THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 20. 1888.TWELVE PAGES , U O HOICK acres for gardening purpoics. Hicks. TIIIK cheapest lot In West ( Minings ndd , . . _ . front. Only half block off cabin route. Tlile In a bargain. Auk for price , f. K. Darling , IfA'i I low aril. 4m - " T L. Itick it CO. , Itoul Estate. 21 * JH bargains In South Omaha f Utckji , TrwmSALr. an ! elegant residence lot * In Park li I'lac.I.V ! , SmlUi > addition. Hies Place , Kount7 I'lare. licdford Place , Clarendon. Jerome Park , 1'otter'Maddition , HtllpherHprlnga , Omaha View ; 11111111 rash pajments ; tenns easy. 6)J ) feet frontage'on Cass near Kit h hi. very cheap : 1011 clear and lightly ll.cumbeTcd lots In every addition to hotith Omaha ; li Improved residence properties , beit location In city. Drake llros. , ftlB S 15th t. -ti4ai /"liiolUIJ HanscomplacoloH. Hicks. A KINK resldcnco on Park avo. for snlo cheap. ! KO a. of land for sale or trade for good Omaha real estate. A lot to trade for a good saddle horse. A lot to trade for n cow. Omul houses and lots In northern part of the city to trade for fainiH. Donne & Robinson. 1418 llarney st. 4 * L. HICK & CO , Itual Kstate. 215 AIIAND OMf leslclence of 8 or 10 rooms , large cIoiolH. all modern conveniences , Just off car line within 15 minutes' fit tiostolllce. Hi.Odil. One-half cash. I' . K. Darling. 1 l > Howard st. 4'n , ' SI AWI.KY Hous. . . North Platte.Neb . for salo. On ai count of the death ot my w Ifo I will ie II the property on nanturms. . Address John Haw ley , North I'latte. Neb. 77Jm > /1IIOICI ! acres for gardening. Hicks. 47) ) 20 EMSriCKNKV & CO. main a specialty of property In North Omaha , for sale or rent at CilizeiiN' bank , -'UW Gumln t. JSS ilTOUEbiilldlng.South Omaha , for gale. Hicks 4Ji li'J ' TJ1011 8AI K Onoot tlio best lots In II lllsid J3 No. 1 , Ju t across street from Yates' new residence. Make offer ; anv reasonable propo sition will bo entertained for few days ; must , sell. A m Ilcoofllte. OU7 XTICK residence lots , only 1X0. Hicks. . III : HicKS for buslue-ss lota , South Omaha. rp < ) ManufactiircrH X I hav B f oino < ir the llnest trackage property around Omaha on the 1' . . K. .V M. V. U. It. and Missouri I'aclllc Ilelt Mil' ) My. , with splendid stream of water suitable for Flour and feed mills , Klevotors , furniture fac-toiy , Hhoe rartory , Htaich faetoiy , Paper mill , Plow works , Harvester works , Holler works , Nail works. Knitting mills . Siish , door and blind manufactory , Jlaelilne shops and fouu Iry , Or almost any kind ot manufacturing busi ness and I will glvo ample ground with splendid trackage to partlcswho will establish and main tain manufacturing plants on the same. Oeo. N. Hicks , 62 a ) Kooni t , llaiker lllock. TI\VO of the llnest residence lots In South Omaha , and lira' class business lot one- half block from depot for sale at a big bargain 1C taken this week. Oco. N. Hicks , Itoom 4 llarkci block. 070 ST Notice to Stockholders. The annual mooting of the stockholders of The HI.K Publishing Company , will be held on Monday , March 5th , 18W , ut 8 o'clock p. m . CWdlOt K. UOSnWA'IKH , President. HKAI/TY AM ) BUILDING. A Fair AVcek'H Huslnoss 1'rospects For the Tresont Yenr. The week Just closed contained one legal holiday and j ot the transactions in real es tate business have been numerous and n largo amount of Omaha dirt lias changed hands. It must bo admitted that the business of the week past falls considerably short of the cor responding period in 18b7 , and this Is chiclly duo to the unsettled state ot piospectivo city improvements for ISbS The "bull-headed' ness'1 of the city council and the general belief that it will bo stopped in its ignorant and ummUori7ctl ( oxpcndltui es , together w 1th the feeling of insecurity that exists at pres ent in the minds of the taxpajers concerning the futuio actions of the councilmanic boodle gang , makes the monejed men very careful and consen ntivo. If a citm-n desitos to purchase Eomo unimproved pioperty it i natural that ho invests his money , believing - lioving that the property vill bo much moio valuable in the uear futuie. Hut when the capitalists of this uiiil other cities , who are willing to invest in city property believe that the city council is in thohniuls of unprincipled grading contractois and jobbers of all de scriptions , then investments are very care fully made. Capital Is timid and oven the rumor of jobbery caust s it to seek seclusion For tills reason alone is the icalty business dcpicsscd. His to bo hoped that within a week , possibly days , the present state of af fairs will bo thoroughly changed and confi dence thereby increased. The sales' of real estate for the past wcio as follows : Monday $ 34,010 Tuesday 17,803 Wednesday ( legal holiday ) Thursday 87,742 rriday. . * . 29,74 Saturday 52.85J Total , $222,74' Tliu value of building permits issued dm' lug the week was as follows : Monday * 1,32 : Tucsdu } 47" Wednesday ! W ( Thursday 0,851 Tridav 13.00C Saturday 0,251 Total .f 31.60C Real r tate Transfers. O N Knmsey and wife to Emma F. liuniH , lot 2-7 , Heinibaugh place , wd M.50C Nlch Ohm and wife to Henry L Cavanaugh - naugh , lot 9 and 10 , blk 5 , Myers , Islcharils & Tildeu's add , w d . l,5Ci Allan U Kilby ct al to Alice O'Donahoo 1-10 of bcral lots In Carthage , o e. . . . D H Andiews et nl toJo Witt C Bry ant , lot 3 , 4 and 5 , Andrews , Will iams and Troxcl's sub , w d . 0CC , G M Hitchcock and wife to Stella U Hopowcll , lot 10 , blk ( I , Hitchcock's 1st add , wd . 45 O A Hempel and wife to same , lot 8 , blk 2. Yates & Hompcl's sub , w d. . . 5X ( A H Hillings and wile to U and W O liohn. all lax lot 12 , west of belt line , in 15. 15 , 13 , wd . 11,500 South Omaha Land Co to C. W Glbbs , 13 and 14 , blk 50 , S Om , w d . Oi W G Shriver and wife to Ullen M Wilcox - cox , lot 0 and tl. blk 9 , west side , w d. . 1,500 M Ycny and wife to Mai tin V Scott , lots 7 and HI , Colo's North Side , w d. 500 Caroline Huthofoid et ul to James J Uuthofotd , lot 19 , blk 1 , South Omaha View , qed . . . . John McCreary and wife to Elma L Conan , lou 2J und21 , blk 1 , Maris- ville.wd . 1 . 5,000 M H Uolshander and husband to W II HoWinger , lotSH ) , Kail mount , wd. . . 3,003 Thco Olson and wife to John A John. son. lot 51 , blk 1 , Hammond Place. w d . 750 S II II Claik , tiustuo , to August Hansen - sen , lot l , blk 2 , West Side , w d. . . . 2:5 W J 1'aul to Charlotte r 1'armcr , lot 30 , blk SI , Walnut" Hill , wd . 2,230 Martin tjuu k to Nick Ohm. < lots 14 , 15 and Ib , blk 4 % , lots ( ! , 7 , 15 and 111 , 18 and ID , blk 44,1 , Grand View , w d. 8.UCO K ICarlson and wife to Thomas O' Neil , lot 15 , blk 1 , South Omaha View , w d . Milton II Goblo to Charles A Hod , 4 and 5 , Goblo's sub , w d . Max Gladstone et al to A Y Johnson , 40x100 ft of lot 57 , Hartumii's add , w d . West Farnum Street Hulldlnp associa tion to W O Hurnham , lot It ) , blk 0 , Jcromo pard , w d . Twehty-ouo transfers aggregating. . nuUdliiK I'erinllH. The following building permits were issued yesterday by the superintendent of buildings : Smith & 1'ottcr , dwelling and barn , Spencer near Twenty nrst . f3,750 , Mrs. Sarah Sflldcu , frame block of stores and Hats . 