Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    . .
: . THE . DAILY flEE.
T1TMs : { or. ' St'IIC1tI1iiON
flnIb (1ornIn ( 1dltion ; ) InciLutilig StfllIay
IIi : , ( ) flfi Yntr . . , lo c )
Vor $ lx lintt ) ( p ( JJ
JrI'Ilre Mnitth.i . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tO
. 'IIie ( JII1Lla ) IItida ) ' IUE , il1lIIed to any u1
1rt , 000 % etu 2 1)
- IJIIAIIA OviIt , Nl.tI1 ) tMIUlr 1A1NAM TUE1T.
Nii : Yuitt Ov1c1. ( ) ( II A.I ) ir. FIItN (
1tIt.Ifl ? ) . VI.'IIINUTO4 OfrY1E , NO. Z.13
All enmmt1ntcattnn4 reinting to now atll NI
bruit tnnttcr ) ioti1d be a1dresed to the LtTUII
i.i'rriits. :
All l1usl1Ieo littI4 . and relnItttHCC8 liould b
nillreI t 1) 1.1 I I : H l'tn.i4I I I . n i' N V ,
OIAII. . lrafl9 ) , cheekM ttiiil l)1)tULCC ) ortlers to
ho niitUo ltulblU ) to 11w order uf the CUhlfl ! ) ,
t Tll Bc PL1b1ishill CO1llp11y. Pruprictors
F. 1OS\\'J1K1t , Fditor.
3 TJ1I J)41IiY 1lIJ.
I Sworn Stnteiient of Clrciilnt Ion.
tftt ( Of Nelrka.
: ( 'ounty of Iotighis. )
r ' ceo. It. 'l'z'chu l : . ecr.itay of 'fin lle Pub
3lbltig Cotfllfl11 ) , lO4 sol.iinly , ear that t ho
actiinl ctrrulfttlon of the IalIy Itcu for the weak
I 4 c.u1lnu Ftl. , 17. lt $ , W RM OS fotlow
, talrlay Feb. II lfl.1& ' )
r 4tIlIIt ) , lk.1) . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
? 1.lklRy , eh. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,04
: 'juesilny F.1 ; . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15flt )
% . 1 eb. In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI
r ThiilaV , , F,1) ) , If ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: } 'rltlz.y. l : ' ) ) . 37.
Averng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( I P.O. It. 'I'ZS ( 'I I tICK.
- . % % 'tI ) fi tO flflt S1lCIllel ) ( III pr4C1W tills
IStit ( lily of Febrttary , A. I. ) . , lta. N. P. FilL ,
, Notary I'ublle.
Btate of NebraMka ,
, C0110t3 Of IlJllglltsq ,
. . ( h o. It. 'rzciiick. * lIelog first 11113' t.worfl. (1C
f ) o.f4 011(1 ( IlI5 thttt 1I ( IS lw'retary of 'l'llO flee
Jubll1ilng COlljtlly. ) tiliLt tilO ictutiI averao
( III lI CITC1IIUtIll ( It t lie Dolly lieu for tite Il1fltIt
' of Fotiriltry , l'7 , llIIS colles ) : for . .larcli , 1t'7.
14,1(5) ) COi1e5 } for Alrli. ) l&7. 14it : ; ; collies : for
, Nay. itl4t , i4,27 eciples : for .ttiiie , i$7. 14,147
eoples ; for July , 1S7 , . iitt'a ( O1)lC ) $ for Aflllst ,
fle,7. 14,1&1 COll'S ) (01. S'lltf'llt'r. ! ) lt$7 , 14:119 :
( 'O1llt' for Octoier. 17 , , : ; .for November.
1T.t1 copies ; for lccvlllber , lt7 , 15,041
collIes ; for Jtuiuary , 1S. i',2t enpies ;
( lEt ) , H. ' 1ZC1lUCK.
twnrn atiti subccrlhe.1 to In mv prseiicu this
- ! ddltyofJtntlnry , , A. 1) . 1t $ . ? . P. FLtI
Notary PttIillc.
- ICANt4AS CITY .Is flndng fault becatise
. : umler the cIty'sttssUssIhhOilt 11cr Jro1)el'ty
] IItA bceii valtieti nt the pt'ICCS asked
101' it , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: Fr is to the credit of Omaha that there
L j 1y one 1)tL1)er in the city brazen
enough to i1do with the council boodiers
and jobber $ .
CANninkrIs WhO don'twant the pres-
Identini bee a buzzing about their boo-
iicts , should write letters of declination
r that cannot be read In two vays.
IF an indictment is brought ngain8t
Jay Gould l ) ' the New York courts before -
fore ho gets home , he ought proceed at
- 011CC to the holy Land nod try washing
asray his sins in the Jordan.
IF Rev. Mr. Savidge Jitid put in a
word Iii hIS sermon on car driversabout
the neoti of conductors for Oznahas
itrcot eat's , lie would have pointed out tt
remedy for nine-tooths of the drivers'
trials and tt'llUlLttiOflS.
SAN FI1ANCISC ( ) vies with Chicago as
a boodici's' 1)zu'ndiSc. An official there
has suthienly beconie a millionaire oii IL
moderate salary , and burglars recently
broke Into the house of the chief of
police and stole fifteen hundred dollars'
y' worth of jewelry.
Tni St. Paul Pioneer Pre.qg has tils-
. covered a huge railway project. It is
I nothing less than a road connecting the
twin cities with Asia via Bohring
Strait. This is decidedly a now variety
of spring boom. The projectors must
have strained thciiiselves in getting
it up ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Titi bellwethoi' of the council is vei'y
flhUelk troubled about the estimated coi
of grading Eighteenth and Doughtt
streets auti the alloy back of the eit
hall. But lie vas not in the least wor
ned over the fifty thousand dollar grad.
ing of Eleventh street even though ii
Ct'CtLtCd an enormous overlap iii the city
treasury. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TuE decent and honorable membert
of the council do not go into spasms at
the tiamo of boodlet' . But Pat Ford
und tlio clique , who do all their coat
; niitteo work in the pot-houso , and
Inanoge to spend $10 a day in saloom
on ti salary of $ O per inontit , are vor
much incensed. Whenever anybod3
, says boodlor they froth , foam and tea' '
: aroUnd like a mad dog does at the sigh
of water.
flit. McGr\N of antI-ovorty faint
, is having a hard time of it. 1'1irst lit
qtmrrellcd with the church nod now
Ihits hatl a fallingout with Henry George
MeGlynu threatens to bring an in
j titictioti against the author of "Progres
and Poverty" if the latter uses the iiaiui
of "Anti-l'overty Society" for his sid
of the house. The reverend docto
claiiiis tlutt his pal'ty is the only orig
miii aiitiovei.ty , olie with its mimi
llowii Into the A. P. bottle. All otlior
are spurious.
Tiit ofliclal organ calls very loticil ;
for an invesUgation of tlte charge
truinpeti UI ) against Architect Myers b ;
the sub-contractor for the city hull bast
liictit.Ve second the inotioti. Letth
couticil by all means investigate. I
. there has been any fraud or conspIt'a
on the 1)ti't of the city 111111 architect i
is their duty to inquii'u into it. Br
such liii inquiry should bo COfllLICtCd ii
good faith and not with a view of lieu :
log contractors to evade their just
spotislbility by throwing dust into th
eyes of taxpayers to covet' the tracks
tlishoncstcouiteilinon vlto coniiiycd wit
Tiii general inttiiuger of the Ilendin
coal and iron company , in testifying I
the nllotiiiottts regitlatitig the amount
coal to hi ) iiiinedl , frankly adniitted tin
no coiisideiittloti was given either to tii
consumers , the miners , or the doiiinii
foi' coal. The allotments were inni
solely with reference to the company
iiitct'csts. Nebetly had ever suppost
otherwise , but o candid no admission
worthy of being ubted mid renicinbere
It iii1ty be that the PCO1)lC ) viII sonic tin
. liitvo fill opportuiiity to sliqiv tli
nonopoly the sort of reward that sttt
sellisluiess brings. IIeantltno pciha
congress iiiigiit help to Irotcct the U
considered coiisiiiiier by repealing ti
tltity on ltUfliItIOtiS coni. It would 1e
btej ) lii the right direction ,
. : : ' .
