Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Both Wheat and Corn Experience n
Temporary Activity.
Hut Owlnic > Free Helling Ily Hiilcli
IIMOII and Oilier ClrounislanucH
tluj AdvnnccN Arc Noon I/out
Oincrnl Quotation * .
Didn't Z.nng.
CniCAoo , Fi-b. SO. [ Special Telegram t <
the HBP. . ] Cold weather , promising damagi
to whiter wheat was the bull argument It
the wheat market this morning , and then
were other circumstances such as a con
ftidcruhlo decrease In thu visible supply , fal
iixxjrtii | nnd steady cables to encourage buy
Intf , and there appeared to bo plenty of bul
sentiment In the pit at the start. There wo
Homo buying tor New York account am
Rome covering of spot wheat , but It sooi
developed that there would bo no great rusl
of buying orders from the outside , and locn
traders nml professionals were left to fue
Hutchlnson who begun to sell. His offer
had 11 dcr.dcning effect on thu bulls , am
later , when early buyers licunn to unload
the prlco dropped , but thu decline was enl ,
The visible supply statement and the pros
cut and pn spcctlvo receipts hero were th
Influences at work In the corn market , nn
they pulled In different directions. The lir
mediate effect of the r. port of the two dnyi
Inspection was to depress prices. As the visIble
Iblo supply litres began to come in later I
becaino apparent thcro would be a dccrcus
instead of an Increase' , as had been cxpectet
nnd the market firmed up rapidly , the covei
Ing of early short sellers helping the advance
Then eanio the estimate of 44(1 ( CUM for U
morrow , and this was more than the timrkt
would stand nnd prices fell again. Hutchli
son , who was a big buyer of corn on Satui
day , was a free seller to-day. May cor
opened at 51 < c , directly fell to M " 4@51a , ,
then advanced to Sl c , declined to 51'4 ' (
filj.'ffp ' , iimd closed at 1 o'clock at Sij e. Jim
corn opened at filUc , sold up to 51Jfc. ilow
to 61fe ! , and closed all o'clockiit51I4@51V :
The oats marknt showed some strengtfi I
the early part of the session , nnd prices ai
vanced a little , but the advance was moi
than lost later. The volume of trading wi
not largo. May oats opened at tlljj
sold up to.lX ) , back totl : ? < eand closed thei
at 1 o'clock. June oats opened ut H\is , sol
down to and closed at 31)Jc. August oats sol
In provisions there were no sensational d
veiopmcnts. Lard was bought freely by
prominent trader whoso operations in th
nnd other lines on the floor have attracted a
tention of late , but aside from this there wi
no feature In the day's business. Based (
Saturday's ' closings , pork all o'clock was on
"ytn easier , lard unchanged to 2' ' e lower , at
hliort rib * ' © oc lower. May theuctii
future sold at $14.ttH@l4. : < u for per
t-.bT CiJT.'J-'X for lard , and * 7.f.i'7.ri5 fi
short ribs , Tlio same month c for poi
ntM.17 > a , for laid at , f''O ' , and for slio
ribs at $7.5(1. ( Ful.nmry and March pot
ranged 2'o ( under May , clys.liiK at gliilli }
Kobiuary lard was Uikc , February ai
Muruh Hluirt ribs Ific , and Murcli Innl Idi
I''l o under the May market. Kor.lune d
llviry pjrk closed at , JM..T , lard at$7.U. > , ai
hhort , ribs at * 7.57 ! . . Year pork sold i
* 1'.W ! , and yeur lard at $7.55. Casli prodn
was quiet.
AriKitxooN SISSIOK : Grain and provisioi
worostc.idy. Ne.w York leports a fair o
port demand for wheat , and to-diiv's clcn
antes are nearly 300,000 bushels. Thu cln
ing ( | iintations were as follows : Man
wheat , 7il ; May wheat , S02 < r ; Junu when
bH'nC. March v-orn. 47 > yo ; May corn , .II' ' ,
.Tune coin , Sljfo ; May oats , IllJ e ; May per
ti4.W@14.S2 ; March lard , * 7.MI ! ; May lar
CT.lttK : Juno lard , * 7.l)7M ; March ribs , $7.3
May ribs , $7.50 ; Juno ribs , $7.57 } $ .
CUICAOO , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram
the UIE. : ] CATTLE Trade was rather acli
. with a slight upturn on stock that suited tl
shipping and dressed beef trade. Mediui
plain and common native steers were u
changed. New York had 100 cars , will ;
down turn of lOc. Hut for that fact the
would have been a sharp upturn hero , us t
run was not heavy within Kansas City or J
Louis. Although the receipts hero arc ful
up to the wants of the trade dealers exprc
Bonio surprise that thcro are not more cati
coming forward , on account of the do\v
turn In freight rates. Sanguine ones clu
this is an evidence that fat cattle are scan
ana that the day of jubilee for product
and high prices is near at bar
Possibly some of these people , who are lor
ing for extremely high prices in the sprit ;
may bo disappointed. Native butchers' sto
was In peed demand and llrin. There we
no Texans on the market , and little or not
ing doing iu the stocker and feeder trai
1'rices to-day ranged : Choice $5.10(35. ( : !
good steers , 11)50 ) to 1500 Ibs. , M.45 < ' < i5.l ;
1200 to 1J150 Ibs. , SI.UOS4.40 ; U50 to 1200 Ib
$ : t.20@i.SO. : Stackers and feeders , f2.c :
3.1.0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , fl.SO < ir3.10 ; bul
$2.40 ( 2.75. Texas grassers , $2.40@.2SO ; fc
$3.50(44.00. (
Huns Trailo was brisk and prices stca
to n nickel higher , the strength being malt
on good mixed und packing sorts , such
packeiB wanted , who were liberal buyers
day , The best heavy made $5.IHi@5.l 5. O
carload of Uycrville , Iu. , heavy , uver.igi
4ir : , made $ " . .70. The ordinary run of mix
packing sorts made $5 33@5.5ri , and lit
mixed $ r .20@.Y25. Assorted light of 100
170 averr.gos made $5.10@5.I5 , and light
averages $ I.S'
Chicago , Feb. 20. The Drover's Jouri
reports as follows :
Cattle Uccoipts , 8,000 ; fancy , | 5.10@5. !
good steers , $ -J..X.5.00 ) ; stockers and'fei
rrs , fj.ilTigll.OO ; cows , bulls and mixed , f 1
( & 3.10 ; Texus-fed cattle , $2.40@4.HI. (
Hogs Itcccipts , UI.WX ) ; market stror
mixed , l5.lKKd5.4U ; heavy , * 5.iOS5.70 ! ( ; He
$4..HK < i5.iO : ; skips , $3.25@4. < K > .
Sheep Kcccipts , U.IKK ) ; market stroi
7 'o ' to 15c higher ; natives , $3.7505. !
western. $4.80(35.30 ( ; Texuns , $ a.00r.c4.
lambs , fa.tXXttO.-'S.
National Stock Yards , Ernst l
Ij < mlHFeb.20. Cattle Keeeipts , I.1SO ; sli
inents , MO ; market stronger ; choice hen
native steers , M.4K ( < l5.tO : ; fair to peed nat
steers , $3.'JO ( < T4.iK ) ; butchers' steers , tnedli
to choice , 1.70 : stockers and fccdc
fair to good , $ j.OO@3.iO. :
Hogs Keeeipts. : i.OOOs shipments , 1,0
market n nhada higher ; choice heavy u
butchers' selections , f5i5@5.30 : ; puckii
medium to prime , f5.0.X < ir > . ; iO ; light grad
crdlnnry to good , W.SIXS5.0I.
