THE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE. . . , , . . . , SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA SATURDAY M0KNING. FEBRUARY 18 1888 NUMBER..245. OMAHA A PORT OF ENTRY , Secretary Falrohlld Issues the Necessary Order. ALL THE DETAILS ARRANGED. A Report From the General Office Regarding Sales of tlio Omaha llcscrYatlon Prcsl- dcntlnl Prattle. Omaha' * Greatness WASHINGTON BUREAU THE OM.IHA UBB , I 513 FOUHTEBNTH SfKBBT , > WASHINGTON , D. O. , Feb. 17.1 Secretary Folrchlld to-day issued an order Making Omaha a port of entry. The details have all been placed In regular form and sent to the surveyor. This will enable Imported goods to bo shipped In bond dlrctt to Omaha , and will bo n very great advantage to linimrt- ors In the great west. It will obviate all de lays and appraisements at the ports of the east and elsewhere and turn the business directly ever to the collector at Omaha. Senator - ator Mandcrson called upon Secretary Fairchild - child this morning and urged Immediate action , which brought about the result. The Nebraska delegation In congress have been working to this end for souw time and the finishing touches given it to-day afford n source for congratulation to not only those who have been working for it , but to the cit izens of Omaha. THE ALLISON 1IOOM WAXING WAIIM. Senator Allison's presidential boom has taken nn advanced position. To-day ho was the recipient of many letters and telegrams from all parts of the country assuring him of cordial support from now sources. No man spoken of for the nomination receives more calls than ho and no ono is given more en thusiastic ixirsonal assurances. Sevcra ! days ago It became known that Senator Pad dock wanted to purchase a span -of horse- and Senator Allison offered to sell him his pair of animals. They are very beautiful horses and Senator Paddock took them fet trial. This afternoon he met Senators Alii son and Evarts at the capital and informed the former that ho had concluded to tuko tht horses , adding , jocularly : "I supi > ese , though that they ore spavined and ringboncd am doctored. If thev prove to bo I am going to get even with you , senator , by refusing to support you for the presidency. " To this Senator Evurts rejoined : "You had better raise him another $10 , Senator Al llson , and wnlvo all promises. " The horses were uald for and Senator Pad Cock separated with the twain of presidentia possibilities. Nearly everybody that ap preaches Senator Allison now refers to his presidential boom , and the lowun receive ! the taunts good-naturedly. This evening's Star , in the course of a lol of gossip about presidential booms , says ; "Senator Allison's prospects are regarded as having been greatly improved by the Blaim letter. Ills loyalty to Mr. Blaine in the past ia ground for the belief that the latter wil now reciprocate in kind. It is said that Mr Allison Is the choice of Mr. Blaine for thi nomination and that all the influence of tin latter will bo exerted in behalf of the lowr senator. Inasmuch as Mr. Blalno's Icttoi takes himself out of politics , It is argued tint he can afford to take a bold stand for thi man of his choice and rally his clans around Allison. The senator from Iowa enjoys thi confidence of the east and ho Is very popu lar in the west. Ho has never been Identi tificd with any factional quarrels , and there fore , it is argued , would command the sup port of all his party. " NKW JEUSKY VOH ALLISON ANf > riIKI.PS. There are a great many strangers in Wash ln ton now , Induced hero by conventions am interests pending in congress , and many o them arc discussing Senator Allison and tin presidency. T. C. Woolman , ono of tin brightest and most intldontial young repul llcans of New Jersey , is hero , and'says h believes his state will send a solid dolcgntioi to the convention for the lowun. In Nov Jersey , ho states , the republicans have lixe up n slate of William B. Allison for presl dent , and William Walter Phelps for vie president. In the opinion of Mr. Woolma : ihcso two men would unlto the republica party solidly and bring out inoio than over , vote in it. JUSTICI : MIU.HU rou TUB i'nn innNcr. Much has been said during the past fortj eight hours on the quiet about Justice Mille for the presidential nomination. There hav already como to the front for him a numbe of republican senators and republicans. Sal ono of them to the BUB correspondent thi evening : "There Is n strong movement o foot to bring about the nomination of Justlc Samuel F. Miller , of Iowa. His frcedoi from all entangling alliances , the fact that h belongs to no faction and would bo chcerfull supported by all , his true and unsworvin republicanism , his wise statesmanship an his knowledge of national affairs common him to all who dcslro a candidate who wi bo a credit to the party , and should ho b triumphantly elected no word of scandt could touch or tnlnt him. Ho left Kcntuck because of slavery. Ho helped organize th republican party in Iowa. Ho was th trusted friend and wise counsellor c Lincoln nil through his administri tlon. Ho would bong about a unite republican party. Ho would bo strong whcr some others are weak. In 1SS4 u single si I in the convention on the part of Blaino' friends would have resulted in his nomliu tlon. Ho Is to-day the second sober thougli to all who are wedded to no candidate an Dimply desire victory. Many of the trustc leaders of the party uro for him unservedlj Ho has done more to garner the fruits of th war that all others on the bench , ho bavin rendered more constitutional decisions thu Marshall. He is sound on the tariff uud tru iu his heart and soul to his party. His num would bo a tower of strength , and with hii ut thu head of thu ticket we would win , uu grandly. " THE OMAHA UCSBIIVATION. In reply to a senate- resolution inquiring i to what amount of hinds upon thu Omul reservation have been sold iu pursuance i the statute of August 17 , 18SU , aud how lime money duo us the proceeds of such sulo hi been paid into the treasury , also as to tl amounts of money , if any , duo and unp.ili and what steps , If any , have been taken t force such payments us duo , or recover po session of the lands no sold , payment f < which have failed according to the tern thereof , the acting commissioner of tl ; general land office has reported as follow ; Amount of land sold up to aiid Includin December 81,18S7 , 40,030.59 acres ; amount i money paid Into the treasury on account i such sales from the data of the ilrst paymci to December 81 , 1SS7 , $154,0540 : amount of interest dno and unpaid up to D ccmber 81 , Ib87 , $4,108.0(5. ( Bv the nU of coi Kress cpproved August 2.lSb ; , the sccrotai of the Interior was authorized to extend tl time of payment to purchasers of lauds of tl Omahu Indians two years from Juno .MJ , Ibs who had tiled by November SO , 18S , maklii the ilrst payment duo Juno 29 , IbbS , the i tcrest duo on said payments to bo paid a nually at the tlmo said payments are no duo. Parties who had liled since Novembi 80,1SS4 , and prior to August'.1 , 1SSO , uro in requited to make ilrst payment until Augu 2 , IbfcS , but the Interest must bo paid annual on August 'J. Thus It will bo observed th ; no principle Is duo until June-29 , lbt > 3 , i August 2 , IbSS. No steps have been taken enforcepoymcntsof interest duo nr torccovi possession of the lauds bold , payments fi which have failed according to the terms > thu btuUites. rUBl.lC LANDS IN NEniUMf . Acting Commissioner StooL'sluger has all reported to the senate , iu response to u res lution calling for the information , a stnt went relative to the public lands in Nebrasl as follows : Total number of acres in tl territory and state of Nebraska , 47.077.W TUo urea surveyed to June 80 , 1S > 37 , wi 40,059,039 acres , pf which there was dispoxi of from date of organization us a tei rltory February 28 , 18C7 , l.OMJ.OW acres , and tl amount received therefrom , $3S9b42. ! ro | fc ( dAt # 9 * Uw ftdqiUatougi Nebraska , Man 1 , 1SC7 , to Juno W ) , 1687 , the area deposed of wns 20,545,123 acres , nml the amount received "hcrcfrom was $8,521,610 , and ho total disposals in the tcr- itory and state were 27.011,1 0 ncres and the total receipts $ SStilOfti. The urea of original Indian reservations was 878- 22'J acres and the area of existing reserva ions on .Tune 80.18S7 , was estimated to bo II4I > 50 acres. The area disposed of was > > 78 acren , for which there has boon ro- iclvcd the sum of $1WO,187. Of this amount ho Btuto. has been allowed and paid * 27,34'.S5 ! jcing 5 Jur ) cent upon $ .MOb7fl of the net pro- ceds received from the solo of Pawnee ndian lands. The area of military reserva- ions in Nebraska at the date of admission iinbt-accd 80,828 acres , the ( { renter portion of , vhlcli has been restored to the public do main , but additional reservations nave been set apart , HO that the total urea at military reservations in Nebraska Juno 30 , 1887 , was 81.387 acres. The proceeds of the portion of the original reservation arc Included in the cash sales of public lands for which the state IIHB received the 5 per cent. The area embraced in the locution of mill- : ury bounty laud warrants in Nebraska to June 30 , 1887 , was Iy : > l , 5 acres. As ap pears from statements compiled and on record In this oflleo upon the value of the lands so located , no allowance of the 5 per cent to the state has been made. MUM , MVTTKHM. Mrs. Florence H. Kendall , of Nebraska , : ias resigned from u $000 position in the pen sion ollico. AUMY oniinus. Fifty recruits are to bo assigned to the Fifth cavalry , fifty recruits assigned to the Seventh cavalry and sixteen colored recruits to the Twenty-fifth infantry ; Captain Will iam E. Hofman , Ninth Infantry. is ordered to return homo to await retirement. retirement.S. S. HEATH. Nebraska nml lown Pension * . WASIIINOTON , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Pensions were granted to the following Nobrssknns to-day : Theodore P. Elliott , South Omaha ; Edward Thornley , Indfanola ; Andrew H. MeFaddcn , Omaha ; Hugh \V. Hutton , Pawnee City ; Benjamin F. Leslie , Nomaha City ; Do Forrest Van Vleck , Alcove. Hclssuo and increase Alfred Smith , Kulo. Mexican widows Theresa , widow of Adolph Schremp , Helena. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid Jatncs Smith , Bloomllcld , Hiram Kastcr , Strawberry Point ; William Dew , Bcauian ; Q. S. Baker , Woodburn ; James Jones , Mul- vern. Increase Charles V. Delaneoy , Hazel- green ; William J. Turner , Bedford ; Joseph N. Bullou , Osceola ; Esuu A. Erb , Smyrna ; Martin A. Gain , Waterloo ; Peter McICenun , Williamsburg ; William J. Banter , Avon ; Michael Lynch , Atlair ; Snmuol H. Barry , AVaverly ; Allen Hain , Redding ; Thomas Goodwin , Bowley : James Harngan , Dos Moines : George H. Johnson , Crcston. He- issue John Newsome , Woodburn ; Vincent S. Martin , Des Moines. Heissuo Allen U. Nlehlas , Haven. Mexican survivors- William J. Caldwcll. Moulton. Mexican widows Sarah S. , widow of John Lester , Bloomtlcld. Rcissuo and increase Isaac Smith , Hopkintou. How Canada is Hencilttcd. Feb. . 17. In response to a request for information upon the fisheries treaty and kindred subjects , Erustus Wiman has written a letter to the editor of the Mail , Toronto , In which ho says , in part : In answer to your inquiry I beg to say the proposed fishery treaty , so. far as Its contents are known , is in my opinion the best settle ment of the ugly quarrel that could bo ar rived at under the circumstances. Canada , in the long run , will bo the gainer rathci than the loser. The provisions of the now treaty will tend to increase the intercourse between the two countries and remove an element of serious and dangerous difference that was . steadily separating their and threatening their peace. To accomplish a purpose so important Canada can well afford to yield all she will bo culled upon tc yield. This Is especially the case when It is understood that this settlement will enor mously improve the prospects of commercial union with the United States. The next most vexed question Is the con flict now impending between the great rail way systems of the two countries. The Can adian roads arc free from the ; exactions ol the inter-state commerce law , and this free dnm means nn enormous loss of prollt tc every other railroad in the United States This condition of things seriously threatens the repeal of the bonding system by whicl American produce is convoyed through Gun adlan territory without payment of duty or its entrance into the United States. This repeal peal would mean simply ruin to Canadian roads. It has been suggested that Mr. Butterwortl might omit in his bill the clause referring t < the fisheries and substitute another whicl would invite concurrent legislation on th < part of Canada , creating provisions similar ii that country to the operation of the inter state act in this , so far as it affects througl traffic iu which alone the United States is in tercstcd. This movement would secure thi support of the vast railway