" , ,
_ i. , , , ,
- t '
( Jut of ( lie Itnec.
1lirecdltIugu1siied citizens * lto ltavo
OXICrIeflCLitltltO grattqentloti of lin.'ing
tlit.Ii' iittliie8 Included In thb list of iios
stub 1)ICSIdCthtIttl candidates , ahil iif
wlioti belmif udnitritig fvieiid have
sought tO create it bootit , iiitvo in the
iiiost explicit tct'inS reftiseti to permit
thmeiiuielvus to be colored In time nice.
Alt of theMe CltiaJ1C ) atid worthy gentle-
inch ciltei't1L111 thu utmost respect for
the 1)resIleimtlal office. In common with
all Ainemicitiis they npirccInte It as time
nmo.t exalted position , time miiot hoiioi'it-
ble dignity ott eitl'Ut. But they hmtivc no
( lesiro to occuy' It , or at least no wish
to iiittko time Colitest tuid sti'uggle Involved -
volved In the etTort to do so , 'l'hmey
h11'o 'e1y Cohn to rtnbly situated Its
they nm'u and iti'e entirely willing to ' 'let
trell onoughi IIIOIIC , ' ' 'rhicy itic timer-
oughily fatnilhir svhthm their pt'esotit duties -
ties tuid mespouslbllltlcs and do not cure
to fly to oLhiOL4 tlitit thIC.S' know hot of.
Ouue of these distinguished citizens Is
time widely-known and ucsurvedi , ' llLm- ) )
litt editor of the Phihlmidelpltiut J'ublic
Jctljcu , Mi' . George W. ( JhIids. No maim
viio has not sot'vcd time ICoI)1C ) Iii ii
lie capacity , and thei'cly established
his llPttllhlctitIOtlS for bight ohlichal 1)oi-
timi , could presetit 1)utter claims to be
honored by his couimtrynheim with a iioimm-
Inmtt'ioum fOi' the iiresldetuc.V thiutit I'di' .
Childs. lie is it pit Ilutnthmrophst who dis-
tm'iimtmtes his lmeiiefnctlons with a gout-
( j1ous lmutimtl tiuiti it jutlic'iotis wisdom. lie
is evcu'ywhioro recognized. . us the friend
of iItlOt' ttII(1 the chum-
1)1011 ) of the OlllIel4tCd. lIe is
IL lOath of th 1)001)10 , Itt full symnatlmy
with utli theIr PL'lei' ( svuttmts uttid having
an himtellhgoiit SCuibl3 ot their require-
iuients. his chiutractev i that of a
thoroughly upright maim , wimilo as a
journalIst lie occupies it cotiunatudluug
llutce lit the front rank of the profcs
stoui. In all this iIr. Cihulids is couii-
inetided as a inium worthy to be luommored
115 time candidate of a great lal'tY ) , but he
does tiot seek iuud trill uuot have the
honor. Iii huiguago as llttiIm ) Its cuili ho
w1'ittoui he 5113's that ' 'under ito circuin-
stutmices can lie or svlll he permit the use
of hIs immune as a notitituco fet the urosi-
( loncy or for uitty other political ohlhcc. "
lie utsks that it ho distinctly understood
that Ito is absolutely maid unreservedly
out of the race.
Amiothior distinguished citizen who has
not cultivated the presidential bee
and is miot disposed to do so is General
Phil Sheridan. The boom in behalf of
the gallant soldier secimied to miced only
his acquiescence to grow to formidable
proportions , but with aduiit'able wisdom
lie hi'ts ' itipiet1 It in the bud. Like the
trite soldier that lie is ho loves his iro-
london , Is sati9hied with its bettors , and
uuiderstutuds that of all ilaees that
which ho OCCliCS Is the one In which
he can best sem've his country anti colt-
servo his owum ve11-won fame. lie
avows in iangunge that leaves no doubt
of its beaning timuit ho is tiot a candi-
dutte and would nuder no circumstances
aCC01)t It mionminatloim. lie is out of the
The third distinguished citizen vhio
refuses to be included iii the list of
1)ossiblo 1)l'esidefltimtl candidates is Mr.
Chauncey M. Depew , the genial president -
dent of the New York Central railroad
and time famous utfter-dinner orator.
The dounand for Mr. Depew was imot of
vei.y wide extent. It caine from a few
reptubilcuins in Now York vlmo are per-
soimal admIrers of the polished anti versatile -
satilo Orator , and was not largely responded -
sponded to. Still , it must be conceded
that Mr. Depots' is ii popular man iii Now
York , miiid weto he umot a railroad president -
dent might be seriously thought of mis a
possible rClublicflhi cammdidatc. But ,
being a muti1roatl president , Mr. Dopow
has the wisdom to understand that time
party could commmiit no greater mistake
than to nouniumato him , and ho therefore
t'emovcs the danger fu'oiu tIme path ol
: time llLi'tY by fIrmly declaring that lie it
: . not in the race.
It is duo to these tlistlnguisimod cit'i
zoos , and to any others vhio liuivc
or imiuty hereafter express an unwill
inguiess to accept the highest bourn
tue telUblicmtfl luLrtY Cliii oiler , to takc
them at their vord. Let time list 01
iossible candidates be pruned of timosc
vhmo insist that they do not visii to hav&
IL llaco in it. It is tinmo the party begun :
to seriously concentrate its atteutiot :
wholly pen those who are wilIiiig mumi
aimxieus to serve It.
Hoodhing Methods.
3 The prime object of the board o
3 trade iii calling the taxpayers' mncetitm
at the chamber of commerce was to dis
cuss timid review tue reckless course 0 :
- time council him piling tip taxes itimd over
3 reaching time charter tinmitations ii
their public expenditures.
) This object was fiustrated by lead
1' ers of tue lawless muutjority of the cotni
- cii , vlmo monopolized nearly tue ontirt
time of the meeting with recitals o
S their personal connection with time cit
lath contract tutu rolocatloum projects
Time main question wuts adroitly dodged
y mmd no chaitco Was given for touchini
S upon the vital issue of the lioum' .
y Now thtttt the courts have beet
I- Invoked to 1)L'Oteet taxputyin
C citizens against jobbery am
: f violation of jubllc ttust 1) ;
y the council in connection with the cit ;
t lmall buildimmg , that issue for time tint
it boimmg drops out of time arena of debate
But our tutxmnycrs Inivo a right to die
Iannul of their public sbrvants busiumest
ulike methods in tIme muammageiusnt of tii
0 cIty's affair. . First and foremost , the ,
) f 1'03011t the reckless violation of cimurte
restrictions by vhIch the taxes tot' 188
have boon ommormously Increased ore
preceding years. They want to kno' '
g how it comes that time coummcfl has ovom
o drawn , audi created debts nmnuumtiug t
) f over $100,000 on this year's levy. The
it want to know how It comes that a cit
IC tax of 4 4-10 per cent and a county tim
iii of S cent will be insulilelont timis ye
he to meet time ordinary walits of Omahi
' 5 for gradiimg and other mmecded iiuip1O'i
d nmeumts. That artful dodger liaseit
is toucimcd vomy lightly on the overlap I
ii. time towcr fund , which svill take mmeat ]
to $ 'OOOO , out of time irocceds of time $ lOJ (
is 000 sotvor bommds which arc umot evout yi
h voted.
its TIme coimtraetor in this Instance tvu
It- allowed to contlumue ork witimot
E10 counpetitmoum after the fund hi
a been exhausted autul imIs first coi
tract had oxtilned. Does nu
L . , . .
lntelllgeht person tmnglno that the
city vIll get Its unoney'sworthi wimeum time
contrnetor Is willing to assume time risks
bi utti Injuimctloum .nuid the cimnumces of get-
thug' ldis Imny IL yeat or twQ after the
work Is done ?
It is mm OlmOli imoeret that
contractors for Public works
two bammded together witim cotmimelitneum
lmolitlcutllY mmii Iluuntmclally. Lendhtmg
eouitt'uictom's boast openly timuit they own
mud control certain incitihors of time
council. By combining with each
oUter these contractors tire able to ovem'-
nib the city ungitucer , the board of pub-
lie wot'ks ttimd oven the Iflhtyor's veto ,
mmd veto themselves extras to the tune
of thmousnumds of dollut's.
