Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMXttA SATURDAT , * | tgBftF&frY & , * 3fi
Oovomor Thayer Pormulatoa Pro
visions For Trnnoforlng Prisoners.
In tlio District Courtt-Prolillil-
Itondy Fornlio Cninpa Rii
l'Nxln j lr thf ITncntnpnient
Oilier Mncoln News.
frno tnr. itinn's ' uxcor.x
'Oovi'i'tiorTlinycr ' 1ms issued u clrcu-
( Isu'HeltlnK forth the law in regard to the
.extradition of fugitives frfim juslico
firid the rules that must be followed in
jnccuring 'persons and "prtpors. The tfov-
fcrnor hns worK'od very hard ' to cldar
U > in dejKtrtmeilt of the executive of the
Very 'oinm6n complaint that parties
were extradited from other stales inoro
especially to collect n debt a fugitive
might owe , rather than punishing him
for violating the law. and it has bcfcn
the elTort of the -governor to sco to it
Irmrtho'inacMitn'eryof the "fitatc should
'nbt'be used for the i-ollectiou of debts
lii this mariner. At a conference ol
fltato olliclala interested in the extradi
tion question a sot of rules wore adopted
to follovv , that the governor has ap-
prove'd ' for the stnte. One of the tnosl
Important of thc'iuter-statb rules is that
\\io \ application extradition mint be the prosecuting attornoy. Ir
addition to the general law and Inter-
fltsite rules Governor Tlmyor has added
. the following that must heruaftcr be
bbservc'l :
' 1. No account for expenses tvill be nllowcc
wilds * tlie fugitive has been relumed to tlu
proper county hi this state Tor trial.
f& . KnHifcill must flnoclfy-nll the items ol
pxpcntllturc , accornpanlcil , when possible
with the piopor vonthors.When imnneiu
for scrvkes is iniulc to oQIccrs in othcrstutos
thcli- receipts must be appended und tb (
whoii * account properly Jfworn to.
! ! . The componsntlon of opcnls Is limited tc
the refunding of the 'actual exiienscs in
uin reel , utul VA u day when in actual service
thut of anshtnnls 8'i per dny. No comncnsa
t ion or cxpensps-will be allowed an aasistan1
when but oho prisoner Is return6d.
4. No clsilms will bo allowed for conipcn
sation or otherwise Which may arib ( > altci
the prisoner bas'bccn returned Io tlie countj
in which tlie crime was comriiittcrt.
fi. The stdto will hot bo rcsponhlble for ex
licnses incurred in procuring the requisition
or before the requisition is Issued.
( i. The iiRcnVs oouiinlssion glibuld nlway :
be i-eturned to the executive office , with i
bri9f History of its execution written Upot
tbp back , like im officer's return upon u writ
aim should be accompanied by a receipt fron
the Jailer or other onlccr to whom the fugi
tlVo was delivered to await bis trial.
7. Thoirarrant issued by the governor foi
tlie arrest and delivery of nny person , foi
whom a requisition has been made Upon till
executive of this state , should bo returned U
this oflice by the oHlcer making the arrest
'With bis action written in full thereon.
nurriucT COUUT.
The district court bofofo Judge Pieh
nnd a jury has consumed two days it
hearing the case of Sliamp vs. Meyer *
This is an iiction to. recover some $8M (
and lias been in the courts for som <
time. , .
County Attorney Stearns ycstorda ;
filed the following informations in crlm
Inal ciisos'that cover tlio hew crises 01
tliis docket for the term : Thomas .f
Haylcn , obtaining 'money under falsi
pretense ; Ed Hart , adultery ; Chavlc
Thomas , forgery and altering forgei
'miwr ; Fred 'Ahlo , htluUory ; W. W
HOuse atiU'Mrs. W. W. House , rcsistini
nnd abusing an ofllcor.
A n'ow divorce , case- was Institute )
ycs-terdtty , Rosa Blake Asking flivorci
from William Qlako on the grounds o
failure to.Bupnort and abu o.
Ol'KNIJtCI ' .
The prohibitionists tiavo taken th
initiative in city politics by calling thoi
city coiivontlcm to meet on Tuesday
Maruh 20 , at Red Ribbon hail , the pri
niiirlcs in the different Wards tolx ) hcli
on the Saturday previous. The cit ,
ollicers to elect iho probcntyear are
police judge and six members of th
council. At the election iv year ago b
collusion w'ith the democrats , the prohi
bltionibts shurod in the Bpoils of cit
polities and a good si/.cd hope remain
to thorn for the coming campaign. Th
delegates are apportioned as follows
1'Mrrit ward I ) , Second ward 15 , Thir
wafd Ul , Fourth ward 18. Fifth ward If
bixth ward 15 , each church in the cit
niu ) each tempcranco organisation ii
o city 1.
