Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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- . A-mentis AS IRISH CABIN ,
The Tale of Sickness and Oruol
A Woman's Pitiful Title of a Wrctoticcl
liife An American' * Kxpurlcnuo
WltU aNobliMiinn'B Unfortu-
natc Tonnnts.
Blnkqly Hull , writing to the Now
York Bun from GlengnrilT , Irolnnd , un
der date of January 118 , says : This Is a
remote , desolate , and cheerlessupoi , hu
manized by two houses mid an inn. I
nrrlvod last night after a drive of many
hours In the rain from Bantrywhcro the
railroad comes to an end miles beyond
the mountains. After 1 had put on dry
attlro nnfl eaten heroically. I wan
dered out un dcr the portico of the Inn.
It was dusk. Not u human being was
in sight. ThogaloHweptaloiir ( , lushing
the waters of the bay and the sea over
the rocks with u sound llku the contin
ual hiss of escaping steam , Algnilicd at
tlmcB by the sullen roar of the larger
waves. Rain clouds scudded down the
mountains that towered aloft on nearly
every sldodronched , the inn with spray ,
nnd were swept away again by counter
blasts that loft the road in front of the
door comparatively clear. It was cold.
Mud was everywhere.
A hostler with a blanket-hooded'head
drifted by about 8 o'clock the llrst man
I had scon in two hours. He came to
the door when I hailed him , and re
marked , cheerfully :
"It's bad . "
a night , sur.
"Worse than usual ? "
"Oh , sure I can't pay that all nights is
stormy hero at this time o year. "
"Havo you u stable hero ? "
"Wo have , tnir. "
"How many horses ? "
"T'reo honor wan's th'
, yor ; an ass ,
other died twelve months como
' . an' there's ' little
Fobr'y. Kaytloth' gray
mare. "
"I want you to drive mo over to Lord
Laiibdnwno's ustato to-night "
" ? "
"And leave mo at the door of one of
his cabins. "
"Whist , g'long. ' Faith , yor Inrkln'
wid mo. Y'd have t'bo croasin' the top
a th' mountain boyant there d'yo s > eo
it ? above th' clouds a matter of sivin
milo at lasto. The wind 'd bo blowln
yor honor olT the cliff * '
"People live there , I suppose ? "
"They do , God help thim ; they do
whin Lord Lunsdowno will lave thim. "
Wo started a short time after this , to
the unqualified iiiim/imicnl of the land
lady , the driver , and the little gray
For an hour and a half wo slowly as
cended tho" mountain until wo got above
the clouds and out of the ruin. Hero
there was a long tunnel. Wo drove
slowly in and out into the open air
again. The wind was racing along at
such a rate that our blankets were
almost whisked out of our bauds. The
pony shied against a massive clitT and
hold her head down. A moment later
the rain caino on the crest of another
wild blast. It bounded like the shriek
ing of a thousand demons as it tore along
through the jagged rocks of the moun
tain side and wo wore drenched in an in
stant. The uproar of the gale die'd ' away
into long moans like the ilisUuit turf as
it swept into the valley below. Then it
suddenly sprang up again and Kci > t us
1 huddled in the shelter of a boulder
that projected from the clitT. Our
loft was the towering niiths of rock ;
along it the narrow road with its sheer
and awful fall down into the wind-swept
valley. The1 driver put his arm around
my neck and bellowed into my ear :
"Have y' anny idear at all a' fall
phut yor goin' t' dp now. "
"Is there a cabin anywhere in this
wild ? "
"There is , sur. Manny a wan , an' . ,
whin th poor devils in them can't meet
th' rint his lordship thrusts thim out
womin , children , an' all t' live in such
weather as this , and whin th' children
die of exposure an' cold there"s some-
thin' ribos higher than th' hurricane on
the mountains , an' that's th' chorus of
curses on th' head of the lord. I'll take
y' now t' th' cabin of mo cousin boyant
hero. His name's MeCormiek , an' he's
been a hardworkin' man all his
life. At tlio ago of fifty he's turned out
in midwinter wid live little children ,
won beln' deathly sick. "
We descended for a mlloortwotill wo
came to a barren bit of bog land that ox-
tondcd along Lord Lansdowno' domain.
At half-mile intervals his lordship had
rented small holdings to the farmers.
By tilling five or six acres patiently all
the year long and draggingloads of peat
to market in all Kinds of weather , the
tenant * managed to pay their rent ,
amounting to about $18 an acre. They
had no money for clothes or food. The
rents wore raised. The ill-fated and
luckless workers could do no more. They
wore evicted in midwinter. Their suf
ferings in the desolation of that bleak
nnd wretched country aro.ahpobtbeypnd
The car stopped at the foot of a small
hill. The driver led mo over a turf
wall , nnd together wo struggled to the
summit. The night was peculiar to the
climate of Ireland , for the fleecy
clouds that occasionally appeared
after the fitful showers showed
the country for a few yards
around. I could see no house nor sign
of ono. Wo blundered and stumbled
on through rairo that came up far above
the tops of our shoes. At times I
thought the abominable suction of mud
would cause mo to continue barefooted
on my way. I had arrived at such a
Btato of complete and dire discomfort ,
that all I wanted was a little shelter
from the piercing wind. It was a
ghastly night to be abroad. I asked
again or rather yelled , for the singing
wind made ordinary speech inaudible
whore the cabin was.