Is It atmy wommder tluutt the ohhumlon has
become getmeral timat Oimtalut is infested
witim ii beadle gang Iii the coutuell trimo
liuiumg together for plutmdet' , and sacrifice
tue city's interet to time greed of coum-
tt'actoi's 1111(1 corpDrations ?
Time truth l , time wimole miteim itmery of
tint city government Is rotteut to time
' ' ' .
vcu's' cuL'e.
how cmiii It ho otimertvise , srlmeii cots-
tractors nm'e allowed to mu the city
govenumtmment , go out each other's
bonds , intro contruict made mud caum-
celled : tt ilenstmre ttuid have extras voted
to each otiiem' ? 'Phie city Imutil coumtvact
tuIIoL'di4 It striking illustration . Contractor -
tractor Iliugim ? slurplmy is oum the bond of
Coim tractor Hogan mid Sub-coit tnuictom'
hJt'entmitum , svhile lit'onummium iuhmimseif is a
boumdshnan for 1cgatt. No wohmlur tiuutt
hugh ltu rphy has imeeti so active be-
hmliul time screcum to imutve I1yem's' itlaims m'c-
jeetodi aimd to have Hegmui ituid ] Jrennaum
released fu'oma thteht' couutrutcts. Time
council votes timousatitis of dollars to
bam'Imutclus , tulds to time pay-i'oil brigade
umlinost mit ovei'v sessioui , niid utt'opt'i-
uttes thottsammds for utmcmtt'umcd extm'as.
But the botrtl : of umublic works IS cvm-
itolleti to keel ) all lllitus cotutm'utcts and
docUiflelitS ill it 0liithiOIi tlcsk , within
time reach of utuuy cier.tdircl who might
1)0 intei'ested itt tittering or stealing n
coiitm'utet , because the council i'efusos to
anIm'oll'iutto two or tlmree hundred dol-
bins for the pUt'CiiItSO of ui safe. This is
it counmnotitary Oti business methods.
is it uumy wommder that Public con tidemmee
it ) the integrity of time council is sunken ,
nmmd taxlayers uu'e talklumg of orgammiziumg
for protection ?
Tluoso Awful AlUtinvits.
Pat Foi'd imuts ex1)loded a tremendous
bomb-shell. Ho huts procured two nfl-
davits to imn1)eaeli the integrity of the
city intil mtrciuitect , and cited Pat 0.
lTavos as authority for chuirgiumg that
MyCr usd1 money iii sceuriimg time usc-
ceptanco of Imis plztmms for the county
court house six years ago.
The last chuu'gc is rather eimestnutty.
But those ahildavits mmmc fi'esh utimtl to the
point. One of them is isinde by the
chief bondsnsuum of Rogan , time city hail
commtrnotom' , mmd the other by Bremimmami ,
the hub-coultractor. Both of timoso nfl-
tIuLVItS citmirgo timuit Myers proposed
to lot Bt'emumuamm have time inside , if
he would bid lower thmamm anybody else
on the sulerstm'ucture of time city iittll.
Iii other words , Myers is charged with
approaching Brett nan amid his partners
svith a proposition to give thibmn undue
advantage over their competitors iii
allowing poorer work atmd clieutpor
material titan time contract called for.
Those ahilduivits were trumped UI ) at
the public meeting as the excuse for
time council's m'ejection of the Myers
1)11th. This back-action excuse will die-
ceive nobody. Time atildavits were
made out Saturday 1.'morumimmg , ton days
utter the council had voted to reject
Myers' llmttmS and released the contract-
ors. If time fmtots alleged by the contractor -
tractor and his botmdsunemi wore kimowim
to the eouneil , amid. actuated its course ,
wimy were timey kept such a profound
secret ? \Vimy was not Myers given ii
climutco to meet his accusers who arc imi
torested in slipummg out trout under a
comitract which obligated them to abidc
by the ( lecision of time nrchmiteet its tc
their work ammd mnateninl ? siyers' corrupt
prOIOSItl IS alleged to have takomi itliCc
iii August , tisore tunis six months ago
t Architect Myers imad found fault witl :
r of time work amid material of thc
commtraetor before that time amid entered
a written protest with the board of pub
lie works last uuill.
t how caine it tinit tlmeso iTtCorrUptibl (
comitractors make charges at such
late day against a corruptible ai'cimitec
svlmo had olTered to sell himself to them
To a man up it tree , this imas ver
f much time odor of stale fish. But over
if Myem's were as bad mis the cotmtractoi
and Pat Ford arc tm'ying to mttko bin
f out , how does Pat Ford ituid time couimci
gang explnimm their owum efforts to lmamnpoi
the bot'd of public works from coin
polling time contractor to atm honest corn
- jmliutmmcc with his commtrmtct accordirmg ti
- plamms amid 51)eeIflcmLtIOumS ?
f 1oral of tiuo Ilondluig Strike.
p The great fending strike is eumded
The mmumers have surremmtlered and gomu
to svork at time old settle of svugcs. Tin
striking i'ailm'oad mmmcii are still holduumi
out but thom case npmetLrs Imopeless. It
m the mnonumtlume the coumgressioimal coin
; . mitte appolumted to inquire iimto tim
Rendummg strike imus thmi'own some light
' oil monopoly metimods. Since 1809 tim
y i'oad mis imceum i'umm in time interest o
0 stock gamblers. 1'mtlso reports wer
1)Ublisited , dividends wore imtid out steel
Iwith borrowed motley. flocicloss spec
Iimintioum itt muting ittuids pluumged tb
0 rontl hopelessly In debt. To-day timert
y Is a debtof $160OO,000lmaimgitmgos'ei'thi (
V Ienduumg systeumi ammul time road is lit daui
S gel' of going into bankruptcy for th
1' third tirno.
is , Time story points its own moral. .1
- order to keep ill ) Its record of gammmbiin
0 amid rascality time fending CO1flItO hit
y fOrcOl its i'mtIlVOfltl ommsployes ttimd itsiumem
y dovn to starvation wages. It has broke
.x faith utumd agreement with Its itsem
trVItii time desporatlomm of drowning mom
LL time Heading directors forced the striI
coal muimiors in ot'don to
3atnoumg the ci
11 down time suply of coal and profIt 1
time rise in i)1 iCo. Though virtuall
ly time strikers have lost time battle , time
, - imave womm a great victory for themsolvt
) t nuiti the coimntu'y. Time rottoumness aim
rascaiity of time Reading directors imui
is beeut exposed. Time oflicmals , rosimommslbl
mt for timis state of nffmtlu's , svill ho irOUgi )
ud to terimms mmd tmmutdo to lY the lcmmalty
ittheir criuutuuuil tecilesumcs. If tii
uy stockholders nm'o poen1cbs to i'efor
- - - - - -
the mnnlmngemncnt ofth ; road , time state
of l'eimumsylvutuiltt vJhioo laws ituii'o been
outraged by time. llc'atlhmg diyectors ,
lutist 51.01) lum to mntt mit j3ustlce.
Titi Cimicago & Nom'thiwestet'tt railroad -
road uumdor time com'porate mmammie of F're-
mmiont , Eikimom'um & lIstotmm'i'alley iuuts
lllcd nmmseiudummeumts to its articles of Iii-
corporathon at time state house with a
view to contt'uctittg feedem' for Its
systtuti timroitgh mmoi'theastcruu Nebraska.
This is it Ilatmk umiovehmmeuut ngainst the
Oummaima & Ynmm kioti nmulromul project.
Time Nom'tiuwestertt pt'0iOeS to OCCU ItmY
time tem'm'itor3' timrotmgim which time Yuttmk-
tomi hue Is immtoumded to tras'erso mmd hy
so ( loimig to strammgle at its itice1ttloui It
eomnirntitoi' timmit Is liiceiy to hecomne
fornmidmtble lum time mmcnr ftmtut'e. 0stimms1-
bly time P'OlOsetl ) mmortimem'ii bm'atmchm of time
Elkimonuu Valley flume starts frommi Oummitima
ituiti rumms thtm'otmghm Douglas eotmumt. itt
reality it trill be immerely nit extentioum of
time iliutit' lhtme tuortimward , with time
4\niimugtoum & Blair ioom to cam'm'y to
Otmiahut s'imat products cnmmmmot be di vented
to Chicago. It remmmaimis to be scott
tviietimer Omaha e81)ltitliStS nmmd btmsitmeis
mmmetm will be content to lay idle while
time tcni'itory mmmittmm'ally tributary to this
city is being tumltihed and drained iumto
other chammmiels.
