Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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'A Magnificent Ball Given By the
Concordla Society.
The Carnival of Months Miss Alexan
der KntM'Cnlns The Itarkcr Hotel
Cluti Dall-Uinaha Guards-Hy
perion 1/cnp ITcnr 1'arty.
The past week has been an exceedingly
nctlvoonoln noclal circles. Notwithstand
ing the beginning of Lent during which pe
riod all devotees of society pleasures are sup
posed to remain In seclusion , the modern
interpretation of the commands of the church
permits dinner parties and homo entertain-
mcnts. . There have been many notublo
events outsldo of the believers In church doc
trines and Inslow is given a complete review
of the'weok in society.W
TUB IADIIH : of the ftypcrnion club gave n
delightful leap year party at Masonic hull on
Tuesday evening. The Musical Union .or
chestra furnished the music. Amoap the
guests were : Misses Bailey , Mnyne. Dun
can , Eaton , Mrs. Strnwn. Misses Boyco ,
Schmidt , King , Crnndall , Eaton , McNaugh-
ton , Wright , Coombo , MoEwun , Bean , Me-
Lain , Wilson , Gudgo , Heed , Dolss , LeChilr ,
Hcflloy , Livesoy , Wilkins , Krebs , Sexuuer ,
Goodscll , Lawton , Gannon , McChcunc , Bean ,
French , Mm. BIrdsull , Mrs. Buchanan , Mrs.
Jlengcn , Mrs. Berney. Mrs. Edholni , Mrs.
Vicrling , Mrs. Grinin , Messrs. Chnmplin ,
Cook , Loj > cr , Smith. Kankin , OglesbyWelch ,
Fueller. Snnford. Sherman , Hicks , Buch
anan , Ilengen , Hattaue , Muller , Coombo ,
Patterson , Murphy , Shane , Craig , Byrnes ,
Akin , Edholni , Bryans , Vierllng , Bentley ,
Grant , Kosters , Ostrom , Bndolet , Bayard ,
Crane , Norwood , Griffin , Weber , Johnson ,
Smith , McCuiloch , Bradley , Gannon , Wood-
THE OMAHA GOUIDS gave their second an
nual ball ut the Capitol avenue armory on
Tuesday evening. The great hull was elab
orately decorated , and thu affair was a most
unjoyahlo ono. It Is the purpose of the
organization to give a full dress ball after
Lent. These present were : Misses Lowe ,
Ball , Green , of Culpcppcr , Vn. ; Dwlght. the
Misses Miller. Walsh , Lincoln. McClellnn ,
Plummer , McClintock , Walker , Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 'Touzalin ,
. Messrs. H. Carey , O. E. Carey , Coon , L.
Stephens , Wilcox. Stephens , Mumford , Mor
row , Sherrill , Webster , Sherwood , Melnberg ,
Benedict , Hustin , Latham.Tcsse Lowe , Hull ,
Fabyan , Scharff , Morford. Lookers on , Mrs.
Smith , Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Mumford.
Tim Tiiinn UKCKPTiox of the Hotel Barker
social club , given Monday evening , was as
successful and enjoyable as the preceding
one. Twenty numbers comprised the danc
ing programme and the entire number was
finished by midnight. Under the personal
supervision of Mr. J.E. Bulcn an elegant su | > -
pcr was served. Among these present wero.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis. Miss Maggie Bros-
ncr , Mr. Harry D. Allen , Miss Boll Scott ,
Mr. S. VunSl.vke , Mrs. J. G. January , Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Ellis , Mr. J. F. Balch and
tgMiss Lottie Byrne. Mr. Buckingham and
IIss Ilogan , Mr. and Mrs. P. W. liichardson ,
Mr. W. H. Murray and Miss Goodsoll , Mr.
Will Wakofteld and Miss Nellie B. Sexaur ,
Mr. C. A. Burney and Miss Clara B. Duval ,
Mr. I. L. Hlchards and Miss Lottie Cook ,
Major W. H. McMahon and Miss Shallcnbor-
gor. Mr. and Mrs. "J. H. Greene. Mr. C. E.
Brown and Miss Grace Bulcli. Mr. J. E.
Strong and Miss Nellie Morse , Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Bryson.
MIBS LILA Ai.E.VANiinn gave an elegant St.
Valentino's party ut her elegant home , 1204
South Thirty-first street , last Tuesday even
ing. The fair young hostess gave her guests
a novel mid delightful cntoitainmont. These
present were : Misses Minnie Baker , Flor
ence Blrkhauscr , Lillian Bruncur. Maggie
Jlotklti , Miss Brotherton , Edith Crnndall ,
'Amy Churchill , Gundio Cobum , Gertrude
Clarke , Delhi Day , Kate Drake , Louie Drake ,
Gwennio Evans' , Annie Funk , Fannlo Groff ,
Francis Gyger , Lilllo Hathaway , Blanche
. Helliiinn , Allco Howell , Belle Humphrov ,
Nina Marshall , Allco I'arker , Mattie Polack ,
Helen Preston , Alma Uingor , George
Sharp , Mary Stephens , Blrdio Van
Kuriin , May Yutcs , Nelllo Bauser-
miin , Blrdio Birkhausor , Lulu Ballantino ,
MayBurnsUnriiclluBrowuMariouCraiiduU ,
Xotta Churchill , Margaret Cook , Daisy
> Domic , Winnie Dent. Claire Drake , Bertha
Evans , Mabel Fonda , Melllo Groff , Pearl
Hartuian , Allco Hardy , Grace Himobaugh ,
Curno House , Nelsio Hughes , Addle New
1 man , Dollio Polack , Mabel Pratt , Gusslo
b Price , Maude Heeco , Muudo Stuley , Flora
Steves and Lillian Houso.
