Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    * * n * i * " * * - tv 1-
Advcitficments under this head , ft cents fit
me for tlio flrst Insertion , 7 cents ( or each ub >
cciuimr insertion , and HJW a line per month.
No advertisement taken for less thun emlM
for the first Insertion. Seven words will be
Ctrtintod to the Ilnei they must run consecutively - .
ly and must bo paid n advance. All ndvertlse-
tnentii must be handed in before 1:30 : o'clock p.
tn. , and tinder -no circumstances will they D
taken or discontinued by telephone. .
1'artlc * advertising In these columns and hir
ing the answers addressed In euro of the lie * ,
will t > len o aik for cheek to enable them to
cet ( their letters , a * none will ba delivered except
on presentation of check. All answer * to ad *
Vertlsoinenti should bo enclosed In envelopes.
i All advertlsnments In theco column * MO pub
lished in both morning and avenlng editions of
the Heo , the circulation of which aggregates
more than Ifi.CO" papers dally , and gives the ad-
Yertlsers the tienellt , not only of the city circu
lation of the Ilec , but also of Council Illtina ,
Lincoln , and other cities and town * throughout
fills part of the west.
Advertising for these column ? will lie taken ,
on the above , conditions , at the .following bus
iness housed , who are authorized agents for TUB
llr.K special notices and will truoto the flame
j tcs as can bo had at the main olllco.
" . JOHN W. IIKM *
KOS. 10th Street.
CHASE & nnnv ,
2xlziters and.
1MB. loth Street.
F3a.a.rm.aciat ,
2115 Cumlng Street.
OEO. V , ' . PARR.
3lxarm.c .ci3t ,
ICth an-1 Webster Streets.
iTo- 7aiIDealer ,
Test Office , South Omaha.
flTANTED Ilya miiart. industrious , BOber ,
T I colored man , a jla ) < , an Janitor or mes
senger. References given ; Inquire218 N. luth
Rt , orlllO Dodge st. 17923 *
WANTED Situation for first-class cook ,
whcro husband can lioard ; also an experi
enced young mnnand wife as waiters In hotel or
restaurant. Union Employment olllce , ni.l a.
Itthst. 10,117 *
WANTED Situations A new supply of girls
constantly arriving Irom the east at our
Ofllce. ( 'onto and got one or Bend your order
to Canadian Kmp. office , Mrs. Hiegu& Son. 31
80.16th. Tel. KH. ' 03 17 *
WANTED 1'osltlon as cashier or bookkeeper
by experienced young lady. Address 118 ,
Doe. 151 18 * .
WANTED A position bv a young man In a
w holcsale Iioii'o as 1)111 clerk or collector ,
or 111 go on the road on commission ; have had
flpmo experience In teas and clears. Will de
posit MOO as a bond , and furnish very best ref
erences. Address 114 , Bee. 1551W
WANTED 3llrstclass men waiters , none
others need apply ; 4 canvassers on
salary. Oato City Kmp. office , 3H 8 15th. Tel.
WANTED Two good coachmen , must have
references , and thoroughly undei stand the
Tjusliiessj a way up pastry cook ; one good com
bination cook. Canadian employment olllce ,
Mrs. lliega & Son , 310 815th , telephone KS4.
WANTED-A watchmaker at 410 South 10th
st. Col , Toner. 1S4 19 *
W ANTKD-Uarbor at 315 8. Uth.
194 171
3ALESMEN wanted ; iridescent signs and ad-
vertlsliiK novelties for spring now ready ;
ImmenseWiTes and prollts. For samples , catalogues -
logues , etc. , enclose stamp. Sims , Jackson &
Co , , Washington , D. C. 19017 *
'tXTANTElT Youngman to manage illustrated
TT weekly newspaper in Nebraska ; must
fcavo some knowledge ; of advertising ; small cap
Ital , good reference. Address J. Rawlsrcr , 4J
Attorney street. New York. 19117 *
W I ANTED Canvasser for shirts. Oood
wages to good man. ! XWN. 16th. 18119
W A NTED-To meet demand for April book
keepers. I will Instruct 3 pel sons and wait
for half pay until you have situations. J. 11 ,
Bmlth , Itamge block. 16ft 18 *
WANTKD-Man ns agent-A new article-
sells everywhere , city or county ; no ext
t > erlence needed. One New York agent's flrsi
order a car load ; New Jersey agent's , half car
Ind. agent , halt car , and soon. Rare chance , ,
permanent business' exclusive territory. Write
the Monarch Co. , Clntiunutt , Ohio.
Bors Am. DlsU TeL Co. , 1304 Douglas.
1 8
WANTED-A good reliable registered drug ,
gist , "or clnig clerk. " to buy an interest
In a well established puylnp drug store. Ad
ilrohs immediately , F. li White * Co. , UnadUla ,
W ANTED Men to drive teams. Albright's
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. va
"IITANTED An experienced bookkeeper who
' T T can furnish good recommendations. Ad
dress Postoflice box 600 , Dillon , Mont. 12 ID *
WANTED-A good blacksmith on general
work such as spring wagons and bug
gies at Muldoon's shop , cor. 14th und Jones.
WANTED.-AgWs can make from WOO tc
* .YOU per day. Territory given to good men
Call at 124 N. 15th t , room 8. 88319 * .
t , ho nest.boy about IB 01
years old at 1.109 Farnam. 107 17
WANTED Men who Want to go to work an
mean business. Call room ft , 310 Sout
15th tt , UjO-lHJ
WANTED A boy with pony to cairy a rout
In the southwestern part of city for dull
evening llee. 741
WANTED Agents to sell the Mo. Htean
Washer. It will pay Intelligent men am
vonu'ii seeking prolltuble employment to w rlt
for my Illustrated circular and terms for thli
celebrated washer. Why does It pay to act asm ;
ngent ? Hecauso arguments In its favor are HI
uumoious and convincing that sales tire mad
without dllllculty. Sent on two weeks' trial a.
jiiy expense , for return if not satisfactory , J.
Worth , sole m'fr , 1710 Franklin avo. , St. Louis ,
51 o.
) 1 cook for lleatrlce , $50 per
t month ; S canvassers for city. W per day ;
S wood choppers. Omaha Kmp. Bureau. U ! ) K.
10th. Tele. 1118. 203 17
"IXTANTBD 3 cooks ( women ) . 4 dining room
ITT girls , 2 launch esses , 10 girls for houso-
work. Date City Kmp. olllce , 314 315th. Tel. lliu.
* 200 19 *
WANTED-Cooi for Uoone. Iowa. WO. 1 for
Denulsou. tl ) , 2 for Fremont : girls for Fullerton -
lertonVeeplngVnterand Council Hlutfs ; dinIng -
Ing room girls , chambermatds.luundiegses , and
new placvs In and out of city eery clay. Wo
already have place for girls at housework.
Canadian employment afltce , Mrs. llrega & Son ,
818 8 15th , telephone KM. 309 17 *
WANTEO-lllrls' housework , 1'chain-
bermuld. 4 cllnmg room girls , 1 lady can
vasser , 1 cook for Hlalr , Neb. , 3 rooks for city. 1
nurse girl. Lot&uf good places fur grls | , Omulm
eniploymeuHnirwiu. 119 N Kith st. Telephone
1112. | 208 17
WANTED-A good , willing girl , Irish or Oer-
man prefcrtod. 1814 Dodgo. 1S.M8
iXVANTKO-Anrst-classnilllmer for the spring
TT and summer season. Aildress , wlthbat-
Bryejiwcted ) and references , K. J. Hemphlll ,
ABIiliind. Neb. IBS | &
flTANTBl > Two well dressed and Intelligent
TT lidles for city work on commission. Must
tie energetic aud hard workers. Call H. 15 , Ar
cade hotel from < to 7:89 : p. m. , & .30 to I0 : : > u a. m.
. . ' Nyf t * > 172-17J
\ \ fANTpDJuIs for. families ; 2 cooks ; 3
TT dishwashersIchambennald. ; Union Em-
l > lpyment olllce , IIJ3 8. llth Bt. No churgo _ until
ecured. liH 17 *
WANTED A comiwtent girl for general
housework , must be a good cook und luun-
drcss , and rome well recommended. Apply
room 00 , Mlllard hotel , b t een Sand U p. m.
