Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1888, Image 1

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Gonornl Mnnngcr Stone Ltotons to
the Ultimatum.
At the Hour Named Sixteen Hundred
Men Will Quit Their Posts
A LOIIB nnd Bitter right
to Bo Wn ; cd.
The War Is On.
CHICAGO , Feb. 20. Four o'clock Monday
morning was the hour officially announced
to-day as tin' tlnio for the great strike on the
Chicago , Hurllngton ft Qulncy railroad :
IJctwecn 11 and 12 o'clock this morning , S.
C. Hoge , chairman of the grievance commit
tee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers on the Hurllngtoir system , nnd J. H.
Murphy , chairman of the grievance commit
tee of llremen , called on General Manager
Stone at the company's ofllces and gave him
verbal notice that unless their demands were
ncqulesced In the men would strike at 4
o'clock to-morrow morning. Mr. Hogo
briefly stated what the men wanted.
Mr , Stone heard them through and asked
if that was the ultimatum. They said It was.
They told him that they , with Chief Arthur ,
could bo found at the Grand Pacific hotel
until 4 o'clock in the morning If ho desired
to communicate with them.
The interview was over and the committeemen -
men retired ,
The grievance committee of the engineers ,
of which Mr. Hoge , of McCook , Neb. , Is
chairman , is comixiscd of members of local
divisions of the engineers brotherhood on the
Chicago , Uurlington & Qulncy system. It is
n standing committee and has had entire
charge of the negotiations with Mr. Stone ,
general manager of the railroad. The chair
man says that the committee's direct nego
tiations failing , Chief Arthur was sent for ,
nnd ho attempted an adjustment of the dllll-
culty. Ho also failed. The committee , after
n strike was determined upon , agreed that It
should begin at 4 u , m. At that hour most of
the engineers will bo at the end of
their runs , and the fewest trains will
bo in motion. All the local divis
ions , and through them every member
of the order employed on the Chicago , Uur
lington & Qulncy system have been notified
not to go to work to-morrow morning unless
specially advised by the chairman of the
grievance committee to report for duty.
Firemen holding positions dependent to
those of engineers have acted with the latter
in everything , nnd unless Mr. Stone con
cludes to accede to the terms of the engineers
no engine will bo run out by the members of
cither brotherhood to-morrow. Trains on the
road will bo run to the ends of the engineer's
division and stopped. Passenger trains leav
ing any point before 4 o'clock will bo run to
the end of the division nnd side-tracked.
The immense suburban traffic of the road
threatens to bo put to great inconvenience ,
but It is quite generally expected by the men
that the company will bo able to employ
enough outside engineers to run a portion of
tin so trains during the day.
To a representative of the associated press
Mr. Stone said there were about sixteen
hundred engineers and lircmen in their em
ploy. How many of these belong to the
Hrotherhood ho did not know , but presumed
they all did.
"What is your programme forto-morrowJ"
asked the reporter.
"Wo will not attempt to move any freight
trains , " ho replied. "Our object is to run
most of our suburban and through passenger
trains ns usual. Our first endeavor will bo
to get in our suburban passenger and take
curb of all passengers for points not covered
by competitors. There are a largo number
of men In our employ capable of running
engines , in addition to the yard foremen and
road foremen , who nearly all arc old
engineers. At Aurora wo have
n largo number of young men
employed who have all learned the art of
running locomotives. All these will bo
pressed Into the service to-morrow , "
"How about the report that you are bring
ing on a lot of men from the Heading sys
tem I"
"Wo have no arrangement or contract to
that effect , " paid Mr. Stono. Hut wo Imvo
sent east advertisements for competent men ,
und wo have also received a number of tele
grams from individuals In Philadelphia and
othur Pennsylvania points saying they would
i-oino and bring other engineers with them.
To all these 1 have replied that wo will give
good wages and permanent employment to all
men of good character wlio are competent to
do the work. "
'Hut would you keep these men In case of
settlement with the old men I"
' Yes , sir. " said Mr. Stouo , emphatically.
Wo want all competent men whom wo can
depend upon and they will bo retained as
long as I am manager of the road" .
In regard to the freight traffic Mr. Stone
said their first endeavor would bo to take care
of U on the same basis that they would
passenger traffic as mentioned above. Ha
could not tell how they would got on until
they had M/.cd up the situation. If tno strike
was so serious as to stop their trufllc they
would have to lay off all their height
handlers and shop men and n number of
others employed in n similar capacity , num
bering six or seven times as many as the en
gineers and firemen. Ho does not , however ,
anticipate : > ny such serious state of affairs.
The managers of the strike were the cool
est men In town to-day , and at n seasonable
hour this evening retired to their rooms. The
officers of the railroad company were acting
with equal deliberation.
During all the weeks of negotiations Mr.
Stone had not been Idle. An agent of his
road wont to Heading. Pa. , and employed nil
the train men ho could who had been recently
thrown out of employment by the strike on the
Philadelphia ft Heading lines. Other points
were reached bytelegrnph offering work to
idle engineers. Every man in the shops who
could manage an engine was ordered to be
ready to go out with one. Applicants for
jobs as engineers got them in n hurry.
Early tills evening the officers of the road
salil they had enough men to run three trains
each way. The company has been running
twcnt.vix such trains daily.
Dlf the btriko assumes the proportions that
now seem probable about 11.000 men will bo
involved. This number Includes employes
that will bo thrown out of employment by
the strike of the engineers and ! lrcmn.
The strike Is not likely to involve any other
roads In the opinion of Mr. Arthur und Mr.
Sargent , though they expressed no opinion
on the contingency that some other company
might endeavor to aid the Uurlington.
