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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. 'f SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 21 , 1888. NUMBER 248. IN THE WAKE OF THE WKDS. Thrilling Details of the Cyclone at Mount Vernon , Illinois. SCOURGED BY FIRE AND FURY. Three Hundred HeHldcnci'M and Husl- ncflH Hounes DrMroyrd and From Twelve to Finreti Hundred People ple Hendcicd IlnmclCHS. The Mt. Vurnon Cyclone. Mr. VRHNON , III. , Feb. 20. fho cyclone that vislkd this city yesterday afternoon ot5 o'clock destroyed nearly three hundred rcsidcnct-s and places of business , and unhoused from twelve to fifteen hundred people. In the fall of walls many people were burled under the debris and thirty-five were killed , while twice as many more were Injllied , eight or ten so seriously that their lives are despaired of. Preceding the destruc tive wind was a heavy fall of rain for half an hour , which drove all inhabitants to shultur. This was followed by a slight hailstorm , ac companied with lightning , nnd then a fu rious blow which formed into a funnel shaped cyclone , struck the southwestern portion tion of the city , unroofing everything in its path , taking a diagonal course through the business part of the city , unrooting and dis mantling the supreme court building , Jumped over the Louisville & Nashville depot and skipping along to the Methodist nnd Haptlst churches , caving them Into worthless masses. At ono ] Kint the destructive element Jumped upward and missed scveial stores and residences , but soon pounced down again , tearing down heavy brick buildings , wrench ing and tearing frame structures out of scm- blnne'a nnd making a useless mass of solid banks. The massive courthouse that occupied the public square In the center of the city was literally torn to pieces. This was the ex treme point to the north which was reached. Fifty yards south of the court house the storm seemed to bo at its height. On the corner of Washington street and the public square was Crews' block , a three-story buildIng - Ing eighty feet front , occupied by Evans , as a grocery and saloon. This was demolished and then taking lire all Inllammablo material was consumed. The owner of the buildings H. C'Murray , was caught In the tailing wall , and cremated. Ed Hannnl , wife and small boy , were in the basement , having taken refuge from the storm and were buried by the walls , but the man dug his way out of the ruins , making a passage for his wife and childand then nmdo nn effort to extinguish the flames. On a cros' * street from Washington street was a row of two-story frame buildings with an occasional brick. The brick buildings were caved In , and the frames wore crushed out of shape against each other. Near the corner south were n lot of groggerics and frnnvj structures , which served as dwellings and warehouses. They were blown down and then burned up entirely. The storm was ever in three minutes. People who were unharmed pave assistance to the needy. The tire company aided by the citizjns , who had organised into squads , bo- Kan the work of putting out the lire and rescuing the unfortunates. The mayor calk-d for assistance from neighboring towns , and lire engines and physicians were sent from Centralia , Ashley. Nashville , and Evansvilli' , promptly. What was left of the supreme court building was turned into u morgue. Following is a list of the names of those killed in addition to that sent last night. FII\NK CI.I.SOHT.MAN' , blacksmith , of Al bion , 111 DACiiiTKii or Mils. Kr sEi.i. Dhwr.v. Mils. J. T. WATKU-I , and baby. Mns I. . E. Lidi : | , The city council appropriated $ . " 00 for the immediate relief of the stitTerers. The storm docs not appear to have done tiny damage outside of Mt. Vermin. Had it occurred an hour earlier the Irss of life would have been still greater ts : the Methodist and Haptist churches , both of which were totally destroyed , were crowded at the time. A formal and systematic appeal will bo made to all persons to assist the demoralized city in its ullliction , which is indeed bc.\ end parallel in tills country in the devastation of cyclones , those of Western , Mo. , Jamestown and Washington Court House , O. , not equal ing in total destruction the loss of this place. To-day's trains broiiL'ht n host of excursion ists who came to sec , to render aid and to comfort stricken friends. Nearly a thousand stranger-i trod the streets aiim/ed at what they heard and saw. The ti\vn is full of reporters mid the dreary tnlo is repeated time and time acain. Artists are on the scene sketching the ruins , and pencils in a hundred hands are jotting down the facts and stories fiom a thousand mouths. Alighting at the Louisville & Nashville railway deimt , attention is at first di rected to the two-story supreme court build ing u few'yards from the depot , without dome or roof , but shreds of tin hanging from its sides , making n pivot around which the tttoins seemed to swing' . All else In this di rection is untouched. A few steps eastward along the railroad discloses to the southwest tin appalling sight of devastation. It is in this direction that the laboring classes built their little one-story cottages among the tim ber , and hero it was the cloud first dropped down and in whirling fury , twisted immense oaks from the ground anil mashed homes flat. then pitheriug thu clincing pieces strewoil them along its path bearing down fences ami wiping out landmarks. How many houses were hero destroyed is not known , for noth ing is left in many places to im.rk the s | ot , Fifteen foundations still icmaiii. In sh ncres formerly well built up , but throe bouses are standing in the path of the storm , and these aio wrecked. On the ihjht ami loft of Its pith , debris was plunged like n catapult into the homes of the more fortunate Looking nortl.o wtward across the railroad , the ruin appears more terrible. Tlicio tin : bui'd.ngs were larger , heavier and moreoom pact and the wave swept for WX ) yards a oh ai swath , tearing down fences ami tioe , pilot ! up debris on either sideand left tin naked fence posts and iounda lion wa'ls ' to mark the spot- of residences.There still remains on eitliei side of the park dismantled frame housts half buried with other roofs. To the south cast stands the monumental ruins of a throe story brick Hour mill , the walls stripped dowi nnd the machinery expcsul.amlon the north partially surrounded by uninjured houses , i : the crushed Haptlst church and the lartri brick Commercial hotel , unroofed and partlj torn