Masters Harry Akin. Wood Alton , Charlie
Bauscrman , Mon Ueuli , Will Clarke , How
ard Clarke , Bert Cootnes , Lou Dale , Edgar
Day , Hilton Fonda , Art Guiou , llob Hack
ney , Will Hoagland. Charles McCounell ,
Harry McCormlck. Walter Miner , Kced
MeBurnoy , Ed McCan , Walter Preston ,
Gcorgo Hounds , Herbert Hogers , Prank
Simpson , Ned Stiger , Wilcox Stephens ,
Harry Smith , Wallace Taylor , Harry Wil
kins , Wing Allen , Perry Badolot , Prank
Ballantino. Ed Bishop , Charley Clarke , Bert
Cook , Walter Dale , Seth Drake , Charlie
Ellis , Will Grifflts , Ed Gyger. Harry Hicks ,
Egbert Keller , Fred McCormiclc , Harry
Moorcs , George Miner , Maurice McNuir ,
I rnko O'Uellly , Fred Preston , Fred Kustin ,
Will Rogers , Harvey Smith , Harry Staley ,
Kobor Smith , James Smith , Bert Wheeler ,
Tun MASK HALT , of the Imperial club on
Tuesday evening was a highly enjoyable af
'fair. These present were : Mr. and Mrs
Win. Brown , Miss Latoy , Mr. and Mrs. W
S. Henshuw , Mr. and Airs , J. C. Luke , Mr
and Mrs. West Neil , Miss nml Mr. Willett ,
Mrs. Glddlngs , Miss Emma Walker and Mr
Solomon , Miss Luke and Mr. Hexhold , Miss
. Anmuck and Mr. Littloflold , Mr. Lescrtoro
Miss Uedman and Mr. Argo , Miss Ward , Mr.
t Klder , the Misses Crulckshank and Mr. Crui-
slnink , Miss McCoy and Mr. Clark , MNs
Luke and Mr. Charles Haxhold , Mins Minnie
Walker and Mr. Wulker , Miss Herrington
and Mr. Joni-s , Miss Hustor and Mr. Huster.
Miss Jones and Mr. Cultou , MIssDcdrickuiu
Mr. Hfcrnum , Miss Gilbert and Mr. Dedrick ,
Messrs Solomon , Bergen , Hurr , S. N. Doty ,
John Doty , McBoth , Walker and others.
Tun vuoGUKssivc KCCIIIIB party given by
Mrs. T. B. Ferguson ut her homo , ww Nortl
Seventeenth street , on Tuesday evening was
a uiost enjoyable ufTnlr. It was given h
honor of Mr. Ferguson's birthday and ho was
completely surprised by the event. Those
present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sheldon
J. C. Drexel , M. E. Yatcs , M. O. Maul , J. V
Burns , I. Idams , F. C. Dalley , Mrs. J. II
Harmon , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dalloy and Miss
Sadlo Plttmau.
ONK or TUP. most pleasant socials of the
season at the Hotel Barker was that of the
card jtarty given by Mr. and Mrs. Edwh
Davis on lust Thursday evening In the !
'Yooms ut the hotel. Games of various kind
were indulged In to a lute hour , when a de
liclous lunch was served which everybodj
enjoyed to the utmost , and all bade good
night to Mr. and Mrs. Davis , feeling it wu
well to have been the friends of so pleasant u
host and hostess.
TIIK OM VIIA Cum has long been considered
ono of the strongest and best conducted social
institutions In the west. It has nt the pres.
cut time a membership of .HM , most of whom
are wealthy and prominent citizens. Since
its organization the club has Increased in
ntrength and rawer and now ranks union ) ;
the flrst clubs in the country. Thu spacious
rooms in thoPuxton building were , ono year
ago , found to bo rather small and during the
succeeding twelve months they became so
crowded that It was decided to secure quur
tors that would bo amply largo enough tc
meet the requirements for many yours tc
The directors chose the now United States
national bunk building us the most desirable
site , occupying as it does one of the beat k > .
cations in Omnhu. It is 1u thu heiirt of thi
business portion of the city and easily' ncces
nlblu from all directions. The entire fourtl
floor and uver one-third nf tlo ) fifth floor wen
leased for u term of- live years will
thu prlvlegu of a much . longer Unit
nnd for the past two months -painters
frcscoors and upholsterers have bien con
Bluntly ufwork. They are now practically
oomplotewwo a few finishing touches , ami
the formal opening will occur ut uu earlj
Yesterday afternoon a HKB representative
had the pleasure of 'making u thorough toUi
, . < . ,
' thwj JA. . '
Corner Dodg&and 15th Streets.
V 7t ' ' 4
Monday , February 2Otli ,
The most choice and beautiful assortment in all the new shades , de
signs and patterns CONSIGNED to us EXCLUSIVELY. Stock complete
ncluding SOLID COLORS and HIGH CLASS NOVELTIES'two and threo-
; onod effects.
Printed China Silks at 85c.
The first lot of this beautiful summer fabric placed on otn ; counter at the
owost price , 85c. ,
India Pongee Silks.
Printed and solid colors the first shown in this city. All now and choice
Colored "Wool Henrietta.
This beautiful fabric is euporceding all Cashmeres ; are much finer in
texture and finish , and will bo the loading material for spring costumoa
Every NEW and STYLISH shade in stock Risoda , Sorpant , Mauve ;
Mousse , Rosewood , Gobolin , Mahogany , Vord do Gris , French Groy , Chinese
Blue , Royal , Navy , Cardinal , Cream and White. ,
50 Pieces-ALL WOOL CLOTH-50 Pieces
Gray and brown mixtures , also solid colors , 38 inches wide
, Novelty TennisS uitings.
Especially adapted for Lawn Tennis costumes and house dresses
Special stylos. Choice colorings.
White Goods ! White Goods !
Our now stock of White Goods has arrived. Complete in all kinds of
materials , including India and Paris Muslins , India Dimety , Batiste , Eta-
mine , Mull , Organdie , Persian Lawn , Nainsook , India Linen , &o. , &c.