"It is purely our own affair , " said Mr. Sar
gent. "No other road is concerned and no
oixler except the engineers nnd firemen. The
brukemcn und switchmen will remain neu
tral. Wo have not asked them to help us and
will not. If wo are beaten wo propose to
stand It nlono. "
When told of Mr. Stone's final determina
tion not to yield to the employes Mr. Arthur's
face was clouded for a moment. Ho said he
was sorry ; ho hated to see a strike , but under
the circumstances uo other course could be
taken. The men on the entire system were
unanimous for it. Ho told them of all the
difficulty they would have to encounter , "but
they decided to go Into It and the order will
do the best it can. When asked
if the company can get enough
good men , Mr. Arthur said : "It
cannot. It may employ some men wo have
expelled for drunkenness or stealing , but
will such men bo safe ! Can tno road afford
to But passenger trains iu the hands of sucti
men ) U won't belong till these men get
them into blgfcr trouble than wo are now
by striking for more wages. You see how' it
was on the Heading road. The company can
treat with us. Wo are an intelligent body ol
ftjcn. The men they get will not bo reason
ftblp"VUat . .
' \VUat is tuo trouble between the
Heading road , Knights of Labor engineers
and the Hrotherhood I"
"There Is none that I know of. I deny the
assertion that I sent men to take the places of
those now on ,1 strike on that road. I did not
send a man there. I did not know of any
brotherhood engineers had gone to work for
that road. "
"Have you heard of any Heading men com
ing hero I"
"I have not. I told our men what they
might expect. They discussed this view of
the situation and decided to go out. If the
company can get other engineers to fill their
places our boys must acknowledge their de
feat. "
Fourteen engineers from the Heading road
arrived hero to-night and were at once given
employment by the Hurllngton company.
The Situation In Omaha.
When a HKK reporter visited the passenger
depot of the Uurlington last night the wait
ing rooms were deserted , and the affable
gentleman who sells tickets | > ecrod through
the wire screen in front of the ticket office' ,
occasionally turning his head around to ad
vance a word in the conversation that was
being carried on by a party of gentlemen in
the office. The Kansas City train , which was
scheduled to leave in thirty minutes , was
already made up , and stood on the tracks
without waiting for passengers nnd the
signal to start on the Journey. There was an
apparent look of agitation on the features of
the officials present , who , however , retained
their usual composure and affability when
approached by the reporter und questioned as
to the latest aspect of the threatened btriko
among the locomotive engineers of the Uur-
liugton system.
"I know nothing , positively nothing , " said
ono of the gentlemen , addjng , "All
our trains have arrived and de
parted on time to-day , and our
lust train out , the Kansas City run , Is made
up and will leave on time as near as I can
understand. "
The reporter Informed the gentleman that
n dispatch had been received from Chicago
to the effect that the strike had been ordered
fo4a. . m. To this ho replied : "As to that
I cannot say of my own personal knowledge.
All the engineers 1 have spoken to are dumb
as oysters , and their mouths are scaled. "
Stepping out on the platform , the reporter
encountered nn almost wholly deserted train
ai far as passengers were concerned. With
the exception of the two occupants of the
Pullman , the day coaches were empty- The
engine that was to pull the tniin was already
attached , and snorted and puffed with dismal
frequency. In the forward , or smoking
coach , tno engineer who was to preside
over the train , lay stretched out
between two seats attired in his overalls and
wulus , and leisurely putting away on a cigar
and talking to a fellow engineer. Others of
the train hands sat close by , and the reporter
mingled among them. An acquaintance was
struck , and the engineer told the reporter
that he was n member of the brotherhood.
"Have you been notified yet that the strike
has been ordered for 4 o'clock to-morrow
morningi" questioned the reporter.
"No , " was the curt reply ,
"Heport has It that orders to that effect
have been sent out from Chicago , " was the
reportorial rejoinder. /
The engineer expressed no surprise over
the news , and it occurred to him at that
moment ho bad to go out and "oil up" his
engine. Once outside the engineer stated
that white ho had not ns yet received any
definite orders ho was expecting them. When
ho did get them , however , it would not bo in
Omaha , as there is no ono in authority in
this city to promulgate them. There Is no
branch of the Hurllngton brotherhood
in Omaha , the order centralizing at Lincoln
nnd Pluttsmouth , where the officers are lo
cated. It is from these points that official
instructions will bo issued , nnd further than
that the engineer would not speak.
Stepping over to tlio Union Pacific depot
the reporter encountered a man who solicited
the ticket agent there to exchange a Uurling-
Um ticket for one on the Union Pacific lino.
"They told me , " spoke up the ticket ex
changer , "over to the Burlington depot that
they would not guarantee mo transportation
after 4 o'clock to-morrow morning , and as
that would leave mo a good ways this side of
my destination , which I nm anxious to reach ,
I came hero upon their instructions to ex
change tickets nnd take the Union Pacific. "
The ticket seller gave the applicant a
Union Pacific pasteboard and ho went his
way rejoicing. To the reporter the ticket
agent said that ho had made a fe\V such ex
changes during the evening. It was nn un
usual thing to do , but ho had received orders
to make all exchanges on application.
Meeting a Hurllngton official n llttlo
later the reporter buttonholed him
for Information regarding the situation ,
but ho expressed total ignorance. Questioned
ns to the causes leading to un exchange ol
tickets with the Union Pacific road , ho reluc
tantly said that the Burlington company an
ticipated the strike for Monday morning anil
were guarding against having any of their
patrons laid out at points far from the des
tinations they had bought tickets to.
A visit to the yards of the Uurlington com
pany presented convincing proofs thai
trouble was anticipated. No freight
trains were being sent out , and only
two freights had been dispatched during the
day. The yardmaster said that no moro wouli
bo sent out during the night , and ho and his
crows were working like beavers crowding
all the loaded cars up to tracksbesido the
freight house. The yard engines were
manned by tjiolr regular engineers , am
when spoken to in reference to the rumored
Impend Ing "walk out" they refused to
answer. At the yards it was learned fron
men in a irasition to know that at 4 o'clock
this morning every engineer on the
whole Hurllngton system would refuse
to work any1 longer , until the
existing difficulty was settled.