I't Knnini City , F b. 00. Cattle Kocclp
* 1 , ; HI ; shipments , 850 ; market otcudy to sht
h'Bhcr ' ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.30@4. !
romnion to medium , ) . " 0 ( < } 4.15 ; stockc
ll.SOCriiJ.WI ; feeders , fS.75(2.'t.40 ( ; cows , $1
@ 3.IO.
Hors | Kccelpls , 5XH , ( ) ; shipments , 2,0
market > uctivtt ; toiiiiiion to clioiuv , $1,0
C.55 ; sl-ips , and pigs , 3.00 < $4.CO.
KKW YOKK , Feb. 20. [ Spcclul Toietrr
to the UEE.I STOCKS The Ueading itr
U now practically out of the way as a fue
In tie ! stock market. Thnconllrmixtlon of
icttlemont was rcparded by many as n I
. , | argument , but it was noticed that stock en
\ out too f reply for even UICBO wlio bcllevci
the properly to take. London WAS n buj
but Oiu market declined y point. Tlio r
road situation In the west is still bn
mixed , 'luo cut on fourth class U said to
ir.oro ( lisas'rou to the roa..s than on d
rlars , there being more of that class hand ]
Tt.e cutting of rates Joes not apparently
cvcivo ( I'C Riimo iniiucncc on values as it t
fitcci.s bcinj too \v.'li bcli ! to suit the bet
r.d Ihey nr Inclined to go lo\T , The "Si
rou'.e ' , which has bcu so promluently brou
bofoiv the publio u a rnto disturber , is E
to be dels ? no wwV-tound buiinc of cot
quouce , and the enVbjund trunk lines
liUtl to bo un > vi 9 la noticing it.
Dntulh , South Shored Atlantic opens there
will bu larger cotnpatltlon In the field. The
Trunk lines arc pri paring to meet this com *
petition by organizing water rates west 6f
Huffalo. The majority of them have good
lake lines , and have organized them into an
association to ply between Buffalo und
Dithith. In this way they can compute with
the new lines. Chicago brokers Were cre
dited wlth'belng large sellers of St. Paul ,
and prices declined } | K > tnt. The rest of the
list was weak , with dccllnis extending from
' * " to f ] Klnts. The market became exces
sively dull atout noon , and remained so until
the finish. The cut matlo by St. Paul early
In the day on fourth class freWU to rit. Paul
TCfts promptly met by the other roads , nnd n
reduction of ! > to 11 } was made on fifth
class to Missouri river points by all roads ,
The bond market was slow , and Hurltngton ,
Cedar Uaplds ft Northern firsts declined ! :
per cent. Thu total sales of stocks were 112 , '
GovF.itSMEXTS Government bonds wen
dull but steady.
. . . ,
Missouri I'nclllc. . . . W'.l dopreferred i-'U ! ,
Missouri 1'aclllc. . . 2P iW. U. Telegraph. .78. ' ,
do preferred 4I ? . |
MONKY On call , ruled easy at 2@2 } pci
cent. . Closed offered at 2l'c.
1'IIIMK MUllOASTll.n I'Al'BIl 5@fi per COtlt
STKHI.INO KXCIUNOK Dull but steady a
W.S4K for IX ) day bills.
. ; o , Feb. 'JO. Following are the 2:3i :
closing prices :
Visibly supply , as compiled by secretar ;
Chicago board of t ratio for week ending Fell
ruary 18 as follows : Wheat , 59,500,00 bush
do ; corn , 8,44:1,000 : bushels ; oats , 5,001.001
bnshcli's rye , : iG7OCO , bushels ; barley
.3,737,000 bushels.
Flour Steady ; winter wheat bills , $3.50 $
5.50 ; sacks , ftj.50(33.75 ( ; wheat , bbls , $ il.50 < v
4.f)0 ; sacks. J2.71K34.35 ; spring , $1.75 < 33.'JO
rye Hour , $2.S5@3.10 per bbl ; buckwhca
Hour , tr.00rtJ.75 ( ( per bbl.
Wheat firm early , later became wcakei
closing after fluctuating } $ below Saturday
cash nnd March , 7lic ; May , 80J < c.
Corn Killed quiet early , later bccoin
more active , opened about closing Saturdii.
and closed : 'H' below Saturday ; cash nn
March , 47' ' , c ; May. Me. ,
Oats Steady , slightly under Saturday' '
close. May , 31Hc. |
Kyo Quiet ut illc.
Harley Nominal at 77lSOc. ( ?
Pi ime Timothy t3.47fejJ.4S.
P6rk Fairly artive and firm at n sllgli
ndvanru over Saturday's close ; cash , $11.01
May , $20.00(1122.00 ( > .
Lnrd Ollori'd sparingtyly , ruled llrni
cash , $7.b ( ) , May , * 7. ' . ' .s.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $5.MftJ.o ! ) ( ( :
shhrt clear , $ i..iO $ .S.OO ; short ribs , ? 7.y. > .
Huttnr ( Julct ; creamery , S3@'jyc ; dairj
aif i25 < ' .
Cheese Steady : full cream Cheddars , IOJ
( Sll t's Hats , 114 ( 11 ; > 4C ; young America !
"tiggs iCasir , fresh , 2Pg21e. (
Hides Unchangedgreen ; hides 5J c ; prce
frozAi , fie ; heavy green sailed , ll > ; ligli
green salted , ( ij ; salted' bull , 5' c ; groo
bull , 4' ' c ; green salted calf , 8c : dry Hit
and dry calf , lUQIIlc : branded , 15 per con
off : deacons , 30c each ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow In fair demand : No. 1 , country
solid , -I.Uc ; No. 2 , 3J. , ; cake , 4 c. per Ib.
ItecuiptH. Shipment
Flour , bbls 29,000 23,01
Wheat , bu 27,000 13.01
Corn , bu 127,000 158,01
Oats , bu 110,000 13,01
Kyr , bu 3,000 3,0) )
Harley , bu 40,000 18,01
Mvorpool , Feb. 20. Wheat Stcadj
but demand poor ; holders offer moderately
Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixi
western , 4s ld ( ) per cental.
MiimeapollH. Feb. 20. Wheat The ii
( juiry for wheat was not largo und towai
the close lower prices \vcro accepted. K
ceipts , lilCi cars ; shipments , 20 car
Closed : No. 1 hard , in store , cash , 7 % '
March , 77e ; May , 7SJfc : No. 1 northen
cash , 75c ; March , 75c ; May , 77 } e ; No.
northerH , cash , 72c ; hlnrch , 72 > jC ; May , 74
On track : No. 1 hard , 7S , ' < Jc ; No. 1 norther
7l > K@T7e ; No. 2 northern , 74c.
Flour Unchanged. ,
Alllwniikeo , Feb. 20. Wheat Easj
cash , 7iij.'c ; March , 755fc ; May , i'J'c. :
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 47c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 33c.
Kyo Firmer ; No. 1 , ti''c.
Hurley ( Uglier ; No. 2 , 75c.
Provisions Firmer ; perk , Februnr
Cincinnati , Feb. 20. Wheat-Quiet ; N
2 red , bOi ; .
Corn Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 52c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33) ) , c.
