OMAHA DAILY BEBf MONDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , ISWl \ . 1 THE DAILY BEE. PPBLIBHEft EVERY MOHNINO. TKHM8 OP StmscniPTION. D tlr ( MornInK Edition ) Including Sunday llr.r , One Year . . . HOW ForHlxMonths . , . , . r , 00 ForThree Months . . . . . . 2 M Ttio Omaha Humlay HEK , malted to any ad dress , One Year , . 2 CO OMAHA Orricii. Nos.9l4ANi > fllo KAUNAM STIIKF.T. NKW YOUK Orricr , UOOMH II ANII i.iTmntiNC WASHINGTON Orriuc , No. 613 COHHE3PONDKNCR. All coramnnlcntlons relating to news nnd edi torial matter should bo addressed to the DuiTOtl LETTKUS. should be All business letters and remittances uldresse no TUB llr.u PUIIMBIIIHO COMI-ANV , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poMofllce orders to lie made payable to the order of the company , Tbe Bee PuHiSuininJipy , Proprietors E. ROSEWATER , Editor. THE UAII/T DISK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Btnte of Nebraska , I . , Jounty of Douglass , [ " " _ ( leo. If. Tzschuclc , nocretnry of The Ueo Pub lishing company , does solemnly xwear that the actual circulation of the Dally lice for the wcuk ending Feb. 24,1HB8 , was as follows ! Hutunlay , Fob. 18. . . 18,333 Sunday. Feb. 1 18W Monday , Feb. 20 Ift.rd Tuesday. Feb. 21 lO.OCC WnlnwMay. Feb. JB 10,1V Thursday. Feb. 23 Ul.OUC Friday , Feb. 24 .in.08 ( Average , 18.1 % OEO. n.TZSCHUOH. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence this 85th day of February , A. D. , 18SB. N. P. FKlIj , Notary Public. State of Nebraska , I . . County of DouRluss , fB > " - Oco. 11. Tzschi rk , being first duly sworn , de poses and say si hat bo Is secretary of The lle < Publishing coil pan ' , that the actual avprap < dally circulation at too Dally Ilee for the inontt of February , 1F87,1,1 T8 conies ; for March , 1B87 , 14,400copies : for April , 18H7. 14.316 copies : foi May. IbW ) , 14.18T coplesj for Juno , 1887. 14,141 conies ; for July , 1W [ , 14.f03 copies ; for August IH-l , 14.161 copies ; for September. 1887. 14,811 Copies : for October , 1887 , H.tOT ; for November 10W. lfi28 ! coplps ; for December , 1B87 , 15.041 copies ; for January , 1F88,15,206 copies ; dEO. H. 17.SCHUCK. Pworn nnd subscribed to In my presence till ; Zd day of January , A. D. 1888. N. P. FKI I , . Notary Public. MKMWCUS of the board of education had bettor RO slow before joining wltli the boodle gang of the council in thoii schemes of jobbery and Hascality. CilAUNCKY M. DKl'EW declares the president should "by constitutional pro hibition be made ineligible for a boconil term. " Has anybody asked King Vain durbllt's viceroy to serve a lirst term'/ and the rest of the filibusterers - ors in congress who oppose the postof- fico building appropriation for Omahi : and other western cities ara subject tc a malady called Bourbon shortsighted ness. THE overworked postoiflco clerks have got as far as the house committee will : their grievances. The delegates fron the National Postolllco Clerks' associa tion want the clerks to bo placed in six classes and to bo paid as well as the clerks employed' in the departments al Washington. Tine president evidently could no' ' earn his salt as catcher for a base bal nine. At the sub-tropical oxpositioi at Jacksonville Mrs. Cleveland play fully tossed to him an orange which he muffed , She offered to pitch another hut the president declined to receive it saying that a man got Into trouble r long time ago by taking fruit offered bj a.woinau. THAT provision of the constltutior vrhieh permits a congressional distric to bo represented by a citizen who ii Hot a resident of it is receiving a sin gular illustration in Wisconsin. Wher the Bragg-Dolanoy war was on In thi r * Pond du Lac district , ox-State Treaa Uror Guonthor of the Oshkosh ilistric f xnado Fond du Lac his homo for a fort night and received the republican nom ination and an election. Now tha Delaney and Bragg have both beet expatriated , ono to Alaska and th < : other to Mexico , it is proposed to sent Guonther over into the only Wisconsh district now represented by a democra that represented by Thomas Hudd 01 1 the lake shore and in which there is i , largo Gorman vote. Mr. Guonthot would rather run for governor , bu Senator Sawyer is boss and there lore Mr. Guonthor will become at itinerant prosolytor. A now in the faculty , though no down on the university catalogue , ap pears to be ono of the standing courses ii these institutions west of the Mississippi At present the state university of low ; Is the scene of a bitter war. The quarro has broken out in the medical depart rnont where ono of the professor is charged with malpractice ii conducting surgical operations from the result of which patients have died Over in Dakota , the state university a Vurmilllon is in a state of turmoil ovoi the action of certain regents. The ; turned out a professor of chemistry ti , rauko room for n college fledgeling , the relative of ono of the school directors Other changes in the members of tin faculty have been made by the Dakoti regents to accommodate their polltica friends. What standard of scholarshi | can exist in colleges where learning i t , prostituted to political influence ? f THE National Civil Service Reforn League , a non-partisan organization has been quietly looking up the rccor < of Commissioner Atkins of the Indiai ; bureau. The report of this society ha " ' brought out the facts , that the Indiai Borvico Is not f roe from partisan control Up to November , 18SG , of the sixty-one Indian agents appointed by Prosldon Arthur only eleven remain. The nov nppointoes are all democrats. In thi judgment o ( the league , the change wa influenced by political partisanship ti jnako places for personal friends o party