Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    r ms * 3 r > ' ; > ii # arifv + > rc ifipws 0s 9
A Minister of the Gospel Bases a
Sermon on Him.
The Clans of People Who Try the
Poor Jchu'fl Patience nnd Mnlcca
JllM lilfo One of
Rev. Savldgo'H Observation * .
"Tho Street Car Driver and His Patrons , "
Was the sbbjcct of Kcv. Charles Snvldgo's
sermon , preached last night at the Scward
Street M. E. church. The pastor took his
text from James , 5-2 ! "Ychnvo heard of the
potlcnco of Job. " The class of men I preach
to this evening , said Mr. Savldgc , need now
hcnrts , first of all. Then they need patience
as the prlmo Christian grace. If It were pos
sible for you to buy patience by the yard I
would advlso you to lay In n largo supply ,
but the fact Is , God must give you the start
nnd then you can by dlvlno help grow this
beautiful plant. Ono of the oldest employes
on the red line told mo the other day that ho
believed If the dovll had made Job n stfect
car driver Instead of afflicting him with boils ,
his history might have been different.
I will first point out to you some of the
drivers' hardships nnd trials , and ns wo go
on you will sco ray purpose in this. Ho has
long hours nnd must keep at his work
through nil kinds of weather. You , In slip
pers and gown , sit by your warm flro In your
cozy sitting room , and you congratulate your
self that you do not huvo to fuco the fearful
storm without. You hear the passing car ,
but perhaps you do not think of tno man who
must drive two or three hours after you nro
asleep. How lightly wo bear the Ills of
others ! Christ had a fellow feeling for the
toilers nnd sufferers about him. The driver's
patience is also put to the test by the kicking
bronchos ho must drive. A broncho
is a wild unbroken liorso from the
west In our city wo work , very largely ,
the Oregon horse , but the skill of the driver
is taxed to the uttermost before ho Is broken.
However , some of these horses in the street
car scrvlco have tuught mo many a lesson.
God meant this world to bo our school room.
There la ono horse on the lied line that I ad
mire very much. 1 hope the men slip him an
extra car of corn occasionally. Ho is black
and white , somewhat In color like the regii ;
latlon show horse , and on this account ho la
called 'Hurnum. " Ho is so true and strong
nnd steady that the company keep him foi
the purpose of breaking bronchos. When a
wild horse won't go "Old Unrnuin" Just pulls
Mr. Broncho , car nnd the whole business
right along. You can hitch that horse to
anything and ho will work any place. Ho will
pull a straight dead pull forty times if you
give him the word. That Is the
sort of Christians God wants to
day Christians so true nnd faithful
that they will pull n wild reckless soul right
along to heaven with them. I am afraid the
"broncho breakers" in the church are scnrco.
There was also a horse on St. Mary's ' av
enue hill that I learned n good lesson from.
Ho needed no driver. He would go down the
hill und turn around to bo hitched to the
henvlly loaded car. Ho worked there till he
pulled his legs out of shape und his knees
knocked together. That horse was worth
moro to the world than some of the men he
pulled up that hill. I believe in the immor
tality of such horses. Again , tno ear driver
has to deal with many unreasonable people ,
I should say many cranky people. Some
"ladles" ( ) ) stand in their door and shout
"car. " The driver stops. The "lady" goes
back to take another look in the glass or tc
get something she has forgotten * Th <
driver moves on. The lady dashes out with
the car two blocks away , so she reports the
driver nt thocilice. ,
Some of these street car cranks belong tc
our churches and profess to have religion
In my opinion when they thought they gel
religion they got something else.
Ono of the most sensible men In the ser
vice told mo this instance : A man stood on
the sidewalk but ho made no sign to ttu
driver. The driver said , "Do you want the
car ! " The answer was given in the afllrmn
tivo. When the man entered ho said to the
passengers : "That fool driver asked mo il
I wanted the car und I had been standing it
the hot sun for half an hour. " The drivci
opened the door und said , "How should :
know you wanted ncar , you gave mo n <
sign. " The angry passenger replied , "Shu1
that door and shut your mouth. '
Though It was ngnlnst the rules , the drivei
suld , " 1 would advlso you to take Ben Frank
lin's advice 'Keep your mouth shut mn
men won't know you arc a fool. ' " Isn't ' !
wonderful that some people cannot get on i
street car nnd drop n nlcklo In the box with
out getting into u tight ) That shows hov
much the majority of people need rellgion-
they need It bud.
