Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Made an Immediate Port of
The nrlcklnjrcrs' Position Tlic Plumb-
crs Tnkc a Stntnl DoltiKH in tlio
Courts Dcatli of Mrs. Idcu-
tenant Unrtlctt.
An Immediate Port.
Two years ago Senator Mnntlcrson en
deavored to have Omnlmmndowliat Is known
In the commercial world ni an Imtnedtnto
transinrtntloh ) ciistntim port. This Is n privi
lege which New York , Chicago , nnd other
lartra cities now enjoy. Ho secured the pass-
ngo of a bill to this effect , but it was Illt-d by
Uio veto ol the president.
The present session ho nfrnln brought the
matter up , and yesterday was notified by
the treasury department that Omaha had
been created a port of the kind mentioned
nbovo. This action justitlcd the senator in
the bollof that the president had no Jurisdic
tion in the mutter la which ho had issued his
veto.Tho result of the action of the treasury de
partment will ctmblo all the Roods imported
to this country by Omaha merchants to como
to this city Immediately , without breaking of
bulk or delay of four or llvo weeks or more ,
Btich ns has been the case hereto fore , lie-
sides , It will prevent the breaking nnd
loss of goods which has frequently been
sustained. The goods will bo inspected hereupon
upon arrival. This will require a corps of
Inspectors , jwsslbly four or live in number. It
will also enable goods to bo kept
In bond until they are required , tints doing
nwav with the necessity of paying the duty
on all at the same time , and enabling mer
chants to pay it only when they tuko their
goods out of bond.
One firm hero has paid on an nvcrago
120,000 for custom duties and this year ex
pects to pay at least $ I0,000 ! , while Importing
11 rins hero Irnvo run the grand amount up
much higher.
Mr. Frost Was Misquoted.
The Unu published an Interview with Mr.
Leo Frost yesterday , the subject of which
was the demands of the bricklayers ns to
wages for the coming season. Mr. Frost was
not only misunderstood and misquoted , but a
typographical error was added , making him
the apparent authority of a statement
_ wholly wrong. It was said that Mr. Frost
stated that the bricklayers only wanted $1.00
per day of eight hours. It should have been
stated that they wanted $4.50 for eight hours'
work , ns per their written demands. The
error was n most unfortunate ono inasmuch
ns it docs Mr. Frost a great injustice.
In conversation with a boss brick-mason this
morning it wus learned tnat If Mr. Frost had
made any such statement ho would bo cen
sured by his fellow craftsmen. The gcntlo-
man further stated that ho was sure Unit Mr.
Frost had bccn , misquoted , us lie was always
n prominent and conscientious worker for the
union. It is hoped that this correction will
BCttlo all differences.
, On next Wednesday afternoon thcro will
bo a meeting.of the Urick Contractors' asso-
elation at : ) p. in. In the evening tliero will
be a meeting of the Urick Manufacturers' as
sociation. Both of thcso meetings will take
place in room 43 ! ) , Paxton buildiutr , when It is
expected Mr. Armstrong's report will bo rend
nnd possibly an ultimatum bo reached as re
gards the stand that will 'bo taken by the
The master plumbers hnvo decided to here
after accept no contracts , in largo jobs , cx-
, copt from the actual owners of the buildings
In which the work is to bo done. The reason
assigned for this move is that they hnvo heretofore
toforo been compelled to accept contracts
from carpenters and bricklayers who have
given bids upon an entire structure. So'mo-
times these bldsv especially for plumbing
when made by inexperienced people , have
juecn inadequate for the work , anil as
n consequence the plumber < i ccpting
the contract , has frequently done
so at his cost. The stand now
taken by the plumbers , that of dealing only
with the owners of the Job , it is thought will
remedy this defect.
A boss painter told a BEE reporter yester
day that the members of his craft were
now discussing the same move , and would
probably arrive at the same conclusion that
the boss plumbers had , ns mentioned nbovo.
The United State * Court.
A bill for foreclosure of a mortgage wns
filed yesterday by Harry A. Pierce ami
George A. Davis , of Now York City , vs. Wil
liam Ferguson nnd Mnry'Fcrguson , of Dodge
county , this state. The amount in contro
versy is in the neighborhood of . ,8(10 ( , includ
ing interest nnd costs , ami is in six promis
sory notes Issued by the defendants
DiHtrlct Court.
STll.I , ON Till A I , . ' ,
The trial of Arnold et al is still on trial
before Judge Doano. Plaintiffs claim dam
ages on account of grading.
County Attorney Slmcral , in behalf of the
state , tiled a iwtltion jcsterday asking
that Frank Crawford bo ousted from his po
sition as justice of the peace. The petition
sets' forth that at , the last election C. D.
Thomas was clccto'd to succeed Crawford ,
but failed to qualify. The county commis
sioners then appointed Christian Nisscn to
{ .U . , flll the vacancy. Crawford disregarded the
notice of Nissen's appolntmenttand refuses
to givo'up his oftlco. As late as4 February 7
Nisscn demanded the retirement of Craw
ford , who again refused.
