Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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I L . ' 1 * 'I
, , , ;
oorottr' Ayer ASkB to Have Un-
coin Permanently Locatod.
The Thurit flCCIdCM Thnt IIcrtnhInft
tion b Made. IgnInt Thciit-An
other Case IIcIortetl From
Blair-A Itunaway Caught.
IrnoM TUfl nrj's I.INCOI.N UU1tCAU.
The iccrotnrIca of tlio board of trtuis-
portAtlon fileti yestcrdfty their finding
in the comphaint broogtit bythoL1neuh
lurnbci' dcztlcrs tigniust Lhu I ) . & M. rail-
roa(1 , which was heard a week ago. Thu
casu was lumrd on the proposition that
the rates uruned. In the compiniut wore
, excessive to the extent that they wore a
discrimination against the complain-
auth and In favor of shippom at Omaha
and other iointh. Thu opinion as l)10
furred by Secretary Mungor and concurred -
curred in by Judge Mason says
The p1ending lUlmit that the rates on lurn-
her from Lhucoln to thio polnth named arc the
iamo a the rto3 from Omaha to suchi Points
although Lincoln Is fifty-fivo miles nearer
such points thati Omahn on the same line of
romi. The evidence further establishes the
fact that thif rate from Chicago and the luiit-
ber regions of the north is U ceuts more to
Lincoln than to Omaha. It is clear that if
the lumber merchant at Lincoln , by reason
of being 1hfty-flo miles farther from tim
eastern and northern markets , is required
, to IUY U cents inoro than
4 , Omaha to get lumber Into Lincoln ,
then the out rate should be U cents less to
Prcvcttt discrimination. Thu respondent
recogiiizcs this PriIIcIIlo in its distributing
tariff on other commodities and why an ox-
) ceptioti is made In the case of lumber Is not
satisfactorily explained. 'Jo recommend
that the board of transportation make the
following llflliflgOf fucth and order :
That the rate on lumber charged from
Lincoln to the points named in the complaint
constitutes an unjust discrimination agtlnst
the complainants : that therespondotit's rates
on lumber from Lincoln to the loints named
are , to the extent of such dLscrimlnation
unreasonable and Inlurious , and that a
mind reasonable rate would be 3 cents lower
? than the present rate.
Order-It is therefore by the board of
transportation considered ndjuthed and
ordered : That the respondent tim ii. & i.
railroad mimi tim Chicago , Iinrhington &
Qulncy rahlrod , at once reduce its tariff
rates on lumber from Lincoln to tim points
named in tim complaint 3 cents per 100
Pounds , and that. it CCS anti desist from
charging and receiving therofor a sum In
excess of the existing rate less such : 8 cents
reduction. W. H. MusaEmm.
0. 1' . MAsoN.
g Secretary Agr , agrcoin g withMcssrs.
? ! mtunger utt1 Mason that the discrimination -
tion should cease , has prepared a sopar-
N . ate opinion covering largely the rate
* , t. question in the state. 11r. Agor's con-
cluslon Is as follows :
I recommend that tIme board of transportation -
tion order the 13. & M. railroad to cease its
dIscrimination in lumber rates between Un-
cola and Omaha and Interior poInts , and I
would further suggest that the labor of the
board of transportation in the matter of
equalIzing freight rates In and out of Lincoln
would be unmeasurably simplified , if the htst
named city should be taken off of wheels and
its location could be definitely and permna-
nently fixed. Complaints originating with
the freight bureau , place Lincoln on the Mission -
sion river lor "in" rates and the same dls-
tanco west of the river for "out" rates , while
the railroad companies , no less Inconsistent ,
locate the city west of the river for "in"
j rates on lumber and on the river for "out"
t' rates on the amc commodity.
i ? - 3. H. Aou.
w. C. Walton , of Blair , writes to the
board of transportation that the Chicago
& Northwestern and Sioux City & Pa-
ditTo roads are discriminating against
Blair and iii favor of Omaha on ship-
t meats of hogs and cattle , at the rate of
$15 per car load , .i0 per car being
charged on imhkpmonts from. Blair to
Chicago , while $35 is charged on like
shipmnons from the South Omaha stock
% mt yards which pass through Blairon their
, way to Chicago. The board , without
enteringlntotho moritsof Mr. Walton's
complaint , replied tlntt the case would
ti come exclusively within the jurisdic-
, i ion of the Inter-state commerce corn-
k Some time smnco .Tcsse Martin , a.
former horse dealer of this city , departed -
parted for parts unknown after getting
into the graces of Dorr Bros. emi a $300
loan , secured by chattel mortgage and
disposing of the lroperty mortgaged.
After duo search and lnquiry the man
was located In Iowa , and Constable Al
Beach vent after him , returning with
his mnati yesterday.
The military board of the state bar-
lag authority over the stat militIa
' will meet at. the capital building Fob-
mary 27. The noard consists of Adju-
U taut General A. V. cob , chairman ;
i Brigadier General L. W. Colby , Col-
onet 0. H. Phillips , Colonel Franklin
. Swootand Judge Adyocato General John
f C. Watson. The business of the board
will be to arrange a now sotof rules and
regulations governing the st.tte militia ,
and to conform to the law as pasod at
the last session of the logislature.
The governon yesterday commissioned
the following notaries : Clarence G.
' Jaycox , Albion , Boone county ; Charles
' C. Parmolco , Pluttsmouth , Cuss county ;
Arthur B. Cornish , Lodi , Custer county ;
\Vu elmer A. Muttleon , Martlnsburg ,
Dixon county ; 0. Lcgrand Allen , ilnig-
icr , Dundy county ; Lafayette S. Berry ,
m Omaha ; Edward A. Obenory , Omaha ;
John M. Woodburn , Omaha ; 1. J.
harper , Arnpahoo , Furnas county ; lIarn
ST. A. Madsen , Brayton , Greoloy county
C. II. Dpomntsrmann. Grnntl Island. hail
county A. .1. ICing , Fairbury , JolTorsomi
county ; James M. flay , North Platte
Lincoln county ; D. I. Smith , Shelby
Polk county1 ioseph \Voolnort , Lob
ff011 , fled \Viliow COUllty John Thoma :
. MarriotVakefiold , Sioux county ; Gold
.t son Prowitf , York , York county ; W. II
Clark , Arlington , 1.Vashingtoa couim ty
fl Job : : W. Sampson , Blue lull , Wobstei
In the supreme court. yesterday th
ti following gentlemen from C reelci
admitted to II
t county werr practice :
tt G. Boll , IL S. Sprechor , T. J. Doyle.
Ti In time case of Brooks vs Dutelmer a r0
I'i hearing was allowed ; Smith vs Mesar
' ° 3 costs eQually divided.