1irANTKl-A ] smart business woman to take
' .TT charge or linen nmms at the Puxton ho
tel. Must be handy with a needle. Apply ut
_ _ _
WANTED-10 girls for housework , 3 dining
room Klrls , i cliambermuld , 1 pastry
cook. 8 girls for ranch. > oun Blrl to atslbtln
housework , a good home for u good girl. woman
to take care of child : it you wish euiplo } ment ot
ny kind call and -see what we can do torjou. .
Cate City Kmp. ofUco , Sit S 15th. Tele. 1100.
ll'J I7J
Ty ANTKD-Two girls atW3 N. 16th st
Acompeteut girl in family of two.
Mrs.D.H. Wheeler , wl 8. 2Mhei. > I
"WANTED Scamstremci to work on dreR es.
TT Appljat Sil B. 12th at. , between Dougla. *
and Farnnra Bts. Mrs. L. A. Hamonil. 9US-I7J
\VANTr.D-lmmedlately , ladle * < o work for
T T aw Itoiosalo house on nw < lle ork at tlinlr
homes. ( Sent any distance. ) Good pay can bp
made. K\erythlng furnished. PartlculaM
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 1V > 8th
Bt. . Now York City. 3M
MAN Y Woman arc caring ; for an'l educating
their children by canvaslng for the Wllr
lamson Corset ; Williamson Corset St Draco Co ,
Ht. Louis.
ANTED-GIrl for general housework , msst
bo good cook and laundress. Mrs. Hobt
Purvis' 24W St. Marys a\e. 750
ANTED To buy a eood lot not les than IJO
feet front ; can make big cash payment If
price reasonable. Must state price and loca-
lion. Address n 14 , Ileo. ZIKMJ
"Of ANTE I Ladles to use "ClilcneiTer's En -
TT lloh Diamond llrand. Pennyroyal Pills.
Safe. Always rnllitble. aiio original. The only
genuine. Ask druggist or send 4c stomps for
particulars , tettirn mall. Chlchester Chemical
Co , Philadelphia , Pa. . : y7
/CANADIAN Employment olllce , male and fo-
\J mole help ncnt to. all narM If faro Is ad
vanced ; Keference ; Omahrt National bank.
Mrs. llrega 4. Son , 310 8.15lh. Tel , B
int m 13
OMAHA KmploymemVnureau. Ill N. 18th st
Oldest and most reliable olllco In city. Call
onus : telephone 1112.11. E. White , proprietor.
TIHE Union Employment olllco Is the place to
obtain reliable hell ) on short notice , In or
out of the city. U1J 8. llth st. Open evenings.
K8mlO ! *
pIMVATE bo-udlng , $1 a week , 1015 Dodge.
Tl WO young men would like room , or room and
board I about Feb. 1st In private family
Ulhln six blocks of opera house. Will be
-teudy - If united. State terms. Address II0 Ileo.
178 17 *
W ANTKD Furnished rooms for light house
keeping , addicss with terms , 1J 2 Ileo.
1JO 17 *
W 'ANTKn Houses to rent. Campbell &
Heivoy 310 Hoard of Trade. MX !
TEN room house In best location in the city ;
i cut KiS ; furniture every reasonable. Co-
ipeiativoLandandLotCo. . 203 N. Ittthst.
200 1'J
rplIN-roomliouse , centrally located : rent Wi ;
JL furnlttirafiUO. Co-operative Land & Lot
> > , 2J3 N. Ikth bt. 20U 1
5 HOOM house in good location on Harneyst.
lent2l. ( rurnltniowillbo * old atn great
acrlflce as the parties must go awav. Call and
nvcstlgato ; Co-operative Land * Lot Co , 205 N.
, Bth St. 200 ID
H UINT ] Ten room house and basement
with all mordern improvements ; tlrstclass
ocaticm. Inqulo. at Hoimrod & C'O.'s , Uth and
'ackson streets 197
Foil KENT Unfurnished corner flat for rent ,
4-'JS. llth st. Inquire at icstaurant. 12618 *
KU HKNT New 5 room tottuce , city water ,
hall , and 4 closets , H05 8 2-th avenue , r >
per month. One mile from postolllce. The O. F.
luvis Co , 1V)6 ) rarnam. 17518
JIOU HEXT 1 have some of the most desir
able new cottages , flats , and residences In
the city , itentery reasonable. J. H. Parrotto ,
rental agency , loco Chicago. 176 23
1OU HKNT Small cottage. 1214 N. 28th st. , IO
per mouth. Apply Fied Christiansen. S4J3
Barker st. 16317 *
HENT or lease , 3 room house with barn ,
1 well , cistern and 2 acies of ground , near
South Omuha. Inquire at 1408 How urd st.
123 lh *
FOH HKNT 10-room house , new and modern ,
ono of the most convenient and best built
houses in cltys cheap rent. J. H. Parrotto ,
Itental Agency , 100S Chicago. 147 S3
FOR HENT-House of 0 rooms , 809 N. 22d st.
InqullUAtSOOuN. 27th st. 144 1W
TTIOH HKNT-0-rcom house. 821 S. 21st. In-
JU qulro8295j8.21stst : 122-18J
FOH SALE New 4 room house , full lot Deca
turst. bet 3jth and 31st. Prlco $2,000 , easy
: crms. McDonald dairy , Uurt bt near llelt Him.
11221 *
FOIt RENT Three new C-room flats , 17th be
tween Clark and Grace. $2500 per mouth.
"Tho cheapest houses In Omaha. "
Two fi-ioom houses , ! 14th and Farnam. city
watei in house ; street cars pass the door. $15 to
good tenants.
Store loom'1709 St. Mary's avenue , HO per
month , possession March 1.
Clark & French , IfilU Douglas st. 094 17
"IjlOR SALE Eight room house with modern
JC Improvements and stable on leased ground ,
1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer & Itaapka , U03
H arney st. U87
fllOE HENT I room , house 2 blocks fiom Saun-
JLA dors car line , (15 per mouth. , Jr. ,
1513 Douglas st. U74 M U'
AHi : chance Whole llat. No. 2004 N. 21th st.
to rent very low. Knqulro at resldunco as
above , 8. F. Winch. H81
UENT A six room toltago , 1515 Harnoy ,
FOH HENT House of B-rooms , closet , hard
and soft water , on Uth street car lino. In
quire 1112 S. Uth st. 778
F OR HENT 4-room house , 25th and Mason ;
rentlMO. J , S. Corby , 1304 Farnam. 740
FOR RENT- Park TerrnOe , opp. Hunscom
Park , Eouth front. AH modern impro\e-
ments ; 10 rooms ; most desirable residence part
of the city. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 2s.tli und
LC.-U enworth. f80 m5
I1OR HUNT Twelve-room house , 25th and
and Mason streets , 110 per month. J. S ,
Caultleld. 1304 Faruam Bt , 0)4
O hundred nnd fifty houses for rent. II. E
Cole , u. e. cor. Ifitliand Douglas. W7-29
jpo RENT-Houso 11 rooms.V. . M. Hush
man , N E corner 16th and Douglas. 994
FOR RKNT 2ttow7rooiped houses , well , cis
tern , largo cellar , 10th near ClarK st. W.
G. Shrjver , opp postofflce. - 3.VJ
TjlOH RKNTHouseof 4 rooms at 516 Williams
JJ street. Incjulrenext door woat. 4J2
F IOlt HENT lOi-oom residence steam heat. G.
U. Thompson , 314 8. Kith st. 249
TJHR KKN'JVor Sale New house. 0 rooms , cor.
-C 28tU and Capitol avo. Knqulre2821 Dodgo.
Fill RENT A new dwelling. 0 rooms , all
modern improvements , good stable , ten
minutes' walk rrom pobtolllcf , apply to D. J.
