Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    w ? r $ irw"R ) < !
t , ho Houoo Oommlttoo May Not
i. Report For Three Weeks.
I. t
tfh. . _
fUtonlnhcd at the Corrupt and Tymfi
nical Practices oft lie Horn ! Ing Cor
poration * Buimot Cox After
Chair m nn Springer's Hcnlp.
v Tnrdjr Ilcfiirmer * .
F 7:1 : . 51B FouirntBNTn STRUCT , V
? ' / WASHINGTON. D. C. , Feb. 13.1
* * , lM Neither house of congress was in session
. Jto-day. To the surprise of almost everybody
/'iho lower brunch adjourned on yesterday till
Monday , notwithstanding the fuel that to-day
was mudo n special order for the committee
on foreign nITulrs. The house seems to delight -
light in doing nothing. The tariff bills delay
everything In the house continues to wall for
the tariff bill. There was a report current
to-day that Chairman Miller had said that
the bill would bo laid before the committee
on ways nnd means in time for its report to
the house nt the end of next week , but I made
diligent Inquiry among the democratic members -
, bors of the committee and learned thnt It
ftvpuld surprise them if the measure reached
the house before the 1st of March ; that in
point of fact the bill may not bo completed
lor three weeks and the democrats of the
committee , who are compiling the measure ,
continue to make slow progress nnd to hnvo
heated discussions nt times. It took a good
tnany days of wrangling to dccldo that free
wool should head the bill. Then the sugar
question cnmo as the most serious bono of
contention which arose. It had not yet been
definitely decided what notion will bo taken
on this subject , although it is generally un
derstood that a reduction of duty amounting
to 20 or 25 per cent will bo proposed. There
have been very few things definitely passed
Upon In the bill nnd It will bo subjected to
"Very wldo revision.
Senator Paddock was busy in ills' commit
tee room all day preparing data nnd sluto-
kncnts in support of his bill providing for
buildings for imstoftlocs In small cities.
Senator Mnndcrson was also at work in his
committee room on measures of a various
Representative McShano was on the floor
j Of the house n part of the tlmo engaged In bo-
r half of his Omnho building bill. Ho Is confi-
fe" flent thnt ho will bo successful in getting the
full umount appropriated when the bill is
Bent to the conferencecommittee. .
Groups of members wore gathered to-day
In committee rooms and on the lounges around
the floor of the house discussing various meas
ures and the outlook for the coming week.
There is nothing in view of great Interest.
fcfaxt week the committee designated for tha
puri > ese will begin the Investigation into the
Affairs of the government printing ofllco and
trusts. Considerable comment was made
-upon the ) change of attitude assumed by
Chairman Tillman , of the comniittca which
Went to Philadelphia this week to investigate
the Heading railroad strikes. Mr. Tillman
Was , as I stated some tlmo ago , at
first very much opposed to the in
vestigation and especially to congressional
Interference in such matters. Ho did
hot think that the strikers were in the right
tnd some surprise was expressed to-day that
ho should.Imvo turned HO positively against
the corporation ho is investigating. Mr. Till
tnan had , however , a chnngca > f heart before
ho leftrhoro for Philadelphia with the com-
rnittco. Ho WHS greatly astonished to learn
that there was an avocation tax levied in
Pennsylvania amounting to about $100 a year
Upon coal miners nnd laborers and very
greatly amazed to leuni that in many In-
li'Btanccs these taxes were not paid to state col
lectors but to the railroad and mining com
pany which turned them over to the collec
tors und charged the men who paid thorn 2
per cent extra. This wns n revolution to Till-
tnnn which he had never heard of in South
Carolina or anywhere else , nnd ho at once
became opposed to corporations. These who
talked with him Just before his departure
Vrero not nt all surprised to read of his seVere -
Vero comments upon tha nction of the corjwr-
btlons nnd his tendency to press the officials
' ' ( or nn exposure of their tyrnncnlJcorrupt am
hboinlnablo practice. It is believed now that
Iho work of the committee will bo very t'rult-
, * ul nnd that It will expose a very reprchcnsl
utrio condition of affairs among the laborers In
Pennsylvania und that it will lead to import-
nut legislation In congress.
cox "LAYING FOR" Hi'iiiNann.
Sunset Cox threatens to Hay Chairman
* T3prlnger , of the committee ou territories as
Boon as the omnibus bill , which admits to
statehood Now MexlcoWashlngton , Montana
pntl Dakota territories , conies before the
house , Mr. Cox has resigned his position on
that committee so that ho can act inde
pendently und. as much as ho dislikes
( Springer personally the affair Is expected to
( Bow at high tldo when this bill nnd oVfrcrs
rfrpm the committee come up for passage.
Cox ( s to bo the leader of the democratic aide
of the opposition tO'that portion of the bill
vrhluh admits Dakota to statehood as a whole.
Hi ) bus made Investigation and says ho ilnds
i-i largo majority of the people there want a
division of the territory and the admission to
Btatehood of the southern half. Ho says ho
does not care about the politics involved in It
kind thnt he shall therefore vote for the
wishes of the majority. Several democrats
Bald to-day that they would not bo surprised
to see n largo number go over from their side
to the republicans and the bill passed so ns to
divide Dakota and mnkq.u state of the south
ern half of it as the conventions out there
. had requested nnd the people demanded.
iV Representative McSlmnc said to-uight that
ho would vote for the division of Dakota on
un cast and west line nnd the admission of
jstho southern half to statehood ns requested
by the majority of the voters in the territory.
Mr. McShauo says Unit the question is one of
Justice nnd pleasing to the largest number of
people In the territory nnd thnt politics
ehould not bo permitted to enter into the
case. This announcement will give the
Omaha representative additional strength
hero nnd throughout the country.
