I THE OMAHA DiHiY BEE : taODAY. iFEBRTTABY. 17. 188 * SPECIAL NOTfOES. Ko AilTcrtlacmrnUwllt bo tnkcn fbr those columns niter 12'IO : p. in. Terms Canh la advance. A < rtertiscTn nt tinflor this head , 1C rents p r Hi for ( he tirst Inoorlion. 7 cents for each sub- pqucnt Insertion , nnd ( ISO a line per month. Ndadvtrtlpcment tnkcn for lens than i emu iorrthii flrt Insertion. Poven words will b * eounrort-to tlu ) line ; they must ran consecutive ly and mnut he paid n advance. All adyertis- menu must l > 9 Imnded In before 1 M o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances will they betaken /taken or discontinued by telephone. Turtle * advertising In these columns and bar- Ingthoansucrs addressed In care of the Bee , will ploann n k for a chuck to enable them to f et their letu-rs , as none win be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad * Tenlscmontu should be enclosed In envelopes. . All advortltrmcnts In these columns are pub- Itshrd In botli morning nnd avenlni ; editions of th liee , Ilio circulation of which BRirregates tnoro than If.fU ) pnpera dolly , and Hires the ad vertisers the hmeflt. not only of the city circu lation of the liee , but also bf Council Bluffs , IJncoln , ana other cities and town * throughout ttU prt of tlu wcat. _ BRANCHJFFICES Adtcrtlsrnc for the o columns will betaken , on the above , conditions , at .the following bus- thoniriioure * , who are authorized agunU for Tun 'lien , special notices and will qnoto theoacio rates as can be had at the main office. JOHN W. CO S. 10th Street. CHASE it KDDY , Pxixitoxa an 1130. 18th Street. ( S. H. FARNSWORTII , 3ta.arzri.aelat , 2115 CnmtnR atreot. OEO. W. PARR , 1C09 St. Mary's Avenuo. II. B.WHITKHOUS13 , Kill an < ] Webster Streets. O. REUTHKR , iTewa Dealer , Feat Office , South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTEff. SITUATION wanted by n lady ( ago 40) ) as housekeeper ; hotel , or for a widower who has no children. Call at "State" Employment parlors. 1417 Farnatn st. ibl 18 WANTED Situation for nrst-class cook , where husband can board ; iilsoan experi enced young man nnd wlfo BSi alters in hotel or restaurant. Union Etnploymcnt office , ill. ) 8. llth st. 1&17 * WAITED Situations A new supply of girls constantly arriving from the cant at our offlrpi Coma nnd K t one or sand your order to Canadian Emp. ofllce , Mrs. Brcga St Son , U10 Bo. Ifith. Tel. H84. 103 17 * WANTED Situation in respectable private family of two or three , or secona work. Apply 117 N. 14th st. 1131G WANTED Position as cashier or bookkeeper by experienced young lady. Address 1)0 , Deo. 161 18 * WANTED Atposltion by a young man in a wholesale house as bill clerk or collector. or will go on the road on commission ; have had some experience M teas ami clears. Will de posit MOO art a bond , and furnish very best ref erences. Address It 4 , life. lift 1W WANTED-Place by n good' cook and laun dress to work for her hnsband's board. Mrs.BroK AHon,3108.16th , 11410' WANTED A position by on experienced bookkeeper' llcst city reference. Ad flroRB A 70 Ueo. OOO-IW WANTBD-Posltlon as traveling salesman , hardware or Implcmputsprferred. Speaks Oennun and 1'ngllpli ; good references : address J. 1'ilger , Pilger , Neb. K,7 lfl WANTED--WAI.E HELP. WANTED-To meet demand for April book- keepers. I will Instruct i ! persons and wait for halt pay untll'you ' have' itUuatlohs. J. 1) . Smith. Hitmgo block. 165 IB * | TI7'AWTKtK-3'/mon > cooks : coachmanmuht ' TT have gobd'rdf's , 12V Canadian Emp. office , MJfs. Brega & B&m 816 So. 15th. -JV)1.884. 109 10 . BOY8-Am. , Dlst. Teh Co. , 1304 Douglas. . ' 188 lh a Weir established ptwlnf i dress Immediately , P. E. whlto /"ANTED Men to drive teams , Albright's Farnam.Albright's Labor AKcney , 1180 Farnam. 10) TtTANTKD An-ejrperlenced bookkeeper wHo i T can furnish good recommendation * . ' jresfl Postoulcu boa 610. Dillon. Mont. 129 , _ r „ _ grxid blacksmith on general - work such s spring wagons and , bug let Hnldoon's shop , cor. 14tfi and Jones. 7 - . 041 19- WANTED.t-Atecnts' calfl maktf from $8.00 to _ . KS.OO per day ; Territory given to good men. „ Call at ISt N. 16111 st , room B. up 19 * TMTANTED Boy at pop corn stand cor. 13th andFarnom sts.- ISMQJ dNTtiD ? ilright. honest boy about la or 17 i cars old at 1JOO 1'arnam. 107 17 ANTED Men who wpnt to go to work nnd mean business. Call room fi , ,110 South . 030-18J WANTED Man To take tlie ngtncv of our safes ; siio HSxlPxlS inches ; weight DOO Ibs. ; ret ail price KUi ; other sizes In proportion. A rare chance to create a permanent business nt home. These BaftM meet a demand never be- forp supplied by other safe companltes.as we arc m > t governed by the safa podl. Alpine Safe Coi , W"ANTED A boy with pony tb carry a routp In the southwcbtero part of city for dally ' evening Ueo. 741 WANTED-FENIALE HELP. ANTr.D-Twowell dressed and Intclllnent ladles for city wort on commission. Must fco energetic and hard workers. Call 11. 15 , Arcade - cado hotel from 4 to 7:30p. m. , 8:30 : to 10:00 : a. m. 173-171 WANTED Flv German girls for house work : three dtnlngniom girls for the city , and two girls for out west ; also ono laundress aud one geM > rnos.s fpr city. Apply at once t the. State Employment parlors , 1417 Farnam st , , room II. in lot Fremontj 3 girls for housework at Fremont and Vullerton : cook and a dliilntrroom'glrls for Cul- bertxon. In city : 35 girls for housoworV , 3 ex perienced anil competent second girls , nurse for children , cooks , etc. Canadian Kmp. office , Mrs. Brega & Bon. UlC Bo. . ISth. Tel. fr 4. 170 lfl ; | XTANTBD-nirls Jnt families : 2 cooks : a \ T dishwashers ; ] chambermaid. Union Em ployment oflleo. 018 SMlth st. No charge until eltuatlons are secured. Itu i ; WANTED Girls general housework , 3 dining room girls , 1 chambermaid , a dishwashers , nurse girl for private family , Kcook for Blair. KB per month dlnlugroom trlrls lenlsonIm\ ; fares nil ) < ald ; 1 woman 90 years old working liousekeeper for city. Omtiha Emp. Bureau , 119 NlClh. Telephonaim. lap ia WANTED-1-A firstJclass bread and cak baker : none but first-closa. and sober need apply. Call for particulars , in person , at Pox1- ton hotel , room UU , between 8 and U a. m. on the 17th. . U51U \17ANTHD An experienced cook who Is n JT good washer and ironcr. Apply 1T44 Pfcvenixirt st. EJ7 18 * Lir.rt A1 competent girl for general ( . r housework , must be ajjood cook and lauil- aress , and comrwell recommended. Apply room BO , MlllarU hotel , between 3ond U p , ra. , _ H73 v'WyANTED A smart business woman totako * .T , .CUIUP ! * & lll.leu Corns' at the Paxton ho tel. Must be handy with a needle. Apply ut the office. , ins is 1XrANTEP-40 lrl for" housework. 