The following causes weroztrgucd an
submitted : Western .ARSOCiRtiOfl v
: i Pace ; Yates vs Kinney , motion Mord
horse vs Reynolds ; Clarke vs ( .lhicngo
S Kansas .S Nebraska railroad company.
' , Court adjourned to Tuesday , Fciru
t Dry 28. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
! 4 That Tired Feeling
Afflicts nearly every one in the spring
. * i The system having become aecustomet
to the bmacIng air of winter , is wcalc
9 ened by the warm days of the chaugIn
) ! Season , and readily yields to nttackm o
elisoaso. Hood's Smtrsaparilltt Is just thu
3ncdicino needed. it tones and build
up every part of the body. and also ax
1iols all impurities front the blood. Tv ,
t this season.
p -
Strange Brood of Wild Cattle.
Oregon corresnonponco A strang
breed of wild cattle Is found In the hIg
bills Bkirttng the Uniqut : 'allor , 0cc
: gon. Iii the inoutititimis , near hiddle
linti flosebud , they are vroiablv zno
, , pluutlfulbut they do not vonturu do.wj
. .
. % . .
' .
i S - ' . , .
S 4
ff _ . ,
In the valliiy much. Thor stay on the
lulls and got water from the living
springs which rio there. I 'or the most
part they are concealed In time dense
growth f oak and fir hi thee mount-
ititi. There is 11. heavy underbrush too ,
60 that It is a hard flutLtter to got. tiioln.
They go In bmmnds of six or eight use-
ally , but itt iilglit a herd of forty or fifty
got together and 14o down In time sante
yard-that is , they sloop in the satne
spot , which : Is usually a secluded place
among the trees , A band of vi1d cattle
Imave beelt known to get together on a
cloitrd Pl8eC like this every night for a
eDuimle of years.Vhien feeding there
are always a few Imulls to net as sentinels.
While the cattle graze In bands of half
It doztiim or so , they nevertheless ,
close to other bands , so that at an
aimirin from any onoof the bulls , which
leisurely feed on higher ground , they
liii ItIII lt\Vlty together. 'l'hme cattle are
Itil of oup color anti wilder than ( leer.
It. is a hard matter to got a allot at them ,
for time reason that their scent Is so
hcemm. They cami smmioll a mat : a bug
distance oil. They got wild In 1853
when time old man Riddles and two or
three others of the first settlers came to
time valley. Their cow wandered off
and could not hs foujid , After two or
three years nil the pioneers had to do
whoa they wanted beef vmts to rig out
two or three pack aninmais timid go up
Into the mountains. The cattle had to
be killed on sight , the same as deer and
bearfor they could no more be driven
tiowum thaui deer could. Once killed
they tvcro quartered , packed out the
horses , and carried down. They lmmtvc
been hunted a great deal of into years ,
so that there are not as ninny its there
used to be. A peculiarity about these
cattle Is that their eyes and horns utro
jot black. The retina , iris , and the
whole apple of tim .oyo are one mass of
1)1110k. YOU can't distinguish any di- !
ferenco in tiny part f It. The horns ,
too , while being black as ink , are long
and sharp. Brou tt to bay the Oregon
wild cattle are wicked fighters.
FALLS Vimv was unknown until
created by the Mic1iiaft Central Iai1-
road , which stops its trauma at this point
to enable its passengers to enjoy time
grandest amid mnost comprehensive view
of time falls that is to be anywhere oh-
tamed. Before that timno people canto
ill camriages from the American side to
"Inspiration Point , " the view from
which Howells said was "unequalled for
sublimity , " hut hi1alls View , being more
elevated , the scone front it is mnuch
fluter. Noother road runs to or imear
this poiumt , and through ) assemmgors by
time Michigan Central , "Tho Niagara
Falls Route , " have this great advantage
without detention or additional expense.
Ncw Departure in Sweildom.
Now York Correspondemico Phuladel-
hula Record : "Our wealthy people
have fuund a new fad. Mrs. Vamidor-
bUt's $1,000 Private Hofmuammn recital
started the fashion , and now profos-
slonal performers are getting in de-
mnantl for entertainments at the houses
of time leading spirits of the Now York
plutocracy. The other umight , after
Dockstader's show ended , the mcmi got
into their satin knee-breeches and qlmtw
hammers , amid with corked faces
omitered a string of carriages drawn up
at the back door. The big fiddles and
other traps won't along , too. They were
driveum .to Banker Seligrnuui's residence.
A dinner party of fIfty were siping
their cognac in the big dimming room below -
low stairs. The minstrels wore let in
quietly , and mifter having supped and
champagued to their heart's content in
an upper room , ranged themselves in a
semicircle , with time orchestra in the
rear , In a back drawimig room , which
was hidden from the front by curtains.
All unauspecting , time men and women ,
guests , trooped up front the table at
midnight , and tvore asked to be seated.
Then caine a complete surprIse. The
curtains were drawn apart anti the regular -
ular performnatico bogami The spectators
twere delighted , and voted that Mr. Sd-
igman had found a most charming as
troll as unique manner of entortalning
his friends. It wns in agreeable coum-
trmtst to the usual recitations of callow
amateurs and the singing of mediocre
vocalists tvlmo Infest the after-dinner
thasving room and convert it immto a
chamber of polite torture. "
' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Safe , permanent and complete are the
cures of bilious and imttermnlttont dis
cases , made by Prickly Ash Bitters.
Dyspcpsia , general debility , habitual
constipation , liver and kidney corn-
ilaints , are speedily eradicated from the
system. It disintects , clequsos amid
climnimmates all malaria. health and
vigor are obtained mnora rapidly and
permuanoumtly by the use of this great
mmatural antidote than by any other remedy -
edy heretofore known. As a blood pur-
itler and tonic it brings health , re-
miowcd ommorgy amid vitality to a worn
and diseased body.
"Uncle" Ike Lowe , of Lexington , Ga. ,
has in his possession a number of rare
amid valuable old coins. Among timee
Is a Spanish gold coin of 1775 , for
which ho has been offered $75 ; IL
Spammish coin of 1492. a 20-franc piece of
isos , a 25-contSpanlsli , 1322 , and other
Spanish coiums front 121 cemits up to 25
cents , of 1764 , 1797 , 1778 mmd 1708. They
are family relics , and the Inscriptions
. on sonic are almost erased by the vcar
of time. -
_ _ _ _ _
now TO DO IT.