Last night there was not a road engineer ii
the city , some being compelled by their runs
to bo in Lincoln and Plnttsmouth , nnd the
others being absent by their own free will
It is understood that meetings of the brother
hood were held nt Plottsmouth and Lincoln
last night. _ _ _ _ _
At Lincoln.
LINCOLNNeb. . , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEI : . ! The local brotherhoods
of both engineers and firemen have been ii
session to-day and at this hour are holding a
meeting , at the local headquarters of the
road. Superintendent Calvcrt was at his of
fice during the evening hours , but nothing is
divulged as to the course the road will take
The central position which Lincoln occupies
in the Hurllngton system In the state makes
nearly two-hundred engineers and tirempi
residents hero nnd a strike will temporarily
stop work for a largo number of employes
Some eighty trains arrive and depart froii
this point and other roads here are prcpnriiif ,
for extra business.
At McCook.
McCooK , Neb. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hnu. ] About two hundred Hur
llngton engineers and firemen are statioiici
nt McCook. All trains , both passenger am
freight , will bo left at division stations. Th
* mcn at this point necm determined that thi
strike shall settle the long mooted qucstioi
between them nnd the company. There wll
bo no noise or display , but when the boys are
called to go out on their runs to-morrow
morning they will not respond. Passenger
No. 2 cast-bound and No. 15 and No. 3 west
bound , will remain in the yard , hero untl
some ono can bo secured to run them out
The brotherhood of engineers has offered the
company to run its mail train if so requested
At Knnsas City.-
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele
pram to the UKE. ] A meeting of the Kan
Eas City division of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotlvo Engineers was held this afternoon
and the order for a strike on the Chicago
Uurlington & Quincy to tnko effect at
o'clock to-morrow morning read and endorsed
The Kansas City , St. Joe ft Council Bluff
and the Hannibal & St. Joe to-day Issued a
statement that until further notice no perish
nblo freight would bo received. The Chicago
cage & Alton will carry passengers of the
Hurliiih'toi ) bound for Chicago. The Uur
llngton officials here say that they are ready
for thostriko , and thai it has btttu.
mined not to acccdo to the demands of the
The Ktilghta Want Revenge.
CHICAGO , Feb. 3(1. ( General Worthy Fore-
nan Hlehard Griffiths , of the Knights of
. .abor , said plainly this evening that the
brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers need
not expect the Knights to keep their hands
off , Mr , Griffiths was seen at his homo lils
evening and talked unrestrainedly of the im
pending strike In its relations to the Knights
af Labor. Ho said : "The knights nrolookers
on. "
"How about the manner in which the
mights wcro'trcatcd by the brotherhood dur-
ng the Missouri Pacific strike two years ago ?
3id not the brotherhood ( hen replace about
two hundred K. of L. strikers I"
"Yes , they most certainly did. "
"And do you not think but for this action
on the part of the brotherhood that the strike
luiuguratcd by the knights' would have
irovcn nsuccessl"
"There is very llttlo doubt on that point.
The same thing has Just happened In the
Heading strike , as every one who reads n
icwspaper knows. Just as soon ns the strike
ivns declared on , the brotherhood began fili
ng vacancies. These actions on the part of
the brotherhood do not naturally tend to
cement them and the knights. Tit for tat is
i game that people of our day llko to indulge
n and I don't see why knights should be ox-
: cptions. If the locomotive engineers In our
jody see lit to accept positions
on the Chicago , Hurlington & Quincy rail-
oad most certainly they arc entitled to no ns
.hey please. It is a matter resting entirely
in tlinlr hands , and with which we , us a body ,
have nothing to do. The adoption of retnll-
: ory measures is not n new thing , and I
lioncstly admit that I would-not bo surprised
if they were brouuht into use by the knights.
Thus far , however , no action that I know of
lias been taken by the Chicago knights. "
"Dispatches from Heading state that the
knights there are being rapidly and readily
engaged by the Hurllngton people. "
"Is that so I Well , I'm not surprised in
: ho least , and now , since that is the case , you
may look out for n similar order of things
here. "
A Conditional Promise.
PiuijAiiULi'iiiA , Feb. 20. George L. East
man , national organizer of the Knights of
Labor , is authority for the statement that
the executive committee of the Heading rail
road strikers have notified General Manager
Stone , of the Chicago , Uurlington & Qulncy
railroad , that in the event of n strike on his
road and the failure of Chief Arthur to with
draw the brotherhood engineers who took the
places of the strikers on the Heading road
they will send him UOO engineers to-morrow
Searching For Scabs.
RIIAWXO , Pa. , Feb. 23. It is learned hero
to-night that nn agent of the Chicago , Hur
lington & Quincy railroad has been in this
vicinity several days recruiting stinking
engineers nnd firemen of the Heading rail
road whoso places were taken by brother-
liood men , to send them to Chicago in case
the strike should occur on the western road.
It is said ho has obtained a promise of quito a
number to go west.
Started After Situations.
POTTSVILM : , Pa. , Feb. 20. A number of
the striking engineers and firemen of the
Reading railroad in this city and Palo Alto
have left for Chicago to tnko service with
the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad
in view of the impending strike of locomotive
engineers on thttt road.
The Feeling In Philadelphia.
PiiiLAiici.i'iiiA , Feb. 20. In spite of the ad
vices from Pottsvillo nnd elsewhere , the
opinion seems to prevail among the Knights
of Labor hero and Heading that any man
who goes to take tlio places of the brother
hood men on the Uurlington road will go on
his individual preference and not under au
thority from the Knights of Labor. Master
Workman Kelly said emphatically that the
knights as a body would not make nn effort
to defeat the brotherhood. Others said they
favored rebuking tho-brothcrhood for their
past unkindiicss by staying away from Chi
CnpturiMl n Murderer.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , ' Feb. 2,5. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKE. ] The police of St. Joseph
believe that thoy'have in their possession the
murderer of Frank Mutson , the Dane who
was found dead In the Smoky Hill river near
Junction City , Kan. Mutson , it is thought ,
was murdered for his money , It being proved
at the coroner's inquest that in Decembetho
had. f 10 in money and a line gold watch.
