Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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O. H. Rothackor Fays His Bospoots
to Administrator Smith.
A Talk Wltli Ole Olson's Blnycr Aflplr-
Ing I'ythlniiB Who Denim a Com *
pctltlvc Drill Powell
Apnln In Jnll.
, Rolhackcr'n Complaint.
Ottotnar H. Ilothnckor , Administrator , VR.
Charles H. Smith , administrator , is the title
of a petition for partition and division of part
of the estate of the late Sterling P. Koumls.
filed with the county court yesterday.
. The document , after reciting the fuel of
Mrfl. Mamlo Hounds Hothacknr's death ,
utatcs that the principal heirs are
O. H. Kothackcr. widower , Wutterson
Hounds and Douglas Dustln Kothackcr ,
minor children of the deceased und plaintiff.
That on the Ifith of February , 1833. plaintiff
was appointed special administrator of the
estate and qualified as sumo. Petitioner fur-
t her shows that Mamlo Hounds Kothackcr at
the tlmo of her death was heir at law of
Sterling P. Hounds , Who died intestate.
It appears that C. H. Smith was
duly appointed general administrator of said
estate , and that the heirs at law in fact of
Bald Sterling P. Kounds are ; Martha
Kounda , widow , Mrs. Klttlo Smith , Sterling
P. Kounds , Jr. . George Taylor Kounds ; Wat-
tcrson It. Kotlmcker and Douglas D. Koth-
acker , children of Mamlo Kounds Kothackcr ,
That a largo part of the personal property
of the estate of the late Sterling P. Kounds
consisted of ninety shares of stock in the
Omaha Kotmbllcan company and an abun
dance of other personal property. That pe
titioner is , under the law of dis
tribution , entitled to one-sixth part
of aforesaid shares of stock.
The petition further sets forth that plain
tiff believes that Charles H. Smith , if ixjr-
mitted , will use said shares of stock for his
own cxclusivo benefit and against the In
terests of the heirs of the deceased Mamlo
Rounds Kothackcr. That it is
' the firm belief of the petitioner that
it Is the deliberate purpose of nald defendant
to wreck the property of the Republican com
pany to tho" detriment and damage of the
heirs of each estate. That defendant
has called a meeting of the stock
holders for February 34 for
the purpose of using said stock
Voting same in his own intc'rcs'ts'und to con
tinue himself in office. That plaintiff knows
that defendant vote himself a sal
ary of ? S.O'JO per year when | 1KX ( ) would bo
nn exorbitant price for his services.
That * defendant is wholly" and totally
Incompetent to control an important newspaper -
- paper and is an unsafe man to be loft in control -
trol of said stock and voting the same. That
defendant is conspiring to enrich himself at
c tho"cxiKnso ! of those who Have placed him in
a position of trust.
That plaintiff believes that defendant has
traded to O. H. Hallou certain property be
longing to. the estate of S. P. Kounds , for
(2r > 00 in stock of the Omaha Republican com
pany and taken said stock In his own name
L to further personal interests.
Petitioner prays that defendant bo cited to
appear in court and show cause why parti
tion should not bo granted.
Right on the heels of Mr. Kothackcr's com
plaint , Mrs. Rounds , accompanied by her
attorney and a lady friend , appeared in court
and were conducted to the private ofllco of
. Judge Shields , when Mrs. Hounds formally
submitted the will of her deceased daughter
. for probate. , The will bequeaths to O. H ,
Kothackcr $100 in lieu of any right of cour
tesy and the balance of her estate to- her two
children and requests that Mrs. Rounds bo
' appointed guardian. Mrs. Hounds also applies -
. . plies for , the apiwintment. in conjunction
with C. H. Smith , as administratrix of Mrs.
Kothackcr's'children. -
Young Ferguson Scorns Indifferent
RegardlnRHi'ti Crime.
Fcrpnson , the negro who killed Ole Olson
"Wednesday night was seen by u BEE reporter
yesterday. Ho was found reclining on the
bench in cell No. 1 , contentedly pulling away
at the butt of a vile cigar. Ho had entirely
recovered from his debauch of the previous
night and deported himself in the most in
different and nonchalant manner imaginable.
Ho is nothing but a boy , only past fifteen
years of ago , but the marks of unbridled
dissipation and vlco are stamped
indelibly ) upon his ebony countenance.
His forehead is low. his eyes small
and sinister , nose flat and lips thick and pro
truding , and everything about him indicates
A character vindictive and depraved. And
such Is his reputation , although he , himself
claims to bo as peaceful and harmless as a
lamb. After seine considerable coaxing the
scrlbo induced him to tell his story , wliicl
ran substantially as follows :
My name is Willie Ferguson. I was flf
teen years of ago. the Igtli of last January
My mother lives in Atchisoh , Kan. , on tlu
corner of Farce and Ninth streets. W
came from Kentucky right after the war. W
were slaves. I have a sister living it
Omnha , Mrs. Hattie Ewing. She lives or
Twelfth , between Chicago and Davcnporl
streets. I don't know the man they say J
killed. Never saw him. Joe Holmes is tlu
kid I was after. Yes , ho is older , bigger
stronger and meaner than I am. He's had it
in for mo for about three weeks. One night
a mouth , since I was playing pool with hm
in Colo's saloon on Tenth street. I wor
every cent ho had. He then wanted mo U
give him money to get something to cat with
I refused , and ho swore he'd do mo. He's t
bad nigger and carries a razor. Last nighi
about 10 o'clock I went into Barney Magin
nls' place , corner Fourteenth and Dodge U
play a game of pool. This nigger Holmes Is ° per
terms there. Ho refused to let mo play , sayIng -
Ing that they didn't allow coons to play there
Ho tried to take the cue from ino. I wouldn'l
let him , then ho smashed ma In the face yov
can see for yourself where ho hit urn
began to kick mo about the room. I got out
I was awful drunk , but I made up my mini
to get oven. I went to a room over Dr. Wor-
ley's Turkish bath establishment and got i
Sprit ) Held rifle I know was kept there. I slop
In the hull there , and had seen the gun. . '
found it loaded and , hurrying back to Ma
ginuls' , I stepped up on the steps , openei
the door , 'i > eked the gun iiilaum
flrcd. r was drunk , but I saw Holine
among a crowd of other men. Of course In
was the man I aimed at. I am sorry I killei
the other follow. I then ran back to tin
room over the bath rooms , throw the gui
upon the bed and waited for the cops. The ;
soon came and brought mo here. That's thi
whole story.
