Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1888, Image 1
SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MOROTNG. FEBRUARY 20 , 1888. NUMBER 247. DEMONS OF WIND AND FIRE , They Wlpo Out of Bxlstonco a Little Illinois Town. A TERRIBLE FATALITY RECORD. Nearly Fifty People Known to Have licen Killed ntiil Fntnlly Injured A Tnlo of Horror From Mt. Vcrnon. A Fcnrful Catastrophe. EVANSVILLK , Intl. , Feb. 10. A cyolono struck Mt. Vcrnon , 111. , at 4:50 : p. m. to-day from the northwest , sweeping nrounil In a half circle and levelling half of tlio town. The remainder of the place caught flro , and ns there wns n Btrong wind blowing the ilnmcs soon got beyond the control of the flro department. Above the roar of the wind could bo heard the groans mid shrieks of the dying. The bodies burled In the debris could bo seen on every hnnd. It Is feared ninny more than arc now known to have been killed will be found In the ruins of the buildings. The lire broke out all over the city am Id the ruins , spreading rapidly , owing to the damage done to the engines by the wind. The storm passed from the south east and hud u rotary motion. It swept down with fearful fury , striking first just south of the city hall , then curried nway the third and fourth stories of the Mt. Vcrnon mill. From tliero It swept on in a path 500yards wide.Tho Methodist church fell Just n few minutes after 200 people had left tbo Sunday school room. The Commer cial hotel lost its third story. Next the wind struck the county court house and rendered It a heap of ruins. By rare luck , however , the county records were saved. The Crows block on the south sldo of the square is leveled with the earth. Under it wns found the body of John Crows , owner of the block , formerly of Chicago. The news of the cyclone is still fragment ary , but an Associated press reporter will correct the accounts as soon as possible. The train duo from there at 12 a. m. will bring details. The telegraph lines are working un satisfactorily. The cyclone struck the town about half past 4 and committed terrible damnga. So far as learned twenty-seven dead have been taken from the ruins. Over 200 arc injured. The town is on flro in several places. The damage Is principally in the northern part and on the court house square. The mayor telegraphed hero for aid. Ono flro engine and two hose reels were scut , with firemen to work them , also nlno physicians and twcnty-flvo citizens , including news paper reporters. The telegraph line between Mount Vcrnon and St. Louis is reported down.- The distance from hero is eighty-five miles. A special train will reach there about 11 o'clock and will have some details after. A destructive storm Is reiwrtcd at Norton- villo , Ky. , but no particulars are obtainable. The only connection from Evansvlllo is by n railroad wire used to run the train by. St. Louis has limited telegraph connection. The roof and second story of II. L. Strut- ton ft Co.'s hardware store blow away. A largo two-story brick schoolhouse did not withstand the terrible shock any belter than the smallest house in thotrackof the cyclone. The largo two-story frame house of Gcorgo Ward was picked up and carried about twenty feet and left unhurt , while two brick buildings in 10U foot were loft In ruins. Tne loss cannot bo estimated , but not less than $500,000 worth of property has been de stroyed by the cyclone or tire in that neigh borhood. The sky has cleared and no clouds gave any intimation of the disastrous storm of n few hoiirs ago. It is growing colder and many homeless will suffer If the weather be comes severe. Kcports are coming in from the countrj nnd the sturm seems to have swept every thing for miles. An incalculable lose of life nnd great suffering will follow unless outside assistance is given Mayor C H. Hnrnoll , who will glvo it to the propei committee. A meeting of business men was held nnd committees appointed to care foi the dead and wounded and protect property ns much as possible. Many who escapei with their lives have nothing besides. Manj nro walking the streets with no homo to gc to. The north sldo of the court house square Is injured considerably. No buildings won wrecked except Howard & Stratton's. rjTho wounded arc being cared for by physl clans In the best possible manner. The rail road shops arc badly damaged and a gren number of homes destroyed. People are ou of doors who lived in the track of the storm The dead and dying are scattered through out the city. All the doors of the rcmainlni houses have been thrown open to the les fortunate. Throe-fourths of the business portion o ] the city is ruined financially. The public square Is in the cuntcr of the town , the court house Is In the Center of the square. Tin school building is in the northeast corner o : the city. All dwellings In that portion of tru city arc destroyed and the ruins of some an Btill burning. In nil 500 buildings are de btroycd and many others Injured. Tno dead are now being gathered nt th supreme court house , which has been coi verted into n hospital for the dead an wounded. This building is also diunagci but not seriously. The latest reports shows twenty-nlno dea nnd about 100 injured , some of whom will di before morning. Later reports say two mot have tiled. They are Eddie Maxey and Mr : Colonel Cooper. A number of wounded nt dying. A number of mon struck by fallln timbers and whoso names cannot bo learne nt present are reported badly injured an dying. The storm wns preceded by hall , but nc more than five minutes elapsed until the f em ful destroyer had swept over the aoome town. It came from the southwest. Built' ' Ings were wrenched , twisted , then dashed t pieces total wrecks. The storm passe south of tlio city hull , , missed Joe Chanco' house , swept away the third nn fourth stories of the Mt , Vernon mill and dc Btroycd nearly oVcry house from the mil north lor n space of about llvo hundrei yards. The Commercial hotel los > the third story. The entlro west sld of the square was wrecked. Th county court house was struck nn the building reduced