The local committees are pushing th
wk prepjirfttory to the cncampmont e
the G. Avll. , that opens in 'represent ' : !
five hall next Tuesday evening. I-Ualx
rate programmes are in course of prepui
ation , andlho decorations tire exccr ,
llonully fine. Tlio contest promises t
Tie warm for the posistion of departmer
ComTBmBdr , with Brad P. Cook , of Lit
coin , -vj. H. Davis , of Wnhoo , and Ca |
tain Henry , rot Fairmountin the Icai
App/imaVox post , of which Brad Cook i
* member , has hold a session , and pt
' oi ed , his candidacy , and Farragt
j > o > t , of this city , Is Evidently not com
mittqd for any randidato as yet. Th
gathering of old soldiers will bo ver
it is important that the -jrrandnrm
comrades who expect to attend the ci
campmont should remember , that th
grand army boyt. and citizens of Liucol
have propareila welcome o\itcrtaiumci ;
Tuesday night thut all Bliould atton
nnd by no moans mlss. Therefore ,
they arrive nt Lincoln during Tucs > rta <
USth , they will not bo a whit too soon fc
the call to order at 9 a. in. next day , an
Mil bo just , in time to take in iho it
fcatory onterta\n\nont.
CTTV llllIKI-'S.
Frftnk J. Reed , of Chicago , rcnn
Bonting tlie uMonon" route , is in ll
city talking ; h\s \ road to tlio Knights i
Pythias for their excursion to tl
supreme lodge at Cincinnati.
Governor Thayer has gone
Teltamah to attend a military rccoptic
at that place tendered to himself.
Secretary Ayer of 'the board of Iran
portation , departed for Omaha yeslo
lay enrouto for tt visit at his home i
Ex-V/nrdou Nobcs , of Yorlc , was
the cHy 'yebtbvdttv on business connectc
with his now buildings.
A new wholesale stationery nnd blat
book house has located lu this cit
securing the Stubblclleld building c
Klovcuth street for their businci
which will require two lloors and tl
The Lincoln press club tendered Hi
Nye u banquet Thursday evening at tl
close of his lecture. Brown's cafe w ;
the scene of the festivities , and M
MoUoynolds of the opera house placi
the newspaper men of thu city und
Veuowcd obligations.
Articles of Incorporation
the American Press Absoeiutii
of Omaha , wore lllcd yesterday with tl
secretary of state. Capital stock , $1X (
divided into twenty shares of $ -r > 0 oae
Incorporates , Marcollus R. Perkli
Lewis Krlckson , Frank S. Flannigan ,
Omaha , and George \V. Cummlnga ai
O. .T. Smith , of Now York.
A special excursion train loft yesti
day morning for the now town of /
lianoo , in Bet Butte county , .where t
Lincoln Town company are to-day hoi
liiy their flrbt sulo of lots. A lar
jiumhorof 'cltlzehs'Jilned Irt thocxcur _ *
slon.Mr. . .T. 1) . C'alhoun , of the Swto Domo-
ci-at , has ordered the Inaterlal lor a. now
] > apor at the now town of 'Alliance that
will bo called the Alliance Argua. Mr.
C'alhoun has associated with himself In
the new paper Mr. \ \ ' . S. Porriti , for
f-oine time city editor of the Democrat ,
nnd Mr. Perrin will move to Alliance
and have control of the paper at Its
place of publication.
"Tho steel car works are coming , "
said Mr. John C. Botmcll yesterday ,
nnd with them secured ' life Belt ,11110 ,
road'will'be < ? oinmeViced'at once , so that
the trad ; can bo laid the present season ,
all of which will materially iinproVc the
Nebraska Jottings.
Crete is working tip a cannery.
ch'uylcr has .suhscrlbdd $1,800 to se
cure a canning factory.
Teoitmsch has 'subscribed " * $ .jj000 to
ward a canning factory.
The Lyons Mirror ro'flocUvcly * sug
gcsts Allison nnd Hlscock.
The Grand Army men In Crete hav
raised itlOUOio erect a bttlldihg On tin
Chautuuquu assembly grounds.
The M'orfolk Ne\vs seconds the motlor
of the Wayne ITornld that the nrixl , re
'publica\i state couvdntion be held ii
A Plattsmouth man overburdened
with beer , laid down to rest on thotracl
near the depot. A switchmen biiatchec
him from death as the locomotive grazec
his head.
nSchuylerhn < ! nlrcady'ralsbd a purse o
WjOOO to secure the next Grand Arm ;
reunion. The encampment mcott , it
Lincoln on the 2lth to decide the tiuu
und place.
