Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1888, Image 1

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    S I
rWyW ,
The Crown Prince's Sickness Sad
dens the Gorman Empire.
The Royal Patient's Affliction
Arouses Universal Sympathy.
Fears Felt For the Health of the
Aged Emperor.
The Congress of American Students
to Bo Held at an Inopportune
Time For the Attendance
of the Professors.
The Fatherland In Mourning.
ICtijtyright 1SSS by Jamr * Gordon Ilennttt. ]
BKUI.IK , Feb. 18. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK. ] Berlin , so sajs
the papers and people , Is more quiet this
winter than It has been since the winter of
1870 71. Most of the gcat public balls have
been put off for a year , or , llko actors' balls ,
have proved utter failures , the single cxcep-
tlon to this being on carnival night , when
notice was given of over eighty public
dances , the majority of which wcro to have
been crowded. In higher circles the news
from San Remo stopped abruptly whatever
gaiety might have been crowded Into the last
few days before Lent and postponed ofllcial
dinners. People prefer to get together In
small numbers. Even then they are apt to
talk about the crown prince which is not an
enlivening topic , as few Germans think ho
will over bo seen again In Berlin or about
the kaiser's grief , which is almost equally
saddening , as it is generally recognized that
the cinpororj has given way moro to his feel
ings regarding the crown prince and aged
moro in the past thrco months than ho has in
the same number of years.
Few things have ever moro deeply
touched German feelings than the
tragedy at San Remo' and their
kaiser waiting tearfully for news of
his son. The affect of the anxiety becomes
dally moro apparent on the aged ruler. Ho
keeps up his old gallant habits , going to the
opera , rising to greet the ladles presented to
him and bending in courtly fashion over their
bands , but ho rises only after repeated at
tempts and many failures. When ho bows
you wonder atthosolf-rostralnt of these near
him , who avoid giving offense by not offering
aid out of his unhapplncss.
Various papers have attempted to get up n
sensation rcgaralng the coming regency or
throne transferal. Among Germans gener
ally ihcro Is no discussion or dcslro to discuss
such matters , their view being that the rov'al
house is too honest and loyal to quarrel for
power over sick beds or death beds.
Graham and Burns Welcomed On
Their Release From Prison.
[ Copvrty/it JSS8 liy Jamc * Gordon nennett.\ \
LoNDOX.Feb. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the BEE. ] The Garmo prison
releases form the popular excitements of the
hour. Fame seldom stands sentinel at the
threshold of a jail , but for Irish martyrs and
for apostles of frco speech fame has lately
become a guardian. This morning , exactly
at almanac sunrise , invisible , however , in
London , Cunningham Graham , member of
parliament for northwest Lanark , and John
Burns , the socialist , were released from Pen-
tonvllle prison , having completed six weeks'
imnrUonmcnt for taking pait in an unlaw
ful assemblage at Trafalgar square. A
crowd of men and women took
up a position fronting the great gate. Their
scarlet banner bore , "Work for all , overwork
for nono. Wo ask no boon ; our rights wo
claim , " Opposite were posted an Inspector ,
sergeant and several constables In uniform
or * m plain clothes. The morning was cold
and dark. A baker in the neighborhood , to
show his sympathy , had an early baking of
sweet brown loaves , which ho gave away in
discriminately to all on the sjiot. Presently
nn inspector walked down the long slope
accompanied by a gentleman , who had raised
his hat , when a cheer was raised , followed
by hearty handshaking nil round. Mr.
Graham looked much improved. The look of
restless anxiety which ho were at court has
gone. After the greeting came
curious little manifestations of re
gard. Two different men offered
him small meat pics , which ho accepted , he
said , gladly , as ho was very hungry. A few
escorted htm to Evans' coffee shop , In Cale
donian road , where the party were seated in
old-fashioned of the estab
the. curlouSj - pews
lishment. The place was rapidly filled by
sympathizers amongst workiugmen , who
crowded the public rooms and pelted him
from all slues with questions and congratula
tions , and giving the nowsot the recent
debates and the result ot the elections. A
dozen asked , "What will you take , slrl" and
Graham , with his mouth full of the first meat
plo , answered , "Coffee , with broad and but
ter. " Several women took the matter in
baud and ordered eggs and bacon , upon
Which ho made an immediate onslaught ,
Questions poured In without intermission ,
In reply Mr. Graham said :
L I have nothing to complain of in my treat-
thent Wo wcro second-class rnisdcmeant :
you know. [ A mouth full of bacon. ] I had c
< | MUind of oakum to pick every day. I got m
letters and saw no friends except ray sollcltoi
ono day. [ A mcuth full of egg. ] „ I got up at
0 o'clock every morning' and had to clean oul
my coll. Then for breakfast I had browr
bread and ekllly. I only had u plank bed on
the first night , and after that a mattrcssand
A great gulp of coffee stopped the spaeot
( or a moments The interval 'wan 'uiadt
use of by a dozen fellows complimenting the
member on his appearance.
