J. J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket office. MONEY to Loan O.F.Davis Co , re.U estate and loan agents. 1605 Farnaro t. J17.0. MONEY to loan on improved city propeity nt lowest rates. Cash on hand , flrat nwrt- gnges nugotLUed * .E. V.Searer , room 15 , clmm- ber of commcrcmo' ' . WJ BUSINESS CHANCES. A GENTLE < tAM-wlth llrst rate eastern con- nejcions and with tS'J.OJO ca'.h , v.'ltt estab- llsh a bank in som a rapidly grow Ins section of NebrnEka ( pr4 > * 1flf i the rlclit place can I > o found. Any od.auiiirejited address Jloz 23. Wll mlngton , l > olfjjtij'j : ; Mflii * t SPLENDID business opunhig. as loom hotel , located in JkH town "west of Omaha. Ad- drms Honday AJluldermau. room 6 and U Mich- uLson blk , Uni l * Hnd , Nob. (49 25 ? I7ttUSALE--D/iurStock. As flne location as JL1 there Is mftwclty. Chun stock. Inrolf-u about J7.0JO. i'artxasu. Part in good io l es- tatoor S9curod notes. M. A. Upton Sc Co. ISth st , opp. Chamblribf Commerce. 451 SPLi.NDIDo : | ] ] > rtunltyfor physician : an * cs- tabU.-diedyslclanwnnts tosell his ofHro furniture and practice In a thriving town of 4.0JJ population. II. K. Cole , no cor loth and Douglas T7K > R SALE ( WO grade merino Hhcep , all youn ; -L und in perfect healtli , will trudu for until cumbered real estate ut fair value. A. H. Fuller Ashland. Neb. ARE CHANCE I ' To lease line residence near postofllce , am buy furniture ( nllnew ) at a great eacrlUce. For particulars see L.B. Bklnuer. l&m Farnam. 6JJ T71OR BALE-A good paying bunlnesa. Cigars. J- stationery ud tuys , la a umt-class loca tlon. On account of 111 health. Stock ou ham' ' auout IJ.IMO. All cash not rwiulred. Enaulro at Max Meyur Si Co.'s. 4 M _ "I71OR SALE Clieap for cash , uteam brickyard X1 capacity lH , < wo to 2)(100 ( per day , situated 01 sidetrack , good location , will tiude for rea extate , a > uuie small iucuuiberani-e. VT. . P Wood , Exposition bldg. 14M Capitol ave. 407 * llROirriC-Kniosnun us pajtmr in cstab - Iblicil merchant tailoring business ; mus linve JKO ; nnlenJld oitejiluii for rlcUt man. Ad , dnsll35. hoc. ' 7 . , . 835 F ° K 8AL8 Ptnt-claM buardlnc house near P.O. . rooms J1 occupied ; good cause for 1W25 TJIOH all kinds of business chances rail on th * J1 Co-operative Land * Lot Co. , SBN.lBfi ot. Telephone KB. 487 _ T710R 8ALK Hnrnp's and saddlery business m JP Rood town. Good trade. Only harness shop in ion n , Good reason * for selling .stock And building , 11,200. Uood terms. Address B. 33 llee Offlctt. 300-27 * IXCHANQfc , WANTED Light carrlnge and good driving team In exchange for nice Omaha lot. licks , room 4. Darker block. 670 87 , A cnolcntract of farmland i TT chance for oed lots. a. N. Hicks , Room , llnrkrr block. 670 27 CfKirKXt.IA ; > iK ( 'tis ' feet on" llrlst " Btfor 1 ? farm In Iowa south of N. W. R * F. K. TJarlln ? , 1503.Howard. 4W 25 C800vorth of furniture for trade ; house can bo T rented reasonable ; line location and furnl. uro new. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , JW6 N. ICth St. TeVphono 903. 441-25 2TOCK gouts' furnishing goods Involco about J tH.CWl , traflo forlandorrlty property. II. ; . Cole , no cor 16th and DouglUB. EU5 27 [ \7ANTED Slock of groceries in exchange for T > Inside Omnlia property nud some cash. W. "W. Houston , 120 North Kith st. tas 27 * tJIOR TU'ADE A good Improved farm , plenty t. oftlmbor.flnolfind.undunderfehce , Co-opcr- ttve Land * Lot Co. 205 N. loth st , telephone M. 62827 STOCK groceries , good location and trade. Price 47,000. One-half cutdi balance good Ity property. H. K. Cole , N. E. 16th and Douglas. TlO EXCHANOE-14 nlco unlncnml > erod lots in South Omaha , within one-half mile of the Exchange building to trade for flne residence in > innha. M.A. Upton & Co. , 30 S. 18lh st , opp. 