THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , > EBRUAKY 21. 1888. I SPECIAL KOTIGES. ' AdTeitiftcmttnts unnnr tbl head , 1C rfsntj pr line for the 11 m Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- refiumt Insertion , nnd tlJV ) a Una per month. JVo advertisement taken for less tfrnn Ifl rcnta ( or thn nrnt Insertion. Peven words will bed -d lo the line } they must run consecutive ly nnd mint bo paid n advance. All adverti tnontx rmwt ba handed In befor * lit ) o'clock p. to. , nnd under no circnmstanres will they M tnken or dlwontlnned by telephone. Pnrtlert ndvrrtlslng In tlie o columns and har ing thn niuwurii nddresxed In care of the llee , will pleuie ftsk for a chcrk to enable them to Rot their letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad * Yertiscmonta should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements in these columns nr pub lished In both morning and jvenlng edition * of the lli-n , the circulation ot which Rggre ateo tuoro than 15O ( ) pap rx dnlly , and Rlvcs the fcd- vcrtlit-r the Wnvlit , not only of the city circa- Jatloli pf the lire , but also of Council Illutfs , .Incohl , nnd other cities and towns throughout ( his part of tbo w cut. BRANCrfOFFICES Advertising for theses columns will bo taken , on the above conditions , nt the following bus iness house" , who nrc authorized agents for THE HKH npeclHl notices nnd wilt quoU tuoHoino latcu us cull bu hud at the inaltxolUca. JOHN W. KO fe. 10th Street. f CIIABI : & itiV : , arxd. 1IUS. ICthHtruct. [ P. II. rAIlNHWOHTII , OHO. W. I'AUH. 3Pl3.aina.aclnt , 1(0) ( ) Ut. Mary's Arcnuo. n. n.wimr.HousR. 3Piiorra.aciat , ICth nn-l Webster Streets , . HKUTHKIt , Test Onice , South Omaha : SITUATIONS WANTED. " | > AKiit : I'lrstflais man on lirond , cake and J - > orimmentnl work and pan candles. Address A il , lieu olllco. STJ 'Mt ACJKNTI.r.MANwIth with ovortuonly yenis * experience In somu of thn best mercantllo nnd banking Instlttitlons In Olilo. wishing to re- inovii to Omaha , desires n position as chief ac countant or llnnnclnl mnn for some wholesale or iiianiifacturliiK Htatllshnit it. Correspondeuco pollclted with a view to iii'Kotlatloim , when ref- eienieHlll bo furnished. Address "Motley , " care llrook.s fc Co. , Cleveland , O. 31121 ? \\TANTED Situations for 2 ilrst-class women TT cooks , will go out of city ; also for woman nnd daughter , woman Is good cook , daughter Is neat waitress ; lots of girls for housework ; nlao Boverul 'girls who nui't spcnk English , but tin- lerMund housework nnd will work for Htnnll wages. Canadian employment ollice. Mrs. Hrega ic Son , 310 So. l.llh bt. , Tel. 884. 32020 * AGKNTLKMAN. hnvlng Just closed out his business , would lku | to engagj himself in the capacity of manager or take charge of olllce with some good house , llcst of reference. IJ 81 , lleo olllce. 2GH-20 * \\7"ANTKI > Position as nurse by a young TT American woman. Address 11 17 , lleo onicc. 27320 * \\rANTKn-Sowlngby the day or weeK , at T > 2211) ) Kiirnam. Good leferences. UW2U : W ANTIJD lly experienced salesman , posl- tlou In wholesale or retell boot anil shoo Btore. City reference * given. Address II 13 , Jlep. 24021 * \\rANTEIr-Sltuatlons for ono colored. 2 T .Swedes nnd one American conchmnn ; all iiear good city references ; no olllce charge. Cana dian Emp.olllce , Mrs. llrogu A ; Sou , 3lllSo. 15th Bt. . Tul. 81. 311) ) 2U l7ANTHIPosition by a young lady us book- ? T keeper , cashier or copyist. II IU , lion ollice. 25120 ( "W ,7ANTED lly a Hinart. Industrious , sober , colored man , a place us janitor or mes senger. lloferences given. Inquire 21H N. inh t.or.B15 Itodgest. 17U34- WANTEp'-i | > hTi.E HELP. W rANTKUrfTho Wiifitern School Supply house wnntH a llrat class travelling salesman , cm Dodge bt. 2U1 27 * WANTIJn Two men of good address , capa- blo of handling u No.l book. Cull421 S. 10th st. )023t ) \\fANTKR Hey to take rare of horse , etc. T lloom 2 , Continental llullaing , 15th nnd I Douglas. ai4-2- W ANTKD Man as agent A new article ; hells everywhere , city or county ; no ex- Iierlenco needed. One New Vork ngeiit's Hrht order near load ; Now Jersey agent's , half car ; Ind. agent , half car , and soon. Hare chance ; l > ermaneut business ; exclusive territory. Write the Monarch Co. , Clntlnnatl , Ohio. B IOYS-Am. Dbt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. 128 \\rANTKn-A good reliable registered drug- TT gist , "or drug clerk , " to buy an Interest Inn well established payjni' drug store. Ad dress Immediately , F. White it Co. , Unadlllu , Neb. 13021 * 17"ANTKI > Men to drive teunm. AlbrlKht's Labor Agency , I12U Faruam. 150 WANTED--FEIV1ALE HELP. . . .good girl for general house- TT wolkatulice. 7I S. IfthSt. 304-21 * AN experienced girl for general housework ; Suede not wanted. Apply northwest corner ftith and St. Mary's ave. 305 20 \\rANTii-20 : girls geneial housework , 4 T > dining room girls , 1 dishwasher , 1 cook for hotel , $5 ; 1 for boarding house , J5 ; I cook for Illalr , M per week ; fnro pnld. Omaha Emp. llurcnti , 111) ) N ICtli st. Tele.1112. 30720 \\fANTin-2.1 ; halesladles nt Stonehllls. , T > Come ready to work at 7 o'clock to morrow. 151.1 Douglas st. CTI20 'ANTED A good girl for housework in family of. three. MD South tilth st. 312. \ \ rANTKI-A good cook. Apply N. K. ' > r. 2at | and Webster bts. 31821 ? VVANTKU-Sowing girls. Apply nt North TT American Hag Co.'s olllco. t)14 ) B. Ilth ht. , tuiTiiendnyinornlug , between the hours of 10 Mid 12. 3lH20f G lllli for general housework , inio California st. 31721 ? IVANTKD-Olntng room girl nt lull Cuss st. 2.S2 20 * \rANTF.I ) At once good reliable colored TT chainln'riiiald and porter at the Gem , b22 Dodge st. 1'curlea Muetoy. 213-21 * VVANTKI competent girl for general T > hoiifuuork. nuis.t bo a good cook niui lauiv flrcss , mill como well recommended. Apply room CO , Mlllurd hotel , between 2nnd 3 p. UK - WANTED Immediately. Indies to work foi a wholohiilo house on needlework nt theli liomes , ( Sent any distance. ) ( ! ( kul pay can be imide. i\ei-ytliliiK : furnished. Particulars Aihlres-sArtUitlc Needlework Co. , 1.158tU kt. , New York City , 352 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \ \ fANTKO Some one to board a child I TT months old. lU'forcni'es .given. Addres : 1131. lUoollUe. 293 22 * _ 7"ANTEI Ladles to ut-e "Chlchester's Eng T lull Dluiuond llroiul , Pcnnvroyal Pill * Bate. Alwujs rollablo. Tlie original. Theonl ) ( reniiliie. Abk druggist or si-na 4c stamps foi particular * , it < turiiinail. Chlchestcr Chumlcu to. , Philadelphia. Pa. 327 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. CANADIAN Employment onic mal and fe male help rent to ull parts If fare is ad unced. Ufforpiice , Omaha National bunk tn > . llri'b'u X bon , ? 1D S. 10th , Tel , KM.Hit Hit m 13 OMAHA Employment llureuu. 