2 THE OMAHA'iDAILY BEE : lONSDALE'S ILLICIT LOVI Vlolot Oamoron'a Mana&or on tli Witness Stand. AN ENTERTAINING EXAMINATION Sonic Very Cold Fncls Brought On Ilia Ilolntloin With tlio Actress Mrs. Juno'H llcccptlon. Home Bcnmlaloiis Admission * ) . ( ropi/rftf/it IMS tin Jfime * annlnn llennttt. ] Losim.v , Fob. "I" . [ Now York Henili Coble Special to the HER. ] Toujours pci 'lldi : once more tbo Camcrons and Lonsdal , claim wero.lo tbo.pollco fore to day. Violet hiitrfmnd was 6n tplal for a marital burglarj and Lord LonRtlalc was In the witness boa cast 'as a pugilist , cynical ns Sir Clmrk yColdstrcnm nnd. ns contemptuous ns Do 4tijoviimni. David Do Bcniaud , the husbam 'looked an If n padded cell in Bedlam uoul ' bettvr befit hlm-thnn tbo doeH- His counsi called Lord Lpnsdulo as bis own wltncs and thus tbo uxdmlnulUm proceeded. r llo gave his name as Hugh Cecil Lowtbo residing at Curleton house terrace. 1 Counsel "Have you seen the damage f Cavendish road , 'Which Is said to-bavo cos A'4'lOsl1' ' Lord Lonsdale "I don't know nnytbir QDout it. I have not soon It. " "Did you not owcar at Newcastle that yc had not committed adultery with Vloli Cameron ! " "I did not swear at all. " "But you heard Mr. Llekford , your solic tor , say so } " "Piobubly ho did , bcaauso it was true i that time. " "Did you deny having committed adultcr otall ! " George Lewis objected , and the magistral Upheld the objection. "Is it true or not that you arcs in the hab Of visiting Miss Cameron from Saturday 1 Monday every wcekl" "Certainly not. " "Well , have you visited 14 Cavendish ro.i at all ! " "Vcs , sometimes once n week and sonn times once a month. " "The defendant has constantly warned yc not to go there , has ho not ) " "No , I only mot him thuro once , and the ho invited mo in at Cavendish road , not i Blenheim place. " "Has he not worried you since thcnl" 'No , I have not seen him since. " "Did the defendant not try to give you inl custody for assault at Cavendish roadl" "Yes , ho tried to. " "For assault ! " "I did not say so. " "Did you 'not force your way Into tt house , and shut tbo door in his facel" "No. " "Havo you not boon the cause of litigatic between the defendant nnd his wjfel" "No , I swear I have not , " "Wero j ou not on terms of intimacy wil tbo defendant i" "Never. " "Did you not look upon him as yoi friend I" "Good gracious , no. The first I know i him was In n theatrical matter , in which 1 misapplied - 300. How could he bo a frloii of niiuoi" " _ Do you mean to gay ho has not reason ' complain of jou ! " "After I went to America ho may hai had occasion to complain of mo , but not b fore. " "When the money was paid at Carlotc house terrace , did you tell defendant the : was nothing between you and his wife. " "No ; ou the contrary I told him I had coi mlttcd adultery and what the result would 1 id fact , thftt his wife hud had a child. " "Why did you register the child In the d fondant's namoi" "I had nothing to do 'with the rogistcrli Of the child. " ( "But you know a child should bo regl tcrcd In the name of Us " Couiibol 'Fathor. " Lord Lonsdalo "Tho husband. " Cross examined by Mr. Lewis : "Thod fondant brought divorce proceedings again mo and claimed 10,000 for having committi adultery with Mrs. Do Bcnsaud on July last year. The case was ready to como ( for hearing and on that date dcfcndni agreed to accept 750 in discharge of li wife's adultery. The money was paid to d fcndunton that day. The defendant wi also subsequently paid 850 ns costs. I hi previously paid defendant 125 for postpo lug the hear In i ? of the case. Mr. Lewis Having paid T50for bis wife adultery , and having told him his wife hi had a child , did ho next day withdraw tl charge of adultery nnd say ho was satisfied his wife's Innocence ! Lord Lonsdale "Yes , that was so. " Kc-oxamlncd : "Havo you not sworn th you had not committed adultery since tl Newcastle easel" Lord Lonsdnlo "No. " It now being evident that Lord Lonsdn had been called simply for annoyance , ov < at the risk of degrading the half-era/ husband , the magistrate acted on uudlsput testimony , saying , "I am satisfied that t damage done amounted to 4 , 10s. I 1m nothing to do with the rights or wrongs , the parties except us to the damage. If coi plaluanV , objected to her bij.sb.uid going her house she had a remedy by injunction the could bring action for trespass. If dcfon I ant wishes to go.to his wife's house ho mu take a lawful course , It had been provi 'that Mrs. Do , Bonsaud was owner of tl house andas such no onowhothcr husband Wet , bud a right to interfere with her. 1 11 > the defendant Is nnd order him to pay 4 1 ( the danih'go , dr , ' In default , go to prison f oven dayVf. " * - . ' . Defendant gave noilco of appeal tot .t . . , .It WM BitUVin Ttnirt that some bitter foes Lord Lonsdalo were behind Violet's hi bandbacking hlhTwith encouragement a " > , irttha Commons. ljOjjnox'Fob : 17. In the commons tl jBvenllig'Balfour resumed his debate on t " "address In rpply to the queen's speech. 1 C0mmcntod.upou the vehement character ' . { Brjen's oniarksrlast evening nnd said ' was nbtfifnir but' what ho was accustomed from" the earaq quarter. Ho consoled hi elf with the reflection that attacks even a wors'o character had been madoagnir 1 O/Bricn's present allies. Un ited Ireland h ' Trovclyuu to a skunk , a cuttlofli and a hangman , ,0'Brien had llkow : drawn a comparison between Gladstone a Judas Iscsrlot and for continuous wee United Ireland , more than Insinuated tl Treyplyan and Karl Scnccr | had conspiiod ihiekl men gnilty of the most horrible a T nameless crimes. * ' O'Brien I stated that the result of thi misguided action was to shield those peraoi tout I never alleged that they did so wilful Balfour said ho would refer to United Ii land to prove his statements , but in reply 'cries of "Quote 1 Quote t" said ho wet "novur think of sullying his lips by repoatl auch language u had been used. Ho dcnl in tote the allegations that Karl Caniarv favored a Dublin parliament and had open negotiations with Parnell with the knowlcd of Saulsbury , Proceeding to compare the crimes act f 1883 and 1SS7 Balfour maintained that t latter did not , while the former did , eret BOW crime * . O'Brleu had boasted that I ndvlcc to the people , of , ; Mltchellstown , com > lncd with pUDlla oplnloa > ih' Kngland lind saved the people from a wholesale eylctibn .The government's