Ho who scorches
his finger kqows ,
oroughit to know ,
that by Iwiding it
near fire or hams
thogreaterheat of
the latter , acting
by attraction ,
draws out tim
mimmor heat In the
t linger and the
itain ceases. This
. 'S.- . - is , however , cruel
; treatnieni , antI is only referred to In explanation -
nation ofa prlmmciplc. No one would be so
foolish as to CXIO5C a jar's bmmrn to such a
pr occss , 83 tlmo result wommfLbo iain huitolera-
blo. It is said that a burn or scald in extrat
) the size of one-third the surface of thAt liii-
r man body is incurable for time reason
. that the vital forces exhaust themselves
in trylmig to rebuild or renew what
. Juts been destroyed by the burn. r'.aturo
- hates any dlsturbammco to time harmmmony of is
action , amid inits struggle to overcoats sumch
a an injury , overpowers itscl ( . The excessive
heat , huulitmied or absorbed , weakens time vitals
S and imature has miot autilciemit strength to go
- into battle. These are irnportant timings to
, know , for It is only on true primmciplcs that
natLro ; is helped In its struggle , and ommi
- thurotmghm ignorance that tutier1uug is iumtens -
lied or irov fatal where it could be re-
$ cores of people daily broughb in commtact
with heat , steam , boiling water and coni-
. bustibles are hmoumrly injured bysomo mishap
I In the naturS or a buns or scald , and thou-
- sammtls have been cured of .mmch by the best
1V known renmedy for tim cure of pain. The
Principle of bow IL works explains Itself after
what lies been said. It act-s as a counterirritant -
irritant out the surface Injured , gently drawS -
S hag out time heat caused by the burn , while
: - it soothes the pain , helping imaturo in the
I healing Iroezs. nummi a cure follows. IL is a
pecitic [ or pains of this kind and hmouid be
ktrt handy where lire amid steam are used.
I mt as a lmrccammthon to its tue where serl-
ous birums or scalds occur ' amid that suffering
0 may apt be intensified t'hrough igmiorance ,
It read caefumi1y dIreetion for its use accent-
- laumyin. every bottle. Thousands who testify
to beim.'g cured of burns and scolds have been
S gudded. and praise vithmbmmt stint tIme vir
it tui 'of ' St. Jacobs Oil . by which they have
a Lcaured. ,
. . , ' , .
4 5 Culttatlonofsugar Beets.
. S1WA1tn , Nob. , Feb. 20.-To time Edt-
tor of the Ban : As the boot sugar
question is of very much limtcm'ost to tim
farmuors iii time west , I send you herewith -
with for publication a copy of a letter
front tim sugar king , Claus Spreckles ,
which was lately received by my father
and which was published a few days
ago in his department of tue Illinois
Sthats.ZeItung. If you would agitate
the matter thieve would very likely ho
more cities to follow thmeexamplo Grand
Island hats given us. Time cities and
surroumudimig country of Norfolk , \Vcst
Poiuu t , Columbus , Fremont , Seward ,
Crete , Beatrice , and others offer whatever -
ever mt'y be essential to time erection of
a beet sugar factory. flescctfhlly ,
FRANCiSCO , Cal. , , Tnmi. 12.-
[ 0111cc ( if time Westerum Boot Sugnr.Co.
-My hielief is that the cultivation o
sugar beets will momm be ono of time largest -
gest ngri.ultural pursuits not emily in
California , but 1mm all time western states
and territories , both soil and climate
being immore favorable to the ptiriOso
thamm evoui In Germany. Time failure In
the past to mnmmnufacture sugar fromn
beets , ott a paying basis imns bcemm mainly
due to time absence of the best available
maclmhmmory. 'I'lme beets that wem'o
grown imftve beoum suitable for the put'-
iose , but time nmachlnory huts been doll-
dent. This , however , will be obviated
in time future as I have secured time right
for the wimolo of time United. States of all.
the mnechmanicttl appliances rind manu-
factoring mnetluotis that are now in tiso
In Germany , which is time largest and
niost successful beet sugar producing
coumitry iii the world. The soil best
adapted for rowiumg sugar beets Is a
riclm , smuidy loam. Beets must mmot be
growum successively In time same
soil and they must imever ho
manured. Land that has produced
a crop of beets should be planted in
grain time next year , thou manured uttd
plmuited again 1mm graium , timid In the third
year it. tummy be replanted with beets.but
it must not be uuamturcd that year. Timu
a farm of 150 acres would enable a
farmer to grov fifty acres of sugar beats
in each year , audI think I. may safely
say , timat the fifty acres planted in beets
lCOVO more profitable each ycac ,
than time whole of the other hundred
acres that are producing grain mtt pros-
omit iwicca. The price of boots tvill be
determimmeti by the percentage of saccharine -
charine tnmttter that they contain , a few
boots being takeum from each loads asde-
livered at the factor' , for analysis-the
result of that analysis forming the basis
upon which each load shall be paid for.
By this means time host beets vIll obaimi
time best price , amid time farmer will bo
encouraged to careful cultivation. I
propose to erect one factory itt mVatomt-
villa , _ at a cost of about
$40,000 , which will to In full
operation by September 1. 1883.
The factory will consume 3.0 touts
of beets in every twenty-four liout's but
be doubled by time following year. At
present it will require 100 cots of wood
and seven touts of lime daily during Limo
four or fivemonths that it Is in opera-
tion. This tvill show time necessity for
having good supplies of wood amid lime
clos&to the.factory , which should also
be near a line of railroad or to suitable
water facilities for shipment of raw
sugar to Samm Franciscq. The limo Is a
good fertilizer aumtlcan be returned to
the soil again. The pulp from time beets
Gait be fed to the cattle and will keep
theta in hue condition. Before erect-
lug a factory anywhere , I must be gtmtr- :
anteed that at least 2,600 acres will be
ilamuted in beets every year for a ( hell-
nite number of years. I must also be
assured of sufllciemmt supplies of wood ,
water and limo in the neighborhood ,
and good transportation facilities. It
requires from fifteen to twenty pounds
of beet seen to plant an acre of ground.
Thu secum costs ton cents per pound in
Germany amid would probably costtwelvo
cents per poummd here. I am importing
twonty-fivo tons , which are mmosv eu time
way , and some ofthls will lie distributed
gratuitously , in small packages , to those
who desire to experiment on their
farms. But I shall expect in roturum
that those who do make such oxpori-
meats from seed that I give thorn will
send me samples of the boots that they
grow , and the soil in which they are
'grown , for the purpose of analysis. It
mmtust be remembered that time barge
beotsaro not time best for makiumg sugar.
If the soil be very rich , the beets should
riot be plammtcd moro than four inches
apart In the rows. If time soil be of
good quality the hoots should be six
iumchcs ulart in the rows , and eight
indies apart if time soil be not so good.