119 N. ICth si Oldr ft and moot rellublo olllce In elty. t'al Piuu ; telephone 1112.11. E. White , proprletoi U2v'ml2 ' rplli : Union Kmployment olllco is thn place t -L obtain reliable help ou short luitlcu. in cut of thu city. U13 S. Jlth bt. Upon evening- BOARDING. | 3ltIVATEbpardlnfc' , * 4 u week , 1815 Dodge ; WANTEO-TO RENT. fXrAS"fl5l > lly a Kviilluiuau'and wife wItl'iiii T > child3)J ) jearaold billt of uufunilslio rooms with board in a private family wher there are no other boaiileis or chlldiviilirhtclas refrrunce * ; willing to pit ) Wi 01 more pormont Will not BH In a tint , imut b n hoiivi with yur uipund n. Prefer R.Viiit \ ot clij ; no objwtlo IQ ijolujir.r 4 inili. . turn ix > * loiic , Aililrut w ANTED 2 unfurnished rooms. Address price nml location , 11,32-lldo. ! l)3 ) oine * to rent. Campbell S Ilcrver 310 Hoard or Trnd < > . 81 fOft RENT-HOUSES. 371011 HKNT I Imve sonic of thff most de lr- . nblo now cottages. Hats , nnd rcM Icncos In the city. Kent very rensonablc. J , 11,1'nrrottc , rental agency , M 0 Chicago. IJfi 23 FUK HENT-10-room house , new and modern , ono of tha most convenient and best built houses In city ; cheap rent. J. II. I'arrotte , Ituntal Agt ncy , IfiUB Chicago. 1 n i TTimTuirST-n room brlrk residence S. 15. cor. JJ fuss nml 1'ithSU V. W. Lesseutln , 1IV.I 8. ICthht. HooinO. UOt-20' HENT-Cottiigo of seven room" , In first class condition , with nil conveniences , nt Ol'i H. 17tli street. Eunnlre of T. J. Fltzmorrls , Ili-c olllco oran N. loth btrcct. ! SSI OHOOM house In ono of tin * best locutions In the city ; rent UK ) ; furniture ran bo had for two-thirds Its value. Co-operative J niid .V Lot Co. , 21)1 ) N. I'lth ' uL 213 20 17 HOO.M house centrally located , Kent t37.IV ) ; I 4 rooms bring infill rent. Furnlturo Can bu hoilcht reasonable Co-operative Land , V J.ot CoMi N Hth at.- g'l | 20 FOIl IlKNT Ten room house nnd basement with all tnordcrn improvements ; llrstclass location. Iniiuiq.ut Hcimrod & CO.'H , Mtli ulul Jarkson Streets U'7 ' "IjlOK SA LE Nrfw I room house , full lot Decn- JJ tur it. bet ; ) th and Hint. 1'rlco $2.11)0 ) , ensy terms. McDonald dairy , Hurt st near licit lino. 112 ai * Foil SALE Eight room homo with modern Improvements nnd stuhjo on leu.scd ground , 171r. Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Hanpka , 1405 Ilarneyst. OS7 KA HE dinner Whole lint , No , Mil N. 21th st. to rent very low. Kiui\ilro nt residence as above , S. K. Winch. Ml OIt IlKNT House of 8-rooms. closet , hard nnd soft water , on 13th street car lineIn - WS. lilthst. 778 FOH HI2NT-In 1'nrk Terrnrc , opp. Hanscom I'ark , south front. All modern Improve ments ; 111 roomsmost ; desirable rcildenoo part of the city. Imjulro Leu * Nlchol , Znth nnd Ioii\L > m\orth. UM mft T710U KIJNT Tivetve-roojn houie. asth nnd _ I. nnd .Mnson t-trects , JIU per month. J. S. Canllleld. lWI : Karuam Ht , fi-4 O hundred nml fifty houses for rent. II. K. Cole , n. iJ. cor. tilth and Dougla's. f/.i"- ' ) ITIOII ItKNT ftoiiso II rooms. W. M. Hush- Jman , N I ! corner Kith nnd Douglas. IKK FOH HKNT 2 now 7 roomed houses , wull , cli- tern , largo cellar , 1'Jth near ClarK st. W. G. Shrlver , opp poatollice KQ It ItnNT-Itotiso of 4 rooms at filfl Williams street. 'Itupilro next door west. 4'tJ IjlOlt IlKNT 10 room resldenco stcnm hent. G. X ? i : . Thompson. 314 S. loth st. 21' ) FOH linNTorSalo Now house , 0 rooms , 'Mlh and Capitol ave. Knqulro 2821 U 110 Foil HKNT A new dwelling. 9 rooms , all modern Improvements , good stable , ten minutes' vtnlk from noitolllct * , apply to I ) . J. O'Donahoe , at O'Donanou & Sherry's , lutli St. , next to the postolllcii. tIO ! FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. T7IOH HKNT Front room nicely furulshed In JP private family. lOJii Hurt st. ao 2(1 ( * T7VJIJ HENT 2 floors 1204 l-'nrnnni. 2 years JU lease. Funilturo for sale , llarguln if sold nt once. 2IK ) 21 * "IJIOH HUNT 0 convenient chambers for house- X' keeping to a man nnd wife without chil dren ; 3 blocks from postolllco ; 31'J N. 17th nt. 1124 21 * T710H HENT Nicely furnished front rooms JU w ith heut , $7 nnd H per month , 400 Williams Bt. , 8 minutes walk southeast U. P. depot. FOH IlKNT To gentleman , an elegant front room.large , with alcove. Including heat , bath and gas. Klegant room for twogcntlemen. 170 Dodge st. 2KJ ) * S'lCK furnished room cheap , 1018 California. 270- : : ; * FOll HIIST Desirable rooms with board In private family ; pleasant home ; references exchanged. 6.11 Pleasant Ht. 2C5 22' F IOH HENT Fiirnlsned front room. M month. 523 Woolworthnvenue. 2U 18 * "IJIKONT room , good board. 'CIO Pleasant st. JU Sill 21 * "IJIOH HKNT Klegant furnished front room , J.7 with board , 1812 Chicago st. ill' ' ) 21 * FOH IlKNT Sullo of furnished rooms. In quire 3rd Moor room U , 13J2 Douglas. PLKASANT furnished front room for gentle- man and wife or two gentlemen , 213 S 21th street. 22021 A NICELY fnrnUhed largo front room , for 1 oi-2 gentlemen ; very cheap. 210121st and Ilnrneyst. 22320 * OH HKNT Well fnrnlsheii Inrge double front room for two gentlemen ; ull modem con- venlenccs. 220 N. luth st. 2.12 20 UHNiyilED front room sultublo for two ; $12. 1821 Douglas st. 25020 * FOH HENT Suite of furnished rooms , heated bysteum , with or without board , in n pri vate family , 004 South 13th st. 1H3 2Ut F IOH HUNT Hooms furnished nnd unfur- nlshed , 1724 Cap , ave. U41 UHNISHED rooms nnd board. 19J3 I'nrnam. BI4 m'l * Tj OH Gentlemen -Two furnished rooms , all -L modern improvements. 1718 Doilgo st. Fll HENT Furnished rooms , all conveni ences. A. llobpo , 31.1 N. 17th btreet. 481 TTlOll HENT Furnished roema for one or two JU gentlemen. 1005 Dodge str 2M ) I71UJIN1SIIED front room , sultubla lor two JU 1023 Dodge st . IU5 FOU IlKNT Two nicely furnished front rooms on ground lloor. nt 211S Hurt , for fll per month , with board * 4 jier week additional. 001 F1 IOll HKXT 3 rooms nt 311 Woolworth avo. ; at $11 per month. 3U N'KATLY fiirnlshPd front room to rent at 1KJI * Furnam st , 1 block west of court house. , 514 TJIUHNISIIHI ) Trout and otherrooms with day J- : board , 2210 Furnam ht. 15H2U TJIOIl HENT An elegant front room , with J ? otaryconvcntcnciV Only first-class people wanted. 17JI Davenport. to ) TT1OH HKNT 11 , furnished rooms for house- -C keeping. 414 S. IftUi .st. . ivurbach block , lid floor Hat No. - . Louya references. 'Joi l. Tj UKN18HEl ) roouiB , IBlfl Doilge. Tmoil HKNT-TAVO very de'slrnble furnished JU front rooms , with all modern convenleucus on same iloor. Arruugtd j"or fhrepor four occu pants if desired. Apply ut 1712 Capitol avenue. HENT A large room furnished , central locution lUflClUcafipHt. FOH HKN'P-Kiuiilsbod room3 in Greunlg blk cor , lllth and Dodge Ms. Inquire of Geo. H. , Davis. MlllanJ hotel btlUanl room. ais TJ'llONT.rooin with alcove and 9 large closet ? . JU gas , hot nir , b.ith , hot nnd cold wnler on sumo lloor for2genU or iniiii and wife 120 per month and adjoining room with closet (10 per month ; 2 other rooms with tlo-H-'U for till pur month , bniiiu cuuvtulclicea ou car Upe.W S 24tn TJ OH HENT Nicely furnished rooms at 22-J7 JU Dodge , ( Jus , Vilth and f uruaqe l tt. . 