"Ho hasn't ' had his hnlr cut , " said one. "
"Ho has , " said another. "It looks better as
It Is , " remarked n third.
"Yes , " answered Mr. Graham , "my
hair was cut when I first went
In , but it has grown again very fast , and
my whiskers and beard wcro trimmed in the
fashion I were them nt the time. "
Details of the prison diet followed-Ono
day six ounces of bread , once a week thrco
ounces of meat , another day six ounces of
suet pudding , and ono day a pint of soup , liy
this tlmo the bacon and eggs wcro consumed
and urgent entreaties wcro made to have
more , but the pile of bread and butter was
still a substantial'one , besides papers of gin
ger bread. Cakes wcro handed , and Mr.
Graham took all that was offered In a pleas
ant way , and his breakfast was made up of a
stronger mixture of food than ho probably
ever had before.
"Did the oakum picking hurt your hands ,
"Not In the least , " was the reply , Graham
holding up his palms "I was twelve years in
South America leading the life of a ranch
man. "
"Did you sco Burns only twice In chapcli
Didn't jou exercise at the same tlmo I"
"No , thuy were too clever to allow that ,
but the second day exercising a prisoner re
cognized me , and by some strange method
known only to themselves it was quickly
spread through every cell in prison. I saw
at once from glances subsequently given mo
that they knew who I was , "
"Did you wear ordinary clothes ! "
"Tho ordinary prison clothes. "
"What do you think of prison , sirl"
"It's good for the appetite , my friend.
What touched mo most was this not think
ing about myself , you know , but the idea that
some poor people were glad to bo In such a
place that people are so miserable as to
prefer being there to outside. "
Then , while a man began to refer to the
recent elections , a shout was heard from the
outside , and all in the coffee shop , with
Graham well to the front , rushed out. On
the opposite sldo a crowd , with a social-
democratic banner high in air , escorted
Burns. The moment ho caught sight of
Graham ho dashed out and , running across
the roadway , seized the extended hand of his
recent prison colleague , and each spoke
words of hearty greeting. There was some
rapid questioning about hunger , and Mr.
Graham said :
"I've just eaten two meat pies and a plate
of bacon and eggs. "
"Glorious 1" exclaimed Burns. "Where's
my share ? "
An d in another moment the two wcro fac
ing ono another in n pew in the coffee shop.
Then the people flowed in and crammed
every corner , and Burns was greeted by old
companions. Burns took from his pocket
half a prison loaf of brown bread and held it
up to show what ho had been living upon ,
but it was quickly pocketed as a steaming
dish of bacon and eggs was set with a hugo
cup of coffee and a plate of bread and butter.
Ho was obliged to talk as ho ate , and between
mouthfuls gave his experience of jail life. "
"For the Information I got there I would
have done twelve months. It's absolute
torture for the poor prisoners. The men are
not punished they are tortured. "
"Well , Jack , how did you like IU" asked o
now comer.
" " the . "It's the
"Stunning , was reply. only
holiday lever had. I'm in excellent health ,
but rather weak. You know I had to go into
the infirmary immediately. I got into the
prison. The doctor saw I was not very well
and ordered mo to the hospital. "
"How did you got on in the infirmary } "
"Tho treatment was such as ono would ex
pect from an Institution having its for object
the care of patients who have been suffering
in the tther place. Most of the
poor wretches m that place are driven
there , not much from any crime in
themselves , but through troubles im
posed upon them by the vices of society.
Sitting opposite ono another Burns and Gra
ham continually exchanged words. Graham
threw in a little story :
"Ono day a commlttco of magistrates came
to see mo. They looked through the peep
hole , but I would not look up or speak. ,1 was
hard at work picking oakum. "
"It was evident , " observed Burns , "bj
the care that they took of us that they had
had special Ins tructlons. "
"Did you like your run round ! " asked Gra
ham , referring to the daily exercise ,
"Never enjoyed anything so much in my
life. I used to slug snatches from 'Dorothy'
and 'Patience' about 1 in the morning and
the other prisoners say they enjoyed
It. Ono thing I shall never forget
the kindness of the other prisoners.