to a massive pile t ruins. The clerks have worked Into the re < ords and they are saved. Henry Ellis was covered by the brick ( his building and escaped by n nilraclo. I ! was covered up and Charles Ellis , h brotherwas seriously Injured. It. E. Hyanc capcd in u peculiar manner. Howasstandiii by Murray in the Crows block , and told hit t to run , but Murray remained and was killui Ryan ran west , nnd finding the street full < . dying tlmcers jumped Into a doorway , he ! to the latch , and the building against whic bo was standing fell around him , but ho e capcd .untouched. < A. B. Cox's store , G. W. Morgan's j'ewelr ttore , Maxcy , We t & Swift's store , an Jackson's saddlery store are nil ruins. On the south sldo of the square the frame buildings , though Injured , escaped de struction. Hasscrman's bakery , the Baptist church , Cook's drug store , Marron's saloon , Perry's ' hotel nnd Stratton and Johnson's brick stores were leveled with the ground. The entlro cast side of the square is destroyed , and In ono of the build ings John Walters and. child lost their lives , ns did Henry Walters , father of John. Mrs. Walters was found with her babe in her arms , both dead. The northeast corner of the square , Howard's grocery store , was blown down nnd the roof nnd second story of H. L. Strat ton fc Co.'s hardware store , was blown away , while the frame hotel adjoining was un harmed. Across , toward the northeast portion tion of the city , swept the storm , nnd a number of people were killed and the school building blown down. Not leas than half n million dollars worth of property has been destroyed by the cyclone and flro. The southern portion of Mt. Vernon Is the newest part of the city nnd has many largo nnd fine buildings. The court house has not been Injured , but stands nlonc. All about Is ruin nnd devastation , nnd it is now being used as n hospital for the wounded. Many are "suf fering greatly. It is now thought that the northern portion of the town will escape the lire , which is con- lined to the cast and south and west sides , nnd is being fought manfully. A pathetic incident of the disaster is the fact that the operator at the Mount Vcrnon end of the Louisville & Nashville , whoso name Is Ycnrwood , has an uncle and cousin dead In the ruins , and the poor follow , with his heart bursting with grief , is sitting manfully at his post of duty , Four men in the Evans bank were impris oned in the ruins and burned to death. Their cries of pain and distress were agonizing in the extreme , but nothing could reach them. Their names could not bo obtained. Twenty-one physicians joined the relief train from Evansvlllo en route. They ar rived shortly before midnight. It Is growing colder and many helpless people ple will suffer if the weather becomes severe. Ueports are coming in from the country and the storms have swept everything for miles. At 1 a. m. the flrcs arc under control. Only occasional groans of the dying and the broad track made by the cyclone tell of the terrible catastrophe. The following is a list as far as known of the killed and seriously wounded : ' LIST OF Till : KILLED. Mns. RUHSCLL DnwEV. Mns. JOHN M. WALTERS AND BABK. HENRY WALTCIIS. DAVID F. YEARWOOD AND WIFE. JOHN C. MuitiiAY. Mu. CUM.MINGS , an engineer. MAJIY WESTHUOOK. JAMES BEAR ON. Mns. Ho LOOM n. Dit. JOHN YEAIIWOOD AND WIFE. SAMUEL YKARWOOD AND WIFE. GKOROE PUHCELL. Mus. WILLIAM JONES AND CHILD. JOHN DODSON. Miss Josn : SUTTON. JOHN SHEW. A iiLACKSMiTir , nnmo unknown. Mas. COLONEL COOPER. EDDII : MAXKY. S. 1C. WALTERS. G 1:01101 : PIERCE. Mus. L. F. LEQO. TWO TELEORAl'II OPERATORS. THE FATALLY INJURED. LAWLEII E. LEGO. Mns. HENRY WATERS. Miss LAUIIA LISENIIY. CHARLES ELLIS. MR. AND MliS. C. GALOKAITOA CHARLES WlEIl. Mil. AND MRS. WESTDROOK. AMANDA BEARDEN. W. II. HINMAN. LIZZIE BEAUNETt J. C. IlANllUICK. CHAHLES POOL. Miss CORINNE HANBIUCK. BIIOWNLOW HAWKINS. Mits. Ai.niuniiT. HENHY ELLIS. Mit. Mit.LicKOr. JOEL HOWARD. MR. AND Mns. GAJ/VI * . ANOTHER FIUE AT PUOVIDKXCE. Over $2OOOOO Gone and t'hn Flumes ( Still Unulnc. KIIOVIDENCE , It. I. , Feb. 19. The Daniels building , in which are located the grocery ol Daniels , Cornell , and J. A. and H. A. Hold's printing establishment is on flro , although the flames are under control. Damaeo $235,000. The Lebanon mills at Pawtuckct are burn ing ; ono mill isgono and the other is going. HIVERMDB MILLS , ( Olnoyvillo ) , Feb. 19. The private alarm has just sounded twice , The Atlantic mills boarding house is known to bo burning. TIFFANY TUOUUtiES. Suits Follow the Marriage and Es- traiiKcincnt of the Voting Couple. NKW YORK , Fob. 19. [ Special Telegram tc the BEE. ] Burnett V. Tiffany , son of the senior partner of the big jewelry firm of Tir fnny & Co. , married Emma N. Piorson last March. Young Tiffany greatly feared his father's objection to the marriagewhicli cavsed a great sensation In the city. The senior Tiffany vowed never to receive the wife of his sou nnd never has. Now younjj Airs. Tiffany says her husband cnmo fron : Now Jersey , where they lived , to try to con cilinto his father , nnd never returned. Mrs Tiffany went to her father-in-law's house uml was refused an audlenco with her husband She. soon learned that her husband had gem to Europe. Slio sued the senior Tiffany foi $23,000 for alienating her husband's affcctiot and nlso sued Charles T. Cook , partner of the senior Tiffany , for the same amount for con spiracy to deprive her of her husband's so eiety. The court has "now discontinued tin suit and the wife appeals. The suit agains Cook will bo tried. Her Husband. NEW YOIIK , Fob. 19. [ Special Telegrati to the HEU.I Mrs. Hannah L. Balloy , o Jamaica , L. I. , has brought suit against hoi husband , William T. Balloy , to recover $50 , 000 , which she advanced to him several yean ago to Improve the tract of property whiel ho bad purchased nt Far Kockawuy knowi as Ba.vswater. The understanding at tin tlmo of the loan was that Mr. Bailey was tc pay to his wife a just share of all money : accruing from the sale of any i > ortlons of tin land. Ho fulled