Take another case of pure ciissedncss ,
man comes out of n store where there ii
plenty of chungo. It is very cold. Ho pull
off his glove und hands the driver n dime. I
the chungo Is not returned in three second
ho kicks the door und shouts : "Hurry u |
there , don't you know I'm freezing ! " If tlv
driver docs not say It uloud , he says in hi
heart : "I have been hero for fourteen hour
this bitter day , with my glove off muel
of the time , dealing with Just sue !
old bears as you are. " Another man passe
his money to the driver und shouts to him t
attend to his business , but docs not sco tha
the driver Is turning his brake to save tha
carriage yonder driven by n ludy. Other
wrong him by passing him the countcrfei
dollar in the dark. I saw ono in the hnndsa
ono of the drivers the other day. This mus
come out of the poor boy's pay. Shame on
man who will cheat a hard working strec
car driver. When the car is crowded th
plot thickens. There nro n grcnt many pec
pie who can't bclmvo themselves in a crowc
There is a man on the buck platform wh
will not pay. Ho is neatly dressct ]
but ho is "immense , " isn't ho
Ho cheats the company out of a nickU
When questioned by the driver ho says h
has paid. Ho is both n thief and a liai
Then there is the everlasting man who mus
smoke on the car. He knows it is againe
the rules but ho has only smoked twelv
cigars since morning and time js precious ,
should think the wife and children of sue
an old tobacco tub would go hulf way dow
to meet him. It is a standing wonder to m
that they don't burst with pi-ldo over such a
"angel. " I will not speak of the "sma
boy" and his pranks on the driver. I can
'do that subject Justice. I repeat the te >
only : "Ye have heard of the patience c
Job. "
Now wo ask , how can the driver bo holpcil
The patrons of the street ear could make th
driver's position u very pleasant ono. Lc
me give you u tx > Int or two. Those wh
make trouble with the drivers lire pcopl
who consider themselves very smurt , or u :
pocially fortunate. As u rule they nro "coc
iUh aristocracy. " People who suddenly tin
themselves rich , or the recipients of publl
honors , are often very dinicult to manage o
a street cur. The prodigal son was u sump ]
of this surtuf people. If ho had ridden on
street cur going out from homo ho woul
have knocked the driver down several time !
or have been knocked down himself. Bt
he would huvo made no trouble on the tri
back. Ho had the conceit nil taken oat c
him. If you treat people right they wi
treat you right. Help the driver keep tli
rules. Don't insist on his breaking then
Get enough religion to take the deviltry tin
BclflHhncss out of you , nnd then you can rli !
In any kind of n rig on God's earth and I
happy , but if the dovll Is in you , you wi
light your own grandmother. Suffer wroii
rather than do wioug. Never think of throv
ing a mtm out of work because of some sllgl
offered you.
The company could help him. Ten o'eloc
, at night la late enough for any man to worl
I have no doubt that when Jesus comes I
dwell In person on this earth that all the eai
will bo in the barn ut ten o'clock and tl
drivers will bo having prayers in their far
Hies. And on the Sabbuth not u wheel wl
turn , but the streets will bo full of peon
walklng'to church , and among them will 1
. the street car driver with his wife anil chi
flr\n on the way to the house of the Lor
May God hasten that day I But the driver
greatest help must como from God , Gi
\vlll help you turn away irom your sins , ai
lie will forgive the past nnd Ho will'Me
and strengthen you. Some of these days y <
Will make the last trip on earth. Where w
' feu spend eternity I , u old' Ugo driver
the west was dying. Ho had driven on the
mountain roads. Ho said : "I am on the
down grade nnd I can't reach the brake. " I
counsel you to bo ready for the great Journey
into eternity.
The Pleasure of Owning a Store on
Fnrnnm Street.
As an evidence of the demand for stores In
this city , the experience of a building owner
on Furnum street near Fifteenth may bo
sited. The store In question is the only va
cant ono on the thoroughfare , and it has been
vacant , strange to say , simply because of the
eagerness of half a dozen pcoplo to occupy It.
The store was abandoned some tlmo ago by
the owner , who retired from business. Ho
rented it to a flrm for 250 per
month. This flrm Is In busi
ness of its own nnd took
the second store as n side speculation , They
rented it to a third party , who in turn rented
It to a fourth party for a term of flve years.
This linn needed u larger place , nnd n fifth
flrm desiring to get the place altered the
fourth party a bonus of 31,700 to move to an
other and larger store , which they did with n
great deal of satisfaction. A9 yeti however ,
the pcoplo who paid the bonus have not secured -
cured the possession of the place and the les
sees from the owners say they shall not until
the rent owing them by the third lessee , if such
ho may bo called , is paid. The latter swears
by all the deities In Olympus that they will
get possession , because It is by that means ho
expects to pay his rent. There is another is
sue , and that is n side ono. The firm which
took the bonus had spent only a short time
In the store , though their lease was intended
for flvo years.
Lessee No. 2 doesn't know whom to hold
responsible for Lessee No. 4's uncxplrcd
term. Lnwvers have already been secured
by nearly all the parties , while half a dozen
other merchants who want the store also tire
compelled to stand by.and see the Kilkenny
fight perpetuated in the courts.