Bread they denied themselves and gave mo.
Loaves and loaves were convoyed to mo by
them , and whenever ono got an extra book
ho'd tell the warden to 'pass It on to Burns. '
I sent several loaves to you , Graham. Did
you get them ! "
"No , not me , "
Graham asked for a bit of tobacco , and a
dozen hands pressed pouches and cigurctto
papers upon him. While the conversation ,
was still going on there was a movement nt
the door , and Captain Charles Graham , of
Hompstcad House , Kent , a brother of the
released prisoner , with Mrs. Graham ,
entered and exchanged greetings
Shortly afterwords a carrriago drove
up and Graham's mother , the
Hon. Mrs. Bontlno , entered. Mr , Graham
struggled out of his paw and the lady fell
upon his breast without speaking a word.
Mr. Graham clasped her In his arms , mur
muring , "All right , mother , " and patted her
lovingly. Mr. Graham's wife drove up in a
cab a quarter of an hour later and WAS re
ceived with loud cheers by the crowd , which
had by that time greatly increased. She was
led by her husbanil into the coffee house ,
after having first kissed her mother and sis
tcr-in-law , and very soon afterward * the
Grahams drove away. Just as the carriages
wcro about to leave the prison bolls sounded
and Burns shouted ,
. "Graham , Gittham , there's the breakfast
bell. "
Cracks Appear hi the Walls of the
English Ministry.
A Crushing Blow Received at the
Bouthwark Election.
Gosckon Makes a Lamentable Fail
ure in the Commons. .
Ifls Voice and General Condition
Greatly Improved Conservative * )
Casting "Wistful Eyes Toward
liord Randolph Churchill.
The Uncertainty of Politics.
[ Coj/r/o/it | / / / iUSSliyJamc * Gordon Ilennctt.1 ]
LONDON , Feb. 18. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Bcc.j Even in this
uncertain world there Is nothing so uncer
tain as politics. A few days ago all seemed
bright and clear In the ministerial firmancnt.
Yesterday an earthquake happened , and al
though the fabric stands , thcro are ominous
cracks and fissures visible in the walls. To
make light of the Southwark election , as the
Times does , is ridiculous. The majority of
11 ! ) against the conservatives at the last
election has now rolled up to a majority of
nearly twelve hundred. "Not much of a
shower , " says the Times. To less partial
eyes it looks llko the beginning of a dclugo.
Friday was an unlucky day for the tory
party. They wcro terribly beaten in South
wark , and ) their champion , Mr. Goschcn ,
made a great fiasco in the house'of commons.
It was a night of excitement and surprise.
Gladstone delivered what all sides admit to
bo a masterpiece of eloquence. For two
hours this old man of sevcnty-nlno held the
house entranced , winding up with a burst of
declamation which carried the whole au
dience strangers as well as members by
Another man might well feel what n gi
gantic task it was to reply to such a speech.
Goschen evidently did feel it. From the first
moment ho stumbled , hesitated , turned back
wards and forwards , and finally lost himself
altogether. Ho deals in puerile personalities ,
laboring long at trivial points. Ho challenged
interruption and then was disconcerted by it
and finally got oft the track altogether and
bumped along anyhow until ho went to
pieces. A more Ignomlnous collapse I never
seen. Goschcn seems to have but ono
speech. Ho has made it too often , and now I
think the conservatives will shortly begin to
askothemselucs whether ho is so good a
bargain for them as they fancied this tlmo
last year. . .
There are now several other elections pend
ing. If the tide flows as it did at Southwark ,
what will it portend ! No tiling the London pa
pers will keep on saying. I venture to tell you
a different story.aFresh reverses will point to
the absolute necessity of a recon
struction of the ministry. They
might point to something moro important
still , eventually , but reconstruction could not
bo postponed. What sort of reconstruction !
To bo of any value , it must weld all unionists
together , and consequently unite In ono min
istry Hartington , Churchill , Chamberlain
and a limited selection from the present gov-
So much for the personnel. This is what I
already cabled as the unionists' second line
of defense , the necessity for which has come
sooner than I.expected. Then , as to meas
ures , will it do to depend any longer
upon the coercion bill ! I have not
time to produce the local government bill for
Ireland. Apparently the ministry say no be
cause it specially excludes Ireland from their
forthcoming bill. Where will that leave
them ! Many conservatives are deeply
pledged to vote for sweeping measures of re
form in the Irish local government. The lib
eral-unionists could scarcely oppose them.