action. Balfour declared , nul been modified by neither. Balfour , referring to the 'imprisonment o : members of the house , twitted Trovclvat with making n weak remark to the effect thai t was a sickening thing for tnem bcrs of parliament to bo I in prisoned. ItMIS n akkcnlng thing that thej thould deserve It , said Balfour , nnd It woule M ) much worse It the government had Rivet the leading violators of the law n spccln lirlvllegn to defy itwith impunity. A child sli fuss had been made over their prisoi clothes. Complaint had been made of n lettci which ho wrote during O'Brien's Imprison mcnt. All It Vtatcd , ho said , was tha' ' O'Brien wu $ suffering from weak lungs am an excitable disposition. Hcgardlng the alleged tortures In tin prisons ho requested the prison inspectors tc make special Inquiry , with n resultant rcporl showing It to bo utterly untrue. As a matte : of fact O'Brien's health Improved In prison , [ Henri Henri ) . Ho was two pounds licavle when hg lelt tian ( when , ho went in. O'Brien That is inaccurate ; I was fir * pounds lighter. > Turning to .tho operation' otituo crimes act Hulfour contended that the condition of Ire land-was Immensely Improved compared wit ! the period of the Gladstone government What n spectacle did tbo liberals now pro sc'iitl Who , a short time ago , would hav supposed a single man on tho'opposltioi bench would advocate forcible- resistance t the police ! Ho was pained at the progres of the degradation of ' the libern party , members of which now rose t the height of Indignation only when dcnoiinc Ing Judges , magistrates nnd the police , who under great difficulties , stood between sociot ; in Ireland and utter ruin , fearlessly oxc cutcd their duties nnd had their reward litho the respect and admiration of every tru friend of liberty nnd order. [ Prolongc * cheering ] , Mr. Gladstone followed Balfour. II found little In tbo chief secretary's speoc ! that tended to assist them in getting at th truth of the question before the house There was n question whether the conserve live lenders had communicated with I'arncl on the subject of homo rule. The denial made by Balfour did not get rid of the Irisl member's assertions. Parnell had statei that ho had found himself in entire agree mcnt with Lord Carnarvon on the homo rul question. That had not boon don led. Balfour , Interposing , said the letter frou Carnarvon clearly Implied that ho did not c > press an opinion upon homo rule to Pnrnell Gladstone replied .that Carnarvon hai never explicitly denied Parncll's statchicnt Continuing ho said the liberals were callci separatists because they wished to give el feet to the national aspiration of Ireland while having supreme regard for the unity o the empire. Some remarks of Balfour , Glad stone said , were npparcntlv levelled at him self. His ( Gladstone's ) Nottingham speecl had been absolutely misrepresented as to hi statement regarding tbo Irish executive' practice of obtaining information b ; permitting tbo police . to concoc crimes. Ho protested than , ns now , ngalns tbo practice ns dangerous to society an < idious in Itself. Ho had never uttered word over which ho felt moro rejoiced than hi words about Mltchellstown. Ho used thcr for the sake of preventing enormous mis chief nnd suffering , probably bloodshed. I was the ngonts of law that wore the breaker of law at Mttchelistown. It was cruel , wan ton , disgraceful bloodshed almost withou example. Balfour had become , by implies tion , a breaker of law'for he gave the nc Ills authoritative approval as if it were to b the model rule for the conduct of the police Gladstone declined to accept , as authentic the government statistics of crime under th coercion act until the cases cited were thoi oughly Investigated. The only cases given i detail had mot with a point blank contradic tion. Supposing tbo government bad momentary appearance of success from th operations of the coercion net , were the , going to foi over legislate ou the same , line Ho hild never heard the ministers cxpres confidence in their ability to .make pernmncn resistance to the policy of homo rule. Ho di < not disguise the strength of the comblnatio against homo rulo. But the Irish uatln and n growing English popular feeling wa on Its side. If resistance to the natlonn voice of Ireland was pushed too far , thos who now guided the mind of that natio nngbt lese their power ana bo displaced b ruder and more dangerous spirits. Let th government bethink themselves and cot sent to legislate for Ireland as the did for England and Scotland , i accordance with the constitutionally ej pressed wishes and permanent convictions c the people and thus , at last , present to th world the blessed spectacle of a truly , an not nominally , united empire. [ Lou cheers. ] Purncll's amendment was rejected 317 t ooo ' 1 Jt The debate was further continued b Goschen. chancellor of the exchequer , wh was replied to by Sir William Vernon Hai court. The division on Parncll's nmcndmci was conducted on strict party lines , all tl : liberal-unionist present voting with the go\ ernmcnt. Loid Huntingtou was absent. IN HONOR OF HEK HUSBAND. Mrs. Juno Gives Her Second Rcccp tion nl'tho Benson. [ CtipyrluM ISSS I y Jflmw Oordoii fftnneff.l Lo.vnox.Feb. 17. [ Now York Herald Cab : Special to the BKB. ] Mrs. Francis 1 Juno , who is sometimes playfully called th "Mrs. Leo Hunter of London , " has give her second largo reception of the now seaso and in special honor of her husband , Franc H. Juno , who Was yesterday called withl the bar asa-Q. C. and in the legal slani "takon silk. " Ho Is a son of the late bishc of Petorboro and has been "Junior" for tl last twenty years. Ho received , of coursi great attention from the guests , especially i he had been that day in a great ecclesiastic ; cose a kind ho Is eminent in. It was , < course , n celebrated case , where n rector wi on trialfor _ using water instead of wine f communion. The now Q. C. Was prominoi among the benchers nnd chambers men < the temple who protested aga inst felling tt elm trees two days no In Fountain cour These trees nro the-same near which Ollv ( Goldsmith used to stttnd and watc the rooks building their nests. Hei It was that' Tom Pinch's sister used 4 wait on summer afternoons for his comir from his dally work .In.parliament. In tl rooms of the , middle- temple there is an o ! picture of Fountabi courtJis appeared moi than ono hundred years ago , and .It is vet little , if any , changed at the present day , an these trees are In the picture. Many American tourists must pleasant ! recall Mrs. June's dliuiors nutt reception At this lost ono Mrs.