Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    " ' " * ' ' " - " < " * " * * : r- " " " - '
' ,
, enta p r
Tine for the tlr/it / Insertion. 7 cents for each tab *
wiurnt. Insertion , and ll.W ) a HMPOT montii.
Koadverttxcmcnt taken for less IhanJOcemU
( or thn Insertion. Seven word * will b *
counted to the line : they must run cotuecnUr-
ly and must bo paid n advance. All advertise
ments must bo handed Ui befor * 1 : W o'clock t > .
in. , and under no circumstances will thejr
taken or dtecontlnued br telebona.
1'artlcs advertising In thcso columns and bar *
inn thn aniwers addressed In care of th ! ) ,
will plott B k for a chirk to enable them to
got their lettorii , as nonp will he delivered except
on presentation of rhfck. All answers to ad-
Tertlsemonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ttdvortl/M'inents In thc o columns are pub
lished In both morning and avenlng edition * of
the lien , the circulation of which
more than 1E.CU ) papers dally , and glrr.s the ad-
Tertl8cr5 the honcflt , nut only of the city circu
lation of the Dee , but also ot Council Dlntfa.
Lincoln , and other cities and towns throughout
thin part of the west.
Advertising for these columns. will betaken ,
on the above conditions , at the following bus
iness houses , who aru authorized agents for Tim
HKK special notices and will quote the name
rates as can bo had at the main onico.
KO S. 10th Street.
I fv ra aaaid. Boa
1138. ICth Street.
[ ? . II. rAUNSWOItTII ,
- Finxraaaaelst.
211uCumlngBtn > ct.
oro. w.
MOB St. Mary's Avenue.
Uth an < l Webster Streets.
ITO-WS Dealer ,
Test Ofllce , Sbuth Omaha.
A flENTLKMAN. having Just closed onthH
business , would lko | to engiigo himself In
the capacity of manager or take charge of onicn
with Home good house. Hunt of reference. II
fil , Ileoolllco. aiH-20 *
\l7-ANITED ) 1'osltlon as cashlrror bookkeeper
TT by experienced young lady. Address lie ,
Hee. 151 18 *
WANTED To meet demand for April book *
keepers. Illl Instruct Ii parsons and wait
for half pay until you have Hituatlons. J , 11.
Smith. Itamgo block. 103 18 *
WANTED Position as nurae by a youna
American woman. Address II 17 , llea
offlce. 873 ) *
"l TANTED Sewing by the day or weeK. at
TT 2210 F rnam. flood references. EM SO *
"VXTANTEDIly experienced salesman , posl-
T T Uon In wholesale or retell boot and Hhoo
store. City references given. Address II If ,
Dee. 24021 *
Dee.W ANTED 1'osltlon by a young lady as book'
keeper , cashier or copyist. U 19 , llee ofllce.
25120 ?
" 111TANTED lly a smart. Industrious , sober ,
T t colored man , a place as Janitor or m s-
sengw. lieferences gfvcn. Inqnlro218 N. 10th
Bt , orniU Dodgust , ITtf 23 *
WANTED Man To toke the agencv of our
safes ; size 2 xlHxl8 Inches ; weight GCO
Ibs. ; retail ptlcef.10 ; otlicr sizes In proportion.
A rare chauco to create a permanent business
at home. Those safes meet a demand never be
fore supplied by other safn companionus we are
not governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. ,
Cincinnati , O.
\\TANTED-Men who want to go to work and
mean business. Cull room n , .11(1 ( South
llith St , 050-1SJ
"WTANTED A boy with pony to carry a route
.T.T in the southwestern 'part ' of city : for : dolly
evening lice. ' - 741
- . _ t'l * . ' _
" < T3OTB Att. Ulst.- Co. , 1304 Donghis.
\ \ 7 ANTED-A good reliable registered druggist -
gist , "or dnigclerk. " to bny nil Interest
In a well established paylnt' dnig store. Ad-
diets immodlatuly , K. K. White & Co. , Unadllla ,
Neb. 130 21 *
_ _
W PANTED Men to drive teams. Albright's
\ Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
w ANTED-Dlnlngroomgirlat 1811 2S220 Cass * st.
TV rANTED-Dlnlng room girl. 1811 Cass st.
f 22am
T\ LTANTKIK-A gooil , willing girl , Irish or Ger
man preferred. 1814 Dodgo. IMi 18
\\rANTKD-Atlrst-cla.ssmlllitier for the spring
and summer season. Address , with sal
ary oxpwtod and references , E. J. Hemphlll ,
Aslilund. Nob. lirj ijt
W ANTED A smart business woman to take
charge/ linen rooms at the Paxton ho
tel. Must bo handy with a needle. Apply at
the olllce. 1M18
WANTED At once good reliable colored
chambermaid uud porter at the Gem , K22
Bodge nt. Pearlea Mackoy. 8H3-21 *
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework , must be a gooii cook and luun-
drosH , and come well recommended. Apply
room CO , Mlllard hotel , between 2and 3p.m. ,
ANTBD-Two girls at P23 N. Wth st.
WANTED Immediately , ladles to work for
it wholesale houstj.ou needlework ut tholr
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , in > tsth
fct. . New York City. 352
" \JI7"ANTED ( llrl for general housework , msst
TV be good cook and laundresi. Mrs. Hobt
Purvis24UJ St Marys ave. 7SO
ANTED-To buy a eood lot not-less than BO
feet front ; can make big cash payment if
price reasonable. Must state price and loca
tion. Address 11J4. lief. 213-aiJ
WANThl * Ladles to use "Chlchestcr's Eng
lish Diamond Hrnud. Pennyroyal Pllln.
Bate. Always reliable. The original. The only
genuine. Askdnigglst or send 4o stamps for
partlc-ularx , rptmnnmll. Chlchester Chemical
Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. 3J7
/CANADIAN Employment olllce , main and fo-
\J malu help sent to all parts If fure Is ud-
vunced. Hefrrtnce. Omaha Nuttonul bank.
Mrs. llrega & Sou , 318 S. Uth. Tel. bM.
101 m 13
MAMA Employment Ilureau. Ill ) N. 16th st.
Oldest nnd most reliable olllco in city. Call
ouus ; telephone 1112.11. K. White , proprietor.
mmi 12
THE Union Employment office is the place to
obtain reliable help on short notice , In or
out of the city ; 913 S. llth st. Open evenings.
, TSTfi VATE boarding. M a week , 1815 Dodso.
V\7"AXi'Ki > llousea to reut. Campbell &
T > HerTey 310 Hoard ot 'lrade. HO
OH HKNT-House of 0 rooms , KW N.22dst.
Imiulro atajU'iN. 27th st. 141 IK
TT1OH HENT-0-room house , ? J B. 21st. lu-
J qnlro H21HJ B. 2st | st. . 122-18J
TTlOIt HENT Unfurul&hcd corner Hat for rent ,
JC 4'-lS. lit list. Inquire at rettaurunt. 12618 *
IjVJU KENT New Tiroom cottugv , city water.
JD hall , und 4 ulomtt.s , llcft 8 25th avenue. 3
p r month , duo rallit from postolllco. The U. F.
Davis Co. . IJJP6 Furnam. 17518 _
I.IOH KKNT or lease , 3 room house with barn ,
JD well , cistern and i urres ot ground , near
Couth Omaha. Inquire ut HUtJ Howard st.
123 18 *
ilt KKNT-A six room cottage , 1313 Harney.