3 dlnlnb TT ro6m jrtrtR , 1 chambermaid , 1 pastry cook , 3 glfl'for much , young girl to absutln housework ; a unod homo for a good glrl\\oman to take earn ofchild ; If you wish employment ol * ny kind cnllund'sod what we can1 ui > for you. . Gate City Emp. office , OU S 15th. Tele. liuo. > lia ITT _ TXT'ANTKD A Jhpronghly competent seam' TTS stress to taku charge of utvia' sewlnf room ; nonn but a good Instructor' in beu ing anjl thorough disciplinarian need apply ; .tentlmuil laU as to ability and character must be fur nUhetl ; wages 1300 a year aud expenses. Ad tirtta State industrial school , Keai-ney , Neo. . 117 IB \VANTKD Immediately , ladles to workfoi T T aw holcsalo house ou needlow ork at theli Pines : ( Bent nny distance. ) Good pay can 1 * Bilde. Kverythtuii furnished. Partlitilar : fipo. Addretu ArUstlc Needlework Co. , lis&tl > ANTKI > ndy atrento fur oili1 improv \ CortblnajMon bustle-sklrt. Htmovabli Canboiaunorled. latest Tariai stx'le ' > c ntaold KOla Columbu * laxt sprlntr , ani1 1 ad WOO. Spring trade aow.Addia. . a wttt UrnB.I.HiiampUuOo DM W. Rumlolpt M , CQcajf * . , , . 4'js.ioj class jrtrl for Rpncrnl house wore. Good wages. Inquire at filO B. SJdsfc \ 985-1IB WANTKD Seamstrcfwes to work on dr s e ? . Apply at Zll.S.'lSth st..betweenDmmlfts and Faniam sts. Mrs. L. A. Rarnond. 9U2-KJ W SFN.Wthst. 030 "WTANTED-iA competent girl In family ot two. TT Mrs. U , II. Wheeler , HJlS.BHth st. W4 WANTED Woman who thoroughly under- stand * cooking nnd all kinds of house work , mid Is able and willing to work hard. Mrs. Harbor. 8U N. lijth st. 15710 * WANTED Girl for pcneral housework , msst be good cook and laundress. Mrs. Itobt Purvls'2403 St. Mar } s tt e. 750 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I WANT KOO nnd will give ICilO worth of new furniture for security and pay 3K per cent a month Interest , Address A bV Boo. U71-10 WANTED Ladles to Uo "Chlchcstcr's Eng lish Diamond Jlrand , Penm royal Pills. Safe. Alwaysrillublo. The original. The only genuine. Asktlrngglst or send 40 stamps for imrtlcultirs.'rcturamall. Clilchcsrcr Chemical Co. , I'hlladerfihln , P . 337 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS' JTATB Employment ; parlors , U17 Farnara 5 street. . 101 IB * CANADIAN Employment offlce , male and fe male help sent to all parts if faro is ad vanced. Reference , Omahu National bank. Mrs. llrega A Son , 310 8.15th. Tel. ftM. 1151 m 13 O > rAlfA Employment Rurcau , l\t \ N. ICth st. vAJldi-st nd most reliable omco In city. Call onus ; telephone 1113.11. K. White , proprietor. IWimlS /TJATB City Employroent office eunplles male v and fcmnlo help for all kinds of work Help sent to all parts of the country if faro Is paid. Reference. Douglas ! County bantt , Isbpll Chrlstcnson , 314 So. 15th. Tel. lion. 879 IGJ TIHE Union Employment odlco Is the place to obtain reliable help on short notice. In or out of the city. 913 8. llth st. Open evenings. 838mlO BOARDING. pHIVATE boarding , $4 a week , 1015 Dodge. WANTED-TO RENT. W'ANTED ' Furnished rooms for light house keeping , address with terms , n 'J nee. 1W17 * WANTED-Nicoly furnished rooms with all modern improvements' nnd board for man , w Ifo and son , convenient to street cars , or centrally located ; private fatally preferred. Ad dress UJ , llee , 13516 * WANTED Room and board for man and wife , room south front ! modern conven iences , sonth of Davenport and west of Ibth at. A. 11. box .1) ) , city. W7 10 W 'ANTED HOUSPS to renf. Campbell & Hervey 310 Board of Trade. H93 FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT-Bmall cottage. 1214 N. 28th st.10 per month. Apply Fred Christiansen. 2423 Parker st. lua 17 * FOR RENT or lease , 3 room house with barn , .well , cistern nnd 2 acres of ground , near South Omaha. Inquire at 1408 Howard st. 123 lo * TT'OR HENT 10-room house , new and modern , one of the most convenient and best built houses in city ; cheap rent. J. H. Parrotte , Rental Agency , 1000 Chicago , 147 S3 IJXR RENT Honse of fl - , ' rooms , 809 N. 2-'d st , X ! Inquire at 2003 N. 27th st. 144181 "E10R RENT-fl-room house , 829 S. 21st. In- JCJ qulro829 S.21stst. 122-18J FOR SALE Now 4 room house , full lot Dcca- tur sK bet 3Hh aud 31st. Price $2,000. easy terms. McDonald dairy , Burt st near licit lino. 112 21 * NT Tbicenew 0-ioom Hats , 17th bo- tureen Clark and Grace , $2500 per month. "Tito cheapest houses In Omaha. " Two 5-room houses , 34th and Farnam , city water In hou&e ; street cars pass the door. $15 to good tenants. Store loom 1701 St. Mary's avenue , $40per month , possession March 1 , Clark & French. 161fl Douglas st. 60417 TJlOll RENT House of 4 rooms , st. car runs by , JP cor.aath and Howard , US3 Ittt TTIOR SALE Eight room house with modern J-A improvements and stable ou leased ground , 1715 Douglas. Inquire at Meyer St Raapka. 1405 Harneyst. U87 " | jHH RENT 7 room house on Davenport st , .E West of 10th. Rent $40 , furniture $100. $100 cash , balance on time. Co-operative Land aud Lot Cd. . 2US If. 16th St. Telephone 003. 08310' TJ10E RENT 4 room house 3 blocks from Satin- JL1 dors car line , $15 per month. A. Hospp , jr. , 1518 Douglas t. 074 M 13' FOR RENT Very desirable cast front Hat , centrally located , steam heat and bath , low rent and antique oak furniture for sale $300 , worthoUO. Apply at once to John M. Welshans & Co , city lots and residences , 142 ? Canltol avenue. Exposition building , 075-18 ? "C1 0H RENT Furnished house for n few JC months. OJ7 South Twenty-flfth avenue. 04'J 15 * KARE chance Whole flat. No. 3004 N. 24th st. to rent very low. Enquire at residence as above , S. F. Winch. 8S1 R RENT A six room cottage , 1515 Harney , 857 17 TilOR RENT Houte of 8-rooms , closet , hard -1 ? and soft water , on Uth street car Hue. lu qulro 1113 S. 13tli fat. 778 FOR RENT 4-room house , 25th * and Mason rent WO. J : 8. Corby , 1J04 Farnam. 740 II10U RENT In Park Terrace , opp. Hanscoih -C Park , Boilth front. All modern Improve ments ; 10roOmsmdat ; desirable rcslilenco part of the city. Inquire Leo & Nlchol , 28th and LcaVenworth. l 8 m5 TJ1OR RENT Twelvo-room house , 25th and JL ? and Mason streets , $10 per month. J. 8 , CaulQeld. 