1itisi I)1ST ( . ' I1VE1Nl ) tviil this
et'etmlimg leave \Vasimiumgton out a hiyiimg
tt'11m to Jimcksoumville , Flut. It is atm-
mmoummcetl timat , timere will im Ito ovatloims ,
ammd tlmmtt the president will be itck at
imis post , of duty mmext Iommduty. Icmtmi-
time time natioumumi demmmootuttic coummmmmittee
s'ill imut'e mtitimoimmtcd time tiimmo amid imlace
of imoldi mmg tue tumttimutl cotmvetmtioum , nod
lmtat1'elmtly 1mm. C'leveiammd , beitmg iib.ctmt
fi'oummVnshituuztoum , will have imutti mme itt-
Iltietmee in detci'ummiuiiumg time matter. And
to mmmake thmis itmuiL'essiomm strotmger hue imuts
tttkeb iaum Lmtmmsoumt svithm imimim. But timere
is rcutsotm to believe' timat time presidetmt
is miot nltogotiier careless about time mimmit-
ton , and umtdouhtedly time comnnsittco
st Ill fimiti out wimat imis wisimes are. IS it
miot it little uumgrneious imt him , however ,
to go nsvity frommiVttsltimmgtomi just at time
timmie st'hmoum tue nmtt'mommal conmmnittee of
his party Is to mlssemmiile timoru and will
call to time cumlital so matuty of time faith-
ftml wlmo would like to utsstire Imini of their
loyalty ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A COIIUESIONDENT desires to know
whetimer ' 'commmniorcimml ti rummimmiors have
to PitY ii. liceumso to tm'avel umtmd soil goods
in time followitmg states numd territories :
Colorado , Utah , Anizommtitryotnimmg ,
Dakotut , Califonumius , Oregon , Idaimo ,
\Vnshimigton 'l'ei'nitom'y , New Mexico. "
if till or imumy of these states and territo-
m.ies have ever exacted a tlrunmmtiet"s tax
or licemmso , it wumti ( lotte Imi violatioum of
the commstittmtiomi of' time ljtmited States ,
nmmd uumdvr a decisotm of time supu'cmmme
coui't , i'eumdered mmejrIy or qimito a year
ago , such a law sereycr cxistiumg is
voidi. Time positiomm of time court sas
timat it drumnnmer's tax was itm the nature
of it reguluttioui duuctiy affecting intet'-
state comiimereo , atid therefore reimug-
natut to timttt elutuso of time constitutioti
wimich gives to comtress time solo power
to regulate commimuerco botweems time
states. A drunnmen's tax oriicotmso cmimm-
mmot ho collected lim any state or territory
if resistance is made to it.
Emma Abbott is said to be worth 3OOOOO.
Mrs. Machay talks of buying a residence
iii theScotii highlands.
A statute of Whlilammi 11. Seward is to be
erected at Auburn , N. Y.
Chamig , tue famous Chinese giant , imas set
UI ) in Shanghai as a tea broker.
Mrs. Hoary Ward hieccimor imas given
$2,000 book's from imer husband's library to
time soldiers' home at Lcumvcnwortim ,
L Senator hour of Mnssaclmtmsctts , is decor-
uted with more college titiosthman tiny other
member of either luouse of congress.
Andrew Carnegie iuuum sold his umosvspummors
located in a dozen tlitTerommt . towns in lug-
land. It took too much of Imis time to maim-
ago theimu.
Ammdrcw D. White , ex.prcsidcnt of Corumc'il
and ex.ummhumtstcr to Gerummummy , Is gutlicrimig
immaterial for his coining book on the warfare
of science.
t Elijah AlOcum of Middleboro , Mass. , is a
himmoal dosccmmdcmmt in the shxtlm generation to
Johmut Alden , of Mayllowor faumme. Ho is
miiumety.six years of age.
Somebody remarks that time duke ofVest
mnlnstor costs imis country about 1 cvemy tints
he breathes. in other words , lmo imas an in.
come of abormt 50 a mumimmuto.
Mr. flobert Bommmmer , luivimig revlously nro
seated imis soums with time New York Ledger ,
follows it up with about a million in real
1'estate , Ilas an incentive to work. "
S Deacon White of Brooiulyum , W. L. Scott of
Pcmmmmsylvanium , mmml Joint 13 , Folton of Call.
L' fom'nla are said to be the three richest men In
the imouse of representatives. l'crry 13e1.
nmommt of New York also poses as a rich oman ,
D but his svcaitiu yet stamutis 1mm tIme umamo of imie
fatimer , August Belmont.
Carroll Tiiton , son of Theodore , Is atm ox
vrt stenouzrapimor amid typewriter , amid is cmtm
llO'Cd as mm secretary of time Erie railway
comupammy. Italitit Tultout is a go.aheail youuu
a fellow , amid is cmimplo.ycd 1mm a New York coin
3 mnercial iuouso. Mrs. 'l'ilton lives quietly with
L these two sons in Brookiyum.
Coumgressimmamm 'rillimiati , of Sotmtim Carohimmum
hitem the santo lurojudico ngahtmst ovorcoatu
whIch cimaractcrl7cS lhmumumibal llmmmmmlimm , Ort
t the coldest tiay iii ss'lIibr time Palnicto stntc
rclresemmtmmtive walkuiout W'mmsiuitmgtoit im :
0 much the samume gmmrb.1)uicm ) } lo ss'ars In stmmn
mnor. lie says timimt thtI overcoat Is a north
C era luxury ummwortimyj a immaim ss'ltlm blood ii
ft his veins. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Thieve WIllh Sonic Fun.
Ijaltrniire ( merlcam.
:3 : Jay Gould Is imomsvard boummut. No POPU
0 mr outburst sviil greet his roturum , but a fat
Indictments arc waitIpi for hmtmn , so his urn
C ml will not bo altogcr tanuc ,
1o Lawyer WM Discouraged.
A'eiv Yir Star.
g A southwest Ilssouri attorumoy is reporteu
L5 . lmavo iumumtio the following remarks Itm cbs
.s log a case : "Owing to time Ierury of wit
it nesses , thto Igmiormuice of time jury ummd time prejudice
judico of the Judge , I QxlCct to lose thi
1 , case. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
e South Carolina numut Iakota ,
it ChicaiJn The , , ,
ty A contemporary calls attotition to time fac
y that the vote of South Carolina and Dakot :
y Is about time aamo-DOOCO-nnd , yet Souti
38 Carolina imas umhno votes Itt the next elcctor
di college , while Dokota has muono. It is not lii
' temmded that Dakota shalt liars a vote at tim
CXt ireshdeumtlmmi clectioum , nor that foilosvlo
mO u simo camm ho kept out of thus utmioim cii aim
mt lretoxt 'lito lrCscut , omnibus bill is tim
) f mnercst uggilng Pretense amid a fraud
LO 4gaitmSt such trntmslarent and Ilagratut wrotu ,
ims time people Lmrotcst. " 'l'uxattoim without ru
Presentathomm" Is as great an outrage as it
cvcr vas , amid is the qultitcssoimco of tyrammny. '
Aflof Southm Carolhtma's umimme votes vill ho
tmscd to i'revctmt Dakota votimmg at aU. .
II gimt ns % VchI Pnss.
St. 1'iuL , ! 'leiIecr , Z' , c.
Ilotmania senators witim silver timunes to smut-
loath tmpomm Lomidomm vaiitutlists amid thmemmisolves
emumbarrussed by tiio law of time last commgrcss
proiuibitiuug album owncrsiui , of Aummcrlcatm
larmd. Mr. Stewart is tryitmg to get a bill
through time setmato abrogatitmg time prohmibitioum
as to itmiumeral bands. Time bill omigiut its well
i'ass. Aiicfl cwiuerlmip Qf Aiticriemiti omittes Is
geumeraiiy immorc damugerous to t'tI tlleu thati
to Aimmericmm.