' The Sloman brothers , " says the Fremont
mont Herald , "aro again before tin
courts in Omaha , in a case growing ou
nf their assignment a year or so ago
The allegations of theiplaintiiT in tin
present case convey the iniprcssion thu
the right place for the smart young mci
would bo behind the bars. They are al
together too 'slick. ' "
John Lapache , ex-treasurer of C'olfa >
coUnty , has disappeared with abou1
$8,000 of the county funds. He has i
week's start of the ofllccr.s and is prob
ably in Canada by this time. He let
for Lincoln on the loth , ostensibly ti
pay the County's share of the stat (
taxes. .There are forty-two signers 01
his bond nnd they will have to nuiki
good the loss. A low days before hi
left he sold nearly all his real eastate
und what he did not sell is badly on
cumbered. It appears tlmt ho was compelled
polled at the time ho settled with hv
successor to borrow quite a largi
amount of money. The news of his
flight was a complete surprise to every
body in Schuylor , as ho was supposed
to have ben perfectly honost. Ho let
Ills wife and two chlldrc.n and thoi
have no knowledge of his wherabouts.
Butte shipped last week bullion val
ued at $105,004. ,
The territory has wealth as well a
beauty. Since 1802 she poured into thi
lap of nations $200,000,000 in gold.
Helena has a young t woman a vor ;
young woman who prospectively wil
inherit a great estate. She it ) sole heir
ess to-day to more than $3,000,000. Shi
is tlie daughter of Tommy Cruse and i
0110 year old.
Win. Benson , of Dillon has beoi
granted a patent on a Hying machine
He will make his first aerial oxcursioi
to the capital next month providini
his atmospheric eayuse does not bucl
the stall on tne way.
Helena is on the threshold of a profe
porous Season. The Manitoba 'road wil
lay 55,000 tons of steel rails in tha
vicinity ; a smelter , to cost $1,500,000 , i
assured ; also a government building
waterworks , sewers , a central schoc
building , extension of street railway
hnd other improvements.
Tlie Pacific Const.
Phtrnix , A. T. , is to be lighted b'
"Baled hay is $20 per ton in souther ;
A "trust" has been incorporated b
Columbia river causers to bull the sal
mon market.
Tlie carcass of a large humpbackc
whale floated ashore near. Fort Brag
January 21. The lucky captors se
cured 112 barrels of oil.
Tulare county has forty-ouo nrtesin
wells , from which flow daily 40ooOC : ;
gallons of water , within a. radius <
fourteen to eighteen miles.
Bob , the Indian who killed anolhc
in a pow-wow near Bethel , Fresn
county , n few days ago. has since bee
ambushed and shot dead by his'counliM
, A natural monstrosity is rcportc
from Byron in the shape of a doubl
pig , bora dead , and on exhibition at tli
place of Charles Peers , having t\\
bodies , two tails , eight tcet , two bodu
joined to onb head which "has two k :
of upper and lower teeth in ono jaw an
two tongues.
Mr. Blegeatli'd Scheme.
Register of DceJs Megcath Will put in' '
npcration ft pet scheme of Ms nt once to 'ii
crease the efficiency ot the lcrltS employ
in his office.
Mr. Mcgcalh proposes tc place in tt
hands of his comparers a number of sma
books , each ono labletl with the name of tl
different clcilcs. It will bo the c mp.tVer :
duty to mark in oaoh book the number of c
r6rs found , Which will be debited to the clci
"making " them. At 'tho end of the month M
Mcgcuth will rcail the list to his flock ai
deliver n lecture U ) them on man's ( RI
woman's ) weakness.
The register of deeds -proiwscs to make h
oDlce a model one , und as all of ttio clerl
are far behind .h .their Work he will tal
the moans stated nbore of discovering U
mbst competent.
It ( superior excellence proven in millions
hornet tor more than a quarter of a century ,
is mill by the United Mutes ( lovornmea . V
ilursrd by thn heads of the Great UnlTerKUles
tlin Sjtronne t , Purest aud moat Healthful. 1
Price's t'renm Haklnc Powder doc * not rontf
Ammonia , Lime or Alum. Sold only IIIUAU" ,
Pnicc liAKisn PowDEiiCo.
- Hi .i'
Railroad Employes Outnumber IB Sol
fliers of the Late War.
Millions of Dollars Paid Annually tc
the Support of the Many Faiiilllog
Dependent on the H. H. Compa
nies Doing Husincs.- the States.