Stripes , Chocks , Plaids , Bars , Laoo Stripes and Embroidered , in all quali
of inspection of the magnificent quartets ,
and was greatly surprised , at the richness
and elegance displayed. The entrance to the
rooms is gained by the elevator. When the
door slides back the visitor is ushefcd into a
handsomely furnished lobby , in which is sit
uated the steward's oflleo. A polite son of
Africa takes charge of your coat and lint ,
and you are maoo to ffcel nt homo instantly.
The flrst room , facing Parnuni street , is a
magnillcent niwrtmcnt. It is fully lifty feet
long by twenty-four feet in width , and is used
us'a billiard rdom. The decorations are
unique aud superb , while the floor is covered
with n thick Axminster carpet that com
pletely deadens the footfalls. There are two
) > eel tables and three billiard tables. At the
left of this room is u small apartment
designed for a smoking room.
The billiml room opens into the card room
and thcnco you reach the great reception
room. Both of these apartments are richly
decorated and rare paintings and engravings
udoi n the walls. The carpets are rich vel
vet and of the finest texture. Next comes
the directors' room , two private dining
rooms in colors and then the banqueting hall
is reached. This is u splendid apartment ,
rich in fresco , decorations and tapestry. It
will accommodate at least two hundred
guests. Swinging doors lead into the pantry
ut the right. On the fifth floor is the
kitchen , connecting by dumb waiter with the
pantry. The department is fitted up with nil
the modern conveniences known to the cul
inary art and is presided over by a chef that
has few equals. There is not a dainty known
In this country that cannot bo served by him.
Next to the kitchen is the laundry , supplied
with all modern appliances. Two women are
constantly employed in washing and ironing
the linen used by the club.
There nro several other apartments on the
flrst floor , including toilet rooms , wash
rooms , cloak room aud wine room.
The club employs twenty-seven servants ,
nil of whom are tried men who thoroughly
understand their business.
* *
TIIK Coxconnu mask ball at Oermania
hall Tuesday evening was a notable affair.
It was very select , only members of the upper
circles of Gorman society being admitted.
There were present about aoventy-ttve
couples , and the rich costumes of the mask
ers were brilliant indeed. All sorts and con
ditions of men ( and women too ) were repre
sented. A stately and dignified Franciscan
Monk attired in the somber garb of his order
strolled arm in arm with a Court Jester , clad
In the varied colors In which fools delight.
Louis XI. danced with a hnmblo Swiss Peas
ant , while a meek and humble Frinr throw
decorum to the winds and "swung on the cor
ners" with all the abandon of a blase man of
society. A sweet , mild-eyed Sister of Char
ity clung closely to a guant and long-limbed
Undo Sam who whirled her through
a rollicking galop in a most
unheard of manner. Topsywho
brought all of her wickedness along
with her.did some remarkable dancing , her
partner being a dignified court chambcrlin.
There were students from Hoidlcberg pres
ent , who hobnobbed with duchesses , prin
cesses and maids of honor. Kings bent pver
dark-eyed houris from the Orient , while
fierce Zulus and Suvatres grinned in the faces
of fair Circassians. The Queen of Madagas
car waltzed with a Salvation Army soldier
and Cardinal Kichelieu did n Scotch reel with
Juno. Mark Anthony gave Cleopatra thu
cut direct and devoted his entire attention tea
a smart looking and shapely servant girl
Jupiter came down from Olympus aud
cracked a bottle of champagne with Mars.
Jove brought his daughter Minerva along ,
who scandalized the proprieties by flirting
with Vulciui , much to the discomfiture of
Venus , who finally led him out to thu street
and sent him homo on u cable car. Jack the
Giant Killer aud Alludin did u minuet with
Juliet and Lady Macbeth for partners. Di
ogenes couldn't find an honest man , so ho
contented himself in paying close attention
to a Spanish flower girl.
There were many other characters whose
costumes were notably elegant. The Musical
Union orchestra furnished the music , and
the dancing program comprised twelve num
Tuu SELECT ONK HUXDIIED gave their last
assembly for the season on Monday evening
at thu Mlllard. The attendance was large
at the party was thoroughly enjoyed by all
present. In point of general elegance the
assembly was noteworthy. The toilets ol
of the ladies were superb and the muslo de
lightful. The supper was u dainty ono am ]
the tables presented a rare spectacle of love
liness , flowers being scattered over the ta
hies in rich profusion. Among those prcscn !
were :
Mcsdaines Carter , Eddy. Hcdiqk. Cham
bers , Hitchcock , Brown , Garucau , Dickey
Suyles , Yost , Leo , Heed , Tower , Squires
Coster , Eustis , "Dundy , Puukhouser , GuylorJ
Allen , Mallory , McCord , Lockwood , Mulr ,
Kllpatrick and Millard.
Misses Hichardson , Dixon , Almy. Lake ,
Hoaglond , Williams , Brown , McParlin Ken
nedy , Dresser , Latta , Adams , .Pitch , Shears ,
Chambers , Heiley , Browning , McClintock ,
McCoid , Hodgmau , Yost , Bridges and Jor
Messrs. Horbach , Uedick , Brown , Carter ,
Squires , Dundy , Tower , Berlin , Wright ,
iowsley , Green , Garncau , Drake , McCord ,
Dickey , Lockwood , Myliers , 'Patterson ,
Clinmbers , Wilbur , Barjon , Leo , Popploton ,
Duell , Jackson , Mori is , Eustis , Donne , Sharp ,
Hitchcock , Muir , Coster , Allen , Sanboru ,
C.rotT , Garllch , Heed , Gaylord , Shiverlck ,
Squires , Smith , Wyman , McCaguo , Fuuk-
houser , Eddy , Hendricks and Paxton.