1J04 Farnam st , 634 O ( NE hundred and fifty houses for rent. H. Cole , n. e. cor. ICUl aud Douglas. 697-29 TfjIOR HENT-House 11 'rooms. ' W. M. Bush. f ! rnnrvN H corner 16th anil Douglas. 1 < 9I E1OR RENU'-STjcw 7 roomed , houses , well , cis tern , large cellar , -loth near ClarK st. W , G.BhrUer , opp-postOfflcOi ' ' HSO "C1OU HENT ljonso of 4 rooms at 510 William ; -L1 street. Inquire next-door west. 433 FOH RBNT-:10rooiA : residence steam heat. G E.Thbmpson , < ' 3lfB.lMllSt.- 349 TJ1OR RENXorSalo Newhous o , 6 rooms , cor , -C 28th anoTCapltol are. ErfqUlreZ334 Dodge , - . „ no TJ10H HENT A new dwelling , 9 rooms , all -I ? modern Improvement * , good stable , tep minutes' wallt from ypstofflcp , apply to D. J O'Donahoe , at O'Donahoe & Sherry's , 15th st. next to the postolHce. 810 FOR RBHT--ROONiarURNISHgD. TTIOR HBNTyNfcolv furalsjhea rooms , singl J3 or on suite1 ; gas , BathVfurnace , 2214 Farnum , _ J . ' _ . . , _ . . , . 12119 * FOR KENT Blhglo or ejj.s.Wte. pleasant rooms for gentlemen , with All modern con vonlentcs , corner , brick residence. St. Mary' ' and Both St. , or 6J ) S. 20th. 118 17 , TflOIl-UKNT Elegant turnlshedTfrpnt room J ? with board , lJ13Clilcao st. ' 140 22 * T71DHN18HED front nnd other rooms w Ith da ; J board. 2210 Farnam st. 159 2U FOR lYKNT 3 furnished rooms for housi keeping" . 414 S. 15tll sr , Karbach block , 3 lloor flat No. 2. Leave references. WS 21 Jtt HENT Nicely furnished- room wit heat , $ T perfflonth. 40 $ Willlairi st ; iff "CIURNIBHBD rooms. > Sober men can hove . J : " nlce'rooms cheap , s w cor. 18th and Howard streets. Upstairs. 987 an 1NICE furnUhd rpOJM'18J8 California. T7HH RBNT An elegnnt front room , with X ? ery convenience. Only tirst-clabs people wanted , ir.'lDavenport. - " FURNISHED rooms , 331D Cass st. - 893 Ift * _ in-'NT Furnlsheil rooin chcap.fiirhaco , gas , bath. 709 South ITth'avonue. tUi 1C * R UKNT A lorfifl room furnished , central location 1116 Chicago st. _ 'Ml FOR REST Furnished rooms in Greonlg blk cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. R. , Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. J58 "ODR HUNT Rooms furnished and unfui- * J nlshed. ir.4 Cap. avt > . C41 T/IURNIBHED roonib and board , 1903 Farnum. JD 634 nU * TJ1OR Gentlcnlfn-1'wo' furnlshod rooms , all J ? modern Improremtiuts. 17IS ix > dgeiit. _ F U HENT Furnished rooms , ! all conVenl- yncea A. H08po.315N. 17th attwat. 41)1 ) RONT room wlthulcqveanda laraaclosets. . gas , hat air. bath , hot and cola -water on same . lloor for S cents or man and wife per month aud ad joining room willt closet HOper mouth : s other roouw wliu closets for no Jiff month , same conveniences ou car llneS07 3 " 4th an JpURN18HK ) roe MR IBM Dodge , RENT Furnished rooms , rttonm hcftt , X' cas , bath roompn etreetcnr line at In and IIP per month. .317 Douglas st. KU 16 * FORoaRENT Two very desirable furnished front rooms , with all modern conveniences on same floor. Arranged for three or four occu pants If desired. Apply at 171 > Capitol avchac , 159 _ TilOR RF.NT Furnished rwms for ono or two -1 ? gentlemen , icon Dodge sir KO fnURNlSUBU front room , suitaUle or two J : lasiUodgest nn _ . R RENT Nicely furnished roorns at SKI Dodge. Gas , bath mid furnace heat. 35 ? FOR RENT Two nlcoly furnished front rooms on ground floor , at Hft Hurt , for flS pnr month , with board 1 4 per w eok additional. 001 F OR RENT-3 rooms at 311 Woolnorth ave. ! at M 1 per month. 3U _ EA T LYTfurnlHhed front room to rent at 1W1 Farnam st , 1 block west of court house. 6H _ TjTOR RF.NT-Nlce fnrnishcd roohl , | i per JJ month , s w cor. loth and Jncsaon. M4 FOR RENT Stores and rooms , ono small hous.0 icasonabln. Enquire at drugstore Sherman ave , and Corby st. U01-2W T710R RlitTT-A dam store building In Dlller , J ? Neb. Address S. Clark , Dlller-Neb. T7I IOR RENT-r-3 business room ? , 1515 arney. A ! ' 57 17 F HENT- Store room reasonable. 1S13 11 Dodge st. 7 7 10 T71OR RENT Two rooms , 4IxBO , nhere sleam JD power can bo obtained. Enquire of Pam'l Hees , Rco- ? Printing Co. , 1019 Howard st. 740 FOR RENT Second floor , 44x70 , peed loca tion. Enquire ot A. J. Simpson. 110' ) Dodge st. 750 THOR RENT Store nnd Brooms over good -I ? stand for ding or feed store. I.oo Si Nlchol , cor. 28th and Ijeavenworth , ff5 m5 F I OR HBNT-onice room a , Prenzer block.JMO , FOR RENT-Otnce in Arlington block. $12.00. Inquire of elevator boy. - 480 FOR RENT Desirable onico spare , or desk room , at 15J3 Farnam St. . Odell Bros. & Co. , . _ 064 "DIOR RENT ? Front office , Arlington block. -C Apply C. C. Valentine. H15 Dodge. 621 FOR RENT-OInres on Farnam st. nt $10 to 130 per month. Ono ofllcj furnished. 1013 Far- iam. ; 0 RENTAL AGENCIES. M REQORY , F. L. . Rental agent , 303 810th st. SPECIAL attention given to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished roomsr List with ns. W. M. Harris , over 220 U. 15th st.- -301 LIST houses , stores aud Hats for rent w 1th II. . E , Cole , n. e. cor. 15th and Douglas. B90-2J RENTAL Agency List jour houses for rent n ith Odell Bros. He Co , 1623 Farnam st. 084 FOR HENT If you wish to rent a house call on Ueiliwa St Co. , 16th St. , opposite P. O. 'Mi FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TTIOR RENT Two pleasant unfurnished front -C rooms , with bavwlndow , for Ifeht house keeping. Enquire at 2009 G race Bt , 1 block from trcet car. 137 19 * TI1OR RENT Three unfurnished rooms to a JP family without children at 1125 N. 17th st. F I OR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms , 2812 L vcnworth. 012,19 * "C10R RENT 5 convenient chambers for housa. JL ; keeping to a man and \\lfe without chil dren ; 3 blocks from postoiBce ; ai'J ' N. 17th st. 024 IS * T710R RENT- JC Two (2) ( ) rooms. No. 1814 Howard st $ 8 00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1015north20th . . . IB00 Three (11) ( ) rooms. No. 1028northSlstst. . . 11.00 Three (3) ( ) room < * ottage.21st and Paul st. 1'J DO Three < 3) ) roomsNo. U22 north21stst. . . 1100 Three ( JI rooms. No. 1410 Pierce st 1010 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 1113 south 7th st. . . . 11,00 Three (3) ( ) rooms , No. 703 Pacific st 12.50 Four (0 ( elegant rooms all modern con veniences , 1702 Webster st 733 FOR RENT-MISOELANEOU8. > FOR HENT Unfurnished corncr'flat for rent , 4238. llth st. Inquire at restaurant. 