4,70(1 ( Pan lab 1 Japtiut society , frame church , Decntur near Twenty-fifth . SOO Three permits aggregating. ' . tu.350 SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES , Wheat Shows Strength Throughout the Enflro Session. * ACTIVE TRADING IN CORN. A Strong feeling In Provisions With Slow IliiHlncsH Cnttlo Prices Good Hogs Unsatisfactory General Quotations. CHICAGO I'ltonUOE MAItKET. CIIICAOO , Feb. 25 [ Special Telegram to the HIE , ] The government weather bureau predicted n cold wave to follow last night's ruin uud wheat truck knew that meant a Hood of crop damage reports to follow , with the condition of the winter wheat crop n very Important factor in determining the course of prices This prediction was enough of It self to strengthen the courage of believers In higher prices. Moreover , cables were firm and better in tone , though no advance In prices was quoted , and exports wcro fair. A largo decrease in the "visible" was expected and Hutchinson wasbujlng wheat in largo quantities. All these influences combined , however , \\cro only sufllciunt to advance prices } { c from the opening. There was some buIng for outside account , but It was not largo enough to Indicate any such "taking hold" by the country as the bulls uro looking1 for to take the market out of the control of one man. The market was strong throughout the session and closed at the highest point. May wheat opened at bOJ c which was j e htghorthan vesterdao's elosc sold down to 8 < > Xc early , then advanced to bO ? < c and a little - tlo later to 80c , then foil to 80Xo again and hung between that price and 8l > Xo for a long time , advancing slowly before ttio close to M'xfc ' , which was the closing pi ice. Juno wheat opened at bOJ c , sold ntfeOoand 81e and closed nominally at Sic. It Is generally expected hero that the visible supply state ment Monday will show a decrease of about 1,000,00 * ) bushels. Tuulo in the corn pit was quite active at times , but it was largely local , although there weio some buying orders from the out side. Hutchinson both bought and sold corn. The closing prices were but llltlo changed fiom the oiuming ones , but in the meantime there had been some quick llucUuitions caused by the necessities of the local traders in their efforts to straighten out their turns- actions on the last da ) ' of the w cek. The i o- ceipts were but 291 curs whcte 3.13 had been expected , and this wiis a stiengthoning feature eai 1 > . May corn opened at 51c and woiked up to 51 * c during the early trading , then back below the opening price , and , on the knowledge of an estimate of 4-15 cars for Monday , touching 31c. There was a reaction later , however , and 51Xo' was bid at the close. Juno corn opened at SlJ e , sold at SIX aud down to 50J < c' and closed at 51x' < o bid. . Speculative trade in oats was quiet , and llucUuitions were confined within a range of lfc. The nun kot ruled a. little firmer in sjmpathy with other grains , but the advance established was very slight May oats opened at JilUr , sold up to 81@Jl.J < jC and dow n to Ul , > GKU fc , which was jcsteidaj's closing price , and closed at Ill e. .luno oats opened iASlf@Slc , sold down to Ul e and closed at 31fc. . In provisions xquito n strong feeling was displajed. Trading w'as generally a little slow and without special fcatuic , jet the market was well supported and the lluctua- tlons extended only over a moderate lange , Based on last night's closing , pork at ad' Journmcnt showed an advance of fKji/T'/rfe. / ' Short ribs were quotablv unchanged , while laril rested 2 } < jC easier. Short ribs uioi e than divided with "pork the speculative intcicst shown. For May , the favoiito deliveiy , irark sold at $ i : nj < f ( < M4 10 , lui d at $7.77 and short ribs ut . Pol k for the same month closed at $14 ( 5 , lard at 7.80 bid and short i ibs at s > 7 in bid. Nearer dellvciics than May were quiet , with transactions contlned to the tiansfcr of con tracts. Changes of February and March poilc wcio made to May at 17 } ( 20c , of Feb ruary and Match laid at 10ioU ( > fo and of February and March short ribs at 17 } c Juno potk was nominally 7 } 'cover May , closing at $14.1 1 % . For , luno laid closed at $7.b5 and shoit libs at fr7. I2J4- CHICAGO lilVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Fob. 25. [ Special Telegram to the 13 1 E ] C VTTI E The fresh cattle on sale icadlly found puichaseis , the fat cattle do partmcnt of the n.arket closing fully a' strong as j csterday. Steers , 1810 to 1500 Ibs , $4. ) @ 00 ; 12JO to 1350 Ibs , ? 4 00@4 30 ; IB , ) to 1200 Ibs , * . ) 00g3 ( SO. Stockers and fcedeis f.285 ( < ] ,370 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1 S" > @ 325 : bulk , $340g2.73. ( Texas-fed steers , M 30@4 00. IIodM Trade was slow and unsatisfactorv the market closing strong but fie lower , it : Bomo cases lOe off. Nice butchers' weight' made ? 5 ! 535 40 and best mixed $5 JUKI/ 31 , with light mixed going as low as * 5 1 Vu5 20 Assorted light of UW to 170 Ibs bold at $5.10@ 5.15 and lighter averages $4 90@5 05. FINANCIAL. NEW YonK , Feb. 25 [ Special Telegram to the Due. ] STOCKS The weakness notci in stocks at the close yesterday was inon pionounccd , and declines of K@l point wcri recorded. Grangers sufTcicd the most , a1 the influences biought to bear were aimed dliectly at them. To this was added probability of a sti ike of engineers and fire men on the Chicago , Burlington & Qumcy , next week. Timid shorts coveicd quit * f reel jj csterday , and the longs took advant age of thcli bio Ing , and bold all the maikc' ' would take. The beats icgaided the - outlook look for the western roads wlthmoio nuspl cion than hetetoforc , and sold moderately a flist , but the bank statement coming ou showing adccicasoln the reseivc of $1,780 , 750 , they Jumped in and aided the maikct an forced prices down , the market closing weali at Inside figures. Chicago , Builingtou & Qulncy was off 1 point , Northwestern Jf , St. Paul } g , Missouri Pncillo Jf , Wester Union Js' , Louisv illo & Nashville X. Gossi regai ding southein stocks continues bullisl and Insiders piedict great things In the ncu future. Compared with the closing prices o last Saturday Northwestern is off 1's'e , Cli cage , Bitrllngton k Northern 2' , Heading Yt MibsouiiPaiille , % , and Wcstei n Union point. St. Paul is % iioint higher. Kiel niond Tcimlnal , after advancing about points , only closed Jg point higher. Th total sales wcro 01,000 shares. GOVKHSMCNTS Government bonds wci dull but steady. QUOTATIONS U. 8.4s registered. IJMHjC. 4 N. W . 107" , U.S. 43 coupon.l "iVj tloptoferred . HI1 U.S. 4'sri > KlHtred.iUtHi N. V. Central . 1U71 , U.8 4 8 coupon , . . UI7J.IO. It. N . HI vncinciHoffo . u-o li1. T . s Cunuda Soutlu-rn. . Mit 1'aclllo Mall . ! CemraU'arltic . 2a > i ( ) . D.JLK . is Clilrago \ Alton. , . ! I-S ,1'ulliuiiH , I'alnceCarUl C.ll.Q . l-'fl hteidlng . I I ) , I , . A. w' . I l > i Hock Island . U. D..S.H.G 21 fat. Ij , 4H. F . ! Ci Krlo. dopreferred . 