leaders. At many of the agoncle nearly all of the employes have bteppci down to make way for democrats The truth can not bo dodgei that the Indian bureau has been man ngod in the interest of domocratU bosses nnd not primarily In the interest f the public service. The Indian bu ' reau is ono that can bo used for partisai purposes moro easily than any other It. occupies a small share of public at tontlon , owing toils comparalivo unlm portanco and the scattered location o the reservations. Mr. Atkins , there lore , should take warning not to include cludo the Indian service with th claims of the present democratic admin ia trail on in the matter of civil sorvici ' Teform. * The Pa bile Building Q > ctlon. A few members of congress who court notoriety as advocates of economy have proclaimed a sweeping opposition to measures for the construction of public bulldlngtand If permitted tohavethelt way would do a great deal of harm to the interests of both the government nnd the people. The indiscriminate hostility of these men to proposed im provements of this character was shown on Saturday when the * Omaha public building bill was reached in the house. All the evidence which reasonable men could require to prove the necessity for a government building in this city has been submitted. It was sulllclont to sat isfy the senate committee and the senate , nnd It was so far effective with the house committee that it re ported in favor of appropriating half a million dollars for the purchase of a site. There was every reason to expect that this would bo approved by the house when the hill was reached , but when it cajno up in its order the per sons who profess so much regard foi economy were successful by recourse tr parliamentary filibustering in prevent ing a vote on It. There is not a doubt that the bill will bo passed , perhaps to morrow , when it will bo again reached , and probably when it shall have been returned to the senate and finally goes to a conference committee the entire amount of $1,200,000 voted by the senate will bo allowed. But the would-be "economists" will have made their rec ord , which is all they really desire , There is a great deal of senseless and indefensible opKisitlon ] to government expenditures for public buildings botli in and out of congress. Much of it ii that body is simply rank demagogy , Most of it on the outside Is from locali ties that have already received vastlj more than their share of government consideration in this direction. Regarding garding the spirit that commonly pre vails in congress respecting all public improvements the San Franciscc Chronicle pointedly says : There is nothing quite so puerile , so silly so absolutely Idiotic in the whole system o : federal government and legislation as tin way congress goes about public uulUliugs ; or indeed , any public improvement. The Idei of that body seems to bo that there Is no money enough to really do anything with and that everything must wait until the money can bo collected , year by year , froii taxation. Now , such u way of doing buslues : was all well enough when the United Statci was sailing close to the wind and had to usi its funds with the greatest care ; but now with the country groaning under a surplui ( according to Mr. Cleveland ) , or at all event : having all the money it needs at its disposal such a method of carrying on public improve ments is utter and defenseless nonsense. Let us illustrate by an example. A man i : receiving a salary , lot us say , out of which hi can put aside $103 a month to buy a lot am build htm a house. This is his limit. Now if ho is a prudent man , ho will spctu only his (100 a" month , and if his lo is to cost him $1,000 and his housof3,000 he will take fort5' months in whicl to buy and build. But suppose that after hi has saved his first $100 or (200 there is sud dcnly left to hjm a fortune of (40,000 o $50,000 , while his monthly income remain the same. If this man should put his $40,00 or ยง 50,000 into an old stocking or into a saf deposit company's vault , and go on layini asldo his $100 month wherewith to buy hi lot and build hls _ house , what would b thought of his sense or judgment ! Would h not bo deemed a fool or u lunatic ! And yet that is precisely the policy whicl congress pursues with regard to public im provements. It piles up money in th treasury , at the same time protracting th time for building public buildings and work as if the money had to bo saved llttlo by llttl for them. Why does congress not do as : business man would do : determine what i wanted , and its cost , and then npproprlat the money for it , instead of dawdling alon with a driblet at this session and another a another session , until the patience of the pec plo who have contributed the money is exhausted haustod ? It will not bo questioned that nubli buildings are asked for that are no necessary , and that in other case larger appropriations are called for thai would bo needed to construct such build ings as nro required. . A proper can and discrimination is expected of thi representatives of the people. Bu these are not implied in such narrov and pucrilo opposition as is gene rail ; made to this class ot improvements' , i notable example of which was furnishci in the house .on Saturday. What i needed is a practical , busincss-liki method of dealing with those matters and this can hardly bo hoped for whil the majority of congressmen are no practical. Meantime the govornmcn having abundant moans at Its commani in excess of its current wants , whicl ought to bo returned to the people thcro is every reason why it shouli adopt a generous and wisoly-directei policy of public iraprove'monts. A Convention of Republican Chilis The vice-president