Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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' Society and Politics in an Arizona
A Stage Coach Robbery One of the
Mot Deupcrato Untile on llccoril
A Sketch of tlio Notorl-
OB * Enrp Family.
St. Loulfl Republican : The Bird
Cage o per ft house wus the most popular
institution in Tombstone from 1879 to
1982. William H. Hutchlbon , nhvnys
called Billy , was the proprietor. The
Bird Cage was a big frame building sit
uated-on Allen street , the principle
thoroughfare of the town. There was
ti bar in front and a stage in the rear
of a largo hall on the ground floor. It
was a story and a half high , and up-
Btolrs Trero arranged twelve boxes , six
on each side , and buck of the stage was
a wineroom. The Bird Cage was the
headquarters of all the bloods of Tomb
stone , and between Sat night and 6 in
the morning it was one of the liveliest
institutions in the western country.
There was an excellent variety troupe
always maintained , and the bar gen
erally gave employment to three bar
tenders twenty-four hours daily. The
Bird Cage was the soul of Tombstone at
night. If you wanted to meet a leading
lawyer , a mine or mill superintendent ,
the sheriff of the county , the chief of
police , the mayor of the city , the editor
of any of the daily ptiporrf or any of the
bright particular stars of dosponulodom
the chances are that if you penetrated
the Bird cage you would have found
them. As a general rule all the male
population of Tombstone not otherwise
engaged spend the night at the Bird
cage. And such nights as they were
during 1870,1880 and 1881. Phew ! It
is enough to make the hair ttand oven
at this distance , to rolled on them.
In 1880 , the factional llphts in Tomb-
fitono were at the /onith of their desper
ation. Virgil Earp was the city mar
shal and John II. Bolmn was the sheriff
of the county. Between these two ofll-
cials there was a deadly feud. Behan
was a democrat , an honest man , a good
ofllcial and possessed many of the attri
butes of a gentleman. Earp was the
head of a band of doporadoos , a repub
lican , a partner of stage robbers and a
friend of gamblers and profes
sional friends. It was the cus
tom that the friends of Bchan
should occupy iho boxes on the right of
the stage ana that Earp's followers and
friends should hold the boxes on the
loft of the stage. What pleased the
Behan people was certain to displease
Earp people , and if applause or dissent
on one side or the other became too en
thusiastic shooting was sure to ensue.
Johnny Bohan was si little thorough
bred. Ho would light a buzz-saw in
full motion , and after doing up his
worst enemy he would give him his last
cent if the prostrate fee needed it.
Virgil Karp was equally bravo , but ho
was dishonest. Virgil was the oldest of
the famous , or rather infamous , Karp
family. At that time the jxjonlo of
Cochlso county , of which Tombstone
was the county scat , were in reality di
vided between two factions the stage
robbers and cow robbers. Now , I do not
mean to imply that all the people of Co-
ehiso county were either stage robbers or
cow robbers , but it is s fact that nil the
people , through the machinations
of politics , were aligned with either
one faction or the other. The current
name for the stock thieves was the
rustlers , while the stage robbers were
known as such. A cancatonation of cir
cumstances brought it about that the
democratic partisans wore known as
rustlers , wmlo the republicans were
called stage robbers. Sheriff Behan ,
though not a cowboy or a rustler hhn-
Bolf , was solidly supported by the cow
boys , the ranchmen , and the wander
ing cavaliers who had nothing to-day ,
but wore possessed of their neighbor's
live stock to-morrow. The connection
of the Earps with the stage robbprrf
was a mutter of question , suggestion
and suspicion for some time. About the
beginning of 1882 , however , the posi
tion of the Earps was brought out
Btraight. The agent of Wells , Fargo &
Co , in Tombstone was named Barshal
Williams. The agent and the Earps
wore great friends. They ate together ,
played together , fough and killed side
by side and were chums at all times.
The agent of the express company at
Tombstone was the only man in the set
tlement who know to a certainty the
value ol the freight that left Tombstone
on the stage. It happened that the
stage was never attacked and robbed
only when the booty was considerable.
This , of course , ongonered faomo talk ,
but nobody could prove anything.
Agent Williams and the Earps were
like two brothers. Virgil Earp was the
city marshal of Tombstone , his brother ,
Wyatt , was the boss killer of the region ,
and another brother , Warren , was the
chief express guard on board stages car
rying valuable express freight between
Tombstone and the railroad station at
Contention. When the stage was robbed ,
as it was whenever there was anything
worth taking on board , the city mar
shal of Tombstone and his brothers
always organized a posse to pursue the
robbers. This was profitable employ
ment for the Earps and very ex
pensive for the express com
pany. Well , to make a long story
short , it was discovered after a while
that Agent William and the Earps had
formed a combine for express robbery.
Whenever the agent had a valuable
consignment of bullion of currency ho
gave Nirgil Earp the tip , and ho posted
his trusty and reliable men along the
road ; anil his brother Warren , on the
stage front as guard , was careful to bo
caught so thur ho had to obey an order
to throw up his hands when ordered.