"If you are charged with murder In th
first de'greo what will you plead , guilty o
not guilty ! " was the query.
"Not guilty , of course ; I intended to gc
Holmes , und of course it is not murder who :
I kill another man. "
"How does it como you were so drunk loa
"Why , you BOO I had written to my motho
at Atchlson that I was sick In bed , and sh
sent mo $35 , und I was out blowln * invself. '
On being searched last night the followlni
letter , which the boy had probably Jut
written , was found on his person :
Omahu , Fob. llth , 1888. My Dear Motho
In tookcn the Pen in hand to wright you
Flow Lines to let you no lam well and doln
well and hoping when thcso Fiuw lines reec
you they will Find you the sumo 1 am wort
ing at the turklsh bath house gctlng thro
dollars a wok mother wait till spring an w
wil bo hupy. No more at prozcu , . good b
your bluvoit son Willie Ferguson 1411) ) Dodt ;
The preliminary hearing has been set fc
10 ; W tills morning.
An Inquest was.hcld yesterday afternoon i
Iho council chamber , Coroner Drexel havln
cmpannclled the following Jury-.G.F.Bruckc
C. J. Menter , George Mcdlock , Geort
Kctchum , Frank Newell , George Hcllniai
The remains were viewed at the coroner
cffi e ,
The witnesses examined wore Joe Holme
Dr , Robert , Sam Montgomery , James Adum
Charles Heller , Alt Smith , James Kenned ;
Ed Hoffmiin and the two policemen wl
madu the arrest , Officers White and Hiu
The testimony of tbo witnesses agree
throughout and the Jury rendered avordi
to the effect that "Said Ole Olson came '
his death by means of a bun shot woun'd fin
by one William Ferguson. " Attorney Sim-
oral then ilicd an information against the
prisoner for murder In the first degree. At
torney Alexander Green , who undertaken
the defense of Ferguson , snys that according
to the statutes of the state nil that can bo
mndo out of the case Is manslaughter , as the
killing of Olson was purely accidental ,
Holmes being the man fired at. A number
of attorneys agree with Green on this point.
Among oilier attorneys consulted on this
score wns General John C. Cowln , who when
asked if Green was right in his assertion , re
plied :
"ManslaughterI If that is manslaughter , I
would like to know what murder is 1"
A case somewhat similar to this of Fergu
son's , is that of Daniel Drtacoll , the chief of
the Whyo gang who was hung last week in
Now York for killing his mistress , while
lying In wait for one McCarty whom ho In
tended to kill and for whom ho mistook his
ladylove. The Judge held that the shot was
a murderous one and that Drlscoll ought to
hang for It. The superior endorsed this de
cision and Drlscoll was hung.
The outcome of the trial of Ferguson will
bo looked forward td with considerable in
terest. If the prisoner should be hung , it
will bo the first execution that has takcu in
Omaha for twenty-two yc.irs.
* District Court.
AN Ai.LF.aEt > ni'iioi.AH.
The trial of Pat Haydcn , charged with
grand larceny , Is on trial before Judge
OrolT. The alleged crime was committed
December , 8,1887 , und property to the vnluo
of $95 wus taken. Tom O'NcIl is the uroso-
cuting witness.
Judga Do me occupied the bench in the
: iew district court-room , formerly the law
library , and presided over the impaneling of
a Jury to try the case of Arnold ugainst the
Ity. who claims damages on account of
; radlng.
Pat Haydcn was put on trial yesterday on
a charge of having robbed his roommate ,
Henry Ewalt , of $ 'JO , several weeks ago.
The most of the day was taken up In hearing
the evidence , und at 4 o'clock the jury re
tired for deliberation. They returned -three-
quarters of un hour later with n verdict of
not guilty and the prisoner was given his
Yesterday the Jury which has been listen-
ng to the evidence adduced in the action of
Rosana Soxauer against the city of Omaha
rendered u verdict in favor of the defendant.
HUES TIH : mi/r : UNI : .
The suit of John Rllcy , who wants dam
ages from the Omaha Belt Line railway
company , was called yesterday afternoon be
fore Judge Hopewell. A Jury was impun-
ncled and the evidence in the case will bo
Introduced to-day.
This morning George 'Johnson will bo ar
raigned on the charge of burglary , the com-
pluincut being E. H. Greefc.
County Court.
Jonathan and Sussannuh Curry , through
their attorney , filed nn application with
County Judge Shields .yesterday praying
thotAuniaCurry , widow of the Into Richard
Curry and administratrix of the estate left
by him , bo removodmid Henderson Curry , a
cousin of the deceased , bo appointed in her
place. The petitioners allege that Mrs. Curry
fraudulently represented to the court that
there were no other relatives interested and
that she was the solo heir to the property.