nnd the niembe of the cxe'cutivo committee of the re publican national league for Nebraski have issued a call for a convention o the republican clubs ot the state , to assemble semblo in Omaha on the 15th of March This is duo to the recommendation c the nati onul league , and is in accord unco with a policy that is being pui sued In all states whore ropublica clubs are organized. Clubs having nc loss than twenty memborsarc rcqucste to send three delegates , besides whet tho.prcsidont of each club will bo ci titled to a scat in the convention. Thi primary object is the organization of : state republican league which shall act in conjunction with the national league and the state central committee ami the call judiciously provides tha ' the convention shall not name , recom mend or nominate any candidate foi ofllco. " The purpose Is simply to prepare pare and discipline the republicai forces of Nebraska , by thorough organ ! zation , for the coming national battle. The Bier has alreadv spoken In roc ommondatlon of this purpose , and I therefore approves the action that ha been taken to carry It out. Organl/.n tion is a prerequisite to success. Polltl cal parties can no moro dispense will it than can military armies wlthou peril. The club has become a vita force in politics , nnd when the powo of many of these organization is concentrated nnd wisely um harmoniously directed it imi ; exert a very great influence. No ono n\ doubt that Nebraska will bo found i the republican No'vomboi but confidence tn thfa fact does not ren der organization loss desirable or neces sary. The roico of the republicans , ot this state should bo heard and their in fluence felt throughout the country while the contest IB in progress , nnd to make these effective they must go out as the expression of un organized and harmonious body. The aim of the national league is to inspire the interest and quicken the zeal of republicans everywhere , and it should have the as sistance of all republicans. Undoubtedly the call for a.stnto con vention of republican clubs will bo cheerfully responded to bythoso organi zations now In existence , and meantime the republicans in localities whore thcro Is no club.should promptly organize seas as to secure representation in the con vention.- There is a long and hot cam paign ahead , and it Is not too soon to be gin preparations for it. Wall Street llefornl. A dispatch from Now York says : "Wall street still sags , " and that a pe tition signed by the most prominent and influential brokers on the street will bo sent to the governors of the stock ex change asking for the appointment of an auditor who shall investigate and report upon the actual condition .of the various corporations who have their se curities listed on the board. Wall street seems to have discovered at last that the reason why the stock exchange is deserted and investors no longer flock to the brokers' ofllccs Is be cause there is a general distrust of all railroad securities. The men who have been swindled out of millions of dollars by the thimbloriggers of corporate mo nopoly decline to furnish moro funds for stock gamblers and stock jobbers. They have learned , apparently , from bitter experience that there is no ono to "temper the wind to the shorn lamb" of Wall street , and they are placing their money in manufacturing enter prises throughout the country and in profitable investments in western realty. After two years howling about "western town lot bunco stcerors , " in their endeavor to frighten eastern cap italists from placing their money outside of Manhattan Island , the brokers and commission men of Wall street have come to the conclusion that nothing but radical measures of reform on the stock exchange will-attract custom and lift the sagging market. They propose accordingly to have a sifting examina tion made of all corporate securities and to wipe olt the boards the names of all worthless and water-logged stocks and bonds. This is a stop in the right di rection , or would bo could It bo put Into operation. But it is extremely doubt ful whether any investigation could ever bo carried through against the tre mendous pressure which the Goulds and Saces nnd Fields and Corbins would bring to prevent an exposure of the rotten - ton roads in which they are interested. For all this , the fact that such a propo sition has even been considered is in teresting corroboration of the charges which have been made by the press ol the country as to the reasons whj Trinity church looks down upon a deserted - sorted street. Stock gambling was at tractive to small operators only so' long as they considered that there was a pos sibility of a fortune being won through manipulation on change. As soon as they learned by years of bitter experi ence that nine Iambs out of every ten came out of Wall street shorn anil fleeced through a stacking of the cards by the manipulators of great corporate interests they quietly withdrew fron : the game. They are not likely to flocli again to the street until the impression now firmly fixed in their minds that al railroad securities are of doubtful stu bility can be removed. Tnc bombardment of the postofilce bj the western press is producing good re suits. Since the time when Anderson of Kansas , ana Senator Plumb oponec up upon the penurious policy of the present administration in its misman ngcmont of postal affairs , the demo crats have been steadily on the defense Western senators and representatives who have boon bcsoiging the depart ment for extended mail service have discovered a moro generous fpoling or the part of the administration , and hav < been met with apologies instead of cur' ' replies. The appropriations committee too , fearing the