T. y $ fM-ii ! & & < tt ffsfsfitv } , - . . ' ? * ffK' - * * " * * * qpy * ' THE OMASA DAffil ? BJBB ; 24. 1888tf ia. SPECIAL NOTICES. Adettt cmvntsann rthlshcni l < i rents pi > r nn f of tneflrxt Insertion. 7 cents for each nub- cqu < mr Insertion , and 11.60 ( .line per month. 'Ho advertisement taken for leu thnnS3 cents for tha first Iniertton. fioven words .will be counted to the line ; they must run con ocutlre- ly and must Ira paid n advance. All advertise ments mustba handed In before 1:3) o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they M taken or discontinued by telephone. I'artles advertising In these columns and hav ing the answers addressed In care of the IJeo , will _ plen o ask for a check to enable them to got their letters , as none will bn delivered except En presentation of chock. All answers to 14- vermomentfl ohould be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In thcso columns are pub- llshcd In both morning and evening editions of the lice , the circulation of which tuoro than If . (00 papers dally , and gives the ad- Tertlsera the bonetlt , not only of the city circu lation of the lice , hut also of Council I ! luffs. Lincoln , nnd other cities and towns throughout Mils part of the west. BRANCHOFFICES AdvertlsliiK for the'e columns will b taken , m the above conditions , at the follow ihff b\w- Iness house1 ! , who are authorized agents for TUB HKK special notices and will quanta thosamu rates as Can be had at the main ofllcj , JOHN w. iinm S.lOth Street. CIIABI : * IDDV : , St'ationcrtj a 1133. 16th Street. * B. H. KAltNStt'OHTH , Li- F3n.ctxm.acist , 2115 Cumtng Street. aro. w. ItlW St. Mary'8 Avenuo. . II.n.WHtTEHOU6E. E'ia.arm.a.cist , ICth an'l Webster Streets. O. HKUTHKH , aiTeTTT-s Dealer , I'ost Office. South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD-Sltuatlons for 2 or the lluest pantry cooks In the state ( women ) , a ! o for German woman , la oed hoti-1 cook. Wo havn "i Blrls for Reneralhou&ework , aflrst-clahwSwedish Klrls as 1st aud second , and never * ! VOUUK Klrls who cnn mind children or assist In liouriuvtork ; 3 flint class colored Blrls. Cauadlan limp. Olllcu 810B.irithHt.Tcl.W4. W1INTKD lly a competent engineer , a sttu- atlonto tun stationary cnulne. llrst class reference ; address L. M. Halties , U10 South 15th. 41021 * WANTHD Situation as housekeeper or nurse by experienced lady. Rood city refer- enccs. Address M. E. 11. , iOOTS. llthst. 3SS-23 * TXTANTKD-lJy a smart. Industrious , sober , v ' colored man , a place as Janitor or me- engcr. lloferenccs given. Jnciulro : ; 18 N. l th St. or 1318 : iodgo Bt. 170 ' . ' 4 * WANTED-MAUE HELP. WANTED Two experienced dry goods sales- men. ApplytoH.lt. Nissloy 4 Co. Un- coin. Neb. 45IWJJ WANTED-lloy at No. CftJ S. 13th st.4o 4M23 "OTANTBD Oood , active "men that are out of TV employment and have f.omo capital to handle a new Invention , which has no competi tion. A sample muchlno call bo seen at the European Hotel , U1H to ( Ut South Tenth st. 1) . Bruuson : 438-U-l WANTEO-Man and wlfo for farm. f2.no oil- Jectlon to child ; man and wife for private family , * ) , no children ; first-class meat cook , Wi. Canadian employment olllce , Mrs. IBrcga & Bon. 310 So. 15th 3t. . Tel. 884. 4 22Ut WANTED TAVoyouuc mendcfllro room , or room mid board with private family. Ad dress A , care of United States Nntl bank , city. 421 IM * QPE01AL inducementx for two good book can C3 vassors In Iowa. The territory U the nnoat la the WeBt and our toniia the inout lll > eral. IJ.-t1. Collier , Davenport , Iowa. 372 ' , ' 8 * TTTB want a young man to travel this itatn If-nrtth-Bovolttos : In tadlet' and Tallots' trJninilDKs on commission Address J. O. Clark ft Co. " , IBSFifth ave. . N w rprk. 371 23 * TXTAN'TED Good reliable mau to sell nursery TT gtock , Cell on 828 Broadway , Council JJluflft , la. 300-37 WANTED Asents In e very county of Nebras ka , Colorado and Illinois for the Lalla Booth dress cutting system ; oRents nmko good nalarr ; territory free. For terms address K. M. Henderson , SS E , lth St. , New York. 33327T " 1317ANTED The Western School Supply house TT wantH a llrst class travelling galeiman SK)1 ) Dodge Bt. 231 27 * WANTED Man To take the agency of our nates ; site 2xlttxl8 Inches ; weight COO Ibs. ; retail price$35 ; other sizes In proportion. A rare chance to create a permanent business at home. These safes meet a demand never bo- f01 u supplied by other xafe companiesus wearo not governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati , O. TJOYS-Ani. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. VyANTBD-Mon fo drive teams. Albright's T T Labor Agency , 1120 Farniim. ISO WANTEP-FEMALE HELP. ANTED A fashionable lady lialrdressoF. Address , stating experience , C. II. . gen'l delivery , city , 453-auJ G1 i for general housework , 1810 California. 44823 * G1WANTED i WANTED Women to cook and do general 11 housework ; mustbolltsUilass laundress , two in family-wages II per week. Apply 1GOU California st. 439 WANTED-Ajfoodcook. Apply N. E. cor. 2Utatmob.ster fat.s. 4T7--1 * T4TANTBD Olil for second work and sewing , T > 12UI Park nve. 413 24 * WANTED Woman cook for Not folk , $3 , cook " for boarding house , tf good German girls for housework , girl for officer's family. Cuna- dlarfEmp. olllco , Mrs. llrega & Sou. 31il o. 1MU. gel. t84. 442 Ztt W ANTED-dlrt forSil wotk , must bo a waitress. 1814 Dodge gt. 43021 WANTED A good girl to do "enerol houso- work. Mrs. James llayues , 2123 Webster st. 431 21 * ANTED-Socond girl at 1H24 Douglas st. . WANTED Young German girl to take rare of baby. H37S.aitli. 415-2UJ ACtlMPETBNThouse girl can receive good wages. None other need apply. Call at llOSouth aith avo. . near Dodgo. 3J7-24 WANTED Experienced girl for general hous worknt N. E. corner of 18th and Leaven worth sin. None but u flrst-cltiss girl ' Iteed apply. 4U7 2M t WANTKD A woman to do general hcuso- w'drk in u family of two clillcaen ; must hftvo good references ; will puy good wages. N. K. cor. 24th and , Haruey street * . 310 ANTKD-A ttrst-clasa dressmaker. 