359 ITIUKNlSHEDroomij. Sober men can haves JL1 nice rooms cheap , s \v cor. Ibth and Howard streets. Upstair * . : > . v * W 27 * fjlOH HUNT Nice 'furnished room , W per JU month , a.\v rpr , ISth and Jackson. 504 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. OH HENT liar-room and barber shop at Cozzeiu hotel. 215 20 * OH IlKNT-Omvlinlf of ofllce , . 1519 Furnam , Ground floor : best location in the city. Llglit and pleasant , with modern conveniences. ii ltij _ * iron KENT Store-s and rooms , ono small .T house itnsonublo. Emiulro at drugstore to Sherman uve. and Corby st , Wl-20 ? s"IT1011 HENT T o "moms , 41xfii ) , where steam J. ' power coa \ > a obtained. Enquire of Sam'I Hees , Hees PrlntliiB Co. . 101U Howard Bt. 740 HKNT Second lloor , 44x70. good loca- tlon. Eninilro of A. J. Simpson , liOU Dodge st. 750 T71oiT"llENT Storu and 6-rooms over good 41 stand tor ilruu or feed store , Leo St Nlchol , uor , 2th and Leuveuwortli , 625 in5 . . TTOH HENT Desirable'olllce space , or desk id 110 JU room , ut liil Furuuui t. , Odell llroi. & Co. , tSh Fill HKNlOfnnes on h'arnam t. at 110 to 130 tShm nam- per mouth. One otDct ) furuUlieJ. 1612 Far- IlKNT- Front onloo. Arllmiton block Apply 0. U. Valentino , 1514 Dodgu. Kit RENTAL AGENCIES. GKEOOHV , F. t , . . lleiitnl ngcnt , i ) S 16th st. . . ItM 'UPRi'IAIj attention given to renting hou p , O furnished nnd unfurnished roonw. List with ns. W. M.I I arris , over 220 S. 15th st. SCI 3 1ST house ? , stores and Huts for rent with H. -1 K , Cole , n. u. cor. 15th nnd Douglas. r2i ! ] : KKNTAL Agency List your houses for rent with Odell llrus. A ; Co. , 1523 Farnam st. | 904 OH HUNT If you wish to rent a house cull ou llemwft At Co. , 15th st , opposite I1.0. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOlT'ilKNT Three unfurnHied rooms to n family without children nt 11S2 N. 17th t. FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. HENT Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 101.1 north 30th Mt.f 15.00 Three (3i ( room cottare.sist nnd Panlflt. 12.50 Thre.oO ) rooms , No. 1122 north 21st St. . > Itifl Three (3i ( rooms , No. 1410 Pierce st 10.tO Tlnee (31 ( rooms. No. 1112 south 7th St. . . . ll.'iO ' Three (31 ( rooms. No. TIN PaVlllr st I'tfiO One (1) ( ) room 2d floor. 'IIHS I.Mhst fi 00 F.lghtHroom ( ) Hat tlllH 19th t. . 40.00 Ouo 111 store room IIIOS 15th st. . . . . t S.W ) Apply to Judge rentlaj ; agcli * , 310 S 15Vh Bt. THOU HKNT-CIeanbedsfl to $1.50 per week , JU SUiSoutli 1Mb st , up stairs. IPS 21 17J10H -arn , U ( iicnsost. , PERSONAL. FASHIONAIILK modiste just arrived from the east , business thoroughly understood and tlrst class work guaranteed. Parloia Iliish- manblk , crlttthaud Douglas , room 0 , . K.II. Ten 111 , 2W 27 * I > EIISONAL List your propeity In 6xclmnge with C. C. Spotswood , 30.'i4 ! . IMli st. E0 ! IFttio e gentleman who were drivlrg u gray hoi-i < e and w ho picked Up an overcoat near Crelghton college will return the .same to 507 South 13th street they will be row urded.-i 20.1 HI > KHSONAI/ Ladles and gentlemen run lent mabquerado suits nt Sltl N. 16th st. upstairs. 12,1.29t PERSONAL On nccount of her immei oils en- gat'oments , Anna Alplanalb. the celebrated lIungailaiiKyp.sey , has Increased her fee to fl. 1L2I N. 20th st , cor. Illondo. Take 20th nnd Saun- derucar. W I21 * * 3JKHSONAL Private home tor ladles duiliiij roiiHm-mi'tit , strictly coiilldential , Infants adopted. Address E 42 , lleo olllte. Kl7ml'IJ rjKHSONAL Great fortune teller just nr- JL rived , the young Madame C. L. Lnmont , the great nstrologist , will remain , ' ! 0 davs : has tiav- eled thiough the principal parts of Europe ; tolls past , present nnd future In person or by letter , will bring bark the parted husband or lover , no matter U they be ten thousand mlen ! away ; they will return to you in ! muny days ; will tell you vinether your lover bo false or tru ; will guarantee to settle family quarrels to ported Nutlsfaction ; can also cause speedy mnrilages ; has charms for good luck which will cause par ties to bo successful in any kind ot busi ness nnd prevent your loss In nny knd ( of business you mny undertake , bleaks evil inlluence , nnd brings good luck to all who may try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numbers In lottery drawings ; can give best of lofereuce In regard to above statement. I was presented with an elegant gold medal In Denver , Colo. , for my great success in my business. I have the natural gift of telling the past , present and future. My grandmother before me was also a great ustrologlst. Parties asking Information by letter must enclose $ .1 to ensure uusw or. All business confidential. Office hours , 10 a. m. to u p. in. Madame U. L. Lament , No. 1H10 California streetbetween 18th and l th hts. , Omaha , Neb. 15712- ' * LOST. _ TOLKN From feed store. 1008 Saunders st. , stiirwngcm running gear. Four new fel lows In left hind wheel , reach not painted , hind standards leaning forward. Liberal icwaidfor any information legurdln. ? the bume. Pursoiu * . ( ohiison. 315-21 * LOST All envelope mldreshed Hoval Wflson , Cambridge , Mut > t > . Finder will receive re ward by leaving with McCagiie llros. , bunkers. 323 IOST Order book with order for patent l mop. Iteturn to llee olllce. W. A. Lanter- innii. 322 20 ? LOST Pockctbo'k containing { I and note for f. X ) , payable to T. II. Hllss. 410 row aril for return to llee ollice. 200-21 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Foil SALK A Good set tinner's machines , tools and patterns ; also 2 showcases. 1130 , llee ollice. 2SU 21 * _ PKCI AIi Sale-Commencing Monday , Feb. 20 ; furniture , pianos , orgmis , etc. See our bar gains. New Vork Storage Co. , 1503 Capitol ave. FOH SALK For ten day * , lease furniture nnd carpets of Hi st class eleven-room dwelling. llest location In city , nil modern Improvements , carpets and furnltuio only lined few months. Hent of three rooms will pay house rent. Con tents will amount to * l,50ij or JI.UiO. For further particulars nddiess N. A. H. , care Oti ) hn and New Vork Clothing Co. _ 2.'i7 20 * TJUHt SALK-llere Is a bargain. One freight JU wagon and ono double set new harness. 3a > . H22. llee olllce. 287 20 * _ \ \ THE \ Spring ! * c. Kverythlng else In propor- * T tlon. Money talks nnd a call co ts nothing. New York Storage Co. , 150-i Capitol avo. 231 20 OH SALK-Cheapforten daysnt 2113 Curn Ing blreet , n good stallion. 