Fred Smith Arrested for Robbing
Husso's Hardware Store.
Ofilcer Uurr , ono of the new policemen ,
made a good record yesterday in the appre
hension nnd arrest of Fred Smith , the thief
who burglarized John Husse's ' hardware
store , 2403 Cumltig street , last Wednesday
night. Burr's suspicions was first aroused
by Smith's disposing of some now cutlery
and revolvers nt n Tenth street pawnshop.
Uurr made an Investigation of the matter
and became satisfied the goods were stolen
from Husso. Smith was arrested and made
a full confession of the deed to Captain
Green. An entrance had been effected Into
the store by removing n window in the rear.
Nearly $100 worth of goods were taken ,
mainly razors , knives and revolvers.
Pete Hawkins , another of the thieves con
nected with the burglary of John Husso's
Hardware store on Cuming street , was ar
rested last evening. Ho was found in the
Academy Exchange saloon by Officers Cor-
mack and Mostyn , and was greatly agitated
over his arrest. On being searched some of
the stolen goods were found on his person.
Soidenberg' & Figaro is the only long
Havana filled lOo cigar for 6c on sale
Jack McGttirc's Case.
Jack McGuire , who was arrested a week
ago on the charge of stealing a gold watch
from Fred Jones while in E. H. Grcfo's sa
loon , is still In custody , but will have n hear
ing this morning. McGuire has never been
been arrested for such an offense before , and ,
according to his story , has been guilty of no
criminal act. Ho says that Herm Smith took
the watch from Jones' pocket and gave It to
him. McGuire was drunk at the time and ,
not reulizlntr what ho was about , put the
watch in his pocket. Next morning on dress
ing ho discovered the watch in his pocket and
took it to Grefe's saloon and asked tbo pro
prietor to return it to the proper owner when
ho came in. Ho explained to Grefo how the
watch had como into his possession and asked
him to try and smooth matters with the
owner of the watch. Grefe took charge of
the article , but , McGuire claims , because the
saloon keeper had an old grudge against him ,
he took tins opportunity as a means of re
venge and caused McGulro's arrest and in
carceration. McGuire tells a straightfor
ward story nnd it is thought lie will bo
cleared , the only thing over before brought
against him being his inveterate love of his
Woven "Wire Springs 08c.
Everything in proportion. Money
talks , and a call costs nothing. Will
you call at
150S Capitol avo.
Came Alter Ills Prisoner.
Sheriff Nelson , of Muskegon , Mich. , ar
rived in Omaha yesterday to take in charge
Edward H. Jones , latoof the firm of Mangold
& Co , , who is wanted in Muskegon for em
bezzling $3,000. The sheriff identifies Jones as
the man ho is after. The prisoner takes the
matter very coolly nnd denies any connection
with the Muskegon frauds. The form of
turning the prisoner over to the sheriff will
bo gone through with this morning , and Jones
will bo taken to Muskegon to confront the
men whom it is claimed ho has faithlessly
robbed. _
Sleep Is the Life of Man.
Look'a t our Mantle folding and- up
right beds at bedrock prices. Now is
the time to buy.
1503 Capitol ave.
Lena AVocubccke.
Sowarcl Reporter : County Superintendent
Burkctt has been appointed guardian o )
Lena Woobbecko and duly filed his bond. On
Monday the little sufferer was removed to
Mllford , where she Is provided with many
comforts which could not have been pro
vided where she lived. The prospects for
her recovery are Indeed bright. She appre
ciates all that is being done for tier by the
Stock of Union stock yards company ,
limited , of Omaha , Neb. , for sale in
quantities to suit purchasers by Swift &
Co. , 71 Exchange building , Union stock
1 yards , Chicago , III.
' Onmbuns In Florida.
I A dispatch received from Jacksonville ,
t Fla. , tells of the arrival there of the part )
of excursionists from Omaha. They remain
in Jacksonville until to-morrow evening
I meanwhile visiting the Sub-Tropical expos !
j tlon , St. Augustine nnd other points close tc
[ , ' the city. _ Tlioir next objectyo ! point is Turnon
> Spring. The hotel nt Sutherland has Just
J been completed and will bo used for the llrsl
time on their arrival.
Special Sale.
Commencing Monday , February 20 ,
furniture , pianos , organs , etc. , at less
thtin the cost of the material. Call be'
fore you buy elsewhere.
1508 Capitol avo.
f Licensed to Wed.
1 The following marriage licenses were is
3 sued Saturday by Judge Shields :
1 " Name and Ilesidcnce. Ago
Q ' George Mctzu , Omaha U :
1) Anna Novae- , Omaha Ul
1 August Kioucke , Omatui U <
Mary Peterson , Omaha W
Gottliep Hundt , Omaha 2 ;
t Yettio Anskot , Omaha 2 :
c Look ! Look ! ! Look ! ! ! .