It was an interesting enterprise. The
agent , n partner of the thieves , piped
off the booty to the thieves , and when
the robbery was affected , the thieves
were entrusted with the capture of
themselves. Of course , the Earps al
ways put the blame of the robberies on
the rustlers. This was properly re
sented by the rustlers , and a feud
dangerous to llfo and property , ensued.
One beautiful evening in the fall of
'SO , Tombstone was excited with n
rumor that the stngo coach had boon
robbed about four miles from town.
Occurrences of this kind were so fre
quent that only professional robbers , or
those affiliated with them , sympathetic
ally for political purposes , were more
than ordinarily heated up. The town
talk , of course , was full of the enter
prise. It was more daring than usual ,
and the boot amounted to $25,000. The
Enrp people were full of enterprise to
get up a posse to pursue the robbers.
The Behan people were laughing and
insinuating broadly that if the Karps
would go into jail themselves the
thieves would bo secured. There wus
a good deal of talk among the partisans
on the streets , and about 0 o clock , as
one of the stars of the variety stage at
the Bird Cage was doing her tine work
the Bohans applauded her , The Earps ,
On the othec tsido pi the bull , hissed ,
All of n ouddon shots were exchanged ,
and the ball opened.
Shooting at the Bird Cage was noth
ing unusual , but as there were twelve
men killed within its precincts the
night I write of , nfow details may not
bo out of place. Johnny Bchan and Jack
Ringo were sitting in n box on the cast
side of the house. On the knees of each
sat one of the linnets of the cage. The
Earps were on the other side , and there
were words not passable in these col
umns frequently exchange. Dolly
Adams , n now arrival from San
Francisco , whoso reputation had preceded -
ceded her , was singing on the stage. It
happened that the night before she had
gone to supper with Curloy Bill , Jack
lUngo's bosom friend , and , of course ,
this made her a fee of the Earns. The
rustlers cheered her efforts and the
btiigo robbers groaned her. The Behan
people made some remarks about the
singer not being on the inside of stage
robbcriesnnd the Earp pcoplo answered
that the stage robbers , with all their
faults , were never mean enough to bo
appreciated by Behau. While these
remarks were being exchanged Ned
Curtis of the Enrp faction was leaning
back in his chair and his boots , spiffed
and muddled , rested on the slender par
apet. All at once Curloy Bill lost
patience , pulled his gun and a bullet
went through the foot of Curtis. This
was the signal for shooting. The men
in the boxes turned loose on each other.
The hall below was crowded , and as the
shooting began there was a rush for the
door. The actors who were aligned with
the factions according to their jealousy ,
took n hand in the proceedings. Pistols
kept popping for twelve minutes , and
then the rustlers found themselves in
posscossln of the house. When the
smoke cleared away twelve dead men
and seven badly wounded , representing
both Bides , were found. Among the
wounded was Bui-shall Williams , the
agent of the express company.
Williams was badly wounded , and Dr.
McShccdy told him ho was going to die.
Undo the shadow of death , as ho sup
posed , ho made a full confession. He
told that there was a partnership be
tween himself and the Earps , and that
as agent of the express company ho gave
away to the Earps all the big consign
ments. The Earps run Tombstone and
the stages. They were the thieves , and
they were chosen to capture the thieves.
In the fulfillment of both positions they
did their duty well. Wyatt Earp , when
Williamr made bis confession was on n
hunt for the robbers in the surrounding
hills. When ho returned ho heard of
Williams' confession and immedi
ately prepared to defend hlmsclt.
Behan. the sheriff , was sustained by
the Clan tons , McLo vrys and Ringo ,
and the Earps , with their followers ,
armed and. prepared to resist. The
Earps were sustained by the republicans
and the republican governor of the ter
ritory , and by the republican adminis
tration at Washington. The president
was induced by republican representa
tions in Ari/ona to issue a proclamation
ordering the cowboys to disperse and
go to their homes in peace. The cow-
bovs were , in reality , the posse the
sheriff had summoned to arrest the
stage Kobbcrs. The presidential proc
lamation , however , had the effect of
making the criminals the law olHcers ,
and the law officers , and the law officers
the disturbers of the peace , and not
withstanding the revelation of Williams
the Earps continued to lord it over
Tombstone. How the Earps and their
followers were dethroned will bo told in
n subsequent chapter.
Written for the Dec lj l \ Catharine Foos.
"I don't think Jake will bo hero with
the mail to-night , " Sadie said , as she
saw Lottie looking nervously toward
the road. "It is getting dark , and ho
probably will not stop. "
"O , yes , ho will. I told him that I
particularly wanted my mail. "
"But , Lottie , " Sadie said , reprov
ingly , "you know it must bo a mile be
fore our trail strikes.Wilson's . , and two
miles is quite a distance on a dark
night. "
"Well , I will go over and meet him ,
then , " Lottie answered. "
"Maybe Hen will ride over after sup
per , if Jake does not come , " was the
reply. Hen coming in at this time ,
Lottie asked :
"If you are not too tired , would you
not as lief ride out to meet Jake ? It
seems too bad for him to come two miles
after dark. "
"Well , I should smile ! " came the
reply , "You must think I haint been
doing nothing all day. "
"Well , what have you been doing ? "
Lottie asked , looking at him steadily.