To announce that Ireland shall bo held down
and nothing bo considered for her welfare ,
that may bo in accordance with the
programme of twenty years of a resolute
government , but it is bound to lead Mr. Glad
stone back to the treasury bench. Ho is
moro confident than ever of getting there be
fore many months are over. I have not seen
him looking so well for several years. His
volco is decidedly stronger than it was two
years ago. His great strength as an orator
and debater brings out into startling relief
the weakness of the ministerial spokesman.
The Irian members also present a moro
formidable front since the return of William
O'Brien , I never heard a moro passionate
speech or a moro scathing piece of Invcctlvo
than that which ho delivered on Thursday.
Healy Is back and so are Arthur O'Connor ,
Lord Mayor Sullivan , Dillon , Timothy Har
rington and everybody of note except Sexton ,
who still remains very ill. Gllhooly.latcly run
in , made his appearance Friday night , being
out on bail. The seven released prisoners
sat nearly together. When the news from
Southwark came in they seemed inclined to
lead the storming party to the tory benches
and sweep them clear. William O'Brien
stood up flourishing his hat in the highest
stuto of excitement. Harrington's shouts
might have been heard across the Thames.
They did not look much llko cowed and de
feated men.
Great consultations have taken place to
day over the altered position. Crowds of
members have thronged the Reform and
Caclton clubs. Mr. Gladstone was seen by
many of bis chief suppoitcrs , and itis known
that ho is planning an unpleasant surprise
for tbo ministry.
Lord Harrington Is confined to his room
with a severe cold , but Sir Henry James and
other friends huvo been admitted to an inter
view with him.
Wistful > are cast by the conservatives
on Lord Randolph , their only really popular
man In the country , their only gifted debater
n the house of commons. Soon these who
tried the hardest to hound him down will bo
Imploring him to save them , but ho makes no
sign except in the direction of a metropolitan
board of works , whoftbdoom , mark my words ,
lie has scaled. Dowri will come that impos
ture before the touch of Thuriel's spear.
What else Is hidden In the book of fate I
do not attempt to reveal , but this. I will say
the tory party is on what Mr. Spurgcon calls
a down grade. Obstinacy and reactionary
sentiments and blindness to the signs of the
times will not save It. The day la coming
when It must be led by men In sympathy on
pall ojnts with n domestic people. If that
fact is not soon recognized , so much the
worse for the lories.
An English Crisis Imminent.
LONDOX , Feb. 18. Much uneasiness pre
vails In political circles here. Colonel Pon-
sonby , the queen's private secretary , has
recently paid several visits to Lord Salisbury
and W. H. Smith , the leader in the house of
commons. Such visits are unusual except
when a crisis Is imminent. After the cabinet
council to-day Balfour , chief secretary for
Ireland , walked to the Irish office. Ho was
evidently greatly excited. Although the
weather was bitterly cold , ho was hatlcss ,
and walked with his hand clasped to his
head. Ho was followed by two detectives.
A London Sporting Editor Goes Him
Otio Kound With HI * Mouth.
[ Copyrfy/it / lS8d InJamtt Gordon Bennett. ' }
LONDON , Fob. 18. fNew York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] Editor At
kinson , of the Sporting Life , has published a
card In which ho says : "With regard to Mr.
Sullivan , it is , in my position on this paper ,
impossible to pass over the insulting and
libclous remarks ho has been permitted to
make in the columns ot a contemporary. I
have extended the hand of friendship to Mr.
Sullivan and I have met him in the company
of gentlemen. I am the last man m the
world to spoil sport , but I advise Mr.
Sullivan to keep to his training and calling
and refrain from writing letters to news
papers or fathering reports which may lead
to unpleasant consequences other than ho
expected or desired. For the rest ,
Mr. Sullivan has1 my hearty good
wishes , and I am sum" it Is the dcsiro of En
glish sportsmen of ttifl true typo , wherever
the fight takes place , that the best man
should win , lot him bttbf whatever nation ho
may. I trust that these remarks will bo ac
cepted in the spirit they are written , but I
assure all Americans that insofar as the
Sporting Life is concerned , not the slightest
partiality will bo countenanced , and that , on
the other hand , if M& Sjalljjira&and the com
pany ho has choseii assume a dictatorial
spirit , they will bo running against some
thing much harder | than they bargain for.