12818 * Tj > OH RENT 4 improved farms , Holt county , -17 in houses , city. tir to WO per month. Drake Bros. , 316 8.15th st. 13319 T710R RENT-Cleanbed3l to $1.50 per week , -E G02South 18th st , upstairs. _ 10821 FARM for rent , well Improved , 10 miles from Omaha , 250 acres , mostly grass. Low cash rent. J. II. Gue , 1B1J N. 19th St. , Omaha. 03511) ) ' F I OH HENT Barn , 1921 Chicago bt. 712 PERSONAL. ) EItSONAL Ladles and eentlcmcn can rent masquerade suits at 51U N. 10th Bt , upstairs. 125 SO * PERSONAL On account of her numerous en gagoments , Anna Alplanalb , thocelebtated Hungarian gypsoy , has Incrca t > od her fee to $1. 1624 N. 2tlth st , cor. Blondo. Take 20th and Saun- deistar. OU321 * PERSONAL A lady who has been unfortua ate will sell her furniture consisting of the entire contents of n six room house Including an organ for all of which she pnld $075. Will sell the entire lot for $150 , $100 cash , balance monthly to suit. The house for rent * 20 per month. Ad dress A C.i , Bee. 071-10 PERSONAL Private homo for ladies during confinement , * strictly confidential , Infants adopted. Address K 4- , Bee office , & .l7ml3j T HES8MAkEH8 Investigate the Kellogg \J French Tailor System of drescnttlnggood ! ; wages and traveling expenses to ladles out of employment. Call or address for treatise on drehscuttlng free. Mine. Kellogg , Hotel Esmond , Omaha. 765fl7 * PERSONAL Great fortune teller Just ar rived , the young Madame C. I , . Lament , the great astrologlst , will remain 30 days ; has trav eled through the principal parts of Europe ; tells past , present utjd future In person or by letter , will bring back the. parted husband or lover , no matter If they be ten thousand miles away ; they will return to you In so muny days ; wlr tell you wnether yottr lover bo false or true ; w 111 guarantee to settle family quarrels to perfect satisfaction ; can also cause speedy marriages ; has charms for good luck Mlilcn will cause par ties to bo successful In any kind of busi ness and prevent your loss In any kind of business you may undertake , breaks e\ll Influence , and urinss good luck to all who may try this lucky charm ; can gl\e lucky numbers In lotierv drawings ; can give best of reference in regard to abo\ statement. 1 was presented wtth'an elegant gold raeda' ' In Denver , Colo. , for i y great success in my business. I have the natural gift of telling the past , present and future. My grandmother , before me was also a great astrologlst. . Parties asking information1 by letter mus enclose $3 to ensure answer. , M ' , All business confidential. Office hourd. 11 am. to U p. ra. Madame 0. Ij.'Lamoat'No ; 1810 California streot.betweeu 18th and inth sts. , Omaha , Neb. 157KJ * LOST. T O8T Black horse , star In forehead , ono hind J-i foot white , about six years old. Reward fo ( return. Owen Haley , near Catholic eem ry , South Omaha. . 877 1 J FOUND. TAKEN up a gray horse , short tall , weigh „ 950 , about 10 years old. Park ave. street cu : barn. . „ 92217 ? FOR SALE-MiaOELLANKOUS. TJlOll SALE Dormant scale , capacity 3.-400 J ? pounds. Phil. Stlmmel JsCo.,01l-.il3Jone St. , Omaha. } 49 CK > H SALE Lease and furniture of a Vi-room J ? house ou Farnam street ; house and furnl turo'new ; for particulars address II 5. > He otlico. 151 27 * "T NEED' ' money badly and 'will sell my furnl X ture for a little more than one half the copt. new less than two months ago. Only (50 cash required , balance easy monthly payments. Ad dress A 8 , Boo. 071-10 A BLACKSMITH shop for sale , has ono forge , or tools without shop for sale. Apply to . Uuseh , Blue HU1 , Webster Co. , Neb. - 1JXR. SALE At a bargain 50 feet of shelving , J ? ao feet of cou utera and one * ice chont , suit able for grocery store. Enquire at U > S. loth St. _ 735. TjVMtSALB or Kent-Civil and mlnln/r / engln- J3 eer's business , omce ana Instruments in Ban Juan county , Colorado , J. F. Wannemaker , 1508 Cass. CM 20 * „ _ "EHU SALE One thousand cords ot wood in J ? car load : lota , Orders front briokyard men and others aollclUd. Prompt attantlou given. Ad- dresa D. C. McDonaM. Bartlett , Iowa. Ml 30 * T WILL sell sell some jrilt edva chattle paper J. at bUdiscount. . Ihavo about KOUO worth of this paper m lota of I5 to tna. I want cath and must nave it. Somebody will get a anap in VlTANTED-Goon rarrftV in exchange for TT Omaha property , O.foO. Spotswood. 80 K B 16th. - , j 04 TpOR SALE Househotdfurnlture and lease o JJ houso. 013N 17th { | 103 18 TTWR SALE And rentJ'Rare bargain. A new J3 brick store bulldlna..24x 0 , with elevator , gas , etc. , for rent. Also for sale , In the build ing , nn assltpieoM storM'ttf groceries , queens- ware , nnd fixtures complete , In Glenwood ( county seat of Mills county , la. Address A. M. " ' " - .7,1 Wl K * TT10R SALE Some nnojsnung marcs and slal- -C lions , nt for road jir track. Address R. Gibson , York. Neb. y. _ Cittin ? * TTKR exchange Fine Nebraska farms for -I ? stocks or general jniilse. J. A. Bcrger , Long Pine. Neb. * ? ; 3J1 f ) i _ A T one half value Iho entire contents of n six- JrV. room hoine. No. isil Corby street. This furniture Is Just as good as new and Include i a splendid now organ. Only a small cash pay ment required , balance very cosy. II , E. Colt' , N. E. cor 15th and Douglas. 071-10 _ MISCELLANEOUS. STANDARD Stock Liniment Is the best tiling of Its kind In existence for cuts , bruises , barb w Ira wounds , etc , 'No careful horseman will be without a bottle , Manufactured -by .F , E , Sanborn end Co. , 170U S.t. Mory's avo. 10B17. PIHB bnhjo taught as an "art by Geo. F. Gellon- X beck , UH Harney st. 183 THE only cook book Is Silver Credit Coal. 218 811th. Jeff W. Bedford. 791 39 0 ! . H. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug , 409 N 30th st. , Omaha , Neb. 66J mcliil * STANDARD Horse and Cattle Food Is Just the thing to feed your horse at this flino of vear , Soveu poutuli for ( I , Manufactured by F. E. Snnborn & Co. , 1703 bt. Mary's nvo. For sale eerywhere. . 