'number of Commerce. 623 2v I7IOII exchange Fin * Nebraska farms for L ? stocks of general indse. J. A. Ilerger , Long Pine. Nob. 321 f 20 * AN addition to Omnlm consisting of 104 beau tiful lots and in n location where they are xnmd to soil. Prlco N5.0UO. encumbrance $ . " > ,300 due in 1 and 3 years , first payment January 1 , KS'.l. A bntinuxii for someone. H. E. Cole , N , 15.15th and Douglas. 689-28 FOR EXCHANGE orsnle A now 4 room cot tage on good lot , t block e.tst of Konnt/.o ilate , 2 blocks from paved street. 12 minute vnlkfrom U. P. shops , price fl.SOO. RWO cash , wlanco lijper month : wOl take 1 good horse us > ait of 1st payment , Hamilton llros. , builders , OSS. 18th , 4t027t Tj'OR ' TRADE A new buggy for good driving 4 ? horse , call at Armstrong , PettU & Co.'s. 1300 zurd st. 392 27 AN olegunt new 8 room modern house , near Hmiscom park. 1'rlce I4.WX ) no encum- bruucoj want equity In inside business or resi dence lot. Snap in this. H. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and Donglas. 56y-2S A SPLENDID business lot fronting 44 feet on both S milder * und -M stivet , small store iitlldlng ou S.iundofs , paved street. Price 17,000 , ncumbmnre $4,6Ul. duo In 1 and 2 ycats ; want ? nulty In good lesldenco or Inside residence lot. II. E. Cole , N. K..15th uud Douglas. 6H9-38 " 1/I7ANTED / 60 houses nnd lots to exchange. ' T T C. C. Spotswood. 305K 8. tilth st. 823 ANTED Houses and lots to excnnnco for Improved and unimproned lands in Ne- iiraska aud Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood , 301H S.Ifith. 385 CLEAN stock books and Matlonery for city property. St. John & Ely , t'reuzar block. 217 AN elegant residence on Indiana avenue nnd ChkuBo , 10 room , brown stone front , icnts for Vfi per month. Price $7.0011 , no Incumbrance ; want Inside residence or residence lot H. K. Cole , N. n. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. 609-28 HOUSES or household furniture wanted In exchange for Rood vacant lots. Good I.lllle range nnd tank nnd restaurant nutUt for sale , ciibh or time. C. T. Morton. 1324 I'nrimm st. 219 \17"ANTEU ! Oooa rarms in exchiintfo for Vf Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood 305K TIWO hplendld lots in Kendall's addition ; want ouelotrU-aror nearly clear. II. K. Cole , N. E. Cor. 15th und Douglas. & 6D-2S STOCK hardware for land. Bt. John & Ely , Frenzer block. 217 fTANTED-StocKs of merchandise to ex' T change for lands and city uronerty ; C. C. Spot * * ooova)548. ! imn. 5iJ 'A nTlICKYARD in Omaha ; want house and -tV lot H. E. Cole , N. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas. M'J-2S HOUSE and lot in Minneapolis for western land. St John & fcly , 1 ruiizer block. 217 STOCK nardwsre tlO.OIOj want Rood clear . _ property. H. E. Cole. N. E. luth und Douglas. Wi'l-23 "i\7ANTKD Ouiaha property to trade for good T T land ? . Specinl attention given to trailing. C. L. Brown. Vienzer Illock. COS TNS1DK citv property In excli nge for farms or lands. J. A. Helstmid , Arlington block. 675 S1 OIJTH Onmha lots for horses. II. E. Cole , N. ' K. ICth and Douglas. AHOb'T 1,100 farms , some of them consisting of bed house and a mortgage and roine of them clear , which wo will eschunge for city property. If Jon have anything to e\chnngn come und sec us. II. E Cole , N. K. Cor. 1Mb nnd Douglas. 6G9-23 I HAVE for trade improved form in Cass Co , nesr Plnttsmouth , will trade for improved inside property. Address M 39 , Bee ofllco. FOR SALE Or trade , land nnd town property -in Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle and stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York , Neb. 745 m 8 "VTKnKASKA ana Kansas farms to exchange J-'l for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vice ven-a. Cc-OperatlvoLJndund Lot Co. . 