857 17
house In one of the beat Incatlnns In
the city ; r it $ .10 ; furniture cau be had for
two-lhlrdu Its value. Co-operative Land & Lot
Cd. , 3US N. 16th st. 213 30
HolTMlIoufcecentrally located. Kent $ J7.50 ;
4 rooms brliut in $41) ) rent , furniture ran be
bought reasonable. Co-operative Laud .V Lot
O > . .a N H'.thst. ' . ' 4iyO
IlKNT Ten room house und bajomeut
* lth all biardcrn ImpnnTmenti * ; flnticlass
location. Inqute. at Ueliurod i. Co.'u , Uth uud
Jackson streets I1'7 '
IVirl'hEST ' 1 littTosomo ot the most deslr-
J- able uewcottugea , llfttw. aud residences Jn
' . -thv-ctty , iteut rory rciu > ona\le. \ J. U. P.multv ,
r ural ( ucy.-ldotf. ChlciaKO. ITbil
9 il vkaj ta irttfathialh'Iii * * % l4 iistji V iH ? ftif-jA'
10-room house , new nnd modern ,
one ot the most convenient and best bum
ftn in city ; rhcan rent. J , H. Pnrrotte ,
Hental Agency , Wti Chicago. 147 23
TTlon BALK Now 4 room house , full lot Deca-
JD tur ct. T > ot3 thnml.'llKt. Prlco K.UOP. ! easy
terms. McDonald dairy , Hurt ht near Ilelt line.
11221 *
FOH 8A LE Eight room liousn with modern
Improvements and ntaldu on leased ground ,
1716 Doiiulus , Inquire at Meyer & Uaapka , 1400
Harneyst. us ?
T710K HC.VT 4 room house 2 blocks from Baun-
X' clem car line , I1& per month. A. HO JM > . Jr. ,
15ia Douglas BU 74 M 1 *
KAHK clinncp Wliolo Hat. No. 2fi04 N. 24th st
to rent very low. Kticjulro at residence as
above , 8. F. Winch. 881
FOH HENT House of 8-room.i. closet , hard
and < oft\rnt * > r , on 13th street car line , lu-
fiulro 1112 8. inh : st. 778
F IOH HKNT 4-room house , 2Mb and Mason ;
rent 140. J. 8. Corby , 11104 Farnam. 743
17WK 1IKNT In Park Terrace , opp. Hun com
J ? I'ark , couth front. AH modern Improve
ments ; 10 rooms ; mobt desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Lee ft Nlchol , atth and
Lealtnuorth. KM m5
TjTOH HKNT Twelve-room houoe. 'Joth and
JL1 and Mason streets , 110 per month. Ji 3.
Caulfleld. 1301 Knmam nl , 054
a INK hundred ami flfty hon pi for rent. II. K.
Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 0&7-29
JTO | K : HENT-Honse 11 room * ; W. M. Hush-
man , N K corner 16th and Douglas. 091
T710II HENT Z new 7 roomed houses , well , els-
J ? tern , large cellar , 1'Jth ' near CUrK Ht. W.
(1. Bhrirer , opp postolHco. "CO
TlOU HKNT HOIIHU ot 4roomt at r > 16 Williams
-t ? Direct. Inquire next door west. Iff )
It KENT 10 room residence steam heat. O.
: . 'Iliompson , ; tU 3.15th st. U4U
TjlOH HKNTorHale New liouse. Grooms , cor.
JP Mith and Capitol nvo. Unqulro 2SJ1 Dodgo.
FOR HKNT-A new dwelling. 0 rooms , all
modern Improvements , good tttuble , ten
mlnutei'talk from tioitonicp , apply to D. J.
O'Donahoo , at O'Donnfioo & yhoriyV , 15th St. ,
next to the postolHco. MO
TjlOK HUNT To gentleman , an elegant front.
-C room , large , with alcove. Including hunt ,
bath nnd gas. Elegant room for to gentlemen.
Kim Dodge nl. SM S0
FUltNISHED rooms , ! 18 Cass st.
RK 18 *
JTOll KENT A drug stern building in Dlller ,
Nub. Address § . Clark. Dlller. Neb.
UKI lh _
11KNT ! i com eiilent clmmbcrsTor hoii'O
Keeping to a mau and \rlfu without chil
dren ; II blocks from postolllce ; ai'J N. 17th st.
irjl 18 *
N ICC furnished room cheap , 1018 California.
270-Ui *
KENT Desirable rooms with board In
private family ; pleasant home ; rofurrnccs
exchanged. KB Vleanautat. av ai *
FOlt HI'NT Kurnlsned front room , $ fl a
month. KS1 WoolworthuvBiiue. JM219 *
FllONT room , good board. 510 Pleasant st.
BW21 *
T71OH IlENT EleKant furnished front room ,
JL1 with board , 1812 Chicago st. | 11D 24 *
F I OH KENT Suite of furnlslied rooms. In
quire 3rd Door room E , Itfjci Douglas.
PLEASANT furnished front room for gentle
man and wlfo or two gentlemen , 213 8 21th
street. 23) 24
A NICELY fnraUheil large front room , for 1
orU gentlemen ; very cheap. 210121st and
Harnoy Bt. 22 ! ) 20 *
FOIl KENT Well furnlslieu larcedouble front
room for two gtmtlemen ; all modern con
veniences. 220 N. lth ! ) st. 2M20
FURNISHED front room suitable for two ;
$12. l 2l Douglas Bt. 25020 *
KENT Sultp of furnished rooms , heated
steam , \\lthor without board , In u pri
vate family , C4 South lath st. 1W ! 20 ?
F I OH KENT llooins furnished and unfur
nished , 1724 Cap. avc. Oil
T71URN1S1IED rooms and board , 190,1 Parnam.
P . nit ma *
jlOU ( lentlemen Two furnished looms , all
3 modern improvements. 1718 Dodge st.
„ 4 - v , . 4Wlm3
- HUNT furnished rooms , all convent'
dices. A. Hospe , 315N. 17th Ktreet. 491
FOH KENT Furnished roems for one or two
gentlemen. 1605 Dodge str 2HI
1J1UHN1SHED front room , suitable tor twc
JC 1023 Dodge st . H15
TT'OH ' KENT Two nicely furnished front rooms
-C on ground lloor , at 2118 Hurt , for * 13 per
mouth , M 1th board 11 per week additional. OJ1
F I OH HUNT- rooms ut 311 Woolworth avo. ;
at 111 per month. 34v
furnished front room to rent at 1821
Faruam st , 1 block west of court house.
FUHN1SHE1) front and other rooms with day
board. 2210 Fornaiust15021 *
TT OK IlENT An elegant front room , with
JU every convenience. Only Brst-cluss people
wanted. 1721 Davenport. VJO
TjlOK HUNT 3 furnished rooms for house-
JD keeping , 414 S. 15th St. . Karbach block , 3d
lloor Hat No. 2. Leave references. WJ21
FDKNISUED rooms , 1818 Dodge.
TnOH KENT Two very desirable furnished
JC front rooms , w 1th nlf modern conveniences
on same lloor. Arranged for three or four occu
pants if deblred. Apply at 1712 Capitol avenue.
F iOH KENT A large room furnished , central
location 1410 Chicago st. 304
" 1T1OR KENT Furnished rooms in Greunlg lilt
JD cor. 13th and Dodge Kts. Inquire of Goo. It. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. - 358
TTKONT room with alcove and 2 large closets.
JP gas , hot air , bath , hot and cold uaierou
home lloor for 2 gonU or man und wife $20 per
month and adjoining room with closet 110 per
month ; 2 other rooms with closets for $10 per
mouth , same conveniences ou car Hnc.-'O ? S 24tl :
TpOK IlENT Nicely furnished rooms ot 2227
-C Dodge. Gas , bath and furnace heat. 35V
F IOU KENT-Nlcoly furnished room wltli
heat. 7 per month , 4UJ William t. 078
T71UIINISIIKI ) rooms. Sober men cnn Imvo
-L nice rixiinn cheap , a w cor. 18tli and Howard
streets. UHtulrs. ] U37Tt
tnoi UENT-Nlee furhlshed room , W per
inontli , a w cor. 18th uud Juctsoii.
T71OII HKNT llnr-room and barber .shop ui
J ? Cozrcns hotel. 215 >
T71OH KENT-Ono-half of olllce. 1519 Furnam.
JU Ground llqor : host location In the city.
Light and pleasant , wltli modern conveniences ,
FOH HKNT Store * and rooms , one smal
house reasonable. Enquire at dnirtoru |
Hheriuau live , und Corby st. Wl
TilOH HKNT Two rooms , 44xfiO , where steam
JE power can be obtained. Knqulro of Sam"
Ilces , llees I'rlnttng Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740
T71OH HKNT Second floor , 4 x70 , peed loca.