Writing personally as well as on the part of
Sporting Life , I may state for the informa
tion of the American public that
I am sufficiently well known
by high class American journalists
and sportsmen at present on this side of the
Atlantic to warrant the tone I have taken and
to excuse the slurs which have been thrown
on this paper from the Adelaide hotel at
Windsor. I could say more , but I refrain ,
and express my sorrow that Sullivan should
not have been better advised than to attempt
to make a target of a paper which could
knock him into a cocked hat , not only in this
country , but in America , Australia , India ,
New Zealand and everywhere else. These
who live in this country will know that I am
right. Let Americon sportsmen distinctly
understand that thcro is no antagonism to
John L. Sullivan , but that some of the com
pany ho keeps is. not tolerated In English
sporting circles of the good class. "
Minor Berlin Events.
[ Copi/rfc/it / 18SS by Jiimm Gordon ncnmtt.l
BEULIX , Feb. 'l8. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE. ] The congress
of American students on learned Ameri
can topics which is to bo held this year
in Berlin , comes too late October 3
for most American professors , who would
otherwise fill Berlin. Dr. Ilciss , a well-
known American , has been elected president
of the congress and Virchow Bastion von
Bichthofcn acting vice president. The four
sections will cover all America in a scientific
way , but moro especially America as it ex
isted bcforo Columbus landed.
American personals are not easy to get , ns
they will bo three months hence.
Samuel Flcischmann , a native of San
Francisco , now studyingmusichere , owes to
his German name the trouble ho had in keep
ing out of the German army. As occasionally
happens , 'an American's name gets into the
hands of the recruiting officer. Reams of
ofllcial paper have been used in threats of
flues and imprisonment , both of which
hitherto have been escaped.
Miss HallowelV professor of botany at
Wollcsley college , hos-left Berlin for Italy.
Among the arrivals eVe Mrs. J. II. Simpson
and family , of St. Paul , and Mrs. John Hunt-
ley. and Mrs. 0. T. Hutchins , of Washing
There is great exoitimont in Berlin com
mercial circles because some German goods ,
stamped with an English trademark and for
api > caranco sake shipped to America via
England , have b en confiscated in England
during transhipment under the terms of the
new British trademark.
An idle man has. calculated that a single
horse car on a much-frequented Berlin struct
railway has transported 180,247 , persons dur
ing the last year and earned thereby 31,000
The Krcuz Zoltung reports that Von Alven-
steben , now minister at Washington , is to bo
transferred to Brussels and replaced by
Consul General Count Arcoballcy , now at
Cairo. j
Prof. Von Kaufman , known to many
Americans , has received the cross of the
Red Eaglo. 9
Mr. Herring has been lecturing In Berlin
on vegetarianism. .
Ireland Giving the Holy Father the
Gravest Apprehension.
Both Sides of the Question Pre
sented to the Vatican.
Trying to Convince the Pontiff of
an English Conspiracy.
A Dignitary Explains the Arguments
Used By the Two Parties In Their
Endeavors to Influence the
Holy 8co.
Pope Leo nml Ireland.
ICojit/Hofit J8S8 bit Jama Gordon Uennctt
HOME , Feb. 18. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to the DEE. ] England and Ireland
are hard at work again struggling for as-
ocndancy at the Vatican. Great bitterness
has been caused by tno apparent success of
the Duke of Norfolk's recent efforts and by
the suspicion that Mgr. Agllardl , archbishop
of Cocsurao , and certain Homan prelates ore
In the pay of the British government and
giving Information to the London press. The
archbishop of Dublin , who had an audience
with Leo XIII. a few days ago , en
deavored to convince the pope that a
conspiracy existed In the English press ,
fostered and supported by the Duke of Nor
folk. Ho added that Mgr. Stoner and other
English prelates were endeavoring to obtain
the ear of the prelate and persuade him that
the Irish cause was , from beginning to end ,
an effort to destroy the principle of authority
by that of revolution. The homo rule propa
ganda , it added , was the overture to separa
tion. Catholic Ireland would fall Into the
hands of certain American adventurers , affil
iated to the secret societies of the continent
of Europe , whoso ultimate end was not the
freedom of Ireland , but the application of
revolutionary , anarchistic principles in the
most pernicious sense.
