Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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A Prospect That They Win Be
Satisfactorily Sottlod.
Belt Uno Will Bo Built The
New York Mutual' * Proposltloa
BtlraUp Wo Insurance
Men Brevities.
[ rnoM inn nun's 'MXCOI.X
Tha Rapid Trannit Btroot railway
organized and constructed the past yoav
has not boon a paying Investment thua
far and tbo road was expensive both in
construction and in the rolling stock.
the steam motoro , thus far used being
very expensive. One of the principal
objects in the construction was to secure
easy transit to West Lincoln and the
packing houses there , but the road ,
while it has been a great accommoda
tion to the suburb , has not found the
traffic of suflluiont volume to meet the
'expense of operating. It is evident to c
'great many that cars operated by 11
ntcam motor to and from the business
centre of the city , do not as readily ac-
couimodate passengers as horse cars and
the snowfalls interfere greatly with the
motors. At the mooting of the stock
holders of the Rapid Transit companj
.tho pastwock , a proposition was made
to John Fitzgerald , one of the hcavj
stockholders , that if ho would assume
the entire management and control o !
the road and operate the same for five
years that the other btocltholdcrs In con
sideration therefor would .surrondei
their stock to Air. Fitzgerald. The lattci
gentlemen asked a few days in which tc
-consider the proposition , and it is no.u
generally understood that ho will nc'
ccpt and will at onoo assume entire con
trol of the line. When this is donu the
line will bo extended from the citj
limits south to the asylum and then one
motor will bo used on that end , the
other on the line from the north citj
limits to West Lincoln and the rou :
through the centre of the city bo oper
ated with horses.Under a change o
this kind , with attendant improve
ments , the roael will undoubtedly bo-pul
upon a paying basis at once.
One of the prominent features of pub
lie improvements under discussion foi
the pa it six months has been the pro
posed bolt line around the city. Thii
road wns Incorporated a year ago and i
preliminary survey made , but the worl
of securing sufficient co-oporation ot
the part of property owners to bo dl
rectly benoilttcd , to warrant the con
Btruction of the road , has been the dlf
ficulty and the great delay In active
operations. Three months ago the worl
of securing this needed co
operation was placed in the
hands of John C. Bonnel
who is known among his business nsso
ciates as a "rustler.1 Mr. Bonncll hai
not been idle , and it is understood tint
his negotiations have been so succcbs'u
that the bolt line is now an assured ccr
talnty for on&of the improvements h
the city during 1888 , and Its construe
.tlon will open up opportunities of th <
grandest character for now manufactur
ing institutions that can bo located 01
all sides of the city. A definite an
iiouncomont in regard to the movement :
of the belt line is promised for an carl ;
Since the advent of the general agon
of the the Now York Mutual Life In
suran co company in this city , and UK
submission of their proposition to sccun
business , life insurance agents havi
awakened as never before. The propo
sition of the Now York mutual , to crec
in Lincoln a $100,000 building inconsideration
oration of the citizens giving the com
pany a million and a half of business
was favorably received , atid agent
' placed at onco-in the field canvassing fo
the amount. Other life insurance com
panics have now entered the aroni
and one proposition was made that if ;
million and a half insurance was givoi
that particular company that $10,00
would bo set aside to assist the city ii
securing manufacturing enterprises
The agent of the Mutual Life of Noi
Jersey has prepared a proposition 01
the part of this company and it will hi
presented to the city council at it
meeting to-night. This proposition i
that if the citizens of Lincoln will glv
to that company business that wil
cause the premiums to aggrogati
825.000 , that the agent of the com pan
will Bet aside (10,000 of tbo amount fo
the construction of a city hospital , am
further if the citi/.ens cannot raise thn
amount of insurance , if they will giv
the Mutual of Now Jersey business uno
which -the premiums appregato $12,0X
the agotit agrees to sot aside $5,000 t
aid In constructing it hospital bulldiny
It is very evident from the rivalry ex
isting , that Lincoln people will oithe
take a great deal of insurance an
secure a number of the advantage
offered , or else the controvorsj' will s
divide matters that none will bo scoured
The action of the mayor in attomptinj
to depose W . H. Nowbury from the posi
tion of llro warden meets with no jwpu
lar approval. To the contrary , busines
men and Insurance men , almost with on
voice , accord to Mr. Nowbury the ercdi
of being an oOlciont ollicor , and ono wh
has through long experience and sorvic
developed in the city of Lincoln ono e
the best and most active and roliiibl
llro departments in the west. The actio
of the mayor in attempting to uncart
facts prejudicial to the fire wurdu
under the guise of reform is bccomin
too familiar to excite comment. Tli
committee to inquire into the charge
ngaliibt the warden consists of Messn
Pace , Briscoo and Graham , and it i
undorbtood that thus far they have dii
covered nothing to warrant the dii
charge of a man of Mr. Nowbury's os
porience and to throw tbo departmer
into now and untried hands.
Ed. A. Church , who has been buail
nt work for the last three months poi
footing arrangements for the orectiei
of an opera house In this city that wi
eclipse any like house in the west , ni
nounces that the house is an assure
fact , that but few details remain to I
arranged , and that the houses will I
constructed ready for the season <
The board of trade and freight burcn
have removed to nuw and elegant quiii
tors lu the Burr block , occupying con
tnodious front rooms across the ha
from the Farmers' and Merchants' Ii
mirance company. The now rooms ai
more central , inoro commodious an
vrill hereafter bo headquarters for pul
lie improvements in the city.
The growth of the city is exomplillc
In the constantly Increasing domain
for additional school room , the Slxt
ward , with its throe or four bund rt
Bchool children , being the latest net
tion or for accommodations in that lini
The school board lias respemdod to tl :
demand bv purchasing an eligible nil
on East O street , for which it pal
94,500. Upon this it will the comin
Benson build a handsome brick that wi
-jneot.cyory demand.
Bill Nye , the humorist , will bo .in Lii
coin on the evening of the 23d and will
lecture at Funko's opera house. The
public generally wM iiccord tho' noted
humorist n cordinl reception , and the
Lincoln Prctta club will liuvo u hand lu
rhnking his visit to the city n pleasant
one.Washington's birthday will bo appro
priately celebrated bv the three Chun-
tauqun circles In the city , the circles
holding a joint meeting that night al
the rooms of the Y. M. 0. A. Ono ol
the features of Iho o'vont will bo character -
ter representations of prominent people
in early American history.