effects of adverse pub Ho sentiment in the west , have de tcrmined to add considerable to the np propriations for postal service during the next fiscal year , and the amount ! called for by Postmaster Genera Dickonson to make up deficicncic : have boon promptly granted. Thi : change is another instance o the' value of an aroused publii opinion as voiced by the press in forcing a performance of public duty by official : nt the national capital. The plan o campaign which the wily Vilas put Snt < operation has been knocked into i cocked hat. His successor , who had clr culatcd more among the people , had tin sense to discover that cutting down tin mail service in the west would do nion damage to the party than a showing o bogus economy would do good in tin east. Several other leaders of democ racy were rudely awakened to the fac that the demand for a self-sustaining postal service was not half so vocifcrou as the cry of discrimination against th < people of the west and of wretched ac commodations to the public using tin mails. HASCALI/S estimate of grading Doug las street from Seventeenth ti Twentieth , and Eighteenth nnd Nine tconlh streels between Farnaiu am Dodge , is $1504XX ) . Hascall knows.tha the grading can bo done for less thai $ oOX)0 , ( ) , of which the city will only havi to pay one-half. The damages to adjacent jacont property could in no event exceed coed $25,000 , which would more than bi olTsot by the benefits and improvement : which , under the charter can bo assessed against thi property bonelitted. In oilier word Iho expense to the city of grading Douglas street nnd its Intersections be tween Seventeenth and Twontietl streets would no only about one-thin what the city has paid for lowering Eleventh street last , year and not ovoi half what this city and county hav < jmid- for grading Thirteenth strool south of the rnllroajlj to HascMl'8 ton acre lot.- And , by thr wny , the grading of the street _ ln * fuont of Hoscall's grounds was entirely done at the ex pense' of the cqilh whllo property owners on Thlrtoq'nih north of IlascaU's road house had t6 pftjf half of the grad ing expenses In frpnl.of these lots. AncttlTECT McDoNKLTi in lecturing before the Y. M. C. A , , the ether night described as ono of the necessities of a perfect building ' that "sculpture ot painting bo employedto ] tell the story of the building. " What tablets of brass or what statues of Inarblo will tell the story of city hails built by boodllng councllmen ? la Up In the Profession. lloston alnbc. As an adroit manipulator of meaningless yyord , Dr. Mackenzie , Unsor Fritz's phy sician , takes the royal bun. Pulverize the Sugar Combiner. JVeio York World. There is nothing refined about the sugar combiner. If the people don't like being crushed , he Buys , they can lump it. Fate's Finger. MlnntaixtUi TrUnine. "Tho finger of Fnto is pointing at Mr. Conk- ling , " sayn the Chicago Mail. And you arc quite sure that the thumb of Fa'o Is not ut the same thno resting playfully on the tipol Fate's nose ) Bound to Fall. Kama * CUu Journal. The latest rumor in regard to trusts Is that the Rothschilds are attempting to form a diamond trust. They will find this a dilllcull mutter , for they will flrst have to secure the co-operntUm of the hotel clerks and the bar tenders. - State Convention of Republican Clubs , NEIIUASKA HEADQUAUTEUB RE- ruiiLicAN LEAGUE or THE UNITED STATES. O3IAHA , Feb. 10 , 1883. Pursuant to the recommendation ol tho. republican league of the United States , wo hereby issue this official call for n convention of the republican clubs in the state of Nebraska , to assemble nt Exposition hall , in the city of Omaha. Nob. , at 11 o'clock in the forenoon ol Thursday , March 15 , 1888 , and to con tinue in session until the completion ol any business coming before the conven tion. tion.Wo Wo request each of the republican clubs , throughout the state , having u membership of twenty or thirty or more , to select thrco delegates to repre sent the club In this convention. The president of each club is , by virtue of his office , entitled to a seat in this convention , in addition to the throe delegates provided for. The delegation from a club to cast but OHO vote. The primary object of holding this convention of republican clubs of the state is the organization of a state re publican league , which shall act in con junction with tho' , national league and with the state central committee , and which shall in no wise interfere with the duties and prerogatives of the latter. The formation of a" state league ie bound to conduce to the efficient co operation of these climbs. In state and national politics , and will load to in creased party . efficiency , to intelligent comprehension , among the masses , ol the living questions before the country , and to a degree of organization hitherto unknown in the history of any political party. The convention shall not name , recom mend or nominate any candidate foi ofllco. v Delegates nro notified that , during the convention , the rooms of the Young Men 'a republican club of Omaha , ut the Millard hotel , will bo open as the head quarters for the delegates from out ol town. It is of great importance that each club send at once tno names of the dele gates selected to Charles A. Collard , secretary of the Young Men's republican club of Omaha ; address room 17 , Ne braska National bank building , Omaha , It is earnestly desired that republi cans residing in communities where there is now no club organization will proceed at once to effect such organiza tion , elect their delegates to the state convention , and report as above. GEORQB D. MEIKLEJOIIN , Vico-President of Republican National League for Nebraska. R. W. BKECKENRIDDE , Member Executive Committee Republi can National League. STATE AND Kcbrnskn Jottings. Lincoln county will put $5,000 in c now jail. Ord is slocking up on a butter anc cheese factory. The republicans of Falls City have clubbed together. York proposes to invest $22,500 in f central high school. Aurora is sending out feelers for the Missouri Pacific extension. The "Bank of Prosperity" is t flourishing institution in Liberty. Rev. Brown has undertaken the np palling task of spreading righteousness among the lost in Lincoln. A bunch of Union Pacific surveyors camped at Fullerton last week nnd sol the vesldents to speculating on futures Miss Josie Sutton , a former resident of Crete and a popular young lady , was ono of the cyclone victims at Mt , Vernon. The bank of Valley. Douglas county is in running order. C. E. Mnyno , o ! Omaha , is president , and John Rile vice-president. The Fullerton Journal reports the pulse of Nance county republicans beat ing strongly for Blaiiio , with Shbrmai second and Lincoln third. Local option has corked the saloons ii Aurora. Two saloon ipcn wore trie < : and convicted last week , and the thiri plead guilty and was lined $2oO ant costs. ' "There is probably no doubt , " says- the Wayne Herald , "that , if Omalu : could got a railroad to Yank ton and or , to a connection with1 the Northern Pacific , without paying out a dollar foi It , that it would accipt St. " The West Point Republican ii branching out as a political prophet With Phil Sheridan as. leader in the next campaign , it i | ' convinced that tin republican party would sail into powoi with a tremendous hurrph. Mayor Aloxander.'of ' Hastings , carrlci his nerve with him on nil official occa sions. Accompanied by u policeman t < fun him , ho pulled a pokon game a feu nights ago , jailed flvo professionals and lined them * 10 to f50 each. Greenwood , a lively town in Cnsi county , has sent committee to , tie brasku City to inspect the Boyschlaf cereal mill at that point. A mill of likt character , to cost $ lt > ,000 , is to bo bull : and operated in Greenwood , provldet the citizens give a bonus of 92,000. Banker Spitzer , of Toledo , has becom < infatuated with Nebraska's gilt edge securities. The $10,000 in bridge bond : issued by Columbus have been purchasei at a premium of $3GO. Mr.Spltzor's investments monts Bro tinged with one gulp of gloon his failure to secure the Omuhu higl school , bonds. t . Frank Ford , of .Broken Bow , whih speeding Ms team on n country road , was dropped to the ground by an acci dent to the wagon. The horses took.tha front wheels and dashed away. After a two mile spin they ran into buggy occupied by Calkins , a man of seventy years. The buggy was wrecked , and the old man dangerously Injured. His shoulder blades were factured , besides a number of cuts and brusios. The editor of the' Loun City Trans cript Is a feather weight champion of Sherman county. Ho ngitntcs the hand press at 127 pounds. A 2T,0 pounder , with a crushing swagger and a loose tongue undertook to show the scrlbo how to run the paper. "Wo did not dispute his ability to do said act , " says the cheerful editor , "yet wo are still able to attend to our duties. Self- preservation is the first law of nature , consequently wo had said gentlemen placed under bonds to keep the peace. " Henry Miller , of Phelps county , went out with a gun ior ducks. The gun was a regular shoulder dlslocator , and was loaded with fine slugs. Henry braced himself for the shot , but the gun wont oil at both ends. The brcoch-pin struck Miller above the eves , breaking the skull and depressing tno brain. Ho was stunned for a few minutes and with his companions walked half a mile to his home. Doctofs extracted several splin ters of bone nnd trepanned the skull. Miller'is now doing well and is likely to recover. His escape from instant death verges on the miraculous. The Butler countycommlssioners were paralyzed last week with a bill of (3,300 from Lawyer Cowin for services in the bond suit of the Blue Valley railroad. The county voted (53,000 In bonds in aid of the road , but they were declared void. The litigation cost the county (11,000. The Press says it cost David City severely. By supporting the now road she earned the hatred of the Union Pacific , and refusing to pay made the B. & M. her enemy , and until the Northwestern came she was * lbo- twoon the devil and the deep sea. " Ex- norionco comes high , but people must have it at any price. Town Items. .Davenport is negotiating for a cable street railway. Cohtorvlllo had a sensation last week in the marriage of a white man and a colored woman. Kcokuk has stopped the use of stone flagging for street crossing purposes nnd will use brick. The third reunion of the Twelfth Iowa volunteer infantry will take place at Waterloo , Black Hawk countyThursday and Friday , April 5 and 0. The women of Fort Dodge have sworn out nine injunctions against saloon keepers of that city , and declare that they will close every saloon. Articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state Monday hy the Garden City Canning and Pickling company , of Pclla , with a capital of $5,000. Children returning from school near Fdirport Wednesday evening found an obstruction on the track and flagged an approaching train , which stopped just in time to avert a serious accident. The Davenport Cremation society is going right ahead , and at a late meet ing the purchase of the lot was ap proved and plans presented for the cre matorium , work upon which will bo commenced as soon as practicable. Just for the fun of the thing a man in Dubuque the ether day saturated his pants with kerosene and then touched himself off with n match. A few min utes later ho was