"I have been riding after them
blamed cattle , and that's enough. "
Lottie did not answer. 'She nut
Sadie hud been washing , and as the
well was out of order , had carried the
water nearly a half mile. She gave
him a look of scorn and began busying
herself setting the bible.
"Lottie was thinking of walking ovei
to Wilson's trail , and I thought per
haps youwould go instead , " Sadie said ,
"Well , lot her go the lazy whollopl"
Hen answered , in his brutal manner.
"She might as well begin one time as
another to learn to rustle for herself.
Dick haint n been doing nothing
all day. Lot her take Dick.
I suppose , " ho continued , pull
ing his chair un and planting
his feet on the hearth of the stove , EC
that Sadie had to walk around him in
passing from the table to the stove.
'May bo she thinks she will see some
thing of that man Furman. Well , ]
uover saw any girl so tuk with a man
as she is , and ho a married man at that.
Now there's Bob Wilson , worth two ol
him , to my notion. Yes , worth two o
him , and pretty well fixed with a real
good bunch of cattle of his own , besides
what his father will give him some
day. "
Lottie shot a disgusted look at her
sister , but said nothing.
"I'll toll " Hen went
you , onas though
addressing an unseen public , "that fol
low would make things move , if ho
wanted to. Ho don't have those fine
black eyes for nothing. " And then he
huirgcd his knees and laughed. Lcttie
supposed ho meant herself by ' 'things , '
and Bob Wilson had never before ap
peared so unfavorably in her eyes.
After supper Lottie took her bount
jacket and started out. Sadie followed.
"Take Dick , " she 'said gently , "and
Lottie , if Bob happens to come along
shall 1 keep him until you come back ? '
Lottie looked at the thin , brown face
wondered how any sentiment could be
behind those hard , pinched features
It seemed to her that the winds , the
continuous , relentless winds , must have
dried out any feelings that she hac
brought from civilization. Poor Sadie
She was afraid of everybody as muct
of Lettie as of Hen. She stooped ant
kissed her tenderly , saying : "Do just as
you please , Sadie , " and in a short time
was cantering across the country will
her faithful Jack following.
Reaching the road she stopped a mo
ment , and looked around. The ride had
exhilarated her a little , and she bogai
to blame herself for the discontontei
life she led. Hen had been
a servant in the family , and
after her father's death , flndini
themselves with very little money , am
10 means of support , her mother had
lecldcd to go out west and take up some
and. Hen had immediately become
one of the family , and Sadie had mar
ried him. Her mother succumbed to
he hardships and disappointments of
inch a llfo and died.
After stopping a few minutes , Lettio
tegan to have that same depressed feei
ng , that always came over her when
> ut at night in the wilderness of sand-
illls. In whichever direction she
ooked she would see the uneven tops of
the sandhillf ) , outlined against the
murky.light of the horizon , and the
itillness was so intense she almost feared
: o move. The dog had curled down be
side Dick , who with his cars pricked
itood perfectly still , as though wonder
ing what this Incustomary proceeding
ncnnt. All at once the silence was
) roken by the howling of coyotes. She
lad heard them many times , before , but
.o-night when one would prolong his
: ry to a long howl and another would
oln with a quick , sharp bark , and then
would come that wicrd chorus that only
n pack of coyotes can make. Lettio
shuddered , she began to think the still
ness less terrible. Jack barked furl-
) usly in spite of her efforts toquiet him.
I3ut finally the coyotes became quiet and
illcnco again reigned until the pump
> ird set up his mournful reproach
against nature generally.
After n little time Lottie became
aware , by the way Dick throw his head
ind gave little emphatic snorts , that
something was coming. She waited
only a few moments , and saw distinctly
coming down the trail what appeared to
so a two-horso team. There was no an
swer to her hello and the team was
just going past when she discov-
srcd that there was no driver. She
shouted to the horses and they stood
still. She , dismounted , examined the
wagon , but still found no ono. She
soon discovered , however , that it was
Furman's train. Had some one way
laid and robbed him , ending their work
by killing him ? Where wns ho ? She
would drive bacK to Johnson's and seo.
Hitching Dick to the end of the light
wagon , she started back over the well-
worn trail , wondering what next would
befall hor. As she reached the point
the opcliing in the sandhills between
two valleys Jack stopped and barked
furiously. She got out and soon dis
covered that the dark heap in the road
was Mr. Furman. She felt his face and
hands , trembling in every limb and
fearing she would find blood or some
other evidence of foul play. But no ho
was warm and natural. Leaning down
and trying to rouse him , she soon dis
covered , from the strong scent of his
breath , what the trouble wns. Ho was
dead drunk , and had evidently fallen
from the wagon after fastening the lines
to the dash board. She stopped away
a moment , the tears coming to her eyes.