Kye Steady ; No. 2 , iWVic. ( (
Provisions Pork linn at $14.50 ; lardcasii
nt $7.5BU.
Whisky Finn at $1.00.
St. Ijiiiiifl , Fob. 20. Wheat Stead ;
May , 82'io. '
Corn Quiet.
Oats Dull.
Uuttcr Steady ; creamery , 2430o ( ; dair
New Vork , Feb. 20. Wheat Receipl
2,200 ; exports , 108,0110 ; options advanced H
% c early , and after a few changes closi
at near top ; spot . ' 40 better : ungraded re
SiiJfC'iWJi'c : No. 1 red , nominal , SKiij ; No.
red , b'J ' > 4C in elevator , ' .K ) > jS.)0 ( ) c afloat , &
f. o. b. ; March closing at b Vc.
Corn Kcceipts , 10,500 j exports , 30,000 ; a
vanced n tritle on both cash nnd options , clc
ing flnn ; ungraded , 59TGOc4 } ; No.
Ole in store ; March closed at 59l c.
Oats Keeeipts , 70,000 ; exports , 90
KlKc ( ? higher ; mixed western , 384lc ; whi
wcRtern , 41@47c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Klo , $10.00 ; optio
5 ® 10 | Mints lower and heavy ; sales , 50.5
bags ; February , * 12.80 ( < 13.05 ; March , $12.
012.40 ; April , $12.0513.20 ; Ma.v , $ ll.Wl
12.05 ; June , fll.bOC ll.W ; July , $11.45@11. !
Petroleum Steady ; united , SSJfc.
Eggs Dull und easy ; western , fresh , 25
Pork Steady and quiet.
Lard Finn , but quiet ; western steal
sjiot was ( iotr.d nt $3.0 , > @S.07 j.
I Hutter Steady , fair demand ; western ,
Cheese Quiet ; western , Il f lSc.
Kanuna City , Feb. 20. Wheat Stead
No. a soft , cash , T0 } c ; May , 79c bid , 81J
asked. .
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cash. 43ii'o askc
March , 4tc asked ; May , 45c bid , 40'
Oats No. 2 , May , 20) ) c asked.
New OrlcRin , Fen. 20. Corn Qu
and steady ; vIlte : , COQOlc ; mixed , Ole ; y
low , 02c.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 , y.ii40c ( ,
DCorn Meal--Firmnr atJ.S > : . /2.00.
Hog Products Quiol und steady ; PO
II4.02X ; Jam , 17.25.
13ulk Meats Shoulders , $0.20.
USION STOCK YAiiijC ) > p. m. (
r Monday , Feb. 20 , Ibk1 ? . j
B The roccipts of cattle to-day were 4GO hei
of which ix good portion were fair natlv
The local demand Was only fair , while sli
i pors took very few. Prices wcio some b
tor on all grades , some salesmen
us to call it 10 ceuts higher. The cturl
closed early with nearly everything taki
A bunch of gocd eaule were shipped tbrov.
to Chicago ,
Tlio receipts of hogs wtro I'n'ht ' , evcii I
Monday , The lo ; il dctn.iud , vas very fa
Prices ruled about stoudy on all that wi
olTi'i cd. The mark t cloi.i.'d early with eve ;
thing taken. _
siu-eT .
The receipts of sheen were 200 head , whi
were bhlppcd on to Chicago.
OfKuUl Itccelpts.
CattlQ. ,
i . 1,0 10
Sheep- . . . . . . . . , . 200
P.rcTnlliiifc Prices.
The following Is 'a table of prices paid In
this market for the grades .of stock men *
tioncd. It frequently occurs that no sales of
some particular grade arc made , when In this
case the table Will state us nearly us possible
the price that would have been paid hail thcro
been any of that class among the offerings.
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.25 (34.00
Prime steers , 1100 to 1IMX ) Ibs. . 3.35 04.00
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.35 @ 3.85
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to
1500 Ibs . . . . 3.10 (54.15 (
Common to cliuico corn-fed
POirs . 2.00 013.15
Western cows . 1.50 6j2.50
Fair to good range feeders . 2.30 ( a 2. 73
Medium to good native feeders ,
000 Ibs and upwards . 2.25 ( S.I.OO
Common to good bulls . 2.00
Fair to medium n.itlve feeders ,
IHMI Ib * und upwards . 2.25 ( TJ2.KO
Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.15 tya.75
Prinw ! fut slieep . 3.75 ( ii4.25
Good fut sheep , 00 ® 1 00 Ibs. . . . 3.50
Fulr to medium sheep . 2.25 (11:1.00 :
Commonshccp . 2.00 ( iJ2.25
Light und medium hogs . 5.05 ( U5.15
Fuir to choice heuvy hogs . 5.35 ( i < 5.45
Fair to choice mixed hous . 5.25 ( i5.35
KeprcMCtitative Sales.
Drussci ! nicnts , 5 cars , N. W . ClilenRi
Cattle , 3 cars , C. , U. it Q . Chlciifi
Ijtvo Htock Sold.
Sliowint ; the numbur of hoadof stock sole
on the market tu-diiy.
C. U. Williams . S
G. 11. Hammond & Co . lh
Local .
Harris .t Fislior .
Total . 27
Armour & Cudahny . 45
1. H Hmnmoml & Co . 51
Swift Packing Co . 7
Total . 107
f 1'rlces.
Showing the extreme hiKhcst nnd lowe l
rates jiaid for leading grades of hogs on date ;
nentioncd :
of Prices.
Showing highest and lowest prices paid fo
iiding grades of cattle on dates inentionei
I nice left blank indicates that no sales o
Unit particular class of cattle were made o
that date :
Public ins'.ieetors dock pregnant sows 4
pounds , stilus SO pounds caeh.
Dead hoijs. 100 pounds and over , $ l.00 (
2.00 | mr cwt , Jess than NX ) Ibs , of no valuu.
Yardage : Cuttle , 'Joe ; hogs , So ; sheep , . '
per head. Feed : Corn , $1.00 per bu. ; tiinotti
nay , iO ; prairiu liay , $ . ' 0 i > er ton.
Commissions : Cattle , 50e per head ; calv <
and .vcurllnga , ilU per car. Hogs and uliee )
Single decks , $5 ; public iuspcotioii on hog
15o pur car. All sales unless othcrwi !
stated per 100 Ibs live weight.
Ijivo Stock Notes.
Hop * steady.
Cattle higher.
No sheep market.
Everything sold.
J. A. Snyder , of Lincoln , marketed e.itd
A. II. Wilson , of Walton , marketed a los
of hogs.
James Ilurtts , of Uncoln , topped the ma
"net on hogs' to-day. He sold a load of 383-
porkcra at t.ri.45.
Considerable complaint is expressed I
some shippers concerning the dockage sy
tctn on this market. A letter received I
ono ho'.ivy shipper to-day states that tl
dock at these yards is heavier than on an
other market , and that until matters ai
changed ho will try some other place.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc.
Monday , Feb. 20.
