, . ? . ' ' ' r * WF , - rr.W' THE .OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY. FEBRtJABY 22. 1888. ' ' ' . ' k SPECIAL NOTIOES. AdTeitlsements nnrtfcr this head. 16 cents fl r Bno for the llrjt Insertion/ cents for each sub * ternum. Itirertlon , nnd < I 60 a line per month. Moadv.rtlsemont taken for l s thnu 85 ( ! nt for tlio first Innertlon. Seven words will b counted to the line ; they must run consecutive * ly ftnd must bo pnld n advance. All advertise ments' must ba banded In hefora ! : ) ) o'clock p. tn. , nnd under no clrruinstances will they M taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In thcso columns and hay. ing thu answers nduressed In care of the lite , vlll t'lea.etiHk for n chetk to enable them to CCt their letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad vertisements should lnj enclosed In envelopes. All ndvertlRPincnts In thc o columns nre pub lished In both morning nud evening cditlonn of the Bee , the rlreulatlon of which nggre fttes morn than ! . . ptpcrs dally , olid gives the d- Vfrtlsers the brneflt , not only of the city circu lation of the Dec , but also ot Council Bluff * . Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. , BRflNCrfCFFICES " ' AflV.rtli.lnK fdr tltese columns will betaken. ml the above conditions , at the following , bus iness houfcos , who nrenuthorlzed nfiehts for Tin : IlKK special notltCs nnd will quote tliCsaino Xfitcs at cull bo hud nt the main olllou. ' ' ' * ' .10IIN W. BEI.L , niarmaslat , flOS.lOth Street. CHASE * EDDY , Sprinters and. 1 13 S.lfith Street. ; s. 11. E'li. 2115 Cumlng Street. or.o. w. PAHB. ac'Ua.armaclct , HOW St. Mnr's Avenue. II. B.WH.TIIIIOtTSE. I'ih.ama.acls.t , lltli nnd Webster Streets. o. BE..THI.I : , 3-Te-vva IDoalcr , Test Office , South Onfalia. SITUATIONS WANTED. LA DIES w ho want girls , now ls the time get ngood se'.ertlon. Hotels and restaurants mipiilled fri-o of charge. State Kuiplojinent parlors , 1417 Farnnm Bt. , loom II. 'Mt 21 * TVANTED-SIfnations forSllrst-class colored TT girls,2 mld < lle-aged women.gpod house keeper , 3flr.st-cla a cookIn city , ono woman pastrycook ; wo have any number of girls for IioUKo-work. Canadian F.mp. olllco , Mrs. Iterga rtijttde ) 8M. 3)11-21 * ANTED Place by competent woman to do housework , address 11 ! W Beo. : ! II2J * AOr.NTM'.MAN with wlthover twenty years' experience In nonie of the best inercnntllo nnd banking institutions in Ohio.vl.hlntfto re- mo\ to Omaha , duslrej * a position as chief ac countant or tlnniii.nl in An for some w hole sale or iniumfncturlng establishment. Coricspondence solicited with n view trt negotiations , when ref- crenees will bo furnished. Addiess "Motley , " care Brooks & Co. . Cleveland. O. .111 21 * " \\7ANTKD-By experienced salesman , post- T T tlon In Wholesulo or retell boot and shoo store ] City ref.iencei given. Address B 1 ( , B.C. 24U21 * \\rANTKD gltiintlons for one colored. 2 T . Bwedesandoiii'Amerlfiin coachman ; all lieat good city references ; no ofllcn charge. Cana dian Kmp. olllce , MrH. Biegn & Son , 010 So. 1 .th Bl. , Tel. 84. 3lfl 2U "V\TANTED lly n smart , indnstrlotts , sober , T . colored man , a pluie as janitor or mes senger. Beferences given. InqulroyiS N. IPth Bt. < ir 1.115 Dodge st. 17U 21' " W/.NTED--MAI.E HELP ! D CloodTellablo man to seTftTmsery stock. Call oa 023 Bioadway , Council i Ia. 3.U-27 _ "lirANTHD rirst-class pastry cook , to. ; man T ? and wife lor private family ; coachman , liormun or Swede , must bo of good appearance. Canadian Emp. pfllce , Mr.Btiga * Argon. IllilS 15th J.tt'le 884 , t , - ) W-2lj ) AtVluilsbv hotel seconu cook ; . I . must understand his" business und. have -f- * * . * . - . . . . . . JH1"1. " ' - a wiioWsnle'hons'o an"bnico ' IjoV ; "one. , living with hh narentn pre- Terrod. Addre.ss.-ipf1 obn handHrltliig , ' tit.lig mlmy > xpcct \r1thrufvrelicc4. . I'-O. Box txt. city. _ _ " . . . . ' am sit WANTI.n Agent8-1n every county of Nebras- ku , OoloriuU ) nnd Illinois for the l.allft Kookh dress putting system ; agents mute good Mlarv ; territory fiep. For t eiuis address F. M. IIenlersoii.3 K , 1 1th St. . New Vtnk. a' 27t TATE AgiTOtK Wnnted-Wnnted-ln the states of Missouri , Minnesota , Colorado , ebraska , Kansas nnd Texaf , state acentu for the best selling book of the times , 'till * book lias bi'oiuopy lighted in both America and Eng- lAilrt.N ThotmanuN of copies of this hook already gold. The most famous critics of America and I.ui ope give this book high praise. Prospectus clrcu'ars and fuller Information f tlrnlbhed on ap- ] > llcatlon to T. 11. Peacock , P.O. Bos 1 8 , Tope- KaLKau. _ SM 21. . clothing salesman as partner In established merchant tailoring business ; must hnvo tw.0 : splendid opening for right man. ddr-SH B ; . Itee. .TBi \STANTKD Tlie Western Sihool Supply house TT wants u Ilrht class tiavelllng safeMinan , SMI Dodge Bt. ail 27 I WANTED Two men of good address , capa- , blu of handling a No. 1 book. Call-121 S. . . ' 10th at. ; mi22. ( ' \I7ANTI.D-Muu-To take the agency of our J T > hafi-s ; size 2 * > x xl Inches ; weight. COO i Ihg.i let all price f03 ; other sizes In proportion , I A rnro chance trt create u perinanent biislne.s nt brme. These safes meet a denmnd never bi - foie supplied by other Kafo couipaulesas we are Ij1 not goveini'd by the sale pool. Alpine Safe Co. , Cliic.miutl , O. \ TQOV8-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , WOi Dout'las. "TtrANTUD-A Koytt rcll.vbl reglhlered drug- T > glut , "or drug clerk. " to buy an Interest in a well established pajltii' ding Btoro. Ad' ilu > h.s ImiiK-dlutvly , F. K. White & Co. , Uiudllla , Neb. ViauM * \\TANTED-Men to drlvo teams. AlbilKht's ' .TT Labor Agency , ll2QFaii.aiii. 150 | WANTED--FEMALE HELP. \irANTKD Two glrU , ono as cook and latin- T T diesa , the other hecond glili Must IHJ neal nnd tidy and understand their buslne. . . Wagi- ; li uaih. Apply after 10 a. m. No , 2U1 S. 2..th uvi > No Su eeds. Ub5-22j ( t gtrhjwanted at btato Employment piirlois. \\7ANTED-25 girls for good IrespectabU TT places In nud out ot city. Oato City emp o lce.bH315th-elHoa. JIM at * Vt ANTKD-Cook for omc.r's rumlly.-.Mi ) . T cook for biuall hotel In Iowa , ttu.oii ) ; ) ( ! ur man gliU for private ramllle- . , good wages ; nea tidy glil to wait on counter ; tiri.iKJ ; nr--t-clas chanVii-'rmald ; 3d gf.1 In boardng-hoii'-e. Canu dUn limp. oOlctf , Mrs. Berga& . Son , U10S. i : > th tele. 81. : k)2-2i J tloo l cook and launuresK. N. E T . Cor. 10th and Da. cnport. 'll'i TUT ANTED A trimmer , und saleslady. B. M TJ Oeulus Pro. . HIM Douglas st. U4J , \I ) AN'fEI ) . \ good glri"for general housp V.T % workatonce. 