to keep his part of the agree mcnt. The property is now valued at $250 , UvV * 9 Steamship News. NEW YORK , Feb. 19. [ Special Telegram t < the BKK. ] Arrived The Sorvia , from Llv erpool ; the Panama , from Havana ; tin Scheldum , from Amsterdam , via Plymouth , LONDON , Feb. 19. Passed The SwiUcr land , from New York for Antwerp , passct Lizard Point to-day. LOS-IION , Feb. 19. Passed The Auranla from New York for Liverpool , passed Fast net to-day. The Death Itecord. CIIICAOO , Feb. 19 , Uov. James Schofiold , father of Major General Schotlold , U. S. A , died In ttife city last evening , in hi * eighty seventh year. ' , LONDON , Feb. 19. The dcath'is.announoei of Hev. John Ucwett Jellctt , provost of Trln Uy college. t . , , How Pleasure and Politics Will Probably Bo Combined. SENATOR INGALLS ON BLAINE. Ho Would Support Him IT Nominated Hut Is Doubtful About His Elec tion Shadowing Fast Clerks Washington 'Gossip. A Dull Week Promised. WASHINGTON BUREAU THE OMAHA BEB , ) ] 5in FOURTEENTH STREET , > WASHINGTON . , D. C. , Feb. 19.1 President Cleveland's ' absence In Florida will make a very dull week in Washington. Congress Is expected to adjourn on Tuesday , the day the president nnd Mrs. Cleveland leave , until Thursday , as Wednesday is Wash ington's birthday and a holiday In the Dis trict of Columbia. The only thing of Interest will bo the meeting of the democratic national committee for the purpose of selecting n date nnd place for holding the nominating conven tion. San Francisco , St. Louis , Chicago and Now York have already delegations hero laying the pipes for the prlzo. A great deal of talk is heard favorable to San Francisco , but the distance to that city is n serious drawback. There is not near ns much Inter est shown in this meeting ns there was m the republican committee's gathering. MR. CLEVELAND'S TRIP COUTH. The president expects a good deal of pleas ure from this trip to Florida and not a little political gain. Leaving hero on Tuesday evening ho will arrive with Colonel Lament nnd Secretary Whitney nnd their wives at Jacksonville the next evening. There are to bo no ovations on the way. The special train is to run right through , and at Jacksonville .hoy . will bo received quietly and shown around the city a couple of days and nights and then they return hero ready to attend to business a week from to-morrow. INOALLS ON TILAINE. John Ji Ingalls , president pro tempore of the senate , says It was a wise nnd patriotic thing for Mr. Bhiino to withdraw ; that if Mr. Blaine was president ho would bo vigor ous and American , but that it was a question whether , if a candidate , ho could bo elected , although the nomination was within his grasp. Senator Inglalls , who is said to bo an ardent supporter of Senator Allison , continu ing says : "All I can say for myself Is that I could support Mr. Blaino's candidature with great pleasure. I would like very much to see him vindicated. Ho was cheated in 1884. The election was stolen from him. Ballot boxes were stuffed , nnd thousands of votes were openly bought In the streets of Now York. Then there was that Burchnrd speech , which was essentially a dishonest nnd immoral trick devised and played by the enemy Just on the eve of election , when there was no time to deny .or repudiate the words. The democratic leaders by whom it was concocted openly boast of It. Personally I should have liked to see Mr. Blaine vindicated in n cam paign where there would bo no such knavish tricks , ballot box stuffing , and no marketing of votes. " GOOD DETECTIVE WORK. A BEB special some days ago mentioned that detectives from the secret service divis ion of the treasury department were detailed to shadow clerks and watch the billiard and poker rooms of the city for the purpose of ascertaining who were dissipating and be coming dissolute. It is stated that there has been a perceptible falling oft in the number of government employes in thcso places. For a long time it was a source of much trouble in some of the departments as to what could bo done to induce the clerks who were afflicted with the mania of "playing the horses" to give It up , for in many Instances they were valuable clerks and were ruining themselves nnd bringing their families to want by sinking their salaries in the coffers of pool room sharps. After mature consider ation it was decided to "shadow" all patrons of gambling establishments and note these in government employ. If , after being warned , the clerk docs not ccaso gambling ho will bo dismissed. THE RETIRED MST. It is stated at the capital that General Sheridan's proposition to retire the cightj odd army officers now on the sick list ami thereby glvo stimulus to much needed pro motion in the several branches of the service has not met with that prompt and unanimous approval by the military committees ex pected and so much desired by army officials , The fact is , considerable opposition has do velopcd from the officers now on the retircO list. They object to further increasing the retired list , for the reason that they do no ) wunt to endanger their own pay and emolu incuts , They say it is all well enough to adc to the Hat while there is' a good sized surplus in the treasury , but as soon as this is reduccc congress begins to look around for a plnce U cut , nnd a lengthy list of high priced pension crs would likely bo the first place of attack This subject has been under discussion dur ing the past two meetings of the senate com inlttco on military affairs. The majority o : the members do not object to the effect thai would bo given to promotion by the retire ments proposed , but the debate indicate ! quite u decided opposition to further extend ing the retired list. In the house committee no action whatever has been taken on thi subject , but some of the members , spcakliu Individually , are not favorable to the pend ing bills on the subject. PERSONAL TO MAJOR TERRELL. To-day's Capitol says : "Sometimes it hop pens that nn officer of the service resorts to i sharp trick in order to gain some udvuntugi over n fellow ofllccr. The