The fallowing quotations itrc wlinlcxn
und not retail. Prices limited on proilw
nrc the nitc.1 at which round lots arc nold u
thin market. Fruits ur other linen of yaw
rcnulrlnij extra labor in { xicMna I'innwt a
IK supplied on outaldc orders at
same vrlccx iniotcd for the local trnd
Hates on flour and feed are jobbers price
Pricey In oniln arc those vald by Omali
mUtCff delivered. All ouotatloun on me
chnndUe are obtained from Icadlnuhous *
and are corrected dally. Prices on crac ,
em , cakes , etc. , are tliosc given by
Monday is usually a quiet day on the pr
duce market , and to-day was no exccptio :
Receipts all around were light and pric <
ruled at Saturday's ligures. Uuttcr , hoover \
over , v/as in liberal supply , but of a ] > equality <
quality , and prices , though unchanged , wei
inclined to weakness. For eggs the outsit
tlgnro was 10u , with moro than enough c
hand to suuply the demand. The dcmar
for poultry was light and the supply was U
name , so prices are giver unchanged as b
fore :
BUTTER Receipts wore medium and prici
unchanged. We tiuoto crcaniry , solid paeke
ilQiSc ; choice rolls , 18@iJOc ; medium , 14
Hie ; low prudes , I0@\'ia \
Emis-Strictly fresh. 15@17c ; limed , 10
PODI.TKV Were very scarce , and prices r
main linn ut Friday's advance. We quo
dressed chickens , ! U@l2o per Ib ; turkey
10@l2c ; ducks , 10Q12c ; geese , 10@12c.
OiiiNOKs California liiverslde , H.00@4.2
Valcncias , 7.50@9.00 per caee of 42
Florida , brlghts , $4.25@5.50 ; russetts , fJ.
( ! I4.00 ; Mexican , $4.00.
CAIIUAUKS Is very scarce , but a co
signmcnt is expected from California to-dr
Wo quote | 1 per do * , and 3 to 4o for Ca
S\VKKT POTATOIIS Ave very scarce and tl
quotations given are nominal. Wo quo
prices unchanged at tl per doz. and 'JK < 3
per Ib for California.
O.Nioxs Some poorer grades , or those th
were spoiling , have sold at ; 5tf$5c ( , but f
fair to good slock wo quote : Homo grow
WcQfl.W ) ; Krwnibb , per 50-lb crate , 1.00
OAMPOHKI.V Fauns A few fresh oca
Imvo been received and constitute all to
had in this lino. They sell at the old price
IJ.UXV9.75 , with extra choice at $3.00.
O.I.KHV There is really none in the mt
ket , but wo quota : UXgWo per doz , for chol
mul - 3g..Qv ( for fancy.
lUNAXAS Stocks ( ire nufl'.cient to meet t
demand and prices remain as before. V
now quota fJ.03.0Q for medium and IJ.OC
li.W for uhoico.
uhoico.No cbauge to note but prlc
arc firm and utichnngeil ; Wo qno'te :
Utah and Colorado stock , fl.HXSl.lG !
choice 1101110 grown , U5gl. ( ( > 0 ; common gradci
Arri.ES Arestlll.firm , and while no ad
vancc Is noted , oulMdo quotations are tht
rule. Prices' are given unchanged. We
quote eastern fruit , fair to choice stock , $3.5 (
( ii3.75 ; fancy Mock , | : l.75u 4.l .
HKANH Are scarce and In demand , nnd we
quote : Good stock , f-JHOffl2.u : ) ; fair to peed
$1.00031. Ml , lltul California beans nt $2.25ii (
2,40.UATBS Persian , 80 per Ib.
Ti'MMPc Arc selling ut 75c per bushel
with rutabagas nt 55 ( r < X3e per bushel.
SAUK KKAUT Manufacturers seem to hi
closing out stock on hand and a reduction li
noU'd. We quote : Choice per bbl. of J gal.
f.S.2588.50 ; } { bbl. , $4.57 ( 5.00 ; $11.00 per bbl
of 50 gal.
CiDEit Choice Michigan cider , $0.00@0.6i
l > or bbl. of 32 gal.
POHCOIIX Choice rice corn is quoted at 4 ( < i
4JnC per Ib , other kinds , 2 @ 3c per Ib.
CAHIIOTS $2.25 < ii2.50 per barrel.
PAits.Mi's New stock , $2.50 per barrel
There are few on thu market.
OV ! TKits Plain standard , 25c ; plain sc
lects , ! ) c ; standard , 40c ; extra selects , 35e
New York count * , 40c ; bulk oysters , counts
$1.85 per 1X ( ) ; selects , $2.00 per gal. ; standard
$1.25 per gal. Good stock , $2.00@2.SO.
GitAl'KM Stocks are light and thu dcmam
the name , but prices are given us before , am
wo quote $7.50i8.00 per barrel , for Malagas
and larger sized bbls. iu proiiortion up to ? lll
ClUNiir.KitlKX-Hell & Cherry , $10.X10.5(1 ( ) (
Hell & Huglc , $10.50 ( . 11.00Cupe ; Cods. ? 11,0
G ? 11.50.
FIGS In layers , 13fllOc ( ; cake , lie nor Ib.
NVTX Peanuts , 0it } ( 7c , raw ; Hrazll nuts
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22o ; English will
nuts , 15if1Sc ( : filberts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts
15cs pecans. 12c.
Hosr.v Is somewhat scarce and found a
previous quotations ; 19@2tc for 1-lb frames
canned honey , 10@12e per Ib.
Grocer's 1.1st.
T'ltovicioss Hams , llVC lU e : breakfas
bacon , lU llh'c ; bacon sides , ( I'4 ' ( & ' ' ) ? r ,
salt , S'.i'ttt'K ' ; shoulders , 0) ) < , ' ( < i7c ; drieubecl
CA.NDV Mixed , OdJlIc : stick. 9@9 } , ; .
CASSun CiOoDH Oysters , standard , pe
case , $ ; l.30a3.35 ( ; strawberries , 2-lb , per cast
$3.25 ( < t3.35 ; rasiberriea ] , 2-lb , per case , $3.200
3.30 ; California pears. | > cr case , $4.70 4.8(1 (
apricots , per case , f4.5UZ4.(50 ( ( ; poaches , i > c
case , $ -.00R5.i5 | ( ; white cherries , per casi
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , ? 4.30yl4.4l (
blueberries , per ease , $2.30 2.40 : egg plums
2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per cast
3.2 ( ) i5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per do/ , $ iS5@l.i. (
--Ib gooseberries , per case , $3.25(13.35 $ ! 3-l
string beans , per case , 5l.80@l.S5 ; 2-lb Llm
jeans , per ca o , $ l.t')0il.i5 ( ( ; 2-lb marrowft
> eas , $2.0052.70 ; 2-lb early Jur.o pear , pt
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , 3.50 ; 2-lb cert
r-u : > @ 2.40.
KIKINII : > LAUD Tierce , ti ; 40-lb squar
cans. 7J c ; 50-lb round , 7 i'c ; 20-lb rount
7\c ; lll-lb pulls , 8Jc ( , ; 5-lb pails , S c ; 2-i
pails , 8 ? c.
UHOOMS Extra 4-tio. $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.U (
No. 2 , fl.75 : heavy stable. $4.00.
HOLLAND HCUUINOM 70@72 per krg.
I'ICKI.KS Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in ha
bbls , $1.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.00 ; do in ha'
bblH , f 1.50 ; gurklns , in bbls , ? 9.00 ; do in hul
Jii.i.inn : 30-lb pails , $1.50c1.7ii.
TIJAS Japans , 20rf.VC. ; gunpowder , 20 (
(50c ( ; Young Hysoiij 22@55e ; Oolong , 20i
05e.HOPK Seven-sixteenths , 1 1S1 ( 1 ! 4'c.