interests threat eued in the United States , and it would alsi secure the advocacy of that movement b ; English owners of Canadian railway sccu ritlcs whoso interests arc , at the moment , seriously riously imperiled. Committee Work. WASHINGTON , Feb. 17. The sub-commit tco of the house postoffico committee to-do ; reported adversely upon the bill to prohibl the circulation through the mails of news papers containing lottery advertisements. The bill to amend , the law prohibitini alien persons and corporations from acquir ing lands in the United States received tin approval of the house committee on mine : and mining to-day. The amendment pro vidcs that the restrictions of the law shall no apply to mines of gold , silver , tin , lead , ciu iiubar or copper or any interest therein. The senate committee- privileges am elections to-day considered the Turplo case ordered the papers printed and referred tin subject for further consideration to a sub committee consisting of Senators Hoar Spooncr and Eustis. The house elections committee hnvinp dls posed of the DuDIa vs Davidson Alubami contest In favor of Davidson , the sittini member , will meet next Tuesday to dccidi upon further order of business. It is thi general expectation that the Illinois contcs of Worthingtou vs Post will bo taken up fo consideration. Wurfleld Story , counsel for the Union Pa clfic railroad company , to-day submitted ti the house Pacllio railroad committee th modifications of the Outhwalto funding bil desired by President Adams , The enl ; clmnco of moment suggested in the origina bill is the proposition to fix payments to b made by the company upon its debt at one tenth of 1 per cent for the first five years am one-half of 1 per cent for the second term o five .N cars instead of n uniform payment fo the first ten-year period of one-third of 1 po cent. Roughly calculated the effect of th proposed change would bo to re duce the payments by $200,00 during the first five years and Increas them by a corresponding sum during thoncx five years , tfho coiupany was desirous o having the charge lightened during the nox five years , because It had very heavy paj incuts to make and would bo able to make u ; the deficiency within the next five-year teriri The committee has invited the Pacific rail rood commissioners to appear before It nes Friday to furnish any Information they ma , possess for the guidance of the committee Jt was stated Informally by one of the coir mltteo that Anderson of Iowa had decline to appear bo fort ) the committee In support o the bill directing criminal prosecution of th Pacific railway oftlcials. Postal Clmneca. WASHINGTON , Fob : 17. [ Special Telegrat to the BUR. ] The postonico at Scandinuvit Hurlnn county , will be discontinued Fcl ruary Sti. Socialist Ip Law * Iu Germany. , HMIUX , .Jan. 17 , The rolchptag has ri jcoUkl UiagovcuiBieiil's-antl-bOcliilist l > ruloiigcil the uxUUug laws for ON TRACK OF THE MURDERER Identity of the Slayer of Millionaire Snoll Discovered. SON OF A WEALTHY MERCHANT. Chief of Police Hub-hard Offers a Ilewnrd of$2OOO For the Arrest and Detention ofAVilliara B. Taseott. Hnell's Slitycr Identified. CIIICAIIO , Feb. 17. The police arc at lost positive that they are on the track of the murderer of Millionaire. A , J. Snell and the developments given out are of the most startling character. Chief of Police Hub- bard to-night issued the following circular : TWO THOUSAND DOM.A11S IIKWAIID. Look out for and arrest A. J. Snell's al leged murderer , -William B. Tascott , alias 3chrlght , alias Moore , alias Scott , alias Clark , twenty-two or twenty-three years of age , 5 feet 8 or 0 inches high , 105 pounds weight , slim built , very erect , full round Tace , heavy eye brows , very fair complexion dark brown hair , thin on top of head , cut short , largo blue eyes , small thin dark mous tache , may bo dyed ; wore when last seen tirown and gray striped pants , stripe one-half Inch wide , dark cent , vest and overcoat , black silk hut , square top ring set with gar nets and pearls , ono pearl missing. Ho may carry a cano with round gold head engraved with "W. B. T. " In monogram , also a russet- colored , oval valise , 18 inches long and 8 inches deep , hung by a strap over his shoulder. The above reward will bo paid for his capture and detention until officers ar rive. rive.Tho The startling features of the case are that William B. Taseott , the man wanted , is the son of the prominent and wealthy Colonel J. B. Tascott , a leading wholesale paint merch ant of this city. Ho was born and raised within a few blocks of the murdered man , Sncll. Though well educated , ho early dis played a liking for the companlonshlpof wild boys. It Is said that ho has served a term In the Kentucky penitentiary for burglary. Ho returned recently and his family and friends tried to reform him. Ono of these friends , Mrs. Henrietta Ousley , invited him to her house , and young Tascott returned the kind ness by robbing her. The theft was discov ered , but Mrs. Ousley refused to 'prosecute. For several weeks before the Sncll murder Tascott boarded with Mrs. Wicks , in the same neighborhood , under the name oi Scott , and is thought to bo the ono who committed all the burglaries which took place in that vicinity before the murder. Since then no trace of him can bo found. Jennie Clifford , the proprietress of a dis reputable resort on the west side , has given the police valuable Information regarding Tascott. She says that ho came to her house on the Monday night about 1o'clock Just preceding the murder , and re mained till the next morning. He displayed a pearl-handed revolver the very same , it is thought , with which Mr. Snell was shot , Tuesday night ho called at the house again and staid a short time. On thut occasion it was snowing and ho wore a seal cap'.other wise ho was dressed Just as Mrs. Wick describes him. Miss Clifford expected him back Wednesday night , but ho came not. She has not sccu him since. Friday or Sat urday after the murder she begun to think over the queer remarks ho made when at her hoUse , and remembered that he carried with him when there a mahogany case just like the ono fotind nt Snell's house , filled , with his tools. She notified the police and said she was willing to old the police as far us possible. Afterward she identified the ma hogany case as the same she had seen in Tascott's possession. At the house of Mrs. Wicks , where Taseott boarded , an investigation of the closet of the room revealed a quantity of silverware , two coils