Plaintiff prays that the court will issue nn
order to oust Crawford from the ofllco ho il
legally holds ,
The trial of Charles Johnson , charged with
burclarywas completed yesterday afternoon.
The Jury after * a short J deliberation brought
In u verdict of guilty of petit larceny.
Susannah Earl , Susannah Wilkinson nnd
Christian Cammol petitioned the court yester
day to the effect that they are entitled to n
share In the estate of Uichard D. Curry , do-
council , and asking that a division in their
favor bo made.
WANTS -run ruoriniTV SOLD.
Clara M. Cruin , In her action ugiilnst John
i Anderson aud Andrew J. Stanley , alleges
that they aio keeping her from the enjoy
ment and protltR of certain real cstato , which
she asks bo sold and the proceeds equally
divided between the plaintill and defend
John II. F. Lohinann appeared before
Judge Wakeley yesterday ami petitioned that
the iiaino of the Deutsche-Geselisi-haft be
changed to that of tho. Turn Verein.
County Court.
Spafford L. Andrews brought suit ycstcrdnj
morning against Gcorgo M. Cooper , the real
cstato broker. Plaintiff alleges that In No
vember 16b , for a certain consideration paid
to defendant , the latter undertook to secure
'property ' fdr plaintiff on Eighteenth street in
block 1'Jof Kountzo and Huth's addition , and
represented to plaintiff that ho could secure
for him the south half of lot i ) , and the north
hallpf lot W-ln said block. To induce plain-
. < --iti f to purchase said property , pretended to
show liiniJUo same , but instead , with intent
to * cheat and defraud plaintiff , pointed out
other property than the ono described above ,
which was worth at least tTOO more ; than
the ono plaintiff was looking
ut. Plaintiff charges thnt defendant
knowingly nnd willfully pointed out the
wrong property in order to induce plalntifl
to purchase the property originally described ,
Plaintiff , relying upon representations ol
dofcndent , closed the deal nnd did not ills-
cover that ho had been cheated until borne
„ time later. Plaintiff asks Judgment in the
sura of f TOO , together with Interest und costs
' of suit.
Police Court.
The following cases were disposed of yes ;
tcrday inQrultig" :
. .V.ferauts. Qulllbcrt Karimrdt , Henry
Briefly. 1 day cacb.
Drunks-L , Nelson , William Hostlctoii ,
discharged ,
Suspicious characters II. P. Drown , T. B ,
Hoffman , Dick Clarke , discharged.
Disturbing the peace Edward Storm , con
Tim Chief of Pollen Jjooklng Into Mnt-
tcrfl and Things. '
Owing to an endless inflow of complaints ,
; hief of Police Scavey has concluded to rig-
dly enforce the ordinance requiring horse-
car drivers to stop at the further crossings of
ho streets , ami has charged his men to so
nform the horse nnd cable car companies of
its action. Drivers or gripmcn caught
icrcaftcr stopping their cars at the first
crossing will be arrested and given the full
est extent of the law.
Building Inspector Whltlock has solicited
ho nld of the chief of police in seeing that
all obstructions , excavations , etc. , occa
sioned by builders , shall bo properly sup-
> lird at nights with lights of warning.
Per order of the chief of police , Captain
3rcen will make an Inspection of the 1'co-
> lo's theatre this afternoon in order to ascrr-
, aln whether the liquor laws tire being vio-
atcd there. The beer and drinks that are
served thcro nro transported by way of n
dummy from the Diamond , but Mr. PiirrNh
claims he bus been assured by eminent legal
authority that this Is no infringement upon
the statutes governing thrso matters.
Chief of Police Seavey will ask the city
council nt its next session to revoke the up-
lointmciits of H. Barber , llrst ward ;
Jharlcs Splitt , second ; A. Travis , fifth ; and
B. Kwlng , sixth , ns garbage collectors , on
iccount of neglect and non-fulllllmcnt of
; hclr duties. The mayor will then be asked
.o maku temporary appointments until the
mssago of an ordinance , now pending , gov
erning these matters.
The chief will also ask the cltv council at
ts next session to Instruct the city attorney
.o sec thnt the city physician , who draws a
salary of ? ,4H ( ) ) > cr annum , shall furnish all
members of the jiolieo force and their fam-
lies with medical attendance , when re
quired , free.
Preparations arc progressing , under the
chief's supervision , for an enforcement of the
dog tax law , to begin with March 1.
Meeting Thursday A New Ordinance
Jtcport of the Secretary.
Thursday afternoon the board of public
health hold u meeting at the mayor's oftlce ,
Mayor Broatch presided , and among those
present were President Bechol , of the city
council , Councilman Burnham , Chief of Po
lice Scavy and Dr. Ralph , secretary of the
The principal object of the meeting was to
take some action looking to the buttering ot
the city's sanitary condition , and particular
attention was called to the tllthy condition
of the streets and alleys.
It was decided that Councilman Burnham
piTparo an ordinance relative to closing nil
cesspools , closets and sewers to bo preseuted
at the next meeting of the council.