LAST NIGHT the persistency which has
characterized and the success which has long
attended the efforts of the well-known Met
ropolitan club , was crowned by the o | > culng
of its now rooms on the corner of Fourteenth
and Dodge streets. The event was signalized
by ono of the largest and most brilliant of
gatherings which has ever attended any of
the parties of this organization. Nearly all
were amiizod at the wonderful transforma
tion which had been effected in the rooms ,
which are now especially suited to social club
purposes. The club , instead of contenting
itself as in the past as slmplv ono devoted to
giving occasional parties , will hereafter bo
ranked in the same category as the Doutchcr ,
the Omaha and the Elk clubs. In to-inor-
row's paper full description of the new rooms
and opening party will appear. k
MR. WII.LIAH A. GobnAnn and Miss
Jennie Carpenter were married at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Carpenter , the
bride's parents , 1917 Webster street , at 8
o'clock Tuesday evening , February 14. Rev.
Willurd Scott officiated. The bride and
groom were both members of his church ,
St. Mary's avenue' Congregational. They
took the earlv Wednesday morning train for
Cheyenne , Wyo. . where the groom takes
clmrgo of the B. & M. railroad land oflleo.
These present nt the wedding were : James
E. Carpenter and Claude Carpenter , of Woon-
socket , Dak. ; G. L. Laws , Mrs. G. L. Laws ,
Miss Gcrtio Laws , Miss Theo Laws , Miss
Ellen Laws , of Lincoln , Neb. ; Mr. and Mrs.
Willurd Scott , Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bostwick ,
Mr. Bostwick , Mr. and Mrs. Conklmg , Mrs.
W. C. McLean , Miss McLean , Mr. and Mrs.
George C. Potwin , Miss Jessie Potwin , Mr.
Kobert L. Potwin , Mr , and Mrs. George T.
C. Payne , Mr. Wilkins.
ONE . of that ' 'A
WAS ncMixnr.n play , Night
Off , " In looking in Mnsonio Hall last even
ing. The members of the Homo Circle Club
took n "Night Off" and taxed the capacity of
that jwpulur hall for the lovers of terpsl-
coreun art , the occasion being the seventh
iuiulvcrt > ary of the club's organization. If
lovely women , pretty costumes , superb mu
sic and a well arrayed programme constitute
enjoyment , then it belonged to these who
were in attendance. The officers are as fol
lows : President , P. W. Pickens ; vlco-prcsl-
dent , W. H. Nelson ; secretary , C. M. Champ-
lin ; treasurer , J , H. Conrad. Exccutivo
board , H. A. Copley , L. S. Mole , J. W. Gan
non , G. W. Bailey , . P. Kcdmnn , W. H.
Latoy. Supper was servejl in the gallery at
100p : ! m. It was the last party of the
series of ' 87-88.
* *
Mil. AMI Mits. F. GAIIRF.TTT , No. 1731
North Nineteenth street , celebrated , on last
Monday evening , their fifteenth anniversary
of their wedding , The occasion was taken
advantage of by their many friends to extend
their congratulations , and n most enjoyable
evening was passed , in which dancing , vocal
and instrumental music , and other sources of
entertainment kept the company in a most
happy mood. There wore numerous flno
presents suitable to the event An elegant
supper was served , and witli the "good
nights" were associated the heartiest wishes
for the future prosperity and happiness of
Mr. and Mrs. Garrctty.
* *
Congregational church Thursday and Friday
evenings attracted largo numbers of specta
tors. The different booths were handsomely
and appropriately decorated and were pre
sided over by well known society ladles as
follows :
January Mrs. Leavitt Burnhain , assisted
by Mrs. Lockwood , Misses Bridges , Shears
and McConnell. *
February Mrs. Sargcaut , assisted by
Misses Hoaglaud , Brown and Knight.
March Mrs. Igoc , assisted by Mrs. Cum-
mings. Mrs. McConnell and Miss Isaacs.
April Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock , assisted by
Mrs. Squires and Miss Almy.
May Mrs. William Fleming , assisted by
the following eight very young ladies : Mabel' '
Brown , Gundy Coburn , Daisy Doano , Loulso
Squlrca , Susie Colpetzer , Maggiu Meldrum ,
* A i
Half Price of Manufacturers.
Wo will plaoo on apodal sale Monday morning the greatest bargains In
odda nd short lengths of Embroideries that has over boon offered In city.
They como in 1 } , 2J , 3 and 4 } yard lengths. All novel and pretty designs ,
perfect needlework. Goods that we can confidently recommend for dura ,
bility , and will be offered at just one-half their actual value.
' i
45-Inch Swiss Embroidered Skirtings.
25 plocos 46-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , $1 a yard ; worth $1.4O.
25 pieces 45-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , 81.2O a yard ; worth $1.65.
25 pieces 46-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , $1.26 a yard ; worth $1.76.
3O pieces 46-Inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , $1.35 a yard ; worth $2.OO.
3O piooos 46-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , $1.5O a yard ; worth $2.25.
25 pieces 45-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting , $2.OO a yard ; worth $2.75.
22 1-2 Inch Swiss Embroidered Flouncing.
Wo will open Monday morning an immense assortment of new Swiss
and Nainsook Embroidered Flouncing , in pretty and dainty designs ; just
the right thing for Misses' Grotohon Dresses ; at 45c , 60c , 660 , 76c , 860 ,
$1.OO , $1.25 , $1.5O a yard. These are pe.rfeot gems of art , and genuine bar
New Black Ohantilly Flotmcings.
46-inch Black Ohantilly Loco Flouncings , $1.85 ; worth $2.35.
46-inch Blaoj 'phantilly Founcings , $2.1O ; worth $2.76.
46-inch BlaokTphantilly Lace Flounolngs , $2.36 ; worth $3.25.
46-inch Blaoki Ohantilly Flouncings , very fine quality and beautiful designs ,
at $3.5O , $3.85 , $4.OO , $4.25 , $6.OO , $5.76 , $6.OO. These are from $1,26
to $2.o6 a''yard under value.