TOIIACCO LorillariVs Climax , 45c ; Spiel
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 44o ; Leggctt
Meyer's Star , 4 , " > o ; Cornerstone , Il'.ic ; Drut
moiid's Horseshou. 4o : J. T. , 42o ; Soi'g
Spearhead , 44c ; Catlin's Meerscham , : tl <
Catlin'sOld Style , 2io ! ; Piper Heidsick , W
Svurri Now Orleans molasses , per bb
4Ic ) per pal. ; corn sj'rdp , ! i5c ; half bbls. , ! i7
4 gal. kegs , ? l.r 5.
S\I.T Per bb ) . car load , $1.40.
Mii'i.K. SudAit Hricks , 12) ) < jc per Ib ; pom
cakes , 15c per Ib.
WouiiKNWAiti : Two-hoop pails , per do ;
S1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.63 ; No. 1 tub , * < ! .5
No. 2 tul ) , $5.60 ; No. ! i tub , $4.50 ; washboad
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , Si.50 ; ussorti
bowls , 42.75 ; No. 1 churns , ? ! t.r > 0 : No. 3 churn
$8.60 ; No. 3 churns , 1S7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.7
spruce , in nests , $1.70.
Uuiuii FIIUITS Apjilcs , bbls. , new , Ji's. (1 (
@ 7c ; evaporated , , 2' ' , ) @ . ,0c ; bluckberrii
evaporated , ! ) J @Hc' ) ; pitted cherries , 32@2
peaches , eastern , new , J < jS , 8J4S8) ( ) c ; cva
orated , peeled peaches , 30 ( : fcu ! ; evuponitt
unparcd , ISOjl'.lc ; new currants , 7@7'4'
limnes , new , 4 @ 5u ; citron , 24C25 ; raiaii
Califonila-Loiidon layers , $2.40@$3.50 ; Ca
fornia loose muscatels , $2.CO/.2.10 ( ; new \
leneia ,
S FA lien Mirror gloss , 5J c ; ( } raves' cor
Jtfc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7e ; Oswego oorn , 7c.
CorruK Ordinary grades , 18 ( < ? iyc ; fa
lOra Oo ; prime , 20@2lc ; fancy green ni
yclloxv , 22@2so ; old government Java , 2S
Iltle ; interior Java , 25@2Sc ; Mocha , 28fSiO :
Arbucklo's roasted , 22 'c ; McLuughlir
XXXX , 224-c ; Dilworth's , 32c ; Ked Cros
Soo.vBfSranulated , 7' < @ 7\4'c ; conf.
OX@7c ; white extra Cr-@ii ; ic ; extra
"JiQiiX" ; yellow C , 5K@5e ; cut loaf , 7J
80 ; ixjwdered , 7J @S/l4c ; New Orleans , i :
@ 55fc.
CKACKEUB , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 1
soda anowllakes ( in tins ) , lie ; soda ilum :
OJ c ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephj
8u ; city oyster , ( ijijo ; excelsior , 7c ; furl
oyster , 5 } c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7
Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picn
5u ; snowdrop oyster , 8e ; butter , 5o ; Hostc
80 ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OK
cracker meal , 5 > fc ; graham , So ; grului
wafers , lOc ; gruhum wafers in pound pac
ages , 12J c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7J < c : 01
meal , 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal \ \
fers In Ib pkgs , 13 } < e ; animals , 12c ; boliv
gingeer ( round ) , 7c ; cream , 8c ; Cornhi
lOc ; cracknells , Itic ; frosted cream , 8' < J
ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger snaps ( city ) , < J
homo made ginger snaps in boxes , liu ) ; hoi
made ginger snads (1-lb ( eans ) per doze
$2.50 ; lemon cream , 80 ; pretzels ( handmad (
11) 0 ; assorted cakes and jumbles , ll } < c ; a
sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tin
per dozen , $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14u ; butt
jumbles , HKc ; Brunswick , 15c ; brani
snaps , 15c : chocolate drops ( new ) , Hie ; choi
late wafers , 15u ; Christmas lunch ( in tint
per dozen , (4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c. ; con *
cake , 12i ; Cuba jumbles , llj e ; cream ptif
20c ; egg jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , 11
honey jumbles , ll ) < c ; jolly lingers , 15o ; jel
wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( new ) , l.r > u ; lady tin
crs , 13c ; vanilla bar , He ; vanilla wafers , 14
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in box , p
dozen , $2.50.
All cowls packed in cans 1 ct. per Ib. n
vancc except Snowllako and Wafer Sod
which is packed only in cans. Soda in 2 1
and 3 Ib. paper boxes , > ; ccnt perlb. udvanc
all other goods , 1 cent per Ib. advance. So
in 1 Ib. paper boxes , 1 cent per Ib. advam
The 2 Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding
in a case. The 3 Ib. boxes are packed in cas
holding 12 in a ruse. The 1 Ib. boxes a
packed in cases holding Sfl in a case. One 1
Graham and Oat Meal Wafers packed 2 di
in a caso.
Show Tops for boxes , with glass opening
show goods , 75 cents ; Cans for Wafer Sol
1.00 not returnable. Cans for Snowtia
Soda , $ fi.OO per doz. Tin Cases with Gin
Face to display the.xoods , 75 cents each. I
charges for Packages' except for cans and i
turnablc cases. Gjiis's ' Front Tin Cans a
"Snowllako" Soda' Cans are returnable
prices charged , t
DUCK West Point'29 in. 8 oz. , lOJ/e ; We
Point 23 in. 10 oz. , 12 > i'c ; West Point 10 in.
oz. , 15c ; West Point 40 In. 11 oz. , ICc. Chee
Caledonia X , OYe ) Caledonia XX , 10X
Economy , OKc ; Otis , 8 } c.
KENTUCKY JBANSMemorial , 15c ; Canto
18u ; Durham , 27 > 'c ; Hercules , 18o ; Leainli
ton,23s'o } ; Cottswold , 27X < > .
CHAMI Stevens' 'U , 60 ; bleached , 7c ; S
vcns" A , 7Ke ; bleached , 8Kc ; Stevens'
8tfe ; bleached , ( Ko ; Stevens' N , ttJJ
bleached , 10' c ; Stevens' S H. T , 12fc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.S
plain Holland , 8 'c to Uc ; Dado Hollui
C'AMnnics Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Sta
dard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
COMFOIITKUS $ t.CO@ ! 33.00.
BLANKETS White , $1,00@7.50 ; colon
$1.10(38.00. (
No. rtl ) , 9fo ; Best Yet , 44 , 6obutter \ clt
OO , 4'j-o ; Cabot , iytcFarwell , fejj'c ; Fr
of Loom , OUc ; Greene G , o ; Hope , Sc ; ICi
Phillip eartbrie , lie ; Lonsdulo , UKc ; Lei
dale , 7e ; Now York mills , 10) ) < c ; Popper
42-in. , lie ; Pepperell , 4o-in. , 12o ;
< > -4 , 15o ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21o ; Pepxroll [ ; , t
Mo : PeppQrell , 10-3 , 25o ; Canton , 4-4,8
Cantor } , i-4 , j > > < ej Triumph , Cc ; Wamsut
lie ; voiroy , * f.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , SOo ; Goshi
.13ics Windsor , 3c ; HcdXC-24-luch , ' I.VjC
E , 24-Inch. 21 ; GO , 2lnch. . . 180 ; IV A F , 4J
25cs J U F , * f , 27 > { c : O , f , 85o.