The rows should always lie fourteen
incites apart frornone , another. A mc-
tQry tvi'Il cost about $325,000 , butfor the
first one , some of the mnaciiimmory must
be lummportod fronm Germany. Subsequently -
quontly Ianttcipate no trouble iii its
being mnanufmteturcd in this coumitry. A
site of front thirty to forty acres is nec-
ossam'y wherever cachiactory is orcctcd ,
so as to give amnple room
forthe large quamitity of
machinery mmd buildimigs , also
for time prompt handling of time great
miuniber of wagons tlmat will be dolivor-
lag beets at the same time , so that the
wagoums may not be delayed mtndtlmo work
of time farmers inmlodcd. It is impossible -
ble yet to determine where factories
should be located. I Imavo received invitations -
vitations fm'omit all sectioums of California ,
Oregoum and Washington territory to
visit different bocalitios , amid I will on-
demtvotth do so as quickly as possible.
From the' foregoing remarks , however ,
you will be abla to form an Idea of vlmtt
is essential to thto erection of a factory.
Such Imuforimmation as I iutve indicated , if
forwarded to me iii . conjunctioum with
smtrnplcs of soil and beetswill nmmtterially
assist mneiim locating time sites for future
factories. I amn , sir , yours very truly ,
CLAuS SI'ItECKRLS , President.
Now Field Corn.
Si'ItNTWOoD , Dak. , Fob. 17.-To time
Editor of time Bm : As aumytlming 1mm cc-
gmtrd to umow varieties of corn Is inter-
, cstimmg , I take time liberty of telling your
readers of my success with corn , away
up here In north Dakota , about the Inst
lImtCC ) mnmfny people would think of corn-
lug to for the PUCPooO of raising corn.
But I was already hero , and minding
that the usual one crop busimmess was
about played out I turned my atteumtion
to corn raising , though advised on all
imands that it was no tse. I have for
some years experimented with nil kinds
of corn , with varying success , but I am
now n1le to say I hare found a corn that
will mature right up about time 47th
meridian , and with your permission
will describe time corn referred to. It Is
a small , yellow flint variety , was Imported -
ported front France four years ago , and
bins been raised by ma with unvarying
success tot' time last three years. Time
stalk is dwarf of habit. each stalk bear-
lag from two to three ears. The Frouich
claim fotmr , but I have mmevor seen more
timaum three to a stalk. It bias ripomued
with me Invariably tinder seveumty-hlvo
days , and beats anytiming I over saw for
withstaumdiug drouth , as may croim of 1880
ommly got two shpwers from time time of
plarmtiumg till the date of maturity , und
then It ripeumod in seventy-one days.
Taking till those timings into considera-
tiomi , I thtimmk it has been fairly tested ,
u and migimt be very useful In .more favored -
vored localities. I have none v1iktovov
. . . - - . . .
to soil , hut tor oxpqrlrnental purposes I
vthl. be glad tq acrid any 0 ! your readers
a trial packet ( so bug as I , have any to
spare ) arm applicatloit. enclosing. staunpa
to save postage. , PETBIL PiiAltSON.
Nami These to-the Barn Door.
If time iron wedge wilt not draw build
a fire of chips uiutti heat It.
Heap tip numd tratmih ) down solidly the
snow arouumd time young frimit trees.
Water , green f oil amid macat , fowls
must have to vrosie tluriimg the winter.
\'atchi time outlets , Of the tile-drains
tlmat they rio not bcxnme closed trithi ice.
Thieve Is ommo ptrt : of the farmim timat Is
not bemuehited by drnltmumge-thmo manure
I'oliteimess pays In time cow-stable. A
gentle niamm gets inure milk timauu a harsh
'alum. '
Straw and cormi fodder are best worked
lute ummumnuro by putting tlmctn timrough
good mumirnals.
Time best prcvontivt of trouble at
laurubing time Is daily exercise for the
owes during winter.
Take the bridles with you wimen you
go to , and put thom near time
stove wimile you eat ,
Se pamatc time tvonlceiunminmals ; they
need. extrt feed , witerons with thme
stronger they get scant feed.
Protit Iii farming comes from the max-
intent cPO)5 , the products of wimmtcr
tluougimt and sumnimior twork.
If time elmttimm ptiunp is clogged up with
1to tb not give the crank um jerk. DeLhi
whmeei amid chain break ntoreemmsily wheum
vcmy cclii.
Every futrmner mummy be time architect of
his owum fortunes , nmmd it is hoer policy to
let tim job otmt to luck.
harness hung In the stable is damn-
aged as much by the gases amid damp-
muoss there as it is worn by use.
Wlmcmm green wood is used for fuel part
of time hmcat is absorbed to commvert the
water lii the fuel immto vapor.
if you do not wish daddy and lifeless
ground 1mm time spring keep time cattle oil
time fIelds tvhmcmm time soil Is soft.
1)rive your horses a little to one side
wheim yoU stop with mm load on the sled.
This makes it easier to start time load.
A lire biurums hotter in it lint. tiunum in a
cold furnace ; It. is equally true that an
nnimmtl welt wintered is Imaif suinniered.
If opeum , outdoor feed-troughis are
turned over at night they ivill not ho
filled with snow and ice in the mormming
If you imlace time ax umear time stove for
fifteen minutes it will cut bettor and not
be so itit to break along time edge.
Time flavor of the fuel used for amuck-
ing meat is somewhat imparted to the
meat ; hmemmco the fuel should be selected
care fully.
You have mme right to feed a dog so
long as you have not time atoney to jro-
vide your family with good papers ammd
Vhat. to Plant and Sow.
Correspommdonce Practictl : Farmer :
iVinter is soon to imass and sring will
rapidly follow iii its wake ; thereforti we
mumust complete our plmms as to what to
plmtmmt amid sow , nncl oi what jmtrticulat' :
fields to put it. Some fields will be bet-
tar adapted to a ' &rtaiis crop than
tmnotimcr , and we should study out their
adaptability to the , tiillcremmt crops and
act accordingly. I. b-iwo al ways believed
in mixed farming . .aimd a rotation of
cI.ops , thminkingit to be time surest to
produce time farunot bread and butter ,
amid mdso time best foi1ihmc farm. It should
be time farmer's uirst'eumdeavor to raise
whatever he is iikelyto need in his own
family. lie will hmtFdiy ever go wrommg
if ito raises what 1mi'mmrumt , is adapted to
that ho wamits to coulsumno at liorno. If a
farnier is likely to mSted a certain crap
to feed out lie slmoukl not neglect to
grow it simplybecauso lie thimmks that
cr01) trill be "clmoal ) next fail. " Ho may
fimmil himself mnistitkon when that timno
comes , Eveum if it siiouldbo , cheap , he
svihi have to raise the cash to pay for it ,
and I.cotmtemid that it Is usually better
to raise time crop tItan it is to raise time
cash to pay for It. -
Corn is a crop that few farmers can
afford to neglect. It comes 1mm handy at
a great mnaumy timmies mmd lum a. great many
diitcrcnt places ; mind so does the fodder
0mm most farina. It pays.t.o sow or plant
It ICCO especially for fodder , and if not
put into tIme silo cure it dry. The garden -
den is mm plot , too that it paymi to cultivate
and pay especial attention to , for then
it will produce a great deal of stuff , and
go a good ways in support of the family.
