Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    < 5 <
( Monilnc Edition ) Including Sunday
Urn. ( ) m > Yeur $101
For MX Months ft (
Kor'J'hrcoMonths ! ! 1
TIio Omuha Sunday Hr.i : , mulled to nny nd-
tlren , Ono Year 2 <
OMAHA OxncK.Nop.aHANnflinKAiixAMHTiiKr. :
NEW YOUR OrKiCK , Koovsll ANH rrriiinf.N
liuit.Disn. WASHINGTON OrricB , No. Cl
All communications minting to news nml oil
torlnl matter should bo mldresned tothu Kuito
ot'tm : HEP. .
mrsiNnss I.KTTRUS.
All business letters nnd remlttnnccn should 1 :
addressed to Tiu : Hun Pcnt.isiiiMi COMP\N <
OMAHA. Drafts , chrrkft and poatofflco ordcrn t
be iniulo paynlilo to the order of tlio coinpuii )
7be Bee PnlsWniTciiiiaiiy , Propricloi
E. ROSBWATER , Kditor.
THE 1 > AIMT fiEE.
Sworn Statement ofClrculatlon.
Etftto of NoVrnskn , I „ „
County < if Donning" ? . 1H > <
Goo. It. T/schutk , Hccrotnry of The Hoe Pn1
JlslilnKcotmmny , dots solemnly swear that tli
nctiiiu clruimtjon of the Dully lleo for the wee
nulliiif KG ) ) , in. 18M < , was ns follows :
Hnturilny , Pel ) . 4. . i 1S.O'
Hnmlny. I'uli. Ii
Monday , Pot ) . II
TueMluy. Feb. T 15,61
Weilncfdny , Feb. 8 ir > .K
Thursday , rob. 0
Friday , Fob. 10 16.0
Average 15.71
Pwom to and subscribed In my prescncn th
llth day of February , A. D. , 1 W. N. I' . FBI L ,
Notary Public.
Bttito of Nebraska. I _ „
County of Donxlixss , f " "
Oeo. 11. Tzschuck , bclnj { ( Irst duly sworn , d
poses and nays that ho Is secretary of The Hi
PtthllHhliiK company , that the actual nvcnu
dally circulation of the Dally Dee for the mtmt
of Tubruary , 1W7,14,178 copies ; for March , ] h
K400copies : for April. IWi7 , 14,1110 copies : f (
May. It-Wl , 14.-J27 conies ! for June , 1W)7 ) , 14,1
copies ; for July , IhK ? , ItfW copies ; for AUKtis
J 7 , 14,151 copies ; for September , 1W7 , 14.3
ropieHjfor Octolte/r , IBS , H.ilX ) ; for Novembe
1WT. KjSM copies ; for December , IHS7 , 15,0
copies ; for January , 1S8S , ViSUO copies ;
Bworn and subscribed to In tny nrosenco th
M day of January. A. D.lkkS. N.P.KKII , . -
Notary Public.
THKKE is ono consolation loft to tli
taxpayers of this city. They hav
courts that will protect thorn from booi
ling and jobbery.
' IF the managers of the gas compan
do not muzzle their fool friends , an
especially Hascall , we may be under th
necessity of doing some very plain tails
ing about ' 'the boys. "
LOBBYISTS throughout the country or
said to have passed a very hard wintei
Iftruo this is ono of the most oncouraf
In-g signs of moral regeneration in pol
tics that have appeared for a long tim <
ACCOIUMNO to Hascall , the robber
roost will not bo located on upper Fai
nam during the remainder of his torn
Nobody expects that it will , unless th
courts order Hascall and the boodl
gang located in Boss Stout's hotel.
HAIU'EU , the wrecker of the Fidolit
tmnk of Cincinnati , says there would t
but few national banks in the hands <
receivers if the examiners did the !
duly. This ox-Napoleon of finance en
safely bo regarded as an authority <
bank examination.
Tire present political situation give
promise that the next national republ
can convention will bo one of the moi
, iHteresting in the history of the part ;
It will not moot to carry out a cut-nut
dried programme , and the chances ai
that the best man will win.
Tim first shipment of beef for Cal
fornia from Kansas City is now on i
way. The Pacific merchant marin
will soon bo carrying moat from tli
western states to the orientals , and tli
( Treat middle west is rapidly becomin
the supply station of the world.
ROSCOB CONKMNO is reported 1
have written a letter in which ho'n
views the whole field of politics. No
Is probably as good a time oa any for M :
Conkling to speak , if ho has anything 1
say , and ho may rest assured of rocer
Ingrat least respectful attention.
ALT. reports that Cleveland is coi
tdmplatlng writing alottor withdrawin
his name as a candidate may safely I
regarded as mere inventions. Grove
has too easy a thing on the noramatio
to refuse it , and it is very questionabl
il the charming influenccrthat is neares
to his heart and confidence would pe
mit him to do so. Mr. Cleveland , it
entirely safe to soy , has no intention 1
emulate Mr. Bluino.
