Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The Bov."William Cooley Passes
Away at the Asylum.
Bomp of the flultn Ucconlly
AvclilLMitH Ou tlio IJ. XM. .
Jununry Stntc HOIIHO Items
frnoM run urn's MNcor.v tit'itr.u' 1
Y ( 'sturdily nt the stuto hospital for
the innnnu Uov. WilHum Cooley qulotly
iwissed tiwoy t'.U'U1 having bucu tin in-
iiwto there for sonic olgliteGn I'mnths.
Hov. Mr. Cooley was about seventy years
of ago , mid a largo part of his life had
bcon hpont in the ministry. A strolto
of paralybis rendered him nearly help
less and to affected bin mind that he
Aas placed in the hospital. About two
mouths BUUO ! another lifjlit btroko came
ami ho Inn gradually failed to the day
of his death. Ills brother , Uov. K.
Cooley , is a resident of this city.
The district court opened yesterday
with Judge I'M olds on the bench and the
llti attorneys in the city in attendance.
The judge handed down several opin
ions from thu previous term and the call
of the docket occupied the remainder of
the morning hours. The interest taken
in the canes presages a long and busy
trial term. The jury will bo called to
day and trials proceeded with.
Among the CSIHCS filed was a suit for
damages brought by Mrs. hi//.ie Staloy
against the city of Lincoln in which she
Hues for $ " > , ( > 0 ( ) damages received in a
fall occasioned by a defective sidowalk.
The time the accident occurred was in
October hint and the place on Thir
teenth street between S and T , a de
fective walk there causing her to fall
heavily forward , injuring her knee
until she became a cripple for life and
has Iteon wholly unable to work and
bupport her family since that time.
.lames II. IJrinkorholf sues for a di-
voi'CJ fuom his wife May LirinJgcrholT ,
the grounds r.llcjjeil lining ilc-.citiQii.
The parties wore married February US ,
18St : , in the city of Now York and im
mediately after the marriage his wife
left with her parents for Now Jersey
and lias over since failed to communi
cate with him or recognize him as her
husband. On those grounds the court
is asked to sever the marital bonds.
Henjainin P. Knight luia commenced
n suit against W. II. II. Dunn to re
cover & 530 alleged to bo duo and has at
tached certain property to secure his
There wore , according to the report
filed with the board of transportation ,
twenty-four accidents on the 13. & M.
railway for the month of January , three
of which were fatal , two of those killed
being train men. Of the injured the
largo per cent of brakemen and switch
men was maintained , ton switchmen re
ceiving injuries during the month and
nine brakomon. Of the other accidents
two wore to passengers who jumped
from moving trains and were seriously
injured. A large proportion of the
train men injured had their homes in
The Wyoming Improvement company
of Geneva , Neb. , filed articles of
incorporation yesterday with the sccro-
ta'ry of state. Capital stock , 8130,000 ;
incorporators , V. C. Shickloy , Edward
K. Cobb , Charles W. Shickloy. .
Deputy Land Commissioner Charles
M. Carter is homo from Nebraska City
whore ho sold the Fulton tract of school
land to Hon. J. Sterling Morton who
donates the tract to Nebraska City for a
public park.
Commissions yesterday were issued to
the following notaries : Edward L.
Baker , \Vannota , Chase county ; Henry
C. Hoynton , Hastings , Adams county ;
J. W.'Shahan , Kearney , Buffalo county ;
John Smith , Grant , Perkins county ; J.
Carnahan , York , York county ; E. L.
Sargeant , Codar-Kapids , Boone county ;
Alien G . Fisher , Chadron , Dawcsjcounty :
Edward P. Cagni'y , Lincoln , Lancaster
county ; S. P. Buckmastor , York , York
county ; John G. Mooro. Hastings ,
Adams county ; Louis J. Kudoim , Wahoo ,
Saunders county.
The force of men employed on the
central part of the capitol building has
been largely increased and the w ork from
this on will be with the aim to have the
huilding completed prior to the next
Bot-siou of the legislature. The Come
will bo placed in position in the early
rr.usoNAt , .
Judge Broady , of Beatrice , was in the
city yesterday , and called at district
Captain Paine , deputy oil inspector ,
made an ofllcial visit to Weeping Water
A. B. Smith , of Denver , who has in
charge the surveying work of the Lin-
dln town site company , was in the city
Sam D. Cox , who has bcon in'Chicago
the past week securing engravings
illustrati\o of Lincoln , returned homo
Sunday evening.
Deputy Marshall Ed Allen , of the
United States district court , ib in the
city on olUcial business.
Major J. C. Birnoy , of the live slock
commission , came in from Crete yester
F. M. Hopwood , of the Iloldrtigo Njig-
pet , was a capital city visitor yesterday.
John M. Walters was an cast-bound
jwsiongor through Lincoln yesterday ,
on route for Mount Yornon , 111. , the
sad intelligence having been wired bin
of the death of his wife and child in the
cyclone at that place.
A long controversy has been gtjng erin
in the district court in regard to the
title to a piece of land in this county ii
which the heirof the original holdei
of the titles came on from Ireland am
i contested the disposition that the court !
had made of the ca&o. U , B. Graham
the propimt holder of the title , was
blinking hands yesterday over the fac
that the court at its opening sossiot
liandod down n decision in his favor.
To-day the county commissioners wll
open thu now plans submitted for thi
jnopo--id Lancaster county court hens <
and the wish Is very goaer.illy ox
m-pssotl thr.t hereafter the county ma ;
Iiavo clear sailing and that plans wil
allow the building to bo built wilhli
the amount valid by the county. Tin
crowded condition of the present count ;
building shows the necessity for speed ;
work that , the county may have a per
mnnent homo for business as soon a
The Martha Washington branch o
the Irish National League In America
whoso niombnraliip is composed o
ladles , in-ranged , at the Sunday after
noon in'Xjtiiijj , to give an cntortainmen
the 1st of March , the proceeds to bo devoted
voted to city nluirltlos. The ladfes hav
ing the entertainment In charge hop
for the cordial co-oporation of the dl !
forcnt religious denominations in th
city in carrying out the mooting.