What next would come to her ? Should
she leave him there ? A cold wind was
now blowing , and n blizzard might
come up any minute. She listened to
his heavy snoring , and had such nlonth-
ing for anything like this , she could
not make up her mind to touch him ,
and then ho was a largo man. What
should she do , or what could 'she do ?
At last feeling that she must in some
way get him into the wagon , she let
down the end and prepared to drag him
up to it. Jack , wise dog that ho was ,
seemed to know what was \yanted and
took hold with his teeth , pulling vigor
ously. A now idea came to her as she
saw Jack pull , nnd jumping into the
wngon she made Jack , follow
telling him to lie down. She then
took the sent of the wngon , nnd
managed to got Furman on it , and then
with an effort pulled him up the bed of
the wagon. Jack instantly clutched
him and together they succeeded in
getting him in. It was still three miles
to Johnson's , but Donnison's empty sod
house wns not a mile. She made up
her mind that this wns the place to take
It was a much easier matter to un
lock the door , the key of which she
always carried , and backing the wngon
up to him to dump him out. Then ,
with Jack's help , she got him in a bed
that stood there. After starting a lire
in the stove to dry the air a little , and
throwing the robe and an old piece of
.carpet over Minx , she the ho.uso to
attend to the horbcs , which she hitched
in a shod. Jumping upon Dick she
wns soon flying over the country to-
wnrds homo. A glad little grunt of
satisfaction escaped her to think how
well she had gotten through with it all.
Not until this moment had she given
herself time to think , but now that she
was on her way homo and necessity for
action had ceased , she began to realize
how tired she was , both from excite
ment and the physical strain through
which she had passed.
"Dear mo , " she said to herself , "nnd
nil that ironing to bo done to-morrow.
I am glnd It is not necessary for anyone
to know of what has occurred. Hen
.would say it was a preconcerted mcot-
Ing. Disgusting ! Meeting n man who
makes such n hog of himself. Dear-
mo , " with a sigh. "Hen is ono kind of
a brute and Fin-man another. When
Furman is sober to be sure , ho brings
a tone of civilization with him , that tome
mo is very interesting. But when ho
is drunk , ho brings well , I suppose ,
another tone of civilization. " After ti
pause , "I wish I could stop thinking ! "
Just then , coming around the point ,
she saw a horse and rider coming to
ward her at a furious rate. She drew
Dick up nnd stood still , then recognized
the mnn ns Bob Wilson. Seeing hor.ho
stopped , too , for a minute , then wheeled
about and darted across the prairie.
Never , to the end of her life , did Lettio
know what possessed hor.
Before identifying the mnn she hnd
involuntarily jerked out the pistol that
she curried in her jacket pocket , nnd
turning Dick's head , had started after
When ho did not stop , she fired ; ho
turned , fired back , then dashed on. In
doing this , something white fell to the
ground. When she reached the spot ,
Jack hnd it in his teeth. Slipping froir
the horse , she found it wns n piece ol
paper. Folding it nnd putting it In her
pocket , she turned Dick's head toward
When she reached the barn , she HI
the lantern and read by the dim light :
"You need not come hero to-night.
I have changed my mind. I will not go
with you , and you just try to bull-dozo
mo and you will find that two can pluy
at that gnmo. And I'll bet thnt I will
bo the boss player. I still have that
self-cocker. It is a little beauty , you
know. " S. A.
Folding the paper carefully , and llnd-
ing the door ajar , she found in the dark
ness an old handkerchief case , a worn-
out relic of bettor days , and putting the
note between the linings , quietly got
into bed , and soon fell asleep from sheer
exhaustion. She had not slept lone
when she was awakened by hearing her
name called. She awoke with a start ,
nnd saw a mnn standing at the window.
"Lottie , " ho'ropentod in a little above
a whisper. She throw something
around her and went to the window.
"What is it , Bob ? " she said natur
ally , not being surprised at seeing him
"You followed mo to-night , Lottie
and lirod at mo. Why aid you do
it ? "
"I don't know , " she answered ; "I saw
you running from me and flrod. I die
not want you , and can't see what pos
sessed mo. "
"Did you find a piece of paper ? "
. .
i-fr-ejy * IIAH * * -
She saw tho'stoWiof his revolver , nnd
that it was pointed "Uiwnrd " her. If , nt
that moment , she could have rcinom-
hurcd what she hud , clone with the note
an hour before , sno ould have gotten
it and given it tohtm , All this ( lashed
through her mind instant , hut she
could not remember. She answered
steadily : "No , I1 found no paper ; but
what is the mutter , Dob. What is It all
about ? "
"Never you what it is all nbout.
Swear you will never tell of seeing mo
to-night , or I'll jput u bullet through
you.1' '
"I'll not swear1 , " she said , stopping
out of his range. "If you have tlono
anything wrong a'nd , itisnuvur neces
sary for mo to toll It , I'll ' '
Sadie had wakened , and before she
finished her sentence was'in the room.
"What Is Iff1" she asked in a frightened
"It is Bob. Ho Is going away , * ' and
already the thud of his horso's feet was
lost In the heavy grass.