Plaintiffs further allege that since her ap
pointment she has made no report and has
disposed of over $7,000 belonging to the es
tato. Plaintiffs concluded by stating that
Mrs. Curry is un illiterate and very ignorant
woman and is entirely unqualified to manage
the estate.
dementia Weiss made application yester
day to bo appointed administratrix of the
estate of her deceased husband , August
Weiss , who died February II , 1888. The estate -
tate is valued at W.tHX ) . The hearing will
, take place March 12.
1 * . A mo rou , mix.
TH6 lowa-Ndbrusku Coal , and Mining com
pany , yesterday brought notion against Her
man Dciss to recover $52i.tU ) duo onsovoral
car loads of coal furnished the defendant By
John Murphy , in his complaint filed yester
day , alleges that Peter Wudmansco and Put-
rick Murphy are indebted to him in the sum
of $280.10 us wages for services performed ,
and prays for Judgment in that amount.
Police Court.
The following cases were disposed of yes
terday morning.
Drunks Ollvo Hoffman , $1 and costs ;
Frank Smith , Frank Junica , Fred Snlca , dis
charged ; Laura Loach , SO.
Vagrants Jerry Kirnan , 10 days ; W. H.
Turham , 80 days ; George Williams , 30 days ;
Ad Sherman , Clay Hicks , Jean Smith , Wes
ley Scott , discharged ; B. Haley , Charles
Kline , Bob Hamilton , John O'Neil , 1 day
Fiued Hattie Nelson and Mattie Gibson ,
$0 each.
Disturbing the Peace B. J. Loy , a celes
tial , 2 days.
The police are still looking for J. S. Hara-
berger , the New York commercial traveler ,
who Is charged with perjury. It will bo re
membered that ho swore out a complaint
against .Nellie King , charging her with
robbing him of S10Q. Ho went with an officer
to her house and offered to let the matter
drop if she would hand over $100. She not
only refused to do any thing of the kind , but
charged Hambcrgor with attempting to
blackmail her. When the case came up the
complainant failed to appear and has not
since been Been in town. The defendant.
Miss King , who was discharged , docs not
propose , however , to let any imputation of
robbery rest upon her , and will at the first
opportunity bring Hambergcr into court.
A CnucBHlnn-MonRollan Mix.
Maud Bell Colbert , the white spouse of a
Chinaman named Leo Guong Bang , had an
other Mongolian named Bo George Layer ar
rested on Iho charge of threat
ening to kill. Layer is a woU-educatcd and
intelligent Chinaman and tells a hard tale
about Maud Boll. Among other things ho
ciaims that she married Leo Gucng because
she thought ho was rich. Upon discovering
her mistake she wanted to elope with Bo
George , and because ho refused she has
taken umbrago. Yesterday she wrote him u
very insulting letter and when ho went to
her to demand nn explanation she commenced
cursing him , and as ho reciprocated , she
kicked him down stairs and swore out a war
rant for his arrest.
Andy Harden Heard From.
A BEC reporter was reliably informed yes
terday that Andy Borden , who disappeared
so suddenly from this city seine months ago ,
hud written to a relative in this city stating
ho was m the eastern part of the country liv
ing with his wife , and that ho had an excel
lent Job. The relative is an old , well known
citizen and his word in this instance is not
doubted. This story does way with many ol
the theories which were advanced when Mr ,
Borden disappeared.
Turned Out of Jail.
James Snoddcrly , who has been in the
county Jail for some months suspected will
haying set fire to a building in South Omaha ,
and Charles Anderson , charged with hitting
a man with a brick , were yesterday given
their freedom , their prosecutors failing tc
appear against them to substantiate the
charges. _
; Wnnt the Eight-Hour Dny.
Mr. Leo Frost , u prominent member of tin
Bricklayers' union , said to a BEE rcportoi
yesterday that the claim that the iner
wanted $4.50 for eight hours' work was
wrong. They simply wanted eight hours' '
work at M cents per hour. The main reason
for this demand is that many moro men could
be , employed.
German Lmcllos' Entertainment.
The ladies belonging to the German Schoo
association uro to glvo a grand dramatic en
tortalnmcnt nt Boyd's o ] > cra house on the
evening of Monday , February 20th. Tin
play is entitled "Dio/.acrtllchen-Verwanten.1
The proceeds are to bo devoted to the HBI
fund for the benefit of Misses" Royce am
The DnnUh Church.
The First Danish Baptist church of Omp .ii
'h.avo let the contract for the erection of i
Imndsomw cnurch liouso which will bo com
plcted as soon as possible. ' This church ha
been very prosperous since its organization
The Cut Hate of Little Advantage to
Jobber and Consumer.
Yesterday a BKE reporter took a walk
among the jobbing and other business houses
of this city to ascertain In what manner the
the owners wore affected by' the cut in the
rates between Chicago , this placa and points
beyond. The general Impression was that
the cut was injurious to trade , and that as
between this city nnd Chicago it resulted in
a discrimination in favor of the latter and
against this city by many cents. This was
not the cnso Immediately after the first cut ,
when tbo discrimination seemed to bo the
other way. Now , however , it was possible
for western points to order goods from Chicago
cage and at rates greatly below what the
same with railroad charges could bo secured
lu Omaha , With Grand Island as ah exam
ple , goods could now bo shipped from Chicago
cage to that point ut 07 } cents for first-class.