Dr. Kulpli made a reiiort to the board con
cerning the condition of the block bounded
by Fonitccnth , Leavenwoith , Jones and
Thirteenth sticets , which is crowded with
wooden shanties and has tin open sewer passIng -
Ing through It.
Dr. Halph also presented his moituary re
port for December. The total number of
deaths was seventy-five. Of this number
fourteen were from pneumonia , seven by
diphthciia , six by membranous croup.
Stock of Union stock yards company ,
limited , of Ormiha , Nob. , for sale in
quuntities to biiit imrelwhors by Swift &
Co. , 74 K.xchtingo Imilding , Union stock
yards , Chicago , 111.
Ed Jloso , of Pender , is down looking over
the yards.
J.V. . Young Is down from Jackson with
five loads of cattle.
O. Greene , of Herman , is on the market
with a load of hogs.
U. Blaco nnd J. W. McBride are in from
Blair and are looking over the yards.
Bids are now being received for the new
cages necessary to complete the "cooler. "
The frame buildings on N street that .oc
cupy the site of Hunt's new building , are
being removed.
Max Kucn is still prosecuting his suit
against John Doe and others in the court of
Justice Levy. It is a case from the city.
Superintendent S. W. Fogg is in from
Hammondwhere he 1ms charge of Hammond
&Co.'s packing house. He is sizing things
Saturday night those interested in forming
a G. A. H. post will meet in the city council
chamber , and all old soldiers are expected to
bo on hand.
Posters are out announcing the sale of
John Connolly's old saloon building , by order
of Justice Levy's couit. February iiith is
the date llxcd.
John Toner , one of the old settlers , was
celebrating his seventy-filth birthday at the
City hotel and received the congratulations of
his many friends.
Among the Exchange hotel guests ycstcrda
were : Kd Hose , Pender , Neb. : O. Greene ,
Herman , Neb. ; U. Blace , J. W. McBride ,
Blair ; L. L. Lusk , Pender ; Gcorgo Proud-
lit , Friend , and W. J. Hoag , Chicago.
Gus Huff has sued T. W. Dennis , of the
Benson house , for a ? ll."i meat bill. The de
fendant has intimated that ho will claim the
benefits of the military exemption act , ami
won't pay because he "lit" in the late un
If the county commissioners will only pro
ceed to grade Vlnton street up to Twcnty-
fouitli they will secure the votes and grati
tude of a majority in South Omaha. It'will
help to build up the city more than anything
else they can do for it Just now.
Another case from the city was heard be
fore Justice Levy this morning , when Jacob
Kline sought to obtain iwsscstion of a build
ing from u restaurant ' keeper named Brooks.
It was a rather' tangled.up affair , and the
Justice continued it until the 25th inst.
Judge Kcutlicr'leaves for the cast to-day ,
on u long-contemplated and wcll-deservcc
trip to the east. The council has grantee
him three weeks' leave of absence , and on
his return ho'can tell all about Chicago , Do-
jtroit , Now York. Philadelphia , Baltimore
und Cincinnati. The judge carries with him
the best wishes of the many friends ho has
made while in office , and while all wish him
a plcasaut time , a largo majority pray for a
speedy return. The rougher clement thai
come.before him as culprits are not included
lu the latter class.
William Kincaid had a narrow escape from
drowiitngThm-Mlav night. While crossing the
Missouri , cast of Bellevue , his wagon broke
through the ice and dragged the team in will
it. Ono span of mules was rescued , ono
mule curried away and drowned , and ono
extricated with u broken leg. Mr. Kincaid
was badly bruised , but thinks ho is in luck
to huvo lost only $ : ! 00 worth of mulellcsh in
stead of his life. Another team drove into
the same hole and the wagon was lost. The
team and driver were saved , but the name of
the latter was. not learned
Itailroiid Notes.
Charles N. Pratt , who became so well
known here as general purchasing agent in
connection with the Uiflk Pacific under S
H. Callaway , is in towiimi business for a few
dti s. Ho now tills the position of genera
manager of the Toledo , St. Louis & Kansas
City road , of which Mr. Callaway is now it
charge. Mr. Prutt's headquarters are in
Frankfort. Ho has been mot hero by a num.
her of old friends , who have enjoyed the
meeting greatly.
Mr. S. U. Callaway , who became so wel
known In connection with the Union Pacific
while lie wus icslding here , has concluded to
bettlo in Toledo , where his homo will here
after bo located. The latter city is the ini
tiul point of the great road , the Toledo , St
The Iroii'dnwcd Man Hurt.
Lowanda , the "Iron-Jawed man" who'for
n \ \ cck post has been performing at the Eden
Mubeo , met with an accident yesterday at
ternoon that will lay him up for two or three
dais. Lowaudu's act Is to lift a barrel of
wuter with two men astride of it with his
teeth , the lower part of his chin resting
against his breist. In attempting U this
ho clipped and the IKX ) pound weight
of the barrel and its riders tell acatnst his
auuonien. Dr. Hostcttcr was called , who
pronounced the Injuries slight.
Mr. Welch Didn't Appear.