- Oscar -Wilde , in u pu plo plush gown of 178 style , ofld'Mr. Goorj W. Smalloy , with a profusjpn of diamom artistically set , were especially notable ; all Lady Cairns , a'bride , with Ilia earl , who ye tcrday took the-ooth in the chamber of pee for the first tlnio wtfllo'she was lookii proudly on from , the pern-ess' gallery. TThc .leave to-morrow" fo Bournemouth , whoi the future Princess Ebba , of Sweden , U anianceo of PriijQO O&car , went a few da ; ago as the guest of the Dowager Lady Cain until the marriago-doy. v 'i. Tbo OroWir Prindb'linprovod. ICopl/r/oM / JSSSIil/JirWt Gordon Ilcniicft.l SAN llUMO , Fsb. 17. ' [ New Xqrk Hera Cable Special to the Bfife'TA ] light f all i snow followed hd Ihun'dor a/ia"lightnli storm of lostnlght. It has , been unusual ! cold to-day ahi } ttioro is n return of Hghtnli this evening , physicians report the cro\\ urlnco much bettor. Ho sat up until 9 o'cloc to-night. The larynx-has begunio bo treat < by inhalations through the mouth and win pipe. Prince Henry returned from Gene this evening without thd ghtnd duchess i Baden , as sho-ta * siiow-bouud at Lucorn The grand duke Hesso and duchess of Sa : Mlnuigcu returned from Cjimiop lute to-nlgli bringing flowers to the crown prince fro the Prluco of Wales. Sir Morrell's departu U indefinitely portioned. New * of 111 Omen. ICom/rigM ISSS lu JaiK ? Gordon Ihntutt.\ \ LONDON , Feb. 17. [ Notv York Hera Cable Special to the BEK.I Sir Morn Mackenzie's departure from San Hemp is i definitely postponed. . Ho has telograpbi for his eldest daughter to Join him thet Miss Mackenzie leave * to-morrow. Th news does not seem food news for the friom of the crown priaco. ENFORCING TBEl1pRl ; t . . , ' * i Aurora Offenders Made to Fay Som Heavy Finos. M'COOK PRESSING HER CLAIM * She Sends a Delegation to WMhlngto Midland Pacific Hondn llepudt- ' atcd Death ofn Jlcptillican- Lender Stnto News. After the Ijliiuor Dealers. , , ACHOUA , Neb. , Feb. 17. ( Special Tolegrai to the Bnn. | This session of JudgO tforval court is attracting great attention here.Tl whisky trials , ns they arc tqrmcd. canto f. to-day and several of them were 'disposed p In the appeal case of Emil Swnrsc , the drui gist , the appeal was dlsiirlsscd and the d cislon of thd police court lining him $100 wi sustained. In addition there were * five othi counts against him in which ho confcssc Judgment to ono and In the others the dl trict attorney entered a nolle. His line in tt last instance was fixed at < 2 > , making tl aggregate $335 and costs , swelling the gruti total to between ? 400 and foOO. In the case of the state vs. Columbus Smll for selling liquor without n license , the luj this evening brought in n verdict of guilt ; This case was contested with much dote initiation and Mr , Smith hnd.brougbt counsi from Lincoln. It was in the nature of n to ease and was fought for all there wu In J There are quite u number of liquor cases mi the defendants will probably confess Jud ] mcnt. ns the Smith suit bos weakened then The Judge is holding evening sessions' an the proceedings are waxing warm. In the suit of Charles Nordcn vs. the Ch cage , Burlington & Qulncy railway compar for $1,1)50 ) damage In being Injured by a ham car , the Jury rendered a verdict for the plali tiff in the sum of $500. It is believed tin neither side 'vill appeal. Beatrice Municipal Matters. BEATUicn , Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special to tl Bun. ] The city council last night passt several Important measures. Some time nj the council granted a right of way totl Itock Island railroad company through Thu street with the expectation that' the compar would use the franchise before now. As tl matter now stands , property-ownors on thi street , not knowing what tbo company wl do , cannot sell their property or. oven rent to advantage. A proposition to vote bom for paving soon to como up nnd the cil ' wants to know what is to bo done wlth'.tl street in view of these facts. The city atto ney was instructed to prepare an ordimini repealing the former ordinance , granting tl right of way through the street. This wl settle the matter nnd cause the company i either use the street or give it up. There being complaint of the consumers < the gas of the Beatrice Gas company , tl committee- the council on gas was ii structed to investigate the gas meters and r port if any overcharge was being made. In accordance with a resolution' the atto ncy was Instructed to draft an ordinance r ducing the mayor's salary from $500 to $3 < and the couucilmen from $100 'to ' $50 < annum. This will not affect tlio 'prescj officers but takes effect May 1. Onb rcaso for doing this is that the board of publ works now docs much of the workhercVfoi done by members of the council. The executive committee which has charj of advertising this city mid to induce mam fncturing and other Industries to rome hoi are doing good work. They have a fund ( $10,000 to draw against and are now prppa nig large quantities of advertising matter. , Wants a Federal Court , McCooK , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Special Tel gram to the Bnn. ] Hon. Thomas Colfi headed a committee of the McCOok board i trade which loft for yashIngton > yestferd morning , bearing memorials , -froui oyei county and town In southwestern Nebrask asking that McCook bo designated as a plai for holding terms of the United States coui McCook Is in dead earnest in this matte and the committee will spend time and mut money to push her claims to the uttermos McCook is of twice the importance' in h territory that Kearney nnd Hastings are theirs. Her land office Is the most importa in the state , and her presidential post-off ! Is equal to either of these towus. For tli reason she wants a piiulio building and scasion of the federal court. " Charged With Arson. , ' BEATRICE , Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special , to tl BEE. ] Mr. O. L. Thompson , .tbo da'irymi who lost by flro last nicht forty cows , fl horses and farming implements , . , togoth with his barns and sheds , will suffer a lo of about f'J,500 , , on which there Is an Insi ; anco to the amount of $1,500. Ho thinks t ! flro was incendiary , nnd this morning t rested Dan Sheldon , a former omployC.