Pome writer lu Now Vork presumably more
Ingenious than nniijttlourip-ls preparing et-
timatei on the mimbur of rallroaii nu.n at v ork
In the UnlteO Status. Hlf work was prompted
liy tlie remark of Channyc Dcpew , nl a roc ii1
nftuqttet ot locomotive engineers , that the Now
York Ontrat road alone bail nmro than ton reel
menu tit men In Hi employ. According tonic
work ( if the statistician referred to tlio railroad
mvn , or the men ntork In all the dlfforenl
branches cfcnticctert with the railroads In the
United State * . If ( tfttherert together , would maki
tin army greater than that of Xerxes , when he
inarched eastward to the of Oroeco. .
According to his flgilreH no Kuropenn natlor
liana Manning army onc-htilr the numerical
Ktretiitth of the American lallroad men , and , II
Im in right , the rail load , men In thin country ,
Taken together , exceed Jn nutuDor the rolls ol
both tlio union and ronfeileattp troops of out
Ute war added together.
If this U tme it U Indeed wonderful. Bui
j\ hen one stop * to think that there la not a cltj
of any al o lu the countiy that does not em
ploy Us host of lullroodcrs , those Qeures do uol
seem HO very strange.
Omaha imd Council Bluff t , with their net
uorkof railroads that st re toll cutllkolunum
erablri radall from the ceuter.ot a clicle toward'
the circumference , have n small army of rail
road , men and employes living \Mtlilii thett
bonndi. TUe writer was never uioro Impressed
with their numerical Importance as n compo
nentpaitof the population of both cities thar
in tlia course of n conversation recently will
Mr. William Connor , who was In the employ 01
the Union Pacific for nineteen consecutive
years. A machinist by trade , but for some tlmi
past has been taking life easy , being now In hi'
Kith year. Ho In well and.favorably known , re
Riding In Omnha for llw pnbt 82 years
PHI Inn the conversation serious , subjects
w crt > talked about , nmonp which was tlie healtl
of Mr. Conrtois.who said : " 1 have been troubled
for years with what several physicians termei
malarial fever. My trouble uegau with a cold
and I had a high fever which continued un
'abated for about threeVeeks , which was nt
tended with more or less of ucou h and tin
rlsln ; * of mucus of n tough kind , and ft Mil
seemed to hold on with the tenacity of a fight
ing bulldog. 1 called in to assist nature a lend
ing physician , took his medicine , but Rot no ro
lief. Wanting help I consulted another and sttl
another , umonq them being thb so-called bes
doctors in the city. They doped pie \i 1th
tjursixn coDi.tvr.n oil , AIISIWIO .
and other dntgts , and in place of getting better'
KrewVorse. I actually bellevo I have bottle-
nnd boxes enough at home to ht"art two npothe
cary shops. I am not exopceratlngapaitlcli
when 1 soy I had rtt least thirty-five or fdfcy II ;
Misters on nie. I hud pnln In the front part o
my heuO.and through my chest and in my Dhoti )
dcT.-t. My nose would stop up and Inado m' '
bieathlngdlincult. "
" V'ou x\ ere certainly in a bad way. " ,
" V'es. but that was not all.luy trouble. Whlli
lying down at night ( lie mucous or phleghn
would gather In my throat'anil T would sWallov
it , 'which. 1 think , poisoned'my stomach ane
formed a gas , uncl after a while nothing that
Tito would want to remain on my stomach
which , in addition to * my liver , seemed to b
always out of order. My eyes were weak an <
inflammed , and emitted considerably water Ref
of cars passing through n covered bridge. .
would hawk ana spit almost continually , and li
the morning f tor rising would have to gag am
"vomit for sometimes an hour before 1 would ge
my tlaoat clear. "
"But you seem all right now ? " Do you feel a :
well as you look * " queried the scribe.
"Well. I should say. lain all right now , am
thinic 1 feel even better than I look. "
"By what method or treatment did you obtaii
the much needed relief ? "
" 1 have been a reader of the dailv papers eve
81 i > ce they were published in Omaha , and ma
the notices of the cures people had received b ;
using ,10t. McCoy's treatment. I concluded t
try htm , the result Is I foci well again and an
thaukful there Is located In Omaha such a spi
clalist as Uie doctor. 1 ( hid both the doctor an
his associates men of ability and belter
them to be thoroughly i pliablejtcntlemon.
Jiir.Conner resides at 1610 Webster etroet.w hei
he will bo glad to corroborate the above state
Advances His Theory of Catarrh nn <
Consumption His Advice
on the Subject.