The sccrotrry of the state board o
pharmacy has called the attention c
druggists to the fact thM the OMiinin
ing ward will hold a fiosuion at tin
cap-llol building in this city , on the Cth
of March , to examine applicants for
Don't Get CniiRht
This spring with your blood full of Im
purities , your digestion imparcd , your
appetite poor , kidneys and liver torpid ,
and whole system liable to bo prostrated
by disease but get yourself into good
condition , and ready for the changing
and warmer weather , by taking Hood's
Sar aparllla. It stands unequalled for
purifying the blood , giving an appetite ,
and for a general spring medicine.
L Mint Prom Nevada -Something
to Suy In Its Knvor.
"Whon I wont over to London first to
ilupo a mine , " said Major Biles of No-
ada , rocking himself in one of the
ustic chairs of the Palace bar room ,
iays the S" ! ! Francisco Examiner , "it
iiado mo mad the way I was taken care
f. It was a policeman here to toll yaw
lot to go there , and a policeman there
0 toll you not to go hero , a guard to
ookou , up in the car for fear you'd fall
) iit and got killed , and so on. Then the
jars were closed on Sunday and you
'ound the museums and every place but
, he churches padlocked. It was law.
aw , law everywhere till I was siclc of
he law , and I'd have turned anarchist
f the anarchists had been invented
-hen. - I tell you I was mighty glad to
fetback to the Coin-stock , whore every
body nearly carries his own law in his
'lip-pocket. "
"That must have been a dreadful state
of society , " buggestod a gcntlemau from
New Haven.
"No " said the "it .
, sir , major , wasnt.
t was about the best stale of society i
know of. It made jou look out for your
self and bo careful of stepping on other
"allows' toes. Somebody was shot every
light almost. "
"Good graciousl"
'And the man for breakfast generally
Icsorved to bo boivod up , ' ' added the
: najor.
"I toll you it's a good thing to live in
1 community whore men who ought to
killed tret killed. "
'But. " objected the gentleman from
N'ow Haven , "were you not constantly in
danger of jour life ? "
"Not at all. Thorn's no place on
arth where a man is so safe from harm
: is a pistol-ruled mining cinni ' ) . so long
is he minds his own busincss'and does
ho square thing. The lighting you
end so much about is confined pretty
itrictly to the toughs. They don't bother
- . The chaifl-o of
: -espoctablo people. a
Mgilanco committee keeps them straight
n that "direction. The principal danger
0 men who arc not toughs is from
bullets , and there's a remedy for that.
I remember I was standing in front of
the Delta , on C street , one evening talk-
ng to Captain Lord , the inland revenue
collector , when two follows got
to punching each other right
lear us , and one pulled what all
liands thought was a gun. There was
1 unanimous scatter , 1 hopped into a
iloorway and pooped out. Captain Lord
wasbtanding in the middle of the btteot
with his bix-shooter in his hand , watch-
ng the two men who had clinched and
iVerc struggling. In a minute they
went rolling over a peanut stand into
the gutter. The one on top , who was
nown as Red Mike , jabbed away at the
face and body of the under chap with
the supposed pistol. It was really a
knife , and ho hacked his subject all to
pieces. We tore him oil. I helped * < i
raibo the cut chap to his feet. Ho
walked with us a few stops and then
raised his hand to his bleeding head
and said :
"Where's my hat ? "
"It was fished out of the guttorand ho
put it on. Ho went a stop or two
further and stopped.
" "Boys , " ho said , 'it's no go. I'm
Miko's meat. ' Then ho sighed , mur
mured faintly , ' him ! ' and fainted.
Ho died next day.
" 'What were you doing out there in
the street with your gun'I asked Cap
tain Lord.
" 'Well' ho said , 'I'yo como near being -
ing hit half a do/.on times when fellows
were engaged in fights in which I had
no concern , and I've made up my mind
that hereafter I'm going to have my
share of the shooting as well as of the
danger. I'm going to take a hand from
this out , and tlioso fellows , when they
begin a mubs , will look around and enquire -
quire where I am. "
"And a good plan , too , " declared the
major. "If good citizens on the frontier
would follow Captain Lord's plan , the
loughs would bo e\en more careful than
they are about wild shooting. Yet ,
after all , there's not as much danger
from this source as there ib of being run
over hero by your cable cars. "
"And this lied Mike , this murderer ,
ho was hanged ? " inquired the gentle
man from Now Havon.
"Lord , no , " laughed the major.
"Miko , when ho wasn't drunk , was a
bricklayer , and ho assisted in building
the county jail. Having an eye to the
future , ho thoughtfully left a weak spot
low down in the wall , and one night
shortly after his arrest , ho opened it and
walked off , generously taking all the
other prisoners with him. The last I
heard of Mike was that ho'd hod an
arm shot olT by a gambler down in
Tombstone. "
The Man Up a Tree.
Atlanta Constitution : No mere nest ,
but five or six largo rooms up a tall oak ,
is the way quiet JohnJIaywood , thoono-
armed veteran soldlor , clerk in the
treasury department , credited from Ver
mont , hit a new thing and made him
self famous. There is no mistake about
it , that his name is forever linked in
the galaxy of distinguished people of
history , and , too , quite as accidental as
Ho has two houses up in the trcos ,
the one ho first built consisting of three
largo rooms and a balcony us large as a
room , and in another clump of trees anew
now and larger house higher up in the
trees , contain three stories , a dancing
p.ivillion , a well furnished kitchen , bed
room , balcony , library , all well fur
nished , and oven an upright piano.
These houses arc not built upon or at
tached to the tree : " , they stanu on high
trestles , so that tlio topmost branches of
the tall trees pierce in their natural di
rections through all the rooms , giving ,
in all the different seasons within the
compartments , the exact llora of nature ,
Canvas is closely fitted around the limbs
of these trees where they pierce thereof
roof and tloor.s and walls of the roorn tc
make them water-tight and prevent the
sounds of abrasion.