233 N 10th st. 694 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON isCARMICHARL furnish complain end guaranttwd abstracts of title to any real mtate in Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete sotof abstract books , lu the city. No. 131 Farnara at. : Wi MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate iiuunlned , per fected and guaranteed , aw KORSALE-REAL ESTATE. L1 OTS In Han com Tlaco at n bargain. Terms very easy. II. I. . Cole , NE. 15th and Douglas. 68S2B LIST your property for gaje or exchange w Ith Ste\oas llros. , IWl Funuim. 57927 T7I6R SA1/K Or cxrhango for u lot in good lo- JP cation Jeriov i-ow , horse , double carriage of 81mpboA mnke. single buggy uud harness. A. S' Hillings , 101 S ICth st. . 54ti AN ELKd ANT lot In Kountzo place with well , clMteru nud fouiKlatoln. This lot must be ( old ; no reasonable olfer refuted. Good until F l > . "Hlvonly. H. E. Cole , nu cor 15th and Douglas. 605 27 ° I HAVE sonioof the nnest residence lots In -1" llunsann 1'laco for ulo at llgures nnd terms "thnt place them within thereach of parties de siring pleasant homes. Call and see them. < Jeo. N. Hicks , roDin4 lUrker bloik. 670 27 'tJOtlSES Tor Sale-Webster St. , 8 roOnlsf 7nW ( .n Douglas fct. , Brooma l'r ) no Uhlcngo Ht. , largo house K.txH Vlrgluliinve.ixiarLeavenwortli. . , . , 6.0UO Oorl > yt. ) , S-story house 3.100 Houses lu all parts of the city at low prices. Sluvotut llros. , 1521 Furnun. 679 27 TJ10R PAl K 5 room cottage near IaVe nnd J lath'st , cheap for cash. Address Owner , Room 1,1U7Q Ht , , Lincoln , Neb. 465-2(1 ( -T-O'lfl FojBnWtCth St. , 102 ft corner. . . . ! 6,000 O-JlOthht.,44tt . , 13'JiX ) 22ndst..fi xl40 ft 2,1)00 ) Saunders ht. . fi3x2J ft 6.500 Wert bt. . houth front 1,350 LotHhi nil parts of the city. Only 7 lots left in Stevens Place , uud \ \ o will close these out at low prlctiT and on cay terms. Stevcus llros 162 rurnam , 67027 O 350.0D .buj-s a beautiful lot , 60x120 f eft , easy P paymentH , These lots are only a few minutes walk from U. P , fhops. Investigate. 'Tuku one before they are nil gone. II. E. Cole , n. u. cor 15th and Doughii. 6rU 8 BEAUTIFUL six-room house , splendid lorn tlon. flnu neighborhood ; all modern unncn Itnces ; fdOJ.OO cash , balance to suit purchaser H. E. Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. Mil 29 AN ELEHANTlOt In Kountzo place , with well -CX cistern and foundation. This lot must be sold ; no reasonable offer refused. II. E. Cole n. e. cor. 15th and Dougla3 , 60537 "DIOR SALE Or exchange : Improved farm JL' lands for Insldu reaUleuot ) property. li. K. Copson , cor. lltu and Pacific bt. 425 25 * TT10U HALK-Hargams ; Good lot (150 : new JL1 house , M lot , (171 , rash ; Improved farn 11.200 ; 40 acres. KJJO : 1BO acres , ll.WOcash ; cle- gant valley farm , stone house , good Improve menu , l u acres , onlyIJ.OOO : twoother farms 11,600 eaih ; 4 corner * on Douglas or Dodgtt. tea or lease ; 40 acred ! < miles fiom fair ground tlO.ouu cash ; 10 acres inside city , I30J per acre ca&h ; 100 cheapetit lots ever put on the Oman ; market , Hands 10 down ; cant help but make money on above property. Drake Bro's ! 8 ! Jith M. ' i INVESTOR ! 1 offer the following bargain * In Ponth Omaha. for sale Splendid corner lot , 72x150 feet , cor- f r n and Ilellevue KtJi. The key to the gateway f South Omaha. Immediately adjoining th uMpllfent new ptxrk to be opened by th Houth JmahaLand company , I3AU , only < C rash alance one , two and Inreo Tears. Three nice lots , comer I and 2Mb st. , Bouth Jmaha , only t3MO. Corner 120x150 ou J and 90th sts. South Omaha , nly 3SUO Corner cOxl'iO feet on II and 28th sts , South Jmnha , ti)50. ) Lot 5 , block 61 , South Omaha , CO feet frontng * n llelleve St. , * i.'JOi ) . Lots 