Onoof the best learned physicians of modor ;
times , in an article on catarrh ami consum ]
tlon , ays : 'Timtreatment ot consmnptlon'hn
mude great advances bv the lull eduction of no'
icuiedlcs , uncl has enabled the close student an
specialist to establish indications for remedlc
loag in use , so that by their methodical appllci
tlonbetter lesultaale attained than were foi
merjy gained at a time when consumption an
cancer were regarded as odually Incurable , an
weio bomewhat similarly treated.
"Thetreatment of consumption demands
careful avoidance of all agent * calculated t
lause hypeiemla of the lungs anil bronchial n
tanh- Persons in whom n tendency to coi
sumption Is suspected should bo tieated wit
the greatest care and attention.
"I'lnally , whenever there Is the slightest su
plclon of n predisposition to consumption , ovei
catairah , no matter how slight , .should bo trea
cd with the utmofct cure , which must not b r
laxcd until the catarrh Is entirely well. Thi
i ule , M > obvious from our point of view , is \ ei
frequently violated.
"Many patients fall o Victim to tha deep :
rooted prejudice that a neglected catarrh iicvi
leads to consumption.
Popular KxplRftalion of n Matte
Usually Veiled In Technicalities.
In tliis connection there can hardly be u moi
Inteimlngimbjtct tlmtt the ultimate effects <
catarrh upon the heating , llie brpcesses of th
dlsctm la poisoning the breath , rotting unt
the delicate mnchinWyot fcmelland taste , pol
onlng the lungs utidtho lilood , and passing Int
the stomach , enfeebling the aiee&tum , vltlatln
the secrettoua and polluting the - V ry fountali
ofllfo. AllIhtshas. perhaps , befell very get
orally discussed , but the very frefjueut effect <
cat in i h ot the noaa and throat upon the hearlt
has not been toiched | upon as often as the bul
Jott warrants.
A voij llttlobtucly of anatomy will show tl
i eatler that the junction of the back passage i
the nose and the upper part of the throat in coi
nccte < \ with tlui ear by a mlnuto and delicate pa
f > aio known as the Eustuchlan tube. Along th
luhothe catarihal process extends , producir
conxostlou and Inllammatlon. liy the furth
i-xtenslon of this process to the mucus lining <
the tympanum of the our is caused , in son
cases , sU iit forms of catarrh ot the middle en
and In this way partial or complete dcafnc
may In llketnanner result from the thlckem
tissue encroaching upon the mouth ot tl
1'artial or compute dMfne&t may also rcsu
from catarrhnl interfereuco with the nas
breathlOB , depriving thci ear of proper Hupp
of rmrenlr or from the effects of iutructu
in tire nn .nl passages , cauaiiii : undue r < x Ulc
tlon or condensation of the air In tUe ml ud
In such cases as these general remodles.whlc
are of enpreseilbed. prove comparatively 1
effective. A cure ran only be obtained by tkl
ful and sclcntllio locul treatment-ami let it 1
cald here that nothing could be attended trl
inoro disastrous results than unskillful loc
treatment combined with constitutional trea
mentnnd care for tne disease vhlchbroug
about the trouble to the hearing.
Permanently Located.
Dr. Cresap .1. McCoy , late of iirllevue Hosplti
New York , ami his associates , lata ot th
University of New York City , also of Wash
Ingtou , I ) . C. , have iccited permanently la
the Itamge block , Omahii , N'eli. . whiiro
all curable cases are treated skillfully.
Consumption , llrlgbt's Disease ,
Dyspepsia , Rh umktl9in , and all
nervous dttcases. All diseases
peculiar to sex a specialty.
Consultation at office or by mall. I ) . Olflct
houl-s-9 to 11 a. m..2 to 1 p. ra. ,
7 to 8 u. m.
S Sunlay Hours From 9 t. m. to 1 p , .
rorrennondfncA receives pi ohipt atteflilon.