The changes in the freight war as il
o fleets Lincoln nvo confined to contin
ued reductions on the part of the Elkhorn -
horn , which are immediately followed
by the Burlington road. ThcB. it M ,
had also introduced a new cut rate U
this city from Missouri river points.
Ono of the peculiar things * in the
train service that has no reasonable in
terpretation , is the recent order exclud
ing Lincoln pcoplo from going to Omabti
on the 1:00 : p. in , fast train. Pcoplo can
however , by dropping a quarter inlc
Mr. Pullman's locker , get aboard the
sleeper and make the trip in that way
and it is a common occurrence to have
thoHleepcron the fast train botweet
lhis place and Omaha crowded like i
stock car by people who prefer paying
ihe levy of a quarter rather than wui
for the late slow train. It is difficult t <
BCO in what way the B. & M. profit !
either financially or in the good will o
the people in enforcing such orders.
Paving in the second District , that I
already under contract , will prococt
rapidly as soon as the season opens
Market square Is half covered wltl
stone for gutter work received through
the winter.
Peace on Garth
Awaits that countless army of martyrs
whose ranks are tonstantly recruftei
trom the victims of nervousness and
norvousdisouses. Thcprlcoof the boon it
ttsvstcmatio course of Hosteller'sStom
ach Bitters , the finest and most gqnia
of tonio nervines , pursued with reason
able persistence. Easier , pleasantcr ani
safer this than to swash the victualling
department with pseudo-tonics , alco
liolie or the reverse , beef extracts , nerve
foods , narcotics , scdativcsand poisons ii
lisguibo. "Tired Naturo'sswect restorer
balmy sleep , " is the providential rccu
perant of weak nerves , and this glo
nous franchise being usually the cense
qucnccs of sound digestion and in
jrcased vigor , the grcatstomachic whicl
Insures both , is productive also of re
pose at Iho required time. Not unro
freshed awakens the individual win
uses it , but vigorous , clear headed am
tranquil. Use the Bitters also in feve
and ague , rheumatism , kidney troubles
constipation and billiousncss.
A Great Natural Trap.
Laramie Boomerang : Mr. Aluop am
ono of his men , John Jackson , won
looking around the rocks ono roornin )
after their Hh'eon. when the latter sa\
a crevice leading into a basin in tin
solid rock , which was about forty feet ii
diameter tit the top , and was shaped exactly
actly like the upper half of tin hou
glass. Ho thought ho would go dpwi
i nto this basin and BOO what it was like
when ho observed another inlet close b ;
Which seemed to offer easier passage
Jackson walked around the corner o
the rock and brought up very suddcnl ;
when ho found himself face to face will
an enormous mountain lion. Mr. Also
happened to bo behind him , and coinini
up at this juncture shot the lion , whicl
rolled to the bottom of the basin and dis
Being anxious to secure the hide c
the lion , a careful investigalion wn
made , and it was discovered that th
bottom of the basin was a hole abou
twenty feet in diameter , opening into
cavity beneath , into which the boas
had tumbled. A rough ladder was con
btructed and Mr. Aslop descended inl
this curious cavern , wherp ho mot
sight that fairly paralyzed him for a me
mont. Ho found himself in the lowe
half of the hourglass-shaped hole in th
rocks , which carried out the simile com
pletely. The lloor , which was of so\i
sandstone , waa forty feet across , and th
sides sloped upward and inwnr
to the neck dividing the lowe
half from the basin above
As this neck was but twcnt
foot wide , it will bo been that
person or animal who fell to th
bottom would bo in a rocky room shape
like an ink bottle right side up. [ t woul
bo impossible for a human being o
beast of any description once in thcr
to escape without aid. By standing o :
tiptoe it was just possible for a tall mute
to reach the roof with the tip of hi
fingers , and as impossible to climb ou
of as it would bo to scale the wall of Hoi
iday's opera house backward -without
In this cavernous room lay the dea
mountain lion , but he was not alone
Nine more mountain lions'of the large *
si7,0 , so recently fallen in that thoi
hides were still whole , lay about , whil
the hole was filled from ono side to th
other with bones of every species c
animal known on the plains. They ha
fallen into the trap formed by imturt
and , being unabro to get out , had starve
to death.
It is a blind confidence to suppoa
yourself incapable of mistake. It is ir
deed a serious blunder to refuse to tak
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when you eve
suspect you have taken cold. Price
What a grand , great country this i
with its vn&t territory , its big rivers , 11
pretty women , and its Voni Vidi Vic
euro Salvation-Oil.
Many persons use the phrase "in
trice" wiio have no idea of its meaning
A trice is the sixtieth part of a sccon
of time. The hour is divided inlo bixt
minutes , the minute , into sixty seconel
and the second into sixty 'trices c
Itssuperlor excellence loven In inlllloug
homes fur morn than a quarter of acenturv.
Is us l by the United btatea Uovernrncn . n
dorsej by the heads of the Orrut Universities
the Strongest , Purest and most llenlthf uL j
Price's Cn > ra Hating l"owder does not eont
Ammonia. Lime or Alum. Hold only Incana.
I'IUCH UAKINU 1'owuiuCo.
Items of Interest to tbo Men or
the Road.
The Tourht a Hainan Injustice to th <
Traveler A Nuisance Aid From
Congress Omaha Sun
day Guests.
Collar and Cuff.
Merchant Tranter.
The worU Ims its troubles for you , my boy ,
And you'll find they nre hard enough ,
IJut you'll got through them easily if you wil
The magic of collar and cuff.
Just collar your troubles before they grat
you ,
And your forethought will win you the day
And when nny volro comes coaxing around ,
Don't urguo , but cuff it away.
A ( Sunday at Itaatlnjpi.
HASTINGS , Neb. ) Feb. 17. [ Correspondenci
of the BBS.The ] people of Hastings an
noted for their enterprise , liberality am
cordiality. This little city now springin ;
Into prominence and dignity ns a mctronoll
Is a most excellent resort for any who dcsln
comfort mid pleasure.