"Across iv bit of swamp , y' honor.
Th' land near th' road was too valuable ,
so they giv' them this piece boyant.
I'll bo intorjoocln'yor honorasalab'rin'
man , else th1 poor fo'kes 'ml bo ombar-
rusbcd like. "
Presently wo climbed another wall of
earth , and I discovered the shadowy
outline of a little thatch-roofed hut
scarce six feet high , as many broad , and
perhaps a dozen foot high , us many
broad , and perhaps a dozen foot in
length. It was far too cheap and rude
n structure for a cow house in America.
The driver bent double , and , drag
ging mo after him , pushed in through
the door.
"God save all bore , " ho yelled.'It's
ycr cousin Tom what's got u poor man
hero. "
"Faith , he's welcorn surely , " came
the ready response from the corner in
the suave voice of the Irish pcsantry ,
"an' you too , Tim. "
"It's mo car that broke , an' lot the
man t'th * ground , " remarked Tim.
"Will yoz kapo him here till raornlnT' '
"A v course , " said MeCormiek heart
ily. "Bring him over on th'bed. Move
up. you , " he remarked to his wife.
"Take Patsy in yor arms , " bald the
Vrifo "an1 that'll "
, give more room
"No " I "I'm
, no , protested , dripplnjj
wot. llmako myself comfortable by
the door. " . .
The air was cold , but , worse'than
that , stifling from the lock of ventila
tion. But even then I could not help
being Impressed by the simple but
superb hospitality of tbo poor people ,
who , amid all their dismal
adversity , were yet willing to share
their bed , with a stranger stumbling In
on them at midnight.
The driver withdrew with another
benediction , and I resigned myself to a
night of dreary waiting. I felt a hand
clasp my coat , and penciling down found
that It was cold , small , nnd hardened
with toil. It drew mo gently to the side
of the bed a pallet of straw and moss
on a low frame.
"Faith don't bo stnndin' there , " bald
Mrs. MeCormiek in a tone of remon-
btranco as she pulled mo along. "Git th'
bit av box bo th' table an' sit hero , wid
yer back against th' wall. How wet y'
yar , sure.1
I fixed up a rude scat and leaned back.
The floor was of mud. There was no
lire , of course. Such a luxury was out
of the question , for the peat must all
bo sold to meet Lord Lansdowno's de
mands. I thought of his income from
this ono of his many estates estimated
at $80,000 a year and contrasted it with
the lives of my hosts that night. Then I
fell to ( inaly/.lng my own sulfcrings. I
found that I could keep from shivering
by a mighty effort , but there was
always a penalty sooner or later in an
awful and bone-racking shudder. The
children cried at intervals and the
sound of the chattering 'teeth of the
woman by my side was pitiful I took
up another analysis of my conditionand
was wondering what the final sensations
of a man who frcc/.cs slowly to death
were. The sharp twinging , shooting ,
and cutting pains that the cold had
brought about had turned in time to n
dull ache in the legs and arms. This
had now gone , and a burning sensation
succeeded. Then came another shud
der."Will It soon bo day ? " asked the
woman bv my side , in a droning voice.
"Not for six hours yet. Are you
sleepy ? "
"Indado I'm not. < How could I slapc
wid what's before mc ? : >
"You arc to bo turned out , I'm told. "
"Wo are. To-morra , too. "
"Have you anywhere to go ? "
"Tho bog , that's all. Our naybors
are no better than ourselves. Is there
jubtico on cart' ? Phat 'avo we ( tone
sure to bo bo punished ? " Her voice
foil to a low , droning tone that was al
most in consonance with the wind that
played under the caves. "Whin this
place was so bad that Lord Laus
uowno may his own children rih
against him could do .notliiii
wid it mo husband , but a lad thin , asked
for a plot av ground. They tol' him ho
could bottle hero fur back from th' road
an' across th' bog , an' that ho'd have
t' pay no rint th' lau'bein' bo bad. He
worrucked an' worrucked for eight
an' whin ho'd th'
years , got little farm
goin' sure phut happened ? Ho wus tel *
to nay live years' back rint. "Twas th
day before ho married mo , an' full well
Lord Lausdowno and his agents know
that th' money mo fadder was givin' mo
on mo widdfn day would jjt > t pay this
rint. So wo give ail wo had in th' wide
\\orruld t' Lord Laiihtlowno on pur wid-
din' day an' begin life widout a
ha'penny. God knows it was hard , but
it'b been harder an' harder over since.
We carried th' stones of which tins
cabin's built' on our own backs from
th' mountain foot an' whin ito / done
his lordship raised th' rint agin bec-ibo
th' farm wu/ more valybul wid a cabin
on it. Since thin for twinty long years
havowo toiled and toiled draggin' peat
into Konmaro for ninoponcc th' load an'
wallvin' biyinteon miles a day t' do it
Ruvin'un' bcrapin' an' t-tarvin' , but wid
all our work gittin' a little behind each
year. I haven't tasted mate for six
yearn , an' on this cold night after twinty
years of work I have a meal sack for a
petticoat an'mo ole shawl to keep mo
shoulders warrum. Phat'vp wo done ? "
blio asked piteously. half rising in bed.
