Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    : , I
'ho Week Detail and LIBt of Corn-
mittoos Appointed.
; * rtlcle oflitqorporatlon Flied fly the
' , Ynnkton & orthiwcstertt ILoiul-
. The K. ( Ira' . Concert To.nlght-
Cepital fliilltlhiig
tEHOM 111T IIEI'M : 1.INC)1. flt1t1tTJ. ]
The work of pl'CIMlVtttIOlI for the eotn
ng oticainpineut has progressed fitirly
nnd the following cIrcular shows the
vor1c so fur ttccomp11Hod ) by the Joint
: COtIlflIttCO ) of Farrngut l'o4 , No. 2.5 , tuid
.AIIOtUattOX I'ost , No. 214 Department
of Nebraska G. A. B. in preparing for
the encampment , The committocs are
ai foI1ow :
Executive-C. IT. Core , chairman , John C.
Bonneti , 1'heIp l'nlne , II. C. McArthur , L.
M , Iothom , S. Sprague , LIutcnunt E. S.
, Dudley , 11. . A. , . 0. 1ran1d1n , S. J. Alex-
Itcceptlon-C. 11. ( hero chairman , II. S.
ilotchikiss , 0. C. Bull , II. d. McArthur , S. 3.
.Finnnce-Phiolp Paine. chairman1 I ) . T.
Cook , William GIllespie , 0. E. COOtC1i and
w. w. w. Jonef ; .
Decoration-John CBonnell , , chairman , F.
: M. Trevltt , I ) . P. Cook , Sam Eastman and
JOiClh ) Teeter.
Formal rceptIon-Lleutennnt E. . Dud.
hey , U. S. A. , chairman and comrades , ltl
Excellency Governor 1flinyer , Judge Cobb
and Chancellor Munutt.
EntertaInment , 'ruesdanlgbt In flolian-
miii's hall-H. C. MeArthur , chairman , 0. E.
000dell , John C. Donnell and W. VT. Vi.
Camp fire In Representative hail Wednes.
( IUJ ) 1 Ight following formal reccpton-1Jrad
p. Cook , chairman , A. J. Cr0p50Y and Charles
:11. : Could.
Budges-N. 0. FranklIn , S. Sprague , John
C. lionnoll.
Hotel rates-Committee of one , N. 0.
Hulls-Coxnmlttho of one , L. M. Scotliom.
'It ' IH expected that all these cotnintt-
tecH vilt at once complete their work us
fur as practicable , and that the various
chairmen sviIl understand that they arc.
held rcpotisib1e for the work assigned.
Tue entertainment and worlf of the on-
eampmout will , In detail , be as fo1low :
Assemble at Lincoln Tuesday ; council of
admInistration meets that night at 7 p. rn.
As there will be a majority of the delegates
nd members of the encaiiipment intlio city ,
the Lincoln PeoPle vllt furnish a free enter-
talnment that night ntllohannan'shnll. The
,3. , A. II. . and W. R. C. badges vtlt admit ,
with attendant or escort , and cithciis will be
provided with tickets free , on applIcation to
K. C. McArthur's ( irug store , corner Elev-
cnth and N. streets.
The CflCamJflfleflt opens at sharp 9 O'elocc ?
% Vednosdiiy morning , In itoprescntativo hail ,
and adjourrnnciit will be necessary at 5:80 :
3) . ifl. to IreIure for the evening's entertain-
At 7:30 : Farragut post will , In fleprescnta.
tivo hail , by special dispensation , give an cx-
enipllilcutlon of tlio muster hi , closing
promptly at 8:30 : , at which time the formal
reception to delegates and members of the C.
A. it. and Vi. li C. ot the state vIli take
Place. The following will receive : Lieuten.
ant Edgar S. Dudley U. S. A. , and wife ;
General H. C. Russell , department corn-
mender , and wife ; Mrs. J3oihne department
president W. R. C. , and husbami ; Ills Excel-
bury Governor Thiayor and wife ; Judge
Cobb and wife ; ChancellorMaaratt and wife ,
and Hon. A. .1. Sawyer and wife.
Following this reception , and indeed dur.
lug the reception , after the guests are pro.
seated , the camp fire In representative ball
ivilt begin and svlll continue as the spirit
moves , and it is eXpected that the comrades
from abroad svihl lend their aid in making
this camp lIre hot. Midnight will close this
dUyls work , and Thursday will be devoted to
the routine of encampment work.
The fifth annual dopartrnent convention of
the Woman's Relief corps will convene at
Lincoln on the same date as the G. A. ft. on-
pimlunont , and therowill bo at least cue hundred -
drod and fifty delegates and members of that
organization. These added to the Grand
Army v1ll mit in the ctv.nearly [ a thousand
yiaiters and vill make a lively week.
State papers please copy.