5 and 8. block 11 , South Omaha , corner , 20x150 feet on llellevuo st. . a bargain If sold at ncc. Call mid got prices and terms. Three peed lots In block ; w. South Omaha , can tit 8 rottagoa on this property , price onlyfJ.OUO. Threa choice lots In block 19 , South Omaha , nly two blocks from Summit depot , (3,400. One of the best busluets lots in South Omaha , nly half a block from the dcjxit. Just the tlace for llmior grocery , hardn arc or any retail luslness. fol JUr | lnou cosh , balance 1,2 aud 3 ears. Corner , 110 feet onst front , on Ttellorna street , outh Omnlm. Will maknegood builties'i lots hat will sell for (1,200 ouch. This Is one of the > eit bargains on the market. M 200. lot K , block 74 , near corner M and 27th street , lonth omuma. Ono of the best sites In tow n for lotcl or livery stable. Call and get price on I hi- iroperty. Ten choice lots on Hellcvue street , covered with tine shade trees. Motor rnr truck on street ml water mains in front of property. New art to Ira Unproved by the South Omaha Land X > . . this seat-on , directly in the reurof the o lots. 1 corse N , Hicks , room 4. Ilntker block. 671-28 I HAVE for sale one ol the best lots In A. H. Patrick's ad. which 1 will sell if taken sooner or three hundred dollars less than uny lot In lie addition can be bought for. Address H 33 , lea ollice. : )55 ) FOR SALE , Exchange or Rent Eighty-acre fnrin.good Improvements nnd plenty of run , 6 miles from South Omnlm. Parrlsh Ss Flu Hyson , N street. South Omaha. 33227 CTOR 8ALK-KW acres of land four miles from JD stockyards , at (125 per acre ; this Is n bar- Kaln. McCafrue , Opp. P. O. 3t'l ' L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215 1OR SALE or Exchange 'ilirce nice lots between - tween LcHvenworth and Farnam streets , iear Lome avenue. This Is gilt edge property nd the price Is only M.WO : (1,300 incuuibrunce ; vhat have you to otter ? Ceo. ! N. lllckn. Room 4 larkcr block. . 670 27 L. RICK & CO. , Real Estate. 15 FOR HALE-Lots 3 and 4 , block 1. In Isaac Si Selden's addition , cor. 34th street and Half toward. John H. F. Luhmanu. ( ! 24 S. 17th st. 100 L lilCE & CO. , Rpal Estate. 215 DIOR SALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam St. , C one block from paving and street cars. 'rice ' 15.000. Equity M.OUO. Two one-fourth sections fine school land in fo ° .suth county. Iowa. One-sixth lutorest in an addition to South ) mnha , free of encumbrance , for good western arm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered , yr good Omaha property. Good Inside business property , free of eu- umbrnnce , for good house nnd lot In north lartof city. S. A. Sloman. rooms 22 nnd 2.1 , lellnmn building , cor. Farn urn and 13th sts. TJ1OR SALE-Snap. snapl Lot 21. block 0 , 8. E. JO Rogers' addition , Wtxl40 ; on of the best cor ners on South ICth st. , only W.fHW if taken nt once , street paved , water , gas and sewer In- Jnstclar.street ordered pnvpd. llnslnes-i. bu lness. Now is about the time to ; et some good Inside business propeity while it s cheap ; going to bo an advance sure : we have ho best for sale. M. A. Upton & Co. , IHW S , tilth St. , opp. CIminberof Commerce : telephone H54. P. S. ( l.i.OXUOO ) lu improvements in Omnlm in lie lost year , yet no advance on inside business iroperty ; what does this indicate/ Pause , re- iect , take a tumble and bo In position to gather n .some of Omaha's near future greatness. M. A. U. & Co. 334-28 TT10K SALE-House and lot in Walnut Hill. JL Easy payments. P. A. Gavin , sole agent. 