down. Six hundred yards farther on in the course of the storm brings you to the postofllcu cor ncr , and in front stands the shattered cour house , with the ) dome thrown dowi over the entry , and the wall1 cracked and partly tumbled down , ant in the supreme court yard lie til and timber and the roofs of ndjaeen buildings. In front of the postoflico , aorosi Hunton street , a brick building was razed ti the ground , and nearly all the buildings ti the south and east fared likewise. Hut Uncl Sam's quarters wore scarcely touched. Tlii streets are broad hero , but to-day are tlllei with the debris of the business houses o Hunton and Washington streets , along th eastern side of which not ono house remain standingorovcnp.irtiallypreserved. Unabl to thoroughly tear asunder the framework o the buildings , they wore mashed end twlstc Into useless masses , roofs carried away , air fronts and roars knocked out. Sovcni brick blocks of throe stories gav an air of substantiality to tb streets. The cyclone ground the wall to n level and the furnaces sot lire to th woodwork and destroyed the last planli The Evans block on the corner exhibits burning pit with a sate cracked with hoit. : Under the ruins lie the charred remains o J. C. Murray , owner of the block. Look in to the south and cast from this corner th spectator will see a line of groggorics , wan houses and a few reputable places loanln against each other , but still holding togcthei The reputable iwrtlon of this block , a b.iV cry , caught lire anil was consumed. Th other bakeries wore wiped out of existenc and to-day not a loaf of bread was to be pin chased , nor will such state of affairs soon b remedied. However , no ono suffers fa Of food , seller or clotUlui , ' . Alon Washington street , Just back of tno court house , It was hard to tell where ono building began and another left off. Floors , roofs , sides of buildings and partitions were shunicd uti In confusion and crushed against a few brick walls that stl'l ' remained staiid- Ing , Everything along hero was a dead loss not even the protection of lire insur ance being available. Hunton sticet. east of Washington , was completely blocked by the walls of the Straiten & Johnson fallen block , from the rear of which the de struction of large warehouses and handsome residences Is much like an abandoned lumber yard and rubbish lot. An able corps of physicians , who ros | > ondcd to thu tint call , were quickly organi/ed and oil day long have moved from place to place. The complete list of the dead and wounded has not yet been compiled. The property loss will aggregate nearly $ . " > 00.0i ( ) , and falls heavily upon a thriving community. Slimming up , thu county build ing , churches \husincsa houses and stocks of goods nggiegatc a loss of 840,00 ; fine rtsidcnce totally destroyed , fcH.IHK ) ; flue residences , insured , $10,000 ; cottages , ware houses , barns , etc. , $115,000. , Total , J5y,000. ; Other Incidentals will increase this. As yet no nrr.ume n ents ha nmado for a general funeral. Some of the bodies have been taken to other townsand some into the country : Following is the list of the dead , IAVII > YIUIWOOI : > . Mus , J. T. WATIJKS AND UAna. J. C. M.umv. MIIM , UrssKl.i , Dr. Mutv WKSTIIIIOO HIXUY WATKIIS. CII.UII.KS Mils. Col.VIN Cool'KR. Gi.niMiKPBiiwoNs ANII POX ( colored. ) MUS. Wll.l.lAM JOXKS AX1) CIIII.I ) . MHH. EI.VIXA Mumx ( colored ) . JOIINNII : Ymitwoon. S\M Yi\ll\VO.OI > AMI WIFE. FlUXK Cl.inilTMAN. AHA HAiirin : ( colored ) . Miss Jos in SUTTOX. Jonx UOIXON , JK. Josurii SIIKW. Mus. Jonx Snni.Tox. Mu . Ciuiti.ns HUTCIIINSO : : . Miss IHWIN , Nnrtu : Smur.ns. AMIXIIA HiniinoN. Ax UNKNOWN MAX. Mus. LKCIOI : . Cioum ! : : Jo.vns' YorNonvr CIIII.T ) . The list of those injured seriously and slightly Is very large. Several are not cx- ected to live. Cash donations amounting to $1,200 have jcen received this evening and promises for nueh more. None of the buildings have in surance against storms , and the losses are otal. Adjutant-General Vance has tele graphed that ho and Or. Kanch , president of the state board of health commissioners , will be here to-night. Governor Oglesby cannot inline to-night. Steps are now being taken to uivo a public funeral to-morrow to till who mve not been buried or taken away. Adjutant General Viinro and Dr. Kanch ar rived to-night and have arranged to have for warded immediately a number of shelter tents for the use of the homeless until pcr- naiicnt quarters can be finished. There are niiny persons who believe all the people have not yet been taken out from the ruins , and it is feared several bodies are in the Crows block. Stories of the Storm. ST. Loi'is , Feb. 20. H. S. Headon , con ductor of the Louisville & Nashville train which was caught in the e-yclone atMt. Vernon , Ills. , last evening nnd who had his shoulder dislocated by having a trunk hurled against him , arrived hero last night. Ho gives the following brief description of the scene : "It was all over within a minute , " said ho ; "the thing that impressed mo most was the destruction of the county court house , a throe story brick building. The e-ourt house stood in a prominent place nnd could be easily seen , almost from tower to ground. It looked to me as though a huge pile of brick and mortar had been struck by a giirantic battering ram. It seemed to ool- hipso all at once. It spread out and buried the buildings around it. " Marcus Aarons , a drummer , who was a passenger on the train , sajs : "Itwasater- nblo calamity. I never witnessed anything so frightful in my life. On reaching Mount Vrrtion station it began to thunder and liphtning. Presently it began to rain and hail , driving everybody to shelter. Just about this time black cloud , fiinncl-shaped , was seen over our heads. Some of the people know in a minute what was going to happen and began to cry out a warning. The cloud burst a mlnuto after forming. It came with a roar and a crash. Houses.of all descriptions went down and men , women and children ran hither and thither , screaming and praying in their peril and fright. The county court house was utterly wrecked , nnd a throe-story mill was blown across the truck Just behind us. Our train was lying in the track of the cyclone , and it was taken nt n flying rate down the track. The engine could not con trol it , and fortunately for us the brakes were not on. Trees were uprooted and oars lifted cleanly off their wheels. The passage of the cyclone must have occupied at least two minutes. To add to tno horror of the wind , many fires