2111 Douglas st , 37823 * WANTKD-23 girls for good respectable places In and out of city , date City emn. office.UI4S 15th ; tel . ] ' MTANTED-Clood cook and laundres-s. N. E. T T Cor , lath and Davenport. 339 WANTEIWImuiedlutely , ladles to work for a M holctuile house on needlework at their Domes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bo made , Kverythinff furulohtHl. Particulars fret * . Addrxiis'ArilsUc Needlework Co. , ! ' 8th t. New York City. 3K5 " " " " MUSCtLLANEOlJS'WANTS. _ ANTED A hand spring uhlrt Irotier , must be first clawi , write at once , Pucrle-vt Laun- Cry , Kvaruvy , Nob. 449 } WANTED-Laily boarder ran get room and buanl J3.50 p r week , object comtiany fcr Udy , aiUl Hurt bt. _ 4.11 & * \I7ANTnD I'romhfH suitable for photograph V gallery , tuutrally located. 1143 , llco olllie * V\r AN'l'Kl ) A good family to adoiit u health" Ti Univ-U oV'.nt ! girl baby 10 weeks old ; alsou boy 5 years old. Address Mrs.W. In care of Max Myyur. _ SB-20' WANTEILadles to tu-e "Chlchester's Km- s llih Dtumonil Uraud , Pennyroval I'llls. Safe. Alwny.s reliable. The original. The only gruuliK1. Ask druggUt or send 4c ntumps for curtlrulan , letnrn mall. Chkhetvr Chemical Co. . I'hlUdiiUihlu. Pa. Sfl GATE city employment oflicea ; reliable agency for all Klnilx of help , references Douglas cu bank. Ubell & Chrl tem.ou , 314 8. Uth . telllW. _ _ fl Union E mployment ofllco U the pSicotn 4. r.btsln rellAb help on short notice , tn or out of thecity. . U ft , llh nt. OIHJU 'evening * . O rAnArmplormeMnurwitl nfl N. IMItst , Oldest and mo t reliable nmce.ln rlty. Call onusi tclrphono 1112.11 , E. White , proprietor. CANADIAN Tliriploymctit ofllce , nml and fe male help pent to nil Jmrt * If faro Is ad- vunced. Reference , Omaha National bank , Jlrs. Ilrcga & Sun ; 310 B. 151h. ' Tol. 4. . _ . _ _ l'.M ' m 13 BOARDING. P III VATi : boarding , $4 a week , 1C15 Dodce. ourii WANTED-TO RENT. \VANTED A- hotel , S5 to 40 roonn , well loT - T cutedsront mint IAJ rensonablc. Addres * Lock llox 017 , Lincoln , Ntb. ) 4.'i7-K9J \\rANTKD A room or building forroitauratit TT mid lunch room , ceiitraUocutloti. Address II 4a , HOP. 45tOJ WANTEDtinntrnhhed roomi or small house of 4 rcoms for fumlly of 3. Auswer J. t' . . Arcade hotel. 4V ! 23 * TSTANTIIO To rents or 3 furnished rooms i for llulU. hoti'e kceplnu , on cither South 11. 14,13 , 111 , 17 or IMh ats , convenient to U. P. It. It. crossing proforred. Address 1141 , lice olllcs. 419 24T EOll HP.NT One B room house , newly pa pered , city water lu kltrhou , Btteet cars pas the door , IH''t 1'arnaiu. 1'rlcc'to lellablo tenant. $15 per month. One room Hat , 17th between Clark and draco , bran new ; city water , strrot cars on Irtth , } - " > per inotith. The cheapest house lu the city. Clark & rrengh , 151D Dutlglas gt. 0417 21 "VirANTKD To icntll toS acres of eround vlth TV nuiall dwelling house , etc. , ulthtu 3 tulles of Omalm or South Om.tlm. Canadian imp. : olllce , 315 S. l'4h st. 412-2:1 : \\7ANTED-To rent by March 10th2or3ttn- T T furninhc ) ! 'rooms suitable for light house keeping by matt nnd wlfo without children ; Hiuull house preferred. Address LI 40 Hoc olllce. ! W7 25 * " \VANTKb-lly a gentleman and wlfo with one TT child 3'i ' ycursold u stittof unfurnished rooms with board lit a private family where there arc no other boarders or childrentirnt class references ; willing topaylJ or more per month will not go In u Hat , must be n house with yard uiomul it. Prefer nw part of city ; no objection to going2 orII miles ftom iwstolllce. Address 1' . 0. box KW , city. - 20 W 'ANTED- i unfurnished rooms. Address giving prlco and location. II32 , Dee. 313 W ANTED House * to rent. Campbell Hervev 31Q Hoard of Trade * Ea FOR KENT-HOUSES. TTIOU IIHNT House , 1309 Howard st. Apply at JD 413 S. 13th st. 41j23 > "IJTOE HENT House in good location. Furni- JU ture a rare bargain. Oo-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. 20-iN. Idtlist. Telephone ! ) ! . 441-25 T3TOII HENT For market gardener , house with J U rooms , large barn , 12 ocrei of cultivated laud , all kinds of fruit , aud good pasture. Ad- dre s 11. 47 Ilee Offlco. 440-23' FOlt UKNT-Murch 1st , hottea 7 rooms with good bartl , iO per month. Inquire 2.1I2 Capitol - itol ave. 423 au * _ OR HENT 10-rooni house 10 minutes wnlt from P.O. 14U8 Douglas. , 401 F I OR HENT ll-rooui house , all modem Im provements. 1403 Douglas. | 400 FOR KENT 3-room house * 13 per month , fur niture. $123.50 ; central location. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. . 205 N 10th st. Telephone 9U3. 39324 FOR KENT 15 houses , 115 to $35 per month. Drakp llros. . 31(1 ( 3 nth st. 3SO-20 POH HENT Two nice 0 and 7-rooin houses. 11J2 and 1131 N. 17th. Inquire 210 S. nth bt. 375 gj T7TOH HENT 7 room Hat , central location , K steam heat.b th , etc. Antique oak fuint- ture for saleat a great bargain. John M. Welsh- ana it O. , city lots and residences , 1122 Capitol avenue , Uxpotltlpn building. 373 23 * ELEGANT new 8-room modern lurase.xplendld location , per month. ,11. E. Cole , N. E. 15th aud Douglas. 252-24 FOR RENT I have some of the most desir able new cottagen , Hats , Mid rpsUlence.i In the city. iJent very reasonable. J. H. Parrotte , rental agency. 1BCB Chicago. 17823 FOR Ill'NT 11 room brick residence S. E. cor. Cass nnd loth St. F. W. Lessenttn , W ) 3. CthSt. HoomO. 301-2U ; tJ OR HENT Ten-room house and basement C ; with all mordent Improvements ; llrstclass Jocatlon. InqUle. at Helmrod Si Co.'s , Uth aud JackMm streets I''T ' KARE chancor-Whole flat , No. 2C04 N. Situ st. to rent very low. Enquire at y residence as ab ve , 8. P. Winch. 8S1 FOR RENT Haute of S-rooms. closet , hard and soft water , on 13th street car line. In quire 1112 S. 13th st. 778 ElOIl RENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hanscom JC Park , south front. All modern Improve ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part of the city. Inquire Leo * c Nlchol , S8th and Leayenworth. C29 m5 TTIOR HENT Twelve-room house , 25th and -I ? and Mason streets , $10 per month. J. S. Caulneld , l.'Wi Farnam Bt , C34 O NE hundred and fifty houses for rent. H. B. Cole , u. o. cor. l&th and Douglas. 