103 17 ri HE On Time Household Fair. JL The great Bargain houso. To housekeepers. Wo are bound to show you that wo can save you money lu prices. Parlor suits , Chamber sets , Bed springs , bed mattrasscs , Folding beds , side boards , carpets , Tables , chairs , mirrors , picture Lounges , commodes , tetes. Divans , rockers , curtains , stoves. Tinware , ciockery , glassware , lamps. Houses furnished complete on Easy payments 1 Easy payments I Ea ypa > mentsl Easy payments 1 Prices the lowest. Call and see Prices the lowest. Call and see G03 and 001 south Uth street , . Corner JacKson. No connection with any oilier house. Bit STORAGE. NEW YORK Storage Co. have most extensive facilities for storage ot furniture , pianos , niggles , general merchandise , west of Now TorS. cash advances to any amount ; ware- toiise receipts given ; goods insured ; brick juildlng Ore-proof ; special arrangements for jommlsslon merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th st. , Uannott's block. RG3 WANTED-TO BUY. WANTED Grey carriage hoi so , 4 to 8 years , W/ hands , 1'iV ) pounds , sound , kind , hand some ; trial and guaranty required. Drake Bros. , 31US. 15th st. 10718 WANTED Wo have a purchaser for a lot wltn elegant U-10 room house , centrally ocatecl. Paulson & Co. , 15111'aniam st. room . 015 19 SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , housohol goods at 117 North Wthst Orff&Co. 1.0 183 f 25 WANTKD-To buy short time paper , J. W. Oross , at C. E. Mayne's offlce , 15th and larney. wr 235 CLAIRVC XANT. MRS. ECCLES-The gr > ) Atest Jiving clalrvoy- ant , tells past , prosentCand futiuo ; satisfac tion guaranteed. 1 1'j N.4 th st. , room 1. llrst doorlo i ight at head ot httflrs. 141 2 * MRS. DUKANT-Clairvoyant from Uoston ; reliable In all airalra of life ; unites sep arated lovers. 32) N , 10th street , room 1. DR. NANNIE 'V. ' Warren , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and te < A medlum. Dlatrnosls free. Female diseases a tpectalty. 119 N. 16th St. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel.9Hff ! 38t CLOTHING. JPECilAfj Sale on Saturilay , several Hues at- 5 marvollously low pjclcjcs * I * . O. Jones , Amcri an clothier , 1,109 Farnatn st ; 080 17 ' rpll E great pant sale continues at 1309 Farnam X st. Better change the old ones for a brun new pair. 'Twill cost you but little. . See Jones about It. 08017 SPECIAL Sale or boys' clothing Saturday. H ) fancy check knee pant suits at $1.00 , and SOU boys' suits at greatly reduced prices. Jones , 13W Farnam. 08017 "IJUVE Hundred dozen men's line Imported In X ; grain half hose , new styles , 25c a pair , or $3.00 a dozen , at UtOU Farnam st , L > . 0. Jones , American clothier. 08017 TONES Will sell on Satm day men's line whlto tl shirts , laundrled , at 75c. 13J9 Faruam Is the number. . 08017 SPRING Ocrcoats , nobby styles. Just received by Jones at 1JOU Farnam st. See them 1 08017 MONEY TO LOAN. mo loan-414,000. No. 1 security. JL Drake Bros. , 310 S. 15th st. 13319 rTIHE Central Loan 4 , Trust Co , No. 1011 Tar JL nam st. , will furnish money promptly at low rates on choice city property. US 20 MONEY to loan , 114,000 on strictly first-class business property , Boggs St Hill , 1 M Far- : mm. c lUti 18 MONEY Ixmned on real estate , cash ou hand. H. W. Huntress. 1509 Karnnm f > t. For Sale. New live-room house and full lot , only 12,1:00 Will take good flrst mortgage notes In payment.- . W.'Huntress , 1V Far nam st. 010 W MONEY ! To loan ; short time. 1st mortgage paper bought. Mopes & King , room 'J , Crelghton block. 1U4 MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Bros. & Co. , 1523 Farnam. . 828 H E. COLE loans moiloy on Improved city or , farm property. Room 0 Continental block. 003 I" OAN8 wanted on good , productive real es" -U tote security 3 and 6 years time , optional payments and favorable terms and rates. Klmi ball. Champ St Ryan , U. S. National bank bulldj ing. 64d 17 , THE Falrbank Investment Co. , organized with ample capital , makes loans on horses , wagons , furniture , pianos , aud other personal property or collateral. Deal with responsible parties. Apply at their olllco , 215 South Uth street , up-stalrs. 418 Tlf ONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , 1U. horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket ofllce. MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Robbing , 1B1J Farnam. B90 f 21 M ( to loan. Notes ana it. R. ticket , bought abd soldi A. Fonnan , 213 S Uth sts "VfONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no lu. commission charged ) ; Leavltt Uurnllam , room 1. Crelghton block. ' 0" ' 3 a SHORT time loans nirfdS on any available security , In reasonable amount ! ! . Secured notes bought , sold or exohaugod. Genera ! financial business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and falny''at ' the Omaha Fi nancial Kxchange. N. Witter. 15th and Har ney sts. , orer State NaUpttiU band. Corbatt , manager ' , .n * 38T room 1 Barker blockentrMice In alley. MONEY IVj loan. LoWfti rates. No delay J. L. Rice & Co. . 4V c Commercial Na tional bank - TH ' 375 MONEY to Loan Ottlllurnlture. pianos. Wagons , or other porsfioa ) property without removal ; also on collateral security. Business confidential. Chas. B. Jurttos , 320 8. 15th st 10 380 ' OANS made on real1 tfftate and1 mortgages -I bought. Lewis S. Keod-ft Co. , 1521 Farnam. 377 & 500.000 to loan on city and farm real estate. < P Llnahan St Mahoney , 1607H Farnam street. 810 OJCOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 8 < P percent. G. W.Day , 8.E. cor. Ex. Bid.U73 U73 "JVfONEYto Loan By toe undersigned , who 1U. bus the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgona , ma chinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. AU business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each payment - ment reducing tha cost pro rata. , Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , aa many now concerns are dally corning into existence. Should you need money call ana MB me , W. R. Croft , room 4 Wlthnnll building , 15th and Harnev. 369 E B. BIBBER loans mpney on real estate Itamgo b'ld'g. 7 )10 ) * M' OT ' KY to'Loan-O. F. Davis Co. real estaU and loan agents , lfc Karaam t. 370 MONEY to' loan , cwn on tmnrt , no delay. J. wT&nd B. L. Bqulre , 1413 Famam st. n . ton hotel CiillJlng. MONEY T/OANRD nt C. P. Reed * CA.'n - - Odlcn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal , 319 8. 11th , over Blugham's commission store. All busl- ness strictly confldentlal. 379 6 PER CENT Money. Patterson feFawcctt 15lh and Ilarney. 37 0 LOANS made ou real ontate. Cash on hand. W. M. Harris over ! ) 8. llth st. 373 MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt lowest rates. Cosh on h.ind. First mort gages negotiated. B , F. Beaver , room 15 , chain * bor ot commerce. 