-U tlotu Kiuiulre ot A. J. SUupson , 14W.
Uodgo Nt. ' 750
"TJIOH ItnNT Store anil B-rooms over Roe
-L1 stand , tor dniK or feed store , I.eo
NIcliol , corcth anil I.t'.ivenworlli. 623 in5
R KKNT-tllice ) in Arlington Uock , iauu
Imiulru of cluvutor boy. 400
F IOR KENT-Desirable offlce space , or desk
room , ut 1& J Furnam at. , Udell Ilros. & Co. ,
1)64 )
THOU HKNT-Front olllro. Arltn ton blocfc.
J Apply C. C. Valentine. ril.'iDoilKe. K.4
FOH UENT-Offices on Karnaoi st at 110 to RH
per month. One olHco furnlahed. UK Par-
nanu ' * >
rjKEOOHY , lL. . . Kental agent , 300 S loth st.
Vj wo
mi'ECIAt , attention eiven to rentiug hmuoi ,
Cj furnUb od and unfurnished roqms , Lb > t with
us. W.M. Harris , over M 8. 15th tt. tifll
LIST houses , stored and Huts for rent with 1 1.
K , Cole. u. e , cor. lith and Douglas. 6'JtK.I )
RENTAL AKency List your bouses for rent
will ) Udell tiros. & Co. , liil Farnam st.
\ 804
_ _
TTHJU HKNT If you wteh to rent a house cell
X ? on tleu\wa It Co , 15th t , opposlto J > . O.
JD . Tvvo (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard it. . . . .1 8X0
Three | UI rooms , No. 1015 north 20th at. . . 1.VOO
Thre (31 ( rooms. No. llttl north 21at st. . ; 11.00
Three (3) ( ) room cottageA'lot and Paul at. K.ta
Tiireo ra > rooms , No. I1 ± S northSUtat. . . ll.UO
Tlireep ! ) roomsNo. I41H 1'letce st. . 10.00
Three 13) ) rooms. No. 1112 south 7th st. . . . 11.00 at rooms. No. 70CI Pacific it.
Four III elegant moms nil modern con-
Tuuleucei , 171B Webster at .
T3VH KRNT Three nnfurnlshrd rooms to
JD family without bhlldron At 1133 N. 17th t.
to l60p r week ,
6(3 South Uth st , up rtalM. 10821
EHHONAL Ust your property to exchange
With C , C. Spotswood. 304W 8. ICth st. JEW
IT tno e icntl ; man who were drlvtrg a
her e and who picked lip an overcoat near
Crelchton college will return the same to COT
South inth street they will be regarded. 205 1
rEHSONAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent
masquerade suits at ultt N. ICth fet. upstairs ,
125 2iK
_ _ _
PERSONA I. Un account of hernnmeronsen-
RaKements. Anna Alplanalb , thi > celebrated
Huligurian m-ffcy. has Increased her fee to St.
1CJ1 N. 2)lth ) st , cor. Ulondo. Takd 20th nnd Faun-
den car. 9IO21 *
fJAL Private homo for ladles during
JL confinement , strictly contldcntlal. Infants
adopted. Address E 42 , Bea offlco.
"DEllSUNAL Oreat fortune teller Just or-
XT rived , the youm * Madame C. L. Lament , the
great nstroloxlst , will remain .TO days ; has trav
eled through the principal parts of Buropoj tells
past , present and future In person or by letter ,
will bring back the parted huxlmnd or lover ,
no matter It they bo ten thousand mlles away :
they will return to you In BO rnuny days ; will
toll you wnether your lover be false or true t will
gimrnnteo to settle family quarreU to perfect
satisfaction : can also cause sneudy marriages ;
hns charms for good luck which will cauao par
ties to bo successful In any kind of busi
ness nud prevent your lo&a In any kind
ot business you lliay undertake , breaks evil
Influence , uud brings good luck ; to all who may
try this lucky channi can give lucky number ! )
In lottery drawings ; can give ocst of reference
In regard to uboro statement.
* 1 was piesonted with an elegant goW medal
In iJenver , Colo. , for my great success In my
1 hiivo the natural gift of tclllut ; the past ,
present and future. My grandmother before
mo was also a great astrologlst.
Parties asking informationby letter must
enclose $ .1 to cnsurn answer.
All business confidential. Olllro hours , 10
a. m. to 0 p. m. Madame C. U Lomnnt , No.
IHO California ntrcctbctnecu llith and ItHh sts. ,
Omnha , Nob. lri712J *
'OST I'acknqo pension papers , llowuriffor
J return to llee onice. 21JMHJ
"p ( ) ST lllack horse , star In forehead , one hind
J-J foot white , about six years old. Howard for
return. Owen Haley , near Catholic cemetery ,
South Omalw. 877 1SJ
LOST I'ocketbo containing } ! and note for
JJOD. payable to T. II. HIlss. 110 reward for
cturu to lleo olllco. . 200-21 *
FOUND'nt Christian church , a pocteTbook'i
Call at S. E. cor. S4th and Hurney. 223 18
FOR SALE A ( lofwl set tinner's machines ,
tools and patterns ; also 2 showcases. It 30 ,
lee oBlce. 2-sB 21 *
TECIAL Sale Commencing Monday , 1'cb. 20 ;
furniture , pianos , orvjuns , etc. 800 our bar
gains. New York Storage Co. , I'M Oipltolnve ,
% ) 0
f > > < *
FOH SALK For ten days , lease furniture nnd
carpets of first class eleven-room dwelling ,
llest location In city , all modern Improvements ,
carpets und furnlturo only used few months.
Itont of three rooms will p.iy house reut. Con-
: ents will umount to ILMu or f I.UX ) . For further
.lartlcul.irs address N. A. 1) . , cai'O Omaha nnd
Now York Clothing Co. 257 . ' *
FOU SALE IIero Is n bargain. Uue freight
wagon and one double set nuw harness , < tlO.
1122 , Hue ollico. 2 7 2J *
WIHR Spring c. Everything else In proper
tion. Money talks and a call costs nothing.
Now York Storage Co. , 1'Mi Capitol avo. 255 2J
F OIlSALE"O r"Trado-Onogood"s.tore bullTlIiiK
in Oxford , Neb. Acldnss A. F. Homy ,
Stamtord , Neb. 180 Ib *
IOU BALK Household furniture andlensoo
I 1 house , U12 N 17th K 1U ! > 18 *
WOULD Hko to buy a single wagon with
horse and haiuus-s , part cash , balance
monthly payments. Address U 13 , Uuo ottice.
310 187
. - SALE Cheap for ten days ut 24l3 l'um
ing struct , a jjood stallion. ! . . _ Si'i 21 *
FOH SALE or'l'rade A line brood mare with
foul ; will hell or trade for a good lamily
horse. Ilenawa AJ Co. , opposite postolllce. 287 21
LOOK ut our bargains. Don't fall to visit the
New York Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol uvo.
25 2J
Hat in central location on
Fnnmm St. . rent * ! W ; 2 year's IPUSB. Fui-
mturoJl.IW ) . This I ? a good bargain and will
nuy you to Investigate. Co-operative L.ind
Lot Co. . 20 > N Ititll ht. 243 20
FOll SALE Good fresh cow. luqulro at 2)14 )
Charles st. 21920 *
Oll SALE The bnllding now occupied by
the Itolm M'f'gCo. at 710 Learcnworth st.
Can give posseoslon Sluy 1. ' 88 ; call on promises.
AL1VEHY outfit of ten horses and ten car
riages for .sale ; would trade for unimproved
real estate. Address M. D. Alvord , Kearney ,
Nub. 1S920I
FOH SALE Dormant schle , capacity 3 , IOC
pounds. Phil. Stiintnel & Co. , Ulli3 ' > Jones
St. , Omaha. 14U
FOH BALK Very Due thoroughbred New-
fouiidluud pup. Address , H 2u llee.