, 'A11 our lives wo vo toiled fur Lord
Lansdowne , but we can't do moro'n wo
can do "
"Curse him ! " shouted tho'husband in
a voice that came like aclapof thunder.
"May his boul go witherin' down to "
"Kuh-winkgy. , kubwinkgkuh. .
winkgx , " ' camca stilled snort andwhinc-
"Howly murtherl" cried Mrs. McCormick -
mick , ' yo'vo ' waked th' pig. "
The ueuco was to pay apparently.
The children bet up a howl , and the pig
protested eloquently and refused to bo
soothed. I lislicd out my match box and
handed it to McCormickt who found a
dry match , struck it , and Held it aloft.
There was a sight for you ! Why
don't ' some of the painters who are look
ing for subjects do this ? In the middle
of the bed rose McCormick's gaunt fig
ure , holding the mutch above his head
and addressing , words of fulsome love
and pubsion to his "darlint'1 pig. His
long gray hair was dishevelled , and
his redish beard stuck out wildly
from his chin. His rough shirt wns
open at the neck , but ho was dressed
in his ordinary attire , naturally enough ,
of course , for the poor devil hud no
other. Hanging to the uplifted arm of
her husband was Mr. MeCormiek , call
ing upon the pig , in the name of heaven ,
to bo a lovely thing again , and give up
its "humbuggin' " jokes , while in the
fur corner was the pig , on all fourswith
its snout in the air , snorting like a
freight engine on an up grade. It was
a line pinkish and clean-looking pig ,
too. Directly under the animal lay the
sick baby. The little thing was piping
shrilly. A miscellaneous assortment of
children lay between the father and
the pig. Wrapped around the baby was
the shawl Mrs. MeCormiek had spoken
of as keeping her own shoulders warm.
She had taken the only garment that
could give her a bit of comfort and
placed it around her child , with the
marvelous unselfishness of a mother's
heart. She had even put the child
from her , too , because she know that
there was more warmth in the pig's
than in her own emucinted body.
Warmth in that dire strait was all im
portant for the sickly child. The moth
er , meanwhile , had nothing around her
shoulders but n thin little waist. She
lay there shivering , but happy , for she
felt that the child was warm.
It did not seem to mo at that moment
that any man , no matter > how soullcbs
and grasping u Shylock ho might bo ,
could thrust such people out into the
swamps in midwinter.
The match went out. After a time
nothing was heard hut the wind and
the periodical plaints of the children.
The woman lay shivering by my side.
My own coats and shawls were too wet
to do her any good.
' Faith , I wouldn't ' take them from ye
if they were dry , " bho bald in her mu
sical drone.
"It'd bo a hard thing , " said the hua-
bnnd , with the bamo air of hospitality ,
"to tak' a man in , an'thln I've him wid-
deut hisclo'so. "
"I should thlnlc. " I said , still think
ing of Lunsdowno when not engaged in
wondering why I over left Now York , "
that you'd try some other landlord. "
"There's small choice. Mo husband's
friend , Dan Donoghuo had a farm
twenty miles bey a nt on the domain of
the uarl of Konmaro. "
"Tho misery that earl has made ! "
muttered the husband , softly.
Then the woman told mo Dan Donog-
I hue's story , which I learned to-day was
I authentic in every particular.
I ' 'He's 'a beggar uow , " pho said
slowly , " worktn' bq the roadside whin
he can git work , stnrvin' whin ho can't ,
his wlfo nnd children scattered , his life
wrecked. They raised his rint. Hard
times camo. He could do nothln' . Ho
was evicted in ' 78. No one would take
the farm at the rint asked , an Dan wuz
allowed back to take care of the farm.
In 1880 ho was summoned f'rth' posses
sion. Ho had eight children , and four
of thim were lyln' sick wid th' measles.
The wife went to the earl and bcgired
him in th' name of God not t' turn them
out in winter nn' while th' children
wusick. . No mercy. Th' bailiffs wint
to' th' house , throw th' furniture out ,
lifted up th' bed by th' four corners on
which tli'bick children lay all covered
wid a red coat of 'th' measles
carried it out an' dropped it
in th' cow yard. Thin they boarded up
th' house an' went back v th' carl of
Kenmarc. In less than an hour th'
youngest child , .Tamlo , died. I scon th'
poor little saint bra the his last there on
th' muck of th' cow yard. " She began
to cry quietly , thinking , I know , of hoi-
own sickly child. "Th' little corpse
was placed on a table under th' cow
shed , an' th' sick children sheltered.
So they lived till th' boy was buried.
Then Dan an' his wife were sent for.
They wint to the carl's agent , thinkiii'
his heart might bo at lust softened.