O'Donahoe , at O'Donahou & Shorty's , 1Mb st. ,
next to the postoJUce. - 810
FURNISHED nice south front room , f 10 per
month. moHameybt. , , 203 1 J
"ijlOinrENT FurnTBhed front room , suitable
JJ for 2 or 4 gontlemuu or ladles , st 419 811th
at. " 20019
FOH RENT-Silite of furnished rooms , heated
by steam. \ \ 1th or without "board , in a pri
vate family , M > 4 South Uth Bt. - 1P3 Mf
N 1CELY furnlslied rooms for rent , with board
Jf deslied. 7W NHOthst. , . K3.19 *
TjlOR RRNTNIteljfurnished1 room's , single
JJ or ou suite ; gas , hath , furnace , 2211 Fariiuni.
lt RENT Single or en suite , 2 pleasant
room ! ) for geutlcmen , ' with all inouorn con
veniences , corrier , brick-residence. . Mary's
and 20th st. , or nip (5.20th. ( _ 148 17
TJ1OU RENT Elegant furnished front room ,
JJ with board , 1JI2 Chicago Bt. 140 22 *
TmUHNISHED ti-outAnd other rooms with day
JC board , 2210 Farnam tit. 150 21 ?
F I OR RENT Nlct-ly furnished room with
beat , $7 per month , 408 William st. 178 *
FURNISHED room * . Sober men1 can have
nice rooms cheap , s w cor. 18th and How ard
streets. Upstairs. US7 277
fa ICE furnished rooms , 1818 California.
fiXMl RENT-An elegant front room , with
JJ exery convenience. Only first-class people
wanted. 1721 Davenport. ft > "
TJIUH.NlSllliD rooms , 2218 Cess it. "
803 18 *
T71OH HENT-A largo room furnished , central
JJ location 141B Chicago st. 804
TTKH HENT Furnished rooms tn Oreunlg blk
JJ coi , Uth and Dodge Ms. Inquire of Ueo. It. ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. IBS
FRONT room with alcove and 8 large cloietj.
gas , hot air , bath , hot and cold water on
same lloor for 2 gents or man and wife 120 per
mouth and adjoining room with closet tie per
month : 2 other rooms with closets for 110 par
month , same conveniences ou car llneS07 8 24tli
TOOK RENT-NlMlr furnished rooms at 97
JD Dodea. Oa . bath and furnace faejt. 369
1UINISIIID ! ! rooms , 18W Dodge ,
TflORB RENT Two very deslfaWc furnished
JJ frqut rooms , with all modern corU enleacij *
on same floor. Arranged tor tliree or four occu
pant * If desired. Apply at 17U Capitol HVPJHIS ,
T7IOH HENT Rooms furiiUhcd and unfur-
JC nlshcd. l-4 Cap , nvo. _ - Ml 'r
FUHNlSlir.D rooms and board , 1W1 Farnam.
_ telml * .
IJIOR ( luitlcmen-Two furnlihcd rooms , all
JJ modern Improvements. 1718 Dodeo ct.
_ 4'JUm. ! , .
-R HENT Furnished rooms , all convonl
cuccs. A. Hospe,315N. street. 491
F H RENT Furnished roems for one
gentlemen. 1H05 Dodge str < o
FURNISHED front room , suitable tor two
1B23 Dodge st . tU5 .
_ _
"IOR RENT Two nicely furnished frojitrbomi
JJ ou ground lloor. at 2118 Hurt , for $ n per
month , w 1th bourd t4 per week addltloiial. 001
SlOH RENT J rooms at \VooU\orUi aye. ;
J at til per month. D1J
"VTEATLY furnished front room to rrut at 1W1 ;
-L > Farnam st , 1 block west of com t house ,
11 M4
flOll HENT Nice furnished room , ft per ,
month , s w cor. Isth and Jackson. 004
TTUMt UENT-Tlio largofi story and basement
JJ brick building , erected by Air. Hos-
ton , comer Uth and Jones , with trackage , ele
vator , otc. , largo rnotigh for two wholesale
nrms. T. S. Clarkson , ngc-t , 219 S. 14th st.
T71OU HP.NT One-half of olllce. F.iinam ,
Jt ; ( ironml lloor : best location In tincity. .
Light and pleasant , with modern conveniences.
"C1OU KENT Stores and rooms , one small
JL house ieasonablc * . Enquire at drugstore
Sherman nve. and Corby st. UM-20T
FOR ItENT-A drug store building In Dltlei1 ,
Neb. Address S. Clark , Dlller. Neb.
mi ! ! >
ilOH RENT 3 business rooms , 1116 arney.
07 17
EOU HENT Two looms , 4lTCfl , where ftteam
power can be obtained. Kurmlre of Sam'l
llecs , Hcos Printing Co , 1019 Howard st. 740
FOIl HUNT Second floor , 41x70 , peed loca
tion. Euinilro of A. J. Slmp-,01) , UW
Dodge st. 750 ,
T71011 HENT Store and 0-rooms over good
X1 stand tor dru > ; or feed store. Leo &
Ntchol , cor. 23th and Louvenworth , KX > in5
FOR RENT Olllco room 3,1 render block.
TilOH RKNT-Offlco In Arlington block , f 12.00.
JU Inquire of elevator boy. 4"0
F I OR HKNT Desirable olllco t-paco , or desk
room , at 1523 Farnam st , Odell liros. Sc Co ,
RENT Front olllce. Arlington block.
Apply C. C. , Valentine , IBM Dodge. C24
TT1OR RIINT-Oniros on Farnara st. at 110 to W
JC. per month. One offlca furnished. 1813 Far-
nam. : wn
G linGOHV , 1' . L. . Ueutal agent , 309 S 16th . * t.
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W.M.Harris , over 2208.15th st. 301
1ST houses , stores and flats for rent with H.
J E , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. 6W 29
RENTAL Agency List your nouses for rent
with Odell llros. & Co. , ! & > Faruam st.
TTIOH RKNT If you wish to rent a house call
JD on Ileniwa & Co. , 15th at. , opposite P. O.
F I OH RENT Two unfurnished rooms : cn-
qulro 1014 Ciimlng t. HH10 *
FOH RENT 'iwo pleasant unfurnished fi out
rooms , with bavwlndow , for light hoine-
keoplug. Enquli o at 2LXJ9 G race st , 1 block from
street car. 117 1'J *
JiU H HENT Three unfuinlshed looms to a
family without children at lliJ N. 17th st.
FOR HENT-3 nnfuinlshcd rooms , 2S13 Led
veuworth , BUM" *
TjlOH HKNT 6 convenient chambers for hous-
JCJ keeping to a man mid wife without chll
drcu ; 3 blocks from postolHce ; iiiu N ; 17th st.
U244S *
Tw o (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 How ard st $ 8 00
1 hree ( .1) ) rooms , No. 1015 north 2uth st. . . 1500
Three < 3 > rooms. No. 10211 north 21st st. . . 11.00
Three (3) ( ) room cottage.Zlst and Paul st. 12.50
Tineo ( It ) rooms , No.ll.IJ north21st st. . . 11.00
Three (3) ( ) rooms. No. 1410 Pierce st 1000
Three ( , l ) rooms , No. Ill J south 7th bt. . . . 11.00
Three ( .1) ) rooms. No. 703 Pacific st 1..50
Four ( ! ) elegant rooms all modern con
veniences , 1702 Webster st
FOIt HENT The property lately occupied bv
the Anheufeer-llUhch Hrowlng assn , h nnd
Capitol nve , two story brick bnlldlngH and
barn , hplendldly adapted for cold storugo or
commission. T. 8. Clarkson , agt , 219 8. llthst
FOR RENT 4 improved fuims. Holt county ,
15 houses , city. $ r > to $40 permonth.
Drake Hros , 31U S. 15th t. 132 10
F ° RENT Clean beds$1 to $1.50 pnr week ,
c 02 South 18th ht , up stall s. 1ft1 ! 21
FARM for rent , well Improved , 10 miles from
Omaha. 250 acres , mostly glass. Low casli
rent. J. II. One , 101J N. llith st. , Omaha. S2 19' '
TJ10R HENT-Uarn , 11)81 ) Chlcago'bt. ,
IFtnoso gentleman who were drlvirg n gray
horse and who picked up an overcoat ueur
Crelghton college will return the same to M7
South Uth btreet they will bo rewarded. 20510
rEHSONAL Ladles and gentlemen can rent
masquerade suits at 010 N. Ittth st. upstairs ,
125 m
PERSONAL On account of her numerous en
gagementH , Anna Alplanalb , the celebrated
Hungarian gypsey , has increabed her feeto ? 1
1621 N. 2Uth Bt , cor. Uloudo. Take 20th and Saun
dcrocar. IRW21 *
PERSONAL Private home for ladles during
connnement , strictly contldentlal. 'infunts
adopted. Address E U , Uee olllce. D37ml.J )
DRESSMAKERS Investigate the Kellogg
French Tailor System of dresscuttlnggood
wages and traveling expenses to Indies out of
employment. Call or address for treatise on
drcsscutting free , Mme. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond ,
Omaha. VUfifn * ,
PBHSONAL Great fortune teller just ar
rived , the young Madame C. L. Lament , the
great abtrologist , will remain 30 days ; has trav
eled through the principal puitsof Europe ; tells
past , present and futuio in person or byi letter ,
will bring back the parted husband or lover ,
no matter if they be ten thousand miles away ;
they will return to you in so many days ; wilt
toll you M nether your lover bo false or true ; w 111
guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect
ut l.s fact ion : can also cause speedy marriages ;
has charms for good luck which will cause par
ties to be successful in any kind-of busi
ness and prevent your loss In any kind
of business you may undertake , breaks ovll
influence , and brings good luck to all who may
try this lucky charm ; can give lucky numbers
in lottery drawings ; can give oest of reference
In regard to above statement.