7133. IhthBt. a04-21 f _ Dlntng-Uoom girls wanted rft State Kmploy O incut parlors , 1117 Putnam nt. , room 11. Ml 21 A good coote Apply N. E. Cor . SUt and Webster m r " _ S1821 ; /TlUlLi for general housework. 1U1U Callfornl ; VH at. 3I72U _ _ WANTED At once tfood reliable coloroi chumbcrmuld nud pprtur ut the ( Jem , Bi Hedge W Penrloa Mackey ; 2U3-2I * VVANTKD-lmuu-dlntely , ladles to workfo a w holcsale hon.se on needlcw ork at thel homes. ( Sent wjy dlstanre.l Uood pay can b made. Everything turuLshed. Particular free. Addrew ArtUtlc Needlework Co. , n.bu at..OY Vo-KUty. 3S2 _ ' HHSCELLANKOUa WANTS. ISIANTKU-Severnl thousand dollars to loii V . in sums f thrco u > tour hundred - < loli'ir on Qr t-rlasH property' ' . Ueo. N. Ilicki. ItnouH Uarkcr block. 3 t 22 ASTr.U 70U nicn and women . Stockham's Custom. Shoo Store- * Kort R , ICthst.j uo jyb lots ; butav , ? loau , bilchtwai f. l rametlKOOdH. cheap. _ 317 22 \VANTED-A good family to adopt a health ] T tlnelooVlngirl b aby 10 weeks old ; also boy li years old. Addi es Mra.W. In ( jarc of M.v Meyer. _ 333-2ii * WANTKD-Somo oni ) to bonrd a child months old. Inferences given. Addros JP3I. Bee ollice. _ 'Ml 22 * \NTIiD-LadUs to vo "Chlch itcj ( Uu ( Uch'Ulanloud * Brand , l'cnnyr < > yal lllli Bite. Always reliable. The original. The on ) t genuine ; Auk dmggl.it or send tc stamps to particulars , it-turn mull. Chlch.ster Chetnlci go. . Philadelphia. Pa. JK7 r ICNmLOYMENT BUREAUS- ' QTATE iuployment parlors , 1417 . GATE city employment omcea ; reliable npcncy for nil klnd of help/ references Douglas PO bank. Isbell & Chrlstenson , 314 H , Uth. . tc ] 1100. . 35" 27t _ _ CANADIAN Employment oUICe , mala mid fo * male help r > ent to nil parts If f ra Is ad vanced. Befereiice , Omaha National bank , .Mrs , Drega & Hon , 310 8. loth. Tel , HM. ' _ _ OMA II A Employment Bureau , 110 N. ICth ft. Oldest nnd most ri'llabl * olllrnln city. Call onus : telephone 11IJ. H. 1 _ . While , proprietor. y."iinl2 _ _ rilHH Union Employment offlco la thoplaroto JL oiitnln rollaliie hrlp "fm , short notice. In or out of the city , IIM S.-Jlth t. Open evenings. V K mlo BOARDING. pllIVATKboardlrTg , e n week , 101. Dodge. WANTEb-TO RENT. WANTii : ) Dy March S.th.fouror live fur nished rouutsfor light housekeeping bt < - tw'eeillarnamni.rl California. 17th nndOtlist.S. . AlldruSbC. D. K. . Cnru Mas Meyer & Brrt. , / 321 22 ? WANTI.-lly a gentleman nnd wife with ono * child H'J ' j'ciir-i old artilt of unfurnished rooms with bonrd Ina prlvatu family where thcrflarei.oothrr.l'oarders or childrenIIr. t class roferf t o. ; w llllrtfrto pny 410 or more per month will not go In n lint , muni be a houko with yard rtround It. J'rnfer wpnrt of cl.yj no objection to going2 or : i mile , from postolllce. Adihess P. o. ixixf ; , city ) > 2. * 17ANTI.D-2 nnfdrnlvhcd roomn. Address T glvln ? prjco nfid locntlott. B 82 , Beo. , . ! w - to' tcnf. Campbell & Hervev 310 Board of Trade. W3 fOR RENT-HOUSES. EI.KOANT new S-ioom modern housesplendid location. 0 per month. II. K , Cole. N. 1) ) . IMli and Douglas. 238-21 TJlOll Kl.NT ll-room house , most convenient , * . line and honlthy locntloit , totms moderate. \pply211i ! llnrney bt. nt the buhement. ; i2i2. : $ THOU BENT ThoVosome of the most deslr- JJ nble new cottages , Hat. , nnd residences In he city , .tent very irasonable. J. H , 1'nrrntto , ental agency , lllCo Chicago. 170 2J FOR HKNT 10-ioom house , new tuid modern , one nt tin ! mo < t convenient nml best Inillt ouses In city ; cheap rent. J. II. 1'nrrotto , lontal Agency , 10)0 ) Chicago. * 147 2J 1J10H HI.NT-'I. ' roV.ni brick _ _ > . ! dchc s. n. cor. -T. rnss nnd liith St. F.V. . l.c.ssontln , 10" ) S. "tth St. Room B. IjflOIl HKNT Cottage of neven rooms. In first L1 cla s condition , lth nll.coiiyenlences , nt i(3 ( S. 17th sti-eft. .lEnqnlre rtf T. J. Fltzmorris , lee ortlco or 4 < TiN. luth street. al l FOB BENT Ten room hotfc and basement with all mordern Improvements ; flisttluss ocntlou. Inqulc. at llelmrod & Co.'b , lithund iackhon street I'.i7 ' 7IOH SA I.H New 4 room house , full lot Dcca- - turot. bet5'th atutaifit. 1'jlco fe'.OOO , easy crms. McDonald dairy , Hurt at ncnr licit lino. * 'I 11221' KAKK chsncc-Wholo Hat. tio. 2 < M4 N. 24th Kt. to rent vtry low. Vnuuiro nt residence as b ve. S. K. Winch. Ml 7IOU RENT House of 8-rooms , closet , hard - nnd srtft wnter , on Hth street car lino. In quire lll'JS. lath st. 778 EflOH KENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hnns'-om JL ; J'ark , pouth front. All modem'improve ments ; 10rooms ; most deslrrtblo residencu pait of thp rlty , Imiulro Leo & Nlchol , I'Sth and LcMenworth. (2tl in > FOll HKNT Twelve-room house , 2.1th and nnd Mnnon streets , $10 per month. J. S. Caullleld , 1 Wl I'arnam st , C4 ! O NK hnmlied ftnd fifty houses for lent. II. K. Cole , n. e. cor. 13th nnd Douglas. 607-20 Fll IlENT-Houso II rooms.V. . M. Ilush- mnn , N E corner loth nnd Douglas. 9.4 FOH HKNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , lar e cellar , llrth near Clars st. W. O. Shrlver , opp postolllco ! l)0 mOR HENT-Houso of 4room. nt fild Williams I.1 ! treiit. Intiulro next cloor wa .t. t)2 ) BENT 10 room residence steam hont. O. K. Thompson , UU S. l..th st. 211J T7U.fl RENT or Sale New house , 0 rooms , cor. -1. 2Sth and Capitol nvo. Enqulro2821 Dodgo. 110 KENT A new dwqlHng. Q rooms , nil modern improvements , good stable , ten minutes' walk from postolllce , apply to D. J. O'Donahoe , nt O'Douahoe it Sheiry's , 15th st. , next to thu postolHco. . , . blO RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. FOH HUNT Single or en suite" , 2 nleasant looms for gentlemen , with nil modern con veniences , coriier , bilck rc-ldence , St. Mary's and 2Uh st. , or tf.-O S. 2Cth. 251 22 r1\VO nkety furnlRhed rooms. ' All modern JL conveniences , Itll2 I Urnoy. Xa 22T TilUItNISirBD. room ; with Ilr t-clnss board JL ! near cnblp line. 20W Douglas st. SIS 37 * FOH RfcNT Front room nlcely furnished In private family. 1G01 Hurt St. LIB 2 * " 171OH KENT S floors 1204 Farnam. 2 jcars -L lease. FurnUuro for bale. Bargain If sold at once. 250 21 * "IjlOH RRNT 5 convenient chambers for houss- J- keeping to a man nud wife without chil dren ; U blocks from postolllce ; 31. X. 17th st. U24 21 * TT > OB Bl.NT Nicely furnished fiont rooms JD with lient. .7 nnd 9 per month , 4WI Williams Ht. , H mlnutes'-wnlk Boutheasit U. P. depot. 310 WH BENT To gentleman , ( in elegant front - roomlarge , with alcove , including heat , bath and gas. Elegant room for tw o gentlemen. 17011 Dodge at. * 2oU 2U * CU furnished room cheap , 101S California. HENT Desirable teems with bonrd In POH prlvftto family ; pleasant home ; rcfeiences .xchaugvd. tX > Plea..mt st. K 22 * F BONT room , gooil board. 