Othur facts go to prove that ho was murdered
at that time. Mntson was last seen in com
pany with Fred Blackburn and his wife , who
were camping out near Junction City. On
last Thursday night a man by the name
of Fred Blackburn was captured by
the police in this city , havingoin tils posses-
'slon a bundle of clothes which had Just been
stolen from a clothes lino. Ho was tried and
sentenced to six months' imprisonment In the
county Jail. Blackburn and his wife came to
St. Joseph from Fort Hiley , Kan. , about De
cember 1. The Junction City Dispatch snys
that thoBlackburns , who woiolast seen with
Mutson , loft about this time for Fort Riley to
work on the improvements being nuido by the
government thoro. In view of these facts the
police are confident they have the right man
und have telegraphed to the authorities at
Junction City Informing them of the fact.
Hlackburn's wlfo was arrested at U o'clock
this morning.
.The Fire Itecord.
BUI-FAI.O , Fob. 20. The Curtiss building
was destroyed by lire this morning. The
loss to the various occupants und on the
building aggregate $170,000. The Express
no.wsp.ipcr and Mathews & Northrup printIng -
Ing and lithographing company are among
the heaviest losers.
SmiKVKi'OHT , La. , Feb. 20. The Tillej
hotel was burned last night. H. C. Craig , ol
Cincinnati , was burned to death.
MuGcoch "Cornered. "
CIIICAOO , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the Bii.l : Mrs. Mary T , Libbey , of Ken
wood , and Peter MeGeoch , of Milwaukee
the celebrated lard "corncrer , " were quietly
married this afternoon at the residence of the
bride's sister , Mrs. Dexter G. Browne. TherO
were only ten or a dozen intimate friends
present. The newly wedded couple left for
their Milwaukee homo at 0 o'clock.
Prlnco Ferdinand's Position.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Feb. 20. Nclldorff , the
Russian ambassador , handed the portoto-daj
a note on the Illegal position of Prince Fcrdi
nand of Bulgaria. Tlic Count of Montebello
nnd Herr Von Hadowitz. French nnd German
ambassadors , also visited the porte. The
supposed subject of their visit was to suj > -
port NehdorlT ,
Wreck on the Canadian Pacific ,
ST. PAUL , Feb. 20. A serious accident oc
currcd on thcCnnndla Paclflcat Sudbury Junc
tion , east of Winnipeg , Thursday. A broken
rail ( threw * ono coach , the dining car am
sleeper of the west bound train olT the track
the dining car crashing into the coach. Al
of the sixteen passengers in the roach were
injured , six severely.
Knglnnd nnd Turkey.
PAIUS , Feb. 28. Lo Temps reports that
England is negotiating with Turkey for the
cession to England of Salonlcn and an island
commanding the Dardanelles , England guar
anteeing to the sultan the possession of Stam-
boul , with the Immediate district of the lies'
phorous , Dardanelles and nl the Asiatic
FourWomen Killed In a Punic.
, WAIISAW , Feb. CO. A panic was caused in
the Jewish synagogue yesterday by a false
alarm of fire and In the struggle to cscapo
four women were killed and sixteen other
persons seriously'injured ,
His Chances Considered Good As
General Terry's Successor.
i (
Allies Snld to He In Bad StnnOInt * .
With tlio President nnd Secre
tary of AVnr An ttxposo
of ShylocltH.
General Terry to Jtctiro.
filil FotlltTEENTIl STHEET , V
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 20. 1
A writer in to-day's Capital says : "I hear
: hnt Major General Alfred H. Terry Is really
going to retire from active service when his
> rescnt leave of four months expires , and
.hat President Cleveland will therefore have
ho appointment of n major general nnd a
jrlgadler general In the army. Although
General Miles is , as usual , making an active
push for the major gcneralcy , there Is little
doubt that Brigadier General George Crook
will be the man selected. He has always
jccn a favorite with General Sheridan and
t Is well known that Miles has failed to es-
.ablish the best relations with the secretary
of war and President Cleveland on account
of the Apache business In 1S5(5. ( There will
DO n lively contest for the major general's
ilaeo and probably more than half a dozen
candidates will put In their claims for it.
Several of them have been in 'Washington
already looking over the ground. 1 mn told
that either Colonel Brooks , of the Third , or
Colonel Otis , of the Twentieth , will get the
place. "
The above Is In necord with the statement
made a month ago In a 131 : ; ; special ,
To-morrow the District ofllccs will bo closed
during the funeral hours of the venerable W.
W. Corcoran , the philanthropist who died on
Friday morning. Mr. Corcoran's will is to
be offered for probate on Tuesday. It is un
derstood that ho has changed it many times.
His estates will foot up something less than
$400,000. ( ! Much of this is in real estate in
Washington , The Corcoran building is
worth at least $500,000 and the Arlington
hotel properly ns much more. Mr. Corcoran's
residence is willed to his grandsons nnd will
bo kept by them as their homo. Mr. Corcoran
signed a check for thc.last timeabout , a week
before his death. Ho retained intimate
knowledge and control of his largo affairs
until the very last. It Is hoped that the
death of Mr. Corcoran , who was the instigator
of nnd the principal subscriber to the fund
with which it was proposed to purchase a
house in this city for the widow of
the late General W. S. Hancock , may
not seriously interfere with the plan
contemplated. Doubtless the eminent phi
lanthropist , who is known to have given his
personal attention to the most trivial details
of his extensive business relations , was care
ful to make provision while still in possession
of his faculties for the execution of this de
Mrs. Hancock , by the way. far from at
tending the fair of the Grand Army of the
Republic , as stated In the papers of the city ,
has been confined s to her room at the Fesi-
dence of Captain JK&pwe Griffin , U. S. A. ,
by severe 4ndIsK | > siton. She has , however ,
evinced the warm interest she takes in the
object of the exhibition by contributing
various articles to the booth dedicated to her
husband. '
A clerk In the war department has resigned
and written n letter to the secretary of war ,
stating that ho was financially ruined by the
department brokers , who had loaned him
money and charged him 5 per cent a month
or 60 per cent a your. The letter contained
the names of the "clerks' brokers" and also
gave the names of some of their customers.