7 do preferred U ) C. . > f. 4 M. 1'aul. . . 7 Illinois Central 1K.VJ do preferred . 11 1 .11.4 W 1- St. 1' . 4-0 . : )7) ) ) K.AeT 15ii do preferred . I Luke Shore ! U'j 1'iicltlc Union I'uclnc . M Michigan Contra ! . . Ki \ . 14 Mldsourll'acltlc. . . . MS dopreferred11 Missouri 1'ucinc.MM W. U. Telecraph. . 78i do preferred 44 j MONEV On call , easy at 2 per cent. PIIIMB MKHCMNTILK PAI-EII 45iK5 ( } per cent. cent.STKIII.INO STKIII.INO EXCHANOE Dull but steady at f4 b5 for 00 day bills , $4.87 for demand. PUODUCK MAUKKTS. 25. Folio win B are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Kemaius steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , bbls , * 350 < jJ5. ; > 0 ; sacks , fcJ.50@37S ; wheat , bbls , * 3 8004.50 sacks. r-J 7004 2S ; spring , fl.75@3W ) ; rjo Hour , U.WKS.l.lO ix , r bblj buckwheat flour , $5.00 ( < M.75 ) per bb l. Wheat Killed llrui. prices ayeraglng higher than icstci day , being J4@1fo hlnhcr nt close tliun jest ei day ; cast ! and March. ' Corn Moderately active and fooling firm. but later a weaker feeling prevailed , market closing about the same as yesterday ; cash and n ch,47 3-lfic ; May. fiiyc. Oat Not materially changed from yester day ; May , HlJ c. Hj e Quiet at fiDU'c. Birloy Nominal at 770SOC. Pi imo Timothy I44 ® 3,45. Flax-seed 91.14. Whisky 11.15. Pork Averaged 5c above yesterday : cash , | in.S7K ; May , * 14.05 Lnref Dull and weaker' cash and March , 17.70 ; May , 7.80 < 37.S(2'f ( ' Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $ , " . _ short clear , t7.90ty8.CO ; short ribs , $7,15@ Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 81K@2Sc ; dairy , 80@2" > c. Cheese Firm ; full reaui cheddars , llffC" ? ll' c ; flats , H ( VtllJi'cyoungAmerlcas ; , U'X Eggs Higher ; fresh , 19@20c. Hides Unchangedgreen ; hides B' , , . froien , 5e ; henvj' green Baited , OKi light preen salted , 0 f ; salted bull , 6 > fo ; green bull , ; green salted calf , 8c : dry flint and dry calf , 12@l3o : brandctl , 15 per cent ff ; deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow In fair demand : No. 1 , countrj' , olid , 4 0 ; No. 2 , 8) ; cake , 4 e per Ib. Hecoipts. Shipments. 'lour ' , bbls . ' 52,000 29,000 Vheat , bu 81,000 20.000 Corn , bu 200,000 81,000 Oats , bu 124,000 104.0TO Ije.lm 8,000 3,000 Barley , bu 29,000 20,000 Ijlverp/iol , Feb. 23 Wheat Steady ; tie- nand improving ; holders offer moderately ; California , No. 1 , ( is txlQOs 7d per cental ; red pi ing , ( is ( ) difs ( ( ! Sd per cental. Corn Dull with the demand poor ; now nixed western , 4s S cl per cental. St. IioulH. Fob. 25. Wheat Firm ; ash , 80J < o ; May , b2Vj'c. Com Firm ; cash , 40e ; May , 40 0. Oats Dull ; cash , JMUfc ; May , Piovlsions Pork , $14 35 ; lard , $7. W. Whisky-ti.12. m. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 24(3300 ( ; ai y , 18 200. Minneapolis , Feb. 25 Wheat Firm ; ecolpts , ! UO cars ; shipments , ( )9 ) cars Clos- ng : In stoleNo. . 1 hard , cash and Match , "ti'je ; May , 78 c : No. 1 northern , cash and larcli , 74 c ; May , 7fiJ c ; No 2 northern , ash nml March , 72Jfe : May , 72 < le. On .rack No. 1 hatd , 77l , e ; No. 1 northern , 75c ; N'o. 2 northern , 7c. ! ) Flour Patents , to ship , M.ll425 ) ; bak- cts' , Al20ia4j. Milwaukee , Fob 2r. Wheat Stiong ; jash , 71s'c ( ! ; Mnrch , 75Xe ; May , 79 , ' c. Corn Quiet ; No : t , 4tll < rc. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , ! U ) c. llye Weak ; No I , filtfc. Barley-Firm ; No 2 , 75 0. Provisions Steady ; poik , February , U 75. Cinuinimtl. Feb. 25 Wheat Dull ; No. 2led , blKc : . Corn Heavy ; No 2 mixed. .VJcTiW' c. Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 3J@JJ > ic. Hje No. 2 , file. Provisions-Pork , $14 50 ; lard , $7.60. Whiakvl.O' ) . Now Vork , Fob. 25. Wheat Receipts , ,0,500 ; exports , : ! ,000options ; advanced } { @ * u early and closed a shndo under the best after small business ; cash linn ; ungraded red , 88M@f5 > 4'c : No 2 red , Ml@b" c in store ami elevatoi. SinJi'cjTOl' c delivered , 90)40 f. o. b. ; Man h closing at b9 c- Corn Receipts , 4,400 ; exports , 27,000 ; options JsCn' ' e. and spot a ti illo higher , clos- slcady ; ungraded , f &dO c ; No. II , SbK ; No 2. 5Ct3i.Vifc ) in elevator , OO c delheicel ; March closing at 59e. Oats Keceipts , " 41,000 ; exports. 109 ; @ho higher ; mixed western , ! 17@40c ; white western , 40@4tC. Coffee Spot , fair ; Uio , nominal ; options again higher but less active ; sales. U3U)0 bags ; Fobruaiy. $ U 10 ; March , $ U.40@U.iO ( ; April , $11.30@ll.A ( ) ; May , lll.l5t ll.U5 ; June , $ u.o > i@ii.r : ; July , * io 7o@io m Petroleum Finn ; united , Ol Eggs Finn ; western , 2-l@- ! > c. Pork Steady but iulet | ; new mess quoted nt $150C@l5.12 > forono jear old , $15 25@ 15 50 for now. Lard A shade higher ; western steain , spot , > > S 0 > < as 10. Butter Light demand ; western , l-l@'iOc. Cheese btcady ; westein , ll Crtl2e. ( Kansas City , Fob. 25 Wheat Steady ; No 2 soft , cash , 79c. Corn Steady ; No 2 , cash , 4ic bid , 43 > o asked ; May , 4V < c bid Oats No. 2 , May , 'Me. New OrlnuiH , Fob 25 Corn Quiet and steady ; in sacks , mixed , OOc ; white aud yellow , ( iK/tO.'c Oats Easier ; No 2 , SOfMlc. Corn Meal Steady at ? J 8" ) Hog Pioducts Fair demand , but lower rates ; pork , ? 1540 ; lam , refined , tieice , I7.12K. Bulk Meats Shoulders , Sli 12) ) ; long clear , and clear lib , s7.50 LiIVISTOCK. . ChlcnRo , Feb 25. The Drover's Journal icpoits as foliowj : ( Battle Hfcelpts , 1,000 ; market stiong ; 8tccisf.t lX50i ) ( ) ; stockers and feodem , $2 83 ( S.)70 ) ; cows , hulls and mixed , $ l.t5 J25 ; Toxas-fcd stoei s , ? 2 30 ( < ? 4 00. Hogs Receipts , 111,000 ; mm kct slow and 5@Ho ) lower ; mixed , S3 U0dr > 83 ; liuavj1 , $6 M ( at 50o ; light , { , ) tiidS't 30 ; skips , ? . ! 25 ( 1 70. Sheep Itcceipts , 2.0JO ; market slow and lOo lower : natives , $ JOOjiT ( : jO ; western , $45005.15 ; Texans , $ JOO@100 ; lambs , $500 National block Yards , Kast St. IjoulH , Fob. 25 Cattle Receipts , 100 ; shipments , 400 ; market strong at j ostcrday's ' quotations ; choluo heavy native steers , $1 30 (30 ( 20 ; fair to good native steers , t l bO@4 40 ; butchers' steers , $ J 15 4 30 ; stockora and feeders , $2 00Vi3 ( JO. Hogs Receipts , 300 ; shipments , 700 ; market firm ; choice heavy and butchers' se lections , $5 5@5IiO ; packing , * 5 03(25 ( 40 ; light grades , ! & 0U ( ' > 10. KniiHiis City , Fob 23. Cattle Receipts , 700 ; slupmcuts , none ; mail.ct firm and strong ; good to choice corn-fed , ft ! 