"What did ho say ? " Sadie asked.
"Nothing ; only no was going away , "
and she crept back to bed with her brain
in such a whirl that she thought she
would go mad.
When she awoke In the morning , the
eastern sky which she faced , wics bril
liant with the red glow of sunrise ; from
the horizon to the zenith there
were piles upon piles of
blood-red clouds. There was noth-
ng to obstruct the view , and the
jorgeousness of these glorious rods ,
would at any other time have filled her
with an awful admiration ; but this
morning , with nerves wrought up to the
highest pitch , and body exhausted , it
seemed to oppress her with horror. "It
looks like blood , " sho. said to herself
with a half suppressed sob. "It looks
like all the blood of the Christian
martyrs. That great round ono the
Christians under Nero. The top ono
the inquisition. "
She wondered what Bob had done.
She did not doubt that S. A. meant
Sophia Alden Purman. But she had
llttlo time to think , being obliged to
get up and assist with the work.
Hen wont out with the cattle as
usual , but came in about noon , saying :
"Tlio country's all up. Furman's wife
was shot in the night. Slaughter wont
down to the settlement early this morn
ing and old man Alden and his wife nro
up thoro. Furman stopped all night at
Dennisou's , so he says ; butthoAldcns
are going to have him took up. "
"Havo who took up ? " Sadie asked ,
adopting her husband's expression.
Furman , of course. And there's a
darned sight of talking around every
place , and them as has been a holdin'
their heads so high had better look out
where they have been a scttin' stakes a
jumpin' on claims ain't thoir'n. "
Lettio said nothing. She wns too
tired to talk ; but Sadie looked scared.
"What is it , Hen ? What do you
moan ? " she asked , as bhe saw him give
a knowing look.
"Them as is meant , knows ; they al
ways knows , " ho s.aid oracularly , and
started out of th'o house ,
a "Does ho meiin j'9U ? " she asked Lot
tie when Hen had gone.
"I nm sure I doirt know , " and really
I am too tired tdcaro. "
"Go and lie down and lot mo finish
the ironing. Are jfou sorry Bob has
gone ? " ' '
For a minute Lottie was stupefied.
Was this her sister ? Could it bo the
same girlwho had been a girl with her ?
Who had worn'dainty dresses and de
tested coarse things ? Could it bo that
Sadie thought she wns heart sick because
Bob had gone ? i She had no doubt in
her mind who h'ad ' killed Mrs. Furman.
Evidently Bqb had tried to make her
word and evidently she had refused to
go with him , and in spite of the little
beauty of a self-cocker , she had become
worsted in the struggle. Beside Fur
man himself had been too drunk.
Would she toll her story at the inquest ?
Then she tried to remember what she
had done with the letter , but could.not.
She wont into the room that she called
her own. It was a poor rough place ,
with pine boards inside and sod outside ,
but the noighbors.thought it was pala
tial. She looked through everything
she possessed , but could not find the let
Throwing herself down tired and _ ex
hausted , she hnd just fallen into a
troubled sleep when she became
of some confusion outside , and getting
up , discovered several men , Furman
among them at' the door. Sadie mot her
in her doorway. "Furman wants to
speak to you , " she said , ' 'but if I were
you , I would not have much to say to
him. "
Furman stopped up to horns she came
out. "Did you help mo into Donnifaon's
house last night ? " His manner was
very embarrassed.
"Yes " she .
, simply replied.
"Do you know who killed my wife ? "
"Do you ? " she asked in return.
"Yes , " ho answered a llttlo hoarsely ,
"but how do you know ? "
Then she told him about the letter.
"You need not testify in the matter
unless there is no other way to prove
my innoconse. I don't know which will
bo the greater disgrace to my child , my
innocent death or my wife's character
made public. "
She looked after them nnd thought in
a dull way , that ho did not seem to mind
it much. "No ono seemed to think
about it as I doj" she said to herself , and
then she began to wonder if she was
right in her mind. What had she done
with the letter ? What .had she done
with it ? She did not hoar Sadie's earn
est appeal with regard to the conversa
tion between herself and Furman. She
heard nothing If she could remember
what she had done with the letter.
The days that followed were like a
dreadful nightmare , only the forerun
ner of what was to come. She went
about her work quietly. She looked
paler than usual. She didn't know why ,
only that she was so tired , so dreadfully
tired in both body and wind.
Hen woyld eoino In and look nt her
solemnly nnd remark : "Them as knows
things will have to.tell , " and "them as
thinks they arp stoopen low now , will
find themselves stoopen lower before
they are through1 and several other
epigrammatic sentences , which Lettie
know wcro aimed nt her ; but they did
not trouble her lit all. She novel *
thought of anything coming from them.
It was Sunday 'evening. "Do you
know miss " he-said ' 'what
, - people are
saying ? Do you know ? " ho replied in a
threatening tone. '
"About what1 ) Lettio asked looking
at him steadily.
"About you. " '
"What are they 'saying about me ? "
she inquired indifferently.
"They nro Buying that you helped
Furman kill his wife.