Ono ran sit in his library or kitchen
and pluck green leaves or acorns where
his pot squirrels have loft them. In
the dead of winter , while the limbs arc
bare without and lhv > snows are Hying ,
Hayw-ood can sit in his cnrpcted room
with his books , and feet at hit * oil stovu ,
and rest his head and arms upon a liml
sprouting with verdure , while without
the same true la denuded in the coma ol
winter. Those houses are approached
by an inclined piano of plank from the
higher portions of the hill up to the
lower story , wlioro there is n door to-
curoly lockel and bolted and whence he
mounts by regular enclosed stair-vayt
to the apartments. There were tavoral
visitors , ladles and gentlemen , who had
come into the ir.closui-o to scotho"mon-
Etor , " and they regarded him distantly ,
with curiosity and awo. IIo politelj
wived them away , staying ho was not
"I'occlvlnjj to-dav. "
The "Boo's" Horolno Fund Roachoa
Over 81O.4OO.
Tlio Hell of Honor Steadily Increas
ing Tlu > Latest Contributor * to
the Heroines From Various
1'urta ol" Nebraska.
Tlio Hell or Honor.
Amount previously ropoited $3,402 87
Ladles'afternoon cofteu. . . 8(1 ( 00
Citizens of Shelton , Neb i.'J 67
Ktlnit Hoban niul Mlnnio H.insoa
list 0 S9
Luap-yoar pnrtv , Hlnlr , Nob. . . . . . . . 7 ! ! 0
Cltbuns Norfolk , Neb lil ) 114
A.U 1 DO
Kr. : ; > ! < " Cnnilold Mfg. Co fi 00
Pupils Fremont public schools 16 00
( ScorKo Foster. Foster , Neb 100
1 looper. Neb. , list f7 ! f.O
North Ucnd tire department 1000
.T S. Hobison , Humphrey , Neb 1 00
County school teacher 1 00
I'omcngrnnita IOIRO ! 110 A. F. & A.
M. , Aslduuil , Nub 1000
Total ? 3ill , 71
? rcvlous1j reported $1,005 70
ladles afternoon coffee 10 00
< lna Uoban and Minnie llmisuu
list 5 SO
Citizens of Shelton , Neb 11 73
CltUciis of Norfolk S 00
, \.U 1 ( HI
Employes Can Held Mfg. Co C 00
Mrs. Albert Nee 50
Amount previously reported § CS ( > 81
NoitliUcndllrodc'iit 500
Total , $ 001 SI
TIIK CIIII.llltnN'd rc-.S'l ) .
I'rcviously i oportod $ 100 S3
North Hend.ireilci > t.i S 50
Total -5 lOi S3
The Kltn Shattuck Kiuul.
The present condition of tlio Ktta Slial-
tuck fund is as follows :
Previously iopofted $4,703 11
ihiA Hoban and Minnie Hanson's
list 4 S3
Norfolk list s G-i
A. .1. Sini ! > Bon 5 00
County school teacher 1 00
Total $4,71599
The "Hoc" Fund.
The present condition of the funds opened
by the Uuu is as follows :
ienoyco 3.811 74
Lf > na Woobbecko fund 1.1IM O'i '
Mmnio Freeman Gfll SI
Westphalcn monument fund..r. . . 10J S3
Etta Shattuc-lc 4,71599
Grand total ? 10,420.33
"School teachci s.
ciiti.unKN's LIST.
Hay Mnssenwhlto.t S5llcit | Williams. . . . ! 2'i
rrnnk 1'eiry SVJns. J. Hnyei a" >
J-rHnk Crensliaw , . BO
Irene A. 'lemplar. " 5 ! Total J 1 75
Hdwln M. Ilntler . . $ I 00 Willis Ivei-s 100
H. V. HoaKland. . . 1 00 C' . I ) . .lewett 1 ( Kt
T. A. b. Penning' .John Hun , ' 1 ( K )
ton I 00 .1. W. Dickinson . 1 Hi
n. ii Dove i on .1. J. Armstrong . 1 ( K )
A. llelmer ft ) Reo. M. llraKB.1 I1
.l.A. I'lbher HI 13. W. Pierce 1 (0 (
J.O. I.nnalnp nON.J. Moitz m
J i : England . . . V ) P. M. Chapman . . DO
H. Wills 5fl.las. Walker . . . . )
II ink \Va\eily . 1 W ) 1'iank Hogeis. . . . W )
DlikCooloy . . . . 1 00'ni\ ' Hedges . . . M )
C. . It K'ltclnell. . . WlM.t'.Shaw ffl
.lolmU. llmg . . . ittjouii Juller )
Wm. . ) . lleiglumJ.P. . Loder 60
wr 3" )
J. Wllkln-on L'Total S.'O H )
Inclosed please flml postal note for il.OS
( ono dollar mid sixty-eight cents ) to bo ap
plied ns follows ;
Cash ; I 50
C.ih H )
Total $ 1 00
To the Weslplmlen moinimeiit fund four
little gills contribute as lollows :
( leorKelncnK. Magee li : ! Isabella Mn ee 13
Kloicnc-o Mugee 10 Maggie Mugee 2Ti 10
Total C8c
Forwarded by A "Friend. "
IIISINO cirr , xcn.