SKNATOU BfcAin , in advocating tli
pMsage of his bill for promoting mend
cancy , proclaimed himself the cran
that he ia , In trying to explain the oj
poaitiou of public sentiment to his odi
cation bill ns voiced by the pros
ho charged that every grei
newspaper in the country has
Jesuit on ita staff whose business it
to strike a blovf wherever there was n
opportunity at the common school syi
torn of the country. The old man wn
certainly driven to a severe strait fc
argument when ho made this moi
tiiliculous assertion , and yet there wor
thirty-nine seimtors who by their vet
virtually endorsed it. What wondc
tuat the senate of the United States hi
almost-lost-the popular respect and coi
IT is gratifying to learn , on the ai
thorlty/of the Montana Lire Stock /OBI
iiaf , that the' statements which hov
been published of largo losses of cattl
ia. that territory duo to the sevot
wiuUsr weather had ho foundation i
laot. Having aaiplo moans of inforidt
tlon that paper states that there ho
been no unusual loss of stock anywhor
within tlio limits of the ranges of Moi
tmta. . On thcr contrary the losses thu
far have been nominal and do not o :
coed those of the most favorable sei
sons of past years , , stock of all kiiu
being in excellent condition. Stocl
sum who- have been seen by the Jbtinu
ay. that with a continuance of tli
present fa vorablo wpathorortha absent
ot lonpr nnd severe storms , the poreen
ago of stock loss for the winter will IK
exceed , if it should ovou reach , two ot
ceut , The same authority states , us t
failures , that thoro-has boon but ono n
corded in the history of the territory
nd that occurred last summer. On th
whole the situation nnd outlook of tli
cnttlo interest of Montana appear to I
ill that could bo .reasonably desired.
Do the Farmers Want Wnr Tnxrs ?
The attempts which are being madi
by high protection organs to oducati
the farmers into a support of the contin
unnco of wilr taxes ore decidedly enter
tnining. Under the lend of the Not
York Tribune , which claims to bo th
apodal friend of the farmer , whllo 1
really voices the wish of plutocrats ot the cast nnd west havi
been deluged with circulars calling fo
their opinion upon , tariff reform. Scv
oral thousands of letters from farmer
having been collected , a committee hn
been appointed to digest nnd pnbllsl
the results. That renowned ngrtcul
turlst "Wood-pulp" Miller , of Not
York , has been placed in charge am
the results may shortly bo expected t
appear in support of a widespread dc
mnnd on the part of American farmer
for increased tariff protection.
It is safe to predict that intolligon
farmers of the west who buy thct
goods in the dearest marko
and are compelled to &ol
their products in the cheapest marko
will not bo found bubbling over wttl
enthusiasm at the prospect of a main
tcnanco of the present war taxes. Will
every article of domestic conaumptioi
enhanced from twenty to ono hundrci
per cent in order to build up the for
tunes of the struggling Bessemer stec
barons , the blanket kings of Now Ertg
land nnd the agricultural ninchinor ;
millionaires of the whole country , th
farmers of the west , who are oducatoi
and intelligent , arc not likely to swini
into column behind the henchmen o
the various protected monopolies. 1
few thousand letters from bogus farmer
and truck gardeners of the manufactur
ing towns of Now England and the mid
die states will not bo swallowed by th
people of the west ns the views of th
agricultural producers of this country
Western farmers are rapidly becomiti ]
educated upon the tariff ques
tion. They have learned thn
it is a question which affect
their pocketbooks most intimatolj
They have 'learned that a scvontee
dollar per ton tariff on steel roils mean
something more than the upbuildin
of the iron industries ol Pennsylvuni
and of Illinois , and that the tax thu
placed upon the finished product nt th
outset is continued in perpetual taxs
tion through increased railroad tolls
They have learned through bitter experience
perionco that the enhanced cost of rail
road building means an enhanced co ;
of moving every pound of the product
raised upon their farms and au addi
tional cost to every article which enter
into domestic consumption. They huv
found out ; moreover , that through th
operations of the tariff they are force
to compote in the sale of wheat an
grain with the free trade markets c
the world , while they are compelled t
buy in the homo markets whore coir
petition with the markets of the worl
is stifled through war tariffs and trusts
The demand for tariff reform and
reduction based upon a rational corr
parison of the actual cost of productio
at American wages comes largely froi
the farmers of the west. They will d <
cline to have their views distorted , o
their honestly expressed wishes poi
verted by such a showing ns the Noi
York Tribune proposes to make. The
will emphatically protest against boin
misrepresented by a few leaders or
monopoly journal which is clamorin
to-day that the taxes shall be taken o
whisky and tobacco in order that the
may be maintained upon farm mi
chinory , blankets and clothing. Who
the honest , unbridled expression of th
farmers of the west upon tariff rofori
is hoard it will make itself felt on
line entirely different from that whic
the organs of monopoly are now attemp
ing to place.
The Ulnlr Bill Passed the Senate.
' The Blair education bill passed th
senate on Wednesday , receiving a mt
jority of ten in a vote of sixty-eiglr
Four senators were paired , and fou
others , including Senator Paddock , t
Nebraska , did not go on record. Sent
tor Mandorson , of this state , voted fc
the measure. The result was not unej
pocted. Despite all that has boon pr <
sented of arguments and facts to she
that this measure is not required by th
section for which it was originally an
is still chiolly intended , is not asked fc
by the majority of the people of thi
section or of the country , and must ha\
the effect if it should become a law <
checking the now vigorously growin
popular sentiment in the southern state
in behalf of public oducatiot
it became evident some time ng
that the bill would got through th
senate. It has done so by a reduce
majority , demonstrating that the argi
monts and foots have not been ontirel
without weight , but while a few of th
senators who had previously committe
themselves to the support of the mcasur
Uad th'o courage to change position i
manly acknowledgment of the altorc
conditions , and in _ disregard of wha
over political considerations may hav
before prompted their action , most c
them adhered to their past course an
remain on record in support of thisun
justifiable and pernicious measure.