senate has jus run across n case of tills sort , in which thi active individual seems to bo Major ( J. M Terrell , of the pay department of the army whoso station is nt Omaha. Some time agi ho sent an innocent looking bill to Senutoi Mandcrson which was entitled "a bill t ( secure monthly payments In the army , " am which contained in its belly a provision foi the promotion of certain officers who hud per formed continuous service for u ccrtaii period. Mr. Mnndorson introduced the bil and it was duly referred to the committee and after that came up for consideration Then it appeared that the innocent lookini provision In the bill about promotions , cm bodied the real purpose of the bill and that I was intended to promote Terrell over unothe pay officer named Smith , who had served a long as ho had , but whoso service hud no been continuous in the regular army. Th bill was thrown out as soon us its true character actor was known , and the wily Major Tcrrol will have to try again. " A SMOOTH DIPLOMA. There is a report In society circles that om of the flnest looking members of the dlplc matic corps augments his sulttry by "stamlin in with some of the leading confectioner and caterers in whoso behalf ho uses his extensive tensivo social inlluenco In obtaining for then the custom of wealthy people with ball-giv Ing propensities. Of all orders so obtained heavy percentage is exacted by the diplomat who is a frequenter of ono of the leadini clubs of the city. PERRY S. HEATH. CANON FAUUAIt Ijx"MILTON. An Eloquent Tribute to Ono of Kni ; land'H NoblcHt Bonn. ( Coiiyrtolit It&JlJamet ] Gordon Tfemirtt. ] LONDON , Feb. 19. [ Now York Herali Cable Special to the Bi'.f.l Archdeacoi Farrar this morning , before a largo and dis tlnguUhed congregation , including the Ainci lean minister , many judges and barrister ! and of jiccrs peers not only by title , but ii literature nnd art in connection with th unveiling of the Milton memorial windo\ already described , preached a special set won from the Lamentations of Jcrc mlnh , 5:7. : ' The text' was. appliei to Mlltori's. purity , his bodily strength , hi . whiteness of character anil the pOlUh of hi verse. The preacher began : "It has been my desire , durlng.the twelve years surround- 'tig this ancient olid famous church with oblo association * , to revive the memories of .hoso great men with which It has been con nected nnd thus to Indicate the relation In ivhlch It stands to the [ history of England. To commemorate thcs < $ events , In recent days ho members of the house of commons , ivhoso church it is , have erected , ho window which recalls the tragic death of Lord Frederick Cavendish and memorials have been placed hero to Lord lathcrley , the .good lord chancellor , to Lord rnrnborough , who spent his llfo in the scr- vice of parliament , nnd , in token of our grnt- tudo for fifty years of almost unbroken pros perity under the reign of our beloved queen , the Caxton window was given by the paint ers of London In memory of that great man who lies buried hero , nnd citizens of America , in their large-handed gen erosity and care for the great traditions ivhlch nro their heritage no less than ours , have presented us with that brilliant west window which commemorates nothing less than ftio founding ol the now world , and as wo have thcso and other memorials wo ivero yesterday reminded that this church may nlso claim its special interest in the mighty name of Milton. That nauio is re corded in our marriage register nnd hero lies burled , with Milton's infant daughter , that beloved wife , "my Into espoused saint , " whoso love flung ono brief gleam of happiness over the poet's troubled latter years. Once moro wo are indebted to an American citizen for the beautiful Milton window which was yesterday unveiled. The well-counselled munificence of Mr. Chllds , of Philadelphia , who has olraady enriched Stratford-on-Avon with a memorial of Shako- spcaro , and Westminster abbey with the window in memory of Herbert nnd Cowper , has now erected this abiding memorial to the great Puritan poet. Myself the debtor to American friends for great kindness , I cannot but-rojoico that the church of St. Margaret's should furnish yet ono more Illustration of these bonds of com mon traditions , blood , language and affection which unite England to the great republic of the west , and I am glad that the public spirit of the church _ wardens has assigned from henceforth tho'uso of one pew in this church to our friends and visitors from the other side of the Atlantic. There was something specially appropriate in the Milton windows being the gift of an American , for the United States represent much that Mil ton most deeply lovod. The commonwealth , which , happily foiling , in England , In America ; lorlously succeeded . > The Puritanism which was bruised in England inspired vigor and nobleness into our kjn beyond the sea. "Para dise Lost" was the ono i English poem which the sons of the pilgrim fathers loved , until Longfellow inspired New England with n fresh sense of the sacreducss of nrt nnd song. Some of Milton's most honored friends wore closely connected with Amer ica. The younger SiivHcnry Vane to whom ho addressed the sonnet : "Vano , young in years but in sago counsel old. " Vane , who has been culled oho of the greatest and purest men who over walked the earth , emigrated to New 1033 , to bo chosen its gov ernor in 1630. Milton too , speaks of Kogor Williams , the apostle of soul freedom and the founder of Rhode Island , as that extraord inary man and most enlightened legislator. "Tho vcnorabla ppot Mr. Whittlcr , who has written lines on yonder window , most justly says : " i The now world honors him Whoso lofty pica tar England's freedom Made her own uioro , pure ; Whoso song , immortal as its thorny Shall bo their comrdon freehold While both worlds endure. I propose this morning tp speak to you about Milton not , of/course / , on the political aspect of his llfo , and still less by way of criticizing his poemq ; but as a man of nobler personality , who , whatever