597-2 ! ) H KENT House 11 rooms. W. M. Bushman - man , N fJ cornur 16th and Douglas. 934 FOlt RENT 3 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , largo cellar , 1'Jth near Claric st. W , O. Shrlver. opp poatolHce .131 FOR RHNT House of 4rooms nt 516 Williams' litreet. Inquire next door we.st. 432 FOH HBNT 10 room resilience steam heat. a. K. Thompson , 314 S. 15th St. 24 ! ) TJ10K UE.NT or. Sale Now house , 6 room1 ! , cor. -C 2Sth and Capitol avo. Enquire 2324 Dodge. POIl IlKNT A now dwelling , 0 rooms , all modern Improvements , good t-tnblo , ten minutes' walk from po toflct ! > . apply to D. J. O'Donahoe , at O'Douahoo & Shcrfy'tt , 15th St. , next to the postodlce. blO FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. FOH HEST-Furnlshcd room , 7 , 806 South 22d. , 417 5 * LA11G K pleasant room , modern conveniences , 1708 Chicago St. , - 4.S1 F1 I OR HENT-Fnrulshed rooms * 8L to J18 , fur nace , gus , bath , No. 700 South 17th ave. 4J : 29 * FOH RENT One nicely furnished room with lire $11) . mid one unfurnished f I per month , at W26 North IGtU. ' - U93 33 m\VO nicely furnished rooms. 88 and $12. 21 101 ( a. Ilarnoy. x 387-28. R UKNT Ntcolr furnished rooms 1013 Dodge. 108 23 * T70R RENT One nicely furnished small front X room on street car Hue , $3 a mouth , 1U17 Cuss. 370 TjlOR Itr.NT Desirably furnished largo feouth -L front aud buck rooms with or without board , ilrst-clabs residence and looatlotj.ploasunt homo ; ruteronces exchanged. U13 rioasivnt street. TJlURNISIir.D rootns with llr t-class boanl JC near cable lino. 20iiDouvuis8t. : U38 m FOR itL'NT Front room nleelv furnished In private fumlly. 1CO Hurt st ? s 5 5 * T710R BENT Nicely furnished fiont rooms JJ with heat , (7 ami 8 per mouth. 400 Williams st , , H minutes' walk t > outhea& U. 1 > . aejmt. 310 "CIOR HENT To gentleman , ad elegant front JC room , large , with alcove. Including heat , bath and gas. Elegant room for to gentlemen , -1M-M * TTVDH RENT Elegant , furnished front room , J ? with board , 1812 Chicago st. ,1-W - ' ! ' OR RENT Suite of fumlahed rooms. In- qulro 3rd ttoor room E , I3UU Douglas. PLEASANT furnished front room for gentle man and wifb or two gentlemen HItli street. 2 6 riOR RENT Rooms furnished and nnfur , 1724 Cap. ave. C41 "PIURNISH ED rooms and board , 1903 Faruanv F rooms , 1815 Dodge. 790m3 TJ1OR RKNT-3 rooms at 311 Woolworth avo. ; JC at Wliwr month. 34K N'EATLY furnished front room to rent at 1KJ1 Faiuam st , 1 block west ot court houso. . 614 T71OH HRNT TKO v rv desirable furnished -av front rooms , with all modern conveniences on same floor. Arranged for three or four occu desired. Apply ut 1712 Capitol avenue 15 J TGIOR BENT A iarg room funiUhed. central JC location 1416 Chicago st. aa * "I7KR RENT-Furnished rooms tnQreanlg bit X cor. 13th and Dodire sts. Inquire ) ot tieo. It , Davis. MllUuU hotel billiard ronm. asa TjVU RENT An elegant front room , will JC every convenience. Ouly ito t-cUs peopl < wanted. 17S1 DeiTeuport. . Ml TfHONT \vlthn1coveands large closed * . JL1 gas , hot air , bath , hot and cold wafer on same floor for 2 aonU or man and wife 131 par month and adjoining room with closet (10. per month : 2 other rooms with rlonet.s for 111) per month , same conveniences on car llneE07 S Ii4th 801 T < 1OU Oentlcmen-Two furnished rooms , all JL' modern Improvements. 1718 Dodge t. 4'.iflni3 TjlOR'RKNT Furrdshed roomg. all convcnl- J cnccs. A. Ilo8i > o. 315 N. 17th street. 481 TJTOR RENT Furnished roems forona or two JC gentlemen. 1605 Dodge str SV TTIOH RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms JJ otigtoundlloor , at 2118 Durt. for $15 pur month , with 1-o.ml Jl per week additional. 001 OR RUNT Nicely furnished rooms at 2J7 Dodge. Oas , bath and furnace heat. ! IVJ "ITIt'RNISHED rooms. Sober men can have X1 nice rooms cheap , s w cor , 16th and Howard streets. Upstairs. 037 27t FOR HUNT Nice furnished room , 9 per month , w cor. 13th and JacKson. 004 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FR ) RiNT-Flrst-class : frame store bitlldlnq , MJ by : i4 feet , first-class buslncj-s location. Apply to 1. W. Robert's , Albion , lloouu Co. , Nub. 421022 * FOR RENT Small Moro. S6th nnd Leaven- worth , good locution for buslue , s , tmall ri < ntliiUlru : | E , II. Howland , it-M M. . west of Hanscom park. > 4-13 2U OR RENT-Front offlce , Arlington blocK. Apply C. C. Valentine. IMS Dodge. KH IT10" RENT Two rooms , 44xl , where steam X1 power can be obtained. Enquire of bam'l Rce.s i , Kecs Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740 T71OR RENT Second floor , 44x70 , good loca- X' tlon. Enquire of A * J. Simpson , lion Dodge st , , 7 < X ) T71OR RUNT Store and fl-rooms over good X1 stand tor drug or fed store. Lee A Nlchol , cor. 2Jth and Leavenworth , C'Jo m5 FOR HENT Desirable offlco space , or dost room , at l.VX ) Farnam st , , Odell Ilroj. Sc Co ; FOR RENT Offices on Faruam st. at 110 to * IO per month. Ouoonicj furnished. ItiUFnr- natn. i . M T OR'RENT-One-half of ofllce. 1519 Farnam , X1 Orouud lloor : best location In the'city. " light and pleasant , with modern conVonlentes/ RENTAL AGENCIES. GREGORY , P. X. . . Itental agent , 305 S 16th at. M 3 PECIAL attention given to renting nouses , " furnished and unfurnished ronms , Lltt with us. W. M.Harris , over 220 S. 15th Bt. 301 1ST houses , stoiea aud flats for rent wlUi If J E , Cole , u. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. & 00-29 RENTAL Agency List your houses' ' for rent with Odell llros. & Qo , 1523 Faruam nt. ' ,004 F I OR HENT If you wish to , rent a house call on Itcutwa tc Co. , Ijth st. , opposite P. O. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. fJVR HENT -13 Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1015 north50th St. . .115,00 Three CD rooms. No. 1122 north 21st St. . . ' 11.00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No , 1410 Plqive st. . . . , v , 10. 