It may be risky to plmumt or sow an extensive -
tonsive area to any one eroi for market ,
because of time tmmmcertainty of time future
price iii time muam'ket , bmmtthere is but lit-
tic risk In cultivatiumg what we wish to
use mtt home.
A farmer must take hiscimancos
against droutlm , insects and other thuimmgs
beyond his control. If n farmer has mm
variety of crops to rely out he feels
a great deal more indopondemit aumd less
anxious about time result of tIme harvest ;
therefore he can take more comfort than
if lie feels that his success all rests on
omme Cr01) . Time farmer should aim to
buy as little as possible of what ho can
raise on his owim farm.
A Warimi , Handy anti Neat Barn.
\V. A. Cuhlon , of Gratiot , Wis. , writes
to the Prairie Farmer concerning his
model barum. Ho says : "Tim barn is 30
hy 40 feet with 2 ( ) foot posts anti base-
meat. The bmisomnent wail around time
horse stable is 81 foot high ; around time
cotv stable only 7 foot. The barmm is on
time cast side of a hill , and stands with
longer thmmtommsions north and south.
The basement wall Is ofatone , except out
the east or front side. All time basement
doors in fromut are double so that in aunt-
mel' time tmper half camm be opened for
vemmtiimmtioum while tlmo lower cami be kept
shut. 'rhemo are six windows in the
bmmscmnommt , all of which slide back into
the muilddle of time wall. A plmumk hoer
% rn.s humid In time cow amid calf stable , but
in time part for horses a hloor was immado
of lint stoumes mtmmd clay. The apamtmneumt
for horses rcachmimmg across time south mid
mind is 16 foot front outside of wall to front
of manger , amid utcomnniodmttes seven
head. Partitions betwcemm stalls ivore
constructed of 2-inch plamik mmmoi'tiscd
immto posts. Stairs frQmn basomnemmt to tloor
above , behind time oys , are omm hmimmgos ,
mmd can be pulled upp.nd fastened out of
time way. At piesent we have twelve
cows stamicimionod , aIo seven calves.
Atross the north dumtt of time mmmiii door
Is a granary divided iumto live bins each
of which is 10 feet long , 5 feet wide mind
0 feet high. A imaybay , 10 feet wide is
acLoss time south ommd leaving the driveway -
way , 14 feet vIde , in the middle. Time
hay is takeum into the mow at time north
end through an outshlo door with a hay
carrierand by laying strong poles across
time driveway from tpp of grammary to time
beaun or tie In front of the hay bay , time
entire mow can be hilhd. Wagon doors
emi mmmiii floor are 13 feet bight and door
at end for hay carrier is 7 by 10 feet.
Frame Is of good pine timbers and
siding is 6-immeim muatouued lumber put on
horpondleularly. This barmi built
hum 1870. If I wore builtiingagainlwould
make it $2 by 42 feet , giving room for
stall for span of colts amid fur two more
One Year's Profit on Eleven Sows.
Vordorm Vidotte : One year ago the
hat of February Henry Gerdis sold all
the imogs lie hind to lien Morgamm except
eleven sows. Since that time lie has
sold hogs to the amount of $1,002 to Mr.
Motgan , amid has twelve imogs left to
Start another year. Ito has neither
bought a iioor a bushel of corn during
that time. The hogs. were raised mud
fattodfroam the products of mimi eighty-
. acre farm. Those hogs alone returned
a profIt of over $12.60 mev micro. Whore
is thieve a mei'soim thmatcaum show rt bettor.
fnrummiimg record than this for the past
year. _ _ _
Seasonable flints suit Suggestions.
The hulls of oats mire claimned to pea-
seas value as food. While thmo keemmals
coimtaium 14.3 per ccitt of tilbumnlnoida ,
the lmuhls contain 2:48 : per cent.
There Is mmiore asim to time hulls amid less
flaw milk digests 1mm a shorter period
timnum boiled mmillk ; hence milk for
yoummg stock shouhi umot be boiled , but
During cold weather time swill for time
hogs is frozen or uiemirly so. It Is not
commdueIv to time health of tIme imogs to
give timemmm stick swill. The better mnotie
Is to pour boiling water lumto the qualm-
tity to be allowed.
Timero Is umotlming gained by adding a
large amount of coarse litter to time ,
mnnumtmre heap , as it ommly causes more
loads to be thrawum. Litter simommld hlrst
lie mmmado ilumtt and thou covered with time
nmaumuro hum time heat ) 1mm order to rot it as
inuclm as possible.
A solution irnule by dissolving a piece
of blue vitriol time size of a beimmi 1mm a
glass of writer is an excellent rcmmmcdy
for canker 1mm fowls if time throats be
s\Vltibel ( with it.
An Emighishm nimthmority states timtmt miew
.oats are uumilt for horses , as they sonic-
times cause bowel disease. After being
stored oats undergo semite kiimdof chmnmmgo
nmmtI. arc timun excellent. In this coun-
tm'y no such comnjhmtimmts tire nmmde : agaimist
mmciv omits , as they are fed to horses from
time timmie the oats tire thrashed umitil time
coming mmt of time next cr011.
Time stmawbcrry 1)humnts trill begin to
grow as soon as time frost shall be omit of
the groummd , and umetv is an excellent
timummi to fertilixe timommi. A mixture of
, wood asimes amid super pimospimato is a
special fertilizes for strawberries. lien
mmmmmuru iim flume coumdition may also be
used , ammd simould be scattem-ed over the
plants imi time to be washed dowum by Limo
Cut out Limo old cammes from aspbcrries
amid blackberries If you imavc not already
domme so , and trimmi up the grape vines.
This ivork is best doumo in cold weathei.
1tke : up all time old canes reid vimmes amid
bunt thtimmm. Iuchi of the busy work of
sprimmg iii timuit directiomi can be done
nomv1 and as but a few weeks rcumtaium before -
fore outdoor work will begium all work
done mmow will be an mmdvamttage.
A subscriber writes that nosy is the
tinme to imatcim early chicks. If time liemi
be Provided with a good warm box , and
time heads of time chicks greased1 to ; ) re-
vemmt' lic , time cimicks camm be raised Iii
the coldest weather , They should be
fed four times a day on warm meal
mixed with svater amid milk witlm amm
oceasiommal egg added , , Wimeum iormtimcred
give the chicks craekedcorn amid wheat.