619 Pleasant st. 2i021 : * TI1OB KENT Elygant furnished front room , J 1th atJ ! ' 21 * w board. W Clilcugo j4'J [ 10B BENT Sulto of furnished rooms , la * , lloor room u , Uj JJoualaa. . PLEASA NT f m nl heO front room for guntlo- munnud vlfeqt'tTvo K < ! ntUftitn ; , 213 S 21th street. - ' ' i- . ' 22821 FOIt 11BNT Booms furnlshexl und unfur- nUhed , ir.4.l'ai ) . avo/ ' , " . , ' t41. . n-otlis'imd booid VlWJ Knrnnm. FOHN1SMI.D " S , i i , 634mi * ' J10B Jcntlei.gnr-T. ( b fprhUhod looms , all - leiu ImproVcmuutd. > 17fc , podgo st. ' it . 't | > i't 'v:4'.iiiu'i : T7\OB HUNT Kurnlslie'd ToomaVall convent- JJ ences. AS Uoape , 315. N. 17th street. 491 FOB IH'.NT FurnWied-roen.s.forone or two gentlemen. 1QU5 DOdtio btr * ' 2bO " 171OB BENIVTwo nicely furnished front rooms -L1 ongrouud tjoor , nt. 2)i ) .lliirt , for $15 per month , w Ith1 > pard M H9T ijili i < ldUonal. | C01 T71OB HKNT-nvoom at ail Woolwotth ave. ; JC ut IU in ; r n > tylhv 3 3U EATIA' IllrnBlteVt f ront"rAom to rent nt U21 N I'arnam at , 1 block west of court houso. , s ' -V . . < tt1 , - TJ.UBJ.ISIIED lipnt mid ether rooms wIth day JJ board. 2210 Faruam st. " 1M21J ItHNTr-A-l olegan fron , room , with FOB \ ery conenlcncd. . on.j"Urst-class people wanted , ir.'lDavenport. WJJ FOB BENT 3' fiirnUhe'd ' rooms' for house keeping. 411 S. l.th St. , Karbach block , 3d Hoer Uat No. 2. I.eaVe lefercnces. W.W21 p'UBNISHEDVootns , 1810 Dodge. II10B HBNT-tTwo .yery tlcslMblq turnUhed J ? 'front rooms.'ttlrnli ( modem bonvenlencea on same U _ o . iArraugl d for three or four occu- p.iuu if desired. Apply at 1712 Capitol aveuua. T3WI. KENT A large room furnished , central J location Ultt Chicago Bt. 304 _ FOIt BEXTs-VHrnlshcfljroouism rounlg blk cor. Uth ana Dodge su. lu.julro.ot . Ueo. It. , 3- . _ TpKO.NTrQoui wlth'alcovo and2 large closets , i gas. hot air , bath , hot and cold waler on saiuo Uoor for 3 cent , or .nan and wlfo S20 pel month and ad Joining n.oni with closet .10 pel mouth : iothur rooms with cloaeU for $10 pel month , aamo conveniences on cue line.'O ; S " .tt hiil T7U5U IlENT-Nlcely furnished rooms at 22.J X1- Dodge , Gas , bath lujd ( urnaco he.vt , OJ'J "CMIBSISHED rooms. Sober m n can havt J ; ulco rix > ras.chcay , s w cor. 18th and llowaril Btreeu. Upstairs. VS7 27t T7IQB UKNT-Nlce furnished ropin. 19 pel J ? mpntli. aAv cor , lath nud JttCKsoit , 60. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES "IjlOH KKNT'-Ono good stoferoom and thre < .1 i6omsln rear , good location. Inquire al 21- South icui at. aba. * _ F OB ItnKT-Frout office , Arlington block , . C. VulojiUuo , ISl i lop& . Ki T710B BENT Two roomn. 4txM , where Fleam 4. power can be obtained , Enqulr * Of Sam'I 11 eos , Beeg Printing Co. , 1018 Howard t. 7 ) FOB BENT fleoond noor , sIxTO , peed lorn- tlon. Enquire of A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge tt , 750 FOB BENT Store nnd 0-rooms over good ntand lor dnm or feud store , t.ee A NIcliol , cor. 2Sth nu < l I , avenworth , CJ5 m5 FOB BENT Desirable ofllco HIIHRO , or desk room , at 1U1 Furtiam St. , Udell Bros ' , tc Co. , _ OBt TJW.it HKNT-omrc * on Knrn m ot. at Jl. to . ) JL' per month. One ofllce furnished. laU Knr- tinm. yo ' F OB BKNT-One-hnlf of olHoe , 1519 KMnam , ( Irotind floor : best location In < h cltyi Mgtit nnd pleasant , with modern conveniences. ' RENTAL AGENCIES. . } BROOBY , r. t , . . Bcntnl ngcnt , 309 A 10th st. 1'KI.IAI. attention given to renting houses , fj furnished nnd unfurnished robms. List with us. W. M. Harris , over 22. . 15th t. . > ' . L'1PT Kmts. ( ( , fetofcs nttd ! . % rent'Wlh ( H. B. Cole , u. o. cor. Iftth nnd Douglas ; " "tiW-ai KJlNTAIj Agfency List yourlioit'es for rent with Odell llrds. & Cat 1S8I Frtrnnm . . - . M4 U KENT If you wish to font n house call wilJen iw 4 Co. . 15th. Bt , opposltjoAQ- FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. T71OB III.NT Three untarnished rooms to a J3 family without children at US ! N,17th st. ' " ' n K FOR RENT-M13OEl.ANEOi.S. lHl KENT- " Thrra ( , t ) rooms , No. 101Snorth 2tah stv.l. ' > .00 Three (3) ( ) roomcottage'-Mst nndd'aulsU. U. ) s Three ( M ) rooms. No. 1122 north 21st St. . . ll.t Tin eo ( .1) ) rooms , No. 1 HO Plerco st lit 10 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1112'south 7th st. . . . 11CO Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. ' , ( ) . ! PaoillosU 12.50 One ( II loom 2d Jloor , ilia S llthst fi'OO Eight ( ? ) room fiat 4l H nth st.j 40.00 Ono (1) ( ) store room 31(1 ( S Ifith ht . . , ,17.1,00 Apply to Judge renting ngoncjvlJlftS.ir.tli at. ii- S ) ? " * " J1OB BENT-CleanbcdaJl to $1.61 per weak , 1 fi(2 ( South Ifth.t , up.stnlra. ' ill ) ! } 21ji' J1OB KENT-Barn , ll"21 " Chicago st. ' " 1 . PERSONAL. I 1J1IHSONA f < StorkhAinM Custom Shoo Store- , C0.r > Noith ICth st. , Is open for business ; bargains - gains In nil lines. iU'l 23 ABII10NAIUE modiste. Jtist arrived from the east , business thqroilKlily uji'lerstood nnd llr-tt class work guaranteed. Parlors Httsli- mun lilk , cr IfilH and Douglas , room 6. i : . II. Terrlll. 891 27 * I > nffSONAIi 1.1st your property to exchange w 1th C. C. Spots oed , ya S'i S. 16th st. KK ) T > EHSONATi r.ndies and Rontlomencan rmit X nmsciucrmlo suits nt 510 N.-lOtli'st. ilpstntrs. taain TDERSONAI/ nccount of her numerous on- JL a etnents , Anna Alplannlb , thecelobratud HmiKtuluu nvpary , has Increased her too to # ! . 1C2IX. 2Gth st , cor. Dloiulo. Tuku 2Uth and aun- ders car. i l8l PERSONAL Private homo for ladles durlnq contlnomcnt- strictly conlldcntlal. Infants ndoptcd. Address K 42 , floe olllco. .vKWrtliaj 1 > iHbONAj : Oreat fortune teller just nr- lived , the. younc Mndamo C : L. I/nmont , tha great itstrolOKHt , will remain : tO dnvs : 1ms trav eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells pust , present and future In person or by letter' , will bring back the parted husband or lover , no matter it they be ten thousand miles away ; they will return to you In so many days ; will tell you wnether your lover be fal o or true ; will guar.mteo to settle family quarrels to perfect satisfaction : can alsocnuse speedy mairlages ; has charms for good luck which will causu par ties to bo successful In any kind of busi ness and prevent your loss In any kind of business you may undertake , breaks evil Influence , and lirlnqs good luck to all who may try this lucky charm ; ran give lucky numbers in lottery drawings ; ran glvo Dest of reference In regard to above statement. I was presented with an elegant gold medal , n iJenver , Colo. , for my great success in my business. I hnvo the natural gift of tolling the past , piesentand future. My grandmother befoie. mo was nlso n gr at astrologlst. Parties asking Information by letter must enclose $ .1 to ensure answW. All business conlldeiitlal. Office hours , 10 B. in. to R p. in. Madame 0. I > . Ijamoat , No. 1810 California btreet.bctwoen 18th nnd Irtth sts. , Omaha , Nob. 15712 ! * COST. VJTOI.nN From feed store , 1008 Saundersst. , O star wagon running gear , four now fellows - lows In loft hind wheel , resell not painted , hind standards leaning forward. Liberal lewardfor any Information regarding the same. Parsons * Johnson. 