SLEEP Is the life of man. Huy our mantle
folding bed. Cull and hee them. New York
Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol avo. 285 20
I710H SALE Lease nnd furniture of a 12-room
I ? house ou Farnnui street ; house and furni
ture new ; for particulars address 11 5 , Uee
olllce. 151 27 *
A GOOD horsu for H.ile. weight ltt : ) l s. Cot
- operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st.
fHK 8ALE-At a bargain 60 feet of shelving ,
30 feet ot counters and one Ice chest , suit
able for grocery store. Enquire at 813 H. 10th St.
THOU SALE or Kent Civil and mkilnrc cnijln
Ju eer's business , ofllco and Instruments in
San Juan county , Colorado. J. F. Wannuinaker ,
l&UsCasK. 0-il20 *
_ _ _ SALE One thousand cords of wood In
car lotH. Orders from brickyard men
nud others solicited. Prompt attention given. Ad
dress 1) . C. McDonald , HUrtlett , Iowa. 051 2U *
AIILACKSMITH shop for sale , has one forge ,
or tools without bhern for sale. Apply to
Win. lluseh , llluo Hill , AVcbster Co. , Neb.
Wil mS *
TjlOl BALK Some flne young mares nnd stal
-I ? hoiiH l , lit for road or track. Address H
Gibson. York. Nob. KOm 7 *
ijXJll exchange Fine Nebraska farms foi
JD stocks of general mdse. J. A. Ilerger
Long Wue , Nob. 331 f 29 *
pdlKAMKUY For rent , IMIK * or le Opacity o
L1.1H ) Ibs' of butter per days with all timchlnory nn <
tooh , apiinratlii.'cte. , fur runnlnv name , HIII ! from
one to ten acres for najtnro onrt heir l t , fcncprt
In n Koott paring territory , Locates ) n ( Sttilla , lllcli
anlson Co. , Neb. Adilre a 11. E. Clark.
W "ANTED carrlagThorse , 4 to B years ,
10Si hands , 1.250 pounds , found , kind , lidnd
some ; trial and guaranty required. Drak-
liros. , 310 B. 15th st. 167'ia
rplIE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gollen
X beck , MM Hurney st. 182
T UK only cook book is Sliver Creek Coal. 211
8 Uth. JelMV. liedfonl. 794 29
C ' . H. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wdls bored
uud dUK. 409 N 30th st. , .Omaha. Nub.
. fj89.jnch2l' '
ri H K On Time Jlouhcuold fair. T
JL The great Hargain house.
To housekeepers.
We are bound to show you that we can save
you money-In prices.
1'arlor suits. Chamber sets ,
Bed sprlugs , bed inattragsci.
Folding beds , side boards.-rarpets.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , pictures ,
Lounges , commodes , tetes ,
l h ans , rockers , curtains , stoves ,
Tinwaro. crockury. classwaro , lamps ,
Houses funilsncd complete on
Easy payments ! F-asy payments I
Kaisy payments I Easy payments I
Prices the lowest. Call and see
Prices the lowest. Call and see
OB and 004 south lath street ,
Corner Jackson ,
Ko connection with any other houae. 644
W YORK Storage Co. have mow extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
biiffglea , general merchandise , st of New-
York. Caah advanoea to any amount : ware
house receipts given ; goodft insured ; brick
building * Ore-proof ; special arranKeinnnla for
enmmUalon merchants. Call New York Storacta
CcL , Capitol av and N. lith it , liennetfi block.
S 1'OT cash for furniture , stoves , househol
goods at UT North 16ta at. Ora&Co.o -
. ' . Ib3125
Jll *
bar gen Wf * . J.J
. . .
KB. KCCr/rS-the irrrateat living clulrVoy-
ant. tells piivpreaent and future ; satlsfac- i
tlon guaranteed'JUUN. : 15thst. , root 1 , first
door to right nf ad ot stairs. 14122 *
MK8. laUHAfcT Clairvoyant from lloston ;
rallnblen > U affairs ot lit * ; unite * sep
arated lovers.N , 16th street , room 1.
DIt. NANNJF > Y. Warren , clairvoyant. Mud-
leal , test medium. Diagnosis
free. FemnW diseases a specialty. 119 N latb
tt. . Rooms 8 ft ft..Tel. 844. -864
= =
"IXTK have a special fund of ttO.OOO to loan nt
T T unusually low rates on choice luslde prop
erty In sum * of 11.001 to.lO,000. Cutttral Loan A-
Trust Co. 1811 Farnam ct. a ? ) a )
MONEY to loan. $14.000 on strictly nnt-clasi
business property , Hoggs Js Hill , 1 M Far-
nnm. t ion is
$500COt ) to loon nt 6 per cent ; first mortgages
bought. Fred tiroos , 4 J * 433 IMxton. block.
HI ) 23 *
LOANS made on real nstato. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris over 220 8. llith st. 373
milE Central Loan & Trust Co. , No. I6ll Fur-
JL nam St. , will furnish money promptly at
low rates on choice city property. 1 20
MONEYlTolonn , short time. 1st mortgage ,
paper bought. Mapes & King , room 3.
Crclghton block. 1)14 )
ONBV to Loan-Umahlirent estate nml
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Hroa. *
Co. . 1633 Farnatu. 823 '
HE. COLE IOMIS money on Improved city or
farm property. Room U Continental
block. COB
SHOUT time loans made on any avnuablo
security , In reasonable amounts. Secured
/totes bought. Hold or exchanged. General
nnanclal business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Har
tley stu. , over St.ito National baud. Corbett ,
manager 307
MONEY to loan lean now place some first
class city loans Immediately. Call nt once
If you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. 8nolos ,
loom 1 Uarker block. entrance la allay. 3U8
MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Klco & Co. . over Commercial Na
tional ban ! : : I75
MONEY to Loan On furniture , pianos ,
wagons , or other personal property without
removal ; also on collateral security. Huslness
conUilontlal. Chan. 11. Jacobs , 3'J 8. 15th at.
OAKS made on real estate and mortgages
j bought. Lewis 8. Iteod & Co. , IUI Furuam.
MONEY to Loan Hy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
igcncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on
'urnlture ' , planon , organs , homes , wrgpns , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans no made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flue watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally oomlng
nto existence. Should you need money call ana
ee me. W. It. Croft , room 4 mthnnll ljulldlug ,
th and Hai no v. 3M )
MONEY to Loan-O. F.Davis Co. , real estate
mid loan agents , 1KW Furn nn st. 370
M ONEYtoloan , cash onnand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 14UI Farnam st. Pax-
.on hotel hlllllllntr . ! ! ? (
MONEY LOANED at C. V. Heed i Co.'s Loan
Odlcn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of valup Vflthout removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over Illngham's Commission store. All busl-
nesastrlntly confidential. 379
$ tiOO.tOO to l < Tahron city nnd farm real estate.
Lluahan Uc Jldhoney , Ib07 ! { Karuam htrect.
\ 810
$000,000 Toiloan ) n Omaha city property at 8
per cent. ' G.rW. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
rjr U78 _
T E Falrlmnk Investment Co. , organized
with ample-capital , makes loans on hornos
wagons , furniture pianos , and othur personal
projwrty or qollatoral. , Deal with responsible
parties. Apply at their ontce , 213 South llth
street , up-.slalKJ.T- 418
' '
MONIIYToahert'dn furniture , pianos , organs ,
hm-ses , Jtc , IXJTV rates. J. J. Wilkinson ie
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket otllce.
MONEY to.loanonlunilturo , horses , nugons , ,
etc. , or On a y approved security , fxiw ,
rates. J. W. Hobblna ; TJI3 Farnam. 803 f 31 '
G'PEH CENT'M oney.