1 > 'o letters answered uulcsi accompanied
. Address all Utters to Dr. McCoy. Koouii I
3 ' 'and ail , Hamge Uuildlng. Ooialm , N u. ; "
1119 11(9 (
1119 MISFIT 1119
1119 PARLORS 1119
1119 Fdr Your Spring Clothlhg and Gent's Furnishings-our daily arrivals consist -11 19
'of more elegance in quality and workmanship than wo have before at any season boon able
to and at ' at one-half of'real value if not found -
1119 produce prices wo'promise are - ; so , you- ill 9
1119 will not find any persistence on our part , to 'effect their sale. The styles in pattern and cut 1119
1119 are giwranteed to bo most prevailing for the season ; you will find 2000 patterns to select- Tll9
1119 from. In
1119 InPANTALOONS. . ' 1119
1119 ' 1119
AT- . t FOR AT , - FoRi '
1119 AT.80 That was 4 made to order $ 5.00 ATa , 95 Which was made to order $ fi.70 1119
' .80K 0.00 30 " ll 0.60
1119 ( K ) u II 7.50 90 " ' " " , . . . ,7.76 1119
,05 , u . IIII 8.00 4. 85 " " , . . . . ,8.60 i - ,
1119 80 u IIII o.oo 4. 70 ' . . . . 0.60 1119
it II . 1C 10.25
itu IIII 1Cu 11 >
1119 ! os u II 11.00 'fi. 80 1Cu U.60 1119 f
IT. u 1C 112.00 6. 45 u ' 12.60 I i-
1119 ,70 , II IIII l.'t.OO . 85 1C ' . ' „ ii.f ; > o 1119
,30 , IIII IIII 14.00 00 . .11II ' ; 14.75
1110 , Rri IIH II 15.00 ! II .lii.OO it To
,40 , H 41 10.50 0. 10 II ' 18.00
1110 1110
1110 1110 FULL SUITS , line 1 1 1 o
111O 1 $ 8.00 Which was mailo to order $18.00 9.80 Which wab made to order . . " . $19.60 . 1110
10 , 40 20.00 11.40 2.oo : ;
1110 12 , ,20 , 24.00 13.70 itu 25.00 1110
14 , .70 u 23.00 10.80 u u 33.00 " '
1110 15 , .85 ciu 30.00 18.90 u II K8.00 "i i I'D
17 , .30 u IW.'OO 20.70 u II 42.00
1110 . . ci II . HID
19 , .55 40.00 22.15 ciu 45.00
1110 21 , .20 43.00 25.05 u IIII > 62.00 li'io
24 , ,80 , 60.00 28.75 u II 68.00
1110 ,00 , 55.00 32.00 itu It 01.00 1110
30 ,10 , 00.00 : ' u IIII 70.00
1110 33 , ,70 , 05.00 38.30 'it II 75.00 1110
1110 1110 SPRING OVERCOATS 1110 1110
1110 In an endless variety of cuts and qualities , at prices which will'be ' found "one-half of tlie iiio
HID prices charged by any merchant tailor in Omaha. We cater "for your continual trade 'for fine it 10
111O clothing and gent's furnishings at ihe
111O iVio
1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119 nw
1119 N. B. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. 1119
Percheronn. Clydesdales and Shire , also'horao
red colts. Krery animal guaranteed a Uffoiler
ur fitock has been selected with reference to
liotli IncUvldnal merit and pedigree. Some ot
the ehorsea have taken first prize at the Ne
braska State Kclr , 1887. All our horsei are ac
climated , and rolts of their get can be nhown.
Prlcea romsonable and easy tcrmB. In accessible *
by the three leading railroads ot the state , U. &
; F , B. * -
. Yortc.X.1 ,
if. 8ttid punphleMc. ruma
ICU8lllo t..Chl ia
TUB best known nnd most popular Violet In the
tat * . location central. Appointments fintalais.
Headquarters for commercial aiou and all political
o made with patent double acting rods anil
totting knee rot. Lltbt ,
KtubttiailU and baniliome.
lU ed In the best Hands and
I Orchettraa. Uuf ftutlcd for
1 tone , aurpati all oihcrt la
Mm1 I anlsh od apnear nce. II
Ineareit Mntlo d Wer.doe
Jao < ketp them , writ * to u
for Illuitrated Catalocue.
rOM * HKALf. Chicago , lit.
ourG itlittii
, kow u ( o GioofttM
and CUit. ,
t W.lurv tel < ] conttacr *
abl udl * crKy cu * U
hai B > " utltfictlca.
Alwtt * LUk ,
. Y.
Pric. * 1.0 .
.Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOO
Surplus , - - - BO.OOO
II. W. VAT . President.
LEWIB 8. Hitko , Vice-Presldent.
A. K. I'OIJKAI.IH. 2nd \ ice-President.
W. II. S. HUUUGS , Caslilor.
DinEcrons :
W. V. MoKS * , JOHN 8. Coi.r.tws ,
II. W. YATKt ) . 1.KW1S S. UlEU ,
A. E.Touz ux.
Banking nmre
Cor. 12th and rirnam Sts.
A General Hanking Hunlness Transacted.
b KUltllltl l lYl
kiA $ " " < l"
GOtD'MEDAl , PARIS , 1878 ,
Warranted abiolutely pura
from ulilcli tlio excess of
Oil lias been removed. ItliasfAit :
limn the ttrength pf Coco * mixed
with Btarcli. Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and la therefore far more economi
cal , coiling Ira than one cent a
cup. It is delirious , nourishing ,
strengthening , easily digested , nnd
admirably adapted for Invalids as
well e for persona In health.