The greatest bargains over olTored ir
furniture , pianos , organs , etc. Don'i
fail to visit the
160S Capitol avo.
The Police Called Time.
James Castillo and Martin Conroy met 01
South Thirteenth street yesterday afternooi
and decided to ttcttlo nn old misunderstand
ing. Neither was inclined to give In andhan
words were succeeded by blows. Ono sherI
add bluody round was fought when tlmo wa
culled by the police. Both weiti taken to th
I otmlral sUtiou with badly dlallguvcd faces ,
Eight Hundred Animals Killed by
Three Sportsmen.
low Men find Jlorses Arc Devoured
by FcrocloitH lliiHHlan Brutes
Mouse on Wheels and the
Ilusslan Government.
Now York Sun : How mtvny people nro
dllcd by wolves In Russia oncli yearV" !
once naked of n Russian ofHciul nt St.
"Twenty thousand , perhaps , but what
of itV" ho replied.
If the Russian government was not
oncerncd about the number , ho could
lot see why outsiders should bo. And
f the government was concerned , it is
loubtful if it could take any stops to
greatly lesson the number of wolves or
victims. From east to west and north
south , Riibslu is a wolf country. JTho
Hulance between towns , and the thinly
ettled agricultural districts give wild
> easts opportunity to increase in num-
) crs , and it is said of the Riibsian wolf
hat ho is always hungry. If
tatistics were preserved and pub-
ishcd , as in India , the publication
of the number of victims killed and
Icvourcd by wolves would bo startling.
between the villages of Tobosky and
Jrkovsky thirty miles apart there
vas. in 1808 , only one house. That was
a half-way hotel. The rest of the road
was given up to plain and forest , and for.
flvo years previous to 18G8 this had been
one of the most dangerous places in all
Russia. Travellers waited at either
village until a band of from ten to
twenty had collected , and in midwinter
soldiers had to accompany all travelers.
A member of the French legation told
no that , in making this journey once ,
.ho . sledges were followed and sur
rounded by a drove of woves estimated
o number two thousand. No attack
vas made , there being ; a largo escort of
The llrst time I passed over the road
vas in summer , and not a wolf appeared
n sight. At , one point , where the road
ravorscd a plain for eight miles , I saw ,
without leaving the beaten track , the
Jones of "lit least fifty horses and of sov-
mty-flvo persons. In some cases only a
mndftil of bones were left to represent
a personbut I was assured by the driver
, hat a victim had been pulled down
ivherover those bones lay. The smaller
jones are eaten up or carried olT , but
; ho larger ones arp loft to bleach in the
summer sun or lie hidden under the
Irifts of winter. Even the hotel at the
lalf-way point wtas not safe from attack ,
jut had to bo surrounded by a wall of
stone ten feet high. When nskod why
a general raid was not made on the
wolves of this district , and the pests
exterminated or driven out , no ono had
an answer. Five hundred armed pcas-
ints , directed and assisted by fifty sol
diers , could have made clean work of it
in a day , but the idea of such a raid had
never occurred to anyone.
While I was lying'at Urkovsky that
summer the Russian government of
fered a bounty of fourteen cents
for the scalp of ) every wolf killed
in that district. There was ano
ther American and an Englishman in
the village , and when the proclamation
came out wo determined on a wolf hunt.
Wo called in a carpenter , and gave him
plans of a house on runners. It was as
largo as one of the photograph cars
drawn from town to town in the United
States , and provided with three bunks ,
a stove , and other convionccs. There
were portholes in the sides and floor ,
before three or four sliding doors , and
when the hous was done wo found
plenty of room for three men and coal
and provision for a fortnight. There
was great curiosity in the town as to
what sort of a move wo had in view , 'and
the house had been scarcely finished
when a government official made us a
call and demanded the fullest informa
tion. When wo told him that wo pro
posed to draw the car out upon the plain
and use it as a cover and protection
while wo shot wolves his gravity in
creased and ho officially notified us not
to move it a foot until ho had communi
cated with his surperiors. The govern
ment , had. offered a bounty for the de
struction of wolves , but wo must got
permission to destroy theml
However , wo had lots of time ahead ,
and while waiting the appearance of
the official the car was finished and
stocked. It was as roomy as the ordi
nary fright car , and wo put in plenty of
fuel , provisions and ammunition. Wo
took only shotguns and revolvers with
us. It about the 1st of December
when the official made us a second rail.
He was still very dignified and very
grave. Ho had corresponded with the
police inspector of the district , and that
official had corresponded with a greater
man , and perhaps the case wont to St.