Mrs. D. J. Welch nnd Mr. C. E. Seward
appeared , before Judge Bcrka ycstcrda }
afternoon to answer to the charge of adultery
brought by Mrs. Welch's husband. As that
gentleman lulled to appear against them , the
casi-'was dismissed by the prosecuting at tor
ncy , . ' *
tt Kansas City road , of which ho is
now the manager. ,
General Manager Merrill , of the Kansas
2lty St St. Joe road , has been in thq city for
a few days , during which time ho has made
n Inspection of the general office of the
Jnlon Pacific as nlso of the shops of
ho same company , and it has been
asserted that , as n friend of Pottcr'4 , ho Is n
xisslblo candidate for the position of general
upcrintcndcnt of the Union Pacific. *
' 'crRtison Hound Over to the District
Court Without Ball.
At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon the pro-
Imlnary examination ot William Ferguson ,
ho slayer of Ole Olson , was held before
udge Bcrka. Tno court room was crowded
vith spectators , while hundreds stood on the
idcwnlk outside or swam ed about the win-
ows to catch n peep at the prisoner. Those
unable to.get In contented themselves with
.focussing . the case outside. When Fergu-
foil was brought into the court room he
ookcd cool and remarkably self-possessed
or ono of his years , und at first"
hewed great indifference. However ,
10 followed very carefully the
estitnony of the witnesses. The persons
vho testified were .Tames Kennedy , Ed. Hoff-
nan , Joe Holmes , Alf Smith , James Adams ,
januicl Montgomery and Charles Heller.
? ho state was represented by County At- ,
ornoy Slmcral , and the defense by Attorney
Alexander Green assisted by Attorney Lee
After hearing the evidence the Judge held
' 'erguson for murder in the first degree , nnd
ho prisoner was immediately put in irons
ind hurrigtl to the county Jail. The witnesses
vero all put under 100 bonds each to appear
> cforo the district court. Adams , Montgom-
ry and Heller gave bonds nnd wcro immo-
liatcly released. The remaining witnesses
vcro remanded back into custody and also
aken to the county jail.
He Sold Fci'KUson IiUjuor.
In the preliminary examination of Fergu
son , the murderer of Ole Oleson , yesterday ,
Tames Adams , ono of the proprictois of the
saloon in which Oleson was killed , testified
that ho sold three drinks of whisky and ono
of blackberry brandy to Ferguson. As the
negro is only fifteen , the prosecuting at
torney baa Adams arrested at the termina
tion of the trial for selling liquor to minors.
3n arraignment ho plead guilty and was
lined $25 and costs.
Oninlm & Plnttc Valley Oil Compan'y
There was an important .meeting of the
stockholders of the Oinuha & Platte Valley
Oil company at the ofticd of Murphy
& .LiOvett. The following ofilcers and direct
ors were chosen : President , A. L. Strang ;
vice president , L. M. Anderson : secretary ,
Gcorgo B. Tzcshuck ; treasurerHcnry Bolln ;
directors , A. L. Strang. L. M. Anderson ,
Henry Holln , M. T. Murphy and Henry
The company owns upwards of4,000 acres
of the most valuable oil producing lands in
Wyoming aud will begin operations at once.
These lands uro situated in the great oil
belt and early in the summer will bo access
ible by two lines of railroads. Kailroad fa
cilities will greatly increase the value of the
property and the outlook of the company is a
brilliant ono indeed.
Neuralgic pain is usually of an in
tensely sharp , cutting or burning char-
auUr. To olTeet tv speedy nnd perma
nent cure rub thoroughly with Salva
tion Oil. the 'greatest paitii cure on
earth. S3 cents. .
When a man is ill ho "should sent ! for'
n doctor nt once ; blit when ho has a
cough or a sore throat" ho needs only
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents. ,
The County Schools Responding.
Some time since Superintendent Brunor
sent out to all county $ eacbors ( outside of
this city ) * circular letter asking ; that t-he ,
would take up collection 1n their schools"for-i
the benefit of the Nebraska heroines. Up to '
date Mr. Brunor has received but seven re
sponses to his appeal and the total amount
sent in for the great object is but -10,04. Five
of these responses came from country dis
tricts , ono from the primary teacher nt Flor
ence nnd ono from the Third
ward school in South Omaha.
Thcro are six schools in South Omaha.
Mr. Brunner stated that during the
past thrco days ho had visited many of the
county schools , and in every district the pu
pils and teachers were enthusiastic in rais
ing sums of inoiicv for the unfortunate
Misses Hoyco and Woobbccko. The super
intendent estimates that if the balance of the
schools contribute as liberally as the seven
nbovo mentioned , thnt the amount raised
will bo between 4300 and $30 ! ) .
Received of the Hxjmo Fire Insurance
company of Omaha the full amount of
my loss by lire on the llth of tliismonth
on my dwelling and furniturct.viil ; loss
being adjusted and paid prouiptly and
to my entire satisfaction.
Omaha , Fob. 16,1888.
Heal Kstuto Transfers.