0 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . .11,110 Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. Ttt ! Paolllc st , J',50 Eight (8) ( ) room Hat 41l ! 8 19tll St 40.00 One(1)store ( ) room31(1 ( S 15th rt..IW.tW Four(4)tooms ( ) 1701 Webster st .T 20.00 Three C rooms 10-K N2lst st. 1250 Apply to Judge renting ngimcyViUt ) , J" > th sji'.i F' I OH ' RENT-Unfurnhhed rooms. 8812Leaven' worthht. 3703 * * F I OR HENT Three unfornlsnert vooniR trt a family without children at 1122 N. 17th st. FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. ilOR RENT Darn , l'J21 ' Chicago st. 1 , 713 PERSONAL. FOR ADOPTION-Beautiful gill baby. 24 Caldwell sf 3CU 2'j * PERSONAL Stockham's Custom Shoa Store , 005 North-loth s > t. , is open for business ; haf gains In all lines. 34' ) 23 FASHIONABLE modiste Just arrived from the east , bu3lae thoroughly . .understood and Qrst class work guaranteed. 'Parlors ' llnsli- man blfc , cr 10th and Douglas , room 0. E. H. Terrlll. iZM 87 * ERSONAL List your property to exchange with C. C. Spotswood. 3-Jjf B. leth st. 2JO PERSONAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent masquerade suits at 61H N. 16th st. upstairs. 135 23t TDEHSONAL Private home tor ladUs during -I. confinement , strictly conllacutlal. Infants adopted. Address E 42 , Bee ollleo. 537mUJ LOST. LOST Black horse , reward for return to M. , P. Kearney on llth , 1 block 8. of Bancroft. , 4o 25 * T OST Wednesday mornlus , a bunch cf keys. J-J Finder will bo rewarded by leaving same at M. llellman's , cor. 13th and Fnrnam. " 424 23 Sky terrier slut , hud coUai-and'beU an. ' Hcturu to 423 N. 12th st. and get reward' LOST A gold bracelet with horseshoe orna ment , set with turquoises. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by calling at MN. . 25th st. LOST An envelope addressed Hoval Wilson , Cambridge , Mass. Finder 'will receive re ward by leaving with McCaguo Bros. . , bankers. 3TJ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR 8A LE A fresh' cow with a calf. Enquire 2J11 Charles St.4 ? 25 OHICKERINU piano only J05 ; 3 * monthly. " Where at ? New York Storage Co. of course. New York Storage Co. , Capitol uvo. aud lath st. - TjlOU 8ALE-A H. H. ticket to Wichita. JD Kan. cheap. Wright ic Lasbury.2158. 14th st. , upstalm. ' 377.24V VTEW York Storage Co-Capitol avo. nnd 15th L > Bt. Furniture at Immense sacrifice. 414-31 F I OH SALE A soda fountain. Very cheap'at ; 1203 Douglas st. - - 32SJM * _ NEW York Storage Co Greatest 'bargain house lu the west. Cash or easj-'piynu-nts. FOR SALE Eight room house with modern Improvements and stable ou leased ground , 1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer- llaapka. 1405 Ilarnoy bt. , jp' 087 N E\V York Storage Co Down'B9.hp ' prices. Don't buy till you see our bargains. 4 HO T71OR SALE For ten days , leasef urnUuro and JC carpets of first class eleven-room < tlwelllng. licit location in city , all modern ImnrOrteineuts , carpets and furniture only used 'few months. Rent of three rooms will pay bouso rent , Con tents will atnount to $1,500 nr Jl.ftOO. For ; ntrthor particulars address N. A. Jl. , care Omaha and New Vork. Clothing Co. , " 80720 * NEW York Storage Co Furniture and Pianos at immense sacrifice front dealersrattw. . 41I-5) ) TTIOR SALE Cheap for ton days at 2413 Cum- JC lug street , a good stal Hon. U > York Storage Co-Furiilturei Pianos , at sacrifice to pay advance. 411-23 R SALE Dormant sailo , capacity 3,400 pounds. Phil. Stiuiutel & Co. . V11-V13 Jones St. . Omaha. v . ' U9 OR SALE Lease and furnlturo. of > lS-room house on Farnam ntre t : house and furul- ture IIQW ; for particulars address II 5 , itee olllce , 154 27 * fJXR SALE At a bargain M feet of shelving , JC so feet of counters and one Ice cheat , suit able tor grocery store. Enquire at 813 3. linh St. ' AULACKSMITH shop for sale , has one forgo. or tools without shop for tale. Apply to Win. Uuseh , niueHlll , Webster Co. . Neb. . 73ilin8t _ _ " | TKR SALE Some One young mares and n'tul- JC lions , tit for road or triyclc. Address U. Gibson. York , Neb. 8U5m7 * _ FOR exchange Fine Nebraska ( arms for stocks of general milse. J. A. llerger , Long Pine. Neb. _ J _ itil t 2J > * MUSCKH-ANEOUa. THE only cook book is Silver Creek Coal . 213 B14thJetTW. Uedtord. 71 > i 29 _ I HAVE discovered and prepared a valuable mixture for the preparation ot soap > * The oap manufactures who uies this preparation catt turn out 60 P which will sca any in the tlioronghnesa and rapidity ot Its cleciulng qualttlej. For. full .parttcuUrs address B , Dee office. 49 3 * _ rTlIIB bmjo taucht M an art by Geo. P. Oolleo- L beckTeprj Haruey 8t. Iffl _ _ C. U. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored M > 4da , a A IDtii * * . , Om k , N rjhPSVilisi1ffiiri-iiTM lift * ' ' ' ' i n7' , t HI ? On Time llotisolioli ? Fair. T The creat Hat-pain house. i To housekeepers. We are bound to show , rou that wo can save you money In prices. . Parlor nults. Chamber sets , 1 lied spring * , bed mnt trasses. Folding beds , side boanls , carpets. Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures , Lounges , commodes , tctesjo Divan ? , rockers , curtain ; , stoves , Tinware. crockery.ulnssware , lamps. Houses furnlshx'd complete on Easy payments ! Easy payments 1 Easy pnyment.ll nifcnay paymentil Prices the lowest. Call anaoo Prices the lowest. Call and gee 002 and COf south nth street , t\o Corner Jaokson. Noeonneetloa with ny offler houso. fi4 ! SHORTHAND AN p , VPEW RITI Na cnn enter Valentino's Shorthand STUDENTS nnd Typewriting Instltutoat any tlino. It Is the largest and best equipped exclusive short hand school' In the went ! all Its graduates are occupying good paying Mutations mid giving Ratisfactlon. Business men ure constantly ap plying to us for stenographers. As a means of livelihood Hhortlmnd is much superior to book keeping or telegraphy. The demand for steno graphers Is In excess of the supply. Send for circular to 1515 Dodge St. , Omaha. STORAGE. JLN facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , bugplcs , general merchandise , west of New York. Cash advances toany amount : warehouse - house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick Innldlng fire-proof ; special arrangements for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave aud N , loth St. , llunnett's block , 3fi3 CLOTHING. LO. JONES sells men's genuine 4-ply collars , > standing and turn down , 8Hc each ; men's 4-ply cuirs IGc. 40J-21 M IIIN'3 genuine llslo thread H hose all sizes 2Tc. I , . O. Jones , 1303 Farnam. 