8. S. and J. A. m. ( Irubli fiO
Itrlcheubacli. . . . ! 5 ( I ) 1" . Jouveuat 50
P. Uflnhi'lner . . : i 00 IllonShen.iid 2.1
W..I.J. Kooil 1 00 I. Ii. Wolf i
r I' . 1'ieldny . . . 1 OI'J.II. ' HelnlK C )
li'i.inkWoItu . . . 1 iMO.C.Statford . . . . fiO
MIlosLuinby / . . . 1 UU.Iohil Kugou . . . . M
\ \ ' . N. WlllhimIlliuimlngXIluit -
hou 103. son BOO
12 W. Ilowes . . . 100 Sam Pool - " >
Paul Andi'iwon. . . ilO Chas. I.ang. . . . " 1
W.S McCoy 1 OU'J.A.I'rnue ' S W
A P Day 1 UO.I. T. Taj lor >
N. H Welch niJ.II , Hlslng r > 0
I..l.ltussull BOt5i'o.O. ; Iluclc
II.I , Call ROW. Dillon. . , 10
Kast&Waro 1 00 ( leu InRiills B )
.1 A. stf i non.w. itisuiK . . . . w
A W. lllsing IJO.I ) 11. Wilson . . " 5
A..1. Mnitln Wl.Qeorjtu . A. Iluiu-
II S Styer . . . 2"i ( mor . 2 CO
1 . It Nm lllo . 1 to John Kavaiuugh 25
John McK\enny . 20.l.A Coli' . . f > 0
CombiiV I.i'.ud. 1 mu'iitrlcknarnhern 25
Ij.A.Waneu 1 OU ( liorKu Kc-ldeu . . . f > 0
A Cash . . . i ( , ( ' . Selden . . . . 21
1' i : rn-lday . . . WW. 11. Mlur 1 ( * )
W. ll.Shepard. . . . BM ) > . P. KIlKOie . . . . M
U.S. J.add Hl'H.P Gibson . . . H )
W.A Ilildwlu . . AHl.I.K | Jpimliics . W )
A. lloberts I' . Kimelhaid , M.
A. H Quick . . . . Kl 1) . . . 1 Hi
Whitman X I.ul. 1 w ' ' ' ' ' '
. _ C. WIHon. . M. liauau . . . . . . . . 1 Ml
11. Kvlnhclmer . . . 1 IN J.I ) . Wallace M
J. I. . Walter M Cash H )
L II. .Muck 1 U ) John P.iul . . . . r > 0
A. T. Mack U ) aeoreu Nycum . . H )
(1 ( If.MoulIon . . . W.l.r. ) ' Adams. . . 100
ll.-iiO. Verity . . M Samuel Frey . . . )
.1.11. Ht'irliigton nileoii ( ; Moser. . )
W.I' Yoik . , . 2.i ( Alfred Armagoat. 1
C. II. Ptiout . . 2a P. II Caluc-r. 2Ti
T , W. Day ! DJ.Hniith H )
J.S.dilmlimj. . K. ( lltTord SI
< ! . N cinmbcis . 2.1 Win. I.uuby. . . . nn
Squire Uaulei. . 2fi De Hltcliey , Ml
H. P. Noddlum H ) D. O Veilty . . . 1 U )
\ \ ' A. Nodding * . 23
ll.llurvold . . . 60 Total I70CO
G.W.fitalTord. . . . 60
M.nalB Sulllv.iu. t 23 Cash !
Mrs. Mutzcar . 2.1 MableSexton . 2.1
'Ihom.iNT.Tuttln MruMi no
Cili , . . 60 Cash
K.UUSnllhau .
f.ish Total $3 20
"Smith" anil "Hawkins" Change Their
1'loa to Not Guilty ,
The nvrest nnd accumulation of orldondo
npainat Ftcd Smith nnd 1'eto Hawkins , tlio
buiRlurs who plundoivd Ilusso's luird\\uo
store lat Wednesday night , wu so sUUlfultj
v/oilced uii by OCleciUurr mid Captain
Green ns to extort n ronfc lon from the ctil-
[ irlts. The thieves hiul dtsirased of imrt.of-
.heir booty nt three different pawnshops , nnd
: ho icst had been pqld or given away to n
number of private . turtles. Carpcntots ,
waiters and other pcoplo had bought the
stolen ( jocds. Tor belnji allowed lo sleep In
the Ucpubllcan piess room ono iilghtr Smith
gave Hen Flood , the foreman , a flno safety
razor , besides dUtrllmtlni ; a number of
locket knives ninonp the other employes. At
.ho tlmo of their nrrosts [ j both
amith nnd Hawkins had some of the stolen
iJiilvcs nnd revolvers on their persons.
When some hours Inter Captain Green con
fronted thorn with the string of evidence ho
! md accumulated against them , they were
islonlshoil nnd admitted their guilt. On bo
ng arraigned they Hrat plead KUlltv , but
lext waived examination , nnd were put under
M.UOO to before the district court.
Smith was greatly overcome and shed tears.
It is hinted by the police , however , that this
s not their first ollcnsu. Although both hoi s
nro from respectublo families In this city ,
hey havp cut loose from homo and have
icon lending lives of vice nnd sin under ns-
mimed mimes. Smith's correct tmnio is Fred
Nelson and his imreuts llvo on Eighteenth
street , below Vinton. Hawkins' real name
a said to be Hokitnson , nnd his father Is said
.o be John HoUiinson , the constable , a most
ilfulilo nnd estiiiniblo man. Hoth boys are in
their twentieth year. Some of the stolen
goods had been sold nt ndicuously low l\e- \
tires. At John Ncstnor's , n Tenth street
uwnbioker , they sold some Smith & Wesson
ruvolvcis Hint usually retail on an average at
$10 each for only 5 cents. The oiilccrs h'n'O
cason to believe from thu price offcied that
: ho pawnbroker knew the goods wci o stolen ,
nml Nester was urrcstcd jcsterdny for 10-
cclving stolen goods , Wai rants are also out
Tor the arrest ol SchlanlcandSouuenberg , the
proprietors of t.vo other pawnshops where
Lho thieves hud bgcn robbed of their booty.
The Ice Hrltl c nt Nlnpara
lias formed and many pcoplo have nl-
rutidy ei-ossod tlio river upon It below
the falls. The sccno from Fulls View ,
where- the Michigan , Centt-nl train stop
is ono of remarkable beauty and grand
eur. The emerald waters of the falls ,
with the angry rapids abovo'and the rain
bow tinted spray below , with gigantic
ieielcs hanging from the clilTs and the
trees and shrubs on the shores and Goat
island covered with curious ice forma
tions , with the wild mubs of icebergs
stretching over the turbulent waters
where the Maid of the Mist sails in
summer , all combine to form a spectacle
boldom to bo been nnd worthy of a
lengthy journey.