Once they were sent away agin , but
when they returned they found they'd
boon decoyed tiwuy. In their absence
tbo bailiffs tore down th' little cow shod
an' put th' children in th' road. Next
day Dan Donoghuo wuz arrested
for tryln' t' take possession of th' house
an' sent t' jail. His wlfo was likewise
sent t' jail for dlggin1 a meal of potatoes
for her stUrvin' children. Oh , sure , it's
all in the court records. The children
were put in the workhouse. Where arc
' .hoy all now ? Shuro none can tell. An'
'or what wuz the happiness of thorn all
ivrcckcd'r1 Because they couldn't do th'
mpossible. Faith , it's a calamity an' a
rime t' bo born poor in this countrv. "
For a long time after this the woman
talked of the woes of her native land.
The conditions of the lives of these
ack-rented and impoverished people
: vro simply inconceivable. A few
days of their llfo would drive the average -
ago American mad. I sat there in sod
den aflliction until ft o'clock , when to
my delight the driver put his head in
Mi rough the doorway.
"Air y' there ? " he said softly.
"Faith y' must bo near dead. "
I was. Wo left some loose coins on
, ho soapbox , and then I journeyed back
, o civilization and comfort. But I have
lot yet celiseil wondering that any man
on eurth , bo he nobleman or commoner ,
can have the heart to turn such un-
'ortunatcs out of their wretched hovel
nto the swamp.
Pence on Earth
Awaits that countless army of martyrs ,
whoso ranks are constantly recruited
from the victims of nervousness and
lervousdiseubcs. Thcpricoof the boon is
! i systematic course of Hosteller's Stom-
: u'li Bitters , the finest and most gejiial
of tonic nervines , pursued with reason
able persislenco. Easier , pleusaiiter and
safer this than to swash the victuallins
department with pseudo-Ionics , alco
holic or the reverse , beef extracts , nerve
foods , narcotics , sedatives and poisons in
disguise. "Tired Naturo'ssweel restorer ,
balmy sleep , " is the providential recu-
perant of weak nerves , and this glo
rious franchise being usually the consequences
quences of sound digestion and in
creased vigor , th'o great slomachic which
insures bolh , is productive also of re
pose at the required time. Not unre-
frcshcd awakens the individual who
uses it , but vigorous , clear headed and
tranquil. Use the Bitters also in fever
and nguo. rheumatism , kidney Iroubles ,
coiiblipalion and billiousncss.
How Ho Made It Interesting For His
Now.York Tribune : A small boy and
girl , with beaming faces , led by a neatly
dressed woman , who bore a look of un
told anxiety , as if she had already
passed through deep waters in getting
them as far as the door , entered the
winter circus yesterday. As they approached
preached the lickot chopper the boy
broke out into a shrill yell :
"Wo passed the place where you pay ,
ma. Como over hero. How much have
wo to pay ? Lot mo buy ! "
Sho" nudged him to keep quiet and
pulled him along , but ho would not bo
put off , and had just broken out again :
"Ma can't in for "
, jou get nothing"
when she passed in her tickels ( compli-
monlary ones ) , and hurried them
through with a gasp of relief and some
thing resembling a smile on her tired
"Ma , bow'd you got in for nothing ? "
"Hush , can't you ? Look ut that man
in the tank. "
"What's he doing , taking a bath ? "
' That's the diver. "
"What's a diver ? What does ho do
it for ? What's his name ? Could you
do that ? Could my dog do that ? Ho
can swim. You told mo you went in a
tank when you were baptized. Is ho a
Baptisl ? "
"Do bo quiet and listen to what the
man says. "
The diver shows the watch which ho
takes down with him , uninjured by im
mersion , and says it must bo a "water-
bury. "
"What docs ho call it a Waterbury
for , ma ? 'Taint a Waterbury at all.
Pap's got a real Water "
"Will you hush , sir ? "
"Why ? "
"If don't I'll ' take
you , you right
home. "
'What's that man in a dress for ? "
"That's a woman with a board. "
"Whco-o-o , ain't she ugly ? Why don't
she shave ? "
"Sho makes her living by showing
it. "
"Why don't you do that ? "
"I haven't got a board. "
"It might grow after awhile. "
" .If you don't hush this minute , you
little torment , I'll got your pa to whip
you this night. "
"Why , I ain't doing nothing. Hooray !
sco the elephants. Wny ain't ' they all
got drunk ? Count 'em , ma ; ono , two ,
throe , four , fl what makes them bob
their heads till the time ? "
"I don't know , I suppose it amuses
them. "
"How ? "
" 1 don't know , 1 sny. That's the baby
elephant. "
' How old is it ? Has it got tooth yet ?
What makes it's skin so loose ? Was it
fatter when it was born and got thin ? "
"Oh , do stopyour horrid questions and
como along. "
"What's that little thing ? "
"That's the gnu baby. "
"Where's the old ono ? "
"I mean g-n-u , the animal. That's its
mother in the cage. "
"Whcro's its father ? "
Again a grusp from the mother and
another push forward. Just then the
gong warned all to take their beats for
the ring performance. Away she wont ,
the boy dragging her on beforotho girl
holding on behind. Several times she
tried tempting short cuts and as many
times wus turned back , but at lust , al
most in tours , settled them on their
scuts well in front. They really But
silent for a few minuted the boy spell
bound. . Not until the champion kicker
failed to kick us high r s hia mark , did
ho open his mouth. Then , in n very
loud voice : ' > J .