Mr. linker , of New York , who Is a member
of the house committee ou territories , tells
ijno that Chalrmiui Springer has promised
c that n fair vote shall be hud In the house on
the Uukcr bill to divide Dakota und admit
the southern half to statehood. It will , iu nil
, probability , bo passed If such n vote Is taken ,
' iind there is no que'stiou about its success m
the senate.
The debate U expected to bo very exciting
nnd its result to imitate In a measure that
of the Lowrey-Whlto contested election from
Jndlano recently. The senate will demand a
division of Dakota nnd there are nt least two
democrats In that body who nro pledged to
BUPirart division und admission of the southern
half to statehood.
A hearing was to-day granted by the sen
ate committee on the District of Columbia to
these who wanted to tulle pro nnd con on the
bill providing for prohibition in the District
of Columbia. The room was full of i > eoplo ,
mostly women. Among these who spoke for
prohibition nt the national capital was Mrs.
liittcnbander of Nebraska , representing the
Christian Temperance union. Mrs. Bitten-
bnnder , ns a part of her argument , read an
article ou the subject of prohibition written
by Senator Ingulls und which appeared
Jn the Chautuuqunn. In this article
the senator set forth tbo merits and
the defects of prohibition aa exemplified
* in Kansas. In that article the senator as-
Bcrtad that not a single dram shop was open
In Kansas from the Missouri to Colorado ; thut
I'vrlnlo liquor was clandestinely conveyed Into
the state the condition of the jxjoplo of Kau
nas was much. more prosperous ; they were
inoro contented ; debts wore more promptly
paid and no financial disasters had resulted
from prohibition. The rending of this very
emphatic endorsement of prohibition from
Senator Ingulls , who is chairman of tho. com-
jnltteo before which the arguments were
being board , elicited applause from tic |
Jwliea present and the lady speaker thanked
the senator for the aid ho had thus Riven the
cause she labored for.
At Willard's ' hall on next Wednesday
morning the National Democratic Commit
tee will meet to ngrco upon a place and the
date for holding iho nominating convention.
San Francisco , Chicago , St. Louis nnd New
York will have advocates hero for the con
vention. The first named city is making
rapid strides in public favor ana it bcu'ins to
look llko it would got It. There Is a reimrt
current that Governor Hill's friends are
trying to have the convention hold In New
Thcro nro now almost ton thousand persons
who live In foreign countries who receive
pensions from the government. All are paid
through the pension ngcncy In this district
by International money order. Most of them
live in Canada. A Japanese woman , the
wife of a deceased seaman , is among the
foreigners who receive pensions. She signs
the vouchers In Japanese characters. Among
these who get their pensions , hero are Gen
erals Edward Healo , John C. Fremont ,
Crocker , Shcnck , Powell nnd Black. Repre
sentatives Laird , Houk nnd Grosvcrner nnd
Assistant Lund Commissioner Stockslngcr.
Pr.nni S. HEATH.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Fob. IS.-'fSpcclul Telegram
to the HHK.I The following pensions were
Issued to-day : Pensions for Nebraskans : In
crease .Joseph Frederick , Hulo ; Zlna Nor
ton , Indinnola ; Hansom Shores , Exeter ; Jo-
slah W. Snider , Arapnhoo. Uclssuo Whlta-
ker Jnync , Cambbcll ; Munford J. Street , deceased
ceased , JWlnnobugo , endlng Tuly 4 , 1831 ; John
li. Ducy , Filloy. Increase Albert Wiker ,
Nonpareil ; Hiram W. Goble , Guide Hock ;
Johnson Lidgard , Lincoln ; Ira Uankson ,
Davenport ; William A. Young , Hubbcl ; Har
vey G. French , insane , . Blair ; Cornelius S.
Wymoro , Liberty. Kclssue Adam W. Zim
merman , Gibbon.
Pensions for lowuns : Original invalid
Leonard W. Southern , Fonda ; Anderson D.
Acheson , Ains worth ; Htrnm Lucas , What
Cheer ; Hansom H. Bronnenstul , Crcston ;
Charles E. Gregg , Marion ; Thomas L. David
son , DCS Mnincs. Increase Gcorgo I. Covert -
ort , Ccdcr Rapids ; . Henry Stoddard , Lanioni ;
John Frey , Guison ; John Lave , Huwlcyvillo ;
Isaac Huffman , Fairtlcld ; John C. McFahr-
Idge , Iconerlm ; James Wolf , Mt. Auburn ,
Samuel II. Horsey , Crotou ; Cyrus B. Noble ,
Ottumwn ; James M. Mathtes , Farmlngton ;
Wnld Ford , Cedar Falls ; William H. West ,
Ottumwa ; Sacker Wyntt. Locey ; Rudolph
'Mlnger , Guttenberg ( William II. Burns ,
North English ; John D. Chambers , Boons-
bore ; George Hoffman , Ft. Meri
dian ; William M. Winning , Bedford ;
David G. Lytlo. Newton ; Thomas Barr ,
Shcllsburgh ; Robert D. Hodman , Musca-
tlno ; Joseph F. Hunker , Pleasant villo ;
Charles P. Collins , Charles City ; Gcorgo
Suntleld , Wlnterset. Origldal widows-
Maria , widow of John Parish , N" uaOrig -
nal invalid Charles W. Taylor. Keokuk ;
Chancy Niel , Millersburgh ; Jonathan Curtis ,
Sioux City ; Willurd M. Welshcr , Mount
Ayr ; John Snodgrnss , iSmoltno. Increase
Thomas. ! . Wright , Jr. , DeSoto : Wlilluui E.