Newii Iftatte Valenciennes Lace Flouncings.
46-inch FJatte Valenciennes Lace Flouncings at 85c , $1.25 , $1.38 , $1.65
$2.38. f f
Mabel Cheney and' ' Mabel Barber , who exe
cuted in splendidJBtylo the May polo danco.
June Mra. , iClarko , assisted by Mrs.
Howard , Alrs.f Woodman , Mrs. Alexander ,
Misses Thrafk.Balp6.uibe , Sherwood'Vjlcy ,
Alexander ami Him. .
July Mrs. Dubtiiso and Miss Congdon.
August Mrs. T. C. Brunner , assisted by
Mrs. Marshall , Misses House and Marshall.
September Mra. George I. Gilbert , as
sisted by Mrs. William P. Allen , Mrs. P. W.
Itichardson and Mrs. Lieutenant Chittendcn.
October Mrs. Harvey and Miss Plummer.
November and December Were repre
sented by a number of ladies comprising Mrs.
Sherrill , Mrs. Sherwood , Mra. Hustin and
Mrs. McMillan , who were also on the recep
tion committee.
Chit Clint.
Miss Bertha Yost is homo from sbhool.
Mrs. Harld P. Suyles is visiting her sister ,
Mrs. C. E. Yost.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irvine have removed
to 1810 Dodge street.
Miss Brewing , of Portland , Oregon , Is the
guest of Omaha friends.
The not proceeds of the great charily ball
of last week amounted to $541) ) .
Mr. W. A. Paxton ana family have moved
Into their palatial residence on Twenty-fifth
Miss Williams , a charming young lady
from Topeku , visited friends in this city last
Miss Dresser , a popular young society lady
of Lafayette , lud. , is the guest of friends in
this city.
At exposition hall next Tuesday evening
occurs the first ball of the Omaha Letter Car
riers' association.
Miss Sue McCord , ono of the handsomest
and brilliant of St. Joseph's many belles is
visiting in the city.
Miss Anna Patterson , of Council Bluffs , Is
visiting Miss Inez M. Haskell , ut 1424 North
Eighteenth street.
Wednesday evening at the Christian
church Mr. O. H. Deorics and Miss Flora * 3.
Cotcner were united in marriage.
The Esmerclda club gave another of .its delightful - ,
lightful parties on Monday ovcuing ut Ma
sonic helL About thirty couples attended.
The first entertainment for the Homo of
Workingwoinon was given at the Dodge
street rooms Monday enenlng and was an cu-
joyablo affair.
The marriage of Miss Rose Fisher , of Now
York , and guest of Mrs. Max Meyer , to Mr.
S. W. KindsKop. of this city , was a great
surprise to the friends of botti parties.
There was a very pleasant Leap Year party1
given last Tuesday evening at City Clerk
Southard's residence li ) KounUo' place.
About twelve gentlemen and their lady
escorts were present.
Mr. uniMrs. J. N. H. Patrick entertained
at dinner on Wednesday evening. Covers
were laid for twelve and the feast was simply
superb. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Patrick , . Mr. and Mrs. G. Knight-
Whita , MissvtWnkcloy , Miss Collins , Miss
Rustln , Miss/Gilfion , who is the guest of
General and Airs. Whcaton at the fort , Mr.
Arthur Wakcloy , Mr. Berlin and Mr. Charles
Saunders. L 'fi. , _ _
A. Prohibition Tragedy.
DES MOISES , la. , Feb. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the JJmiVrho Jury in the trial nt
Uoonc , of Josctip. A. Row for ttio shooting
of Constable Ho an , ut DCS Moines , brought
in u verdict , o jijanslaughter. Tula is the
coso that hag. , attracted so much attention
among prohibitionists , as Logan was
engaged in-ft enforcing the prohibi
tory law atitbei time ho was shot , about a
year ago. Row was the teamster for the
wholesale drutr'housc of Hurbut ; Hess 4t Co. ,
and had beea delivering so mo liquors on his
dray when arrested by Logan. The case
was taken to Boone on u change of venue.
and the trial engaged the services of noted
lawyers , includiifg ex-Governor Stone and
Judge Cole , of this city , for the defense ,
Colonel Hepburn , ex-congressman from the
Eighth district , for the prosecution.
WASHINGTOX , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE'r-Tho ] postoftlco nt Lena ,
Custer county , was discontinued to-day , The
name of the postofllco at Lyndon , Furnas
county , was .changed to-day to Hcndly , and
Thomas L. Jones appointed postmaster , vice
Daniel Donahue , resigned.
A Michigan boy. In a spirit of fun , tied lit
tle bocks on his dogs's fret one cold day re
cently. The tlog was delighted , and now re
fuses to go out 'without them when the
went her is cold ! *
Items of Interest to the Members of
the Secret Orders.
Masonic Gossip Doings of the Odd
Fellows The A. O. U. W. Sons
of St. George 1'ytlilnn News
General Items of Interest.
An Interesting Case.
Garfleld Ledge No. 72 , K. of P. , of Cal
ifornia , has been suspended for a period of
six mouths by the grand chancellor of that
The cause of tbo suspension is an interest
ing subject for discussion In secret society
circles. A man by the name of Kornaghan ,
a member of Garflold ledge , was tried and
convicted for the murder of his sister-in-law
in the fall of 1880. On September 33 , 188T ,
Kernaghan was hanged at San Francisco.
For several years Kernaghan had been a
member of Garfleld lodgo. As soon as ho
was convicted of the murder his ledge sus
pended him for a period of ninety-nine
years in accordance with the laws of the
Before the day of his execution Kornnghan
expressed a desire to confer with the o Ulcers
of Garllcld lodgo. Ono of these complied
with the request , and visited the condemned
man in his cell the day previous to the execu
Kernaghan , who was a man of Jsomo abil
ity , had invented an instantaneous brake for
railroad cars. To the representative of Gar-
Held lodge ho expressed his desire to be
queath the letters patent to his device to the
lodgo. At the sumo time ho made the re
quest that the ledge take charge of his re
mains In order to save them from the dissect
ing table.