22"i 24 * FTTlT sXl-rTorl'i-nde A line brood mnn > with foal ; will sell or trade for H good family hotse. Ilcnawa A. Co. , opposite postulllce. 2b721 EOOK aFouV bargains. ion't full to visit the New \'oik Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol nvo. 2H5 2) GOOD 12 room Hat In central location on Farnam St. , rent $ SU ; 2 year's leii ! > e. Fur niture ll.lm ) . This Is u good bargain mid w ill nay you to investigate. Co-operative Lund \ Lot Co. . 2.11 N 10th ht. 24.120 FOHSALK-Goodfrcahcow. Juqulro ut 2014 Charles ht. 2IU20 ? ALIvnilYoutlltof ten horses aiirMen car- rlage.s for sale ; would trade for unimproved real estate. Addro-jS M. D. Alvoid , Kearrtey , Neb. MI 20 ? Foil SALK Dormant hcale , capacity BM pounds. Phil. Stiiumel A : Co. , UU-'JI.I Join > ht. , Omaha. 1 " 171o"ir SALK Very line thmoughbrud Now- JU fouiidlund pup. Addresd , U 25 lieu. ' ' ' SLHE11 is the life of man. lluy our mantle folding bed. Call and .see them1.New'Yovk Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol a\e. : : Foil SALE IJeastTand furniture of a 12-room house on rarniini street ; house and fuiul- ture new ; for particulars address H 5. llea oillce. i 154 2 ? * A GOOD horsofor sale , weight l.lWIlhs. Co opcralive Laud X Lot Co. , 20u N , lllth xt . 211 20 FH SALE At n bargain ffi feef of shelving , 30 feet of countor.i nml ono Ice chest , suit able for grocery store. EuquU-eut 812 S. 10th St. / " ' ' ' W1. ITlOHSALEor Kent Civil anil minim engln- JaJ eer's , ollice nud' Instruments In San Juan county , Colorado. J. V. Wanuemaker , 1503 Cass , " -W20 * IjiOll sALE-One thousand cords of wood in -I ? car load lots. Orders from brickyard men and others bollclted.Prdmpt'UtWitlollirtj'en. Address - dress D. C. McDonald , llartlott , Iowa , 651 20 * HLACKS.MITH shop for sale , has one forge , or tools without shop for sale. Apply to Wni. Uusoh , HlUB Hill , Webster"Co. . Neb. ' ' T.W lilW H SALE Pome line young nuren and trial , lions , tit for road or truck. Address H , Gibson. York. Neb. ton 7 * " 011 exchange Fine Nebraska farms for stocks of general indse. vj. Long Pine , Nob. "i " MISCELLANEOUS. S' OMETHING NEW WfTrth'M celebruteil-per feet tailor system of dross cutting. It 1 ; simple , exact , and adapted to every style of gar liieut. The Intent improved ty ttiiu. Par fur ther information call oraddress Madam Nulaon Hotel lismond. Hooin 4. Onuiha , Neb. 321-aiJ Mill E banjo taught as an art by Gee , 7 A Oeltou/ -L bock , tOJ Huruoy st. lt > 2 MAHA.Neb. . Dec. 10 , 18S7.-Mes r3. V. E Sanboru & Co. , Omaha , Nob. Gentlemen Your Standard 'llor e and Cattle Food am1 Standard Stock Liniment uro deserving of tin highest praise. They are both prime articles 1 have a valuable horse which had been sick foi borne time , and which 1 had been subjecting ti a course or medical treatment , but without sue ces.1. About two montlw ago I be gan using the Food which I Iravi continued since and with the most gratifying results for I am now using him every day. A the same time this horse had a very obstinate barbed wife cut which ho had received while ou to panturu anil which wan tilled with proiiii llesl wliicli ylulilwl but poorly to dllfureni rvmedle : that I applied. I be un using your llneme nt fo : this wound ami it has destroyed all proud tlnsl and U nearly healed so that now there U but lit tie lameness and every apparent reason to ex pect cure. I had nearly elven up hope of cur ing him , to little success did 1 uavo with nil triec reuu'dli-s. I can che rfully recommend to an ; ona rtxiutrlna aboTQ nni a reumUifs. Your. truly , K , L. Unvjoy , 90S 21 Till I ! only otv > k Jx > ok M Slltx'r Creek ( jortl Sii : H 14th , Jelt W. Hedtord , 7U'29 " , il , JOirNHON , cistern lililldpr. wells bored and dug , 40V N 30th St. , lOmahn , Neb. , . , Mil mcli2l rnilK On Time Household ! 1'nlr. JL The p-cat llar aln hoiw- . To housekeepers. IVt ? nre bound to showryim that wo cnn * vo you money In prices. H n Parlor milts , Chamber s ts , lied springs , bed iiinflrushes. Folding bads , M boards , carpets , Tables , clialrn mirrors , pictures , Lounw , commodes , fetes , Divans , nickers , cut talus , Rtoves. Tinware , i-rockerv. vfcissware , lamps. Houses furnlihcd complete on Easy pnymeutsl P.asy iiaymcntsl liiy : payments ! r.usy payments I Prices the low ost. fall nti < vsee ; Prices th lowest. Call nnd sco tui nnd 004 south luth street. Corner Jnckson. No connection with any other house. 514 "VJ-EW YOHK Storngo Co. have most extensive J- > facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggiec , general merchandise , west of New York , Cash advances to any amount ; wnre- house receipts given ; gtKxla lusured ; brick building fire-proof ; special nrrangoments for commls ion merchants. CM\ \ New * York Stornga Co. , Capitol ave aud N. 15th st. , llimnett's block. WANTED-TO BUY. \VANTr.D-TobuynEoodlot not less t linn Ml feet front ; can make big cash payment If pi-Ice reasonable. Must stuto price nnd loca- tlon. Address II 14. llee. 2I.1-20J . SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , househol goods nt 117 North Wth st. Orif A ; Co.Mf21 ! Mf21 "IITANTKD To liny snort time paper. .1. W. T V Gross , at C. E. Mayno's olllce , 15th nnd Hnrney. S < 5 CLAIRVOYANT. MKS. ECCLEH The greatest living clairvoy ant , tells past , present and future : Mitlsfac- tlou guaranteed. ViiU N. tilth St. , room 1 , llrst door to right nt head of stairs. 11122 * MltS. DL'UANT-Clalrvoyatit from llo ton ; reliable In all alfalrs of life ; unites sep arated lover.s. St" N , luth street , room 1 , Dlt. NANNIK \Vnrren , clolrrornnt. Mod- leal , business nnd test medium. DlaituoiU freo. Fouinln diseases a specialty. Ill ) N. IBth fct. . Hoomsai-i. : Tel. OH. IUll MONEY TO LOAN. \\T 1 , haven special fund of * .Vl,000 to lonn nt T > unusually low rates on choice Inside prop erty In sums of $1.1X1) ) to ilU.uou. Central Loan Ac Trust Co , 1UI1 Karuam ct. iTWSJ to loan at 0 per cent ; llrst m bought. Fred Uroos , 4 ± . ' \ til 1'axton block. ll'J ! LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand. W. M. Harris over 2JO S. 15th st. 37,1 rilHK Central Loan & Trust Co. , No. 1011 Pnr- JU mini st. , will furnish money promptly nt low rates on choice city property. 