The writer said ho had paid one of them
nearly the amount ho owed him without de
creasing the debt any , as it all went in inter
est. As ho saw'no prospect of getting out of
their clutches and as nearly all his salary
went to them in interest , ho resigned to start
life anew in Now York. Ho closed the letter
by stating that ho wrote It to relieve , if pos
sible , the unfortunates who were now in
their clutches and requesting that they bo
investigated. Ho says ho is willing to sub
stantiate his allegations at any time. There
Is a rule in the war department prohibiting
employes from engaging in a brokerage busi
ness. The matter ban created n great deal of
excitement among the clerks , as it is thought
the resignations ofitho men mentioned in the
letter will bo called for.
Samuel J. Hundall is at his homo on Capitol
tel Hill recuperating under the watchful care
of Mrs. Randall from the illness which at
tended his political journey to Philadelphia a
week ago. Speaker Carlisle is in Wichita ,
Kan. , in eloso attendance on.Mrs. Carlisle ,
who is needed there to care for her son and
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Carlisle did some
hard traveling between Saturday and
Wednesday. She loft Wichita Saturday
night , arrived hero Monday morning , and
loll again on Tuesday with the speaker , ar
riving in Wichita on Thursday.
The now society swell , Mrs. Hicks-Lord ,
has taken for two months the house at 1810
N street , owned by Captain Mills , of the
army , and is now in New York making
preparations to return in the course of the
present week. The recent visit of Mrs. Lord
to Washington was for tlio purpose of attend
ing the dinner given the cardinal by Mrs.
Duhlgrcen , and during her stay at the
Arlington him was accompanied by her maid
and two relatives , whoso duty is to attend
her on all occasions when she wears her
diamonds in public. At that time Mrs. Lord
hud no idea of making other than a short
stay , but she was so pleased with the city
that she decided to return hero to reside dur
ing the months of March and April to cscapo
the bleak winds of Now York , which uro apt
to produce a throat trouble. Mrs. Lord will
give u series of dinner parties and quiet en
tertainments during her stay , us her recent
experience ; In Now York has decided her
never to give another largo party.
To-day's Post suvs : , "Tho engagement of
Lieutenant Hcnmittand Miss Huydcn , of Ne
braska , who visited friends hero during the
past season , has been recently announced. "
Associate Justice Lnmar , of the supreme
caurthus at lost reached the pinnacle of fame.
He has been photographed in his Mowing
silk gown and viewed asono in a group
of nine Justices. Ho looks remarkably well.
The picture of which ho is a part is the larg
est over taken in thlfi city , the dimensions of
the actual plato being U.lx.'M ! inches.
Mrs. Senator HuwTey has entered largely
into the charities of our city and has shown a
keen interest , not only theoretically , but
practically , ' m the work of the different insti
tutions , more especially all that concerns the
welfare of the Garfield hospital.
The amendment to be inado to the senate
rules which prohibited u report by the com
mittee on appropriations on u bill which has
been received from the house under live days ,
Will , it IB thought , Imvo the effect , as in
tended , of hurrylni * up work In the lower
lioui.o on the appropriation bills.
Gossips About lilnlne.
WASHINGTON , Fcb , 2fi. [ Special Telegram-
to the HKK. ] That Mr. Ulaino Is now clear
outside of the way of the range of presi
dential possibilities no one in Was h'ngton '
seems to doubt to-night. The last interview
with him , cabled from Florence and pub
lished to-day , nuts at rest all of the hopes
that ho Intended to secure a. rcnomlnation
and accent as the unanimous and persistent
wish of his party. The staunch Hlalno men ,
in Washington now neknowloJgo that their
leader means tp foreo himself , if necessary ,
out of th prcsid.'iital race , -and that ho
really docs not" want the race
under any circumstances. As a
somewhat remarkable coincident a local
newspaper to-day publishes n confidential
circular Issued by ex-Senator Mahono from
: ho republican state executive committee at
: iis homo In Petersburg. Va. , announcing
that Mr. Ulaino could not { carry New York
and advising the republicans of the Old Do
minion to seek n national leader elsewhere.