-WllC he discharged a few months since on nccou of drunkenness. It is reported that Sheldi was seen last night riding ono of Thompsor horses. The horse was found near town tl morning. Sheldon is now in Jail pending i Investigation. < Hnllroad Bonds Repudiated. NnmusKA CITV , Neb. , Fob. 17 , [ Snocl Telegram to the BEU. ] The county coi inissloncrs to-day instructed Jtho coun treasurer to refuse payment of the old Mi land Pacific railroad bonds which means repudiation. This action is the result of t state auditor and attorney general declarii the bonds illegal. The bonds .wero Issued 1807 for SIDO.OOO bearing 10 per cent intorc and payable iii twenty years. If the docisl holds good , Otoo county will be richer 1 some S100.000 , $07,500 having been refund .six years ago. ' n Death of a Lending Republican. Mumm , Nob. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tclegrr to the BEE. ] B. F. Brown , a form6r pron nent republican politician of Gage coynl this state , and county clerk of the .newly < ganlzcd county of Perkins died. at. his hoi near this place this evening. Ho was selz with an epileptic in the form of 'convulstoi at t p , m. , and gradually passed'inlo. ' astr of coma , ending in death , utt ) p. in. His doa will probably have an important bearing the county scat war , which is being wug with great bitterness In this county. ' i A. Farmer Suicides. i > * MEAD , Nob. , Fob. 17. [ Special' Tolegrt to the BEE. ] August Anderson1suicided his homo , three miles soUtMvestf 'Met to-day by hanging. No cause for the deetl known. Ho was a respectable Swcdp faro ; in good circumstances aud leaves u lar family. An inquest will bo held by Corot Stone , of this place , to-night. Stock Cremated. ' . , " j BnATnirn , Nob. , Fob' . 17. The largpc ! tie barns of O. L. Thompson , u dairy ui liIng three miles south of town , wore burn last night. Forty cows nnd five horseijvx burned. The tire is believed , to bo of. ' inc < diary origin , nnd inflicts a crushing loss Mr. Thompson. „ . ( u 5 MAYOR OutrageouH Manner In Which Corl Chief Magistrate Was -Convicted. [ Cn/rli/fit ) | ISSSbuJama Wonloii liennett ] COUK , Feb. 10.-Now [ YorkHen Cable Special to tluJ HER. ] It has be arranged to-day that Jamea C. Flynn , M.- for the north division 6t this city , shall morrow in the commons ask whether > John O'firlep was sentenced to fourteen da imprisonment for what at the most is u to < nical assault and whether the chief socrctu will Inquire into the case- and order his : lease- pending an investigation. Muj O'Brien was yesterday , although a tci nical misdemeanor , put into prison unlfoi by force. His case has been overshadow by Thomas Gilhooly and Pyne , but reallj ono exceedingly moro oppressive than a yet. He was the main prosecutor of the g < ernor of the Jail for Indecency witty' , yoy girls , the governor escaping on the eovmn the statute ofj limitations , The gov crnor , it Is now believed , is persecuting th mayor .In rcvcngo. .tttwas proved on th trial that during n rtc& 'f ' ollc'e' Sergeant TCno was In danger of 9 ! Injured , nnd th mayor was the peace officer who Interfere lit his favor. In dolrigjBO tho'moyor tccl : nlcally assaulted hint ftr pushing him nwnj The oaiclal notes anojf that the Q. C who defended the nwi'pr in addressing th court said there was wijltty and said the mayo acted as ho did in th bciicf , that ho had in thority to do so as cTit f trtagistrato ofotii city and for the preservation of peace. H called , among many ayuncssos , an cmlnen solicitor , Mr. M. J. Horf nn , who said ho wa near the Victoria hotel''nhd1 saw what too ' place. There Nvas a crowd'pYosont who wcr orderly up to certain points. Suddenly h heard a lot of hissing and . .hooting from th crowd and Immediately saw Sergeant Kno forcing his way through. .In n fierce nn determined manner ho inndo for the boy with voles and as ho got near rcachc his arms to grab at tbo pees } , when thd crow got violent and closed In on 'him and stlcli were raised above his head. The coustobl mndo a thlrd nttcmpt to get at the polo. The the major caino on'tho hotel door steps wit Mr. Ledllo , high sheriff , mid went , to whdi the sergeant was oommenccd'romoi . strntlng with the crowd. During nil the tim there was great oxcltein'oht. IIo could nc ear all the mayor said , but could see tlu tnc sergeant stood still and did not seem t pay any attcnclon to what the mayor wa saying to the crowd , JTho witness saw th mayor lay his hand , on the set gcant's shoulder and the { sergeant walke off with him In the direction of Marlboroug street. From nil ho saw before the mayc arrived ho considered tbo sergeant In dangc and unless the mayor had arrived ho coi sldercd a riot would have taken place and ii Jury done to the sergeant. A citizen named J.M. Mullan gavoevidenc which corroborated that of Mr. Horgan an said the sheriff assisted the mayor to keep o the crowd from the police sergeant. Mr. Lcdlio , high sheriff , said ho nccon panted vho mayor , Who 'ttskcd Police Sei gcant Knox to leave the crowd In the interest of the peace of the city , but the police se geant declined. Another citizen , U. A. Atkins , gave simile evidence and added that Sergeant Knox n ] pcared very excited. Paul J. Maddsn , ex-mayor of the city fo 1885-00 , said that during that period th authorities allowed him to act In the supprcs slon of rists and during his year of ofllco th Prince of V.r les visited theclty and ho appn bonded serious disturbance. Ho waited o Captain Plunkett , who said ho woul not use any force of military o police without consulting him. Ho sa\ a commission threatened between the pollc and people and on his asking the district it specter to withdraw his men the latter did s and no disturbance took place. Notwithstanding thls.tho ) mayor was cot victed and Imprisoned , tlio magistrate belli unfriendly to him. TVen anti-nationalist are disgusted at the clcnt. ; ; AN AOlijg'FIEND. ' A Wretch of Sixty'Y ' arH Arrested as Procurer hi | Wichita. WICHITA , ICan. , Feb. , 17. [ Special Tell gram tothoBnu.l W..P. Gates was nrrestc last night on the charge.of being a procure : Gates is an old man , feTxty years of age , an succeeded In getting J , two girls Minnl , ' Whitcouib and Nora H.'ltay , aged scventee and fifteen years respectively , from Klnf man , on a plea of cobilfig hero