Brown , Unionvillo ; Allen N. Bennt , Fair-
bunk ; William H. Shnfer. Zearing : Daniel
Ross , Iowa City ; William B. Weaver , Boone ;
James Robinson , Lucas ; John Holmes ; Grin-
neil ; George T.Cass , Dakotah ; James McDcr-
mott , Charlotte ; Richard B. Moraln , Perry ;
Robert L. Littlebridgo , Rockwell ; William
Westphal , Fort Madison ; Ottis Dean , Alca-
dla ; Benjamin F. Yutes Bulo ; Joseph A.
Hill , Warsaw ; Thomas W. Mitchell , lias-
sett ; John Fox , Council Bluffs ; George W.
Hustod , Mnrengo ; James Deal , Ida Grove ;
William M. Burrows , Gravity ! William Bix-
lor. Quiucy ; Lilburn Johnson , Llncvlllo.
Relssuo Christian Turner , Fairfleld. Origi
nal , ( widows , etc. , ) Caroline , widow of John
R. Gibson , Falrfluld ; Abbio E. , widow of
Baron H. Crane , Mt. Jackson.
Ruddlck Decides That BillIngs -
Ings Can Get Justice at AVavcrly.
WAVEULV , la. , Fob. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to thq BEE. ] This morning Judge Hud-
dick overruled the motion * for a change of
venue in tho.Billirigs , murder case , holding
that as to himself his state of mind was such
that ho could preside ut the trial and deal out
vcnhandcd Justice , also that from the ua-
uro of the showing made by counsel for the
late ho was sntisfled that the case can bo
rled In Waverly and Justice done Billings.
iU Billings' request u special term of the dis-
, rict court will bo held hero for the trial
f the case beginning April 3.
The defense procured- number of
nftldavits to prove that Billings could not get
n fair trial In either Breiner , Butler or
Floyd counties. The state was compelled to
do the same nnd in the county of Brcmcr
; ilono 575 peed men from various parts
thereof made oath before notaries public
that such Is not tho.cnso . in Bremcr and
similar showings were produced from tno
citizens of the other two counties in largo
numbers. Able arguments were made before
the court by the attorneys for the state ,
Messrs. Dawson & Ellis and for the defense
by Mr. Eaton.
Child Renters Found Guilty.
CENTEHVIM.E , la. , Fqb. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK. ] The most Interesting and
.mportant case that has been docketed for
some time has Just been finished before his
honor Judge Stuart. It Is the cuso of the
stnte vs Mr. nnd Mrs , Harvey Morkloy for
assault with intent to commit murder on the
person of a little ten-year-old girl which they
had adopted. Both were found guilty. From
the testimony of several witnesses It appears
that the child , has been treated In a horrible
manner. Sores nro to bo found nil over Its
body , which .wero caused by burning
with a hot iron nnd .beating with sticks and
straps. The child's own testimony is a
strong proof of the many different modes of
torture that she hud to bear. The case was
commenced the first of the week , nnd the
Jury returned a verdict nt 10 o'clock this
evening. The court room has been crowded
all the week. A grcut deal of public Interest
and sympathy has been worked up In favor
of the little girl. Tbo defense made a motion
for n now trial which was overruled , nnd
both defendants were sentenced to the peni
tentiary for flvo years each. They will
appeal. _
Moro Liquor -Houses Closed.
Sioux CITY , In. , Feb. IS. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The Law and Order
league to-day began putting the finishing
touches on the war on the whisky. The entire -
tire stocks of the wholesale liquor houses of
Ressglcu & Lerch wcro seized by the sheriff
this afternoon. These nro the only remain
ing liquor houses. From them the few sur
viving holes-in-tho-wall were supplied. These
houses were operated under permits granted
by the board of supervisors to sell for certain
legal purposes. The Law & Order league
claims to have abundant evidence to show
gross violations of the law and
indiscriminate selling for Illegal purposes , so
the stocks which 'havo been seized will bo
confiscated nnd destroyed. Moreover the
violation of law works forfeiture of | > crniits
nnd permanent injunctions will Issue against
the places ns nuisances. There Is ono other
.liquor house , that of Joe Marks , but ho is
only doing out his stock nnd ho is allowed by
the league to do this only under heavy bonds
to go out of the business on the 1st of May.
Entirely Too Sensational.
DES Moisus , la. , Fob. IS. ( Special Tola-
grnmtothoBEi : . ! It Is reported hero late
to-night that the Colfasc Sensation , a weekly
society paper , has been refused admission to
the malls by the jxstmaster general. It was
devoted to personalities about prominent
people iu a very brood und reckless manner
and sharply assailed members of the legisla
Broke Ills Neck.
CALLIOPE , Iu. , Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] While Peter L. Edwards , a
farmer living n few miles west of hero in
Dakota , was working with a corn shelter
to-day the tumbling rod became detached and
struck him on the ncpk , breaking it and kill
ing him instantly.
Found Guilty of Murder.
Los ASOKLKS. Cm. , Fab. 18. Frederick
Auschlug , who murdered Charles B. Hitch
cock und wife near Santa Ana January 24 ,
wns to-day found guilty of niurder'lutho flral
dcgreO. , ,
A Oold-Bloodod Orlmo Almost
Without a ParalleL
After Kilting Ills Brother Ho Attempt *
the Ijtfo of Another Man A
Suicide at Wnhoo
Htato News.
The Itashvlllo Murder.
Rcsnvit.i.K , Nob. , Feb. 18. [ Special to the
UKK. ] Early on Mnndity morning , January
80 , a murder ot the moat atrocious and re
volting character was committed about
fifteen miles northwest of this place ou
White Clay crock In this county.
John Carter , the murderer and Thomas
Carter , his victim , are brothers. The former
Is a homesteader and married ; the latter a
prompter and single , Tbqir claims" are In
the Pine Ultimo country nnd Imvo.on them
mord.or less of plno timber. John haying no
team was in debt to Tom for thu use of his.