Fri etmul sii I i , .
T. } . .St.nut.
\'luo is to mmmc mi ttiormml lookhumj-glns3 ,
Jim wimicim reflects tums' , smmmumlict liiot
\'hto icitutilv svut'mms om' geumtly chubs ,
\Vlueum I ftmlIllI imly itmty mmot
lie is immy friemmd , I decuum ,
however much ummy fee imo scent.
ihmt hue sviio hatters , ever praises me ,
'imo ever loves , amid mme'er ctmhigiitemus ;
Fom' every fault um pretext hlmmds ,
Amid tume forgives before repeuitatmco ;
I Iii is uuuy foe , 1 dcciii.
lloss'cver much mumy frictud lie scent.
Nebm'uiska JtthumgM.
Time Niobrmtra rivet' huts ieeum stocked
with 45,000 trout , by time state fish coma-
mission ,
't'ime 1)11)05 ) for time watem' mtmumhmms Imi
lavid ( 't' imavo utm'nivcd aumd will be
lhtmtttC(1 lum emrly : spritug.
Nimuetcoum timoimsatuul touts of ice immtso
beetu cm'lbicd to keeu Oummaluaums cool amid
uimiti coummfou'tmtble next stmmnmmmer.
Time F1tmiicrtoui ioartl of trade imas pm'o-
pumremi It stmttisticuul Wi'ite-tml ) of time town
tmmd Nammce cotmtmty for eim'culmttioum 1mm time
Time belle of Nnm'folk is gitat'ded by a
oume-legged father umumil a four-legged
iltllig witim tectim hike a bumusuge-
' : b'ime Strattoum lienitid has a supou'i ) libel
stilt on tiut , liutmmti. 'i'lue coummitlutittutmit is
ci. - \ . I lit iley , a lm'Omtmiumeuut resitleum t , svimo
was umcctmseut of limrgem'y toni mmmtmrtler.
Frmmmmk l3mmtudio , of Ommmuthin , is hatch ing
IL timm'ee-bmgger : itt 1'rcummouut. lie oii'em's
to imlneo it guem'illa club i ii time held for
iIc3,000 , anti ijemmi' aloft time bammumor of Ftc-
iitouit iii the oust.
icmnocrzttic heuldem's mid iostmnusstem's )
timrotmghmoumt the state are arrumtuging to
cotime to Omminima to commfer with time state
ceimtt'mtl communittee elm 1lutt'cii 9 , timid scud
itt ) hi cuu'iy slmotmt for time itueky semi of
IJu hub.
Says time Ynmmktomi l'm'ess : "Siormx
City cmiii S\VCIIt uttud Sioux City cutm
tumt.citteui , but Vammktotm gets time Muitmi-
tobus and time Ouimmthma just time sante. Iii-
fonimiuttioum svhichm kuiocks dommbts itito a
cocked butt mtumcb whmicim will stamt Yauuk-
toui's beotmi is gm'tmdually columing in. "
Time proffer of a ltiOOOO ( btmildimig to
time Litmcolum board of truttie by time New
Yom'k Life Imusum'aumce coumjmammy has
brotmgiit mmesv lUeimmmmoumds iii time 1101(1
mvitim fresh mmd 1)l'uiituthlo ) tetmders , to se-
cut.e busitmess , Time cotmseqtmences Can-
imot 1)0 forcseemm , but it new braumd of
stcumi-wimmdutmg immsuraumco ngoumts svill
soomm nbicat' .
l"atlmer Mat'titm's timniiliumg mmovelette , ,
' 'Time Cotuqitest , Love or Mommey , ' ' has
; 'chcd : ut L'imltitcrof reuml life. I'.Iutrtitm's
forcunmtmi , A , G. hatch , succeeded iii
uumakitmg imitmiself itgt'ceitbbe to time old
misaim's dumugimtcr , I'iliss Ella. Out ieam'um lug
tilO feeliutgs of time lovers , I'dutrtiim
iOuflCCtl lluttcii , but ilis Ella lrotestod ,
amid 1induti lien oppositiomm to time old
geuutlenmutum course of tie avail site tie-
unmmtuled timat lie ttt once deed to bier time
portion of property to whicim site svmus
etititbed. To this tlemnnumd imer fatimor
acceded , trammsfcrnimmg to imer fifty-one
lots 1mm Sotmtii Sioux City. hatch , imer
dischmutm'gcd lover , also timneatetis to iii-
stittmte proccedimugs agaimist his. late ens-
iloYet' to COmmmiel butmm to ( miLlion retnimi
imim itt imis 1)ositioim or couutiimuo to lLLY
imlumm wimile idle.
Iowa Iteimis.
Time iiext amuumual state Summtlay school
utssociuttioim coimvctmtiomm will be held iii
Iubuquo .1 umme 1 , 13 mmd 14.
Time smtlnmmcs of time m'eguinr faculty of
the state university for time current college -
logo year umnoummtcd to $9O76.
Time state boutrd of imealtim imttvo boetm
imotilied that Iowa m'ivcr is too well
stocketi with dead tilsim to be wholesome.
rrime coal imumhutce sciiommmo at Oskaboost :
hats utsstmnmed tammgiblo shiutime zmtmd a stock
coumspatmv svihl be orgaumized with a capi-
tab of .5OO. ( )
A comuple of mnart young incus umenr
C'ot'm'cctioumvillo tied time immitids of IL scimool
.temcimcr : anti mhmumgeml imimmi into ii Show
t lm'ift. TiLe fun cost time yoummg incus $5 ( )
and costs eacim.
Time butcimers of Davetmport itavo
sigtmct l aim agroenmetmt umot to buy ctmm'ed
mmmcutl of m'inou r & Co. , gi rio g as a m'eut-
soum timerofot'e timutt timoy tiiitmk it dotni-
mmmeumtnl to their imommie prollmetiomi.
- They have a unutcimiume immade in Dubuque -
que thmutt Siflmly k'moeks tIme bottommm otmt
of proimibitioum. it is fixed so that by
droppiumg 10 cemits immto a slot and ttmt'n-
11mg a bevom' 10 commts worthi of wimisky
svihl how iumto a glass , while the ditne
disutppeutrs immto it m'eceptitclc nttmmeimod to
the eiul of time faucet.
Time town of Lyomms is sushi to possess a
couple-nsntm itmmd wife-who , while timey
cut umtmd sloop iii time 5iLlflO bemuse , elicit
does imis or lieu' owms cookitmgand mmeithmer
receives ssistatmco fm'oin time otimer.
'J'hmoit' rehlgiotms belief will tmot permit of
a ( iivorce , amid , its time house Is owned
jointly. both reside in it.
' Ha1)id City hams it cracker factory In
: citizotm of 111t1)'ud City killed n. full-
growim i3'uiX receimtly umear that plutce.
Aim oil tvell has been discovered miens'
Doudsvoocl , but the owuuem's iuutve mlitggod
it up ntml : tt tt trying to hoop time fluid a
1.x-Goverumot' Ou'dway owums fom'Ly ncr-
adjoinluig Pierm'e. Time govenimor ltit
cimnscd it for $1 ,2OO live years ago. A
sytmdicato has pamtially nt'm'angcd. to pure
cimase it , ) ayimmg $40,000.
m Iii 1878 there were but seventy-lIve
i time ' wi tit
Stmtmtlay-scimools ii tornitom'y ,
2)0 ) mmmeumslmers. Now there arc I , ( ) Ot
witim IL mneinbershi iim of 40,00 ( ) . ltmnimi
that time laicotut's ioItmlutt'mmim immeronsed
: ooo pcm' ceumt , While time Summday-seimoois
itmereumsed 1,200 pe ccitt.
'rho fuiriners itt Detmel county nm'o tmost
routpimig a good reward fom' a little
timougimtfulncss they exorcised inst fall
and sunmuner In putting iii ) large qunmmts.
. ties of prairie liar. lluimdretls of toums
1 are being shipped lm'oimi there daily that
briumg time fam'inei's $ ll.2.5 imem' ton oim tlm
' [ 'lie Illitunis Cemmtral which svas coun.