1 was presented with an elegant gold medal
In Denver , Colo. , for iny great success in my
1 have the natural gift of telling the pust ,
present and future. My grandmother before
mo was also a great astrologlst.
Parties asking Information by letter roust
enclose t3 to ensure ausw cr.
All .business contldentlal. , Office hours , 10 1 * p. m. Madame'0. L. Lament , No.
1810 California utreetb tweon 18th and luth sts. ,
Omaha , Neb.
" "
T OST Packa"ge"pension papers. Reward for
U return to Heo olllce. 21M8J
the black Newfoundland dog w 1th
FINDEHof on breast will receive. M oy re-
turnig it to Chas Cheney , 518 N. llth st. 811 IT *
LOST Illack horse , star In forehead , one hind
foot white , about six years old. Howard .for
return. Owen Haley , near Catholic cemetery ,
South Omaha. ,877 X J
TAKEN up Black pony mare , had on blanket
and halter. Inquire Km 8. aid at. 19U 17 *
npAKEN up a gray horse , short tall , weight
JL 850 , about 10 years old. Park aye. streetcar
barn. rant
Ti OR 8ALB-The building now occupied by
JJ tboUotmMTgCo. at 710 Leaven worth st.
Can give possession May 1 , ' 88 ; call ou preoilees.
F BALK Or Trade-One good store building
to Oxford. Neu , AUdree. A , F. Henry ,
Stamford , SebT
I WILL sellnilsomtullt edge chattl * tap r
at a big dUcount. I huvo about (4.0UO worth
ot tbu paper in lota ot rs to HIM. I want caih
and muBt h ve it. Somebody will get a wan In
jii , A < Hrf it At H , fit. K7
FOR SALE-Dormant scale , .capacity n,400
I > ouuU , Phil. Utlmmirpc Co. , Vll-PU Jones
St. . Omaha. | ( | 143
FOR SALE Lease and furniture of nlS-room
house ou Faruam street ; house and furnl-
turc'uew ; for particular * mhlrojs H B. Ileo
onice. - 154 27 *
_ _
Oil HA IiE Household fnrnlture and leasoa
hoiue , 013 N 17th st , _ 100 18 *
A LIVEHY outfit of tcn'Hlrses and ten car
riages for sale : would trade for unimproved
real estate. Addicss M. "t ) , Alvoril , Kearney ,
Neb. . ii2o ;
8AL15 First class restaurant located In
renter of city , doing go4 business ! reasons
for selling , 111 health. Xtyuu easy ; address
II 11 llee. j < 8 iu
Flt SALE At n bargain ta feet of shelving ,
III ) feet of counters inn ! one Ice chest , sun-
nble for grocery store. Enquire at 812 S , 10UiSt. _
7 > ij.
TpOHSALlIorlccnt flVll and minim ; cmln-
JL cer's business , ofTlcu and ItiHtruments In
Sau.luan county , Colorado , J , F. \ \ unnemakcr ,
liVM Cnss. 6 > 4 20'
FOK SALlVOne thousand cords of wood In
car load lots. Orders from brickyard men
nndothers solicited. Prompt attention given. Address -
dress I ) . C. McDonald , UartJtU. Iowa. ft" > l 20 *
AKLACK8MITH shop forrfale , has one forge ,
or tooh without shop for sale. Apply to
Wm. Huseh. Illue 11111 , Webster Co. , Neb.
71 mW
T7KH SALE -Ahd rent , llaro bargain , Anew
.1 ? brick store bulldlmj , 24xtO , with clovntor ,
gas , etc. , for re t. Also for salr , In the build
ing , an asslniio't's stock of grocrrles , queens-
ware , nnd fixtures complete1. In ( llcnwood ,
i ounty beat of Mills county , la. Address A. M.
D > ar. 701 17 *
TTUJlt SALE Some line > oung marcs ami stal-
J3 lions , lit for road kor track. Address It.
0 Ibson , Yoi k , Neb. ttfim 7 *
TTIOH exchange 1'lno Nebraska farms for
JL1 stocks of general mdse. J , A. llerger ,
iong I'lno. Neb. Wl t 2t ! *
NOTICE-Iteal estate agents : 'Lot P. block N ) ,
South Omaha , is withdrawn from the mar-
' et , as abo\ is sold. 182 ID ?
QTANDAHD Stock Liniment Is the best thing
of Its kind In existence for cuts , bruises ,
jarb w Ire wounds , etc. No careful horseman
Ullhe without n bottle. Manufactured by F.
: ! . Sanborn nnd Co. . 1703 St. Mary's uvc. 10(117. (
IIE banjo taught us an art by Qeo. F. Gelleu-
beck , 0) llauiey st. 1S2
T1IK only cook book Is silver Creek Coal. 213
S Hlh , Jeff \V. Ilodfoid. 79129
n.H.JOHNSON. cistern builder , wells bored
and dug , 409 N 30th st. , Omaha , Nob.
Wfl mehSl *
STANDARD Horse and Cattle Food Is Just the
O thing to feed jour horse lit this time of
ear. Seven pounds for f I. Manufactured by
' . E. Sjuboin& Co. , 1703 bt. Mary's ave. For
ale eerj w here. I0"i 17
rnilK On Time Household Fair.
J The great Ilargaln house.
To housekeepers.
We are bound to show yon that wo can save
ton money In prices.
Parlor suits. Chamber sets ,
lied springs , bed mattrasses.
Folding beds , sldo boards , carpets.
Tables , chairs , mirrors , .pictures ,
, Dunges , commodes , tetes ,
lh ana , rockers , curtains , fitoves
Tinware , crockery , glassware , lamps.
Houses furnished complete on
Easy payments ! Easy payments 1
Easy payments ! Easy payments !
Prices the low est. Call andoe
Prices the lowest. ' Call and see
G02 and C04luth 1,1th street.
Corner Jackson.
So connection with any ot cr house. M4
NEW YOHK Storage Co. have most extensive
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
bmrgles , general merchandise , west of Now
York. Cash advances to ny amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , IJonnett's block.
WANTED Grey carriage Ahorse , 4 to fl years ,
10 > i handh , 1.2.V ) pouudsi sound , kind , hand-
* iomo ; trial and guaranty , retiulred. Jlruke
iros. , 3IU S. loth st , } ' 107 18
WANTF.D Wo have a 'purchaser for a. lot
wltnolegaut -10 l > room house , pentrally
located. iPaulseu & Co. , 1511 ttiruuiu st.Vpoiu 8.
' Olullf
3POT cash for furnlturo.'stovos , househol
5 gooda at 117 North 16th st OrffJBCo.
uuy snort time paper. J , WL
Gross'at C. K. Mayne's offlcc , 15th and
Harney. 2i
MHS. F.CCLE3-The greatest living clalrvoy
ant. tells past , present and future ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. l ij N. 11th at. , room 1. llrst
door to right at head of htalrs. Ill 22 *
MHS. DUUANT-Clalrvo > ant from Hoston ;
reliable In all affairs of life ; unites sep
arated lo\era. 322 N , IGth street , loom 1.