She did not feel surprised , She won
dered if anything could surprise her
"Helped , " she repeated , looking at
him. "Docs a ranchmen need help to
fire a pistol ? "
"By gum , " ho said , and ho almost
chuckled , "I bollovo you did it your
self. "
"I know ono thing , if there are such
stories afloat I know who started them , "
and she literally glared at him.
"If you mean mo , " ho answered in a
shame-faced tone , "you are mistaken ,
but if you have been adoin' such a thing
I would bo the last ono to ported you.
The law must hov.its course and justice
must bo clone , 1 Wouldn't stand in the
way if you war myown sister. "
"Protect meNo iudeedl < You
would help them hunt mo down nnd
then you would hnvo my laud. Thnt is
whnt you want. " And she went to her
own room. She remembered now how
iho told Deb Unit she would not sweur.
: Ien wus no hnrdor on hei\thnn Bob.
Sndio cnmo into the room crying1 bit-
orly. "Oh , Lettie , sny you dlu not do
t ! Sny you did not tto ill , " nnd she
threw her nrms nround her neelc und
continued to sob.
"Of course 1 did not do it. No , I did
do it , " she snid , looking at her steadily.
"Oli , 1 believe you , but you were gone
so long , nnd Peggy , you know who wns
lown in the settlement , hnd been up on
; ho Rosebud getting wood. ' Ho cnmped '
icnr the point where ho heard some IIr-
ing , nnd looking out snw two people
coming townrd our house. All these
things , you know , innko tnlk. "
Lettie wild nothing. If she could
inly remember whore she put the letter.
Presently Jnko rode up to the door.
"if I were you , Hen , " ho snid inn
lone intended to bo low , "I'd tnko Lot-
lie nnd hide her somewhere. Do you
{ now the Aldons nro turning over to
Purmiin now nnd sny ing thnt
Lettio bus been n making
up to Furmnn Until he is
clean gene , und thnt Lettio killed his
wife , but ho will never peach on her in
iho world. " And then ho rode away
without Hen answering him.
Lettie stood perfectly still by the open
window. She did not move. She won
dered If she could move. She wondered
why she did not fnint : why the horror
of the whole thing did not uffect her
more. She even felt the old disgust she
tind always felt because the people could
not understand why she had some time
talked with Furman. They had both
been educated , nnd to the narrow ignor-
nnco surrounding thorn most of their
conversation wns a senled language.
Did they mean that the horde from
what was culled the settlement was
? oing to mob her ? Well , they could
jnly take her out and shoot hor. She
stood in the same position. She ran
jver in her mind her whole life.
She wondered what she mig-ht have
done differently. There wns nothing
nothing. The more she thought of it
the more sure she was that she had douo
her best. ' / >
But why did everything seem so
queer nnd so unsteady ? Sunday but
she never knew thnt the mental nnd
physical strain hud been t6o much for
her. She fell in n henp on the floor.
Sndio rushed in and managed to got her
on the bod. When she recovered from
her long unconsciousness she was too
feeble to tnlk. She seemed to have for
gotten everything and nskcd Sndio
where their mother was nnd begged her
to come to hor. Towards Monday night
she heard the scraping of wheels and
talking outside.
"Who is ? " she asked. "Is it
mother ? "
"I can't see , " Sadie answered , wring-
big her hands. "I hope it isn't the
Alden sot. "
"Then it all seemed to come to her
like n ilnsh. Jumping out * of bed , she
wont to the hnndkorchiof case , took the
letter from its hiding place , and wont
boldly to the door. John Alden was
there. She bunded him the letter , say
ing :
"Had you lot mo nlono , ! should never
have shown it. "
Alden knew the writing.
"When did you get it ? " ho asked
"Bob Wilson dropped it the night of
the murder. "
"It was your damned brother-in-law
who put us on this scent. JHo snid to us
that he hnd always told you thnt you sot
your stakes on the wrong claim. "
"Yes ho wanted land " she
, my , nn-
sworod , "and now ho cnn hnvo it , " nnd ,
taking up his pistol thnt lay on tlio table
near her , she sent a bullet through her
brain , nnd fell dead at her sister s feet.
When the great resurrection day
comes it remains to bo seen whoso sec
tion stake will be in the right place , Let-
tie's or Hen's.
A Soldier Who host Mln Memory.
Chicago Tribune : The strungo case
of Hugh Thompson has just passed
through the pension otllco. It is a re
markable story. Thompson loft home
a boy of eighteen to march with the
union forces. At the battle of Chicku-
mauga ho was wounded in the hcndand
from that time .until 1872 his life is a
blank to him and his friends. The army
record shows that he wns at the battle
of Chickamauga. After that ho wns
reported missing , and until a few
months ago his fnmily mourned him ns
dead. Under this impression his father
applied for n pension in 1875 , but wns
refused because ho was not dependent at
the tilno of the supposed death
of his son. From the bat
tle of Chickamauga until ho was
restored to his friends Hugh Thomp
son did not know his own name. Until
1872 ho had no consciousness whatever.