50(24 ( bO ; common to medium , $ J 25 ( 4 20 ; stockei s , ? J OOJf'i 75 ; feeders' steers , $2 bOTg ( 3 50 ; cows , frl 70g < 3 ' ,1 ' Hogs Rc'celpts , 5,500 ; shipments , none ; stong. active and 5a higher ; common to choice , fcUlKjijSao ; skips and pigs , ft OMAHA IJV13 _ SCOCK. Guneral. UNION STOCK Yxuns , Op m. ) batutday , Fob 2" ) , 18S3. f The receipts of cattle for the week ending to day have been 2,9VJhead , which , compaied with the same pcnud last A car , shows mi de- ci case of iilb. The receipts on Monday wcro 400 head , and among the offerings were some fair native steots. Prices wci o good , one bunch ofl,3lS- ( Ib btcors selling at $1.4" > , with other grades ranging from JJ.CO to 5-1.J5 Common to choice cows and bulls sold at $ J OOfell ( K ) . On Tuesday the i ecolpts weio moderate and composed of a fair class of stock. Pi ices wcio about Btcady , the highest piico paid be ing $4.40 for a bunch of corn-feds not quite as good as those of the day previous. Common to good steers brought from $ .110 to $125. Common to choice cows brought 2 00H 1 25. On Wednesday the lecelpts woio ( .00 head. principally good stock. The market declined 15 cents , owing to a fulling off in prices in Chicago , brought about possibly by heavy receipts. The top pi ice paid was W.25 Com mon to choice corn-fed cows sold at $ .2 00@ MOO. Thursday's receipts wci o light. The mar ket was steady on good cattle and about 10 cents lower on common stock. Thcio was no sti ictly first class stock offered , but second end grade steers sold at a75@4 21) . ; common 1 25 < 4 00. On Friday an advance was noted , and al though there was no prime stock offered , second grades sold at i. ) ( ' > ( < H 20 , Common to choice cows brought i l.TMQfi 23. The receipts of hogs for the week were 17,442 , and the market has until Friday been comparatively steady , although somoyaiia- tions were noted. Prices paid on this mar ket of late have been v ory nigh , and in fact higher accoiding to situation than ou any other in the country. It is this perhaps that has induced buyers to case off somewhat. There is nothing now on the sheep market. The demand for good fat sheep Is only lim ited , and most of the receipts arc scut to Chicago. _ _ _ _ Cattle. Receipts of cattle to-day were light and the quality of the offerings generally good. The demand , however , was not of the best char acter and comparatively few heads changed hands , shippers purchasing the bulk of re ceipts. Prices were steady on all grades ex cept the best .cattle , Which w oru a shade stronger , ouo bunch of good stuff selling at 4.45. . HOB * . The receipts of hogs were light and tb.6 quality very somewhat inferior to those of the past few day * , although they compared very favorably with thosoof yentcrday. The market ojiciied slow and was at least 10 cents lower nt the close with all the receipts taken. The local packers were heavy pur chasers with speculators close seconds. Hlieop , The receipts of sheep were Cflt head , which were shipped to Chicago. Nothing was done on the market. Official Hecclptn. Cattle 801 Hogs 100 Sheep C57 Prevailing Price * . The following is a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned. It frequently occurs that no sales of sotno particular grade are made , when In this case the table w 111 stnto as nearly as possible the price tlirtt would have been paid had tbeto been any of that class among the offerings. Prime steers , 1,100 to 1500 Ibs.$4.15 ! 4.43 Prime steers , 1100 to 1.100 Ibs. . 333 Fat llttln steers , 900 to 1050 Ibs. 8.10 (33.75 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 Ibs 350 @U5 Common to choice corn-fed cows 2 00 Western cows 1.50 ( * l60 ! Fair to good range feeders . . . . 2 80 ( J42.73 Medium to good native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2 23 (3300 Common to good bulls 2 00 Q3.00 Fair to medium natlvo feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards 2 25 Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 215 ( it'i 75 Prime fat sheep 3 75 ( jf 4 23 Good fat sheep , 90W ( > 100 Ibs. . . . 3 50 Mi 75 Fair to medium sheep 2 25 ( * 300 Common sheep 2 00 @ 3 25 Light and medium hogs 4 05 ( < ( j5 00 Fair to choice heavy hogs 5 15 & 5 33 Fair to choice mixed hogs 505 ( $5.15 ItcproHcnrativc Sales. NATIVE STKFItS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19 WO $545 20 117.2 * 1S5 10 1022 34- > 37 1270 4.15 1 100) ) 350 8 12')0 4.23 12 1071 3.75 80 1270 4.33 15 112J 8.75 20 1352 4.15 cow s. . 880 250 3 133J 203 .Ib70 2 CO 1 1150 2b3 ntii.i s. .1410 240 2. . . .1525 2.50 .1710 2 75 IIUU.S AXII COWS. 3. . ' 182' ' ) 2 IB * lions. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 1. . 80 S400 73. . .215 2 0 $5 05 IS . . .104 400 0) ) . . .247 40 5 10 b8. . . .147 105 Ii7. . , .2JO 150 510 79. . . .150 125 CO. . .2. ! ' ) 200 510 87. . . .1.15 430 70. . , .2 54 200 5 10 . .Ifili 445 79. .2J < ) bO 510 . .158 4.50 70. . .245 11.0 510 73. . . .191 163 4M ) 07. . , . ' . ' 0(1 ( 120 510 71. . . .190 bO 480 ( H ) . . 100 510 58. . . .2(13 ( 200 4b5 < / > . . . .227 bO 5.10 71. . . .215 120 4b5 7J. . . .218 5 15 79. . . .13 ! 40 495 74. . . .212 5.15 43. , . .219 120 500 51. . . .244 40 515 ( U ) . . . .l' r , bO 5 10 0-1. . IMS 10 515 72. . . .214 bO 500 H4'3 230 5 15 76. . . .2 9 bO 500 80 515 77. . . .310 200 500 71. . ! ! w2 200 5 SO 05. , . .227 40 505 01. . . .270 5 20 OJ. , . .220 12) ) 5 05 70. . . .241 40 5 20 CJ. , . .20- > 5 05 03. . . .290 40 B80 5S. , . .22(5 ( 120 505 08. . . .241 40 525 57. . . .30J 12J 505 ( i1) ) . . 120 525 W. , 200 505 53. . , .80-1 533 SliipnicntH. Cattle , 12 cars , R I . ' . .Chicago Cattle , 0 cars , C. , B. & Q Chicago Sheep , ( icats , Mil Chicago Hogs , 8 cats , R. I Chicago l.lve Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stool : sold on the market to day. CATTLE. C.H.Williams m G. H. Hammond it Co H Lobman & Rothehild ' . ' 0 Total K * iioeis. Armour & Cudahay 1871 G H Hammond it Co 8'S ) Omaha Packing Co W9 J. M. Doud fits Local butchcis 875 Total , 1011 I Ranjo of Prices. Showing the xtroniu highest and lowest rates paid for leading grades of lie s on dates mentioned : lluavr. Mixed. Ugnt. Fob 5 ,55 y > ft ) fi 15 4 no > 10 Tob. 23 W. fill r , r > fits r.'i ' 4 U5 . 15 1 oh. ! J ) P,540 r , 10 ® .5 .n 4 70 > 15 Feb. 20 ( ? C3 45 n 10 4.15 i 10 K.'b a ) ts.5 6,5 5 15 . 4 65 . I'eli hllllilav bnuday Sunday lob .15 < / > r > 5 B 15 CM ,53 5 05 Cf-5 15 Tob. , U < jfc3 no n 15 O.5 .15 4 00 W > in r b r , ( Tt.5 , W 4 .15 445 07 ! 1'ob. r , to 4 fiO CW 05 K ( > b ftM 45 r. in ets 25 4 70 .5 15 i'ub. 66.5,15 fi Ii5 4J55 1 05 ® fi 10 or Prices. Showing highest and lowest prices paid for oading grades of cittlo on dates mentioned Space left blank indicates that no snlos of that particular class of cattle were maclo on that date ; Date.I'rlma Bt'rs I'rlme iit'rs.lConiinon to Ib. 11XI@13U ( ) Ib It'liolreCoHS. Fob 4 J.1) ) © 4 JO I fi.5 (7-1 ( Ki Feb. " ,1 (15 © J ! \ > 1 fa < & : Feb bunduy. Sunday. Sunda Feb. 4 45 ( t 1 4.5 4 1 ! ) © 4 .15 200 Fell 4 15 1 U ,1 1ft CJi 23 2 00 < TM Feb. 4 25 Q.I 2.5 I ! X ) M 25 Feb .1 75 0)4 ) 25 iffi Feb li ro < { 4 25 © 1 , L5 , j no @ 3 o and Conimlsstnn. Public inspaotors dock praguant sowa 40 pounds , slat's 80 pounds each , Dead hogs. 100 pounds and over , Sl.OO ® 2 00 per cwt , Joss than 100 Ibs , of no valuo. Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; bogs , 80 ; sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Corn , $1 00 per bu. ; timothy h ly , SoO ; prairie hay , $20 per ton Commissions : Cattle , 5Uo per head ; calves and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $3 ; public inspection on hogs , 15c per car. All siles unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs llyo weight. LUo Stock Notes. Heirs nio lower. Cattle a shade stronger. No sheep sold on the mai kct. Aimourwas the lieiviest purchaser to day. A. L. Dexter , of Blair , sold a load of hogs Titus & Terhune , of Litchflold , maiketed hogs. J , W Mclntosh , of Chapman , had cittle or the market. . Surft fi Co. have ceased hui Ing hogs and have laid off all their men. J. W. Conn , of Plattsmouth , had cattle and hogs on the market to day. Thirty-flvo cars of hogs arc reportexl al Not th Bend sidetracked on account of the washout. This accounts for the light 10- celpts. The market reporter on an tiftcinoon pa per yesterday in IIR ! introductory lemarks on the situation of the hog market at South Omaha sajs : "All the best hogs ou the mar ket will bo sold. The scrupby stuff will bo driven out. " Where the unfoitunate sciubbi bluff mentioned will bo driven to iloponcni saj eth not. OMAHA : MAUKCTS Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Kto. Saturday , Fob. 25. Tlic following quotation * nio uhnlu > n and not retail. Prices < iuotcil on inodncc rc. the HitcR til ichtdi round tot * aickohl m thl * mwkct. fruits or oilier lines of gootb rc < inlrlu \ extra labor In pacl.lita cannot al lie NiijifiUcd unouttiMc unleisnt ti Kline jtrlcte i/iiofcd for the local tiaile Jbitcs on ( four and feed are j < ilibcrn pilccx 1'iUes fn'jruH ; [ aretlioacpuld bu Omaha miller * ddlrci til. All iniotatlonn on mcr cltandlac me .obtained Jiom I eaillny houses and arc cnrrcitul dully. 1'ilecii on ciack crs , , < tfc. , arc f/ioc / ylt't'ii by luidlny mannfMturcrx. The produce market ruled quiet to-day with nothing but the usual wants to supply The cold weather brought a better deumm for poultry at flrm unchanged prices , but the prospects 870 that should the weather remain main cold nn auvuncu may po expected. But ter was strong in quality but weak li prices which , however , are quoted unchanged The supply of c gs is light ami the demam coed , but price * wont ailvuiico and Ilk ) l ; ivon ai the outside ? figure. Advices from Jtah say that the price for potatoes bas ad vanced from 15o to 200 , dut us yet no change bos resulted bore. In the fruit market the irinclpal demand has been for bananas , but other stocks are moving off quietly. Shlp- ncnts of oranges aud bananas have been re ceived during the wcok and another consign' nent of the latter Is cipcctcd next week , but all go on thjp market at the present prices. A car of coconnnts came to baud and are oiling nt Kiuor 100. * "renmory , solid packed. 2.1@24c ; choice roll * . ! S ( i20o ; medium , 14(315c ( ; low grades , 12ai3o ( Eoos-Strlctlj' fresh. 15@iCc ; limed , 10 ® 2c. Tonvtrs Good stock , C0@75c ; rutabagas , 60@55c. LfMovs 14 OOf'N 50 IKT box. CALIPOIINII PKAHS | J 50(32.75 ( ; extra choice , W 00. POTATOUS Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10 Q1.15 ; choice homo grown , SSfelH ) ; common grades , COc. BcAvs-Good stock , $2.00@230 ; California beans , $ J 25@2 40. CiivviiFiiuius Bell fi Cherry , $10 50@ll.10 , Boll & Bugle , lll.OlXnill.60 ; Bell i Bugle proinium , < U.5(112 ( ) ( 00. BAVAVAS Medium , $ J.50Jf300 ( ; choice , ,00@3 50. OMOVS Homo grown , $ l'.15c@l,23 ; Span- sh , per 50 Ib crate , $1.50@1.75. Cm.tiir Cliolco , 40if45o ( per doz ; fancy , 4550c. ( Ai'i'i KS Eastern fnilt , fair to choice stock , $3 r > ( Vu8 ifi ; fancy stock , $3 75@l.OO. DITI.S Peialan , 8c per Ib. Svtrit KKALT Cliolco , per bbl. of .iGgul. , < 3 25S 50 ; 14 bbl. , $4 57(25 ( 00 ; $11.00 per bbl. of 50 gal. CIDKII Choice Michigan cider , $0 00@0 50 irr bbl. of 8J gal. Poi-eoiiN Choice rice corn is quoted at 4@ 4 > fe per Ib , other kinds , 2 > tf < per Ib. C vmioTS ? 2 25feJ 50 per barrel. PAUSSII-S Now stock , $250 per barrel. O\STHIH I'laln standard , 25c ; plain so- ects , 80c ; standard , 40o ; extra selects , ,15e' ; Vevv York i ounts , lOc ; bulk oysteis , counts , PI.8,1 per UK ) ; selects , $ J 00 per gal. ; standard , M.25 per gal. Cvimuirs 51 per doz. and 3@1J4e per Ib .or ' California. Cvt'i ' ifiowLii Good stouk , $2 60@2 SO. Cn ! VPK-I Malagas , S7.GO$3 00 per bbl , and argcr sied bbls in proportion up to f 10 OUVMJI s California Riverside , * ! 00tf ( > 4 25 ; Messina , $ .575(9423 ( ; Valtmclus , WXE8.00 ( ) per caeo of 4JO ; Florida , brlghts , 125 ( * 4fK ) ; iiissotts , $ . ) VilOO ) ( ; Mexican , $4 00 ; Los Angeles , J * ! 50 ( < iJ 75 ; navuls. f5 50. Diessed chickens , 8ii9c ( per Ib ; turko\s , 9@llc ; ducks , 4@9e ; geese , 8(29e. ( FK.S In lujcis , ll Kio ; cake , lie per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , 01 ( 70 , raw ; Bra/11 nuts , 18o ; almonds , Tairagona , 22c ; Bnglish wal nuts , figjlSo ; filberts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts , 15c ; pecans , 12c. HOM.I 19 ( < r21c for 1-lb frunics ; canned honey , 10@12e i > er Ib. Oroccr'B PHOVISIOSS Hams , ll@llVc ; bieakfast bacon , IKtoll u ; bacon sides , UX .I ; dry salt , b fgb1) ) ; shouldorg , 01 ( i .7o ; ducd beef , lO llc. Tomcco Loilllard's Climax , 45e ; Splen did , 43c ; Mechanics' Delight , 44o ; Leggett & Mover's Star , 45c ; Coinerstono , 39o ; Drum- mond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 4Jc ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's Meoisuhaui , 81u ; Catlin's Old Style , 2.Jc ; Piper Hoidsick , 04c ; S\\ ret Tip Top , 3.1c. Ditihii FHUITS Apples , bbls , now , " s 0 % @ 7c : evaporated , V ftlOa ] blackberries , evaporated , ! IJ/10o ; pitted chciiies , 22@21 ; ( icaches , oastoi n , new , } 4a , ' ( ( ? % ; evaporated - orated , peeled peaches , Ji2e ( ) ( ; ovapoiated unpand , 18@lik' ; new cutiants , 7@7 > 4c ; liruncs , new , /3o ; citron , 2-1(0.25 ( ; raisins , California-London layers , ? 240Uf2 ( 50 , Cali fornia loose muscatels , $ J.OO@2.10 ; now Va lencia , M < tt % c. CKMII Mixed , n@llc : stick. ! ) @ % CAV\H ) Goons Oisters , standard , per case , SI 30(7(3 ( ,13 ; strawboi rlos , 2-lb , per case , ? .l 25t8 ! I5 ; raspbeiries , 2-lb , per case , * . ) 20(5 ( > 330 ; California pears , per case , $170 )480 ) ; apiiiots , per ease , $ t 50U4 ( 00 ; poaches , per case , § 5 < iOS5 75 ; whlto cherries , per case , $ ( i 00 ; Califoinia plums , per case , frl.50@4 ! 10 : bluebcines , per case , ? 2 80@2 40 : egg iHiiins , 2-lb , per case , W 50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , W20 ( < f575 ; 1-lb salmon , per do/ , $1.85@1.95 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , { > ! 