may have been his other errors , tot to the world nn example of a godly llfo whicli is supremely needed itt the present day. "Char acter , " says Emerson , "is higher than intel lect , " and a great writer has said of Milton that it may bo doubted whether any man wns altogether so grcat/taking into our view at once his manly virtue , his superhuman gen ius , his zeal for truth , for true patriotism , true freedom , his eloquence in displaying it , his contempt for personal power , his glory and exultation in his country. Were I to scarcb the whole range of English history for n typo of Christian nobleness who might inspire our youths with the glory of a disci plincd llfo and the magnanimity of a loftj character , I knowr no ono in whom was better manifest the Indefinable distinction , the life long self-restraint , the intense pur pose , the grave self-respect , the lofty disdain for all which was sordid and ignoble , whlcl marks the sincerity of the sons of God. Archdeacon Farrar then reviewed Milton'i young life , referring to him as n student. H < also spoke of him as "an athlcto who would probably have defeated , in every inanlj exercise , a dozen of the youths of the prcscnl day who have nothing to bo proud of save their Ignorance , and their vices those dissipated loungers and oglers nt refreshment mont bars who need perpetual glasses ol ardent spirit to support their wasted energies To Milton the sound bpdy was the fair tern plo of a lovely soul , " Milton's travels in Europe wore next foi lowed , his prose writings briefly critiei/ec nnd his blindness at the ago of forty-foui pathetically commented upon. Alluding t < the restoration , the preacher continued 'When diaries II , yvas restored and Mlltoi was barely saved from imminent peril o death to bo flung aside as a blind and fntei outcast by a country'whicli at once sank t < the very lowest depth of vice and cor ruptlon , that restoration was a hid eous reaction of servility against all frccdon nnd of impurity aptinst all righteousness Amid that barbkrous dissonance o : Bacchus the ono' pare lofty voice wus drowned. " Archdeacon Farrar tjrew many rhctorlca pictures of Mflton,1 in retirement , at hii organ , nt his poctio'dictation ; pen picture which all readers , of Furrnr's "Llfo o Christ" can well jjeliovo to bo lifo-llki pictures , of Samson Agonlstes , and tin preacher remarke l"That great tragedy ha been compared to u white mnrblo statue fron thu bund of Phidias Yet , like the statue o the dying gludiatorit ! throbs with a patho : too deep for uttcrunco. It reveals to us under the agonies of the ignoble Samson , tin ways of the poet himself struggling amid thi storms of fate. " The sermon'v concluded with this perora tion : "If there bo anything excellent in whole hearted sincerity * shown In n chusto am laborious life ; if Itbo ] hcrolo to bow with un murmuring submission to the sternest dls pcnsatlous of prdvldcuco ; if it bo noble t < maintain the unduuntcdncss of an uprigh manhood and to render to thankless genera tions immortal services amid the roar o unscrupulous execration , tlion surely w < all may learn lessens from Milton's llfo .0 : intent labor , exalted alms and stalnlesi chastity , o ( a fortitude which never weak cnencd a4 u duty which uover suecumbcd. ' Blaino's Withdrawal Clears the Way For Him. OWA'S UNANIMOUS CHOICE. A Sentiment Springs Un. 'n Fnvor of Making the Intcr-Stnto Com merce Act a State liAvr The State Guard. Allison IOWU'H Second Choice. DES MOINES , la. , Feb. 19. [ Special to the BEE. ] The letter of Mr. Blaine has cleared ho way for Iowa republicans , nnd left them > co to go In the direction to which state iridc , as well ns personal interest , and admira- lon , would lead. There is no doubt that if .ho letter of declination hud not been writ- .cn , or if. there had been any reason to expect that Mr. Blaino's name would bo presented o the convention , Iowa republicans would lave como up for tbo fourth time solid for the man from Maine. What a record of do- votlon nnd constancy to his banner they have shown 1 For twelve years they have pinned their affectionate admiration to his cause , nnd stood a solid phalanx of loyal retainers , to go up and down'with their chief. But they accept his letter in the spirit In which it wns written , nnd loving him still more for the nngnnnimous course ho has taken , they turn iway to the man who , with Mr. Blaine out of .ho race , is their first choice. It is not that they value Allison less highly that Blnino wns put first , for no * man stands higher in ; ho confidence nnd regard _ of Iowa than he , but it is simply a cnso of prior attach ment. The state pledged its faith to Mr. Blaluo many years ago , before Mr , Allison was to bo considered a candidate , nnd llko a loyal lover , it has stood by him till now. But with Mr. Blame out of the race the state gladly and proudly takes up Mr. Allison and transfers to him its enthusiastic devotion. I'ho early state convention that has been called shows a desire to give him a rousing state endorsement ns soon ns practicable , so that the nation may know that Iowa is acartily and tremendously for its favorite senator. The news which his friends hero receive is very encouraging ns to his pros pects. Ho is the choice of a largo element of conservative business men , who want above all things a safe nnd prudent administration. For this reason ho is very strong in the cast , where capital is so distrustful of the distinc tively "brilliant" men. No man in congress is better authority on matters of general leg islation than ho. No man's advice is moro frequently sought by democrats nnd republi cans on all non-partisan questions , and four- fifths of the legislation of congress is of that kind. Ho is strong in business circles in the east , without being weak in the west. Ho is for tariff reform , and reduction of taxation , and that is what republicans of the northwest want. Ho is not a high tariff man hko Sherman , and ho believes that the tariff should be revised and cut down wherever it can bo done without imperiling