08 for second class , 50 third , 88Jf fourth , and
84 tlfth , whereas the rate from Omaha to
Grand Island for the sanio classes was as
lollows ; r 4. 48 , 43 , 40 and : U cents. From
Chicago to Omitlm the rules .for tha classes
above enumerated are S7 , 'SC , 18 , 15 ! ana 13 ,
which added to tlioso already given as ob
taining between this city and Grand Island
rmiko the mini' of tbo locals , in
Iho several classes 81U , 7H. 00 , 554
and 47 cents , u discrimination against
Omaha , according to class , of 14 , 5 , 10 , 17
and 13 cents. Notwithstanding this discrim
ination , as also that eastern Jobbers are
Hooding the country with circulars offering
seductive rates , wholesale and retail dealers
are not ordering very heavily , at least moro
than is required by the volume of their
trade. They ro holding back because they
expect lower cuts and feel that a ten-days'
notltlcatlon is required before a .raise can bo
restored , they will huvo jilentyof time to
order all the goods they want. Two railroad
men told the reporter that their companies
were now carrying no inoro freight between
Chicago than they had hauled before the
reduction in the rates. Ono of- these said ,
however , that he know one Omaha merchant
who had fifty cars loaded and on thn track ,
In Chicago , waiting until the roads an
nounced u return to higher rates , when ho
intended to ship them , knowing that after
tbo notiticatiou no lower 'rates cbuld bo
"Theso cuts , however , do us no good , " said
a citizen this morning. ' 'The coal dealer
enjoys the beuetit , but the consumer doesn't.
I bought some coal yesterday and paid the
old rate $13 per ton for it , and yet the sumo
coal sells In Hastings for $10.50 and Lincoln
for ill per ton. " '
Yesterday the remains of H. A. Fos
ter , n well-known member of the Milwaukee
lodge of Elks , passed through this city on
their way to the formcrhomoof the deceased.
Mr. Foster died in Do'uver a few days ago
and his remains were accompanied from that
place by a committee of that lodge of that
city. On the arrival of the train in this
f ity the remains and escort were met by a
committee of the home ledge of Kike consist
ing of Messrs. Babcock , Nash , Preston , Dav
enport and Haynes who accompanied the
party to the Council Bluffs transfer.
Coroner Drcxcl held nn inquest
nt Millnrd over the remains of the above
named man , who was found frozen to death.
The verdict was that the deceased had come.
o his death from freezing while under the
nllucncc of liquor.
The funeral of this young man who died in
St. Joseph's hospital Wednesday , will take
) lace on Saturday next from Barrett &
rlcafoy's , time being given for the arrival of
friends from Custer county. The remains
will bo deposited in Laurel Hill cemetery.
Mrs. Klmira F. Samson , born 'July 37 , 1S03 :
at Montgomery , Vt. , died February JO , 1888 ,
n this city. The funeral was attended by u
arge number of friends at her late.rcsidcnrc ,
$35 $ south Nineteenth street. The services
were conducted by Uev. J. E. Ensign. Her
ifo was beautifully consistent. She was
noted for her charity , nnd bur Hfo was given
up to principle. Her death- was of Christian
triutuph and. her "last words were of sweet
music. - .
A aliitrr'sViunl .Fall.
A young man named John Schultze , while
painting on the Odd Fellows' ball on Saunders
street late Wednesday afternoon , fell a dis-
; anco of over seventeen feet , striking on his
icad and shoulders. His collar-boneanil two
or three ribs wcrebroken. , . Ho was knocked
senseless and was'taken to St. Joseph's hos
pital , where ho died yesterday morning. Ho
was un unmarried man and lived at 1411 Har-
ney street. Ho has a sister residing nt La
crosse , Wis. , who has been telegraphed of the
sad occurrgnc.0. The remains Ho in Drexel &
Maul's rooms.
The deceased boarded at Philip Smith's ,
1411 Hurnoy street , and Mr , Smith says that
SchuUz's mother , who also lives atLaCrossc ,
is quite wealthy. Schultz lias been subject
.o epileptic fits , having had one only the night
Doforo the accident happened , uud it is sup
posed that at the time of his fall bo had
seized by another. He had u lit about a year
ago while on a scaffold painting and fell , per
manently crippling his left foot. Ho then de
cided to quit painting , but forced to do bomo-
thing to get u little money , finally com
menced worK again'yesterday , when the fatal
accident happened that put an end to his la
Orders to That Effect From the
County Commissioners.
Chairman O'ICeeffo presided over the reg
ular Wednesday deliberations of the county
commissioners. , , * * * *
The'county treasurer was Uiraeted to place
the south one-half of the northeast quarter
of section 7 , 15 , 13 on the tax list for
1887 at a valuation of $8,000.
The committee on roads to whom was re
ferred the voucher of Honryt'JBoln ] , county
treasurer , for poll tax refunded on account
of urearaco , amounting to $15. rpcommouded
that the warrant bo drawn on' the road fund.
The assessment on John A. Mclquist's
property in Kountzo & Ruth's addition was
reduced from $1I20 ! to $ ) SOO ,
Several communications from the county
treasurer in reference to double assessments
on certain pieces of real estate , and the as
sessments on the personality of the Pacific
Telegraph company were refunded.
William Allstadt's proiwsition to copy and
complete the index Judgments of the district
court for $ 'JO was referred to the committee
on courthouse aud jails. ,
Ernest Stuht's petition that taxes bo an
nulled on his property , was referred , as was
one from August Doll , to the inequality of
the assotsmcnt of lots 11 , 12 and 1 ! ) in block
4 , Mayno Place addition.