25Vi)83 ( ) ; 2 Ib sti ing beans , per case , 51 b@l.b5 ( ) ; 2 Ib Lima bonus , pur case , $1 00@1.05 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , $2 f 0@2 70 ; 2-lb caily Juno pea1 , per case , f2b5 ; 8-lb tonmtoes , $250 ; 2-lb corn , J2 ! ! ( t@2 40 Rii IM 11 LAIIII Tioicc , 7aC ; 40-lb square cans , % a ; 50 Ib round , 7Jo ; 20 Ib round , 7j < c ; 10 Hi pulls , 8 , 0 ; 5 Ib pails , 8'fe ; 2 Ib pills , 8'rfc. ' Bitoovis Kxtia 4-tlo , r5W ) ; No. 1,8200 ; No 2 , 81.75 ; heavy stable. J4 00. HOI.HVH Hrtiiiisos 70@7J per keg. PIOKI BS Medium in bbls , J7.00 ; do in half bhls , $400 ; small , in bbls , f SOO ; do in half bbls , * - ( 50 ; gcrkins , In bbls , $0 OJ ; do in half bbls , $3 00. Jri I n s 30-lb pails , $1.50(31.75 ( Ti Vb Japans , 20@55u : gunpowder , 20 ® OOo ; Young 11 } son , 22@53c ; Oolong , 20(3 ( ( r > c. c.ROIT Seven sixteenths , ll@ll'iC. S HI is New Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 41c per gal. ; corn syrdp , 85c ; half bbls , 37o ; 4 gal. kegs , 01 55 Su/i Per bbl. car load , J1.40. MAIM i. SLOAH Bricks , 12) < e per Ib ; penny cakes , 15o per Ib. WOOPBMN mi. Two-hoop pills , per doz. , $1 40 ; three hoop pails , * 1 M : No 1 tub. id Mi ; No. 2 tub , $5 50 ; No 8 tub , $4 50 ; washhoads , $1.50 ; fancy washboards , $ .550 ; assorted bowlslj$2 75 ; No , 1 churns , if ) 5 ( ) ; No 2 churns , $850 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spi uce , in nests , $1.70. STAHCII Micror gloss , 5 fc ; Graves' corn , O e ; Oswego Cross , 7o ; Oswego corn , 7c. Coi n.E Ordinary grades , Ib l9c ; fair , 19ii"c ( ( ) ; prime , 20fi'21c ( : fancy green and jellow , 22C2sc ( ; old government Java , 2S@ Jdo ; iutcjior Java , 25@2So ; Mocha , 2fe@.10o ; Arburklo's roasted , 22' c ; McLaughlin's XXXX. 2J > e ; Ddworth's , 22o ; Red Cross , 22e ! . Sue u Gianulatcd , 7V@lfe ; conf. A. ; whlto ej.tia C , ( iXii/o ( ; extia C , 4iOXo ( ! ; jellow C. fij @ 5 ( ; o ; cut loaf , 7 fc ; powilored , 7J @s 4"o ; New Orleans , . ' /i. CitvcKHfCVKFS , ETC. Prices subject to change Soda , 5u ; soda ( city goods ) , 7o ; soda snow flakes ( in tins ) , lie ; soda dandy , ( > } c ; soda wafeia ( in tins ) , lOo ; soda zeph.vr , 8c ; city ojster , ti e ; excelsior , 7e ; tarinn ojster , 5 } < ? o ; gem ojster , Bo ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha ojstei , 7c ; pearl ovster , 5o ; picnic , 5o ; snowdrop ojstei , be ; butter , 5o ; Boston , be ; Omaha butter , 7o ; saw tooth butter , OJ-Jo ; cracker meal , ytogiaham \ , So ; giaham wafers , lOo ; giaham wafers in pound pack ages , 12 > o , liaid biead , 5e ; milk , 7 ! o ; oat meal , bo ; oatmeal wafeis , lOe ; oatmeal wa- feis In Ib pkgs , 12ji'c' animals , 12c ; bolivcr gingcer ( round ) , 7c , cream , 8c ; Cornhill , lOu ; ci ni/lmclls , lOe ; fiosted cream , 8Ke ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( citj' ) , 9c homo made ginger snaps in boxes , 18c ; homemade made ginger snails (1-lb ( cans ) per doion , $2 50 ; lemon cie'.un , 8oprct/els ; ( handmade ) , ll' c ; assoited cakes and Jumbles , like ; assoiled - soiled lingers , 15o ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) perelo/en , f7X ( ) ; banana llngeis , 14c ; buttci jumbles , ll'Jo ; Brunswick , 15o ; brandy snaps , 15c : cliocolato drops ( new ) , lOo ; chocO' Into wafers , 13o ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) , per do/rn , ? 1 50 ; coe-oa taffy snaps , 14o ; coffco caUo , 12u"Cuhu Jumbles , llXecicam ; puITt ) , 20c ; < ? Jumbles , 14u ; ginger drops , llo ; honey jumbles , lUfo ; Jolly tlngcis , 15o ; Jollj wafers , 15j ; Jelly tart ( new ) , 15o ; lady ling ers , l.V ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 do/cn iiackages In box , per dozen , $2 W ) . All goods packed in cans 1 ct. per Ib. advance - vance except Snowllako and SVafcr Soda , which is packed onljin cans. Soda in 2 Ib , and 8 Ib. paper boxea , cent porlb. advance : all other goods , 1 cent per Ib advance. Sod ; in 1 Ib. paper boxes , I cent per Ib advance The 2 Ib. boxes arc packed in cases holding 18 In n caso. The 8 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a cnso. The 1 Ib. boxes are packed In cases holding 81 ! in a case Ono Ib Graham and Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 doz in a case. Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75 cents. Cans for Wafer Soda $ ) 00 not returnable. Cans for Snow flake Soda , $ U 00 per doz. Tin Cases with Glass Face to display the good * , 75 cents each. No cbai ges for Packages except for cans and re turnable cases. Glass Front Tin Cans nnt "Snowllako" Soda Cans are returnable a' ' prices charged. _ Dry Gooda. DUCK West Point 2 ! ) in. 8 oz . lOJ o ; Wrs Point 29 iu. 10 oz. , 12Xo ; West Point 10 in. V. oz. , 15o ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , 16c. Checks -Caledonia X , 9Vc ; Caledonia XX , lO o Economy , 9 > fe ; Otis , btfc. -Memorial , 15o ; Canton 18e ; Durham , 27)fc ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning ton,22'fo ; Cottswold , 27 > o. Ciu&n Stevens' B , Oo ; bleached , 7C'Sto ; vens1 A , 7' c ; bleached , 8Wo ; Stevens' P 8 0 ; bleached , O o ; . Stevens' N , UJ bleached , 10 > , 'c ; , Stevens' S R. T , 12Xc. MtscRt.u\v otn Tabto oil cloth , $2.V ; pluin Holland , 8 0 to 9o ; Dado Holland , "tfc. CAMntucs Slater , Co ; Woods , 60 ( Stan dard , BofPodcock , 5c. COMFOUTKIH $ < ) 00(335 ( X ) . S Whlto , $1.00Q7.50j colored , Siir.ETis'0 Horkely cambric , No. ( W , 9Jfe ; Best Yet , 4-i , OVt butter cloth OO , 4 > { o ; Cabot , 7 0 ! Farwell , SJtfo ; Fruit of Loom , 9 > / < y Orceno O , ( HHOIK : ? , 8e ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , UUo ; Lona- dale , 7c ; New York mills , lOLfc ; Pepperell 42 In , lie ; Pepperell , 40-ln. , 12c ; Pepperell , 04 , 15o ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21e ; Pepporell. 9-4 , S.5c ; Pcppcrell , 10-3 , 25o ; Canton. 4-1 , 8tjo ; Canton , 4-4 , 9'jo ; Triumpli , Oo ; Witmsuttn , lie ; Valley , Bo. FLANNELS Plaid KaftMimn , 20c ; / , 37koQuecheoNo. ; 4 , ? / , 'H o ; Ana .tko ; Windsor , 2Jjo ; HedXC,2Mnch. in K , 2-l-lnrh. 21o ; GO , 24-Inch , lc ! * ; II A F , S5o ; J H F , Jf , 2140 ; O , Jf , 85c. PIU.NTS Souii COI.OHS Atlantic , ( V Slater , 54'e } ; Betllnoil , ( cOaancr ; oil , ' ( < . To. PINK AMI iioiths Richmond. ( iKe ; Allen , Ol c ; Klvcr point , Be ; Steel Klver. OKc ; .Hichmond , Oc ; Pacific1 , O' c. INIHOO Bi UK Washington , 0 ; Centurj'Indigo blue pi hits , lOc ; Amerlinn , 7e ; Arnold , 7e : Arnold B , lie ; Arnold A , 12e ; Arnold Gold Seal , lt > Kc ; Charte'- Oak , fij o ; Kamapo , 4Hc ; Uuli , TMJ ; Alien , Oc ; Ulchmond , 3 > e : Windsor ser , ( i'c ; Kddj stone , tij < fo ; Pacific , Corrov FIANM-IS leper cent tiado dls- oloied , 10oW ; ) , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Uustol , UUtfc ; Union Pacific , Ibe , T \VAiii' Uubb white , lO'/ccolored ; , ; SIIIIKTINO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'/c ; Atlanta H 4-4 TVr Atlanta D ( Atlantic , - , ; , 4-4ifc ; lantic P , 4-4 , Oe ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 0 { c : Auro ra C , 4-4 , 5o ; Crown XXX. 4-4. 7 > < e ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 9-4 , ' ) { & Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-1 , Tic ; Poppcrell , H , 4-4 , 7o ; Popperell O , 4-1 , Oc ; Pepporell , 8-i lSuPepperoll. ; 9-1 , 21o ; Pepperell , 104 , 2ic ; Utlca , C , 4-4. tjfc. Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Au- roia K , 4-4 , 0 ! e ; Auioia B , 4-4 , Oc , HVTTS Standard. 