American interests. He Is abso lutely free from factional quarrels or entan glements. Ho enjoys the friendships ofcstal- wart and halfbrccd and never loses n friend. He has always been with the people in every great reform , and is entirely urptansmlttcd by compromising alliances , or corporate con trol. Why isn't such a man with twenty-flvo years' experience in public service , with a personal character go pure and unsullied that no slander can assail it , with ability of the highest order , nnd n positive genius for state craft : why isn't such a man the best candi date for the republicans of the northwest to support ! That Is what the republicans of Iowa are courteously asking their brethren of Nebraska and other adjoining states. KAILROAD LEGISLATION. The drift of sentiment on railway matters now before the legislature inclines toward the adoption of the Swcncy bill for applying the principles of the inter-stato commerce law to state traffic. The business men of lowahnvo complained bitterly that they have received comparatively little relief from the national law , because the railroads would violate all of its principles in their local or state business. Jobbers have had to contend against discriminations , against a greater charge for the short than the long haul , and against unjust treatment in many ways , whicli could not bo reached by congressional legislation. But if the legislature will enact a law applying the sumo principles to stuto traffic that are now enforced in inter-state traffic , the situntion will bo greatly relieved , In addition to this , if the railroad commis sioners nro given authority to nx rates , adopting thorn to inter-stato rates with a flexibility that cannot bo obtained by nn arbitrary state schedule , the prospect for better times will bo very pood. There in n strong sentiment in favor of doing this , nnd it is growing the moro the subject is studied. Two bills of this character will about cover the pressing needs ou the matter of railway regulation nnd control. CHANGING THE SUl'REME COURT SITTINGS. Ono of the first acts of the general assem bly to become u law is that providing for changing the number of terms of the supreme court from four to three. The now law pro vides that terms of court shall bo held only In May , October and January , instead of March , Juno , September and December as formerly. The impression prevails to some extent that there Is a colored Individual con cealed around the wood pile somewhere. This bill was reported ujwn in the senate and almost immediately passed. It was then hurried across to the house and passed under suspension of the rules , it promptly received the signatures required from speaker , presi dent of spnato nnd governor , nnd was made to take effect upon publication , nnd lias nl- rcudy been published , so that it now has be come n law. Whether it was to prevent some litigant from having n hearing in the ex pected term , or for some other reason , hasn't developed yet. But it looks very much as if there was a Job of some sort behind the measure , it was rushed through so rapidly. The people scarcely knew that any such change wus oven proposed before they wuko up and find it a fact. Till' CITIZEN SOLDIEIir. The stuto of Iowa , which is pretty liberal in its treatment of some interests , is verj stingy it its treatment of the national guard The stuto bus forty-eight military companies , nnd It is remarkoble.under the circumstances that it has oven eight. It allows to every en listed man the generous sum of four dollars u year to pay for his uniform , and then at taches this string to the appropriation , that after ( ho four dollars has once been paid the uniform shall belong to the state. The guardsman may have paid $50 for it and bo compelled by sickness or removal to leave the service aftes a year's or less enlistment The state bugs the uniform and ho is out Jus' ' f 10. * In pursuance of the sumo generous policy the state allows $50 a year to caul company for armory rent. That sum wouli not rent n decent barn , and the companies who have some prldo in tno matter pay out five or six times ns much and hire a respect able hull at their own expense. Once n year the boys nro ordered into camp for five days. The state allows them for tills service the sum of $1.50 per day , while they lose four or five times us milch by their ab sence from tmsiness. If they should bo or dered out for other occasions , unless there was special provisions for the case , the > don't get n cent. And yet , in spite of thesi drawbacks , in spite of the personal burden o : expense which the men have to bear , tliero uro forty-eight companies kept up to the stundurd of efficiency ull the while , and if ono company drops out , another town is ready to supply Its place. What else but the Inbori masculine love of military glory could call out such sacrifice ) All the same , it is no credit to a rich state to treat its cltUcn sold icryso shabbily. W. IV. Corcoran Seriously III. WASHINGTON , Feb. 10 ; W. W.- Corcoran Die aged millionaire of this city , , is again . crigusly ill , . - . . . . ' ' , I'ETK M.VUHKTT CONVICTED. Found Utility or Murder in the First Decree. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Feb. IP. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The trial of Peter Jarrctt , Indicted in company with his brother Timothy for the murder of Thomas Tollef- on , n street car driver , came to an end nt 8:30 : last night , when a verdict of guilty of nurder In the first degree wns brought In. tarrrtt was a member of the notorious Mc Carthy gang of Omaha and followed In the ootsteps of his brother Tim , who wns con- Icted u month nnd n half ngo. Lawyer Srwin , his attorney , hud made a very strik- ng peroration , but it had no effect on the ury. Here it is : Gentlemen of the Jury : To bo or not to bo s the all-absorbing question with every ono of us. No question Ilka that to you , 10 question Hko that to mo , 10 question llko that to Peter Barrett , fo die to sleep to sleep.l perchance to Irenm. For in tliut sleep of death , when wo mvo shuflled off tillsmortuU-oil , whatdrcums nust como. And in the light of the dread of hat something after death that bourne vhenco no traveler returns what dreams nay como to you if you should unwittingly , n husto nnd by mistake of your duty , send this boy unshrlvcn to meet his God. Will you dare , on the testimony of Henry Barrett , o see before your conscience at that dread Imo thnt llguro swinging from the scaffold , and to have on your memo ries forever thnt you put out the Ight of llfo which you cannot give ! That is ho ultimate question in this case. I invoke ipon you , so fur ns I ilnro , the commendation of the great God to assist you us you go to the ury soon. And so I conlido my client Into our bunds. But ho confided his client in vain. At 8:27 : fudge iLochrcn entered the court room. Deuuty Sheriffs Hauu and Johnson followed and between them walked young Peter Bar rett as smiling and suave as ever. Apparently ic did not feel his position and smiled faintly as ho dropped into his old scat. As the twelve men went to their scuts each ono cnst a look of pity nt Peter , who smiled sarcastically and turned and whispered to his father , who had just taken ho Beat bcsldo him. Foreman Mills handed n folded paper to ho clerk , who read : "First degree We , .ho jury , do find the prisoner guilty of mur- ler In the first degree , us charged in the in dictment. " As the clerk reached the word "guilty , " Peter raised his head with a frightened look , : urncd pale , trembled violently and , dropping ils head upon his breast , sobbed audibly. Ells father leaned toward him and rvhlspered n few words , whereupon Peter straightened up and tried to smile , but it wus hard work and ho gave it up as his head fell again. Om5of the prisoner's attorneys asked that n stay bo given so that they might put in a plea for clemency on ac count of extenuating circumstances. Judge Lochrcn said ho would rather wait until Mr. Srwin was present and so set Thursday , March 1 , ns the time for nrgulng the mutter. After finishing up this business Peter was taken back to the jull again and court wus adjourned. THE CIjEAUANCE UECOBD. The Financial Transactions of the Past Week. BOSTON , Mass. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin. ] The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from .ho managers of the leading clearing-houses of the United States , shows the gross ex changes for the week ended February 18 , 18S ? with the rate per ccfttofjncreasp or dcK * * * cr6aso as compared wllirth'o amountsfdrUio corresponding week last year : SMUGGLING OPIUM. Startling Discoveries Made By New York CiiKtomes Official * ) . NEW YORK , Feb. 19. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Of nil frauds on the cus toms , the opium cuscs now under consid eration promise to prove the most widespread and furreaching. For three months Collec tor Magone hud his men nt work nnd the con clusion reached is a startling ono. Officially , Collector Mngono and his subordinates in thu custom house will say nothing definite , but inside iuformotlon Is to the effect that nearly every importing drug house in the city is concerned in the disclosures that will soon bo mado. These frauds have not been con fined to smuggling across the Canadian fron tier , but in New York the biggest and clever est swindles were perpetrated. It is the presumption of the officials at work on the cases that the opium that has been brought in from Canada was landed at Vancouver or Victoria by vessels engaged in the smuggling and then shipped by the Canadian Pacific railroad to | > olnts on the Now York state line in St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties. Once over the line and started on the way for New York the chunco of detec tion wus very blight. Largo quantities of opium have heen withdrawn from public stores , ostensibly for shipment to Havana. Thcso amounts nro said to aggregate ut least HHKXI ) ( pounds. Collector Magono nnd the Spanish olllcials have been in consultation , and tliero is nothing to show that the opium ever arrived at Havana. This is evidence that it never got any further than the piura from which it was taken for shipment. Col lector Magono knows the disposition of some of this opium nnd the firms engaged In the sharp dealing. A custom house official esti mates that the loss in duties may foot up overt All the wholesale and importing druggists of the city dccluro they cannot beliuvo the story. Killed a Captain. ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Feb. 10. During nn at tempt to arrest an illegal dredger to-duy , the state oyster police schooner Folly , Captain Clarke , wus attacked by thrco vessels nnil considerable shooting done on both nidus , Captain Whltehouso , of the schooner Albert Nichols , of Baltimore , was killed. The ClilldM' Memorial. LONDON , Fob. 19. A largo congregation flocked to St. Margaret's church , Westmin Ister , to-duy , the occasion being a special ser Archdeacon Farrnr in connection with tbo unveiling , yesterday , of the Milton memorial , presented to the church by George W. CUU.ds , 9f Philadelphia. , . . LITHE PHIL Wilt NOT RON , Goiioral Sborldnn Mnkoa Some Very Positive Statements. DON'T WANT TO BE PRESIDENT If Nominated Ho "Would Itcfiiso ta Aeei'jit HIM DoomcrH Simply Wasting Their Ilrrnth Too Old u Sold lor. Shrrldan Not n Candidate. WASHINGTON , Feb. IP. The Washington agent of the Associated press sought an ia tervlew with General Sheridan this evening forthopurposoof nseertalnlng whether ho would consent to make nnuuthorltntlvo state ment in regard to his alleged presidential crndldiu-y. The general gave his consent and it will bo seen from the following vcp batlm report of the conversation that hifl declarations nro thoroughly explicit : Agent "Of course , general , you have no ticed that there has been considerable men * lion of you during the past few weeks as possible , or probable , candidate for the prest dcncy next autumn. " General Sheridan "Yes , I hnvo noticed it , but have never looked upon thcso newspaper articles us