Mahono states in his confidential circular
that It waa Ulaino who bargained with the
democrats when ho ( Mahono ) entered the
senate in 1881 , to do nothing to help the Ma-
10110 party in Virginia , in consideration that
Lhe democrats would help the administration
: o defeat Conkllng , nnd up to the date of
Qurllcld's death the administration did noth
ing for the Mahono i > coplo ;
.hat during Garllcld's life as president
Mahona could not get a democratic post-
mister or route agent removed ; that Ulaino
md bargained with the democrats that noth-
ng should bo done to help the liberal move
ment in Virginia , etc. Mahono states further
n his circular that If Hlalno should bo nom
inated now no ono ought to doubt that the re
publicans in Virginia would bo given the cold
shoulder ns in 18S4 ; that they would bo abso
lutely abandoned and given neither help ,
recognition nor encouragement unless n very
solid south nnd the manly deport
ment of every delegation at .Chicago
would compel this consideration. "Mahono
says further that Indiana and Virginia , indo-
| ) endcnt of New York , will elect the ticket
mil for those two states and West Virginia
Lhe light ought to bo earnestly made and will
uo made with any other candidate than
Ulalne. The circular contains * u number of
other reflections and charges against Ulalne ,
mil its author calls upon those receiving it to
Imvo resolutions passed at the meetings to
elect delegates endorsing his own course at
the head of the party and Instructing dele
gates to vote as a unit for Sherman ,
The Kcmoval of Llbhy Prison.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram
to the Hin.l : George W. Llbby , in a com
munication to the Kicmond Dispatch in re
gard to the proposed transfer of Libby prison
from Richmond to Chicago , writes as fol
lows : ' 4 would not like to see the old house
removed , as around it clusters some of the
memories ot n happy youth and early man
hood , but if it is to bo carried to Chicago and
converted into a museum , whoso walls are to
be decorated with scenes of incidents relative
to the prison , I could furnish a pen picture
from facts , which , If faithfully portrayed
on canvas , should have a conspicuous
place among them. It is this : An
old , gray-haired man ( whoso only offense
against the United States government was in
having a person named after liim by accident
and a son in the eon fed era to army ) being
carried through the streets of Uoston hand
cuffed , and followed by n Jeering and hooting
crowd. Also my mother , aunt nnd sister , the
last with n nursing babe in her arms , being
conducted to the alms house in Norfolk , Va. ,
by a colored guard with drawn sabres. Uut
1 am now a loyal citizen of the United States
and think such scenes and incidents should
bo forgiven and forgotten. "
The Coming Week In Congress.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. The unfinished
business for the morning hour in the senate
is the Nicaragua canal bill and that for 2
o'clock is the dependent pension bill. Scna-
, tor Plumb has given notice of his purpose to
cull up as soon as possible the bill to forfeit
unearned land grants , and Senator Allison
has announced a similar purpose respecting
the undervaluation bill. Uoth measures are
likely to bo brought forward before the end
of the week. The regulaa order will bo sot
asldo temporarily for consideration of the
urgent doticicncyjbill , which" ' thonpi > ropria-
ticns-c-ommitteo promises to 'report within a
day or two.
In the house the whole of the coming week
has been disposed of in advance by the as
signment of days to the committees for action
UIMJII measures recommended by them. On
Tuesday the house will consider public
building bills. Wednesday afternoon eulo
gies will bo delivered on the late Representa
tive Moffatt , of Michigan. Thursday the
committee on foreign affairs will call up the
Paris exposition bill and McCready's meas
ure to provide -for a congress of American
nations. Saturday , if the house is in ses
sion , will bo resumed discussion of the Pa-
elite railroad telegraph bill.
Preparing For tlio Campaign.
WASIIINOTON , Feb. 20. Representative J.
T. .Tones , of Alabama , chairman of the demo
cratic congressional campaign committee , on
the part of the house of representatives , has
appointed the following executive commit
tees : Uenton McMlllin , of Tennessee , II. W.
Townsheud , of Illinois , Lcvi Mnish , of
Pennsylvania , Samuel Dibble , of South
Carolina , L. S. Hoyco.of New York'S. O.
Fisher , of Michigan , George D. Wise , of Vir
ginia , John A. Mncdonald , of Minnesota ,
John A. McShane , of Nebraska , and I , F ,
McKinney , Now Hampshire.
The democratic executive committee on the
part of the senate are : Senators John K.
Kcnna , of West Virginia , George Hearst , of
California , and James 1C. Jones , of Arkansas.
Llttlo Josef Hofmann to Play No More
For Some YeiirH.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 2 . [ Special Telegram
to the Ui'.E.l The case of Josef Hofmann ,
is exciting a good deal of interest and opin
ions uro divided as to the Justlco of Hcrr
Caslmer Hofmunn's action in suddenly with
drawing his son from the concert stage. Mr.
and Mrs. Hofmann are unquestionably
alarmed about the boy's health , and they
Imvo some reason to bo. Dr. Shrady's com
ments on tho.boy's state caused his parents
to believe that further appearance would
lead to a serious illness. Mr. Hofmann Is
linn in his decision that the boy shall not
play any more for some years. Ho wishes to
take his gifted child bick to Europe ns soon
as possible and not haTe him appear in public
again before ho is llftccn years of auo.
Ho believes his son Is a genius and that his
own duty is to foster the boy's gifts and let
nothing stand in the way of their full devel
opment. Josuf himself appears to bo tired ,
and declared that ho does not want to play
nnd"Will not bo forced to. The trouble from
which ho fe suffering , nnd 'which gives evi
dence of nervous unscttlement , made its up.
pcuranco some time ago and was detected by
his mother. The father at llrst deemed it of
no consequence , but subsequently , when It
grew worse and the mother's fears increased ,
Mr. Hofmnnn , without consulting anyone ,
wrote his letter to Mr , Abbey.
A Womnii'H Divorce Mania.
Mi.NNH.trous , Fob. 20. [ Special Telegram
to the URE. ] Another ono of the scries of
actions which Anna Zolnlka has brought
against her husband , John Zolalka , for ill-
voroo was on the special calendar yesterday.
This woman has sued for divorce several
times before and 'her husband has been
successful In defeating them. The woman's
efforts to get a divorce extend over ton or
twelve years. Some of the attorneys in tlio
case say the woman has a mania in this di
rection. The defendant is a farmer at Hop
kins. His property is valued at about $30,0011. ,
Weather InUlcntlonH.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , slowly ris
ing temperature , light to fresh northerly
winds , shifting to north.
For Iowa : Fair weather , stationary , fol
lowed by slowly rising temperature , slight to
fresh northerly winds , becoming variable ;
For Eastern and Southwestern , Dakota :
Warmer , fair weather , light to fresh variable
winds , becoming southerly.
Steamship ArrivalH.
1 NEW Youic , Fob. 2 J. [ Special Telegram to
the UKK. ] Arlvcd ThoUmbrla , from Liver
pool ; La Champalgnc , from Havro ; the
Scandinavia , from Mediterranean ports ; the
Lo Krden , from Rotterdam.
lUvitE , Feb. 20. Arrived La Gascolgno ,
from Now York ,
An EnRtUh ClorKyninn I'nj-H Comttll-
inentH to the Press.
lOj/Hw/if | / / IftStiyJiimtsGunlon Itentittt. ]
Loxnog , Feb. ' . ' 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UKI : . ] More bllzuml
weather. The only living Londoner appar
ently happy was the polar bear at the Xoo.