402 24 ON SATURDAY only I , . 0. Jones will soil W ) boys sultH , ages u to 13 at SJ.'JS , regular $3 suits. 4tX821 SPF.ClAIi hat sale on Saturday. Sen them In our west window 49c for choice. IJvery hat worth 7'ic or II. L. O. Jones , American clothier , 137J Farnam. 402 24 JONKS' spring overcoats are dandles. See them and learn the prices , 1309 Farnam Is the number. 402 24 JOYS' STi suits RUB on Saturday nt 130 ! ) Farnam. > This is a midwinter drive. 40-J 2t HATS.-49C 600 stylish felt hats , spring styles. Including young men's nobby "Koko. 4'o ' ) each , on Saturday , at 11K9 Fainam st. Jones Is the man that does It. 4P.-24 WANTED-TO BUY. S 1POT oath Yor fitrnltura , stoves , housanol goods at 117 North 16th st , Orll Co. 183 f2S " 1/17ANTED / To Duy snort time paper. J. W. TT Gross , at C. E. JIuync'a olllce , ir.tli and Harney. iS'i CLAIRVOYANT. . MRS. ECCf.ES The greatest living clairvoy ant , tells past , present and future ; sutlsfac- .lou guaranteed. 1224 ! N. 1'ith st. , ro im 1 , tlrat door to right at head of Blairs. 141 M 1G > MRS. DURANT-Clalrvoyant from Boston ; tellable lu all affairs of life ; unites sep arated lovers. 322 N , Kith street , room 1. DIl. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a socially. 119 N. IGtU ft. . Itooms 2 A 3. Tel. 014. . , ) 3tit MONEY TO'LOAN. ' SUMS of 410,000 and upwards strictly business security. E. S. illsbed ' , Itanigo building. MONEY to loan Moneyto loan on Improved city or farm properfr. Drake Dros. . 'HU South 15th St. 6J : ! bJ-23 f 'VANS wontcdon good"Ve\l estate security ; JLJ favorable terms. MoLlHUgc-a bought. Kimball , Chump Ac liyan , ( j.S. Nat biukb'ldg. I 351mm OANS made on real nst tfl. Cash on hand. J W. M. Harris over 22 ] ) nth at. 3JJ ljnoa.COO to loan nt 0 per ttnt ; flrst mortgages bought. FredGrood , l ' & 423 Paxtou block. iin ! 5i TITONEYI To loan , shortf time. 1st mortgage d > X paper bought. JIupo.s & Kins , room 3 , reightou block. 'J14 TITONEY to H.oan Omaha real estate and Iti farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. & Co. , 1323 Farnam. . KM HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or farm property. Room 0 Continental block. 002 time loans made on any available SHOUT security. In roasonablo'amount ) . Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptlyquietly and fairly at tha Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har ney sis. , over State National band. Corbatt , manager 357 MONEY to loan J can now place some tlrst class city loans Immediately , Call at onoi If you desire to bo accommodated , D. V. Snolei , room 1 Darker block , entrance In allav. 3'JS ' 6 PER CENT Money. Patterson A : Fawcett 15th and Harney. 37 6 to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket , MONEY ahd sold. A. Forman , 213 S 13th st.s TITONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no 1"-L commission charged. Lnavltt Uurnhaui , room 1. Crelshton block. 3 * ) To loan , l/jwejt rates. No clalny MONEY . Rico Ic Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank . . . 375 jr MONEY to Loan-On furniture , piano-i. wagons , or other personal property without removal ; also on collateral security. IliHlness confidential. Chaa. U. Jacobs , 3'J S. 15th st. T OANS made on real estate and mortgages JJ bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Fariiam. _ 377 TV/TONEY / to Loan JJy the underpinned , who J--L has the only properly organized loan agency in Omaha. Loans of II ! ) to tlUOmadeon furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrcons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so mailo that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Ailvaucuii made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider w'ho they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally comtns into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. R. Croft , room \VlthnHll building , 16th and Harnov. 36 ! ) " \fuNBY to loan , cash on nand , no delay. J. 1VL w. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnata st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 372 MONEY LOANED at C. T. Reed It Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value vmhout removal. 319 S. 13th , over Uingham's commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 370 . to loan on city ana farm real estate. $500.000 Llnahrfh & Mahoney , 1U07JJ Farnam street. 810 u 500,000 Toloan on Omaha city property at 0 P pir cent. Q. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid. . 378 THK Falrbank" Invostiafnt < * > organized with ample capital , makes loans on liorsas wagons , furniture , plutios , awl other personal property or collateral. IXilL with rjjponilula parties. Apply at their > rtrtce , 215 South 14th street , up-slalrs. , , xl < 18 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horiosotc , lowrato3.nJ. J. Wilkinson * CoM 1324 Farnam , over llutlln ton ticket olU&a. . Uli IKJl MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan ag nta. 1605 jtarnain st. 370 MONEY to loan on lmprov.ed city property at lowest rated. Cash on hand. First mort gages negotiated. E. F. Stater , room 13 , cham ber ot commerre. jur 291 BUSINESS QHANCE8. FOR SALE Ilarber sHop furniture , every thing complete , coat IM ) . good us new ; will sell at a bargain , part ca3lH. ' Audress or call at 808 So. llth 1. ? 41623' _ \\fANTED-A lady partner , single , with 150 ' \ono hundred ud Btj ( ) to taka half inter est In a good paving restaurant. Address W. L. W. . Kearney. NebV. 10e vT > ox'J2 . 