S pleted to Sioux l"alls last lecembor
trill at once extend their line in a rmortii
westct'ly dircotioum. bitt time oxutet m'ouut
Is tummkimowuVatertowtm , I1ltcimeli
JIut'omi audi othom' ontorprlsiimg towtn
t watmt tue m'ouid , ittmd svlll undoubtedly bid
Li for It in due tinme.
Fm Three little eimiitim'en of Javld itu
lol1h , living mmearioomimend , iuud a tmltr
row escape froun ieitmg devoured b
C ivolves while going iuotuio fu'oimi scimoo
r , W'eduiesthiy night.Vimon a short diis
y tatuco froumu time scimoolimotuso live svoive
0 intide for them. The cimiidreti tuirimod
aum(1 rita tot' the schmooliuotme , with tim
i : svolves pursultug , barely i'czmchmiuig slid
I. ton.
Wha A1bot .flnn to Siiy About tho.
B1bbImso Offor.
Oninima SPOm'tltlg Mcmi Confident That
They IIn'e ( lie ( atem' ( t4tvalgiut
-Aim 4tmutgu'atut Ott 1ts
Hali-I4cml Sbitn'ts.
'iat th"nt Walk.
It seimms that the 1Juu's : expose of time iroi , .
abio uumatmumer him sviiicii .Jiuiituuy Albert svam cit.
nblcd to score 021 mimiles Its time recent six.tiumy
i'edcstmiaum mmmateim mit Itutihlsotm sqmmuim'o gmmrmleum ,
Ness' York , hunq created nut mitmrcccdemmted ,
imttblttmb iii sportitug cmrclcs , TIme New Yom'k
Itoruild of Sutidmmy coimtmmiuis time foilowhmug
'l'tt'o tumeuu I it'iiug itt Onmalmim , bemt tmctiy timid
Iilbuutms by muumiume , loire thmemr doubts imbouut
3 imti utty \ . Ibert hi avitug tmmnde ( 1 mum m Ics I a t iu
last sIx tiumys' St'alIc umt lumtllsoim Square Oar-
tien , mmml sumy timumt they svtll bet 'iO ) to 2,00t )
I lint , lie d hi tmot aumil cimtu mmot tvuill ti.o uumi Les.
Timt'y ttl'im ) assert tiuumt .1 iutmuuuy imums us twium
brother ss'luo took iut Plutce oum the truck while
.1 iuummumy tim ii is hut uemit I lug. ' "l'hi.'y smm
ti out , (10 t 1mev 1' ' said 4ibem't at thin 4m4iiiumnmt
imouso last tmlgimt to ti i tcr.mhl mepom'ter.
' 'i iumvo receiveil two toli'grummtis itmyselt
froum these I'mmrtics ' Itt wliit'lm tiue , ' utTem' to Put
mm i' the tuIiIut',5' ( iii the immitu ii it o f 1' . J . F'imhloui ,
s'iio tccels , a lititcl mit Otmumlium.
"I I tlmet still chuummtge ( lie word 'ts'umik' itm
their tek'grattm to uume , mmml ummako it 'i'um ii utmid
svumbk , I svIll cover their ilmouuey , umuid as tiutmeim
utiore as tiiet' tvuuit to limit till. As to my lumv-
lug ii twium bu'otimer , that Is oil bosh , 1 mtmumdtm
( i I iii iles mmumd cumi tb it mmguti uu. ' '
\1r. \ . lihluam Q'Iim'icum , of tue Sortiitg
'riutit's , svlio svums the muuiunmmger of tint laht six
timmys' go.ums.yomu. douse ' simid : ' 1 umuim ivel 1
umcluusiiutcl with I' . .1. 'F'alloui of Oimuumiuuu , umiud
ii e is im siltuumre utmuium , imuutb j must its sooii mms lie
ii ot illes uiie tiumt I 3 ibbi ums aim d Iccim rued s' im are
iuostcd thmcir mmmotiey svitlm hint I imium mcumiy to
back Albert. "
Ilotlu O'Brien tmuid .lltumtuuy Iccuiuicd.s' , omme of
timt jmutiges , I iii uk t iue Ouumitiiut muon arc cruuim ks.
'I'iio Nosy \ork StmumdumyVorhb couitmtiius tlitm
followitmg : " 1 wlil tmmbelr. . llibbitms' wmmger
imimd ' - , ' at ' ' said Aihctt
lost' iim.5tnOule , once ,
ss'iieu sceiu ut time 4tSiiiUiiIi house lust uuiguut ,
' 'Of course , I diii muot svumlic all tue tiistimticc
covered , iou the niuco wits us go-its..ou.plcase ,
mmtud I vmmhlced uumd numut 1 imavim tie tsvi um
brother , uior intro I a tiomublc. 1 have never
lCCum ium Onmmmiin iii tumy life , tuor do I ktuosv
ilIh)1)itts , Time tim'st 1 evcm' iieumrii of liitum was
011 Itlouttiumy , ss'hi'im I recciveil this tel&'gramn , ' '
eximmiltiuug time sill ) which ss'us sigumed ' 'Keum.
muedv & itibbi ims' ' auid read
"We srill have to have the tnotmey speumt
three years umgo , ums you iuromuuiscd. Utiless
55'O imcmr : frouim you we siutmhl wire time herald
to.mnoni.ov. ' °
On Tuesday aumotiicr telegram was scumt to
Albert lum care of the Dockstutder.
" 1)i'l you get messmuge lit the Asimiummtd
house mmimd mite .vou going to settle witim usi
Zlust have amid quick.
' 'I tiiotmgimt the fcbiows were somime cratmks , "
said Albert.
\Vtii. O'Brien , of tue Sporting Tiummes , svhmo
was prcseumt , agreed to cover ilibbiums' bet.
.Aimxious to get at the bottom fmmcts of tiuls ,
to say the least , niysterious fcamt of Albeit's ,
mmd iiaviuug tue weal of the suortitug
fraternity iii coumsitberntloti , a Hue reporter
sallied forth agaiim yosterdumy to see all the
, arties suliuoscd to kmiow sotuiothitmg about
tiio umfair. 'l'lio tlist goimtlcummuum cmmcouuutered
"its H. B. Keumimedy ,
' 'Voim still timlimlu tiumt there was fraud coim-
hooted svitlm Albert's womiderfimi worki' ' '
asked the reporter.
"No sir , 1 doit't timiumk axtytlmlumg about it. I
krscv tlmero trims fraud theme. Albert , muor
imumy otlmer miman , calm rover 621 immllas lii SIX
dumvs , umuul rest as immucim as lie did , iind coomo
otmt its fresim irm the cmi. ¶ I'lme bet of Mr.
l3ibbitms mmd mtiysclf off&mrcui still goes. Ve
are i'ositivo Albert is the mmman we tiuiuik luc
is becumiuse ime is stumumdiimg in wltlm time sonic
clique who were iii witim us three years ago.
\Ve umuimy be inistmmketi , taut arc willltmg to Put
our motiey timuit we mire muot. "
Lcmmvitmg Kentiedy the reporter dromped in
impomu i'mtsey F'aiiotm , anti iii respoimse to time
qimet'y its to wimetlier lie kimew iuumytimltmg re-
gni'thiuug time mxmattcr In question lie iuaumdcd time
SCI'iiC tue following better front J. M. Mc.
Dommouighi , foruumerly of the Herald , thIs city ,
wiuicim tue lomul Just received :
Nsw YimK , , Feb. Ith-i"ricuul Patsey
\Vimmmt kiimd of a bluff is that Kemmnedy and
Bibbimms are mumakiuig about Albert's recordi I
wits one of time judges aimd was there two-
thirds of time titume and such a thulutg its they
assert is more than laugimumble. I wishm yomm
could get a bet out of tlmenm imtid let mime have
imalf of it : Write me. Yotmm' mniemmd , Mtc.
Mr. , Tuck C. Morrison , of the Dimimmond : , svims
next called upoum. lIe said : I ama willing to
tnko $ i,000 or 2,000 uumyself timat Albert
miover scored lil mitiles , There is un cam'tlmly
itiestioui but that timero was crookcdmmcss iii
his perforummumec. Amid thou , moreover , ivo
mire almost imbsolutoly certumlum iue Is time itleimtl-
cal lirty ts'lio was hum traiumiuug imero three years
ego at time Art hall iii the fair groutmds.