to work fc him ns domestics. "V hpn the gills arrive hero they learned tne , klnd of a life thr Gates wanted them to "lead , and were tel that cynlcss they aet&ded ho would Jufr them out.qf doors. ' Being ' ( Jut of moridytlj girls finally consented , but their 'stor reached the cars of the police , and Gates we arrested. Since his arrest it has bee learned that Gates made his wife load a 111 Of shame to support him. The wife told he story in the police court this morning , and i the cud there was much talk of lynching tl : old fiend. Ho was locked up for safe kcej ing and will bo prosecuted by the btato ai thorities. Sale of Coal Lmnd * . OSAOE CITYKan. . , Feb. 17 , [ Special Tel gram to the BEE. ] Colonel T. J. Peter lit sold all his lands In Osage county to tt Osage Carbon company , of the Atchlsoi Topek & Santa Fee railroad compan ; amounting to nearly seven thousand acre at an average of $23 per acre. The lands 1 in the vicinity of Osngo City and are mostl underlaid with coal. This .tho Carbon con pany over twenty thousand acres of coi lands in the county , The lienvonworth Strike. LCVVRSWOIITII , Knn. , Feb. 17. [ Spccli Telegram to the BEE. ] The arbitration coti mittco , composed of strikers and citizen mot this morning at the board of trac room and adjourned nt noon without nrrivir at a settlement. The prison mine will I able to supply tho'factories with coal fc their present needs. The coal contractoi are also comincr to their rescue. With th execution tlio strike situation is practical ! unchanged. Closed Its Doom. MISKEAPOLIS , Minn. , Feb. 17 , The ban of Central CityDak. , closed Its doors to-dn , It is claimed that the suspension was cause by lack of currency and will bo only temp rary , the bank having ample assets to iiiei all liabilities. A Glndatontatt Victory4 LONDON , Feb. 17. At the parliaments election in Southwark io-day the Gladstouit candidate was returned by a largo majorit Steamship Arrivals. NEW YOUK , Feb. 17.i-SpecIal [ Tolepram i the BBU. ] Arrived Tho-Celtic , from Li crpool. QUEEXSTOWN , Feb. 17. Arrived Tlio K public , from Now York. LizAim POINT , .Fcib. r 17. Passed Tl Lydiau Monarchfrom , New York for Londo A Fattier of Fighters. niPLRT , Ohio , Feb. 17. Last evening Ge KauU , aged eighty-seven , died at his rei deuce near Lovnnur/Qblo. / Ho was tl father of General Kautz. of the Unlt < States army , and of Captain Kautz , of tl United States navy. . . . A St. Paul Tcaln Derailed. CENTIIALIA , Wis. ; | Fob. 17. The la coach on a St. Paul passenger tram was d railed and ditched by striking afrogtb morning. The passengers received a seve shaking up. i " ' tJKlcqord. The De . POHTJ.AMI , Ore. , JKpY , It. Mrs. Lleutc nnt McCoy , daughter of Brigadier Goner Gibbon , died at Fort Vancouver this eve lug. IKO ' Came Over From Canada. WiNNU'EQ , Feb. W.vtGideon Bourdoa queen's printer for Manitoba , has been foui short in his accounts and has emigrated the United States. Passed tlio Anti-Socialist Bill. BEKLIK , Fob. 17. The rotchstag to-da after a six hours' debate , passed the un socialist bill. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , When Baby WM vide , we c T6 her CMtorla. When the was a Child , the cried for CMtorla , When b became HIM , the cln * to CMtori * , When the had Children , the gave tbwt CwtorU. THE 'WESTERN 'ASSOCIATE Doubts ns to Whether Kansas Olt , t Will Bo Represented. A LEQAL/FIQHT IN PROSPECT The American Management Believe ii ) llrvvo the liisldo Track nt Present The Oinnlin Ulrco tprs Meet. itnnfl'ns City's Base Rail Fight. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Feb. 17. [ Special Teh gram to the Bnn.J "I don't bellovo thcr wlll'bo any Western association club in Kai sns City this year , " remarked n well poste base ball authority to-day. "There is n Houot that the old Kansas City base ball n- sooiatioii , which now owns the American m soclatlon franchise , occupied the Held lln and has the Instdo track. When the matte comes up before the arbitration committee I New York next month the American nssocli tion club will bo well represented by legr talent nnd will try to .force tbo Western nssi olatlon out under the , five-mile rulo. Whothc it can or not depends on Spauldlng. Ho is Western association man and if ho makes flght for Kansas City the club will stick , fc Spauldlng's word is law In base ball circle ! Otherwise it will hove to go. " Mr. Mcngcs says that whatever may ha ] pen the Kansas City Western association clu will ploy Its schedule this year. If thoWcst orn club wins the flght before the nrbltratlo committee there will probably bo a scries ( games botxvccn the two clubs before the roj ular season opens. "They could not vet well got out of playing If I challenged them , said Mr. Mengcs this morning , "aud the have everything to lese nnd nothing to gaii while wo hnvo everything to gain and not ! thing to loso. The members of the nssocii tion management state that they will bo moi than willing to play the spring games. " The following \ylll bo about tbo nine thi will represent Kansas City in the ass ociatlo next year : Pitehors , Lovoll , Porter am Fagnn ! Porter and Pagan have been signed catchers Briodyr Clark and Peoples ; shoi stop , Davis ( first base , Phillips or O'Briei A second basemen has not yet been decide upon , although Dave Uowo may hold dow that bag himself. Third base , Hankcrsor loft field. MeTaninhys center fleld , Kowt right fleld , Jones. Shaffer may also bosignc to play right. Hanim Defeats McKay. PAI.ATKA , Fla. , Feb. 17. Hnmtn nn McKay rowed over a three and a half mil course hero this afternoon. Hamni bet McKay by. a half length In 23 minutes nnd ] seconds.FTccmcris UL. Meeting of Raso Rail Directors. The directors of the Omaha base ball clu met at President McCormlck's oftlco ycstc ; day nftenipon. Present , Messrs. McCo : mlck , Hardln , Phllbln , Morrison and Worle ; The matter of the score card privilege wi' first brought uu , and John Kawllns not fui nlshlsg the & 50 surety for the payment of hi bid , the bid of K. E. McKelsor , the next hlgl est , tSOO. was considered. He was offeie the privilege nt Kuwlins' figures , nnd give until Saturday to decide. In case he fall' the secretary was authorized to roadvertis for bids , the same to be oi > ened February > : at 3 p. m. Penroso & Hardin were authoi ized to correspond with Manager Seleo wit reference to tram uniforms , to bo purchase of