John H Feeney to Cntharino Kinsleo ,
n 07 ft of s * 2GS ft of lot'59 , Oka-
homa , q c. . . $ 1
Allen E al to John M Dough'
crtylots 1 ana 14 blk 4 , lot 1 blk 5 ,
Carthage ; also parcel of laud ICMMJ
ft beg at no cor of lot 1 blk 4 , Car
thage , \v d t 2,000
David Jamleson and wife to Jacob L
ICnley , lot 0 blk "C , Sounders &
Hlmebaugh's add , w d , 775
John L McCaguo and wife to Andrew
P Johnston , lot 17 blk 0 , West Cum-
ingudd , wd . " . v 300
Edwin W Eayrcs ct al to Kachcl Ains-
cow. s J < ; of lot 10 blk 7 , Kountz' 4th
add , q c 1
Thomas Brcnnan ct al to Ruth A
Sloan , lot 7 blk. 1 , Brcuuan place
add , w d 3,000
Saunders & Himcbaugh , trustees , to
David Jamleson , lot 0 blk C Saun
ders & Himobangh's add w d 300
John I Hcdick and wife to Helen U
Clark , lots 15,10 , 17 , 18 and 10 blk 8
sub of John I Hodick's add w d 7,200
Albert Dupont to Peter Lang , lots -1 ,
21 and 23 Walnut Hill add q c 1
B II Nott and wife to John P Will
iams , lot 2 blk 2 ICountzo place w d. . 0,500
John P.Williams und wife to Isaac II
Nott , lot 5 blk 15 Highland place
wd 3,000
Joseph S Kragskow and wife vto An
drew J Stanley , s 28 feet of lot 62 ,
Nelson's add , w d 2,000
George II Boggs and wife to Phillip
II Shelley , lot 23 blk 40 , George H
Boggs add , w d 150
Same to Evn N Shields , lot 20 blk 23 ,
Omaha View extension , wd 000
William K Potter and wife to Graham
P Browne , lot 0 blk "B , Bedford ,
w d 1,000
Samuel T Potter and wife to to sumo ,
lot 8 blk(5 , Hillside add No 1 , w d. . . 3,500
Seventeen deeds $32,620
IluiliUng Permits.
The warm weather has again started the
building boom , which has bcon very
quiet since the commencement of cold
weather. The following are "yesterday's per
mits ;
Foley & Darst , alterations to building ,
Sixteenth aud Davenport $ 1,000
Kirschbraum & Sons , stabjo. Twenty-
sixth aveauo and St. Mary's avenue. 300
August Shaofer , livery stable , 1812
North Sixteenth 1,500
A. F. Llndquest , cottage , Twenty-sixth
and Oak COO
A. J. Huernberg , cottage , Ulco near
Twenty-ninth COO
Mrs. M. E , Stevenson , dwelling , Thir
ty-fourth ami Francis , . 1,000
Six permits aggregating f 4,600
Soldonborg's Figaro is the only long
Havana tilled lOo cigar for 5c ou sale
Omaha In NatlonaUStatUIIcs.
Secretary Nottiuger , of the board of trade ,
has received a letter from W. F. Switzlcr ,
chief of the bureau pf statistics , acknowledg
ing tlio rotelpt of hla annual report as also
thg mutual review ol tUa fiicwUicb , be
claims have cntftflcd him to mnko a very be
fitting notice ot the trade nnd commerce of
Absolutely Pure *
This powder never varies. A mnrvolof puri
ty , strength nnil wliolt'somenoss. More econom
ical than the ordinary klniK ami cannot bo cold
In competition wltn the mnUltiulo of low rtm ,
short weight alum or pliobplmti- den. Sold
only In cans. Hoyal linking Powder Co. , I'M
Wall street. New York.
IIorKtKSTiLtK , Kr. , Feb. ! 4 , ISE7.
fltnt1 nen-Bcvn years ago a sore di-vcl-
opeil on my no e from a tinner null suratcn.
Itrlrilmfew simple remedied but the son
would not jleld. I grew worm every jria
for even year * . Many thought I h d UCMI-
< vf. Over a year jgo I commenced taking ;
B. U. S. . ami two dozen bottle ) entirely t itred
MO. When I began with Swift' Bjirrinc I
was. In very poor health , and coulc barillT
drag about After I had finished the coursij
of 8. B. 8. I was stronn and buoyant , and
hart a good appetite. . I retard It on a niokt
valuable medicine for ladles In weak , dell-
cat * health. It U a household medlclu *
BrARTlt BUBO , S. C. . April 2 , 1S37.
Qentlemen-For twenty jcaral have had
. Hire on my left cheek. It had gradunlly
been growing woree. The many physicians
whom I had consulted were uitabl ; Jo dp
rmi'iiriy'Bobd. TUwtfiU a jcar ago Itirgan
using 8. 8. S. At tint It Inflamed thetmr ,
and It became more virulent than ever : BO
much BO , Indeed , thnt my family Insisted
that I should leave off the medicine. I per-
ilMed In uslutc the 8. a S. At the end of tup
months the ere was entirely healed. Think
ing that t le evil was out of my constitution ,
I left OK the medicine ; but In November.
ten montls after , a very slight breaking out
aouoarrd. I at ouio began again on H. S. S ,
aud now that la also disappearing. I hava
ever ? faith In 8. 8. B. It hu done mo more )
good than all the doctors and other medi
cine * 1 over toot. Yours truly ,
A. It. SHlnDS.
WINSTOX. N. C. , April 1J , 1SS7.