We imre thoroughly satisfied , I say ,
timimt ho is the sumummo mmmmm , amid the fumkc lie so
successfully cmmrricd out Iim Now York last
svoek , was iii coimtcmmmpiimtioum here then. All
the samuic Parties iti wRit Albert umow ss'orc
( himietlY immtcrcstctl timeum. This record of U11
mmmiles is iiti mutter itimpossibility.
Mr. llibliuis , coulil tiot be fouim1 , but the at-
tonics about his lilaco asserted that ho wms :
fully convlumeed tlumt Albert ss'mms his imimmim , mmiid
that his uiroffered svagor was still opeum to
' 'llcrt'i4" IlluifF Called ,
Time sporting iiieum of Onumima , umluuuost to a
nmmti : , believe timimt tIme expose of time Ness'
York pedestm'iamm coimtest as tnado in the l3ii
to ho true. At least tlmey arc willing to bet
timeir mimoumey tiimmt svay. If 1r. 'Allmort" and
his backers waimt to comae to Ounumimmi , mmd It
"Albert catm tIe hIs Now York "record" tim
Gotimmmnmites cumn carry liommme a barrel of
1dm' . Hemmry L. Owens , the woll.knowmm pro.
lriotor , of the Omaha stables , scuds time 13ic :
tue following counnmunlcatlon , wimieim will milso
appear in this nmortmiuug's Now York hler.mlti :
Ou.ttuA , Neb. , Feb. 241.-To time Sportitmg
Editor of time lIEu : : I occasioumutlly take a
iimmnd in sportiiig afTuuirs , mnmtt I sybil wager
I,00O that the ummaum "Albert" sviuo inuido tim
alleged record of 0l amibes In tiue recotmt
icdestrimmtm tournumiumctmt in Nest' York cmty
cummmumot reheat time lerfOm'UiammCU ) in this city at
auty tliiitu witimiti the next sixty days. Mu' , I' .
J. Fallen is authorized to arraimge umtuy anti
all details , should it ito lmcCeltuti. , I iiuit'c
thIs day ( lelosltc(1 with Mr. F'amllomm $250 as a
guarantee of good faith.
Ihisiuv r4. Otvr.xs ,
Oiumumiia stables , city.
Coumley anut Clew to Figimt ,
Imixrui , Muumn , , Fob , 20.FSpeciuml Tee
gram to tue Bii.J-Joiin : P. Ciow , ss'ith huh
utimmuusger , F'rumumk Hayes mmumd one frlcumd , wctmt
to SumporlorVis , , for time imrpoo of
uumeetlngIilco Comuley , tim ltiuusca Gimmnt and
mmrrmnge mmrtlcles of mmgrectieuut for time uro
ected fight to a Ilumislu , for $ ,0O0 a side , iii
mrlvate , with kmum gloves. Coumicy was ot
iimumd svitia Imis ummmumugor , , J. D , ihitys and Ilv
friends. Couuslderaimio iuagghimmg ever the mmr
raimgemuieflt and wording of time articles svmn
induuigcd ium iut a tirumit ss'uis Iiimumliy uiiimd
WhIch Conley said ho sva.s satisfied
wuttm , Claw offerhimg to nnmia
any changes to suit him. 'rho articles cumbl
for a coumtcst to a llnisiu with kid or slot :
gloves , mit ui imlaco iiuutuahiy umgreel upotu
witlulum sIx svceks from the unto of islgumiuig
'l'iio Is 2,00t ) a side , uiimui all nmoumcy tc
lo imu t imo 11 imutl stakciiold or's iu aim ml s toim d utvi
before the higiut , 101(1 to ho pmltl to tim roferet
ti soon as tim mcii enter the rlimg , uiuiil iy luitu
to ho ialti to the wImmumer , 'Viue articles are tc
be kept. 01)00 ) uimtll tVednosdum , ' , when tiuc
w'ill ho clOsCtl imuuul Ilunil details uirrmumge :
' ( ilow has ufforded Coimioy cvem'y chitmtmco lit
desired , and svill tIbet bun. Coumloy is forty
live pouumds ime.mvIur tbimmm Clots' .
8PrIIt Nutes ,
Eu. FusHoihacim list slgtmcd wItim tue Kansai
City Amnenic.ttm club.
'Flue first gatuic imt Ies Moiumes will be or
4\lt'l ) 21 , witim the Dotroits.
Ciuicmmgo will opcum ( lie ci.auniilotisimlp sensor
, ' svithm time local ( caIn April 211.
'rue st. l1imuis still be lucre dmmrcim 10 for
tusotmtlm's lPtcliiumiimarY limactico ott time been
4 grounds ,
\Vork on thus ' 'ladles' ' atmimox' ' itt tim graun
staim(1 ( svlii ho lmgun uuomt 1ontiumy , weatluci
- ieriiuittiimg. ,
Jack Mcssltt wIlt be Put liu to catch regu
: ' 1 ' 4 , . ' . : ' . . ' , .
iutrly tlmo coimmlng cmmsoim. Time deal with
Oastfleid Is of ! , ' , . '
Mcssrs Ed , ustmil Arthti'r lZothmery anti A. It.
.Forbes l'rescmmted ' Pat. iIilcim , ( beringiuls stay'
lucre , with umum leguimmt Foldiuemmlletl ( 'itume.
'I'imommmimmds of imiut tails imave arrls'L'iI at tiio
itmterior lakes amid slotughus and ilturkersaro
t'outmtiuig mgreuit sl'ort kiimu time umext ( Cu.
ltmmcs ti1ce1vey , ( hue ohii.tittm bimht.t sser
host' nit t'luui'ii''e of tiuo Unioim t'uwlflt' rnllriiiuil
t'oifliatiy , , sm'iis nsvuirilcl tln st''rt' t'ird : pm'Ivl.
i'gt' * tmt tlu hail Park for the comiuluug season
for a commsitleratloui Oft00.
Tiuhit Settles It.
' 'm.o is auiytiulumg him base limihI nimagi'aiums
tiuis settles tue cotumitig nutct , tmtmd the associa
tioim tumlgiut its svcil forsvumrtl time iiuui
W -IlsN.
.Messit.1' .
Cmmtum.1 .tmma.
( tum.l'-y.
} 'l.s'um-N.
Love.'l'.t ,
Saie of 'ru'ot I lug Stock.
rtxmsTo ; , Ky. , 1'ei , , 2&1.-'tVtinlsvarti ti
ihmrblsoum's sale of trttimmg sti'k , bi'gimum to.
( imt. Stuperior stock tVuts ofTcrei aunt likt
PrIces remutizeti. Sevcumty-eiglut imeml
uhisi'osed of to.diiy far $1oIim. : imigim
luiecii ustmhmmmols iveme lrutglit tam' .1. \ . Strilur ,
.lvrseyvilie ; A. 1. 1iutm'lcet' , Aletlo lii. ; A. Ii.
I buns , \'aumkegatu , I 11. , uut uml C , il . ium um limli ,
Mt , Stcrllimg , Ill.
illeNtulta 'ill flit' .
'l'hie biublet that too immi a rest I img i ilimco iii t ii o
body of Jolimmumy teNtultum , is ovitlemutly iov- ,
Imug too mtmtmcim for imls systoiim , umuud frouum lires.
cimt mmlipemiratiecs lie hums not bug to ils'o.
Symmilito Ills U f miitcu'itnl luoiuiori uutge loire Ills-
I seai'ed , foilosvt'ii Iuy blood i'o l.quu lug , titid vs's
terdmmy It svums tk'emtmetl uudvlsusimio to itrimug hum
Ir. ( lilbrumitim for couusstltmtiotu. : Attorumt' , '
ldgertout , ( , f Smut ii Ot iuaht us , svms umlso ( Sit
iusumd to t ithe t lie umtmt fl.itlm't ( , t mit eutuetut of
t lie tlyits g mimmni , lou t out time tuil t'irt , o C t lie mit.
teiusi lug l)1u3siclltimS ) , the omilcuml of tell lit g Ii liii
his fate svnms isostliO1utl. I be butts heetu deierl-
otus4 seveu'al t ituics , imuui ii mu ritg I i is lucId I a t er-
s'imls 1ov. F'utthisir .leimiiettc lots been hum comm
stitmmt umttctutiumtmec.