Sold bjr flroceni cTerynhere.
W , BAKER & CO , , Dorcliestcr , Mass ,
Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured by
Administering Dr. Halnes' Golden
Tt can be given in a cup pt coffee or tea with
out the knowledge of the persoii taking it ; abso-
lutelv lywmless , and 111 effect n pennant and
hpeeiiy cure , whether the patient 1 * o modernto
drinker or nn alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
dnlnkard * been made temperate ini'ii who
have taken Ooldeh Specific In tUelr. . coffee with
out their knowledge and today bellovu they
quit drlnklUR of tnolr on'frce will. It no 'er
fulls. The system once impregnated with the
Specific , It becomes ap utter impossibility 'or
the liquor appetite to exist. For ale by Kulm < -
& Oo. , 15th and Douglas st9. , and 1'th and ( "inn-
Ini ? sts , Omaha , Neb. ; A. D. 1'ostcr & IJro. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
20 Cents a'Week.
Seven papers a week. Bond your order to the
office ,
(029 ( P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Epps's Cocoa
"Rf n thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which eotern the oteratlon of dltrcstlmi omt nutri
tion , nnd by careful application ot the nnu properties
of wclli'l"Cli > rt Cocoa , Mr. Kppa h ' provided our
breakfast tables with n ctellcutolr flavored l > everni0
nblcli may MVO mntiy heavy rtoclor'i bill * . U H
by tlio Judlclouu ii e ot iuch artlcloj of dirt thai *
condtttuttim IUHY bo grn-lually butlt nn until RtronR
eaougb to rBat ! ovarir tendnucy to dlacaie. Hun-
ilreda of subtle mnmilles are floating urounfl roaJy
to attack whcrer r there li amTnV point wo mar
erca e m ny a fatal tliaft by keeping ournch c ell
( ortlUort with nuro-blgod and a i > roporly nourished
tr iuc.-a ll PerrloeOftzetu.
Made Dimply with bolllnn imlcr nr milk. Sold only
In halt pouutl tlni br Uroccrt labeled tuns :
TlMVQrDDQ ( .OH Homoeopathic Chemists ,
JflUlDU bl ro & LUi , I-ONUON , KNOIAND.
Third Judicial DlWrtrt ,
Nos. 303-4O4-I7O-4O4.
1742 Lawrence-St , Denver , Col ,
Of the Ml.isot.irl State Museum of Anatomy , Ht.
Louis , Mo. , Bnivorsl'ty College Hospital , ton.
don , Oleaen , Germany ami New York , having
devoted their attention
ton ,
More especially these arising from imprn-
4ence < Umt all so suffering to correspond with ,
out dejav. Diseajcs of Infection and contagion
able , filiould not fall to write us concerning their
symptom3. All letters rccolve Immediate atteu-
And will be mailed VHER to raw address on re-
celpt of on g-cent stamp , 'Trectleal Observa
tions oh Nervous Debility nnd Phy lcal Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added an "Kssay on Mar
riage , " with important chapters on disease * of
the Iteproductlve Ori ? n * , the whole formlnsa
valuable medical treixtlbu which slioiild bo redd
by all young men. Address
DBS. S. & D. DAVIESOfo ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Eenvsr , Col.
Health is Wealth !
WENT , a ftuarauteed specific for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsion ) ) , Fit * . Nervous Neuralffla ,
n , Nervous Pros ! rstlon. caused liylho
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulneso , Mental
Duprcsklou. rtottcnliiL- the liialu , resulting. ! ! !
lusanlty.and lending io inisery.deray nnd deatli ,
Premature Old ABB , IlnrrennoiS , Loss of Power
in , JiiTolnntarjv Louses and eporma-
tortliipa caused by oveiM-xertlon of thu brain ,
Self-abiw or over-lndulgpnce. Each box con
tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or Hlk
boxon for $5 00 , sent by mall prepaid on receipt
of price. . . '
To cum fthy case. With each order received by
nn for Rix IK > X K , accompanied > n 1th 15.00vii Mill
nend the imrchater our written guarantee tore-
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. F. GOOD
MAN , DniKKlst , Sole Agent , 1110 Farnam Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Homteopathlc Spoci llst ,
Gyncecolcgtgt and Obstetrician.
Telephone 979.
E.T. Allen , M.D. ,
Honfcopathto Sptcl Ust ,
SpectaolM Accurately Preteribed ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Office N. W Corner Hth and ifouglas st. OOlce ,
telephone , tdiJ ; Residence telephone ) , M3.