3 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. OR SALE-Splcndld little business in sta- tlurtery , confectionery , cigars , fancy goods , toilet nrtlcle < i. etc. Inquire South loth st. , 3d door north of Williams st. 133 17 * FOR R.MilV A big bargain If taken at once. The best paying business In the thriving town of Mmvood , Neb. Tills la a r.iro bargain. Over Sl.OUO made since the town started lastAu < gust. Capitol required , about fcJ.fiOO. Investi gate this. .AdiUcs. * , "Illg llargaliif" I.tnwood , llutler county , Nob. Ill 19 * TilOR SAMS or cxchango , best cash grocery In Jt : the city , part ctish , balance 'approved real estatei Address IIH. Ilouolllrot 15310 * A I'lnST class meat mat-Vet for w\lo , Rood lo- JLcation and established trade. Co-opcratho Landl- Lot Cff . 303 N ICth si. 1311 18 * PARTIES having bankrupt stock for sale , or pcrsoni who wish to close out their stocks for cash , may find n buyer by addressing W. 1C. , Windsor Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. 89J 18J TjlOH SALE Drug stock. As flno location as -C thorn Is in tne city. Cloin stock. InvoU-o about 17,000. Part cash. Part In good real es tate or secured notes. M. A. Uptou Ar Co , 10th > t , oppj Chamber of Commei co. 431 FOR SALE Photocraph car doing a big busi ness. Big bargain. F6r further partlcu- "ars address W. J. Koon. Rising City , Nob. OTM7 LOOK thin up A real estate , loan , collection and insurance business for sale , with a lompleto net of abstract books of Seward ounty. Neb , qoru-ct and written up-to date , afes , desks , office furniture , etc. , and will be , old cheap. This is a snap for a good live attor- ley. County seat. Address Hamlln llros. , leward. Neb ; 834 19J SPLENDID business opdnlng , ns room hotel , located In best tow n west of Omahn. Ad dress Hominy It llalderman. room 5 anil n Mich- ihou blk , Grand Island , Neb. 840 25t "I71OR SALE First-class imiirdlng house near -I ? P. O.j rooms all occupied ; good cause for selling. X 48 llee olllce. ! Mf35 EXCHANCft. lHKfi hundred and tw onty acres clear laud , J. lloolio county , for good Omaha property. For exchange V > ,000 stock general muse. , good Nebraska tovrli , for Omaha property , Bomo : ash. Drake Ilro ! ,3Iil 8.15th st. 13319 WOULD llko to exchange equity In Ivountyo place , lot for carpets and furniture ; good ots' In this addition to trade for Improved or .inlmprovcd property. Address It J , crolghton block. 14J&I W'E will take all land in exchange for a pleas- we steam boit. now on our list. This roat is new aud made good dallj wages on the f.akoManawa last summer , latest Improvements xud screw propeller. Call and got particulars. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , SOI N loth st. 1J9 18 " \\7"ANTED ; To exchange good property for V\ city lots or bmnll farm. W. I- . Petty , W4 S. 13th. 1,00017 * FOR THADK-Equlty In four valuable lots in Walnut Hill for stock of groceries or meat market. , Address 111 , lleo ofllce. 103 lo * WANTED To exchange good property for small hoisting engine. W. F. Petty. G34 S. nth. 9l ! 17 * WANTED Horses and building material for farms , lands , lots and houses. Win. J. 'aul ' , 1009 Farnam. 009 OT In North Omaha to trade for team or J workhorses. A. P. Madson , 13033rd st. 038 Ifl * TTIOR EXCHANGE-160 acre farm in Hancock -C county , Iowa. This is a splendid piece of land , eveiy foot of It can bo plowed : is .1 miles from junction of 3 railroads. Price $ 'JO per acre , incumbrancoJ7oO , due In 2 years. Want house nnd lot ; will nssjuno Incnmbranco. II. R. Cole , ne. cot' . 15th and Douglas. 07J 20 C M'AR lots to exchange for tarms or equities _ in houses and lots. II. K. Cole , N , E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 907 31 ilOR SALE Or trade , mcrchadlsa and good ' land. 1513 Dodge st. 79710 \XTANTED Omaha property to trade forgodd lands. Special attention given to trading. C. L. Brown , Frenzer Block. 608 "E nave for trade a flrst class moat market , T T doing U good business. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 305 N 18th St. 139 18 FOR Exchange House and lot 1 block from Kountzo place , for ono or two good horses. Balance on easy terms. Hamilton Bros. , 408 So. 18th st. CCU 1G * TNSIDB city property In exchange for tarn : -L or lands. J. A. Helstaud , ' Arlington block. 575 FOR exchange IJOO.OOO wo"rth unencumbered Omahn lots for clear productive lands or other real estate. For exchange 0 good lm- < pioved farms for clear Omaha property. Drake Bros , 310 S. 15th sr. 13310 FOR SALE Or trade , land and town property In Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado. Horses , catlle and stocks of merchandise wanted. Corre spondence solicited. T , A , English it Co. , York , Neb. 745 m 8 * I HAVE for trade Improved farm in Cass Co. , near Pluttsmouth , will trade for Improved insldo proparty. Address M 30 , Bee omco. 4 OS9 "fJI7"ANTEI ) Stocks of merchandise to ex- TT chanko for lands and cty [ prorjerty ! C , C. Spotsw oed , 3U5i } S , into. 1S2 WANTRD-iStock ot groceries , dry goods , , cotlilng ) qr boots and shoes In exchange for.Omsha property or farms. Schlosluger Bros. , 6149.10th st. 12Vf24 TjlOH Eic'rtango. It you hare farms or lands to Jd sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of property to soil or ex change , list It with us ; wo can furnish youn customer. 8. 8. Campbell St O. W. Hervey , 31U Board of Trade Omaha 38.1 WANTED Houses nnd lots to exchange for ImproVed'and unluiprouod lands In Ne braska and. Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood. 305tf B. 16th. 35 i ERRASKAanci Kansas farms to exchange Jfor Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlca versa. Cooperative Lund nnd Lot Co. . 205 N 16th st. f , 694 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. BENSON * OARH1OHAEL furnish complete nnd'guaranteed : abstracts of tltlo to any real estate lq Omaha and Douglas county upoa short notice. Tha most complete set of abstract book ? in the city. No. 15W Farnani st.W > MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam strrot Complete abstracts fur- Dished , and titles to real estata examined , per fected and guaranteed , ' VORSALE-REAL ESTATE. TilOR HA1iK 7-roora house and 60 ft south and J } east front , corner lot , In west part of city , two bjocks. from par line. Small cash payment and balSnco monthly , or will irado equity for good paper"or Vacant lot. F. K. Darling , 1505 Howard. . , . JW20 , BEAUTIFUL 6 room 2 story houses with nice AI larce closet in each bed room , city , water , gas. well and cistern , convenient to car line , splendid location , desirable neighborhood , $500 cash and balance to suit , H. E. Cole , no. cor , 16th aud Dovglos , 973 23 /-1OUNEK lotonlzurd st. Track in alley. J. V ! , . Hlco & Co. 01 18 houses. CHEAP Easy payments. II , K. Cole. , 07116 fjlOll SALE Small house on' leased ground ; JC two mall houses and full lots , Omaha View. This Is snap not picked up everyday. N. A , Christiansen , at Gate City Emp. olllce , 314 8.15th , telephone 1106. * 1711H TCIAHNAU street bargain , 41 feet front near -C cornerTwenty-foui th , w 1th a $4,000 improve ment , see J , L. Rlct ) & Co. 91H , 18 JACKSON street lot. ' SooJ , L.Rloe ttCo. . 