Petersburg. It had , however , been
decided that wo could move our car ,
'providing ' wo hold ourselves responsible
for all damages to the czar' ' ! subjects ,
We did not move until the first week in
January. It was a very severe winter
with wolves more numerous than for
years past , and wo had trouble to get
teams to draw our house to the plain.
All through December the road filled
up as often as opened , but early in Jan
uary wo got away , having four hordes to
draw the house. Wo were to bo loft on
the center of the plain for a week , when
the horses were to come back for a now
As wo got out of town early ono morn
ing wo reached the spot selected lonff
before noon. The car was hauled on" to
the side of the road at a favorable place ,
and the men with the horses waited no
longer than tounhitch them before start
ing on the return journey. While wo
had not scon a wolf on the trip out ,
several sledges had been pur
sued the week before in broad
daylight , and the two men and fou
horses were certainly a temptation fo
the brutes to gather. In making ready
wo had had the advice of two or three
old wolf hunters , and had adopted some
of their suggestions. Wo had brought
along some raw moat for bait , and also
a gallon of beef's blood. As soon as wo
settled down wo thawed this blood , and
then wont out in three different direc
tions and sprinkled it on the hard ,
white crust. On our way back to the
car wo loft a trail , and flung out a piece
of meat at intervals. Wo had not yet
reached the car when wo heard the
howl of a wolf , and five minutes later
wo could see a dozen of them scamper
ing about. It was an hour , however ,
before ono came within reach of our
guns. Then the sun , which had been
brightly shining nil the forenoon , was
hidden by clouds , and n snow squall
came up to still further darken the
The howling of wolves could now bo
heard in every direction , and pretty
soon they followed the trails of blood in
until wo all got a shot , and each tum
bled a wolf over. From the instant they
fell to the time their bones were clean
picked by their companions was no1
over forty Eoooafo It . was something
marvellous to watch "thd procceaing.
Che mouthful nploco wfcfctffcu their np-
) otltcs and stimulated tbolr ferocity ,
ind the whole pack m > do a rush at the
car. The beasts no doubt took it for a
ravcler's sledge , and the attack waa
surprising in its fierceness. The num-
jcr of wolves was not IMS than 600 , and
'or ' the first flvo mi nut * * wo were seri
ously alarmed , They wore over , under ,
and around us , howling barking , snarl
ing , growling and fighting in a way to
; jlvo us chills , andhiuVour car not been
iccuroly fastened to the broad , heavy
runners , they would huvo npsot it in
heir rushes. The exterior had been
sheathed with sheet iron. Wo had ob-
cctcd to this expense , but had finally
iccopted the advice of ono of the wolf
hunters. Wo now realized the wisdom
if this precaution. ' But for the sheath-
ng the wolves would hivvo eaten their
vay into the car in a dozen places.
Such a fierce and unexpected attack
attled us for a few minutes , but after a
> it wo began firing buckshot into the
> ack as fast as wo could load and pull
rigger. Then it was pandemonium lot
ooao. The howls , yells , yelps , growls ,
ind cries redoubled , because every vic-
, im of our guns was being devoured by
iis companions. Wo lired thirty-four
ihurgcs of buskshot into the mass , Idli
ng at least double .that number of
volvcs , and then the pack began to
icattcr , and ton minutes later not a liv-
ng wolf was in sight. It was a horrible
ooking sight around us. Every wolf
nit ono had boon devoured. Tufts of
ur and bloody bones were scattered
ivor the snow for a hundred
cot in every direction , and there was
not a foot of snow without its blood
tains. There was a wounded wolf wilt )
md escaped the fangs of the pack , prob-
ibly because their appetites were satis-
led for the time being. Ho had been
shot through the hips , and could no
ongcr use ( iis hind legs. He was a very
argo fellow , and wo soon had reason to
iclievo that ho was still dangoroes.
Cho beast was about fifty stops away
vhon wo descended from the car , and
ho minute ho caught sight of us a great
transformation took place. All the fur
ilong his spine stood up , his eyes blazed
iko flro , and ho uttered such iicrco
growls that the three of us raised our
tuns. The brute could drag himself
over the snow crust with his fore legs ,
ind as wo stood looking at him he began
litching himself forward to attack us.
Wo let him come within five or six feet
) f us before knocking him over. From
iis actions there was no doubt ho would
mvo boldly attacked the three of us had
10 been less desperately wounded. His
scalp was the only ono wo saved out of
, he sixty or seventy -shot.
Not another wolf was soon until night
came down. Then they gathered
around us seemingly by the thousands.
Booking out from one of the small slid
ing doors ono was reminded of a great
drove of sheep entering over rough
ground. Not ono of them was still for
i minuto. and a free fight was always in
order. Our house stood six or seven
[ eot high , but they leaped over it back
ind forth ns easily as they could have
cleared a log. At ono time several of
them engaged in a fight over our heads ,
ind wo had serious toiira of the roof
areaking under their weight. When
wo finally opened flro I honestl.y bolicvo
there were U.OOO wolves within pibtol
shot. Our house was the centre of a
circle of leaping , howling , fighting ,
growing , yelping beasts , each one of
which seemed bent on getting nearer.