The senate having disposed of thi
troublesome bill , doubtless to the grcc
relief of that body , it ia now noccssnr
that public sentiment in opposition t
the measure shall be brought to boa
vigorously upon the house. The likol
hood of i a passing that body is cei
tainly not very great , but it will not b
well for its opponents to permit the !
zeal to bo weakened by ovor-conlidoncc
Having the strength of the argumoii
with them , in whatever aspect the mal
tor is viewed , with new facts comin
forward almost dally to increase th
supports of their position , their obvion
duty is to continue the fight with adde
earnestness and vigor. Now tostlmon
is steadily coming forward from th
south showing that the intelligent ok
men t of the population there not enl
does not ask for the govon ;
nient aid to education provided for b
the Blair bUltbutbelteves tlwit such ai
would be ultimately damaging In il
effects. The superintendent of publl
instruction of Texas says in a rcceutl
puolished letter that ho believes th
bill , if it should become a law , * 'woul
impede the progress of popular oduqi
tiou in thq south. " Ho says furthqt
"Tho southern states have never bee
in BO good a condition educationally a
they are at present. The growth I
normal , healthy * nnd strong. Intcres
in the education of the masses is grcntc
than it has over boon. Opponent
of public schools have been con
verted or silenced. In tin
meantime the spirit of Eclf-hcl |
has grown apace with the rnpli
Industrial development. " It is thi
spirit which it ia most desirable t
foster , strengthen nnd build up. "Tak
the " General Armstrong
out self-help , says
strong of the Hampton school"Uhd th >
rest is not worth much. Apply th
Blair bill to the southern school system
nnd it will chock the growth of the bcs
thing in southern life , the effort of th
people to educate themselves. " W <
recently presented some facts from th
reports of btato school superintendent :
in the south showing conclusively thu
public education is Hulking rapid progress
gross in that section , and clearly ovi
dancing' that if the people there are al
lowed to manage this mutter for themselves
solves there need bo no npprohonsioi
that they will not do so wisely ami Well
The house of representatives is uetiro
to the people than the senate , nnd mor
susceptible to the influence of popula
sentiment. However great the prescn
improbability , therefore , of this objcc
tionablo nvcusurc passing the houbc
there should bo no abatement of the ac
tlvity and zeal of these who bcltovo thn
upon constitutional , educational , ccon
oniic and political grounds this bill i
obnoxious and should not become n law
the Bellwether's Programme.
The bellwether of the council is call
ing loudly Jor the people to attend thi
taxpayers' meeting nt the board of tfndi
rooms Saturday night. Ho professes t
bo anxious to know public opinioi
about the city hall job , and proclaim
himself ready to do what the people do
sire. This is a new departure. Whoi
did Hascall over pay attention to pul
lie opinion , and when bus ho eve
heeded the wishes and protected the in
terests of the taxpayers ?
How was it during his first term ii
the council when ho was engineerini
the infamous Holly waterworks job ?
At that memorable period Hascal
kicked the petitions and remonstrance
of his constituents of the Second wan
under the table without allowing then
to bo read. In these days the bell
wether and his deluded followers had t
go to the council meetings armed will
canes , clubs , knives nnd revolvers , fo
fear of being lynched by the indignan
taxpayers. Ho defied public opinion
nnd compelled citizens to seek protection
toction in the courts against him aiv
the boodle gang which Dr. Cushing hai
subsidized to foist the Holly swindle 01
this city. Huscall was , of course , re
tired in disgrace when his term closed
by the people , who wore disgusted witl
his villainous conduct. He la ,
quiet for a few years , and cam
back again under the prctens
of favoring public improvements
No sooner had ho reappeared in th
council than th'e old mania for doviltrj
rascality and lawlessness took possessioi
of him. Again the petitions and re
monstrances of the tax-paying citizen
wore ignored nnd injunctions had to b
procured to keep the bellwether fror
riding rough-shod over the property
owners who wore opposed to the sand
stone paving job. When that ton
was out , Hascall , as usual
'took ' a rest on the political shell
For several years ho.cultivated chorrief
raspberries and the Knights of Laboi
and spent his energies in hismonumonl
al roadhouse. Last fall ho blossome
forth again as the champion of pubh
improvements , and once more was re
turned to the council. No sooner' hui
ho landed on the floor than rascality
jobbery and lawlessness were agaii
rampant. The fight against the polic
commissioners was followed by the stai
vation of the police , and the exposur
of the city to thugs , thieves and crooks
Under cover of that conflict the boodl
gang operated very boldly and raide
the treasury through contractors an' '
pay roll barnacles. That was the score
of Hascall'sleadershipandcontrolot th
When the supreme court sat dow :
upon Hascall the combine broke t
pieces , and the bellwether was stunne
and paralyzed. But ho recovered vor ,
quick , and took a now tack which re
united the gang that had followed hir.
through the summer. Ho raised a hu
and cry about the city hall foundation
started aschemo of city hall removal
adroitly engineered the scheme to le
Bronnan out of his obligations , an
gave the contractor a chance to preson
a monstrous claim against the citj
In all those moves Hascal
never aSked the taxpayer
for their opinion. Did ever auybod ,
petition for or endorse the starvatio
policyV Did ever anybody petition t
abandon the city hall until after Has
call had tried to put it on wheels ? Hav
the taxpayers asked to have Brennni
nnd Regan released from their oblign
lions ? But now Huscall is anxious t
hour from the people and the taxpayers
Does anybody believe him to bo sincere
The bellwether's programme is to hnv
the board of trade ' hall pftckci
with the brass band gang am
the contractors' strikers. Instoa
of hearing .what the people am
the taxpayers have to say concornini
the course of the council Huscall am
his mo'b will monopolize- mcotliij
with abusive harangues to justlf ,
their intamous conspiracies agains
the taxpayers. In other words
Hascall nnd his clients , the contractors
arc to endorse Hascall and donounc
everybody who objects to their piratlca
raids upon the city treasury. If Hascal
imagines he can dupe and bulldoze thi
community ho is very much mistaken
Ho is very nearly at the end of his rope
Ho may bo able to hold the dupes am
rogues of the old council and ho may b (
able to frustrate the needed construe
tion of a public- building , but ho wil
not bo allowed to bankrupt this city b ,
his boodle schemes.