315-21 * OST An envelope addressfHllloyal , I Cambridge , Muits. Finder Mill receive re ward by leaving w 1th McCaguo Ilros. , bankers' . LOST Order book with orders for patent mop. lleturn to Bee offlcd. W. A. fruiter'- man. 331 2W T OST Pocketbook containing } 4 nnd ilote , for JU $ wo. payable to T. H. Bliss. * 10rewdrd for return trt ftcb nIHnn . * WI | I * . FOUND. FOUND The place to save 25 cents on. tlje del lar on shoes at Stockham's CuMom , Shoe store , iXXJ North loth st. Open uvenlnes. ' * , u' . l ' > J la M < FOR SALE'MISCELLAHEOUS. F IOll SALB A soda fountain , very cheap , at 120U Douglas ht. 328 2 * FOlt SAL13 Klght room house with modern improvements and stable on leased ground. 1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Buapka , 1405 Hnrney bt. . b7 TTtOll SALE A Good set tinner's machines , JU tools und patterns ; also 2 show cases. 1130 , Dee olllco. 2tt,81 * F BAM' . For ten days , lease furfllturo and ! carpets of tlrst CHSS clovQn-rootfiifl > ve-lin ( { . Best locution In city , all modem Improvements , carpets and fuinlture only used few mouths. Bent of three rooms w 111 pay houserent. . Con tents will amount to .l,60Uor .1,000. tl'or further particulars address N. A. B. , care Omaha and New Yoi k Clothing Co. 257 2U * FOB SALE-Cheap for t&n flays'nf 2.11 4nm- Ing btreet , a good stalliop. 225 - ' . * FOR SALF. orTrnde-Allnobroo'd mare with foal : will bell or trade fof-A1 grfod-ftffnlly hoi be. Bunawa Co. , opposite postolllco. 2e7 21 FOB SALE Dormant bcale , ca ] > aclty 3.40(1 ( pounds. Phil. Stlmmel tfXfS t-IHH .Otw St. , Omaha. 149 FOB SALE-Leaso and furniiuro of a 1room houaeon Farnam street ; house and furnl turo new ; for particulars address B 6. Bee . - " " " . . mil - - 15427 * TT\OU \ SALE At a-bargQlnJJlfee&Df shelving , J ? 'M feet ot counters ujid'pufl IciAJie.t. ault- alilu for i rsccry store. ' Bt\qulc aEBS. , lOthSt. " . * " - ' "ftv 733. A BLACKSMITH 8liop.fqV&ftikf3&wo forge , or tobls w Ithout sUop-trfr sate--tt i&pply to Win. Uus eli , JJhiB 11111 , WubUci 9Ki ) . ) . * ' * ' * * " ' TTKUl SALE-SonuJflnaybunar roweiand stal X ! lions- , lit .lot 'rotuF qr tr ClciVjS.ldrebs B Gibson , York. Neb. ' - - C.5m7 * exchange Find Nohraska . stocks of general ivuiae.J. . : AvUerffiir , Long Pine , Neb. ' tjvifil fc 3) * J NOTICE to Beal Estate Agents-South 48 feel of lot 7 , block 16 Improvement assoctatloi ad , withdrawn from the 'market. C. F. _ . . T ANOUAGES-Gorman. Vrenchr-'ftinlah ' am H English taught lu thelrrlch'.natfra Jifoiuni elation , by the most practical methods. * Ckll oj nddre.vs Languaga Ilaster , 'room 6J5 , Tiutoi block , Hilh and Farqam sts , _ 3iaJ2 : * SOMF.THING NEW-Worth'sucSWVrated pel feet tailor system of dress 'Cutting. It L Mmpje , exact , and adapted to ovary style otgar nu'Ut. Thu l.-teat Improved system. Vor fui ; ther information call ocaddr .s * MadaiicNelfiou 41otel Esmond. Boom 4 , Omaha , Neb. 321-22J TIHE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gellea beck , tOJ liarney st. ' 182 MAHA , N b. . Doc. 10. V 7.-.Mes rs. F. K Sauboru i Co. , Omaha. Neb. Gentlemen Your Standard Horse and Cuttlei Food am Standard block Liniment are deserving of' ' tin highest praise. They are both prime nrtlcle-i 1 ha.e a valuable horse which hud been Hick fo borne time , nud which I had been hubjcctlng U a course of medical treatment , but without sue cess. About two months ago I be gun using the Food which 1 tmv < continued since and with the most gratlfyint leaults for I am now using him every day. A the sAiuo time this horse had a very obstluati barbed wire cut which he had received while ou to pasture and which was rilled with proua He.l which yielded but poorly to dlirerent remedies that I'upplled. I began using your llnement fo : this wound nnd it huu destroyed all prund tlesl nud is nearly luSaliHl HO that now there U but little tlo lameueas and evury apparent reason to ex poet a cure. I had nearly given up hope of cur ing htm , so lilt lo success did I have with all trlet remedies , I can cheerfully recommend to an ; one requiring aburo named remedl. * . Youri Uul } ' , B ; L. UiroiOfc 30621 rnilK only cook liook Is fiitv6r Creek Conl. 213 JL a 14th. Jeff W. Bedford. 79i S9 _ . ILJonNPO ! . , cistern , builder , wells bared 0. nnd dug , 40. N 30th . , ' Omnhn , Neb. tM CfiO inchil * F. On Time HousehoM Fair. The great Bargain house. To housekeepers. Wo nre Imiind to show ff on that wo can eave you monny In prices. 1'nrlor suits. Chambe.-s. K Bed springs , lusl nvtttrasse * , Folding beds , side boards , carpets , Tables , cl.itlh. , mirrors , pictures , .LouncP * . commodes , tctea. Itlvnno , rockers , curtillti1" , stoves , Tinware , crockerrfitlnssw are , lamps. Houses furaJ.8h.ed complota on Easy payments ! Kitty. paym ntsl Easy payments I'1 * Kasy paymontsi Prices tile lowest. Call anil see Prices the lowest. Call nnd see COt ! nnd OOi south 1 1th street , Corner Jnckson. No connection with any other hous" . 614 STORAQE. "VTEW YOBK Storage Co. have most extensive -Li facilities for storage of furniture , plnno. , buegles. general merchandise , west of New York * Cash advances to any amount ; wnro- honsfl receipts given ; goods. Insured ; brick building Ore-proof ; special ariangomenta for commission merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol nve and N. 15th st , , Bennett's block. . ' .TC3 WANTED- BUY. SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , houseftol goods nt 117 North 1. th st , OrH & Co. 1KH2. WANTfcD To buy.tiort tlmo paper. .1. W. Gross , at C. E. Muyne's ollice , 15th and Marney. 285 CLAIRVOYANT. MBS. F.COLE9-Tho greatest llvlni ? clairvoy ant , tells past , present and future ; satlsfac- : lon guaranteed. US' ! N. I'tthst , , room 1 , tlrst loot-to right at head of stairs. 1412J * MHS. niJBANT-Clalrvoyaut from Boston ; reliable in all al.atrs of life ; unites sep- .rated lovers. 322 N , Itith street , room 1. lUlmlif DB. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis , 'ree. Female diseases a specialty. Hi ) N. 10th St. . Booms 2 & ! ! . Tel. 914. ' 3 4 MONEY TO LOAN. TOANS wonted on good real estate security ; J favorable terms. Mortgages bought. Kimball - ball , Champ & Byuu , U. S. National b ink b'ldg. T OANS made on real nstato. Cash oil hand , -U W.M. Harris over 220 S. 15th st. 373 ; 500,000 to loan nt ( I per rent ; Hist mortgages bought. Fred Groos , 422 As 42. ) Puxton block. 111123 * MONEY ! To loan , short time. 1st mortgage piper bought. Slopes Sc King , room 3 , Crelghton block. U14 MONEY to Loan OniahA real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll Bros , te Co. , 1523 Farnnm. b2ii P E. COLE loans money on Improved city or L farm property. Boom o Continental block. 003 SHOUT time loins made on any avnuablu security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bougnt , sold or exchanged. General financial business of any kind transacted promptly , qulftly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and ITar- ney sts. , over State National band. Corbett. manager i i 347 MONEY to lonn l can ww place some first class city loans Immvaiately. C.ill at once 'f you desire to bo accommodatod. D. V. Sholos , oem 1 Barker block , entrance in alloy. 3tH ! MONEY To loan , boivest rates. No delay J. L. Bice le Co. < over Commercial Nu- lonal bank " 375 MONEY to Lonn On , , furniture , pianos , wagons , or other personal propyity without removal ; nKo on collutenrt'socuilty. Biislnesa conlldeutlul. ( Jlias. B. Jacobs , 3i ) S. luth st : HO JOANS made on real potato nnd mortgages bought. Lewis S. Ketd He Co. , 1521 Farnam. MONEY' to Loan lly tfie undersnrned , who has the only propl-rly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loansi of 110 to I1UO made on furniture , pianos , organs , , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , without remoyal. No delnyj. All business strictly conOdontfctl. Loans so made that any part can be pafdt any time , each pay ment reducing the cost . .oro.jataAdvwj < vs made on One watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nre dealing with , as many now concerns nre daily comtntj Into existence. Should you need money call and se me. W. It. Croft , room 4 WithnnH ouildlng , IDthondHnrnev. 369 M ONEY to Loan O. P. Davis Co. , real cstaW nnd loan agents , 1605 Farnam st. 370 MUNEY toloan , casn on nand , no delay. J. W. and E. I. . Squire , 14U Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 372 MONB.Y I/OANKD at 0. F. Keod tc Co.'s , OIHcfl. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , pertotml property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th , over Blughaiu's commission store. All bus. . ness strictly confidential ; 379 $ IJOO,000 to loan on city nnd farm real estate. Linalmn & Mi-honey , lI07.i Farnam street. bit ) ( CGOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 6 n > percent. Q. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Bid. 378 THE FalrbaQk Investment Co. , organized with ample capital , makes loans on liorse ? wagon1 ! , furniture , pianos , and other personal property or collateral. Daal with ra-jponslblo parties. Apply at their oBlce. 215 South 1UU street , urf-blalrs. 418 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianot , organ ? , horses , etc , low rate. . J. J. Wilkinson & Co , 1SH Parnam , over Burlington ticket odlcs. 3.1 "MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , * U-etc. , or on any appro YOU kocurlty. how rates. J. W. Bobbins , 1UU Farnam. bOO f 21 6 PEU CENT Money. . ' Patterson & Fuwcett 13th and Harnoy. 37 6 MONEY to loan. Notes ana it. K. ticket , bought uhd sold. A/Forman , 213 S Uth sts 3ti ! * \ < fONBY to loan on improved real estate ; no 1'i commission charged. Leavltt Uuruham. roqm 1 , Crolghtun blork. 360 MONEY to loan on Improved city propoity nt lowest rates. Cash on hand. First mort- gajjes negotiated. K. F. Seaver , room 13 , cham ber of commerce. 291 BUSINESS CHANCES. IF you have 810.000 to ipvcsl ; In n lecitlmnte manufacturing enterprise which will tetuin 20 per cent , addiess B. 31 , Heo office. 32U21. Tj10llSAI.E--Plai.ing mill nnd fixtures In a -1- booming town In Neb. ; water power ; rea son for belling parties going out of busiuessnext IWday. . Address O.H. Scott , IlQbrou.-Tiinyer Co , tio\ \ > . ! H2 23 * FOB SALE Hat ness nnd saddlery bu.slness u a good town. Good trade. ' Only harness shop In town. Good reasons for selling stock and building , $1.3) ) . . Uood terms , Address B 33 Bee Qfflce. 3CQ.2 ; * BANK , for tittle A party ulth .mall capita can sccurqallnolucatliyim Satoria.iSob. only bank In town , new flmo lock safe , line of Uce , railroad graded throifch the town. Address at oncu BO.H Gamble , ! president Buffalo County National bank. K ( P 'y. ' Neb. 30122 FOH SALE First clasn _ ataurunt located In J ; center of city , doing n/ad fuslnosa ; reasons for selling , ill nealthf TTttins easy ; address B11 Bee. .1 T 188 22 * door north ot Wlll | msst. . _ JU21 * TOCK of millinery anrf ladies' goods to be sold or exchanged. 'JJfiu best trude In town nnd country adjoining. jTerms to suit pur chaser. Ill health cause T > f selling. Addrest Drawer H. , North Platte.'Ktib. ' _ SOU 22 * ANTED-A pnrtner ] vlth from KI.OW to * SX)0 ( ) capital to enWrgo a well paying business. 1'aulseu A ; CoVMo. Uill Farnam st. Booms. _ g , _ 32122 "DAItHEU bhop and batVlrooms for sale : a -U raru good chuncevlll bear luveatltjatlon For ' partlculary inquire ol Molchlor Bros. 248 24 * _ _ _ RANCH of 100 acres with house. Darns , cribs larg Bheds , etc. , everything complete for stock-raising and feeding. N. Barnes , Centra City. Nebr 10121 * _ _ _ " 1710B SALE First-class hoarding house nea : -a. 1' . O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause tot selling. X4Booomce. 153t25 _ TTlOBSALB-DniB stock. As tine location a J. them Is In tne city. Clean stock. Invoke about J7.000. 1'artcash. Part In good real es tate or secured notes. M.A. Upton i Cp , 10th st , opp. chamber of Commerce. 461 CPLENDID business opening , 38 room hotel k7 located In best town west of Omiilja. Ad dress Holiday At Ualdermau. room & and U Mich qhvon bile , Grand Inland , Neb. 84 ! ) 2M SALE At a bargain , a fully eq.uppe- ! JL. ' meatinarketdolnffuood business. Oune wlshen to go east. B , 2U Bee ollice. 215 2b * FOR eXCHAHOa. . W 'ANTED W houses and lots to exchange , C. U , SpotiWOOd , SOJVi S , IbtU St. J Jl.WO rash nnd H.OOO Inlmproved farm land lo etclmiiKO for $4mcl. > . an stock of Kfnernl isrrlmndl'e In a good country town. Address 137 llynomco. OH 821 l''ol'.XCIIAN01.