[ t was a bright moonlight night , aucl wo
did not wabte a shot. Ono could liavo
bhut his eyes and been sure of killing
or wounding at every discharge.
Wo limited our shots to twenty-
five each and fired slo\yly PO
as not to heat our guns. I believe wo
killed a hundred wolves with the boven-
ty-flvo shots. If ono was wounded
enough to chase a flow of blood he was a
? oner. The unwoundcd would tear
liim to pieces with even more ferocity
Lhan ttioy displayed toward the dead.
Soon after wo had ceased firing the
great bullc of the wolves retired , to bo
seen or hoard no more during the night.
A few who had probably failed to secure
a share of the horrible feast remained
in the vicinity to growl over the bloody
qoncs and utter an occasional howl
and after midnight wo slept soundly.
Wo were afterwards told by peasants
living eight or ton miles away that
packs of wolves passed their farms at
dusk on the way to the general rendez
vous. Some or those surrounding our
house prob ibly came twelve or fifteen
miles. The keeper of _ the hotel saw
fifty or more pass his place , and they
wore in such a hurry and so occupied
with the project on foot that thovpasbcd
within twenty feet of a stray colt with-
out'halting to attack it.
On the second day of our stay wo were
witnesses of a dreadful tragedy. It was
a cloudv day'with occasional snow
boualls , but no wolves came near us. At
about 2 o'clock , while my companions
were lying down , I opened a slide to
take a look over the highway toward
Toblosky. For four miles the hitrhway
was over a plain , and ono could see
every moving object. Then the rend
was lost in npino forest , which stretched
along for a couple of miles. I had
scarcely pulled back the slide when an
object came in view on the road at the
edge of the forest , and in half a minute
I had out hordes. A sledge was coming
our way , the first which had pabsed since
wo took up our station : Wo had a pair
of field glasses in the car , and I had no
sooner adjiibtcd the focus than I uttered
a shout which brought my companions
to their feet. There were three horses
abreast , and they were coming at a dead
run , while on both bides of the sledge.
I could make out fierce wolves
jumping up. The team.was a powerful
ono , and coming very fast , and in a min
ute more I made out that the sledge was
surrounded by a great pack of wolves.
The driver was labhing the horses in a
frenzied , waywhile the smoke and flame
and faint reports droved that the occu
pants of the bledgo were using firearms
to defend themselves. Wo had two or
three minutes in which to act. Each of
us hail the idea that the sledge would
halt at our car for protection , or that
the people in it would certainly luap out
at that point. Wo opened one of the
doors , got down our guns , and all were
ready to leap out whom a ) dreadful sound
reached our ears. It waa the shriek of
a horse. I say shriek , for it was noth
ing moro nor less a shrlok of. terror
and despair. The cause woe plain as wo
looked out. Ono of the horses had fallen
when the sledge was hardly twenty rods
away , and the other two had boon
dragged down with him. We could not
see them , however , for the wolves , Wo
jiibt caught sight of t\vot > r three human
figures in furs , heard the reports of pis
tols and bhouts of human voices , and
then the terrible din made by the
wolves drowned all other sounds.
Wo should have sprung out and gene
to the assistance of the travelers ,
but before we * could move a foot our car
was surrounded by wolves , and a mon
ster got his head and shoulders into the
doorway and hung there for a few seconds
ends despite the kicks from our heavy
boots. Wo opened the sides and looked
out , but all was over then. The car
casses of the horses had been picked to
the bone , the harnesses eaten and the
robes from the sledge were being torn
apart as the wolves raced around. We
saw pieces of'bloody clothing bcattored
about , and wo know that the travelers
had met a horrible fate. Wo learned
afterward that there were four men .in
the sledgo. .
The uack.ofwolves , .which seemed to
bo larger than any which had yet gath
ered , hung about until wo had knocked
over at least fifty of them , and then
drew off to return at midnight. Wo
kept our position for nine days before
the men would coma with the horses ,
and , although wo preserved the scalps
of only three wolves , wo estimated the
number of killed as over eight hundred.
Wo intended to put in n week nt an
other place , but with the horses came
that same government official , who
gravely informed us that ho had boon
instructed by his superior officer to in
form us that our wolf hunt must ond.
Wo were rendering the highways dan
gerous to travelers by attracting the
TnlkB to Men nt Trinity.
The mission this week nt Trinity cathedral
Is to consist of a series of lectures to men.
These meetings nro to bo held every evening
nnd the licv. Dean Gardner will ofllclato.
There will bo sonic plain preaching nnd noino
Interesting nnd instructive talks will bo
given. There will bo several unusual features
ind every night a special service.