broke out among the ruins. From the train we could see the smoke and flames ris ing from a do/en different houses. The strr.nge thing was that three minutes after the cyclone the sun was shining brightly. J. W. Wallace , nuont of the Southern Ex press at Shelbyvillo , Tciin. , who saw the storm from the train window , says : "Men and women on the streets were blown to the ground. When the whirl cloud arrived at the town it could bo seen dipping down hero and there and tearing off house roofs and then rising higher into the air again , like a swaying balloon , It would float along with lightning-like rapidity. As the cloud would slip down and rise again it would carry trees upward into the nir and Uirow them to the ground with mighty force 100 yards away. Parts of house roofs , trees , boards , bricks , with all kinds of debris were flying in the air at a furious rate , and loft piled in heaps along the track of the cloud. The passengers on our train were frightened and a veritable panic ensued. The cloud dipped down on the north side of the train and demolished a house , but just before It arrived at our position it aros-u and passed over us and dropped down on the earth to the south of the train where it completely destroyed another building and passed on. Thus , you can sec , that our train had u miraculous escape. _ O | > lcKhy Appeals Kor Aid. Si'iilXoriEMi , 111. , Feb. 20. Governoi Ogle'sby received information from Mt. Ver non tills aftoi noon to the effect that ovci 1,000 people are homeless. Ho issued the following proclamation this evening : STATI : OF ILLINOIS ,'-nvu OFFICE. Klchanl J. Oglesby. governor. To the Pco pie of the State of Illinois : A great calain ity has fallen upon the city of Mt. Vernon , Jefferson county , in our state. Onyostordaj uftci noon a o.\ clone swept ever that city leaving death , deuistution and ruin in it ; t'tiolc. Advices up to this tfino state thai more than thirty POISJIIS were killed , and lOil severely and some fatally wounded , and 1,000 of its citizens homeless and destl lute. A calamity such as this falling upon i peaceful people at this Inclement season ol the year must of necessity inflict serious am' distiosslng loss and misery. Such a mlsfor tune cannot but appeal to the deepest sympa thy of a generous public , and to that public in thu uamejf the whole | > coplo of the state I , withouT hesitation , appeal foi immediate aid and encouragement. It i' well known that the general assembly places no appropriation at the disjiosal of the oxoe-utivo to bo used on occasions like this. 1 therefore request the mayors of the cities and all religious and charitable associations societies and organizations to loud a helping hand In the hour of sorrow and distress bj assisting in raising contributions lor the relief lief of thwo pooplo. All subscriptions it mouov or other supplies will bo forwarded t ( Georpo W. Evans , chairman of the loca finance committee , Mt. Vernon. Jefferson county , 111. Mm .NT VniiNdv , Fob. 20 The followiiu circular was isMied this morning and Isnov being sent through the mails : , 111. , Feb , SO.TT.9 and Citizens : The city of Mount Vernon , 111. , was visile 1 by n terrible cyclone on yesterday - terday afternoon which carried death nnd do. st ruction In its path. About thirty people were killed outright nnd scores of men. women and children nro maimed , wounded and bleeding , and about ono thousand people nro made homeless by the disaster. Some three hundred houses are swept almost from the face of the earth , among which are the county court house , the public school build ing , the Methodist and Haptlst churches. The supreme court house , the round house of the Louisville Se Nashville railroad , nnd many of the leading business houses are also total wrecks , their contents being buried be neath debris. A raging fire which broke out also destroyed much of the property which might otherwise huvo been saved front the ruins. We are sorely in distress , and forced to c.ilt UIKIII a charitable country for money and such other timely assistance as thpy may feel able to contribute. Money is needed more than provisions as there arc n few business houses that may be able to supply the demand. Send e-iish contribu tions if possible tJ George W. Evans , chair man of the fin nice committee , or Norman H. Moss , secretary. The Cyulonu in Kentucky. Lnt'i-iViM.i : , Ity , , Feb. 20. A special to the Evening Times from Nortouvlllo , Ky. , says the cyclone did little damage there. At JN'cw Haven , Ky. , however , it blew down the Hardstown and Green Klvcr turnpike bridge , the cost of which was $77,000. The Firemen Hotnrn. Cr-NTiiALiA , 111. , Feb. 20. The firemen sent o Mt. Vernon returned this morning , nnd re- mrt thirty-six found dead up to 5 o'clock this Tiorning , nnd u great many more wounded. The cyclone struck the town at 4:95 : o'clock esterday evening. The supreme court build- ng is gone , the circuit court is leveled , and : ho main business portion and church us arc destroyed. The fires are all extinguished. MAIM : KKI'UIJLIOANS. The Party Adrift Without Blnlnc A Test Vote. HOSTON , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to lie Hen. ] Immediately after Mr. Hlainc wrote his letter stating his name would not bo presented to the republican national con vention , the Lowlston Journal sent out to 500 well known Maine republicans , copies of the following circular : LnwiiTox , Feb , In , 1SSS Dear Sir ; As suming your first choice would bo Mr. Hluino f ho would accept , who is your second choice for the repuplican nomination for the presi dency ? Name the full ticket which would best suit you ; if you please will you not rc- ily on the inclosed postal card by return mail. " The Journal has received up to Saturday morning 225 replies. They como from every part of the state and probably adequately represent the feeling of Maine re publicans on the presidential question. The Journal says : "Nearly every ono of our correspondents reiterated his attachment to Mr. Ululne and expressed second choice , if ho had any , with regret. A great many refused to name a second choice. The re turns show that without Hlaino , republican Maine is adrift. They are as liable to gd ono direction as another. It would bo almost impossible to unite them on any ono candi date. Their vote , however , is none the less interesting. The poll for president counts up as follows : Whole number of votes , 154 ; John Sherman , 52 : General Sheridan , 18 : Senator Allison , 1(1 ( ; Senator Huwley , 17 ; Chauneey M. Depew , 11 ; liobcrt T. Lincoln , 10 ; General Sherman , ti ; General Fall-child , 0 ; Senator Evarts , 5 ; General Harrison , 5 ; Senator Frye , 4 : General Gresham , 2 ; Sen ator Hale , 1 ; Congressman Heed , 1. For vice-president : Whole number of votes , 132 ; General Hawley , 41 ; Senator Frye , 18 ; Lincoln , 12 : Allison. 