"See how red his 'faco IB. Ho feels
disgraced. " r _ , (
This remark , bdinfc perfectly audlblo
to the C. K. did not make him any
paler. When th slack wire woman
began her antics , he asked :
' What's she want the long polo for ? "
" ' "
"That's n bat
"Oh , yes ! I khow , Pa tells us about
the ballot. " ,
By this time > the mother had sunk
intaaklnd of " ' ' "
kind of helplessness.
"When will tile Bniiko-mun como wig
gling out , ma , like qn the bills ? "
"Hobo comesno\ | . "
"Pshaw ! Ho uii't | no snake-man. I
don't believe he's even a professor. Is
ho a professor ? Why ain't I limber
like that ? "
"I suppose it runs in his family. "
"Perhaps hisgreat-greut-grcat-groat-
groat-grandfather was the snake-man
that fooled Adam and Eve. Was he ,
ma ? "
"Gracious ! How you talk. You make
mo sick. Can't you let me alone ? "
When the l'T rin Sisters , Queens of
the Equestrian Ring , " came out , the
boy explained :
"They're twins , you know , because
they're nearly the same age. The pret
tiest isn't so good us the other. That's
why she's the nicest , so she can muko it
up by showing off. "
Just here the little girl , who had not
uttered a sound since she came into the
building , burst into a roar of crying , fol
lowed by a scream of "Oh , he's detidl
He's deadl" as she gazed with horror in
her two big eyes on "Johnnie Purvis
and his two trick donkeys. " In vain the
mother tried to reassure her , and not
until the donkeys \voro brought to life
by their muster s kiss could she check
the stormy sobs. The boy rose in genu
ine disgust at his sister's weakness. "I
told you not to bring her , " ho said , "I
know sho'd make u nuisance of herself
and bother tbo life out of you. Lot's co
homo. The show's over anyway. "
OWhat you need is a medicine which is
pure , ofllcfent , reliable. Such is Hood's
Sursuparilla , Nearly everybody takes it.
Try it yourself.
Story of the Existence of Fnhulous
Wealth In Abandoned Missouri Mince.
Stories of "lost mines" containing un
told wealth have been current in south
western Missouri for some timo. A cor-
rcspondant of the St. Louis Globe-Dem
ocrat at Dexter , Mo. , writes : That
such mines over existed until the pres
ent timo'was only surmise , and all re
ports in regard to them are founded
principally on legendary talcs that have
gained circulation. At several differ
ent times discoveries have boon made
that it was thought would result in locat
ing thcbe once known treasure vaults of
nature , but their whereabouts have re
mained unrovcalcd to the many anxious
seekers who have gone in search of
, hem. c j
The fact that they do exist and that
they were once worked by Indians is
now probably established beyond the
shadow of a reasonable doubt , for it is
known to at lea'sVoho person , yet resi
dent of this section , that there are such
mines. t
The story told by this man is about as
lollows : >
When quite a young boy ho was stolen
and carried away from homo by the In
dians and lived among them until the
beginning of the war , when ho was al
lowed to return among the whites , his
tribe in the meantime having partially
civilized. During his sojourn among
the Indians , who Were located some dis
tance west of hero" , ho made several
trips west , then to the mines , and they
always carried back loads of silver ore ,
which was melted and traded to
tne whites. The value of
these mines and the importance of
keeping their location secret was a frc-
qncnt subject of conversation among the
chiefs of the tribe. Ho says ho knows
the very spot where the sunken burgo
nnd its precious load lies covered by a
sandbar not more than two feet in
depth , and that itis not in Current
river , as many suppose. Ho says that
the buttle between the Indians and the
Spaniards who were trying to get away
with the barge of ore was fought near
what is now known as Battle Shell or
Butter Shell lake , in Wayne county.
No intimation as to the whereabouts of
the mines could bo drawn from him ,
further than that they were not far dis
tant and that ho had been to them , or
ono of them , within a week , and pro
duced from his pocket a big-si'/od lump
of ore , which from all appearances was
Ho says ho makes several trips a year
'to ' his mine , and each time brings away
what ore ho can easily carry , and the
fact that ho is frequently away from
homo for several days at a time , his own
family not knowing whither he goes , is
some evidence that he is away , to say
the least , on mysterious business. Ho
positively , refuscs to make a confidant of
any one , and says that notwithstanding
that his life has boon threatened and
force used to muko him divulge , ho is
yet ulono in the possession of it until
such a time as ho can use it to his great
est advantage. Ho learned enough of
the ways of the Indians while among
them to successfully cover up his trail
when ho goes on his trips to the mine.
This story of "Pottawatamlo" as ho
has been nicknamed because of his sus
picious and sly Indian nature , cannot ,
of course , bo vouched for us all solemn
facts , but that silver docs exist in this
section is well known , and that the In
dians did at ono time work silver mines
in southeast Missouri , there is almost
positive proof from other sources. These
facts , together with the fact which is
well established , that this man did once
live with the Indians , leads many to
believe that his story is not entirely
without sumo foundation.
The Michigan Ccntral'fl Niagara.