14s 20 MONKVI To loan , hhort time. 1st paper bought. Mapes & King , room 'J , Crelghton block. UU MONKV to Loan Omaha real estate nnd farms. Mortgages bought. Odell llnw. Ac Co. . IfCl Farnaiu. Si ! > HK. ( XI < K loans money on Improved city or farm propel ty. lloom u Continental block. , < VM SHOUT time loans mnnfi on any available security , in reasonable. . Amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General tlnnnclnl business of any kind transacted promptly , quliitlyaud fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 1.1th and liar- ncy sts. , overstate National baud. Corbott. manager : UI7 MONKV to loan l can now place SOIIIB tlrst class elty loans iminadlatelr. Cull nt ones If you desire to be accommoUatea. I ) . V. Sliolns , room 1 Marker block , entrance In nllev. ! ! > b MONKV To loan. Io\ye3t rates. .Vo delay .1. I * . Itlco & Co. . over Commercial Na tional 1 > ink il"i MON1IV to I.oau Onj furniture , pianos , wagons , or other personal property without removal ; aKo on collateral security. IluslnesB coiilldential. Chus. 11. Jacobs , ! KJ S. 1.1th st rOANB made on real estate and mortgages J bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam. " 377 ' k"to Loan lly tno undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan ngency In Omaha. Loans of SIO lo IKX ) made on furniture , pianos , organs , hori.cs. wrgons , ma- chinrry , etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All business-strictly confldentlal. Loans so tnada that nny part can be paid ut nny lime , each pay ment reducing the cost pro ratu. Advances made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , ns many new concerns are dally coming into existence. Should you need money cull and t-eo me. W. It. Crof t , room 4 WUhnull building , 15th and Jlarnev. -Vf > MONEY to Lonn O. F. Davis Co. , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Furimm st. 370 MONKV to loan , casli on Hand , no delay. J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 14K ! Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 372 ONKY LOANKI ) at-C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan Otllcn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal propeity ot nil kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value without removal. 31'J ' H. 13th , over Hlngham's commission store. All bus- ! ness strictly confidential. 379 $500.COO to loan on city nnd farm real estate. LlnahanX- Mahoney , 1007'j 1'ainam Mrect. blfl ( 500,000 To lonn on Oiniiho city property at 0 P per cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.37S 37S ri Ill ! Falrlmnk Investment Co. , organized J with ample capital , makes loans on horse * wagons , furniture , pianos , and other personal property or collateral. Deal with responsible partloa. Apply nt their olllca , 215 South 14th street , lip-stairs , 418 TlfONKV loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , IM. horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. , 1324 Furnam , over Hurllugton ticket otlice. 381 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wrigons , etc. , or on any approved security Low rates. J. W. Itobbins , ItlKI Furnam. b'Jtl f 21 PEK CENT Money. Patterson & Pawcett 15th and Ilarnoy. 370 ONEY to loan. Notes nnn it. H. tlckot. bought uhd .sold. A. Formnu , 213 S 13th st.s MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Uurnhatn , room 1 , Creighton block. 3rtJ MONEY' to loan on improved city property nt lowest rates. Cash Mil First mort- t gages negotiated. E. F. Seaver , room 15 , chain bc-r of commerce. STJl BUSINESS CHANCES. Fll SALK Or trade , u good meat market. Kverythlng complete. Come qulcK as this is a bargain for you. Kuqulre nt 415 S , Ilth 01 1JCW Saunders st. 2iU ) 20" FOll SALK Harness and saddlery InislnchS in a goml town. Good trade. Only Irirness 'hhopintown. ' Good rensoiu for selling stock and building , J1.2UO. Good terms. Address II i 3.1 lleo olllce. 3CO-27 * BANIv for Salo-A party with small capital can secure a Hue localtiln nt Satoi la. .Nrl ) . ; i only bank in town , new ttmo lock safe , line of- flco , railroad graded throuHUthe-town. Adilrcss at oncd lions Gamble , iiresldeiit , llntTalo County National bank. Keiilffoy. Neb. 30122 ? TTIOH SALK First class restaurant located in X1 renter of city , doing gdort biis.ine = s ; leasons for s-lllng , ill health. TV-run easy ; address It II llee. _ . . , IAS " > STOCK of millinery ami jtjidles' goods to be sold or exchanged. Tin ; best trade In town , and country adjoining "fcrnis to suit pur chaser. Ill health cnuaenof belling. Address Drawer 11. . North Pintle , ffrib. 308 22 * ANTED-A partner Iwltli from W.0"0 to $ .1,000 capital to enlarge n well paying business. Paulseu it Co. , A ° . 13U Furnum bt. , llooiii H. 1" 3212J BAHHEIt bhop and bnth.irooms . for sale ; a rare good chance ; will bear "investigation. I'or partluulury luiiulre of Slulihlor llros. 218 21 * A GOOD experl enced mnn to tnko ono-hnlf In tercst In a large j/rocery business , In n good live town In Iowa ; a bargnln for the right man. Co-f > eratlvo Laud it Lot Co. , 20j N. ICth st. 2IJ 20 BTJ10H SALE A good restaurant In central lo- -L1 cation ; rent 175. Fixtures etc. , reasona ble. Call and got pimlciilum. Co-operative Lund it Lot Co. , 205 N Itlth st. 24.JM RANCH of 100 acres with house , oarus , cribs large bhuds , etc. , everything complete for Block-raising and feeding. N. llarues. Centra City , Nebi 10121 * AFIHST-class meat market for sale ; gooi location , and doing u goad bustuuis. Co operative Land < ! c Lot Co. , 205 N 16th .t. I 20 OH SALE llrst-class Uoardlnshoiwa nea P. O. . roomn all occuplud ; gooJ cau for X 48 Dee office. TTIOHSALR-DniRstock. A flno location .L them Is In tno city. Clean gtovk. Invo nboutf7iui. Partcnsh. Pftrt In good reat es tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton Ai Co , ICth Bt , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451 _ _ . ! W room hotel , V' located In best town west of Omaha. Ad dress Holiday A : HaMcrulnn , room 6 and II Mich- eUon blk. Grand l.slmnl. Nob. flit 2T4 _ SALI1 At n bargain , n fully equipped mpnt market doing good Imslncss. Owner \ Ishes to go cast. II. i lice olllce. 255 2ti * FOR EXCHANOt. THJ KXCIIANOK n gold nnd silver wntch for n $111) ) or Jl.twu horse nnd harness. Cull nt ICth St. JWI O * moil K.VCHANGK-lCOncresCnss Co. . y miles JU from Plnttsinouth. unimproved , IW acres ultlvntod , 20 ncres grove ot largo timber , uulii- umberod , 1(15 ( ncres , Webster Co. , near Hed Cloud , 1m- iroed , ii ) per acre , Slncres , Adnms C i. , 11 miles from Hustings , 11 ncres cultivated , well Improved , f25 per ere. IfiO acres , Merrick Co. , near Silver Creek , well mproved , 42.1 per acre , unlncumberpd. Hi neres , WheMer Co. , improved. 420 per ncre. 'i Sec.Ctttiilng Co. , wild land , 12 miles from Vest Pointgood soil , * I5 per ncre. 2 , ( > W ncres , Nance C\ ) . , near Fullerton nml Central City , unlncumbored raw land , level black ( mm , 112 per ncre , part cai-li. liiOacrea. Ilrown Co . near Ilassett. partly Im- iroved , good , level land } l2.f > 0 per acre. I'U ' ni res. Holt Co. , near Turner , Improved , HO lor acre. aAlncres. Clay Co. , la. , price M.OOfl. ! Bl ) at-res , Fremont Co. , la , , clear , $20 per ncro. in ) nires , Hlchardson Co. . Neb. , well Improved , XXI bearing trees , I' } ncros line vlnyard , 30 ncres Imbcr , wells spilng.s , clear , price ji,500 ) , 3 houses nnd ground. 