Patterson & Fawcett l."itH and Harney. 37 8
MONEY to loan. Notes ana it. K. tlckot.
bought uhd sold. A. Kormuu , 211) S Mth sU
MONEY to loan on Improved rual rotate ; no
commission charged. Leuvltt Uurnlmm.
room 1 , Creighton block. 3W1
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
lowest rates. Cash aa hand. First mort
gages negotiated. E. F. Senver , room 15 , cham
ber of commerce. 291
FOU SALE-At a bargain , a fully equipped
meat market doing good business. Owner
wishes to go east. 1) ) . 2ti lien olllce. 255 20 *
WANTKD-Partner with 1150 to take half In-
terest In amusement enterprise ; paldtTUO
per month lust October. Call at 218 N. mth st.
201 18J
A FIH8T class meat market for sale , good lo-
-ii. cation and established trade. Cooperative
Land & 1 ut Co.Ilo N at. ] 3i ) IS *
PARTIES having bankrupt stork for sale , or
persons who n ish to close out their stocks
for cash , may tlnd a buyer by addressing W. K. ,
Windsor Hotel. Lincoln , Neb. KM 18J
B"AIU1EH chop and bath rooms for sale : a
rare good chance ; will bear Investigation.
For partlculary inquire of Slelchlor Ilros.
248 24 *
A GOOD expert cuced man to take one-half in
-ii. torost In a large grocery business. In a good
live town In Iowa ; n.bargatu for the right man.
Co-operath o Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. ICth st.
. 24320
J1OH SALE A good restaurant In central location -
' cation ; rent $75. Fixtures etc. , reasona
ble. Call und get particulars. Co-operative
Land .V Lot Co. . 205 N lath Bt. ,2t3 20
RANCH of 160 acres with houso. Darns , cribs ,
large sheds , etc. , everything complete for
stock-raising aud feeding. N. liarucs , Central
City , Neb 10121 *
"CXIISALE ) Drug stock. As line location as
.V them Is In tnii city. Clean stock. Invoice
about 47,000. Partcasu. Part In good real es
tate or secured notes. JI. A. Upton it Co , 10th
st , opp. Chamber ot Commerce. 451
FIltST-cla- meat market for bale ; goer
location , and doing a Rood business. Co
operative Land & Lot Co. . 205 N ICth kt.
2411 20
SPLENDID business opening. ! H room hotel ,
Iocote"l In heot town west of Omaha. Ad
dress Holiday & ILnlderman. room 6 and U Mich-
elsou bit. Grand Island , Neb. bl'J 2.V ?
KXll ) SALT Klrst-closs hoarding housn near
J. P. O rooms all occupied ; good cause for
selling. X 48 llee ollice. IS-lftS
FOH EXCHANOE-1CO acres Cass Co. , ( i miles
from Plattsmouth , uulinproviKl , I'M acres
cultivated , 20 ucrti grove or large timber , unlu
cumbered. , , , , . .
IBAucivs , Vicp cr Co. , near lied Cloud , 1m
proved , f3) pt > r al're.
230 acres , Adaiiiik.Co. , 13 miles from Hastinga
2.0 acres cultlifted , well improved , I2o per
acre. if-
180 acres , MerHbK Co , near Stiver Creek.-wel
improved , t2a-permere , unlncumbered.
tw acres. Wi ; cJerCo. , improved. F-0 per acre
ec..CuinInCo. | , wild land. 12 miles from
West Point , goortMll , 115 per acre.
2,000 acrea'i N ncu Co , near Fullerton anc
Central City , uJUiuumberrd ; raw land , level black
mm , t\- \ per acrf , 'part cash.
180 acres , JlNin r . , near Uasactt , partly Im
proved , goodjleffcl land 12.51) ) per acru.
1UO acres. Holt Co. , near 'I'liruor , Improved , 110
per acre. '
320 acres. Cltfr'l'o. . Ia. , prlco J4.000.
IC-'O acres , Fitnnent Co. , la. , clear , $20 per acre
IMI ocriuj. HlcUanUon Co. . N'ob well Improved
000 bearing tn-e 'ljj acres fine vlnyard , 30 acres
timber , wHlH sprlnss. clear , price t > VM ) .
3 houses anil ground , 175X1U4 , on2d : t > t. . price
SA.UX ) , lucunibruape t550 , trudu In aoulheas
Ambler Place , ' tt- room house and barn , price
$3,500 for land.
Lot In Union Square , for land or Omaha prop
S-story 8-room house. Orchard Hill , all 1m
provementa. for land Improved.
House of S rooms and. barn , on South 20th st.
for stock of groceries.
House of 4 rcoins In Hickory Place , fronting
on two streets , for stock of groceries.
House of H rooms , 8. E. Hogers' add. , for 1m
proved farm clear or with small lucnmbrance
only KIUO inciimbrance on bouse and lot. *
Stoek groceries I4d00. f ( > r Oinahu house am
lot. with light lucnrabruncu.
Stock groceries 11.800 , for Omaha house am
lot. light Incumbrancc. ,
I5ouo stock dry goods and groceries , will
building and lot In town about 25 miles from
Omaha , for Omaha property or land near by.
Elevator In Neb. . HUM busbeU capacity , on IT
P. trackuuo ; price , t-.MU clear , for Omaha prop
erty. J.It. Watts , chamber of commerce.
1J S76 SO ,
or-sell , llri'cht meat rocker fo
ght delivery wagoupr cart. lOCWNortu Mat.
. ' , 247 18 *
E7B win take all land In exchange for a pleas-
TT ure steam boat , now on our lull. Tills
i > 6t Is n w and made good dallr waxes on the
.ake ManaWa last summer , latest Improvements
nd screw propeller. Call and get particulars ,
XKiperatlvo Land * tot Co. . 806 K Mth St. 13118
WE have for trade a flrst class meat market ,
doing a rood business. Co-operative Land
& Lot Co. , 3U5 N 10th St. 139 18
CTOll BALE Small house on leased ground ;
L-1 two small houses nnd full lots , Omaha View.
Tills Is a inap not picked up every day. N. A.
; hr.sttanson. ! at ( late City Emp. ofllce , 314 S. IMu ,
elephone lift ) . 17118 *
WANTHD Houses and lots to exchange for
Improved and unlmproued lands in No-
jrasia and Iowa. Charles O. Spotawood , 30i > 4
' .10th. SB
" 1LEAN stock tiooks and stationery for city
' property. St. John & Ely , Prcnzcr bl < x-k.
HOUSES or household furniture wanted In
exchange for good vacant lots.
Good Ltlllo range and tank and restaurant
ititllt for sale , cash or time. C , T. Morton , 1324
'arniun st. 219
WANTED 50 hou es and lots to exchange.
0. C. Spotswood. 30JK 8. Kith st. S2 !
LIST your property for trade with Stevens
llroa. , 1521 Furnam st. 207 Si )
WANTED Oooa farms in exchange for
Omaha property , U. C. Spotawood. 305H
OOK Here Wo have farms , stocks of goods ,
I foundry , vacant lota , houses foundry ,
cronmcry , lanohos , and property of nil kinds to
rado. Stevens Ilros. , llL'l Farnam. 207 20
[ 710H Exchange 240 head of cattle to e\chaugp.
i.1 Want good Iowa or Nebraska land. H. E ,
Cole , u o cor. 15th and Douglas. 174 20
Q TO Civ hardware for land. St. John & Ely ,
Frenzer block. . 217
"fXT'ANTED-StocKs of mercfiamirso to'lox" '
T change for lands and city prooerty ; C. C.
Spotswood. Sai'/i ' S. lite. 3S5
THHF.lfhundred and t enty acres clear landT
lloone county , for good Omnha j > roporty.
'or exchange ? 5,000stock general indie. , good
Nebraska town , for Omaha property , bema
Drake Ilros. . 3U 8. 15th st. 13310
TJITOtTLDllketo exchange pqulty In Kountze
T > place , lot for carpets and furniture ; good
ots in this addition to trade for Improved or
unimproved property. Address U 3 , Crelghton
) lock. 14122 *
WANTED Omaha property to trade.
Stevens Ilros. . 1531 Fftrnam. 207 20
WANTED Hoiscs and building material for
farms , lands , lots and houses. Wm. J.