The Michigan Central does not as
sume the ownership of Niagara Falls ,
but it docs off or to its passengers from
its station at Falls View , the grandest
and most comprehensive spectacle that
the great catdract affords. It is the
only road that" runs directly by the
falls , and from this point all parts of the
cattiruct , the angry rapids above and the
boiling caldron below , are in full view.
At this season , when the clitTs are hung
with gigantic icicles , and the trees and
shrubbery covered with curious forma *
tions of frozen spnfu , the scone reaches ,
in the language of ; Bayard Taylor , "tho
climax of beauty. "
i 'i ' *
A ( jueor Experience.
Cincinnati Enquirer : In the year
1802 my husband thought the short
route to wealth was by the way of Kan
sas , and we loft our snug little homo in
Ohio and departed for the Sun ( lower
state. "What the hardships of the bottlers
tlers of those days were is well known
by readers of 'history. After trying
various ways to make a living , my hus
band contracted with the government
to haul freight from Lcavonworth to
Denver and Santa Fo. Oxen were used
and ho made but two trips a year. The
Indians in those days were numerous
and hostile , and many of the whites who
inhabited the plains during those years
were more to bo feared than the red
men ; I , never felt as much
uneasiness , as I think now
would -h&vo. been but natural I
* -
sftssff's'ifisrsheW ' * t'
until he was nwny on his third
trip. It was nn afternoon , cold nd dis
agreeable , in the month of January. A
strnngo feeling came over mo. My old
est daughter had married and her hus
band won In the union army. For three
days I have no recollection of either
eating or sleeping. I could think of
nothln if but my husband and son-in-law.
Our stock died from cold and exposure
and want of something to out , and wo
wore in actual danger of the same fato.
But oven these misfortunes could not
drive from my mind the Idea that some
thing had befallen the absent ones.
And there hud. The very afternoon
? hat the strange feeling had como over
mo my son-in-law wus severely wounded
and was left three days uncured for on
the battlo-tlold. Six weeks later my
husband returned , and in telling mo his
experience I found that during the
three days of my uneasiness ho had been
lost , and in a blinding siibwstorm among
the Rocky mountain.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The onlr road to take for Den Molne * . Mnr lmltown-
Cedar llaplds , Clinton , plson , Chlctmo , Milwaukee
anil all point * Ka t. In the people nfNebru'ka. Colorado
rado , Wjomlnir. UUh , liliilin , Nevada. Oreifon. WaMi-
InKton and California , It olrera superior advantages
not possible by any other line.
Among a few of the. numerous points of superiority
enjoyed by the patrons lit till' road between Omaha
and Chlrauo , arc Its two tnilrn n day of DAV
COACHKS , which are the finest that human art and
Imicnulty cnn create. Hil'AI.ACKSI.KKriNdCAHM ,
which are modnlt of romfnrt and eleKanre. Us I'Alt-
I.OH DIIAWINU ROOM CAKS. unMtrpaiied by any ,
and Its widely celebrated 1'AI.ATIAl , biNINd CAltM ,
the equal of which cannot bit found elsHWheru. At
Council Illuirn , the train' of the Union Tactile Hall
way connect In union depot with the u of the Chi-
caijoA Northwestern Hy. In Chlcano the tralni of
tills line make close connection with those of nil
other KuMprn lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
Niagara Falls , Buffalo , IMttslmrR , Toronto , Montreal.
Doston , Now York , Philadelphia , llaltlmorc. W.ish-
ItiKton , and all points In the Kait. Ask fur tickets Tla
th °
If you wlih the t > e t accommodation. All ticket
agents ncll tickets Tin tills line.
11. 11UUIIITT , K. P. WILSON ,
Oen'l Manager. Ocn'l 1'ass'r Agent.
ciitcAno , itLM.
W. N. BA11COCK , ( Ji-n'l. Wentern Auent. .
1) . K. KIM1IAI.I. . Ticket At-ent.
U. K. WES J' , City 1'asKcnKcr Agent.
1401 1'arniiin St. , Oinnhn , Neb.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Onmlia nml Council
Muffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar KauUfc ,
Itock Island , Frccport , Hock ford ,
Clinton , DiilMique , Davenport ,
Elgin , Mnillson , , Tanes > ilie ,
lleloit , AViiionii , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Kust , Norlhcant and
For through ticket * cull on the ticket nirent ut 1101
Farnain street , In Darker UluU , or at Union 1'acltlc
1'nllinan Sleepers and the finest Dinlnc Ctir < In the
world are run on the ninln line of the Chluifo , Mil
waukco & bt. Paul Hiillwuy , and every intention !
paid to passeiiKCrs hy courteous employes ot the
com piny.
It. Mil.I.Kit. Cenerxl Manacer.
J. F TUCK Kit , AxMituniCiencitil Manager.
A. V. II. CAltPKNTKll , General Passenger nnd
Ticket Axent.
UKO.K.HIAFFOUI : > , Assistant General Passcnitcr
and'llckct Auent.