Xho Darkey in U'liat AVootlplle.
The darkey in that city hall woodpll
has made his appearance on very shor
notice. Hnscall succeeded in hidlni
him under his "confedt1 overcoat jus
long enough to bamboozle Mayo
Broatch into signing the resolutions re
jcctlng Mr. Myers' plans and lotUrtj
Brunnun out of the city hall buildlii ]
contract. Now wo have the true in
wardncsa of the beautiful scheme to enlarge
large the city hall grounds nnd plant :
posoy garden on Governor Suundors
lot. Huscnll's client , the late contract
or. cornel to the front with his llttl
bill. And these are the modest figure
nt which ho wants to cancel his Int
very unpleasant employment.
The Kqgnn contract which Brennni
assumed included the construction a
the siib-basomout and bnseuionl to tin
top of the water table for the hum o
$48,040. On this contract Pvor.ntin hn
yet over twenty thousand dollars'wortl
of work to do and material to furnish
according' to Architect Myers' plan
and estimates. But Myers having beoi
discharged by the council and the worl
stopped by last week's resolution. Brcn
nan coolly pretends that the unfinishcc
work can bo done for 815,820. , Deductlnf
this amount from the original contrac
price there would bo $44,8120 duo fo
what Bronnan has dono.
To this amount Mr. Brcnnnn mod
estly adds $7,704.24 for extras titu
8583.60 for interest , making $53,107.74
Brannnn acknowledges that ho has ro
ccivcd $10,2o6.32 from the city , am
claims a balance duo him of $33,851.42
What n barefaced imposition ! Wha
cheek for Brcnnan to claim ever 87,00
of extras , when , according to Myers , i
will take $1,500 to replace tljo bad worl
and poor materials in the basement
What sublime impudence to claim $58
interest , when it i < 3 notorious that Bron
nan was required to complete the build
ing by the 1st of July , 1887 , and by hi
neglect has entailed on the cit ,
a loss of thousands ot dollar
of needless rent for city olllccs
Instead of $33,851 being duo him , th
most liberal allowance would bo undo
$10,000. Hero is the milk in the Has
call cocoanut. The contract make
the city hall architect the arbitrate
between Bronnan and the city. Mycr
refused to give Brennan any mrfro esti
mates unless he complied with thi
plans and specifications. So Huscul
gets the council to reject Myers' plan
and discharge Myers. With the plan
and Myers out of the way Bronnai
comes up smiling with his bogus clairi
of $33,851 , confident that if the commit
tco to whom. it was referred cuts i
down Hascall and the council boodlcr
will try to arbitrate it for him , am
leave him a very big margineven nfte
deducting the expense of ongiueorini
this neat job through the council.
NOTHING could bo more absurd thai
to assume , as some democratic paper
have done , that there was a deal be
tweenBlaino and Sherman. Thegrount
for such an assumption is the repor
that Sherman sai . ho had expected i
declination fromiBlaine , and for tha
reason ho avowed , his own candidacy
It appears that Mr. Blaine had madi
known to several [ parties , before his departure
parturo for Europe ] , that ho would no
sock the nomination , and it is quit
possible he did to Mr. Sherman , but hi
doing so and the action of Shormai
based thereon Would certainly notimpl ;
| that there was any * , deal. The only raJ
tional deduction to be made from Shor
man's statement , if trup as reported , ii
that the withdrawal of Mr. Blaine fron
the list of presidential candidates is sin
cere. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
IT is very unlortunate for Omaha tha
a majority of the public servant
in the city council ore uttorl ;
reckless , dishonest and thoroughl ;
demoralized. We can hope fo
no relief until they .are either retire <
by the people or removed by the crlm
inal courts.
Henry George is said to bo worth $80,000.
Mrs. Colla Thaxtcr Is giving readings ii
General John C. Fremont resides at Lo
Mark Hopkins , son of the late president o
Williams college , is writing a novel.
Cornelius Vanderbllt allows no liquor to b
sold near a railroad station where ho cai
prevent it.
Dr. Mary Walker will celebrate the flftletl
anniversary of her birth by returning to thi
garb of tier sex.
Senator Cockrcll la credited with bavin ]
used tUreo gallons of ink in his private cor
rcspondonce last year.
The truth of thereport that Labouche.n
won 35,000 at Monte Carlo by means of i
system is vouched for by the croupiers o
that famous gaming resort.
'As a proof that old age Is rapidly'overcom
Ing Benjamin F. Butler , it is noted by i
Washington corresponctant that the genera
qo longer wears a bunch of flowers in hi
It is estimated that in order to bo able t
wear all his decorations and orders at on >
time Prince Bismarck would require abreast
thirty feet In breadth. Their weight amount !
to a little ever forty pounds.
George Macdonald , the poet nnd novelist
is now living in Bordighoro , an Italian tow
near the French frontier , cnjoylng.doubtlcsa
another ' -quiet neighborhood. " Ho ia nov
nearly sixty-four years old.
Representative Holman , who is known ti
fame as the "Grca'Oboctor | ] , " has made tin
Alcmn announcement that ho is once merion
on guard , and thatfto proposes to invostigoti
carefully all appropriation bills comiug be
fore congress.