I01ml2 *
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 11' ) N. 10th
St. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel. 014. 3GI
SPECIAL Sale on Saturday , several lines at
man ellously low prices. L. O. Jones. Amer
ican clothier , 1 W Faruam st. * ) 17
Til IK great pant salocontluues at HUH Farnam
st. Uetter change the old ones for a bran
new pair , 'Tw 111 coat J OU but little. See .Toned
about it. ! WO 17
QPECIAL Sale or boys' clothing Saturday , 60
O fancy check knee pant suits at 11.00 , and WW
boys' suits at greatly leduced prices. Jones ,
ISfflFainum. 0 17
FIVE Hundred dozen men's flue Imported ill'
grain half hose , new styles , 23e a pair , or
$2.00 a doren , at 1 , < 09 I'urmuu bt , L. O. Jones ,
American clothier. 080 17
JONES Will sell on Saturday men's line white
shirts , luuudrled , at 75c. 1JJO Farnam is the
number. t'SO ' 17
SPUING Overcoats , nobby styles. Just i ecelx ed
by Jones at 1J09 Faruam bt. oee them 1
< JJ500COO to loan at 0 per cent ; Ilist mottgages
P bought. Fied Oroos , 4-Ti & . 4J3 I'uxUm block ,
11923 *
mo loan-14,000. No. 1 security.
Drake llros , 310 S. 15th .st. 11319
' OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
J W. M. Harris over 2208.15th st. 373
ilE Central Loan 4 Trust Co , No. 1C11 For
num st. , will fuinlsh money promptly u'
low rates on choice city propeity. 1 is 20
MONEY to loan , $14,000 on strictly flrst-class
business & Hill 1108 I'm
propci ly , Hoggs ,
nam."s 'c io is
MONEY I To loan , short time. Int mortgugo
paper bought. Mapcs & King , loom J ,
Crelghton block. U14
MONEY to Loan Oinajm real estate am' ' .
farms. Mortgages Uought. Odell llros. Sf
Co. , IK ) Farnam , ir 8J6
HE. COLE loans monev'ofrimproved < ilty or
farm property , 'Iteom u Continental
block. , , , r 003
I" OANS wanted on gooil , ffrliduetlve real os-
JuJ tate security 3 uml 5 y > ars time , optional
payments and favorable terbui and rates. Kim i
ball. Champ & Ryan , U , B.flfttlonal bank build ]
Ing. , .qrr 64117 ,
SHORT time loans made on any avauabla
security , in reasonable mounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and falrly ° Vt the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W , o r. 13th and Har
ney ets. , over State Natjooal , band. Corbott ,
manager 38J
MONEY to loan 1 ran ROW place some first
class city loans immediately. Call at once
if you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Sholea ,
room 1 Barker block , entraaufi In alloy. iM8
rviv " i"im > u. LowaMuotes. No delay
-ITJ. j , L. Ilica k Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bouk , 373
MONEY to Loan On furniture , planai ,
wagoni , or other personal property wHbout
removal ; also on collateral security. Iluslnosl
conlldentlaU chas , 1) , Jacobs , Sil 8.15th at.
' OAN3 made on real estate and mortgages
J bought. Lewla 8. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
M ONKY to Loan By the undersigned , who
hat the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loans of 110 to UOO made on
furniture , pianos ' organs , horses , wreoiu , ma-
chmery.etc. > without removal , no - delay * . All
business strictly confidential. Loans so maqe
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay'
ment reducing the east pro rats. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are daily coming
Into existence. Should you need money call arjd
e e me. W. H. Croft , room i Wlthnull building ,
16th and Harnev. HC
M : ( ONEY tol.oan-0. I' . favH'o. . real eataU
and loan aifonts , : il'i st. 370
TVfUNEY to loan , cash oft hand , no delay. J ,
JLTJL W. and R. I , . Squire , 1413 Farnata at. i'az-
ton hotel bnllJUig. 37i8
ONKY rOANKDntC/P. Meed * Co. ' Loan
Olllce. ontiirnlturo , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all klndi , and all other ar
ticles of mlno Trlthmit removal. 819 8. nth ,
over-lllnghsrn's commission store. AllbUsl-
> 8trlrtly confidential. iCT
fs tiOu.iJWtoloauon.clty ana farm real estate.
Ltnnhan it Mahoney , 1007ii Farnam street.
UI&OO.OUO To loan on Omaha city property at 8
P percent. G. W. Day , B. K. cor. Ex. Hid.
. . _ * * '
THE ralrbauk Investmetit Co. organized
with ample" fapltal. makes loans on hordes.
wagonM , furniture , pianos , and other personal
property or collateral. Deal with responsible
parties. Apply at their onlce , 315 South llth
street , lilt-stairs , 418
[ "ONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
_ JL her es. etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over llurllngtou ticket office.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , w agons ,
etc..or on any approved security. Low
rates.-J , W , llobbun , ItllJ Farnam. S'M f2I
PER C.KNT Money.
Patterson & Fuwcett 15th and Harnoy. 37 A
MONIiY to loan. Notes ana it. H. ticket ,
bought ubd sold. A. Forman , 21J 8 nth sts
MONEVtoloononlmproveiJ real estate ; no
commission charged. Lnavitt Uurnham ,
room 1. Crelghton block. iHM
MONEY to loan on Improved 6lty property at
lowont rates. Cash on hand , rlrst mort-
giiges negotiated. 15. F. Seaver , room 15 , cham
ber of commerce : 891
OIt SAM ) A good meat market , In good lo
cation for the business ; rent $10 , price nf
xturoM , stock , ctr. , according to Invoice. Co-
ipcrath e Lund & U > t Co. , Q5 N. IMh xt.W 19
\\7"ANTEI-l'artner ) with J150 to take half In-
i f tciest In amusement enterprise ; pald7UO
; > cr month lait October. Call at 218 N. st.
Ml 18 |
"IT1OH SALE Host ladles and gents'short or-
JU dor lostmunut In Omaha. Oood reasons
'or selling. Address II1J llee. 211 !
fTlOlt SAf.K A feed store In central location.
-I ? Kent $2 > . Stock according to invoice. Co-
ipciatlve Land & Lot Co.15 N. 16th st ,
rilHK right to manufuctute and sell Adams'
J- patent lightning rod and tank for the state
of Nebraska , for Mile or tiado fora good team
of horseM. Address Sarpy Co. Democrat , I'ortal ,
Neb. 18417 *
WElia\eallrst-class lunch counter on 18th
st ; rent S5 ! : fixtures , etc. , reasonable- -
'peratlvu ' Land Jt LotLCo , 206 N. Ibth st.
CTOlt SALE-Snlondld little business In sta-
tlonery , confectionery , cigars , fancy goods ,
ollet articles , etc. Inquire South intn Ht. , 3d
: leer north of Williams st. 138 17 *
THOIt SALE A big bargain if taken at once.
J ? The best paying business in the thriving
OH not Llnwood , Nob. Tills is a rare bargain.
) ver 11,000 made since the town started last Au
gust. Capitol required , about $ V > 00. Investi
gate this. Address "lllg bargain , " Llnwood ,
Hitler county , Neb. Ul 10 *
FOH BALE or exchange , best cash grocery in
the city , part cash , balance approved real
estate. Address 11 H. lleeolloo. ! 153 1 *
AKlHSTUuss meat market for tale , good lo
cation and established trade. Co-operative
Land & I.dt Co . 205 N ICtll st. IT ! ) 18 *
RANCH of 1BO ncres with house. Darns , cribs ,
largo bheds , etc , everything complete for
stock-raising and feedliig. N. Itarnes , Central
City , Neb . 10121 *
§ 71011 SALE A good , large saloon , in good loC -
-C cation ; rent W ) ; 3 years' leaMc , tlxtmes ,
stock , etc. . at a reasonable price. Call and get
particulars. ' Co-operative Land & Lot Co , 205 N.