426 tw ENERGETIC Salesman as partner lu estab lished merchant tailoring business ; must have tWO ; splendid opeuiiur for right mau. Ad- drcasliaJ. bee. aia _ BALK Planing mill and Oxturea In a -L booming town In Nob. : water power ; rea son for sellliiK parties Kolugout of business next 30 davi. Address 0. II. Scott , Hebron. Thayer Co. . Neb. _ _ _ 342 23 * BARDER shop and bath rooms for sale ; a rare good chance ; will bear investigation. For particulary Inquire of Melchlor llros. TJTOR SALE-At a bargain , a fully equipped -L meat market doing good business. Owner wished to go east. I ) . Sa Dee cilice. 255 20 * 171011 8ALE-A clean stock of dry goods , cloth- -I ? ins. tx > ota. Hh < x > s. hats. otc. will Invoice about W.OtW , Well established , good p yln bus- iuesa. . Leading stock In the town. No old and shopworn goods. Liberal discount. Lowry .Fro * . , eprln Ueld. Nob. 9M Slit A MAN wth ( small "capital can find feoort Inc - -c * . Testmrnt In light hianu/ncturine tmslnoss In Colorado , California , Texas or Utah , Par ticulars nt A. F. Mayuo'a olllce , N. W. cor. lOtli nnd Farnam. OKI 24 * . ] FOH S ALB Drag stock. As Ono' location as them la in tno city. Clean stock. Invol about J7.0JO. Part cosh. Part In good real es tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton A Co. 10th Bt , opt ) . Chamber of Commerce. 431 SPLENDID business opening , IW room hotel , located In best town west of Omaha. Ad dress Hominy at Haldcrman. room C bud 0 Mich * elon blk , Urn ml IslaiuLjNob. & 18 2T4 FOR BALE First-class uuardltig hrfuso near P. O. , rooms all occupied ; good cause for telling. X 4S lice olllco. 153K5 FOR SALE Harness and saddlery business in n good town. Hood trade. Only harness shop In town. Good iro-soni for selling stock and building , tl,2UO. Good terms. Address D , 33 lloo olllco. HOO-27 * FOR EXCHANGE. flJWO worth of furnlturo for trade ; house can bo P rented reasonable ; line location and furnl turo new. Co-operative Laud and Iot Co. . 'M N. ICth st. Telephone BTO. 441-25 T71OR SALE Or exchange : Improved farm .X * hinds for lusldu residence property. R. E. Copson , cor. Ifitn and Pacific st. 4ii. ' > 25 * FOR TRADE A now buggy for good driving horse , call at Armstrong , Pcttls & CO.'H. 1309 Iznrd st. 31B 87 WILI exchanRogood , clear lot for light car- rlage. Drake Uros , , 31B S-lMh Bt. 3SKM I OREXCHANOE-fl Improved farms for Omaha property ; good clear Omaha lots to i exchange for farm or wild land ; ft ,000 stock merchandise , for Oma ha real citato and rush ; WUO.OOO. worth good clear Omaha lots for farm laud or other real estate. Drake llros , .MBS lath at. 3S.V2U W ANTED iW houses and lots to exchange , C. C. Spotwwood. JtO-i'J ' 8.18th st. 22J FOR TltADE A team of holies for Omaha property tor wild land. Wright & I.nslmry' 21S So. 14th Bt , upstairs. 377 24 WANTED Houses and lots to exchange for Improved and untmprouud lands in Ne braska aud Iowa , diaries C. Spotswood , S. leth. . ! C LEAN HtocfrbnokM'and" stationery for city property. St. John & Ely , Frenzer block. 217 HOI1SK3. or household furnlturo wanto < l lu excha'ngo for good vacant lots. Hood Ullle'range-aml tank and restaurant outlltior sale , cash or time. U. T. Morton , UH Farnam nt. 21 W ANTED Good rarras in exchange for Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. S16th. 3 S hardware for land. St. John & Ely , Freuzer block * ' 217 FOR TRADE Several hundred acres of uulii- cumbered laud ; will take Omaha or South Omaha property and assume reasonable ludobt- edliess.AVrl8hf Ss Lanbury , 215 South 14th street , upstairs. , ' 377 24 \\TXNTED Stocts of merchandise to ex' T T change for lauds and city urooerty ! C. C. Spotswood/3)5i ( ) ! S. Idtb. 332 HOtTSE and lot In Minneapolis for western laud. St. John & Ely , Freuzer block. 217 FOR EXCHANGE-lCOacro farm in Hancock county , lown. This is a splendid piece of land , every foot of It can b9 plowed : Is similes from Junction of 3 railroads. Prlco W per arro , Incumbrance J7.10 , mioln2 years. Want house nndloM'wIllRssumoincuiubruuce. H.E. Cole , lie. cor.)6th ) nnd Dpuglas. 073 SI WANTHD-Omaha property to trade for good lands. Special attention given to trading , C. L. Hrown,1'renzer lllock. CW INSIDE'city property lu exchange for farms or lands. J' A. Hclstaud , Arlington block. 575 I HAVE for trade , improved farm In Cass Co. , near Plattsmouth , will trade for. Improved inside property. Address M M , Uoo offlco.U53 U53 FOR SALE Or trade , laud and town property In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle and stocks of merchnn.llso wanted. Corre spondence solicited. T. A. English * Co. , York , Ncb. 745 m 8 * WANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods , clothing or boots and shoes In exchange for Omaha property or farms. Schleslnger llros. , 014 S. 10th Bt. 12Vf24 NEnilASKAttart Kansas farms to exchange for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlco versa. Co-Operative Land aud Lot Co. , 20 } N ICth St. 894 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON &CARMICHAEL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete set of abstract books In the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 383 MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nish * . ! , and titles to real estaU examined , per fected and guaranteed. 3JU CORSALE-REAL ESTATE. /CHOICE acres for gardening purposes. Hicks , OOK This Up-On a total Investment of only J 81,500 wo have a ph'ce of business property that will pav 10 per cent net per annum. Wright & Lusbury , 2)5 ) S. 14th .St. , upstairs. 377 24 B AUQAIN nSouthOmnha. Hicks. " > 433 26 IHlVVIJ'fbi'Vale' ' ' Ono of the best lots tn A. S. Pntrl6krf M. which 1 will hell If taken soon for throe hundred dollars less than any lot In the nddl lou can be bought for.Address 1)38 ) , Itceonlce. 355 11 cksTRcaTEstat e. ' Room 4 , Barker block. ' L 433-20 FUSAI.E or trade 1GO acres one and one-half lulWfromCoUlmlnis , Nob. Address U. C ! ) Dee office. 359 20 ? B A 1(0 ( AlNS.ln'business ' lots , South Omaha. Hicks , - 4 20 ilOH BALK G-room cottage , inside of mile 1 circle. Apply JU4N. 17thst. 311)26 ) ? "OAHGAINS.la Hansoom place. Hicks. FOR SALE , Exchange or Rent Eighty-acre farmgood Improvements and plenty of fruit , H miles from South Omaha. Parrlsh Si Flu- luysou , N t.ircot { South Omaha. 