Two brands of oiffars , made by rival flnm
in Blnghamton , N. ' Y. , have boon namui
"The Bill Nye. " Otttiof the firms says thn
the cigars are named after Mr. Bill Nye o
Binghumton. The other brand Is named foi
Bill Nye , the W6rfV ( < J humorist , and with hh
consent. In a IcHor'jjranting permission lei
this use of his name the famous funny mai
says that "a boy" fn Ohio , two in Iowa , i
quick colt in Kentucky , n curly-faced bull it
Minnesota , a mine in .Lcadvillo , a town ii
Wisconsin and a brand of chewing tobacco it
South Carolina" already bear his uaino.
Should Co-Exltit. Journal.
If fashions wore over governed by commor
sense , the bustle and the roller-skato woult
como nnd go together.
A Redeeming Feature.
St. Lmtli Republican.
It should be berne in mmd by indignanl
citizens during tha present rclgn.of terror ii
Chicago thatthoui'h burglaries occur nightly
and murders frequently , the situation mlghl
bo worse. There ai QUO loud posters on th (
bill boards.
A Great Combination.
H'lM/ilin/fou / Critic.
Mr. C. P. Hutttington waters bis PaclfU
railroad testimony with tears , , and waten
his Pacific railroad stock with tfio "nblo cl
forts" of himself nnd his fclloW officers. C
P. Is great and the U. S. f his profit.
Kit Route Toward Gettysburg.
Kdwnrtl S. Ctramtf.
Prom Colonel Aylctt. who wore tlio gray ,
Wo get the facts wo hero nrrny :
Leo's invaders were on their way.
Passing n Pennsylvania town ,
Greencastlo , n modest village brown ,
Women looked out with fejjr nnd frown ,
Ono the Old Flag ns nn npron wore ;
Waved it with prlclo ns she stood by her ( loot
whllo the sohllcra In gray marched past foot
sore ,
Daring these men brothers , nlas !
To touch the ling , this handsome lass
Trios to annoy them us they pas * .
Her pluck nnd loyalty have charms ;
Plckctt salutes her , no ono hums , .
And ono marching regiment carries arms.
Many salute her with n sigh ,
Thinking of homo with moistened eye , .
As on toward Gettysburg they bio.
Snrnh Smith was the name that slio bore
When Gettysburg shook with the battle'
ronr ,
On Famd's fair pogo put her name to th
fore 1
Nebraska Jotting * .
Edgar will invest $20,000 in water
Lincoln 1ms succeeded in shoving th
"queer" on "Norfolk , to the number c
" "
"There are 0,720 government pension
crs in Nebraska who receive $188,407.6
The Holdrogo Nuggcthoists the nanv
of General Phil Sheridan for prcsidun
and Walter Q. Greshain for vice prcsi
The Beatrice Canning company hn
disposed of all its goods manufacture !
the past season. The total value of tin
company's output for the year wusabou
Kearney's elegant now hotel , tin
Midway , is rightly named. It is ns nca
the center of the continent as it couli
bo placed without stretching the corpo
ration limits.
The managers of the Beatrice ndvcr
tising scheme have wisely decided t
give the homo papers orders for spocin
editions , which will be ecattcrei
throughout the country.
The report of the treasurer of Purnn
county for 1887 snows $79,905 collected
a total balance in cash on hand o
$15,722 , with delinquent taxes uncol
looted amounting to $89,903.
The Lincoln Democrat is again squirt
ing malice from a stale syringe at tin
Omaha postofflce bill in congress. For
tunately the odors of the operation an
confined and disinfected before loavin ;
the shop.
The Grand Island Independent believes
lioves that "Elaine's letter of with
drawal from the presidential'race i
about as much of a resignation as presidential
dontial candidate as Bibtnarck's lat
speech was a declaration of peace. "
The articles of incorporation of thi
Farmers' Co-operative association o
North Bond have been filed in the oilici
of the county clerk. The capital stool
is $8,000 , in shares of $20 each mon
than one-half of which is to bo sub
scribed before filing. The corporatioi
is to run for a period of twenty years
On the 12th of January a son of Josopl
Schaaf , eight years of ago and living
with his parents six miles northwest o
Atkinson , started to visit his marriei
sister living one milo from homo. Hi
had traveled only one-half a milo whei
the storm came up and ho could not sei
which way to go. It seems by the find
ing of his remains that ho h'ad turnct
about when the storm came up am
started to return homo again , but losim
h'is way drifted with the storm soutl
about two and _ a half miles to a farn
owned by Miss Grace McFarland , when
ho was overcome and buried in the
drifts. His motner has boon nearly
frantic slnco his loss and his father anc
neighbors have searched each dai
without success until Monday last , whet
the body was found on the corner of th <
place above mentioned. He was a vori
bright , active' little fellow and the los's
by sickness of his brother two years
older , only one week before , mates i
very hard for the parents to bear. Mr
Schaaf 'a people are a very thrifty , in
dustrious German family and deserve al
the sympathy that can bo extended ty
the good people of Nebraska.
Iowa Items.
A mammoth whale is on exhibition a
Twenty-six counties in Iowa have IK
corn for sale ; seven counties are buyinj
corn and forty-seven counties can span
an average of 13 per cent of the crop o
last year.
A young lady near Muscatine used 11
broomstusk with tellingoltect ona schoo
teacher of the opposite sex , for whicl
he had her arrested for assault with intent -
tent to commit great bodily injury.
A party of railroad mon quarreled al
Burlington Monday while riding on the
footboard of a switch engine. Ono ol
the party , named James Miller , was
knocked off the engine , which passet
ever him , crushing both logs just below
the knee.