Articles of Incorporation for a now
railroad called the Yaukton & Southwestern -
western were filled with the secretary
of state yostorday. The princloal place
of business for the road Is located at
orfo1kMadisoii eountyund the articles
proose a line commoheing on the north
boundary of the stitto opposite Ynnkton ,
Dak. , which shall run south and southwesterly -
westerly through the counties of Cedar ,
ICtiox , l3lorce , Madison , Platte , Boone ,
Orceley , Nanco , Merrick , howard , hail ,
Sherman , Bufi'aio , Kearney Gospor ,
3larhtn , Furnas and fled Willow to a
point oii tim south boundary of the state.
The capital stock of the road is fixed at
87,000,000 , divided into shares of $100 ,
the organization to 1)Locced with the
mnatit design of the corporation when 2.i
per cent of the stock Is paid in. The
1ncorporator ro Henry R. Low , Wil-
haul 13. Royce , W.F. O'Neill , M. B.
Stivors and U. C. Luckoy. The Jurat of
' the notary pubilo is.mado in Orange
county , Now York , where the articles
of Incorporation were signed by the
above larties.
The Western Engineering company
filed its articles yesterday with the see-
rotary of state. The amount of capital
stock fully paid up and non-assessabie is
15I000 , business to coimnenco the 17th
dtty of February and continue twenty
years. The incorporators and directors
for the ensuing year arc James 3.
VIiito , Dugald CtJackson and \Vill F.
' White , all of the city of Lincoln.
'rite ICnlghts of Pythins band , of
Apollo lodge , gives to-night a grand
beiiolit concert at Funko's opeia house ,
the entire prqcoods tobo divided equally
between the Royce and Woebbecke
$ funds. A programme of great ecc1-
lence has been prelared in which the
most prominent musicians in the city
will assist tIm band.
It is hoped that every citizen vIll
keep this concert in mind. Aside from
its musical worth , the benefit for which
it is giveim should 1111 the house.
Governor Thayer returned yesterday
from his custom trip amid was busily cn
ngod with'a muss of correspondence
; firing the day , going to Omaha on the
evening train.
Secretary of State Laws has gone to
% Visconsin , whore ho will visit at his
old home thin remainder of the month.
The Concordla Fire Insurance comu
pany , of Milwaukee , \Vis. , hits complied
- with the state law and ieti registered
for time transaction of business in thc
On the 5th day of April the commis
slonet t4 public lnnds and buildings vi1l
oiler for sale the school lands ol
Siouc coupty. There arc 80,000 acrem
in tills county , the apiraiscd valuc
9 ranging from .0oto ! 1.50 pr crb.
TIme ! dutual Insurance company , ol
Boston ; the Prcsoottof Boston , amid thc
North Amcricanof the sanw place , havc
each Iltod npplicatioiis with the statc
auditqr for. admission for lnsuranc
business In Nebraska.
Timoboarilof transportation , some ttmn
since prelarcd rules to govern the see
retnrha of that hotly. One requires tht
ostablislimmiont of oflico 1toimis front 0 a
mu. to .1 p. in. ouch day and require that
at least one secretary and the clerk b
In attendance during ollleo hours o
cept when tnoy are not in the state oi
offleinl business.
. . Leland hotel , Chicago.
, .
. ' . .
- -
LOqAta BRVITIN $ , .
The funeral df OIeOlion , murorod
Wednesday night by VillIam Fe rguson
took 1)18cc ) from the residence of liii
stop-father. Mr. Michaolson , at Flor.
cnce , yesteedhy afternoon.
The linrdwaro store of hlussic , 2107
Cumi n IT street was burglarized Thursday
night tutU twenty-five imoCicot knives and
six razors wore stolen. Entrance was
effected by cutting time slats of thie shutters -
ters to a side window and lullIng ) out
the lower stisit. No clue to the par-
"Old Nick , " a horse that has been In
time active service of tile Mctz Brothers
brewery for th past twenty-flve years ,
reached the end of his usefulness yesterday -
torday , when , owing to an incurable injury -
jury ho was chioroforinod to death.
'Old Nick" was it good nbd faithful
servant and dcsorvod to have boemi
worked to death. l'cnce to his bones.
Messrs. Tom Ormsby and Alex Crcemi
were the vrime movers in a joyous little
surprise vlsi ted upon Mrs. Captain Croon
at her residence at Fifteenth and Mur-
the. streets last evening. Twenty-five
couphes assembled at the captaing cosy
home , and until the small hours joy wits
unconlined. There vero music and
dancing , ittid a sumptuous coilatlomi , the
nifair being a most compicto success lit
all its details.
i : . ii. Snyder , who was swindled In
buying an imitation watch at the auc-
thou house of .1. ltotholz South Tenth
street one day recently , has forfeited
his bond of $7 ltIIl skipped. Time chief
of Police claims to have had hiothol
' 'dead to rlglit& ' in this affuir , timid realizing -
izing this to save hilnhelf front a line
and imprisonment , lie immis bought cIT
Snyder umul induced himn to heave the
city. If Snyder returns lie vil1 be arrested -
rested und the case against flothoir.
pushed to the utmost.