832 27 JJ10 K bargains lu South Omaha see Hicks. 43:1-20 : [ U"icn residence lots , only CH30. Hicks. T L KICU&CO.R9alKstato < 215 S EE Hicks for business lots , South Omaha. . . . . . 43326 KAKU CHANCE Furnlturu complete Oroom cottage , few minutes wall : front court house neavcjible , nod , street earn , family leaving and will sell very clleiip. good neighborhood , rent reasonable , address 1146 Dee olllco. 435 25 * CTOilE'btilldlng outh Omaha , for sale. Hicks. Tj OH SAi'E-Ix5ta 3 and 4 , block 1 , in Isaac 4 X : Seldcn's addition , cor. 34th street and Half Howard. John H. F. Lelinmnu , U24 H. 17th st. 160 FORiSALE Snap'snap ! Ixit 21. block 0 , S. E. Rogers' addition , UtixUfl ; one of the best cor ners ou South l th st. , only $0,000 If taken at once , street paved , water , gas and sewer In- Cuitelar street ordered paved. Htrxlness , business. Now Is about the time to st. . opp. ChambcrotCommcrco ; telephone KM. 1' . 8. 113,000,01)0 ) In Improvements In Omaha In the last year , yet no advance on Inside business ; what does this Indicate ? Paube , re- ect. take a tumble and be in position to gather lu some of Omaha's near future greatness. M. A. U. 4-CO. 334-28 B ARGAINS In South Omaha. Hicks. 433-86 J L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 213 "C10R SALE or Trade Vull lot on Farnam St. , JC one block from paving and street cars. Price $5.XX ( ) . EiiultyW.000. Two one-fourth aactlona fine school land la Ko'trtUth county , Iowa. One-sixth interest in an addition to South. Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha property. Good Inside business property , free of en cumbrance , for good hous * aud lot In north part of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms 23 and 23 , llellman building , cor. Farnam uiul 13th sta. LJ 1CKH , Real Estutu , Room 4 , iiurker block. O BEAUTIFUL 0 room 3 story houses with nice A large closet In each bed room , city water , gun , well and cistern , convenient to car line. Hplendld location , desirable neighborhood ; * JOO Cttoh and balance to suit. II. K. Cole , ne. cor. 15th and DovKlaa. 87323 TJAROAINS In acre property. Hicks. T7WJH SALE 180 acres of land four miles from JC stock yards , at 1125 per acre ; thla la a bar- gain. McCague , Opp. P. O. 391 Je propertrand "IJ10R SALK 8room cottage near Lake nnd XI loth at. , cheat ) for cash. A'ddrcss Owner , ' Boom 1 , 1127 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. 4M-3H FOR SAI.E-A few choice lot * In SouthOmalm wry cheap If sold this week. Cell ou the owner , room 437 , Ramgc block 241 25 * CHOICE llauscom place lots. Hick ? . OR SALE-Houso and lot In Walnut Hill. Easy payments. P. A. Uavln , sol neont , 447 Mch U _ FOR SALE Four splendid corners fori bnsl ness purposes. Three fine re < ldenro lots In Ivountzo ptaco. Four lots In West End. tot ill blk D Kllby place only 11,000 , Three lots In Improvement asso. addition , cheap. Two lots In Potter's addition , ono a corner. Lot 7 blk 3 DenUe add. A fine house aud lot In Idlowlld , will bo sold cheap. * Elegant house and lot cor M and Cass. 12 lots In Marsh add. Hoiisos and lots In different part.sof the city , Lots In every addition to the city. Call nnd see our list of properly for sale or rent. O. F. Davis Company , liVn Farnam nt. 'Ml in4 _ , . . _ . SALE A bargain In Nelson's add. , Just X ? off Sauuders street , Wright * Lasbttry,215 8. Ulh st. , upstair * 377 24 /CHOICE acres for Burdening purpofvs. I neks. T L. RICE * CO. , Real K-itato.215 "I3OR bargains in South Omaha see Hlrks. Xr 433 jM OR SALE 200 elegant residence lots In Park Place , E.V. Smith's addition , Recs Place , Kouutzo Place , Hedford Plnoi1 , Clarendon. Jerome Park , Pottcr'snddttlon , Stitphcr Springs , Omaha View ; smallcush payments ; terms easy. 68 feet frontage on Cass near 1.1th st. very cheap : 100 clear and lightly lucumbered lots In every addition to South Omftha ; 5 Improved residence properties , best location In city. Drake Itros. , ! ) IO 315th st. 8S4-20 rillOlCEIlunscoiii place lots. Hicks. 43320 A FINE residence on Park ave. for sale cheap. H3) ) a , of land for sale or tradu for , good Omaha real estate. A lot to trade for n good saddle horse. A lot to trade for a cow. ( Jood houses-ami lots lu northern part of the city to trade for farms. Doano A ; RobliiHou , 1418 Harney bt. 42. ) 2u J.L. . KICE it CO. , Real Estate. { AUOA1NS in llanscom place. Hicks. 4'Ji : 35 HAWLKY House , North Platte.Nob. , fornalo. On account of the death ot inv w lf I will sell the property on easy terms. Address John Hawley , North I'latte. Neb. 7rJm'J /1HOICE acres for gardening. Hicks. _ EM8TICJCNKY & CO. maico a specialty of .property in North Omaha , for sale or rent at Citizens' bank , 2108 Cumlng st. 3SS ( TOilEbulldlne,3outh ( Jniaha , for sale. Illcks Oil SALE-Oueof the best lots in II lllsld No. 1. Just across street from Yates' new residence. Make offer ; tiny reasonable propo sition will bo entertained for few days ; must BelU _ " A 30. Ilee olllce. _ C07 N ICE residence lots , only (350. Htcksl , 433 20 TT1OK SALE Bargains ; Good lot 1150 ; new .C house , 55 lot , * 475 , cash ; improved farm $1.200 ; 40 acres , MOO ; 1(4) ( acres , fl.uoo cash ; ele gant valley fnrin , Htouo house , good improve- incuts. lm ) acres , only IJUX ) ; two other farms $1,500 each : 4 corners on Douglas or' Dodge , nes or lease ; 40 acres 14 ! miles from fair ground , $10,000 cash ; 10 acres Inside city , $ 'WO per acre , cash ; 100 cheapest lots ever put on the Omaha market , $5 and $10 down ; cant help but make money on above property. Drake llro's. 310 8 15th st. 1TCJ25 S HICKS for business lots. South Omalui. 43J 2tl /1AL1FORNIA street , a beautiful 10 room V house , all modern conveniences , an elegant home. PilcutT.nX ) . M cash , balance to suit. H. E. Cole , ne. cor. 15th and Douglas. 