Gentlemen TV , o or three yean ago a can
cer came on my fate. It soon grew to bej
quit , large. It were on me. and my general
Health was Tory wnt. I * * * September I
began a coursw of 8. S. 8 , w hlch 1 hat e con.
tinned to tho-prcsent time with the happle.t
result. The omcer has entirely dlsni > p ai ed ,
there being no cvldencfe or symptom of a
cancerous clutacier left. My general health
Is good now , ana my appetite better than It
hai been In jearn. I am 82 years old , and
today I nmr working In the Held planting
corn. YoursMruly , Jom Lmnnicii.
Gentlemen I had a sore on my upper lip
for eight } irs. Seven different doctors at
tempted In aln to heal It. One gnvo mo a ,
mall vial forUve dollars , which was a "err.
tain cure. " Ze Is needless to sa > ( But It did
me no good. About two years ago I becams
qulto uneasy ) as people thought I had a can-
cer.aud I took a course of eighteen bottle.
'of 8. S. 8. Th result has been complete
cifre. The ulcer or cancer healed beautiful
ly , leavlm ; scarcely a perceptible scar , from
that day f h e bren fa excellent health , the
BpcclHo hartnf purlfltd my blood thorough-
| y. Incirasedmy appetite and perfected mr
digestion. In a word. I feel lllco a new
woman , andihcst of all , the eight year ulcer
U got , , entity.
" Trenton. Todd Co. , Ky. . Keb. % 1W7.
' ' & . Plffreatl B on'niood and Skin Diseases milled "
" free. Tu * Bv.irr Brtciric Co. ,
- Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Qa ,
ic Remedy
' All fjplililllc Dlicaici , of rrcent or lone ( tnnalnc.ln
from ten to tlltccn dajra. Wo lll Klve written BUIU-
antee * to cure any cane or refund your money. And
wv would tar to Uioso who hne employed the most
Skilled I'liynlclan * . u od every known remedy and
have not been cured , tbnt you are the rnbjccti we ar <
looklnx tor. You that have been to the crlebratoi.
Hot * > prlni of ArkuuiU , and Imve lost all hope ol
recovery , we
Will Cure You
armakenoeharae. Our remedy In unknown to anyone
ono In the world outsldoof our Company , and U 11
the ; only remedy m the world that will euro you. Wa
will euro the moU obttlnato cane In leu tban on *
piontb. Seven daya In recent cases docs the work. It
l the old , chronic , deop-eatcd cases that we tollclt.
Wi * have cured hundreds who had been abandoooJ
ty I'liyBlclans and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
to bring n ) a case thai we will not cure In less than
ono month.
Mncci tb , , history of medicine , a True Specific for
rypnllltlGhKruptlans , Ulcers , bora mouth , 4c. , liu
toceo sou t for but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
aa discovered , and wo are Justified In saying It li tbe
only remedy In the world that will positively euro
because tbe latest medical works , published by the
best known authorities , say there was never a true
specific before. Our Itemcdv Is tbe only medicine In
the world that will cure when everything else has
railed. It hm born so conceded by a farie number of
Celebrated I'hjslrtni.s. IT UAH MEVEH VET rxiutn
K < IUIIK. Why wi > ste your time and money wltn
latent , inedlclres that never had virtue , or doctor
lth physicians that cannot euro you. You that bava
tried everything else should come to us now and get
permanent relief ; you n vet can get It elsewhere
Mark what wo 1171 In the end you roust takoonr
Iterucdy or NEVKU recover. And you that have been
afflicted but a short time should hy all means come to
ns nuw. > iany get help aud think theyu re free from
the disease , but la one , two or three years after , II
appears agila lonmoro horrible form.
Investigate ourSnanclal atandlng tbrouph tbe mer
cantile axenclei mat note that we are fully rcsponsl
Die and our wrlttM guarantees are pood. We have sv
REMEDY prvp r ten purely Hclonliflc I'llnclplea anr
we wish to repent that It it E vicii rAiLSTo CUUI. Al
letters sacredly confidential.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Booms 1C and 17'BUman Block.
TB bert aBaViorert Bemedj for Cue of
all dlMMcs cMsted by any derangement of
tbe Liver , KUaejri , Stomach and Bowcli.
Dyvptptla , Mtk Headache , Conttipotlon ,
Blllou Comphsfata and Malmrtaof all kind *
yfeUiMdllytto benefleant of
It If ylciMBt to tbe ) tstte , toiti up the
syiUsi , restore * wd prestrrei ke lth.
It It pucly Vegetable , nnd eannqt fall to
bcaelciU , both to old and yonag ,
Blood PnriCcr U U icperlar to all
Sold CTerjTvhtTf r.t 11.00 a bottle.