The juvenile reading society was or-
gunized by Rabbi Benson lust Sunday.
It coinprimes time scholars of grades A
and B of the Hebrew Sabbath school.
The object of the association Is to moot
at the respective residencesof the mom-
hers every other Sunday mind have read-
jug oxorcisos. The funds collected at
these meetings to be donated to the
Cleveland orphan asylum. The olilcors
elected for the mioxt six months are :
Max Goldsmith , president ; hattie Ober-
felder , rico president ; Mablo hleilman ,
treasurer and Bertha Newman , score-
tary. Tue next meeting vill be held
next Sunday at time tcsidcmico of Dr.
TIme Only Line That Gets There.
It has 1)ecml voll said by a distimi-
guished writer that "the Michigan
Central is the emily 'Niagara Falls
Boute' in the couIitry.
It is the emily railroad that runs directly -
ly 1)y time falls mitid stops its trains itt ii
point from which all parts of the falls
amid the rapids are in full view. From
this point , called Falls View , the scene
from the Michigan Central train ,
whether in its summer setting of omer-
aid or Its winter setting of crystal , is
one of unexampled grandeur and sub-
lirnity. As it Is on the direct route
to New York , Boston , and New England -
land , no east-bound traveler should fail
to take advantage of it.
A man living neor Macon , Ga. , was
attacked a few days ago by a Texas
.ppny which ho was leadimig , and would
have been killed If his wife 1usd not run
to his assistance and stunned the animal
by striking it witiian ax.
Ruddy and Healthy.
Rinsing the mouth with SOZODONT ,
after cleansing the teeth with it , rcmm-
dors the gums if Ilitceid , palo and sensitive -
. tivo , hard ruddy and strong. Of the
beautifying action upon the teeth of
this inimitable dentifrice , the world has
knownfor thirty years.
A young theological student in Pitta-
field , Mo. , who preaches In it town soy-
orat miles distant. undertook to walk to
his church during the late snow block-
ado. Ho atartcd on Saterdity , but found
time roads too bad for walking. Instead
of giving up he got down on his hmnda
and knees and crawled , and was in his
pulpit early Sunday morning.
Do ou itemoniber ?
The wonderful discovery of Professor
Lolsotto for improving the memory ;
curing mind wandering and vastly Increasing -
creasing tim brain power for gathering
and storing hcmmowlodgo of all kinds , is
now being taught by correspondence
fromu his institute , 237 Fifth avenue
Now York. Prospectus frco.
A pleasant incident of a recent cold
wave In Sami F'ranrisco was the visit of
thousands of beautiful snow birds. lit
the vest the species is found onty in
California , Oregon and Washington
Territory. It makes Its appearance in
the valleys and on the seashore after
the first appearance of snow in time
mnoumitains , where it seems to have its
home. .
Safe , permanent and complete are the
cures of bilious and. intermittent diseases
oases , made. by Prickly Ash Bitters.
Dyspepsla , general debility , habitual
constipation , liver and kidney corn-
pluints are speedily eradicated from the
system. It disinfects , cleanses and
eliminates all malaria. Health amid
vigor arc obtained more rapidly and
permanently by the use of this great
natural antidote than by aimmy other rein-
ody heretofore known. As a blood pur-
111cr and tonic it brings health , to-
imowed energy and vitality to a worn
and diseased body.
PostmnasterOallaglier has appointed
the following 119W letter iarrIers : Wil-
11am Owens , Vi. U. obortson , I' . J.
Cochran , James S. Stone , James C.
Turtle and R. W : Freeman , the latter
colored , .Their miames wore sent to the
department \Vashimmgton yesterday
for conllrmnation.
f-iu wrI-Gif----\
Itssuperior ecollenco proven In millions ci
homes for more than a quarter of a century. i
Is tised by the United btatos ( Joveramen . En ,
dorsttby tl&ohieadsot this Great UIitver.mtlesa ,
the Strongest. l'iirest and rno4 healthful. Dr. .
J'ric&s Creamu hiaktiig ptwtlcr does utfl contain
Ammonia. linie or Alum. Multi only In caii.
l'ntcx fi.uisu l'owuiiVo.
5UWyOitK , CIUCAU0. 5T4.OVI1
Aild the Fae All Esta1isho to the Ell-
tire Satisfactiollofthe ReorIer
An Inteiciting Narative Told U An
Who Ilita No IIetany in Corrobbora-
ting the Facts Sot Forth In the Fol.
lowing Statement - Vhy He
Makes the Eveni Public.