During clear. dry , weather the chIcks
may m'umi in time yard.
Time evening's milk of cows is said to
comttaimm mnore solids timamm the pnlng's
mutilk. The average of tests made 1mm
Englumuid shows that time evening's uimilk
coutaiimed 14.8 per cent. of solids and the
imuornimig's milk 18.4 iter cemmt. Such be-
immg tIme case , it sisows that umilk should
imot be mixed with that of a previous
milkummg , amid time foou may also cause a
variation in time solids.
Breediumgmows require food rich In the
elements of bone and muscle. Corn Is
umot suitable , nsit causes an excess of fat ,
wlmlch is umlivtmys dotrinmental in breeding -
ing stock. Plenty of scalded clover lmay
in wimmtcr , with roots , mind ground oats ,
shorts and bran , make time best food.
Peace on Earth
Awaits that countless army of martt'rs ,
whose ranks are constantly recruited
fronm tim victims of mmervousnoss and
nervousdiscuses. Thopriceof the boon is
a svstcmnmtie : course of Hostettor's Stomach -
ach Bitters , the finest and most genial
of tommie miervinca , pursued witim roasoum-
able persistomice. Easier , pleasamiter amid
safer this than to swaslm time victuallitma
department with lseudo-tonics , alco-
imolie or the reverse , beef extracts , mmerve
foods , mmarcotics , sodativesand poisons in
disguise. "Tired Natuo's sweet restorer ,
balmy sleep , " is the providemitial iecu-
perant of weak nerves , and this gb-
i.mous franchhe being usually the consequences - ,
quences of sound digestion and increased -
creased vigor , time great stomachic which
Iumsurc both , Is productive also of re-
1)OSO at the required time. Not unro-
freshed awakens the individual v.imo
uses it , but vigorous , clear headed amid
tranquil. Use time Bitters also in fever
and ague , rheumatism , kidmicy troubles ,
Constipation ammd billiousness.
Ammiorican Thieves limo Bo1det and
Most Skillful in time World.
Inspector Byrnes , of Now York , re-
ccmmtly said to mm reporter of that city :
"Crimmie iii , aul degrees hlourislics to mm
greater extent 1mm Paris to-duty thmuum
imorimutlis Iii aumy other city iii time world.
It is mm city that offers many facilities
fom' the operations of crimimmals.amid what
is amoco , they seem to work with every
degree of success. I believe time tic-
cduumt. is not the least exumggoratod , for I
immive received immforimmtioum which fully
corroborated just whaC I've read iii this
Tiuis stateof affairs has existed long
imi Paris , utna I aiim sunpriscd that arm ax-
pose hits mmot reached this . coummtry
mummer. I knowit as a. positive futet that
forgers , swindlers , gamblers anti blackmailers -
mailers who Juivo lhourisimcum imm this city
for years are mmow operating in Paris ,
with time most boldness and apparently
. without any fear of dotcetiomm. It rip-
peam.s to me timat these scoundrels are iii
some way protected or they would be
SletdihY ( captured. "
"Is it your inmpressl.oum that thmeso
marauders are Lucre 1mm organIzed
gammgs ? "
"Cemtnifliy , or they would not be so
successful. I know it to bo a fact that'
members ot such gammgs have left this
city alommo anti in pairs to meet on time
other side and perform work specially
laid out for then. It got too warm for
timeso crooks' to operate here in thus
city , for I made It a rule to Iceop thorn
ummder eye amid know every mnovermmont
they mnado. If a 'job' was perforuied I
could lay my hirmnds 0mm the men who
'worked' It. ' In
'rimey ware scooped so
inc ssammtly and lmanded over for punishment -
mont thmat they decided to move to loss
warni quarters.
"Timese unomi believe tlmat there is but
one good city In any particular country ,
amid being drlvomm out of that they strike
time nextavaulablefleld. Fromhore I've
known them to go directly to Lommdon
to Brussels and Paris , nd be successfui
1mm nearly all theim' ummdertakings. In
reading time descriptions of time work
performed by all these people , as told iii
to-day's Herald , you will notice timumt 1mm
uienrhy every instammce the saute Mmmd'of
tricks have boemm played Imere. There is
to in their modus ' -
nothing new us opem'-
mmdi arid the execution of their syork so
graphically described pol umts almost
with certainty to the operators of time
"It is only a short while ago that two
celebrated craclcsmon-umamoty , "Billy"
Porter and mlSimeeny7 Mike-returmiod
from a trip out time 'otimor side' with
$70,000 lii solid cash. These two mcmi
struck the primmoipal cities like a whmiu'l-
wind amid returned here to spend their
, caslm. They broke into jewtmlry stores
banks and business plumces right maid
loft , timid hum mme Imistance were detected.
Whoim they reached thUs city I mmmubbed
thorn amid made it hot 'for them whIle ,
hero , titmd oh ! time % ' skipped agauum. .1
kit-ow pow tlmat l3orter nuts trmkemm over
a gang with him to work time largo
cities of Europe again , timid I kmmow ftmr-
thmcrmtmoro that his opecntiouis so far have
"how tb yy aecotummt for strange
crooks being so successful 1mm foreign
cities ? "
"Timat Is easily nccoummtod for. It Is
not timoy who plan the job but do time
0 xectition Thu American thm I of ,
burglar or forget' Is time most desperate
utuid boldest oimrator kmiomvm. , lie will
take more chances anti work nmoro coolly
minti with a greater tiegm'ce of security.
Good immaterial like 'Simeony' 1ilco ,
Porter , tumid uncut of their kidmiey can mu-
ivitys linti tue mnmmn vho imuis 1mm view mm
'cr11 , worth cracking. ' Titis 'heati , ' or
leader , tigtmres only 1mm time lihamis aummi if
there Is a failure 1mm time job ho is imovor
ctihloti to accoumit , btmt does his best in
time backgroummd to imui p lila umumfortummato
workers out of time hole.