Although it is a little early to talk about spring goods , yet in some
departments new goods are already in demand. Our Hat department
bias for the past few days been quite active , and our spring trade in
this line promises tobethe biggest we ever had. We have made am
ple preparations for it , have enlarged this department considerably ,
and have put in a stock of hats unequalled for variety and styles. We
propose to make this department a leading feature of our business.1
Those who bought hats of us last season know that we sold them for
ibout one half the prices other houses charge. We intend to do still
better this season. We do not carry any cotton or so-called wool hats.
We only keer > good qualities of fur hats such as we can warrant will
give entire satisfaction to the wearer , with every hat sold in our es
tablishment goes a guarantee , and our guarantee means that if any
imperfection or damage is found in a hat , we take it back and give
either a new hat or return the money.
As our opening bargain for the seaspn we have placed on sale ail
elegant line of cassimere hats , made in the latest shapes , at one dollar.
These hats cannot be duplicated elsewhere for less than $2.50. At the
price of one dollar they are the most astounding bargain ever offered in
this or any other city. Finer grades of cassimere hats at $1.40 , $1.75
and $2-25. Our very finest hats at $3.25 are equal to the best makes
in this country or imported.
We have added this season a large line of soft hats , and also a
assortment for boys.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Corner Douglas and I4th Streets. Omaha.
The BEST and MOfiT
( Sewing ; Thread of Modern Times.
Kir.pATitiCK-Kjicii Dry Ooods Co.
M. E. SMITH ft Co.
CIIAH. BiNnEit , South Omaha , and all first-
class retail dealers.
WHO is rvicgciiitTtD wnn TUB axoaRArnr or Tins
By reason ot Its central poiitloi cosa relation to lines
Kast of Chicago , and contlnJJUl Itses at terminal
points West , Northwest and Doathwest , Is the true
middle link In that transcontinental aystem which
Invltti and facilitates travel and traffic between tbs
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Kock Island main line and branches Include Cht
tago , Jollct , Ottawa , La , Bills , Fcorla , Qenesco , Molina
and tlock Island , In Illinois i Davrnport , Muicatlne ,
Washington , Falrfleld , ottumwa , , Oskaloota , West LIU-
rty.IonaCltr.DsiMolneii.Indlanala.Wlatersct , Atlan
tic , Knoirllle , Autlubon , Karlan , Outhrlo Centro and
Coancll Bluffs , In luwai Oallatln , Trenton , 8t. t .iepn ,
Cameron and Kansas City. In Hlisourl : Leai. , north
and Atchlson , In Xansasi Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
. Panl , InUlnnesotfi ! WaUrtown and Sioux Falls , IB
Dakota , and hiudreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
. ' 'The Great Rock Island Route" '
Onaraatees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its
permanent way Is distinguished for IU excellence. Its
bridges are of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid
steel.Its rolll/ig stock perfect. Its pattengereqalprnxnt
has all the safety appliances that experience has pivroJ
useful , and fur luxurloun accommodations Is >
pasieil. Its Eprc § Trains conslit of superior U.iy
Coaches , elegant Pullmsn Palace Parlor and Bleeping
Can , superb Dining Can , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlion and
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. It' man.
ojrement U conservativeIU discipline eiactlng
"The ( Famous Albert Lea Rou e"
Between Chicago and Hlnneapplls and St. 1'a. Is the
favorite. Over this line Solid Fast Kipress Trains run
dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sloui Falls , to the
rich wheat and graslng lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca and Kankakeo , the Rock Island offers scperior
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian ,
apolli. LafayetU and Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Atehl-
son , Leavenworth , Kansas City , St. Paul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) receive protection , eourtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folden , copies ot Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal offices la
tbe- United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
R. R. CAIlt , I. ST. JOHN , I. A. HOLIHOI ,
iibmtiltdttu *
lier lt : > ns or
ilnnous , mild , sootblpf currents of
llydltectijr larouth all wok psni.reitor >
lofthsm .to health and Vigorous Streaiih. Kit rtrio
Currtot' _ _ .ifilllniltcUTor wefurf lti .l > 00 Incsih.
QreateitlrnproTemots ever sll other tells. Vrorit ta te per *
m nf oily cured U lhre tuauis. Staled paraphleMc. rump
Tha Sindtn ElecUio Co. I8t LaSallc et. , Chicsgo
HM > | to > Jl Mld r H < , - _
' . WuTssUdtoiUss'lnliydtatU. Ais j tu > * >
lllutr > U4C Ul < fM mtMInt I * lk Uwihctonn ,
* .HIAUYr ! SlU\t t. . . lloa o ;
N. W. Cor. 13th eft. Dodge Sts.
Best facilities , npparatui and remedies for sue
ccssful treatment of every form of dUease recjuir-
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WHITE ton CIRCULARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Hrur.cltitis ,
Inhalation , Ktectncitv , Parnljsls , Epilepsy , Kid-
jiey , Bladder , K > c , Ear , SUin and lllood , and all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated , hypli-
ilitic Poison returned from ( lie system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Persons utmblc \Uittisinay be
treated at home by correspondence. AH commu
nications confidential. Meclicintb or instruments
tent by mail or express , rccurely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or render. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
send history of > our case , and we will send in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Di .cnscs , Impotency -
potency , S > phllts , Gleet and Vnricocele , with
question list. Address
Omaha 3Inliral and fltirgtral Institute , or
' Cor. ISthandDodaeSU. , OMAHA. NED.