1'ho metropolitan Sunday is therefore sadder
: o-duy than ever. Hearing that Rev. Stop-
ford Hrooke , who has n species of Independent
Episcopal church In the Hloomsbury district ,
was soon to visit New York , I attended upon
its ministrations this morning and inter
viewed him. His church Is a fashionable
one , but his congregation was low 4u figures
: o-duy , like the thermometer. Ho warmed
ils audience , however , with n capital sermon
'rom Luke xl. about Martha , the care
ful and troubled' , and Mary , choos
ing the good part. Giving an es
sayist much llko the late Rev.
Henry A. Giles , of Uoston , nnd a speaker
who makes rhetorical sketches ns a word
painter upon this contrast of the two sisters
iu connection with the opposites of worldly
worries and salvation seeking , and ono can
readily Imagine what a line elocutionary ser
mon was produced.
After the sermon ended Mr. Hrooko had
very little to say in an interview respecting
Ills Amerlcan'intentlons. Ho expected to en
gage in n short lecturing tour , of which the
details were now arranging. His stnto of
liealth demanded some change of scene. ' Ho
Is well built , very tall , healthtully burley ,
with a courtesy of manner and a smllo very
winning. Ho Invited mo to his evening dis
course , which was on "Newspapers. " The
evening congregation was a large ono. Mr.
Urooko spoke for an hour and a half. The
general scope of his discourse was iii defense
of them In general , without detail or speelfi-
catlons. Ho argued against the usual Hip-
pant allusions to the press in common
conversation or dramas , etc. Ho gave
the newspaper a high position as
a teacher of the people and claimed
that oven a flippant nnd whatCarlylo called a
"frothy gazette , " had its uses in appealing to
certain classes , who thus bgan rending by
being attracted because themselves Ilippant
and frothy , and thus they were led on to
wishing for and .reading better. Ho con
tended that the newspapers adapted them ]
selves to the local or popular taste of the
neighborhood of their circulation. Their
errors were Instigated often by popular de
mand. Ho said the newspaper aided books
of science and discoveries. For Instance ,
Darwin's theories were put twenty years
ahead of their ordinary book growth by
newspaper discussion. The newspapers con
stituted the condiment to the larger feast of
Ills whole effort , in logical sequences and
apt illustrations , tended to assign to modern
newspapers of the highest grades the very
first places over all educators. The dis
course is to bo published in pamphlet shape.
The Finuiiclnl TriuisnctloiiH of the
Pnst Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEI : . ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of tho'Unifed Statcs"shows ; the gross ex
changes for the week 'ended February 25 ,
1888 , with the rate per cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
An Epidemic of the DiRcnsc on the
Uttlo Inland.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to
the Bui : . ] An American traveling in Cuba
writes from Havana under date of February
10 that smallpox is raging in Cuba to an
alarming extent. A protest , ho says , from
the local board of charity to the mayor of
that place draws attention to the fact that
between last May nnd January of this year
2,000 persons have died of the plague in
Havana , and during the snmo time 4,000 have
fallen victims to it In otherpartsof the island.
Hegala and Quamibacon , at'tho harbor
of Havana , uro full of the disease und the
authorities , according to the protest quoted ,
are doing nothing to quell the epidemic.
Hecently it was discovered that the only at
tempt at a hospital In Havana was
a shed in which forty-eight patients were
cared for by a negro attendant , whoso only
provisions consisted of a few quarts of milk.
Quarnntino Commissioner Nichols nnd Sec
retary Milieu said to-day that they had no
official reports of the small pox epidemic In
Cuba and did not know of any special quar
antine regulations upon vessels arriving from
Cuban ports. Meantime two lines of steam
ships , carrying as many passengers as they
can , regularly ply between this port and
Havana , Santiago and other Cuban cities
without any quarantine detention or special
examination upon their arrival here ,
IJOHKCH in Itan o Cattle.
DISNVKK , Colo. , Feb. SO. President
Head , of the International Hango association ,
who has returned from nn extensive trip
through southern Colorado , New Mexico and
Texas , says the reports in circulation that
the loss on range cattle this winter will reach
from 50 to 75 per cent nro falso. The losbes ,
ho says , will be comparatively light.
Domlniuk Going to
NEW YOUK , Fpb. 20. | Special Telegram
to the HEU. ] The report that Domlnick
McCaffrey , the Pittsburg pugilist , had sailed
for Europe Is confirmed , much to the sur
prise of everyone here. Ills intention Is to
make a mutch with Smith ns an "Unknown"
for the English championship and lor heavy
stakes ,
Return ofthn President.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. The presidential
party arrived ut 3 o'clock this morning from
tiieir trip to Florida und the south. . All ex
press themselves us delighted with their trip.
A Denver Jury Discharges the
SlnycrofEfllo Mooro.
Young Henry Plays the Impassioned.
I/over on .the Witness Htnnd ,
The Public Not Satisfied sj
With the Verdict.
Set nt Liberty. , Colo. , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Met : ] The jury In the case of
Charles E. Henry , charged with the murder
of little Eftlo Moore , the variety actress at
the Palace theater in this city on the night of
the tilth of November last , at 1:45 : this morn
ing returned a verdict of acquittal after hav
ing been out two hours. The case has boon
on trial for three days and has created no
little Interest among all classes of people.