The same evening Garfleld ledge held a
meeting and the matter was laid before the
members. The condemned man's request
was granted by a unanimous vote of the
After the execution and Inquest a commit
tee from Garflold ledge received the remains
and they were conveyed to the Masonic cem
etery and placed in a vault. On the follow
ing day the interment took place in the pres
ence of the .committee representing Gurfleld
The nqtlon of the ledge In taking charge of
the remains of the condemned man called
forth considerable comment from the Califor
nia knights , the grand chancellor of Califor
nia wrote thoC. C. of Gurflold lodge for the
particulars and the result was the suspen
sion of the Iodide for a period of six months
for violating the rules and principles of the
During the period of the suspension the
lodge is virtually out of existence , and no
benefit can bo derived by the members. Gar-
Held ledge has a membership of ninety-eight ,
and all the members will lose the sick bone-
tits of $10 per week , or a donation of $100 in
case of death during the period of six months.
The members are not allowed to Join any
other lodge of the order , and are consequently
deprived of their benefits.
The members of the suspended ledge claim
the'action of the grand chancellor was en
tirely too severe. They claim that by acced
ing to a dying man's request they simply ful
filled the principles of friendship , charity
and benevolence , while from the fact that
no service of the order was performed at the
grave , they hud not violated any express , law
of the association.
The case is especially Interesting In that it
has raised u question which without doubt Is
open to discussion.
A UKE representative called upon a leading
member of the order in Omaha and requested
his views upon the matter. "Thero is no
doubt , " said he , "that you will find conflict
ing views upon this subject among the best
of Pythian lawyers. If Garfleld lodge had
accorded a condemned man a burial under
the forms nud ceremonies of the order as
prescribed by ritual , there could bo no differ ,
encu of opinion on the question of their error-
They would undoubtedly merit the most se
vere punishment. Hut the action of Garflold
ledge was , an I understand it , to simply com
ply with the lust request of the comlcmnod
man by appointing a committee to receive his
remains and inter them. Then , toOj their
lodge accepted , the bequest of an Invention
.froto the proceeds Of which It was to defray
. * ' , t . . ' . . '
Flno Gambrio Corset Covers , high
and low nook , trlmmod with narrow
embroidery and laco.
Flno Ganibrio Corset .Covers , high
nock , V-slmpod front , trlmmod with
flno modlol lace and embroidery.
Flno Cambric Corset Covers , in a
variety of styles , square and low
nooks , embroidered , corded and
tuokod yokes , with luco and embroid
ery odgo.
Fine Cambria Corset Covers , low
and V-shaf > od nooks , yoke of Valon-
clonnos laoo , Swiss insertion.
Fine Muslin Skirts , oambrio ruffles ,
clusters of tucks.
Fine Muslin Skirts with deep hem ,
also ruffled , throe yards wide.
Fine Muslin Skirts with deep em
broidered ruffles , and clusters of
Fiuo Muslin Skirts with tuokod
cambrio flounce , trimmed with deep
Torchon lace and clusters of tucks.
Fiuo Cambrio Skirts , cambrio
flounoo with clusters of tucks ,
trlmmod with deep Medici laco.
Fine Muslin and Cambrio Skirts in
a variety of styles , elegantly
trimmed in embroidery , Val , Tor
chen and Medici laco.
Flno Muslin Mother Hubbard Night
Gown , yoke , cluster of largo and
small tucks , finished with flno em
broidered edge.
Flno Cambrio Night Gowns ,
Mother Hubbard , yoke clusters of
largo and small tucks , trimmed with
cambrio ruffle.
Fine Cambrio Night Gown ,
Mother Hubbard front , pleated back ,
trimmed with Val. lace , yoke , clus
ters of flno tucks and Val. lace inser
Fine Cambrio and Muslin Night
Gowns , trimmed with ombsoidory ,
Modioi , Torchon and Smyrna laces ,
elegant stylos.
Flno Muslin and Cambric Chemise ,
plain , also trimmed in embroidery ,
Torchon and Modioi laoo.
All the above made well , perfect
fitting , and at popular prices.
all the debts of the dying man. Hero are two
principles involved. One is the opportunity
to discharge a general duty of man to man ,
the other un opportunity to aid the cause of
right by the payment of a man's honest
debts. Of course this mini could have en
trusted this duty to some individual , but at
the last moment , ho perhaps , turned with
most tender thoughts to those with whom ho
had been hound in the strongest tics. True ,
lie had violated the friendship of these and
forfeited all claim upon them. Yet it will bo
conceded by many that the act of complying
with a dying man's request , when that com
pliance did not violate any express law of the
order , was not wrong , and while perhaps not
advisable as a rule , was in accordance with
P. , C. & B. , as Pythians understand it , in its
fullest sense. "
THE OMAHA lodge of Elks has nearly two
hundred members and the lodge is only two
years old.
AI.CWOE of n. P. OE\ \ will soon bo insti
tuted in Lincoln.
TIIK XBW officers oftho Mt. Shasta Divis
ion No. 16,1C. of P. are as follows : Captain.
Alexander MeNeill ; lieutenant , John Misc-
ner ; herald , Thomas Stroctzel : treasurer , J.
VV. MeFaddcn ; recorder , John Uidener.
THE OMMIA regiment , 1C. of. P. , will appear
in dress parade February 22 at 2 o'clock p. m.
TUIAXOI.E I.ODOK No. 54,1C. of P. , mot at
their ncvf hall on Saundcrs street last Thurs
day evening. This is one of the finest lodge
rooms in the west. There was work in the
second degree.
* *
ferred one degree on Friday night nud will
do the same work on Friday night of this
Tun Cooxcir , conferred the eighth and
ninth degrees on Tuesday evening.