Ta arehiot Information concerntnganallegetl
remarkable event that happened In tito Eniontl
liote1 , cornorof Sixteenth anti Webster sts , the
rcmorter 5111410 hlq way to thiat place and met the
eiigliieer , Mr. Esgeno MntherwIo , , It hail been
iPOIte4l . . , was closely connected with tim oremit.
.1 timideratitnil you were very micar death's dnor ,
Mr. Mather " observed the writer. Tltat vas
true , " was ihe reply.m , intl , after s nioinnt's
thought lrn Concluded that lie wouldJ.e 1lIIng
to give itor Publication all the facts conmiecteil
with the event.
, . To begin at the beginntng"Well. . I cant
in ) just when toy trouble originstoti , but it vas
Foiiietlliig % over tY. 0 years ago that I first notlcI'I
more or lees imupalrmiient ot the appetite ; tissues
an,1 vomiting it liquid containing bile situ sour
water. I Would have an uneasliless or dstrs
in my , stomach. and my bowels were very much
constipated , My tongue was coated sitU I liiid a
litter taste and iiiy breath vas very offensive.
I would take cold easy and of recant years was
subject to a p.0mm lii the frmital region of my
head. M coutenanco would frequently have a
sallow appearance , and I felt more or less bilious
all the time with a burning sennt1oiir a feel.
lug of lieit In the Pit of my stomach , which was
sensative to jars or shocks.
91ow long did you say you wore in thus con-
dition" ?
"Oh a good while , seven or eight years at least ,
and It was couistalit. sonteilmes worse that
other.i. I became rt,1tiel , In health and strer.gtli
anti nt times would feel low-spirited aiiut ties.
ptn0ent. with no ambition or energy , 'I'tien my
mental Tacuiitto fulled me , anti It was with the
greatest ( lilliCUity I could get my thoughts concentrated -
centrated on one subject long enough to musks
any explanation I ieslred to impart to any other
persohl , 'rake it nltoctIier , 1 was In a bad % vny.
Jim ) ' atoinacli at times was In such a condition
tluttlt would scarcely retain any fooi whatever ,
Sleel ) didn't seem to do mno much goodand In the
morning I would feel as it I hadn't slept at all
-niore tlreti thinti I was when I went to boti the
night before. Vhat sleep I dlii have was titten.
( ietl by some. of the most horrible dreams one
could imagine. "
"Call you tell me bow it began ? "
td-- : -
- ,
? '
"NO. not exactly. My trouble seemed slight a
first , afli I think w'as caused by atoil , and I lied
no Idea that it was going to threaten my llto. be.
cause I paid no attention to the cold. ily and by
I found my nose would stopup. first on omie tde ,
then on tlieother , and Seemly both skle.'uwouhi
lie plugged up at the seine tinto. I began to lutro
Mniden attacks of dizziness ; especially wotlti
tills be the case viieii I would stoop dosu'n and
then rise up quickly. I found that the mucus
would drop from the back pert of my nose into
my tiitoitt and that , ? think. etitised tue troullo
inmy stomach. At times 1 would raise consid.
able Phiein. 1 was sirk anyway and was at.
mostan Invalid for a time , and 1 uppOso that
the fear that iiiy lungs were affected made me
still more despondent and gloomy than , ! other.
vIse would bare beemi. "
"And the remarkable event- "
"Is niyrecovery. That Is what I am glad to
tell you about. because Itliink It Isof Interest to
the p001)10 tO know that there is a cure for such
a disease , About two months ao I visited and
Placed myself under Dr. McCoy's treatnient.
You can see the results for yourself. I began to
Improve Ut OUCC , and continued to Improve right
along until today I feel as much like a new man
as the ditrorenco between daylight and dark-
'toss. "
. , I can. " continued Mr. Mather , "saY there is
no doubt in my nilnd but that Dr. McCoys treat.
mnent irboth lraciteal null scientific , and that
and that every promise be makes to his patlent.s
are fully and Ilaitimfuily curried out on his lart. "
Mr Matlier , as above stated , can be fonnd at
the lismond hotel corner Sixteenh and Webster
sts. , where ho will corroborate the above. The
doctor resp ettully invites tha public to invest.
Igato the truthfulness of the tatementslie jub-
lishes from week to week in the daily papers.
But the FropItlon Is "Wo Have
Done It. "
One of the local dailies not long since had the
following : That Dr.McCoy'softlce arc both duy
ailti oveiting thronged witmi patients lies beemi a
inatterof surprise to some , who immark the fact
that although he advertises. his advertisements
are cliaracteelsetl by , mo alluring pronilsos or
guarantees. ' 1Imov lied uxpectemi. doubtless , that
his coursewould ho similarto that pursued by
the advertising quack ; that lie yould ironiise
to cure everything tight antI heft , and after
masking a few liundr ( t dollars leave the town.