J. T. CLAltIC , Hencral Huperlntendi-nt.
no i ruoQouirro WITH TKJI onooiurirr or THII
By reason of Its central poittloi clou relation to lines
last of Chicago , and cuntlnJjm lines t terminal
points West , sforthweat and etouthwest. Is the true
middle link In that transcontinental systtra which
InTlus nud faeUlUtee trarel and traflo between the
Atlantic and Faelfle.
The Rock Island main line and branches Include Chicago
cage , Jolts t , Ottawa , LaBalle , FeorU , Oeneseo , Molina
and Rock Island , In Illinois ! Davenport , Museatlae ,
Washington , ? alrteld , Ottumwa , Oskaloosa , West Lib
erty , lown 01 tjrDesMolnesIridlanolaWlntersetAtlan.
tie , KnozTllle , Audubon , Rarlan , Oatbrle Centre and
Cutncll Bluffs , la lews , ! Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. .sepn ,
Cameron and Kansas City. In Missouri ! Lea , ? . > iworth
and Atcblson , In Xantasi Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
It. Paul , In Minnesota ) Watertown and llouz Falls , If
Dakota. , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and town * .
"The Great Rook Island Route"
Guarantees speed , eoasfort , eertalntr nnd safety. Its
permanent war Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track Is ot soil *
tteel.ltirolllngstoekperfect. ItspassengerequlpBeat
kaj all the sats tj appliances that experience haeproreJ
nsefnl , and for luxurious accommodations Is ni
passed. Its Express Trains consist of superior
Coacbee , elegant Fulunan Palace Parlor and Bleeplnc
Care , superb Dlnlntf Cere , prorldbjg' delicious meale ,
nnd ( between Chicago nnd Bt. Joseph , Atchlsoa and
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. IV man-
rement U eonserratlTe , Its discipline exaetlnf
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Fa. ' Is tke
favorite. Orer this line ( olid Fast Kxpress Trains run
ally t nttractlTe resorts for Marists ! Iowa and
MlnnssoU , and , rla Watertown and lleux Falls , to the
rich wheat and gratlug lands of Interior Dakota. Vis
leaece and Kankakee , the Rock Island offers superior
Inducemeate to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian ,
polls , Lafayette and Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Atchl-
son , LeaTenwortn , Kansas City , St. Paul , and Interme
diate points. All patrone ( especially ladles and chll-
drenreeelTeproteetlon , courtesy nnd kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folders , coplee of Western Trail , or
ur desired Information , apply to principal voices la
th * United lUtee nnd Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
1.1. CAUE , I. ST. JBHsl , I. A. HDUUQI ,
Third Jtidlrill nistrlrt ,
NOB. 303-404-17O- .
Incomparably the )
Agricultural Implements.
Dealer in Agricultural Implementsfagons , ,
Carriages and Runglcs. .1 < * ie Ptrcrt.bctwvcnVthtnd
_ luth , Omaha , Nebraska.
AgricultnralImplements , agonsCarriages ,
nuygles.Kte. Wholesale. Omaha , Nebraska ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml. WO. .M and W ! Jones Sire el. Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultlTStors , Ilay llakrs. Cider Mills and I.uban I'ul-
Tenters. Cor. llth and Nicholas Streets.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Currier llth and Nicholas Streets. _
> t V I V i l\VM
( Akron. Ohio , )
Harresting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. MeaJ , Maunder. lii.I lAmvmmortli St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Vth and I'aclflc Vtrcots , Omaha , Neb.
Artlats' Matorlals.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 Douulas Wreet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boota and Shops
. Mol SE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 Farnam 61. , Omaha , Neli. Manufactory , bummer
Street , lloston.
( Successors to llccd , Jones A Co )
Wholesale MauufacturersofBootsandShoes
ABen,8 for l ton li-blT KhOoIB , 1104 * IIU
Bp.qksell.ersjand.Stationers ; .
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kcnyon A Co , Vt holcsalo & Ilctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wcddlnif Stationery , Commercial Stationery.
ttfl Douglas Street , Omaha , Nvb.
Coffees , Splcos ,
Omaha Coffee and M'tco Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring llxtracts , laundry Illiic. Inks. Ktc14H -
141C , Humor Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Crockery and Clossware.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. OIU cc , : < 1 ? 8.13th bt. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Com rnjti sip nan dJStora go.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Duller , Kggs and Produce. Consignment * solicited ,
Headquarters for btonoware , llerry lloiesand
Urapc Uaskcts. 1114 Dodge St. , Umalia.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , Eggs , Chee o , Poultry. Game.
Oystcr , Ktc. , itc. : Hi boutli 1 Ith r-trect.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Uuttcr. Onmc. Fruitn , Ktc. 2-JO South 1UU
bt. , Oinittm , Nebraska.
( Successors to McShane A. Fchrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oninlm. Ncbratka.
Coal , Coke and LI mo.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JW1 South nth Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , '
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , Lime ,
Drain Till * , and Sewer Pipe. OIllcc , Paxton Hotel ,
Farnani M. , Omaha , Net ) . Telephone nil.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
214 South nth H. . Omaha , Neh.
Dry Cooda and Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 11 < M Hondas , Cor. llth Ft. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gents' Furnishing CooIB. Corner lltli and HoJtiey
M . Omaha. Nfliratka.