Sheriff Coburn submitted the following re
port , which was referred to the committee on
finance :
William Coburn. sheriff , in account with
Douglas county for the term commencing
January 7 , 18SO , and continuing to January 5 ,
To fees collected from January to
December , 1SSO , Inclusive , us per
itemized statements. . . . , . ; . . $ 4,785,14
To fees collected from January to
December , 1887 , inclusive , as per '
itemized statements . 5,803.02
To fees collected from. January 1 ,
18SS , inclusive as per itemized
statement . \ . , . . . , . . 49.70
Total . , , . * . . . $10,043.40
. ' CK.
By two years' salary for each of
tffreo deputies at $000 per annum
for each amounts actually paid
by mo und received by them . $ 5,400.00
By two years' salary for myself , nt
$2,500 per nnnum . 5,000.00 ,
By amount paid to nineteen special
deputies in September , 1S ! > 7 , for
services actually rendered by
them for four days and nights
each at grounds of and roads load
ing to the grounds of soldiers' re
union , ut $12 cach/amounts actu
ally paid by mo und received by
them . > . . - . . .
Total . $10,028.01
The county treasurer and county clerk reported
ported having received several thousuni
dollars from ox-County Clark Ncedham and
ox-County Judge McCulloch , as fees of thcii
ofl'ccs. . .
C'iix-Judgo McCulloch reported that $33.4 (
still remains in his bauds * as fees belougiut
to witnesses. ,
TUo following bid * were received for build
nga railing In the court-room. Simonds
Manufacturing company , $ , ' > S1.75 ; Hamilton
Iros. , $277.20 ; Gould & McVea , $230. Ro-
A petition from the residents of Chicago
irccinct asking for the appointment of John
Anderson as constable , was turned over to
ho Judiciary committco.
On motion of Commissioner Corrlgan the
halnnan of the Judiciary committco was
llrcctcd to wait 'on the county attorney and
tavo htm compel ex-Justice of the Pcaco
Crawford to surrender the books of his
nice to his successor.
R. B. Gammcl , of Herman , was looking
over the yards.
O. W. Pcrloy , of Yutan , Is on the market
with a load of cattle.
Al Tcmplo was down visiting his friends
or the first tlmo sltico his recent severe ill-
ices ,
In the suit of Brenmm vs. Dcllone , Judg-
ncnt was given In favor of the latter ,
The spring boom in real estate Is making
ts appearance , uud quite a number of sales
are reported.
Charles Gosney was burled yesterday at the
expense of his friends , his relatives attend-
ng the funeral.
The Overland Flyer had to slacken up and
Inally stop at the Second street crossing yes-
crduy , to let a switch engine find n siding.
The American DistrictTclecraph company
now supply the yards and packing houses
vlth a night watch und fire alarm service.
Neither Judge Keuthcr , Justice Levy or
'ustlco ' Wells had any cases before them yes-
erday rnormng.JRSouth Omaha is ut pcuco
vlth all the world.
A ton of coal and till necessary medicine
vas sent to the homo of Mrs. Lundy , the
voman whose case was mentioned In the BEI :
u day or two ago.
Fifty-four curs of hogs , thirteen of cattle
mil three of sheep wore reported ut noon
o-day. Hogs were all of the common grade ,
mil as no choice offered prices are quoted
ower. ,
The approach of spring is putting new life
nto everything , and even the buildings are
on the move. The latest is a saloon on
Twenty-sixth street that Is working its way
along to some more suitable location.
The Exchange hotel guests yesterday were :
W. H. Tlckcnoe , Beatrice , Nob. ; A. Hedges ,
21m Creek , Neb. ; M1 B , Berirrcn , Wahoo ,
Nob. ; W. W. Wyatt , Willsonvillc , Nob. ;
ilonry Shcnstock , West Point , Neb ; B. J.
Turney , Ansley , Neb. , and O. W. Perley ,
. Once again residents nro asking why the
motor line docs not mote , and once again the
company says that yicy huvo not yet re-
elvcd a ticket of franchise. The election
was held last fall nnd the voters would like >
.o know whoso fault it is.
The Fremont , Eklhorn fc Missouri Valley
railroad claim to have u telephone in their of-
iec , and so they have , but where they want
another la at Iho round house. It is there
nearly n mile from the yards that they run
n their stock trains , und shippers and others
ooking out for stock have to travel that mile
for Information. If the company don't want
.o put in u telephone , they might run their
trains on the Stock Yards tracks opposite the
depot , instead of leaving them so far uwity
from the business centre.
W. H. Manly , , of Dawsonvillc , Mo. , wns
iround looking up two runaways from that ,
village. Ono wilt * a married lady , who left
Behind her u husband and three children , and
the other the fifteen-year-old daughter of a
icighbor , who ncoompanied her. Tliey wcro
traced to Council Bluffs and apparently sep
arated there , the girl being supposed to como
through to South' Omaha. Out of respect to
the friends of the runaways the names were
not given , but thagirl is described ns being
of medium hclghth and build , with blue eyes
and light hair.
0111 UOHKltS.
Omnha & Platte Valley OH Comnan'y
The was nn Imiwtant meeting of the stock
holders of the Omaha & Platte Valley Oil
company ut the office of Murphy
&Lovett. ThoJollowing officers and direct
ors were chosen : .President , A. L | Strang ;
vice president , L. M. Anderson : secretary ,
George B.Tzcshuck ; trea&urer.Henry Bolln ;
directors , A. L. Strang , L. M. Anderson ,
Henry Bnlln , M. T. Murphy and Henry
The company owns upwards of 4,000 acres
of the most valuable oil producing lands in
Wyoming and will begin operations at once.
These lands are situated In the great oil
ielt and early In the summer will bo access
ible by two lines of railroads. Railroad fa
cilities will greatly Increase the value of the
iiropi.-rty and the outlook of the company is a
brilliant one indeed.