Absolutely Pure ,
This powder never varies. A marvel of purl-
y , strength ami wholesomeness. Moro econom-
cal than the ordinary klmK and cunnot liu sold
In competition wltn the multitude of low cost ,
short v * eight alum or phosnhnto vowders. Sold
only In cuim. Uoyal Uaklng Powder Co. , 1 J
Wall street , Now. . York.
The Only Remedy
Contagious Blood Poison.
Mr. D. H. Adiira * , Union , South Carolina ,
rltia i " I WM afflicted with a terrible CMS
of blood nolaon for about thirteen months. I
w treated by the bc t physicians , and iiied
various klndu of remedies , but received no
pubntantlal relief. I finally tried the EwlfC
Bpccinc , nnd about four bottles cured ma
utind nnd well. "
Col. B. II. KU'ser , editor and proprietor of
the Opellka , Ala. , Timei , under date of
August 8 , 18H7. writes : "When I waa
B youig man , through Indiscretion , I con
tracted a dlceaso which hai stuck to
me fog yean. Same five or Biz yean
Inco I wan troubled with pains , so na to
rnuko It dinicult for me to walk. Having
advertised the 8. 8. S. In my paper foraoreral
years , I concluded I would try U to see If
[ here wai nny efficacy In the medicine. I
commenced uilng It uccorillDK to direction !
and uied half dozen bottles. I waa once at a
way station and. getting left , I walked tha
even mllei and nave never felt any return
of the old malady. After experiencing the
peed effect ! I mint nay I am tntlaflrd with
the rcnult. I am ilxty eight yearxof age and
I feel now like a young man and cr.n go to
the case when necessary nnd Ret up from Biz
to eight thousand cms without any Incon-
venluuoe. I tend you tub without solicita
tion.Mr. . P. Woehl,211 North Avenue , Chicago ,
under date of Juno 13 , 1887 , writes : "Ideem
U my duty to thank you for the euro I re-
cell cd from } our excellent medicine. I con
tracted a very severe case of blood poison
ing about two > ears ago. Hearing of your
medicine , I wont to ft drug store , the pro
prietor of which persuaded me to buy a
preparation of his own , which ho said wnsi
a sure cure. luud six bottles of bis stuff
and grew worse all the time. At last I Kot
disgusted and despaired of a cure. I met a
friend who told mo that your medicine ha-1
cured him. I went to the same druggist
again and demanded your medicine. lie re
luctantly sold metwohe bottles , and I am
now perfectly cured. I write this for tha
benefit of sufferers , to prevent their belnp
deceived by false representations. I thank
yon again for the benefit derived from your
medicine. "
t Dr. J. N. Cheney , a prominent physician ,
residing In Ellavllle , SOiley County , Georgia ,
In a letter recounting the Infallible success
ho has In curing contagious blood poison
cases In his extensive practice , writes :
Those who know the almost Inevitable ,
permanently dangerous effects of mercury
will welcome your discovery of 8. 8. 8. ns
In Kin to humanity. The medical profession ,
nluajs nary or proprietary medicines , Is
coming slowly , and In some cases secretly ,
to the use of S. H. 8. In cases of blood dis
order. Of course a medicine that cures
poisoning In Its worst form must purify tha
blood of every disorder. "
Treatise oa Blood and Bkln DUcnfits mailed
treo. TUB bwirr brtcmc Co. ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Qa.
) ON (
Ono line 4-yoar-yld Norman stallion ,
sufo breeder ; also ono thoroughbred
saddle innro from the celebrated Har
per farm , of Kentucky , will bo sold at
my farm. 7 miles north of Lincoln. This
mare is perfectly safe for a lady to ride ,
and has all the saddle gaits. 24 head
of-Norman brood mares with foal. For
further information apply to mo-or my
auctioneer , C. C. Pnco.
TansilPs Punch Cigars
wore shipped during the past
two yours , without a drum
mer In our rinploc No other
house in the world can truth-
fillynmkofiuchashowiuc. )
Olid tiKont ( dealer uulyj
wanted in cnch town.
R.W.TANSIU&CO.,55StatoStChcaao. !
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homuopathtu Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE , tAK
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
J.W. Barnsdall , M. D
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Gyna'coloylat anil Obstetrician.
Telephone 970.
ir. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner 14th and IIoUKlns St. Olllce ,
telephone , 40o ; Uesldenco telephone , MS.
The Kearney Land Office of Kearney , Neb ,
The oldest und best established Heal Estate
and Loan lluslness In Central Nebraska. 1 now
offer it for sale after II jours'continuous own
erahlp and iniiuunemout , on account of fullliiR
health , ( lood houxe property can K" with it
AUott'O.OUU worth of lands and Keurney city
loU If wanted. Address
Tbo Kearney Imnfl Oflloe , '
, ' 'Kearney , Neb ,
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
S\r S * Jl Kir * * BURDETT ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the-purchaseran absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
I30S * 1307 FARNAM STRElT *
Catalogues and Price List upon Application.