7 ; Fail-child , ti ; Depew , 7 : Dingley , 5 ; Heed , 4 ; Sheridan , 4 : Sherman , 4 : Evarts , 4 ; Harrison , 2 ; Gen eral Sherman , 2 ; Hobic , 2 ; Hiscoek , 2 ; For- aker , 3 ; Chamberlain , Hoar , ex-Mayor Low , M. Miller , Long and Gresham , one each. Suit of > Ii-K. Pholpfi , of New York , For of Her Child. IbSS Jin James Unntnn Uciinctt. ] LOXDOX , Feb.20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Hl'.n.l Mr. Harris Phelps , lawyer at 12S Hroadway , made his English and successful debut this morning in the court of chancery before Justice North and was opposed to no less than Sir Henry James Phelps , there to defend a petition brought against him by his wife to obtain the custody of their son , aged three years. She sailed yesterday In the Fulda "to consult her New York local adviser. " Said Sir Henry in moving postponement , which , after hearing Phelps in his own behalf , was refused with full costs : "It is a nice question whether ho can tax a counsel fee for himself. It seems that the marital relations have been strained. The boy. was loft with his father's relatives nt Maidstonc. In consequence came fears that the child would be 'eloigned,1 as the legal phrase Is , and sometimes popu larly translated 'kidnapped.1 " Mr. Phelps left New York some weeks ago and catno to London. Ho received a dispatch from New York on the tubjcct through the pool cable. Now comes a curious coincidence. Mrs. Phelps' solicitor hero is also a solicitor of the Anglo-American Cable company. What Is Phelps' surprise on immediately visiting Maldstono to find that the solicitor's clerK had been there before him nnd had shown the custodian of the child a verbatim copy of this private dispatch directed to Mr , Phelps. How did the clerk of the solicitor to the cable get the copy I Not through any act on the part of the pool cable people. Clearly not. Such a thing would not have been allowed on either side of , the Atlantic. Of course , pos sibly , it is a case of hypnotism. However , the solicitor's clerk did not got the child. In duo t line his mother appeared on the scone and tiled the petition which formed the sub ject of the lawsuit in question. Mr. Phelps has a temporary injunction restraining mad- nine from taking the child which he wished to-day made pcrirnnont but which wss re fused because informally asked. There were voluminous affidavits on each side brought Into court but not read and all concerned de clined information. It is believed that ami cable arrangements will now result. May Uemiinc the Strike. PiiiiAiici.rniA , Feb. 20. Master Workman Lewis to-day received telegrams from the master workmen at Shcnandoah and Middle- port doe-luring that certain of the strikers are being discriminated against and not allowed to return. Lewis says ho will investigate. and if the facts are as stated the strike will bo resumed inside of throe days nnd will in clude not only every miner in the Schuyklll regions , but engineers , firemen , pumping men and everybody clso in the mines , both above and below ground , Frightful Holler Kxploslon. WrsT MBI.VILI.K , La. , Feb. 20. The boiler n the shingle mill of H. Hcmis exploded this morning , Instantly killing three men nnd more or loss seriously injuring thirteen others. The mill is a total wreck , Fire In New York. New YOHK , Feb. 20. The six-story build ings Nos. t33to 554 West Twenty-third street , occupied by a number of firms , burned to night. Loss , fJtOtHK ) . _ A Philanthropic- Lady Dead. Cmcuie ) , Fob. 20. Mrs. Mancell D. Tnl- cott , widely known throughout the west as u philanthropist , died to-night. Frightful inrtliiiuke. : | SiHNniiAi , Feb. 20. A terrific earthquake has occurred in the province of Yunnan MURDER AT GRAND ISLAND , The Body of Valentino Qulchor Found in a Fiold. SHOT DOWN FOR HIS MONEY. No Clue Yet Discovered nn to Who Committed tlic Crime A Horse Thief Quickly Captured State NCWH. A Mystcrlouft Murder. . OUAXTI ISMXII , Nob. , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to thu HF.I : . ] The body of a nuin was found In n pasture cast of Union Pacific shops last evening about 4 o'clock by two boys who were passing through the pasture. Tiie polk'o were notified ntonco unil repaired to the place when ) the body was , and upon examination found the man had been most foully murdered. His head had the appear- aiico of being pounded with some heavy in strument. The coroner being summoned , ho ordered the body removed to the undertaking establishment of H. L. Uurkct , where tin cxiiminatlon of the body was nmdo by Dr. J. L. Sutherland and u coroner's Jury. The examination showed the man had been shot four times , once in the left arm , also in the back Just between the shoulders , mid in the head Just above the eft e-yc , and another wound in the right land. The doctor lemoved the ball from the icad and also the one in the right hand. The size of the balls were forty-four calibre. Pa ; > crs were found on the body that arc sup posed to fully identify the man as Valentino Glulcher. Ho is n German , about forty-llvo > -cars of age. In an inside pocket which was securely tied up was found an old handker chief in which was in bills and a certlllcato of deposit from the First National bank of Kearney , dated January 111 , this ye.vr. The object of the murder was without doubt robbery. There is no clue at present to the murder. The coroner's inves tigation may produce some clue and it is lioj od the guilty party or parties may bo brought to Justice. llornc Thieves at Aurora. Arnold , Nob. , Fob. 20. [ Special Telegram to the Uii : : . ] Aaron Wiley , a farmer ic'iil- Ing nine miles northwest of hoic , had two valuable horses , two sMs of harness and a wagon stolen from his promis.'s last night Tim thief deliberately went to his stables in the night , harnojsed up his horses , hitched on to his wagon , put in all extr.i tots of har ness and drove off. It wits the coolest thing that has happened in the country since the blizzard. TIII : TAinr Aum : Tir > . Giuxn ISLAND. Nob. , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to the HEI : . ] The police here re ceived notice from Aurora this morning that a farmer's team mid wagon had been stolen from thcro last night and a complete descrip tion of the