On the day previous to the tragedy Tom
culled on his brother to scctfro his help the
next day nt cutting timber , the effort ending
In a failure and on angry disagreement ,
whereupon ono C. W. Wlnklo was engage
Instead , and the work of felling trees was
together commenced by them at day-break
the following morning.
They had barely begun when John with his
axe ap | > carcd on the scene , which was on the
steep side of a ravine , remarking ns ho tip-
preached , "You've got to work pretty early
this morning 1"
A scaffold being necessary about the trco
to bo felled , Tom and his assistant were busy
thereat , the latter being some flftcen feet
feet below the former , cutting material with
his back toward the other men , when at
tracted by some nolso he turned to look nnd
saw nt ono glance Thomas Carter lying deaden
on the ground , and close behind htm John
Carter with raised axe.
"You , I will kill you ,
too , " ho exclaimed , and started for Winkle.
Quick as a flash Wiuklo whirled round a
tree , close to which ho Was standing , and 'at
tempted to escape by leaping down the .steep
nnd rocky declivity. His flight was unfort
unately Interrupted by three fulls , In which
ho fractured three ribs. Carter was in close
pursuit , and the two reached the bottom of
the canyon together.
At this point ensued a struggle for the
possession of the uplifted axe , which Wlnklo
then saw was covered with blood nnd hair ,
as ho quickly grabbed hold of its'handlo with
both hands and wrestled with his antagonist.
Hcing a man of good muscle and calculation ,
as he pushed and pulled with his enemy , he ,
by artfully turning quickly to ono side as
tnu former was making a vigorous
push , succeeded In flinging him unexpectedly
around nnd down squarely on his back. Im
proving the opjMjrtunity thus offered ho
mndo good his escape. Hastening to Tom's
stable he mounted a horse and alarmed the
neighbors who gathered as soon as possible
and surrounded the murderer's house , who
meanwhile had gone home , washed the blood
oft his axe , hid it in the pig pen and then
busied himself about his residence , making
no effort to escape.
The body of the dead man was brought to
Rushvillo. The axe had apparently been
sunk to IU eye cross-wise , almost completely
cutting the skull in two. Death must have
been instantaneous.
Lynching was talked of but it was finally
decided to leave the murderer in the hands
of the law. Sheriff Hoscncranz was immedi
ately notified and arrested Carter in his own
house about 3 p. m. the same day. The legal
forms usual in such cases have been gone
through with and the criminal now waits in
: he county jail the action of the April term of ,
ho district court.
Carter'is an Englishman b'y birth and came
ivest from Ohio. H9 is about thirty-tlvo ,
years old , about ll i feet eight inches'high ,
with light sandy hair , andJienrd j id com-
lexion to match. 'Ho"Is"strongly builr/with
remarkably thick neck. Ho has the repii-
.atlon of being a quarrelsome , domineering
Mid dangerous man.
By the Hope Route.
WAIIOO , Neb. , Feb. 18. [ Special to the
BnE. ] August Anderson , n farmer living
.wo miles northeast of Mead , hung himself
, hls morning. Ho was u woll-to-do citizen ,
fifty years old , and leaves a wife and several
hiltlrcn. No cause is known for his act.
Nebraska CltyVPnrk.
NBDIUSKA CITV , Neb. , Feb. 18. [ Special
Telegram to the 13r.E , | G. W. Treat , us agent
"or J. Sterling Morton , io-dav purchased
; ho Fulton tract of school land nnd will
donate it to the city. It will make the hand-
lOmest park in the state.
A Prominent Denver Man Takes Ills
Lilfo to Escape Disgrace.
DBXVEU. Colo. , Feb. 18. [ SpecialTelegram
to the UEB. ] L. T. Lindsay , head clerk in
ono of the departments of the United States
.and ofllco hero , committed suicide at his real
donee No. 2323 Curtis street late last night
by swallowingtwo ounces of laudanum and
lien cutting his throat with a razor.
Ho left his desk at the land office at 2
o'clock and did not return. His son , who Is
also employed there , fearing that something
had happened to his father went In search of
him and late in the evening discovered the
object of his search lying face down on a
pile of coal In the collar of his house an empty
laudanum bo'ttlo and razor lying beside him
and his throat cut from ear to ear. The do
; cased was once a very wealthy man in Ten
lessee but lately lost his property whlcli
ins greatly dlsprcsscd him" . Last night the
only reason given for tho'nct by his family
and friends ' was despondency caused by
financial'trouble , but to-day It is learned that
ho was short In his accounts ana his Inability
to replace the money forced him to suicide.
An examination of his books was commenced
yesterday afternoon nnd after a brief scarcl
a shortage of about $400 was found in onn
lump. Lindsay was very much taken back
at tills development nnd said ho would go out
and fix the matter up and then return , but ho
never came back to the ofllco after this. To
day further examination was made into the
accounts alid Land Receiver Kills found
further defalcations amounting to seine
$5,000. ,
Shot His Father By Accident.
Colo. , Feb. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hue ] A sad accident occurred
yesterday morning nt a ranch ( on the 'North
Golden road , about six miles from this city ,
by which Joseph Stobnlngs. n gardener , was
shot by his son , and from the effects of which
ho died in a short time. Young Stubbing *
and his father had lust conio In from work.
The father seated himself while the son
went over to the shelf nnd took down n gnu
heavily loaded with shot and slugs. The
boy had the gun in his hands but n few
minutes when it was discharged , the load
striking the father in the thigh , shattering
the bono Into splinters , tearing the HesU into
strips. Largo bits of bono protruded and the
arteries and tendons | were exposed to sight.