The grotei
Lpnflon Cranulis 'nt inedl-
- . , oiioartli
KliafcttVlUlt TMtlKO Of 8TJ.WII1. . , lJlc r , rnnnln.
TMAvenociusI for
Kiln liirton llo -
tmu indnodeUr ,
> r ii ntlAIUMI I
; . Wl
U <
nt ri * , . .
ltttil l
Oherrr SI
Leoro vo
Oinolia. Omajia.
Depot 10th and Marey sts.
Ueatrlcu and horlh
Vlatte local express.- . . . . * 7:4S : n m r7:20j : > in
"Overland Flyer. " limited 12 : % < JO'p in * 2:55 : v M
Grand Island local ex-
PU'AS ,1 4.12:26 : p tit
Mall and express :00 : p 7:60 : a m
* Dally. iDally except
Bimday , . f . i j . . _ ,
BtfittiNQ ON aolrm
Depot loth and Mason sts.
Chicago Rxprnss , Nos2 & I flKK.a. m.
OhlcftRoMaU 0:60 n. m. 7Wp. : m.
Chicago Loco ! 8:45 : p. 111 ; 10:22 : H. m.
Denver Kxprcss flilVrt. ui. 11:30 : p. rat
Denver Mall. . 8.00 p. m , 11:40 : ft. m.
California Mall. : : w a. mi 5:46 : p. m.
B.OO.n. tyi fl:65 : p. ni
8-.60p.-ro. 7:00 : u. m
. m : . . ,
Depot 5th and WebBtcvst
. . SH : ) p. m.
llancrof t Kxprass 4U'p.m : < U:3i : a. in ,
Kxcapt Sunday . .
kn3 ofjm i7Acji.Tc
Depot loth ana Webslwi at
Day Express 10 ; a. m. < iH5 : . n ,
Night Kxprcss 0:20 : p. m. 6:30 : p. iiq
- nca & ni'k Hills Pas 10 : a. m. 4:15 : p. m.
Norfolk Taatonger. . ' i. 10:4ft : u. in.
llunnlngltetwcen Council niutfs and Albright
In addition to the Ktatloivs mentioned , trains
Btoii at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth street *
ana at the Summit in Omuha.
Al- South Sh'ee yT fOniaiia" TransIllroail
brlKht. Omaha. depot. fur. way.
A. M. A. tl. , A.M. A.M. A. M. A. M.
6U : 5M ;
6)10 ) : } 6:30 : U3
1M 7tfi : 7:15 : 7ai : 1 7s40
7SO : 8OT : 8:15 : A-.38 8jr ; >
Ol07 0:16 : 0 8 0n : :
nw ! 10:07 : 10:15 : 10K : !
10 : no 11:07 : llir : , MM
11:60 : P.M. r. M. 1'M-
f. M. 12 AH B. %
12:00 : 1:07 : 1:15 : li3 : !
1M ; ) Bslft 2:28 :
2 0 8:07 : 3:15 :
4:07 4U 4.r. :
II 0:07 : 015 ; 0:3 : }
11:07 : 6:15 : o.ta
elra 7i07 7 : J
7:60 : 8.-OT 8:15 : 8Hf ;
8.CO Q:1A : ' 6:3.1
Jilil'i lii'zs 10:33 :
10-W 10 : M nf 11:15 : 11:13 11:50 :
11:56 : ll:6t : lYllfl )
l2:15am :
Leave. Arrlvn.
A No.O U:40n. m.lA No.n . . . . 9nft. m.
ANo. 8 ANp.7 , .11:1) : ) a. lu.
A No.4 , .4:30p.m.A ! N.6 . .7:00i. : m.
A Nrt.2 9:40a. : til.A ! "No. 6 llSWa.m.
A'No.U 4UOp. ; in.lA No.3. . . . . 7OJp ; , m.
A No , s . .0,2. " ) a. m.lA N6,3 . . Q-JXtu. ) u.
A No , 4 ,910p. ; m.A | No. 1 . 8:30p. : m.
A No. 10 . . . .7:05 : a. m.l A No.O. . . .H.VSa. m.
A Nu.12 . ,7:00p. : in.l.V No. 11 . . . . 0.0)p. tiu
A No.B 3:40p. : m.lA No.7 ll:33ii. : m.
A dally ; I ) dally excel t Sat. ; 0 dully nxrept
Sun. ; D eitrupt Mon.i I Kant Mall ; Umltwl ;
Will probably cU ni : to 4:00p. : u.befoie t'ob.i.