outside the house roll ing In a snow bank to put out the flames. The State Teachers' association adoptcd _ the reformed spelling of the following twelve words and recom mended thut teachers use them and teach them : Hav , ar , catalog , dofinit , gard , giv , hcd , shal , the , thru , wil , wlsht. A hair-raising horror is i-eported from Davenport. Wednesday a bright llttlo girl thirteen years old was left alone in the house where she was employed as a domestic. A stranger called , chloro formed her nnd cut her fine hair off close fo her head. The police are look ing for the mysterious tonsorial artist who perpetrated the rape of the locks. Dakota. Jamestown has secured an electric light plant. Fargo sent a carload of provisions to the Mount Vernon cyclone sufferers. The Fargo board of trade proposes to raise (8,000 to secure the Catholic see for that city. Senator Stanford , of California , has sent a check for $5,000 to the Dakota university ut Mitchell. Huron lias positive assurance that the Manitoba grade between Watertown and that city will bo ironed and in ope ration by the 15th of Juno. Ed Little , a prominent man in mining circles and one of the first discoverers of many of the mines in the Black Hills , died nt Dcadwood last week. Natural gas was struck at Ashton at a depth of 100 feet. When ignited from a three-inch pipe it burned steadily , throwing a blaze four feet high. The recent official census shows that Aberdeen has a population of S,0-J4. The city has boon redistricted into four wards to conform with the now charter. ? The following is extracted from the annual report of Bishop Walker of the Protestant Episcopal church of north Dakota : "Tho parishes nnd missions are 43 in number ; baptisms , infants , 181 , adults , 23 , confirmations , 81 , communi cants , 0811 ; marriages , 27 ; burials , 83 ; Sunday school teachers , 55 ; Sunday- school scholars , about 309 ; contribu tions , $14,010.23. " Penny 1'oatngc. ; lmcrc ! < JH Grnccr , February 15. Next to frco sugar nnd American ocean mail service the g'reatest boon congress an confer on the American peoulo is penny letter postage. From the Inception of the present post ( jillco department to the present its history has been ono of progress and reform. It has sometimes been tardy in responding to the popular demand for cheaper rales , greater facilities , rapid service , frco de livery , yet in time it gets abreast of public sentiment. Wo nro glad to note that congress hears the voice of the people for penny letter postage. On the 4th of January three bills were in troduced in the house of representatives as follows : H. U. 1080. Provides that mailoblo matter of the flrst class shall bo paid at Uio rate o ( Ic for each ounce or fraction thereof. H. K. 1427. To reduce letter ) > ostago to lo un ouncu by amending Sec. 30XJ. H. H. 1-T-l To rcduco the rate of postage ] on letters , commonly known as drop or local leltui-s to Ic. These are timely and practical meas ures that are not likely to burden the department. Penny letter postage would do away with postal card sorvlco , which co.its the government more than it receives. It fuunishes the cards , transports them as first-class registered mail mailer , causing an expenditure of several millions yearly in order to place the cards on sale at 55,000 differ ent offices. It gives the people ether service merely for public convenience , which costs the government largo sums thus free delivery of mail matter coits nearly $5,000,000. Is there any good reason foV trans- porting four ounces of socond-claa matter for 1 cent and' exacting 8 cent ! for sending h.lotlcr the .same distance It Is no more expensive , nor does i require any different sorvlco to. trans port a letter weighing ouo ounce for : cent , than it docs ( o furnish pbsta cards nnd carry them twice through tin malls for 2 conls.tho first transportatlot coating $1.14 per pound ns Hrsfr-clasi registered matter. If two ounces of circular inclosed It an envelope can bo sent nil ever the coun try for 1 cent , what Is there to provem the sending of a scaled letter weighing ono ounce for 1 cent ? The average weight of letters son through the malls is five to the ounce returning the government 10 cents poi ounce for Us service , as against 1 confer for two ounces of circulars , or 1 cent foi four ounces of second-class matter. Wo have confidence that penny lettei postage would bo self-sustaining wlthli two years. It would load to changes ii the character of the matter mailed that would go a great way to offset the re duction and also would lead to saving In many branches of the service. The surplus In the treasury Is a con stnnt menace to the general welfare The public good is the first considora tlon in ridding the treasury of its hoard ings. Frco sugar , adequate compensa tion for American ocean mall sorvlco and penny postage brings relief toovorj citizen , whllo expenditures for publii buildings , pensions , etc. , only Indirectlj help the people at largo , besides cstab lishing bad precedents when boyoiu our real needs. Wo boast of no standing army , but at enormous surplus of revenue has foster ed raids on the treasury , until in 188 ( this government paid $03,000,000 in pen sions , while Germany expended $85 , 000,000 to support her entire army while her pension list was only (5,500- 000. Stop the use of public money foi private good and give us a cheaper and bettor mall service. "In 1880 the post ofllco dopartmenl reported a revenue , (3,228,000 loss than its expenditures. Since then It has re' ' duced rates of postage , Increased the number of offices 12,000 , extended fret delivery in cities and greatly improved the services in ether directions , antl still in 1887 its