175x191 , on KM bt. . price .fiOO , Inciimbrnnce $500 , trade In southeast S'ebrusku. Ambler 1'lnce , 5-room house nnd barn , prlco . ) ,50ii for land. Lot in t'nlon Square , for hind or Omaha prop- 2-story 8-room house , Orchard Hill , all lui- irovemeiits. for land ImproTed. IhniMiof r > rooms and barn , on South SOth st. 'or stock of giocerles. llousoixf 4 rooms In Hickory Place , fronting on two Mreet.s , for stock of groceiies. Itou iMif ri roonis , S. I ! , llogt-rs'mid. , for 1m- mivrd farm clear or with mull Incumbrancet mlv i-'f'O ' Incumbranco ou house and lot. Stock groct/Vlos $4,1 o"l " , for Omaha house nnd ot , with light liicuinbrance. Stock groceries H.hiX ) , for Omaha house and ot , light llicumlirnnco. K , H block dry goods nnd groceries , with lulldlug and lot In town about 25 miles from Imnha , for Omaha property or laud near by. Klevutor in Neb. , il.OiU bushels capacity , on lr , ' . trackage ; price , $ i,500 clear , for Omaha prop- rty. .1,11. Waits , chamber of commerce. 270 20 " \\TANTjn ) Hotues nnd loti to excnange for TT impioveduud itnlmprouod lands In Ne- iras'xn nud Iowa. Charles C. Spolswood. 303(5 ( J I0th. ilV. KAN t-tock books and stationery for city pioperty , St. John * Ely , Frenzer block. 217 HOI'SKS or household furnltnro wanted in exchange for good vacant lots. Good LUllo range and tank nnd restaurant outfit for pale , cash or tlmo. C. T. Morton , 1324 arnam ft. 219 " \\rANTKD 50 houses and lots to exchange. T C. C. Spotswood , 301i ! S. loth st. 22.1 I 1ST your property for trade with Stevens J llros. , 1121 Farnam st. 207 20 WANTED Good Irtrms in exchange for Oiuuhu property , C. C. Spotswood. 305VI S 10th. ! M4 OOIC Here We have farms , stocks of goods , J foundry , vacant lots , houses , foundry , creamery , lunches , and pronerty of all kinds to tindc. Stevens llros. , 1521 I amain. 20720 POH Exchange-210 head of cattle to exchange. Want good Iowa or Ncbrasku land. ( I.E. Cole , u o cor. 15th and Dougla.i. 174 20 DCK hardware for land. St. John Ac Ely , Fienzer block. 217 \VANTED Stocks of merchandise to ex' , TT change for lands and city urouertyj C. 0. Spotswood , : 1 ! { S. l tD. SH 1111 HKi : hundred and twenty acres clear land , Jlloonu county , for good Omaha property. I'or exchange MXU ( stock general mdse. , good Nebiaska town , for Omaha property , borne lTr.'ilte llnw. . UH S. 1.1th st. IS. 1' ) "XX Ol'LD tiki * to exchange equity In Kountzo > > place , lot for carpets and furniture ; good lots In thl < addition to trade for Improved or uulmprounl property. Address It 3 , Crolghtou block. 14,1 ! ( Tf"ANTr.Imaha ) property to trade. > > Steven * llros. , 1331 Karnam. 207 20 ' \\rANTKD-IIorsesnnd building material for I i farms , lands , lots and houses. Win. J. I'nul , HiU9 ' HOUSE and lot In Minneapolis for western Inud. St. John * Ely , Kienzer block. 217 FOH Exchange lluslness lot on Saunders street. Want equity In good inside resi dence lot. II. E. Cole , no cor. 15th and Douglas. 174 2) jlOH nXCIIANGK acre farm in Hancock J county , lown. This Is a splendid piece of Innd , every Hoot of it can be plowed ; is 3 miles from junction of 3 railroads. Price J.t ) per acre , Inciiinbrancof7fi0 , uueln2 years. Want house nnd lot ; will assume incumui anco. U.K. Cole , no. cor. 15th and Douglas. 7J 23 OIiIJA It lots loevchaiige for tarins or equities In houses and lots. II. K. Cole , N , K. cor. 15th and Douglas. 107 * 21 TtrANTKD Omaha property to trade for good t hinds. Special attention given to trading. C. L. Draw 11,1'reuzer Ulock. tow TNSIDK city property In exchange for farms L or lands. J. A , lleUtaud , Arlington block. 575 _ FOH HXCHANnE-S lioutitlfnl now H-room houses Hi Windsor place , clear ; want good inside rosldi'in-o or business lot. 11. K. Cole , ne. cor. 15th and Dom'lus. 173 19 TIIAVE for trade improved farm in Cass Co. , near Pliittsinoutli , will trade for improved inside property. Aduress M iM , lleo olllce. FOH SALlWOrtrnde , land nnd town property iiiNebrnska , and Colorado. Horses , cattle nnd Mocks ot nierclian'lUn wanted. Corre spondence bollcltcd. T. A. Kngllsh Ac Co. , Vork , Neb. 745 m b' AA/'ANTKO Stock of groceries , dry goods , > > clothing or boots and shoes In exchange for Omaha property or farms. Schlesluger llros. , 01 IS. 10th st. ' 125t t T71OH Kxcimngo. Jt you have farms or lands to -C sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If yon have any kind of property to sell or exchange - change , list it with us ; we can furnish you a customer. S. S. Campbell & G , W. Hervev , 310 Hoard of Trade Omaha 3-a "VTEIIKASrCA and Kansas farms to exchange ifor Iowa and Colorado lauds , and vice versa. Co-OperaUvo Lund and Lot Co. , 201 N 10thst , * " 094 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Bi.VSONACAHMICHAKL fiirnisti complete ami guaranteed abstracts ot title to any real estate in Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice , Tlie most eompleto setot ututruct books in tl a city No. 151U Jarnam st. : is,1 , MIDLANlV Uiianmtee liTid 'JTiiht Co. . 1505 Furnam stn-it Complete abstracts fur- nlshid ; , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed. 3 1 REAL ESTATE. SALK A 'good Investment. 311 acres about mlle'i from the stock yards on the line of the II. A , .M. railroad , 15 minutes from Omaha , land lies very level and is good soil. Illlle range la now localed near by , with pros pect of locating Fort Omaha In that vicinity. PrleeflO peracri' , terms easy , small Incum- briuice due In n years. Adjacent land Is adver tised at JIJO tofcimi as a bmgain. Groves ot hlacK walnut tliiber on the land. Inve.stl- gate this and von will learn that It Is a genuine ImiKaiiU Watts , Hole agent , chamber uf commerce , , . For sale , all of block 0 , H. V. Smith's addition. or corner * , * 1 , 71X1 for luslilu lots , terms easy , lots itlxUO. Fo r sale. Jots on Half Howard St. , West Omaha , 1100 per foot. Tor sale , lot 7 , block 3 , Capitol Hill addition. I21MI per foot. Ul'or sale. Potter St Cobb'8 addition , lots 21 , 22 , 2jl , 2t.Jlwfc ! l nml lots 23 , aim 24 , block 2. Price for , K rush. rorsale , iQt f. block 10 , Hillside No. 1 , 12.HX ) . . ' . lot 3. block2. Hillside No. 1 , ttuiO. 1'lno trackage property. Wholesale firms looking for locution can learn of desirable loca tion at the lx.t prices ottered , on favorable terms. J. II. Watts , chamber of commurco. 27ft-20 _ IOTfl 21 and 22 , blk 11 , Jotter's addition , 11,300 J In 0. 13 and 21 months. F. K. Darling , 150.1 Howard. _ 17721 TJ10U SAIiKorTrade Full lot on Kurnam ht. , JU ono block from paving and street card , Prlco M.OOO. Equity W.OUO. Two one-fourth sections Una school land In Kossuth county , Iowa. One-sixth interest In an addition to South Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western farmland , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha property. Good Inside builness property , free of en > cumbrnnce , for good house and lot In nortU part of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms EJnndil , llelluian building , cor. Varuaia and 13th sts. OT31 nnd 2. blk H Mutter's addition to 8. Omaha , { IJJOO. Turuia easy , f , K. Dnrllnu 1605 Howard. 