On the contrary. liolots not promised. but per.
fornied. Front out ottlie hundreds that. ho is
treating the statement of one petit-nt lies been
given each week for the past eight nionths-n
stmitoimiemit to the effect that a eouipiete cure had
been effected by Ir. 3icCoya treatment.
'Those vlio have iitude these statements have
not been obscure or unknown. In many cases
they lmwc , beemi wehi.known people , standing es.
imeciahly high in the comnunuity. I'lielr statemnents
have beau volnutaryaudthcinuiryt1iey elicited
sitow8 tlmatthtey became matters of general in.
Some time since a lady said : "I woulil like very
flinch to use Dr. NcCoP's treatment , but am
mtfrald to consult for femur hut would publish my
name. " Now , to all such persons let the writei
hero . say that Dr. Mcoy does not vublisui ammy
pem.son s name without flest asking anil obtain.
big the person's consent. Agalim. lie does mint
publish one-tenth or onS-liundreth part of his
cases. nortlme iettersfroiii his grateful patients
whmorn he has tm-eaterl , Dr. McCoy ptiblhlies a
few statements of sass treated by him. lie
lots his work .lmi'ak for itiolf. No tub imt'ed be
afraid of the doctors publtshlngbts name without -
out ftr.t asking iuiiti obtaining his coiisemmt.
That Dr. McCoy amid his associates are permna.
nently located in thus ltawge Block , Omaha.
is assured frommi thu fucts that their Icaio anti
contracts are immado by time year. 1)iirlig timis
cmt1 seitthier1ersou5 a , ti iiloi e or less troubled
with colds. whelm should be proumptly'atteiititd
to. Consultationtit the 0111cc or an opinion by
inail is only l. The doctor funilshes all imiedi-
ciiie.s to his Patioiits. tlmii avoitilmig time expense
of haviigprescriptlomis tilled at the drug stores ,
All letters shiouhii ho muutlrened to Dr. J.
Crosap McCoy. Itooms ale and ihil htammmgo
hilock , Omaha. Netmraska , anti to insure itit tin-
swer should bo accompanied by tour cents in
The Plain Truth.
When a person syith a delicate constitution
ha a tendency to catarrh or consumption-
whether this tendency Is inherited or results
froimi taking cold easily-it Is imoticeable that
that Ierson invariably loses iletlm mid iose
strength , showing that the nutittion is immter.
fereti u'tth.
In such a case the sufferer should at oice be
placed under Inhinenees Inst will restore titti dii.
fectivu nutrition tumid lead to Invigorate the con-
It bite be remembered Unit in every ease the
Presence of catserhi is an evidence of hredtsPo.
iiition to consumption , amid no mimatter limur
. slight time attack mimay be. It houhU be treated
with the greatest care , and the tneatmnemit should
be continued until all traces of ic cuturrh hmayo
If the catarrim is allowed to reach the small.
051 tithes in time lungs-whiehm condition is immihi.
cated by time spitting imp of a yehiow material-
then lmnmnetiimito attentton to tIme mmshamhy is do.
inamimied. or serious lung trouble will esiilt.
Cmittsrrhi is. nub iimiwe of tomm , the cause that
' Produces consumption. anti hmenco no one emma
aiford to neglect a case of caturnhm , however
Slight. It is easily cured if taken in timmme anti
tnetitt'd regularly mid correctly by a speci'uhtst.
It left to ftelt it ii rarely cured withiouta
change of climate , but vtthu each miew cold it
gets immoro anti inure tromibles.une. extemuuimig al-
Waysa little deeper Ilito the lungs , uiitii ii cure
I becomes dililcult autlsouuetlmnea inipoesibi , ,
. " - .
I .
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. .
I.F I.I .
' ' . . ; . . . , .
: . H .
1fl 9
: Me1thant'Taitor Made Garments , to be Closed Out This
. V Week , Consisting of
$ ii.80 That was made to order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.50
B .70 . 1' . t .e. I .e. . . , . , 7.80
4 .81) Ii it . . . . . . . . se. . Ia. . . . . . 0.75
5 .10 is 10.80
5 .75 CL ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.50
( 1.90 ii ii i . . . i. i. . . . . . . 18.60
7 .80 II , . . . . . . Is..I. . . . , . , . 15.60
8 .45 LI fl ss . . . . . 17.00
AT Poll
8 8.10Vhicht was made to order 0.2,5
4 .20 ii , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . 8.50
1 i.85 it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 10.60
C ) .00 Li , , , , , , , 11.78
(3.40 ( . ii 12.75
7 .20 I 1.1:50 :
S .10 ii . . . . . . . . . . 16.50
tm-r 1.l LI Ii . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . . 101115 t
AT Fort
$8.40\Vhichyiasinadotoordo . . . . . .