JOkIuig a ltvpovcr.
Time story set afloat lit time corridor of tiso
rslhlltmm'tl Inst umlglst to the effect thimmt Miss
Ilmuuilo F'reoimumui , one of time iummoimmos of time
into blizzard , svms : a guest of time Imousu lmtd :
its origin with ommo of time guests ssimo waumteml
to ciijoy time sight of se&'lrmg it reporter rustlti
anti nluso 000 of tue clerics. ' There was 1(5(5 (
of fumm on till ) fom' mm little tvhhlt , nuid the zeal.
ens reiomtcr hmmslsted ous iimivhumg his card seumt
tip to time yoummg lady iviam sat at time tiitmiuer
tumble svltlm one of her imatids dommu up iim mm
slhuig. _ _ _ _ _
One Less Crazy Muiii him Ouminha.
Nelsoim llrou'ii , atm isisutme misaim ts'luo has
becim contlumcu Itu time commnty jail fat' several
weeks , was yesterday aetut to hIs hmoummc iii
W'yandottc. Muumum. Itellgioum is tim lrinclpal )
distturbet 01 'ils uiicuutal bmlmuce : , imimi lie has
Lull iiei. tI.'j 1 ' ' mmiksioim out cimrtiu is to save
'J I , ' . 'er. 1j5 . . 't body lie cotumes iii commtumct
s'mb .o .t sr5i : .ini mealtuu , Browum milaeuL
wuti r ° ' t''liS5i itt Oummalmum , mm fact tiunt
m' ] ° i' .l i souuicsvliumt , mimi ivlullo itt it
1' " ' rti'.son : over isis mioum.succcss , he was
run Ims by the Iolle.3.
Tue I'Int-Iottsciuer ( Verein.
This orgutmmizittloumnt its lust iiieethumg voted
: mui to ( \'oebiseche hierohite feud , ' [ 'lie
numoutut sirill be iuttmuicd to the hlii : : tim a fcsv
days and svill tbucim beduly credited.
I'crsoimal l'arngrapiis ,
D. 11. Ettism , of Kaumsas City , Is at. the Mil.
hard.II. . ! r. .honcs , of Seward , Neb. , Is attlieMil.
Ed 0. Euritmg , of Climmtouu , 1mm.5 is at. time Mit-
limed.J. B. Ilolummes , Des Moiumcs , Id. , is at tiu
.T. It. Foetner , of Llocoium , Ncb. , Is mit time
, T. C. Hughes , of Columbus , Neb. , is at tim
S. H. Ehs'ood , of O'Neill , Nob. , is at the
Willimmma Gordoim , of Sioux City , Ta. , is at
thmo l'uixtoum.
Joimus L. Wmigimt , of Des Moines. Itt. , is at
thin Millard.
.Tatnt's II. lloltmmcs , of Liumcolui , Neb. , is at.
time Millard.
IC. C. Morehmouse , of Missouri Valley , Is. ,
lit aL tIme Pzmxtoim.
Mrs. Mattium and daughter , of Kansas City ,
arc attisc Millard.
C.V. . Dickersoim and tvlfoofLiutte , Mommt , ,
are at tiue i'mmxtoim.
A. It. Grmlummum mmd svitc , ofVlsrmcr , Neb. ,
are at tue Miblumrd.
Mark i'd. Coad and ss'ife , of Frcuimotut , Ncb. ,
are at ( lie l'nxtoiu.
J.v. . Pmddoclc : and wIfe , of Paddock's
Grove , Nob. , tire at time l'axtnim.
MiSs. E. L. lleIlsurim anti Miss 0. J. hlcors ,
of New York , mmre at tim l'uxtotm.
\v. W. Wimeoler of 1 > uurmatmua , Is In town
puui'iummsiutg a stocic of ltispbctumemtts for his
smriumg trash ? .
T. S. ltmuersoil amid info audI the Misses.
Allie umimd helen Ingersoll , of Cimeroicce , ha. ,
are at the Milhsmmti.
Messrs. l. A. Ibrowum , Charles Tj. Schafer
atal John \V. Stcitiillmrt , of Nebraska City ,
Nob. , are at time Paxtoiu.
: ' , j , Mulvotmon , sheriff of Ymivapal cowm-
ty , Arizona , with imeambluarters at Prescott ,
Is 1mm time city , time guest of W. 11 , Uobbltms.
1dm' . 1dulveimoum Imas litid several sotistitiotitml
expericimecs as aim officer mum tiio lawless see-
tiotm frotum tvhmlclm lie hulls , aumd a ftsiv iiiotutii
ago was rclOrtcd miii himvitig becim killed ium uim
eumgagctuieiut witim fractiomuus cmittlo raisers.
Tue Cure of l'overy.
New Yik lrohI.
Senator Lehiitud Stimimford has heart so
successful lii effecting a icnlimitmmotmt ctit'o
of hits owum lovurtY thmat his views as to
prevemmtimmg this distressluig comimphttluut.
itt others are at least mtuterestiumg.
Sonic of time scimuitor's Ideas , as ox-
urcsI ) iol ( tO aim iumterVhotVlit' , hum time
mner'tt of tmovclty. "It Is tuot immtilioiuumlu'es
tlmat cause 1)ovei'ty ) , " RIuytt time immodertm
? tiiittS. "Nobody is Worse off bocutiuse
\amuderbiIts ltm'e svoi'thm * 2)0t)00,0)0. ( ) ) ( )
If thmu , ' iutttl imot time wcaltim it ivould iuot
exist itt till. it 5 oumly in those commmnmu-
: im ities svimero immillioumitlres uti'e possible
tiuaiu the average citizeum Imuts ctmougii to
cut.A simple stitn 1mm anitlutuietie will sluow
time soiutttoi' tiuat it tiimghtt fortiitue of
$21XO)0t ) ) ( ) ) would give 20,000 biersolis
* iO,0J ( cimehu , itimd that ( hivisioum svould
cortutiumly do iimoi'o to itbolisim povem'ty
thmaii time iuuumdliumg of thmis cimonummous suun
1Y cute fummimiby , imowovem' wisely Ittid
hleimovoieuutlY , t'ail ttccoimmlmhii4im. 'J'iie
Idea tiurmt this wealth would be blotted
( mUt if the hums of its tmcctmimmtuiatou's thU
h iiot iuave it , ( hisbmiuiS'M it SI imguminm' itieui of
s'utluoit. lu r. Stanford created bmmt nut itm-
m flim iteslintil ittm't. Of imis cmvii eitoi'httOtlS
) , fortutme , numul so timucim of it ItS lit real svill
: rermiutlmm bug titter Ito hits t.ouiti , him
) m'cgtmrd to his ltmst stuitcuumotut it. lit imum'thty
- tot ) mmmuehm to i4lmV tbmtd. hefom'o , itmiilioiimtim'e
becaiimu imsibIo lim timis cotmhttry ovom'y-
body imual euuough to oat.
Tim timu'ee cumusefbovem'ty ) ) meumtioncd
S bs' ? thi' . Htimuu fomI arc iuuuthmm'ift , or ignor-
titmeo tif 110W to save itmorm 03' , the d ml ii Ic I ii g
m hmttblt numd a itmclc of itmatmunl tu'aiiihiig.
'i'hme last buick clitm 1)0 mmueasurttbiy sup-
m ill led , but tot time othiet' tSV ( ) ctu3es : chit-
iiot be m'emVcd , , mmd there are mint Pa-
cilia railroads eumoughu to uiim'lchm every-
iotl3' , it beoimms ihi(3'ititilt ) thmuit. lo5'oVty
will imlwaysi oxlit. StIll it. would be mod-
ihheil c'oitsidouitbly If every omonoy-getter
ss'ouid sti1) wiucum ito imad cimoughi lot' nU
reasonable svmumts ,
: , , : ' . . ' ,
. , -i---- " -
- - - - - - - - - - -