Percherons , Clydesdales and Phiro , nlso homebred
bred rolta , Uveryanlmnl Kuaranteea n breeder
Our stock lias been selected with reference to
both Individual merit and pedigree. Homo of
tliesn horses have taken flm piize at the No-
liraska State Felr , 1887. All our horses are no-
climated , and colts of their set can bo shown.
1'rireH reasonable and easy tei inn. Is accessible
by the throe leading railroads of the Htate , U. &
M. : i-"A-1 ' . V. . and K. C. & O.
KHV sc FAHItllAlI.York.Neu
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homuiopathtc ripc-clullst ,
tit AND NOSE ,
Spectacles Accurately 1'rescrlbed.
Barnsdall M. D
J.W. , .
Ilomccopatliic Specialist ,
Gyntecologltt and Obstetrician ,
Telephone 079.
If. J ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Office N. W Cuincr lltli and UoiiKlas St. Odlco ,
telephone , Idj Uealdenco telephone , WW.
too Kearney Laui Office of Kearney , Neb ,
The oldest and best eKtabllshed Heal Estate
and Loan lluMtiei-s lu Central NebnxBka. I now
offer it for sale after U } ears'continuous own
ership and management , on account of falllnt , '
health , ( lood house property run RO with It.
AlsofoO.bU ) worth of landi aud Kcurni-y tlty
lots If wanted. Address
The Kearney 1/niul OIHoo ,
Konrnoy , N < :1 > .
CORSETS. Every lady wlslilnx
liooit Itralth and a Utull , < il J'l- !
me'buss tlieui. Qulik
ssies. Uoodpay. Kend
for terms and circular.
TED.wboInhlsrOM YandlUNOKANC'B
has TRIFLED away his VIGOR of BODY ,
MIND and MANHOOD , causing exhanstlnr
drains Upon the FOUNTAINN of I.IFIfT
Dreams , WEAUNENN of Memory. IIANU.
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS leading to
TIOBT or INHANITY , should consult at one *
the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Ectabllshed
1861. Dr. Clarke has made NERVOIIB DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all Bbeates or
Htudy. It makes NO difference WHAT you
t .vc taken or WHO has failed to cure you.
. WFEMALEHsufTcrlngfromdifeasespecu-
Uar to their sex can consult with the assurance
Of speedy relief and cure. Bend 2 cents postaftj
for wotks on jour diseases.
_ JtsTSend 4 cents postage for Celebrated
Works on Chronic , Nervonsj and Bell *
cafe Diseases. Consultation , personal'y or by
letter , free. Consult the old Boelor.
Thousands ) cured. Offlcrs and pnrlorsi
private. 49-Thosc contemplating Slarrlaro
send for Dr. Clnrke'si celebrated gulao
Male and Femnli * . each 16c. , both 25o.
( sumps ) . Bcfora confldlne your case , consult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call max
jave future suOeringand shame , and add golden
years to life. 9-Book " Llfe'N ( Recret ) Er.
ror , " & 0c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing !
rent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
1 08 So. Claris St. . OHIOAQQ.
\vu corilUny rvcoreraem4
vourli at thetfct rctnedv
kn mn to tit for Gonouhota
nil Gleet.
We have sold tonildtr *
ftole , & [ > d In every clso ( |
Bs given situjkcdcn.
Alcott A JJsk ,
Hudson. N. VV
Sold by Dr
Filca S
WilTiT 11 i lit r u e I'm1 ! M - " " - -
DR H NOBLE Blair Neb
, , , , , ,
liuporternnd llrecderof
Clydesdale. English Coacli & HambletoniaH' '
They nro nil Him nnd In prlmo condition anil can
not full tomtit , 'limy roiinlst uf piUn winners and
tlu-lr net. In hrollanil. Cannda nnd this country. Our
ti-nnii , price" und IIOWH will mitt you.Vrlto for url
res unit particulars. Illnlr l 24 mllcn north ( if Omaha *
on T , K.S Al. V. It. It. und C. .St. r. Al. A O. It. U.
TliirilJii < llc3l ! District ,
la in no sense a rival of cheap Teas , but it It
the equal of any $1 Tea in the market. Retail"
price only 75c , per pound. 40c , half pountfJ
W. It. Dennett A. Co > UM. IMI tupltol Avenue ,
II. A. .Newman , lill M Mury'ii Avcuu .
Mnr Neer. Mt l-oulli loth MM'i't.
J.J.I > wuruk.V llro. . lulKjutU 13tli fatruct.
J.O tnnlimin , "until Oiiinlm.
U. II. llanicii,7lU Murtli lull Street.
lit tbe lloiljr talsr < e < i ttnl tlrtnctkened. yullptrUn
lirssi-ntsrakd lice. KltlK HKU.UO..liurriioN. ) [
remit 9 ! tW tk , ln.lltciiU.cB , ejx