918-18 $350. Easy terms. Buy a beautiful lot In easywalklutf dlstauco ot U. P.shops. H. E. Cole , north-east corner 15th and Douglas st. uoe-ld CHOICE residence lots opposite Kountz place , only a few left. J. L. Hlce & Co. , sole agents. 1)18.18 ) I HANDLE South Omaha property exclu- slvely , and" if you wish to buy , sell or trade a bargain call. D. D. Bmeaton , Barker block. 620 pmCAOO Street , full lot bet llth an4 Uth st. L/ Sale Or trade. J. . Bice ft Co. 918-18 T OHBALR-Houso ana. lot In Walnut Hill , JC Easy payments. P. A. Gavin , sola affu t , OL1PTON pWco bargains north ttnnscom place , 8 cholra lots ou Mason str'ot , snlo or tade. J. L. Klco A Co. Hl , 18 POH BALK Cliolce rosldonco and business lots , Omaha and South Omaha , a large list to select from. Drake llros. . 318 B. ISth 8t. KB 18 HAWtKY House , North I'latto.Ncb. , for sale. On account of the death ot my w Ifo I will sell the property on easy terms. Adilress John Hawlcy. North Platte. Nob. TTJina * FOUiJALK or Trade Full lot on Farnnm t. , one block from paving and street cars. Price J.VXW. Equity JJ.OUO. Two one-fourth sections flno school laud In Kossuth county , town. Onn-sUth Interest In an mUltlon to South Otnnlia , free of encumbrance , for good western farm land , clear , or not heavily encumbered , or good Omaha properly. ( lood Intldo busluoss property , free of en cumbrance , for good house aud lot In north part of city. 8. A. Sloinan , rooms 23 and S3 , llcllman building , cor. F.irnum and Uth sts. OH SAI.E-'nro best lots In Mount Pleasant addition , oho corner ; can be divided and make three east front lots. Make offer ; must be sold In few days. Aft' , Ilceoflleo. 007 "IJ1OII Hanscom place Improved liropcrty. sco J J. L. 11190 A Co. U1S , 18 HAltNEV street Corner. See J. U. Itlce * Crt. H18-18 TTOH 8AI.K or exchange. Omatla property and J ? farms for merchandise , horses , etc. Schlcs- lugcr llros. . 0148.10th st. . . IJO-r.'l J ONES and 13th st cornar. See Ji L. Hire & Co. . 018-18 FOR SAIjE 180 acres of land tour miles front stockyards , at I12i per acre ; this Is a bar- gain. McCagUf. Opp. P. O. 391 RAILROAD men's special. We can sell you a beautiful lot fiOxliA ) feet within a few min utes of the U. P. shops at WiOj special Induce ments to parties who wish to build. U.K. Cole , no. cor. loth and Douglas. . 071 10 ill 8AI.E-T.ots 7.5 nnd n f of lot 0 , nil In block 2T > , Florence ; also out lot "OH , contain ing 4 acres ; will bo sold cheap. Address II 7 , Dee olnce. 1.V1 33 * TpOR BALK 4 elegant residence properties , A1 splendid location , small cash payments , balaiKe monthly. Drake llros. , 310 8. ISth st. 13319 OR HAIn I < ots3 and4 , block 1 , In Isaac 4 Sclden's addition , cor. iHtli street and Half Howard. Johu H. F. Lnhuumn , (131 ( S. ITth st. 100 FOR SALE Shlnn'sSid add. 6-room house , new , complete , cistern , collar ; will sell fur niture It desired , $1,00 ] cash , rest easy terms ; cheap If taken sooit. Call or address 3V13 Charles Bt. 114 ! 33 * OR 8AU3-WO will sell 10 acres close to the city , choice of the addition near to the junction of two railroads and handy to factories nt an especial bargain for n tow days , sultablo for platting Into 48 beautiful lots and every ono just right for grade. Woodbridgo llros , opera houso. 8l ! > 1ft SAUNDEHS street. 03 feet front on paved street , $1.000 less than what Is asked for prop erty surrounding It. J. Ij. Rice it Co. Olft , 18 OAP1TO L avenue lot. Bet 14th and 15th streets. See J. L. Rico. 018-18 FOR SALti. EXCHANGE OR RENT-El hty aero farm , good improvements nnd plenty of fruit , 0 miles from South Omaha. Parrlsh & Finlayson , N street , South Omaha. U12,19 L. RICE * CO. , Real Estate. 213 J.L. . HICK It CO. , Heal EUato. 215 IN South Omaha tlicrf are three houses for sale at $900 , JKO and $1.000 each , small pay ment down , balance monthly or to suit. 1) . D. Smeaton. Barker block , Omaha. 052 L RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215 EM STtCKNEY & CO. mace a specialty ot property In North Omaha , for sale or roat at Citizens' bank. 240A Cumlug st. 3JS SALE One of the best lots in Hillside No. 1 , Just across street from Yatos' now residence. Make offer ; any reasonable propo sition will be entertained for few day s ; must sell. A 30 , Bee offlce. 607 FOR SALE Bargains ; Good lot $1EO ; now house , K lot , (475 , cash ; improved farm , S1.2CO ; 40acres , $ J50 ; 100 acre ; ! , $1.000 cash ; ele gant valley farm , stone house , good Improve ments , ItiO acres , only $3,000 ; tuo other farms fl.MXl each ; 4 corners on Douglas or Dodge , cell or lease ; 40 acres Hi miles from fair ground , $10,000 cash ; 10 acres lusldo city , $ ' , X ) per aero , cash ; 100 cheapest lots ever put on the Omaha market , $5and $10 down ; can't help butmakn money on above property. Drake firo's. 310 S loth'st. 133 25 J L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215 UST Bo Sold Payment coming duo on a' lot 3 blocks from new U. P depot. South Omaha , price J1.2.W. requires $230 cash. D. D. Smeaton , Barker block. Ml /CALIFORNIA street , a beautiful 10 room W house , all modern conveniences , au elegant home. Price $7,000. M cash , balance to suit. H. E. Cole , no. cor. 15th and Douglas. 