8c ; Gem , lOj-jV ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0 50. GINOHAM Plunkett cheks , 7 > < fe ; Whitten- ton , 7) e ; Yotk. 7t } : ; Normandi dress , 8 0 ; Calcutta d ress , SHe ; U'liittenton dicss , 9u ; Ucnfiow dress , Sj JW jC. Tic'Ks Lewiston , 80 In. , 12) ) c ; Lowlston , 32-in. , 13Ko ; Yoik , 82-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7J c ; Thorndike , OO.Sj c ; Thorndikc. EP , 8 } t ; Thoindlke , 120 , 9 > ie ; Tliorndike , XXX , IBc ; Cordls , No. 5,9J c ; Cordis , No. 4. lie. DINIVIS Amoskcag , 9-o ? , Ki ; Everett , llo ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOo. General Murkots. Oils Carbon. 12@25c ; linseed , boiled , V2c ; linseed , law , 59o ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1 00 ; whale water , bleached , 85c ; fish , bank , i55o ; ncuts- foot extra , OOo ; ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50(3550 ( ; jasolinc , 74 degiocs , 15o ; W. S. lard , 05o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 3 lard , 50e ; W. Va zero , 14c : W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40e ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naphtha , I de gree , 14e ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12o ; head light , 175 degrees , 15c ; turpentine , 48o ; cas tor , pure , $ J 15 per gal , Dunns Ammonia caib , 14c ; camphor rc- flncd 8c ( ) ; coppei asl } fo ; | crcam tai tar,4 JiP45e ( ; cream cai tar powdered , 20@50c ; Indigo Mad ras , 75o ; moiphla sulph , per 07 $ . 3 40 ; soda bl. cuibb4 cVenice ; turpentino,40o ; gum opium , $ -149 ; iniicksilvei. 80o ; quinine , Get man per oz. , 55c ; quinine , P. Ai W. , OIc ; wax , jellow , | iure , 82c ; wax , white , 40 < 345o ; citrio acid per ib , 04c ; oxalic acid , per Ib , 54c ; alum , 4c ; boi av , i ellned , per Ib , lOo. Pow HiH AMI SHOT Shot , $1.40 ; buckshot , $1 05 ; Miami powder , $300 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50jlblastiug kegs , $3 15 ; fuses ; 100 feet , 15(0.750. ( . SriniTs Cologne spirits 133 proof , $1.14 ; do , 101 proof , $1.10 ; spirits , second quality , 101 , pi oof , $1.14 : do , 18S ; proof , $1.13 ; alcohol 183 proof , per wino gallon , $2.18 ; redistilled whiskies $1.00@1 50 ; gin blended , $ l.50@2 00 Kentucky bourbons , $ J 000l)0 ( ) ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes f2.0RO ( ) ( 50 : Golden Seeaf bourbon and rjo whiskies , $ I50@300 ; brandies imported , ? 5 OOfWS 50 ; domestic , ? 1.8800gins ( ) ; , imported , $500@000 ; do mestic , 1.23(700 ; ! ; champagnes importedpor- case , 28.00Tt ( , ! , ) 00 ; American per case $10 00@ 10 00. Fi oru VNMI Frpn Minnesota patents , $2 CO per ov\t ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , * 2 ( > 0 ( < i > 2.75 per owl ; Nebraska pat ents , $2 45 ( < J2 50 per cwt ; r.v o flour , $2 00 per cwt ; wheat giaham , $1.75S ( 1 90 per cwt ; ijo Kiaham , $1.1'5 per evvt ; Now York buckwheat , ( > 5l@7.00 ( per hhl ; Uxcolslor , fOOO per bbl ; icaily laised , $5 00 per 100 Ib ease ; coinmeal , jellow , $1 ( K@l.lfl ) per cwt ; whlto , ? 1.05@1.15 per c\vt ; bran , $10 00i)17.X ( ) ( ) per ton ; screen ings , $14 50(1315 ( ( H ) per ton ; liominy , $ .125 per bbl ; chopped feed , $1950@2000 per ton ; chopped corn , SlS.OO ( < il9 00 per ton. Hun s Gie'on butcheis' , 4M@5c ; green cured , S iOe ; div flint , 9c ; dry Bait , bo ; green calf skins , 7e ; damaged hides , two- thirds pi ice. Tallow 8' c. Grease Piimo white , 1'fc ; jellow , 3c ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 25c$1.00 ( Green ox pelts , 8W8J4fc ( ; kip skins ( unfiozen ) , 4C' ' ( > Xe ; cowhides , I'l'iis Haccon , 10@00c ; mink , musk rat fall , 2@7e ; striped skunk , fiW25c ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , $15.S2 ) ( 50 ; No 2 , prallio , 50fffi75c ; No 2 , 25@40c ; beaver , No. 1 , per Ib , $ T < K > ( i(8 00 ; No 2 , 31.00(91.25 ( ; otter , $ t.00@000 ; dry deer skins , $ JOf/.l5e ( perlb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15@25e. Wool , Per Ib . 14@20c. LKATIIKU Oak soles , 35@37c ; hemlock slaugliter solo , 20@29c ; hemlock drj' sole , 21 (5525c ; hemlock kip , OSfeOOo ; A. & H. runner kip , r,0fl > 75c ; A. hemlock calf , 00@t.OO ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock upper , 19fJ4 ! ( ' ; Knglish grain upper. 25c ; hem lock giain upper , 21fe24o ; Tumplro 11. L. Morocco , 29 < a3.oTamplco ! ; pebble , O. U. Mo. , 22@41ic ; Cui.uoa , H. G. Mo , 35c ; Simon O. D MoJ75i.llK ( ) ) ; Dungoia kid , 30aaio ( ; X. M. kangaroo , 40o ; American calf kid , iUc : Griesen kids , $ .100 ® ' ! 50 ; French glazed kids , $250@175 ; French calf kids , U20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@ l 00 ; oak calf skins , $1 00@1.25 ; French ralf skins , $1.21iJ ( ) 2 01 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1 50 ; Uussitt linings. $0 00(5,0 ( , 50 per doz ; pink , ci cam and white linings. $7.50@1000 per doz. ; coloied toppings , $ 'IOO@11.X ( ) . Guv is Wheat , OOo ; rje , fiXgfiSc ; oats , 30@ Silo ; yellow coin , 40o ; white coin , 45o ; bar ley , rxfnwc. ExTitxcTS Sanderson's oil bergamot , per Ib , $ . ) 00 ; oil lemon , per Ib , $ i 50 ; oil peppermint - mint , * .t 00 ; oil wintergiecn , JJ50 ; alive oil , Malaga , ] ier gallon , $1.25. SOAI- Castile , mottled , per Ib , 8@10ecas- ; tile , white , 10@ic : ) PAINTS White lend , pure , Oc ; whlto lead , fancy , Oe ; putty , In bladders , ! lc ; Paiiswhitc , ! ! c ; common , 2' ' c ; red lead , 7c. WINDOW GI.AXS Single. 70 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. Fi\\si n > Quoted at $1.31 > per bushel. Cou , KIT ? , * fl,7B ; nut , $10 ( X ) ; lange. $10 ; walnut block , * ) GO ; Iowa nut , $ JbO ; Iowa lump , $ J trf ) ; Illinois , * 50. IlAi Common , $ ( l 00 ; upland prairie , $7.00. Till ; HOMj OK HONOU. Tlioso who Ilnvo Itccofciilzcd CouraKO niul Demotion , ion : not en FU.VIJ. Previously icpoited $4,072 20 Untertuinmentof the Get man School Ladies 11 00 Miss Kato Wankmillcr , Schujler , Neb 60 Citizens of North Loup , Neb 2S 50 Public schools , Osccola , Neb 14 SB Proceeds of ball nt Norfolk. Neb. . . . 20 00 Collected by Miss Klla liuikhoes , Heading , Pa 115 80 W. L. Peabody , Not w ich. N. V 2 00 Philips. lilno , Hooper , Neb 2 to Total $4,300 47 I.II.VA WOK1I1IKCKK IUXII , Previously reirai ted $ 1,200 41 Kntert.ilnmunt German school ladlcH 15 00 Joslo Avery and Lcnora Uarnes , IJattlo Creek , Neb R 00 Both Eden Haptist church 11 87 Total ? 1,331 10 MINMK VltEKMAN FUNII. Total todoto $ 703 51 TIIK CHILDUICN'S fU.ND , Total to date $ 102 83 KTTAMIIVrTLCK ITU Ml , Total to dote - 5"1'70' ' ° ' > The "lido" Fund. The Lolollo\co fund $1.800 47 The Lena Woobbecko funQ 1.313 10 The Minnie Freeman fund 70.1 51 The Utta Slmttucic fund 4,701 0,1 The Wcstphalon monument fund. . . . 