177 21 _ _ _ FOH SALK or oxchiuige , Omahn property and farms far merchandise , horajs , etc. Schlep- . , eHh.lOtUit , - Thrpo splendid coal propcrtlp. adjoining , covering < Sil ncrcs of tlie best Lpgnltc coal in Cnlorado. All thepropcrtlfts nro now operating and shipping ouo to 70 tons dally nnd so sltunted ns to roAch out ovfr all the Union Pacific nnd HurlliiKton .V Missouri Illver railroads nml branches In Kansas , Nebraska and Colorado , covering over 3UA > miles of mll load. Ono of the properties Is now oprrutlng very Micco sfully n small plant of Harrlxon mining machines nnd control , * the exclusive right for Use and sale of the same for four counties , comprising nil the good Legmlto coal tlelds In Colorado east of the Hooky mountains , Can readily be made to piodnco mn ) to l.rxx ) tons dally , with unlimited demand for their output. Will bear lull Investigation. Addresser or Inquire Addlson C. Tlionun , rooms 4 nnd ( i , Union llnlldlng. Chicago. 111. ! M llioil SALK four splendid cornels fur bust -L1 ness purposes. Three line resldenco lots In Kountze Place. Four lots In Knit. Lot ; u blk 5 Kllby place only ! l.OOO. Throe lots In Improvement os o. addition , Cheap. Two lots in Potter's nddltlon , one a corner. Lot 7blkilcnIsiMidd. : ) A tine house nnd lot in Idlowlld , will bo sold cheap , Klegnnt house nnd lot cor M nnd Cass. I'-'lots In Marsh .uld. . llousnnnd lotsln dlllorent pnrt.sbf the city. Lots In every addition to thnt'lty. Call nud see our list of proptity for pale or rent. O. r. Davis Company , loOJ nmlnm st. MJ pi4 1011 SALK Two best lots In Mount Pleasant addition , one corner ; can be divided and make three east front lots. Make otter ; tuitst be pold In few days. A 'A\ Hoe olllce. Ii07 F Ht'sALK-A few cholfo lots In South Omaha very cheap if sold this week. Call on the owner , room 4J7 , llamge block. 2IH 25 * FOH SALK 7-room house and 50 ft sou til and rnst front , corner lot , In west part of city , two blocks from cur line. Small cash payment nnd balance monthly , or will trade equity for good paper or vacant lot. F. K. Darling , 1503 Howard. 110 20 FOH SALK IfiO acres of land four lullcn from stock ynrds , nt 1125 perncrej thU is n bar * gain. McCagiie. Opp. P. O. 3U1 FOH SALK-Lots SundiiS1 of lot 0 , all In block 25 , I'loience ; also out lot 20'i , contain ing I urrtHi Will bo sold cheap. Address H 7 Hue olllce. t.HI 2J * FOH SALK Lotslt and 4 , block 1 , In Isaac .V Selden's nddltlon , cor. 'llth street and Halt Howard. John H , F. I.ohmnmi , H2I S. I'th st. ft llHAt'TIFlTLO room 2 story houses with nice * j large closet In each bed room , city water , gas , well and cistern , convenient to car line , splendid location , desirable neighborhood , $ : M cash and balance to suit. II. K. Cole. no. cor. 15th nnd Dovglas. U73 23 POK SALE-Housc nnrt lot in Wnlnnt Hill. Easy payments. P. A. Gavin. Hole ngoiit. 417 Mch U H AWLKV House , North Plntte.Neb. . forsalo. On account of the death ot m\\\tfu I will sell the propeity on easy terms. Aildress John Ilawloy , North Plutte , Neb. 77lm ; * FOH SAL12 Shlnu'sJJrd add , li-rooin house , new , complete , cistern , cellar ; w 111 soil fur niture If desired , ftxx | ) cash , rest easy forms ; cheap If taken boon. Call or address ' "J12 Charles st. 1J1 22 * T L. HlCi : & CO. , Heal Kstato. 215 HICK A ; CO. , Heat Kstato. 215 EM STIOICNKV & CO. maun a specialty ot property In North Omaha , for anltt or rent at Citizens' bank , 2UM Oumlni ; st. 3SS 'IJlOlt SAIiK. KXCHANOK OH HKNT Mighty -L acre farm , K'ood ImprovementR and plenty of fruit , H mileh from South Omulm. r.irrlsh Ac rililayson , N street , SmMi Omaha. U12 , IU L. HICK & CO. , Heal Kstate. 215 FH HAIiK Onoof the best lots In lllllsid No. 1 , Just across street from Vales' new residence : Make oll'or ; any ruasonnblu propo sition will bo entertained for few days ; must sell. AIW. lleeolllce. Op7 TflOH HALK-IIarKalns ; Good lot tl.10 ; new -L house , Vt lot , I7.\ cash ; Improved farm $ L2fO ; 411 acres. J.LH ) ; UiO acres , $ liKlcasli ) ) ; elu- Kant valley farm , stone house , ( jood Improve- niMits , IW ucrcs , only IJ.WW ; tuoother farms SIr > ( lU each ; 4 corners on Douglas or Dodge , MJJ or ; 4U acres 1'i miles from fair ground , ? 10IOU ( cash ; 10 acres liisldn city , t.WO per ncre , cash ; 100 cheapest lots ever put on thn Omaha market , $5 nnd $10 down ; cant help but make money on above property. Drake llro's. .110 S 15th it. MI 25 L. HICK & CO. , Heal Kstato. 215 street , a beautiful 10 room \J house , all modern conveniences , an elegant home. 1'rlco i'.UUU , M cash , balance to suit. II , K. Cole , no. cor. Ifith and Douglas. UTJ 1 I/ . HICK Jt CO. , Heal Estate. 2W Notice of Incorporation. rpo Whom It May Concern : Notice is hereby -L given that "Tho lleo Ilnlldlni ; Company" has Hied in thn olllce of the county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of incorpor ation. The principal place of transacting its business is at Omaha , in Douglud county and state of Nebraska. The general nature of Its business Is to acquire , own. hold , lease , mortgage , Hull and convey real estate , erect buildings and Improve ments upon the same , for renting such real estate , &c. The amount of capital stock authorized Is MOO.UW. ten per cent of which to be paid at the time of subscribing for the same , and tile-re mainder as required by the board of directors. The corporation commenced January 15th , A. D. 1W , and will terminate the 15th day of Jan- uurv , A. I ) . IflsH. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil ity to which the corporation shall at any tlmo subject Itself is two-thirds of the capital stock The business affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of director * of live members who .shall select from their number a president , secretary nnd treasurer. EllWAllll ItOSKWATEIl , MAX MKVKII , ( IKO. Jl.T/hCIIIICK , HllUMlT/.SCHUCK. llKMtT A. llASKKI.t , . ( NO. lJj. A. No. 8) ) Proposals for Army Supplies. IIBAIIOUAIITEIIS Jlr.lTOIf TIII1 Pl.iTTK , Olllco Chief Commissary of Subsistence , Omnha , Neb. , Jan. 21f > t , IbNl. Sealed proposals in triplicate , subject to the mni'il conditions , will bejrcelved nt this cilice , nnd ut the olllce of the acting commissary ot subsistence , ut Fort McKinney , Wyo. , until 11 o'clock a. m. , on Thursday , I'ebi uary 23d , which time they will be OK > ned In the presence of bidders , for the furnishing and delivery nt the .subsistence storehouse nt Fort McKinney , Wy6. , of 2I,0X | ) pounds of flour , mndo from good hound wheut ; tlie flour inuut bu high ground and well die.ssed , and have no patent taken out of It , nnd bo put up In strong new cotton sacks , well hewed nnd the lour comers tU'd , each , contain ing 100 pounds net , and bo delivered ns follows , viz : One-half on or befori ) March ll , lSh , and tin-other half on or before Apiil l ! ' , lf > sx. 