Where ho spent the interval ho does
not know. In that year lie was walking
ncnr the little town of Cleveland , in Il
linois , when the memories of the war
returned. Ho did not know his namo.
Ho was clad in old soldiers cloth , with
a blue soldier overcoat. Ho dimly * ro-
cftllod a great battle in which his com
rades were hard pressed , and that was
all. To his mind the battle wus over.
From that time until last year ho wo * a
ceaseless wanderer. Ho had intelli
gence enough to care for his horses and
do odd chores , but his name , his family ,
and his regiment were all a
blank. In his wanderings ho made his
homo in Michigan , Illinois , Wisconsin
Iowa , nnd Kansas , picking up three
wives , nil of whom are dead. His mis
fortune appealed to the old soldiers.
They cared for him , nnd made many
efforts to learn his history. Among
them ho wns known ns "Shorty , " "Old
Reliable , " and the "Nameless Soldier. "
In a little Testament to which he clung
through all his misfortunes was written
the name of Thompson , and this was
supposed to bo his name. Some time
hist year ho was at a soldiers'meeting
in Iifichigan. His story wus printed in
a locul paper. This found its way to
Van Wert county , Ohio , whore the
older Thompson lived. Hope wus re
vived in the old man , who hud mourned
his son ns dead for twenty-live years.
Ho begun n search for his son , and
ilnnlly found him in Kansas and brought
him back to the scenes of his
childhood. Many things which
had baflled memory were recalled.
He had been engaged in youth to a girl
whom ho remembered us "heavy set , "
and although a quarter of a century had
Gassed there was some peculiarity about
or thnt led him to recognize her ut
bight. Ono day ho wns taken to an
uncle's where many hours of his youth
were passed. As he came to the burn a
Hash of intelligence came to his fnco
nnd he said that was the burn ho hud t > o
often tried to recall. His own people
only identified him through the Testa
ment which his cousin hnd given him ,
and which ho had preserved together
with some verses she had written. Tlio
pension commissioner is. Mitietlcd of his
identity and a pension will be issued to
the poor wanderer in a few day.
Wealth , Power , Happiness
are beyond the reach of a mnn who has
no memory. Professor Loisette's sys
tem , a marvelous discovery , trains tno
poorest memory .to high powers in a
short time. Taught by correspondence.
Send for frco prospectus , containing
hundreds of testimonials , to 237 Fifth
avenue , New York city * . .
Agricultural Implements.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carriage ! and lliigglrs. Jones Pln-ct.bctwccnMhand
101 h , umaha , Nebraska.
Agricultural ImiilementsJ aEonsCarria2es )
, Klc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nebraska.
, Wholesale Dealer * In
Agricultural Inmleincnls.Wapns&Buggles .
roi.KO.BfeamUWJoncaSlrtct , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivator * , liar Itakru. Cider Mill * and Lillian 1'ul-
Cor , lllh and Nlchula * ritreetn.
. Wholoalp-
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Corner Itlh and Nlrhola Street * . _
" *
( Akron , OMcO
Jamsring Machinery and Binder Twine ,
V. U. Mead , .Manager. IVi.l Lvavenworlh t. , Omaha
Mamifacturcra and Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Flows Etc ,
Cor. Oth and I'nclBe Street * . Omiiha , Nch. _
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douglaa Street , Omaha. Nebranka.
Bpota end Shoes.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Joblm of Boots and Shoes ,
1(11 FarnamBt.Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer
Street. UoMuu.
( Succoeors to Heed , Jones & Co. )
Agents for Moi-lon Uubber Shoo Co. 1KB , 1101 & 1100
llarnor St. , Omaha , Ncbraaka.
Booksellers jind
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
3ucce ors to A. T. Kenjon A Co. , Wholesale & Retail
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Coffeo8JSplco8 , Eta
Omaba Coffee and fplco Mill * .
Teas , Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kitrnclf , Ijiuiulry lllue. Inks. Ktc. lilt-
Kill Ilarner Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Crockery and Cla
Agent for the Manufacturers ami Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. OIB cc , 317 B. 1 jib tit. , Ouinua , Ncbraika.
Com nrUsalon " jand
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter. Eggs mid 1'roduce. Consignments solicited.
Headquarters for Stoncwnrc , llerry lloxcsand
Urnuo lluikcts. 1111 Dodge ht. , Oumba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties llultcr , Kggs , Cheese , Poultry , Game ,
Oysters , Etc. , Ktu. 11. ! houth Hth mruct.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Duller , Game. Krults. Ktc. 220 South llth
bt. . Oniuba , Nebraska.
( Successors to MiSbano & Scbrocdcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
OuKtlm , Nebraska.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
' " ' "
OMAHA'COAL , coKE"'uivfE"
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South ISlli Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , Mine
Drain Tile , and r-ewcr 1'lpc. Office , 1'axton Hotel ,
tarnambt. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South nth St. . Omaha , Neb.
" CtopdBand Notions.