SoidenborR > ' & Figure is the only long
Efuvamv tilled lOo cigar for 5c on sale
Two New Corporations.
The South Omaha Ice company have filed
articles of incorporation with the county
clerk. The capital stock is $10,000 ,
divided into shares of $100 each. The incorporators -
porators are : H. C. Bostwick , D. L. Holmes ,
M. V. Smith , W. G. Sloan , Henry II. Mcday ,
JohnF. Boyd and J. C. Sharp.
The Swedish Mercantile and Grocery com
pany filed articles of incorporation yesterday
The capital stock is $5,000 and the com-
irnny is to exist fifty years after one-half of
Iho capital has been paid in. The Incorporators -
tors aro-A. Lindborp , A. G. Sestcdt , C. Lund-
strom , C. Ecklund , M. L. Hyler , C. R. Carl
son and Charles A. Blombcrg.
Nebraska Fish.
Agreeably to the notice published in the
BEE some weeks ago , the state 'fish commis
sion are sending out their fish for planting in
the Nebraska streams. Wednesday 50,000
brook trout fry were shipped from the fish
ery at South Bend to Fremont , where they
were met yesterday by B. E. B. Kennedy , the
local member of the commission. It is Mr.
Kennedy's intention to take the fish north
ward nnd deiwslt them in the streams in that
part of the stato. Commissioner May f
Fremont was in the city and brought to
Judge Bencko a magnificent specimen of carp
weighing twelve pounds , which Ed Maurcr
has placed on exhibition.
Powell Again in Jail.
Asbtiry F. Powell , the confidence man who
succeeded in swindling Dr. C. W. Dinsinoro
out of $5,000 , , und who lay in the Douglas
county Jail for several months charged with
obtaining money under fulso pretenses , is
again in custody ut Mason City , la. It will
bo remembered that County Attorney Sim-
cral permitted tho. discharge o'f Powell on
the ground that ho would bo unable to fur
nish evidence enough to convict.
A letter received by Sheriff Coburn yes
terday from ono A. Dake , at Anton , la. ,
states that PowclLilceced the citizens of that
portion of the state to the tune of $12,000.
Real K tate Transfers.
Thomas B McCulloch and wife to
Spafford L Andrews , lot U , blk 7 ,
Shinn's add : also a strip of ground
23 ft wide off n side of lot 5 , blk 173 ,
Omaha , wd. . . $11,000
Phillip A Ryan to Ben Jensen , w yt of
lot 7 , Pelham Rtt co. w d 2,800
John 1 Kcdick and wife to O S Wood ,
a plcco 132x132 ft fronting on llth st ,
beginning 504 ft1 n of mv corner blk
311 , Omaha , w d 2,000
Sebastian Blumlft and wifb to H
Elsele , lots 7 aot ) 8 , blk 13 , Jctter's
1st add to South ; Omaha ; w d 7,200
Ralph E Gaylord. trustee , to Alice H
Donaldson , until % of lots 10,11 , 12 ,
blk 3 , Burlington place , w d 775
Ralph E Gaylord , trustee , to Win
Vaughn , Jr.undlK of lots 10,11 , 12 ,
blk a , Burlington place , w d 785
Jus H Parrottco und wife to Jas M
All , lot 5. 0 , blk 4 , Potter & Cobb's
add to South Omaha , wd 1,500
Irving L Honncvin , ct al , to Oberlln
M Ramsey , lot 27 , Himbaugh place ,
wd 3,000
Richard S Berton to Oberlln Ramsey ,
lot 18 blk 27 , Hunscom place , w d. . . 2,550
Balthos Jcttcr and wife to Christian
Sautter , lot 12 blk 5 , Jotter's add.w d 1,000
Balthos Jetter uud wife to Christian
Sautcr , lots 15 and 10 blk 12 , Jttcr's
add.w d 0,000
Eleven deeds $23,210
One IluildliiK Permit.
Permission was granted to H.'Bock yes
terday to erect a $550 cottage QU Thirteenth
street near Bancroft. , .
Absolutely I
This powder never varies. A mnrvel of puri
ty , strength and wliolcsoineties ? . Moro econom
ical tlmn the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold
In competition wltn the multitude of low cost ,
short weight alum or pliosphnto powders. Sold
only In cans. Uoynl llaklng Powder Co. , 1'0
Wall street , Nowc York.
Our Magic Remedy
' All tTpbtilttc rtlieitei , of recent or long ittnalnc.ln
from ten to fifteen < lay . Wo will Rive written guar
antees to euro any c e or refund your money. And
m > would j to those who bare employed tbe moil
{ killed I'by > lclitn , nspd erpry known remedy nl
bare not been cured , that you are the mibjecti we art
li'oklntf for. You that have been to the celebrate !
Hot hpriiiKB or Arkuniai , aud bare lost all Hops o
recovery , we
Will Cure You
errtmke no charge. Our remedy U unknown to any
one In the worm outside of our Company , and It u
the only remedy in the wnrld that will euro you. We
will cure the moat otistlnaUi case In lens than one
month. Beven ditys In recent cnscs does the work. It
l the old , chronic , deep-seated easci that we solicit.
Wo haTe cured hundreds who had been abandoned
bjr 1'byslclnns and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
tobrtncns acato that we will not cure In lets than
ono month.