Mr. Stobbings was an old manslxty-flvoyears
of age , and leaves two sons and u daughter.
Bourbons flanquet at Providence.
PIIOVIDESCE , R. I. , Feb. 19. The Commer
cial club held a banqct to-night at the Nurra-
gansett hotel , when 200 members and guests
sat down. The chiefly distinguished guests
of the evening were Uogcr Q. Mills , of Texas ,
chairman of tno house of ways and moans
committee , and W. C. P. Ureckenridgc , of
Kentucky , of tbo same committee , who dis
cussed tariff reform. Ex-Congressman
Crape , of Massachusetts , took sides with the
Bcntluicuts expressed in the president's incs-
An Accident in a Theater.
CLEVELAND O. , Fob. 18. The railing sup
porting-tho. gallery in the Peoples theater at
Youngstown , O. , gave way to-night Just ns
the curtain was about going down , procipl-
tating the occupants to the floor below. Sev
eral people were badly injured and a panic
was narrowly avoided.
Ilia Accomplice Tells How Millionaire
Snell Wan Murdered.
CHICAGO , Feb. 18. The man who assisted
the murderer of Millionaire Snell by stand
ing watch outsldo while his residence Was
being robbed , Is behind the prison bars. His
arrcxt was mndo to-day , nnd the police have
already secured a full confession from the
prisoner. It conflr qfc beyond ilpubt the state
ment that the murd ar Is young William 13.
Tatcott , the son of Cftoncl J. H. Tnseott , the
wealthy niauufacUJRr. The man wrested
to-day made TascoU's acquaintance this win
ter In the Garden City billiard hall ou West
Madison street , nnd for several weeks
they have been together every day. The
morning that Mr. Sell's house was to bo
robbed ho and Taccolt'wcnt to the house to
gether. JTascott went Inside , leaving his coin-
nido on the sidewalk. After the murder was
committed Tascott hurried out , grabbed his
companion by the .arm , and together they
went to Tnscott's lodgings on West Madison
street , whore they remained several hours.
Tascott told all and the other was so horrltlcd
and so afraid ho would bo charged with the
murder himsetf that ho refrained from giving
information to the | x > llce . do made a sworn
statement to-'flny and satisfied the police that
ho was .felling- the truth. The police refuse
to reveal the name ofth , < 5 prisoner.
Reported From IJOH Angeles.
Ctuckoo , Fob , 18. The Associated press
from Los Angeles , Cal. , this evening stated
that the theory prevailed thcro that the man
who was lodged In Jail Wednesday night for
burglary , and who escaped In a few hours , is
W. B. Tnscott , wanted in Chicago for the
murder of A. J. Snell. "This dispatch was
shown to Inspector lion field and the detec
tives , who showed plainly that the news was
in the line of ono of their principal theories
as to the direction of the flight of the mur
derer. Tuscott's bo.dy is peculiarly marked ,
thus affording certain means of Identifica
tion , He has a scar on his right hip where
ho was shot when attempting to escape from
the Kentucky penitentiary. There were also
scars , some perhaps yet unhcalcd , on his
right leg and one kuco and on both elbows ,
the result of wearing a ball nnd chain. Tas ;
cott's'Upper front teeth exhibited gold filling
along the edge , and show prominently , the
upper lip being slightly drawn back.
Considerable speculation has been engaged
In us to how.tho police managed to identify
the mysterious roomer on West Madison
street as Tascott. It is now learned that It
was his mistress , Jennie Clifford , who gave
the Information to the police. Tascott had
talk-cd in his sleep and had not told his own
name , but frequently mndo reference with
oaths , to "Old Snell" nnd gave nn Inkling of
an attack upon his own father. The woman
gathered from the disjointed expressions of
his troubled sleep that Tascott proposed to
force his father to give him money and an
interest in the business and not succeeding
would plunder the family residence , taking
the same desperate risks that led to the kill
ing of Snell. It was ascertained this evening
that Tascott , after leaving his lodging
the morning of the murder , ' boarded a train
for Oak Park on the Northwestern railway ,
where his brother lived. Ho remained there
all day and disappeared in the evening. It
Is quite possible ho boarded the Omaha express -
press at Oak Park and made his way to the
Pacific slope. Tascott Is not as old as first
reported. He Is but fcwcnty-ono and Instead
of being five feet ten Inches , is probably not
over five feet eight and a Juilf. Ono of his
chief traits is his fondness for pool playing
nnd his cxpertncss lit thclearno , The police
to-night are getting out' ' additional circulars
laying stress ou thd filet that , although nu-
parently a light wclgh't and almost cfilmino
in appearance , ho isjiji reality an athlete.
Testimony Regarding the Had Faith
Practiced Toward the Strikers.
Piiii.AUELi'iiiA , Fdb1. ' 'IB. The congres
sional itivestigntingfommissioii resumed its
Inquiry this mornlng-into'tho Reading strike ,
the first witness beiagr Ggieral Superintend
ent J-hvoigartf > > .of thJReadnrg | railroad com-i
pan'y , who was recallfe to enable him to put *
iu evidence. . the toxabjC iho agreement made
with the employes of tho'railroad company.
The clause of the agreement which was read
was that every man should receive n fair trial
in case of nn accident that might have oc
curred through carelessness.
John Morris , ono of the editors of the Phil
adelphia Record , said the Reading railroad
wat ono of the most profitable roads in the
country. Its losses came from
the necessity of paying interest
on Its enormous debt which was the result of
the policy of combining the business of n cur-
ior with that of n minor. The witness went
nto a long statement of facts to show that
the Reading railroad company had failed and
refused to do Its duty under the law as a com
mon carrier. Witness quoted voluminous
figures to show that the Reading railroad and
the Reading Coal and Iron company was taxIng -
Ing the people to make n small part of the
great coal field owned by It pay interest on
Mie money extravagantly paid for it , and nil
ts losses in addition.