The Prlmghar Boll says : "Our com'
panion in distress stroked us under the
chin afowovoningsagoaftersho learned
we wore carrying a life insurance policy
of 33,000. Yes , wo replied , and you wili
get it all , but in case t live the longest
wh t do you leaye me ? 'Oh , I will
leave you my fancy work. ' "
' The dog poisoner is abroad in Dcnd-
wood , and several puns are primed foi
Alexander's now school building is tc
bo two stories high , 05x80 , and will cost
$5,000. -
There is a Catholic population in Da-
koto of 80,000,130 , churches , 24 schools
2,000 pupils and 10 industrial schools.
Switch tracks have been laid to the
stone quarries near Buffalo Gap , and
the work of development will seer
The city council of Aberdeen have
adopted a system of sewerage , known as
the "pumping system , " at u cost ol
Brcvltle * .
Yesterday's internal revenue collec
tions amounted to $12,932.01.
The police of Preston , Minn. , have
written to the chief hero for informa
tion about ono James Patterson , wanted
there on a charge of bastardy.
There scorns to be a great con tempt on
the part of many people for the ordi
nance relating' to the obstruction ol
streets and in different parts of the
city there have boon for some time ob
structions nnd excavations without any
red lights near them at night. Chiol
Soavoy has determined to punish all
violators of this ordinance , and 1ms
ordered his o Ulcers to promptly report
all violations of the law.
The Gould Larceny Case.
NEW YOIIK , Feb. 10. The charges against
Jay Gould nnd Russell Sago , made on behalf
of the stockholders of the Kansas Pacific
railroad company , of appropriating to their
own use (3,000,000 of the company's bonds ,
wore laid before the grand jury this morning ,
Monday next witnosaca will bo summoned.
Their Sato Lend * to n Bqnnbblo a
the Uonrd Meeting.
A called mooting of the board of Cilucnlloi
was held last nlglit ( o consider the claims o
Spltzer & Co. , of Toledo , In their bids for th
school bonds. Messrs. Clnrk , Clarke , Mot
rlson , Gray nnd Llvcsny were absent and fo
nn hour and a half Spltrer nrgueil with th
board and no definite business wnstrati
sactcJ. The situation is something llko this
A few months ni o tlio board advertised fo
sale $ ' 00,000 worth of school bonds. Non
of the bids were satisfactory mul they wor
all rejected. The highest bid was froii
Splt70r & Co. , of Toledo , and Treasure
Hush personally Informed Spitzcr that lit
bid wns the highest nnd tlmt It hud boon nc
copied. In u letter to Han U & Co. , Chicago
nlllcs of Spitzcr & Co. , Hush said that tin
bid of Spitzcn & Co. Jmd been accepted.
These nets on the part of Hush Were with
out the consent of the hoard , without whiel
ho could tuUo no oflleliil action In the mnttor
But on this privnto Information Spltaor tool
the liberty to sell $ TiOK)0 ( ) worth of the bond
Mennwhllo the board , wishing to rnlso som
ready money , decided to negotiate npiivati
sulo with the Omnhn Loan mid Trust com
pany of f 100,000 of the bonds. This was done
mid as soon as Spltzer li-anicd of it ho cam
In hot Imsto to Omaha. Last night ho mi
pcnrcd before the board nnd claimed tlmt h
had boon unfalily dealt with nnd severe ! ;
criticised the committee on llimiico who lun
tlio mutter In churgo.
The first motion made wns by Mr. McCon
neil , who moved the adoption of the report o
the llnanco committee. All voted uyo oxcop
Mr. Sholes , and as It required eight to carr ;
the motion and there were only that nuinbc
present , the single vote against It killed it.
A motion was next made that the vote b :
which the report of the llnnnco committe
was rejected bo reconsidered. After consld
crablo discussion this was adopted.
Spitzcr again nroso to' his foot , as ho hai
done n number of times , mid commenced ti
comb the board down for not granting Iiln
immediate satisfaction. Ho had to bo callci
to order by the chairman , mul the board
anxious to escape from the tirade , hastily pu
and carried a motion to adjourn.
Licensed to Wed.
The following marriage licenses wen
issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name nnd Hesidcnce. Age
I Charles Cllno , Omaha U
( Elcctu Simpson , Omaha 1
I Frank Young , South Omaha
( Sallie Walling , South Omaha Si
( William J. Davis , Omaha 3
( Lizzlo Davis , Omahu 2
( August Paul , Mlllard , Neb a
t Mary Flick , Mlllard , Neb 3
The latter couple were bound together b'
the judge , the ceremony being performed ii
the Gorman language , In which the Judge i
becoming quite protlcient nnd gainlug a inoa
tery of.
Personal Paragraphs.
C. J Dickey , of the U. S. A. , is at the Pas
H. J. Lee , of Fremont , Nob. , is at the Mil
J. II. Cook , of Husscll , Ia. , Is at the Mil
J. B. Frederick , of Button , Nob. , is at th
E. C. Parkinson , of Seward , Neb. , Is at th
Sol Levi , of Plattsmouth , Nob. , is nt th
C. E. Wcstcott , of Plattsmouth , Nob. , is a
the Paxton.
W. A. Fisher , of Rod Oak , Ia. , is at th
W. It. Kelly , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at th
Mrs. Cooley , of Crolghton , Nob. , Is at thi
A. Anderson , of Beatrice , Neb. , is at thi
J. G. McNair , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is nt thi
J. Harry Magco , of Kansas City , is at thi
J. K. Jordan , of Gordon , Nob. , is at thi
F. Wilklns , of Geneva , Nob. , la nt thi
Shafo Kautzman , of Edgar , Neb. , is at thi
H. C : Schmidt , of Plattsmouth , Nob. , is a
the Windsor.
II. K. Chase and wife , of Geneva , Nob. , an
at the Millnrd.
A. Carllon and wife , of Kearney , Nob. , art
at the Paxton.