Otll.Ht. 200 ID
PAUTIES having bankrupt stock for sale , or
persons w ho w hit to uose out their stocks
for cash , may find a buyer by addressing W. K. ,
indsor ttotol. Lincoln , Neb. frOT 18J
Drug stock. As line location as
. therolslntnoeltv. Clean stock , luvolre
about 17,000. 1'artcaKli. Part in goo < l real es
tate or secured notes. M. A. Upton k Co , loth
st , opp. Chamber of Commerce. 451
F I OH SALE Photograph car doing a big busi
ness. Hlg.burgaln. For further partlcn-
urs address W. J. Keen , Rising City , Nob. 0 U-17
LOOK this up A real estate , loan , collection
and insurance business for sale , with 11
complete set of obstruct books of Bow ard
county , Nebcoirect and written up to date ,
safe's , desks , office furniture , etc. , ami will be
sold cheap. This U a snap for a good llvo attor
ney. County heat. Address Hamllu llros. ,
SewardNeb. 894 19J
SPLENDID business opening , 38 room hotel ,
located In best town west of Omaha. Ad
dress Hominy & Halderman. room & and u Mlcu-
cKon blk , Grand Island , Neb. 849 2j *
TJ1OR SALE First-class oourdlng house near
JL P.O. . rooms all occupied ; good cause for
selling. X 48 llee olllce. 15Jf25
LIST jour' piopeity for trade with Stevens
Uros.Vj2IFainam . 20720
mo EXCHANGK-20 elegant lots in Cottage
X pl qo ; prlco 7.200 or * .JOO per lot. This prop
erty is free and clear fiom Inctimbrauco ; w ill
trade this property at above llgures und take
tinrt cash and good Improved farm land with
little or no incumbrance or good w lid land unlu-
cumbered. '
Also 20 acres less It. H. right of way about 18
ncies in all in West Omaha. The above prop
el ty is covered w ith one rot the finest groves
around Omaha , and will plat lute M ) beautiful
lots that , computed with prices of lots beyond
and around It , ought to sell readily at $100 toftVX )
each ; will bell this pioperty for WUXX ) , buyer to
assume Inoumbrunta of $9,200 due in about 1,2 ,
3 nnd four years fiom June last ; will take the
balance in part cash and good llrst-class farm
For sale or exchange , three nice lots between
Lea\enworth and Farnam stieets , near Lowe
aenue. . This is gilt edge property and the price
is only $ J,500 ; tl.JW incumbiauco ; what have
jou to ottett Geo. N. .Hicks , loom 4 llarker
block. 20417
WANTED Hoon rarms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spot a wood.
I OOK Here We hnve fnrms , stocks of goods ,
-t foundiy , vacant lots , houses , foundry ,
ci earner ) * , tahrhes , and property of till kinds to
tiude. bteens llros. , 15il Farnum. 2072)
FOR Exchange 10,000 acre ranch In Nebraska
for Omaha property , 50.00J ucres in Kansas
in tracts of lu ) acres up J also 100,01)0 ) acres in No-
biuskn , Iowa and aMissomi lu binull or largo
tiacts for Omaha property. 1 have $ " > ODui)0 )
choice Omaha property to exchange for lands
or merchandise , \ucaut lots to exchange for 1m-
proved Omulm property. E. L. Ringer , 119 N.
nth. 19317
"CTOR Exchange 240 head of cattlotoexchango.
JC Wnut good Iowa or NcInasku land. H. E.
Cole , n o cor. 15th and Douglas , 174 20
TIlHin ; hundred and twenty ucres clear land ,
lloono county , for good Omaha property.
For exchange K > ,000 stock ; general miUe , , good
Nebraska town , for Omaha property , some
Drake Rros. , 3to 8.15th st. 13219
\\rOULD Hko to exchange equity In Kountze
.TV place , lot for carpets and furniture ; good
lots In this addition to trade for Improved or
unimproved property. Address R 3 , Crelghton
block. 14.122 ?
I7ANTED Omaha property to trade.
T Bte\ens Hios. . 1521 Farnam. 20720
Y17I' w" ' takeuu Jand In exchange ) for a pleas-
TT urbsteum bout , now on our list. This
boat IR new and made good dally wages on the
Lake Munawix lustmimmer , latest Improvements
and screw propeller. C.ill and get particulars.
Co-operative Laud & Lot Co. , 205 N 16th St. 139 18
WANTED To exchange good , property for
city lots or small farm. W , t. Petty. 624
8.13th. 1,00017 * '
WANTED To oxchango. good property.for
small hoisting ougfiie. . W. F. Petty. 02
S.nthf ' 0991 *
Horsvs ami building material for
arm lands , lots and houses. Wm. J.
Paui/1009 Faruam. Wi'J
WANTED A Block of hardware , drv goods ,
t or groceries to exchange for land or city
pioperty. E.F. Rluger , ll N.15th Bt.
> . , . . , 195 17
THOU .Exchange. Upstness lot on Sounders
JC street ; . Want equity in good Insldo resi
dence lot. II. K. COle , n cor , Uth and Douglas.
H . . 17420
C10R' XUHANGI2-1CO acre farm in Hancock
JJ county , Ipwa. This Is a splendid piece of
land ; every foot of it can be plowed ; Is 8 miles
front junction of 3 railroads. Price f20 per acre ,
incumbrance 1750 , clue in I ! years. Want house
u ml lot ; will assume Incumbrance. 11. E. Cole ,
lie , cor. | th and Douglas. P7j 23
OLKARlots to exchange for farms or equities
in houses and lots , li , B. Cole , N , E. cor. Utn
and Douglas. 807 21
WANTED Omaha property to trade forgood
lands. Special attention given to trading.
0. L. llrown. Frenaer Ulock. eoa
"WTB have for trade a first class meat market ,
T T dolnir a good business. Cooperative Land
&LotCo..20oN16that. 139 U
rSIDE city property in exchange for farms
or lands. J. A. Helataud , Arlington block.
TTWK XCHANQB-3 beautiful n w 8-tooin
4J .houses tn Wio or place , clear ; want good
Inside rcsidenct ) or business lot , II. B. Cole , ne.
cor. 15th and J > o&lM. ' in ft
I HAVE for tract * Improved farm tn Ca . < < Co.
near I'lattsraouth , will trade for improved
Inside property. Address M 30 , Dee ofilc * .
T OR exchange J200,000 worth unencumbered
JJ Omaha lots for clear productive lands or
Other real o Uto. For cxehaUgn-fl Rood lm
prox ed farms for clear Omulut property.
Drake llroa. . ,11ft 8.15th st. IJiilO
FR 8ALE Or trade , Iflnd nnd townproperty
tn Nebraska , Kansas nnd Colorado. Horse" ,
cattle nnd stocks of merchant lip wanted. Corre-
upondence solicited , T..A. English ACo. . , York ,
Neb. 745 m b
\\7ANTED StocKS of merchandise to exT -
T T change for lands and cty | urooorty ! C , C.
ANTED Stock of groceries , dry goods ,
clothing or boots and shoes In exchange
for Omaha property or farms. Schleslugor llros ,
Oil S. 10th st.
"irToU Exchange. It you have farms or lands to
JL ; sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have any kind of property to sell or ex
change , list It with nsjwo can furnish you a
customer. 8. 8. Campbell & 0. W. Ilorvoy. 310
Hoard of Trade Omaha JHI
TANTED Houses and lot * to otcfmngo for
/ Impiovedund untmprouod lands In Ne
braska and lowu. Charles C. SpoUwood. nooi )
8.18th. ' 1)83 )
VTI3"1' ASK A and Kansas farms to exchange
-L > for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vleo
versa. Co-Oieratlvo Land and Lot Co. , 'JOj N
16th St. 804
KN5ON AcCAItMlCIlAKh furnlih complete
and cuarantood abstracts of tltlo to any
real eitato in Omaha and DonitUi county upon
short notice. The moit completa set of abstract
books in the city. No. 1519 Farnam st. 3S5
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1VXS
Km num street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected and Kuaranteod. IWtf
moiNVKSTOIlSl I oiler the followliiB bar-
JKalns In South Omaha.
Tor sale Splendid corner lot , 7-xl50 feet , cor
ner II and llellevuo st1 * . The key to thoKateway
of South Omaha , Immediately adjoining the
maKiiltlcent new park to bo opened by thu feoutlt
Omaha Laud Company , Wa ) , only I8CU cash ,
balance one , two aud three j ears.
Three nice lots , corner 1 nnd 5th sts , South
Omaha. . ' .i > 00.
Corner l-'CxlM on J and SGth sts , South Omaha ,
6nly K3.BCO.
Corner tiuxlfiO feet on II and 28th sts , South
Omaha , f IXM ) .
Iot n , block 51 , South Omaha , 00 foot frontage
on llellevuo St. , il.'JOO.
Lots 5 and fl , block 11 , 'South Omaha , corner ,
lUMxfjO feet on llellovuo St. , n bargain it sold at
onco. Cull and cot prlco and terms.