'Jhe light Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids. A loinml written contract with bond will bo ie- quired. Envelopes eoiitnlnlng proposals should be marked "Pioposals for Flour , to IH > opuned February 23 , IhuL" lilank proposals and full in formation as to conditions of contract will bo fin nlshed on application to either of thn olllces ubove mentioned. J. W , IIAItltlGEH. Mujor and C. S.U , S. A , , Chief C. S. Jatl23-24-21-2i-rJl-22. - - - ( - - SCIENTIFIC ; CLUCK & WILKINSON. SteekPiano Homarkablq tor powerful pympa- thet IcJoneVpliab'i the best guarantee ot the excellence - lenco of tlicBo InstrniiTunta. WOOD6RIDGE BROS , . git- ' . I' ' U01" . " "U. "nothing currtnci of ItrdlitiUj lkrnuh til e > k ritli rtitor- -0 ) > " * ° > 1 Vij.roui Bi.cih. tl.'uia Cumnt5 \ -l llInitanlhr or forftll ij.WjQ la caih. 'UaaWvl IrapruvcuiataoHir all olhtr Ltllf. Wurit ca j Mr * nilrurtdlntlirtainoaUii. . 8calil Damnl11-1'- - * - - " ' - ItadtnElMUldCo. Wfl eordlllly rcrornvien { our Uai th Lett t ui Jy gown la LI foi Goioiitut ftatl Gle l. Wtk * to4 ! coo.M r. uJt.aadlft every cu i | B4ti > U UlUftlUCU. Alott < V LUk , lluJiin. it. V. fkldtjr nf or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. ' The Best Route from Omalin nnd Council IllufJrs to - = = THE EASTi TWO TRAINS IU1I.T HKTWKntf OMAUA COUNCIL Clilcngo , AND Mllvrnnkcp , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rock Island ) t'rrcport , Korkfortl , ] IlnU > ii , Dutmquc , JAtcti ) | > ortt Blmtlsoiiy Janes-Hie , Uclolt , Wlnonn , Ln Crosse , And all other important point * that , NortbcnM and Bouttiomt. Tor thronRh ticket * call on ttio ticket agent at tlOl rarndm itrcot , In Iatton Hotel , or at Union 1'aclflo ullman Sloorcn rind the finest Dining Cart In the _ _ /lil ar nm mi the main linn ot the Clilrruio , Mil waukee & St. I'nul lUllwnj. ami vrurr attentlou I" > aht to p&Mcngeri Ujr courmoui uiploir * ot Ui ltli.KH. nanoral Manngor. 5 . r. TUCK Kit. Aaalslnnt Uynoral M niu r. A. V. 11. CAIU'KNTlEIt , Ouuorol l'ui9eD ( r Mid nckot Aernt. OHO. K.I1KAVKOUI ) , Aiilitanl General 1'uienw d Ticket AR nt. . T. CLAUK , Uenerak Raptrtotondtnt. THK CHICAGO AND North western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. I Vk * en'T fafl l take for r > Molnei , Mnrlnlltown Cedar Uapliln , Clinton , Dllon , Cnlrnito , Jlll nukol and all polnu ennt. Tu tbu people uf ttubnukn , Culo ratio , Wjomlni ; . Utah , Malm , Ncvtulft , OruKimVRiI > Inetoo and California , U oir r > upvilur m t potsialo bf anr ulhor line. Aiuonff a fuw uf the nunioroui point ! of supenorltf njciied hy Uio palruna of Uila mail kptwrnn Oman ! Mill Olilrairn , are ll two Vralr * a ilar of DAY IX , nhlcb are the llnest . tlint nuuian art anil lu tr CMt create , tti I'AUACK U.UKI'INIM OAHH. which modnli of oonifurt anil elcnauoo. in rAuu > i ] lUAWl.Ni . UIXM CAIlri .tin.iurp.a.wrt.l.T anr and IU wltletr celebrated 1'AI.ATIAl , D1NINO CAtU. tb equ . cil Ilium tha trains ot lha Union I'acltte Uollwar , con noc ( In union depot wltu thoie nftliu Clilcaiiod Nurthwcitorti Hy. In Clilraiio tha trnlni ot tills lln make olote connection with those of nil otliur eaitarn For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , C'nclnnfitl ' , Kails , Ilutralo , I'lttianrx , Tcpninlo. Montreal. Slaitara New York. I'hllaiJelplilH , llultlmore , Wub > Ing ton , and all point * In tbeuait , ailt lor a llcke Tl * * " * "NORTHWESTERN. " It TO * wish the host accommodation. All ticket uentt an tickets via thli Hat. E. JlUUllITT. R. P. WIUSON , Oenl. Manager , llenl. 1'ass'r Agtal Cbicaxo. Xllt , . ABCOCK , Un.nOM.KS. . ' ' Omaha , Nabraalut. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OM/V1IA. Leave Arrlvo Omaha. Omuhu. UNION 1'ACIHO. Depot 10th and Murcy sts , Hoatrlco and .Nortli I'lalto local express. . . t7:4Fi : n in * 7:20 : p m "Overland Klyer , " limited * 1J:20 : p in 2:55 : p ny- Grniul Island local ox- piess t5:00 : p in ; i2:25 : p in Mall and express * UOJ : p in 7WJ : a. m Dally. tDally except Sunday. niJHLINGTON HOUTK. Depot lot hand Mason sts. Chicago Kxpress , Nos 2 Ac 1 fl:45 : p. m , 0:0,1 : a. m. Chicago Mull : WI a. m , 7:2,1 : p. m. Chicago Local. . , ll:41 : p. in. 10:2 : ; a. in. Denver Kxpress 0:15 : a. m , : IKI : : p. ml DtmvorMall 8:00 : p. m , 11:4' : ' ) a. m. California Mall 10:11.u. : . m , 5:15 : p. in , Kansas City Day Kxpress. U00 ; n. l\\ , 0:51 : p. in Kansas Cltyjilght express HSO : p. in 7:00 : n. in , C. St. P. M. &li. Depot Kith nnd Webntcrst Sioux City Ac Ill'k Mills Ux 10:40 : n.m , 2H : ) p. m. Huncroft Kxpress 4:10 : U5 a. m. MISSOIIIll PACIFIC. Depot 15th mid Webster Kt Day Express 10:4.1 : n. in 0:3.1 : n , m. Night " Express ± ' .t:20 : p. m 5'JO : p. in. Y. K. & M. V. H. It. Depot I5th and Webster st Huntings lll'k Hills Pu.s 10:55 : a. \ \ \ 4:15 : p. m. Norfolk Passenger . . . . 5:4.1 : p. m 10:45 : n. m. SUliUKBAN 1HAINS. Running between Council Hinds nnd Albright In addition to the stations mentioned , trains Hton nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth strooU and at the Summit in Omaha. "Westward. Kuntwaril. COUNOIIj Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND &PAC1KIU. A'No.14 . 4 : < Hp.m. I ) No , I . I0:50a.m. : II No. 2 . 5:10 : p.m. A * NO. Ill : . iiHn. : ! ) m. C . :20a.m. : 0 No. 5 Bli5p. ; m , A No. 4. 9:40n. : in. A No.3. . . . . , .7IWp : , in. CHICAGO i , IIUHLINGTON & QU1NCV. C No.8 . (1:511 ( : a. m.D | No. n. . . . . 9:40n. : m. A No. 4 . . : IOn. in. ANo. H . I0:00n.m. : ( , ' 'No. 14 . . . 1.2:20 : p. m.O ( No. 7 . fi. 20p.m. A No. ( I. ,7IWi : .m.A | . . TiUOu. 111 , CHICAGO i NOHTIIWESTEIIN. A No.B . 9:40n.m.A : | No. ; ) . . ,9l1n.m. : A'No.H . 4 : ) p. in. A No,7. . .11:3)0.111. : ) A No. 4. . .1:3) : p. m.lA No. 5 . 7tMp. : m. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEi : & ST. PAUL. A No. 3 . 9:41) : ) u. m.lA * No. 5 . ll:30a.m. : A'iio , 0. . ,4:00 : p , in.i A No. 3. . ,7UJp. : m. KANSAS CITV ST. JOIJ & COI.'NOIL IlLUl'J-'S. A No.8 . U:8.1n. : m.lA No.3 . . . 0:31u.m. : A No , 4 . OiiOp. iii.A | No.l .0:30 : p.m. SIOL'X CITV & PACIFIC. A No.10. . .7:05a.m.A : | No.9. . 8:11a.m. : A No. 12 . 7Wp. : m.lA No , U . SIlWp. ; in. OMAHA i ST , LOUIS. A No.8 . 3iWp. wA | No , 7 . . .UiUp. ro. Adullv ; II dully except Sat. ; n dully oictbt Bun. ; I ) except Mon. ; I Fast Mull ; LlmlltS ; Will probably chungo to iUOp. ; m.b forp k'tk. k DREXEL & MAUL , ( Succcd.sor.1 to John a. Jacobs. ) Undertakers & Embalmers At tli'i nld HUnd , 1407 Farntm St. Qrdirs by UU > grapU ocllcltod nnd proinutlf tVn < lt4 M. TelupUoM Mo. M