Sowing Thread of Modern TlmeB.
Kir.rATiiiCK-Kocii Dry Goods Co.
M. E. SMITH & Co.
CIIAS. BtSflKii , South Omaha , nnd all first-
class retail dealers.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Oodgo Sts
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for suc
cessful treatment of every form of disease icqulr-
Ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WRITE FOR CIUCULARS on Deformities nnd
( Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Ilroi.chilis ,
Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Kpileusy , Kid
ney , Bladder , Eye , ar , SUiu and Blood , and all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital 1'owcr. 1'ersons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential. Medicines or instruments
bent by mail or express , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or Render. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
rend history of your cose , and we will send in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Di'cnses , Impotency -
potency , Syphilis , Olcet liud Varicocelc , will !
question list. Address .
Omaha Xtdtral and Xurgiral Tntltute , or
Cor. 13th and DodaiSU. . OMAHA. NEC.
1742 Lawrence SI , , Denver , Col ,
Of the Missouri State Milonm of Anatomy , St.
Louis , Mo. , 'Unherslty ColleKe Hospital , Lon
don , ( llcsen , Germany und Now York , having
devoted their attention
More especially those arising from Impru
dence. Invite ull BO tuirurlut ; to correspond with
out delay. Diseases of Infection und contagion
cured safely and bpeedlly without use of dun-
Kcroua druirs , 1'utlents whosa cases huvo been
neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not fall to writeus concerning their
symptoms. All letterh receive Immediate utteit-
And will be mailed FUUK to any address on re
ceipt of one S-cent btamp , "I'ructlcal Observa
tions on Nervous Debility und Physical Kxhuus-
tlon. " to which Is added an "Ksnay on Mur-
rl Re , " with Important chapters on diseases of
the Keproductlve OrKuns , thu whole furmlnu u
valuable medical treatise which uliould bo read
by ull youn men. Address
1712 LOTie&co St. , rcuver , Col. '
Pi rcherons , Clydesdales und Shire , nlto horaf
bred colts. Kvery aulmariniaraiiteed a breeder
Our stock has been selected with refcrencetO
both Individual merit and pedigree. Someot
the o horses have taken llrst prize at the Ne
braska State Felr , 1887. All our horses arc ac
climated , and colts of their get can bo shown ,
1'rlces reasonable and easy terms. Is accessible
by the three lending railroads of the state , U. St
Jf. : P. . E. & M. V. , and K. 0. & O.
& FAHUHAH , York , Neb
Omaha , Nebraska.
The Standard-bred trotting btalllon ALARIQ ,
No. 2O83 liy Cuylcr ( slru of Elvira 2WMJ :
Day Dream 2:21'i : , Afcath 2S1 : , also the duin of
Pntron:14) : ) by Hysdyk's Ilambletonlau. Ut
dam Ktliel Oolddust , ( fall slater of Zllcadla
Uolddust trial SiiU ) by Old Oolddust ( tire or.
Lucille U:1UU , and flvu othcru with records be >
low2JO ! ) . Sclclam ( the dam of ZllcadloJMM ) bJ
Imported Scythian , ild dam Solly Itusaell ( tub !
grand-dam of Maud S.iwi : ; ) by Ilnstnn. AlarlO
was bred by J. U. McFcrran , Louisville , K1
foaled 1WO , 15Jf hands hlBh , weighs Jl&O poundlM
lie la a rich cold dust In color and tlio hand
Komest and most stylish horse in the West. Htfl
will outshow anybody's homo on the street or *
tho. show rlntr , has no record but la very fasti ,
perfectly gentle on the road or In the stable , has
no vices und Is warranted bound In every pu/
tlcular , Ho will bo sold very cheap. The horse
0th ami Juke Streets-
Third Judicial District ,
ItemarkabUi for powerful Bvmpq-
iTu-TfBtoiie. pllablu itctloji aftd nb-
bolute durability. M years' record ,
the bejit Kutrantco of the cX el-
fcnca ot thy e Instiinm-ntH.
rK. . .
un\r \ on * In tii * wurldK bcratlu
coatlnuout Xlulrlt Ktaniat
ml. BeluiUflc.I'oirtrful , pirsbl * .
cmorublo nd EUccllr * . 4rald
( W.fYoOOctirtd. 8rnHk Bp7orpMn
Pi. HOBME. mvtmim. IBI WAIAM m. . CM
ccdl ity t tre
tttt Ibcbett ltw
n U ut tut ( x > > nk
and Olt U
W. h > toll icaildii.
citrr < H
tin Cboclctl 0 * .