Action on the Oinahu , Yanktoii &
Northwestern Railway Postponed.
Two o'clock yesterday afternoon was the
hour appointed by the county commissioners
for hearing fiom the committee on judiciary
in rcfetcnco to the calling of a special elec
tion to vote $ .300,000 in county bonds in aid of
the proposed Omaha , Yanktoii & Northwest
ern railway , in accord with the proposition
submitted by the promoters on Saturday and
printed in full in the BEK of Sunday. At the
stipulated time a largo delegation of citizens
nnd taxpayers , generated by Hon. James
Creighton on ono side , nnd N. Shcltou and
D. C. Patterson on the ether , put in appear
ance and Jumped on the commissioners , so to
speak , with hands and feet. Loud talk was
indulged in by the respective factions , and
when individuals could not succeed In being
heir they wildly waved their arm ? in space
nnd stamped their feet upon the floor in a
noisy and vigorous fashion. This kind of
amusen.ent lasted until long after a o'clock ,
nnd cilm being restored Cuirnmn O'ivcilto
condescended to call the board to order.
Commissioner Mount , of the Judiciary com
mittee , reported that owing to the absence of
ono of the members , Mr. Turner , they were
not ready to make their report and asked for
further time until next Thursday at a p. m.
The request was granted.
The chairman , Mr , Q'Keeffe , then invited
the respective factions to talk ns much as
they pleased.
"Hon. James Creighton said that it would be
foolish for any ono to discuss the railroad
proposition until it was known what the com
mittee on Judiciary was to rciwrt. Ho didn't
proi > ese to exhaust Ins ammunition on a blank ,
and begged of his adherents to spare their
talk until the committee made their report.
Air. Patterson asked if any amendments
had been made to the proposition sent In by
the Incorporators last Saturday.
Commissioner Mount replied that there
had been a few changes made.
Mr. Creighton asked Mr. Mount if he , as
one of | the Judiciary committee , was willing
to submit their report to the citizens before
foi mally turning It over to the full board.
Mr. Mount replied that ho was.
Chairman O'Koefo Informed the gentle
men present that the board would bo
happy to receive any suggestions they might
bo prepared to make in icferenco to the
building of the road , and there being no one
willing to the board adjourned.
The Judiciary committee propose to make
amendments to the proposition of Saturday
as follow s :
"The said railway company shall , within
ninety dajs after said election , commence
the construction of said road , and continue
such construction with reasonable expedition ,
and have graded and ready for running at
least llfty miles within twelve months after
said time of commencement , and shall have
graded and ready for running 100 miles
eighteen months after said tune of commence
"Tho said roadbed from the point of begin
ning to bo the property of tlio said Yankton
& Northwestern railway company , acquired
by purchase or condemnation piocceduigs ,
and not by any inferior title. "
Colgate's Sachet Powders ,
Heliotrope , Jock ey Club , and Cashmor
Bouquet retain t heir delicate fragranc
longer than others.
Run the Trnlii too Fast ,
Consldciablo complaint has been expressed
of late by residents of South Omaha at the
i.xte of speed at which the Union Pacific
"flj er" is run through the city limits. No
reduction whatever is made and the tiain
tears through at the rate of thirty-five or
forty miles an hour. In view of the fact that
there are several crossings in the city it
has been suggested that the council take the
mutter in hand and by ordinance fix the rate
of speed ut not moro than ten miles per hour.
Charles Woodworth nnd his bride have re-
tuincd after a two months' tour in California
and Old Mexico.
Itssuperlor excellence proven In millions ol
homes for moro than a quarter of a century , i
U used by HID United states ( Jovornmen . Kn-
( lorsoiiliy the heads of the U real Universities an
the Strongest , Purest and most Ili'tilthfiil. jir
Price's Cream llakint : Ponder docs not contain
Ammonia. Umo or Alum. Sold only In cans.
Puiut : llAKiNti PowueuCo.
More Men Employed by tlio Railroad
Companies in the United States. .
Complllnc Statistics Which Will Star *
tic tlio llcst Informed Citizens ,
Some writer In Now York-prostitiinuljr tnoio
iKt'iilons thnn ntnliltloii- nroparlnii ( . -
tlnmtt > on the mimbtT of lallnmtl mt-ti nt work
In tlio t'nlteil States. Hq | workwus luomptril
\ > y tliiMvmnrkof Clmimjo JJopow , nt 11 feu-lit
imninu't ot locomotlt c ungturvrx , Hint thu Non-
York ( Mitral road nlono had more thnn ten rod-
nu-ntsof men In its employ. According to the
work ot the stutlitlelau referred to tlio iiitlroad
men. or the men at woik In all the dliroivtu
liranchi'M connected with the rullroiuts In thu
t'nltod States If cnthered together , would m.iko
an army KK'iiti'r thnn that of Xerxes w hen ho
nun lied iMitw jitl to the conquest of ( Ireece.
According to his IlKiues no Kurnpean nntlon
ins a stnmlliitf nrmy one half thu innnorlcnl
MtoiiKtli < > r thoAnieileiiii ralliond men. mid , If
! iu U rlnht , the men In this country ,
; akcn together , p\ieed In number the lolls of
Doth the union nml confeduirtH tioops of our
lati ) nr milled together.
If tlnslH tme it Is Indeed wonderful Hut
\\hetiouo8toiM tu think that there Is notn city
of any size In the coimtiy thnt does not em
ploy Us lw > tof utllioadi , these NgutM do not
i'in so reir KtimiKo ,
Oinnhn and Council llluffslth their network -
work of rnlhonilstlmt stivtch cut like liinnni-
fiablo t Ailnll from the center ot a circle towards
thu circumference , hints a mmll miurof rail-
load men and cinplojes Ihlni } vltfiln their
bounds The ilter was nc\er inoro Impressed
with their numeikal linpoitnnco us a compo
nent pirt of tlio population of both cities than
In thu course of a cunvoifutlon Hcently with
Mr. William Connor , who was In tlio employ of
the Union 1'nclllc for nineteen ronseciitUo
jem's A machinist by tiiulc , but for home tlmo
past has been taking life eiisy.lielnc now In his
With year. He Is well and f a voi ably known , 10-
siding In Omaha for the past ! U jenus.