of fuse of the thickness of a pencil , a brown broadcloth overcoat which she had never seen him wear , and which ho used in making up his disguises ; some scarlet underwear , anew now white shirt with nn pmbroidcicd front , two small solid silver ca'ators , several old chisels and handles of chisels and bits , n book on machinists' tools , a lot of silver knives and forks aud spoons , a mandolin , a pair of ladies' kid gloves , a pair of woolen mittens , ami a pair of low-cut shoes. Mrs , Wick also discovered In a small drawer a pair of burglar's felt slippers , and three sperm candles , ono of which was hull burned. The Sunday before the murder of Snell , Tascott is said to have gene into the Jewelry store of Thomas G. Clarke , nt No. 481 West Madison street and tried to make arrange ments for melting a lot of silver-plato which he wanted to dispose of. But a trade could not bo struck. While in the store it is claimed that ho was introduced by a man named Dick- son , and that the two dined together on the north side that day. Jeweler Clarke claimed last night thut ho could not recall the cir cumstances , but admitted that such a thing might have occurred. The silver plate that was found In his closet is still in the possession of the police , and it is pretty certain that some of it has been identified by C , H. Case , of No. 201 Ashiaml avenue , whoso house was robbed shortly be fore the Snell affair , and the rest has beer traced to the ownership of six different fami lies on Ashland avenue and Washington boulevard. The police have found two or three ac quaintances of Tascott's who have agreed tc assist in the search for him. Inspector Bon field says thut he expects to have the burglai behind the bars in the next twcnty-foui hours. Detectives wore out ull night look iug forTnscott. It is believed that ho'Is still In hiding In this city , und it seems itn possible for hlin to escape. His accomplices whoever they are , have not becu thoroughlj identified. The plunder found In Tnscott's room wa : examined , and u woman or two , who are sup posed to know a good deal about the burg iar , were put in the sweat-box. The meeting was very carefully guarded , and after it was over those present refused point blank to sai what it was about. It is the aim of the po lice to verify every point of evidence against Tascott and to establish a sure case ngains him by the tlmo ho is captured. . Mr. Snell's estate was probated to-day. I was estimated at $4,500,000 , but of this $11,000 , 000 was convoyed to his wife four years ago Ho loft no will and thu balance of the cstati will bo divided among his widow aud foui children , HETZIiK MUST HANG. The Murderer of Little Max Gllinai to Pay the Pay ally. CiiiCHoo , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram ti the Bnc.l Death was the punishment thi jury this morning decided to inflict in tin case of August Hetzke , who beat to dcutl his little stop-son , Max Oilman. No inai ever received the same announcement will less show of emotion. When the verdict wai read the few words dooming the guilty mai to the gallows fell upon his hearing wlthou any apparent significance. Ho made no mo tion nor never , for a single instant , took hii eyes off the iloor. The big muscles stood ou on his neck and the veins were full ubout hi temple , that went to show ho was fully con sclousof what was going on , although hi pretends to bo unable to understand English The murder of little Max Gilmnn was ; peculiarly brutal ono. The boy's motho died In Juno last and Hotzke's cruelty drov < the lad away from homo. After ouo of thos runaway episodes the little feltow.retumei to his stop-father's house November SO , am that night ho was given a terrible beating Ilctzko used a strap 'und beat the child s that his body from head to foot was one hug snro. Several times during the ilight peo'pl living In thd houae nt No. 41M Lincoln strec lliey heari lira praying. In the morning ho was found lead. When accused of having killed the child Hcltzko's reply Was : "Tho loafer ought to die. " The man , ever since his arrest and all dur- ng the trial , showed no regret or any feeling if sorrow for his crime , and when It , bcamo mown to-day that the extreme penalty was 0 be meted out in his case the judgment wns hat ho deserved it and that the verdict was 1 Just one. One man-voiced the popular feei ng when ho said : "A few more Juries like the ono that tried ileUko Is what Wo want Just now. " Once before his arrest for killing his step son Hctzko came under the notice of the po- ice for his share in a piece of petty persocu- lon. It was August 22 last that ho presented ilmsclf to Lieutenant Schumacher nt the West Chicago avenue station with acorn- ilalnt that his house had been robbed. Ho lad a list of the Roods alleged to have been stolen , and said the thief was his house keeper , a bloomingyoung German girl named Johanna Kctzkc. The articles alleged to lave been stolen were a lot of worthless rinkets belonging to the deceased Mrs. HeUhe. When the girl told her storyn new state of facts was revealed. It appeared that Hetzke wanted to marry her and she refused ilm. A week after she came to his house Uetko proposed marriage , but the girl told him she was already engaged and put him off , but Hctiko kept on proposing nud when : lu ; girl told him she did not like him and would never marry him Hetko swore ho would send her to the penitentiary. The ; rumpcd-up charge of theft was the couse- lucucc and the girl was dismissed. ON TltlAlj 'FOlt MUUDEK , An Unsavory Couple Before Kansas City's Criminal Court. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Paul Etulers was placed on trial to-day in the criminal court on the charge of murder in the first degree. The indictment charges Endcrsund Blanche Con nors , alias Mattle Mason , with killing Joseph Peters on Christians night for the purpose of robbery. The evidence adduced at the pre liminary examination showed that Blanche Connors and Peters went to the house ol Juno Gripsby , No. 11 East Bell street , on Christmas night. There they met Endcrs and some others. A quarrel followed , and Enders , Peters and Blanche Connors went outside. A few minutes later there was o cry for help , but the inmates of the house paid no attention to it. Enders and the woman soon rejoined them. An hour later s policeman discovered the dead body of Peters on the sidewalk in front of the house. There was a largo knife wound in his groin. Enders and Blanche Connors were arrested the next morning. _ Prospective Labor TroublcH. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . ] It is thought iu some eir clcs that there will bo serious labor troubles hero this year since the stonemasons havi resolved to demand eight hours as n full day's work from the bosses. Whether tin bosses will yield or not is the question. This the bosses refuse to answer until it is put t < them by the Stonemasons' union. A boss bricklayer nt work on the New York Life In surancc building was asked if it was trui that the bricklayers would join the stone masons in their demand. "I think not , " hi said , "Wo demanded that nine hours bo f day'a work and our demands "wero granted We got ull we wanted and so have no causi to kick. Yes , I bclievo the stoncmasons'an klekiugbn'working , ten .hours. " Tlio solu tion of the problem Will probably bo thai both sides will compromise and that nfm hours will constitute a day's work at nini hours' pay. " _ i Sulculc'cl in Kansas City. ' KANSAS Citr , Mo. ' , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the But ; . ] LauraLeeper , adissoluti colored woman , twonty-ono years of age , liv ing at 309 Broadway , was found in her roon about ,7:80 : o'clock this morning suffcrinp from morphine poisoning and will dio. Tin woman's patents live in Kcokuk , la. , and hoi husband at Omaha , Nob. In this city sin 1ms gene under the name of Laura Mills , Suing For Attorney's Fees. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BUB. ] Samuel M. Chapman ani Milton D. Polk to-tlay filed a suit in tin ofllcc of the clerk of the United States cir cuit court against Hugh D. Marshall. The plaintiffs constitute a legal 11 rm in Plutts mouth , Neb. , while the defendant lives ii Putnam county , this state. In the petition the plaintiffs allege that in September , 18Sr they defended Marshall when he was on trio in Cass county , Nebraska , for assault will intent to murder. On this they want $ -1,500 They also want $ ; 150 , the balance duo on i 500 fee for defending him when he wns suei for S,000 damngo by the man who assaultei him. In this latter case they received a re tuiuing fee of $150. PiiHHenger Hates Threatened. KANSAS CITV , Mow Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the Bui ; . ] The llock Island lowerei the rate on packinghouse stuff to 11J cent ! to-day to meet the , Burlington , but that \va ; about the only reduction made. All the roadt uro down to a point.where there is no monoj in almost any liuo of freight and the agent ; are making very little effort to secure busl ness. There are no signs of a let up , however over , and there Is every Indication that thi war will soon strike , passenger rates. Unabloto Procure Ball. KANSAS CITV , Mo , , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BcE.- | Charles A. Schaffer , nr rested on the charjro of embezzling $49,00 from J. H. Onstott ) has not yet secured bail his former friends 'having apparently abuii doncd him. A Clerk Suspended on Suspicion. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Edward L. Greenwood clerk of the city recording court , was to-da ; suspended by the mayor , pending further in restitution of his accounts. Somnambulism and Death. BOSTON , Feb. 17. [ Special Telegram t the BEE. ] The bed ' of John M. Underwood a wealthy resident 6f Oak Knoll , Danvers was found this morning about a quarter of inilo from his houso. For some years Mr Underwood has been ufllieted with soranuiu bulism , und within a few nights past ha been found wandering about the house in hi sleep. As ho did uot appear at the usun hour this morning , his sister went to hi room , but ho was not there. Word was sen to the nearest neighbors that Mr. Undcrwooi was missing. They instituted a search , Mi Fish gring toward Beaver Creek station an Phillips taking thoi opposite d section. Mi Phillips was quickly recalled by a shout fror Mr. Fish , who had 'found Mr. Underwood' body lying In the road. Ho was clad enl ; In his nightdress , atd death had undoubted ! , ensued hours before the discovery. It Ii thought ho must have loft the house nbou midnight. The mercury stood at daylight a from b = > to 10 = betyw zero. Years ago Mi Underwood left his house under much th same circumstances. The night was vor ; cold , but ho was seen by neighbors in seasoi to save his life , The Denver & Ilio Grande. NEW YOIIK , Feb. 17. The statement of th Denver & Rio Grande railroad for the yea ending December 31 , 18S7 , shows : Gros earnings , $7,983,419 , , un increase of $1,245,84 expense1 can Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair wcathci warmer , followed'bj'slightly colder wcathci light to fresh Winds , generally from south t west. For ' Eastern and Southwestern Dakota Slightly colder , fair weather , followed 'i northern portion by light snuw , lib'ht to frc's > YUrlublo winds AN OLD MAN'S ' DEVILISH DEED Horrible Tragedy Enacted By Adam Wirts Near Burlington , la. FATALLY CUTS HIS SON'S WIFE. And Then Burns Up Ills Two Grand children and Hangs Himself Dulmquo Gamblers llaldcd Iowa News. A Most Revolting Crime. DunLi.NOTON , la , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] A horrible tragedy oc curred to-day In Jackson township , twelve miles north of this city. An old man named Adam Wirts , living with his son , attacked his daughter-in-law with n corn knife , in flicting probably fatal wounds. Two of the children lied from thu house and ild behind a straw stack. Wirts then set ilro to the house , which burned down and consumed two little children , one nn infant only two months old. Ho then shot .ho best horse lit the stable , broke the gun in ilcces mid hanged himself in the haymow. The from the burning daughter-in-law , escaping ing house , dragged Herself to a neigh bor's , half a mile distant , whore licr husband was at work. She fainted from exhaustion and loss of blood , being terribly cut aud bruised. Wirts was about seventy years old , of a bad dispo sition naturally , nud inclined to maku trouble. It is believed that he committed the inhuman crimes from pure deviltry. It is the most re volting aud saddening tragedy over happen ing in this county. Fluked Up In the Lobbies. . DES MOINES , Feb. 17. Considerable oppo sitlon is being developed to the districting ol the state for the election for railroad com mlssioucrs reported yesterday by the com mittee. The original plan was more favor ably received but the one reported Is ullcgcil to give the district in southwestern lown into the control of the Hock Island and Bur lington roads and the northeastern into the control of