Pint i ! th , , history of medicine , n Tnio Specific for
§ yphimift.Kru | > tlon9. Ulcers , Sere mouth , Ac. , hai
bstn sou t ( or but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
irai ( Uncovered , and we nro Instilled In saying It U the
only remedy In the world that nlll positively cur * ,
bccnuee the latest medical works , published by the
belt known aulborUlm , say there WHS never a true
specific belore. Our Ilernvdr t > the only medicine In
the world that will cure when everything else has
failed. Ithaibccn so conceded by n large number of
Celebrated I'hjsirthm. IT HAS NEVER YET FAILED
TO CUKE. Why wtMe your time and money with
atent medicines that uever had virtue , or doctor
jrlth physicians that cannot cure you. You that bar *
tried everything else should curne to us now and get
permanent relief ; you never can get It elsewhere.
Mark what we SIT : In the end you must take oar
Remedy or Nsriti recover. And you that have been
filleted but a short time should by all means come to
ns now. Many get be'p ' und think theya re free from
the disease , but in one , two or three years after. It
npeara Bella In mor herrtblo form.
Investigate Oar financial atandlnx through the mer-
Motile xenelei ana note thai we are fully rcfponal-
pie nnd our written guarantees are good. We have a
RXMEiir prepared on purely Hclcntlfle 1'itnclples and
we wish to repeat that It XKVsn FAILS TO cum. All
letters sacredly confidential.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Neb.
Baomi IS and 17 Uellman Block.
Vose & Sons
Instruments exchanged , rente ! and sold on
Easy Paymenta , telow
Instruments slightly used t
Max Meyer & Bro ,
Omaha , Neb.
uro Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Ilron
thltls , Debility , WHfttng Diseases and all bcrofui
Alran t as palatable as cream. It can bo taken with
pleasure by delicate persons and children , who , after
using It , are Ycryfond or It. It ai irallntes with the
food , Increases the flesh and appetite , builds up the
nervous system , restores enemy to mind and body ,
create * new , rich and pure blood , In fact , rcjuvlnates
* ' " *
w'ru"HeroNiHVE. : : HLOOD , niiAiN.
This preparation Is fur superior to all other prepa
rations of Cod-Uver Oil : It bus many Imitators but no
equals. The results followliiK Its use are its best ro.
commendations. Ho sure , as yournlue your health
and gel the Konulno. Manufactured only by Ult. '
Al.xii. U. Wll.uoii.Cbemtet , lloston. Mass. Bend for
Illustrated circular , which will be mailed free. Men
tion this paper.
London Granules.
Humiliates last Testlce of Syphilis , Ulcers , Pimples ,
Chronic Hores&lmpure IlloodVrhty have no equal for
kin diseases. Similar medicine used In UiiKlon Hos
pitals , with unvaryliuf suooets. IIIHILV VEGETABLE.
Bent by mall In a plain sealed packapr. and no delay ,
on receipt of II per box or e foV . WB oonANTKi !
BIX uoxr.s TO CUBE ANV CASE. With each order re-
celvrd for six boxes accompanied by 15 , wo will send
the purchaser our written ituaranteo to refund the
money. If tbo treatment does nut effect a cure.
I'amplilet free. I.oxnov MEDICINE AUEXCV , 1211
Cherry St. , Kansas City , Mo ,
w cord'tny rcconnwiA
rourtlullicMti uneJr
fcttown to u tot CoKoit bead
* d Cl t.
W hart sold Konildtr.
le , uid In ' nr c n U
A1 U * LUk ,
lludua. N. T.
8oW by Dniff Utt.
Catalogues and Price List upon Application.
Sewing Thread of Modern Time * .
Kii.pATiiicK-Kocii Dry Goods Co.
M. E.SMITH & Co.
PAXTO * . & CO.
llAYDEN llHOS. '
I.AltKIN & CO.
CIIAS. SiN-dEit , South Omaha , and all first-
class retail dealers.
Pfrrlierons , Clydesdales and Shire , also home
lred ) colts. Every animal KUnrantced a breeder
Our stock lias been selected with reference to
both Indlvldunl merit and pedigree. Some of
these hornes 1mvo taken Dm prize at the Ne
braska State Fi'lr , 1887. All our horses uro ac
climated , and colts of their set can be shown.
Prices reasonable and easy terms. Is accessible
by the three leading railroads of the stato. 1) . &
M. : K , E. & M. V. . und K. ( ! . & 0.
FltV & FAHUIIAH. Vork. Neb
Health is Wealth !
MENT , a guaranteed speclllc for Hysteria , DIzzl- '
ness , Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Hendorhe. Nervous Prostmtion. caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness , Mental
Depression , flottonlnjr of thn Drain , resulting In
Insunlty.and leading to inlhery.decuy and death.
Premature Old Age. Ilarrenness , Loss of I'ower
In either sex. Involuntary losses and Sperma
torrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain ,
Eelf-abnse or over-Indulgence. Each box con
tains ono month's treatment , f 1.00 a box , or six
boxes for $5.00. ncnt by mall prepaid on receipt
of price.
To cure any caso. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with (5.00 , we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C. F. GOOD
MAN , Druggist , Sole Agent , 1110 Furnam Street ,
Omnha , Neb.
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , BO.OOO
II. W. YATES , President.
LEWIS S. KKKD , Vlce-Presldcnt.
A , E. TOUZAI.IN , 2nd Vlco-Presldent.
W. II. S. UoaiiES , Cashier.
W. V , Moiisr ; , JOHN 8. COLONS ,
Cor. 12th and Farnam 8ts.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
The Standard-bred trotting stallion ALARIC
No. 2O83 by Ciiylcr ( slro of Elvira 2lBi. : !