PniSTs'-Soi.m Counts Atlantic , Go
Slater , 5c ! ; Uerlln oil , ttsic ; Gunner oil , 0 ( < i
"e. PINK AMI Honfcs Klchmond.Otto ; Allen
O'jc ; Klver iwlnt. 5c : Steel Kfver. 0se }
Kfchmond , Oc : Pacllle , tUfc. iNiiiAo HI.VK-
Wnshliigton , 0 ; Century Indigo blue prints
lOe ; American , 7c ; Arnold , 7c : Arnold H
He ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal ,
i Charter Oak , 5 } 'c ; Haniupo , ike
l.odi , 5c ; Allen , Oc ; Hlchmond , 3 < ac : \\lnA
sor. OUe ; Eddystono , O'tfo ; Pacific , fl'c.
COTTOX FI.ANXKI.M 10 per cent trade dls
count LL , Of , n ; CC , 71'c ; SS , 8ko ; Name
lc s , .Vtfc ; No. 5 , IV : EE , 9kc ; GG , 10V
XX , la o ; OG114c : NN , U5os KX ISc ; K , 20o
No. 10. tti e ; 40,10j'c ! : 60 , 13 < < fe ; 80,15o : 30
colored , lOcjfiO , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c
Hristol , lHWc ; Union Pacific , ISc.
CAIIPET WAIII * Bebb white , 10'/e ' ; colored
SO.Ui' .
HHOWN SHEETING Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7'4'e
Atlanta Ii , 4-4 , 7.Vc ; Atlanta D , 4-40'4c ; At
lanlle P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 0Ve : Auro
ru C , 4-4 , Se''Crown XXX. 4-4. 7Kc : Hoosiei
LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 9-4 , 7 , ' c : Lawrcnci
LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion. 4-4,5c ; Pepperell
K , 4-4 , 7e ; Prppcrcll O , 4-4 , Oc ; Perpcrell , 8-
I8c 9-4 21c Pepperell 10-4 23c
: Pepperell , - , ; , ,
Utlcn , C , 4-4 , 4jc. ; Wachusett , 4-4 , 7 > fc ; Au
era It , 4-4 , 0fc } ; Aurora U , 4-4 , fc.
HATTS Standard. Sc ; Gem , 10'c ; Ucauty
2Uo.s Hoono , I4c ; H , cased , $0.50.
UINOIIAM Plunkott clicks , 7Jc ; Wliittcn
on , 7 } c. ; York , 7J o ; Normandl dress , SJj'c
L'alcuttudrcss , 8j'cVhlttentoii } ; dress , Vo
Jcnfrcw dress. S , ' < tfl2V.
TICKS Lewiston , i0-ln. ! , 12,140 ; Lcwiston
W-ln. , V\Xa\ \ \ York , 32-ln. , 14c : Swift river
J c ; Thorndlke , OO , S' ' c ; Thorndlko , EK
< t ; Thorndlke , 120.11)50 ) ; Tliorndikc , XXX
5o ; Cordis , No. nU fc ; Cordis , No. 4. lie.
DU.NIMS Amoskeag , 9-oz. , 10 ; Everett
-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Huymiiker , 8' c
affrcy , XXll 'c ; .laffrcy , XXX , 13J'c
Jeuvrr Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , HH
Ic ; Heaver Creek , CC , lOc.
General Markets.
Git UN Wheat , OOc ; rye , 55i5.Se ( ; oats , 30i
lie ; yellow corn , 40c ; white corn , 45c ; but
ey , 55@Xo. ( )
Duuds Ammonia carb , 14c ; camphor re
fined 30c ; copperas , I'/c : cream tartar , 45c
cream cartar powdered , 20ii50c ; Indigo Mai
ras , ? 5c ; morphia sulpli , i-3.40 ; spdu hi. earl
4J i'o , Venice turpentine , 40c ; gum opium
* 4.5l ( ; quicksilver. SOo : quinine , German pe
oz. , 55c ; quinine , P. & W. , Ole ; wax , yellow
Hire , 32c ; wax , white , 40fc45c ; citric acid pc
b. , t2c ! ; oxalic aeid. per Ib. , 54c ; ulum , 4c
lornx , rellned , per Ib. , lOc.
OILS Carbon. 12@J5c ; linseed , boiloc
52 ; linseed , raw , 5fle ; castor. Mo. 1MK 1 \
No. 2 , ? | . 12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; ilsh , bant
15o ; ncatsfoot extra , 55c ; ncatsfoot Fo. 1,50c
gasoline , 74 degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , 05c
No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 3 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zcrc
14c : W. Va. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c
golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naphtha , 1 di
: reo , 14c ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12o ; lieiu
ight , 175 degrees , Ific ; turpentine , 40c ; cm
: or. pure , $2.45 per gal.
ExTitACT.s Sanderson's oil bergamot , pc
b. , $ ; i.K ) ; oil lemon , per Ib. , ? 3.50 ; oil peppc
mint , W.OO ; oil wiiitergrecn , $2.50 ; alive oi
Malaga , per gallon , $1,25.
So.M1 Castile , mottled , per Ib. , 8@10c ; ca
tile , white , 10@13e.
PAINTS White lead , pure , Oc ; whlto leai
fancy , tic ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Paris whit
3c ; common , 2) ) c ; red lead , 7c.
WINDOW Gi.\xs Single , 70 per cent
double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
LKATIIKH Oak soles , 3537c ; hemloc
slaughter solo , 2(5(8 ( ( 2'.lc ; hemlock dry solo. ' .
W25o ; hemlock kip , 05iTlOc ( ! ; A. .t U. runm
kip , 575c ( ) ; A. hemlock calf , ' . ! 0njl.t)0 ( ) ; ;
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemloc
upper , 19ji24c ( ; English grain upper. 25c ; lien
lock grain upper , 2li.24e ! ; Tnmpico Ii. I
Morocco , 29C : tieTuiipi-o : ; ( ( pebble , O.I ) . Mo
22t2lc ( ! ; Curacoa , H. G. Mo. , 30e ; Simon (
D. Mo. , $2.75 ( 3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30Ti3.'ii ( ; ; :
M. kangaroo , 4 < ) e ; American calf kid , 32i
Gricsen kids , $3.Kla3.50 ( ( ; French glaz (
kids , * 2. : > OC' 1.75 ; French calf kid
$3.20 ; oak kip skins , 80c@Sl.00 ; oak en
skins , H.OOftiM.25 ; French calf skins , $1.25
2.05 ; French kip skins , $1.10W1.MI : Kussi
linings. $0.i0.50 ( ( ) per doz. ; pink , cream in
white linings , $7.50(5 ( ; 10.00 per doz. ; colon
toppings , $ ' .l.00@11.0 ( ) .
HIIIK.S Green butchers' , 4rf } ( < ? 5e ; gri' (
cured , SKfeOo ; dry Hint , De ; dry salt. 8
green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides. t\v
tliirds price. Tallow 34'c. Grrase Prir
white , 4i'o ! ; yellow , 3e ; brown , 2c. She
pelts , 25cft$1.00. ( Steady and unchange
Green ox pelts , 3@3)4xc ; kip skins ( unfrozen
4dOJ c ; cowiiides , 4J ( ii5c.