'anllfi09Farmim. ' 900
H OUSK nud lot In Minneapolis for western
land. 8t. John & Kly , Frenzer block. 217
Il I'xchango Huslness lot on Haunders
street. Want equity In good tn ldo resi
dence * lot. II. K. Cole , no cor. nth and Douglas.
174 3D
D1OU RXCHANOB-lfiOacre farm In Hancock
U county , Iowa. ThlH-ls a splendid piece of
and , every foot of It can ba plowed ; Is : i miles
'rom Junction of a railroads. Price $ JO per acre ,
ncumbraucn 1750 , duo In 2 yo.irs. Want house
and lot ; will assume Incurnbrauce. II. U. Cole ,
vie. cor. l. > th and Douglas. U73 1
:1LKAU : lota to exchange for tarms or equities
In houses and lots. 11. K. Cole , N , E. cor. 13th
nnd Douglas. 907 21
WANTED Omaha property to trade for good
lands. Special attention given to trading.
1. L. llrown. Frenzer Mlock. Gt8 !
INSIDE city property In exchange for farms
or lauds. J. A. HcUtaud , Arlington block.
FOH EXCtIANOE-3 beautiful now 8-room
houses \Vlndsor place , clear ; want good
inxldfi residence or business lot. II. E. Coif , uc.
cor. IJth and Douglas. 173 19
ITlAVBfor trade improved farm In Cais Co7
near Plattmnouth , will , trade for Improroa
Inside property. Address M 36 , llee office.9S3
171011 SALE Ortrade , land and town property
In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horsas ,
cattle and fatocksof morchim llso wanted. Corre
spondence solicited. T. A. English & Co. , York ,
Neb. 745 m &
WANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boots and shoos In exchange
for Omaha property or farms. Schlesluger Ilros. ,
014 S. 10th st. 12.VU4
"IjlOK Exchange. It you have farms or lands tot
-t Bull or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change. Hit It with UHWO ; can furnish you a
customer. S. S. Campbell It Q.V. . llerrey , 310
Hoard of Trade Omaha 3& )
Kansas farms to exchange
for Iowa und Colorado lands , and vlca
versa. Co-Operative Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N
Iflthst. C91
BENSON &CAH\IIOH.V15L furnish complete
p.nd guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omiht and Da'.i'jlas county upon
short notice. The most comiduta set oC abstract
books In the city. No.lSlU Pnrjiam st. * 3
MIDLAND Quamnteo nud Trust Co. . 1W >
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estatn oxamlund , per
fected and guaranteed. 3w
L. Itlce & Co. U18-13
fTdlCE residence lots opposite Kountz ptnco ,
only a few left. J. X. Itlco & Co. , aalu
ogcntH. 918.18
/1H1CAGO Street , full lot bet llth and Uth st.
\J Sale or trade. J. L. Hlco&Co. 918-18
o HUY , trade , sell , rent or exchange , see J.
L. Hlce&Co. DID , 18
place bargains north Hanscom
place , 2 choice lots on Mason street. Hale or
rade. J. L. Itlco J : Co. 018,18
/"CHOICE residence lots In nillslae and Haw-
Vy thorne. Clarkson , 219 8 llth st. 18118
T OT In Patrick's addition. 11,410 , worth $2,000
JU Clurkson , 219 S 14th Ht. 187 18
Hansrom place Improved property , see
FOU L. Itlce Jc Co. U1S , 18
H AKNEY street Corner. See J. L. Itlco & Co.
. . 1118-18
TfjIOH SALE A good investment. 311 ncres
JL ; about 4 miles fiom the stock yards on the
line of the II. & M. railroad , 15 minutes from
Omaha , land lies very level and Is good soil.
Hillo range Is now located near by. with pros
pect of locating Fort Omaha in that vicinity.
Price I10U per acre , terms easy , small Inciim-
brance due in A years. AdJ. ceut land Is adver
tised at 1150 to fo'Ml as a bargain. Groves of
blacK walnut timber on the land. Investi
gate this and you will learn that It Is u genuine
baigaln. J. If. Watts , sole agent , chamber of
Tor sale , all of block n , E. V. Smith's addition.
$2,000 for corners , 11,700 for Inside lots , terms
easy , lots 31x140.
For sale , lots on Half Howard St. , West
Omaha , JIM per foot.
For sale , lot 7 , block 3 , Capitol HIH addition ,
KMi per foot.
Cl'or sale. Potter & Cobb's addition , lots 21 , 22 ,
23. 24 , block 3 und lots 23 , ana 24 , block 2. Price
for all. 11,600. M cash.
For sale , lot 7 , block 18. Hillside No. 1. 2.800.
Ql'or sale , lot 3 , block 2 , Hillside No. 1 , ,6.V ) .
Flno trackage property. Wholesale tlrms
looking for location can learn of desirable loca
tion at the best prices offered , on favorable
terms. J , H. Watts , chamber ot commerce.
I OTS21 nnd 22 , blk II. Jetter's addition , II.3W
-t In R. 12 and 24 mouths. F. K. Darling ,
150.1 _ Howard. 177 21
HI SALE A few choice lots In SoiithOmaha
very cheap if sold this week. Call on the
owner , room 437 , Itamge block. 240 25 *
THOU SALE 7-room house nnd 60 ft south and
JL : east front , corner lot , in west part ot city ,
two blocks fiom car line , u Small cash payment
und balance monthly , or will trade ennlty for
peed paper or vacant lot. F. K , Darling , 1605
Howard. 110 20
f ) BHAUTIFULflroomSstoryhouseRwlth nice
> large closet in each lied room , city water ,
gas , Mt-ll and cistern , convenient to car line ,
Hjikmdld location , desirable neighborhood , &OJ
cash and balance to suit. H. E. Cole. ne. cor.
Uth and Dovglua. 073 23
TJTOH BALE-Houso and lot In Walnut Hill.
-I ? Easy payments. P. A. Gavin. so6 ! agent.
447 Mch U
HAWLKY House , North Platte.Neb. . for Bale.
On account of the death ot my wife I will
nell the property on easy terms. Address John
Haw ley , North Platte , Neb.-
F ° ( cH BALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam St. ,
one block from paving aud street cars.
Price 15.000. Kqnlty W.OOO.
Two one-fourth sections flno school laud in
Kossuth county , Iowa.
One-sixth interest in an addition to South
Omaha , free of encumbrance , for good western
farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Good inilile bualnead property , free ot en
cumbrance , for good house and lot in north
part of city. 8. A. Sloman. rooms ! nnd2U ,
Hellinun building , cor. Farnam and 13th sts.
TTKH ) SALE Two best lots in Mount Pleasant
JD addition , one comer ; can b divided and
make three eufct front loin. Make otter ; must
be sold In few days. A 3U. Heo olllco. 607
T OTS 1 and 2 , blk 11 'Jetter'i addition to 8.
JU Omaha , 11,300 , Terms easy. V , K. DarllnK
1MB Howard. 177 at
TTOHSALK or exchange , Omaha property and
JL ? farms for merchandise , horaes , etc. Schlea-
Wger titot. , 014 e. Ultb t. 135-C4
TJ10B SAtB ThriMt gplendu ! coat properties ,
JD adjolnlnK , covering 4M acres of the best
Lcwnite coal in Colorado. All the proprrtlf * are
now operating and shipping ( WO to 70 ton * dally
nnd so situated as to reach out over all thd
Union 1'aclflc nnd IJnrllngton * Missouri Hirer
railroads and branches In Kaunas , Nebraska
and Colorado , covertnjr "over 8,000 miles of rail
road. One of the properties Is now operating
Tory rfuccossfiUly a small plant ot Harrison
mining machines and controls the exclusive
right for use nnd sale ot the same for four
counties , comprising all the good Legmlte conl
fields in Colorado east of the Horky mountains.