horses being had the police were on the lookout for them and shoitly after re ceiving notice atf outfit answering the de scription given of the stolen horses was seen driving up Third street. The man was ar rested and placed injuil. Later it waslearnod the thief had stopped at u feed yard in Ham ilton county and loaded up a load of hogs which ho sold at tj-o 'stock yards on his ar rival here. The sheriff of Aurora was noti- lled of the capture and arrest of the thiof. Ordered Open For Settlement. GU\XT , Neb , , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to the Hun. ] Fifty sections of the Quarter Circle ranch located in North Cliaso county were entered open for settlement to-day. J. A. Phillips of this place received official no tice to that effect this evening. It is good land and there will be a rush to secure it. HKNUY GKOUGK'S DIIKAK. A. Union-Labor ICfiitor Talks oil thu Situation. CIIKMOO , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to the HEI : . ] Dr. Alfred S. Houghton , of the United Labor Age , of Cincinnati , who is in the city , was seen by a reporter to-day mid and usUeil what effect the apparent defection of Henry George would have on the united labor party. "Mr. George has not even put the move ment back. His carious defection has really strengthened us by leaving the way clear for men to Join us who were kept out by reason of his eaptiousness and intolerance. " "As between him and Dr. McGlynn in the light now pending , which will have the larger support J" "Dr. McGlynn , ten to one , at least in Ohio , and every where clso that I know mii thing about. " "How do you account for Mr. George's break i" "Well , perhaps it was in view of Dr. Me- Glynn's growing influence. The doctor is u great power magnetic , a natural leader , the incarnation of those high qualities which command men. I think Mr. George has had little to say in the affairs of the now move ment for some months , and ho broke away entirely in a tit of Jealousy. " "Hut is his position illogical i" "Yes , entirely so. Ho occupies the snmo ground that ho denounced as untenable and disgraceful when taken by O'Hnen , Davitt , Patrick Ford and Powderly. Ho Justifies it by a subterfuge , and for the first tinio in his life ho is on the defensive. " When asked if ho thought nominations would be inailo and a ticket put in the field , Dr. Houghton said : " Yes.undoubtcdly ; and I am hopeful that all the shattered hosts of the disinherited maybe bo united under our banner on a platform embracing our essential principle and m-og- nUing the general demands of the Knights of Labor , union labor , anti-monopoly , farmers' alliance , etc. In fact , the union labor people are oven now inviting/negotiatians , and Dr. McGlynn's policy seems to favor a coalition on an honorable basis. " From another source it was learned that negotiations are pending for conferences of both parties to meet in some central city where committees of conference may meet and ugrco upon a basis of mutual action. The probability seems to be that Chicago will bo chosen as the place , and late April or early May as the time. Freaks or a Crazy Kii , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to the HIK. : ] Last night Engineer Charles Curler , of No , 27 , yard engine of the Koine , Wattertown & Ogdensburg railway , went crazy while running the engine from Windsor Heach , tour miles north of Hochester to the yard in this city. Ho started the locomotive at a furious rate and was only prevented by Fireman George H. Latta from dashing into cars in the yard. Latta overpowered the madman and forcing him to the floor tied him as well as ho could and started the engine lor the round house of Windsor Ue-ich. Half way back Curler freed himself and seizing a largo hammer hit the fireman two heavy blows oil the back of the head. Latta fell senseless and Curler again seizing the lever started thp engine towards the city. Latta on coming to leaped form the engine into n snow drift , and hurrying to Windsor Heach gave the alarm. Meanwhile the madman had run the engine past Windsor Heach eastward toward Webster , eighteen miles distant. Telegraphic orders stopped all trains at that iKlnt and the switch was so turned that Cur ler's engine would bo wrecked if he attempted to pass Webster. Then for three hours the madman ran the locomotive furiously from Webster to Windsor Heach and back , and might have kept up the circus Indefinitely had not his fuel given out. Ho was finally captured and sent in clwrt'o of two officers to Oswego. litutrr Market. ill. , Feb. ' . ' 0. Hotter sold on the to-day for 2& cents per pound. 1'KCUhATlXO 1'OMTICIAXS. One or Kansas City's HcKlstratlon Hceords Mysteriously Disappear * . KANSAS CITV , MQ , , Feb. 20. [ Special Tole- giam to the Huu. ] Quito a sensation was created to-day by the announcement that part of the registration records of the second ward had been stolen. The theft was com mitted Saturday , but the matter was kept quiet until to-day. In the meantime prelim- ianry measures to enpturo the thief were taken. Hecorder of Votes John C. Hope when nskcd regarding the theft admitted that the story was true and related the particulars. Ho said ! "I anticipated trouble in the second end ward but did not expect what has trans pired. " In each ward slips of paper about C > x2 Inches were furnished to the registrar. On each slip they were to enter the name , nativity , place of residence , ward and precinct of each person registering. Most of the registrars filled up these slips as they went along. The registrar in the second end ward had his record copied off on the slips up to noon Saturday. Ho then went to dinner , taking his registration book with him , but leaving the slips in thu office. In the evening ho found that they had been stolen. Ho says ho believes ho knows the thief , but will not give his name. One day last week u well-known politician of the second end ward went to the registrar's oflleo and tried to induce him to furnish a list of those registered. The registrar would not outer- tain his proposition , Last Saturday evening another politician , u friend of the previous visitor , was in the registrar's ' office , appar ently without any business. Ho talked about souio clothing having been stolen from his wife , and made some remarks which , under the circumstances , led the registrar to believe that ho knows something about the theft of the slips. The theft of the registration records is punlshnblo by impris onment in the penitentiary. Formerly the politicians were allowed to copy from the official records the names of those who regis tered. They evidently want to cast ballots for any of those who have registered and who move away in future years. Either this , or they want to see thorn and fix things. The thieves have now nearly the full registration in the Second ward. Itailrnad Men In ConlY'i-onoc. KA.VSVS Ciiv , Mo. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Hir..l : A meeting of represent atives of the railroads forming the Colorado and Utah association was held in this city to day. The following gentlemen are the mem bers of the conference committee : > I. S. Tebblts , II. A. Johnson , J. L.Kiinlwll , G. W. Iloldrcdgc , P. T. Eustis , F. W. Hills , Omaha ; J. F. Goodard , W. F. White , S. U. Hycns. G. Nicholson , Topeka ; W. S. Hughes and H. S. Hicli , Denver. The meeting is the regular conference of the association , and although none of the roads have been directly affected by the rate war , the matter will probably como up for discussion before the meeting ends. No business of importance was trans acted to-day and another meeting will beheld to-morrow. ShaotTor Out on Hail. KINSAS CITV , Mo , , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Hue ] After an incarceration of several days in the Second street jail Charles A. Slmoffor , charged with embezzling $19- 0.1) ( ) , was this afternoon liberated on bail. ShaofTer refused to pay the heavy bonus asked by the people who were ready to go on his bond and preferred to wait until the ar rival of J. K. Cravens , who was out of the city at the time of ShaoffoVs arrest , and who returned thlsTnefrrrrnf * a little after 8 o'clock. Accompanied by-Deputy Marshal' Freeman , J. 1C. Cravens and M. A. Fyko appeared before - fore Justice Worthen to have him fix the amount of the bail. Justice Worthen placed the bail at $5,000 and accented Cravens and Fyko as sureties. A Kansas City Failure. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the HEU.I The linn of G. E. Weikert , wholesale stationers of this city , filed a voluntary assignment in the recorder's office to-day for the benefit of their creditors. Notes amounting to nearly fO.COO are as signed to Homer Heed in consideration of his indorsement. Leo K. Nonoy is appointed as trustee of the stock of goods contained at ! ! 02 West Fifth street , and all the goods in the posssssion of Traders & Gibson , now in the warehouse , for the full protection of Homer Heed and to indemnify him against loss. _ Swept Awny By Ice. CAHUOI.TOX , Mo. , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Hnn.J The middle span of the Chicago , Santa Fo & California railroad bridge across the Grand river , fifteen miles cast of hero , was swept away by the ice this morning at 0 o'clock. The work of repairing cannot begin until the ice is out of the way , which will likely bo the latter part of tno week. The Ice Gorjc Itreakt ) . KAXSHS Cirv , Mo. , Feb. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Hnc. ] Thc'ice gorge in the Mis souri river above the conlluenco of the Kuw and Missouri has broken up and largo blocks of ice are floating down the stream. The gorge at the Hock Island bridge has also broken and all danger to the bridge seems to bo over. PLAIN JOH. Chamberlain Not Ambitious to Join the Hanks of Knighthood. iropi/rfu'il ' tfSJ by Jttmct Gnrilun lfcmirft.1 LONDON , Feb. 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Hut.l The new Glad stone members , now called "the homo rule trinity , " came to St. Stephens this afternoon together and were warmly cheered at the gates by outsiders. To the latter the dyna mite scare is a prodigious annoyance. It is almost impossible now days for u tourist 01 stranger to como within the gates. Ono hundred and fifty constables arc detailed in and about the houses of parliament. Police sentinels patrol the embankment terrace unel challenge small boats when they loiter. The frowning granite pile looks and is guarded like u fortil'ss. It is now the presumption among the police that every stranger is n dynamitard and must prove ho is not or bo hustled to prison. Even a conservative jour nal has to-day been moved to say : "It is understood that new rules for the admission of strangers , are under consideration by the speaker and homo secretary. Pending the result the issue of orders for the public galleries Is greatly restricted and M. P.'s are much put to It to satisfy the legitimate curiosity of their constituents , It is absurd that Hritisl citizens should bo virtually excluded fron witnessing the proceedings of their owi parliament , and it is to bo hoped that the new rules will bo carefully examined before they are allowed to como into practice Police constables swarm at Westminster am suspects nro not the least likely to have a chance of doing harm , but the public generally ought not to bo ticated as possible dynamiters. " Doubtless when Mr. Chamber lain comes within the gates of St. Stephens he will also bo warmly cheered. The mass are not very clear about the fisheries mattei but consider him a hero of some mysterious kind for what ho has done in Washington All the papers mention to-day that he is to bo knighted on his return. Conversing to day with an M. P. who is close to him , On former said : "Nonsense. Ho is fonder o the title of 'Joe,1 It would bo well to rcmcm bcr what Dlsreall said when it was suggcstd that ho bo raised ton dukedom , 'No , Indeed , contemptuously answcicd Hcaconsflclil 'Why , Rutland is a duko. ' Joe Chamberlaii will net , care a rush Ugt.t lot lurko's Hook of Titles has 108 columns in Ine print of the roll of knights. Like Dick- ns and Irving , Joe would refuse this con > - Uionplacc honor1 1IKU 11DHHAM ) A MUUDKUIMl. William Warner's Wife Makes a Start- HIIK Confession , WiciifM , Kan. , Fob. 20. Mrs. Ellen War- icr , a prisoner In the county Jail , to-day nado affidavit that her husband William Varner , u house-mover of this city , was u murderer , countci feller and thief. She lulins that ho belonged to u noted gang of lespcradoos who have committed crimes in low.i during the past ten years. Shi ) also isserts that ho is implicated in the murder of ienry Scribnor , a wealthy resident of DCS Mollies , a number of years ago. The officers it IK-s Molnes have been communicated with iml siiy they remember the Scribner murder ind Unit the murderers escaped. It is not et known what will bo done in the case. Salaries. WASIUSC.TON , Fob. 20. Representative Uount , of GoDi-gia , to-day introduced in the lousoabill providing for the re-classitlca- Ion of postmasters ana