A dignitary at the propaganda gives mo the
following resume of the controversy : "At
the propaganda , " ho says , "tho Irish question
is known to bo giving the holy father the
gravest occupation. Catholic Ireland , by
which Pope Leo means not only Ireland but
Irishmen all over the world , is providentially
marked out as the missionary of the Christian
idea.Vhorevor Irishmen rgo. , .they
build a church and spread the gos
pel. They support Catholic interests in two
hemispheres. Even in England the priests
are mostly of Irish descent. In the colonies
the church would have languished had not
the Irish clergy come to the rescue. Such
being the case , it behooves the vicar of Christ
not to crush the national movement. The
other side of the question , as enumerated by
the Duke of Norfolk , shows that homo rule
is only another word for separation. The
fact that venal laws no longer exist , and
every Irishman is enjoying the privileges of
a British subject , proves that there is no
inherent principle of the spirit of persecution
in England's dealings with Ireland. Moreover ,
a party has arisen in England , headed by
Gladstone , prepared to take up the Irish
question in the largest sense. Such being the
case , and Scotland being as much an integral
part of the United Kingdom as Ireland , it
would bo fatal to the interests of the holy
sco and its Catholic subjects all over the
world to allow it to go forth that the pope is
on the side of rebellious agitation. The
English sldo further sets forth
that the Irish clergy are gradu
ally persuading their bishops that the
laws upon ssecret societies do not touch the
sects which are at present existing in Ire
land , seeing their members are practical
Catholics who frequent the sacraments of the
confession and communion and go on prac
ticing their religion wbilo doing their best to
disseminate homo rule and nationalist doc
trines. An Irishman begins to believe that
he may go to the sacraments with a light
heart and yet belong to organizations
which not only come under the cate
gory of secret societies but are undoubtedly
afliliated to the sects of the continent , flio
discovery of the act by Mgr. Porslco has had
the effect of driving his excellency into retire
ment and causing him to communicate with
the Irish bishops individually , urging them
not to put the pope in an invidious position
and above all to remember that their pas
toral duties come before all political crusades.
In conclusion , the English party at the
Vatican draw a paralel between the
action of the holy see in Germany and
its influence for good. Between IrcUvnd
and England no objection can or will bo
raised against constitutional agitation. Ire
land has shown that she can make her voice
heard at Westminster , but the time has now
come when she must chose between brain
sick political theories and the rights of
possession by every man calling himself a
British subject. "
No Probability That They Will Be Ac
ceded To.
ICopl/rfgfita ! l&SS by Keu > York Associated Pres ]
BKIIUN , Feb. 18. Prince Bismarck has
obtained from Count Schouvaloff , the Russian
ambassador hero , a definite declaration of
the czar's demands with reference to Bul
garia. No secret is made of the exact
character of the proposals nor of the ofllcial
opinion that they will bo summarily rejected.
The czar asks a substantial recognition of
the rights of Itussla to control Bul
garia and Houmania. Prlnco Ferdinand and
the sobranjlo are to bo wiped out and a Ilus-
sian commissioner with a Turkish colleague
is u > reorganize the government and army
and control the elections for a now sobranjlo.
Russia further claims the right to occupy the
principality until the czar deems It proper to
withdraw his troops. The Impossible nature
of these demands aggravates the situation.
The military preparations of Austria and
Germany now approach a condition of readi
ness. Those governments can abide by events ,
accepting Russia's signal for war or waiting
for an opportune moment for attack. As
an adjunct to the treaty of alliance
a plan has been agreed upon for
the co-operation of the allied forces. The ac
celeration of Italian naval preparations is
duo to urgent representations from Berlin.
The rumors which appear from tlmo to
time in progressionist papers is to the effect
that the cni | > cror is feeble and has continual
fits of crying over the Crown Prince , are
On a par with such stupidity Is the placid
solemnity with which the foreign press dis
cussed certain portions of Bismarck's recent
speech. That a considerable portion of it
was irony may bo Judged by the fact that ho
was interrupted twenty-three times for
laughter against only thirty-live Interrup
tions for applause. The lust result of this
speech Is , by the way , medals of gold and sil
ver with Bismarck's head on one side , the
other with "Germans fear Uod , but nothing
else in the world. "
The official bulletins , which conflict with
private advices , state that the wound In the
Crown Prince's throat heals , but his general
condition is worse.
The Head of the French Cabinet Filed
Off the Handle.
[ Copyright 18S8 l > u Jama Gordon Hennctt , ]
PAUIS , Fob. 18. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the BEE. ] The parks and
suburbs of Paris have been n wonder and
joy during the past week , each twig and
bough glistening white and purple , bent be
neath Its load of snow. But to-day the scene
changed. In place of the soft feathery flakes
came sleet and rain. All the roads , streets
and sidewalks are filled1 with cafe mi luit
like slush. The trees and lamp posts and
projecting balconies go drip , drip , dripping.