Wright & Ditson , of Boston. City League Meeting. A-mceting of the city base ball league wj held at Penroso & Hurdin's sporting hcai quarters hist evening. Representatives of th Crane Brothers' Manufacturing company , ( E. Mayne , MeU Brothers , Penroso & Hardii South .Omaha and Richardson Drug compan clubs were present. H. A. Penrosc , the prei Ident , waa In the cnnlr. Mr. Farrlsh , of tli C. E. Mayucs , made a motion , which wi carried , that the league embrace but si clubs and that the guarantee fund of * 35 t put up on or before the 1st day of Marcl upon which day the clubs bo named f roi those having deposited with the socrotar said guarantee. The clubs to be chosen by two-thirds voto. ' Mr. Ldlly , of the Crane Brothers , made motion that the season open April 1 and clos September 1. This was lost. Mr. Mctz made n motion that the scaso open April 15 und close September 10 , whic was Carried. Local Sporting Notes. George M. Small and W. E. Nason , of tli Lcfovro Gun club , and Chirk Ellis an "Spike" Kennedy will shoot a blue roe match , 25 birds each , on the Omaha Gun clu grounds this afternoon. The benefit for Tommy Miller at the Gran opera house this evening promises to be rousing affair. The programme is a very a tractive , dne nnd there is every assurance c several bourse of exciting sport. Pat Killon will arrive In Omaha this mori ing and will be the guest of Ed Uothery du ing his stay in the city. GOT EVEN WITH GROSS. A Contractor's Plug Hat and Ovci coat Captured By Creditors. Fred Gross , who was thrashed by Attorne Ed Orowcll last week for insulting a rcspec able'young lady , is again in trouble. Th time it is over an execution that has bee served on him. Fred Is a contractor fc grading , and it Is said tliht ho has failed t pay a number of workmen whom ho e i ployed last season. Some of these workine have been living injtents in the outskirts c the city all the winter , nnd have suffore greatly because they could not collect the wages * They have , been without coal un other necessaries of life. A number of Judi incuts have been Issued against Gross , bi all to no purpose. Among thorn were tw held by a couple of men named Mall an Ettinger. They placed these In the hands ( Constable Ed Walsh to'see If ho coul not in some way satisfy thodcbts. The situi tion of Gross'poor creditors appealed greatl to Ed's ' sympathies and ho Determined I head the contractor off in some uianno Gross wears a shining plug hat and clcgai fur overcoat , nnd Ed , finding he could IK get hold of any other property belonging 1 Gross , determined to seize these. Accori ingly , while Gross was eating supiwr i Lewis' Sixteenth street restaurant , E quietly took possession * of Gross' plug an overcoat , to the great chagrin of the coi tractor , . \lo offered no resistance to the o fleer , however.as ho found Ed very dote mined. The coat and hat have been adve tispd for sa\o by tho'sheriffand will I knocked down to the highest bidder t < mqrrow' . Yesterday Gross appeared on ti street with a 25-ccnt summer ha.t , and , as witty , youlig attorney expressed it , wi "thanking God that the weather was favor bio Urthcrshorn lamb. " Of late Gross hi bcenadvorUstng himself as a loan agent. A DUSKY COVER'S REVENGE. Ed Moore Tries'to Kill Lizzie Port , RccattNe,8he Jilted Him. Ed MooriJ , a ueyrp , > was arrested last nlgl for attempting to kill Lizzie Porter , tt dusky object of his affections. Ed is dc peratply In love with Lizzie , but she falls ' rcclproc-uteyaml hlfl attentions have been t annoyance to her , 4'hoy both had been or ployed at .the same place , and on h account Ahp rinally loft yesterday. Lai night be hunted her up , and told her If si would not marry him ho would kill her. SJ again refused and-ho drew his revolve when Fred Warren happened to appear c the scene. Warren rushed up to Moore ui Jerked his arm up. This was none too soc for just nt that moment Moore nulled tl trigger nnd the bullet was imbedded in tl wall Just above Lizzie's head. Moore the rushed out into the street and fell into tl arms of Officer McGratb , who took him ' the central station. He Snatched thi Roll. ' As Thomas Murphy was standing in froi of Captain O'Donahuo's bar last evening 1 pulled out a largo roll of bills to pay fi drink * he had ordered. A villainous loaldi fellow who stood near by , .suddenly Jcrkcc the roll out of Milrphy's hand nnd rushed oul of the door. For about four hours ho man' aged to elude the police but finally was nir In. The roll of money , although n llttld re dttced , was found on his person. The rob her gave the name of Dennis CorcornU. Killed Bjr a Roller Explosion , BISTHOPA , La , Feb. 17. The explosion ol a boiler on Harp's plantation to-Uay killed two white men nnd two colored men. Foui other men were so badly scalded that thcj are not expected to recover. The Kaiser's Great Grief. BEnux , Feb. 17. The emperor Is said tc bo In a very feeble condition. Ho is almost constantly in tears owing to news regarding the crown prince. The empress is alsc deeply affected. A Wife Murderer Hung , DEKU LODOC , Mont. , Feb. 17. Martin L , Scott was hanged to-tiny tot- the murder ol his wife in a fit of drunken Jealousy last Nov ember. HANK WALL'S BARGAIN. * . r - - > T How a Road-Agent Agreed Not tc Molest a Stage Company. Pierre , Dak. , special : The slngulni freedom enjoyed by the Northwestern Stupe & Transportation company frotr rend n pen Is during the curly days of iU existence , when the trail led from Bia- inurck to Dotulwood , will n welcome fuel which ninny n wdnry traveler in sciircli of the land of promlso can cheerfully testify to , but nevertheless it wtis ti source ol much speculation us to how the immunity granted the line was to bo no- counted for. The Slddy stnjjo was held up on nearly every trip , messengers killed , nnd passengers robbed. In 1877 the line commenced operation * between Bismarck und the Black Hills , doing n pabRonger tralllc nnd albo haul ing the gold bricks of the Homcstakc mine , often amounting to $200,000. there by promising n rich harvest for the festive road-agent who at that time in fested the country through which the trail ran. Mountains and gulches lined each bike of the improvised road , unin habited , save the Indian , nllording u magniliccnt retreat for the robbers , whc could "hold up" a coach and escape with their booty into the hills , where il was simply impossible to