Island April 14.
* #
TUB KxtoiiT TEMPLARS are preparing a
grand reception to tuko place in April.
THC MEUIIEIIS ol the American Legion of
Honor have reason to feel proud of their
order's record for 1887.
January 1 , 1887 , with nil reported claims
provided for , there was an available balance
in the supreme treasury of f. > 4,114. ( > ' - ! . This
balance made it practicable to draw all drafts
for death benefits as soon us the proof .of
death was illed. No benefit paying orga'n-
nizatlon can pay benefits from the cash on
hand more promptly than the American
Legion of Honor. An examination of its
books by any interested companion will
prove the truth of this statement.
The amount paid to the benefit fund dur
ing the year was ! , : jiiSiXi.70. ; ( Proofs of death
of 74H members were filed , amount of bene
fits $2,204,000. The assessment on the entire
membership amounts to f 100,045.4(1. ( leaving
an available balance on hand , with all ro-
iwrtcd deaths provided for , of ? lSy72.tW.
Seven hundred and deceased
forty-three mem
bers for whom benefits have been paid repre
sent upwards of it.GOO dependents of all ages ,
who in onu year alone have been greatly ben-
clitted by this order.
THE ANNUAL elcctioii'of Myrtle division ,
1C. of P. , took place Friday , when the follow
ing officers were installed : Captain , H. J.
Fuller ; first lieutenant , Simon Trostler , and
second lieutenant , Gcorgo W. Eastman.
IT WAS announced some time ago that the
Omaha lodge , No. 39 , H. P. O. Elks , would
go Friday night to Lincoln where it would
yesterday Institute a lodge of the order in
that city. The plan , however , was changed ,
and the institution willuot take place till
PMXBT LODGE No. 4.1C. of. P. will give a
ball in Kessler's on next Monday week. The
proceeds will be applied to the heroine fund.
GIIIUMIM GIIANI > Lowin of Perfection 14 °
A. A. S. U. of Cincinnati has tendered their
handsome Masonic cathedral for the uf > o of
the supreme lodge 1C of P.
THKIIE WILL bo a determined effort made
to have the next supreme ledge 1C. of P. ore-
ate a ladies' rank.
DEATHS OP bcneflcfuries In the endowment
rank 1C. of P. during the year 1867 occurred
In the following states ano territories ; Ala
Damn , 10 : Arkansas , ! ; California , (1 ( ; Colo.
rada.'J ; Connecticut,1 ; District of Columbia
7 ; Florida , 1 ; Georgia , U : Illinois , 11 : Indl'
ana , 0 ; Kansas , 4 ; Louisiana , 1(1 ( ; Maine , 4 *
Maryland , 1 ; Massachusetts'S ; Michigan , 3 ;
Minnesota. 8 ; Mlmtalpnl , 9 ; Mlwonrlll ! ;
Montana , a ; Nebraska , a ; Norndft , H : NOM
Hatnt | hlrc > , S ; New Jersey , 0 } New Mexico ,
1 ; New York , 23 ; North Carolina , 3ji Ohio ,
8 ; Pennsylvania , U ; lihodo Island , 3 : South
Carolina , 2 ; Tennessee , 0 ; Texas , ? 5 Vr | *
glnla : Washington territory , I ; Wisconsin ,
7 ; a total of 211. ,
* +
Tin : QUMtTrui.v statement of the MiprcmG
secretary of the E. It. , 1' . O. C. W. B. Ken
nedy , Allows as follows ! Total membership
last report ( September .10) ) , HUM ; .oflrtlli-
coin * Issued during quarter , 34J ; reinstate
ments and ndmUMons by curd , forty total ,
10,1)31 ) ; rcsgnntlonR ! , forfeitures and with
drawals , 1UO ; dcothvl,00fl rate , , twelve }
2,000 , twenty-three : fil.OOO , thirty-tour ; total
membership in force , 10,78'J ; receipt * during
the quarter , 1123,148.47 ; balnnco on hand last
qmuter , fSS.OW.S 1 ; remitted by S. S. to S.
M. of E. , $123,142.77 ; warrants drawn during
during quarter , tIrt7f > 24.42 ; bixlmico oil hand
January I , 1&S8 , WO.ClS.ll ) ; amount of death
benefit * paid during quarter , # 100,000 ; total
paid to date , f ,101SH. (
* *
Ox TIII : subject as to how the suspension
of the grand ledge of Pentnylvmilu will nf-
feet members of the endowment rank ; , Supreme
premo Chuiuvllor Howard Douglass sai's :
"Tho rights of members will not bo affected
who are members of loyal lodges. "
* >
AT TIIK session of the supreme lodge ,
Knight of Pythias , in Ciilclnnati in Juno
next , there Will bo six prl/es offered to ill-
visions entering the contest and drilling
therefor , us follows :
First prizo.eush , $1,200 ; Boeond pnw , cash ,
fcMH ) ; third prln ; , cash , $000 ; fourth pvl/o ,
cush , S400 ; fifth prize , cash , ? 200 ; sixth prize ,
There w'll ' bo no classes as heretofore , anil
the above prl/os are open and free to 'all '
contestants. i
The following prize is offered for the best
battalion drill , frco for all contestant * : A
stand of regimental colors , to consist at a
uniform rank , Knights of Pythlns rcMmetitnl
Hag , n United State * regulation silk flag ,
and two uniform rank regulation markers ,
the whole to cost not less than f40i ) . >
Thu following prizes are also offered : To
the division traveling the longest distance by
the most direct railroad route in order to
reach Cincinnati for the supreme ledge ses
sion , cash 100.
The division must be composed of not lesi
than twenty-four sir knights and three com
missioned officers , and must take part in the
general parade on Tuesday , Juno 12 , 1833.