Funs Kaccon , KKiiOOc ; mink , 1540 ( ?
musk rat fall , 2@7c ; strijicd skunk. 5f 2B
mountain wolf , No. 1 , $1.50@2.50 ; No.
prairie , 50@i5c ; No. 2 , 25i40c ; beaver , N
1 , per Ib , $2.00.t.3.00 ( ; No. 2 , $1.00@1.25 ; ottt
31.00(30.00 ( ; dry deer skins , $2IQl35c ( perl
dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( < i25c.
HAY Upland prairie , $0.00 ( 7.00 ; comim
coarse , $5.X@U.5I ( ) ( ; straw , $0.00g0.52. (
COAI , Eggl0.50 ; nut$10.50 ; rangc$10.3
walnut block , $1.25 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; lo\
nut. $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50@4.75.
GIIAIN Wheat , No. 2 , ( We ; rye , 55c ; cot
yellow , 40@43c ; corn , white , 42c < i45o ; oats ,
( uiiOc ; barley , OOQtwc , according to quality ,
Srmm Cologne spirits IgS proof , $1.1
do , 101 proof , $1.10 ; spirits , second qnulil
101 , proof , $1.14 : do , 188 ; proof , $1.13alcoh ;
188 proof , per wine gallon. $2.18 ; redistill
whiskies $1.00(31.50 ( ; gin blended , $ l.50@2.C
Kentucky bourbons , fi.00@0.00 ; KeuUicl
and Pennsylvania ryes J'OOgti. . . ' : Goldi
Secaf bourboli and rye whiskies , $150jt3. ( ( :
brandies imported , $5.00Ji8.50 ( ; domcst
$1.30@3.)0 ( ) ; gins , imported , $5.00/.00 ( ( ! ; i !
mestie , 1.25frf3.X ( ) ; champagnes importedpc
case , 28.00(0.33,00 ( ; ABericun per case $10.0C
Ft.ouu AN'D Finn : Minnesota patents , $2 ,
per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy win !
patents , $2.iOi2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska p ;
cuts , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye ( lour , f2.00 |
ewt ; wheat grulinm , $1.75 per cwt ; r
gruhum , $1.40 per cwt ; New York buckwhci
$ fl.50@7.00 pcr-bbl ; Excelsior , $6.00 per bl
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmc
yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; whlto , $1.05@1
per cwt ; bran , $ ll.00@17.00 per ton ; scree
ings , $14.50@15.00 per ton ; hominy , $3.25 \ '
bbl ; chopped feed , $10.50@20.00 per to
chopped corn , $18.00@19.00 per ton.
POWDEII AND SHOT Shot , $1.50 ; bucksln
$1.75 ; Miami powder , $5.00 ; half kegs , $ J.i
one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.15 ; fuse
100 feet , 45@75c.
FI.AXSEEII Quoted at $1.35 per bushel.
HKANY HAUIWAHB Iron , rate , $2.00. pit
steel , spcciul cast , 4KC' crucible steel , Gj
cast stools , do , 12@l5c ; wapon"spokcs , p
set , $2.00@5.50 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; fellov
sawed day , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axli
each , 75o ; square nuts , per Ib. 0@13c ; ci
chuin , perlb , 0 > ( i13c ; mellable , 8(3lOc ( ; In
wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oo ; harrow teeth , 4
spring steel , 4@5o ; Bunion's horse shot
$4.75r Uurden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barb
wle ; in car lots , $4,00 per 100 Ibs ; iron mil
rates 10 to 50. $2.40 ; steel nulls , $2.50.
Some of the friends of Louis Sclimil
n tailor residing at Sixteenth nnd Wo
stor streets , tried to get him into tl
city jail , then into the county jail ni
in cuch instnnco without success.bccuu
the man was Inhering undur delirSu
tromens. They tinnlly treated him
morphine and utter a desperate resii
anco succeeded in putting him aslcu
It is thought his is a dangerous cube.
Some of our most prominent citize
have been cured of chronic rheumnth
by Unit wonderful puin-bivnisher , Stilv
lion Oil. Price U5 cents.
"Wiry , Jones , what u hourso ( ) y. .
have in your throat ! " "Yes , I mixed
from a coldt ( ) in my head. 1'vo t
much live stock. " "Well , like cur
like ; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cu
you. The Bull will quickly scare t
hearse ( ) away. "
Some thief , or thieves , went into tl
shed back of Parson & Johnson's fc
store,1008Haundornstreet Sunday nigl
and lifting the bud from a bran new d
livery wagon , got away with the ru
ning gear. They were traced us far
Twenty-third and Nichols strcotswhc
a pair of mules wore hitched to the \
hiclo , and all further trace of them
That Columbia's daughters are charm I
Is a fact that's udmitted by all ferci
'Tis also well known that American girls
In marriage uro sought by dukes , marquis
But their principal charm , belongs to me r
Tholr magnificent teeth to SOZODOI
Yesterday's internal revenue colli
tioua umouutud to $0,852.10.
' ' .
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
lliiBidc . J io Htrvrl.bctnccuVlliani
10th , Oiu _
" *
AgriculturallmplefflentSjfagonSjCarriage !
lc. Wholenlp. Om li , Nebr ( k .
, WluilcmlB Dealers In
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
WI , no , TO nml ! W June i Street. Onmha.
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders
CultlTMon. ll r llakc * . Cider Mllli anil I.nban 1'ul
_ Tftltfti. Cor , lltb ami Mchulm blrrHt. _
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Buggiei
Corner 14th anil Mchulaa f
l ) I V t V t \ V ' . 11.
( Akrnn.OhUO
Harostlng Machinery anil Binder Twine
W. K. Mead , .MHIIHUCT. lii.t l.i'aveuwortli > l.t Omulu
Manufacturers niiil Jobbi'ri In
Wagons Baggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Dili mul 1'iiclllo dream , Omiilm , Nuh.
Artists' Moterlolau
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douitlas Stri'Pt. Omaha , Xy
Boots and Shoos.
"w. v.'MORSE & co. , "
Jooliers of Boots and Snoes ,
111 Kurnntu St. , Omaha. Nrt > . .Manufactory , Summt
blrvul , llostun.
( Sui'CCJSorn lo lU-cd , Jonca A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoe
Audits for llojlnn Hnbbcr Shoe Co. 11(13,1IUI ( .V 111
llnriK'y bl. , Oinntin , Nclirunkn.
_ 5.90k2cora ! ! and Stutionora.
H. M. fc S. W. JONES ,
ucccusors to A. T. Krnjron A Co. , W holoule A Itctnl
Booksellers and Stationers ,
rlno Wsilillnir Stiitlonprr , Coninivrrlnl Stutloncrj
Kit PoiiKlos Street , Omnhn , Nvb.
_ Cpffoos , Splcos , Etc. _
Oiiintm Coffee and Splcu Mill * .
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kxtr ct * . I.nmiilry llluo. Inks. Ktc. Ill
141illnrnur ( Slrvcl. Oiuiilm '
Accnt ( or thn MnnufnctimTS Mini linpnrtcrs of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys
Ktc. Ofll cc , SIT B. 12th fct. , Uniuhu , .Nebroska.
Commission _
Commission and JoiiiiiDg ,
Duller , KUKS iiiiil rrotluce. Coni liiniiu1iils KillclU
ll uduuurtur : } tiiT Htnimwnrv , Itorry llujtcsuua
lirnpo lluskcls. 1111 M. , Uiualm.
Storage and Coiiiiiiission Merchants ,
lcllultcr ! , KKR.I , Clirrsu , I'nultrr. Un
ysliTKtc. ! . , 1'Uu. ll'J tciulli nth Strut t.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Uutter , Cnmo. Krullit. Klc. tM South 111
hi. . Oiuiilm , Nubni.'kH.