H. I. Uonnott , ono of the leading Knights
of Labor , testified to facts in connection
with the strike. Witness charged the com
pany with bud faith and with neglecting to
send telegrams of the committee to the
leaders throughout the mining regions , after
arbitration had been agreed to , ordering the
men back to work and said on account of
this act of bad faith the minors were not in
formed of the order and did not return to
work. For this reason the strike was ordered
ou again. _
More Trouble Feared.
POTTSVILLK , Pa. , Feb. 18. The general Joy
over the announcement of the termination of
the miners strike Is somewhat marred by a
lingering apprehension thatjpcrhaps the end Is
: iot yet. The striking railroaders were fun
ously Indignant over what they denounced as
an unprincipled betrayal and they will do all
In their jwwer to frustrate the order for re
President Corbin sent to-day to this state ri
personal donation of $20,000 to bo distributed
among the miners for the relief of their fam-
Excitement at Buffalo Gap.
BUPKALO GAP , Dak. , Fob. 28. [ Special
Telegram to the Hun : ] The excitement con
sequent upon the killing of two cowboys by
citizens some weeks since has entirely sub
sided and has been supplanted by nn excite
ment of a moro Jubilant nature , owing to the
prospects for the completion of railroad con
struction to this point in the near future.
The Chicago & Northwestern railroad com
pany , which has hnd uijveying parties hero
for the past two week , has completed satis
factory surveys to the marble and sand stouo
quarles near hero and 161r ugh the natural
gap into the Black Hills , which
leads 'through cxteiUlvij. .marblo quarries
and to Immense tin deposits. Rumor says
that u B. & M. railBoa ipinpuny surveying
party is now northward Round from Craw
ford , Neb. , toward the marble quarries of
this vicinity , while it ifc | > blitivoly known that
a largo party of Milwaukee & St. Paul sur
vcyors are now a few miles east of hero on
the Cheyenne river cu. route from Chamber
lain , Dak. , to this pJi'trtsIt is evident that
all railroads now enter the Blacl
Hills from the east arc nidklng Buffalo Gap
their objective point , this being the natural
gateway to the Intorfo ? ofthe Black Hills.
These facts added to Ute -unusual flow of
emigration during the ifet two weeks are the
agencies that have cotsplrcd to ruaiio the
town Jubilant over Its prospects. Town prop
erty has advanced 100 per cent.
Chocked Him Through.
DULUTII , Minn , , Feb. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] There arrived on this
evening's limited train a bright little boy
aged seven years. Ho had pinned to his
clothes a tag bearing the Inscription ; "This
boy iff going to his father , James Samway , at
West Superior , Wis. , from the commission
ers of Immigration at Castle Garden. " The
little fellow was born nt PrudUcn , Ungland.
His parents came to thl. country two years
ago and located at West Superior. The boy
loft England three weeks ago. .Ho will
reach his parents curly in tlio ufomlng. . .
The Most Successful Athletic Entor-
telnmont of the Season.
Ike Weir Fights Dornlnlok Ilarnos on
the Quiet nnd Runs Against a
Tartar Two Interesting
Trap Shoots ,
Tommy Miller's Benefit.
The pugilistic entertainment for the bene
fit of Tommy Miller , given under the efficient
management of Prof. Ed. Rothery iat the
Grand opera house last night was a highly
successful and Interesting affair , us is invari
ably the case with exhibitions given under
his personal supervision. The house was
fairly well filled nnd nt times the enthusiasm
was uproarious. Of course Pat Klllcn , of
St.'P.aul.loneof the Very clovcrost and very
best of the big 'uns , was the stellar attrac
tion , and his settos with Prof. Billy Hawley
and Frank Murray kept the vast audience
yelling with delight. Klllon's kittenish
antics with Hiiwloy were very laughable , but
in his goyith Murray , who is a big , strong
young fellow , ho exhibited some of his ro-
umrkablo powers as n tremendous hitter.
Everybody expected to see Murray's head
fly out into the auditorium , and some of the
smashes he received in the Jaw will
evidently make his molars ache 'for
many n day to come.
Next in point of interest was the four-
round meet between Jimmy Hennessy and
St. Joe Kblloy. They thumped each other
about the stage In u very vigorous and
miscellaneous manner. The scientific setto
betweeii'yotlng ' Juck Kcllctt and that clover
light-weight , Arthur Rothery , was ono of the
treats of the evening. Rothery is the best
man for his weight In Omaha. Tommy
Miller's wind-up with Tommy Brooks was a
lively exhibition , and kept the thing in a
noisy stata of demonstration. Miller shows
decided improvement , mid is certainly
properly rated when ho is classed with such
fighters as Warren , Clark. Danforth , Huvlln ,
nnd others of his class. The slugging bout
between Jesse Smith nnd "Lightning" John
son , two very unscientific coons , afforded the
crowd much sport. Colonel Sandy Forbes
was behind Klllcn in his go with Murray ,
and ho Bays ho has $1,000 to put on Pat against
any man in the world , barring the incom
parable John L. Klllen is on his way tot
California td flght JooMcAuliffo. the big San
Jose miner , who recently knocked out Paddy
Ryan with u punch. If ho bests the gigantlo
Cullforman ho will be looked upon as the
coming man of the pugilistic world. Should
McAuliffo whip Klllen , then vice versa.