expenditures were onls $3,5-55,000 moro than Its receipts , n dif jorcnco In seven years of only $327,000 during which time the salaries of post masters were increased $4,200,000. Are not these facts alone sufficient to war rant the granting of penny postage foi ono ounce letters11 ! Cheap postage is ono of the most nc tivo and useful educational factors thai a nation can bestow upon its people. II would stimulate correspondence quite as much as cheap transportation develop ! an increase in passenger traffic. Evorj letter mailed is n source from whicl springs ono or moro other communica tions. Besides individual benefits penny postage would increase the fraternal tornal relations between different sec tions of the country. Thus far the pros out administration , whllo satisfactory t ( the people , has done nothing to make it live in history. If it should do nothinp else than establish penny postage its history would bo marked ana its nctior remembered through coming genera tions. Let us hope that it will not dnlij with this subject as it has with the ocean mail service , the tariff reform and other important measures , butpromptlj respond to the popular demand for pen nj letter postage. D Overworked Hallway Managcra. St.OHIO Pont-Dfejxifch. The retirement of the Union Pacific's general manager , Potter , broken dowi by overwork follows soon after the dcatl of Ho.xie nnd Tulmago from the same cause and suggests the need for some effective legal curtailment of the ex ceedingly oncrus nnd multifarious labors now imposed on the general man agers of railroads. Such 'curtailment would bo a merciful protection to the body politic and to the people at largo as well as to the general manager him self. self.It It is not merely the physical nnd men tal strain of responsibility proper that kills this munificently salaried drudge , It is not traveling hy day , working hi night , investigating department details tails , studying commercial situations etc. , thut kills him. An army of well- chosen , well-organized subordinate ! makes his labors in that field compara tively light , and his pathway smooth In England and other countries where this is all the strain ho has upon him the railway manager is a man of ele gant leisure robust , long-lived am never complains of overwork in charge of the most expensive railway business , But in addition to real railway busi ness the general manager of a rnilwaj in this country has as heavy n load o ! cares and responsibilities as the Czar o ! Russia. ' Ho is required to run the caucuses and conventions of both opll- tical parties ; to handle stntolcgislatures and city councils , as well ns boards o ! trade ; to watch the courts as well as thi stock exchanges ; to work all the wires of government in the largo district which ho rules over ns the pro-consul for the Cxsnrs of Wall street , and from which it is his business to extract the largest possible returns of revenue foi his masters at the lowest ] x > s- siblo expense nnd with the least possible political friction. . What kills him ia the moral strain thai is put upon him , the manipulation o ! lobbies and officials ; the wielding of the terrible power of discrimination in trade to build up ono trading point or interest and destroy another. All these labors and responsibilities should bo diverted by law from railroai nianagoi-3 , nnd for the sitko of the general welfare it should bo made i punishable crime for any railroai manager to exercise such functions , 01 for any railroad company to impose sucl labors on him. Hail No Ktcnk for Him. Chicago Tribune. Strange requests are sometimes made of senators by applicants for office ane persons who daily throng the corridors of the capital. The telephone in the ofllco of the secretary of the senate rang ; violently ono day this week , as if some hungry applicant was determined unor an imincdietu hearing and resolved thai nothing should intorfuroro with his pressing wants. "Hello ! Hello ! " came through the telephone. "HolloV" "Is this 277 ? " "Yes ; go ahead ? " "Is Mr. thoroV" mentioning the name of n well-known senator , ' Yes. " 'Toll him to como to the telephone. ' "All right. " The senator , who , bv the way , boars the same name that a well-known res taurateur in. this in this city bears , was called and promptly stopped to the in strument. "Hollo ! " "Is that you , ? " "Yes , go ahead ! " . " * "Where is my steak ? Send mo n beef steak at once ! " "Send you n what ? " "No , not a what a beefsteak. " "What did you say ? Say that again,1 called the astonished senator. "A heefstoalt u beefsteak b'ee f , . tfc * fij.Ld& ! * ti dk&4bJt'ftlk * ' ? beef , a-t- -ft-c. rteak beefsteak. Ofl you catch thiit ? ' * "No , I dbn't , " ihou'tod the Irate sena tor , losing all patience nnd throwing1 ttown the receiver. "What does the follow want , anyway ? " turning to an at tendant. The latter , whoso pranks have sot the secretary's office roaring moro than once , stepped to the tele phone. "Hollo ! " "Blank , blank , blanlcoty blnnlc , I want my steak. I ordered it ever half an hour ago. I wish you would , let mo know If vou intend sending it before the next Fourth of July ? " "O , yes ; Mr. will be sorry to hear of your disappointment , but as a senator of the United States ho cannot faror your request ; thcro are no stakes hero for any ono , and all application must bo made directly to the head of the proper department. " There waa n discordant hum M of many voices at the ether end of the wire , a faint echo as of suppressed laughter , and then como un almost in audible whisper : "It's all a 'mistake ; ' good hyo. " Hooks antl Magazines , A very interesting and instructive ! work is a recent issue from the Willianut Publishing