"You see , criunimmals can readily leave
here if thmey timid it s'arumm , amid througim
It sort. of immystic association forum mmciv
commibinations 1mm micarly nay city In time
world. '
"Aro you in commummlcation ts'itlm any
of time Purishutum ofliciumis regardimug tlmose
rcccmmt erlimies ? "
"That qucstlomm I will imot answer , " ro-
plieti the lmmspcctor quicaly. "I hma'e
simuply comniemitetl upon the fact timat
yommr cable article is true lii evei'y pam'-
tictmluir , mmd thmut I can substantiate time
facts witim crltlemico in my possession mit
time present time. My chief desire ,
imtiwever , is to keep mny bailiwick clear'
front nil such objectiommablo cimaracters ,
amid I feel safe 1mm stating thmit so far I
have beeum successful. 'ro keep it so cc-
quires ummhinggimig utttemmtiomm and a eon-
stamit ovei'imaullng of all time criinimmal re-
sorts. .Thiis 1 do coumsttumtly mud coumse-
qtmemmtiy sled ) SOCtR'e at mmigltt in time belief -
lief timuit mmot ami expert crinmitmnl exists
witimimi miles of timis city. "
"mVlmat is your opinion of time sugges-
tiomi to have English mmd Amnericami imi-
shmectors mit Pam'is to detect time prcscmice
of these objectionable citizens ? "
"I approve of time suggestion by all
means. It stammds to reason timmit If a
mntmum thmoroughily commversaumt with till
hinds ofcrimno amid crimimimials were stmu-
tioned ium a city like Paris lie could
readily muck out time 'crooks. ' Nearly
every class of crimiumal huts his particum-
lar style of performmmimig work , amid all
the immspcctor would have to do would. be
to 'lmmspcct Limo ruimm. ' It is loss timan a
year ago that time herald published a
miumute amid perfect descriptiomm of time
robbery of Merchammmt Miller's safe in
Philadelphia. From this accurate do-
stiriptiomi of just imoiv the robbery was
performed I wits eumahied to say at once
to my inca , ' 1 want Jack Talbot , bttmmk
burglar mmd sate breaker. ' We not
emily got time maim , but fouumd nearly all
time proceeds of time i'obbcry hidden 1mm
the burglar's m'csidemmce.
"The miecessit.y f thmcse export crim-
intl inslCCtors is all the more assured
from time fact that first-class crimmmimmals
do not stay long in mm city whore they
plunder. I lmmiow timat some gangs cross
over three amid four times ii year amid
fluid umo dlfhicuhty in uneetiuig witlm sue-
emma. In London occasionally time Scot-
laud Yard mon have been lucky in capturing -
turing some of our well kimowim 'crooks , '
but there are considerably more crimes
committed than are over made known.
Iii Paris , hmowever , it appears an easy
mattom' for Americium thIeves to operate
with impunity mind conme back hero to
revel 1mm the cash so unlawfully ob-
tauumed. "
Evammgolist.Moody imad to give the 250
boys 1mm Imis Mt. Herummon sehoolatalking
to because some of them omidoavorod to
haze one of their follows. They got him
imi a roonfand were about to put him
timrough a course of sprouts when lie
pulled a big jack kimife and threatoumod
td carve into little pieces time first boy
.timat touched immmn. Nobody touched
him. Mr. Moody got the knife and
with it In his hand talked like a klmmd
ftithmer to his boys. They seemed Impressed -
pressed nod undoubtedly began the new
year with time dotermimmatbommo be good.
Some fashionable ladies are not antis-
fled wltlm rcady.mutde famis , but must
'hmavo themn nmnde to order ; they are ,
however , satisfied with Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup at 25 cents and take It regularly.
"One fire burps out another's burning -
ing , " and most pain suffers more to lie
cured , but Salvation Oil is painless amid
certauim. It costs only 25 cents.
East Covemitry. miear West Chester ,
Pa. , 1mm a sensatioum 1mm time shape of a
hermit iii time woods , wimere lie sits by
his fire dayand night id uotes strange
passages of i)00t1'Y , mostly from ' Scott
anti Burns. He refuses to reveal anything -
thing to his visitom's , who are many , rebating -
bating to his past life , amid as ho Is a
young man with fashionable clothes
amid in good condition. it is behievou
that lie fu ; a dude from Phmilodelphia ,
who , having boeum disappointed in love ,
has taken to time wbods to tlmero brood
over his reverses in solitary gloom.
No morphia , no opium iii Dr. J. H.
McLean's Tar \Vino Lung Balm. It is
prompt , safe , amid ire , will cure a bad
cough or throat trouble quickoi' timaum
any other medicine , only 25-cemmts a
Josapim McDonald , who lives near
Lexington , ICy. , wmmmts to buy 810,000
worth of Kcumtucky bumblebees that understand -
derstand time mumnagement of clever.
They are to be sent to Australia to assist
in growing clover there by carryiumg time
1)0110mm froni bloom to bloom. A gomitle-
man who came from Australia bust fail
hmmd bought some stock front Mr.
McDoumell made time nrrnumgcment with
hint to supply hun with the bumblebees ,
anti they will probably be gathered
tom the crop of next seasomi.
-ri I'
Itasuperiorexcehlence proven In millions or
imonmes for more than a uuarter at a centumry. t
Is used by time United btatos ( Jovornuumout Endorsed -
dorsed by the liotulsof time Great Urmivvrnmties as
the Strrnmgest , Purest ni1 unoat ilalthtul. 1)r ,
Price's CreaTe flaking Powder tloeN not cofltaj
Amuumonta , Lime or Mum. Hold only in
l'mtica UAK1ia I'OWlJEmLCO.
Nwvotu - . cmuc400 : , ' 8T.L0U13
, , . . : . s. . . . , , ,
OVRII A Mit.LION flisThililUThiD.
cAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 '
Lotilsiana State Lottery Co.rnpafly1
Immcoriornlp.I by the IeItattmre In I5 , ( or lauuiest ,
Ioni cmi ( 'lirmtst.lo pirpe , , i,5 In. frsncflu'i ,
maSs a l'iirt r tim pre'emil , , Constitutioum , in 15i' ,
br in trrwmcmmIng , ; ioputsr v.ut' .
its ( lrnI SIriglo imntb.r Irswiimjm * tke laeo
niemtmiy , , ii.i . tile ( lined Qisfletly , ItswIigi rci , .
marmy ecr7 tunes menthe Mrcb , Juac , Septemumber
had ieceir. )
"ive do hrnhy certify ( list we suprvIe thesm.
rSngenISni foi' sum the nitinthiy iiiid qusrtermy
irnwtngs ) of 'rmo , Louimas , Stat , , i.otter Compnmy ,
511(1 In per'On manest sad etamurni the emniilngi flonm.
selv. InC ttui tue arr c.iiilucted with aonestr
fnIrne's and unmot'cI fMtmt uowsriu sum pnrta'i , ant we
niitiorlte 11,0 , L'm''siiy , to mue i'ortutte.te with
tie uniumss ut our slgnsturo sutautmi , lam mis s.meriia
iueimti. "
We. the un5orslgnsd flsnkan1 flsnkor.will paysli
u'rmea dawim In Ii , , , i.omiuIuuim $ i4timtd Lottcrio which
slay be ; .reentit St OUV cOUIte ( ! .