the re-arrangement ) fsaluriis , Under Its terms , with the ex- option of the cities of New York and Wash- ngton , where the postmasters salaries are Ixed at $5,000 and $5,000 respectively , post- nusters are to bo divided into three classes , according to the revenues of theirofliccs. In he first-class ofllces , where the gioss re cipts are between fc0,0 ! ( 0 and $ < WOOJO the salaries rr ngo fiom 2 , 5JO to Jti.POv ) . In the see nd-ehtsi , where the gross receipts are between $1,500 and $1)0,000 ) , the salaries are to lange between Sl,000 and $ : ,500. The salaries of those two classes are to bo paid out of the receipts of their offices. Postmasters of the third class , which includes all not covered by the Jther two classes , are to receive , in addition io colnmissions on money order and special delivery business , u compensation based upon the receipts of their offices from all quarters , ranging irom the whole amount , where their receipts are less than Ji'O up to $117 pur quar ter. Arrangements are made for the annual adjustment of salaries , for the allowance of Iho expenses of rent , light and fuel , clerk hire , furniture and incidentals , at first and iccoml class offices. National Capital Notes. Wtsmxr.TON , Feb. 20. Mr. Mnndorson to-day , from the committee on territories , reported favorably the bill to amend the act setting apart lands at the head waters of the Yellowstone river as a public park. The senate committee on public lands to-day con sidered the proposed amendment to the general laws , namely : The repeal of the timber culture and pre-emption laws , and the amendment of the homestead law so ns to limit the acquisition of available public lands to actual settlers. It will probably report a bill substantially similar to the senate bill of the last congress. Mrs. Cleveland to-dav joined the Hamabal ciielo for the elavution of women In India. This organization is the outgrowth of the work in this country of Pundita Hiunabal , who has been laboring in varjous cities of the United States since March , l-8i ! , to awaken interest in the establishment of normal schools for high caste child widows in Koomi , India. Investigating the "Trusts. " New YOHK , Feb. 20. The committee of the state senate appointed to investigate the methods and influences of the various trusts began work hero' to-day , opening with the sugar trust. It was learned from witnesses that one refinery in St. Louis , two in Louisiana , and one in Hoston , two in Philadelphia and two in San Fran cisco had been forced into the pool , which now controls 32,1 0 ) barrels a day capacity. The production since December 1 has de creased one-fourth and the price has gone up. The amount of trust stock which has been issued is $45,000,0.0. , ! The board has decided to close more refineries. The witnesses re fused to produce u copy of the trust agree ment. The Democratic Stylo. WASIIIXOTOX , Feb. 20. [ Special Telegram to the HIK. : ] The St. Louis delegation hero proposes to capture the democratic national convention , and has opened the campaign in true democratic fashion. Tins morning they opened a bar in one of the parlors of Willard's ' hotel and are keeping three barkeepers busy dispensing free drinks. It is a great day for the majors and judges who loaf around the hotel waiting to bo invited to take something. Starving liullans. WiNNni-eo , Man. , Feb. 20. Kev W. S. Pcnlovc , a missionary , has reached hero from north of MeKenzio river with a further report of the distress of Indians in the far north. From Peace river ho heard of cases where the Indians had died of starvation and had been eaten by their comrades. There is much feeling because the government at Ot tawa has taken no notice of the destitution of these Indians repeatedly brought to its at tention. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Fair weather , slightly wanner in eastern portion , stationary temperature eraturo in western portion , light to fresh variable winds. For Iowa : Fair weather , slowly rising temperature , light to fresh winds , generally from west to south. For Eastern and Southern Dakota : Warmer , fair weather , followed in northern portions by light snows , light to fresh varin bio winds , generally southerly. - > Mrs. Lanjitry Quito III. Ciilt'Afio , Feb. 20. It is reported thifl morning that Mrs. Langtry is quite ill with heart trouble. Her Now York physician , who arrived last evening , says she is troubled with neuralgia of the heart , superinduced bj hard work on the stage. Desplto his advice to the contrary she insisted on going to the theatre to-night , but fainted when getting into tlio carriage and had to give up. The physician thinks a little rest will restore hei health. Locomotive Fireman Killed. EI.OIX , 111. , Feb. 20. Fireman Fain , of the Northwestern east-bound passenger , wnf killed at 5 o'clock this morning. His truli : ran into a freight that had a time ordot ngainsttho passenger , and was going upon u side-track. Coal Miners at Work. Piiii.Aiir.U'iiiA , Feb. 20. Of the forty-five Reading coal and Iron company's collieriei nil are at work this morning except six am it is only a question of u few days when thes ( will bo in operation. The Physicians Disagree. VIENNA , Feb. 20. The Tagblatt says thai Dr. Mackenzie confirms the report that t dissension exists among the surgeons. He remained at Kan Homo at the doslro of UK prince , but left the treatment in the hands o : Dr. Hergmanu. Dr. Kraus sides with Dr Mucken/io. Knglnccr and Fireman Killed. MANHATTAN , Kan. , Feb. 20. The onglni and two cars of a freight train on the Chicago cage , Kansas & Nebraska road went througl the bridge at Deep Creek yesterday. Fire man Foster was killed and Engineer Hohli fatally injured , Ill-Itish Grain Tradt ) Ilevlcw. LONDON , Fob , 20. Tim Mark Lane express press says English wheat is rather firmer the cold weather strengthening the views o sellers , Forelpn wheat Is dull , but seller : supKrt | values. There Is no Inquiry fen corn , and it is difficult , to maintain prices Flour , beans and peas are steady. Linstu PROHIBITION AND WHISKY , Au Interesting Decision IlnnelocJj. Down In n Missouri Court. A COMPLEX QUESTION SETTLED. ) ealers Cannot Payment LI < | iinrN ItoiiKht in Another State and Shipped Into Iowa The Court'H Opinion. Another Point Settled. KANIUS CITV , Mo. , Fob. 20. [ Special Tolc gram to the HKC.J in the Kansas City court if nppeals to-day , presiding Judge John F. 