The lovely streets nud avenues , the Irapos
Ing business structures , costly mid clognn
residences , lovely location , excellent hotels
rcflned Society , lovely ladles and Us socla
entertainments all tend to make it a plen.sun
place for the common wealth traveler to spent
his Sunday. No people In the west knov
better how to make its guests comfortabl
than the citizens of Hastings and as a consc
quenco the hotels are crowded nt the end o
each weak with a Jolly lot of "tho boys , '
of sonic of those whose faces may usually b <
seen there It may bo Interesting to say a fcv
words :
\V. L. Ellcdge , representing the Vanatti
Linn Drug company of St. Joseph , Mo. , I
well known throughout the territory o
southern Nebraska , having been connectci
with the same firm for tv number of years
Mr. Kllcdgo Is tin affable gentleman , whosi
customers are always pleased when ho call1
on them and arc sure to save him a liberu
Ben Paxton , representing the well-knowi
boot and shoe iirm of liradloy , Motcalf < feCo.
of Milwaukee , enjoys a splendid trade , am
makes the Uostwick his headquarters.
Kubc Hellnor , with Hlish , Mizo & Sillman
wholesale hardware , Atchison , Kas. , reside ;
in Hastings and Is homo every Sunday. I
there is such a thing ns enjoyment of thi
life , Mr , and Mrs. Holluer certainly tuUi
every advantage of it. They are a genia
couple and have many friends.
H. G. Miller , state salesman for Reed
Murdock & Fisher , wholesale grocers , Chi
capo , enjoys an extensive trade In his line
Mr. Miller resides in Hustings , and wltl
his estimable wife occupies a happy homo 01
Saundcrs avcnuo.
There is always good music wherever yoi
find the genial presence of Hal Willlnms.wbj
represents the wholesale grot-dry Hrm o
Steele & Walker , St. Joseph , Mo. Hal is i
"bachelor" and lives with his mother on St
Joseph avenue. Ho makes all the brauche
out of Hastings , is quite popular and com
niands a good patronage.
The Navo-McCord mercantile conipan ;
of St. Joseph finds anable representative ii
the person of Otto Wisuor , who radiates ou
of the Queen city every week.
F. K. Maxwell , of the Abcrnathy furnltur
company of Kansas City , has been nuikin
the Lupin hotel his headquarters for a fo\
weeks , and reports having a very satisfaetor ,
trade so far this year.
Among tbo leading lights at any social or
tcrtalnment may bo found 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Do !
man. Mr. D. is out of town during a greate
part of the week in the interest of Souinui
Richardson & Co. , wholesale candy un
crackers , St. Joseph , Mo. , but makes it
point to bo at his homo on St. Joe avenue a
least once a week.
If you will go to the services n the Epis
copal church on any Sabbath you will see th
genial countenance and hear the barlton
voice of J. H. Stringfellow , a member of tbo
church choir. During the week ho is on thread
road supplying his extensive trade wit
groceries from the wholesale house of Sloai
Johnson < & Co. , Omaha. His headquarter
are at the Commercial hotel.
Mr. G. M. McICcchan , Jr. , member of th
firm of MoTaggart & McKechan , munufui
turcrs and Jobbers of cigars and tobacci
located ou Second street , Hastings , reports
flourishing trade on the road for the past si
weeks. This is a new firm , both young mci
nnd through the earnest endeavors of M :
McKeehau arc establishing a-worthy rcputi
tion.Tho wholesale hardware house of Bergc
Bros. & Alexander , Hastings , Neb. , is we
represented in the person of H. H. Cherr ;
The institution is an honor to the city an
Cherry is un emissary without a superior.
D. T.
A National Bankrupt Law.
In the BKE of Friday , February 17 , a ]
pcarcd an interesting article entitled "A Ni
tional Bankrupt Law. " TUo author was M
Lew Frank , the well known representativ
of Mark , Stadlor & Co. , clothing , Cineinnat
Mr. Frank is a commercial traveler of man
years experience , and is qualified to dc ;
thoroughly with nny question affecting tl
wheels of commerce.
The subject in this instance has been thoi
oughly handled by the author and the artici
should receive the careful attention of all Ii
Mr. Frank makes his western headquartei
at Lincoln. Ho is now cinragcd in writing
book which is intended to bo of much lioncl
to commercial travelers and business me
generally Filigree , or Under Ono Flag. Tli
work will be ready for the publisher in th
near future.
Hn Is a Human.
"How can the rest of the world expect t
escape occasional ennui and fits of dcprcssio
when eyen the 'commercial traveler1 is semi
times attacked with the malady t" asks tl ;
Pittsburg Telegraph. This carrier of trad
and commerce , and often its pioneer , is e
self-possessed , so energetic , so wlde-aw.ik
nnd so buslncsvliko in his demeanor , cos
tunics and manners that ho is the last man t
bo suspected of sentiment. Yet ho is luima
after all. Ho has sweetheart , wife , motlu
or sisters. When ho is to sojourn a while i
a city ho oftcns gcta a room ami takes Ii
meals out. Ho is glad to'flnd some congenii
acquaintance whom ho can take to his apar
ments , pass around the cigars an
after wlillo got out of his valise tl
photographs which go with him o
his Journoyings by land and water. All
this vivacious , not to bo fooled , over-alei
and undaunted drummer has a heart , U >
Ho can sink the shop , ills thoughts go o
to homo , to loved ones. Ho also leads tw
lives , the ono for the Btrcot , the other for tl :
privacy of his sleeping den. Ho , too , gel
tired of the speech jind devices of his callini
Ho rinds refuge in a novel. Ho unbosom
himself to any ono who wins his contldenc
nnd affections. Ho even confesses that 1 :
has physical ailments like others of mankini
Ho wears a bold front to the dashing un
exacting world. Ho relaxes and exposes h
inner self m the reposeful atmosphere of h
sleeping chamber , and lol the man who
equal to tempests nud hockmen an
bunco men , and who follows or leads clvlliz :
tion wherever steam , horses or feet can can
ono , Is nt bottom like us nil , human , louche
with sensibilities , open to weaknesses nr
craves fellowship and sympathy when tire
of the repetitions and routine conventions i
his vocation and impressed with the convi
tion that ttto resources of the heart and so1
are never autbuletl by anything which bus
ness can demand or give. Go aside with tl
commercial travel and note how gladly at
with what childlike eagerness ho will ca
awav his armor und rejoice in themes a >
words that do not iiet-il to bo registered wl (
his pencil and which bavo no concern wli
tlgures or with mammon. He , too , has look *
at the stars and been possessed wl
dreams. " „
Injufitlco to the Traveler.