Dm Imj the coiuersatlon seilons subjects
were talked about , among which was the health
ot .Mr. Connors w ho said : " 1 have been troubled
lot years with what se\enil plijvldims termed
malarial fever. My trouble began w 1th a cold ,
and I had a high fever which continued un
abated for about three weeks , which w as at
tended with tnoio or less of n cough and the
rising of mucus of a tough kind , and which
seemed to hold on with the tenacity of a tight *
Ing bulldog. 1 called In to assist nature a lend *
Ing jslelan , took his medicine , but gotnoio-
llof. wanting help I consulted nnothei and Mill
another , among them being tlio so-called beat
doctors In the city. They doped mo with
guiMNi : con i.tvrii oir. AIISKNIO
and other drugs , and In place of getting better I
gnnvworse. I actu.tll > belUtAo lhn\o bottles
and boxes enough nt home to start two apothe
cary Miops. lam not cxngneintlng n paitlclo
w hen 1 bay 1 had at least thlrty-HA o or forty lly
blisters on me. 1 Imil pain In the fiont pntt of
my head , and through my chest and In my shoul
ders. My nose would stop up and made my
breathing dllllcult. "
"You were cettalnly In a bad wny. "
" 1'es , but that was not all my tiouble. While
lying down at night the mucous or plileghm
would gather lnm > throat and 1 would swallow-
It , which. I think , poisoned my stnmath and
formed n gas , and after a while nothing that I
ate would want to lemaln on my stomach ,
which , In addition to my liver , seemed to bo
always out of order. My eyes were weak and
iullammcd , and emitted considerable water at
times. I had a buz/Ing and roaring noise In my
head and ears , which put mo In mind or a tiulu
of cars passing through a covered bridge. I
would hnwk and spit almost continually , and In
the morning after rising would have to gag and
vomit forsomotlmos an hour before I would get
my thioat clear. "
"Hut yon seem all right now ? " Toyon feel as
well ris you looky" queried the scribe.
"Well , I should say. 1 am all right now , and
thlnK I feel even better than I look. "
"lly what method or treatment did you obtain
the much needed relief/ "
"I have been a loader of the dally papers ever
since they were published In Omaha , and read
the notices of the cures people had received by
using Or. McCoy's treatment. 1 concluded to
try him , the result Is I feel well agnln nnil am
thankful there Is located in Omaha such n spe
cialist us tlio doctor. 1 Ilnd both the doctor and
his associates men of ability and bollove
them to bo thoioughly reliable gentlemen.
Mr.Conner resides at IBM Webster strcot.where
he will bo glad to corroborate the above state
Advances Ills Theory of Catarrh and
Consumption Ills Advlco
on the Subject.
One of the best learned physicians of modern
times , In an aitkle on catarrh and consump
tion , says : "Tho tiontment of consumption has
made gieat advances by the Intioductlonof now
remedies , and has enabled the close student and
specialist to establish indications for remedies
long In use , so that by their methodical applica
tion better results are attained than weio for
merly gained at a time when consumption and
cancer were regarded as edunlly Incuiuble , and
weiehomowhat similarly treated.
"Tho treatment of consumption demands n
careful avoidance of all agents calculated to
cause hyperemln of the lungs and bronchial catarrh
tarrhI'ersons in whom n tendency to con
sumption Is suspected should bo treated with
the greatest care and attention.
"Finally , whenever there Is the slightest sus
picion of a predisposition to consumption , every
cntariuli. no matter how blight , should bo treat
ed with the utmost cine , whicli must not bo ro-
la\ed until the catairh Is entirely well. This
i ule , so obloiib Irom our point of v lew , Is very
frequently violated.
"Many patients fall a victim to the deeply
rooted prejudice that a neglected catarrh never
leads to consumption.
Popular Explanation of a Matter
Usually Veiled In Technicalities.
In this connection there can hardly bo a more
Interesting subject than thu ultimata Directs of
catarrh upon the healing. The processes of this
disease In poisoning the breath , rotting away
thedellcato machinery of smell and taste , pols.
oulng the lungs and the blood , and passing Into
the stomach , enfeebling thu digestion , vitiating
the secretions and polluting the very fountains
ot life. AH this has , perhaps , been very gen
erally discussed , but the very frequent elftct of
mUnli of the nose and throat upon the healing
has not been touched upon as often as the sub
ject wan ants.
A \ ery little study of anatomy w 111 show the
reader that the junction of the back passage of
the nosoand the upper pait of the tin oat Is con
nected with the ear by n minute and delicate passage -
sago known us the Kustachlan tube. Along this
tube the process extends , producing
congestion jind lutlammatlon. lly the further
extension of this process to the mucus lining of
the tympanum of the ear Is caused. In some
cases , slight foims of catarrh of the middle ear ,
and in tills waypaitlal or complete deafness
may In llko manner result from the thickened
tissue encroaching upon the mouth of the
Kustaohlaii tube.
1'artlal or complete deafnef s may albo result
from catairhal Interference with the nasal
breathing , depriving the ear of a proper supply
of pure air or from the cilects of obstruction
In tlio nasal passages , causing unduit ru Hh'u-
tlon or condensation of the ulr In thu middle
ear ,
In such cases as these general remedieswhich
are of euprescilbed , prove comparatively In
effective. A euro can only be obtained by skill
ful and sclcntlllc local treatment and let U bo
said hero that nothing could bo attended with
moio disastrous results than unskillful local
treatment combined with constitutional tieat *
ment and care for the disease which brouUt
about the ttouble to the hearlui ; .