M. E SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
11(13 ( and 1101 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goo Notions
Gents' KurnKiIng Hoods. Corner llth and Haanoy
MB .Omaha. Nehrmkn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnam Ftrccl. Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706 , TOT , 709 and ill 8.10th St.Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12th and I.eavenwortb Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1210.1221 and 12SI Harncy Street , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and 1110 Hnrney Street. Omaha , Neb.
FR1ED * "CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , fcheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for HoweScaloi ,
and Miami 1'owderCo , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. ] 4UJ Douglai
Street , Omaha , Ncbraifca ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harrier Pis. , Omaba , Neb. Western Agent )
for Austin rowdcrCo. , JctTersnn Steel Nails ,
Fairbanks standard Scales.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stork , Hardware. Lumber , Etc. 1399
mid Ullllarney Street. Omiiba.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware.
Ktc. HIT and Ul'J l-favenworlh St. , Omaha. Neb.
All Rinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISth Street ami Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc. Tards-Corner 7th and Douclas ; Coraei
Uth and Douglas.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Streets , Omaha. Nebraska.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer Ctb tot Douflu BU. .
_ Lumber. , ' ' -
To Dealers Only ,
Wholesale Lnnitier , Etc ,
CHA3. R. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmtier ,
Wood Carpets and 1-anjuet Flooring. Mh nd Danilai
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Engines , Rrass Worklcnerul Foundry , Machlno and
lilaeksmlth Work , onu-o and Works , U. V lly.
ml lUh street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Hulls. Window > . Klowcr Stands , Wlr *
Hgns.Ktc. la North ICth Hlreel , Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire &Bnrglar Proof Safes
Vaults. Jail Work , Iron nml Wlr * Fencing. Signs , HtO.
O. Amlrorn , l'n > | i'r Cor. llth and Jackson Sts.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards.
nd Screens , forbanks , OIHUK , stores , residences , etc.
ImproTctl Awnings , Locksmith Machinery Hnd
UlnckMiillli Works. Ml ( south nth St.
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
General Ag nts for Plebold Safu A fioek Co. '
Vaults anil Jll Work , 111) Faruntu Street , Uuutb * .
Hats , Oops , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Ilarncr Street , OuiuUo , Neb.
* co. ,
Importers & Jo-lite in Millinery & Notions
. W , 210 and 512 South llth Street.
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnisning Goods
KH and 406Bcuth 10th St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnisbing Goods ,
1106 llnrney Street , Omaha.
Oils. .
Wnolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Grcaie , Etc. , Omaha. A. II , Blthop , Mnnagtr ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice stock of Printing , Wrapping and Wrltlnf
1'apor. Special attention glTon to rar load orders.
Printers' Materials.
' '
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Type , Presses and Printers' Supplies. Ml
South mh Street , Omaha.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Ruler Goods
Pll Clothing and leather Melting. 1008 Karnaui Btf t ,
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
" " Bt. , Omaha.
. 4
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. ;
Sheet Iron Work 8lcam Pumps , Haw MIKs. 121D-121S ,
lA-avcnworth btieet. Urnaho.
Wholesale Farm , Field pi Garden Seeds
Oil nml 01.1 Jones rltrec t Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rnnch hou > o of the Ilcnnev BUCKT Co. Ilucgloif
wuolesalo ami retail , I H UlOand mIzart Street ,
Onmuu. Tvlephono No.O. !
Cornloo. _
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kponetcr , Proprietor. KSI IKidgo and 103 and 101
Worth HKh Street. lliniOia.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1-.21 North Klgthteonth Street , Omnba.Nph.
Mannfactnrers of Overalls ,
Jean , Paula , Shirts , Ktc. llWand 110 Douglas Street ,
Uuiuba , Kelt.
, Eto.
Wholesale Maim : .cturrrs of '
Sasn , Doors. Blinds and Monldings ,
Branch Office , litli and Itard Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds ,
Mouldings , Htalr Work and Interior Hani Wood Flo *
Isb. N. K.Corner Hth nnd Mavenwortb Streets.
Omaha , Ueb.
Mauafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Illlnds , Turning , Blair-work. Hank and OUco F1&
tings , aitli and 1'oppUiton Avenue.
Smpko Staoka , Bollera , Eto.
" *
"HTi < . SAWYERr
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Brltchlngn , Tnnks and General Holler Repairing. 131ft
Dodgu tUrect.Omahu.Neb.
C. U. I1 AI.MrII. K. I > . KiniMAM. J. II. lll.A.SCUAHoi
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
OfttiB Uoom24. ) ppo IUi Kxchango llulldlng , unloa
Stock Yards , Bouth Omulia , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market fnrnlrheil free on application. Mockers and
fecdori furnlilied onuoixl teriui. Hu'eronces ; Oroa *
tin National llnnk undnoiilli Omaha National , L'nltia
bloik Y > .rds , Couth Omaha.
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom U , Kscbanuo IltilldlnM , Union Block Yardl ,
_ bo nth Uuiaha. Neb. _ "
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
llooui 'a , Oppudtu Eichaneo llulldlng. Union ftoek
_ Yards , t-outh Omaha. Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Jckj r.