GIIBEXWOOD , Nob. , Feb. 17. To the Edlti
of the BIK : Perhaps it will be of interest
the many readers ot the BKE to know ho
the B. & M. railroad treats the poor travel ! ]
salesmen when they are at Sewurd. The
the great railroad i rich enough tq have tv
passenger depgts , which are about a ml
tpart , and If 04 NntnU to go from the Gotam-
ms branch toho York branch ( even though
lis baggage has been checked through ) he Is
compelled to either wait over ono train or
pay the trahtfcr charges. For Instance ,
should a salesmnutbo at Mllford and want to
chock bagnato to York , ho would got into
Seward at about 5 p. m. , and as there is a
train on the , York branch at 11 p. in. ono
would naturally suppose that the baggage
would go there , ; But no such luck. Your
hagtmgo Is at ono depot and the night train
comes Irrnt the other. Now is this right !
Should wo bo compelled to | > ay the transfer
charges la order to save time , when the com.
mny has taken our money for chocking the
baggage I " ONB Wnu HAS BAOOAUB.
, A Nuisance.
Cot.UMnus , ! N b. , Feb. 10. To the Ed-
tor of the B ! While the Union Pa
cific has done a great deal for overland
lassengers la putting oa their flyer , the
ocal passengers who have the misfortune to
ako this train are certainly badly treated.
5\ur magnificent sleeping cars ore run on
this train and only one day coach , and that
on alleged first-class one. To-day in coming
out of Omaha , this coach was crowded so
that fifteen people were compelled to stand
and it was only after repeated expostulations
m the part of these passengers ( who were
argoly traveling men ) that -the conductor
finally told us that wo could take scats in the
Pullman uars. <
Belonging to ono family there wore seven
dirty children , all under the age of ten , and
thesn children occupied three seats , and tbat
without paying any fare , while full paid pas
sengers were standing. While 1 hove
nothing against the chlldron occu
pying scats , I do think that
the company , In all humanity , ought to pro
vide accommodations so that all could sit ,
and not try to force passengers to pay toll to
, ho Pullman company.
Again , there being no smoking accommoda
tions , there were passengers who wanted to
smoke and did smoke , much to the disgust of
others , and this leads mo to the thought that
if a smoking car was provided , the discom
fort of to-day would have been obviated.
P hope that the great Union Paclilo com-
lany will not longer tolerate such ii nuisance
und feel positive that I voice the sentiments
of my fellow travelers on this subjectMAN.
Aid Front Congress.
Hon. John Farquhar , n member of congress
'rom Now York , has introduced the follow-
ng brief but excellent bill :
Bo it enacted by the senate and house of rep
resentative's of the United States of Amer
ica in congress assembled.
That residents of each state and territory ,
may , within the other states and territories
and within the District of Columbia , solicit
from dealers or merchants orders for goods
and merchandise by sample , catalogue , card ,
> rico-list , description or other representation ,
ivithout payment of any license or mercantile
* x. _
O malm's Sunday Guests.
There was the usual influx of traveling men
to tlio city yesterday , and they whiled away
their time at the principal hotels in ways
most ugrccablo to themselves. Talks with
many of them were to the effect that business
is booming , and the outlook for the spring
and summer trade is very encouraging :
The Paxton arrivals wore : A. Carson ,
Chicago ; T. Calclwalder , Chicago ; J. P.
Woods , Chica'goj'C. ' K. Hoffman , Chicago ;
" 1. K. Pittmaii , Chicago ; F. .B. Klock , Chicago
cage ; J. A. Ifoyd , . Chicago ; W. S. Keolor ,
Chicago ; G. D. 'Hoffman , Chicago ; F. 'A.
Perry , Chicago ; N. Relss , Chicago ; J. Oli
ver , Chicago A.IO. ' Davitlls , Chicago ; C. C ,
Mitchell , ChltogA'j'A. ' . Dorion , Chicago ; J.
Weir , Chicago ; \Y.-L. Itosa and wife , Chicago ;
W. B. SharpvChicapo'G. N. Beck. Chicago ;
F. H. MorsJ , % w York ; E.Blum , Nev ;
York ; A. St. Gaudens , New York ; J. E ,
Manhcim , N6w York ; J. S. Harm , Now York ;
P. KottinorJ Now York ; D. Totlow. Now
York : . A. Aclieson , Now York ; A. S. Alfred ,
New York ; 'W. O. Frazer , Now York ; A.
Emdon , New York ; J. F. Henry , New York ;
S. H. Harris , ' New York ; R. H. Barnum
Now York ; HI B. Fischer , Now York ; J ,
Owens , ; D. A. Lewis , New York ;
L. Wolf , Now York ; L. Uockwell , New York ;
P. W. Bainy , Boston ; A. C' Harvy , Boston ;
J. II. El well , Boslon ; T. D. Lilly , Boston ; J ,
Finlay , Philadelphia ; J. O. Lane , Pokcepsio ,
N. Y.F. ; A. Dockcy , Kansas City ; C. A ,
Avery , Milwaukee ; A. Ely , Cleveland ; W ,
Cox , Philadelphia T. H. Whorton , Trenton ,
N. J. ; M. A. Sprague , Cleveland , O. ; L. Lilt
man , Detroit , Mich. ; W. A. Turner.