Three good lots In block 3 * . South Omaha , can
put 8 cottages on this property , prlc6 only t J.fioo.
Three choice lots in block II ) , South Omaha ,
only two blocks ftom Summit depot , VV \
One of the best business lots in South Omaha ,
only half a block from the depot. Just the
place for liquor , grocery , hardware or any re-
tall business. 50,000. $ lXXcash ( ) , balance 1 , iiand
Corner , 1TO feet cast front , on Hellovue street ,
South Omaha. Will make 6goocl business tots
that will sell for Jl.SOO each. This is one of the
best bargains on the market , 81'JOJ.
Lot B , block 74 , near corner M and 37th street ,
South Omaha. One of the best sites In tow n for
hotel or livery stable. Cull and get price on this
Ten choice loti on Ilellevue street , covered
with line shade trees. Motor car track on street
and water mains in front of property. New
park to bo Improved by the South Oraalii Land
Co. this season , directly in the rear of these
lots. Can oiler these lots for 11,000 to $1.300. Only
14 cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years , ( ieorgo N.
Hicks , room 4. Haikerblock. 201 17
TTHJlt 8ALK 7-room house and W ) ft south and
JP east front , corner lot. In west part of city ,
two blocks from car lino. Small cash payment
and balance monthly , or will trade equity for
good paper or vacant lot. F. K. Darling , 1505
ft HKAUTIFUL 0 room 3 story houses w Ith nice
! u largo closet in puch bed room , city water ,
Ras , well and cistern , convenient to car line ,
Kplendld location , desirable neighborhood , f. > OJ
cash and balance to suit , II. E. Cole. ne. cor.
15th and Dovglas. 07.1 23
OOUNnit lotonlzard st. Track in alloy. J.
L. Itico & Co. 01S-18
ElRINOKR.real estate nnd loans. Parties
having wild land , Improved farms , Omaha
property , merchandise , or desirable property In
any peed town , either for sale or exchange ,
should call on or wrltotoK. F. Jllnger , lit ) N.
15th st. , Omaha , Nob. 133 17
TACKBON street lot. Boo J. L. Rice * Co.
u ? ? _ .
CHOICE residence lots opposite Kountz pucn ,
only a few left. J. L. Rice & Co. , sole
agents. U18.18
/CHICAGO Street , full lot bet llth and 12th st.
\J Sale or trade. J. L. Rice & Co. 018-18
TnOH SALE-Houso and. lot in Walnut Hill.
JJ Easy payments. 1 > . A. Uayln. sole agent.
447 Mcfilt
TO 1IUY , trade , sell , rent or exchange. f > ee J.
L. Rice & Co. Ulli. 18
7"1LUTON place bargains north i Hauscom
\J place , 2 choice lots on Mason street , mile or
rade. J. L. Rice Ac Co. tllB. 18
residence lots in Hillside and Haw
thorne. Chirkbon , 211 8 14th bt. 187 18
OTS21 and 22 , blk 11 Jettcr'8 addition , JH.OOO
in 6. 13 and 24 months. F. K. Darling ,
1505 Howard. 177 21
TTIOH SALE Choice residence and business
JO lots , Omaha and South Omaha , n large list
to select from.
Drake llros. , 316 8.15th st. 13319
HAWLEY House , Noith Platte.Neb. . forsalo.
On account of the death ot my w Ifo I w 111
sell the propertv on casv terms. Address John
How ley , North Platte , Neb. 773m9 *
FOH SALE or Trade Full lot on Farnam ht ,
one block from paving and street cars.
Prlco $ . - > ,000. Equity U.OOl ) .
Two one-fourth sections line school land in
Kossuth county , Iowa.
One-blxth Interest in an addition to South
Omaha , free ot encumbrance , for good western
farm land , clour , or not heavily encumbered ,
or good Omaha property.
Good Insldo business property , free of en
cumbrance , for good house und lot in north
part of city. 8. A. Sloman , rooms ! and 23 ,
Hellman building , cor. Faruam ami Uth sts.
TjlOR SALB Two best lots In Mount Pleasant
JO addition , one corner ; can be divided and
make three east front lots , iluke oiler ; must *
bo bold In few days. A 21) ) , Uoo olllce. 007
OT in Patrick's addition , $1,150 , worth $3,000
J Clarkson,219 8 14th St. 18718
LOTS 1 and 2. blk 11 'Jotter's addition to 8 ,
Omaha , $1,300. Terms easy. F. K. Darling
1505 Howard. 177 21
T71OR Hanscom place improved pioperty. K
Jj J. L. Itlce Ac Co. 01H , 18
HAUNEY street Corner. Boo J. L. Hlco & Co ,
' W8-1S
TTOK SALE or exchange. Omaha property and
JO farms for merchandise , horses , etcBellies -
IngerUros. , Id4 8.10th Ht. . 13U-KI
JONES and 12th Bt corner. See J. L. Itico & Co.
1)18-18 )
A G HE AT bargain In house and full lot-on B
-cV 10th st , $4,000 , worth 0,0W. ( Clarkson , 219
8. Uth st. 18718
FOR SALE 160 acres of land four miles from
stockyards , at fUi per acre ; this is a bar
gain. McCague , Opit. P. O. 391
TjlOIt BALE Smal ) house on leased ground ;
JO two small houses and full lots , Omaha View.
This is a snap not picked up every day. N. A.
Chrlstlanson , at Gate City Kmp. ofllce , 314 8 15th ,
telephone 1 luj. t , 17118 *
FAHNAM street bargain * 41 feet front near
corner Twenty-fourth , with n$4,000 Improve
ment , see J. L. Ulco & Co. , U8,18
TjAOR 8ALE-Lot 7.6 and n > , ' of lot 6 , . all In
JJ block 25 , Flo ce ; also out lot SO'i. contain
ing 4 acres ; wllMr fcold cheap. Address II 7 ,
Uee ofllce. . ' ' 1M 23 *
FOli SALE 4 elegant' residence propertlo.3 ,
splendid location , small cash payments ,
balance monthly , t
Drake llros. , 3101 } . J5th St. , 13319
TpOR 8AIE-I.ots3 and 4 , block 1 , In Isaac &
JC Belden's addition , cor. 84th street und Half
Howard. John H. F. Leumunu , 024 B. I7th st.
FOH BALE Phlnn's3rd add. 0-roora house ,
new , complete , cistern , cellar ; \\111 sell fur
niture If desired , U , < XJO cash , rest oasyteims ;
cheap if takeu soon. Call or address tali Charles
st. . . . 1J4 23 *
npHACKAGE Property I make a specialty o
J- inside and outside trackage and manufac
turing and business property , and m able to
hult in price and quality the most cautious
buyers. Clurkbon , 219 8. Uth Bt. 187 IB
TT10U SALE Wo will sell 10 acres close to the
JJ city , choice ot the addition near to the
junction of two railroads and handy to factories
at an especial bargain for a few days , suitable
for platting into 48 beautiful lots and every one
lu t right for grade , Woodbrfdge llros , opera
house. 818 19
T L. RICE It CO. , Ucal Estate. 315
T L ItlCG & CO. , Real Kstuto. 213
CAUNDEH3 street. 113 feet front on pa > oil
( J street , IJ.OOO lesa than what Is askeu for property -
erty Burroundlng It. J. L. Rice & Co. 01 * . H
Ell 8TIOKNEY & CO. mace a specialty ot
property ( n North Omaha , for sale or real
ftt CttUeoa * Uuk , 2tOa Oumliut t. W
0 IAVITOIi avrnno lot. Bet llth mul 15th slreoto.
Sco J. It. Klcc. 1)18-13 )
re farm , good ImpnHements and plenty
of fmit , n miles from South Omaha. 1'arrlMi ft
i1ulason , N street , South Omulu. VU1,19
L. lllt'i : & CO. , lleal Estate. 213
| /KJIt SALE Olio of the IK-SI lots In Illllsld
JJ No. 1 , Just ucro'd street from Yatos'now
rt'sldeneo. Make olTer : any i cnmmahlo propel
sltlonwlll bo entertained for few days ; must
sell. A.'HI , Ileo olllce. C07 ,
T7UH SALE-llargalns ; Oood lot I1M ) ; e\v \
JJ hou e , il lot. H"\ rash ; lmproed fann ,
JI.21X ) ; 40 acres. MV ) ; ino arms , fl.UHlcash ; rlo-
gant \ alley farm , stone house , good Unmnrp.
ments , 160 acres , only WOO ; twootl I'li'iu'l '
tl.WXlench : 4 corners on Douglas or DoJ c1. * i
or lease ; 40 acres Uj miles from1 fall < unit
110.000 cash ; lOacie * Insldo cllv , f-KiOj ii-rtt.
cash ; lix.cheapest ) lots e\er put nntho Miiia i
market , M and * 10 down ; canH help buuuaku
money ou abo\o property , Drake Hro's. IljOSi
15th st. iai25
L. HICK .V CO. , Uoal fotato.
OALIKOUNIA street , a beautiful 10 room
house , all modern convenlDnees , an elegant
homo , 1'rlco ( T.UNL' j cash , balance to suit. II.