Permanently Located ,
I > r , Orphan J. McCoy , late of Hellmuu Hospital ,
Now York , and Ills associate ! ) , lute ot t'lu '
University of New York City , til-oof Wash-
Itigton , u. 0 , , have located permanently In
the Haingo block , Omaha , Nub. , whuro
all curable cases are treated skillfully.
Consumption , llrlght's Disease ,
Dyspepsia , Itheumatlsm , nml M !
lieu oils disease- . All dliutsen
peculiar to sax u opeciaity.
Consultation at ofllco or by mull , II , Olfico
liours-y to 11 a. in. , - tu t p. ui. ,
7 to 8 P , in.
Sunday Hours From 9 a , a. t : 1 ; . m ,
Correspondence receives pnjrnpt attention.
No letters aiit > wcud unljsi accompanied by it
In stamp * .
Adilrexi all mall to Dr. McCoy Kuuraa 111
andUll , Kuink'obuli < lln -
a rnsM LADI IS WHO HAVC uito
trad is trvACQUAixTiD WITH Tita aioonAfitT or Tml
Ojr re ion ot 1U centra.1 position o'.oc relation to lln i
Eut of Chlc gt > , and continuum lm > t tfrmliial
points Wc , and Sojthwoit , la the tru *
mldille link In that transcontinental -jitein \ < Mch
Inrltoi ami f cllt t * truyel hl truffle b tn oa tb
AUmlic nd I'MlOo.
The Rock IsiBcl ! mala line and branches IncluJa Chi-
C&RO , Jollet , Ottawa , I.aRalle , I'torla , Urne-co , Mollno
and Rock Island , la Illinois i Darrnport , Muscntlno.
Waihlngton , FalrAeld , Uttumw * . Oskalooia , WcitLlb-
erlj , Iowa City , DOS Moln iIndlanola\vlnter8ot , Atlan-
U , KnoxYlllo , Audubon , Harldn , llutlirl * Contra anl
Cornell llluffi , la lowai Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. .MepH ,
Cameron and KaniAi City , In Hlssourl : t.eai.'ivrorth
and Atohlion , tn Kaniait Albert L a , Ulnneapoll" anl
* t. PaulInMlnnosotai Watertown and Bloux Falli.l *
Dakota , and hundreds of intermediate cltlos and town * .
. ' /The Great Rook Island Route" "
Onaranteei ir ed , comfort , eertalntr and nafotf. It !
permanent war U dlttlngnlilird tor Iti excelleneo. Hi
Irldges are of utone and Iron. Its track li of .oil * .
te > 1IUrolllntock ( perfect. Itipassengtrequipment
bai all the iaf e t j appliance ! tbat experience has p
osefal , and for luxurious accommodation * Is
pasted. Its Kxpron Trains consist of superior I
Coaches , elegant l > ullman I'alace Parlor and Bleeplnc
Cars , superb Dining Oars , prorldlng delicious meals ,
and ( between Chloaffo and Bt. Joseph , Atchlion and
Kansas Cltj ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. It man-
agsmcnt i * conssrrallTe , IU discipline exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Between Chicago anil Minneapolis and St. Pa. Is the
f arorlte. Over this line Solid Fait Express Trains run ,
dally to attraetlTg resorts for toirlsts In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the
rich wheat and graslnglandi of Interior Dakota. Via
Beneca and Kankakoe , the Itock Island offers -cperlor
Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian ,
apolls , Lafayette and Council lllults , St. Joseph , Atchl-
eon. Loaronworth , Kansas Cltjr , St. Paul , and Interme
diate points All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) recelre protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folders , copies ot Western Trail , or
Any desired Information , apply to principal ofllcos la
the United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
R. R. CABlf , I. ST. JOriR , I. A. HOtBUBOI ,
' liiiatQlUsauM. Ota , Is * , this. Ait
-BY OlIlllIKtt FOIl-
20 Cents a , Week.
Seven papers a v > eek. Send your order to tlio
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
rorcherons , Clydesdales and Shire , aho homn
bred colts livery animal guaranteed a breeder
Our stock has been selected with reference to
both IndlUdual merit and pedigree. Somnof
these horses have taken first prize at the NV
biaska State Kelr , 1H87. All our horses are ac
climated , and colts of their gut can bo shown.
Prices reasonablu and easy terms. Is nrcesslblu
by the three leading railroads of the state , II. &
li. : ! ' . . E. & M. V. . and K. . * O.
FKV&FAHHHAH , York , Neb
Or the Liquor Habit , Positively Cured by
Administering Dr. Hollies' ( Joideii
It ran bo given In a cup of colfco or tra with
out thu knowledge ot the por.son taking it ; ubso-
Intel v harmless , and will enVct a pennant anil
speed ) cute , whet her the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic w i eck. Thousand's ol
drunkards have been made ti'mporate men who
Iiavo taken OoldituSpeclllo In thulr colfee with
out their knowh-dgH and today belluve they
quit drinking of their own free will. It neu't
falls. The system once Impregnated with the
Speclllc , It bucoiups an utter imposHlblllty foi
the liquor appetite to exlat , Tor hale by Kiihti
& Co. , l th and Douglas nts. , and IKth and rum-
Ing hts , Omaha , Neb , ; A. 1) . 1'obter A ; llro. ,
Council llluirs. Iowa.
London Granules.The | creates me. II
. rtiionii imrtt :
Kllmlnntcs taut vpstlito or Syphilis , Ulcers , I'lmplus
Chronic SrQi&liutura | Illnnu.'I hey Imvo no pqunl lei
skin ( lsunsM ) Similar tiiuiliclmi utptl In London Ho *
iiltiilv with imvttryhiK BUCCPI 1'iiiit.r.v VnirrAiu K
hciit hynmlllnn plum scaled imckaye , unil no dcluy
on rnculpt of (1 | ier box or d tor l-'i HR cl'AKASn.l
BIX noxhSTOi mil ! ANiCAU1. With onlnr re
culveil for i | ; boxes HCI oiupunluil by $5. wo will fint
the mmli \ or our written uuuranteo lo rotund tin
money. 1C thu treatment cloei not virocl a cum
rmnphlrl rroe. l.osixiv AUK.scv , l.'l
Cherry til. , Kansas City , Mo.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
lloiacoopathlo Bpcclalbt ,
bpoctacJos Accurately i'rcBcrlbcd.