07U 23 L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 215 Notice of Incorporation. fpO Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby X given that "The Boo Building Company' ' has Hied In the office of the county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska , articles of incorpor- utloti. The principal place of transacting its business Is nt Omaha , in Douglas county and state ot Nebraska. The general nature of Its business is to acquire , own , hold , lease , mortgage , sell and convey real estate , cruet buildings and improve ments upon the same , for renting such real estate , &c. The amount of capital stock authorized is $500,000 , ten per cent of which to be paid at the time of subscribing for the sanie , and the re mainder as required by the board of directors. The corporation commenced January 15tb , A. D. HS8 , ami will terminate the 15th day of Jan- The hiKhestn'mount of indebtedness or liabil ity to which the ooiporatlon shall at any time subject itself Is two-thirds ot the capital stock Issuodi The business affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of directors of flvo members who snail select from their number a president , secretary and treasurer. EDWAHD KOSF.WATEII , MAX MEYHII , ( ! K < > . B. TZSCIIUCK , BltUNOTZSGIIUCK. . HASKELL. ' THI CHICAGO AN * North western Railway Short Line. Omaha , , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Infton and CaAromla. it iren tupulbr adTantaiM ar t poultl * br anr otiui lfn . , AfflOna a few of Vhe numeroal poInU of TOp rlorlty nloved br the pmtroDi of tbU road' between Omaha and ChlcafO , are IU two tralc * a il r of UA V COACH- KB. whlok art lb aaeit Uiat auman art and Ingenul. T can create , its PAtkcrt BLKBPlMa CAIU * . wblok' arino < lliot cwnfort and Itxaao * . IU FAUIOR pRAWINO HOOM CAR8 , anturpaiiad by anr. add Uu widely ocUtnUd PAXATIAli DINING CAB * . tb qual of which eaoaot b found luwatte. At Coun cil Blun tb train * of th Union Paetflo Railway , eon- p ot In union d pot with thoit ojtbo Chicago A Nortbweiura Ry. In Chlcatfo tb traloi of toll lln * pak clot * oonavctloa wtthlboM ofall other oartera For Dftrolt , Colambaf , 'AidlankpolU. ClqclonaU , 111. Buffalo , fttuaurr , Toronto , Montreal. , uunob , New York , t-hllitdelpbTa , lialtlisora. Watb- fngtoo , and all pita la Ui ti ( , aik for a ticket TW HCOIliTT. 9. T. WILSON , Gcol. Manager , Geni.PaM' < * " " " * . . cocr. .B-npi. ( Qwijuw Kftbrttu * JOSEPH CltLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MBDAZ. PAlIS SXPOSITION1313. No * . 3O3-4O4- - O4. THI MOOT PKriOT 07 P3NS , FOENTAIN FINK OUT AND p ] ' th B * t HMiIWlT ) * .jl'i tnto ti rucgciiirriiD WITI T oioimiriiT er TIM courtar wiu , tti IT iXAMinua inn Ar tiut TH CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND MCIFIC RAILWAY I\f \ rttion of III c ntr l ] > oiltlan. los relation to line * Kul of Chlctiro , and conttn-J.nn UaM at IcrmtojJ point * W it , Morthwnt tnd PoathwMl , It the trn * tnt.MIe link la Uv t tr nioonlta nt l 7 > tera vhtoh Inrllti nd f rtlll tr r l aoil Unfflo btlDMn tha Atl ntlo odr cl o. The nock IiUad main lln * and bnaeiM Inclodt Cht * f o , Jtill lOlt w , L ? ! ! , rtorlk , Q nn o. Malta * k&d Rock IiUnd , In llllnolu puTcnporl. Muicklln * , TTniklogton , Fftlrfltld. Otturaw * . Oak tees . W i4 ttb * rlyIowa Cll/l > i Molnti , Indl nol , Wlnter * l , Atlui * Ut , KioiTlUe , Andabon , HtMin , nathtla Coatr * aad , lalown | O M ltn , Trtnto CAtntroa nod KtniM Cltr , la HUionrlt | Lttil'nworUi Kd AtoMion , In KknnU I Albert L , Mlnntapolll anil rani , la Muwtiott i Tft rt own and lions falli. ! pakoU , and hundred ! of IdttrratUUle elllai and town * . tVThe Great Rook ( aland Routs "fl OanrtnUM ip * d , comfort , certainty and f tjr. it * r It dlitlnf ulUiKl for IU eiettionen , IU KrmiuuBl of itono and Iron. IU tr ct It ot Iupan ng re < ] iilptaml oitfal. and for luxarloui accommodation ! It uinar > pumd. IU Etpr Tralai eonsltl of ( npfrior P jr Coach * * , l > ganl Pullman r Uc Purler and Slcoploc Can , tupf rb Dlftlnf can , proTldlng dollcloni meali. aad ( bciwoen Chicago ana Bt. Joxph. Atchlicn andl Xaniai Cltjr ) nitfnt Rccllnln * Chair Can. It * man agement U eonitrratlro , IU dliclpuno x ctln | r'Th ffamous Albert Lea Route" Between Chicago and Hlnneapolli and Bt. r . ' ' 1 th * taTorlte , Orer thli lir.c Solid rut Eiproii Tralni run dally to atlractlTe reiortt for totrifti In low * and Klanesota , and , T | Water-town and Slout ralli , to l rich wheat and grating land * ot Interior Dakota. Via Itneca anil Kankakeo , th * Rock Itliuid offer * ecperlor Inducement * to trUTelerl between Cincinnati * Indian * apollt , I , far tU and Council Bluff * , St. Joteph. AUhU on. Leareiiworth , Kansa * CUj , Bt , I'aul. and lnt rm - dlat * point * All patronl ( eipclallr ladle * and chil dren' ) recelfaprotectlon. courteir and klndlf attention. Tor ticket * , mapt" , f olden , cople * of Weitern Trait , or air deitred Information , apply to principal once * lit the United BUM * and Canada , or add reif : , atChtcaio , R. R. CABU , I , ST. .BUN , t. A. HIUIHI , AuttiOlltMni. THE OMAHA BEE , -DKLIVEIlFIl TO- fflPMTOPI ! -nv cAitniKU Fan- 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Bend your order to tha onice , 1029 P Street. Capital Hotel Building THECAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The belt known amt most popular Hotel to the elate. Location central , npnolntmenti nrst-oladu lleadqunrlcri for commercial uien and all political andpubucgathouu E.P KOC10KN Proprlotor WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of Hi 8 llodf enlarged and itrtnatttened. Kull particu lars sent Mated free. KIUB MKD.OO , JlDrrii.o.N. V. rejult of over-Work , Indiscretion , etc. , addrcei abutt > THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , A OMAHA. I SUBURBAN TRAINS. Running between Council Blutts and Albright In addition to the stations mentlonnd , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets and at the Summit in Omaha. Westward. Eastward. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND 41'ACIFIO. A No.H 4:00p.m. : D No , I..10fi0a. : m. ir No. a nno p. m. A'No. 13..11-'Wa. in. O No.U 8:30a.m. : U No.fi 0:05p.m. A No.4 , 0 : < 0am. A No.3. . 7:00pm. : CHICAGO , BDHUNGTON It QUINCY. C No.3 : &Uo.m. I ) No. 5 940a ; > m. A No.4. . , 0:40a.m. : A-No , 15 10:00a. : m. C * No. 14 1.2:30p.m. : C tNo.7 BaOpm. : A No.O 7:01) ) 11. m. A No. : i , CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN , A No. 0 0:40 : n. in.IA Tto.3 0:11 : a m. A'No. 8 4:00 : p. in. A No. 7 11:31) a. m. A No.4 4'Mpm.A : | No.5 7iOOp.jo. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. A No.a 9:40am.A : | No.5 11a.m. ; ANo.0 4:00p. : IU.IA No.it , 7OJp. : nu KANSAS CITVT ST. JOK- * COUNCIL BLUFFS. A No.3 , 9J2a.m.A | No. . ' ) . , . . . . fl:3fta : , in. A No,4 ,9lOp.m.A : | No. 1 B Wp.m. 81OUX CITV & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05a. : m.lA No.9 8:59 : a. m. A No.U 7:00p. : in.A | No.U 9:00p.m. : OMAHA * ST. LOUia. No.g :40p.pi.A : | Adallfl Ildally xtept Hat.i O daily xcept Ban. ; II c pt Jlon.i IVart Will probably ch ngao4:00p : . w.bCartl