the Illinois Central , the Milwau kee , and the Cedar Uaplds road. The convention of Iowa jobbers , manufac turers and shippers at DCS Moines , Februari 10 , passed a resolution favoring the principle that the charge for a shorter haul should nol exceed the charge for a longer : that the commissioners bo em powered to make maximum rates to classify freight and change rates ; that the legislature enact a schedule of maximum rates ; that the commissioners bo appointed by the governoi with the consent of the scnato ; that the rail roads bo prevented from discriminating at between persons , llrms or corporations , ant that when freight , originating at points ir Iowa , passes over two or more lines bofon reaching its destination in Iowa , it shall hi billed at ouo through rate on the basis of t legal tariff for the entire distance. It is rumored that the house committee foi the suppression of intemperance has dis carded the Kcdman and Custcr bills , and tha' ' the sub-committeo'of both houses will drav .up another. ' A delegation of blind men spoke this morn Ing before the commlttceo on charitable stitutions stating that they wished appropria tions for establishing for them an Industrie Institution by which they might make them selves self-supporting and recommending thi cottage plan. The scnato committee on commerce hai considered the charges made by B. W Blanchard referred to it by the governor who refused to have the communicatioi printed. The committee recommends tha the communication be noted , and bo returnei to the stuto auditor. The Iowa Legislature. DES MOINES , lai , Feb. 18 , In the scnati to-day the Weber bill to repeal the acts o : the Sixteenth and Seventeenth assemblies ro latlng to voting tax and bonds in aid of rail roads , was to-day discussed and indefinitely postponed , befng thereby virtually killed. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Kcgle ; and postponed , providing that in the seluc tion of trustees for the state institutions botl great political parties should have represen tation , the party in power to have the odd number. Senate file No. 140 relating to changini articles of Incorporation of companies wa ordered engrossed. A concurrent resolution was adopted ree ommcnding the pardon of Edward B. Wild man from the Fort Madison penitentiary. A joint republican caucus for the purposi of nominating trustees and regents of tin state institutions is to bo held on the cvcninj of February 22 in the hall of representatives Scnato flic No. 09 , pertaining to live stool and meat inspection in cities of the first clasi and under special charters , was passed. Bills were passed amending the law pro viding for the relief of the poor , the mannc of Dbtabilag the same , and providing fo : criminal punishment for violent acts : alsi amending the law relating to furnishini clothing and transportation for inmates o the deaf and dumb institution. In the house the resolution passed nsklni the speaker to request ministers of thi Komnn Catholic church to open the housi with prayer. It was passed on account o the failure of the Ministerial association o DCS Moines to place such ministers on thi list. list.A A number of measures were Introduced Among them were : By Mr. Eilers Appropriating funds fo carrying on work at the Anamosa pcnltcn tlary. By Evans Relating to enticing female ; under fifteen years of ago and providing i penalty. The house refused to recede from tlv amendment requiring lye potash tobolabelci "poison" and a conference committee aji pointed. The following bills were passed : Relating to the construction of viaduct over or under railroads on public streets. Relating to appeals from justices of th peace. Requiring teachers contracts to bo fllei with the secretary of the board. Providing that persons convicted of mia demeanor , under sixteen years of ago , b sent to the industrial school. Providing that the interest on loans of th permanent school fund shall not exceed 7 pe cent or bo less than 0 per cent. Providing that cities under special chartc may elect n recorderr , assessors , treasurer and collectors for two years. Both the house and scnato adjourned untl Tuesday. Duhiiquo Gamblers Nahbcd. DUBUQL'B , la. , Feb. 17. The police swoope down upon the gambling joints of this cit ; early this morning and bagged ninetcc : prisoners , besides a wagon load' of trucli such as tables , chairs , chips , cards , iml s on. It wns a complete surprise. This morr ing the prisoners were brought into coin and lined from K > to $18 each. Ono man wh is believed to have informed ugainst th places was himself captured in ono of their and the justice fined him < 20. Among th prisoners were a few "respectable" citizen ! whoso appearance In a police court as culprit created a decided sensation , but the majorit of those captured were professional far players. Onn of the proprietors is the sou c a prominent Dubuque merchant. Located nt Ames. DES MOINES , la. , Feb. 17.- [ Special Tcli gram tp the BBK. ] The trustees of th state agricultural college met hero to-day t arrange for , the establishment of the no' agricultural experiment station as provide by the recent act of congress. They decide ' t ° lacute tlic bUtloa a ; ' department of the agricultural college there , with its own Independent buildings , outfit , etc. They elected as director of the station Captain H. P < S | > ecr , of Cedar Falls , nt a salary of $2,2UO , per annum. An Allison Club Organized. Des MOINES , la. , Feb. 17. | Special Tele gram to the BKE.I The first Allison club 'or 18SS was organized at Emmotsburg , Palo Alto county to-day , and has opened the cam paign for the Iowa man for president. A Prominent lownn Dead. WINTEUSI-.T , la. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tclo- gram to the BKK.I Major G. D. Palmer , for merly a prominent politician of Iowa City and later publisher of the Wlntersct News , died hero this morning. FIFTIETH COXOUESS. House. WASHINGTON , Feb. 17. The Blair educa tional bill was laid before the house and re ferred to the committee on education. The urgent 'deficiency bill was then taken up. The amendment instructing the public irintcr to enforce rigidly the provisions of : ho eight hour law was adopted and the bill passed. The bill for the relief of Nathaniel McKay and the executors of Donald McKay was passed. Mr. Stone of Kentucky moved to recon sider the vote and lav that motion on the table , pending which Mr. Springer moved to make a verbal amendment to the title nud upon this motion took the floor in opposition tothn bill. Quito n lengthy discussion ensued In which Mr. Springer argued that if It was right to grant relief to the McKays it was right to grant relief to Secor and other contractors who had precisely similar claims , and quoted from a speech made by Senator Grimes of Iowa , upon a similar bill , in which that gen tleman stated that If claims against the gov ernment which rested ujHm the same grounds of equity as the claims "of naval constructors were paid the government would bo called upon to make expenditures of overfOO,000,000. Mr. Cox of Now York and others antago nized Mr. Springer and his amendment , so the title was rejected and the motion to re consider the vote by which the bill passed was tabled. After some other business the house pro ceeded to involve itself in a parliamentary tangle and finally adjourned until Monday. Dorsoy's Bill Favorably lleportcd. WASHINOTON , Fob. 17. The house commit tee on Indian affairs has ordered n favorable report on Representative Dorsey's bill ex tending for two years the tlmo of payment oi the purchase money for lands sold ou the Omahu Indian reservation in Nebraska. AVKXOEO II1S 110X0B. Though Fatally Wounded a Missouri Husband Kills His Wife's Paramour. ST. Louis , Feb. 17. In Uald Knob town ship last night , Thomas Walthum found Jim Blakeny in his wife's chamber. Blakeny shot Waltham three times and ono of Walt- ham's children once. The injured husband shot and killed Blakeny , and then fell in a dying condition. The child may recover. * The Fire Record. PIIOVIDENCB , February 17. A fire thjs morning destroyed several business build ings , and caused a loss of about $150,000. II was discovered nt 3 o'clock this morning and " " raged for three hours , Tho""flro started ill O. D. Mott's building on Broad street The 'flames from there worked their way Into the Wells block , and from there into Segnr block , a three-story building adjoining. Turning the corner of High street , the Stllliiian build Ing , a three-story frame structure ; Bradford block and Niantlc bank building , a two-stori brick , wore burned. The thermometer was 84 degrees below zero , and thirteen firemen suffered severely from exiwsuro. The total loss is now estimated at $840,000 and insurance at $ SO,000. CIIICAOO , Feb. 17. The grain warehouse o : J. S. Smith & Co. , on the river , wasdamagci to the extent of $73,000 or $100,000 shortly after midnight. m Failed to Make Peace. CHICAGO , Feb. -Every Interested lint In the northwest was represented to-day al the managers' meeting of northwestern lines The matter of existing troubles was put intc the hands of a committee which , after con federation , reported that the only way to secure cure peace and harmony was to merge the Western , Southwestern , and Northwcstorr associations into ono , to bo govcrneil by thi same rules and regulations and with om head. A committee was appointed with In structions to confer with the managers ol southwestern lines and arranged a joint con fcrcnco nt the earliest possible moment. A resolution that all rates bo restored March I to the tariffs in effect prior to January 81 was defeated , the Burlington lines refusing to restore rates until a permanent agreement was adopted. Reform in Manitoba. WINNIPEG , Feb. 17. Premier Grconwnj was seen in rcfcronco to his statement ut the Portage La Prairie meeting that ho hai a bona fide offer to build the Red Rlvci Valley railway. The offer was to build thi road from West Lynne to Portage Lt Prairie , the government to pay a small casb bonus and an annual subsidy for a period ol twenty years. This solved the financial problem , and that solved , he would like ti see what could prevent the road from being built. Yesterday's elections rcsultei } in i tremendous triumph for the Grccnway gov ernment and the Red River Valley railroad insuring the building of the road at the car liest possible date. The Vnndnlia Litigation. ISDiANAi'Oi.18 , Ind. , Feb. 17. In the fed eral court to-day the attorneys for the Gin cinnati , Hamilton & Dayton road dismissci the previous application and filed a new sui against William R. McKccn , president of tin Vandalia road , to recover $ Ss'J,000 ! paid oi the contract to purchase from McKccn a con trolling interest in the Vundalia line , am asks that the contract bo set usido. Examining the Fisheries Treaty. OTTAWA , Ont , Fob. 17. A draft of tin fishery treaty arrivcdrfrom Washington yes terday and was , it is understood , considcrci at a meeting of the cabinet In the afternoon The nature of the document will bo kept sc crct until it is laid before parliament. The Swiss and Italian Syndicate. GENEVA , Feb. 17. A Swiss and Itnllai syndicate has been formed which will ad vance the Italian government 50,000,000 , franc to enable It to complete- the Simplon rallwa ; tunnel and the railway lines which will con nect therewith. A Hklubcrcon Blast. DUUUN , Feb. 17. A package contalnini gunx | > wder , to which was attached a leadci bull , was thrown into the house of Police In specter Kelly , of Skibbereeu. An explosio : followed , wrecking the furnlturo and flllln ; the house with choking fumes , from whicl the inmates barely escaped with their lives The German Crown Prince. BEIH.IN , Feb. 17. The North German Go zetto ( Bismarck's organ ) denies the stuU ment Inade by the Freisslnlgo yesterday tha a bill will bo Introduced in the reiclmtag prc viding for the appointment of a represents tivu of the crown prlnco in the event of hi being summoned to act as rcgeut. Lord Uufferln Accepts. LeNnoN , Feb. 17. Lord Dufferlu has at ccpted the past of ambassador of .Italy. Si J , Savillo Lumloy , the present will retire from the diplomatic scrvica. OLD MAN HATFIELD'S ' STORY The Patriarch of the West Virginia Outlaws Talks. LAYING IT ON THE M'COYS' Ho Confesses to Having Five WlVei 11 lit Charges the ; Murdrrtt on III * Kentucky Kiicnilvn Attorney Ferguson's Views. Bnfo In Louisville .Tixll. LOUISVILI.K. Ky. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tele i gram to the Hun. ] The ulno West Virgin ians known as the "Hatllelds" arrived hero last night In churguof u deputy United States marshal and the jailer of Pike county. They will appear before Judge Barr of the United ! States district court Monday , when the habeas corpus application of the governor of West Virginia will bo further heard. Villon , tlno Hatficld , the "old man" of the gang- . after stating that they had been well treated ! while In Pike county jail , gave the following account of the celebrated feud : "Tho whole trouble , so fur us I know , began about six or eight years ngo. I had five ) brothers , Ellison , Ellas , Anderson , Smith , und Patterson. Ellison was the first onct ullleJ. Three of the McCoy boys shot and cut him on Blackberry creek , on the Ken tucky side , and ho died the next day. The 1 trouble , I believe , was started by ono of tha McCoys attempting to arrest Anderson Hat ? field's son , Johnson , ubout eight yoara ago. There was a row then , bull I don't remember exactly whah It was. After Ellison HatfioltJ was killed Tnlbert , Richard and Farmer Mo Coy , all young men , were killed by a crowil supposed to have como from West Virginia * The killing was done on the bridge between Blackberry und Mate's Creek. "Tho next Pike county grand Jury indictee ! a lot of people in West Virginia. No ono wai arrested , however , and af tcr that Jeff Me Coy who Is Bill Daniels' brother-in-law , lictmj Daniels' und Turn Wallace abusing the Hat * fields , and u quarrel ensued. McCoy at , tempted to arrest Wallace uud n fight oft ! place. This resulted In Captain Untile lcl ! arresting McCoy , and when McCoy tried to get away ho was killed by the men who word guarding him. It was said that Captain HaU field and Tom Wallace killed him. "Some tlrno after this ii squud of men wenft to Randolph McCoy's house and killed ono.ol his sons and a daughter and beat -up his old woman. This was chargcO ) to the Hatfiulds , but I novon knew anything about it until some tlmo after the murders wore committed. A short titaej | after this a company of Pike county men warf I formed to follow the Hatllelds and kill then * . II They came into West Virginia und found J.lm I Vance und Captain Hatficld on u bridge neap Thuckcr's creek. They shot Vance to dcatn and wounded Captain Hutflcld. After thai the Kentuckians came in and captured u $ while wo were at work on our farms. Nona of us resisted and no injury was done us , bun if there was any authority for confining us 1 $ Jail I never heard of It. " ° County Attorney J. Leo Ferguson , of Plke\ was questioned concerning the claim of tha prisoners that they were innocent. Ha lutkghcd at , the Idea , and uld thut while tha wprstrof the Hatflcld crowd had uot been captured , the men 'who are novf In the Louisville Jail are undoubtedly part ol the gang. He declaredthat"-"thV prisoner ! had not boon , unlawfully imprisoned bui after having crossed the border line bctweerit West Virginia and Kentucky had beet legally arrested and taken to Jail by the proper officers. Ho did not deny thut the West Virginians hud been forcibly taker from their homes , but held that the Ken * tuckians w'oro justified by the dangcrf threatening them in taking the matter intt their own hands when the West Vlr'ginn authorities refused to assist in restraining and punishing the outlaws who had only tl cross a narrow stream to commit the mcs atrocious crimes und then cross back again to safety from law. Mr. Ferguson asserted ) positively that ho had creditable information ; that n state official of West Virginia had ' ' bo retained with a fee of fcftOO to proven ! Governor Wilson from recognUiug the rcquf sitlon issued by Governor Buckner. Hi charged also that the Hutfiold crew h , brought other influences to bear , und tnut thej worst of the gang were now In comparative security. Of the prisoners now in Louis , vlllo Jail , Mr. Ferguson Bays that Valentine ) Hatficld recently confessed to him that ho , had live living wlvos and thirty-three living ; children. Nine of his children have diciX Mr. Ferguson states thut Ilutficld has pot cullar ideas of polygamy and docs not murrw his wives according to law , but takes then ! and apportions his time out between thorn , The Tlattields. LOUISVILI.B , Fob. 17. Nine West Virgin , tans , known as the "Hatflolds , " arrived hcrq last night in charge of a deputy United Stated marshal. They will appear before Judgg tbcr heard. heard.A A Cleveland Sensation. CLEVELAND , O. , Feb. 17. [ Special Tolcy gram to the BUB. ] When Mrs. Josephine Amman , a wealthy Euclid avenue lady , was committed to Jail for contempt of court lol refusing to reveal the whereabouts of thrf heiress , Josephine Blaim , she based hei' hopes of release on the fact that Probate ? Judge Tildcn was soon to vacate oftlco , anct that his successor , Judge White , would rot move the obnoxious guardian , and thus port mit her to open her lips. To-day Judga White decided that Miss Blunn must bo pro * duccd in court before any steps can bo takcrl for changing the guardian. This means thajj Mrs. Amman must remain a prisoner in the county Jail until she chooses to change hen barren quarters there for her luxurious homd on the avenueby unswori.ig the question on the court ns to the hiding place of the mtssl Ing heiress , or , which would amount to the ) same thing , producing the young girl int court. Mrs. Amman declares she will novou do this , and so far his withstood tlyi entreat * ics of her family , friends and lawyers confr bincd. The Standard AKUII | on Top. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Fob. 17. [ Special Tel * gram to the BHE. ] The pluckiest combaVt ant the oil interests have had in late years U In trouble. The Buffalo Lubricating oil company , through the failure of the indev pendent combination , finds itself in financial difficulties , and in the hands of a receiver ! It has three suits for damages pending against the Standard. Ono is for $1,000,0004 iu which the Buffalo company got a verdict for $20.000 , uud asked for a new trial on tha ground that the evidence called for the ) award of u greater sum. Another Is fop $300,000 , based on grounds of cons piracy , > thi same as tha famous criminal action of las' ' spring which resulted In the conviction o two of the leaders of the Standard's Intel csts. Thd Standard has now made an ofTojj of $25,000 In settlement of all suits , and th4t receiver asked Instructions from the suprerng court. The settlement Is opposed by most ol the stockholders and creditors of thu Buffalg company. A Chlni'so Lottery Kalded. SAN FIVNCISCO , Fob. 17. The police to-dat raided what is known as the American lot * tory company , but which Is conducted by Chinese. The cntlrn operating force of tha - company was secured. Thn company is cstfl mated to bo worth 1100,000 to $ .100,000. and does a business estimated at $10,000 to .0,000 per day. Powderlj'H Illness. SCIUNTON , Pa. , Fob. 17. Owing to PovA 'derlv's -illness the 'executive * committee this week came here to confer with him ou MA Reading strikesituation. . , ,