Co. , Cleveland. Ohio , and entitled "A Third of a Century in the Gold Fields. " The book is edited by Frederick T. Wallace and is a pleasantly written tale of the experiences of Chas. D. Ferguson , a ' 4lor ) during a residence of thirty-four years in California and Australia. "Life of James Russell Lowell" Ia the latest from the D. Lothrop Company , ' Boston. E. E. Brown Is the author and * . baa produced a clover , and interesting sketch of ouo of America's remarkable men. i * "It Is the Law" is a touching tale of marriage and divorce by Thomas Edgar Willson and published by Belford , Clarke & Co. , Now York. The story Is interesting throughout. The Technology Architectural Re view is published by the department of architecture of the Massachusetts Insti tute of technology. The publication consists of a folio of plates made by the gelatine systoinand the Illustrationsa'ro handsome and interesting. The Review will , without doubt , bo fully appreciated by the architects nnd draughtinon of the country. Mr. Thomas R. Kimball , son of Thomas L. Kimball , of Omaha , ia ono of the editors of the publication. * S , 13. Miner has laid before the public the result of many years' thought and research , in book form. It is entitled , "Creation ; Or , the Power Behind K vo lution"and is intended to disclose Iho unity of matter and force. The wonc is worth a careful reading. Burdctto com pany , publisher , Burlington , Ia. * Cassoll's Family Magazio , Now York , for March opens with an installment of that spirited serial "Monica , " or "Stronger than Death , " which bids fair to outdistance some of its predecessors in popularity. ' , Some Cats of a Larger Growth , " is a lively paper on tigers , by ono who has lived among them in their native jungles. The devoted sister who nursed her brother back to health through a case of typhoid fever , gives the conclusion of her experienceswhich ought to be profitable reading to ama teur nurses. Following this the inter esting "City of Shcoroofs" is described. The "Family Doctor" this month tolls what ho thinks of so-called tonics which is not flattering to their compounded , "My Cookery Class nnd What I Tavght it , " is n thoroughly practical paper , and so is a ' , Family of Bovs and How They Were Started in Life. " The two fash ion loiters nro filled with their usual amount of early information from Lon don and Paris. "Tho Gathorer"is unusu ally full , and among the novelties it re ports is an "eloclrio table writer. " The publishing house of Frank OrfE & Co. , Omaha , have completed a hand some business dircclory for Nebraska City , Nob. The same firm is now en gaged in preparing a directory for South Omaha , which will be issued soon. * The Quiver , published by Cassoll ft Co. , Now York , for March will bo ver interesting. The opening article de scribes "A Now Mission Field. " The newly married , or oven those about to bo united In the holy bonds of wedlock , will find much profitable reading in the address on "How to Sanctify Mar riage , " by the Rev. Gordon Calthrop. Edward Gurrett continues his papers1 on "Tho Salt of the Earth , " in which he gives sympathetic sketches of seine noble lives. "Maggie's Watch" is a story for young people. "Somo Re markable Church Towers" are described with pen nnd pencil. Thcro are stories , long and short , serials , poetry , and a bundle of "short arrows" that bring this number to a fitting close. "Tho moon of Mahomet arose , nnd it shall sot , " snvfi Shelley ; but if you will vl sot a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ' < | in seine handy place you will have u quick cure for croup , coughs and colds. The eighth wonder of the world a be nighted man.limping with rheumatism who had never heard of Salvation Oil. Price iJo cents a bottle. Cutting ; a Oirl'H Hair. Brooklyn Eagle : Cutting a maiden's hair would scorn to bo a task ot pleas ure. My barber tells mo this is not so. Ho is an affable gentleman , with end less patience and small conversational powers. "You'd think it was fun. woulel you ? " ho said the other day. "Well , lommo toll vou it ain't. ' " A girl has just put her iicad in the door lo hay thut Miss Ethel Black wanted a shingle and would bo at homo an hour later for the operation. This provoked the query. "People who didn't know might think ns you do , young feller , but they fool themselves. I'll go 'round there in an hour and a mighty mean time will I have. Ethel will bo tlioro. of course. So'll bo Ethel's throe sisters , her maw , her Aunt Sairy , her gran'maw and like as not homo of the neighbor's women. They won't none of 'em want her to do it , except perhaps , the young est gal in the lot , Ethel's mndo up her min a , but they all talk to her. Her Aun Sairy will snuffle and ask Maria , which is the girl's maw , how can she let her do it , and the neighbor's women side f I with her. Gran'maw will kick , too. Other girls giggle and toll her how bad she'll look. Then I gits to work. They nil yell nt the first nip of the shears. Then they begin on me. I've got to suit all of'cm , including the aunt and * gran'maw , who can't ' HOC no. moro'n a cat in daylight. It's kick , kick , kick , from start to finish. When I'm through I'm tired lucky if I ain't mad. Cut a gal'a hair fun ? Notmuch. FmtH , Figures niul Words c = a < learned rapidly and never forgotten by ' training the memory in Prof. LoiBottors now and wholly bciontillo system , en dorsed by hundreds of famous men. , Taught by corrosK | > ndonco. Send for frco prospectus to Prof. LoiBotto , SJ37 , Fifth avouuo , Now York. A courtship that had been In proves * thirty-emu years terminated in marriage at Clinton , la. , last week. It U supposed that the Icup-yuur urivllob'o w uxorcUud by tU lady.