Can readily bn made to produce l.UXi to 1.MD
tons dally , with unlimited demand for thulr
output , will bear lull Investigation. AddrpsH
or ( nqulro Addlson C. Thomas , rooms 4 and 0 ,
Union Ilulldlng. Chicago. IIU a < 8
"I71OH 8ALR 100 ncren of land four miles from
Ja stockyards , at 1125 per acre ; thla Is a bar-
Rain. McCngue , Opp. P. O. R91
FOH HALK-Lots7.6nndnH of lot , all In
block 2T > , Florence ; also out lot 2UH , contain
ing 4 acres ; will bu'sold cheap. Address U 7 ,
lleo olllco. I'd S2 *
"EIOH SALE-Uit.s 3 and 4 , block 1. In Isaac ft
JO Seldeu'H addition , cor. JIUli tr ot and Half
Howard. John U. F. Lohmann. U2I S. 17th st ,
FOH 8ALK Shtnn'sUnl add , A-ronni house ,
now , complete , cistern , collar ; will sell fur-
nlturolf divslted , 11,000 cash , rest easy terms ;
cheap If taken soon. Call or address 2913 Charlci
t. 13422 *
T L. HlCU Sc CO. , Heal U.sUto. SlT"
T L ; BICE * CO. . Hcul Estate. 315
EM8TICKNEY * CO. mace a specialty of
property in North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank. 240H Cumins t. 3SS
X1 acre farm , good improvements and plenty
of fruit , 0 miles from South Omaha. 1'arrlsh
Flnlayson. N street. South Omaha. 013.19
L. HICE & CO , Kcal Estate 215
ITIOH HALE One of the best lots In Hlllsld
JD No. 1 , Just across ptreet from Yntes' now
residence. Make offer ; any reasonable propo
sition will be entertained for few days ; must
sell. AiW , lloooltlcc. 007
FOH SALE-Ilargalux ; Good lot I1M ; now
house , y lot , IM7B , cash ; Improved farm
11.209 : 40 acres , $350:100 acres. II.UOO cash ; elc.
gant vallisy farm , stone hoiiho , good Improve
ments , IfiO acres , only 2,000 ; two other farms
Sl.MO each : 4 cornern on Douglas or Dodge , see
or lease ; 40 aci cs 1 > { mlles from fair ground ,
$10,01)0 ) cash ; 10 acres Inside city , $ MO per acre ,
cash : 100 cheapest lots over putonthn Omaha
markotf5und$10down ; cant help but make
money on above property. Druke llro's. 310 H
I5th st. 133 25
JONES and 12th st corner. See J. L. Klco * Co.
A GHEAT bargain in house and full lot on H
-A. 10th st , $4,000 , worth $0,000. Clarkson , 219
B. 14th st. 1ST 18
TiiAKNAM street bargain , 41 feet front near
-C corner Twenty-fourth , w Ith a (4,000 Improve
ment , see J , L. Hlce & Co. U18,13
ftfilAcR AuTTl'Toperty I make a specialty o
X inside and outside truckage and manufac
turing und business property , and am uble to
suit In'price and citiallty the most cautlt
buyers. Clarkson , 19 S. 14th Rt. 18718
SAUNDEHS street , 3 feet front on paved
street. $1.000 less than what is asked for property -
erty surrounding it. J. L. Klco & Co. 01H , Is
CAPITOL avenue lot. Ilet 14th aud Uth strnets.
See J. L. Hloe. U1S-18
T L. U1CE & CO. , Heal EsUto. 215
/1AL1FOHNIA street , a beautiful 10 room
\J house , all modem conveulenccn , on elegant
home. I'rlco t7,000. M cosh , balance to suit. U.
K. Cole , lie. cor. Kith nnd Douglas. 973 23
T L. IUCE i CO. , Heal Estate. 215
Notice of Incorporation.
Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby
JL. given that "Tho Heo Hulldlng Company1'
has nled In the office of the county clerk of
Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of incorpor
ation. The principal place of transacting Its
business Is at Omaha , In Douglas county and
state ot Nebraska.
The general nature of its business Is to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and
convey real estate , erect hulldtngfl and improve-
nioutu upon the name , for renting such roiil
estate , &c.
The amount of capital stock authorized U
loOO.OOO , ten per cent of which to be paid at the
tlrno of subscribing for the same , and the re
mainder as required by the board of directors.
The corporation commenced January 15th , A.
D. IbBS , nnd will terminate the 15th day of Jan-
The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation shall at any tlmo
subject itself is two-thirds of the capital stock
The business affairs of the corporation are to
bo conducted by n board of directors ot flvo
members who shall select from their number n
president , secretary and treasurer ,
Notion of Htockholilers' Meeting
of the Om.iha Hepubllcnn Company.
Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the
htockholders of thu Omaha Heiiubllcan Com
pany w 111 be held ut thu olllco of the Omnha He-
publican Company , at Omaha , Nebraska , on thn
21th day of February , IbSS , nt 2 o'clock p. in. , for
the purpose of electing three dlroctor.s of said
company in place of C. H. Smith , Cadet Taj lor
nud H. S. Hall. CIIAIU.KH II. SMITH ,
President Omaha Hepublican Company.
Bated Omaha , Feb. St , 1888. f 11 23
mo n r icgnii T o WITH Tn eioaiurBT or TBM
By nuan of 1U ntr l poiltloa. < JOM relation to line *
Eait of Chicago , and contbuiui lues ( terminal
point * Wtit , Horthw it and Southwett , la tUe tru *
rnlddlt link la that transcontinental pyitem which
InTlUa and facilitate * * r T l and trafflo b twMn th
Allan tie and Pacific.
The Rock Island main line and branches Include Chicago
cage , Jolltt , Ottawa , LaSallo , PeorU , Oeneseo , Molina
and Rock Iiland , In Illinois ; Darenport , MuscaUne ,
YTMhlnftOB , TalrHsld , Ottumw * , Oikaloosa , WcstLlb-
rf7.IowaCltrDeXolnosIndlanolAWntersgt | , Atlan.
tie , KnozTllIc , Andnbon , Ilarlan , Outbrlc Cvntre and
Coancll Bluffs , In luwai Qallatln , Trenton , St. < V
C mcrom and Kansu City. In Misiourli Leat.lworth
and Atcblson , In Kansu i Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
t. Fanl.lnUlanetoti ! WaUrtown and Bloux rails , la
Dakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
' . 'The Great Rook Island Route" '
Guarantee * speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Iti
porraanent war Is dlitlngulshrd ( or It * excellence. Its
bridges are of stena and Iron. Its track Is of solid
steel , Us rolllngstock perfect. Itspassengeroqulpnumt
basalt the saretjappllancesthat experience hasprore.1
nieful , and for Injurious accommodation Is u.war-
pasfted. Its Expreis Trains consist of superior UAJT
Coacbes , elsgant Pullman I'alaco Parlor and Bleepluc
Can , tuperb Dlnlnf Cars , proTldlng delicious meals ,
and ( betweea Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlion ami
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. Its mao-
kgenent It cowerraUT * , It * dlsclpuoa exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Ronre"
Between Chicago and Hlnmeapolls and St. 1'a. ' Is the
f arorlte. Orer this line Solid Fast Express Train * run
dally to attractlre resort * for tourists In I wa and
Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Bloux Falls , to the
rich wheat and graslnglandaof Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca end Kankakee , the Hock Island often superior
Inducements to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian.
apolls , Lafayette and Council Bluffs , Bt. Joieph , Atchl-
son , Learenwortb , Kansa * City , Bt. Paul , and Interme
diate point * . All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) reeelr * protection , courtesy and klndlrattentlon.
For tickets , maps , folders , copies ot Weotern Trail , or
* .nr desired information , apply to principal offices la
tna United State * and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
. R. CABlt , I. ST. JOMM , I. A. HMIIOOa ,
> ni" ilMiiiniou.iuariM.Atv
The San Pedro Ilnnch and Its Annex
of 1OOOOO Acres.
St. Louis Globo-Dcmocrat : Aboul
Iwonty-two miles from ' .Tombstoiio and
nbout iivo mlles from Iho American
frontier , is thn 8nn Pedro ranch. It Is
the first habitation in Mexico ay approached
preached by the Sonora valley route
Don Jose Marie Ellas is the pronriotoi
of the San Pedro ranch , which embraces
about eighty thousand acres of well-
watered , well-timbered land in Mexico
lying chock by jowl with this country.