K. Coin , no. cpr. 15th and Douglas , t/7i / : 91
li KAli our list of choice Ilunscom 1'lucu
1 lots.
Elegant residence slto 100x110 , nouth and east
front. Cornnr Poppletonavpimoand Delawarcj
street , one of the finest corners In thn addition.
Can ptit n block of llvo houses on this property ,
or t\\o ulco residences. A ImrKiiln It Fold qukk.
lle.uitlfnl south front lot corner Poppltiioii
nvenuo and Turenty-thlnl street. Popploton
nvoimo Is no - gradiil. and this lot Is Just right
for gradoPrice. . W.7V ) ; ouly.750 cash , lluncu
one , two. three and four j ears.
Tinco elegant east ftont lots on Dnano street ,
In block ( ! . each Wt 0.
Lo tl , block 7 East front lot on Delawarq
street , surrounded by elegant residences , splen
did \ lew. Owner Is out of ton n and must ha\o
monov. ( "all and got prlco. ,
Iflt 21 , ll < Xk ! 0 , elegant west front lot on Delft-
w are street { magnificent view , splendid neigh
borhood. One of thn llnest west front lots lu
Hanscom Placo. Onlv ,750.
Lots 0,7 aim , blocfc C , IV ) feet frontage east
on Ditano stic'ot , Just right for grado. No finer
place In the city for block of houses or largn
lesldpnro. Can sell f > 0 feet or more at ratoot
177 per front foot.
Lots Maud 14 , block 0,100x150 feet , corner of
Wool wort h nvenuo and Delaware street , facing
and overlooking the park : one of the finest rosl-
donco Kites lu the city. If sold BOOH , only 17,500
for both.
Lolsll and 12. block 6 100x150 feet , south and
east front , coiner of Poppletoli avenue and 1 > U-
ane street. The street hart been graded in front
of these lots nnd they aio about two feet above
griido. The opposite corners are all built up and
occupied by elegant homes. Can otter this prop-
citv for $ HOper front foot.
' 1 ho above lots are llrst-class residence sites ,
high and sightly , commanding a magnificent
view of the city and park. Water mams nnd
gas uie already laid In front of these lots. A
beautiful park of sixty acres , splendid neigh
borhood , natural elevation giving perfect drain
age and punt atmosphere , quick and direct ac
c ss by txvo lines of street cars , all combine to
make llun com Place a healthy and delightful
place for a homo.
Uoo. N. Hicks , Iloom 4 , Darker block. 20417
L. IllCE & CO. , Heal Estate. 213
Notice of Incorporation.
rpo Whom It May Concern : Notlco U hereby
X given that "Tho Uoo IlulldlUR Company'
has tiled in the olllce of the county dork of
Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of Incorpor
ation. The principal place of transacting Its
business Is at Omaha , lu Douglas county and
state of Nebraska.
The general nature of Its business is to
acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , soil and
convey real estate , erect buildings and improve
ments upon the same , for ranting such real
"TUB 'amount of capital stock authorized la
JTiUU.OOO , ton per cent of which to be paid at tha
time of subscribing for the sttmo , and the re
mainder as required by the board of directors' .
The corporation commenced January 15th , A.
D. ] $ & and will terminate ) the 15th day of Jan-
The highest amount of Indebtedness or liabil
ity to which the corporation shall at any tirao
subject Itself is two-thirds of the capital Block
Issued. . .
The business affairs of the corporation are to
bo conducted by a board of directors of llva
members n ho shall select from their number a
president , secretary nnd treasurer.
Railway Short Llue ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
A onlf foafl to take for Dei Molnei , MtrUlltown.
Cedtr Itsplds , Cllutnn. Dlzon , Chicago , Mllwaukoa
and all polnn cait. To tbe people of nebratka , Colorado
rado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , N * ada , Oregon , waib <
Ington und CnUfornla. U ufferi lupoilor advantage *
D ( t po l le bj nr other lino.
Among a few of Chu numerous point ! of upcrlorlty
njojrcd kr tbe patrons of thli roiwl between Omaha
and Chlrairo , ara Its two tralri a day of DAY COACH.
KM , which are the flnett that nuraan art and Ingenui
ty can create. IU { 'ALACK HLKKI'INH OAHH , which
are ols of comfort and elegance. It * 1'AUIXJH
DKAWINO HOOM CAI1H , unturpaiud by an } , and
ft wldelf celebrated 1'ALATIAi ; D1NINCJ CAM. tha
equal of which cannot ! > found eitewhoro. At Coun
cil Ilium tbe trains of the Union 1'aclttc Hallway , con.
pact In union depot with1 thcue of the Chicago A
Morthwoitern Rr. In Chicago the tralni of thlalln *
make cloie connection wlUi uio o of all other oaitom
For Detroit , Colnmbna. Indlanapolli , Cincinnati.
Niagara Kalli.Uuu-alo.l'imaurB , Toronto , Montreal ;
Boaion , Now York , 1'blladolpbTa , Baltimore , Waih.
inatoa , andallpolnUln Uitcatt , aik fur a ticket Tl *
tt JOB w1 h the boat accommodation. All ticket wtats
efl tickets via thli Una. JjC
B.nuniiiTr , B.p.mu30N ,
Uoul.Manager , _ . Oenl. I'aaT'r Agen
Calcuo. I1U.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y.
The Best Bonte from Omaha and Council
Bluffi } to .
Chicago , . 9UIirankefr
St. Faul Minneapolis , Cedar
Rock Island , Freeport , - Kockford
Clinton , Dubnque , DoTcnport , '
Elgin. Madison , Janesrlllc ,
Belolt , Wlnona , LaCrosse- ,
And all othr important polqti Xut , Northent nod
Bonthenit. . '
FOr tbronrt tlcktU call on the Ucktt aciot at 1101
nrntm ilreet , to I'aston Hotel , or at Uoloa PaelBo
iSillmaa Bleopcn and tbe Oneit Dining Can la the
world art run on the m ln line of tba Cblavo , Mil-
vanke * * Bt. I'aul H lln 7 , tnd everr atieotlou U
aid to puieDgert by coaniou * euplb/M of tbt
> l Mlf.f.KU , Oeneral Manifir.
3. V. TUUKKR , Axlitunt Ueaenl Manager.
A. V. K. CAUPKNTKB , Qeu.r.1 ruunflW and
Ticket Agent.
UEO. t llKAFKODO , AMlftut aD < ral FMtfBIV
BdTioktt Axent. < i <
TN District Court , Douglas County.
Jennlo K. Hand , Plaintiff , 1
vs. V
James 8. Hand , Defeudunt , )
To James H. Hand , noii-ieatdent defendant ?
Von uro creby notliled that on the Sttth day of
Junuary , l s , Jennie E. Huud filed a petition
ugulnst you lu the district court of Douglas
i ounty , Nebrufika , the object and prayer ot
w hlch are to obtain u divorce from you on tha
grounds of habitual ami extreme cruelty to her :
thut ) oulm\o wilfully abandoned tier without
goodcauto for two years last past : that l > eln { {
of smile lent ability to proide suitable mainten
ance for her , you lm\o grossly and cruelly re *
f n seil to to do , and for excessive use of intoxl-
Luting liquors , blio also prays for the custody ot
the child , Mary Hand , you are required to an.
swer said petition on or before Monday , tut
12th day of March. IKW. /
Iiy PAitia , QODWI , H r ttoraov ,