Prof. Edward Thomson , of Hartley , Nob.
is at the Paxton.
C. W. Downey nnd wife , of Sioux City
Nob. , are at the Windsor.
DMcssrs. W. J. Dennis and G. W. Meredith
of Ashland , Nob. , are at the Mlllard.
Messrs. W. T. Ulchnrdson nnd I. E. Doty
of David City , Neb. , are at the Paxton.
William E. Shannon , of St. Joseph , Mo.
lias accepted a position with the Omaha Mil :
and Elevator company , of Omaha.
At the Hotel Barker : J. D. McElroy ,
Marslialtown ; W. G , Roberts , Chicago ; A ,
F. Cutter , Davenport : W. B. Hastings , Lin
coln ; C. J. Stephen , Boone ; J.V. . Uaruott ,
St. Louis , G. W. Merritt , Controvillo.
At the Miliard : S. Dwight Eaton , Bur
lington , Paul ( Jrubcry , Kansas City ; Enoi
F. Jones. Now York ; J. G. Wisner , New
York ; August F. Bohnkc , Adolph Plate ,
Now York.
Colonel Curtis has returned from Wash
ington , where ho had been some weeks visit
ing his aged mother , who died some time age
Mrs. Curtis remains In Now York and the
colonel's sister and children are still In
Mrs. J. P. Rowan , the accomplished and
beautiful wife of Omaha's famous chef , has
returned from an extended visit with rela
tives at Missouri Valley. During her sojourn
at that city Mrs. Rowan was tendered a
splendid reception at the residence of her
Chris Spccht and wife and son have re
turned from a two months' trip to Dossel in
Hanover , where Mr. Spccht met many o his
old schoolmates ana enjoyed bU stay in his
nutivo place , visiting also Ida. Elbe , Goot-
tlngcn , nrcslan , Bremen , Frankfort , Hcldol-
but'K and Berlin. Ho brouphfwith him his
aged mother who will hereafter reside hero.
Local Spnrtlne News.
Tommy Miller's benefit takes place Satur
day evening at the Grand opera liouse. It
Mil boa rattling affair. Pat Killen , the
champion heavy-weight of the west , tele
graphs Manager Rothcry that ho will bo hero
to-morrow morning. Accompanying him
will bo Harry Gllmoro , of Chicago , Charlie
Glcason and Danny Ncedham. or St. Paul.
Prof. Hawkins , of Minneapolis , and Hoveral
other illustrious pugilistic lights. Lovers of
the manly art arc assured of getting the full
est worth of their money , ns the exhibitions
ot skill and muscularity on the part
at these well known athletes will
not bo of tlmt lifeless character that murks
the efforts of novitiates which lias been wen
hero so often beforo. There will , In addition
to these fistiu features , bo u Grcco-Roimin
wrestling match , a broad sword combat , nnd
aumerous other thrilllngly interesting per
formances , Prof. Ed Miller settos with Pat
Klllcn , and Tommy Brooks wlthr Tommy
Uaooks in the wind-up.
Charlie Aslilngcr has gene to Philadel
phia to take part in a six-days' bycicllng
JooVnIshOmaha's shortstoptias returned
from Chicago.
Meeting of the Base Ball Club.
Tlio directors of the Omaha baseball club
not yesterday afternoon at President Mo-
3oriulck's oftlco. Present Messrs. McCor-
nick , Worlcy , Hardln , Doherty , Morrison
md Phllbin. The first business in order was
: ho receiving of bids for the refreshment
aooth and scoio card privilege for the season
) f IbSS. John Rawiins , bcin ? tlio highest
jiddor , wns awarded the ncoro card privilege.
[ Us bid was WOO. The booth privilege wns
warded to J. J Phllbin , his bid being M03.
Tlio oBlcial scorer ap ] > olntmcut was then
alccn up , and after some discussion , S. G. V.
Hrlswold of the BUR was appointed.
Kiilllvan'H lloply.
OMAIM , Feb. 10. Sporting Editor of the
3uH : In response to the card of A. H.
Forbes offering James Sullivan $25 providing
10 will stand up before Pat Klllcn four
ounds next Saturday night , I would , in be-
ialf of Mr , Sullivan , suy ; The offer of 135
( an amount which only scrubs contester ) It
most positively declined. On Mr. Klllcn'a
return from the Pacific coast I will , If possi *
ble , arrange a mutch between the two men ,
Looking iur Llmlsny.
There Is another aspirant willing to moot
Jimmlo Lindsay In n contest for the middle
weight championship of tha state , nnd the
medal. Steve Carroll is on deck , nud can
train down to 140 pounds , and thinks Lindsay
6r no other man of his weight In the stnta
can get nwny with him. If there Isuny money
wanted for a sldo bot. Steve 1ms friends and
no doubt Jimmlo can bo accommodated.
Jack Larkln , who has mndo n name In
Council Bluffs , nnd who mot Ed Rothcry In
the recent athletic contest , Is billed to moot
Pat Killen nt Tommy Miller's benefit Satur
day night. _
County Commissioners.
The county commissioners yesterday mcl
nnd adopted the following resolutions :
Resolved , Tlmt the county clerk bo In
structed to advertise for bids for building
about three hundred feet of trcstlo work
north of the Waterloo bridge over the Elkhorn -
horn river , said trestle woik to IK > in spans ot
twenty feet each , plans and specifications to
bo seen In the oflico of the count v clerkt
Resolved , That on and after February 29 ,
1SSS , the position now occupied by John Gor
man , as janitor , bb and IB hereby abolished.
Indiana llcininllcnn Kdltorn Meet.