10.20 ii 41 . 21.00
1 1.01) ) it 24.00
I 8.40 ii 1 . . . . ' 27.54. )
15.80 ii ii . . . ,83.00
20.20 SI . 4 ° 0 ( )
25.80 ii . L"O.O ( " ( )
83Ai0 4' . . . 70.00
$ 5.85 which was made to order . . . . . , . . . . . . .
( I 40 ii . . - 18.00
7:85 'I
: 20.00
8.70 it 22.00
11.70 mm
10.80 ii ii 8.5.1)0 )
01 21) ) " .1 45,00
° 780 U
81.85 ' os.oo
8 0.60 that tvtus made to order . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . $20.00
7.0 ( ) ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.00
8 .20 It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1.00 :
I 0.30 61 . , , , . . . . . . . 28,1K )
I 4.60 ii : h.00 )
I 8.20 It .I.I . . s . . . 40.1K
24.40 it . . . . . . . . . .I. 55l ( ( )
29.10 it I. . . . . . 05.00
84.55 us . .sI..fl..fl. . . . 75.00
. An Many Other Equal Bargains1
This is our Special Announcement for this week only , and any man who
can use clothing . at his own price will find the true facts of this statement -
ment by paying a visit this week to the
1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119
r N. B.--Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention.
Health isit' Wealth !
Dii. E. C. WriuT'S Nanva AND ThtAIN TnzAv.
MxND , a guaranteed spectito for Hysteria , IMazi.
ness. Convulsions. Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
headache , Nervous Prostration. caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Brain , resulting in
I usanityand headimig to mnisorydecay and death.
Premature Old Age. liarronness. Loss of l'owor
in either sex , involuntary Losses anti Sperms.
torrhura citiuted by over-exertion of the brain ,
eif-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con
tains one month's treatment. $1.15) ) a box. or six Ibexes I
boxes for 15.00 , sent by mail prepald on recoilmt
or price.
To cure any case. With each order receivcd by
ums for six boxes , accompanied with * .OO , we will
send the purchaser our written gimarantec to ro-
fuimat time money If the treatment does not eirt ct
a cure. Guarantees 1SSUOl only by C. IC. GOOD-
lOAN , Dnmggist , Solo Agent , lilt ) Furnarn Street ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Nebraska Natiollal allk.
' 11 , . DEPOITOflY , OMALt , 1E3.
Paid Up Capital , - $2OOOO
Surplus , - - - OOOO
Ii. IV. YATES , President.
Lxwis S. itsED , Vice-President.
A. li. TouxAnts' 2nd Vice-President.
IV. Ii. s. hiuGmias , Cashier.
. mmuEcTohis :
w. V. Mones. JoaN S. Cnar.iss ,
if. V. YATES. Lswms S. ltmEv ,
Bankin Omce-
Cor. 12th and Farnamn Ste.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
1742 Lardllo SI , Bollyor , Co11
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
Louis , Mo , , University College Hospital , Lea-
tioti , Giin.en. Germany and Now York , hiaviug
devoted their attention
I'iOrOll . , . Clirollig llll .B1oo
More especially timosearising from Impru.
denco. invite all so eumtneripg to correspond with.
out delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion
cured safely amid speedilyt without use ot Can-
gerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been
neglected , badly treated or pronounced incur.
able , should not fail to write us concerning their
synmptoms. All letters rece.ivolmmediato attea.
- ' C will be mailed. FItEII to any address on re-
e.t of one 2-cent stamp. 'Practical ( ) bsarva.
lions on Nervous Debility and rhplcal Rahaums-
tion. " to whuichi is addtmd an 'Lssay on Mar.
riage. " with iniportant chapters on diseases of
thit iteproductive Orgamis the whole forming mu
valuable medical treatise which should be read
by mill young inca. Address
DRS. S. & D. ' tAVIESON ,
1712 Lawrence st. , Denver , Cal.
London Granules.
EiIriiIiito. last Yostiso of $ yphtUa , Ulcoll , 1'IflhiIo.
Chroitlu Sorei.tlmpnnu Iiiood.TI.ey have no equal Cur
skIn iliteaws. bIiulInr medicine umii In tender' It ( ) %
tmiil. syiUi uarytrimt sucees. itltiem.Y % 'mOCTAIIm.e.
bent by umail In s plaimm ealci l.aiekuge. mmcii no .loiay ,
oil receIpt of im per 11(1K 1)1 ) 6 for tO. WE OIIAIIANTIIC
Fix iitmaslo ctnx , ANY CA5. SYith cacti odor ne-
ceivei for mix t.ozei aecommipitimloil b3r Ii. Wii will .enti
the puritisser our written guitratitee to refund ISo
mommey. If the treatment does miot effect ii cure.
l'.inplilel free. iitxg , , , EslileisS AUECY. iSil
Cliurrr St. , Kammsa City , Mo.