Besides his 80,000 acres , Don Jose hut
supreme control and management of
100,000 acres belonging to two nioccu
both pretty girls , pno agedninotconani
the other thirteen. The San Pedro
ranch namedfdr > the Son'Pcdro river
on the banks of which ' it is lo
cated was a favorite place of , retort -
tort for the fu.vorcdiyouth qf Tqiqb&touo
) on Joeo WM n flno old-fashlonoQ ,
lonmn nnfl probably ia yet nnd vroa
extremepoimlur ! wjlth tlio Tombstone
> loods. Ilo frequently vlBltcd Tomb-
Btono and hnd tlio ontrco to the Tombstone -
stone club , nud know how to work the
io\VHiiior | people for passes to the thoa-
ors. Don Jose hnd plenty of money
but ho foil Unit it wna nn ovldouciTof
Itstlnction to enter n thontor on ft free
KISS. Once the writer proeuroiVwin a
wsd on the nillrood for Contention to
friction nnd return , nnd when ho ro-
.urnod ho Biient $600 to colobruto the
dgh honor thnl wna conferred' on
iltn. Don Jose was a hl 'h kldtor.
iVhon n comio "oporn company , viplteil
roinbstono and rendered "I'innfm-p for
lie llrst time , the grand old hidalgo
'ell in love with all the fehorus
rirlu. After the performaneo .as wan
ho cuatom of the area and region ,
ho bloods ot the town took the tl'onpo
o supper at the Tonibstono club , and
) on JOHO insisted upon luvitlne all the
members of the comimuy to hia rancher
or a weok'a repose , and when they dv-
clincd because of iwsltlvo nrrango-
monts of the mannpor , ho p > t nuid and
eft. Don .lose was n royal oh ) cltarac- ,
or. Ho would rather suffer from
chronic imnecuniosity and spend linonoy
iko a prlncotlmn bo a bonanza prince ,
and spend money Hko a beggar , Tomb-
Htono was an anti-Mexican town , like
most towns on our frontier , aml.'Don '
lose wiis the only Mexican rocolvod UH
a peer in Tombstone society. It , Wasli , (
1HSO that the writer of thin concluded to
spend his vacation in Mexico. Letters
jf Introduction arc at once a poaspu'f
\nd a currency for American's traveling
n the sister republic. The writer l ft
L'ombstono well fortified with lettersb (
nt reduction to Don Jose , who I had a
jrnvious acquaintance with , nmohg
jthors. When the writer reached the
San Pedro ranch , Don Jose received
lim like a prince. In fact , the old
udiilgOBiirrondorcd his house to hia
visitor. Ho gave him the best room in
ho house , showed him the pantry ,
minted out the different servants or
> eons and named their duties , and liutt ,
nit not least , gave him auoytotho
strong ndobo building in which the
ncbcaL and wino wore stored. The
visitor reached the San Pedro .ranch on
Sunday evening. Everything went
ovoly until about C o'clock. Then the
loiso of a curriago was hoard appvoach-
ug and Don Jose went to an unglazd
mt safely barred window to see who ap-
u'oachcd. When ho saw the now arrival
lis face twisted out of shape and no
muttered "caraja" between his tooth ,
jut went smilingly like a gracious host
o receive the now guest. The now ur-
lival was a Tombstone doctor name'd
3artlott. Ho greeted the Don cordially ,
> ut quickly took his departure to the
reception room and joined the ladles.
The writer had a speaking acqiiain't-
anco with Bartlett , but did not number
lim among hiH friends. After a while
3artlott came out in the yard , whore
Don Jose and his previous visitor were
enjoying a smoke. , It was evident thxt |
, ho doctor's arrival did not add to the
eace nnd comfort of the Don. When
iho doctor joined the smoking party the
Don found an excuse to leave. Then
the doctor spoke to the writer in this
way : "I want you to help mo. I want
-o marry the Senorlta Inez , but the old
'oiks tire opposed to the match.
What ought I do ? You are Irish ,
[ should judge by your name , and
ought to bo experienced in matters of
; hat kind. " Discussion of the case en
sued , and and all the particulars were
brought out. It was learned that Inez ,
the oldest of the young ladies , was not
only ready but willing to pool insues
with the doctor , and the doctor pro
fessed to bo wildly anxious to make the
Mexican girl his wife without further
consideration. This was about all the
writer wanted to know to become a par
tisan of the lovers. The doctor was
driven to the San Pedro ranch by a
liverymijn , who was also n justice of the
peace. There was no license to marry
noccssarv in Arizona nt the time , and
Arizona was only live miles by a goou
country road from the San Pedro ranch.
With conditions and circumstances well
in mind , the recorder hereof said to the
doctor : "Go and BOO the young lady
got her to prepare. See your driver , "
who is a justice of the peace , and
have him to fix up his
team quietly. "When the team ia
ready and darkness obscures the pro
ceedings , got the young lady to outer
the coach and drive like to Arizona ,
whore tho'driver can tie the kuotiu a
minute. " The doctor actually kissed
his advisor and proclaimed him in < fulsome -
some phrases the author of his happi
ness. Ho interviewed the driver , who ,
of course , was willing to assume hia
character of justice of the peace on the
slightest provocation. The young lady
was in tor viewed and she waa willing.
Darkness came , the team was fixed up
and everything WIIB rciuly. The young ,
lady was a brick , and with her face eh-
voiopcd in a mantilla , left her homo and
entered the carriage without hesitating.
Ali was ready , and the historian of tbo
event has his cars ready to hoar the
noise of the departing carriage.
Don Jose and the writer were *
sipping mescal and swapping
incidents of Tombstone lifo
in the room assigned to the latter atitho
time. The doctor entered with head
downcast and checks laved with tours.
Ho called the Don out and then unfolded
a tale. Tlio sneaking paregoric sharp
told the old Don that ho loved his nloco
and wan anxious to worry her , mid
grieved at the opposition of the young
lady's guardian , Ho told how in hia
deo'p distress ho appealed to the writer
and the advice ho received. To make
a long story short , ho gave the whole
snap away , and the old Don , furious ,
wont to the carriage which blood omtho
road , took his uioco out and escorted her
to the house. Then ho paid hia respects
to your humble servant. Ho upbraided
him with abusing hia hospitality , read
the letters of introduction that lie pre
sented , and wound up by ordering liim
summarily from his premises. There
was no way out of it. The planner of
the olopomoni had to go. Ilo on to red
the carriage vacated by the lady and
returned to Tombstone. The doctor had
the gall to take a scat by his sldo. The
writer hold his peace without speaking
until the sacred soil of the United States
was reached , and then ho relieved.'hia
po nt-up feeling by kicking the doctor
out of the carriage , following him out
and trouncing him soundly on the land
of the free. It turned out-later that the
doctor loved the lady's 60,000 acrca .ot
land better than ho loved herself , and
fearing that complications might ari o
if ho eloped with her , ho wanted to
curry favor with the nnclo and guar
dian how sorely ho was tempted how
bravely ho had resisted. Don Joao ,
who WM a thoroughbred to the marrow ,
over afterwards despised him , and tbo
young lady waa summarily cured of her
alTcution for the Gringo and cut hia ac
quaintance. It was a year before the
writer could satisfactorily explain hia
connection with the alTalr to Don J6 o ,
hut at last an understanding 'Waa
reached and they parted aa frienda.
The lady In the case is now the wlftf , pf
a prominent California ! ! and rondo's lit
Loa Angeles , " , . ,
. . , . - f'
Ono of the most dlfllcult problems to solro
In Hrltaln ut present in what to do with tlio
vast urmy of young Indies of ggotl family wfco
am looking for employment. HusbuntlH tire
fuxtrco ami wuut U called genteel work fcl'u ,
premium , . In tliuevent of wur there may b
U cliuuco for Mme of ttibta ia tbo field , ' ' "