447 Men T7IOR SALE Tour splendid corners for. bus ! JP nc" > s purposes. Three tine residence lots in Kountze place. Four lots In West End. Lot 35 blk 5 Kllby place only J1.600 , Three lots lu Improvement usso. addition , cheap. Tn o lots in Potter's addition , ono a corner. Lot 7 blk 3 Donlso add. A tine house and lot in Idle wild , will bo Hold cheap. Elegant house and lot cor 22d and Cass. 12 lots In Mursh mid. Houses und lots lu dlfTeient parts of the city. Lots in every addition to the city. Call aud see. our list of property for sale or rent. O. F. Davis Company , Ij05 Farnam at. THE cheapest lot in West Cumlngs add. , east front. Duly half block oil cable route. Till h is n bargain. Ask for price. F. K. Darling , 1501 Howard. 4UJ 27 L. RICK & CO. , Real Estate 215 A HANDSOME residence of 3 or 10 rooms , largo closets , all modern conveniences just off car line -within 15 minutes' of postolllcc. ,13.000. One-half cash. F. 1C Darling. 16(15 ( Howard bt. 4W ! 27 HAWLEY House. North Platte.Neb. , for alo. On account of the death ot my wife 1 will sell the property on easv terms. Address John Haw ley , North PUtto. Neb. Triton * E & CO. mnice a specialty of property lu North Ouinha , for sals or rant at Citizens' bank. 2tUH Cumins st. 35S 'I71OU SALE Ono of the best lota in II Illsld JD No. 1. Just ncross street from Yntes' new residence. Make offer ; any reasonable propo sition will be entertained for few days ; must Bell. A3J. Ucoolnce. 607 TWO of the llncht residence lots In South Omnlm. and IIrat class business lot ono- half block from depot for sale at n big "bargain If taken this week. t co. N. Hicks , Room 4 Uarker block. ' 670 3 ? Notice to Stockholders. The annual meeting of the Btockhoiderx of The HKK Publishing Company , will be hold ou Monday , Marcu 6tli , 1W , nt 8 o'clock p. m. . f2JdlOt E. ROSEWATER , President WILBOR'S COMPOUND OF IPOTE COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHATES OF X/IME. SODA * IRON. tires Con-iimntlnn , Courts , Colds , Anthmn.Ilron UiHIt , UebllUr , W itlii Disease * , and ull ticrofu- lon > llumo . Aim cut ! pkUtublo a * cream. It ran 1 > e tAfcen with l > tciuunby < lcUcueieniont MIII ! children , wlio , nftvr nMni : " . * ru > crvJoml nr It. It as'lmllntes with the . Incrva ettuetlMhuiid appetttu , bntldi up the IILTTOUJ system , nwtorea envrics to mind und buUj- creatpa new , rich And pure blood. In fct , rejuvlimto the whole flTBtum. FLiSII. : NERVE. ULOOD , RRAIN. This prnimriilKiii U famuporior lo all other propn rntlonofOudUTcrOII ; U Una mmiy Imltntim but nu rqunlTlip rrnului fnlloirliiK lUuxonru III licit re. rainmendatloni. lie .lire. u yoiivnluii your hunltli nnd Eft tba crnnlne. Munufncturnrl only bf DR. A1.XI1. II. VVIUIOK. Cberalat. Huston. Mu-i. Bend fur Illnslrated circular , which will bo mailed froo. Men tion lhl papor. The grt'Htei London Granules. iiprlnK Inonnmrth modi- Kllmlnatci IaU u tl o of Hyptillls , Ulcers. Chronic Korcti'iltnpnrH Illnod.Tlivy hare no equal fir kln ill fn o > . Hlmllarmudlclnuiiwd In J > milon llov I'ltali.wlth unrarrlnK uece * . 1'IIllKI.V YJcnKTAULE nentbTmall Ina plain arxl ) pacluitu. aiidnu < lel r on rrrolpt of (1 per box or l , for K. VTK ( JUAIUMtK six iioxcsTOcuiiEA.SYCASC. With each onler ro crJTPd fur > tx boio uccouipunleil tijr fi , we will lend Uw | iiircrin- our wrltttui kiunranton to rcfimu thu Tnoner. If the trf-utmcnt iiam not vfTect a cure. Jlmrphlet freo. I/IIVIMIN McntciMC AQKNCV , 121 flierrr SI. , K ua City , llo. THECAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. Toe best known mnd most popular Hotel la tba til . l/oc tion central , apmiliituionti IlrxC-clnn. lleailquarten for coinruerctal men and all pollUcu Bv * . nirrcnl. SotentlOc , Powerful , Dur bl , FOomforubl * Hud ItttcilT * . Arold fraudj. Orcr0.ofio tir d. BD < IbtainpformmiAileth _ > * * f-uurtnio niiLT * FOR tfiHtAMCa. L MMML MVUT08. Ill ttMUN AYfc. CMMM. WEAK.UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of tti < lied > cnltrc < i aud itrenctbened. fultiiartlcu- UriunlMtltd