( Sucrcssors to Mcibanii & Scbrocilcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oinuhi : , NiibnuUu.
CoaljCoko and Limo.
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
TOO South 13th Street , Omahn , Nehrnakn.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
Anil shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement. Planter , 1.In
Drain Tile , anil Sener l'lu | > . Ofllce , I'axton HuUI
Fttrnaui St. , Uiuulia , Neb. Tuk'i'hone Mil.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2I Poulli Ulh St. . Omalia. Nob.
JOry Copds and Notions.
M. E SMITH iCcO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notion
1103 and 1101 DouKlnn , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers andJohta in Dry GooflsNotio , ]
ticnti' Kurnlslilnu C.oo.ln. Corner llth Htul lliuu
S . . OniiiliH. NYbnokn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnam Street. Omaha. Nebranka.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.00. ; U7.709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12tb and I.cavenworth Street ! , Ouiaha , Nobraika.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Z19,1221 and 1223 Harner Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1114 and 1110 Harner Street. Omaha , Neb.
Jokers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc , Agent" fur Howe Seal
and Miami t'owder Co. , Umaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sht
Mectmnlci' Tooli and Iluffalo Scalci. 1105 Douu
Btrcet , Omaha , Nebraa.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and turner HU. , Omaha. Neb. Wrttern Age
lor Austin Powder Co. , JerTenoo 8tvel Nulli ,
Kalrbanki Htandaitl Scalei.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Irou and Steel ,
Bprlngi , Wagon Rtork , HarilwarR. I.umlier , Utc. 1
and ll llarncy Slrtet. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waconand Cnrrliee Wend Stdfk , llcitry Harfrfi
Ui. HIT aud ln I aienffOrtb Ut. , Oiualia , Neli
O M A H .
All Kinds of Building Material at Wliolesi
IStlil Street and Pa'.rn PaelHc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumticr , Lalb , Lirae , Sash ,
leer , Ktc. VarU-Cnrncr * lli nn < l Duutlmi Car
. . tt.'i _ _ MIII - - „ Onutjlni. _ _ _
Dealer in All Kinds of Laute
b * 'J > 1 C ' . ! fuml Stienti. On l. . ' a.
Lime , Cement , Sic. , Etc ,
_ Ltimb or. ! \
T.W. HAHv/tiv LUMBE R"co rTe
To Dealers Only ,
Offlcf.lim Karntni Strf l , Omaha.
Wholesale Lnnilier , Etc ,
White l.lue.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cari-f U and Parquet Kloorlnic , VKh and l > OH lal
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort. .
Knilnim.tnft \ \ Workeni ) < ral Kinnnliy , Mm'lilno aud
lll i.k iultli Work. Office and W rk , U. P Ily.
and Kth Slroet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Deik IUII < , Window Guard * . Flower Stands Wlr
Mitni. Klc. l l North ICth Street , Dinah * .
Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes
Vault * , Jail Work. Iron and Wire Wncliw , SIKIK. UtO ,
II. AniUren , 1'rop'r Cor. lull and Jackson Sta ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards.
lid tH'u'euv forluink * , otlU-t1 * , * > ti > re4 , it'i > lilence ! * , eta
Improved Awittniti , l.uck. inltli Maohlnery and
lllucknulth Works. 4UI South lull bt. _ '
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
( Jenernl Ati'iit for Pli'bold Safn A I/ick Co. '
Vaultii and Jull Work , Ulj Furnuiu Struct , Uiuulia.
Hots , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Hatney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mllllnory and Notions.
" "
mporters & Johhersin Millinery & Notions
an. 510 and ! I3 South llth Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
> ll mul 4U5Hculh lUlh HI. , Umitlia.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llU5llarney StreetOmaha.
Wholsalc Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle dream ; , Ktr. , Omaha. A. 11. Hl > hoi | , Maimga
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nlro otii > k cif Printing. Wrapplnii nnd Wrltlnl
rmter. Special attention Klvi'n to rar loail unlcrn. ?
Prlntora' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Healers In T ) no. rri'jji-n nnd 1'rlnlcrs'Supplies. MS
South I''ili Stieet , Omaha.
Rubber Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goo
Jll Clothing und leather Ucltlun. 10U ) KHrimm Htroe
Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
" "
A. L."STRAND. co. , -
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Punlps , Pipe , Filtings ,
steam nml Wnli-r Punpllea. noadquarterii for Matt ,
I'uoitAru'BKiiuda. ' 1111 l-'nrnniu St.Oinnha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllda/ Wind Mills. fllBiindiCOFarnam St.Oiuah .
- K. llosa , AclliiK Mnnaicer.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work Strain 1'ump. , Saw M1K . 12U1Z
I avviiNorth Mtei'l. Omutia.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
VII nml 'Jl.Uonni Stroi t Oiiiuhii.
Storage , Forwarding A. Coinmlaalott
Storage , Fopwarding and Commission ,
Uninch house ot tlio llenncv IluuEy Co. Uuvvlcsat
wholenalu unil retail , UK iJlOunil 1 , < 12 linrd mreut/ '
Omulm. Telophiina N < . 750.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ;
John Epuntter , rroprlt'tor. W ) Doiluo und IU ) aud Idl
Norlli IIHh Street , OtilTtlni.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
l..Vl North KlKlhlccnth Street. Onmlm. NVh.
Overalls , .
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeani J'anU , tililrti , Ktc. licnnnil 1101 DouglM S'.rtol ,
Oiuaha , Nub.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Whol i le MinuC-.ctureM of ' 1
Sash , Boors , Blinds and Mouldings \
Branch Offlcc , Klh anil linrJ HlruBH.Omaha , Neb. s
Manufacturer of Sash , Doors , Blind ? ,
.Mouldlniri. fiUIr Work nnd Interior Hani Wood Klw
liu. N. K.Curuer hid mul l < , ' Tuuwurtti btr uti , ,
Omaha , f cb. *
" *
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Door ? ,
And UllncU.Turclnir. Rlalr-work. Ilank anit Grace Flu
tlniin. 'JUtli unil I'mipleUm Avcnuo.
Stacks , Bolloro , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacft ,
BrltcblDKi , Tanks and ( Jencrnl Hollar ICupulrln * . Llltf
htrvct. UiunlmNeb
Live StocK Cfiinmission Merchants ,
Cflice Ituoin : , < lp ; > cttn ! Kirhnnjc llnllilltiK , Lmloa
htuck unli. tioutU Uuiuuii , Krl > . _
Live Sloe * Commission Mentals ,
Market tnrn'.rhrl Ireo un Kli llcallon. SlockiTJ nnd
ftuil4)in ! turtjlsierl ! ( tu KIICI ) terin , ll ' ruucnii : oina
na Nntlmmi Hunk * iil : Houtli oiur.lm : , 'uliuu4i , 1'ulua
blirtk Vi.rdr , t'yu'.h Uiiinhit ,
Live Stock Commissio ! ! ,
Iv3nm I ! , , KJU'JIIU HullilliiK , Unioii Slock Vurd * ,
tomb O/-uin , Nun ,
Conmlsioa Dealers in Lire Suet ,
nova' . . ' , Oipnill ; Nirl'fu ' * Iinllc'li' , : , tl ;
" " * " "
Of OnialiB , LiiiiM