Philadelphia ; H. F. Hubbard , St. Louis ,
Mo. ; F. W. Piorson , Rochester , N. Y. :
F. H. Whorton , Trenton , N. J. ; J. N. Jones ,
Portland , Me , ; O. MacMasters , Philadelphia ;
P. Bain , St. Louis ; H.O.Allen , Rochester ,
N. Y. ; J. A. Kearney , Boston ; J. L. Lewis ,
Richmond , Va. ; 11. N. Morrison , Jamestown ,
N. Y. ; C. A. Crane , Jamestown , N. Y. ; M ,
Baar , Now York ; Gus Holchctadcr , Now
York ; J. Thorpe , Now York ; H. J. Newman ,
Now York ; D. McT. Dodd. New York ; W. F
Manson , Now York ; B. J. Schafor , New York
The arrivals at the Mlllard were : J. S
Wisncr , New York ; F. R. Daullardo , Cbl
cagp ; H.T. Sprlgue , Chicago ; J. M. Guinz
burg , New York ; A. E. Woodford , Chicago ;
A. C. Bedell , Now York ; W. C. Stenbeck
Hew York ; J. M. Comstock , Chicago ; G. C ,
Weaver , Now York ; SV. W. Molntosh , Now
York ; A. E. Anderson , Chlcacto ; H. D
Ford , Chicago ; William Magco , New York
H. H. Jacobson , Buffalo ; G. L. Abbott
Corning , N. Y. ; W. H. Waldridee , Chicago ;
H E. Bcllane , Chicago ; J. T. Pepcfro , Now
York ; W. H. Bennett , Reading , Pa. ; F. R
Horton , Now York ; G. W. King St. Louis
I. Holmstrong , Chicago ; O. A. Rolm , Chicago
cage ; A. W. Butts. Chicago ; M. Applobaurn ,
Pittaburjr ; A. S. Alfred , Now York
A. E. Hamilton , Chicago ; S. R , Cat
loway , Toledo , O. ; D. L. Skldmoro
St. Louis ; B , E. Hamilton , Chicago
William Heaford , Chicago ; B. B. Long , Chicago
cage ; H. P. Ginclln , New York ; D. H. Nor
ris , Now York ; J. S. Foley , New York ; H
Douglas , Chicago ; J. J. Kccnan , Now York ;
J. G. Schultcr , New York ; W. G. Peters ,
Chicago ; J. H. Mngee. Kansas City ; J. W ,
Pierce , Chicago ; L. H. Ly ford , Boston : H
C. Wild , Baltimore ; O. A. Schneider , Now
York ; W. A. Barnett , Dayton , O. ; A. H
Skinner , Now York ; J , Kondrlck , New
Yerk ; J. C. Hubbell , St. Louis ; W
R. White , Chicago ; A. S. Leo
Now York ; C. J. Moore , Chicago ;
M. P. Brace , Chicago ; D. L. Blycr , Cincin
nati ; V. P. Roberts , Kansas City ; A. 1C
Dickson , Cahoes , N. Y. ; R. T. Whclbcck
Chicago ; S. M. Mandol , Now York : F. L
Hill , Chicago ; William S. 'Wykoff , NCM
York ; A. J. Rowsell. Now York ; J. M
Brown , Now Yorlt ; W. H. Ahrens , Now
York ; F. M. Tobin , New York ; Ben Stern
New York ; S. N. Clugston , Chicago ; J. G
Woodward , Chicago ; F. R. Doullard. Chicago
cage ; M. D. Numan , New York ; A , Wolf
New York ; M. J. Wilson , Boston.
FALLS VIKW wns unknown nntl
crciiteel by the MJchignn Contrnl Hull
roael , which , stops its trains sit this poini
to enable its i > asson ord to enjoy UK
grandest nnd most comprehensive viov
of the falls that is to ho anywhere oh
tainctl. BoTurq that time people cunu
in carriages from the American side l <
"Inspiration Point , " the view front
whicn Howells sftiel was "unequalled foi
sublimity , " . but'Fulls View , being more
elevated , tie ) scene from it is mucl
finer. No other rood runs to or ncai
this point , and through passengers bi
the Michigan Central , AThe Niagari
Falls Route ; " have this great advantagi
without detention oradditional expense
A Field Pull of Haulers Burned.
"I was roaflfng something in you
paper about snakes the other day , " sale
J. D. Andrews , an Oregon pioneer. "Lol
mo toll you n peculiar experience I hai
with snakes. Thud a farm on the Mol
lalla , a few miles from Oregon City , noa
an oblong , tfock-covcred hill called Rat
tlcsnako Hill , which for years has jus
been swarming with them. In tin
spring , when the weather gets warm
rattlesnakes como out of the hedges am
drift down the creek bottoms , bucominf
very troublesome. My farm being enl ;
throe miles away these reptiles becom'
each year more and more troublesome
endangering especially the lives of m ;
chlldron , who despite all I could tic
would persist in going about barefooted
"Well , a year ago last spring the ;
swarmed into my wheat Hold so thickl ;
that I couldn't out it when it was npu
This may sound odd to. you , but it is ,
fact. But I got some of my neighbor
to help mo , and I plowed several fui
rows around the field , and the.n laid
hair ropes arounA It ana act fire to the
tha wheat. Well , ot all the sizzling and
trying and strange squawks and noises
you ever heard , wo had them there.
Such a lot ot rattling and leaping up and
displaying of forked tongues , I don't
think anybody before ever saw. Of
course , they ran from the fire , but the
hair rope ou the further side turned
them , until wo had a complete circle of
lire around them.
"Well , when the wheat was burned
off there were thousands of dead rattle
snake ! ) . They wore thicker in the mid
dle than anywhere else , nnd nnd were
twisted nnel tied together In knots nnd
bunches almost ns tight as n barrel. I
guess wo must have made a clean sweep
of them that time , for they have novcr
put in an appearance there since. "
Bolls , pimples , hives , ringworms , totter -
tor , and all other manifestations of im
pure blood are cured by Hood's Sarpa-
Ho Met Ills Match.
Texas Sittings : A rather shabbily
dressed man , with n largo book under
his arm , inserted his nose into the
orifice through which railroad tickets
nt the Union Depot at Austin are sold.
"What can I do for youV" asked Pete
Lawless , the genial ticket agent.