102 St Grandtotal k ' . . . . . $11,20 ? pi , Story of the "Cotton irooil Man" Covering the 1'criod Since the JiutMltioofthe V.r. Itrltlgc * \ Reporter Iict Ijoosn In Hie UulOB 1'nclflo Hhops nnrt Wtmt Ho 8 w Xhoro An IntnrrstliiK Sketch ofal'opulnr Wo Proniltipnt In the Fifth district of Oinalm.nnil liUKKlUK th Imnka of the great Missouri river , ptitnd tlu < Mist aud \uirkslmpitoftheUnloa I'm lllc Itallrond Co. Ihe ne > enil structures In clude the ptilat shops , the inr shops , tli boiler ghnpi. thr Murk-nunh BhoN ) , tlnMinuliluoshops , and boiler norkH. Insldo tlieso bulkllngs ftulr WW workmen , wearing this lean o\eroll which constitutes the. uniform of lalwr ( a manlier garb tlmn soldiers' trappings or couriers' laces ) move amongL'reut nmcnlner ) , or denfen the air w 1th a coatmouH rut-u tat tut of tholr liHinmvrs. IntluMimchlnaMiophiiRomai Minus bore , shearer or punch thick Bit el its endlly as a carl enter rnn eV w oed or a rhlld n Itli si Issm s cuts out Ms pliiythlnys. In the blncKsmlth shop forty odd forges CAST A r.unnxii. UIK upon the smoky w alls. In the roundhouse twenty tttalls umtaln each an engine ( that ueems In Its narrow hoiiao monstrously enlarged ) In prucosn of repair or mnnufncture. Knch eilglnesuRgesU H lniK bfttlihouml tlio men un\\llMK or climb' Ing upon It seem like IndiiRtrlons bcos. In t ho mlilKt of Niich HUI roundlng't an the black' smith shop , thu rcliorter In ouest of an Item of In terest , found Mi , James t'ullulmn , u muu well' Kno\Mi and iKipulai among bin fellow -workmen , us well as to e\er > bauMng establishment and business house In thU ct\ . Mid who lm been emplojed In the same sliopsfor l NO.UH In re- pl > toanlnteirocathefnnn tliesi'rlbo Mr.L'ulla- linn replied : " 1 camu to this country from yueenstown , Ireland , In IKHlJili > t after IJncolu was clotted president of the 1'nlted States. Iro- mnlnedln New York city until ism , when I tame to Omaha , where I secured a job of work as helper In the U. 1' . Shops ami lmo worked lit'reo\or Hiiuo. I worked under Mr. Iloff. the Hrst raasiot in ichnulc the ( J. P. Co. had In these tOiops. In IN * ) 1 w orked under the present foro- iiiiin , Mr. A. A. ( llhson , and luu o been In his em ploy ox or since. While they weie building the U. I' . Itrldge 1 was taken from the shops to as- ulst at the Iron work there and whllo tnclr em ployees were carried away dally by sloknesa many of u horn died , I never was effected In the least by the exposure and work which was 100 feet below the surface. It was there I pot tha name or the "cotton wood man" by tbo chief en- glueerbecKUKeasho tmld I was proof ugulnst the malady that was continually decreasing hla force or workmen. "As I stalled to pay , I was always a hearty min anrt w as ne01 under the care of any doctor until about two ) ears ago , when 1 took a cold whlch settled in my thront and chest. I would hawk and spit and had pains over my eje and In the small of my back. Had a severe COUKU nearly all the time. Had dizzy upells at times , and more thanoncu 1 had toslezehold of Homo Hiipport to keep f nun railing , I n ent to some of the best ph > sli ians In the city , and wan oxamln- t d by them. I also took treatment , but derived rib bcnellt whatovor. There was for three months that Fcould not micak abov e a whisper , and I had a continual nearness none would ntop up so I could not breathe throuuh It. My throat wonlil till up with mucus or phlegm dur ing the niRlit. and to cct rid of It In the mornlmr 1 would liavo to CUR for an hour or more , and frequently w ouldomlt , I WAN IN A VKIIT ( II1TICAI , CONII1TION. last fall and scarcely think 1 would have been able to work durhiK thu winter hud It not bavo been for some of my follow workmen who had been successfully triatcd by lr , J. C. McCoy and his associates , tbroiiKh their Instrumentality I v Islted his ollice In the HIUIIKO block and at once sought his services to see what he could do for me. I be an to use his tieatmint , uolnK to his ollice three tlniisn week besides takhiK Ills medi cine lepulnr and at thu end of one week found invlf much Improv ed , I continued tolmprov e i Ight along and the change WASSIMI'IilVIIVTIOUS T don't think I ever cnjoed better health In my life than I do at the present time 1 have no iiioio pains or aches , have had no tumble with my spew h , do not take colds as easy as I used to , my uiujih troubles mo no morn and 1 feel like a jiew man altogether. Mr. Callahan Is probably as well known In and around Omaha us any tiusl * inssman Intbedty , having ncLiimuluted con- xldtrublo of this worlil's goodsanil Is one of the most peculiar uicii mound the wonts. Jfti * A JAMbS CAI I.AIIAV. for years president of Iho Dimml I'lre company bofoiu the present paid lire department was or ganized , was for ) tais a prominent Odd J'ellow , and at present Is a number of the Knights of Honor , and i an bo fouml at Iho Union Pucltlo blacksmith shops , or at his residence 70i ) Noith ] 'ourteentli-Ht , whore ho willfully corrobOTtt * the above statement. CI3HTAIN KVIDKNCE. Discovered Which May Ho Beneficial to the .Header. Inthopraotlceof a skillful physician there occurs many cases like thu casw of catarrh men tioned. In many cases thu putluits Imvii i lim about thu chest and sides and Homctlmos In the back. 1 hey ftol dull and sit ep ) ; thu mouth has a bad taste , especially In the morning. A sort of Ktlek ) Bllme collects about thu teeth. The ap petite Is poor. There li a feeling llku a heavy loail on the stomach , sometimes u faint , all gone Hcnsatlon ut Ihu pit of the Ntomiich , which rood does not satisfy. 1hoc > esun > bunken , the hands and feet be- < emu cold and feel dummy. Aftei u while a rough sets In , atthht dry , but after a fuw months It Is atttniled with u gn cnlsh-colored oxpe'ctor- utlon. ' 1 ho patient feels tired all the while , and hlcop does not seem to alford any rest. After u time he becomes nei vous. Irritable and gloomy and has evil forebodings. 'Iherelsaitldalimas , n a sort of w hilling sensation in the head-when rising up suddenly. 'Jho bowc's become cost ive , the skin Is dry and hot at times , thu blood lire omps thick and slugnant.t lie while a of thec ) e-H become tliigodwith > ellow. lliu klduovH beicret- Ions iiocomu ocantv and high eoloretl , deiioslt- Ing a sollment after slamllng , 'ihuro IH fru- iliuntlyaHilttlng | up of food , Romtlmos with n sour taste and hometlnus with abWcttUli tun to : this Is frequently attended with palpitation ot the heart and asthmatic svmploms ; thu vlslou liecomes Impilrcd , with spots beifoiu the eos ; there Is a teellngof great prostiutloiiuud wtuk > ness. I'prinnnently Ijocmted. Ir , Cresap J. McCoy , late ot Ilellevue Hospital , New York , and tils associates , lulu of thu Unlv i rslty of New York City , al o of Wash ington. I ) . C , have lee itcd pi rmanently In the Itumgu block , Omaha , Neb. where all curable casts urn treated skillfully. Consumption , llrlght'a IlKca , lhpepsla , ItheumatUm , and all nervous diseases. All disease * , peculiar to hex a specialty. CATARRH9 CURED ! Consultation at ollice or by mail , f 1 , OIHco hours U to 11 a. m , , "A to 1 p. m , ' 7 to B n , m. Sunday Hours From 0 , a , m. t& 1 p. m. Corn spondunce nrcUoHpiomiit aticuiiuil . No hitterii answered unless accompanied by 4c In Htamps. Address all letters to Dr. McCoy , Ilooma 310 and lill , Itaiuuo Dulldlng , Omaha. Nab.