-S4 cleitnnt lots In Cottaga JL plftco ; price $7,200 or i-iwper lot. Thl vrop- rty I. clear nnd free from liiouinbrance ; will rude till. property nt nlravo tlgures nnd take mrt rash nnd gcol Improved farm laud with Ittlo ot no IncKUibrauco or good wild land unlu- timbcrtd. Al.o20aore lc < n 11. Bright of way nbontl. ores III all In Won Omalm. Thu above prop- rty U covered with one of ttio finest grove. round Omnhn , nnd will plat Into M beautiful ots that , compared with prices of lott beyond ml aninml It. ought < o sou readily at $ 0 > l to $ WO ach ! will H-ll thl. property for fil.ww , buyer to sitmelncuinbrnncoof $ ( ) ,2-i duo in about 1,2 , nml 4 years from .lime last : will take ( the Mmtcfi lii part cash nud good llrst class farm and. rorealo or exchange , threenlro lots between .eavomvorth nnd Farnam streoti , near Iowo venue , This Is gilt edge property nnd the price s only f-f.r Ki ; .Iai0 : Incumbrnnco ; what ha\e rou.to offer ? Oeo. N. lllcks , room 4 Barker Jlock. 340 21 L\7ANTrl ) Light carriage and good driving TT team In exchange for nice Onmha lot. lick" , loom 4 , Barker blk. it Hi 21 W A NTKO Houses and lots to exchange for tmptovcdnnd unlmproucd lands In Ne- Clinrlcs C. Spotswood , s. i riLKAN" stock books and stationery .or" city W-'pl-opeity. ' St. JoluKV Uly , Fu-nze. block. or household furniture wanted In HOUSES fioftd vacnnt'lots. Good l.llllo range nml tank nnd restaurant utllt for sakvcasli or time. C. T. Morton , 1'BI 'arnam tt. 2in Good Tftrm , in exclmnga for WANTED property , C. C. Spotswood. . " 03tf Slflth. : W [ XTANtlJ ) A choice tract of farm hind In ex- TT change for go6d lots. Hicks , room4 , Lirkcr blK. 310 21 D10B Exchange 210 head of cattle to exchange. D Want good low'h or Nebraska land. H. E. Cole , n e con 15th and Douglas. 174 20 CTOOIC hn'idwnvfl for land. St. John & Ely , rrenzvr ( ilo k. , 217 tXTANTEO 816CK8 ot iiiprchandlso to ox ! TT chailso for lands and city urouotty ; C. C. Spotswood , 30..4 . HUP. - 33 WOULD lfk'ito txchange equity In Kountfce place , lot for carpets and furniture ; good ots in this addition to trade for Improved im inlmprovod property. Address B 3 , trelghton block , 14)22 ) ? "TXTANT D Hoises nnd building material for T T farms , lands , lots nnd houses. Win. J. il , 100. Farnam. ! ' . HOUSE nnd hit In Minneapolis for western laild.ASt. . Jolm .V Ely. Freny.cr block. 2l7 I710K Exchange Business lot on Saunders D street. Want equity In good Inside rosl- lence lot. II. E. Cole , ne cor , lr > th and Douglas. I . 174 20 FOU IIXCIIANOE-lOOncre farm In Hnncock c < imity , Iowa. Tills Is a splendid pleco of nnd. ( ivory foot of It ran bo plowed : Is 3 miles 'rom junction of 3 railroads. Prlco . .X ) per aeie , ncutubrancc7.)0 , due In 2 yeais. Want house and Iqti will assume Incumbranco. H. E. Cole , ne. cor. 15th and Douglas. OT" ! 2:1 : It lots toexchango for taims or equities In houses and lots. H. E , Cole , N , E. cor. 15th and Douglas , W7 21 WANTED Omaha property to trade for good lauds , Special attention given to trading. ' . I. . Brown , Freuzer Block. COS INSIDE city property In exchange for forms or lands. J. A. Helstaud , Arlington block. 675 I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co , near Plattsmouth , will trade for improved aside property. Address M 3D , Bee office. 033 FOK SALE Or trade , land and town property In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , cattle und stocks.of morchandUo wanted. Corre spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York , Neb. 74.11.8 * \\TANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods , TT clothing or boots nnd shoos in exchange for Omaha property or farms. Schleslnger Bros. , 014 S. 10th st. UVKI NEUBASK A nml Kansas farms to exchange for Iowa nnd Colorado lands , and vice versa. Cooperative Land and Lot Co. , 203 N Iflth st. C94 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. T > ENSON&CARMICHAKL furnish complete , D and guaranteed , abstracts ot title to any real estate in Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete sot of abstract books inthe , city. No. HI ! ) F/irnntn st. US.Y MIDLAND Guarantee and Trnst Co. . 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts fur- Dished , and titles to real estat * .xamlned , per fected and guaranteed. 3SU * ORSALE-REAL ESTATE. I HAVE for sale ono of the best lots In A. 8. Patrick's ndi which I will sell if taken soon for three hundred dollar J less than any lot In the addition can be bought for. Address B 30 , Bee ofllce. 355 F OU SA LE or trade 1(50 ( acres ono and one-half miles from Columbus , Neb. Address B. IJoe plllc , . , 359 SIB QTOUEbulldlng.South Omaha , for sale. Hicks NOB SALE fl-ioom cottage. Insldo ot mile 1 Circle. Apply 324 N. 17th st. 31020 ? BAIKiAlNBlu Business lots , South Omaha. Hicks. 341 22 FOH SALE , Exchange or Bent Eighty-acre t.mif.good Improvements and plenty of fruit , Qmiles from South Omaha. Parrloh As Flu- layson , N street , South Omaha. SK27 HICKS , Beal'Estate , Boom 4 , Barker block , i 31122 FOH SALE-Snap. wmpl Lot 21 , block 0 , S. 13. Bogers' addition , MxHO ; one of the beat cor ners on South lUth st. , only $0,0.0 If taken at once , sti eat paved , water , gas and sewer In- Castelnr street ordered paved. Buslnes-j , business. , Now Is about thu time to get homo good Inside business piopcrty while It is chealB going to be an advance iurevu lnive the best for sale. M.A. Upton & Co. , 3011 S. lUth bt. . opp. Chamber of Commerce ; telephone Kit , IVS. f iq.OjOUOO in improvements in Omaha in the last year , yet no advance on Insldo liroperty ; what does this indicate ? Pause , ie- tlecr , take u tuinblo and be In position to gather In some nt Omaha's , uour future greatness. M , A. U.-vCo. , S14-S8 / 111OJCK { igrcs for gardening pti ) poses. _ Hicks. OBSALE'7rrfonihquso and 03 ft houtli nnd eatttront , corner lot. In west part of city , two blocks from car line. Small cash payment und balando monthly , or 111 trade eiiuity for eood paper or vacant lot. F. K , Darling , ISOi Ilowiii.1. , 110 20 fl HOICK acips fpr gardenlng. Hicks. SXLK 100 acres of land tour miles from > i stoclc yuriH at (12.'i per acre ; this 1s a bar * gain. McCaguo. jOn. ] . U.O. _ 391 J-L. HICK LUVUeal Latato. 215 . * . { , - * _ good investment. 311 acres ulKMit 4 mlles from the stock yards on the line of the B. A ; M. railroad , 15 minutes' from Omuhtt.'lanU'.h.'S very lavel and Is good soil , Bitlo range li'noiv ' located near by. with pro * p-.tqt , loQutliiK Fort Omaha in that vicinity I'llcoflOUper ucix1 , , } ernw easy , small lucunv braneo duo in S y .irs. Adjacent hind is adver tised at * 1VJ tot.UX ) as a bargain. Groves ol bUip5i\\YlUuut. tUn'x'ton ' thu Und. Invest i guto tm tuid you. will learn that it Is a genuine bat gain. ' 3. II. > f fttts , "sole agent , chamber ol commerce. For salo. nil of blockfl.E. V. Smith's addition , $3,00. for corners , IL7IJU , for lusldo lots , turim easy , lots 3 x14. . Foe 'Sale ' , lots o it < Unit Howard Bt. , Wesl ' ? or sate , lo1. bToc'ic 3 , Capitol Hill addition , 1200 per foot. , DFoc sale , i'ptter % .Cobb's addition , lots 21. 