"How much does a ticket to Dallas
cost1 ? "
"Seven dollars and fifty cents. "
"Well. I've got all but the $7. "
"That a hardly enough. "
"LOOK hero my friend I'm n boon
agent , nnd I got ropoel into a little
game of poker and I want to got out of
town. Now , if I stay hero I'll have to
drum , and I'm a terror. I've talked
lots of people Into the lunatic asylum.
You don't wan't to talk mo silly do
you ? "
"Suppose you try. "
"In the Interests of the people of Aus
tin you want to help mo to leave this
town. My staving hero a week will re
tard its growth ton years. "
"So you are really a book agent.
What book are you selling ? "
A galvanized smile spread over the
man's face , like u lot of butter on a hot-
batter cake , and in a sing-song yoico ho
remarked :
"I am offering the public , in seven
teen volumes , 'Dr. Bumblebee's Obser
vations In Palestine , ' a book that
should bo In every household , a book
that jiot only contains the views of the
learned savant on what ho saw in the
Holy Land , but numerous speculations
and theories about what ho did not see ,
altogether forming a complete library
of deep research , pure theology and
chaste imagery. I am not selling this
Incomparable encyclopedia , but am giv
ing it away at a ridicuously low fig
The agent paused. He expected that
the ticket agent would bo bored , but he
was not. On the contrary he scomod to
bo amubod and pleased.
"Hadn't you bettor give mo a ticket ,
instead of having mo talk you to
death ? "
"Talk mo to dcathl Why , man alive ,
I like to hear It. Say that over. "
"Say it over ? " queried the bewildered
book agent.
"Yes ; I was n book agent myself before -
fore I wont li'to the railroad business ,
and what you say is music to mo. It
calls back hallowed memories of the
past and makes me want to go on the
road again. Why , man alive , I could
listen to you all day. I wouldn't have
you leave Austin for anything. Como
around every day , and we will swap ex
periences. "
The book agent closed his book with
a bang , and faded away like a beautiful
dream in the direction of a saloon where
they set out a free lunoh. He had mot
his match for onco.
She Talked In Her Sleep.
Pittsburg Dispatch : In one corner of
a crowded street car crossing the Sixth
street bridge , on Saturday evening , sat
a young lady of more than ordinary
good looks. Her fellow passengers had
plenty of opportunities of ga/.ing at her
without embarrassing her , for before
the car Was over the bridge she had
dropped sounel asleep. The conductor
awUently know her , for he made no at-
terript to wake her when ho came to her ,
after collecting the rest of the fares.
She did indeed look very pretty ; her
head resting.slightly against the win
dow frame , her lips just parted , and her
face composed peacefully. There was a
half smile on her face , too , as If her
dreams were pleasant. She had prob
ably been standing behind a dry goods
counter all day long. The men , and
women , too , were careful not to touch
even the horn of the sleeping girl's
dress as they passed out one by ono
from the cur. By the time the car
passed the Allegheny parks only the
sleeper und a gentleman , who was reading -
ing a paper , were loft in the car. Just
then the conductor entered the car and
remarked to the gentleman : "I shall
have to wake her ; she gets off hero. "
The conductor laid his hand on the
sleeping girl's shoulder , and gave her
the least possible shako , while with the
other hand ho rang the bell for the
driver to stop the car. The girl arose
at once , but though she did this and
opened her eyes also , she was evidently
still in dreamland. Her lips moved and
she said almost in n whisper : "There ,
it's 10 o'clockdidn't ; you hear the clock
strike ; let mo go , I say please lot mo
go , Clmrliol" and then she suddenly
s looped , put her hands to her face , and
without a word more ran out of the car
wide awake and blushing like any
thing. *
If you must go to sloop in a car , bo
sure to order your dreams discreetly.
The conductor who told mo this story ,
however , says ho would not mind being
taken for "Uharlio" by the fair dreamer
agt\in \ , if she will not cut olT the bounce
jubt uj , the point where it becomes inter-
Sneezing Catarrh.
tTho distreasliiR Btiuoze , Bnueze , sneeze , tlio
acrid , wutety dl.schnrKes from tlio eyes and nose ,
the painful Intlammatlon extending to the
throat , the swelling ot the mucous lining , cans
Ing tlioklng bcnsatlons , cough , rlnglns noises In
thu head or splitting headaches , how familiar
fiese symptoms ure to thousands who MinYr
periodically from head colds and Influenza , and
who live In Ignorance ot the fact that a tdngle
application of BANfouu's UADICAI. CUKE toil
UAT.inmi will afford instantaneous rtllef.
Hut this treatment In cases of simple Catarrh
gives but a faint Idea of what this remedy will
do In thu chronic forms , where the breathing lu
obstructed by choking , putrid mucous accumu
lations , the heaiiiig utirctcil , bmell and taste
gone , throat tiki-rated unit hacking cough grad
ually fastening IHclf upon the debllttato.l HVS.
tern. Then It is that th marvellous curative
pOWiTOf SANfllltD'S llAIIIUAI. CUIIK manlfUbtd
itself In InstantHneotiH and grateful relief. Cure
begins from the llrst application. It Is rapid ,
radical permanent , economical. Bafu.
BtNtoiiD'B \DiOAl.CuilBconslstnof one Ixit
tie of the lUuiCAi.Cuiii : . one boxoiCATAltuiiAi
VOTTEU Uuuo & CHEMICAL Co. llosiox
Tains , Soreness , Weakness
Hacking Cough. Asthma. Pleurisy
and Inflammation UKUKVKU IN
_ Jll.NUiB and nutated to a speedy cnn
by the UCTicuitA ANTI-I'AIN I'usTcn , Anew ,
instantaneous uud Infalllblu antidote to pain , in
Humiliation uud weakness of the Client antl
Lungs. Thullrstatld only pain-killing plaster ,
At druggists , 3 rents ; live for 11.00 ; or , postal
mldreas 1'oiTEU DitUQ AMI > CilKUlCAl , Co. , liO4
toil , Mass.
- SIhA.Z7QS -
Incomparably tha Bast.
Tha awl aa nrwt Bmair ft * Can at
all alNani a a U ay aay denagafcaat af
ft * Um , KMa n , atoaaeli aa Bowtb.