Day Dream 2:213 : , Algath 2- : ) , also the dam of
Patron 2:11) : ) by Itysdyk'B Hambletonlan. 1st
dam Ethel Golddust. ( full sister of Xllcadle
Golddutit trial 2:25) : ) by Old Golddust ( sire of
Lucille 2:10 : > 4 , and Uve others with records be
low 2'JO : ) . Zddam ( the dam /.Ilcadle2:34) : ) by
Imported Scythian. M dam Sally Kussell ( the
grand-dam of Maud B. 2OSJi : ) by Iloston. Alarlc
was bred by J. C. McKerran , Louisville , Ky. ,
foaled ItWO , 15 hands high , weighs 1\M \ pounds ;
ho is a rich gold dust in color and the hand
somest and roost stylish horse In the nest. He
will outHhow anybody's horse on the street or
the show ring , has no record but Is very fast ,
perfectly gentle on the road or in the stable , has
no vices and Is warranted sound In every par
ticular. He will be Hold very cheap. The iiorsu
Is In this city.
Address DR. . W. HAYES ,
20th und Lake Streets-
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
Barnsdall M. D
J.W. , .
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Gynaecologist and Obstetrician.
Telephone 070.
Surgeon and Physician.
Office N. W Corner 14th and Douglas Ht. Office ,
telephone , 463 ; Itesldeuco telephone , Wa.
2I , 2 , SKO
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wore shipped during the past
two yearn , without a drum-
mermourouiploK Nootlicr
house in the world can truthfully -
fully make such a showiiitf.
One aeont ( dealer oulyj
wanted in ouch town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 State StChlcapo.
LKDY CORSETS. Ererjr lady wlsblng
"ft and * bta\tlfulfin- (
_ . -e biira them. Quick
aalea. Good pay. Bend
_ _ for terma ant ] circular ,
0 , HIU9U159. , II Witt Utk St. , C tu Wj , lit. .
TKD. who In nil fOLlYT and IUNOR A Nt'E
faai TK1FLED away hti VIGOR of BODT.
IBID and MANHOOn.causing exhausting
dralni upon the roVNTAINH of LIFE ,
Dreaml , WEAKNEMft of Memory , HAMB-
the FACE , and all the EFFECTS If ndlnjt to
KARI.V DECAY and perhaps CONHUMP *
TION or IHHANITT , should consult at once
Iho CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , K lat > llihe4
I8&1. Dr. Clarke hdi made NERVOUS DE
BILITY. CHRONIC and all DiscMM of
Htudy. It make * NO difference WIIAT you
Aare taken or WHO hat failed to cure you.
WFEM At E suffering from dlivasefpectl *
Ukr to their lex can consult with the assurance )
Of tpeedy relief and cure. Bend 3 centi pottof *
for works on your diseases.
49-Pend 4 centa postage for Celebrate *
W rk on Chronic , Nrrvoni and DelU
ente Diseases. Consultation , personal' ? or by
letter , fire * . Consult the old Doctor.
Thoasmtid * carrel. Offim and pnrlor *
private.Tho o contemplating MarriaM
end for Dr. Clarke' * celebrated tula *
Male and Female , each l&c. , both 2Bo.
( stamps ) . Before confiding your case , coniult
Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may
me future nuflcrlngand shame , and add golden
yean t * life. 49-Book Ml > ' ( Secret ) Er.
ror , " 60c. ( itampi ) . Medicine and writings
iant everywhere , secure from exposure.
IJouri , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Addreu.
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
108 Bo. Clark St CHICAGO. ILL.
N. W. Cor. 13th it Dodge 8t .
Best facilities , apparatus and remedies for BUG.
cessful treatment or every form of disease requlr *
lug Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations In the west.
WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities aqd.
Braces , Trusses , Club Feel , Curvature of thl
Spine , Files , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis ,
Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , KUU. .
ney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , SUin and Blood , and attV
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty. I
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Byphr
llitic Poison removed from ( he system withou *
mercury. New restorative treatment for lots 04
Vital I'ower. Persons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All commUT
uications confidential. Medicines or Instrument
vent by mail or express , securely packed , n
marks to indicate contents or wilder. One per *
tonal interview preferred. Call and consult us or
rend history of your case , and we will send In
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Ira.
potency , Syphilis. Gleet aud Varicocele , with
question list. Address
Omahu Mtdtfal and Surgical Institute , or
Cor. 13th and Oodae Sti. . OMAHA , NEB.
is. A a
1742 Lawrence 81 , Denyer , Col ,
Of the Missouri State Mupoum of Anatomy. St.
Louis , Mo. , University College Hospital , Lon
don , Glesen , Germany and New York , having
devoted their attention
More especially those arising from Impru
dence. Invite all BO suffering to correspond wlth
out delay. Diseases of Infection and.contagion
cured safely aud speedily without use o ! dan
gerous drugs. Patients whoso cases have b ea
neglected , oadly treated or pronounced Incur
able , should not fall to write us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive immediate attea *
Ion ,
And will be mailed FKEE to any address on rft *
celpt of one 2-cent stamp , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added an "Essay on Mar
riage , " with Important chapters on diseases ol
the Heproductlve Organs , the whole forming a
valuable medical treatise which should be rewl
by all young men. Address
1742 Lawrenos St. , Denver , Col.
. . . ,
Third Judicial District.
Itemarkoble for powerful svmpa.
thetle tone , pliable uctlpnandttb-
Holute durability. 3il years' record ,
the bent guarantee of the excel-
lente of these Instruments.
The Kearney Land Office of Kearney , M
The oldest and best established Heal Estat *
and Loan ltusln i > s In Central Nebraska.I now
offer It for sale after H years' continuous own
ership and management , on account of falling
health. Good house property can go with It.
Al oK > O.OUU worth of lands , uud K arney clt/
lots If wanted. Address
Tbo Kearney Mnrt Office ,
Kcaraejr , Kel\