A Surprise to the Spider.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Feb. 18. [ Special
Telegram fo the BEE. ] The six round sparr
ing contest between Ike Weir , the Spider ,
nnd Dominick Barnes , proved to bo ono of
the best fistio encounters which have re
cently taken place in this city. Barnes is a
light-weight , from Toronto , Can. , who has
been in the city for some tlmo and has sparred
frequently nt Cardiff & Donaldson's. Ho
gave It out that ho could stand any punish
ment the Spider could give him , nnd the ro-
jmlt was this match. Ho proved to bo
a plucky man , and although ho
was unnblo to hit Weir with
anj' effect he took his punishment well and
fought back the best ho could. Ho certainly
made as good u showing as Warren or Miller
nnd won the sympathy of the spectators.
In the first round Weir fought him nt long
range and lauded on his fueo sharply a num
ber of times , securing first blood aud a knock
In the second round Barnes mndo n better
showing and retaliated on the Spider's classic
mug once or twice. In the third round the
Spider changed his tactics somewhat nud
fought , for the body. .Hp knocked Barnes
off his feet twjce byh.ard punches in the
. In the fourth round the Spider got In hard
deliveries on Barnes' face aud Jnw aud
brought the blood from his mouth.
The fifth round the Spider did not work
so hard but continued to reach Barnes' face.
In the sixth round ho went to work in earn
est nnd Barnes spent about half- his time on
the floor. Ho was careful to take his ten
seconds each time and went down repeatedly
to ovoid punishment , but twice ho was
knocked squarely off his feet by hard Jolts on
the jaw.
John Donaldson , the referee , gave the fight
to Weir as having the best of the contest.
The crowd seemed to think that Weir was to
have knocked his man out and expressed
some dissatisfaction. Barnes was punished
considerably about the face , nnd the Spider
got off without u scratch. The difference in
weight was about twelve pounds in Barnes'
fuvor. Two-ounce gloves were used. Charlie
Glcuson seconded Barnes , and Gcorgo
Phalen went behind Weir. Barnes , encour
aged by this showing , , proposes to go into
training to fight the Spider ten rounds.
At the Trap.
Thcro was nn interesting match shoot on
the Omaha grounds yesterday afternoon be
tween G. M. Small and W. M. Nason , of the
Lefovor Gun club on ono side and H. B. Ken
nedy and Clark Ellis , of the Omaha Gun
club , on the other. It was a match for $50 a
side , 25 blue rocks to the man , 18 yards' rise ,
the Lefever side 'winning on a score of 42 to
.33. This is a decisive victory for the Lofo-
vercs , who are making rupid strides in over
hauling .tho older and crack shots of the
Oumhus. Billy Townscud officiated us
referee. .
After this event cnmo n team race , 15 blue
rocks , 18 yards' rise , with the following con
testants : Ellis , Kctchum , Small , Simpson ,
Billings , Thompson , Parmalec , Woods ,
Wason , Townsend. The side headed by Ellis
won by u score of 03 to 49.
There were several sweepstakes shoots nnd
altogether the afternoon was eujoyably and
profitably spent.
Chnrluy Gives Up Ills Job.
Charles H. Smith has resigned the presi
dency of the Republican Printing company ,
and is golug back to his hotel in Denver , it
having occurred to him yesterday that ho
could run that moro satisfactorily than a
newspaper. Mr. Smith yesterday afternoon
petitioned Judge Shield's to release him as
executor of the Round's interests in the Re
publican , which Thomas Swobo and Alfred
Miller , as appraisers , appraise to bo worth
The Dusky Ixivcr Fined.
- Ed Moore , the darkey who came so near
killing Uulo Porter Friday night , was ar
raigned before Judge Berka yesterday after
noon , nnd' seeing the cnso looked pretty
Rorlous , ( vied to pursuado the Judgo'that the
discharge of the revolver was accidental. Ho
said ho meant only to scare Llzzlo Into loving
'hint ' nnd that ho thought too much of her to
kill her. The other witnesses , however ,
seemed to think that ho acted very much as
though he was In dead earnest. The Judge
let him off with the light fine of fJ.'i and
costs. Ho promised to end his mad wooing
of Llzzlo.
Dick Davis' Deviltry.
Dick Davis is a member of the notorious
Davis family who live on the bottoms near
the foot of Jackson street. His particular
accomplishment is wlfo-bcating , and ho has
been practicing it on his poor little spouse for
several nights in succession the past week.
Last night ho came homo as usual and boal
her Into Insensibility. Neighbors were at
tracted by her screams and como to the
rescue. Davis lied. It was thought best to
tuko her to the police station , where she
would bo safe. The police are looking for
The Shipping Congress.
NEW Oiti.EASs , Feb. 18. The American
Shipping and Industrial league convention
concluded its session thU afternoon. The
day was consumed in listening to addresses
A resolution setting forth the voluo to the
nation of the establishment of an America :
merchant marine , was unanimously passed
It was presented In connection ( with thi
draft of a tonnage bill which it is proposed
to lay before eongrcst for Its action. ' , ,
DnnnU Coohrnn Falls to Work
Ijlttlo Scheme.
Dennis Cochrnn , the bold thief who
snatched a roll of bills from Thomas Mur-
> hy's hands while that gentleman was pay
ing for drinks In Captain O'Donnhuo's sa
loon , was arraigned before Judge Berka
yesterday afternoon , found guilty and put
under 1800 bonds to appear before the district
court. Cochran hod adopted n most novel
vay of avoiding the iwhco after the robbcrv.
lo first hldtho money and then wont to the
> olico station aud asked If ho could stay all
night. As ho had the appearance of being
a very Indigent fellow the police took
> lty upon htm and granted the
request. Ho was then given n cell by him
self while the iwllco were scouring the town
for him. Meanwhile Murphy , who was al
most frantic over the losss of his money , be-
amo so noisy that ho wns taken to the ccn-
ral station by the police. As ho was pass-
ngCochrnn's cell ho suddenly spied the
wise of all his trouble nnd Immediately went
nto raptures over it. Ho exdlnlncd the sit
uation to the iwllcc and ho was released to
appear as n witness against Cochrnn. When
arraigned Cochran refused to testify as ho
saw his gaino up.