'hlllln.4 handed down an opinion that will bo cad with the greatest Interest by every riond and foe of prohibition. The case Ift 'omplcx ' , In that it deals with questions of itiblic policy and the prohlb lion law in par- icular. The case briefly stated is this : Mr. { invin , a wholesale llquordoalorof Chicago , lad u customer named Patrick Dohm , resld- ng In Ottumwii , la. The law of the stutd irohlbited the sale of wine and liquor of all tlnds and the eiiirtsoilld take no cognlz- uioo of any cases brought before them to re- tiver for the sale of this illicit article of com * nerce. In order to avoid the law Detail rdered by letter liquor sent from Klrwlil narked as quccnswuro and other' lames , so as to cvado the aw and get the railroads to accept the * iges. Ho paid for the liquor by mentis of Irafts sent in letteis. Finally , ho refused to > ay a certain bill of $1i ) * . As nothing coilUt jo done in Iowa , some of his personal prop erty was attached in this state , nnd em a trial the plaintiff recovered a Judgment. An ap ical was then tnucn to the court c f appeals , in the giound that the debt could not bo collected in Iowa and that the plaintiff was it lartner in a crime against the penal laws of Iowa. Judge Phillips gave the subject an imh Inonse amount of study and enroll ) ! reading , is the quest ions involved great principles of law. The first question was , Where was theJ ontract nnidel If in Iowa , it would oer- ; ainly not hold , but if in Chicago , whcrd ; hero was no law against such tralllo , it was legal and the collection of it could bo en forced. The suit being brought outside o jither state added to its complexity. AftcU .lecidlng that the contract was inudt * In Chl cago. the1 Judge says : "No matter what publicists like Pnthloit ana Iluberas , or our own great jurist and iitithor , Judge Story , may deem the sound , ethics or better code of public morals , It ia the established rule of law that a contract made between the subjects of imo country ta defraud the revenue laws of the oilier maybe bo enforced In a country where such con tract was made , as no nation is boutm to pro tect or re-gnrd the revenue laws of another country. Wo have not overlooked the 'sug gestion of the learned counsel touching tha impolicy of the courts of foieign jiinsdict on in which the action is drawn enabling tha non-resident to evade the local policy of n sister state. An appeal to public policy 1 | often quite indefinable and mcaningloB , Questions of public policy are fickle. They are not uniform. It may ba ono thing in one community ami quite another in u different locality. While no remedy could have been bud in tha Iowa coin ts , the ovldoncu given at thu trial on the issues covered all the sales and showd clearly that the sales were not made in Iowa , nor wore any of the payments made in tha state. It was nn Illinois contract nnd the ) payments were made there. It would be ) trilling with the lower courts to reverse tha cause1" This is a most important question to liquor ' sellers in Iowa and Kansas , and to dealers everywhere. The law given out here in to the effect that the law governing the plnco where the contract is made Is the ono that holds , and that dealers cannot evade pay ment. If the e'nso had been brought in Iowa no judgment could have been recovered ia any event. iiAiircu HOT. He Grows Indignant ISocanso WIN hhlro'H Cast ; WHH Nolled. Coi.rMiit's ' , O. , Fob. 20. [ Special Telegram to thoHii.l : Harper , the ex-banker and pris oner , broke into a fren/y tlifs evening in con versation and claimed it was an outrage ! of the indictments against J. W. Wilshiro to bo nollo piosscd ; that he perjured himself when ho stated that the largo Cldcago wheat deals were those of the prisoner. The amount ) i g it t nl sold ho said , was over iJ."iO,000OOC | worth , while the books of Wilshiro showed } only about $20,000 worth of transactions fromi IbSl to the date of the trial. One cent on q bushel would have amounted to $500,000 , anel the prisoner indicated that he would not do a business of that magnitude without some memoranda of sales and purchases. He said : "Yes , lie licit about the largo deals being for mo. Why did ho deed mo his property worth about fSO.OOOI Why did ho sell moj his bank stock at W.OOO less than the market ) value , and other things of a similar charuo tori In addition to trying to save the banlr , of which I owned over half , the president , di rectors and large holders dumped on the ) street stock and forced me to buy the samoj and niy * check book shows that I paid ovco ? roo,000 in this manner from January to June , This crippled me and showed that all the money did not go to Chicago. One man ought not to go to prison for trying to savq his property and the really guilty cscapq punishment. AVilshlre'N Indictment Nolled. CINCINNATI , Feb. 20. The district attorney in the United States court this morning ; moved a nollo of the indictment against J. W. Wilshiro , charged with violating the United , States banking law in connection with E. L. Harper of the Fidelity National bank , on the ground af inability to prove the charge. The court allowed his motion and Wilshiro and his bondsmen were discharged. Judge Sago said similar action should bo taken with tha indictment against Miss Josle Holmes anel this will bo done soon. Ktramsliip Arrivals. Nr.w YOHK , Feb. 20. [ Special Tclcgrant to the Hun.- ] Arrived The Anchoria , fronj Glasgow ; the Elder , from Hremicn. HAVIII : , Feb. 20. Arrived La Normaudlo'j from New York. , Feb. 20. Arrived The State of Georgia , from New York. J I Qi KUNsTowN , Feb. 20 Arrived The Lord Olive , from Philadelphia ; the Polynesian , frnmltaltlmoro. Pnii.Mii i.riiu , Fen. 20. Arrived Tha Hritish Princess , from Liverpool. German Actors Katnlly Itnrned. Nmv YOIIK , Feb. 20. "Gantz He > rff thrall o" in Hobokcn , was burned this morn I ing. A number of actors were asleep in the upper story at the time the liru broke out anet I before they could make their csciipo , Otto Lobes and a fourtoen-yerr old son of Ganta Herg were so seriously binned that the former is dead and the r is dyii g Four or live others were severely but not ia ally bui tied. tied.Tho The Vlhllilo Supply Statement. CIIICAOO , Feb. 20. The visible supiily ot grain for the week ending February llj us compiled by the secretary of the Chlcagg liouid of trade H as follows ; Husholir. Wheat . rJr , > t (1,000 ( Corn . ' . . H,4IH , ( oa Oats . n.fOl.OOd Hyo . : 7OOU Hurley . ' ' < ' Consolidation. C'nii ACIO , Feb. 20. A confercncoof railway manngeiB looking to the consolidation of thd Wi stern , Northwestern and South Y\ associations bcfuti to-day ,