Ixnivx.M' , Feb. 10. The convention ol
of Indiana republican editors was hold hero
to-day. The general sentiment favored mak
ing n campaign in favor of protection , n frco
ballot and a fair count. Willo no effectual
expression wiis given It was wns plain there
was n strong feellnp In favor of pushing It.
Senator Harrison Is Indiana's candidate for
the presidency. Speeches weio nmdobv ox-
Senator Harrison , ex-Governor Porter , Lieu
tenant Governor Robertson , Hon. Richard
Smith of Cincinnati nnd others.
Xlie McGlynn-GcorKo Split.
Nnw YOHK , Feb. 10. Justice Patterson , In
the supreme court to-day , upon the appllca- ,
tion made by Dr. McGlynn , granted an ordot
requiring Croasdale , Post and associates , rep. i
resenting the Henry George side In tlio null. \
poverty society split , to show cause why i
they should not bo restrained from being f
orgnnbcd or incorporated as the nnti poverty I
society. _ _ '
Illinois Republican * . (
CHICAGO , Fob. 10. The chairman of the '
republican stuto central committee has Issued '
a call for n mooting of the committee March ,
0 to llx the time for the state convention , etc.
Actlvo republicans from all parts of the
state are invited to bo present. [ (
Forty 1'crsona Killed. J
MCKICH , Fob. 10. An explosion , which oo
currcd iu a coal mlno near Kaiser's Lantern ,
Bavaria , killed forty persons. Thirty-slj
men were rescued.
A very useful and instructive period *
ical is that issued by the Co-oporativo
Building Plan association , architects ,
03 Broadway , New York. Tlio latest
number contains sixty designs for ar
tistic modern houses at low cost. This
is a publication which will render ma
terial aid to the builder and contractor.
* *
A recent issue from tno publishing
house of D. Lothrop Co. , Boston , is
entitled "Patience Preston , M. D. Mis.
A. F. RnlTonspcrger is the authoress.
The story is interesting nnd well re
lated. A bright and true young woman
with a medical degree , and money
enough to give her a start , apparently ,
by a rather taxing accident sottlcs down
in a little city and gets at first the easi
est kind of practice , that of the poor
for experience. She conquers society
and society conquers her. The mutual
victory brings good fortune to both.
The reader alternately sides with Pa
tience and these of the other party , so
evenly is the web of th.e story woven.
And , when the end comes , it comes
without surprise : and yet the sympa
thetic reader is pleased , that it ends
just so. |
"The Original Mr. Jacobs , " is a rp
cent and very interesting publication
from The Minerva Publishing Co. , Now
The Chicago Daily News has Issued an
almanac for 1888 which is a brief yet
complete compilation of valuable his
tory. Among the contents which will
prove of special benefit nro the follow
ing : Complete election voturns of 1887
from nil the states by counties. The
vote by counties on the adoption of a
prohibtory amendment in Michigan ,
Texas , Oregon and Tennessee. The
vojo by counties and cities on local op
tion In Missouri. Table giving saloon
statistics for all cities having a popula
tion of over 10,000 ; number of saloons ,
iimount of license , arrests for drunken
ness to the total number of arrests.
Political platforms of all parties adopted
in 1887. National platforms of all par
ties , and state committees of the wcst
torn states. The public debt statement
to December 1,1887. The civil lists of
the general government , Illinois , Cook
county and the city of Chicago. The
government of the United States , supreme
premo court and congress. The army
and navy lists of statlont of rogimodts
nnd vessels , and names of officers. The
national guard in the northwestern
states. Immigration statistics for the
lust cloven years. Epitome of foreign
md domestic events of 1887. Sporting
summary for 1887. Necrology and dis-
istors for 18S7.
"Shakespeare in Fact and in Crltl-
jism , " is a late work by Appleton Mor
gan , A. M. , LL. B. The work consist ?
> f ten essays under the following titles :
I Shakespeare and His Esthetic Crit
ics ; 2 Much Ado About Sonnets ; 8
Whoso Sonnets ? 4 Something Touch
ing the Lord Hamlet ; C Sir William
D'Avenantnnd the First Shukesporoan
Revival ; 0 Law and Modlcino in the
Plays ; 7 Queen Elizabeth's Share in
ibo Merry Wives of Windsor ; 8 The
jrowth nnd Vicissitudes of a Shake
spearean Play ; I ) Have Wo a Shako-
ipcuro Among Us ? 10 The Donnelly
vnd Prior Ciphers and the Furnival
Verse Tohts. Mr. Morgan has paid
j special attention to the study of the
3ird : of Avon and the productions of
tils pen. In consequence ho is
imply qualified to deal with
, ho very thoughtful subject
n nn interesting and ln-
itructlvo manner. Mr. Morgan's line
if Shakespcnro study being out of the
) caton track of commontnry and com-
nout , and his "Tho Shakosporoun
Uylh" or "William Shakespeare and
Circumstantial Evidence , " having att
ructed unubual attention as well in
England as in the United States and
Jermnny in which last nnmcd coun-
ries two editions have boon exhausted
-the publisher feels that a now volume
rom the same 1x311 , and embodying the
osults of live years of further and riper
tudy from Mr. Morgan's own stand-
x > int , but with better lights , will bo
velcomcd with interest by students of
Jhakcspoaro. William Evurts Bonja-
nin is tlio publisher , 741 Broadway ,
'Jew ' York.
Mrs. Mary W. Hudson of Topeka ,
Cas. , is the author of "Esther the Gen-
llo. " The book is peculiarly a western
( reduction , written by a Kansas lady
md published by a Kansas house ,
hroujjhout the book is decidedly intor-
btiiig , The fatory is a sad ono and the
norul of the tale and object of its publl-
ation .appears btroug and clear through *
mt the well written work.