22 23 , 24. blcki.andlots23 , and 24 , block 2. Prici for t.ll.4,5.n.H ! 9 sh. For sale. h > t , ; , block 10 , Hillside No. 1. $ . ' ,800. D For salo. lot 3. block 2 , HtlUldo No. 1 , i.UO. Flno trackago property. Wholesale nrms looking for location can learn of desirable locu tlou at the bu t prices olTerod , on fnvorabli terms. J. H. Watts , chamber of commerce , 875-30 _ _ T > AUOA1NS In aero property. Hicks. T L. 1UCB & CO. , Heal Estate. 215 C1OIlSALK or Trade Full lot ou Farnam st. X1 ono block from paving and street cars Price $5.000. Equity # 1.000. Jwo one-fourth sections Hue school land it Kosnuth county , Iowa. OntKslxth Interest in an addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good webteri farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered or g6od Omaha property. Good In.lde business property , free of en cnmbrunce , for good house and lot In north part of city. S , A , Sloinan , rooms 22nnd2J , 11 oilman building , cor. Farnam and Uth sts. N residence lota , only $ K > 0. lllcks. T OT8 1 and 2 , blk 11 Metter's addition to 8 J-t Omaha , .l.UOU. Terms easy. F. K. Darling liXH.Uowi.rd. 177 21 J.1 BICU& CO. . Heal Estate. 815 TTOll SAI.K or exchange , Omaha property ami J.1 fonuii fox menhandlae , hors. , uwi. ttcblas laser BrovJ. , Olt B , 10LU t , JM-Bi [ 71011 PAIjM-l'our splendid corners for bnM Jt ? tips' , purposes. Three line ro .tdenre loin In Kountzo place. Tour lots In West End. Ixit ll'i lilk n Kllby place only ll.nno , 'Ihreo lots In Improvement us.o. nddltton , heap. Two lots In Poll e rV fiddltlon , ono n corner. Lot 7 blk 3 D-nlRxadd. A fine house nnd lot In Idle wild , will bo Hold heap. Elegant house nnd lot cor 22d nnd Cass , 12 lots In Marsh add. llouH.isand lots in different parts of the city , Iot In every addition to the city. Call nnd en our list ot property for pale or cut. O. K. Dm Is Company , Io0t5 1 nrnnm Ht. at ; m > EMU1ANT rc.ldenco sites , Hanscom I'lnco. lllcks. 311 2J Olt BAIiR A few choice lots very cheap If sold this week. Cull on the owner , room 4J7 , Bamgc block. M 26 * It , HICK & CO. , Mint Kstnto. : Zl3 LOTS21 niut 21 , l > lk II. Jdt.r'g addition , . ! In n. I-1 niul 21 months. 1 * . K. Dnrll YVi Howard. li" SI FOB FA Lt.-Lots7.fi and n , ' of lot 6 , all In block25 , Florence ! also out'lnt 2 ' ' . contain- UC4 [ litres ; bo sOld cheap. . Address .11 7 , lee olllce. ' 1 * > 'I 2J * B AUUAIN in South Omaha. Iltcks. 311 23 POU SAM.-l.otsi : nnrt . . ' .ilor-t. 1 , In I-nnr 4 Selilcn'j * niliUtlnn , cov. illtli ntreol ami Unit toward. John II. V. Luhmann , IK4 8.17th st. O IIRAtmKtT/f ) room 2 * tory homos with nfcn i largo closet In Often bed room. elt.V water , cas , well nml cistern , ronvenlcnt to cnr line , plendld location , desirable neighborhood , & 0) ) ash and balance to stilt , II. 1. , Cole , tie. cor. 5th nml Dovglnf. 973 SI FOH b.u gains lu South Omaha see niok . an 2y F Oil 9AM.-ltniiM.nnd lot In Walnut Hill. K.isy payments. 1' . A. Onvln , oln iiRont. 417 Mih It T It. KICK ic CO. . Ifeal Estnt. . 215 HAWMJY Home , North Platto.Ncb. . for sole. On ncconnt of thu death ot mywl.o 1 will iell the proper ! von easy terms. Aullross John lawloy. North Kttto. Neb. 7 73mU * > AHOA1NS in Hniiscom place. Illchn. il41 SI FOIt SAr.K Phlnii'sHnl mid , 0-rootn house , new. complete , cistern , cellar ; will sell fur- nlture If desired , $ Ifi X ) cashlest easy terms : heap if taken hoon. Cull or nddiess SBI'J Omilen t. 1H22' EM STICK. . UV & TO. mane n specialty of property In North Omaha , for , lo or rent , t Citizens' bank. 2ia. Citmlng st. il. . jr.i ; HICKS for business lots , South Omatin. [ 710B SAM ? . K.YCHANOK Oil HBNT-Kluhly Lacre farm , good Improvements nud plenty of fMilt , 0 miles from South Onmha. 1'arrlsh & Flnlayson , N street. South Omaha. IH2 , in F IOH SAMI-One Of the best lo { in lllllsld No. 1 , Just ncro-ts street from Vote * ' new residence. Make oiler ; any reasonable propo sition will be entertained for few days ; must sell. AM. IlBaolllcc. 607 /"IHOICEllnn&com place lots. Hicks. \J 341 22 11 SAT , 15 Bargains ; Good lot llfll ) : now house , ' , . lot , * I7. . , cash ; Improved farm J1.2CO ; 411 acres. $ .150 ; KK ) ncres , II.UOO cash ; ele gant valley farm , stone house , good Improve- mints , IM ) acres , only JJ.OOi ) ; two other farms il.WK ) each ; 4 corners ou Douglas or Dodge , soj or lease ; 40 acres Ui mlles fiom fair ground , ilO.OOOrash ; lOacre.s Inside city , MIJO per ncre , cash ; 100 cheapest lots over put on the Onmhn nnrkot , t5 and ilO down ; cunt help but make. noneyon above property. Drake Bro's. illdS 15th fct. 1S12J /1AI.1FOKNIA street , n beautiful 10 room v house , nil modern conveniences , nn elegant tome. Price $7'XK ' ) , M cash , balance to suit. 11. K. Cole. no. cor. 15th and Douglas. nn 2:1 : THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. heave Arrlvo Omaha. Omaha. UNION PACIFIC. Depot 10th and Marcy sts. Beatrice and North Plntto local express t7:4. : n m t7:20 : p m "Overland Flyer , " limited > 12:20 : p m 3:50 : p m Grand Inland local ex press , :00 : p m .12:2. : . p m Mall and express * U.OJ p in 1i:50 : u m Dally. JDally except Sunday. nURIilNQTON HOUTE. Depot 10th and Maaon sts. Chicago Express , Nos 2 & 1 3:45 : p. m. 8:05 : a. m. Chicago Mall. . . , 0:00 : u. m. 7:2. ) p. m. Chicago Local. . I ) 14. ) p. m. IO:2J : : a. m. Denver Express 8:15 : a. m. : i UW p. m Denver Mail. . . . 8:00 : p. m. U:40 : u. m. California Mall , 10ai : a. m. 5:4. : p. m. Kansas City Day Express. BOU : a. m. 0:5. : p. m Kansas City night expro b : EO p. m. 7:00 : n. m C.8t. P. M.&O. Depot 15th and Webster st Sioux City & Ill'k Hills Kx 10 : W ii. > 2.0 : p. m. Bancroft Express. 4:10 : p.m. U:35 : a. m. * Except Sunday , MISSOUUI PACIFIC. Depot 15th und Webster st Day Express 10:4" : n. m6:3."i : a. m. Night Express 3:20 : p. m S.M p. m. . r. . &Mr Depot 15th and Webster st Hnstlngs Si Ill'k Hills Pa' ' IQV : > a. m , 4:15 : p. m. Norfolk Passenger 5:4fi : p. m 10:4o : n. m. BUBUKBAN TRAINS. Running between Council Bluffs and 'Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth nnd-Twenty-fourth streets and ut the Summit In Onmha. " \VcHtwur.l. Vho ll WEAK. NKRVOI7.I , nF.nil.ITA > TKI > , wholnhl > FOI.I.TandlUNORANCR iMTRIfl.F.n KVTAjr till VIC.OHof ttOIIY. 