J.W. Barnsdall. M. D
Homiuopathlo SpoalalUt ,
Gynttwloylit and OMctrMun.
'J'olophoni 079.
W , J ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Otttt N. W Curner lull and ifoinjUs St. Omce
uuQf , 10j ; UuilUunce Uloylioae , CM ,
Wlin ! a > VEAK , NERVOtTN. IIF.I1II,1TA <
TE1 > . who In hlj FOM.Y and IG.NOH.i JV 'K
hrn TKIFI.F.U nwny hlj VIOOK of 11O1 > Y ,
MINU and M AN HOOI > , calming exhAUitlng
upon the F4 1INTAI1SN of
EAKI.Y DECAY nnd perhaps
TI M or INNANITY , ihould conittlt nt once
thu UKI.K.IIKATKI ) Ir. ) ClRrVo , Kstnlillnlied
IfUl. Dr. Clnrko ha rondo NI KVOIIN DE-
RIMTY. f'HRONKl ntiil all I > l Ni e of
the UENITO UKINAUY OrauiiB a I.lfo
H'.udy. It innkei MO dintrcnco WHAT you
bnve taken or WHO hns frilled to euro you.
C3-FEMALF.N f UfTorlng from dlsense * p cu <
liar to their tex can coinult with thr aisuranco
of ipecdy relief and cure. Bend 2 cents ) pottage
for norki on jour dltca ea.
KrScnd i ocuti po tRKO for Celcbrntcd
Worh * on Cliroiilr , JNttrvoun and I > H-
cnt Dlsoaiej. Consultation , perannal'r or by
Utter , ( Vo . Consult tlio l l Doctor.
ThonsmniU enrol , oaicn nnd pitrlam
prtvnto. * rThose contemplatltif ; MnrrldK *
end for Dr. Clnrke'si colebratort guide
MfslA nnd Fomnlr , each 15c. , both 25c.
( tamps ) , neforo confldlng your case , consult
Dr. CI.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may
save future suffering and slmmo , nnd add goldeU
yean to life.Book " I.lfp-s ) ( Secret ) Er.
ror , " Me. ( stami > s ) . Medicine and wrUlncg
Kent orerywhere , secure from exposure.
Hour ) , B to 8 ; Bunda > s , U tn 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
188 So. Clark St. . CUIOAnQ. ILL.
Health is Wealth !
Iii ) , r. . C. AVrst's Ncnvii AND UIIAI.V TIIKAT-
MCNT , a Kuaranteed spocllle for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , O.-nvnlsions , Fit" , Nervous NeuralRla ,
Headache , Ner\ou 1'roslratlon. caused by the
nsu of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefnliu'ss , Mental
Depression , Sottenlng of the Drain , losultlnp In
Insanlty.nnd loading to mlsory.decay and lU-ath ,
1'iematuruOld Ago , llarienness , Loss ot 1'owcr
In either sex , Involuntary I/ossca and Bporma-
torrhci'a cnitscd by over-eVeitlon of the brain ,
helf-abuse or ovcr-lndulKcnco. Kach box con.
tains one month's treatment. $1.0) a box , or six
boxes for JS 00 , sent by mall prepaid on rccelp *
of price.
To cure any cnso. With each 01 dor reci-h od by
ns for sK boxes , accompanied with ? . " ,00 , wo w 111
wend the purchaser our wilttcn uuarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only liy C. V , GOOD'
MAN , DiiiKKlat , Sole Agent , 1110 1'arniim Btrcot ,
Omaha , Neb ,
1742 Lawrence SL , Denver , CoL
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
lionla , Mo , University College Hospital , Lon
don , Gleicn , Germany and Now York , ha > lus
d'voted their attention
Moro especially those arlslm ? from Impru
dence , lin Ito all HO suirt'rlutf to correspond M lth
out delay. lImja- ) ot Infix tlon and contusion
cured satoly and spei'illly without nso of dan-
Kerous drugs. 1'atlents whoso cases have boon
neuk-cted , bndly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not fall to wilto us conct'inlUKthuIr
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate attca-
And w 111 bo mailed FUKK to any address on ro-
cilpt of one ! J-cent stamp , " 1'r.ictlcal Observa
tions on Ni'ivoua Debility and Physical Kvhaus-
tlon , " to nhlch Is added an "Kssay on Marriage
riage- , " \ \ 1th important chiinturx on diseases of.
thu Itcinoducthe OiKiins , the whole formlncu
MilualilH medical ticulisohlcli should be read
by all j OUHB men. Address
1712 Lawrene Si , , Eenvor , Col.
Third .ludlt'.il Dlittlrt.
Paid Up Capital , - $ iOOOOO
Surplus , - SO.OOO
H. W. Y.w in. T'resldunt.
LhW la H. IU.KD , VIci'-I'roHldcnt.
A , II. Tou/.u.i.v. Slid Vice I'rcul lent.
W. II. B , Ili'diiiif. ( 'ashler ,
W. V. MflllSV , JOIIVB Cdl tINS ,
11.V. . VATE . I.MVH S , UUKU ,
Banking onico
Cor. 1'itl. am1.1'arnani btn.
AGoii'jrnl UaitBlnt ; Jluili.jsTiansaced. :
Tte Kearney Lai Otto ct Kearney , Kcli. .
The oldest and ben eititMl.itud J : tnt9
and I.onn llusincia In ( 'ennui Nfbiakt. ; l novr
fnrrals utter Itttirj' runtiiimius own.
erihtti itud in.ine.ieinnt ; , ol : ncvomit of fulling
healtii. ( lou.l JioiiMi urupoi'y < un fie wlih 16
ANofA'.t > - ' . > oilh ot mudj and Kearavy tit ;
lots Iffintfj
Tlio Ii.ft r.oy Ijanil Ol'Jcc ,