find them , much less recover tlio property. Hank Wall was at the head of n gang of freebooters who made their homo in the hills , nnd who were n terror to trnv- olors who might from necessity be com pelled to pass through the country , During the lirst week that the North wester u rnn from Bismarck Wall nnt ] his "held " throe coaches men up" , one being the treasury coach containing Homchtako bullion. After the first trij however , Mr. C. W. Richardson , now ol Pierre , was agent at Bismarck , nnd he requested nil passengers going througl to deposit their money with him , ho in return issuing Deadwood drafts. Extni precautions wore also taken in the waj of guarding each coach , four outriders , armed with repenting rifles und selected with reference to tlipir markinanshir and nerve riding before nnd behind the coach on each trip , about 10Q yards dis tant , thus providing against surprises and incidentally protecting the passen gers. These arrangements soon ren dered the road-agent's occupation not only unprofitable but attended by an el ement of danger which he did not rel ish. Tlio passengers carried nothing of value nnd the treasure coaches wore bo well guarded that "Hank's" raids began to net him loss than would u raid on an ordinary contribution box. One day W. J. Gidloy , who had charge of the drivers , was inspecting the lino. The conch which ho was on was approached by n horseman , who proved to bo the redoubtable 'Hank" himself. Gidley knew him , nnd , after passing salutations , he inquired of Wall what hq had been doing. "Hank" re plied that he had been holding up these d d northwestern couches till ho had gone broke at it. Ho then mentioned the object of his visit. "It's this way , Gid , I've got a nephew in Deadwood who is anxious to get to his homo in in Port Wayne , Ind. , where his mother is very ill. Now. if you will promise to bring the kid through on your next trip and buy him n ticket from Bis marck to Fort Wnyno , I'll agree never to hold up another of your Coaches or cause you any further trouble. Is it n goV" Gidloy thought the scheme n good ono , and ns ho know Wall to be a , man who respected his word , whatever his othoi shortcomings might be , tlio agreement made , and on the next trip through tc Bismarck tlio young man was a passen ger. The ticket was purchased to Fort Wayne. Wall was as good ns his word , nnd from thnt day to this not another pas senger was molested. Wall immedi ately turned his attention to the Sidney line , nnd the papers of that toivn came out with columns of abuse aimed at the Northwestern companycliarging it with being in league with the road agents , etc. * J. N. and Sarah C. Shopnrd are the parents Of the largest family in Gadsdon county , Florida. They have nineteen cliildicn , fifteen boys and four girls. Their oldest child is twenty-one years old and the youngest six months old. They have boon blessed throe times by the birth of twins. Prince Napoleon has made another addition to his numerous rclica of the llrst emperor in purchasing a locket given by him to n Venetian beauty ol high rank in 1800. It contains n portrait trait of himself made with his own hair. With the portrait is n hautily scrawled billet doux establishing it authenticity. Empress Elizabeth of Austria is in- delivering to reduce her stoutness bj fencing and other vigorous exercise , She practices with tlm folia for two hours daily , her antagonist being the Archduchess Vnleri. Beware of Scrofula Bcrofnla Is probably moro general than any other disease. It is Insidious In , character , and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints , absccssesjsoro eyes , etc. Hood'sSamparllU expela all trace of scrofula from the blood , leaving It pore , enriched , and healthy. "I was severely afflicted with serofuW , and over a year had two running sores ou my neck. Took five bottles Hood's Sarsan-irilji , fiud am cured. " O. E. LOVEJOT , Lowell , Mass. O. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me , , had scrofulous lores for seven years , tprluj and fall , llood'a Sarsapullla cured him/ < Salt Rheum Is one of the most disagreeable diseases caused by Impure blood. It is readily cured by Hood's Saraaparllla , the great blood purifier. William Spies , Etyrla , O. , suffered greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his hnndj would crack open and bleed. He tried various prep arations without aid ; finally took Ilood'i Bar- eaparllla , and now says ; " I am entirely well. " "My son hid aalt rheum on his hands ana en the ea'ves of hU legs. IIo took Hood's Barisparllla and i * entirely cured. " J. B , Btanton , 1ft. Vcruon , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla oUbyiUdruitMt. fliilxforf ! . Mtdeonlf fcjr 0.1. HOOD A CO. , ApotbecariciLowell , Max. IOO Do o One Dollar THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. 'Lacking in Interest Prices Not Affected. A STRONG SESSION IN CORN ( Oats Hold Very Steady and Advance Little Provisions Rule IrrogH * , lar Cattle Active Under Light Offerings. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. Cnituno , Feb. 17. [ Speclal Telegram to the HUB. ] The wheat market was licklnc in interest arid there nppcnrcd to belie tow thing about It , certainly nothing which" could in any way effect prices. There wat'notrio good buying early for outside account , whloli .nimlo the market strong early , but resulted only in n slight advance. After that trndo , Brow small und was conllned largely to local traders , such fluctuations as occurred being caused by the immediate necessities of scalpers and not by any news received. Tlio oporatlons'of the heavier traders were oh , too small a scale to bo noticeable or to Influence prices. Light receipts nt primary markets and especially here , where cuts In freight and storage were expected to bring increased receipts , were talked about ns a strengthening - ing feature , ns were also liberal jiblpmcnU of flour from Baltimore , but it appeared that these things were only talked about nnd not acted upon. Some bullish news comes from the winter wheat belt concerning stocks nnd the condition of the crops , n gentleman connected with the Eastern Illinois road sola that the lost three weeks had wrought dam age to winter wheat In eastern Illinois and western Indiana. May whcatoponcU at 805 0 and after selling nt WlifgbOVo advanced to SO' c , then fell to 80 } o and hung ; between that price and S0 < c for some time , then ad vanced to 80 > c aijaln nnd closed nt 1 o'clock atSO c , which was the starting point , Juno wheat opened nnd closed at 80 0 nnd during tbo session ranged between SOJ/Q OK and Corn was strong and higher nnd closed at almost the best price of the session. The bull argument is that the receipts do not in crease , ns was expected , in view of cheaper freights and storage. One rather weak spoti in the session seemed to bo caused by the re port that n contract had been mndo by the Hock Island road to deliver 1,000 cars of corn from Nebraska at the seaboard at a lower rate than any heretofore made. It would seem that relieving this market of that amount of corn would help prices hero , but the view taken was that It would weaken the eastern market nnd reflect , that weakness hero. May corn opened nt fioko aud soon ad vanced to 51c , and fell back later to COKe nnd again advanced to DOJjfc , closing at that price nt I o'clock. June corn opened atSOj c , sold at 5QdSQfa } and nt GOJ c aud closed at C0 ° fc nt 1 o'clock. Oats hold very steady throughout the ses sion and advanced u little in price. There was some relief from the pressure of short sellers nnd good demand. May oats opened nt 31c nnd never fell below that price. The highest point was Sl c , and the 1 o'clock close was 3U/31 ; ' < fc. For Juno oats 31 0 Wai bid at the opening nnd that delivery sold un to and closed nt , nti n. In provisions the movement was again Irregular. Trading opened with the bear element In n mood to continue their hammer ing operations , and in the course of a short time pork suffered a break from the highest point touched of Me , and lard and short ribs of 7Kc. This depression , however , was quickly followed by n sharp reaction , and before 1 o'clock ttio decline nil uiouud was inactically recovered. In the day's market lard was relatively stronger than either short ribs or poik , and closed ut nn actual advance ol r > ( j 7 > 4c ° " last night's final prices. Short ribs also rested 'JM@5c higher , while pork was unchanged to a shade better. AFTERNOON Snssiov Wheat stronger , May closing at 80 ? efune ; 81c , Corn higher , May closing at about Ol c , Juno 01@51&c. Oats firmer. Pork was advanced 5a ud cloHod at $18.82)4 for February und March , Jt4.02 > f for May and f 14.10 for June. .Lard was strong , closing ut $7.07' for February , * 7.70 for March , & 7.80 for May and $7.87 f for Juno. Short i ibs were ? } c higher ; February and March closed nt $7.t K , May , $7.BO and Juno CHICAGO IjIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram to the BUB. ] CATTLE Under light offerings trade ruled quite active , with a substantial upturn on nice , handy steers and big , heavy cattle. Yesterday and to-day there were fair orders for export steers , ono firm buying some 400 head and another 375. Most of the salesmen admitted that steers that suited the shipping and dressed beef trade sold a good lOc higher than yesterday. The advance hero would have been moro but for the big run in Kansas City , many orders going there on account of cheaper prices. Butchers' stock was slightly firmer. Canning stock was ns low us nny time last week. Ono car of fancy sold ut $5.75. Steers , 1330 to 1500 Ibs. , * 4.40@5 00 ; lliOO to 13T.O Ibs , * 300@4.40 ; 050 to 1200 lbsW,10@4.00 , Stock- era nnd feeders , fc,40 ( < U.05 ; cows , bulls and mixed , * I.75Sy.40 ( ; bulk , $2.80@2.76. Texas- fed cattle , * J.OO@4 00. HOGS Trade was slow and prices a good lOo lower , tbu market closing at about | 5.no@ 5.55 for prime heavy. The bulk of packing and mixed sold at * 5.0p5.40 , and light mixed atKUO@i5.ir . Assorted light of liWMbs aild thereabouts , * 5.00@5.IO. 1'igs , 5i.50@1.90. ' MVI3 STOCK. Chicago , Feb. 17. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : Cattle Kcceipts , 8.000 ; market steady end strong ; fancy , W.75 ; steers , J3. 103.00 ; stockorsand feeders , feMO 'MB ; cov/s lAJn and mixed , * 1.75 ( ( a.4U ; Texas cattle , f5& 4.00. 4.00.Hogs Kccoipts , 23,000 ; market lOo lower ; mixed , MOOrtfliiiS ; heavy , * 530@ 5 Oi ; light , tl.S.XiM.skips , W.004.70. . Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; market steady ; natives , S3.50fe5.59 ; western. * t.75@5.aO ; Texans , * J.80@4.75 ; lambs , $5.X@H.10. ( ) National Stock Yards , "Kant St. TjouiR , Feb. 17. Cattle Kcceipta , 800 : ship ments , 1,800 ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , $4.405.'JO ( ; fair to good natlvo steers , $3.SO@4.45 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , I.10(2 ( > 4.JO ! : stoekern and feeders , fair to good , * )00@3.25 ; rangeis , ordinary . . . . Hogs Receipts , 2,800 } shipments , 3.tXX ) ; market easier ; choice heavy o'nd butchers' selections , & 5SO@540 ; packing , medium1 to prime , ( BOOMS 85 ; light grades , drdlfmtP to good , * 1.70@5.0r . ' ' , " Kansas City , Feb. 17. Cattle Hecopts | , 3,000. ; .shipment * , 1,000 ; market steadyto " strong for good to choice beef steers" ; com mon weak ; good to choice corn-fed. tt.iiO ; common to medium , ? 3.25@4.-"Sj , stockcrs strong at $1.80@8.20 ; feeders dctrvo flt'jfi.OO . Hogs Receipts , 7,500 ; . . choice a shade higher , others steady to wuak ; common to choice , &i.60@5.U5 ; slims and pigs , W.OOC44.50. ' , , , _ ' * * ' FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram to the B n.l STOCKS A more 'cheerful ( eel- ing was noticed to-day union ; , ' stock opera tors. Those who have bocn croaking- about everything going to the dojrs have changed their minds and say thcio Is u brighter out look than for several days. HUHIICSH | in in creasing slightly , mid , although not heavy , It Is largo compared with the first dayn of this week. The managers' meeting to-day wai looked to for important developments , but , aside from getting together , nothing was ac complished and the meeting adjonrncd to meet again ut 3 o'clock. Operators who huvo boon soiling Grangers of lute were anxious to get them back before any now * likely to bo favorable to nn advance was sprung on the market. A few stocks were offered , and the Improved demand caused an advance of YK per cent , all closing at/ulmosi the top. St. Paul earnings for tha second week In February showed an increase of 911,500. , Aa the ( rain was mode with the lowest rates ever known , it proved a complete surprUi and in4ucod large purchases. The chief feaV *