1 1 FID and nANHOOn.rnuiliiRexlutuilIni ; ruin * upon the FOUNTAIN. * of 1,1 FK , .AUAOIIR , IIACKAVIIF. , IlrrAdful He-mi , WKAKNKN * of M.m-.rr , ItASII. rtI.NrN ) < . In NOt'lETV. IMSll'l.F.d Upon ho FACE , and Ml the r.FFF.CTN l.Adlneto KAMI.Y DEC AT and pethAfl CONNDNP. TIUN or INNANITY , ihould commit nt once hn CKI.RHRATKD Dr. Clorke , KftnMlihod Ml. Dr. CUrko has inndc rtEHVOl'S HE * BIMTY. ' 11IIOM < 1 and all Dl-fftici of ho UENITO URINARY Orgnnj a 1.1 fa udy. U make * -NO difference WHAT you ! _ < \TO taken or WHO has failed td euro you. 4VFEHIAIF.NiiulTcrliifn.rodlic i.ip rtt. lar to their lex can consult with the nouranca f ipecdy relief nnd euro. Send 2 cents postogo br work on your dl-cn-cn. * -8end 4 ccnli p.atng. for Cclrhrntort iVorku on CbrontP , Nrrvnun nnd Hall * eat t riioMoi. Consultation , penonal'y ' or bf otter , rrcf. Consult the old l > optnr. Thonsnnda cur - < l. Ofnorn nnd nnrlnt.1 prlrntp.Thoso WintcmplatliijMnrrlnM end for Dr. Clnrke'i celohratrd RUldA trtln and F ini.l > , each I5c.y loth 25e , ( UuiriX llefutt ) cniifldlng your caio , coniult r. IARKJ5. .A friendly IctterotfMl mail Mve future nuOerlngand slmtne. and add golden year to life.Book " f.ll > ' ( . act. t ) Error ror60c. . ( ilanips ) . Medicine and writing * ent verrwhere , . lecuro from i | > oaure. llours , 8 to ft ; Sundays , t ) tn 12. Addrru , F. D. CLARKE , M. D. 106 Ha Clark HU CHIOAnQ. ILL. THE CHICAGO AN * NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Liue. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , ffct Mir teat to take far Dei Molnos , Mnrlalltown , Cedar Rapids. Clinton , Dlion. Chlmuo. Milwaukee and all point * oast. To th * ptioplo of Nelrniska , Cole * rado , WTointng. Utah , Iilnhit , No. ada , Oregon , Wash ington and California , It often eupcjlor advantagM n. t possl le br any other line. AmoiiH a few of tba uum.rou * polntl of nporlorltf nlojeil bi the unlrona of this road between Omaha anil Chl.afo , are Us tire trairi a dnr of DAY COAOll * KS , whluh are Ilio llni'st that nvironn art unit Invonul * ty cnn create. lt 1'Al.AUK. HI.Kl.l'INd CAItS , wlilck are models of comfort and el.Kanca. It * 1'AHIX.B PHAWINO HOOM CARH , Hnsurpiwsod by any. and Hi wldelr celebrated PALATIAL IHNINtl OARS , th equal of which cannot be found omewhoro. At Connell - ell muff ) the tralni of the Union I'aclNc Rail war , con. reel In nnlon depot with those of the CnlcHtoa Northwestern Rr. In Ch.cago the train * of till * . IID make close connection with those of all other cmtorn For Detroit , Cnlumbui. Indianapolis , ClnclonatL Nliwara Falls. Durraln , rittsaurtf , Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , BalUmore , .Yeah- fngton , and all polati In the out , ask for a ticket Tim "NORTHWESTERN. " tf Tom wish the host accommodation. AIHIOketa aU un tick. t rla this line. H-HUOIIIIT , H. P. WHJ50N , tienl. Uanager , ' Oenl. 1'ass'r Ag n CblCS ° " * . BABCQCK.t ' \ . n. I10I.1.K3. . Omaha , Nibtuka. OFTHB Chicago , Milwaukee & . St. Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to i iTHE EAST- TiTO TBAIN9 DAILY nBTWBKN OIlAkA A D CRUNCH , ULurrs ' Chicago , AND * " Milwaukee , St. Fnul , Mlnnoapollf , Cedur R pW , Rock Island , Freeport , Kockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Darenport , ' Elgin , Madison , JoncSTlllc , > Bclolt , AVInona , LaCrosse , t i And all othw taporUnt point * Kut , Northeait and Routbeut. Tor tbrongh tlektti call on the ticket iicnt t l. l rntm itreet. In Paxton Ilotol , or at Uulo > l' cia ' Iman Blceperi and the nnost Dining Can In the world are run on the main line of the Cblcaico , Mil waukee It Ht. I'aul llallwaj , and c .err attention U KM to passengers tr cuurwoua niplojoa ol Uit mpanr. Il.MILI.KIt. General Uanager. 3. V. TUCKKlt , Assistant Onnoral Manager. A. V. II. CA.tl'KNTKU , Qouorol 1'msenger anil EO. H ! ! lift AFFORD , Aulitant Ooneral Pautactr Ticket Auont. T. CLAItK.Ueneral Baprtntendot. -J Kna ti r ic < juxiHTiD WITH tat or.oui.HT or Tim. oouMimi WILI. an r KIAJIULXO i i tur imi tan t | J- CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PJICIFIC RAILWAY 87 rtuon of It * c.atrtl poiltloa. tUx * reUtlon to HUM Kast of CbleaffO , and contlnJ3U. hnan ( tormln l polntl VY.it , MorthwMt and Boutbwwt , U th true mlJaie link In that tranicontlncnUi iijritim which IxiTti-i nud fiolllUMi trar > l and tmfflo btw * n tk * The Rock Island mfctn line and branches Include Chi. eago. JollttOttawa , I. Sallo , Peoria , Oaoeuo , MalK * and Itook Island , lo Illtnalsi Dav pfrt , Mni Vloirt VTkihliicton , V lrfl ld , Cttum r , Oskaloosa , westt' crtj. Iowa Clt/i DtsMetaea , ladlanola.Wlaters t , At ) 1 Uo , EnoirllU , Andubon , HarUn , Quthrl. Ceatr * i Coancll Bluffslalowai OkllatlaTrontm , St , * . . Onifron and Kansu Cltjr. la UUiourl ! Leat.Kiwottla and Atohlson , In KMIIUI Albert Lea , Minneapolis u < l tt. I' al , la Mmn.suti Witertown and Sloul r HS , 11 pakota , aad hundreds oClntermedlate elites and tow a ' /The Oreat Hock Island Rout * "g Guarantee ! ipeod , comfort , oertalatr and eafstf. fU ! permanent war U dlsllne.ulshrd Cor It * eieelleat * . IU Bridges are of stone and Iron. He trw ) [ U of solid eteel , Its rolllnf stock correct. Its puitof.r < iulpm nf hu allthesatetr appliances tbatexpertrace haspMITrai tu ful , and for luxnrloue acoomModUloBa ii matfin passed , lie Kipress Trains consist of aperlor Ptty Coaches , elegant rullman Palace ParUw nd BleeylBf Cars , superb Dining Cars , prorldlnff dellcloaa meals. and ( between Ohleafa and Bt. Joseph , Atehlsoa and Kansa * Cllj ) reetful H llnln Cbi.r Car * . lu Baft * n tnmit la vffnrimitlTt , Itt rtlnfIrllnt tiantlng ( . "The Famous Albert Lea Howte" Between Chicago and HlnneappUs and gt. fa. * I * tit * farorite. Orsr this Uae Solid rait Eiprtis Trains nUI dallto atlra.ilre resort * for tonruta | n Iowa aal Mtnnsiota , and , via Watertnwn and Bl.ul Kails , tdth * rich wheat and grailnc land * ot Int.rlo * DakoUu Tta eneca and Kankaken. the Itock Island offers superlo * InilucemenU to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indlaa * apotts , Lafajrett * and Council liluffs , St. Joseph , At U * eon , Leerenworth , Kaniae City , 81.1'aal , and InUttae- dlate poluts. All patrons ( espeelallr ladles and ehU drin ) ree lr protection , court etr ana ktndly atuatloa. For ticket * , maps , foldtrs , copies of WeeUra Trail. < tr aajr dpilrcd Information , opply to principal o81.es la the United State * aad Canada , or address , at Ckleacv , . I. CAIlt , I. IT , JOHN , I. AJIHHNI , 1 J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGBAPHEB , Third Judicial District. ' 97 CHAMDKlt Of OOX1U80 ft