Walking had become a burden and nuisance
and outdoor Paris had relapsed Into moist
misery , the only redeeming features of which
are the delicious revelations of dainty feet
and lace emerging from beneath fur pelisse
show themselves as the Parisian beauties
leap from the broughams with gazcllo-liko
bounds in quest of the inevitable shopping.
The vagaries of the weather have had a
bad effect upon the morals of Mr. Tirard
and his colleagues. They are nervQUs , irri
table , excited ready to take offense at trifles
and fly off at a tangent on the slightest prov
ocation. The premier , to bo sure , had
thought better of his intention to retire from
office , but a few hours later fresh worries in
the chamber set him to fretting and fuming ,
, ThltUn8 it , wo the . .proposalofM. , Sansr
Lcroy that a commlttco of twenty-two
should bo appointed to consider whether the
privilege which the Bank of Franco enjoys
of issuing bank notes should bo prolonged or
not , which ruffled the premier's temper.
No sooner had M. Sans Lcroy descended
than M. Tirard bounded into the tribune , lit
erally swelling with indignation. "Never I"
ho exclaimed , "never has a more utter con
fusion of authority been seen than now. The
government ulono possesses the right of
arranging these contracts. The chamber may
criticise , or , at a pinch , reject them ; that is
the limit of its power. If it is not content
with that , it must have the constitution
altered. "
This vigorous sortlo told , M. Leroy slightly
modified the terms of his motion. A vote
was taken on the question of urgency and by
a largo majority the offending proposal was
M. Tirard cooled down , only , however , to
flare up again the next moment when an
other irreverent member , M. do Hcllsz , getup
up amid a hub-bub of excitement to intro
duce a little bill prohibiting ministers in the
exercise of their functions from standing by
at elections and further forbidding them to
present themselves as candidates during the
six months following their withdrawal from
office. The shaft was , of course , aimed at
M. Flourcnp , who has managed to raise a
perfect hornet's nest Hbout his cars by Ills
stumping exploit in the Hautes Alpcs this
week. It was so easy not to go on the stump ,
They say that M. Do Freyinet Is the mov
ing spirit In the little intrigue directed
against the minister of foreign affairs.
The Wilson trial excites very little interest.
Everybody is tired to death of Wilson and
the decoration scandals. The revelations of
the trial , in spite of Wilson's reiterated as
sertion that "I never sold a cross , " looks bad
for the ex-dauphin of the republic , and it is
quite certain that ho will be condemned.
The Princely Patient.
[ CopyrtvM ISSSlu Jama Qortlon Dennett. ]
SAN REMO , Fob. 18. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the HUE. ] Reports of the
crown prince's health are about the same to
day. Ho has' had a better night and seems
going on well. The doctors hold frequent
consultations. I hear that harmony has not
yet been restored among them. The Grand
Duchess of Budcu an Ivcd this evening en
route to Cannes. The Prlnco of Wales is
expected Monday. Congratulations are
purlng In on Dr. Brlmanu for his skilful op
erations on the prince's throat.
Eight Firemen Injured.
NEW BituxsnicK , N. J. , Feb. IS. Fire this
afternoon in Tcnbrocck's furniture store
caused a loss of $ 00. Eight firemen were
seriously injured by the falling of a wall , and
another fireman was run over by an engine.
Two of the men are fatally Injured.
For New Trials.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 18. Motions for a now
trial and arrest of judgment In the case of
Benjamin E. Hopkins , assistant cashier of
the Fidelity bank , were read in the United
States court this afternoon.
BuslncHH Troubles.
CINCINNATI , Feb. 18. Mullcr & Gogrcavo ,
dealers In liquors , assigned this aftcinoon.
Llaollltlcs , f 150,000 ; a scU , 1110.000. .
Dedication of the Ohllds' Window id
Westminster Abbey.
Honors Paid to the Author of "Par * *
dlso Lost. "
Kind Words For the Great AraorN
can Philanthropist.
Tiio Learned Englishman Portrays III
Eloquent LanunKO the Hccncs
In Ills Lift A Pathetic
The Chllds' Whitlow Unveiled ,
lCoj < i/i f ht IStiS ttu Jainet Qtmtun Hennett. }
LONDONFob. . 18. [ New York Herald
Cable Stcclul | to the BISK. ] George W.