Wholesale Bealcrs in Furniture ,
Knrnam Btrcet. Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705 , TOT. 709 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and I.eavcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1219,1231 nnd 123 Tlarney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
UK and llir , Harney Ptrtot. Omaha , Neb.
Joiners of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Kto. Aironts for Howe Scales ,
and Miami Powder Co , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and ScatRepair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 14QJ Douglai
Htreet , Omaha , NehraAa.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harney Sts , Omaha , Neb. Western Asenti
for Austin Powder Co. , Jefferson Steel Nails ,
Fairbanks Standard Scalps.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Kto. 1XN
_ and Ull Harney Btrcet. Omaha. _
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waconand Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware
Ktc. Hit and 131J Leavenwortli Bt . Omaha. Neb.
All Rinds of Huilding Material at Wholesale
16th Street nnd Union 1'tclflc Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7tli and Douglas : ' Coroci
_ Mb and Douglas. _
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher ,
lith and California Streets , Omaha Nebrask a.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner UU tad Douglas Bts. ,
. , . . Lumbar.
To Dealers Only ,
Office. lvmrn ia Plreel.Qmahn.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
( julncr White l.lmc.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpels uml Parquet flooring ! th and Douglas
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
Knidnfu. llruM WnrkUrnrrl Kouhilrj , Mnrliln * and
lllaikimlth Work , ottloe uml \ \ urkiU. . I' lljr.
nnd ITIh StroM , Omntm.
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings
Detk IUII. , Wlnitn T r.imr > tf > , Klimer ( Unn < 1 , Wlr
Mtfn , Ktc. ill North If tli Street , Oinntm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vault * , . ' " " Work , Iron nnrtTlro Kent-Inn , HlKim , Kto.
( ) . Anttrei'ii , 1'iop'r for. Illh umlJuckion SI * .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings ,
ml Scrccnx , fortmnk * . unirm. rtortu , u iiiriicrn , e
Improved Awnln . 1-ocknmltli Mnrlilnerr and
_ HlnckMiittli Works. VU South lull M , _
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
CJoncrnl Agent * for niotmU Safe A txirk Co. ' *
YaultnamlJuU Work , 1115 Furuaiu Street , Ouiaba.
_ Hate Capgtt Eto-
w. L. PARROTTE& co. ' . '
Wholesale Hats , Gaps.and Straw Goods ,
HUT Uarucy btrcet , Ouiaha , Neb.
_ Millinery ( ind Nptlon a , _
" " " "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
JM. 510 timl ; u South lllli Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 l nndW.Sdith IQthSt. , Omaha.
_ _
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
110i ! Humor Street , Omaha.
. .
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Oreate , Ittc. , Omaha. A. U. lllshop. Manager.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nleo Mock of I'rlnttnit , Wrapping and Writing
i' Special attention given to tar load onltn.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Typo , I'ITMPS nml 1'rlntciV Supplies. CO }
boutli I''tli Street , Oiuuba.
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing itml leather UultliiK. KXH Kurnam Strait ,
Steam Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pomps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Biippllex. Headquarters for Matt.
toast ACo'HRooils. 1111 Fnninm Ht.Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llallldar Wind Mill * . 013 nnd 920Firninm St. , Omaha.
O. K. lluss , ActluK Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Sheet Iron \Vork Steam Pump , Saw MIKs. 121J-131S
Leavcnworlli f trui-t , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil mid Dl.l.loiH'K Mruct ( ViiHlia.
Storogo , Forwarding & Commission
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
nraDthlinuioof the Ilennnv Ilunuy Co. nuegteaat
wuolcialo and retail , l.iw HlOaml 1112 Irani ritrcot ,
Omaha. Telephone No. 750.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Eponeter , Proprietor. VJO Dodge and 103 and 101
North luth Street. Omaha.
. .Brewers-
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1MI North Kliithtcenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktr. 1KB find not Douglas Street ,
Uuiaba , Neb.
Saah , ppqra ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch OIBie , nth and liunl Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds.
Mouldings , malr Work and Interior Hard Wood Klo-
. Isu. N , K. Corner Mil and Ixiatimwor tu btreets ,
Omnba , Neb.
Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And , Hank and Office VK >
tinKs. auth and I'oppleton ATOnue.
Smoke _ Stacks , Bpllora , Etc-
H7i < . SAWYER ?
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Brtlcblngs , Tanks and General Holler lleualrlng. 131&
Dodge , Street. Omaha , Neb.
r. H. i-ALMEn. x. v , iiiniMA.v. j. . III.ANCIIAKO.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllcc Uoom 21 , Opposite Kichango Building , Union
Blotk Virtu , bouth Oiuulia , t < ub.
Lire Stook Commission Merchants ,
Market furnished frco on application. Mockrrs and
feeders furnished on good terms. Kuicrences * Omsj.
ha National Hank anil r-outh Omaha National , Union
htock y..ri ! , houth Omaha.
Lire Stock Commission ,
Uoom 15 , Kictmnso Uulldluir , Union Slock Tardl ,
Kmlb Omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers in Lire Sock ,
teem 22 , Opposite , Kxchanza Ilulldlng , Union Block
Yards , South Omuua , NcD ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,