1)73 ) 23 -THK- OF THH Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best lloute from Omaha nuil Couucll niirtTs to - = = THE EAST = = - TWO TKAINS DAILY UKTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL ULUKFS Chicago , , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaplds , Rock Island lloekford , Freeport , , Clinton , liiliique ) , Davenporl , Elgin , Madison , Jnticsvlllo , Bcloit , AVlnonn , La And all other Important point * Kast , Northeast and outu at. For throuuh tlckoU Cull on tha ticket nitcnt at l.VU Fnrnam street , In llarkur Ulock , or at Uulun 1'nclllc I'ullmun Sleepers and the finest Dining Can In the world uru run on tli ninln Una of tliu Clilcuxo , Mil vraukco A tit. 1'iiul Itallwuy. unit every intention Is paid to passengers by courteous employe * or the compnnr. U. Mir.l.KIl. General lluniiser. J. K TIJCKKU. AssJ'UiU Uvncral Mnnaecr. A. V. It. OAUl'K.NTKlt , General 1-iisscnsor and Ticket Agent. UKO. K. ireAFKOnD , Assistant General 1'ussciiKcr and Ticket Auent. J. T. CI-AHK , ( jenoral Superintendent. CHICA60.ROCKISUND&PACIRCRAILWAY By ruton of IK cratr&l pviltloi lo * reUtlon to UDM Kut of Cbloazo , and contlaJJUJ line at terminal points TTtst , Korthwort and SoathweiJ. I * the true middle link In that trtniconttnvntAi fi/attm which Inrltei and faclUUMi trartl and tiafflo between tha Atlantic and FadOa. The Rock Island main Un * and branches tnelud * Chic - c io , Jolltt , Ottawa , La Balli , rorta , Oentsao , Holln * and Kock Island , 1st IlllnaU ) DanDport , Iluseatlns , Washlnfton , Fatratld , Ottumwa , Oikatoosa , W it Lib- rt7.IowaClt7DsKolnsIndlanoU'Vrintan t , Allan- tlo , KnoxTllI * , Avdabon , Rarlan , Outhrl * C ntr and Council Bluffs , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. . . ' eph , Cameron and Kaniaa City , In MlMoilHl L al.'jworth and Atohlson. In Kanaas I jllb rl Laa , Minneapolis and It. Paul , tnMlnn ioU | Watertown and Slonx Falls , l > ( lakota , and hundnds of lift rni dut oltln and towns. . ' . 'The Great Rook Island Route" " Guarantors tpe d , comfort , eartatntr and aafetjr. IU rmanant war U dlstlnculslird for IU xcaUtnca. Its Dridces are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid tetMtsrolllflffstoek perfect. Its passenger eqalpmenfc kas all the taf elyapptUnoes that exp rleno * has proraJ awful , and for luiurlous acoonuuodatloa * Is unrjf. passed. IU express Trains consist of superior Uay Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Bleeplug Cars , superb Dlnlni ] Can , prorldlng delicious meals , and ( between Chloafo and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and Kansas City ) restful tUallnlaij Chair Cars. It' man- agem cnt Is conjertattre , 111 dlidpllne eiaellnf "The Fameus Albert Lea Rowre" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and It. Fa. Is the faTOriU. Orer this line Betid Faat'KzpreM Trains run dally to attractlr * resorts for to rie e In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Bleu Falls , to tha rich wheat aad ( rasing lands ot Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kankakee , the nock bland offer * superior Inducements to trareler * between Cincinnati , Indian apolis , Lafayette ) and Council Bluf a. St. Joseph , AtehW son , Learenworth , Kansa City , Bt. I'aul.and Intcrae- dlata points. All patrons ( especially ladle * and chll- 4renraeelTeprotectioncourMey and kindly attention. For ticket * , maps , folder * , copies of Western Trail , or any desired Information , apply to principal once * In tb * United State * and Canada , or address , at Chicago , 1.1. lallt , I. IT. IIKH , I. A. MlUMa , rUfcalBaMtis. iMtttslshMsse. u.aa.arM.itt CLUCK & WILKINSON. we ) eocalaiir teeonatee4 voufUsilhirwtl tti e < ly fcaova la us | gs Goew ihaa and Cliet. Wea e soM ceaiUef. able-aaala erejy cat * U kaifina utitUctlco. Aleetteb Uak , HadiM.N. K SeldbrDnffUM. NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for IK'.i.Molnej. Mnr < lmlt < mn- Ceitnr llniilit * . rilntnn , l > i : > n , Chlraito , .Milwaukee Rinl nil points Kn t. To the people of Nebraska. C0 ! < > - nulo , Wyoming. Utah , Itlnhn , Nevmln.Urrgnn , Wash- Minion nnil rnmoriiln , It nfrors superior mlvnutaite * not IIOM Ililc l > r niir titUur Un , AmoMK n fo r nf llm tiumcr n < polntsof ii < rlorllr enjoyed at tno imtruni n ( this riwul liotweon Omnlia nntl Clilrnfii ) . are It * tno Indus H ilay of DAY COAl'IlKi ) . wlilcU'nro ttin tlnc'tilmt lititnim nrt mid Ineonultr vnn citmtn. Ital'AI.ACMMI.KKI'INO OAU8 , which nro models nf comfort anil ulcuauco. Ui I'AH- l.OK IUA\VIN(1 ) IUH.M ( 'Alts. mi iirpn c < l lif any , nnd Hi nlilrtr celebrated l'AI < ATIAI < II1NIM1 OAIIM , tluirqunlnf which cannot lx I on nil elsewhere , At Council UlutTs , tliu trMns of the Union I'm We IUt- | way connect In union ilonot with those of Ilia Cm- raiio.t Northwestern lljr. In ChlfBuo the trnliu of Oils line innko clnso connection with Uio'o of all other Ku'tcrn lines. For IKMn It , ColnmtiiM , ImltnnnpnlK Cincinnati. Nlnenm KnIH , Iliitriiln , I'ltKliurit. Turonto , Montreal , lluslon , Now York , I'nlliulohiuln , llnlllmorc , Wjfli- Iniitun , undull points In tliu Lint. Auk fur tickets via "NORTH-WESTERN" If you l h the lictt acPommoJixtlOTi. All ticket iiucntn ell UeVeUvlil thin line. if. iiuoiiirr , E. P. Ucn'l Manager. tlun'l 1'nss'r Agent , CHICAGO , IUJ ) . W. N. MAllCOfflf , < ! on'l. Wontern Agent. 1) . K. UIMIIAI.I. . Tlckl't AKfltl. . V.VK8 1' . Cltjr iWoifKOr Agent. J401 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. THE RAILWAYjriSlE TABLES , OMAHA. BUBUUBAN 1UAIN9. Running between Council lllufts and Albright [ n addition to the stations mentioned , trains atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth. strceU and at the Summit lu Omaha. Westward. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $25OOOO Sui-plus , - 8OOOO II.W. YATKH. President. LEWIS S. HKKU , Vlco-1'rosldent. A. E. TUUZAMK. 2nd Vice-President. W. II. H. HuailKB , Cushion niitKt-roits : W. V , MoitfiR , JoiiKS.Cor.MNs. H. W. YATES. LKWIS 8. MEKD , A. E. TOUZALIN. TnhE IRON BANK , Cor. I2th and Farnam 8t . A General Uanklng llusliiesa Transacted. J. B. HAYNBS , OFHCIAL Third Judlci l DUtrlct , IT CUAMUIK Of COUUHHO I.