- Advertising has always proven
. , ; - sumecessfuI Before piaciog any
Newspaper .Advertlslug cousul
. . 1 LOIeD&THOMA $ ,
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a week. Send your order to the
office ,
1029 P Street1 Canitat Hotel Building
f'Ds OOLD MEDAL , PAUIB , 1878.
Broiktllst Cocoll.
Warranted absolutely
Cocoa , from whlcmm the excess of
I oil has been removed. it ha. I1rce
' times She strcvgllt of Cocoa mixed
with Starclm , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and is tlmeroforo far moors economi.
. Cal , Costing less than one ccitt a
cup. It in deticloims , nourishing ,
streimgtliening , caiily digested , and
ndmiraliy adapted for invalids as
well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers eerybero.
WI BkKER & CO. , Bordllstcr1
Epps's Cocoa
"fly a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operation of digestion anti nutri-
lion. amid by careful miipllCiitlOn of the Cue properties
of well-selected Cocos , Mr. Eppi hits proviotsl our
breakfast tabie with a delicately flavored boycrago
sebicti many save ii. muany heavy doctor's sills. it is
by the Jttdicious time of such articles of diet that a
constitution may be gra'iually built up until strong
onou1t to roolot every tendency to tiiscnoo. fluu-
drods of subtle immiadies are floating artummd us ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak ioint. We may
escape maiy It fatal shaft by keeming ourselves well
fortified will , pure blood and a properly nourimbed
frsmo.-Civll ServiCe Gazette.
Made inipIy wit ) , boiling water Or milk. Sold only'
in hail pflflfld tins by Grocers labpied thus :
TAUPO PDIXI 9 hA JlomnmopathilcCheniists ,
uJLtiithi ) fl1l ) c LmU1 Losnoor , EsaLtNn ,
flhIAl'I'El ) hANDS , ECZEMA , hIVES
U and all other nitections of the skin can ho
Ruickly cured by SnAnully's Mr.m1moATmn
¶ 1 omm.i'r : SOAV4. delicately perfumed slut each
cake in mu decorated tin box.
INl"hAMLLI GuMS , front city cause ,
promimptlyrehiered by D.tmtiiy'g ' 1'oorimsciin
j'i.ASTY.ltS , which take time place of opiates
and dangerous tootlmachie drops.
S ] ) ISAU1IEEAI1LE oASES can be rendered
Imiocuous by burning SKABUIIY's hivomiox.
. ' .m'TllOi. i'ASTmI.LES. Thme safest , most ftc.
grahit and most efficient deodorizer.
OUNS AND BUNIONS are promptly relieved
C by MEAn'S Coit ? ANt ) litiNloN 1 r.srr.ims.
On soft felt , hilgitly nuidicutetl. itoliovo pros.
sure amid reduce iutiamnmnatloa.
Or time Liquor habit , Positively Utireti by
Administering Dr. Ilalnes' Jo1den
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without -
out time knowledge of the person tatting it ; abso.
iutel.y harmless , audwiil effect a rerilant'and
speedy cure , wimotimer the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcolmolic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have been mimatie temperate men who
have taken ( Iohdea Speciiio uI their coffee without -
out their knowledge and today hmohtevo they
guit thnimmkimmg of their own tree will. It never
Tails. This syatt'mil ommco Imimpneguated with tIm
Sitecitic , It huecoinos an litter imnpossibultty for
the liquor appetite to exist , For Sale by Kuhn
& Co. , 13th and iotmglas sts. , and 15th amid ( himmi.
big th. , Onmaha , Nob. ; A. I ) . Foster & him. ,
Council Ifluffs , Iowa ,
Nos. 303-404-I ? O-O4 ,
AT . . _ FOR
$ 9.20Viuich was itiado to order , . . o. . . . . .T7 , . , , . , * ' 24) ) . ( $ . )
I 2,80 ii . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 211,1K )
, - Its
s s.l .fl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . I
.I I ! Ct All it II . . . .s. . . . . . . . * . . , . , ' 0.
ii cm
.io.l.I 10 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
im II 62.81) )
24,80 .
80.01) it . . . . . . . . . .s . . . . , . . , 05Oi )
or ' , e II II -
00. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . I
Which 18 .fleii Foisted upon the Untvaigj Pui'cliascrd as the Genuine lan. .
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
The Srticio in qostion is put up In a SQIIArry flonfa with florman mInd Ttngliehi label printed Ia blue sail
the cork covorod'wimlmeiiow ,
wax giving the package a Gernitimi Appoarance.