The verdict does not seem to bo generally
pleasing , ns the killing was doubtless cold
blooded and the public seems to think the de
fendant should have at least received a light
punishment for his act. Henry , who Is only
nineteen years of ape , came hero from Lon
don , Out. , some time last October , and began
gambling , at which ho was quite successful ,
as at the time of his arrest ho had about
$ : > ,000 on his person. Ho visited the Palace
theater , u variety in tliv lower part of the
city , a few days after his arrival , and foil
desperately In love with Efllc Mooro. a SOUR
and dance girl. Ho uiado her acquaintance ,
nnd In a short time asked her to marry him ,
to which she consented. Their love affair
ran along merrily until n few days before
the tragedy , when Henry learned that his . , -
love was the wlfo of William Carroll , an \\g \
actor In the same theater , and it was also \ > J
told him thht the girl was keeping
her marriage from him for the
purpose of working him for all the money she
could. On the night of the tilth Henry went
to the theater , called Elllo Into a box , ordered
wine , and while she was sitting on his lap ac
cused her of deceiving him. She acknowl
edged that she had , but said she still loved
him and was willing to get a divorce from
Carroll and marry him. Ucforo any further
conversation coulo take place , she was called
to the stage to do her turn ,
after which she returned to the box , where
Henry was still sitting. She hint hardly
closed the door before three shots rung out
through the theater , nnd when the attendants
entered Henry's box they found him standing
over EUlo Moore , With a smoking revolver in
his hand , while the girl * lay upon the floor
dead , with ono bullet through her heart ,
another in her breast to the right of the
heart , nnd a third throuirh her left hand.
Henry was arrested , jailed , and on prelim
inary hearing was admitted to bail in the sum
of $20,000 , which was furnished by his fuJSw
ily in Ontario. He , however refused to
accept ball , and remained In Jail until the
trial. Some of the best attorneys In the city
were employed in the defense and the
plea of "transitory frenzy" was entered.
Henry , on the witness stand , cried and
talked with all the ardor of an Impassioned
lover. Ho said ho had always loved the girl ,
and always would , and that while she was
sitting on his hip talking love , ho suddenly
felt a ringing in his cars , u dullness in his
head , and. a pain as though struck on the
head with something hard , nnd remembered
no moro until ho saw the girl lying at his foot
Henry's people arc among "Hho most promi
nent iii Canada , and his two brothers were
hero during the trial. Ho will return homo
to-morrow. The parents of the dead actress1
reside in Kansas City.J ,
Strange Lifo of the Old Horinct of the
"Dcvll'H liltc. "
LAXDEII , Wyo. , Feb. 20. [ Corrcspondonco
of the UEI : . ] Ten years since there appeared IJ
in this section a Jew named Abraham Sojo- > * ; |
mons , who has since become famous in the
annals of the Lander valleys and the Wind
Towering above the long abandoned bufc
traditionally rich gold diggings of the
"Devil's Hitc" Is Spruce peak. Half way up
ono of the steep sides of this lofty peak , hid
den in n dense forest of spruce timber is nn
immense caveor rather grotto for It is moro
wide than deep. In this grotto , Abraham
Solomons , self-withdrawn from his kind ,
with no companionship but the birds of thej
air , the beasts of the mountain and nature in
her most unbending and savage aspect , ten
years ago made his homo , nnd in that homo
ho has since dwelt.
WheaJSolomons llrst entered into posses *
slon of his singular and isolated habl *
tation , ho frequently appeared In the settle
ments of the Lander valley , and regularly
called for the numerous letters of which ho
was in receipt from various eastern points ,
notably Now York City.
As time passed on this correspondence !
gradually fell oft , and with Its ilnal cessation
there ceased also the pilgrimages of Solo- *
mons to frontier civilization , and now for
the past seven years the solitary of Spruce
Peak has been a stranger to all that isj
human , except an occasional visit from wan
dering mountain hunters and trappers.
Solomons is probably a man of sixty years
of ago , though with his long and tangled iron
gray hair nnd beard , and the dress through
out of the skins of wild beasts , ho bears llttlo
resemblance to a man of any kind. This
singular being has not tasted bread for lobg
yeurs , depending entirely for sustenance
upon the Jlcsh of mountain game and the
pulse of mountain berries. Ho carries no
arms , offensive or defensive , except a sling1 ,
but with this ho is as export
as was David of old , and the animal finding
itself with the ranee of this sling is us surely
doomed as though it stood as a target for the
most unerring hunter's rllloof the mountains ,
Custom and necessity Imvo also made Solo *
mons an adept In the minor branches o (
woodcraft , and the snares spread and traps
set by this mountain hermit truely fall ol
their proy.
Tint most popular local theory regarding1
the singular lifo led by Abraham Solomons
is that ho is familiar with hidden and rich
placers of the deserted diggings of the "Dev
il's liitc , ' and that during all of tlieso lonely
years ho has amassed gold untold. The ex
planation is fascinating nnd possible.
Had I-'Iro at Nloux City.
Sioux CITV. la. , Fob. 2rt. [ Special Tele
gram to the HER. } Klngsnoth & Huxtort'n
livery stable was completely destroyed by
flro this afternoon , The lire originated in
the harness room and spread with great ra
pidity , the building being in flames almost as
soon as the alarm was turned in. The
stable was the most extensive In the city and
ttio loss about t2rKK ( ) , believed lo bo fully
covered by Insurance. A violent wind
threatened to spread the flames for a time ,
but It was finally gotten under control , only
ono other building , that of Dr. Douglas , hav-
Idgbccn burned. About ilfty horses were
taken out of the barn , Fifteen of them ah )
badly scorched , six of them so badly that
they will have to bo killed.
Cold In Dakota.
Sioux CITV , la. , Feb. 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to tlio Hm : . ] Intense cold and hlgji
w Inus are reported from various points In
southern Dakota , again blocking or seriously
delaying trains on nearly all the railroads.
CloHool'tlio Ilevlval.
Sioux CUT , la. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUB. ] Mr. Moody .closed his
revival meetings'to-day , There wore threa
services , each ono attended ' by Immeuso
crowds. Hundreds of people were turned
. away from the doors. ' Mr. Moody IcaVti * la
the morning lor Sioux Fulls , p tc-