Chllds , who is now gazetted over England as
n candidate for president , was this after *
noon the hero of the hour under the shadow !
of Westminster abbey , Wcsmlnster hall and !
parliament towers. Whether in compliment
to his known distaste for notoriety , o *
Scribncrs' magazine desired a inono | > ely of
Mathcw Arnold's paper Just road , the pro *
cccdings wcro only private in unveiling th * }
memorial window that Mr. Chllds has pro *
scntcd to St. Margurcte's church , to bg
called the Milton window. Laymen sentii
ncls stood at the doors and express. orders
were given not to admit reporters. The pro *
cecdlugs wcro begun In the small vcsttflf
room , where only about sixty persons wort )
allowed. These included Dr. Maccuuloy (
editor of Leisure Hours , who is n very ape * *
tollc-looklng gentleman , and the Baroness
Burdctt - Coutts and her husband
Wushmcad Bartlett - Coutts , the trio )
especially representing Mr. Chllds |
Robert Browning , sometimes staled hero thq
"Modern Milton ; " Sir Edwin Arnold , cdlto *
of the Dally Telegraph ; the American mln
istcr ; A. P. Turner , n Philadelphia bunker * ,
the Rev. Henry White , the family of Arch *
deacon Furrcr. Archdeacon Furror mew
tloncd Incidentally that the parish rcglstei
contained entries of the marriage of Cathar *
Ino Woodcock , of Aldermanbury , with Mll
ton , October 22,1050 , and the birth of tholr
child Milton in the following Apiil , 1G57 , and
tbo death of the wife soon after.
Archdeacon Farror , in a brief address ,
traced the history of the venerable churott
rand referred Jn comnllmontary language to
Mr. Cliilds as the only American who hua
illustrated English history by monumental
gifts , instancing his memory in the
abbey to the poets Cowpor and Ho
bcrt. Ho concluded with the Intro *
ductlon of Matthew Arnold , whose collcgA
prize poem was "Oliver Cromwell and
His Times" and therefore an appropriate
propriato writer on Milton. His paper , the
reading of which took twenty minutes , began
with an encomium to Mr. Chllds as philan
thropist , and then in concise Saxon dicltoil
traced the life of Milton and "tho grand
work accomplished for the English speaking
races by his writings and especially by his
poetry. " Ho pathetically alluded to his blind
ness and to the Indomitable way in which ha
persevered In splto of the affliction. The
paper throughout Ias I a classic bit of poetical
word painting. Ho concluded by observing
that the window was not placed as a dedica
tion to Milton , the politician , nor to Milton ,
the prose writer , but essentially to Milton aft
the "immortal author of 'Paradise Lost. ' "
The little private gathering then re-entered ,
the church , where Canon Furrar rcmovMJj
the curtain and the ceremony of unveiling
the window was over. *
The window is in the attln at tbo far end-
of the church which abuts towards West *
minster abbey and is between the Raleigh
and the Lord Frederick Cavendish windows.
It was executed by the London firm that has
carried out the work of decorations of all the )
windows In the churqh excepting two. It Ifj
of the style of the perpendicular period "oi
the sixteenth century and is known as a foupjr
light-traced window. The four center lights
represent scenes In Milton's life dictating
while blind to his daughter , entering St. Paul
school as a scholar and his interview f
with Galileo. The four outer lights display
scenes from "Paradise Lost" and "Paradlso
Regained. " The outer lights are surrounded t
by a border of wreaths , with the Miltonio
monogram alternating. At the bottom Is the
following inscription i "To the glory of God * "
and in memory of the Immortal pgct , John , " ' *
Milton , whoso wife and child are burled here ,
this window is dedicated by O. W. Chllds , ot
Philadelphia , U. S. A. , 1683. "
Southern Cm tie Quarantined.
111. , Feb. 18. Pursuant to A
thn report of the state board of live stools -
commissioners that conditions exist among
cattle coming to this state from the Indian ,
Territory and from certain counties-in the
state of Texas , and from the states of Arr
kansas , Tennessee , Louisiana , North
Carolina , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia
South Carolina and Florida , which renders
them liable to convey Texas fever to
Illinois cattle , the governor of Illinois has
Issued his proclamation , to take effect March
1,1SSS , prohibiting the importation Into this
state of any cattle from the territory mem
tloncd between the 1st of March and the 1st
of November of ci ch year unless such cattl4 |
are placed In quarantine for ninety days upoa
their arrival horo. This proclamation does f
not prohibit cattle from passing through thtj
state or being brought hero for Immediate
slaughter , but prohibits such being drhetf
over any public highways or commons.
A Crooked Confidential Clork.
NEW OIILKINS , Feb. 18. F. D. Ponparfc
the confidential clerk of Adolph SchrlelWj
treasurer , of the cotton exchange , is a d * ;
rauUei-for ' . ! 31 < XX ) . . . .