The unsurased e rontery of too coruormmtioh mmsimtimg these goti ! . In calilag their domestic boor " ( lean.
me Imported tail Extract , " and their appeals to tue cupidity of certain classoi of trailesmon by free gifts of
ono hundred both. : . anti upwards to tnomo who
can be induced to purchase their gootis , tbm.
may cause
AmerIcan boor to be lailueti off on the unwary , ,
Johann Hoff's Malt Extract
Intraduced into the U. S. by I.roroli , 110FF in hOd , time unrivalled nutnitio tonic and food for invalid , , nun.
tng women , typhoid patients and weakness incident to ago mimI cnhivtlt'sconts , I'rescrlied by leading Oltyal.
elan. thtougli.iimt the world i. roceiveti only by us monthly per steamers of ti , , , hianibiirg.Americ Pscke
Comupalty , amid is ULIAiIANTEEm ) gonuilto and imlOrted by the signature ye mnctalio cap of
27S , 280 dh 282 GIWENW1CJ.IS1JEET , anti 100 JJ'AJtIfEN STIWEZ
. Sole Importers and Agents since 1800 , to counterfeit which is FELON5
In order to protect themselves ngiminat imposition the public era requested to specify
Electro-Magnetic Boils I
The OrAndolt Triumph of Elsoirlo ! clen s-
' $ ci.ntlflcally Made and Practically Applied.
tmen'eIeIt ; IiInt efd _ _ _ _
* 11k 1ectric * : :
, ,
" " a ts Ilask. Illmm.lf.s . . )4b. . '
I T ) , YOU 14.rveu. iebiIliy , Lus.baga , ( lc..ra , J.blitt. , Us. . .
-all.- WIIJ,1URE Dia..a. . .1' iLldmrys , $ piaai DI..ii. . . , ! fei Liv. , ,
0U kZliiLSlI , l.M a * , Asl. , Heart Dh..a. , Jy.nep.ia , Coiii.tIaIto. .r7dpl4 ,
l.dlg..tlo. . .akeu , ImpoWa.y , C.tsvb , hiss , Y.pliepiy , . , .b Aivs , IHabsi. . , ,
Blood Dii. . . . . , "r7 " - then Ibis bsl $ Ia just wSal y. . assi.
Xkot.ft , buloiiS frg..i casm a appl ed
toany part ci lbs 7. Whole tamiiy can WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
wear It. It emeetrine. lb. blood .d cures .
rv..vLon. cauthe aimS used by .rmtuioa. 15O1'E Ohs fohlowlar who bay. been
T ESTIMONIAL $ cJU..Di-A. .1. Hoiijiand it. . rsrk.rand J.M.Jl..IeUailenimoanlot Trads ,
Chio.go A. Gregory , oommtiIon nierchaah.ttoek srdii Eudd Poble , ibajr.&t horseman Coi Connsimv ,
of the later Ocean ; 0. , , , .mmus. X. V. , ormontowmm. Iowa ; semuet Xuk , X&nkkoeill. ; lodge 1. 1 % . .
Murra N.rvmlleiI. ! , 1V f. . Abbott , uuPacIjwaterworks. Booth Send , mnd. , itobt. mu. Sampson , Chicago
paste c.i V. Mcplehsei.M.IllufTaIo. . . -"Yoflrbeitbalaecompli.hedwhatnootherrometlvhasl
itesd neryrs and comfortable sleep at eight. " RobI. lieU , alderuisa , 160 East 15th Street. , I4ow .ork-
and I oa.nd. Ofotbens.
' Ismmperjortoallother-eimrrentsofeloetnicl.
. ty are strong or mild as the wearer may do-
strom produces a continuous current ; convey ; electricity through lb. , body on the nor , , . . It cores dicoames
b7 generating a oonmlnuou. cnrrentof a Sc ricity (10 ( or IS boansout ot$41 IhronRliout time human system ,
a iymng .llaervomnen imm.dlatei7 , andproduclng a new circulation of tba U.a forces-the Ilood. lm.
Liiiln vigor , strength , eaergy and auait when ami Other treatment has tailed. Thu moriti Of this sctoa
Liii 0 lie I are belarrecosuise.nd indonseit by thousand. whom It b.c cured.
1IEFERENCAny b.aommsrolaiseae1 or wholesale house in Chieaio , wboleul
San rrancmso and Cbicso. Send clamp .ar I S pa liluatnated pan ,
mvr. . bventorsndauufacturer , 1S5baai Lysus Chicago.
Catalogues and Price List upon Application.
Remarkable for powerful syinpa.
thieilc tomb , phiabitionmlndm
ii'tii7bIhity. , so Years' record.
the best gumarantee of the excel.
. . ,
Tue best known Snil mOst popular hotel in liii
sistu. Location central , appoiiittuommti Crit-elail ,
headquarters for ( omumorcia , maca simS all poiitics&
saSpuwiogaltaumitigs. .
El. ltOGO l'mprieto
mu. iiow 70 AOl' .
. c g.itVIgorsn1Msnb..dflulored. l're.
ieellea and Fsncmionii disot.
A mactare
.l.ieur.4.flAodStoroscii iledItinos.
S 5todThiootttou sppiicatiou.
T AITIN CO.lPrslkriM.IIvhd.
' . . . . I