Caught a Burglar.
Shortly before midnight last night the
family of C. H. Starkweather , 1512 Cass
street , were disturbed by suspicious noises iu
ono of their rooms. The whole family re
wired to the BCCHO armed with kitchen uten
sils nnd found a man crouching in n corner
of the parlor. The doors of the parlor wore
all Immediately locked and the family stood
juard over the Intruder until the police ar-
ivcd. The suspicious stranger was cither
ntoxicutcd or simulated drunkenness to
avoid conviction for burglary. Ho was taken
o the central police station where ho will
mss his tlmo until Monday morning thinking
ip sqino excuse to offer the police magistrate.
Ho gives the name of John Londoll.
The CASO Continued.
Yesterday wns the day in which the city ,
hrough Its attorney , was to file an answer
o the petition of Mr. Roscwnter concerning
ho city hall Job. Mr. Webster , the city at
torney , obtained permission of the court to
continue the case until Monday.
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Light to cool winds , fol-
owcd by colder , fair weather , light to fresh
vlnds , shifting to southerly and Increasing
n forco.
For'Iowa : Rain or snow , followed hy
colder , clearing weather , light to fresh
vlnds , shifting to northwesterly.
Fpr Eastern nnd Southwestern Dakota :
tain or snow in southern portions , fair
veather , followed by rnln or snow , In north
ern portions , colder weather , followed by
rain or snow , In northern portions , colder ,
Ight to fresh variable winds , generally
Bank Officials Arrested.
POUT WASIMXJIOX , Wis. , Feb. 18. W. H.
.andolt , Junior member of the firm of Vail &
andolt , proprietors of the Port Washington
> ank , which fulled recently , was arrested to
day on a warrant charging him with rocolv-
ng money after the bank was insolvent.
Fhero are two other warrants out charging
ilm with criminal acts In connection with
ho failure. Officers nro in search of Vail ,
vho disappeared a day before the crash.
Anti-Saloon Republican * .
NEW YOIIK , Fob. 18. The anti-saloon ro-
mblicans national committee have Issued a
cull for a national conference to bo held in
his city on April 18 nnd 19 next. Its pur-
) ese is stated to bo : To assure and signalize
ho complete withdrawal of the.national re-
rabllcnn party from all complicity with the
saloon infamy , nnd to cmphnsl/.o its positive
antagonism thereto.
Mississippi Confederates Pensions.
JACKOOX , Miss. , Feb. 18. The senate to-day
adopted the house bill to pay a $30 yearly
) cnslon to officers , soldiers and sailors and
heir servants who served in the confederate
army from Mississipi and who nro now un
nblo to labor because of injuries received in
ho service.
Some of the new sateens and India silks for
summer wear are quaint and artistic in de
sign. Ono of the latter has u ground of very
lull terra cottu , on which are strewn irrcgu-
ar branches or the pink flowering cherry.
An olive green ono is sprinkled with willow
: utkins and a dark blue sateen lias pencil
eaves all over the breadth , while the border
ihows the ripe fruit of the peach trco among
ts leaves. A charming ono is of pale npplo
; reen strewn with apple blossoms , and an
other of Gharles X. pjnk has sprays of mlg-
Charles Burdlck , of Brookflcld , Conn. , has
n very Intelligent pig. She follows him ilka
a dog , goes after the cow , brings them to
the barn yard , knows her name nnd answers
to It , and docs many tricks. Her excessive
timidity nlono prevents her from bolng pub
licly cxhlblted/ / _ _ _
Monday and Tuesday , Feb. 20 and 21 ,
The eminent eccentric comedian ,
In the exceedingly funny comedy ,
Or n Circus In town. Supported by his New
\ ork rnniiany | , licnilcd by tno popular coined ! * *
Jos. Pnlmor. Urcut cirrus ncotip , troupe of
acrobats. Tuesday , Ki'b. ! Mst , Kn-nt double bill ,
"Widow Hcdolt , procudod by the now comcdr.
"A Marc's Nest. " Seats now on mile.
MARCH 1,2 , and 3 ,
The only flrst-olnsH theater In the city. Play
ing at all times the lending attractions of the
theatrical world.
FEB. 33 , 34 und 35 ,
Regular prices. Secure scats at box office.
Friday and Saturday , Pel , 24 & 25.
The great laughing success. Fun by the acr .
ChU'iico Jnnrnul.
Herbert Hull Wlnslow's Latest and Best Fare *
Comedy , a sutlru on Heal Eatuto lloouis ,
Under the management ot Wlnslow & Windsor
ser , wltb'tlio j-eerlcss nlnjltiK comedienne , returned -
turned from a tour of Kugland , Austrulla and
Germany. C3
Miss Marguerite Fish ,
and the talented eccentric comedian ,
Mr. E. L. Walton.
Fed by over 17,000 people In Chlcnca ,
Original Cn t , Costumed , Bongs , Dunces , Hear
leys , and mechanical ellucta , including the real
Sweeping Change in All Departments.
Reads your mind , tolls your age , street you live on , number of
your house , finds hidden objects , convinces the skeptical ,
Many Modern Miracles Presented. I
3iTO. 1.
Miller Bros' ' . Dioramic Views.
A Tour Trough the Yellowstone Park.
A Trip to the Yosamite Yilley.
A Sail on the Pacific Ocean.
The Bright Lights of the Vaudeville Profession-
Doors open 1 to 1O P. M.
lOc. - Admits to All - lOc ,
. . . .Chairs. 5c and IQc. .