.1. mu. oam.xsmmy , PrO' . I.omIinn , * Natlonsi flanL
i'iKhuItic m.txtmmx , i'ro , . State Natt.nsi Hank.
A. ilAI.1)WIN ) , I'ros. Saw Orleans Nstlonai flank.
CAIR. ROIIN i'rs. tinloum Nttonai imank.
In the Acflbeimmy O Muislo , New Or.
lean ! , Tuesday , March 18 , 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 TIckets at Twenty fount's
each. Jinives , $10 ; Qnnrtars , $5 ;
Tenths , $2 ; Twenttettw , $1.
LhsT OF . ' . . . . . . .
I rmuzi' : em' nuim u . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I m'uuzi , ( n. ' iemtxum ha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I m'mtmza om' smimmi Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i rmumz : cm" : itui I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 I'ItIZES Ui' IUJi ( ' er , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soul
5 i'htIZO4 0I situ Sri , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
am m'utizms tn' inn are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tin u'mumzms 01" SC are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
nut m'mumzis or an irc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbtiX )
as , i'iuzt.s om saro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A'm'mmXmMATmUN h'lihZS.
Its i'ilzes of r.'oi nm > proxuimatIng , to
aLu.tumm'ruo am. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
liii i'rii , ' , or an ) nmiproxlmattng to
5lmfl ( ) ( ) I'rho Cr , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltxi )
mm i'rtves of t'iU , Im'm'roxiinntimmmt to
* .utw Vriae arc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TE.h'IINA ! . t'hIISm5.
IWJi' oftlOdecldem by..ttUtfl.t
Vrize are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mmxui'rmzeaorsauoecmuod by..ttwcOi
i'rlzonro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mmjxn
: uias Prizes nmomnUmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
For cmub rates , or any ( imrtlier limforamatlon apptmy to
the miuidcrslgaed. Your Iiainmwrttumg nmiIt bt , cmItmru'i
50(1 sigiitttire , plain. ore r.i ems return miil dollver
vuuu be nistmroO by your cmmcloliig , , mm omveiopu bearing
) onr Zulu sdtIrea.
sens PosTAm4 NtYFns , oxpre , . money orders. or
New York Kzchang In orOinary metier. Currency by
express ( at ur expense )
ivAsmiuxuTox , n.e.
Aaai'es : flogIstore Letters to
1) E9TT'BED 'That the preonco of lon-
ii. is I4.LU Ab ersie IuCauogsrd a n d
) Caruy , who are In charge or mule ( liSWungC , is ft
Sflteo of aholuto fairns , anti intCgrily , ( bat time
cbance are aim oqni , enS that no one can possibly
,2iine whst nummer , wiU draw a t'rizo.
ltmtMmtMlmmmmt ( list the payment of nil prizes Is
omtuSANS. lund the tuckots are signed by ( ho president
fan institutIon whose chartered rljhta are og.
izod in tim highest courts ; therefore , beware am nay
flation , or simonymnous .ohcmos.
! h. bed nuid inrest ee4y for Cuz * ii
ill eaaaed by nay dersjent if
tee Liv.r , Z1dn. Itosek and Bowuls.
Dyzpa5 Blek Uesds&ii , Couatipstloi ,
flifious CophuInti aid XululsofalI ktI
yield resdIl7 to the busdit IMuce
21JAW . \ .
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) tfnjj
It Ii imitsuint to the Mate , tones ip iii
system , restore.s amid preserves IICIIUI.
It ii 7 VeetabI5 , and cunot full to
ivve b.nefchi1l , both to alit and y'oug.
&esbloodpnrifleritlu.up.rlortonl :
oth.ii. Sold ever7wbSle st $1.00 a boW. .
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Our Magic Remedy
r syphilitic Ilseascs , of recent or long .tanmiung.un
tuna teii to flfteen day. . We will gIve written run
simtestocureau7caaeor refund yourmnoney. And
we woumd sny to those who iava empioycC the * *
killcd i'iiIcian , . used syory known rumedy nsn
bays not been cureS , ( tint you are the subjects * 0 Iuj
lookinum ( or You that have been to the celebrV4qt
Hot Springs ol Arkansas , SuS hays lost nit b0p 04
tecoycry , we
Will Cure You
nrmnkorotharge. Our emorly Is unknown to 5n7
coo in th wortd oimt.mda of our Conipny. nud ii a
tue only reniedy in the wormS that will cure you. We
will cure 11,0 niost obstinate case in less than one'
month. Seveim clays lii recent cnsei done thu work. mi
is the old , chronic , .lt'ep-seatod cases thL we somhcht.
iv , , have cured hundreds who had been nbaudoasj ,
by 1Iiyslclena and pronouncoti Incureblu , nial
We Challenge the World
to bring us a case that wo will not cure tim less thik
en. rnonth
Since th history or medIcine. nTrno SpeclOc to
ypiihlmttc11l5riiptlon , . Ulcers , Sore mouth , Ac. , mu
been son I br but asTer Iou&ni vaUl
Our Magic Remedy .
III discovered , and we are juatiOet ID hymns mm Ii Lb $
pills remedy n ( ho world thit wIll u'u'ltlvemy cure
iPcauIu the latest medical works , published by (1mg
ant known nuthoritle. , say there wi , never a tru.
p.cuna before. Our Uonie1y is the only medlcmn5 In
tue world that wIll cure when everthhng else has
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To comma. % hy w.te your thins and money wills
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5erlnanenl relmoim you misTer caa got mm olewber. ' .
ptark what we 171 in the end you must lake o
Uensedy or NZYSut mrover. And you that have beet
Ifileted but n short tine should by nil means corn t
CI now. tinny gel help ant tlInk theys re free front
the disease , but. in on. . two or three : ean after , It
Ippears agelti tji n users horribie form ,
1iioalIgate o'.sr financial landIng through time mu.
panttle ugesicleg Sad note ( list we ste fully respoust.
meendourwrttenguantnuerenroo.i. We have a
ItEMimsy prupaudQnpurel i4cl.nulumo PiIiclpie. nn4
wuwi.htorepent lbaIitNcVza rAtt4TocmJsu. All
leitprs sacrOdmy contidentlal.
TilE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Rooms 1mm sod 17 Usihuman Sleek.
Tr.uco.sbieU. Uuarnnmeadibe '
eel , one leth. woridgeneraling
ecopUnuous XIAS.44 , P Mur.US
currst. b.iNnUft. Povefui. .Lursble ,
Ocmfsrtsbhe aa4 Id ii , . . vois made , iS' '
iu '
g , HUIJILvL5Toa. l1 $ .
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. : ' .