D/tfijala. fltek * ! . , OwMltatloa ,
Miles * OMtUlatoaa KalaHaaf aM klaat
< j t tHi " 'O'ys ,
r k' 7ik | >
_ . - -Jc-
n-k < iJ- a.r
It ! pI Mutto ti * twM , toai p tke
tytttm , iMtovM aa4 pnatrrM ktaltk.
It to panly Y fetkMe , aa caaaot ftkll to
txatlaUl , Wth a aU aa yoaag.
Moai ParlaUr H to naWkrta all
MM artCTwaM * at tl.OO a at to.
Our Magic Remedy
r All lyphllltle IMif , of recent or Ion * Unalni.ln
from ten to tftM ) > n days. We wilt fire written Huar-
antrrs to cure any care or rotund your money. And
we would § ay to thona who bat * employed the most
hallled I'hTslclans , uwxl erery known remedy an *
bar * not been cured , that you are tbo subjects we an.
looking for. You that hare hren to the celebrated
llot bprlngi ol Arkansas , and hare Just all cope of
reeoTery , we
Will Cur. You
rm&kenocharin. Our remedy In unknown to any
nn In the world outside of our Company , nud It U
the only remedy in the world that will cure you. We
will cure tbo most obstinate case In leas taan one
month. HeTpn days In recent canes does thfl work. It
Is the old , chronic , deep-seated rases that wo solicit.
Wo bare cnrwl hundreds who had been abandoned
ky 1'hyslrlans and pronounced Incurable , nud
Wi Challenge the World
to bring nsacase tbat wo will not cure In leu than
one month.
Since the history of medicine , a True Specific for
BypbllltlChEruptlons , Ulcers , Horn month , 40. , hai
been sou t tor but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
srai dlscoTered , and we are Justified In sartng It Is the
only reraody In the world that will posltlrelr mire ,
because the latest medical works , pnbllshedy the
best known authorities , say them was nerer a true
snrclBo before. Our Remedy U the only medicine In
the world that will cure when Terythln * else has
railed. It has been so conceded br a fane number ot
Celebrated Fhysleians. IT HAS ncr > n vrr VAILID
( o CUBI. Why wsste your time and money with
Ktcnt medicine * that nerer had Tlrtue , or doctor
th physicians that cannot cure you. Tou tbat awe
tried eTuryUilDg else should come to us now and cet
relief | you nerer can et II elsewhere ,
ark what we aayi In the end you musttakaonr
pmodr orMTKkrecorer. And yon that have been
afflicted but a abort time should by all means come teas
as now. Many vet help and think theya n free from
the disease , but in one , two or three
appears agiha la more horrible form.
InTeatlcaU oar financial standing through the msr-
eantlle agenda * and note that we are fullr reipoiul-
ble nnd oar written guarantees are irood , we have a
BXHEDT prepared oa purely Hclentiflc Principles and
we wish to repeat thai it NITKR TAILS TO CURC. All
tetters sacredly confidential.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Eeoms 18 and IT Hellman Block.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the Tx > RlAlature In IRfiB , for Kdiipnt
tonal and ChariUblo purpose * , and IU franchlso
made a part of the present Bute Constitution , In 137V ,
by an overwhelming popular Tote.
Its Grand Simile Number Drawings take place
monthly , and the Grand Oiinrtorly DrawlniiH regu
larly every three months ( March , June , September
and December. )
"We do hereby certify that we supervise the ar
rangement * for all the monthly and quarterly
Draw Incs of The Louisiana Htate lottery Company ,
and In person roanaiie and control the drawings them
selves , and that the same arc conducted with honesty
fairness and In xood talth toward all parties , and wo
authorize the Company to use this rerttncate with
tac similes of our signature attached , In Its advertlie-
menu. "
We , the undersigned Banks and Hankers will paynll
I'rlroi drawn In tha l-oulslnim btalo ixHlorle * which
mny bo presented at our counters.
J. II. Om.KSIlY , I'ri'3. Louisiana National Dank.
riKHUK LANAtJX , Prci. State National Uank.
A. HALDWIN , Prcs. New Orleans National Dank.
CAltli KO1IN , I'rcs. Union Nnllunal Uank.
In the Academy of Music , New Or
leans , TucnUay , .March 13 , 188M.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1OOOOO Tluketa at Twenty Dollars
each. H nlres , $1O ; Quarters , $5 ;
Tenths , $2 ; Twentieths , $1.
ZK OK iu < i . rwuoo
ll'ltl/.KUK MJ.UJ ) U
1 I'ltl/.K OK BftHW I . I..M MtUI
s ritiZKH OK lu.uuu ure . aiun
A PIII/.KS P Si uarp . . . , . . , , 2Tii u
25 I'ltlZKSOK * UWnra . . . . . . . . . : iU n
100 I'ltlZKS ( IK CflUnnt. . . . . . . . HUH )
jnt I'ltl/KS OK nuiar . . IMOUU
SOU I'HIXBS OK aiUarp . . . .I. . . IDUttU
100 Prizes of .VU approxtmutlUK to
HXJ.OUO I'rlie are
100 I'rUcw of f.JJU apinmlmuUiii ; to
IKII.DII l-riio m . niom
VJU I'rliesof KMJapproslinatlntt tu
VafUt Prim ro . 20,000
1,000 Prlrpn of nun dpcldcil by.l , ua )
rrUourt ! . IdUKU
1,000 Prl/i-s of * IOU decided by..HWOOU
I'rUu are . , . , . IWni
am Prices amounting to . llnuUH
For club rates , or any further Information apply to
tbo undersigned. Your handwriting muxt b iHillnct
and signature plain , ore rapid return mull delivery
will bo a 8uri'J by your enclosing an unf elope bearing
your full ndilrcM.
Hand IMsTAl , NOTKH , express money orders , or
New York Kiclnnxe In ordinary letter. Curruuoy by
express ( at our expense ) addrus pd to
il. A. DAUPHIN ,
" . * . , I. * ,
Address Registered Letters to
1) I7TVTT\fml > Thst thn presence of Geiv
iU l r.jlWr
JVliiiUi > . H llraurcEHrd and
Early , who nro In clmrcrot tlio ilraolnK" , is a guar
antee of absolute talrneu and IntugHly , that the
chances rre all uiiual , and that no ( mo cau | iosilbl |
divine wlmt niimnvr will draw a rnse.
llb'MK.MIIKIl tbat tlio payment of all prltcs I'
uiti.EANH , and the tickets are slmiPil by thu presltlunl
fan Institution whoso chartered rights are neat-
olivd In tbo hUtbest courts ; therefore , ten are ot unjr
nations or auonrmous eenuuie * .