fre . KKIK MKU.CO. llnrnio. K.T , SUFfEBEBSf.oi.NEBVOUSHESS U'rMp , ttftlt ct ttc-W rkt ladUatllon , etc. , tJJrtti Uj | , Wonder * of the Comirtock Mine. ' San Francisco Examiner : "Thera nro many strange things eoimeotcd'with the Comstock mines , " said nn old resi dent of Virginia City yostordivy. mnst recollect that while the main workings extend from the north'of Odin Hill to Virginia , and below , a distance of three mlloB , there nro n total of 252 miles of tunnels , drifts , slopes , BUHIIM , quins nnd turns , making up the Interior workings as n total. Think of It-302 miles ; further li.V far than from the Golden Gate to the Nevada line , anil further than across the great state of Now York. Why , look round n Itttlo. You might go us Jar from Washing ton , D. C , , as to Baltimore. nnd back again , and you wouldn't hoi much more tlmn half through the ComsJocJc. Then when you think of the great depth of these mines : the gigantic , incotnu-e- | hcnslble weight of the mass rusting upon the timbers , nnd the traveling mountain in which uro those mines aha swhlch is Virginia City , you1 involve propositions again that Imvg stumped the deepest thinkers. For instiftico , queer polished sticks , as smooth twiria- hogany , and no thicker than my cnno. are every once nnd h while taken oat 01 the old workings. They are as hnrd and ns heavy as iron , and a knife will not mnko a mark on them. Now , what nro they ? Origimilly they wore JUxl2 inch solid timbers , nnd the millions of tons bearing upon them in all directions , pnrpentdculnrly ns well , na laterally , for it is only in this way that mines can be timbered , have compressed them to 'this shape. They uro fdund sometimes in bits , sometimes in long pieces , taken out where caves have oc curred and the workings displaced. No known mechanism nt present , nor in any ago of the past , so far as history recounts , has such a power to compress and work marvels with wood. The silent old mine has stumped the scien tists. YHU have asked me if it is really true that Mount Davidson is slowly traveling eastward , with the town ot Virginia on her back and her mines within. It is true , nnd this again has set our ablest men jto scratching their heads. By the careful estimates of engineers it is soon that Virginia City has traveled down hill ten feet in fifteen years , or about two- thirds of n foot a year. It is concluded that it is owing to the vast underground workings , but just how it is done is problematical. At any rate , however , the i > eoplo of Virginia City are not afraid of the trip they are taking. . They have been with it too long to got alarmed about it now. In the consoli dated Virginia and California mines of .ho Comstock was another strange thing , too , that for a long time caused much deep study and a viiHt expenditure of money. The fires which brcko oat there on the 1,500 foot level years igo , and burned /or years , scorned nextinguibhnblo. Every known neuns was tried. There was a largo jody of superior ore there , as many will remember , and the owners wore anxious , o get at it. It was no use. so they put n seven solid foot of a Imlkhoud and shut it up. It burned for seven years , and it was only a year ago that carbolic fas was finally injected by means ol iostly machinery , and the hidden iiros : > ut out. The gas in there wassodeadly ihat not a man could approach it as it was cbcnping. It would have been Instant - stant death. Now the best ere of the Consolidated Virginia and California is Doming out of that pluco where the unseen fires long raged. " Running between Council HlufTs and Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , traini fit op nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streuui and at the Summit in Omaha. Westward.