A band tournament will be held at Muski
hull , and the following prizes will bo given
for the best brass or nilver bands : First
prize , $500 ; second prize , fclOO : third pri/e ,
Bands entering this contest must take part
In the general parade. Cincinnati bands will
not bo permlUcd to compote.
TIIK first meeting o ? * ho committee ol ar
rangements for the next triennial conclave ,
which consists of nine members from i'a'ci | of
the four 1C. T. cominanderies hi Washing
ton , was held rcccntlv. Arrangements nro
being made for the presence of 50,000 Sir
Knights in ISS'.I.
# *
TIIK Hoynl Arcanum's annual stalls ties
show 80,000 members , u gain of 0,000 In 1887 ,
or un average of 750 per month. There were
700deaths during the year , or about nine , in
every 1,000. The amount of money collec'i'l
during the year was tU,000OOOon , fourteen mi
scssments , which is less than any siniip1-
society has called in the year. The order m
now in its eleventh year and has paid 102 as
sessments , or about ten per year , which is
lower by nearly half than any secret society
in this or any other country. The fallacy
that a 1,000 rate is a disadvantage to an en
dowment society Is best refuted In the suc
cess of the Hoynl Arcanum.
Tin : SKCKIIIXO grand ledge A. O. U. W. , of
Iowa which once numbered 11,000 members ,
has now only about 5.000 members left , while
these who stood by the supreme lodge are In
creasing every year and now number moro
than the seceding grand lodgo.
vania lias U3,000 members.
Aroi.t.o I.ODOE , No.123,1. O. O. F. at San
Francisco has assets of about $ Ur , > 00 , and has
so Judiciously invested its surplus as to
secure an-annual revenue of some 2,000 Inde
pendent of dues and regular ledge receipts.
Tun Ixnii'KxmxT : : 6iuuu of B'nul B'rlth
held Its twenty-fifth annual session in Sun
Francisco January 25.
THE MRMIIKUS of the Ancient Accepted
Scottish Kite in Now York have purchased
for $120,000 the Hutcero Unformed Presby
terian church corner , of Madison avenue and
Twenty-third street , and will occupy it in a
few month * . The dedication ceremonies will
bo very clabot ate.
Tin ; Titir.xxiAi , Ci.un of Do Molay Com-
mandcry at Bloomington , 111. , has accumu
lated $1,0.10 for expenses nt the next Trien
nial Conclave. It was raised by the payment
of ? 3 per month by each member. *
THE juxioii OUIIKU of United American
Mechanics is a society which although only
having un existence of a year in Omaha is al
ready beginninlng to have a largo member
ship. The objects of the order are :
First To muhitaln and promote the inter
ests of Americans , and shield them from the
depressing effects of foreign competition ! .
Second To assist Americana in obtaining
Third To encourage Americans In busi
' '
Fourth To establish a sick and funeral
fund. 11
Fifth To maintain the public school sys
tem of the United States of America , and. to
prevent Rcetarinii interference therewith ,
and uphold the reading of the Holy Blblo
therein. 11
The objects of the order can not be , al
tered unless proposed in writing at a previous
stated meeting , and n cony of the said altera
tion must bo transmitted to each member 'of '
tho. tody , and if adopted , the alteration shall
bo submitted to the members of the order for
a vote thorcon , and if approved by a majority ,
the alteration shall become part of the con
The society meets on Tuesday evenings at
1821 Douglas street. '
A NKW K. of P. loSgo has been
llshcd in Hloomington , Nob.Its
number will bo id , and the membership will
comprise the leading citi/ens of that flourish
ing town of southern Nobroska.
. Lonae , No. 217 , Order Sons
of Saint George , of this city , has .In
stalled Urn following officers for the ensuing
year : Worthy president , Harry Morton ;
worthy vlco-president , Chus. Hill : worthy
secretary , Harry Evans ; worthy treasurer ,
H. Schotchley ; prelate , Joseph Dev ; mcsson-
ger , J. Hooves ; Inside sentinel , - -OOt- ; :
sldo sentinel , . ! . Uobblns ; trustees , Ed Ay ros ,
J. Strubllug and John Douglas. This , order
is composed exclusively of Englishmen , and
is under the supervision of the district deputy
grand worthy president , W. H. Adams , of
this Jurisdiction. Shakespeare ledge tuHs
out with its second year with u membership
of fifty , and this year promises to be ono of
renewed energy and success. The charter of
this lodge it still open , and un earnest , invita
tion is extended to Englishmen to cbmo into
the fold. i ,
OMAHA DIVISION , K. of P. , have elected
the following officers for the ensuing year :
John Hayward , captain ; George Pousnor
fii-ht lieutenant ; diet Mcndcnhall , HccQDd
lieutenant ; J. Fred Haluswortli , recorder.
and A. Wolff treasurer. Captain Haywurd
was honored by re-election. Thcso officers
were installed by Colonel II. J. Wells , the
quartermaster general. This is the first
company to Install Its officers. It seems to
have heard that Hlack Eagle division is
pluming itself on its knowledge of tactics
and iU nbilltvlndrilllngand somoof.its mem
bers desire the division of the uubla sky-king
to know that Omaha division has money ,
marbles and chalk , especially chalk , which
nays that it can vanquish the former in a
competitive exhibition. t
. *
Ox NKXT Wednesday , the 22nd Inst. , the
Omaha Second regiment Knights of Pythias
will give a grand parudo through the streets
of the city , by way of celebrating Washing
ton's birthday , IIH also the twenty-third
anniversary of the institution of the uniform
rank of the order. The ten divisions com
posing the. regiment will take port in' ' the
parade us also the brigadier-general and his
TIIK SKW hall of Good" rich ledge 144 I. O. O.
P. will bo dedicated Tuesday Fob. 23 in the
afternoon , and in the evening the members
limit heir friends will devote their attention
to literury.cxcrcUei ) ; ' Juneing'aud fcustiug. '
1 . ' . . ; . . . . . . > !