TED-who in hli rOLsYT and ION BAYCE
hai TBirLKD away hU VIUOBof BODY ,
MIND and atANHOon.ctuilni ihat | |
aralni upon tha FOCNTAINB ot 1.1
PrMtni. WEAKMBatlt of Memory
the FACE , and all tha EFTEd *
EARLY BEOAY and perbm O
TAMM lUHHtlnf from Hl
Mar to their MX can eoniult with the
fepeedfreuef and cure , fread t *
for worke oa year dlitate * .
-flena 4 cento poetace for l > ltrt 4
W rkB on Chroalr , N rve > * Md BH *
Mte > Dlieam. Consultation , penoMLr ex tf
letter , ft * * . Coniult the elf BeWtWr.
private. JVThoee contemplating lUtriaf *
end tot Dr. ClMrkA'a- celebrated MM
! and ! > * ! . each We. , kotk Be
( eUrnra ) . Before confldlrtf your eat * , OM H
Br. CLARKE. A friendly letter or wit mr
are future luferlnt and ahatne , and a44
yean to life.Book "iar ' ( Seerel ) Er-
ron , " 60o. fitampe ) . Medicine and wrttlnM
eent eTerywbere , leeura from * x * > eMr .
Bonn , I to 8 ; Sundtyi , to 12. Addreb ,
F. D. OtiAMUD , M. D.
166 So. Clark BU folOAOO. ILL.
tiroa Consumption , CotiRhi. Colcli , Anthma , Bron
chills , Itebtlltjr , Wnntlng l > l. pn es nnd all Scrota.
Almost lu ps1tl > lo m cruitni. It run be taken with
pli'Bvirobrnellcnto persons nn ( ) children , whotft r
iislnirll , nre TOFT fonil or It. It iHlmllatiui with the
roiHl.lncroti'cstlm fle li niul minetlto , buIKU up the
lierroiK sjr'tom , romroi i-nprnr to mlncl and body ,
oroMi'i now , rich mill pure blood , lu fact , rrjuvlnalci
the wliolo nyftcm.
Tins preparation IK fur sapor lor to all other preparations -
rations of L' > r Oil : It liis ninny Imitator * nut no
cqunia. Tun remits followtnn Itsunoare IU beitra.
commcndntlons. Ho sure , an youvnluo your health
nnd Krt the komilne. Minufactnrrd only by lla.
Ai.xu. II. Wli.uaii.Chfinlftt. Iloston , M n. Becdtor
illuntrntcd circular , which will be malloa free. Men
tion this paper.
Health is Wealth !
MKNT , a Rimrnutceil spccltlc fur Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache Nervous Prostration , rnusod by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulneaa , Mental
Depression , Softening of th liriiln , resulting In
InHunlty.ancl loading to miserydecay and death ,
Premature Old Ago , llarrenuess. Loss of Power
In either sex. Involuntary Looses and Sperma
torrhoea caused by over-exertion of tlie brain ,
self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con
tains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or six
boxes for I5.UU , seat by mall prepaid on receipt
of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxrx , accompanied with VtJXt , we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re.
fund the money It the treatment does noteffect
a cure. Guarantees Issund only by C. F. ( WUp-
MAN. Druggist , Bole Agent , lilt ) Farnam Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Advertising has always proven
successful. Before placing anf
Newspaper Advertising consul
ft t 49 Kaafelsk Slr U CHICAGO.
London Granules.
Kllmlnntcs liut TPMlRO of Hjnlillls. Ulcers , Pimples.
Chronic Bores&Inipiiro lUotid.They have no equal for
skin dlscaies. Hlmllar medicine lined In Ixmclon Hos
pitals , with nnvnrjlim SIIPPPM. IMWKi.v VKiirrA.
Spnt bymalllnit pIMn soalp < l purkairn. aad no delay ,
on receipt of II per box or 0 for K. WE oiMKANTm
tttxiioxKHTortiuKANroARK. with each order ro-
rclved for six boxes apcompaulpd byH.we will send
thn purrhnncr our written miarantue in refund the
money. If the treatment does not effect a cure.
Cherry at. , Kansas City , Mo.
HOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
It ? *
Kaslly dlRpHterl ; of tlio finest flavor. A hearty
beverage for a strong n ] > putlto ; a delicate drluK
for the Hcnsltlvo. Tlioroujjhly tehted ; nutritious :
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
uttur effects. Requires no boiling.
Marlon Harlnnd , Christine Tcrhune Herrtck ,
Derm A. H. Thomas. M. 1) . , pronounce It the b at
of nil the poweilered chocolates. No other equals
It in tiuvor , purityiiudANTi-UYRfEpTic qualities.
Sold liy Qroccrt. Sample muffed for 10 slump * .
The best known and most popular Hotel In the
state , location contra ) , appointments fl rat-class ,
Headquarters for comiuurclal mou and all polltloal
AM PART OF Lfflffl
BY CAItltlKIt Foil
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a week. Send your order to ta
office ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
Paid Up Capital , - $26OOOO
Surplus , - - - OO.OOO
H.V. . VATEH , rrosident.
Luwia H. HEKO , Vlcc-1'resldent.
A , K/TOU/.AMN. "nd Vlce-I're < ldent.
W. II. a. HUUIIM , Cashier.
Cor. l-'th und I'arnatii Btx.
A General UunUug lluslnesa Transacted.
Of the Uodrenlarted and strengthened. Full particu
lars seat sealed free. KKIK MKl..CO. . r.crriui , N.T.
OUritHtHw " - HtRvHUvnaaw Iiouy tit MtuVi
recult of oTtr-Workt IndUcrtttop , ctc aadreu | ib v %
' * iiJ. iir ? i
. - * .