anything moro than the usual shooting around in the woods which has once or twice before in presidential years brought my name up In that connection. " "But , general , the talk Is more serious this time , and there appears to bo something like a concerted movement to bring about your nomination. " General Sheridan "Well , I know nothing moro about this nllcged 'boom' than what J hnvo rend in the papers , except Unit now nnd then some friend bus twitted mo about becoming coming a candidate. But , If the matter la really now discussed seriously , it is tlmo that nil parties concerned should bo Informed that they are wait ing their breath. I have never hud the presidential boo in my bonnet nnd I don't intend - tend to hnvo it , for there is nothing that would induce mo to leuvo the profession in which nearly forty years of my llfo have been spent to enter upon n civil career. So nil tnlK ibout my being a cnndldnto may us well end. " "But suppose the republican convention should " General Sheridan Nominate mol I would not accent. But there is not the slightest probability of my being nominated und , 14 my event , I would not accept. No , not under my circumstances. I do not want that o < uny other civil ofllco. CLEVELAND j\NI > THE AVE8T. Views Expressed Jly a Prominent. Democrat of Colorado. CHICAGO , Feb. 19. [ Spcoial Telegram to the BEE.I C. S. Thomas , the dcmoerajjo national commlttecman from Colorado , wad ' in the city this evening on ills way to Wash * mgton. "Mr. Cleveland's ' policy has not pleased the west , " said ho to a rciwrtor. "Wo exit pcctcd that the territorial officers would bd appointed from territorial residents , Mr. Cleveland's letter of acceptance led us to liopo thnt broken down , cranky officeholder ) in other states would not bo sent out to gov { ern the territories as had been the practice ) .midur previous ttdmlulfltnitloim. , Tbo poopla of the territories wantOd'IoTJirgoverniaent , They have been largely disappointed. Thq platform nnd Mr. Cleveland's letter wore for1 a gold and sliver currency. The west both republicans nnd democrats want silver put buck where it was before the demone tization. The administration has not helped us. I Hko Mr. Cleveland's message. I wnnt revenue reform und would bo in . . . fnvor of his rcnominntlon If no othcrnsprom- - } ' incut democrat is found who would represent ' i tariff reform doctrines ns well us ho. Therd is a largo clement bf Colorado democrats who are pleased with the president nnd there is ft much larger clement that is not. I thlnkj Governor Hill would suit Colorado better than President Cleveland , " "Is there nn organized effort by Governor Hill's friends to obtain the delegation for him ? " "O no. My feelings toward Cleveland nra generally known and if there wns any organ * kntiou I feel sure I would know It. The dele gation will probably go uninstruetcd. If there wuo A contest n Bill delegation would bo chosen. " As to where the national convention should bo held Mr. Thomas said : "If tliero is a large city in a doubtful state which wo could probably carry were the convention taken , ? there I think It should bo dono. San Fran' J cisco is such n city. 1 think New York is , $ democratic anyway. Beyond carrying a. doubtful stuto considerations of conscience ought to guide the choice of either Now Yorker or Chicago. I will decide according to my own judgment , not what the administration may wish , if anything is wished. " SUFFERING * SAVAGES. Canadian ImllntiH in tlio Extreme North Forocd to CannlliallHin. WINNIPEG , Feb. 19. [ Special Telegram to * the BEE. ] Further reports of the tcrriblo distress existing among Canadian Indians in , ; the fur north nro nt hand. Hov. W. Spend- love , a missionary from north of the Konzia river , is in the city and tells of many hard ships. Ho has been in the district for nine years ana his journey down occupied eighty or ninety days. Mr , Spendlovo thinks that the country in the far north will never bo populated to any extent und that It is the greatest nonsense to suppose that where the llvo or six thousand Indians und n , few white people almost starve to death , Icelanders or nny other people could eke out a liveli hood. These 0,000 , people cover an urea of 700,000 square miles' . From Pence river , Mr. Spendlovo heard of cases where Indians had died of starvation and their comrades had to subsist on human" fiesh. Explorers coming to civilization stated thnt deer were killed by thousands in the north. Mr. Spcndlnvo says that this ia not so nowadays. For the past two years thcso animals hnvo been very scarce for some rea son or other , und hcnco the destitution. Mr , Spendlovo wns so run down with wunt und suffering lust winter that he hud to como away to regain strength. So ft will bo Been that the country in not ono fiowmg with milk ; nnd honey. These cases of destitution have been repeatedly brought to the notice of the Canadian government nt Ottawa , but nothing bus been done to aid the sufferers nnd the feeling uguinst the ofilcluUi is intense. Striker * ) to Kctiirn to "Work. SIIENANDOAII , Pa. , Feb. 10. At a meeting of the miners of this section to-day u resump tion was agreed upon nftor considerable dis pute. It l understood thnt the Lchlgh com pany has agreed to the same terms as the Heading company , and work will also bo re sumed ut their pucker collieries hero this week. Contradictory ItcporlN. BERLIN , Feb. 10. The official bulletin re. garding thu condition of thu Crown Prince to-day says : "Tho wound in the throat pro- sento n moro favornblo appearance nnd ia gradually closing , The cough is the snmo on. yesterday. Tht-ro is a littlu moro expectora tion , The patient's nppetlto is excellent. Other rvporta say the cougli is troublm some and that the ci > cctoratlon is tinged , with blood. Weather Indication * . For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Colder , general ! * ; fnlr weather , light to fresh variable wlnd i' generally northerly. For Dakota : b'now , followed'by colder- . * fair wouthc.r-wltu co'ld wavefrciuuorUwM winds- becoming variable *